Bold Nebraska Comments on Keystone XL to State Dept



Comments submitted by citizens via Bold Nebraska's website to the U.S. State Department regarding the proposed Keystone XL pipeline during the Environmental Impact Statement public comments period. A total of more than 1.2 million comments against KXL were submitted to the State Dept. during this period.

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3/15/2013 8:23:34

Jane Kleeb The State Dept. report fails again to conduct a proper spill analysis on the rivers in Nebraska. A model of a 47,000 gallon spill only in the Aquifer is not a proper study of the risks to our water supply.

3/15/2013 8:52:51

Scott Childers My comment is simple..... There is no good reason to build this pipeline and no good reason to mine tar sands.

3/15/2013 8:53:39

Ira D. Jinkins Sr. While some politicians and news media are trying to frame the opposition as "Symbolic, Disrespecting Canada or other falsities". There is nothing "symbolic" about having ones lands, water, air and livelihood taken away or destroyed by oil and chemical contamination. Ask the citizens of Hickman, California who have been poisoned by Chromium 6 because of PG&E. Ask the farmers and ranchers in the Midwest about the strong arm tactics and the taking of their lands by a foreign government through imminent domain. Once Nebraska's water and lands are poisoned there are no "do overs" and the property will become worthless all because some politicians have put their personal bank accounts above the health and safety of their constituents and America. Per the Congressional Hearing of 2010 it was stated by Trans Canada's leaders that the oil will not be used in America and in fact it will be put on the foreign oil market. If this were such a great idea, why are Canadians standing in opposition to the pipeline being built to their east and west coasts? So, America will be stuck with all of the risk so that a foreign company, it's supporters and politicians can make billions of dollars! As the saying goes, "I was born at night but it sure wasn't last night"! Take this con job some where else!

3/15/2013 9:18:17

Deborah Burns This will be a huge environmental disaster down the road and no way to clean it up

3/15/2013 9:59:48

John St. Clair It is not in our national interest to allow TransCanada, which has a poor safety record building the first Keystone pipeline, to build the Keystone XL pipeline through tornado alley and over the Ogallala Aquifer, the largest underground source of water in North America. It simply isn't worth the risk.

3/15/2013 11:07:55

Zack Hamilton Please do not let this pipeline go through our state. The product that it contains is highly toxic and is not crude oil. As the EPA has stated while trying to clean up the Kalamazoo spill this product is not anything like typical crude oil, it SINKS! And not to mention contains highly toxic benzene a known cancer causing carcinogen. The job numbers are inaccurate and misleading, and has been stated many times by oil industry folks in both the U.S and Canada that without this project the tar sands project can not expand. Due to our Presidents strong stance on climate change and the fact that the tar sands are a game over for the climate we must deny this pipeline. The U.S is a net exporter of oil, and this pipeline is a export pipeline, it will not help us obtain lower gas prices. Please deny this pipeline!

3/15/2013 11:14:53

Douglas Whitmore

There is no inherent need for the Keystone Pipeline to exist, except to 'line the pockets' of the oil industry, and so many of us believe Koch Industries. The majority of oil transported by this proposed pipeline will be exported and that is not good for the American people, only for the exporters. We ask that this proposed pipeline be stopped once and for all. Thank you.

3/15/2013 11:24:07

James Tarnick Without a proper spill assessment, defining of the sandhills, and not moving the proposed route out of the aquifer the State Dept. has put together a sham of a report. Until proper analysis is made on spills and tarsand oil cleanup then this report does nothing for landowners on the proposed route. Why should my farm be put at risk for the gain of a foreign company. I find it hypocritical of the State Dept. to comment on human rights recently in N. Korea, but they will trample Americans property rights and endanger our safety with this proposed pipeline.

3/15/2013 18:41:21

Linell Connolly Will send them on my own...have several comments...

3/17/2013 11:46:39

krystle craig You cannot drink oil. Or money. If this pipeline gets passed, expect resistance.

3/17/2013 12:41:10

Betty Foster The pipline is NOT allowed to cross Canadian soil to the Pacific. The other piplines going accross the US, do have spills. Should the Ogallala Aquifer be contaminated , it will ruin water for people, animals and crops. It can not be fixed, if a spill suins the water. Protect the water supply should be before making more money off oiul refined & sold overseas by the maga rich.

3/17/2013 13:44:29

Grace C. Fricke I am apposed to the TransCanada KXL pipeline. There are many reasons. 1st and for most the danger to our water & land. Why are they leaving the north site in Nebraska in the aquifer? The refineries in Texas have alreay dried up parts of the aquifer in that state, cause the loss of land use for many citizens. We don't want that to happen in Nebraska. 2nd there is no clear plan of action or training for the volunteer fire & rescue dept. in the extend communities who would be called to assist the area depts when a spill happens. Is there a plan of action if there is a natural disaster such as a tornado hitting a pump station. These areas can't wait for the DEQ or TransCanada to show up from Omaha, Lincoln, Norfolk or Grand Island before action is taken to protect our citizens, water & land. 3rd in this time when North Korea has a missle pointed at the USA, why would we want a big pipeline target bisecting our country right down the middle? It is easier for a terrorist to gain enterence to the USA then some countries such an China who are major shareholders of the pipeline. Who is going to stop them if the pipeline is attacked by a terroristic group? Who is going to defend this foreign owned pipeline? Will our military be expected to put their lives on the line at our tax payers expence for TransCanada? OR will the our government allow foreign military forces such as China's, into the USA to defend their countries oil interests? 4th If TransCanada is allow to use eminent domain over US citizens to seize their land, won't this legally open the door for any other type of foreign company to do the same thing by using a court of law against land owners? Many of our elected official are not listening to the citizens of this country. They are looking at the almighty big oil dollars, their own greed and the greed of other countries over the safety & concerns of this country. It is easier for politicians to call the pipeline fighters a "bunch of wacko enviromentalists" then to take the time to listen and learn about the people, water & land tarsand oil will distroy when a leak happens. Has nothing been learned from the spill in Michigan on the Kalamazoo River? Tarsand Oil Companies don't clean up their messes. They cover it up & use the USA court system to avoil paying what they owe. They don't caring about the health & wellfare of thousands of our citizens. We don't want or need any more of this type treatment by foreign oil companies in the USA. I understand the tarsand oil companies all have the same insurance carriers. So what Embridge does is what TransCanada will also do. thank you for this time to voice my concerns & why I am against TransCanadas KXL pipeline.

3/17/2013 13:57:59

Barbara Jackson

The basic problem that I see with this pipeline is that a person can live without oil and this is very dirty oil. We cannot live without water, especially clean water. Our Canadian neighbors have already seen the havoc that tar oil extraction is wreaking on the environment there. They do not want this oil that will go to China, being transported across their beautiful countryside. Trans Canada does not have a clean record in Nebraska now. They have had leaks in their existing pipeline that were only detected and reported by impacted residents and landowners. I want my grandkids to know the wonderful taste of clean untreated water and the great food we can raise with it. There is so much concern in Washington about "dirty bombs", I hope they can hear this one ticking! A dirty environment is even more impossible to clean up.

