


Books that are good

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7/17/2019 Books 1/1

The Tibetan Book of the DeadHouse of Leaves (!)Vonnegut (Cat's Cradle, Slaughterhouse Five, Galapagos)Haruki Murakami (Kafka on the Shore, Hardboiled Wonderland,The End of the World)H.P. LovecraftHaunted (Palahniuk)The Long WalkPhilip K. DickThe Divine ComedyThe Illuminatus! TrilogyZen and the Art of Motorcycle MaintenanceThe BibleThe MetamorphosisThe StrangerThe Last QuestionA Wrinkle In TimeBret Easton EllisEnduring LoveFlowers For AlgernonEnder's GameThinking Fast and SlowThe Monster at the End of This Book

Godel, Escher, BachMaster and MargaritaHow We DiePills A-Go-GoAmerican DesertThe Wasteland (T.S. Eliot)I Am LegendFast Food NationSixty-One NailsThe Life of PiThe Brief History of the DeadMisery (Stephen King)The Talented Mr Ripley

No LogoStrangers on a TrainThe King in YellowUlyssesThe RoadFlannery O'ConnorO. HenryLigottiChina Mieville (The City & The City)A Series of Unfortunate EventsEverworld
