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© Copyright 1998, by Pioneer Drama Service, Inc.


The amateur acting rights to this play are controlled exclusively by PIOnEER DRAMA SERVICE, InC., P.O. Box 4267, Englewood, Colorado 80155, without whose permission no performance, reading or presentation of any kind may be given. On all programs and advertising this notice must appear: “Produced by special arrangement with PIOnEER DRAMA SERVICE, InC., Englewood, Colorado.”

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All other rights in this play, including those of professional production, radio broadcasting and motion picture rights, are controlled by PIOnEER DRAMA SERVICE, InC., to whom all inquiries should be addressed.



CAST OF CHARACTERS (In Order of Speaking)

# of lines

WORDSPINNER ........................ knows the legends and stories 11 of the Algonquin

LITTLE RUNNING RABBIT ....... Algonquin maiden, about 10 17 HAPPY-SHE-WALKS................. another 24 BRAVE EAGLE .......................... Algonquin boy, 10 or 11 45 AUNT MORNING STAR ............ Pocahontas’ aunt, sister of 31

Chief Powhatan POCAHONTAS .......................... Algonquin princess 91 CHIEF POWHATAN................... Algonquin king 42 THUNDERCLOUD ..................... medicine man 32 ESTHER FINLEY ....................... girl of Jamestown, about 10 9 SQUIRREL ................................. forest creature 20 WOLF ......................................... another 30 RAVEN ....................................... another 12 MARGARET WHEELER ............ another girl of Jamestown 22 BARBARA MATTHEWS ............ another 26 CAROLINA ................................. Barbara’s sister 23 JEREMY ..................................... Esther’s brother, about 12 21 MERCY ROGERS ...................... citizen of Jamestown, sharp- 47

tongued CHARITY MATTHEWS .............. mother of Barbara and Carolina 30 THOMAS ROGERS ................... Mercy’s husband 17 CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH ............ in charge of Jamestown, a 65

soldier SPIRIT OF MOTHER EARTH .... guardian of the forest 19



PLACE: In and around the settlement of Jamestown, in what is now the state of Virginia.

TIME: The early 1600s.

THE STAGE PICTURE: The view is divided into two main playing areas.

STAGE RIGHT, the larger area, shows us something of an Algonquin village. UP RIGHT is the entrance to CHIEF POWHATAN’S longhouse (large hut). There’s a cooking area DOWN RIGHT with kettle and kindling. A large log or bush is positioned LEFT in the encampment. STAGE LEFT is a section of the English settlers’ compound (Jamestown). UPSTAGE we see something of a wooden stockade. There’s a crude table DOWN LEFT with a bench behind it and a stool to one side. FORESTAGE represents a path in the forest. There’s an imaginary pond located DOWN CENTER, between the Algonquin village and the settlers’ compound. The area between the Algonquin village and the compound represents a “general” forest area. UPSTAGE, against the stage wall, is a backdrop painting that gives us a vista of lush forest land. If the backdrop is not utilized, then we see cut-out trees and shrubbery.

For suggestions on how to “dress up” the simple setting, consult PRODUCTION NOTES.

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ACT OnEScene One

SETTInG: In the forest. A few moments before the lights come up, we hear the SOUnD Of ALGOnQUIn TOM-TOM DRUMS. Rhythmic, faint.

AT RISE: Slowly, STAGE LIGHTInG DOWn CEnTER DIMS UP TO HALf-SHADOW. Standing in the moody glow is WORDSPInnER, an Algonquin maiden. Her arms and eyes are lifted upwards as if reaching for the sky. Her words are spoken with dramatic feeling. MUSIC CUE 1: “Live forever.”

WORDSPInnER: (Sings.) Let the earth of the AlgonquinLive forever and forever.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.

CHORUS: (OFFSTAGE. Sings.) Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.

WORDSPInnER: (Sings.) Let our trees and flowing watersLive forever and forever.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.

CHORUS: (OFFSTAGE. Sings.) Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.

WORDSPInnER: (Sings.) Let the legend of MatoakKnown as Princess PocahontasLive forever and forever.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.

CHORUS: (OFFSTAGE. Sings.) Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya. (Softer, becoming a whisper, continuing under dialogue.)

WORDSPInnER: (Speaks.) In the language of the Algonquin people, I am called “the wordspinner.” I am the one chosen to remember the stories of my people. The great chiefs, the many battles, the important events. The times that were bad and the times that were good. I keep these stories here—(Hand over heart.) In my heart. (Indicates head.) In my head. (Smiles.) The story I am asked to spin more than any other is the legend of Pocahontas. That is why you are here. (Shift in mood.) Travel back with me to another time, another place. Three tiny ships, like islands floating on the water, have arrived from the far-off country known as England. Settlers land and the great Algonquin Chief Powhatan is not pleased. Trouble is in the wind and the creatures of the forest,

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like the drums, spread the word from the valleys to the hills.(Sings.) May the sun and moon and starsnever leave our world in darkness.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.

CHORUS: (OFFSTAGE. Sings.) Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.

WORDSPInnER/CHORUS: (Sing.) May the legend of the princessKnown to all as PocahontasLive forever, and forever.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya. (Repeat to fade.)

End Of Scene One

[nOTE: Although individual scenes are indicated as such for rehearsal purposes, the play moves along seamlessly. no stops and starts. With the aid of ATMOSPHERIC LIGHTInG, one scene blends into the next, or you can dispense with the lighting changes altogether and have actors, in character, EXIT one scene as the next scene begins.]

ACT OnEScene Two

SETTInG: Algonquin village.

LIGHTS UP: Two young Algonquin girls, each about 10 or 11, sit by the kettle. They are LITTLE RUnnInG RABBIT and HAPPY-SHE-WALKS. They are cleaning vegetables taken from a woven basket. POCAHOnTAS is hidden from view behind the log or bush, LEfT. A moment before LIGHTS UP, we hear the spirited laughter of LITTLE RUnnInG RABBIT and HAPPY-SHE-WALKS.

LITTLE RUnnInG RABBIT: Princess Pocahontas is always playing tricks and saying funny things. Yesterday she told me she met a raven in the forest, and they had a long conversation. (Laughs.)

HAPPY-SHE-WALKS: That could be true, Little Running Rabbit. Many believe Princess Pocahontas knows the language of the animal and the bird. Who knows? Maybe she can talk to fish. (They laugh.)

LITTLE RUnnInG RABBIT: This morning she gave me some colored beads she got from the English settlers. She said they would bring me good luck. (Produces colored beads, holds them up to the sun.) Aren’t they pretty?

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HAPPY-SHE-WALKS: Pocahontas is always saying this or that will bring good luck. I don’t believe she thinks there is such a thing as bad luck. (LITTLE RUNNING RABBIT puts on the colored beads, admires them. As LITTLE RUNNING RABBIT and HAPPY-SHE-WALKS work and talk, an Algonquin boy, BRAVE EAGLE, ENTERS FORESTAGE from EXTREME DOWN LEFT. He’s been hunting, carries bow and arrows. Moves for the village.)

LITTLE RUnnInG RABBIT: I am glad the winter is gone and the breezes will soon be warm.

HAPPY-SHE-WALKS: The time for summer planting is near.

LITTLE RUnnInG RABBIT: I pray Mother Earth will give us a good harvest. (BRAVE EAGLE ENTERS the village.)

BRAVE EAGLE: There’s nothing to fear. As long as Brave Eagle can hunt, this village will never go hungry.

HAPPY-SHE-WALKS: Always boasting, Brave Eagle. You’re not even a warrior yet.

BRAVE EAGLE: I will be soon.

HAPPY-SHE-WALKS: You’re just a boy.

BRAVE EAGLE: I won’t be a boy forever.

LITTLE RUnnInG RABBIT: What have you brought from your hunt?

HAPPY-SHE-WALKS: (Indicates.) for the kettle. (AUNT MORNING STAR ENTERS from DOWN RIGHT. She carries a straw plate filled with beans and slices of squash.)

BRAVE EAGLE: A fat turkey. I’ve tied it in the stream to keep it fresh.

AUnT MORnInG STAR: My brother, Chief Powhatan, will thank you, Brave Eagle. There is nothing he likes better than wild bird. (Brushes squash slices and beans into kettle.) These will season the stew.

HAPPY-SHE-WALKS: (Looks.) Squash and beans.

AUnT MORnInG STAR: (Looks about.) Where is my brother’s daughter? My niece, Princess Pocahontas? She should be here to help with the meal.

BRAVE EAGLE: She’s like a frog in the stream. Hop here, hop there. (MUSIC CUE 2: “Where is Pocahontas?”)

LITTLE RUnnInG RABBIT: (Sings.) Where is Pocohontas?She could be anywhere.

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AUnT MORnInG STAR: (Sings.) Sometimes I could swear,She’ll disappear right into thin air.

HAPPY-SHE-WALKS: (Sings.) Where is Pocohontas?The girl’s one of a kind.

BRAVE EAGLE: (Sings.) She baffles my mind.How someone can be so hard to find.

ALL: (Sing.) The creatures of the forest, have all become her friends.The animals all treat her just like she’s one of them.

LITTLE RUnnInG RABBIT: (Sings.) The bear will share his honey...

HAPPY-SHE-WALKS: (Sings.) The wolf will share her den.

ALL: (Sing.) The owl guides her safely home after the daylight ends.

AUnT MORnInG STAR: (Sings.) Where is Pocohontas?

BRAVE EAGLE: (Sings.) Is she beyond that hill?

HAPPY-SHE-WALKS: (Sings.) Hush! now, still...shhh...Do you hear Pocohontas?

LITTLE RUnnInG RABBIT: (Sings.) It’s just a whip-poor-will.

ALL: (Sing.) Seems everyone that meets her will soon become her friend.The English even treat her just like she’s one of them.

AUnT MORnInG STAR: (Sings.) She tells them all her stories.

BRAVE EAGLE: (Sings.) She’ll act them and pretend.

ALL: (Sing.) You’d think that girl’s imagination never has an end.

BRAVE EAGLE/AUnT MORnInG STAR: (Sing.) Her head is in the clouds

LITTLE RUnnInG RABBIT: (Sings.) HAPPY-SHE-WALKS: (Sings.) Her head is in the clouds.Her feet don’t touch the ground. Her feet don’t touch the ground.She lives in her own world. She lives in her own world.

ALL: (Sing.) But life can be so boring when that child is not around

BRAVE EAGLE/AUnT MORnInG STAR: (Sing.) Where is Pocohontas?

LITTLE RUnnInG RABBIT (Sings.) HAPPY-SHE-WALKS: (Sings.) Where is Pocohontas? Hiding in the trees? Hiding in the trees?

ALL: (Sing.) Chasing PocohontasIs like chasing the breeze.

BRAVE EAGLE/AUnT MORnInG STAR: (Sing.) Where is Pocohontas?

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LITTLE RUnnInG RABBIT/HAPPY-SHE-WALKS: (Sing.) Where is Pocohontas? (In canon.)Where is Pocohontas?Where is Pocohontas?Where is Pocohontas?

HAPPY-SHE-WALKS: (At end of song.) Most likely in the forest. Talking to the creatures who live there.

BRAVE EAGLE: Or with the English settlers. She likes going to Jamestown.

AUnT MORnInG STAR: (Alarmed.) Be quiet, Brave Eagle.

BRAVE EAGLE: What have I said?

AUnT MORnInG STAR: You know my brother has forbidden Pocahontas to go there. It would anger him greatly to know his daughter has disobeyed him.

LITTLE RUnnInG RABBIT: The settlers are fond of Pocahontas.

AUnT MORnInG STAR: That’s even worse. When you see her, tell her I wish to speak with her. Get more wood for the kettle. It’s time to start the fire.

BRAVE EAGLE: I’d better get the turkey. Otherwise, a bear or fox will pull it out of the water.

HAPPY-SHE-WALKS: You should have thought of that before you put it in. (AUNT MORNING STAR EXITS into longhouse.)

BRAVE EAGLE: I had to put it somewhere. I was still hunting. That turkey was too big to drag along. It would have slowed me down. (From the log, or behind the bush, POCAHONTAS speaks in a “FUNNY” VOICE. Supposedly, it’s the “VOICE” OF A LIZARD.)


BRAVE EAGLE: (To HAPPY-SHE-WALKS.) What did you say?


BRAVE EAGLE: Just now.

HAPPY-SHE-WALKS: I didn’t say anything.

BRAVE EAGLE: Then it must have been you, Little Running Rabbit.

LITTLE RUnnInG RABBIT: I said nothing.

BRAVE EAGLE: Someone spoke. I heard a voice.

POCAHOnTAS/LIZARD VOICE: Of course you did. Zzzzzzzzzz. Zzzzzzzzzz. (ALL look about, trying to discover where the voice is coming from.)

