Books and Audio Books -...


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Books and Audio Books

Gabe Kinnaman & Gabe Lyons, Unchristian: What a New Generation Thinks About Christianity – and Why

It Matters, Baker Books (2007)

D. James Kennedy - Skeptics Answered, Multnomah Publishers (1997)

Karen Armstrong - In the Beginning: A New Interpretation of Genesis, Ballantine Books (1996)

Christopher Hitchens - God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, Twelve (2007)

C. Stephen Layman - Letters to Doubting Thomas: A Case for the Existence of God, Oxford Press (2007)

Bart Erhman – Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why, HarperOne

(November 1, 2005)

Jaroslav Pelikan – Whose Bible Is It? : A History of the Scriptures Through the Ages, Penguin Group (2005)

Robert M. Price – The Reason Driven Life: What Am I Here On Earth For? Prometheus Books (2006)

Bart Ehrman – God’s Problem: How the Bible Fails to Answer Our Most Important Question – Why We Suffer, Harper Collins (2008)

Lee Strobel - The Case For Faith : A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity, Zondervan (2000)

Adrian Rogers – What Every Christian ought To Know: Essential Truths For A Growing Faith, Broadman & Holman (2005)

Richard Dawkins – The God Delusion, Houghton Mifflin (2006)

Jerry Bridges – Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts, Navpress (1988)

Karen Armstrong - The Great Transformation: The Beginning of Our Religious Traditions, Knopf (2006)

Dan Barker – Godless, Ulysses Press (2008)

Elaine Pagels – The Origin of Satan, Vintage Books (1995)

John W. Loftus – Why I Became An Atheist: A Former Preacher Rejects Christianity, Promethus Books (2008)

Uta Ranke-Heinemann – Putting Away Childish Things, Harper Collins (1994)

John F. Haught – God and the New Atheism: A Critical Response to Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens, Westminster John Knox press (2008)

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Sam Harris – Letter to a Christian Nation, Alfred A. Knopf (2006)

Timothy Paul Jones – Misquoting Truth: A Guide to the Fallacies of Bart Ehrman’s Misquoting Jesus,

Intervarsity Press (2007)

John Polkinghorne – The God of Hope and the End of the World, Yale Press (2002)

Karen Armstrong - The Bible: A Biography, New York Atlantic Monthly (2007)

Chris Hedges – I Don’t Believe in Atheists, Free Press (2008)

Andrew Newberg and Mark Robert Waldman – Why We Believe What We Believe : Uncovering Our

Biological Need for Meaning, Spirituality and Truth, Free Press (2006)

Francis Collins – The Language of God : A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief, Free Press (2006)

Sam Harris – The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason, W. W. Norton & Company (2005)

Karen Armstrong – A Short History of Myth, Canongate Pub. (2005)

N.T. Wright – Simply Christian , Harper SanFransico (2006)

Josh McDowell – The New Evidence That Demands A Verdict, Thomas Nelson Publishers (1999) Read excerpts

only – not entire book

Chris Hedges – American Fascists: The Religious Right and the War On America, Free Press (2006) James D. Tabor – The Jesus Dynasty : The Hidden History of Jesus, His Royal Family, and the Birth of Christianity, Simon & Schuster (2006)

Lee Strobel – The Case for Christmas, Zondervan (2005)

Raymond E. Brown – The Birth of the Messiah (A Commentary on the Infancy Narratives in Mathew and Luke), Doubleday (1977) Read excerpts only – not entire book

Raymond E. Brown – An Introduction to the New Testament, Doubleday (1997) Read excerpts only – not entire


Ravi Zacharias – The End of Reason ; A Response to New Atheists, Zondervan (2008)

Stephen Hawking – A Briefer History of Time, Bantam (2005)

C.S. Lewis – The Problem of Pain, Harper San Francisco (1940, restored 1996)

James Dobson – When God Doesn’t Make Sense, Tyndale House (1993)

Guy P. Harrison – 50 Reasons People Give For Believing In A God, Promethus Books (2008)

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Dr. Timothy Johnson – Finding God In The Questions, InterVarsity Press (2004)

Rev. Oliver Buzz Thomas – 10 Things Your Minister Wants to Tell You (But Can’t, Because he Needs the Job), St. Marten’s Press (2007)

Erwin L. Lutzer – Seven Reasons Why You Can Trust the Bible, Moody Press (1984)

Stephen Prothero – Religious Literacy: What every American Needs to Know… and Doesn’t, Harper SanFancisco (2007)

Albert Schweitzer – The Mystery of the Kingdom of God, Macmillan Company (1950)

Christopher Hitchens – The Portable Atheist: Essential Readings for the Non-believer, Phoenix Audio (2007)

Lee Strobel – The Case for the Real Jesus: A Journalist Investigates Current Attacks on the Identity of

Christ, Zondervan (2007)

Bertrand Russell – Why I Am Not a Christian: and Other Essays on Religion and Related Subjects, Simon &

Shuster Inc. (1957)

Brennan Manning – The Ragamuffin Gospel, Multnomah Books (2005)

Ayaan Hirsi Ali – Infidel, Free Press (2007)

Fredrich Nietzsche – Beyond Good and Evil. Translated by Helen Zimmern (1886)

Brian D. McLaren – A Generous Orthodoxy : Why I Am A missional + evangelistic + post/protestant +

liberal/conservative +mystical/poetic + biblical + charismatic/contemplative +fundamentalist/Calvinist +

Anabaptist/Anglican + Methodist + catholic + green + incarnational + depressed-yet-hopeful + emergent +

unfinished Christian. Zondervan (2004)

Dave Schmelzer - Not the Religious Type : Confessions of a Turncoat Atheist. Saltriver (2008)

Michel Onfray – Atheist Manifesto: The Case Against Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Arcade Publishing


Gary Stern – Can God Intervene? : How Religion Explains Natural Disasters. Prager (2007)

Charles Darwin – The Origin of the Species: By Means of Natural Selection of the Preservation of Favoured

Races in the Struggle for Life. (From London 6th edition 1872: Mentor books 1958)

Leonard Sweet – So Beautiful: Divine Design for Life and the Church, David C. Cook (2009)

David J. Linden – The Accidental Mind. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press (2007)

George Barna – The Second Coming of the Church. Word Publishing (1998) Read excerpts only – not entire book

Eric Maisel – The Atheist’s Way: Living Well Without Gods. New World Library (2009)

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Thomas Paine – Common Sense. Written by Thomas Paine and published January 10th, 1776, it was the

first publication to openly ask for independence from Britain.

James B. Twitchell - Shopping for God : How Christianity went from in your heart to in your face Simon &

Shuster (2007)

Timothy Keller - The Reason for God : Belief in an Age of Skepticism, New York : Dutton, c2008.

Epictetus – The Enchiridion (The Handbook). The Enchiridion (or "Handbook") is a classic philosophical text

that collects Epictetus' core ethical teachings. Audio book from Learn Out Loud.

Bart Ehrman – Jesus, Interrupted: Revealing the Hidden Contradictions in the Bible (and Why We Don’t

Know About Them), Harper One (2009)

Alister McGrath – The Twilight of Atheism: The Rise and Fall of Disbelief in the Modern World. Doubleday


Eugenie Scott – Evolution vs. Creationism : An Introduction. Greenwood Press (2004)

Gary Greenburg - 101 Myths of the Bible: How Ancient Scribes Invented Biblical History. Sourcebooks Inc.


Benjamin Franklin - The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is a personal account of the life of the famous

American statesman, businessman, philosopher, inventor and scientist. It is widely acclaimed as one of the

greatest portraits of an American historical figure, and is all the more compelling due to it's being written

by the man himself. Franklin was (like so many other founding fathers) a deist, not a Christian. Audi Book.

