Boundary-induced localized structures in a nonlinear


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Eur. Phys. J. D 59, 133–137 (2010) DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2010-00091-x

Boundary-induced localized structuresin a nonlinear optical feedback experiment

M. Ayoub, F. Papoff, G.L. Oppo and C. Denz

Eur. Phys. J. D 59, 133–137 (2010)DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2010-00091-x

Regular Article


Boundary-induced localized structuresin a nonlinear optical feedback experiment

M. Ayoub1,a, F. Papoff2, G.L. Oppo2, and C. Denz1

1 Institute of Applied Physics and Center for Nonlinear Science, Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Munster,Corrensstr. 2/4, 48149 Munster, Germany

2 Institute of Complex Systems, SUPA and Department of Physics, University of Strathclyde, 107 Rottenrow,Glasgow G4 0NG, Scotland, UK

Received 6 January 2010Published online 6 April 2010 – c© EDP Sciences, Societa Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag 2010

Abstract. Experimental and numerical evidence of symmetry-breaking bifurcations of a circular dissipativesoliton with additional boundary conditions in the feedback of a liquid crystal light valve are reported.By tuning the strength of the nonlinearity or the size of the additional boundaries, the circular structurebreaks up into polygonal symmetries and the system exhibits multistability. The experimental results areconfirmed by numerical simulations with different configurations of the polarizers thus demonstrating theuniversality of the phenomenon.

1 Introduction

The existence of dissipative localized structures in opti-cal cavities, also known as cavity solitons, is well-knownfor many nonlinear photonic devices driven far from anequilibrium state [1]. Dissipative solitons are static or dy-namical localized objects that experience gain and loss oftheir energy during the propagation. They can form wherethe overall gain, loss and diffraction are balanced [1,2].In optical systems they have been observed in active andpassive optical cavities, but also in single mirror feedbackexperiments with different optical nonlinearities [1,3–6].Formation of dissipative localized structures is combined,in general, with an organized nonlinear behavior such asoptical bistability. Due to bistability, dissipative solitonshave binary features and a robust spatial shape based onthe balance of diffraction and nonlinearity, allowing one tocontrol and guide them easily in intensity and phase gra-dients [7–10]. This latter fact can be attractive for applica-tions in the context of all optical information processingwhere solitary structures are used as ‘optical bits’ [3,7].Systems based on liquid crystal light valves (LCLV) dis-play a rich set of different spatial structures such as regu-lar patterns (hexagons, negative hexagons, rolls), spatio-temporal chaos, and localized structures [11,12]. Spatiallylocalized structures in LCLV mainly exist in the rangeof optical bistability [11] and can have circular or otherreduced symmetries. Different symmetries may coexist inthe same system, due to the breaking of the rotationalsymmetry for certain ranges of control parameters. Inthese cases, triangular symmetry of localized states has

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been observed [13] and accompanied by the appearanceof phase singularities [14]. Here we investigate, both ex-perimentally and numerically, the breaking of the circularsymmetry of localized states with the aim of explaining bi-furcations to symmetries that are more complex than thetriangular one when imposing boundary limitations andchoosing a suitable control parameter range. These novellocalized states with peculiar symmetries may be used asmulti-state pixels in nonlinear optical information process-ing and allow a considerable increase in storage capacity of‘optical bits’ with respect to the standard localized stateof circular symmetry.

2 Experimental set-up and theoretical model

Experimentally, the Kerr medium used is a reflectiveLCLV used as a hybrid nonlinear element placed in a feed-back loop. LCLV, in spite of the relatively slow responsetime estimated in the range of 50 ms, are attractive asnonlinear elements in this type of experiments due to thehigh nonlinear sensitivity and the large aspect ratio. Thisenables the observation of patterns of broad area and thechoice of one of several spatially periodic structures whenusing Fourier filtering [15].