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HAPPY-SHE-WALKS: Who can it be?

POCAHOnTAS/LIZARD VOICE: Zzzzzzzzzz. Zzzzzzzzzz.

LITTLE RUnnInG RABBIT: Where are you?


BRAVE EAGLE: (Holds tight to knife in his belt.) Perhaps it’s an evil spirit. An evil spirit wandered in from the forest. (GIRLS react in alarm.) Show yourself, whoever you are. Where are you hiding?

POCAHOnTAS/LIZARD VOICE: I am not hiding. I’m over here.


POCAHOnTAS/LIZARD VOICE: On the log [By the bush]. I’m sunning myself. (BRAVE EAGLE puts his finger to his lips, cautioning LITTLE RUNNING RABBIT and HAPPY-SHE-WALKS to be quiet. He draws his knife. BRAVE EAGLE in the lead, the three tiptoe to the log. BRAVE EAGLE sees something on the log [bush], returns knife to his belt.)


HAPPY-SHE-WALKS: (Looks.) It’s a lizard!

LITTLE RUnnInG RABBIT: A salamander! (BRAVE EAGLE picks up the lizard [toy] by its tail. Wiggles it.)

HAPPY-SHE-WALKS: A talking lizard!

BRAVE EAGLE: foolish Happy-She-Walks. foolish girl. This is no talking lizard. (Returns it to log [bush].)

LITTLE RUnnInG RABBIT: We heard it speak.

BRAVE EAGLE: You only thought you did. (Knowing the speaker’s true identity.) What you heard was—

POCAHOnTAS: (Jumps up from behind the log, or bush, arms wide. Smiling face.) Pocahontas! (OTHERS laugh. POCAHONTAS, too, is about 10 or 11. A mischievous girl. Curious about life, with a kind heart. She’s fun-loving and nearly always happy.)

HAPPY-SHE-WALKS: There you go again, Pocahontas. Tricking us.

BRAVE EAGLE: She didn’t fool me. I knew it was the princess. I’m used to her tricks. Besides, everyone knows lizards can’t talk.

POCAHOnTAS: You’ve a lot to learn about the forest, Brave Eagle. (Steps away from log.) Of course they can talk. Just ask Thundercloud. Animals talk all the time. All you have to do is learn their language. I know a squirrel who never stops chattering, and a wolf who is

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always saying wise things. There’s also a raven in the forest who’s a bird of few words.

HAPPY-SHE-WALKS: A squirrel!


BRAVE EAGLE: A raven! (The THREE howl with laughter and throw themselves on the ground holding their sides.)

POCAHOnTAS: Just for that, I don’t think I’ll introduce you to them.

TRIO: Introduce us to them! Ha, ha, ha! (They laugh all the louder and continue to roll on the ground. AUNT MORNING STAR ENTERS from longhouse. She holds a drum and hits it a few times with a stick to signal the arrival of CHIEF POWHATAN. He, too, steps IN from the longhouse. POWHATAN is an imposing figure. Strong, stubborn, worthy of respect. He is FOLLOWED by his advisor and medicine man, THUNDERCLOUD. NOTE: EXTRA ALGONQUINS can be utilized at this point. They can ENTER from longhouse or APPEAR from UP RIGHT and DOWN LEFT in the village.)

THUnDERCLOUD: Hear me, people of this village. Hear the words of Powhatan, your chief, your king. (ALL stand motionless, a sign of great respect.)

CHIEf POWHATAn: The long winter has passed and the Great Spirit has smiled on us. We have not gone hungry. We have been spared sickness, and we have plenty of food to see us to the next planting.

ALGOnQUInS: (Pleased.) Aaaaaaah.

CHIEf POWHATAn: May the Great Spirit never find us wanting.

ALGOnQUInS: Hi-ya!

CHIEf POWHATAn: May the Spirit of Mother Earth smile on us.

ALGOnQUInS: Hi-ya!

POCAHOnTAS: father?

CHIEf POWHATAn: Who speaks?

THUnDERCLOUD: (Points to POCAHONTAS.) It is your daughter, Great Powhatan. The Princess Pocahontas. (THUNDERCLOUD is rather menacing.)

CHIEf POWHATAn: (Motions her forward.) You wish to say something, daughter?

POCAHOnTAS: (Hesitates.) It’s only that...

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CHIEf POWHATAn: If you have something to say, speak.

POCAHOnTAS: We have been fortunate. But the English settlers—(MUSIC CUE 3: “No Common Ground.”)

CHIEf POWHATAn: (Angrily gestures for her to be silent. Speaks.) I wish to hear no more of the English settlers. no more of Jamestown. Let those who come from the far-off land return there. (Sweeping gesture to painted backdrop of greenery.) All this, as far as the eye can see and the ear can hear, is the land of the Algonquin people. (Sings.)They speak a different language.They dress in different clothes.Their skin’s a different color.So’s the shape of their nose.Their mocassins are heavy.Their walk makes ugly sound.The English don’t belong here.We have no common ground.

ALGOnQUInS: (Sings.) no common ground,We have no common common ground,no common ground,We have no common common ground.

CHIEf POWHATAn: (Sings.) They over-fish our riversAnd kill all of our game.

ALGOnQUInS: (Sings.) Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.

CHIEf POWHATAn: (Sings.) They’re cutting down our forestsTo claim in their king’s name.

ALGOnQUInS: (Sings.) Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.

CHIEf POWHATAn: (Sings.) They give us useless trinkets,

ALGOnQUInS: (Sings.) Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.

CHIEf POWHATAn: (Sings.) With promises abound.

ALGOnQUInS: (Sings.) Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.

CHIEf POWHATAn: (Sings.) Their words cannot be trusted

ALGOnQUInS: (Sings.) Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.

CHIEf POWHATAn: (Sings.) We have no common ground.

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ALGOnQUInS: (Sing.) common ground,We have no common common ground.

CHIEf POWHATAn: (Sings.) Hi-ya, hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.

ALGOnQUInS: (Sing.) no common ground,We have no common common ground.

CHIEf POWHATAn: (Sings.) Hi-ya, hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.

THUnDERCLOUD: (Sings.) I call on you, “Great Spirit”Please keep Powhatan strong.To drive the English to the seaAnd back where they belong.

ALGOnQUInS: (Sing.) no common ground.

THUnDERCLOUD: (Sings.) Hi-ya,

ALGOnQUInS: (Sing.) We have no common ground.

THUnDERCLOUD: (Sings.) Hi-ya.

ALGOnQUInS: (Sing.) no common ground.

CHIEf POWHATAn: (Sings.) Hi-ya, hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.

ALGOnQUInS: (Sing.) no common ground.

THUnDERCLOUD: (Sings.) Hi-ya.

ALGOnQUInS: (Sing.) We have no common ground.

THUnDERCLOUD: (Sings.) Hi-ya.

ALGOnQUInS: (Sing.) no common ground.

CHIEf POWHATAn: (Sings.) Hi-ya, hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.(Repeat the last 6 lines and fade til CUE.)

THUnDERCLOUD: (At end of song. Shakes gourd rattle.) They come to take, to steal. Let the Spirit of Mother Earth be unkind to them. Let spirits of the forest torment them.

POCAHOnTAS: But father, they have suffered greatly through the winter. There’s great hunger in Jamestown.

THUnDERCLOUD: Did you not hear your father, Princess? He wishes no more talk of the English settlers. (Notices colored beads around neck of LITTLE RUNNING RABBIT.) Ah! (Moves to LITTLE RUNNING RABBIT.) Shame, Little Running Rabbit. (Points to bead necklace.) You have visited the camp of the English settlers.

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LITTLE RUnnInG RABBIT: no, no, Thundercloud. I have not.

THUnDERCLOUD: You wear the colored beads the English brought from across the water. Take them off. You will be punished. (Worried, LITTLE RUNNING RABBIT removes the necklace.)

POCAHOnTAS: Do not punish her. I gave those beads to Little Running Rabbit. It was I, Princess Pocahontas, who visited Jamestown. (LITTLE RUNNING RABBIT surrenders the bead necklace to THUNDERCLOUD. He steps back to CHIEF POWHATAN and gives him the beads. CHIEF POWHATAN turns them over in his hands.)

CHIEf POWHATAn: I wish to speak with my daughter. Leave us.

AUnT MORnInG STAR: The princess should be punished. It’s the only way she’ll learn to behave. You allow her too much freedom, my brother.

CHIEf POWHATAn: Enough! (He gestures with his hands that ALL should leave. The ALGONQUINS DISPERSE. AUNT MORNING STAR EXITS to the longhouse. THUNDERCLOUD stands UP RIGHT. When OTHERS are gone, CHIEF POWHATAN steps CENTER. POCAHONTAS is afraid of his disapproval.) What is the Great Powhatan to do with his daughter Matoak? He forbids her to visit the English settlers and still she goes. He tells her to stay in the village and she spends her time in the forest. Powhatan wishes her to be serious and she plays tricks and games.

POCAHOnTAS: forgive me, father. I have no wish to displease you. I can’t seem to help myself. I like tricks and games and playing with our forest friends.

CHIEf POWHATAn: That is why we call you Pocahontas. “She-Who-Likes-To-Be-Mischievous.” Daughter, you are my only child. There is only love in my heart for you. It gives me no pleasure to scold you. Do not try my patience.

POCAHOnTAS: But father, if you could only know the settlers as I do. They mean no harm to us.

CHIEf POWHATAn: no more, Pocahontas! You are making me angry.

POCAHOnTAS: forgive me, father.

CHIEf POWHATAn: (Gestures to longhouse.) Go to your aunt. She will counsel you in the proper way for the daughter of Powhatan to behave. Listen to her words.

POCAHOnTAS: Yes, father. (Disheartened, EXITS to the longhouse. CHIEF POWHATAN studies the colored beads.)

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THUnDERCLOUD: (Steps to him. Scoffs.) Colored beads. foolish trinkets to win our hearts. I say we drive them out. If we don’t, more and more will come from the far-off land.

CHIEf POWHATAn: I do not need my medicine man to remind me of what I already know. If they do not go, I, Powhatan, King of the Algonquin people, will drive them into the sea. (He snaps necklace in two. Holds the pieces high, as if offering them to the sun.) Hi-ya-ya! (THUNDERCLOUD nods his approval. LIGHTS FADE. SOUND: TOM-TOM DRUMS. Loud, warlike.)

End Of Scene Two

ACT OnEScene Three

SETTInG: The forest [fORESTAGE].

LIGHTS UP: The fORESTAGE LIGHTInG is SHADOWY. The forest seems enchanted. from EXTREME DOWn RIGHT wanders In ESTHER fInLEY. She’s a young girl from Jamestown who’s lost her wits. She twists her hair with finger and thumb. As ESTHER makes her stage cross, she singsongs absentmindedly. (MUSIC CUE 4: “Poor Thing.”)

ESTHER: (Sings.) The north wind doth blowAnd we shall have snow,And what will poor robin do then,Poor thing?He’ll sit in a barnAnd keep himself warmAnd hide his head under his wing.Poor thing... poor thing... poor thing.The snow will come downAnd cover the ground,And what will poor robin do then,Poor thing?He’s no food to eat,neither salty nor sweet,And how will he make it to spring?Poor thing... poor thing... poor thing.A robin with no song to sing.(MUSIC OUT. ESTHER whistles the tune like a bird as she EXITS. She’s OUT, EXTREME DOWN LEFT. As ESTHER crosses, three forest CREATURES ENTER cautiously from EXTREME DOWN RIGHT. They are: SQUIRREL, WOLF and RAVEN. They move CENTER, warily looking after ESTHER. [NOTE: CONSULT PRODUCTION NOTES for costume suggestions.])

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SQUIRREL: There’s that strange girl again.

WOLf: She’s from the place where the strangers dwell.

RAVEn: The place has a name, you know.

WOLf: Yes, yes, I know. But I keep forgetting. I’m not as young as I once was.

SQUIRREL/RAVEn: Jamestown.

WOLf: Yes, that’s right. Jamestown. Despite what Princess Pocahontas thinks, I’m not as wise as I once was.

SQUIRREL: You’re always saying things like that to get sympathy. no one believes you.

POCAHOnTAS: (ENTERS EXTREME DOWN RIGHT.) Good morning, good friends.

SQUIRREL: Look who’s here.

WOLf: The Princess Pocahontas.

RAVEn: Come to play. (In way of greeting, SQUIRREL begins to “chatter,” WOLF tosses back its head and howls, and RAVEN flaps its wings and makes a “caw-caw-caw” sound.)

POCAHOnTAS: I would like to stop and play, but I can’t.


RAVEn: Why can’t you stop and play?

POCAHOnTAS: I must tell my friends in Jamestown I won’t be able to visit them anymore.