3/17/2013 15:26:14

Sue Mitchell The environmental impact statement for the proposed KEYSTONE XL TARSANDS PIPELINE, was not written by any government official. The Environmental Resources Management (ERM) was paid an undiscolosed amount under contract to TransCanada to write the statement. From being generation landloards, we know what our land in Nebraska can with stand and what it cannot. Out sandy soil in Northern - County, NE., which lies above the Ogallaha Aquifer will not stand any kind of toxic leak. Also the ground will never be replaced to the original state that TransCanada says it will. Once you break up the fragil sandhills, there is no return. Alls we can do is try to prevent it from continuing to cut more open sores. We, experienced and knowledageable landowners, cann't get it back to its original state of protein rich grass for our livestock. You and President Obama stand by your words. TransCanada has lied from day one, changing their story everytime they open their mouth. Land owners have been so abused by them. They do not have a permit yet. but yet, they continue to badger, threaten, and lie to all concerned citizans of the US. Please make the final dicission of NOT permitting that permit. Nebraskan's say NO and you can too. Sincerely Sue Mitchell

3/17/2013 16:08:08

Kent Goertzen Why the Keystone XL pipeline should be denied. They want to put this pipeline over and sometimes through the Ogallala Aquifer, one of the worlds largest fresh water aquifers. The route goes through the Sandhills. A highly permeable land type where the Ogallala Aquifer is very close to the surface, and many times breaks the surface to form small lakes, and springs. This link takes you to what they want to ship over and at times through the Aquifer:

The previous pipeline TransCanada claimed would leak once every seven years. It has leaked over 12 times in one year. They said they would be able to detects leaks quickly. 4 of the leaks they had no idea about until several days later when land owners contacted them. 90% of oil leaks go undetected by the detection systems these companies tout as making the pipelines safe. That isn't an environmental impact? They don't want this pipeline to supply the US. They want the refinery and port access to ship this oil abroad. This will not lower our fuel costs, it will more likely drive them up. Quoting a Canadian energy expert: "In terms of the Canadian energy policy discussion, watch out for Alison Redford, Alberta’s best advocate on the national stage since Peter Lougheed. She has the standing with her fellow premiers to move a Canadian Energy Strategy through the Council of the Federation, perhaps by this summer’s meeting." -L. Ian MacDonald He is in favor of the pipeline and admits there really is no benefit to the United States and that this it is for Canada to export its oil. The Prime Minister of Canada has made similar statements. Yet here in the US TransCanada repeats the lies that the pipeline is about US energy security, and lowering US energy dependency on Mid East oil, and lowering US fuel costs. Yet every non-partisan study shows it will increase US oil and gas costs. Transcanada, a foreign company wants to use eminent domain to take land from people like Randy Thompson for a project that would be a disaster for our water supply in the US. The fact the State Department study on the environmental impact was done by a company that works with TransCanada often. Or that Ex-Hilary Clinton staffer is a Lobbyist for

TransCanada. Those facts should be mentioned also. I want to quote a friend, "What most people do not know, is that industry uses 90% of all water used in the U.S. The remaining 10% is divided between municipal usage and the water people use in their homes. That is an astounding statistic! The people use less than 10% of all the water. The public is always being told to conserve water. If every person cut their water usage in half (or more), it wouldn't make even a small improvement in staving off coming water shortages. In a word, industrial capitalism is UNSUSTAINABLE. Whether we are talking about shortages in oil or water, global warming, soil depletion, or the hundred other problems associated with for profit industry - the unavoidable fact is that our way of life is simply not sustainable; even into the near future." -Carol Dewey It is not and has never been just environmentalists that oppose this pipeline. Nebraskans of all walks of life from business owners, Ranchers, Republicans and Democrats, old and young, all walks of life oppose it, because it endangers the very heart of our state... its water. You should see it. Nebraskans aren't ones to anger, some of the friendliest people you could meet. Driving down a road here you'll likely get a wave even from those you don't know. We don't protest much if really at all. But this issue has brought them out in our state to protest and rally. They have gone to Washington D.C. and been arrested in a peaceful sit in. And have have come out in our own state to protest outside the Governors Home. We can live without oil. We can use other technologies for energy. We cannot live without water. Water to drink, for our foods, our crops, for Cattle. We need to protect this resource, and the Ogallala Aquifer is one of the most important sources of fresh, clean water in the United States. We cannot sacrifice our most important resources, our land, our water, and our future. Kent Goertzen

3/18/2013 9:26:24

Don Loseke As landowners in the path of the KXL pipeline we do not want or need this pipeline to cross one mile of our property. We don't want to give a forever easement of our land to a corporation that is doing this for pure profit. They do not care about the environment or anyone in their way. Canada has all of this tar sand that they desperately want to get rid of and will do most anything to get it out of their country. They could run a pipeline to their west coast for about a third of the distance that this KXL pipeline will go. One of their provinces does not want this material going through their space and the pollution involved with the processing of the tar sands. Let Canada keep this toxic mess and let them figure out how to take care of it rather than run it across the entire United States from North to South to refine in the United States and export to a foreign country. The amount of permanent jobs this will create is so small that it is not worth the risk to our country. Please deny this permit to take over our land and country forever. Sincerely, Don & Wanda Loseke

3/18/2013 17:12:22

Abbi Kleinschmidt

As a fifth generation, Nebraska farmer/landowner, I oppose the KXL pipeline because I do not believe it is in the best interests of the people of this country. The potential risks when it leaks into our Oglallala Aquifer far outweigh the political gain of this project. Our country's leaders need to STOP relying on enormous monetary donations from oil companies; we need to focus our energy on renewable sources and NOW is the time to do it, not wait until all the dirty oil is mined and has raped the land and contaminated our waterways! As leaders, the general public looks to you to provide us with a future that includes a clean water supply and not one that is totally contaminated by dirty oil. Look at the gulf coast and all the messes they are experiencing. I beg of you to really stand tall, lean forward and make the decision that you know in your heart of hearts is right!!!! #nokxl!!!

3/19/2013 12:31:09

Pippa White Lawson

The first pipeline has leaked many times in its short life. The XL will leak, too, and one of the leaks will contaminate the aquifer. Very little progress has been made in two years of cleaning up the Kalamazoo River because no one knows anything about cleaning up tar sand spills. The job numbers have been grossly exaggerated ever since the first sign of opposition, the oil is going to China and India.....TransCanada gets convenience, and $$$$$, and Nebraska gets risk.

3/19/2013 12:37:37

Donna Roller KXL pipeline is clearly an export pipeline to transport tar sands to refineries in Texas and put on the world market. Most of Nebraska is the Ogallala aquifer and 67% of the water is held in Nebraska. Trans Canada and all of us know that all tar sands pipes leak. A leak I our water will threaten our agriculture economy and pollute water for 47 million people. Think again with the reports you have on the aquifer. The Department of Interior -United Stated Geological survey has records and and maps and data on the hydrology of the aquifer long before TC came to Nebraska and is unbiased. According to them, the aquifer is highly susceptible to contamination. The environmental companies you used are in conflict of interest with big oil. It is foolish to trade our water and ability to grow food so that big oil can make billions off the backs of farmers and ranchers. This pipeline is not in the public interest nor will Nebraska benefit from this oil. They do not have the right to take our land to make money and destroy the income of farmers and ranchers. This violates our 5th amendment rights of the constitution. This pipeline is touted to save the U.S. economy and promote jobs. This is simply crazy and is smoke and mirror tactics of big oil. There are many ways to fix our economy and to say KXL will be our savior is absured. This pipeline should not be buildt at all and especially not in the largest continous unconsolidated Aquifer in the United States. KXL will signal our continued denial of climate change and you will act as though it is business as usual. This is the wrong direction to take as there needs to be many solutions to solving climate crisis. To sacrifice our agriculture economy so that big oil can make money is wrong and this pipeline is unethical on many levels. It is more like an invasion by a foreign country. Water is more important than oil and I hope you realize this before it is all contaminated.