Timothy Williams – Even the Demons Believe. Audio book by Winepress (2001)

C. S. Lewis – Spirits In Bondage : A Cycle of Lyrics. Harvest Books (1984) Published in 1919 as Clive

Hamilton when Lewis was only twenty, these early poems give an insight into the author's youthful


National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine – Science, Evolution and Creationism. The National

Academic Press (2008)

Colin Tudge – The Link: Uncovering Our Earliest Ancestor. Little, Brown and Company (2009)

Marcus J. Borg – The Heart of Christianity: Rediscovering a Life of Faith. Harper San Francisco (2003)

Michael Shermer – How We Believe : The Search for God in an Age of Science. W.H Freeman and

Company. New York (2000)

Michael Shermer – The Science of Good and Evil : Why People Cheat, Gossip, Care, Share, and Follow the

Golden Rule. Henry Holt and Company, New York (2004)

Robert Wright – The Evolution of God. Little, Brown and Company (2009)

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Gerd Theissen and Annette Merz – The Historical Jesus – A Comprehensive Guide, Fortress Press (1996).

Jerry Sittser – When God Doesn’t Answer Your Prayer, Zondervan (2003).

David Plotz – Good Book : The Bizarre Hilarious, Disturbing, Marvelous, and Inspiring Things I Learned

When I Read Every Single Word of the Bible, Harper (2009).

James D.G. Dunn – A New Perspective On Jesus : What the Quest for the Historical Jesus Missed, Baker

Academic (2005).

Andrew Newberg M.D. and Mark Robert Waldman – How God Changes Your Brain: Breakthrough Findings

from a Leading Neuroscientist, Ballantine Books (March 24, 2009)

Greg Epstein – Good Without God – What A Billion Nonreligious People Do Believe, Harper Collins

Publishing (2009)

Jerry A. Coyne – Why Evolution is True, Penguin Books (2009)

Richard Dawkins – The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution, Free Press; First Edition edition

(September 22, 2009)

Victor J. Stenger - The New Atheism: Taking a Stand for Science and Reason, Prometheus Books

(September 22, 2009)

Kenneth W. Daniels – Why I Believed: Reflections of Former Missionary, Kenneth Daniels (2009)

Julian Baggini – Atheism: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press (2003)

Dale McGowan – Parenting Beyond Belief : On Raising Ethical, Caring Kids Without Religion, Amacom


Stephen Prothero – God is Not One : The Eight Rival Religions That Run the World and Why their

Differences Matter, Harper One (2010)

Christopher Hitchens - Hitch 22: A Memoir, Twelve (2010)

Michael Shermer – The Believing Brain, Times Books (2011)

Guy Harrison – 50 Popular Beliefs That People Think Are True, Promethus Books (2012)

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Articles / Audio/ Video

Ravi Zacharias – Theism and Athiesm, by Veritas Forum at Indianan State University (1995)

J. P. Moreland – What is the Meaning of Life? Part 1 of 2, Veritas Forum – Rice University (2002)

N. T. Wright – Why Does Jesus’ Resurrection Matter? Considering Its Relevance for Today part 1 & 2,

Veritas Forum at Emory University (2008)

William Lane Craig – Does God Exist?, Austin Dacey, Arthur V.N. Wint, Veritas Forum at California State University, Fresno (2005) Os Guiness – The One Unanswerable Objection to the Christian Faith: Christians, Veritas Forum – Louisiana State University (2006) What Do You Believe And Why? California State University, Fresno (2005) Veritas Forum, James Westgate, Imam Ali Al-Ghazvini, Mark Young, Devin Carroll, Lise Rosenthal

Steve McDaniel – How Do We Know the Bible Is True?: Evidence from the Dead Sea Scrolls and Other Archeological Findings, Veritas Forum – Texas A&M University (2007)

Rabbi David Wolpe – Author of Why Faith Matters: God and the New Atheism, New Atheists Hold Religious

Believers in Contempt, Sixth & I Synagogue, Washington, D.C., Sep 17th, 2008 – on

Michael Person – The Emerging Center of Evangelicalism, at Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, NY Aug

8th, 2008 – on FORAY.TV (Michael Person, member of the Council on Foreign Relations and President

Bush’s former speechwriter, discusses new trends in evangelicalism).

Billy Graham – Technology, Faith and Human Shortcomings, speech at TED (1998)

Rick Warren – Living a Life of Purpose, TED (2006)

Tom Honey – How could God have Allowed the Tsunami? TED (2005)

Dan Dennett – A Secular, Scientific Rebuttal to Rick Warren, TED (2006)

Richard Dawkins: An atheist’s call to arms, TED (2002)

Karen Armstrong – Charter for Compassion, TED (2008)

Gunnar Jensen – What If?, interview by author on book (2007)

Dan Barker – The Deconversion of Dan Barker, Interview with FFR Radio

Dr. RC Metcalf – Colliding with Christ: The Science of the Resurrection (2008)

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Bart Ehrman – Heyns Lecture Series: Misquoting Jesus – a textual criticism of Biblical manuscript tampering, Heyns Lecture Series at Cubberley Auditorium, Stanford University Campus. 7:30 PM. Lecture on “Misquoting Jesus” a textual criticism of Biblical manuscript tampering – April 25, 2007

Bart Ehrman - “Biblical Insights into the Problem of Suffering” about book “God’s Problem : at UC Berkley:

Conversations With History (April 2007)

Christopher Hitchens – ISU Lecture series Fall 2007 – God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything Bart Ehrman – Questioning Religion on Why We Suffer, Fresh Air from WHYY, February 19, 2008

Bart Ehrman – “’Lost Christianities’ Fresh Air from WHYY, July 9, 2004 Richard Dawkins – The God Delusion, at Randolph Macon Woman’s College, Lynchburg VA, (10/23-06) Bart Ehrman – “Lost Christianities: The Battle for Scripture and the Faiths We Never Knew.” Audio interview. December 17 (2003) Amy-Jill Levine – “Reassessing Jewish-Christian Relations” Professor of New Testament Studies at Vanderbilt University Divinity School. Levine examines modern Jewish religious and cultural issues with historical rigor, critical sensitivity and a frequent dash of humor in this address at UCSD. Series: “Burke Lectureship on Religion & Society” [6/2001]

Jacob Needleman – Why Can’t We Be Good? On recorded at First Congregational Church of Berkeley, Berkeley, CA Apr 24th, 2007

The Four Horsemen (Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens) Round Table discussion, 2 hours (Sept. 30, 2007)

N.T. Wright – The Future of the People of God, Four part lecture. (approx. 5 hours- audio)

Elie Wiesel – In this lecture, titled “Evil and Redemption,” Wiesel discussed the root of evil, and the notion

of redemption, which, according to him, “begins when indifference ends.”

Sam Harris – Believing the Unbelievable: The Clash Between Faith and Reason in the Modern World (2007)

Ravi Zacharias – Talks about Dr Francis Collins and DNA

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Ravi Zacharias – Why the Bible? Ravi Zacharias at the University of Illinois; Atheism, Feminism and the Bible; The Law of Non-Contradiction and the Trinity

Francis Collins – On the Veritas Forum, “The Language of God: Intellectual Reflections of a Christian

Geneticist”, at The University of California, Berkeley (February 4, 2008)

Tim Keller – “Belief in an Age of Skepticism?” March 4, 2008, at The University of California, Berkeley

Noted pastor and author Dr. Tim Keller discusses the place of exclusive truth in a pluralistic society in

Wheeler Auditorium, followed by a Q&A session.

Francis Collins – Interview by Charlie Rose, “The Human Genome part 2 (August 25, 2007)

Matthew Fox – delivers lecture about his book, A New Reformation: Creation Spirituality and the

Transformation of Christianity. (2006)

Victor Frankl – Man’s Search for Meaning, concise review and written notes from Philosopher’s Notes

Marcus Aurelius – Meditations, Penguin Classics (2006) concise review and written notes from

Philosopher’s Notes

Gary Habermas – On The Resurrection – Interview with Reginald Vaughn Finley. Habermas is Christian

apologist, author, and chairman of the philosophy department at Liberty University.

Guy P. Harrison – Interview with Reginald Vaughn Finley about his book “50 Reasons People Give for Believing

in A God”.

