Bolshevik Jews Plotted the Ukrainian Holocaust-1932-Murdered the ROMANOVS-1918--HOW THEY THINK Today


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JEWISH MURDERERS OF THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION 1917 1THE LEADING JEWISH MURDERERS 1917 until Stalin’s death 2Jews Murdered The RUSSIAN ROYAL FAMILY 1918 4Bolshevik Jews Plotted The Ukrainian Holocaust 1928-32 7HARVARD JEWS LOOT RUSSIA again 1991Yeltzin and later on 15

How The Jews Think - Pt I-III 10

JEWISH MURDERERS OF THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONBy Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2007-2010

Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner& Link To Real Jew News (SM) Support Brother Nathanael! HEREOr Send Your Contribution To:Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 1242; Frisco CO 80443E-mail:

4 REVOLUTIONS WERE ENGINEERED BY WORLD JEWRY. The first was the English Revolution in 1649 which was financed by Jews from Holland, in which Cromwell committed regicide. As the Jewish financiers dictated, Cromwell opened the doors for the return of the ousted Jews to England in 1656.Building from this, 1788 World Jewry initiated, financed, and agitated the French Revolution resulting again in regicide and the Jewish subverting of the established Christian order. And Jews profited once again, for in 1789, all civil disabilities against the Jews in France were lifted and the Great Emancipation of the Jews took place.The third Revolution was the Bolshevik uprising in Russia, of which this treatise focuses. The Bolshevik Revolution was financed by Jewish bankers, led by Jacob H Schiff of the Jewish Banking house, Kuhn, Loeb Co. Jews gained prominent roles in the Soviet government, and for the 3rd time, regicide of a Christian ruler was perpetrated by the Jews.Dr. Fahey, in his authenticated work, The Rulers Of Russia quotes an American missionary stationed in St Petersburg from 1907 to 1918: “In October 1918, out of 388 members of the revolutionary government only 16 happened to be real Russians. All the rest were Jews with the exception of one negro. Many of these Jews came from the Lower East Side of New York.”The fourth Revolution was the Spanish Civil War of 1936, financed by Bolshevik Jewry, but successfully opposed by Franco and Germany.A FIFTH REVOLUTION on an International scale is now at work and headquartered in America. This is the Zionist agenda to create a New World Order whose oligarchs are Jews with names that include: Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, and William Kristol, the Zionist neocon advisors to the Jewish-bought President George Bush.

The Israel Lobby known as AIPAC is the organizational apparatus of the 5th Revolution now in the making.IN THE DARK NIGHT OF JULY 16 1918, Tzar Nicholas II and his pious Christian family were shot and bayoneted in cold blood by these Cheka Jews:1. Jacob Yurovksy, a Jewish Czech2. Sergei Medvedjev3. Lev Nikulin, a Jewish Czech4. Peter Yermakov5. Fyodor Vaganov, a New York Jew6. Jacob Sverdlov, (Yankel Solomon), the first President of the Soviet Union. He gave the order to murder the Royal Family. Sverdlov began his Anti Christian career when he joined the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party in 1902.*** This was the beginning of the

wholesale slaughter of over 8,000,000 Russian Orthodox Christians from 1918 through 1943. ***

THE LEADING JEWISH MURDERERSa) Leon Bronstein (Trotsky), Commander of the Soviet Red Army.b) Grigory Apfelbaum (Zinoviev), Director, Soviet Secret Police, seized Church-owned property, murdered tens of thousands of Orthodox Christians.c) Maxim Wallach (Litvinov), Soviet Foreign Minister.d) Solomon Lozovsky, Deputy Soviet Foreign Minister.e) Yuri Andropov, Jewish Director of the Soviet KGBA PROMINENT JEWISH JOURNALIST now admits that in 1934, 38% of those holding high office in Stalin’s murderous regime were Jews:1. Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich: Millions of Orthodox Christians were murdered by order of Kaganovich. He orderered the destruction of hundreds of Christian churches including Christ The Saviour Cathedral in Moscow. In 1991, after living the life of a prince, Kaganovich committed suicide in fear of the “open society,” that is, “glasnot” which would have exposed his murderous deeds.2. Ilya Ehrenburg: Minister of Soviet Propaganda for Stalin. He wrote, “The Germans are not human beings. Nothing gives us greater joy than corpses of Germans.”3. Yevgeny Khaldei: Red Army photographer. Born in the Ukraine of Jewish parents. He staged the raising of the Hammer & Sickle Flag in the German Reichstag in Berlin in 1945, the emblem of the slaughter of millions of peasants and Christians, describing it as “the Russian national symbol of justice, triumph, and revenge.”4. Bela Kun (Cohen): Dictator of Hungary in 1919. Kun was later Stalin’s chief terrorist in the Crimea. Kun’s eventual successor was Matyas Rakosi, a Jewish Communist mass murderer of Christians in Hungary.5. Moshe Pijade: Commander, Yugoslav Communist People’s Army. Tito’s top butcher of hundreds of thousands of Yugoslavian Christians.SEE: Prominent Jew Admits To Soviet Jewish MurderersALSO SEE: Bloody Jew Kaganovitch