WOLf: Why not?

POCAHOnTAS: My father has forbidden it.

RAVEn: Why is that?

POCAHOnTAS: I think he’s afraid of them.

WOLf: Powhatan afraid? never.

SQUIRREL/WOLf: never, never.

POCAHOnTAS: He has only seen them from a distance. He won’t even meet with them. Thundercloud warns against it.

SQUIRREL: Tsk, tsk. Humans are so difficult to understand, never trusting one another. What’s the point in that? (MUSIC CUE 5: “You Can’t Predict a Human.”)

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RAVEn: (Sings.) You can’t predict a human,They’ll have you so perplexed.There’s just no telling what they’ll doOne moment to the next.

WOLf: (Sings.) You can always tell when Bear’s gonna growl’Cause he curls up his lip.

POCAHOnTAS: (Sings.) And you know when Coyote’s comin’ ’round’Cause he gives a little... yip.

SQUIRREL: (Sings.) Mother Porcupine’ll shoot her quillsWhen she crinkles up her snoot.

POCAHOnTAS: (Sings.) You can count on Owl tellin’ you straight’Cause you know she gives a... hoot.

ALL: (Sing.) But you can’t predict a human,They’ll have you so perplexed.There’s just no telling what they’ll doOne moment to the next.

RAVEn: (Sings.) You can always tell when snow’s gonna fall’Cause the birds fly south in flocks.

POCAHOnTAS: (Sings.) And you always know when Mallard’s mad,You can hear it when he... squawks.

WOLf: (Sings.) Baby Eagle’s almost ready to fly’Cause he’s just lost all his fuzz.

POCAHOnTAS: (Sings.) And you always know when the bee’s gonna sting,You can hear it in his... buzz.

ALL: (Sing.) But you can’t predict a human,They’ll have you so confused.We’ve tried to figure what they’ll doAnd haven’t got a clue.

SQUIRREL: (Sings.) They’ll say one thing and do another.

RAVEn: (Sings.) Lie to themselves and cheat their brother.

SQUIRREL/WOLf: (Sings.) Cry when they’re happy, laugh when they’re sad.

RAVEn: (Sings.) Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.

POCAHOnTAS: (Sings.) We’re the strangest creatures that this world has ever had.

ALL: (Sing.) You can’t predict a human,They’ll have you so perplexed.

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We’re so confused, haven’t got a clue,There’s just no telling what they’ll doOne moment to the next.

POCAHOnTAS: (Sings.) I think we’ve all been hexed.

POCAHOnTAS: (At end of song.) Well, we may not be predictable, but I trust the English settlers, and they trust me.

WOLf: You should have been here a few moments ago, Princess.


WOLf: That strange girl was wandering in the forest again. Singing her strange little song.

POCAHOnTAS: You mean the sister of Jeremy finley. Her name is Esther.

RAVEn: We think she’s lost her mind.

SQUIRREL: no doubt about it.

WOLf: Crazy as they come.

POCAHOnTAS: She lost both her parents during the terrible winter. And she was sick for a long time. She has never recovered. But she will, I’m sure.

WOLf: She won’t do herself much good wandering alone in the forest.

SQUIRREL: Evil spirits might catch her, and she’ll never be seen again.

WOLf: never, never.

POCAHOnTAS: I’m sure her people are looking for her. I must be on my way.

SQUIRREL: Perhaps we can meet tomorrow and play a game of tag.

POCAHOnTAS: I’d like that. Yes, yes.

WOLf: We’ll look for you, Pocahontas.

POCAHOnTAS: I won’t be hard to find, dear friends. If you don’t find me, I’ll find you. (She crosses to EXTREME DOWN LEFT. Turns, waves.) ’Til tomorrow. (CREATURES wave back. POCAHONTAS EXITS.)

WOLf: The princess has a good heart.

RAVEn: But Chief Powhatan has a heart of stone.

SQUIRREL: Same as Thundercloud. Let’s throw pebbles in the stream. It’ll help to pass the time.

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WOLf: Good idea. (They turn. In a line, they EXIT EXTREME DOWN RIGHT. SQUIRREL chatters. WOLF howls. RAVEN flaps its wings and cries “caw-caw-caw.” LIGHTS on FORESTAGE FADE.)

End Of Scene Three

ACT OnEScene four

SETTInG: Jamestown.

LIGHTS UP: We hear the LAUGHTER of GIRLS. The GIRLS are: MARGARET WHEELER, BARBARA MATTHEWS and her sister CAROLInA. nOTE: EXTRA GIRLS can be added at this point, if you wish. Carrying baskets with dirty laundry, they EnTER STAGE LEfT and cross for the pond. They get down on their knees and place the laundry baskets beside them. (MUSIC CUE 6: “A Warm Day at Last.”)

MARGARET: (Sings.) It’s a warm day at last!How I pray, bitter winter has finally passed.

ALL: (Sing.) It’s a wonderfully, glorious, radiant,Warm day at last!

BARBARA: (Sings.) We’ll have berries to pick.

CAROLInA: (Sings.) There’ll be fruit on the trees.

MARGARET: (Sings.) fish in the streams.

BARBARA/CAROLInA/MARGARET: (Sing.) Honey fresh from the bees.

BARBARA: (Sings.) There is nothing so pleasingAs sun on your face.

BARBARA/CAROLInA: (Sing.) A blue sky above, don’t you love it?!A warm day at last!

MARGARET: (Sings.) It’s a warm day at last!Could it be, Mother nature has finished her fast?

ALL: (Sing.) It’s a beautifully, dazzling, genial,Warm day at last!

BARBARA: (Sings.) We can take off our coats,

CAROLInA: (Sings.) Toss our scarves and our mitts,

MARGARET: (Sings.) Skipping around,

ALL: (Sing.) Like we’re losing our wits.

BARBARA: (Sings.) There is nothing like breathingfresh air in your lungs.

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BARBARA/CAROLInA: (Sing.) It’s all so exciting, inviting,A warm day at last!

MARGARET: (Sings.) Do I see a storm cloud coming in view?Someone please tell me that it isn’t true.If I’m cooped up inside, cold and hungryfor one moment longer,There’s no telling what I might do.

ALL: (Sings.) It’s a warm day at last!There is hope in the air, weather’s fair, unsurpassed.It’s a cheerfully, promising, heavenly,Warm day at last!

BARBARA: (At end of song.) finally to have a clean dress to wear!

CAROLInA: My clothes hardly fit me anymore. I’ve gone to skin and bone. Last night I dreamt of shepherd’s pie. Steaming and hot. filled with meat and gravy and carrots.

BARBARA: What a nice dream!

MARGARET: We’ll soon be able to gather berries and other fruit.

CAROLInA: I’d rather have gravy.

BARBARA: If only the Algonquins would let us hunt away from the settlement. There’s plenty of game in the forest.

CAROLInA: The streams are alive with fish. (As they discourse, they take laundry from the baskets and pantomime washing it in the “pond.”)

MARGARET: If we hunt in the forest or fish in the stream, we’ll get an Indian arrow for our trouble.

BARBARA: At least we made it through the harsh winter. That’s more than one can say for some others.


MARGARET: Sad but true. (They scrub away.)

JEREMY: (ENTERS DOWN LEFT. He drags a long hunting rifle and looks weary.) Has Esther come back? (GIRLS stop scrubbing, look up.)

BARBARA: no, Jeremy, she hasn’t.

CAROLInA: We were hoping you’d find her.

MARGARET: no luck?

JEREMY: none. She’s never stayed away this long. I’d best speak with Captain Smith. It will take a search party to find her.

MARGARET: Chief Powhatan wouldn’t like that.

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JEREMY: I’ve got to find my sister. I can’t search the forest alone. It’s too big a job for one man. (ANGRY VOICES from OFFSTAGE, LEFT.)

MERCY’S VOICE: (OFF LEFT.) Have we come all this way only to die in a wilderness!

CHARITY’S VOICE: (OFF LEFT.) I’ve lived most of my life. But what about my daughters?!

THOMAS’ VOICE: (OFF LEFT.) Captain Smith, I say we hunt with or without Powhatan’s permission!

CAPTAIn SMITH: (ENTERS LEFT.) I’ve heard your complaints a hundred times over. Let patience be our strength.

MERCY: (ENTERS LEFT.) Patience! Talk to my hunger about patience! But I warn you, it’s through listening. (GIRLS and JEREMY look to adults. CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH is a handsome young soldier, leader of the settlement. He carries a rolled-up map. Crosses to table and stands by the stool. He spreads the map atop the table. Following after him is MERCY ROGERS, a strong-willed, forceful woman whose patience is at an end. She is followed by the mother of BARBARA and CAROLINA, CHARITY MATTHEWS. Next is MERCY’S husband, THOMAS. He’s a bit afraid of his wife. [NOTE: Again, EXTRAS can be added as CITIZENS.])

CAPTAIn SMITH: We mustn’t give in to despair. A ship is bound to reach us sometime soon.

CHARITY: You’ve been saying that for months.

MERCY: for all we know, that ship is at the bottom of the ocean. Let me sit. I’m weary with complaining. (She sits at table.)

THOMAS: What are we going to do about gunpowder? It’s almost gone. What my wife says is probably true. If a ship was coming with supplies, it would have been here by now. (CHARITY crosses to pond, indicates BARBARA and CAROLINA.)

CHARITY: My daughters, Barbara and Carolina. And Margaret Wheeler here. An orphan. What’s their future to be, Captain Smith? next winter will find us frozen in the snow. If we live that long.

THOMAS: We’ve been here barely a year and already we’ve lost more than half our friends and relatives.

CAROLInA: So many are still ailing.

MERCY: What’s to become of us?

JEREMY: Captain Smith, my sister hasn’t returned. I beg you, sir. Let us form a search party.

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THOMAS: Search party, indeed. Wouldn’t Chief Powhatan love to see us venturing onto his land. It would give him an excuse to cut us down.

MERCY: We should attack the Indian village.

CAPTAIn SMITH: Bite your tongue, Goodwife Rogers. We come to this new land in friendship.

THOMAS: We offer friendship to the Algonquin chief, and he spits in our face.

CAPTAIn SMITH: I don’t see how he could do that, Thomas. We’ve never met the gentleman. (POCAHONTAS ENTERS DOWN LEFT, inscrutably. Overhears remarks of OTHERS.)

CHARITY: He wants to starve us out, and you call him a gentleman.

CAPTAIn SMITH: He’s much more than a gentleman, Charity. He’s a monarch to his people. no less a king than our King James himself.

CAROLInA: Why must he be so mean?

BARBARA: Why must he torment us?

MARGARET: I’ve always been taught that when you give friendship you get friendship back.

CHARITY: Yeah. That’s true enough. That’s the way it’s supposed to work.

MERCY: (Unimpressed.) Tell that to Powhatan and see what it gets you.

POCAHOnTAS: (Approaches OTHERS.) You mustn’t think unkindly of my father. He is a good man. You don’t know him as I do.

MARGARET: It’s the princess.

BARBARA: Pocahontas.

CAPTAIn SMITH: We welcome you to Jamestown, Princess. As always.

CHARITY: I’m glad you’ve come, Princess. That herb medicine you brought the last time you visited has helped many. Do you think you could get us some more? (Sadly, POCAHONTAS lowers her head. OTHERS exchange a wondering look.)

BARBARA: What is it?

CAROLInA: What’s wrong?

POCAHOnTAS: (Head up.) I mustn’t come here anymore. My father forbids it. (Communal groan.)

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CAPTAIn SMITH: That is hard news, Princess.

MERCY: We’re finished. We might as well admit it.

JEREMY: What’s to be done, Captain Smith?

CAPTAIn SMITH: I’ve given the matter considerable thought. (Points to map.) Chief Powhatan has restricted us to the area around the immediate settlement. The hunting is poor and the fishing is worse.

CHARITY: That’s hardly news, Captain Smith.

BARBARA: Princess Pocahontas, why does your father hate us?

CAPTAIn SMITH: I’m sure if he got to know us we’d become friends.

POCAHOnTAS: Try to be patient.

MERCY: We have no patience left. Hunger has eaten it.

CAPTAIn SMITH: There’s only one thing to do.

MARGARET: What’s that to be, Captain?

CAPTAIn SMITH: With or without permission, I will visit the village of Chief Powhatan. (General alarm. GIRLS at pond jump up.)

SETTLERS: (Ad lib.) no, Captain Smith!You’ll be killed!You mustn’t!It won’t work!no!

MERCY: You’ll be killed before you reach the village.

CAPTAIn SMITH: (Motions for silence.) Hear me out. Without help from the Algonquin, we won’t survive. We can stay as we are, trapped inside Jamestown, and face certain famine. Or—


CAPTAIn SMITH: We can take our chances with a pow-wow.