3/19/2013 19:28:46

Yvonne Kaylor-Arner

To voice the opinion that the Keystone XL pipeline will not have an adverse effect on the environment, atmosphere, Nebraska, our country, our earth, is to ignore all of the data that is available stating just the opposite. The big picture is clear - we, as human beings, are destroying our earth. The smaller picture is that our state, Nebraska, is now on the poison pipeline chopping block. An approval to TransCanada is to make Nebraska just one more statistic on how permanent damage can and will be done by large corporations intent on fueling the destruction of our planet while lining their own pockets. The irony is that the people that make up these large corporations also have to breathe the air, drink the water, and eat food grown from the soil. What can they possibly be thinking? This ultimate destruction must be stopped and it must be stopped now. The options are clear - keep destroying everything that has been given to us to sustain life, or start the long process of cleaning up the mess we have created so that our earth may survive. Putting people to work to sustain our earth rather than destroy it is the right decision. Putting the United States of America in the forefront for the research and development of alternative sources of energy could EARN us respect once again. We don't have to be the neighborhood bully. We could be the go-to country for expertise in how to help sustain our environment and atmosphere. But we have to start NOW. Yvonne Kaylor-Arner

3/20/2013 6:52:01

Willa Tharnish Dear State Department- I am a native Nebraskan and I am writing you, once again, to please stop this Keystone XL pipeline. From 2010 until now, Kalamazoo MI is still cleaning up dirty tar sands oil in their rivers. I do not know if you have seen this article or not but I have included the link in case you are interested: I'm honestly astounded that members of our greedy nation are so set on jeopardizing a water source that serves over 8 million people for a dirty oil source. There is clean technology in existenceyet, we continue to turn to the same path we have been on for over a century. My generation has been and will continue to be faced with cleaning up after those that came before us and personally, I have better things to do with my time. If national security is why you want to approve this pipeline, then you are not looking at our very vulnerable gird system that is currently up. We dependent upon coal and oil and that is not a secure system itself. Mixed use energy depending heavily on solar and wind with a new, high-efficient energy grid is a long-term approach that will create thousands of jobs permanently, unlike the Keystone XL pipeline. Please take this note into consideration and change the route of our future’s energy sources by denying the Keystone XL pipeline. Cordially, Willa Tharnish

3/20/2013 8:52:02

Linda Batliner There WILL be a leak in the pipeline at some point in time. Why risk a water source that could someday conceivably be needed by the western half of the United States? Please reject the Keystone Pipline!

3/20/2013 9:07:59

Maureen Kingston

Fantasy Island Redux: “De pipeline, boss, de pipeline!” a hot load, a hot shot through the weakest vein the great plains where seldom is heard a discouraging word where dissent is drowned out by the global cash machine he maketh me to lie down in green pastures the pipeline’s well-designed, the engineers assure a mighty fortress is our god, a bulwark never failing the promise of jobs & safety, a universal hope or a uniscam? The Good Life, Nebraska’s motto, her citizens gracious to the end, pouring pitcher after pitcher of tar sands

3/20/2013 9:17:18

Sue Mitchell Secretary of State John Kerry, Just say NO to #KXL Pipeline, TransCanada. By allowing this foreign company to come in and build this pipeline, will only open the door for more foreign pipeline companies to follow. You cannot allow this to happen. Please save our families, water, land, livestock, wild animals or I could say ALL living animals. Nebraska has been sold out by Governor Heinamann. Nebraska has the most fragil land and sets over the largest part of the Ogallah Aquifer. This is our livehood. Do not let TransCanada or any other foreign oil company destroy our lives for their gain of MONEY, There is no amount of money that is work destroying Nebraska and the Indeginois people of the US. Honor us and the agreements made to the Indians years ago. Just say NO. Sincerely, Sue Mitchell

3/20/2013 9:19:35

gilbert rolle You should be ashamed to bend to the oil companies and the most polluting companies of the planet! TAR SANDS PRODUCTION AND TRANSPORTATION ARE A DOUBLE CATASTROPHE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT: the destruction of the Canadian boreal forest and the dangerous increase of CO2 in our already saturated atmosphere. Your duty is to protect the public AGAINST GLOBAL WARMING, not to get a paid vacation by Big oil in the Cayman islands ! NO TO CORRUPTION IN THE STATE DEPARTMENT ! YES TO THE FIGHT AGAINST CATASTROPHIC CLIMATE CHANGE !

3/20/2013 10:09:41

Pat Halderman This pipeline will not create jobs. This pipeline will not help the Americans have "more oil." The oil will probably be purchased by China. This pipeline will leak. It will pollute our water, kill wildlife and endanger the Prairies. Do not approve this Canadian Pipeline.

3/20/2013 11:19:37

phyllis cole-dai The State Department contends that the tar sands will be developed whether we allow the pipeline through the U.S. or not. This kind of amoral argument, "Canada's going to do it anyway," doesn't wash. It doesn't ask questions of right or wrong. It simply bows to fossil fuel development and treats such development as inevitable. The State Department report also contends climate change would not be significantly impacted. Apparently the Department is not in communication with the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service. The CRS found that because tar sands oil is more carbon-intensive than conventional crude, the pipeline would increase U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by the equivalent of a half million to four million additional passenger vehicles a year. And an entire library of other scientific sources could also be cited in contradiction to the State Department's report. Like so much of what passes as "process" in government, we have another example here of making research fit a previously determined outcome. It's called science for the benefit of those funding the study. Morally, it's bankrupt. The planet belongs to us all. It's a gift, the foundation for all life, human and otherwise. When a few in positions of power and profit make decisions that threaten the very foundations of life as we know it, we all have to say forcefully and passionately, "Enough!"

3/20/2013 11:22:24

Barbara Turner I think approval of the Keystone Pipeline is a mistake. Tar Sands oil is some of the dirtiest fossil fuel on the planet. Not only is it harmful or potentially dangerous to the land owners on the route as it is transported, it is in general harmful to the planet because of the real threat of global warming and the part Tar Sands oil would play in increasing global temperatures when it is used. It is time to develop alternative energy like wind and solar. Thank you for considering my comment. Barbara Turner

3/20/2013 12:45:41

Pat vauck While the pipeline may be deemed "safe" now, in 50,100, or 200 years will it still be "safe"? Are there plans for the removal of the pipeline when the "tar sands" are exhausted in the Canadian area?

3/20/2013 12:49:40

Bruce Boettcher There will not be no damn pipeline built across the good old USA because of the corruption ,flat out lies of big oil and some elected officials . The inconsistancy of science (depending on which side you are on) and the dimissal of the concerns by the people have turned the people against this pipeline and rest of its bullshit.

3/20/2013 13:30:46

James Baldridge

I can't make it to the Nebraska meetings as I live in Maryland. But I'm from Nebraska, born in Hastings, lived in Lincoln and Fullerton and I was at the Forward On Climate rally in DC with the Nebraska contingent. Nebraskans need jobs, just as folks do all over, but jobs claims by KXL supporters are overblown and exaggerated. Claims of pipeline safety are belied by experiences in many places including with TransCanada pipelines, and this "oil" isn't even intended for US consumption.