The LCLV device works as an optically addressablespatial light modulator as a function of the writing inten-sity and the external applied voltage. The LCLV is con-structed of a set of thin layers, which are two transparentindium tin dioxide-coated glass electrodes, a liquid crystallayer (LC), a dielectric mirror, a sensitive absorber, anda photoconducting layer. The LCLV can be divided into

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two functional sides: a read and a write side. The principlefunction of LCLV is the conversion of a spatial light inten-sity distribution incident on the photoconduction layer ina modulation of the refractive index of the liquid crystallayer. A read wave passes the (LC) layer, is reflected atthe dielectric mirror, and leaves the LCLV modulated inits phase and polarization state. The phase shift Φ of theextraordinary wave induced by the LCLV can be writtenas [11,16]:


∂tΦ− l2∇2

⊥Φ+ Φ = Φmax

{1 − tanh2

(Vlc − Vth



= Φmax

{1 − tanh2 (μIw + Φ0)


where Φmax = 2kΔn is the maximum phase shift, Δnis the difference between the extraordinary and ordinaryrefractive indices, τ denotes the effective response timeof the liquid crystals required for their reorientation, ∇2

⊥is the Laplacian operator, and l is the effective diffusionlength accounting for the restricted spatial resolution ofthe LCLV. Vth and Vlc are respectively the threshold volt-age and the voltage drop of the liquid crystal layer, herenormalized to V0. Iw is the intensity distribution on thewrite side of the LCLV while μ and Φ0 are related to thesensitivity and bias of the LC voltages on Iw. Model (1)contains the temporal and spatial resolutions and the ef-fects of saturation, in short, it describes the response of thematerial. After illuminating the LCLV with a certain po-larized light, the illuminating field is modulated in phaseand its polarization is changed. A polarizer has been usedin our experiments to transfer the phase modulation intoan amplitude modulation. The resulting intensity distri-bution Iw at the write side after free propagation over adistance L can be written as:

Iw =∣∣∣∣exp



)(Be−ikΦ) + C


Ip, (2)

where kλ and k denote the wave numbers of the light fieldand of the macroscopic spatial modulation over the in-stability threshold respectively, Ip is the LCLV input in-tensity, and the amplitude factors B and C are given byB = cosψ1cosψ2 and C = sinψ1sinψ2; ψ1 and ψ2 are theangle of the input polarization and the angle of the polar-izer axis respectively, regarding to the optical axis of theliquid crystal layer. If ψ1 = ψ2 = 0, which means B = 1and C = 0, pure phase modulations are induced in thesystem. The LCLV system of Figure 1 is well describedby the two equations (1), (2). The experiments presentedhere have been performed with different arrangements ofpolarizers, ψ1 �= ψ2 �= 0. In a polarization mode, a rich di-versity of optical patterns has been reported [11,12,17,18].The reason for this diversity is the additional amplitudemodulation induced by the modulation of the polarizationstate.

A typical experimental setup is shown in Figure 1. TheLCLV is driven by a frequency doubled Nd:YAG laser(λ = 532 nm, P = 100 mW). The input Ip is linearly

Fig. 1. (Color online) Experimental setup of the LCLV singlefeedback experiment system. P2: polarizer determining ψ2, L:lenses, M: mirrors, BS: beam splitter, D: dove prism.

polarized and expanded to a diameter of 3.5 cm. This uni-form wave passes the read-out side of LCLV where it isinternally reflected at the dielectric mirror and modulatedin its phase and polarization state. The modulated waveis then inserted into the feedback loop where the wavepasses the polarizer (P2) that transmits the polarizationdirection ψ2 with respect to the optical axis of the LCLV.After a chosen distance of free space propagation L, theresulting intensity distribution Iw is reflected at mirrorsM, goes through the lenses L, to reach the write side ofthe LCLV, thus closing the feedback loop. In the followingsection, we present results of imposing transverse bound-ary limitations to the feedback loop on selected solitarystructures.

3 Boundary-induced localized structuresin LCLV

The influence of boundaries on regular patterns has al-ready been studied theoretically and experimentally in ac-tive and passive nonlinear media [19–22]. In this work, weconsider experimentally and numerically how boundariesaffect solitary structures by applying circular aperturesin a range of parameters different from those investigatedpreviously [13].

Solitary structures are observed in polarization mod-ulation with different polarizer configurations. The caseψ1 = ψ2 was investigated in [13,18] while we work heremainly with ψ1 = −ψ2. In our experiment we use anglesof ψ = 44◦, a free propagation length of L = −20 cm,a LC voltage of 4.4 V, and a frequency of 250 Hz. Withthese parameters, solitary structures begin to appear atIw ≈ 0.12 mW/cm2 above the instability threshold. Whenincreasing the input intensity, more solitary structuresarise and coexist in the transverse plane of the wave. Athigher intensity values, they form a collection of uncorre-lated solitary structures. These collections are constitutedby moving spots and do not display spatial order.