CHARITY: We’ll all come!

THOMAS: Yeah! That’s the thing to do. Safety in numbers.

MERCY: And risk being slaughtered? Where’s your common sense, husband?

CAPTAIn SMITH: I’ll go alone. That way, Chief Powhatan will know I come in peace. You’ll come along with me, Jeremy. I’ll need someone to carry the gifts we brought from England.

JEREMY: (Chest out, salutes.) Yes, sir, Captain Smith. I’m your man.

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CAPTAIn SMITH: Leave your long rifle. We’ll take no weapons.

CHARITY: But, Captain Smith, the moment the Algonquin see you on forbidden land, your life will be forfeited.

CAPTAIn SMITH: Perhaps not. We have one sure friend among the Indians. (He looks to POCAHONTAS. OTHERS follow his gaze.) If you come with us, Princess, we’ll be assured of safe passage.

MERCY: Didn’t you hear what the girl said? Her father doesn’t want her to have anything to do with us.

CAROLInA: Oh, please, Pocahontas. You’re our only hope.

MARGARET: Our last hope. (Pause.)

POCAHOnTAS: (Considers the situation.) My father and my aunt and the medicine man will be angry, but I will help.


BARBARA: Bless you, Princess.

POCAHOnTAS: I will tell the raven to let the village know of our approach.

CHARITY: Raven? What raven?

MARGARET: Princess Pocahontas knows how to talk with animals and birds.

THOMAS: More of that Indian lore I can never hope to understand.

MERCY: It’s rubbish. That’s all it is.

BARBARA: It is not.

MERCY: Mind your manners, girl.

CAROLInA: If Princess Pocahontas says she can talk to a raven, then she can talk to a raven. I believe her.

JEREMY: So do I.

MERCY: What impudence!

CAPTAIn SMITH: We’re wasting valuable time. Jeremy, you fetch the gifts and follow along. Let’s not waste the sunlight.

JEREMY: Yes, sir, Captain Smith. I’m hoping we’ll find my sister on the way.

CHARITY: I pray it, Jeremy. (JEREMY runs OUT STAGE LEFT.)

THOMAS: This is dangerous, Captain Smith.

CAPTAIn SMITH: (A smile to POCAHONTAS.) I won’t worry about danger. I have a good guide.

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POCAHOnTAS: The Spirit of Mother Earth will watch over us as we walk through the forest.

MERCY: Spirit of Mother Earth? Gibberish, I say.

CAPTAIn SMITH: Lead on, Princess.

POCAHOnTAS: (Turns to EXIT DOWN LEFT. As she does, she calls out for her friend RAVEN.) Caw-caw-caw. (POCAHONTAS EXITS. CAPTAIN SMITH follows. OTHERS move after them, waving good-bye. GIRLS pick up laundry baskets. MUSIC CUE 6a: “A Warm Day at Last—Reprise.”)

SETTLERS: (Ad lib. Speak.) ’Bye!Good luck, Captain Smith!Thank you, Princess!Our prayers go with you!Safe journey!(Sing.) It’s a warm day at last!There is hope in the air, weather’s fair, unsurpassed.It’s a wonderfully, glorious, cheerfully, promising, heavenly,Warm day at last! (MUSIC OUT.)

End Of Scene four

ACT OnEScene five

SETTInG: In the forest.

A SPOTLIGHT or fOCUSED LIGHT EnCIRCLES WORDSPInnER. Her arms are outstretched to audience. SOUnD Of TOM-TOM DRUMS, softer than before, underscores. (MUSIC CUE 6b: “Live Forever—Reprise 1.”)

WORDSPInnER: (Sings.) Let the Spirit of our Mother EarthWatch over Princess Pocahontas.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.

CHORUS: (OFFSTAGE. Sings.) Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.

WORDSPInnER: (Sings.) Let the Spirit of our Mother EearthGuide her and treat her as a daughter.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.

CHORUS: (OFFSTAGE. Sings.) Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.

WORDSPInnER: (Sings.) Let the Spirit of our Mother EarthLook in her heart and be proud of her.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.

CHORUS: (OFFSTAGE. Sings.) Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.

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WORDSPInnER: (Sings.) Let the raven and the hawk,And the squirrel and the wolf,All her friends of fur and feather.Cover her with their affection.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.

CHORUS: (OFFSTAGE. Sings.) Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.

WORDSPInnER: (Sings.) Let the Spirit of our Mother EarthLook down on Princess Pocahontas.May the princess always please her.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.

CHORUS: (OFFSTAGE. Sings.) Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.

WORDSPInnER/CHORUS: (OFFSTAGE.) Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya. (MUSIC OUT. SOUND OF THREATENING TOM-TOM DRUMS UP. As the LIGHT FADES AROUND WORDSPINNER, the SOUND REACHES A CRESCENDO and is OUT. For a moment, all is BLACKNESS and silence. Then we hear the VOICE OF RAVEN calling out: “Caw-caw-caw!”)[nOTE: Alternative scene ending: WORDSPInnER says “Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya,” and then slowly walks into the Algonquin village, becoming part of the encampment.]

End Of Scene five

ACT OnEScene Six

SETTInG: Algonquin village.

LIGHTS UP: The fORESTAGE DIMS UP first, and we see POCAHOnTAS EnTER from EXTREME DOWn LEfT. She pauses, and a moment later CAPTAIn SMITH APPEARS. He is fOLLOWED by JEREMY, who carries a handsome red blanket over one arm. He also carries a small chest. POCAHOnTAS points to the Algonquin village which, supposedly, is not far off. She motions to CAPTAIn SMITH and JEREMY to follow and slowly moves for STAGE RIGHT. As POCAHOnTAS and the OTHERS cross, LIGHTS COME UP fULL on the Algonquin village. ALGOnQUInS APPEAR from UP RIGHT and DOWn LEfT. They stand motionless waiting for the arrivals to appear. THUnDERCLOUD looks both angry and fierce. At last, POCAHOnTAS EnTERS village with CAPTAIn SMITH and JEREMY.

POCAHOnTAS: (Surveys the stony faces and, summoning all her courage, speaks out.) People of the Algonquin nation, I, Princess Pocahontas, daughter of Powhatan, bring friends.

AUnT MORnInG STAR: The raven in the sky has told us of your coming.

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POCAHOnTAS: Where is my father?

AUnT MORnInG STAR: He does not wish to see his disobedient daughter. All my words of counsel have been wasted on you.

POCAHOnTAS: Do not reproach me, Aunt. I do not bring enemies into our village. I bring friends.

THUnDERCLOUD: friends? These are not friends of the Algonquin. (Shaking the gourd rattle fiercely, THUNDERCLOUD advances on CAPTAIN SMITH. He doesn’t walk, he progresses by using odd little hopping steps and chanting “Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.” An INDIAN beats a TOM-TOM DRUM.)

ALGOnQUInS: (Solemnly.) Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya... hi-ya-ya-hi-ya...hi-ya-ya-hi-ya... (THUNDERCLOUD circles CAPTAIN SMITH in threatening fashion. JEREMY is visibly shaken.)

JEREMY: Looks bad, Captain Smith.

CAPTAIn SMITH: Steady, Jeremy. Show no fear.

JEREMY: That won’t be easy.

CAPTAIn SMITH: He’s testing us. Chin up, lad.

JEREMY: I’ll do my best, Captain, sir. (Lifts his chin. THUNDERCLOUD is looking more and more lethal. As he dances about CAPTAIN SMITH, he continues to shake the gourd rattle in menacing fashion. POCAHONTAS knows she must not interfere, but she’s plainly unhappy with THUNDERCLOUD’S unpleasant welcome.)

THUnDERCLOUD: Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya!

ALGOnQUInS: Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya! (Suddenly, CHIEF POWHATAN emerges on scene, ENTERING from the longhouse. He stands with folded arms. As soon as he appears, the hoopla ceases abruptly.)

POCAHOnTAS: father. (She crosses to him and drops to one knee, pointing back to CAPTAIN SMITH.) I beg you, do not be angry with your daughter. I would not have disobeyed your wishes if there was any other way.

CHIEf POWHATAn: (Cold.) Any other way for what, my daughter?

POCAHOnTAS: To help my friends from Jamestown.

THUnDERCLOUD: The settlers in Jamestown are not friends.

AUnT MORnInG STAR: They are evil spirits who come from the edge of the world. Everyone knows that. (THUNDERCLOUD shakes the gourd rattle at CAPTAIN SMITH.)

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CAPTAIn SMITH: Princess, ask your noble father if I may speak to him. Tell him who I am.

CHIEf POWHATAn: I know who you are. The wind and the breeze have told me. Your name is John Smith. And your people call you Captain. What is this “Captain”?

CAPTAIn SMITH: It is a word that means leader.

AUnT MORnInG STAR: Then why are you not called “Chief”?

CAPTAIn SMITH: “Chief” and “Captain” are much alike. We have that in common. (AUNT MORNING STAR gives a signal to LITTLE RUNNING RABBIT, who EXITS into longhouse.)

THUnDERCLOUD: He speaks boldly, Powhatan. Beware of him.

AUnT MORnInG STAR: And the boy, too. He looks evil.

JEREMY: (Offended.) Hey!

CAPTAIn SMITH: Steady, Jeremy.

JEREMY: Aye, Captain.

CHIEf POWHATAn: You are brave, Captain John Smith. You have broken my command. You have entered forbidden land and shown no fear. Only the presence of my disobedient daughter has saved your life.

POCAHOnTAS: father—(CHIEF POWHATAN silences her with a curt gesture. POCAHONTAS stands back, close to her AUNT.)

CAPTAIn SMITH: When the floating islands brought us here, they carried gifts from the King of England, King James.

BRAVE EAGLE: Chief Powhatan is a king.

CAPTAIn SMITH: So he is. noble and proud. As a king should be. (LITTLE RUNNING RABBIT COMES IN from longhouse with a roughly-constructed wooden stool. She sets it down for CHIEF POWHATAN. With considerable dignity, he sits.)

CHIEf POWHATAn: What are these “gifts”?

CAPTAIn SMITH: I could only bring along a few. There are more back at the stockade. Many more. Show him the blanket, Jeremy.

JEREMY: Aye, Captain.

HAPPY-SHE-WALKS: We’ve seen blankets before.

BRAVE EAGLE: Made of bearskin and deer hide. (JEREMY puts down the chest. He unfolds the blanket and displays it. Much “oooooohing” and “aaaaaahing” from ONLOOKERS.)

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CAPTAIn SMITH: This blanket is soft and warm. It is made of wool. It would give the people of Jamestown much pleasure to show our friends, the Algonquin, how to spin wool and make such blankets.

THUnDERCLOUD: One spins stories and tales. not such things as blankets. (CHIEF POWHATAN feels the blanket. He’s impressed. Indicates JEREMY should spread the blanket on the ground. He does.)

HAPPY-SHE-WALKS: (Tries to pronounce the word.) Wooooo... woooo... woo...



CAPTAIn SMITH: That’s right. Wool. (CAPTAIN SMITH opens the chest and takes out a small axe. He displays it. ALGONQUINS are not impressed.)

AUnT MORnInG STAR: You call that a gift for a king?

BRAVE EAGLE: It is only a hatchet.

HAPPY-SHE-WALKS: A tomahawk.

LITTLE RUnnInG RABBIT: Every brave in the village has one.

CAPTAIn SMITH: not like this. (Taps metal.) This is made of iron.

ALGOnQUInS: (Trying to pronounce word.) I-I-I—

CAPTAIn SMITH: Iron. Jeremy, fetch me a rock.

JEREMY: Aye, Captain. no sooner said than done. (JEREMY spots a rock behind some bush and gets it.)

CAPTAIn SMITH: Put it on the ground.

JEREMY: Aye. (JEREMY pushes aside the blanket and puts the rock on the ground.)

CAPTAIn SMITH: Iron can break rock. Is this something your hatchets and tomahawks can do?

THUnDERCLOUD: You lie. no tomahawk can break rock.

CAPTAIn SMITH: Watch. (CAPTAIN SMITH kneels down on one knee. He lifts the small axe over his head and slams it onto the rock, which splits in two. [Consult PRODUCTION NOTES.] He holds up the two pieces for all to see. ALGONQUINS, frightened, gasp and step back.)

AUnT MORnInG STAR: What magic is this?

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CHIEf POWHATAn: (Both amazed and fascinated.) Let me see that tomahawk.

THUnDERCLOUD: no, Powhatan! It is bewitched. Something an evil spirit has given him. Beware.

CHIEf POWHATAn: (Ignoring advice.) Give it to me.

CAPTAIn SMITH: (Hands over the axe.) It is yours to keep. (CHIEF POWHATAN is delighted with the axe.) If you would allow me, I will send you many more such gifts. We, the people of Jamestown, could teach you much, Chief Powhatan.

