Book Week Celebrations 2017This is the last day of term 3. School will finish at 2.15 on the 22nd of...


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San Mateo Ave MILDURA 5023 1851 MilduraPrimarySchool

OSHC 1300 665 699 21.09.17

Book Week Celebrations 2017

Students are invited to come along to school dressed up as their favourite book character

Tomorrow, Friday the 22nd September.

There will be a special assembly held in the gymnasium at 9.00 am, with a story and a Book Character Parade.

The Grade 3/4 Choir will also be singing. Attendance awards will be presented during this time. Parents & Carers are welcome to attend.


This is the last day of term 3. School will finish at 2.15 on the 22nd of September.

Term 4 begins on Monday 9th October

There will be NO assembly at the end of the day.

Students will be dismissed from their classrooms.

It was with great pleasure that I was able to attend the grade 4 camp in Swan Hill last week. The three days and two nights were spent at the Pioneer Settlement. The students were able to explore the settlement learning about the history for the local area and adding their learning here at school. There were many reports back to myself and the others about how well behaved the students were. Well done grade 4 and thank you to Mrs Allen, Miss Peters, Jack-ie and Dean for coming along and making the experience enjoyable for all. Friday is the last day of term. We will be having a book week parade Friday morning along with the presentation of attendance awards. We will not be having our usual assembly at the end of the day. Students will be dismissed from their classrooms at 2.15. Students return to school on Monday 9th October. I wish the Grade 5 and 6 students all the best on the first day. They will be heading off to Canberra with Mrs McGinty, Mr Walne, Mr Tonkin and Miss K. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday. Stay safe, make good choices and I look forward to seeing everyone back at school for an exciting term 4 of teaching and learning. David Midgley Principal

08.09.17 PC-Skye-Anne Caldow PS-Atreyu Kowski PT-Cooper Price 1/2A-Amiliya Parke 1/2M-Logan Halovic 1/2N-Destiny Chilly 1/2O-Tyra Vincenzi 1/2S-Riley Francis 3/4A-Tinika Vincenzi 3/4B-Jessica Kirby 3/4M-Xavier Price 3/4P-Amber Culph 5/6C-Marvin Taholo 5/6K-Alai Hafoka 5/6L-Chloe Smith 5/6T-

15.09.17 PC-Sharlette Smith PS-Elli-Rose Ferguson PT-Xavier Ploeger 1/2A-Helena Garzon 1/2M-Alex Smith 1/2N-Rayuk Khann 1/2O-Paige Morfett 1/2S-Wyatt Rolph 3/4A-Zachary Arnold 3/4B-Emily Buttery 3/4M-Xavier McEwin 3/4P-Hamid Sultani 5/6C-Isabella Smith 5/6K-Neil Wyld 5/6L-Andre Kafkoudas-Bennett 5/6T-Alice Clarke




Date: Wednesday 25th & Thursday

26th October 2017

7.00 pm at Mildura Arts Centre

TICKET PRICES : ADULTS : $15.00 STUDENT : $10.00 FAMILY : $40.00 (2 Adults 2 Students)

Tickets Available at ISC General Office: 03 5024 5407

These vegetables have been harvested from the school vegetable garden by the Year 5/6 Stronger Smarter Garden Group. There are snow peas, broccoli and lettuces in the basket. We are looking forward to harvesting carrots, silverbeet, beans and beetroot in the next few weeks. We will also be replanting the garden with our spring/summer vegetables early next term. There are also strawberries in flower so we are really looking forward to picking them in a month or so. While we have been waiting for everything to grow, the group have been busy painting garden gnomes and making a scarecrow. We have won a $300 grant from the Victorian Schools Garden Association and early in term 3 we will be visiting the Plantarium to buy some more vegetables and some fruit trees which will be grown in pots in the space behind the library. Next term there will be gardening activities on Tuesday and Friday lunchtimes and children from any grade level are welcome to come along.

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

17 18 Book Week

19 Student banking

20 21 Newsletter

22 Book week dress

up day Last day term 3

Students Finish at 2.15


24 25 26 27 28 29 30

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 Term 4 begins

Grade 5/6 Canberra

10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30 31 01 02 Grade 3 Mungo


03 04

05 06 07 Melbourne Cup

08 09 10 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 Grade 5/6 swimming

21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30 01 02

03 04 Grade 3/4 Swimming

05 06 Grade 6 transition

07 Grade 6 transition

08 09

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 G 6 Graduation

20 Almost Christmas


21 Meet new grades

22 Last day of school


24 25

“Escape To Everywhere”

Congratulations to our Girls Basketball side for progressing through to the Division finals to be held early in Term 4. The girls won all their games over the 3 weeks defeating some quality opposition. For the first time in quite a number of years our Boys and Girls Volleyball sides missed the Division finals. Our girls team consisted mainly of Grade 5 students, so hopefully we will be back in the finals next year. In the Softball, our teams tried their best, however the schools we competed against had teams full of stu-dents who regularly play in teams on the weekend.

Now taking enrolments for Prep 2018

Orientation Dates Prepare your child for a positive start at Mildura Primary School

by attending our orientation days.

Prep teachers will familiarise children with our school layout and routines. Sessions will include an activity and a morning snack for the children.

DAY 1- Tuesday 21st November: 9.00am- 10.30am

DAY 2 - Tuesday 28th November: 9.00am- 10.30am

DAY 3 – Tuesday 5th December: 9.00am- 10.30am

Parents please stay on this day for our Information session and morning tea.

Open Afternoons Mildura Primary School offers 9 afternoon sessions from

2:15pm - 3:00pm on Fridays. Parents, carers and children are most welcome

to come and join in with a Prep classroom.

Sessions are: October- 13th, 20th and 27th

November – 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th December – 1st and 8th

Please contact the school for further information. Ph: (03) 50 231851