To apply additional spatial boundaries, an aperture isplaced in front of the write side of the LCLV after thesolitary structures are formed. The total diameter of theimpinging feedback beam on the write side of the LCLV is2.3 cm, whereas the diameter of the aperture varies from

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Fig. 2. Different symmetries of spatial solitary structuresobserved at fixed input power and at the aperture sizes:(a) 0.9 mm, (b) 0.98 mm, (c) 1.17 mm, (d) 1.19, (e) 1.2 mm.The structures differ from each other in size, symmetry and inthe number of the radial oscillations.

Fig. 3. Hexagonal and heptagonal structures appearing whenfurther enlarging the aperture to (f) 1.34 mm, (g) 1.4 mm andfor higher nonlinearity than in Figure 2.

0.08 to 2 cm. Starting from the aperture diameter 0.9 mmwhere only a single solitary structure is allowed to passthe aperture, and increasing it slightly, the strong nonlin-earity modifies the original circular symmetry in order tofit the aperture area. The sequence of observed structureswith increasing apertures but at a fixed input intensityare shown in Figure 2.

The typical circular localized structure breaks up andloses its highest symmetry when enlarging the aperturefrom 0.90 mm to 0.98 mm where a novel structure withrectangular symmetry emerges. By further increasing theaperture to 1.2 mm, the structure modifies again and threetails arise. The three tails are arranged symmetricallyaround the central spot forming a triangular structuresimilar to the triangular solitons reported in [13]. Afterthe triangular structure, other polygonal symmetries arisewhen further enlarging the aperture, namely quadraticand pentagonal structures. The central spot has a sym-metry corresponding to the number of emerging tails. Byfurther enlarging the aperture, the pentagonal symmetryis destroyed and no clear symmetry is observed. Othersymmetries can be observed if the strength of the non-linearity is large enough to force more structures to fitinto the aperture. Experimentally, hexagonal and heptag-onal symmetries have been obtained when slightly tuningthe nonlinearity by changing the frequency of the appliedvoltage to 290 Hz, see Figure 3. It is worth noting thatthe number of tails in the boundary-induced structure iscontrolled by the aperture size, the LC voltage, the inputintensity and the saturation threshold.

Fig. 4. (Color online) Experimental bistability curve corre-sponding to the first three symmetries, the circular, rectangu-lar, and triangular one, in the presence of an aperture of size1.2 mm in the optical feedback path in the polarization modeψ1 = −ψ2 = 44◦ of the LCLV system.

This experiment demonstrated the transition from bulkinduced symmetries, where the aspect ratio is large andthe emerging structures are independent of the size of thefeedback beam, namely the circular and triangular soli-tary structures, to boundary induced symmetries whichdepend on the size of the aspect ratio and the nonlin-earity. We have then investigated the effect of the inputintensity on the behavior of the system in the regime ofstrong dependence from the boundary conditions. As in-dicated above, the appearance of lower polygonal symme-tries is ruled not only by the size of the imposed aperture,but also by the input intensity. The experimental observa-tions indicate that, if the aperture is kept fixed at 1.2 mm,only the rectangular and triangular symmetries can be ob-served even at high values of the input intensity. The statediagram for this case is shown in Figure 4.

As one sees in Figure 4, the transitions between theobserved symmetries when increasing the input intensityare associated with the appearance of boundary-inducedbistability regions. If the input intensity is increased, theuniform dark background loses its stability at a certainturning point and the solution switches to a second sta-ble branch of higher output intensity. By further increas-ing the input intensity, the system loses its stability againand switches to a stable third branch of even higher out-put intensity. On the other hand, if starting from the thirdsteady state and decreasing the input intensity, the sys-tem remains stable until a new turning point before itjumps back to the lower stable branch and so on. Theseparation of the bistable branches depends also on thepolarization configuration. When ψ1 = −ψ2 = 45◦, amaximum separation of the bistability branches represent-ing the steady solutions of the system is obtained.

In comparison with the bistable behavior observed be-tween the circular solitary structure and the triangularone in [13], we observe that the presence of the aperture

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Fig. 5. (Color online) Experimental bistability curve corre-sponding to the circular, triangular, square and pentagonalsymmetries in the presence of an aperture of size 1.4 mm inthe optical feedback path in the polarization mode ψ1 = −ψ2 =44◦ of the LCLV system.

leads to the generation of an additional steady state cor-responding to the intermediate rectangular structure.