PRESENT DAY RUSSIARUSSIAN PRESIDENT Vladimir Putin, contrary to White Supremacist David Duke’s assertions that he is promoting a white-society, is rather promoting the re-emergence of the historic religion and culture of Russia, namely, Russian Orthodox Christianity.In a recent statement to Russian Orthodox Christians in America, Putin said, “You now have a believer at the head of Russia’s government.”Putin has put his money where his mouth is by refusing the request of Russian Jewish scientists to discontinue Russian Christian Orthodoxy 101 in public schools. AndThe International Gay Rights Movement packed its bags in retreat when Putin consistently banned their Gay Parades in the streets of Moscow ever since his reign began in 2000.ON NOVEMBER 5 2007, a rally was staged in Moscow celebrating Russian Unity Day. Slogans against Jews were shouted out including, “Death To The Jews!” World Jewry is now criticizing Putin for both allowing the rally and not repudiating it.See Jerusalem Post’s Russia Slow To Act Against Anti SemitismBottom Line: The clock is now ticking before a huge backlash against the Jews occurs both here in America and abroad. Whenever Jews arrogate to themselves overwhelming power, history has taught us that a reaction by the host nations eventually takes place. In order for the Jews to prevent a conflagration, they must place the host nation’s interests before their own Zionist agenda.As a Street Evangelist, I am proposing another solution, which I call the Christian final solution. Jews must renounce their racist religion of Judaism, a “reactionary” religion, and become Christians.Some say that many Jews are not part of the Zionist agenda but are simply rank and file Jewish citizens. But I say that corporate guilt is in place, that is, apart from a renunciation of the Jewish agenda, all Jews are culpable. I for one, and many like me, repudiated Judaism and became an Orthodox Christian. If I, a former Jew embraced Jesus Christ, why can’t they?_________

Jews Murdered The Russian Royal FamilyHistory Articles, Russia Articles, Jews Murdered The Russian Royal Family, Jewish Murderers Of The Russian Revolution, Harvard Jews Loot Russia

JEWS MURDERED THE RUSSIAN ROYAL FAMILYBy Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2008-2010

Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner& Link To Real Jew News (SM) Please Help Support This Site!Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 1242; Frisco CO 80443E-mail: Sources: Judicial Inc Web Site @;A Lifelong Passion - Nicholas And Alexandra Their Own Story, Doubleday Publishing;The Last Days of the Romanovs, Robert Wilton.

THAT JEWS MURDERED THE RUSSIAN ROYAL FAMILY was the greatest travesty beside the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in the history of mankind. The Russian Imperial Family of Tzar Nicholas II were pious Orthodox Christians. They exemplified all that is precious in a family, namely, Christian piety and love for one’s neighbor. But the Anti-Christ Jews murdered this preciousness! From then on the world has witnessed and felt the effects of the decline of the family - the staple of an ethical, Christian society. But Anti-Christian Jews, like Jacob Schiff, Chairman of Kuhn & Loeb Bank, who financed the Bolshevik Revolution, have wreaked their destruction on Christian civilization.

It was this Jew, Jacob Schiff, who brought Leon Trotsky (born “Lev Bronstein”) to New York in February 1916. Trotsky recruited Russian Jews from New York’s Russian Jewish immigrant population in the Lower East Side of Manhattan and trained them as revolutionaries.On March 27 1917, Trotsky and his 300 well-trained Jewish communists from Manhattan’s Lower East Side, boarded the Norwegian steamer “Kristianiafjord” for a journey that brought them to St. Petersburg in Russia. Their purpose was to establish a Marxist government under the leadership of Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin. Before departing, Jacob Schiff gave this group $20 million in gold.

