Bottomup News 2012 1st Quarter



Bottomup News 2012 1st Quarter

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Chess Programme GrowsThis quarter the chess programme has flourished.Many volunteers from Pneumatix Academy havejoined us each Tuesday for our Grade 4-5 ChessLessons at Parkwood Primary School. OnWednesdays after school we’ve also had anadditional volunteer.

Learners have participated in the WP District Trial1 & 2 with five of them qualifying for the WP closedtournament. Still more learners will be participatingin the upcoming WP Schools Chess League.

Our goals are not only to develop strong chessplayers but to teach learners the thought processesbehind making good choices and to adopt a futureperspective thinking that will allow them to createthe future they desire for themselves and theircommunity.

Chess has become so popular through theprogramme that many learners are wanting to jointhe chess club.

Bottomup ‘Tweets’Pneumatix Academy has sent 14 volunteers to assistwith literacy and chess every Tuesday. This allowsus to reach more learners in a more personal ,one-on-one way. Thanks Pneumatix.

Well done to Dorian, Zinedeane, Waheeb andVallentino of Parkwood Primary , and Shumaiy ofPerivale Primary on qualifying for the WP ClosedChess Trials in May.

Thanks to Flickswitch for sponsoring cellphoneprizes. We issued some of these as prizes in ourin-school Blitz Chess competitions run at Parkwoodand Perivale Primary. We aim to do this again nextquarter.

Life Orientation and Physical Education went wellthis quarter with learners attempting the “FitnessChallenge” (V-Sit Reach, Push-Ups, Sit-Ups, TimeTrials). We look forward to doing this again to seehow learners are progressing.

Thanks to for sponsoring a tournamentmanager account to use for our chess competitionsat school. We appreciate it

Winners of the Bottomup Blitz Chess Tournament at Parkwood Primary

The Pneumatix Team volunteering as chess coaches.

Two Parkwood Primary learners(Zinedeane & Dorian)got Gold & Silver in theWP District South Trial

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Annelie and the girls workingon improving their sit-ups.

Garth using sports metaphors duringa Life Orientation session.