THUnDERCLOUD: no more! (Shakes gourd rattle.)

CAPTAIn SMITH: We could help each other.

THUnDERCLOUD: We have heard enough from you, Englishman. (To CHIEF POWHATAN.) His words will trap you, Powhatan. Do not fall into his web.

AUnT MORnInG STAR: Thundercloud, I have heard these settlers have something called a thunderstick. It spits fire.

JEREMY: It spits fire, all right, ma’am. You call it a thunderstick, but we call it a long rifle. We didn’t take one along because we were afraid you’d misunderstand.

AUnT MORnInG STAR: The young brave speaks without fear.

THUnDERCLOUD: He is insolent. no more talk-talk. Too many words confuse. Be grateful, Captain John Smith, you still live. (Gestures STAGE LEFT.) Go back to Jamestown while you still have breath in your body.

AUnT MORnInG STAR: My brother has no wish to hear your words.


ALGOnQUInS: (Threatening step to CAPTAIN SMITH and JEREMY.) Go back! Go back!

CAPTAIn SMITH: If the great Chief Powhatan will not hear me out, will he let another speak in my place?

HAPPY-SHE-WALKS: (Points to JEREMY.) You mean the young English brave?

CAPTAIn SMITH: I mean an Algonquin.

AUnT MORnInG STAR: no Algonquin will speak for you.

CAPTAIn SMITH: There is one. (Indicates.) The Princess Pocahontas. (ALGONQUINS gasp, fearful of CHIEF POWHATAN’S rage.)

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THUnDERCLOUD: (Shaking gourd rattle.) no, no, I forbid it.

CHIEf POWHATAn: (Incensed.) You forbid? Who are you to forbid anything to Powhatan? I decide what will be and what will not be. Speak, my daughter. You have nothing to fear. (CAPTAIN SMITH steps back. POCAHONTAS steps to her father. She looks nervously to CAPTAIN SMITH. He encourages her with a soft smile.)

POCAHOnTAS: Hear me, father. Hear me, people of the Algonquin nation. Hear me, Spirit of Mother Earth. I speak for my friends in Jamestown. The winter has been hard for them. Many have died with sickness. Because they are forbidden to hunt where the game run and the fish swim, they do not have enough food. They need help from the Algonquin. Without help they will perish. They beg of my father, the Great Powhatan, his help and his friendship. (CHIEF POWHATAN doesn’t answer. POCAHONTAS bows her head, steps back.)

CHIEf POWHATAn: (Stands.) I have heard the words. Talk-talk. I believe it is the wish of the settlers to take this land. I will not have that. Captain John Smith, you must get out. You are not welcome in this land. If you do not leave, the war drums will speak and their voices are loud and angry.

CAPTAIn SMITH: But, Chief Powhatan—(MUSIC CUE 6c: “No Common Ground.”)

CHIEf POWHATAn: (Gives a strong arm gesture LEFT.) Go! never return here. (Sings.) You over-fish our riversAnd kill all of our game.You’re cutting down our forestsTo claim in your king’s name.You give us useless trinketsWith promises abound.Your words cannot be trustedWe have no common ground.

ALGOnQUInS: (Sing.) no common ground,We have no common common ground.

CAPTAIn SMITH: (Sings.) I call on you, Powhatan,Please try to understand.We only want to co-existAnd share this fruitful land.

ALGOnQUInS: (CHANTING in a whisper under following dialogue.)no common ground,We have no common ground.

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no common ground,no common ground,We have no common common ground. (Repeat as necessary.)

CHIEf POWHATAn: (Speaks.) There is no more to say. no more talk-talk.

POCAHOnTAS: (Speaks.) father—

AUnT MORnInG STAR: (Speaks.) Be quiet, child. You’ve caused enough trouble for one day, mischievous girl.

CAPTAIn SMITH: (Resigned. Speaks.) I guess that’s that, Jeremy.

JEREMY: (Sad. Speaks.) Aye. The news will come hard to Jamestown. (WORDSPINNER moves UPSTAGE LEFT, away from the village.)

CAPTAIn SMITH: (Speaks.) Thank you, Princess. The people of Jamestown will always be grateful for what you tried to do. (He makes a gallant bow. JEREMY executes a clumsy one. CAPTAIN SMITH bows to CHIEF POWHATAN.) Your Majesty. (He turns and EXITS to EXTREME DOWN LEFT on FORESTAGE and OFF. JEREMY follows. THUNDERCLOUD follows a few steps, shaking the gourd rattle furiously.)

POCAHOnTAS: (Speaks.) father, I have failed. I wanted friendship so much.

AUnT MORnInG STAR: (Speaks.) Too much. (Crying, POCAHONTAS runs OUT DOWN RIGHT. ALGONQUINS stop chanting.)

CHIEf POWHATAn: (At end of song.) Pocahontas, come back. Come back! (ALGONQUINS “freeze” in TABLEAU as WORDSPINNER moves swiftly DOWNSTAGE to the same position she held in Scene One, DOWNSTAGE CENTER. MUSIC CUE 6d: “Live Forever—Reprise 2.”)

WORDSPInnER: (Arms out to audience. Speaks.) Captain John Smith. People of Jamestown. (Sings.) Hear the crying of the wind,Hear the voices of the river.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.Hear the crying of the hawk.Hear the cawing of the raven.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.Hear the creatures of the forest.Hear as all nature proclaims it:“Pocahontas failed.”Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.Leave this land or you’ll die listeningTo the music of the war drums.

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“Pocahontas failed.”Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.“Pocahontas failed.”Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.


[nOTE: If you do not wish an InTERMISSIOn, the action is continuous. Strike blanket, stool, chest, rock.]

ACT TWOScene One

SETTInG: In the forest.

LIGHTS UP: The STAGE remains empty for a moment, and then POCAHOnTAS, still sobbing, hurries In from UP RIGHT. She moves a bit UPSTAGE of the pond and sits on the ground, wipes away a tear. Her sobbing is audible. Cautiously, WOLf EnTERS from RIGHT and SQUIRREL and RAVEn from LEfT. They are distressed to see their princess unhappy. Guardedly, they step to her.

WOLf: What’s this, what’s this?

SQUIRREL: Princess Pocahontas is crying.

POCAHOnTAS: (Defensive.) I am not crying. The daughter of Powhatan does not cry. (Practical.) Except at special times.

RAVEn: Then this must be a special time. (He touches his wing to her face to pick up a tear. He looks at it.) This tear is clear and pure. Like the water in the stream when the snow has melted.

WOLf: What has made you unhappy, Princess?

POCAHOnTAS: My father and the medicine man have decreed there can be no friendship between the Algonquin and the settlers. I love my people and I do not hate the English settlers. Why can we not be friends? There’s room enough for everyone.

WOLf: You are wise.

POCAHOnTAS: (Yawns.) I am weary with thinking and sobbing.

WOLf: In that case, Princess, you must rest.


WOLf: Put your head to Mother Earth and seek her comfort.

RAVEn: Let the spirits of the forest visit you in your dreams.

SQUIRREL: They will help you.

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WOLf: They, too, are wise. (LIGHTS BEGIN TO FADE DOWN to suggest a dream. POCAHONTAS yawns, stretches her arms.)

POCAHOnTAS: I am sleepy. (She yawns again and puts her head to the ground.) So very sleepy... sleepy... (TRIO steps close.)

SQUIRREL: Look. She has fallen asleep.

RAVEn: Brave little princess.

WOLf: Dream, Pocahontas. Dream. find your strength in dreaming. (WOLF and the OTHERS back OUT. MUSIC CUE 8: “Pocahontas’ Dream.”)

SQUIRREL: (Speaks.) Dreaming...

RAVEn: (Speaks.) Dreaming...

WOLf: (Speaks.) Dreaming... (Softly, WOLF howls, SQUIRREL chatters and RAVEN caws. POCAHONTAS is now asleep. From OFFSTAGE, RAVEN cries out,”Caw-caw-caw.” Pause. Slowly we begin to hear the MUSIC approaching as FOREST SPIRITS slowly edge INTO VIEW. The FOREST SPIRITS can ENTER from RIGHT and LEFT. Or you may wish to bring them IN from the back of the auditorium and down the aisles up onto the stage. The FOREST SPIRITS are actually those actors portraying Algonquin villagers. Namely, AUNT MORNING STAR, BRAVE EAGLE, THUNDERCLOUD, HAPPY-SHE-WALKS, LITTLE RUNNING RABBIT, EXTRAS; even WORDSPINNER might be employed. They wear odd-looking masks and begin to encircle the sleeping POCAHONTAS. The masks might suggest animals: fox, beaver, dog, deer, bear. Birds, too, such as an owl or a hawk. If you wish, the FOREST SPIRITS could play INDIAN DRUMS and/or GOURD RATTLES with the music as they dance and sing around POCAHONTAS. RAVEN, SQUIRREL and WOLF RETURN and join in the dance. [NOTE: For younger performers, teaching them the exact parts during this piece is not as important as the over-all effect of having them saying the different phrases in a random fashion to create a dream-like feeling.])

fOREST SPIRITS 1: fOREST SPIRITS 2: fOREST SPIRITS 3:Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya. Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya. Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.Poca-Pocahontas. Poca-Pocahontas. Poca-Pocahontas.

TOGETHER: Princess, princess, princess.

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fOREST SPIRITS 1: fOREST SPIRITS 2: fOREST SPIRITS 3:Poca-Pocahontas. Princess, princess. Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.Princess, princess.Princess. Pocahontas.Princess. Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.Princess, princess.Princess. Pocahontas. Pocahontas. Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.Princess, princess.Princess. Pocahontas. Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya. Pocahontas. Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.Princess Pocahontas.Princess. Princess Pocahontas. Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.Pocahontas. P r i n c e s s . Princess Pocahontas.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya. Pocahontas. Princess.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya. Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya. Pocahontas. Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya. Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya. Princess Pocahontas.Princess. Princess Pocahontas.Pocahontas. P r i n c e s s . Princess Pocahontas.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya. Pocahontas. Princess.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya. Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya. Pocahontas.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya. Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya. Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya. Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya. Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.

(Round and round, they circle POCAHONTAS, who doesn’t stir as they sing. The FOREST SPIRITS begin to dance faster. The drums and gourd rattles are shaken almost violently as the music increases in tempo and volume. Faster and faster the circle goes. Suddenly, from UPSTAGE CENTER comes the LOUD SOUND of some kind of WHISTLE. [Consult PRODUCTION NOTES.] The SOUND halts the music, and the DRUMS and GOURD RATTLES also immediately CEASE. FOREST SPIRITS freeze. They look UPSTAGE and see SPIRIT OF MOTHER EARTH, who has ENTERED, stately, while the dance was being performed. She holds a blanket robe over her face and walks toward POCAHONTAS. She opens the robe, and we see that

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she wears an Algonquin costume decorated with leaves and flowers and, perhaps, some small vegetables or fruits. Segue to MUSIC CUE 9: “Your Heart Always Knows.”)

SPIRIT Of MOTHER EARTH: (Sings.) The wind is the wind,no matter which way it blows.The stream is the stream,no matter which way it flows,And the seed is the seed,It always grows what it grows.Your heart is the window to the truthAnd your heart always knows.The sky is the sky,Whether it’s day or night.The path is the pathWhether it’s left or right,And the sun is the sun,It will set, it will rise.Your heart is the window to the truthAnd your heart never lies.

(Music continues under dialogue. Speaks with reverence, naming Indian nations.) Kiowa... Lakota... navaho... Pawnee... Chickasaw... Huron... Delaware... Choctaw... Iroquois... Seminole... Cherokee... Hopi... Algonquin. And more. All my children. (Out to audience to include it.) All my children.

fOREST SPIRITS: (Speak.) Children of Mother Earth. (They bow their heads.)

SPIRIT Of MOTHER EARTH: (Looks down at POCAHONTAS. Speaks.) My daughter is troubled. Spirits of the forest, return from whence you have come. You are not needed now. (FOREST SPIRITS, again bow their heads. They leave the scene, EXITING RIGHT and LEFT or back up the auditorium AISLE[S]. Quietly, they may play the DRUM, FLUTE and RATTLE. When they are gone, SPIRIT OF MOTHER EARTH smiles at the sleeping GIRL.) Wake up, my daughter. Wake up. I would speak with you.

POCAHOnTAS: (Sits awake, rubs her eyes. Speaks.) Am I dreaming or am I awake?

SPIRIT Of MOTHER EARTH: (Speaks.) That is for you to decide.

POCAHOnTAS: (Speaks.) Why do you awaken me, Spirit of Mother Earth?

SPIRIT Of MOTHER EARTH: (Speaks.) Are you awake? (Another smile.) I am here because one of my children is troubled. That saddens me. You are that child.