THE ROYAL FAMILY FLEES & PURSUED BY JEWISH COMMUNISTSWith support from inside the Social Democratic party and many of the Jewish-run soviets, Lenin, joined by Trotsky from New York, gained the upper hand over the Kerensky government. In August of 1917, the Russian Royal Family fled to Tobolsk in Siberia. They stayed at the Governors House until April 1918. They hoped to escape to England where King George V, a Romanov cousin, would hopefully grant them refuge. But he refused due to pressure from Jewish groups. On April 22 1918, the Jew, Jacob Sverdlov, first President of the Soviet Union, sent his aide, the Jew, Yankel Yakovlev, to Tobolsk to persuade Tzar Nicholas II to agree to sanction the Brest-Litovsk peace treaty. Tzar Nicholas refused for he considered the treaty an ‘eternal disgrace to Russia.’ He did though agree to return to Moscow as he was told that the Germans were willing to grant him asylum.They got as far as Ekaterinburg in the Urals where the train was halted by the Regional Soviets dominated by four Jews, Goloshchekin, Safarov, Voikov and Syromolotov. These four communist Jews appointed the Jew, Jacob Yurovsky, son of a local Jewish ex-convict, as the head the local Cheka (Soviet Secret Police) in Ekaterinburg. Yurovsky was given the assignment to imprison, plan, and carry out, the assassination of the Russian Royal Family.The Jew Yurovsky brought the Russian Royal Family to a former house of a wealthy Jewish merchant named Ipatiev, now made into a prison for the Tzar and his family. It should be noted that Ekaterinburg, named after named after St Catherine the Great, was renamed “Sverdlovsk” in 1924 in honor of Jacob Sverdlov who gave the final order to execute the Russian Royal Family.

On July 4 1918, the Jew Yurovsky dismissed all the Russian soldiers who were guarding the Tzar except for a Pavel Medvedev, a Cheka Jewish spy. Yurovsky replaced the loyal-to-the-Tzar Russian soldiers with Jewish communist assassins from Hungary. That they were Jewish communists from Hungary, their scribbling on the walls indicated. On July 15 1918, two representatives from the Soviet Extraordinary Commission, one of them being the Jew, Philip Golochtchekine, came to the Ipatiev house with an order from the Jew Jacob Yurovsky to execute the Russian Royal Family. On July 17 1918, about midnight, the Jew Yurovsky brought Tzar & Tzarina Nicholas and Alexandra, and their four daughters, the maid, the doctor, the cook, and the waiter to the basement. The Tzar carried the heir Alexei in his arms. They were told that they were to pose for a group picture.The Jewish assassins, Medvedev, Nikulin, Yermakov, Vaganov, were waiting. Medvedev claimed that he was outside at the time of the execution as his guilty conscience shamed his tongue into lying. The Jew Yurovsky then pulled out his revolver and pointed it directly at the Tsar’s head and fired. Tzar Nicholas II died instantly. Next, he shot Tzarina Alexandra as she made the sign of the Cross. Olga, Tatiana, Maria, and Anastasia, were shot next. Demidova, the maid, survived the first volley, so the Jewish Cheka assassins decided to bayonet her 30 times. As the room became silent there was a low groan. Alexei was still in the arms of the Tsar and alive. The Jew Yurovsky stepped up and fired two shots into the boy’s ear. All the members of the Tsar’s family were lying on the floor with many wounds in their bodies. The blood was running in streams.

THE JEWISH COVER UPAs Robert Wilton, a correspondent in Moscow of the Times of London from 1902 through 1919, wrote in his book, The Last Days Of The Romanovs, the Jewish Board of Deputies and

the Anglo-Jewish Association in Britain published an interview with Starynkevich, a Jewish lawyer, who was then Minister of Justice in the Urals region. Starynkevich had appointed another Jew, Nikolai Sokolov, to assist in carrying out an investigation of the murders. The Jew lawyer, Starynkevich, lied, saying that his team of investigators (all Jews) had found no trace of any Jewish involvement in the killings. This was a brazen falsehood and no support was proffered to support his claims. His lie was evidently intended to give Jewish organizations abroad a means of confusing and obscuring the whole issue.But as Jesus Christ Himself said:“There is nothing covered that shall not be revealed,” the truth about this Jewish crime of all crimes is now being shouted from the rooftops. The Jews, every single one of them, are culpable of “collective guilt.” They all better repent before the judgment of the Lord Jesus Christ falls upon their wicked heads!