Edward O. Wilson – Pulitzer Prize winning biologist Edward O. Wilson. Host Robert Wright questions

Wilson on many of his ideas including his once controversial thesis of sociobiology in which he argued that

the human mind is shaped as much by genetic inheritance as it is by culture. Wright questions Wilson on

his beliefs as a materialist, a biological determinist, and a secular-humanist. Wilson provides his opinions

on intelligent design, free will, and how science and religion can potentially come together in order to save

life on earth. This interview serves as an excellent introduction to the ideas of this highly influential


Guy P. Harrison, Interview on Secular Nation (Guy is author of “50 Reasons People Give for Believing in A God” “

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Bart Ehrman – University of Califormai Berkley Lecture on “God’s Problem and Human Solutions : How the Bible Explains Suffering”

Dr. Roger C. Weis – Radiometric Dating : A Christian Perspective (2002) This paper describes in relatively simple terms how a number of the

dating techniques work, how accurately the half-lives of the radioactive elements and the rock dates themselves are known, and how dates

are checked with one another. In the process the paper refutes a number of misconceptions prevalent among Christians today. This paper is

available on the web via the American Scientific Affiliation and related sites to promote greater understanding and wisdom on this issue,

particularly within the Christian community.

Francis Collins – The Language of God : A Believers Look at the Human Genome, on the Veritas Forum at MIT (2007)

Phil Zuckerman – Interviewed on Secular Nation Podcast as author of the book “Society Without God: What the Least Religious Nations can tell us About Contentment”

Robert Price – Interviewed on Secular Nation Podcast as author of the book “The Sin of Faith”

Steve Surman – Article Without Faith in the Foxhole: The Atheist Voice in the Military

Luis Granados – Interviewed on Secular Nation Podcast about article “Body Count” which is in rebuttal to Dinesh Desousa and Robert Hutchinson: and reading of article entitled “When Faith Kills Children” by Kenneth Krause

James Moore – co-author of Darwin: The Life of a Tormented Evolutionist and The Post Darwin, Interview by Krista Tippett with the author by American Public Media : Speaking of Faith , Sept. 7, 2007

James Moore – Evolution and Wonder: Understanding Charles Darwin – discussion guide, based on interview and book co-authored by James Moore Darwin: The Life of a Tormented Evolutionist and The Post Darwin

Paul Sereno: What can fossils teach us? TED (Feb 2005)

Stephen Hawking: Asking big questions about the universe, TED (Feb. 2008)

Louise Leakey: Digging for humanity’s origins TED (Feb. 2008)

Robert P. George, Natural Law, God and Human Rights, Director of the James Madison Program in

American Ideals and Institutions at Princeton University. Princeton University 6/11/2008

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Richard Sloan – Nothing Fails Like Prayer, author of the book, “Blind Faith,” critiquing prayer and religion

health studies. May 20, 2006 recorded on FFRF

Paul Davies – Einstein’s God. Interview by Krista Tippett of Speaking of Faith on American Public Media

Paul Davies – Einstein’s Ethics. Interview by Krista Tippett of Speaking of Faith on American Public Media

Bertrand Russell – The Value of Philosophy, from “Problems of Philosophy (1912)


Jonathan Modene – sermon “The Faith of Joel Osteen: American Christians vs. Abraham”, June 6, 2005

Christopher Neiswonger – Eschatology 101, The Radio Program for Friday night February 6th on KKLA 99.5 Hosted by Christopher Neiswonger with special guests Donald McConnell, Dean of Trinity Law School in Santa Ana CA, Pastor Kent Moorlach of Communion Presbyterian Church of Irvine CA and Doug Eaton College and Career Minister of the 1st Southern Baptist Church of Downey CA.

Eric Maisel, author of The Atheist’s Way: Living Well Without Gods Eric Maisel will be interviewed about

his new book: The Atheist’s Way: Living Well Without Gods. Feb. 21, 2009

Sherwin Nuland – The Biology of the Spirit. Interview by Krista Tippett of Speaking of Faith on American

Public Media. March 2, 2009.

Sherwin Nuland – Brain Mind and Spirit : The Wisdom of the Human Body. Lecture given at the

Chautauqua Institution August 22, 2005.

John Loftus – Why I Became An Atheist. Interview by D.J Grothe of Point of Inquiry, Jan.30 2009

David J. Linden – The Accidental Mind. Interview by D.J Grothe of Point of Inquiry, Feb. 6, 2009

Sherwin Nuland – My History of Electroshock Therapy. TED (2001)

Susan Jacoby – the Age of American Unreason. Interview by D.J Grothe of Point of Inquiry, June 13, 2008

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Rev. Michael Dowd – Thank God For Evolution. Interview by D.J Grothe of Point of Inquiry, Aug. 15, 2008

P. Z. Myers – Expelled from Expelled. Interview by D.J Grothe of Point of Inquiry, June 27, 2008

Lewis Wolpert – The Evolutionary Origins of Belief. Interview by D.J Grothe of Point of Inquiry,

Solomon Schimmel – The Tenacity of Unreasonable Beliefs. Interview by D.J Grothe of Point of Inquiry,

Dec. 8, 2008

Solomon Schimmel –Fundamentalism and the Fear of the Truth.Interview by D.J Grothe of Point of Inquiry,

Dec. 12, 2008


Alan Dienstag – Alzheimer’s Memory and Being. Interview by Krista Tippett of Speaking of Faith on

American Public Media. March 26, 2009

Jerry A. Coyne – Why Evolution Is True. Interview by D.J Grothe of Point of Inquiry, Feb. 27, 2009

Guy P. Harrison – 50 Reasons People Give For Believing in a God. Interview by D.J Grothe of Point of

Inquiry, Aug. 1, 2008

Martin Sereno – the Origins of the Human Mind: Insights from Brain Imaging and Evolution. University of

California Television, (Dec. 2005)

William Lobdell, Author of “Losing My Religion: How I Lost My Faith Reporting on Religion in America”

Reporting on religion for the Los Angeles Times is eventually how journalist William Lobdell lost his

religion. His new book, “Losing My Religion,” just came out this week so tune in for this interview! Feb 8,


Kenneth Samples – Answering the 20 Toughest Faith Questions (Without A Doubt). Interview of Ken

Samples by Steve Tsai and Christopher Neiswonger on


Dr. John Hare, Peter Singer, Eric Gregory – Moral Mammals – Why do we Matter? – Does theism or

atheism provide the best foundation for human worth and morality? Veritas Forum MIT (March 2009)

Fazale Rana – The Cell’s Design: How Biochemistry Reveals the Work of a Creator. Veritas Forum, California

Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo 2009

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Jon Rittenhouse – The Body Soul Issue: Is Being Human More Than Just Material Existence? Veritas Forum,

John Hopkins University (Nov 2008)

Dr. Michael Berens – Jesus and Science. Veritas Forum at Arizona State University (Oct 2008)

Dan Barker - How to Be Moral Without Religion, Dan's talk at the University of Minnesota, October 19,

2006, sponsored by CASH (Campus Atheists and Secular Humanists)

Timothy Keller – How Could a Good God Allow Suffering? Belief in an Age of Skepticism, at MIT (2008)

Timothy Keller – A Conversation with Tim Keller: Belief in a Age of Skepticism? at UC Berkley (2008)

Henry Louis Gates – On Lincoln and Race, Henry Louis Gates, Jr. discusses two books he has coming out in

early 2009 -- Lincoln on Slavery and Race (Princeton) and In Search of Our Roots: How 19 Extraordinary

African Americans Reclaimed Their Past (Crown Books).


Classics of Western Philosophy: Volume 4. Philosophical audio collection comprised of a wide array of

world-changing ideas. Collected here in chronological order of publication. Includes: On Benefits by

Seneca, The Ethics by Baruch Spinoza, Essays, Moral and Political by David Hume, The Critique of Pure

Reason by Immanuel Kant, The Critique of Practical Reason by Immanuel Kant, The Age of Reason by

Thomas Paine, The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith, The History of Philosophy by Georg Wilhelm

Friedrich Hegel.


Eugenie Scott – Evolution vs. Creationism. Dr. Eugenie Scott, Executive Director of the National

Center for Science Education, will be our guest to discuss the new science standards in Texas as

well as her new book, Evolution vs. Creationism: An Introduction. On

Acharya S. – The Pagan origins of Easter. Acharya S returns to the show to continue the

discussion on her book Christ in Egypt and will also discuss the pagan origins of Easter. On

On Seneca - Wisdom from the great Stoic philosopher Seneca. Talk from Brian Johnson, Philosopher and CEO of features a short bio of Seneca and then delves into some of his greatest quotes.