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POCAHOnTAS: (Speaks.) I have failed in what I tried to do. I tried to make peace between my people and the settlers, but my father will not have it.

SPIRIT Of MOTHER EARTH: (Speaks.) Powhatan is afraid things will change. Change always frightens people.

POCAHOnTAS: (Speaks.) Things were much easier for me when I played tricks and games.

SPIRIT Of MOTHER EARTH: (Speaks.) You are growing up, my daughter. You cannot play tricks and games forever.

POCAHOnTAS: (Speaks.) I wish I could. I wish I could tease Brave Eagle and the others by speaking in the lizard’s voice. I wish I could play tag with Squirrel and Raven and Wolf. I wish...

SPIRIT Of MOTHER EARTH: (Speaks.) I know what you wish, for I know what is in your heart. Hear me, daughter. When you are right, you must never give up. People give up much too easily. That is not the way of the Algonquin. That is not the way of Princess Pocahontas.

POCAHOnTAS: (Speaks.) I tried to please you.

SPIRIT Of MOTHER EARTH: (Speaks.) I am always pleased when my children are friends.

POCAHOnTAS: (Speaks.) But I’ve failed.

SPIRIT Of MOTHER EARTH: (Speaks.) If you give up now, all is lost.

POCAHOnTAS: (Speaks.) There is no more I can do.

SPIRIT Of MOTHER EARTH: (Speaks.) Isn’t there? (Another smile.) I have great faith in you Princess. I have great faith in my daughter. (SPIRIT OF MOTHER EARTH begins to back UPSTAGE. Sings.)Look inside, your heart will show you.Listen now to your dreams.A man’s just a man,Whether his skin’s dark or light.His blood is the sameWhether he’s red, black or white,And the earth is the earthno matter which way he goes.Your heart is the window to the truthAnd your heart always knows.

POCAHOnTAS: (Speaks.) Don’t leave, Mother Earth. I need your advice.

SPIRIT Of MOTHER EARTH: (Speaks.) I am always with you.(Sings.) Your heart always knows.

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POCAHOnTAS: (Speaks.) What more can I do? I don’t know where to turn.

SPIRIT Of MOTHER EARTH: (Speaks.) Don’t despair. Courage.(Sings.) Your heart always knows.(Speaks.) Always courage. I have great faith in Pocahontas.(Sings.) Your heart always knows. (MUSIC OUT. LIGHTS FADE UP TO NORMAL and, again, we hear the LOUD CRY of RAVEN from OFFSTAGE, followed by the HOWL of WOLF. This startles POCAHONTAS awake. She sits up, for a moment not knowing if she is awake or still dreaming.)

POCAHOnTAS: Oh. (Looks about.) Spirit of Mother Earth? Where are you? (Thinks.) I was dreaming. (To audience.) Or was it a dream? (MUSIC CUE 9a: “Poor Thing—Reprise.”)

ESTHER’S VOICE: (OFFSTAGE EXTREME DOWN RIGHT. Sings.)The north wind doth blowAnd we shall have snow,And what will poor robin do then,Poor thing? (ESTHER ENTERS DOWN RIGHT.)He’ll sit in a barnAnd keep himself warmAnd hide his head under his wing.Poor thing... poor thing... poor thing.A robin with no song to sing.

POCAHOnTAS: (Jumps up.) Esther! (ESTHER CROSSES FORESTAGE. POCAHONTAS moves to intercept her.)

ESTHER: (Her voice vague and bewildered.) I know you.

POCAHOnTAS: Of course you do. I’m Pocahontas. And you’re the sister of Jeremy finley.

ESTHER: Jeremy?

POCAHOnTAS: Your brother. You must remember him.

ESTHER: (Hesitating.) I think I do.

POCAHOnTAS: Everyone is worried about you.

ESTHER: I lost my way in the forest and I can’t find my way home. (Sings a capella.) “He’ll sit in a barnAnd keep himself warm.”

POCAHOnTAS: (Takes her by the hand.) Come along with me. Don’t be frightened.

ESTHER: I’m not frightened.

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POCAHOnTAS: I’ll see that you get back safely. I’ll tell you some funny stories on the way. (Takes ESTHER by the hand and leads her UP LEFT.)

ESTHER: (Sings still.) “And hide his head under his wing, poor thing, poor thing, poor thing...” (As POCAHONTAS and ESTHER start to EXIT, THUNDERCLOUD APPEARS from EXTREME DOWN RIGHT on FORESTAGE. BRAVE EAGLE is with him. THUNDERCLOUD, as usual, is not pleased by what he sees. He points to POCAHONTAS and ESTHER, meaning that BRAVE EAGLE should follow. BRAVE EAGLE nods that he understands. As he starts to follow after the GIRLS, the LIGHTS FADE TO BLACK.)

End Of Scene One

ACT TWOScene Two

SETTInG: Jamestown.

LIGHTS UP: We hear VOICES of Jamestown GIRLS from OffSTAGE LEfT.

VOICES: Hooray! Hooray! (In an excited state, MARGARET, BARBARA and CAROLINA back IN, eventually standing by the “pond.” MUSIC CUE 9b: “A Warm Day at Last.”)

MARGARET: (Speaks.) She’s found her!

BARBARA: (Speaks.) Jeremy will be so happy!

CAROLInA: (Speaks.) Good for the princess!

CHARITY: (ENTERS. Sings.) She is home, safe and sound.

MARGARET: (Sings.) It’s been an uneasy wait.

BARBARA: (Sings.) finally at peace.

ALL GIRLS: (Sing.) We can all celebrate!

CAROLInA: (Sings.) now our prayers have been answered.

CHARITY: (Sings.) It’s time to give thanks.

MARGARET: (Sings.) So pleasantly fateful,

BARBARA: (Sings.) So grateful,A warm day at last!

ALL GIRLS: (Sing.) It’s a warm day at last!It’s so good to put all our worst fears in the past.It’s a cheerfully, promising, heavenly,Warm day at last!

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CHARITY: (At end of song.) I was so worried. Every time Esther wanders off I fear we’ve seen the last of her.

POCAHOnTAS: (ENTERS with ESTHER.) There’s nothing more to be afraid of. Esther’s safe.

MARGARET: We were so worried about you, Esther.

BARBARA: Where were you?


CAROLInA: Did you see any Indians?

ESTHER: Yes. My friend, Pocahontas.

POCAHOnTAS: She’s still not feeling well, and I’m afraid she’s quite hungry.

MARGARET: Who isn’t hungry?

BARBARA: We’re so hungry we’ve been eating unripened berries.

CAROLInA: We’re bound to get a tummy ache.

CHARITY: Enough of that, girls. It won’t help. (Takes ESTHER by the hand and guides her to the table.) You sit here, Esther. Rest yourself. Poor child. Wait ’til you see Jeremy. He’ll cheer you up. (ESTHER sits at the table.) I’ll heat some water. It will warm your insides.

BARBARA: Unripened berries and hot water. It’s poor fare.

POCAHOnTAS: Where is Jeremy?

CHARITY: He’s gone with Captain Smith to the cliffs.

BARBARA: They hope to catch sight of a ship.

CAROLInA: no telling when they’ll be back.

MARGARET: We didn’t expect to see you in Jamestown again, Princess.

BARBARA: Won’t your father be angry?

POCAHOnTAS: If he finds out. I don’t like deceiving him, but I couldn’t let Esther wander alone in the forest.

CHARITY: You’ve a good heart, Pocahontas. It’s surely a gift.

MERCY: (ENTERS, looks to ESTHER.) She’s back, is she?

CAROLInA: Yes. The princess found her.

MARGARET: Isn’t it wonderful?

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MERCY: (Bitterly.) Is it? One more mouth to feed. (OTHERS are shocked.)

CHARITY: Mercy Rogers, that is no way for a God-fearing woman to speak.

MERCY: Hunger has made my tongue bitter. (To POCAHONTAS.) You could bring us food. You could help us.

POCAHOnTAS: I wish I could.

CHARITY: What do you expect the princess to do? She can’t go against her father.

MERCY: I’ve been checking the food baskets in the storehouse. no more roots. There’s no more dried fish and the corn is almost gone.

BARBARA: What then?

MERCY: (Angry.) What then? What do you think? We die.


MERCY: Jamestown will be finished. Even England will forget us. (GIRLS start to weep.)

CHARITY: now look what you’ve done, Mercy Rogers. Does seeing these children weep give you any satisfaction?

MERCY: Save your lecture, Charity. There’s no comfort in it.

ESTHER: I want to see my brother.

POCAHOnTAS: She seems a little better.

MERCY: She needs what the rest of us need. food.

THOMAS’ VOICE: (From OFFSTAGE, DOWN LEFT.) Stop struggling!

BRAVE EAGLE’S VOICE: Let me go! Let me go!

THOMAS’ VOICE: You won’t get away!

MARGARET: (Points in direction of VOICES.) Look, Goodwife Rogers. It’s your husband.

BARBARA: He’s struggling with an Indian boy! (POCAHONTAS reacts.)

CAROLInA: Maybe the stockade is being attacked! (ALL react to the possibility, scream. THOMAS ENTERS. He pulls IN BRAVE EAGLE by a rope wrapped around his wrists.)

POCAHOnTAS: Brave Eagle!

MERCY: Who is this boy?

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POCAHOnTAS: He is from my village. (To BRAVE EAGLE.) Why are you here?

BRAVE EAGLE: Thundercloud bade me follow you. He saw you with this one. (Nods to ESTHER.)

THOMAS: Probably waiting until we fell asleep. He’s up to no good, I can tell you that.

POCAHOnTAS: Brave Eagle is honorable. He wouldn’t harm you.


ESTHER: I am so hungry.

THOMAS: More’s the pity.

MERCY: (Points to POCAHONTAS.) She could get us food, but she won’t.

POCAHOnTAS: I’ll fish in the stream and bring you what I catch.

BRAVE EAGLE: no, Princess. Powhatan forbids it.

MERCY: I’ve a better idea.

CHARITY: What is it?

MERCY: We’ll keep Pocahontas here.

BARBARA: In Jamestown?

MERCY: As a hostage.

OTHERS: Hostage?!


MERCY: We’ll send a message to the Algonquin chief. He must send us food, and plenty of it, if he wants his daughter back.

THOMAS: Captain Smith would never stand for that.

MERCY: John Smith isn’t here. Who knows when he’ll be back? Maybe he won’t be coming back. You’re second in command, Thomas.

THOMAS: (Dubious.) I don’t know about this.

CHARITY: It’s wicked, that’s what it is.

CAROLInA: The princess is our friend.

MERCY: If we let her go, we starve. She’s our only chance. Thomas, lock the princess in the storehouse. Tell all the others there’s still hope.

THOMAS: I don’t feel right about this, Mercy.

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MERCY: Do it!

THOMAS: (Afraid to refuse, steps to POCAHONTAS, who makes no protest.) What about Brave Eagle?

MERCY: Leave the boy to me. I’ll have words with him.

THOMAS: Sorry about this, Princess. It can’t be helped. (He moves to grab her.)

POCAHOnTAS: no! Do not touch me. Do not put your hands on me. I may be your prisoner, Thomas Rogers, but I am still the daughter of a chief. (Proudly, head high, POCAHONTAS EXITS LEFT. THOMAS FOLLOWS after her. BARBARA, MARGARET and the OTHERS don’t like this turn of events at all. They EXIT after THOMAS, protesting. CHARITY helps ESTHER to her feet and OUT.)

BARBARA: no, no, this is wrong. Very wrong!

CAROLInA: We’d rather go hungry than harm Pocahontas!

MARGARET: She’s a friend!

CHARITY: Oh, why does the captain have to be gone at a time like this?! (BRAVE EAGLE stands defiant, but he’s met his match in MERCY.)

MERCY: I’m not afraid of you, boy. Your hard looks are wasted on me. I’m not afraid of that knife in your belt, either. When a person is as hungry as I am, only one thing matters: food.

BRAVE EAGLE: Let the princess go and I will get food for you.

MERCY: Maybe. Maybe not. I can’t take that gamble. (Steps to him and unties the rope.) Go to Powhatan. Tell him the princess is our prisoner. Tell him Jamestown will not release her until he sends help. food, medicine, seeds for planting. fresh water.

BRAVE EAGLE: If he refuses?

MERCY: I, too, have a knife. (MUSIC CUE 9c: “No Common Ground—Reprise 2.)

BRAVE EAGLE: (Speaks.) You would harm Pocahontas?

MERCY: (Speaks.) That is up to Powhatan. (Sings.) You speak a different language You dress in different clothes.Your skin’s a different color,So’s the shape of your nose.Your stomach’s full and happy.There’s food to go around.You’re selfish and you’re greedy,We have no common ground.