Bolshevik Jews Plotted The Ukrainian HolocaustHistory Articles, Bolshevik Jews Plotted The Ukrainian Holocaust Of 1932 , Jewish Murderers Of The Russian Revolution

BOLSHEVIK JEWS PLOTTED THE UKRAINIAN HOLOCAUSTBy Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2008-2010

Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner& Link To Real Jew News (SM) E-mail: Primary Source: “Stalin’s Agricultural And Five-Year Plans,” Dr. E.L. Magerovsky, Association of Russian-American Scholars; Other Sources Below___________________________________

JEWS WANT THE WORLD to believe that they have a monopoly on

“Holocaust Remembrances.” But Ukraine’s President Viktor Yushchenko has thrown the Jews a curve by dedicating 2008 as “Ukrainian Holocaust Remembrance Year” Here. This “holocaust remembrance” recalls the murder by forced starvation of *6 million* Ukrainian Christians by the Jewish Bolsheviks. The Ukrainians call this holocaust “Holodomor” which means “Famine-Genocide.” Of course the Zionist Jews deny it. Just like they deny all of their numerous crimes against humanity. Historian Valentyn Moroz of the Institute for Historical Review wrote:— “The Ukrainian village had long been recognized as the bastion of national traditions. The Bolsheviks sought to strike a fatal blow at the village structure because it was the lifespring of the vital national spirit.” — Here. Indeed, Bolshevik Jews were the chief architects of the Ukrainian forced-famine which eliminated Ukrainian clergy and 6 million Ukrainian Orthodox Christians!

THE BOLSHEVIK JEWS WHO PLOTTED THE UKRAINIAN HOLOCAUST1) Lazar Kaganovich: Stalin’s political figurehead of the Central Committee. In 1928, Kaganovich led the implementation in the Ukraine of Stalin’s first Five-Year Plan. ~ The aim of Stalin’s first Five-Year Plan in the Ukraine was to destroy family farms through starvation making the peasants “landless” and thereby introducing “collectivization” by which the Ukrainian peasants were forced to become employees of the state. This forced-famine reached its crises point in 1932.2) Genrikh Yagoda: Founder of the NKVD (Soviet Secret Police). Assisted in the first Five-Year Plan of starving Ukrainian peasants. 3) Nikolai Yezhov: Appointed by Yagoda as Head of the NKVD. Assisted in the first Five-Year Plan of starving Ukrainian peasants. (Yezhov took on a “Russian” name like most Bolshevik Jews. His wife was an active Jew).These Bolshevik Jews seized livestock, crops, grain, and farm implements from the Ukrainian peasants. Any Ukrainian citizen who resisted them was shot. Desperate Ukrainian clergy and peasants ate anything to survive: bugs, grass, and leather shoes.See: “Jewish Journalist Exposes Jewish Murderers” Here

PRESIDENT YUSHCHENKO PRESSURES JEWSTO RECOGNIZETHE UKRAINIAN HOLOCAUST!“Fresh from the controversy over shifting positions on the Armenian genocide, the Jews could be caught up in another controversy over Ukrainian-genocide recognition,” reports the Baltimore Times Here. Yushchenko has pressed the genocide issue since taking office in 2005. In 2007 more than two dozen countries recognized the Holodomor as genocide. Yet the Jews of the Ukraine and around the world refuse to recognize it!Ukraine’s chief Rabbi Yakov Dov Bleich said:— “We can’t equate the Holocaust of the Jews in Germany with the Holodomor in Ukraine. Ukrainian Jewish leaders do not support recognizing the Holodomor as genocide.” — Baltimore Jewish Times, Nov 14 2007.

WE MUST PUT THE ZIONIST JEWS IN THEIR PLACE!I GREW UP AS A JEW. Jews want a monopoly on the world’s “sympathy.” But the Jews do not deserve the world’s sympathy as the Ukrainian Christian clergy and peasants deserve it. For they were *innocent victims* of the forced famine.