Bart Ehrman - Bart D. Ehrman, the agnostic bestselling author of several books, most recently Jesus,

Interrupted: Revealing the Hidden Contradictions in the Bible (and Why We Don't Know About them), will

be a guest. FFRF (April 25, 2009)

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Victor Stinger - Scientist and author Victor Stenger will be Saturday's guest. Stenger is the author of many

books on science and reason, including God: The Failed Hypothesis (2007). FFRF (March 21, 2009)

Bart Ehrman – Interview on Fresh Air about Jesus Interrupted. March 4, 2009

Lawrence Shiffman – The Hebrew Bible (In this course delivered by Professor Lawrence H. Schiffman, listeners will

engage in a discussion on how that collection came into being and how it was passed down and interpreted

throughout the ages. Lesson one.


Daniel Goleman - Why aren't we all Good Samaritans? Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence,

asks why we aren't more compassionate more of the time.

Richard Schoenig – Secular Nation #40 – A reading of the article Christian Apologists: Why Do They Even Bother? by

Richard Schoenig. After the reading I will interview interview Dr. Schoenig.

Philip D. Kenneson “There’s No Such Thing as Objective Truth, and It’s a Good Thing, Too”

N.T. Wright – The Jesus of Myth and History. The Veritas Forum. Yale (1996)

Ethics and the Will of God: The Legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. On Speaking of Faith Public Radio. (Feb 2, 2006)

Ait Chapel – Secular Nation #44. article The 2009 March for Life by Ait Chapel. After the reading I will

interview Ait.

Greta Chistina – Secular Nation #43. article “Being an Atheist in the Queer Community” by Greta Christina.

After the reading I will interview Greta.

Francis Collins – Helping Christians Reconcile God with Science: An Interview with TIME - May 2nd - 2009 Editor Amy Sullivan of TIME interviews Collins about the launch of the BioLogos Foundation and its future goals.,8816,1895284,00.html#

Dan Gilbert: Why Are We Happy? Why Aren’t We Happy?, Dan Gilbert, author of Stumbling on Happiness, challenges the idea that we’ll be miserable if we don’t get what we want. Our "psychological immune system" lets us feel truly happy even when things don’t go as planned.

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Peter Kreeft – Faith & Reason: The Philosophy of Religion. Professor Kreeft explores what religion is and what

questions it tries to answer. He goes over a brief history of philosophical definitions of religion. He feels that religion

relies on faith and experience, while philosophy focuses on reason and logical argument, and yet he finds many ways

that the fields of philosophy and religion have intersected throughout history.


Gary Habermas – American Masters of Apologetics pt1. Unbelieveable Radio. World authority on the resurrection of Jesus. He presents his method for establishing the truth of the risen Christ. Unbelievable – Masters of Apologetics pt.1{45DEA5BB-8D8F-4757-A1CC-75D6FFF8AA90}

William Lane Craig - American Masters of Apologetics pt2. Unbelieveable. Justin continues his chats across the pond during July as he interviews William Lane Craig, one of the wrold's foremost Christian aoplogists and philosophers. His book "Reasonable Faith" now in its 3rd edition is a staple part of any Apologetics library.{C1F284FC-7410-4ECA-AC4B-31C89A2866F7}

Alvin Plantinga – American Masters of Apologetics pt.3. Justin is joined by seasoned Christian philosopher Alvin Plantinga as they explore the problem of Evil and why Dawkins should have stuck to biology.{EE96DE37-D9C2-4CC5-9C1B-D375A5393E9B}

Norman Geisler - American Masters of Apologetics pt.4. An in depth interview with veteran apologist Norman Geisler who co-founded the Southern Evangleical Seminary in North Carolina. Miracles, Jesus, the Bible, inerrancy and apparent contradictions all come under the spotlight. The last in the series interviewing ket Christian thinkers from the States.{59A4D879-C0CE-4E38-98E6-A4B5656D0DEC}

Matthieu Ricard - Biochemist turned Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard examines happiness and well-being in this TED talk. He differentiates between pleasure and happiness as pleasure is fleeting and reliant upon circumstance. He feels that true happiness is found by training the mind to be happy regardless of the situation we find ourselves in and by tapping into the deeper happiness of the awareness that we are more than our fleeting emotional states.

Daniel Dennett - Philosopher Dan Dennett makes a compelling argument that not only don't we understand our own consciousness, but that half the time our brains are actively fooling us. Philosopher and scientist Dan Dennett argues that human consciousness and free will are the result of physical processes and are not what we traditionally think they are.

Bruce Grierson – An Atheist in the Pulpit. Public identity and private belief are never more at odds than

when a preacher loses his faith. Psychology Today. Published Jan. 1, 2008.

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Paul Bloom – No Smiting. Book review on The Evolution of God, by Robert Wright

Xavier Le Pichon – On Speaking of Faith with Krista Tippett. Xavier Le Pichon is one of the world's leading geophysicists, and his pioneering research on plate tectonics revolutionized our understanding of how the earth works. He has also spent decades living in community with people and families facing disability and has emerged with a rare perspective on the meaning of humanity — a perspective equally informed by his scientific and personal encounters with fragility as a fundament of vital, evolving systems.

Jelle de Boer – The Morality of Nature. On Speaking of Faith with Krista Tippett . We explore the human

and religious implications of natural disasters through the eyes of two scientists steeped in the workings of

the natural world. We approach the morality of nature from a non-theological angle, tracing how natural

disasters have sometimes fueled religious agendas and movements and how strictly scientific perspectives

can both challenge and illuminate religious questions.

Christopher Hitchens – The 10 Commandments. Lecture by Christopher Hitchens gave at the Royal Ontario

Museum on the Ten Commandments.

Vilayanur Ramachandran – The Center of our Minds. TED talks. Brain researcher Vilayanur Ramachandran

talks about how brain damage can reveal the connection between the internal structures of the brain and

the corresponding functions of the mind. He discusses three specific syndromes: phantom limb pain,

synesthesia (when people hear color or smell sounds), and the Capgras delusion, when brain-damaged

people believe their closest friends and family have been replaced with imposters.

Tom Wujec – TED Information designer Tom Wujec talks through three areas of the brain that help us

understand words, images, feelings, connections. In this short talk from TEDU, he asks: How can we best

engage our brains to help us better understand big ideas?

Christopher DeCharms – TED. Neuroscientist and inventor Christopher deCharms demonstrates a new way to use

fMRI to show brain activity -- thoughts, emotions, pain -- while it is happening. In other words, you can actually see

how you feel.

Diane Benscoter – TED. Diane Benscoter spent five years as a "Moonie." She shares an insider's perspective on the

mind of a cult member, and proposes a new way to think about today's most troubling conflicts and extremist


Susan Blackmore – TED. Susan Blackmore studies memes: ideas that replicate themselves from brain to brain like

a virus. She makes a bold new argument: Humanity has spawned a new kind of meme, the teme, which spreads

itself via technology -- and invents ways to keep itself alive.

16 | P a g e

Daniel Dennett – TED. Starting with the simple tale of an ant, philosopher Dan Dennett unleashes a devastating

salvo of ideas, making a powerful case for the existence of memes -- concepts that are literally alive.

Daniel Dennett – TED. Why are babies cute? Why is cake sweet? Philosopher Dan Dennett has answers you

wouldn't expect, as he shares evolution's counterintuitive reasoning on cute, sweet and sexy things (plus a new

theory from Matthew Hurley on why jokes are funny).

Jonathan Haidt – TED. Psychologist Jonathan Haidt studies the five moral values that form the basis of our political

choices, whether we're left, right or center. In this eye-opening talk, he pinpoints the moral values that liberals and

conservatives tend to honor most.

Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi – TED. Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi asks, "What makes a life worth living?" Noting that money

cannot make us happy, he looks to those who find pleasure and lasting satisfaction in activities that bring about a

state of "flow."