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SETTLERS: (Sing.) no common ground,We have no common common ground,no common ground,We have no common common ground.

BRAVE EAGLE: (At end of song.) You are mad.

MERCY: Hunger does that. You’re free to go. (BRAVE EAGLE stares at her for a moment. His hand goes to his hunting knife. He thinks better of it. Turns, EXITS DOWN LEFT. LIGHTS FADE.)

End Of Scene Two

ACT TWOScene Three

SETTInG: Algonquin village.

LIGHTS UP: SOUnD Of OffSTAGE RAVEn: “Caw-caw-caw.” A moment passes and CHIEf POWHATAn STEPS In from the longhouse. THUnDERCLOUD fOLLOWS him. OTHER ALGOnQUInS APPEAR from UP RIGHT and DOWn RIGHT. They stand quietly, motionless, as if they all shared some troublesome secret. THUnDERCLOUD moves CEnTER in the encampment. He seems to be listening for something. He kneels down and puts his ear to the ground.

THUnDERCLOUD: Coming this way... like a young deer running silently through the pines.

AUnT MORnInG STAR: Someone from Jamestown?

THUnDERCLOUD: Moccasins. He is Algonquin.

LITTLE RUnnInG RABBIT: It must be Brave Eagle.

HAPPY-SHE-WALKS: Is the princess with him? (THUNDERCLOUD presses ear closer to the ground, listens some more.)

THUnDERCLOUD: He runs alone. He is near. (THUNDERCLOUD gets up. ALL look to EXTREME DOWN LEFT on FORESTAGE. In a moment, BRAVE EAGLE runs IN, breathing heavily. He curves behind the “pond,” runs into the village, and drops to one knee.)

BRAVE EAGLE: Great Chief!

THUnDERCLOUD: Where is the princess?

AUnT MORnInG STAR: What of Pocahontas?

CHIEf POWHATAn: (Gestures for BRAVE EAGLE to rise.) Let Brave Eagle speak.

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BRAVE EAGLE: (Stands.) They captured me. (Reaction.)

CHIEf POWHATAn: The English settlers?


HAPPY-SHE-WALKS: But Brave Eagle was too clever for them.

LITTLE RUnnInG RABBIT: He escaped.

BRAVE EAGLE: no. They let me go.

AUnT MORnInG STAR: Another attempt to win our friendship.

THUnDERCLOUD: They are slippery like the eel. They think like the wolf and scheme like the fox.

BRAVE EAGLE: That is not why they let me go.

THUnDERCLOUD: (To CHIEF POWHATAN.) I sent him after the princess. (To BRAVE EAGLE.) What of Matoak? What of Pocahontas? (Pause for dramatic impact.)

BRAVE EAGLE: They have taken her prisoner.

ALGOnQUInS: (Horrified.) Prisoner!

CHIEf POWHATAn: (Angrily.) They have dared? The daughter of Powhatan prisoner in Jamestown?

BRAVE EAGLE: They are holding her hostage. (ALL react, shocked.)

AUnT MORnInG STAR: Do you hear, my brother? What a great insult they offer to the King of the Algonquin.

THUnDERCLOUD: Long has Thundercloud warned Powhatan about the settlers. Too long has Powhatan suffered their presence. (CHIEF POWHATAN silences THUNDERCLOUD with a gesture. He is deadly serious as he speaks with BRAVE EAGLE. OTHERS hang on every word.)

CHIEf POWHATAn: You say “hostage.”


CHIEf POWHATAn: Then they must want ransom.


CHIEf POWHATAn: What do the settlers demand of Powhatan?

BRAVE EAGLE: They ask for food, fresh water. Seeds for planting. Medicinal herbs.

CHIEf POWHATAn: And a treaty for peace, no doubt.

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AUnT MORnInG STAR: They are insolent.


LITTLE RUnnInG RABBIT: What if they should harm Pocahontas?

THUnDERCLOUD: The voice of the war drums must be heard.

CHIEf POWHATAn: Hear me, people of the Algonquin nation. I confess for too long I have harbored a “sleeping” hope we might live in peace one day with the settlers. This I have done because of my daughter’s words. That hope is crushed. I will pay no ransom and I will suffer the settlers no longer. Their insult is too great.

HAPPY-SHE-WALKS: What if harm comes to Pocahontas?

AUnT MORnInG STAR: They wouldn’t dare.

BRAVE EAGLE: There is one, a woman, who vows to harm the princess if there is an attack on Jamestown.

AUnT MORnInG STAR: What is to be done, my brother?

CHIEf POWHATAn: When the blanket of night descends, we will attack. Attack so swiftly they will be overwhelmed.

LITTLE RUnnInG RABBIT: But the firesticks that spit fire?

BRAVE EAGLE: They have little thunderpowder for the firesticks.

THUnDERCLOUD: That is good.

CHIEf POWHATAn: Go! Let the war drums sing. Tell my braves the war dancing must begin. (Arms and eyes upward, as if appealing to the sky for approval. MUSIC CUE 10: “War Drums.” Speaks.) Tonight we burn Jamestown. May its ashes scatter to the winds.

ALGOnQUInS: (Chant.)Hi-ya-hi-ya, hi-ya, hi-ya-hi-ya.Hi-ya-hi-ya, hi-ya, hi-ya-hi-ya.

ALGOnQUInS 1: ALGOnQUInS 2: ALGOnQUInS 3:Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya. Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya. Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya. Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya. Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.Hi-ya-ya-hi.Hi-ya-ya-hi. Hi-ya-ya-hi.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya! Yi!! Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya! Yi!! Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya! Yi!!

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End Of Scene Three

ACT TWOScene four

SETTInG: In the forest.

SOUnD Of TOM-TOM DRUMS carries over into this scene. Alarmed, SQUIRREL, HAWK and WOLf EnTER on fORESTAGE from EXTREME DOWn RIGHT.

SQUIRREL: Oh! This is hard news.

HAWK: Chief Powhatan on the warpath!

WOLf: We must tell the Spirits of the forest.

SQUIRREL: There’s something else we must do.

HAWK: What?

SQUIRREL: We must save the princess.

HAWK: Our little mischievous friend.

WOLf: To save a friend is a great honor.

HAWK: How can we do it?

SQUIRREL: We must find the Spirit of Mother Earth. She’ll give us advice.

WOLf: finding her might not be easy.

SQUIRREL: We’ve got to try.

WOLf: Of course, of course.

HAWK: What are we waiting for? Standing here gibbering is of no help. (They swiftly move UPSTAGE of the pond, into forest, and OUT, UP LEFT. As they move, SQUIRREL chatters. WOLF howls. RAVEN flaps its wings and cries: “Caw-caw-caw.” SOUND OF TOM-TOM DRUMS OUT. LIGHTS FADE.)

End Of Scene four

ACT TWOScene five

SETTInG: Jamestown.

LIGHTS UP: A very angry CAPTAIn SMITH EnTERS DOWn LEfT of the table. He is followed by THOMAS, MERCY, CHARITY and JEREMY.

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CAPTAIn SMITH: I cannot believe you would do such a foolhardy thing, Thomas. Did you not think of the consequences?

THOMAS: It was my wife’s idea.

CAPTAIn SMITH: I did not leave your wife in charge of Jamestown.

MERCY: I did a sensible thing. How else can we get Powhatan to help us?

CAPTAIn SMITH: Help us! More than likely he’ll burn us out.

MERCY: (Uneasy.) I... I... I hadn’t thought of that.

CAPTAIn SMITH: That’s because you’re a meddlesome fool and not a soldier.

MERCY: (Offended.) There’s no need to be rude.

CHARITY: The poor child, locked up in the storehouse.

CAPTAIn SMITH: Our one friend among the Algonquin and she’s a prisoner. How will she ever forgive us?

CHARITY: I’m sure the child understands why Mercy did what she did.

CAPTAIn SMITH: Cold comfort. Thomas, free the princess.

THOMAS: (Nervous glance to his wife.) Well, uh, Captain Smith, do you think that’s wise?

CAPTAIn SMITH: Move, man! Move!!

MERCY: (Change of heart.) You heard the captain, husband. free her.

THOMAS: Yes, yes, right away. free as a bird. (EXITS UP LEFT. MERCY follows.)

CHARITY: Try not to be harsh with Goodwife Thomas. She means well. We’re all short-tempered and out-of-sorts. nothing a good meal wouldn’t cure.

CAPTAIn SMITH: (All business.) Jeremy.

JEREMY: Aye, Captain, sir.

CAPTAIn SMITH: Sound the alarm. I want any man who can stand on two feet prepared to fight.

CHARITY: Oh, dear, oh, dear.

CAPTAIn SMITH: If there’s to be an attack, it won’t come before twilight. Distribute what little gunpowder there is. Pitchforks, too.

JEREMY: Aye, Captain. Count on me.

CHARITY: There’s some good news, Jeremy. The princess brought your sister back to us.

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JEREMY: That is good news. (Runs OUT, DOWN LEFT.)

CHARITY: (Arms up in despair.) Why did I ever leave London?

CAPTAIn SMITH: Too late to worry about that.

CHARITY: To live through winter only to die in summer! (Distraught, she throws herself on the stool at the table, sobs. BARBARA, MARGARET and CAROLINA run IN from UP LEFT.)

BARBARA: We’re glad you’re back, Captain.

MARGARET: Any sign of a ship?


CAROLInA: Thomas Rogers has freed the princess. We know we have you to thank for that.

BARBARA: Isn’t Jeremy with you? (Before CAPTAIN SMITH can reply, POCAHONTAS APPEARS UP LEFT. MERCY is behind her.)

MERCY: Here she be.


GIRLS: Princess.

MERCY: (Finding it hard to admit her mistake.) If I’ve done anything to offend you, Princess, I hope you’ll forgive me.

CHARITY: Offend her?! Of course you’ve offended her. How would you like to be locked up?

CAROLInA: Was it awful being locked in the storehouse, Pocahontas?

POCAHOnTAS: It wasn’t so bad. To pass the time I made up riddles. (MUSIC CUE 11: “Sometimes I Sing to Keep from Sighing.”)

OTHERS: (Speak.) Riddles?!

POCAHOnTAS: (Speaks.) Here’s one. Why is a dog’s tail like the heart of a tree?

GIRLS: (Thinking. Speak.) Hmmmmmmmm.

CAROLInA: (Speaks.) We give up.

MARGARET: (Speaks.) Why is a dog’s tail like the heart of a tree?

POCAHOnTAS: (Speaks.) Because it’s farthest from the bark. (GIRLS laugh. POCAHONTAS sings.) My people call me Pocahontas.She-who-is-mischievous, they have named me.My people say that I’m a trickster.My world is nothing but fantasy.

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I talk to creatures, I talk to spirits,They are my friends and my family.My people call it childish fancyBut it’s all perfectly real to me,Sometimes I sing to keep from sighing.I bite my tongue when I feel like lying.I close my eyes when I’m tempted at spying,Make up silly games to play.Jokes and riddles I can say.Then I laugh, ’cause that’s my wayTo keep from crying.My people call me Pocahontas.They’ve never taken me seriously.My people think I’m young and foolish.Someday I know they will listen to me.I roam about and I talk to strangers,Though they are different, they don’t scare me.My people say it’s no place to be,I know they’re wrong, I must disagree.Sometimes I sing to keep from sighing,I bite my tongue when I feel like lying.I close my eyes when I’m tempted at spying,Make up silly games to play,Jokes and riddles I can say.Then I laugh, ’cause that’s my wayTo keep from crying.

MERCY: (At end of song.) This is hardly the time for jokes and songs.

CAPTAIn SMITH: for once I agree with you, Goodwife Rogers. You must come with me, Princess. I’m taking you back to your father. I only hope it’s not too late.

POCAHOnTAS: I understand.

CAPTAIn SMITH: (Takes POCAHONTAS by the hand.) We’ll have to travel fast.

POCAHOnTAS: I know the shortest way. It won’t take us long. (They EXIT UP LEFT.)

CHARITY: God go with you both.

MERCY: What have I done? I must have been out of my head.

BARBARA: Lucky the princess doesn’t know how to bear a grudge.

MARGARET: If I was locked in the storehouse, I wouldn’t be thinking up riddles.

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BARBARA: That’s because you’re not Pocahontas. (SOUND: RINGING OF BELL.)

CAROLInA: Listen. (They tense, listen. The SOUND OF THE BELL CONTINUES to be heard.)

CHARITY: What is it?

MERCY: Don’t be dim, Charity. It’s the alarm bell.

BARBARA: (Terrified.) The alarm bell!

MARGARET: You know what that means.

CAROLInA: We’re going to be attacked! (ALL scream and rush OUT UP LEFT, DOWN LEFT. LIGHT FADE.)