3/20/2013 13:45:12

Sarah Bauman As a citizen of Nebraska, and a citizen of this planet, I ask that the Keystone XL pipeline not be built across Nebraska or built ever. The areas of ecological importance in Canada will be destroyed, caustic oil sludge will jepordize the land, the water, and the wild and human life. This would be a disaster.

3/20/2013 17:08:28

Tuesday Metcalf Hofts

There are many reasons I oppose this pipeline. One that cannot be argued with is that investing in this project diverts resources, expertise, and time that would be better spent investigating new, cleaner ways to fuel our energy needs. Finding sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels must be done now, for we are on the brink of being too late to preserve what's left of our natural environment. We need to focus on long-term, well-planned solutions, not short-term, harmful "fixes" like the pipeline and we need to do it now. Let's stop wasting time on fossil fuel extraction. We need to move forward, and take our place as a leader in clean energy.

3/20/2013 18:22:56

Teri Hlava I have faith that the State Department is ultimately more interested in the long term care and preservation of our land, water and natural resources which really sustain our country and its citizens..... than yielding to pressure and continuous politics of industries that monitarily benefit from a risky pipeline that makes NO assurance that our country will benefit from access and use of this transported dirtiest oil owned by a foreign COMPANY across the privately owned land and vital,vulnerable water/habitat/life. The jobs are short term, inflated, and largely non local to the common citizenry. Fairness and equity to the most valued welfare of the State is at stake here. Please stand tall and do not sell OUR States' soul for the monitary benefit of a few "powerful". The State Department can and should trump the powerful money interest. Thank you for integrity and courage.

3/20/2013 19:59:47

Anne DeVries Selling our life in Nebraska for some cheap oil is not a dream I ever had, but is turning into a nightmare. Please consider the water below the ground that could be contaminated. Even a one in a trillion chance is too much for any number of short term jobs. We can't live in Nebraska without water. Please deny the pipeline.

3/21/2013 6:26:11

Leona Mitcheltree

I am 80 years old and I feel this decision by our president is the important decision of my lifetime. It will make the pivotal move for the direction our planet will take. NO to the XL pipeline.

3/21/2013 6:53:21

john strong No one has told me why the oil has to be piped to the coast if we[usa] are going to use the oil? must be all going to China

3/21/2013 7:16:09

Carol Smith Please don't permit the Keystone XL pipeline. Mining and burning fossil fuels are destroying the complex web of systems that has allowed our species to thrive. Please take a long view (centuries) when making this decision to ensure that our great-grandchildren have a habitable planet. Carol Smith

3/21/2013 8:06:38

Kerry Kopecky I'm a parent and organic landowner. I understand what's REALLY IMPORTANT! Things we REALLY NEED: Clean water and quality food for my family, livestock, and others. DIRTY OIL is at the BOTTOM!

3/21/2013 22:35:22

Sam Packard Dear State Department, Attached is a letter I sent to senators regarding Keystone XL: Dear Senator, I initially thought KXL was ok and the actual pipeline wasn't producing the CO2 that traps excessive heat on our planet. However, KXL would give the oil industry the go ahead to a means of oil production that destroys huge amounts of habitat and produces extra amounts of carbon, etcetera. We can't Mickey-Mouse with our environment. The new Pope recently called on leaders to protect our environment. "The pope’s homily was striking for its repeated references to environmental protection, highlighting what is likely to be a central theme of his papacy and setting up the 76-year-old pope as a leading activist against climate change." You're in office to represent your constituents: myself and other Nebraskans. Respectfully, by the look of who you've received campaign donations from, it appears that you have a hardened outlook and are on the side of an aggressive oil industry. Please look ahead to the future and realize how important sustainable energy is for slowing climate change. I believe that because many are pushing so hard for it, so many are silent about its enabling more carbon in the air, friendly looking people on tv ads trying to sell it to us, and so many GOP receive oil industry donations -- should all tell us that this is something fishy, and that our climate cannot afford it. I would have a more genuine feeling toward GOP if they would support something other than moneyed oil interests. "[Pope] Francis addressed himself to “all those who have positions of responsibility in economic, political and social life,” asking them to be “’protectors of creation, protectors of God’s plan inscribed in nature, protectors of one another and of the environment.” Please don't approve Keystone XL. Sincerely, Sam Packard

3/22/2013 7:59:49

Kelle lambert As a parent, we talk to our children about making decisions and the consequences of their actions and those decisions. (Doing what is right) As a citizen and a voter, I feel that in the decision of the KXL pipeline, the negative consequences far, far outweigh any possible positive for our community, our country and our planet. Please DO NOT approve the Keystone KXL.

3/22/2013 8:21:06

Jacklyn Saunders

Our land is a precious commodity. It needs protected as do the rights of the people who live on it and work it. It is your responsibility to see that happens.

3/22/2013 12:30:54

Tracy Benson Hello. My family recently relocated to Nebraska about a year ago and so far we love it. I have recently decided to put my career on hold to be a stay at home mother for my two year old daughter and one on the way. We have just purchased a house and we are excited about starting our lives here in Lincoln. When I heard about the protests for the Keystone XL Pipeling on the local news, I decided to do a little research on it. Once I filtered through all the opinion based news and actually got to the reporting, my response was overwhelmingly one sided. When you take job creation out of the picture, there's not a whole lot more left to brag about. This pipeline is not only horrible for Nebraskans, it's horrible for this country. Taxpayers are already paying the price for drought, hurricane and wildfire relief. This may not get any better in the future if we don't slow down our oil and coal consumption. Instead of investing in this pipeline, we should be investing in wind and solar energy. Will this be expensive...? Yes, but not as much as the price my daughter will pay if we don't make changes now. I'm willing to pay a little more if it means she will have a sustainable future. If we can stop this pipeline, we will be thought of as heros from future generations. Thank you for listening. I hope we can do the right thing. Tracy Benson

3/22/2013 15:06:33

Ron Bouska Why should the landowners in Nebraska absorb all the risk without getting any benefits. It doesn't make sense for a foreign country to have a permanently accessable pathway across the United States!

3/23/2013 15:22:47

Jorge De Cecco Please make the Canadians ship their toxic diluted bitumen to China through some other route. Do not poison the USA.

3/23/2013 15:47:24

M.R. Stegman We cannot drink Canadian oil. No XL pipeline in Nebraska.