Michael Shermer – TED Why do people see the Virgin Mary on a cheese sandwich or hear demonic lyrics in

"Stairway to Heaven"? Using video and music, skeptic Michael Shermer shows how we convince ourselves

to believe -- and overlook the facts.

Michael Shermer – The Baloney Detection kit. With a sea of information coming at us from all directions,

how do we sift out the misinformation and bogus claims, and get to the truth? Michael Shermer of Skeptic

Magazine lays out a "Baloney Detection Kit," ten questions we should ask when encountering a claim.

Richard Dawkins – The God Delusion US Tour. On Saturday, March 8th, 2008, Richard Dawkins gave this

lecture on The God Delusion during his US Tour. The event took place on the UC Berkeley campus.

Douglas Adams – Parrots the Universe and Everything. Douglas Adams was the best-selling British author

and satirist who created The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. In this talk at UCSB recorded shortly before

his death, Adams shares hilarious accounts of some of the apparently absurd lifestyles of the world's

creatures, and gleans from them extraordinary perceptions about the future of humanity.

Christopher Hitchens – Interview by Center For inquiry by Derek Araujo

Dale McGowan is our guest speaking about "Parenting Beyond Belief", raising children without religion.

Dale is a writer, editor, critical thinking educator and US Communications Coordinator for Nonviolent

Peaceforce. More information about Dale and his book can be found at: Topics: Good without God, teaching kids right and

wrong, talking to our kids about death, kids dealing with religious bullying, Santa Claus, the Easter bunny

and much more.

17 | P a g e

Brother Richard – Interviewed about the Atheist nexus on the infidel Guy show.

Dr. Hector Avalos joins Infidel Guy to discuss his recent book "The End of Biblical Studies." Dr. Avalos is a Professor

of religious studies at Iowa State University with degrees from Harvard and the University of Arizona. He has been

on the program prior to discuss with us his very insightful work, "Fighting Words: The Origins of Religious Violence."

This time he will discuss why much of Biblical Study is self-serving and dishonest. I am almost done with "The End of

Biblical Studies" and I am finding it an amazing work. IG recommended.. Get it today! He confirms much of what I

have been saying for years about how the Biblical Studies establishment purposefully changes meaning, conducts

egregious omissions and insertions, and distorts things to serve the purpose of maintaining the Bible as meaningful

and relevant in today’s modern culture. It's all a sham.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson – Cosmic Quandries - Recently, Dr. Tyson spoke at St. Petersburg College about cosmic quandaries. The video is truly mind boggling and fascinating. It is little more than an hour and a half long but well worth your time. If you don’t have the time to watch the entire speech right now, jump to the bottom of this post and enjoy the ten minute clip where Dr.Tyson discusses whether or not he believes in UFO’s.

Jaroslav Pelikan – The Need for Creeds, Speaking of Faith with Krista Tippet. For many modern Americans, the very idea of reciting an unchanging creed, composed centuries ago, is troublesome. But, Jaroslav Pelikan, who died on May 13, 2006, was a scholar who devoted his life to exploring the vitality of ancient theology and creeds. He insisted that even modern pluralists need strong statements of belief. Here, we revisit Krista's 2003 conversation with him, who, then, in his 80th year, had released a historic collection of Christian faith from biblical times to the present and from across the globe. They discuss the history and nature of creeds, and how a fixed creed can be reconciled with an honest, intellectual faith that changes and evolves.

Greg Epstein on Speaking of Faith – Exploring a New Humanism. In a recent Pew poll, 16 percent of Americans identified themselves as "unaffiliated" — atheist, agnostic, or most prominently "nothing in particular." Greg Epstein, a Humanist chaplain at Harvard, described himself that way until he discovered the tradition of humanism. He is passionate about articulating an atheist identity that is not driven by a stance against religion but by positive ethical beliefs and actions.

Greg Epstien – Repossessing Virtue: Grep Estein on Human Solutions and Not Divine Ones, Speaking of Faith with Rob McGinley Myers. We last spoke to Greg Epstein in the wake of a Pew poll on the American religious landscape, finding that 16 percent of Americans identified themselves as unaffiliated, atheist, agnostic, or nothing in particular. Greg Epstein is the humanist chaplain at Harvard University, and he has been an emerging leader in trying to unify that growing population of the non-religious — to create a community driven not by a stance against religion, but by positive ethical beliefs and actions. So as we turned to Greg Epstein again, we wanted to know how he’s seen his community experiencing the current economic crisis. Epstein once defined humanism as “philosophy of life without supernaturalism that affirms our ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment aspiring to the greater good of humanity.” It turns out that the current economic crisis has refocused his community’s vision of what that “greater good” should look like.

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Secular Nation #53 Ben Akerley 2009-08-29 by Atheist Alliance International. For today’s Podcast I will have a chat with Ben Edward Akerley, who is a longtime gay and atheist activist and has recently retired from teaching. Ben is the author of “The X-Rated Bible and writes frequently for The Front Page Online where all of his articles and book reviews can be found. Ben will also be a featured speaker at the AAI convention in October.

Ex-bishop Preaches a Kinder Atheism: Richard Holloway's 'third way' approach has riveted the U.K

Sam Harris – Picks a fight with God. According to the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, an amazing 92% of Americans believe in God or a universal spirit—even one in five of self-identified atheists believe in a higher power. Ardent secularist Sam Harris isn’t deterred by those numbers, and in fact has made it his life’s mission to force the faithful to question their religious faith—Harris would even argue that the future of civilization is dependent on it. Questioning commonly held assertions and wisdom found in the Bible; seeking out debates with theologists across the spectrum, from Judaism to Christianity to Islam; and all but picking a fight with God, Sam Harris takes his secular crusade to Patt’s microphone.

Secular Nation #70a The New Atheists with Brother Richard Haynes 2010-01-31 by Atheist Alliance

International For today’s Podcast “Brother”, Richard Haynes will read his article “The New Atheists”.

Speaking of Faith - As a theoretical physicist, Janna Levin probes whether the universe is finite or infinite.

As a novelist, she explored the separate but parallel lives of two influential 20th-century scientists: Kurt

Gödel and Alan Turing. Their work laid the foundations for computer intelligence while challenging

fundamental notions about how we can know what is true.

Speaking of Faith – The Evolution of God. Robert Wright takes a relentlessly logical look at the history of

religion, exposing its contradictions. Yet he also traces something "revelatory" moving through human

history. In this public conversation we explore the story he tells, the import he sees in it for our culture,

and where it has personally taken him.


Speaking of Faith: America’s Changing Religious Landscape - A great public theologian and historian, Martin Marty offers personal and historical perspective on religion in modern life — including the nature of fundamentalism, and the decline of America's mainline Protestant majority as Evangelical Christianity gains in influence.

Atheism, Religion – Dan Dennett – “The Domestication of the Wild Memes of Religion" 2006, A Fault Is Not a Sin: It's idiotic to blame anything other than geology for the Haitian earthquake.By Christopher Hitchens, Slate (Jan, 17, 2010)

19 | P a g e

Does Religion Make You Nice? Does atheism make you mean? By Paul Bloom Posted Friday, SLATE, Nov. 7, 2008, It Doesn't Take an EinsteinThe problem with using scientists' words to support religious beliefs. By Michael WeissPosted Wednesday, SLATE, June 18, 2008 Is religion a threat to rationality and science? Prof Daniel Dennett and Lord Winston present their arguments ahead of tonight's public debate. Daniel Dennett and Robert Winston The Guardian, Tuesday 22 April 2008 Article history

Robert Sapolsky - Stanford University Address: On June 13, 2009, Robert Sapolsky, world renowned professor of neurology, neurological sciences, neurosurgery and biological sciences gave the class day lecture in association with commencement weekend 2009. Having been selected to talk by the Stanford University graduating class, Sapolsky spoke about the uniqueness of humans in relation to the rest of the animal world. A few of the topics he spoke on include aggression, theory of mind, the golden rule and pleasure.

Robert Wright interviews Daniel Dennett on MeaningoflifeTV, SLATE, 2006

“Come Together: Building Secular Communities” by Emily Cadik in The New Humanism,

Sherwin Wine – at “The New Humanism” conference July 2007 The late Sherwin T. Wine spoke on Humanism

and cultural identity at The New Humanism, a conference in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Humanist

Chaplaincy at Harvard University. Rabbi Wine joined Sir Salman Rushdie, and the Unitarian Universalist Minister Dr.