JEWS HAVE *NEVER* been the innocent victims of any “holocaust.” I have proved this by my many articles such as HERE backed up with historical facts!___________________________________

For More See: “Jewish Murderers Of The Russian Revolution” Click HereAnd: “Jews Murdered The Russian Imperial Family” Click HereAnd: “Jews Plotted The Armenian Holocaust” Click Here

How The Jews Think - Pt IHow The Jews Think - Pts I, II, III

HOW THE JEWS THINKBy Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2007-2011

I GREW UP AS A JEW. And having gone to an upper middle class synagogue throughout my childhood up through my young adult years, I am uniquely qualified to do an expose on the inner workings of the Jewish mind. Now that I am an Orthodox Christian, having converted in 1971 to Christianity, I can see very clearly how the Jew thinks:1. The Jew sees himself as a “Jew First.” In any nation that the Jew may reside in, he is an “American Second” or a “Frenchman Second” etc. - for the Jew is always a Jew First. Thus the Jew puts his interest first before national interests.2. The Jew promotes secularism in any nation he may reside in. This works to his benefit. For the Jew fears nothing more than a Christian World View which has at its root the absolutism of Christianity over all other faiths as being false religions including Judaism. But the Jew believes that Judaism is the only true religion and it is his province alone. For the Jew looks upon the Gentiles, “the Goyim” as being inferior to him.3. The Jew uses the indictment of “Anti Semitism” to prevent any criticism of his conduct, his ideas, and his agenda.4. The Jew is hell bent on his self-preservation. Though American and European Jews love the good life, they promote Zionism, in order that they will always have a place to escape to.5. The Jew would like to see the New Testament destroyed, defamed, discarded, and mocked. For in it contains the historical record of the Jewish leaders committing Deicide against the Eternal Son of God Who became man for our salvation, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Jew wishes to eradicate this historical fact for it places him in a position as having to repent, an act that the Jew finds repulsive.6. The Jew though he may be non religious still honors the rabbis as having final authority on all religious questions and matters. The rabbis have as their authority the Talmud which

contradicts the Old Testament and blasphemes Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, and Christians.7. The Jew may promote “equality amongst men” yet he sees himself in a self conscious ethnic group that HE considers as being SUPERIOR to all others.8. The Jew when confronted with the claims of Christianity will always reply, “I was born a Jew and I will die a Jew.” What he means is, “I will never become a Christian like the dumb goys.”9. The Jew loves to be in control. The Jew loves to be at the top of the ladder. If Christianity were again to be in predominance in America, the Jew would be horror-struck. For then he will have the finger pointed at him that he is a Christ denier, a stubborn, stiff-necked hater of Jesus Christ, and a supporter of the Jews Who brought Christ to Pilate to have Him crucified.10. The Jew will use every means possible to undermine Christianity in whatever nation he may reside. He will always cry, “Look what they did to us!” as if he is an innocent lamb without any faults. But whenever someone shows why “they did this to them” he shouts back, “You’re an Anti Semite!’

HOW THE JEWS THINK - Part IIBy Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2007-2011

HAVING GROWN UP AS A JEW and having gone to an upper middle class synagogue throughout my childhood up through my young adult years, I am uniquely qualified to do an expose on the inner workings of the Jewish mind. Now that I am an Orthodox Christian, having converted in 1971 to Christianity, I can see very clearly how the Jew thinks:1. The Jew has divorced from his mind all spiritual hopes of the next world.

The Jew sees his continuity in his progeny so to carry on his name in this earthly and material existence.

2. The Jew lives for this world not for the world to come. The Jew is therefore a crass materialist.3. The Jew, though “non religious” gives tacit compliance to the vision of their rabbis who foresee an earthly messiah who will