3/23/2013 17:16:26

Troy Wentz Link to TransCanada’s world map:

I am Troy Wentz of Nebraska. Now that the objective of China getting TransCanada’s tar oil has been met, the Northern portion of the Keystone XL pipeline, proposed to go through Nebraska, can be denied. When 2 different people told me about the upgrading and renovations being done to the Panama Canal as they passed through, I told them it is being upgraded so China can buy the tar sands oil from Canada and ship it from Texas through the Panama Canal. With Obama approving the Southern portion of the Keystone XL pipeline now TransCanada can take the land of Americans who don’t want the XL pipeline going through their land; Americans who don’t want the risk of poisoning their water, their land, the animals or poisoning their neighbors. But Obama doesn’t care about these Americans because China buys the massive U.S. government debt he has created and the massive debt created by politicians like John Boehner and Lee Terry. China buys the U.S. debt, China wants the tar oil and because of the D.C. politicians China will get the oil. And now a toxic tar oil river will flow from Canada, through America’s Heart-land, through the 1st Keystone pipeline from Canada to Oklahoma, through the 2nd South Keystone XL pipeline from Oklahoma to Texas and from the Gulf to the Chinese government and Chinese businesses. Obama and members of Congress are lying when they say the Keystone XL is being built to benefit America. They are lying because they don’t say how it will benefit China and other countries. If the North Keystone XL is denied and never built it will never poison Nebraska or America, but if it is built the risks become real. Obama, Boehner, Terry and Nebraska’s Congressional members who are for the XL North don’t care about the land, water and people who help to feed America and the world, if they did care they would deny it because the objective of getting the tar oil to the Gulf for China’s needs and America’s uses has been met. The XL North is about more production and more profits, dark oil and dark souls... I wonder what will happen if Obama and Congress approve it? Will the Nature’s God that Thomas Jefferson and America’s founders spoke of intervene? When the large numbers of Americans went to D.C. to oppose the Keystone XL and peaceful opponents were arrested an earthquake and hurricane Irene struck D.C. and the East Coast. And again when thousands went to D.C. in opposition to the Keystone XL, the day before they were going to join hands and surround the White House, Oklahoma recorded its strongest and multiple earthquakes in the area where TransCanada wants to build the XL pipeline. If Obama and Congress approve the Keystone XL North... will Nature’s God strike back?

3/24/2013 10:21:15

Skip Johnson Dear Secretary Kerry and State Department staff: As a father and grandfather I stand against the TransCanada Keystone XL pipeline project. I have communicated directly to the White House by telephone and in writing, that I demand rejection of the pipeline project by President Obama. I am completely opposed to ANY use of tar sands for fuel production. I am holding elected officials accountable. Approval of the Keystone pipeline will be recognized as A DIRECT THREAT TO THE FUTURE SAFETY OF MY CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN AND AN ASSAULT ON OUR PLANET USING CARBON EMISSIONS AS A WEAPON. The additional threats to water and soil will not be tolerated. I am a military veteran and if TransCanada's Keystone XL Pipeline Project is approved I will consider it AN ENEMY INVASION OF MY HOMELAND AND DIRECT THREAT TO MY FAMILY, FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS. Do the right thing. Discontinue any and all projects related to the dirty energy of tar sands oil production. Focus instead on the prosperous, promising future of alternative energy development. Move forward to a cleaner environment and a safer future for our children and grandchildren. NO KEYSTONE ROUTE IS ACCEPTABLE BECAUSE TAR SAND OIL TRANSPORTING AND PROCESSING IS UNACCEPTABLE. Sincerely, Harry H. "Skip" Johnson

3/24/2013 11:03:46

Michael Brightwood

If the pipeline goes through, if not you, then your grandchildren will live to regret your actions. If clean air water and land are imp[ortant to you and your descendents do not approve the pipeline.

3/24/2013 14:00:32

Richard Dickson Using the Keystone XL to export Canadian oil definitely is not in our national interest, but touting energy independence/national security to permit the XL is absurd if it is used by a foreign company to export U.S.-produced oil. Since the XL was proposed in 2007, U.S. oil production has boomed while demand has stagnated. "As a result, U.S. refineries are increasingly cranking out gasoline, diesel and jet fuel for overseas markets," the Wall Street Journal reported. From Oil Change International: "Research has shown that the pipeline's major purpose is not to provide oil for the U.S., but to serve as an export pipeline fueling international markets. New data reveal that a full 60 percent of gasoline produced in 2012 at Texas Gulf Coast refineries was exported." Billionaire Harold Hamm, who helped discover the U.S. Bakken formation, originally was against the XL. After he succeeded in persuading TransCanada to build a spur to ship 100,000 barrels of U.S. Bakken crude per day to Texas refineries, he is for it. Elected leaders seem easily swayed to turn their ears to Big Oil and away from the voices of rural citizens threatened most by the toxic goo. Lobbying, campaign contributions, party loyalty and gifting seem to have a heavy influence in directing policies. Big Oil has created a deceptive image that KXL will mean more fuel for our cars and tractors. It is more about exporting not only Canadian tar sands, but also U.S.-produced oil. Investors, oilmen and elected officials gain, while U.S. resources are exploited internationally. KXL is not for the greater good of Nebraskans or our country. Pres. Obama must be persuaded not to permit KXL.

3/24/2013 18:20:37

Chelsea Grubbs Money comes and goes. Precious natural resources and citizens' family homes and lands do not. Listen to science, listen to the facts when you make this highly-important decision. Both clearly indicate that this pipeline is a terrible idea on so many levels.

3/24/2013 20:01:13

Eugenia Kennedy

The pipeline will carry really nasty chemicals throughthe sandhills and it follows the Whooping Crane migration route.

3/25/2013 5:44:36

Christy Buhrmann

This is hardly necessary - damage to the land and water - just to accommodate a business that is taking shortcuts. Let Canada supply their own thru fare. Do not make Nebraska a shortcut to dirty profits by lazy company. No jobs are promised but a measley few, here and there.

3/25/2013 15:46:01

Sandra Fairley It is not in the best interest of Nebr. or the U.S. to have this foreign pipeline planted through the state... thinking about this pipeline crossing a portion of the shallow aquifer...our precious ground water is much too valuable to put it at risk. This pipeline will really be big sales to China. The people of Canada would NOT approve such a pipeline to the West Coast of Canada because of environmental converns. Trans Canada thinks that if they pay enough people to appear in TV ads touting the benefits of a pipeline and blister the airwaves with the message, "Oil is good for you," it eventually will sink in and convince us oil truly is a good thing. Let's stand up for what is good and right...NO PIPELINE!!!

3/27/2013 9:15:11

Douglas Becker Dear Mr. President We can not live without water. So why would we would we take any chance at all of destroying the Ogallala aquifer. Do we really need the Keystone XL pipeline? I would like to see the United States become the world leader in renewable energy. That would be A presidential legacy worth having. Sincerely Doug Becker

3/27/2013 12:46:56

Andrew Grier My concern is based on the lack of comfort in the long term liability incurred by me the landowner as well as an ill defined sense of responsibility on the part of TransCanada for any accidents. In addition, the route interferes with my place of domicile and dramatically would alter the landscape and revenue capabilty of my property. The comfort level with the safety, responsibility and direct impact on my property is not very good for me.