William Murry, on a panel called "Toward an Abrahamic Humanism?"

Dan Dennett – Good Reasons for “Believing in God” AAI 2007

Ken Pulliam – “Encouragement to Doubting Christians” on Common Sense Atheism

Dan Harris and Michael Murray - Evangelist Spurned for Supporting Evolution, A Prominent Evangelical Bible Scholar Has Been Attacked for Proposing That Evolution May Be True

Creation Museum: Is This How World Began? 300 Skeptics Converge on Creation Museum in Kentucky. Video interview with Francis Collins.

20 | P a g e

Speaking of Faith with Krista Tippet – Who Ordered This? - Mario Livio works with the Hubble

Telescope's findings on phenomena like dark energy and white dwarfs. We explore edges of

discovery where scientific advance meets recurrent mystery — questions richer than any of their

current answers.

TED 2006 – Dan Dennett , Response to Rick Warren’s “Purpose Driven Life”.


“We’re All Born Atheists”: A Religious Person Defends Non-Belief, in SpeakEasy:

21 | P a g e

Debates (video or audio)

Dinesh D’Souza vs. Dan Barker

- At Harvard’s Memorial Church, Tues April 22, 2008

Christopher Hitchens vs. Rev. Al Sharpton

- The New York Public Library, New York, NY, May 7th, 2007 on topic of Hitchen’s book God is

Not Great

Alister McGrath vs. Christpher Hitchens

- Poison or Cure? Religious Belief in the Modern World, Georgetown University and Ethics

and Public Policy Center, Washington, D.C. Oct 11th, 2007 – on

Alister McGrath vs. David Helfand

- The God Delusion? Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, and the Meaning of Life, at Columbia

University (2006)

Dan Barker vs. Todd Friel

- Does God Exist? University of Minnesota, (March 2006)

Dan Barker vs. John C. Rankin

- Is the Bible Full of Errors and Deceit? – Living Rock Church, (March 5, 2006)

William Lane Craig vs. Bart Ehrman

- Is There Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus? Sponsored by the Center for

Religion, Ethics & Culture at the College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Massachusetts (Mar.

28, 2006) full transcript available

Rick Warren vs. Sam Harris Debate

- Newsweek April 9, 2007

Sam Harris vs. Rabbi David Wolpe

- Does God Exist? Debate about the existence of God and the role of religion and faith in

society (Nov. 6, 2007)

Sam Harris vs. Chris Hedges

- Religion, Politics and the End of the World, (May 2007)

22 | P a g e

Sam Harris vs. Reza Aslan

- Debate on Religion and Reason, C-Span at Los Angeles Public Library (Jan. 25, 2007),642,Debate-between-Sam-Harris-and-Reza-Aslan,BookTV-


Christopher Hitchens vs. Rabbi David Wolpe

- Does God Exist? Jewish TV Network,

N.T. Wright vs. Bart Ehrman (blog debate) - Suffering (April 2008 on

N. T. Wright vs. Bart Ehrman

- Suffering, Divine Justice and Theodicy (audio / Oct. 24, 2008)

Doug Wilson vs. Christopher Hitchens - “Apologetics in Action: Aesthetics and the Existence of God – Atheism vs. Christianity”,

Westminster Theological Seminary (Oct. 25, 2008)

Dinesh D’Souza vs. Daniel Dennett

- “God is a manmade invention.” Daniel Dennett argued the affirmative, and Dinesh D’Souza

the negative at Tufts University, November 7, 2007,1942,Daniel-Dennett-Debates-Dinesh-DSouza,Tufts-


Peter Hitchens vs. Christopher Hitchens

- Debate positions on “Iraq War and Belief in God”, at Grand Valley State University, (April


Frank Turek vs. Christopher Hitchens

- Frank Turek, co-author of “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist,” and Christopher

Hitchens, author of “god is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything,” met at VCU in

Richmond, VA to debate the subject, “Does God Exist?”, At Virginia Commonwealth

University (September 9, 2008),3286,Turek-vs-Hitchens-


Rabbi Shmuley Boteach vs. Christopher Hitchens - “Does God Exist?” debate (Jan. 30, 2008)

23 | P a g e

Peter Kreeft vs. Michael Tooley

- Is God Dead? : Atheism vs. Christianity, Wheaton College, April 29, 2008

Pete Bocchino vs. Ed Buckner

- Reality: Discussion Between Atheism and Christianity, Veritas Forum, Georgia Institute of

Technology (March 2009)

William Lane Craig, Douglas Wilson, Lee Strobel, James Denison vs. Christopher Hitchens

- Does the God of Christianity exist, and what difference does it make? A Debate, The New

Atheists usually make two charges against Christianity: (1) that it is untrue and (2) that it is

harmful. A panel of Christian apologetics experts responds to an atheist critic with evidence

from Scripture, science and, history about why faith is both reasonable and good for the

world. (Apr 2, 2009)

Dr. Phil Fernades vs. Dan Barker

- Does God Exist? February 29, 2000 debate between Dan Barker and Phil Fernandes at

Bellevue Community College (Washington).

Doug Wilson vs. Dan Barker

- Does the Triune God Live?


John Rankin vs, Dan Barker

- Listen to a debate between Dan Barker and John Rankin, May 5, 2006, at the New Testament

Church in Plymouth, Massachusetts. This is a general discussion between two non-scientists on

the philosophical and theological implications of "Intelligent Design."

Dan Barker vs. Peter Payne

- Does Ethics Require God? University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point

March 14, 2005

Dinesh D’Sousa vs. Christopher Hitchens

- October 26, 2007

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Bart Ehrman and Peter Williams

- From the Unbelievable? program on Bart Ehrman is the author of the

bestselling book "Misquoting Jesus." He calls into question the authority of the New Testament

as scribal changes over time have changed the documents. So can we trust the scripture? Bible

scholar Peter Williams believes in the reliability of the New Testament and that Bart's prognosis

is far too pessimistic.

Bart Ehrman and Richard Swinburne

- Bart Ehrman lost his faith altogether when he confronted the problem of how a loving, powerful God can allow suffering. In his new book "God's Problem" he states that the Bible contains different and unconvincing explanations to the issue. Richard Swinburne is a reknowned Christian philosopher. He answers Bart's objections with arguments from his own book "Providence and the Problem of Evil".

John Lennox vs. Richard Dawkins

- The God Delusion Debate. The debate will center on Dawkins' views as expressed in his best-seller, The God Delusion and their validity over and against the Christian faith. This will be the first significant discussion on this issue in the "Bible Belt." Consequently, we believe that it will focus much public attention on this important issue.,1707,Debate-between-Richard-Dawkins-and-John-Lennox,Richard-Dawkins-John-Lennox

Timothy Keller vs. Norman Bacrac

- Timothy Keller started Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York in 1989. It now attracts several thousand members to worship every week. His book "The Reason for God" answers the questions he is commonly asked by sceptical New Yorkers. He engages with Atheist Norman Bacrac editor of the "Ethical Record" - a Humanist publication. They debate whether Christianity's exclusive claims are arrogant, and whether people alone can be the best judge of what is right and wrong.{A6B31A53-8D70-44A0-8FC1-F6C7212DD25F}

Mark D. Roberts vs, Christopher Hitchens

- Christopher Hitchens is author of God is Not Great. Mark D. Roberts' most recent book is Can

We Trust the Gospels? Feb. 16, 2008

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Michael Bird vs. James Crossley

- (17 Jan 09 and 24 Jan 09) Two episodes of two New Testament scholars go head to head. Michael Bird is a believer, James Crossley is not. They have different conclusions about how the Christian faith began and have written a dialogue in their new book "How Did Christianity Begin - a believer and non-Believer examine the evidence". In today's programme they debate whether Jesus himself believed he was God, as revealed in the Gospels. They go onto discuss whether the bodily resurrection of Jesus is a plausible explanation for the birth of the early church. "How did Christianity begin? A believer and non-believer examine the Evidence" is published by SPCK". (Jan 17 and 24, 2009)

Norman Hansen vs. Amy Orr-Ewing

- Norman Hansen lost his faith partly because of coming to doubt the historical reliability of the Bible and Jesus. Amy Orr-Ewing spends her time defending the Bible around the world -she says belief in Jesus is perfectly rational.

