Booklet from architecture 101



Student work from Architecture 101, a M.O.O.C by ABADIR/WoamI on the Iversity platform. Tis is Part 1 of 3

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Hans Trovik Instagram Id: han_tro Iversity/WHOAMI 17 februari 2015

Architecture 101: 1

From Nothingness to Place


I found out about the Macro funktion on my camera, when taking a picture of my eye.

I pictured a starry sky to represent 'Silence'.


Part 1.What I learned

I also got knowledge of a lot of powerful Apps. A few of them are represented on the screen above.


I learned several ways to experience 'Nothingness', like

TV without signal, or

a crumpled paper.


I learned to make collages and to combine several different apps to generate structured, interesting pictures.

An unknown place and an unknown body

A place is a state of mind.


Part 2.

What I learned from others.

My talented co-students are making a lot of interesting works. Here are a few I find especially inspiring, picked from Instagram











Part 3.My Place .

As we have learned, the perception of a place is highly influenced by mind and presence, it may therefor also be put in a lot of ways.

During theese weeks I implemented the following expressions.













All of these represent the place where I live.


This Booklet is my summary of the weeks

"From Nothingness to Place"

first part of Architecture 101, a Massive Open Online Course by ABADIR / WHoami on the Iversity platform.

Most of the works have been executed on an iPad, as well as the interactions with teachers and co-students.