3/27/2013 13:28:33

Wrexie Lainson Bardaglio

The State Department's latest review of the Keystone XL Pipeline is a cynical sham. It ignores the pipeline's significant risk for toxic spills; most importantly, the damage that would be done to the mighty Ogallala Aquifer, which provides 30 % of the nation's ag irrigation waters. One need only look at the toxic slurry ponds left over from the processing of the tar sands in Alberta to see the horrendous impact on living things: wildlife landing on those ponds die. The crude sludge would poison the aquifer, and cleanup of that underground treasure would be next to impossible. The main ingredient in tar sands is bitumen -- used to compound asphalt for paving. It is water-impervious and as such not remediated easily. The flawed State Department document ignores in the most irresponsible manner the

pipeline's catastrophic impacts on our climate, and ignores the clear consensus among financial analysts and oil executives who agree Keystone XL will make the difference in tar sands development. It is an outrage that these same oil executives, already wealthy beyond comprehension, seek to further line their pockets with blood money from a very sick planet, instead of using some of that profit to work on clean energy technologies and their implementation. The oil and gas industry are bullies and it is time we call them out by telling them they will not drive the stake called the TransCanada pipeline through the heart of North America in an attempt to satisfy their insatiable greed. Instead of continuing to allow oil company contractors to determine what is in our national interest, it's time for the Obama administration to step up and reject this pipeline once and for all. There is NO national interest for America. None. It is an insult to America that TransCanada-contracted consultants were allowed by the State Department to materially shape the Environmental Impact statement. Furthermore, it borders on criminal that such collusion was allowed at the highest levels of our government. It undermines the trust that millions of Americans have placed in our government, and makes a mockery of democratic, transparent, and ethical conduct claims at those highest levels. The president delivered inspiring rhetoric on climate action during his inaugural speech. But it is his decision on Keystone XL which will determine his legacy on climate. If approved, Keystone XL will be the Obama Tar Sands Pipeline and it will, as our own government's top climate scientist James Hansen has explained, mean "game over" for our fight to stop global warming. The tar sands pipeline tramples on the rights of farmers and ranchers who have stewarded the heartland for generations. It seeks to invade sovereign native nations, whose trustee, the United States, would be derelict in its oversight should the pipeline be crammed through the tribal lands through the Dakotas and Nebraska. Should there be an accident -- and there will be, make no mistake about it should it be recklessly approved -- Pine Ridge and Rosebud, whose lands sit atop a portion of the aquifer, would have legal recourse under the Winters' Doctrine. I am a Nebraskan and have lived away from the state for forty years; now living in upstate New York. I know what this pipeline would do, and it would do nothing for anyone but industry. Koch.

I expect Secretary Kerry to make the proper recommendation to President Obama. As an avowed defender of the climate and a foe to climate change denial, I am putting my faith in his honorable actions as a public servant. And I am putting my faith in President Obama. This decision will have global repercussions.

3/28/2013 8:43:29

Jade Druding where is information about the KXL & the comment persiond on the EPA website?? My comment: NO TO KXL & ALL TAR SANDS PIPELINES..... There is no need for this dangerous type of energy when we can be moving forward with solar and is outdated toxic and many people will die, and waters and land will be contaminated, this has already been proven by the poor track record of existing tar sands pipelines......outrageous that this is being forced on the worlds people

3/28/2013 20:11:19

Laura Fisher Semerad

My family's farm is located in the beautiful Sandhills of Nebraska near Comstock. I'm very concerned about toxic TAR SANDS being piped through Nebraska. I worry about the fresh water flowing through the aquifer. This is an export pipeline. It creates very few jobs and poses potential harm to our environment and the terrible burden of a likely spill as tar sands oil is abrasive and corrosive.

3/28/2013 21:10:14

Shawn Grove I live in Nebraska my whole life. We do not need this pipeline otherwise we lose our wild animals forests. Which poses leaks from the pipeline and fires and impacts on human health. Wildfires too from the drought that could be caused by the pipeline and this dirty pipeline which can pose a threat to me you and your families. Please deny this Keystone XL Pipeline Please :)

3/29/2013 5:51:46

Anna Marasco The rights of individual property owners should not be sacrificed in order for a foreign owned company, TransCanada to conduct business. Further more, the aquifer and the health and safety of it's above ground residents, flora, and fauna, should not be jeopardized for oil that is in no way insuring fuel security for the US.

3/29/2013 7:29:53

Michael Murphy My three children are healthy, but the all have respiratory issues. My wife was very healthy, athletic, and now I am a widow, she recently died from Cancer. I know , and live with constant reminders that what we do to our planet we do to ourselves, and our families. You cannot look at the tarsands mine and not see the destruction, and know that there has to be fallout from such a disaster. You cannot look at the pipeline companies record and believe that there is absolutely no chance of failure. You cannot look at the amounts of money that will be made by some and look at the way the world works today and understand how above health and honesty, money's voice is unjustly much stronger. If the pipeline is approved, in our name, Nebraska will have to deal with the responsibility that people will become ill, and some will die, our precious water will be at risk, and there will be fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, and friends left behind wondering how our great state let this happen. How much is a life worth? I learned on January 6th at about 1:30 AM, when my wife died, that no pipeline, no mine, no amount of energy, or amount of money can ever justify it. I hope that just for a little while you will try to put yourself in my shoes when you make your decision.

3/29/2013 10:18:54

Robert Fuchs The State Department report on the Keystone XL pipeline does not adequately address the threats to climate change or to the environments affected by local spills.

3/29/2013 12:19:15


Please DO NOT!!!!!!!!!!! allow this pipeline to come thru Nebraska, or anywhere for that matter. This "oil" and the way it is taken from the earth is so toxic. Think long term and save the environment for generations to come. Mary Jo Rome

3/29/2013 21:26:37

Brent Christensen

If the Koch Brothers think this is good, only bad things will happen. These people are some pretty conniving 'Ayn Rand' mentality people!! "The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me." ~ Ayn Rand

3/30/2013 17:44:20

Linell Connolly Mr. President, Secretary Kerry, representatives of the State Dept.-- I am concerned. I am concerned because no matter who explains, what excuses are made, what maps are used, what pictures are drawn...the fact remains: this KXL route (and any others proposed) cross Nebraska's Ogallala Aquifer virtually the entire route. This is my concern, and that of many. Some have used the Sandhills designation to justify a route. We have seen map after map, with the boundaries ever changing. What has never changed is that our Ogallala Aquifer underlies nearly our entire state and those adjoining. No matter the route for KXL, it traverses over and through our precious

aquifer--that which gives life to so many. It gives life to every living person and creature--for without water, we cannot exist. It gives life to the crops, so vital for our world and every other living thing. Our Nebraska Gov. Heineman asked President Obama to deny a permit for the KXL because of the need to protect our Ogallala Aquifer. Then he made a decision that was exactly the opposite and now supports the KXL. I don't know why--only he can tell us that. Our Sen. Mike Johanns, former Secretary of Agriculture (the mainstay of our great state), asked President Obama to deny the permit because of the importance of the Ogallala Aquifer. Then he changed his mind and asked the opposite of the President. I don't know why--only he can tell us that. What I do know and have always known--this pipeline, no matter the route--will cross our state entirely over and through the Ogallala Aquifer--the very entity that President Obama said we MUST protect and avoid. We know, from the Enbridge Kalamazoo disaster that an open water spill of this type of material (tarsands 'oil') is not able to be remediated as first thought. And that spill occurred in open water. In 2011, at the first State Dept. hearing in Lincoln, NE, I asked, "How do you clean an aquifer?" I am still waiting for the answer. (I don't believe there is one.) Working in healthcare for forty years, I believe in evidence-based research. The evidence in this instance says that this project is NOT safe for our water, for our aquifer, for our very lives and futures. I would beg you to deny its permit and move forward to a safer future for us all. Thank you. Respectfully, Linell S. Connolly, RDH, BS

3/30/2013 18:16:33

Patricia Fuller A president who has repeatedly identified climate change as one of the world's most eminate dangers cannot in good conscience approve the Keystone XL, a project that — even by the State Department’s most cautious calculations — can only add to the problem. To your credit, the department acknowledges that extracting, refining and burning the oil from the tar-laden sands is a dirtier process than it had previously stated, yielding annual greenhouse gas emissions roughly 17 percent higher than the average crude oil used in the United States. But your acknowledgement understates the environmental damage involved: the destruction of the forests that lie above the sands and are themselves an important storehouse for carbon, and the impact on streams that flow through them. Your focus on the annual figure, fails to consider the cumulative year-after-year effect of steadily increasing production from a deposit that is estimated to hold 170 billion barrels of oil that can be recovered with today’s technology and may hold 10 times that amount altogether. Saying no to the Keystone XL will slow down plans to triple tar sands production from just under two million barrels a day now to six million barrels a day by 2030. In itself, the Keystone pipeline will not push the world into a climate apocalypse. But it will continue to fuel our oil addiction and add to the carbon load in the atmosphere. The risks are simply unacceptable.