establish a messianic kingdom in which the Jews will be the supreme heads of the nations.4. The Jew does not like to perform manual labour. To make money the Jew is dependent on the labours of others. Therefore the Jew is primarily to be found in the service professions: whether financial, academic, medical, legal, mercantile, journalistic, or entertainment.5. The Jew in the financial realm hopes to have all capital beneath his control. The Jew strives to get the possession of riches without industry on his part.6. The Jew, in order to attain financial power, views Christianity, with its attendant moral influence, as a threat. For profligacy, dissolute manners, and perversion of sexual mores, places the Gentile, the “Goy” under his dominion.7. The Jew in the academic realm strives to educate according to his Jewish World View. The Jewish World View is the unspoken perception that the Gentiles, the “Goyim,” are ultimately his enemies.8. The Jew, therefore, who operates in the academic realm, will educate the “Goyim” to believe that the Jew has been an innocent victim of Gentile enmity throughout the centuries. Thus a certain level of obligation is inculcated into the “Goyim” toward the Jew - that he is deserving of deferential treatment.9. The Jew who operates in the journalistic realm, which today is his total control of the Press, presents current events in favour of the Jew.10. The Jew, who operates in the journalistic realm, which today is total control of all Media, presents Christianity in a bad light. This works to his benefit. For Christianity confers strength and moral fiber to the Gentile population, which the Jew wants under his dominion.

How The Jews Think - Pts I, II, III

How The Jews Think - Pt III

HAVING GROWN UP AS A JEW and having gone to an upper middle class synagogue throughout my childhood up through my young adult years, I am uniquely qualified to do an expose on the inner workings of the Jewish mind. Now that I am an Orthodox Christian, having converted in 1971 to Christianity, I can see very clearly how the Jew thinks:1. The Jew is a perpetual outsider. The Jew is a ceaseless “observer” and consequent “actor” & “reactor” upon the world’s stage. The Jew seeks to impose his will upon the Gentile whom he looks down upon as being inferior in intelligence and activism to him.2. The Jew is always on a “mission.” The Jew always has a “cause” he must fight for. The mission and the cause of the Jew is hostile to the mission and cause of Jesus Christ and Christianity.3. The Jew wishes to remain aloof and separate from the nations. That is why Winston Churchill initially used the term, “The International Jew.”4. The Jew holds himself separate from the nations, not primarily for ideological reasons as prescribed in the Old Testament. Rather, the Jew remains aloof from all others because he sees himself as belonging to an elite.5. The Jew may proclaim and propagandize though his monopoly of the Media the slogan, “Diversity Is Our Strength!” Yet the Jew will never live in a neighborhood where poor Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics live. Why not? Because the Jew despises working class folk as being culturally inferior to him and socially impotent.6. The Jew at heart despises the ideal of the “Brotherhood of Man.” For it is only through acceptance of Jesus Christ, the Christian Church, and the Christian Universal vision of the “new man in Christ” that the Brotherhood of Man can be realized.7. The Jew wants nothing to do with Jesus Christ, the Church, and the Christian Universal vision of the new man in Christ. Why not? First because Jesus Christ calls all men to repent which the Jew finds repulsive; Second because the Church with its eyes set on the kingdom to come is disagreeable to the Jew who seeks a kingdom of this world; Third because the new man in Christ whereby all elitist distinctions are dissolved, is an identity the Jew finds repugnant to his love of ’separateness’ and control over others.8. The Jew, through his monopoly of the Media, the Judicial System, and Academia, imposes wars against Christianity. Why? Because Christianity indicts the Jew as being unrepentant. This puts the Jew in a position of weakness and beholden to the dictates of the Christian. The Jew considers this the greatest of all calamities.

9. The Jew falsely believes that he is part of the “chosen people.” Thus the Jew deems that he has the “divine right” to have his “rights” implemented and secured. In fact, the Jew with his yiddishee chutzpah demands this. What are the Jew’s rights as he perceives them? First and primarily, that the world around him should conform to his point of view and to his point of view only.10. The Jew will ignobly hold on to his identity unto death. To die for the truth rather for one’s racial identity is a valid martyrdom. THAT IS UN-JEWISHBut “truth” for the Jew is not in the realm of absolutes. “Truth” for the Jew is to assert and impose his will upon others. And what is the Jew’s will? That Jesus Christ is not be loved, believed in, and worshipped.