Until now we have considered an aperture with diam-eter of 1.2 mm. To get a complete picture of the ability ofthe system to support symmetries different from the cir-cular one, the aperture is increased to ≈1.4 mm, i.e. largeenough to allow a pentagonal structure to be observed.The measurements show that at this size of the aperture,the rectangular structure vanishes, and the state diagramdepicted in Figure 5 shows four small bistability regionsrepresenting four steady states, with a small fifth hystere-sis loop corresponding to an unstable hexagonal structure.The hexagonal structure can be stabilized by tuning theapplied frequency, i.e. the nonlinearity. Similar multistablebehaviors have been described in the numerical simula-tions of the LCLV system [11].

We note that we have observed a similar set ofboundary-induced solitary structures also in the config-uration of polarizers ψ1 = ψ2, as shown in Figure 6. Theboundary-induced scenario of bifurcations to polygonal lo-calized states is quite general and should be observable inexperiments with optical nonlinearities different from thatof the LCLV.

4 Numerical simulations

Numerical simulations of equations (1), (2) have been per-formed with a split-step method on 256× 256 point grids.The free space propagation of the feedback field is com-puted by multiplying its Fourier transform by the ap-propriate phase function and then performing the inverseFourier transform. To reproduce the experiments, an in-finitely absorbing screen with a circular aperture is in-serted into the feedback loop so that the diameter and po-sition of the writing beam can be controlled. The positionof the aperture is always chosen to be at the grid center.

Fig. 6. Experimental spatial solitary structures observed inthe LCLV system for ψ1 = ψ2 = 53◦ and an aperture enlargingfrom 0.8 to 2.5 mm.

For the case ψ1 = −ψ2, dissipative solitons have beenfound at ψ1= 39◦, 40◦, 41◦ and L = −18 cm using themodel (1)–(2). As in the experiment, we progressively in-crease the size of the aperture measured in units of thesize of the circular soliton observed without aperture. Fig-ure 7 shows localized structures with rectangular, trian-gular, quadratic, pentagonal, hexagonal, and heptagonalsymmetries observed for apertures of diameters of 1.15,1.25, 1.82, 2.40, 2.77 and 2.92 times the original circularsoliton, respectively and ψ1 = 41◦.

We have also obtained localized structures with polyg-onal symmetries when changing the size of the aperturein the case ψ1 = ψ2. LCLV experiments in this con-ditions have been performed in [13,18]. Figure 8 showsthe sequence of symmetries observed for increasing aper-tures. Enlarging the aperture diameter to 1.11, the rota-tional symmetry breaks up yielding a rectangular struc-ture (Fig. 8b) that, in turn, becomes unstable and givesrise to a triangular structure at 1.15 (Fig. 8c). After thetriangular ones, structures with quadratic, pentagonal andhexagonal symmetries are observed for aperture diametersof 1.56, 1.94 and 2.0, respectively (Figs. 8d–8f). Theseobservations clearly demonstrate the universal nature ofthe phenomenon of aperture-induced polygonal symme-tries described in the previous sections.

5 Conclusion

We have observed both experimentally and numericallysolitary structures with polygonal symmetries rangingfrom rectangular to heptagonal in a LCLV system withdifferent polarizer configurations ψ1 = −ψ2 and ψ1 = ψ2.Most of these symmetries are boundary induced and arenot observed for the same values of the control param-eters in the same system without a confining aperture.This shows that an aperture can induce boundary effects

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a b c

d e

f g

Fig. 7. Numerical simulations of solitary structures for thecase of ψ1 = −ψ2 = 41◦ when enlarging the aperture to diam-eters: (a) 1.0, (b) 1.15, (c) 1.25, (d) 1.82, (e) 2.40, (f) 2.77, and(g) 2.92 times the original circular soliton size.

Fig. 8. Numerical simulations of solitary structures for thecase of ψ1 = ψ2 = 55◦ and at μIp = 4 and Φ0 = 3π whenenlarging the aperture to diameters: (a) 1.0, (b) 1.11, (c) 1.15,(d) 1.56, (e) 1.94, and (f) 2.00 times the original circular solitonsize.

strong enough to affect deeply the type and the stabilityof the observed localized spatial structures. Bistability ofthe polygonal structures while changing the input powerup and down show that the boundary-induced localizedstructures maintain the nonlinear character of the originalcircularly symmetric soliton. Our results together with thesimplicity of the experimental set-up indicate that aper-tures can be a very effective way to control bifurcationsand instabilities in transverse nonlinear optics.

We thank W.J. Firth for useful discussions. This work is finan-cially supported by DAAD the German Academic ExchangeService and the national academy of science of the UK. G.-L.O.thanks the European Commission for financial support throughthe HIDEAS collaborations.


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