Stephen Carr vs. Canon Michael Cole

- Steven Carr has a prolific presence on the internet as an atheist blogger and debater. He contends that the early Christians did not believe in Jesus' resurrection and that the Biblical views of resurrection are contradictory. Canon Michael Cole is a veteran defender of Christian faith and responds to Steven's criticisms of the resurrection. (April 11, 2009){365F1882-216C-4343-A026-48C7EDA11D82}

Nicolas Beale vs. Julian Baggini

-The most recent scientific evidence shows that the universe had to be incredibly "fine tuned" in its fundamental constants to allow life. Is this the ultimate proof of a designer God? Nicholas Beale believes so. He is the co-author of "Questions of truth" (WJK) with Christian physicist John Polkinghorne. Atheist Julian Baggini argues against Nicholas' conclusion. Unbelievable Radio (Mar 14, 2009){96609DCA-02B2-4902-BA99-1A29441449B1}

Perry Marshall vs. peter Hearty

- Could the DNA that makes up the building blocks of life of every living thing on the earth be the clue to a cosmic designer? He says that anybody who comes at the topic of how life originated from an engineering background will see that DNA is a code that needs a designer to create the information it transmits. Peter Hearty is an atheist biologist. He says that science does not work when you dispense with the search for a naturalistic explanation for the origin of DNA. Unbelievable Radio (Feb 21, 2009) ({446BF2D5-D507-4656-B200-A617F5EBD15A}

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Spencer vs. Stovold

- As the world marks Darwin's bicentenary, Nick Spencer of Christian thinktank Theos and author of the book "Darwin & God" explains where Darwin actually stood in relation to belief in God. Although Darwin lost his Christian faith he was never an atheist. Atheist biologist Robert Stovold argues that Darwin's "Big Idea" paves the way to atheism. Denis Alexander of the Faraday Institute also contributes arguing that belief in God and Evolution are complementary. Unbelievable Radio (Feb 14, 2009){C29FE645-C19C-428F-B914-644A861BC3B7}

Williams vs. Konner

- "The Atheist's Bible" (Duckworth & Co) has been a bestseller in the USA. It brings together a mass of quotes from atheists, agnostics and more. Its compiler Joan Konner speaks to Justin Brierley about why she put it together and her own thoughts on atheism. She interacts with Christian apologist Peter Williams whose own book "The Sceptic's Guide to Atheism" (Paternoster) has just been published. Joan and Peter debate whether atheism has some fundamental faith assumptions of its own, as Peter argues that atheistic naturalism is a self-defeating notion. Joan argues that Christianity is arrogant in its exclusive claims. Unbelievable Radio (Feb. 7, 2009){13066ED9-EAF8-4EAC-A7B3-9DCB232C65B0}

Sherine, Stinson vs. Wooley

- Atheists are funding a campaign that will see London buses bearing the poster "There is probably no god. Now stop worrying and get on with your life". Its the brainchild of Ariane Sherine and has been backed by Richard Dawkins. We discuss the campaign, whether there really is no God and what it means for morality if there isn't. Unbelievable Radio (Nov. 8, 2008){73B3714C-C070-4C75-AB84-5E632408DF0D}

Alexander vs. Loyd

- Denis Alexander is the author of "Creation or Evolution - do we have to choose?" - his answer is "no". Denis believes Darwin's theory is perfectly compatible with belief in the creator God of the Bible. Stephen Lloyd of Biblical Creation Ministries disagrees - he says that the Gospel itself depends on the Adam and Eve story being literally true. Unbelievable Radio (Nov. 29 , 2008){17AFF277-FBE0-4CAD-AE38-AF114E861BFA}

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Robertson vs. Hayter

- Church minister David Robertson authored a series of Open Letters to Richard Dawkins after the publication of "The God Delusion" that sought to expose the flaws in his argument and the "atheist myths" that he was guilty of. Those missives became a book called "The Dawkins Letters: Challenging atheist myths" and has propelled David into the spotlight as he addresses sceptical audiences on whether Christian belief makes sense.He debates with student Adrian Hayter also known as the "atheist blogger" online. Adrian disagrees with David's conclusions. Unbelievable Radio (Mar 21, 2009){B4983ABC-B0EA-4D46-9C80-E078AFD2D158}

- Are atheists guilty of misunderstanding morality and the Bible? David Robertson is a Free Church Minister in Scotland and author of the best selling book "The Dawkins letters - Challenging atheist myths". He meets "atheist blogger" Adrian Hayter again to discuss the "myths" of Godless morality, the cruel Old Testament God and the Immoral Bible. Unbelievable Radio (March 28, 2009){ABA8F808-51F5-4E80-A17A-A837C0FA0D1E}

Unbelievable vs. Infidel Guy

- In what could be a radio first, "Unbelievable?" links up with "The Infidel Guy" show and talks to its atheist host Reginald Finley. They debate the question: "Which makes more sense: Atheism or Christianity?". Unbelievable Radio (Sep. 20, 2008){6C2B9C19-B26E-4E04-96A1-B24118DEA36C}

Dan Boucher vs. Dick Taverne

- Euthenasia – Should it be Legalized? Unbelievable Radio{29FCEBB0-0E23-419F-8A67-


JP Holding vs. Ken Humphreys

- Unbelievable? 2 May 2009 "Did Jesus exist?""Did Jesus Exist?" - Apologist JP Holding & Atheist Ken

Humphreys debate.{6F8A97D2-


Rabbi Jonathan Romain vs Stephen Pacht

- Was Jesus the Messiah of the Jews? Christianity owes its birth to Judaism. But did Jesus represent the fulfilment of Jewish Messianic hopes and prophecy? Jonathan Romain is Rabbi of a Reform Synagogue in Maidenhead and was recently named as one of the most influential Jews in the UK. He believes that whatever Jesus was, he was not the Messiah promised in the Old Testament. Stephen Pacht is a Messianic Jew. He believes Jesus is the Messiah the Jews were promised, but has not been recognised yet by many fellow Jews.{D2960FCE-59B2-4DC2-A44D-534E0ECFFB83}

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Christopher Hitchens vs. Marvin Olasky

- A Debate on Religion and Politics. (Dec. 4, 2007)

Revd Michael Sayward vs. Unitarian Sarah Tinker

- Unbelievable? 20 Dec 2008 The Virgin Birth - for & against The Virgin Birth: Fact or Fiction?{28325AF1-534F-49C5-8571-


McFarland vs. Pilcher

- Unbelievable? 14 Jun 2008 Defending Biblical innerancy Biblical inerrancy - Can we trust the Bible through and through?{6E1AD7AD-AECE-4E64-8351-DF4B888CB5D4}

Keith Ward vs. Robert Stovold

- Unbelievable? 21 Jun 2008 A Case for theistic evolution - Keith Ward Keith Ward on "The Big Questions in Science and Religion": Why Christians CAN believe in evolution{3554D585-2574-42F1-B0DF-18676537A3BC}

Robin Ince vs. James Cary

- Unbelievable Radio - Stand up comedian Robin Ince is hosting "A rational celebration of Christmas". Comedy writer and Christian James Cary discusses with Robin whether Christianity and belief in God is irrational…{EACB7E6C-D2C7-428B-B9B0-EF4AB3D89EF3}

William Dembski vs. Lee Silver

- William Dembski : Intelligent Design: Is it Science? William A. Dembski is associate research professor in the conceptual foundations of science at Baylor University and a senior fellow with Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture in Seattle. Lee Silver, Professor of Molecular Biology and Public Affairs, Princeton University

Tidball vs. Livesay

- Unbelieveable Radio debate. What should Christians believe about the "infallibility" of the Bible? Are the apparent contradictions that exist a problem? Derek Tidball is the former Principal of the London School of Theology. He engages with atheist Gordon Livesey who has compiled a list of, as he believes, errors and contradictions in the Bible.{D737EEF1-70E2-4800-9D2C-08F82980B8C0}