3/30/2013 21:03:51

Tom Yager Why would we allow Canada to build a pipeline across the U.S. to the ports in Southeast Texas, if the oil is not for U.S. consumption?

4/2/2013 8:19:07

Charles Thompson

When all the smoke and mirrors about thousands of jobs and energy independence spun by TransCanada and their friendly politicians clears the air, the real truth about the KXL comes through. This project is all about greed. This greed seems to have no conscience as most of the proponents of the KXL do not worry about the peoples' lives they hurt or the environment they destroy in their endeavor to make money. The one issue being rather ignored in all of this debate about the KXL is the fate of the landowners and citizens who are being trampled by Big Oil companies and their politician buddies who stand to get wealthier from this project. Most of the recent national media attention on the KXL has settled in on the climate and environmental issues, but to me the real concerns should equally include the ignored rights and damaged livelihoods of the people directly affected by the route. Should American citizens be receiving more protection from this huge land grab by a foreign company? YES! Is this project really in the best interest of the United States? NO! IT'S AN EXPORT PIPELINE...SIMPLY TRAVELING THROUGH THE UNITED STATES FOR THE GOOD OF CANADIAN OIL BUSINESSES AND BIG OIL CORPORATIONS!!! THE AMERICAN LANDOWNERS AND CITIZENS WILL BE ASSUMING ALL THE RISK WITH VERY LITTLE IN RETURN!!! Can we afford to provide this risky

pathway which will be putting our water supply and environment at risk while providing riches for the oil barrens and their oil friendly politicians just to say we are good neighbors? Good neighbors would not demand that U.S. landowners sacrifice their land and risk their livelihoods to do this in the first place! SHAME ON US IF WE DO ALLOW THIS LAND GRAB ON AMERICAN CITIZENS TO MOVE FORWARD!!!! Everyone knows that the real reason for the KXL is that Canadian oil is landlocked and the oil companies are willing to do whatever...and to whomever...they deem necessary to get the oil to a "port of riches". The lives of the people and the environment in the way of this quest for riches is of little importance to them. I understand their callous and ruthless attitude because they are people who live by these standards...guided by the all mighty dollar. What I do not understand is why our elected representatives in government are so willing to trash the lives of the people they supposedly represent. I am very disappointed with how the rights of American citizens are being ignored by several oil friendly government officials. In Nebraska, they have even passed special legislation FOR the KXL pipeline that actually works against our State Constitution and landowners!!! American landowners have even been arrested and labeled as radicals, extremists, terrorists, idiots, tree huggers, green loons, and uninformed zealots just for trying to protect their lands and livelihoods. These landowners/citizens seem to be considered acceptable casualties in the quest to move this oil. Just ask the people in Michigan, Montana, and now Arkansas how they feel about that!!! Hopefully, the State Department and our President will recognize that the Keystone XL Pipeline is not in the best interest of the American people and reject the permit.

4/2/2013 8:58:48

Nicholas Turecamo

There is no interest compelling enough to force people out of their homes without their permission. This is a simple land grab.

4/2/2013 9:12:56

Janell Oelsligle How many disasters will it take for our legislators to come to the realization that this pipeline is not in our country's best interests? Please do not approve this pipeline. Our water is too precious a resource. After the drought we experienced last year it is becoming even more important that we safeguard it. Janell Oelsligle

4/2/2013 11:48:07

Stephanie Oelsligle Jordan

Deny Keystone XL in its entirety, immediately. I am a landowner on the proposed pipeline route, and I am also a chef and own a catering company. You must realize that when groundwater is damaged, farms and ranches are damaged. No farms and ranches, no food. This pipeline is not only an environmental issue, but also a healthcare issue, and a food supply issue. Stop considering TransCanada's interests, and do what is right for Nebraska's aquifer and natural what is right for Canada's tribal communities who are suffering from rare cancers....and do what is right for future generations of farmers and ranchers.

4/2/2013 22:52:11

Jason Weyerman

Under any circumstance the Keystone Xl pipeline is NOT right for anyone on the planet and the state of Nebraska. We have learned from the past that the future needs clean energy. Tar Sand oil is not clean energy and poses a great risk with no reward. Do what's right for everyone on the planet and the state of Nebraska. It's a no brainer, SAY NO TO KXL.

4/3/2013 12:12:09

Rev. Brena Hadjian

Here are some facts as I understand them. Please, correct any "misunderstandings". “Safety of the public and the environment is a top priority for TransCanada” their slick website reads. Any spill is deemed “unlikely”. Hardly. Last year, there were 364 spills from pipelines that released about 54,000 barrels of oil and refined products. In 2010 in Marshall, Michigan an Enbridge pipeline sent 819,000 gallons of toxic tar sands crude into the town’s creek just 80 river miles from Lake Michigan. Now in Mayflower, Arkansas, 22 homes have been evacuated this week as Exxon prepares to attempt to clean 10,000 barrels of this same dirty tar sands crude from neighborhoods. <> Cornell University Report: Permanent U.S. Jobs Could Be "As Few As 50." View report here: < > Put simply, KXL's job creation potential is relatively small, and could be completely outweighed by the project's potential to destroy jobs through rising fuel costs, spill damage and clean up operations, air pollution and increased GHG emissions. [Cornell University Global Labor Institute, September 2011]

The following chart from Think Progress contrasts TransCanada's construction job estimates with the high-end projections from Cornell's report: I have to ask, is the Eminent Domain land grabs, harm to the environments worth 50 jobs? 100 jobs? I, and many others, think not. Much Of The Tar Sands Oil Is Expected To Be Exported. What pipeline advocates -- including big-oil lobbyists and House Republicans who have tried to force an early, favorable decision -- fail to mention is that much of the tar sands oil that would be refined on the Gulf Coast is destined for export. Six companies have already contracted for three-quarters of the oil. Five are foreign, and the business model of the one American company -- Valero -- is geared toward export. [New York Times, 10/3/11] Indeed, Valero has indicated to its investors that it plans to export diesel and jet fuel from its Gulf Coast refineries, while importing gasoline from its Pembroke refinery in the U.K. The following chart is from a September 2011 presentation: [Media Matters, 11/9/11] Gas prices: Keystone XL will increase gas prices for Americans—Especially Farmers By draining Midwestern refineries of cheap Canadian crude into export-oriented refineries in the Gulf Coast, Keystone XL will increase the cost of gas for Americans. TransCanada’s 2008 Permit Application states “Existing markets for Canadian heavy crude, principally PADD II [U.S. Midwest], are currently oversupplied, resulting in price discounting for Canadian heavy crude oil. Access to the USGC [U.S. Gulf Coast] via the Keystone XL Pipeline is expected to strengthen Canadian crude oil pricing in [the Midwest] by removing this oversupply. This is expected to increase the price of heavy crude to the equivalent cost of imported crude. The resultant increase in the price of heavy crude is estimated to provide an increase in annual revenue to the Canadian producing industry in 2013 of US $2 billion to US $3.9 billion.” Independent analysis of these figures found this would increase per-gallon prices by 20 cents/gallon in the Midwest. According to an independent analysis U.S. farmers, who spent $12.4 billion on fuel in 2009