End Of Scene five

ACT TWOScene Six


LIGHTS UP: CHIEf POWHATAn EnTERS from the longhouse with THUnDERCLOUD and AUnT MORnInG STAR. OTHER ALGOnQUInS APPEAR from UP RIGHT and DOWn RIGHT. This time it is BRAVE EAGLE who steps forward, flattens on the ground, ear pressed to the earth. He listens. Long pause.

BRAVE EAGLE: More than one.

THUnDERCLOUD: Settlers from Jamestown. They hope to attack first.

BRAVE EAGLE: no. One man. Wears boots [shoes]. The other is a girl. Wears moccasins.

AUnT MORnInG STAR: It could be Pocahontas.

THUnDERCLOUD: Remember, Great King. The fox is sly, the wolf is cunning. (BRAVE EAGLE stands, moves back. ALGONQUINS wait patiently for whatever is to happen. POCAHONTAS leads CAPTAIN SMITH IN from EXTREME DOWN LEFT on FORESTAGE. She crosses behind the “pond” and, eventually, ENTERS the village. She steps forward. CAPTAIN SMITH stands back.)

POCAHOnTAS: Greetings, my father.

CHIEf POWHATAn: Greetings, my daughter. Brave Eagle brought word you were held prisoner in Jamestown.

POCAHOnTAS: It was a mistake, father.

THUnDERCLOUD: (Growls.) Mistake?

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POCAHOnTAS: Let Captain Smith tell you in his own words.

CAPTAIn SMITH: If the Great Powhatan will permit. (POWHATAN motions for CAPTAIN SMITH to step forward. THUNDERCLOUD doesn’t like this. He shakes the gourd rattle angrily at CAPTAIN SMITH.)


CAPTAIn SMITH: It is true the Princess Pocahontas was imprisoned. This was not my doing. It is also true ransom was demanded. But this, also, was not my doing. I was away from Jamestown when it happened. As soon as I returned, I gave orders for Pocahontas to be freed. I return her to you as a sign of friendship.

AUnT MORnInG STAR: Remember the words of your medicine man, my brother. The wolf is cunning.

POCAHOnTAS: What the captain says is true. Brave Eagle will tell you he had no part in my jailing. It was not the captain who demanded ransom.

BRAVE EAGLE: All that is true, Chief Powhatan.

CAPTAIn SMITH: I will punish those who did this. I wish only for peace between us.

CHIEf POWHATAn: I have heard your words, Englishman. But I am not moved. You have done a foolish thing coming here. The trouble between us must end. It will end here. (Points to CAPTAIN SMITH.) Seize him.

POCAHOnTAS: no! (AUNT MORNING STAR grabs POCAHONTAS and pulls her back. THUNDERCLOUD and BRAVE EAGLE rush to CAPTAIN SMITH and seize him. [NOTE: If you are using any MALE EXTRAS, they will seize the CAPTAIN and force him before CHIEF POWHATAN, causing him to drop to his knees.] POCAHONTAS looks on with horror. CHIEF POWHATAN produces the small iron axe CAPTAIN SMITH gave him as a gift. CHIEF POWHATAN holds it high for all to see.)

CHIEf POWHATAn: Here’s the gift that breaks stone. Let it send Captain John Smith swiftly to his fate. (Hands axe to THUNDERCLOUD. THUNDERCLOUD, or ANOTHER, pushes CAPTAIN SMITH’S head low to the ground. He doesn’t resist because he knows resistance would be useless. THUNDERCLOUD lifts the axe over his head, waiting for a signal from CHIEF POWHATAN. ALL eyes are on the CHIEF. Slowly, he lifts his arm. In a moment he will drop it and THUNDERCLOUD will strike the head of CAPTAIN SMITH. HOLD FOR EFFECT. Then—CHIEF POWHATAN starts to drop his arm.) Hi-ya.

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POCAHOnTAS: nO! (The following business is FAST: THUNDERCLOUD prepares to strike and, at the same moment, POCAHONTAS breaks free of AUNT MORNING STAR. ALL react. POCAHONTAS throws herself on the body of CAPTAIN SMITH and lifts one hand as if to ward off the axe. THUNDERCLOUD is stunned.) Do not kill him. That way peace will never come. To kill him, you must kill me first. (ALL gasp. No one knows quite what to do. Everyone is awed by this incredible action. THUNDERCLOUD looks to CHIEF POWHATAN. He motions THUNDERCLOUD to stand back. He moves to his daughter and gently pulls her to her feet. He speaks to his people.)

CHIEf POWHATAn: I cannot kill the brother of my daughter. I cannot kill my son. (Bewildered, CAPTAIN SMITH lifts his head.)

CAPTAIn SMITH: Brother? Son? (POCAHONTAS helps CAPTAIN SMITH to his feet.)

CHIEf POWHATAn: Tell him, sister. (AUNT MORNING STAR steps forward.)

AUnT MORnInG STAR: In the ways of the Algonquin, when one saves the life of another as such, they become relatives. The Princess Pocahontas has saved your life. She is your sister. You are her brother.


AUnT MORnInG STAR: My nephew.

CAPTAIn SMITH: (Thinking fast.) If I am now your son, Chief Powhatan, and Pocahontas is my sister, then I, too, am a member of the Algonquin nation.

THUnDERCLOUD: (Reluctantly.) That is so.

AUnT MORnInG STAR: That is true.

CHIEf POWHATAn: We will call you Man-Who-Brought-The-Iron-Tomahawk.

ALGOnQUInS: Hi-ya!

CAPTAIn SMITH: I am honored. There will be peace between us?

CHIEf POWHATAn: Because of my daughter, there will be peace.

CAPTAIn SMITH: Princess, one day I hope all of England will meet you and give you thanks.

POCAHOnTAS: Being friends is thanks enough. (MUSIC CUE 11a: “Your Heart Always Knows—Reprise.”)

CHIEf POWHATAn: (Out to audience. Speaks.) from this day forth, there will be harmony in this land. The Great Spirit wills it. We will help

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one another to prosper. Let us plant the seeds of friendship. (Steps to CAPTAIN SMITH. He holds out his arm, palm up. CAPTAIN SMITH puts his arm, palm down, over the CHIEF’S. This is the sign of friendship, of sealing a bargain. POCAHONTAS puts her hand over the clasp. The ALGONQUINS take a step toward LEFT. In Jamestown, the SETTLERS APPEAR. Holding out arms, palms up, ALGONQUINS move to the SETTLERS. The SETTLERS move forward so that both groups eventually meet., taking up the FULL STAGE. SPIRIT OF MOTHER EARTH ENTERS FROM from EXTREME DOWN RIGHT on FORESTAGE. SQUIRREL, WOLF and RAVEN are with her. They watch the action.)

POCAHOnTAS/CHIEf POWHATAn/CAPTAIn SMITH: (Sing.) The wind is the wind, no matter which way it blows.

ALGOnQUInS: (Sing.) The stream is the stream,no matter which way it flows.

SETTLERS: (Sing.) And the seed is the seed,It always grows what it grows.

ALL: (Sing.) Your heart is the window to the truthAnd your heart always knows.

SPIRIT Of MOTHER EARTH/RAVEn/SQUIRREL: (Sing.)Look inside, your heart will show you,Listen closely to your dreams.

ALL: (Sing.) A man’s just a man,Whether his skin’s dark or light.Our blood is the same,Whether we’re red, black or white.And the earth is the earth,no matter which way we go.The heart is the window to the truth,And our hearts always know.

SPIRIT Of MOTHER EARTH: (Sings.) The heart is the window to the truth,And our hearts always know.

POCAHOnTAS: (Sings.) Your heart is the window to the truthAnd your heart always knows.(At end of song, the ALGONQUINS and SETTLERS freeze in TABLEAU. WORDSPINNER ENTERS from EXTREME DOWN LEFT on FORESTAGE. MUSIC CUE 11b: “Live Forever—Reprise 3.”)

WORDSPInnER: (Sings.) Let the earth of the AlgonquinLive forever and forever.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.

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Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.Let our trees and flowing watersLive forever and forever.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.Let the legend of Matoak,Known as Princess Pocahontas,Live forever, and forever.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.


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production notes

STAGE PROPERTIES: Optional backdrop showing forest scene, and/or cut-out trees and bushes.

fOR ALGOnQUIn VILLAGE: Entrance to longhouse, cooking kettle, kindling, log or bush. [Toy] lizard, special rock.

fOR JAMESTOWn: Section of wooden stockade [high fence], table with bench and stool.

BROUGHT On: ACT OnE, Scene Two: Basket with vegetables (set at scene opening), string of beads (LITTLE RUnnInG RABBIT); bow and arrows (BRAVE EAGLE); straw plate with beans and squash slices, drum and stick (AUnT MORnInG STAR); gourd rattle (THUnDERCLOUD).

BROUGHT On: ACT OnE, Scene four: Basket(s) with laundry (MARGARET, BARBARA, CAROLInA); hunting rifle (JEREMY); map (CAPTAIn SMITH).

BROUGHT On: ACT OnE, Scene Six: Red wool blanket, chest with small iron axe (JEREMY); gourd rattle (THUnDERCLOUD); wooden stool (LITTLE RUnnInG RABBIT).

BROUGHT On: ACT TWO, Scene One: Masks, drums, flute, bells, gourd rattles (fOREST SPIRITS); blanket robe, Algonquin costume with flowers and leaves (SPIRIT Of MOTHER EARTH).

BROUGHT On: ACT TWO, Scene Two: Rope, knife, belt (BRAVE EAGLE).

BROUGHT On: ACT TWO, Scene five: Gourd rattle (THUnDERCLOUD); small iron axe from Scene Six (CHIEf POWHATAn).


Tom-tom drums, gourd rattle, whistle, bell.


As indicated in script. for the ALGOnQUInS: mostly buckskin, fringe, moccasins, headbands, feathers. fEMALES should wear braids. for the SETTLERS: It’s not necessary to be historically accurate unless you can manage it. The clothing Pilgrims wore will suggest the early 1600s. The GIRLS usually wore white aprons over their dresses. MEn wore either high boots or shoes with large buckles, knee breeches and long stockings. Since CAPTAIn SMITH is a soldier, it would look good if he could have a breastplate that suggests armor.

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DRESSInG UP THE SET: This will mainly be in the Algonquin village. If you have room, you might add a colorful painted shield, an animal hide stretched on a wooden frame, a large tom-tom, etc.

LAnGUAGE: Liberty has to be taken here. In reality, the Algonquins knew only a few words of English and the English knew only a few words of Algonquin. They communicated largely with sign language. Since it’s a play, the audience won’t question the ease of communication.

WOLf, RAVEn, SQUIRREL: There are two ways to go. One is the time-honored children’s theatre custom of dressing the characters as if they were actually what they’re representing. That is, WOLf is costumed to look as much like a wolf as possible. RAVEn looks like a real bird and SQUIRREL like a real squirrel.

Or you may wish these characters to carry out the Algonquin theme. They are played by actors (Algonquins) who merely “suggest” the animal characteristics. A “wolf” head and pelt. A bushy squirrel tail and tipped ears. Many feathers on the arms for Raven, along with a papier-mache bird head. Or the Algonquins might simply wear masks or half-masks. Wolf mask, squirrel mask, bird mask.

MASKS: The fOREST SPIRITS wear half-masks or full masks. Animal, bird. Whatever you can make or buy or rent from a costume shop. Even Halloween masks will do. Let your imagination go.

MOTHER EARTH’S WHISTLE: This can be a regular whistle disguised with feather or paint. Its purpose is to announce the arrival of the SPIRIT Of MOTHER EARTH—so it must play LOUD. A police whistle will work nicely.

DRUMS: Again, it’s a question of what you can find or create. Painted coffee cans, oatmeal boxes, round cheese boxes will all work. Other musical “effects” will work for the fOREST SPIRITS. for example, pebbles in a tin can will suggest an angry rattlesnake. Bells around the wrists and ankles.

ALGOnQUInS: The dance of the fOREST SPIRITS and the war dance in ACT TWO Scene Three make for effective visual moments. They will require some special attention. Don’t rush them.

ROCK: The rock is in two halves, loosely held together by Scotch tape. In short, a “breakaway.” CAPTAIn SMITH slams the axe to the split. If this method provides any difficulty, have CAPTAIn SMITH turn his back to the audience when he slams down the axe. He then simply “pulls apart” the two sections and holds them up.

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If you want a smaller cast, some roles can be combined. for example, MARGARET and BARBARA or CAROLInA. WORDSPInnER could also play MOTHER EARTH. THUnDERCLOUD might become a medicine woman, SCREAMInG OWL. for a larger cast, use more ALGOnQUInS, SETTLERS, SPIRITS Of THE fOREST. Also, weather permitting, the play adapts easily to an outdoor presentation.

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