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David Robertson vs. Paul Orton

- Unbelieveable Radio debate. Atheist Paul Orton contacted the show saying he was unconvinced by the claim of some Christians that morality must be based in God, to make sense. He claims that morality is a product of biological and social evolution and "the changing moral Zeitgeist" determines the morals we hold. Christian apologist David Robertson claims that you can't make sense of "right" and "wrong" without reference to an ultimate standard - God. Anything else opens the door to moral nihilism. Slavery in the Bible, racism and much more enter the discussion as they discuss the practical outworking of our moral foundations.{EAACC407-988F-4B87-A8C4-34760BC4B7A0}

Laura Miller vs. Michael Ward

- Unbelievable Radio debate. Laura Miller was captivated by Lewis' Narnia stories as a child. As a teenager she learnt of the Christian parallels in the books and felt "cheated and betrayed". Find out why in today's programme and how she has come to terms with Narnia by writing "The Magician's Book". Michael Ward is a leading expert on CS Lewis and author of "Planet Narnia". As a Christian the Narnia stories served to deepen his faith, and he has also recently uncovered a rich secret within the books that has gone unnoticed until now.{46D43E93-4CC7-4518-B482-A3E28DAC4A45}

Anthony McRoy vs. Abdul Haq

- Unbelieveable Raodio debate. What did the first Christians believe about Jesus? Muslim Abdul Haq, the author of "Before Nicea" claims that key doctrines of Christianity were formulated through later councils of the church. He says that there is no good evidence that early Christians believed in Jesus' divinity or even his crucifixion. Evangelical Christian scholar Anthony McRoy counters Haq's claims, insisting that the key doctrines of Christianity were well established in the early church and are implicit in Scripture.{B26D1F3C-652A-41C3-872E-247999AA7877}

Richard Bauckham vs. James Crossley

- "Jesus and the Eyewitnesses" has been heralded as a paradigm shift in the way the authorship of the Gospels should be seen. Richard Bauckham is the author of the book, which won the 2009 Michael Ramsey prize. He argues that the Gospels are based on eyewitness accounts and should be regarded as fundamentally trustworthy. New Testament historian James Crossley discusses the implications of Bauckham's work and whether the Gospel of John was written by the disciple John himself, as Bauckham claims.{0AECB5BB-FCAE-432F-8224-960C4AD52A5C}

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Richard Bauckham vs. James Crossley

- Continuing on from their discussion last week, believing and non-believing New Testament historians Richard Bauckham and James Crossley discuss whether the testimony of eyewitnesses in the Gospels is trustworthy. Bauckham fills out his reasoning for the Gospels being credible eyewitness testimony of Jesus' life, while Crossley disputes whether testimony of the miraculous can be used as historical evidence.{97ADA01D-956B-419D-B2CD-1D382BCE8723}

Michael Shermer vs. Adrian Holloway

- You don't have to look far for claims of the miraculous. But what constitutes a "miracle" and do Christian beliefs in this area make sense? Michael Shermer is a well-known atheist in the USA and Director of the Skeptics Society. He says miraculous claims always have a natural explanation. Adrian Holloway is a London Pastor and apologist. He claims to have witnessed the miraculous and says that Michael's skepticism is unjustified.{8B4B875D-57DD-42B3-BC5F-29D9FDD4AA38}

Dan Barker vs. Dan Waugh

- Can you be good without God? WFHB News is proud to present a public debate featuring local pastor Dan Waugh and minister-turned-atheist Dan Barker. One says you can be good without God, the other says you cannot. It's the "Battle of the Dans" - a public debate with fascinating and gripping arguments from both sides on the intersection of morality and religion, hosted by radio personality Darryl Neher. Recorded on-location in Woodburn Hall at Indiana University on October 19, 2009.

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Movies / DVD

The God Who Was Not There – DVD (90 minutes) Beyond Belief Media (2005) The Gospel Of Judas: The Lost Version of Christ’s Betrayal – National Geographic DVD (2006)

Evolution (7 part video series – 8 hours) – Darwin’s Dangerous Idea, What About God, Great Transformations, The Evolutionary Arms Race, Extinction, What About Sex, The Minds Big Bang (2001)

The Story of the Twelve Apostles, DVD (110 minutes) – The History Channel (1999)

The Story of Paul The Apostle, DVD (80 minutes) – The History Channel (2000)

The Execution of Jesus – DVD (50 Minutes), The History Channel (1994) Faith Lessons of the Early Church: Conquering the Gates of Hell, That the World May Know series by Focus on the Family, DVD (5 lesson set – 2 hour

Amazing Earth – DVD from Discovery Channel (1998)

Fossils and the Flood: What’s the Connection, VHS, Answers in Genesis with Ken Ham

When Two Worldviews Collide, Back to genesis Featuring John Morris, VHS

Evolution: Hoax of the Century? Jeremiah Films VHS

Tsunami: Killer Wave, DVD by National Geographic (2005) Einstein’s Big Idea (Based on David Bodanis’s book E=mc2 ( DVD – 2 hours) By NOVA (2005) The Diary of Anne Frank (DVD movie) 20th Century Fox (1959, renewed 1987)

Ben Stein – Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (DVD) Vivendi Entertainment (2008)

Cracking the Code of Life – meet the Scientists Who Decoded Human DNA – Francis Collins, Eric Lander and Craig Venter. NOVA DVD (2001, 2004)

Genesis: An Enlightening Adventure in the History of Life. Explore the Evolving Continental Drifts, Slingshot Films (1999) Louise Giglio – How Great Is Our God (DVD) Sparrow Records 2008

Louise Giglio – Hope When life Hurts the Most? (DVD)

Kyle Idleman – Storm: Episode 1 Questions About God. Episode 2 Questions About Creation. Episode 3 Questions About The Bible. Episode 4 Questions About Jesus (part 1). Episode 5 Questions About Jesus (part 2). Episode 7 Questions About Prayer. Episode 8 Questions About Satan. Episode 9 Questions About the Afterlife. Standard Publishing (2006)

Mysteries of the Bible: Apocalypse, the Puzzle of Revelation. DVD The History Channel. (1994)

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Rob Bell – Everything is Spiritual. (2007)

The Link – The History Channel (2009)

Douglas Wilson and Christopher Hitchens - Collision: Is Christianity GOOD for the World? (DVD) Crux Pictures (2009).

Julia Sweeney – Letting Go of God (DVD), Indefatigable productions (2009).

Great Courses by The Teaching Company

Bart Ehrman – The New Testament, DVD (Twenty-four 30 minute lectures – 12 hours) “The Great Courses” from the Teaching Company (2000)

Robert Sapolsky, Biology and Human Behavior: The Neurological Origins of Individuality, DVD (Twenty-four 30 minute lectures – 12 hours) “The Great Courses” from the Teaching Company (2005) Richard Wolfson – Earth’s Changing Climate, DVD (Twelve 30 minute lectures – 6 hours) “The Great Courses” from the Teaching Company (2007) Charles Kimball – Comparative Religions, DVD (Twenty-four 30 minute lectures – 12 hours) “The Great Courses” from the Teaching Company (2008) Bart Ehrman - The Historical Jesus, DVD (Twenty-four 30 minute lectures – 12 hours) “The Great Courses” from the Teaching Company (2000) Edward J. Larson – The Theory of Evolution: A History of Controversy, DVD (Twelve 30 minute lectures – 6 hours) “The Great Courses” from the Teaching Company (2002) Bart Ehrman - The History of the Bible: The Making of the New Testament Canon, DVD (Twelve 30 minute lectures – 6 hours) “The Great Courses” from the Teaching Company (2005) James Hall – Philosophy of Religion, DVD (Thirty-six 30 minutes lectures – 18 hours) The Great


Jeremy Wolfe – Introduction to Psychology. MIT OpenCourseWare is offering their Introduction to

Psychology course for free on MP3 download. Professor Jeremy Wolfe guides listeners through the basic

functions of the brain including emotions, memory, cognition, language development, and more. He

finishes off the course with lectures on Freud and mental illness.