Harvard Jews Loot RussiaRussia Articles, Harvard Jews Loot Russia

By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2007-2010

HARVARD JEWS LOOT RUSSIA RUSSIAN COMMUNISM FELL in 1991. The Jews could not wait to sink their greedy claws into the new scenario in Russia. Jeffrey Sachs, who at that time was a Professor of Economics at Harvard University, was one of these Jews. Jeffrey Sachs saw an opportunity that he and his Jewish buddies just could not pass up. The Jew Jeffrey Sachs and his Jewish buddies, set themselves up as advisors and investors to “help” Russia from their perches of the financial and political world of the West.But their Jewish agenda was not to help Russia, but to rape Russia once again, just as their Jewish counterparts did with their international socialist program when sovietizing Russia in the early 20th Century. But now, Jeffrey Sachs and his Jewish buddies were going to do it with their international capitalist system. Privatization was both theirs and Russia’s new watchword.Sachs teamed up with his Harvard colleague, the Jew David Lipton, and Yegor Gaidar, a Russian Jew, who became Yeltsin’s first prime minister. Sachs, Lipton, and Gaidar initiated a plan which they called economic shock therapy to eliminate subsidies and price controls that had kept the Russian economy stable for decades. What was the result of this shock therapy? Hyperinflation.Just as planned, the hyperinflation wiped out the capital reserves of Russian factories, banks, utilities, and all other institutions. This eliminated any chance for real Russian competition in the bidding for Russian assets which was about to begin.The Russian institutions and manufacturing facilities were now eager to turn their assets into cash, playing into the hands of Sachs, Lipton, and Gaidar Because the value of rubles was now at an all time low, they wanted Western currency. Under the cover of international banking loans, (Jewish bankers of course), Sachs and friends began to buy out Russian companies at next-to-nothing prices.

THE JEWISH OLIGARCHS OF RUSSIA, as they began to be called, did not completely get away with their looting. Here is a list of some of these Jews who looted Russia and their resultant status:1. Jeffrey Sachs: After being exposed for making a “killing” off of the privatization of Russia, he was allowed by Harvard to quietly leave and take a professorship at the Jewish-run Columbia University in NY. 2. Yegor Gaidar: In 1993 he came under attack by the Russian people for his alliance with Sachs. Fearing a Putin investigation, he fled Russia and presently lives in Ireland.3. Boris Berzovsky: After grabbing many media institutions and a major television station during the looting in the early 1990’s, Putin finally caught up with him and initiated an investigation. He then fled to England.4. Vladimir Gusinksy. He took control of many Russian banks during the looting. He was the leader of the Russian Jewish Congress. Now in exile in Greece, the Russian Courts are trying to have him extradited for his shady business dealings.5. Mikhail Khodorkovsky: He bought majority stakes in Yukos oil company for practically nothing during the looting. Putin caught up with him and put him in jail in 2005.ALL OF THESE JEWS BELONG IN JAIL, and for that matter, all of the Jews who are “looting” our once Christian culture with their Anti-Christian activities. I grew up as a Jew and I wish to inform all of my readers that most Jews care only about themselves and nothing for the Gentile societies in which they reside or can make a profit from.What is the answer to this Jewish plague that is rotting our society?The only answer is for Jews to repent of their solidarity with Anti-Christian Judaism and become Christians. Then they can use their energies and influence for Jesus Christ rather than for Satan. I did it! Why can’t they?–Brother Nathanael Kapner…A Former Jew. Now An Orthodox Christian!For Further Reading SEE: The Harvard Boys Do Russia

CLICK: Brother Nathanael! Street Evangelist!Support Brother Nathanael! HERE

« The Jewish Control Of Wealth Jews Murder & Sell Arab Organs! » 2 Comments

1. Gordon Renfret September 23, 2008 @ 2:45 pm Sorry to tell you this, but Sarah Palin is a JEW. Her mother’s maiden name was Sally Sheigam. Her parents came from Lithuania. Both her grandparents are buried in a Jewish cemetery in Lithuania.

On Sarah Palin’s desk is an Israeli flag. How depressing, but it is true.

2. SUECLARY August 16, 2009 @ 1:31 pm Well, that may be true but she has been and knows it, thoroughly used by the powers that be by her own agreement. All the jokes aside, she is a minor footnote in the 2008 election campaigns. We all know that Johnny Songbird McCain did not realistically expect to win as most of his platforms are synonymous with Barry Soetoro AKA B. Obama.Sarah merely provided a sideshow distraction with her Down ’s syndrome infant by her side (my pity for using the child as a stage right-wing stunt). That was pretty disgusting bringing an impaired infant on the campaign trail, etc.Let’s get on with the REAL PROBLEM and NOT STEW OVER TRIVIA as Sarah has allowed herself to be made into!Thank you.