could see expenses rise to $15 billion or higher in 2012 or 2013 if the pipeline goes through. At least $500 million of the added expense would come from the Canadian market manipulation. Safety: A rupture in the Keystone XL pipeline could cause a BP style oil spill in America’s heartland, over the source of fresh drinking water for 20 million people. NASA’s top climate scientist says that fully developing the tar sands in Canada would mean “essentially game over” for the climate. The U.S. Pipeline Safety Administration has not yet conducted an in depth analysis of the safety of diluted bitumen (raw tar sands) pipeline, despite unique safety concerns posed by its more corrosive properties. TransCanada predicted that the Keystone I pipeline would see one spill in 7 years. In fact, there have been 12 spills in 1 year. The company was ordered to dig up 10 sections of pipe after government-ordered tests indicated that defective steel may have been used. KeystoneXL will use steel from the same Indian manufacturer. Keystone XL will cross through America’s agricultural heartland, the Missouri and Niobrara Rivers, the Ogallala aquifer, sage grouse habitat, walleye fisheries and more. The agency was not adequately accounting for threats to wildlife, increased pollution in distressed communities where the crude may be refined, or increases in carbon emissions that would exacerbate climate change, and a variety of other issues. Anyone who supports this project should have to live in the areas affected by these spills. Please rethink your position on KXL. It is not a grand bargain. Sincerely, Rev. Bren Hadjian

4/3/2013 15:33:03

Pippa White Lawson

To the United States State Department I will be short and to the point. The first Keystone Pipeline leaked fourteen times in its first year. (TransCanada’s projection had been 1.4 times in 10 years.) What on earth makes you think the KXL will not leak, too? TransCanada is using inferior steel from India, they are not using state -of –the- art equipment, and tar sands dilbit is heavy, corrosive and already responsible for four bad pipeline leaks in our country. Four bad leaks. Two years have passed since the Kalamazoo River got contaminated, clean-up is nowhere near completed and the cost is astronomical. Why are you even considering the Keystone XL Pipeline? The Keystone XL Pipeline is going to leak, and it’s going to leak many times. And one of the times will be really bad. And whether that really bad leak happens in the first year or the tenth year, it will be catastrophic. Why are you even considering this? The oil is not coming to us but is headed for the world market, the jobs, based on your estimates will be modest, fuel prices in the Midwest will rise, and one of America’s most precious resources, the High Plains Aquifer, will be contaminated when the bad leak happens. Why are you even considering this? The “heartland” produces your food. The aquifer provides water for your food. Why are you even considering this? Pippa White Lawson

4/3/2013 16:14:10

Sue Mitchell Do the researach on the tar sands leak in Mayflower, Arkansas, This is again another devasting oil spill, and Kalimazoo Michigan. Get the real truth on the danger of this Keystone XL pipeline. 800,000 barrels dailly. In the worst case secenior, which has never be studied, we will not any idea of the impact it will have on the Ogallaha Aquifer alone. I don't think anyone knows. We can not take the chance of destroying Nebraska and the Ogallaha Aguifer. It is our lively hood for all the natural resources in our state. Don't allow a foreign company come in and destroy our country for their benifit. The EIS was written by a conflict of interest, TransCanada personnall. There are so many trouthly unanswered questions that TransCanada will not answer, Keep them out of our country. Along with any other big oil company that bullies landowners and buys their way in.

4/3/2013 16:45:49

robert petersen my Dad was born on our Farm 96 years ago and has fought off oil and coal companies all his life. This project will be the death of him and in the long run the entire human race. It makes no sense to continue building this knowing what we do about it's effect on the health and well being of our Planet-the ONLY ONE WE HAVE.

4/3/2013 16:59:12


please, spend your energy and resources in safe energy not dirty old energy

4/3/2013 19:13:49

Lynn Zeleski The United States has been blessed with many resources. The history of TransCanada shows a high possibility that their pipeline will leak. They've had leaks in Michigan, Arkansas, Montana, to name a few. With the pipelines in Nebraska having had many leaks, we should have learned by now pipelines through Nebraska risk our precious water. TransCanada does not bring money and jobs to Nebraskans. I oppose the pipeline. The costs are too high and the most we might profit is too low. Please don't allow the XL Pipeline.

4/4/2013 6:46:47

Linda Green Please reject the Keystone XL Tar Sands pipeline. We're seeing what a small spill is like in Arkansas, and a Keystone XL spill would be much bigger. Please stop this tremendously dirty environmental pollution from endangering the midwest, our country and our planet. NO on the Keystone XL Tar Sands pipeline.

4/4/2013 7:20:36

sharon rouse I ahve lived in the western United States all of my life. The Tar Sands Pipeline is not what nature intended for the landscape, which appears to have wide open spaces but which is home to the plants and animals that havelived here for eons. This is not a vaiable alternativeto our energy needs and the people impacted along the pipeline should not be the ones paying the price. Please do not allow this project! Sharon Rouse

4/4/2013 8:48:36

Michael Parks I despair when I consider that in making the choice whether or not to build this pipeline, the will of the people will be thwarted in favor of the profits of the few. The most recent spill of crude from a leaking pipleline should remind us that they all leak and spill. The people of the U.S. are against this pipeline, and our representatives should be as well, if they actually represent us, and not the moneyed interests. Let the Canadians build their own pipeline and leave us out of the poisonous tar sands development.

4/4/2013 8:52:01

Dorothy Martirano

The Keystone XL Pipeline is dangerous, dirty, and destructive -- tar sands development. We need to be investing in clean energy. This pipeline will endanger the lives and livelihood of hundreds of thousands of people, and the water supply of millions. The negatives do absolutely outweigh the positives. For the National Interest and the future of our country and our planet, I urge you to reject this pipeline.

4/4/2013 11:18:41

David H. Finke The rights of landowners, those who drink water (!) endangered by the threat to the aquifer, and the Fate of the Earth should compel you to REJECT this dangerous venture. Creating jobs in the short-run is not an end in itself: even the death camps at Auschwitz gave some jobs to construction workers. Environmental impact of pipelines is not theoretical: witness Kalamazoo and Mayflower. The RISK IS TOO GREAT! Stop Keystone XL.

4/4/2013 21:36:40

Shorter Rankin this pipeline will transmit DILBIT. That is extremely hard to clean up, plus oil companies do not have to contribute to Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund. This pipeline should be disapproved on that basis alone.

4/6/2013 9:37:46

Florence Moller I am extremely concerned about the possible contamination of the Oglala Aquifer. My impression is that there are absolutely no benefits to the nation other than corporate profits of the transporters and refiners. I strongly oppose the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/6/2013 9:45:20

Richard Seese Reject the Keystone XL pipeline because all pipelines eventually leak. We've got the Oglala Aquifer underneath where the pipeline is planned to go, which serves 46% of the drinking water for the whole nation. One leak will poison the whole thing for everybody.

4/6/2013 10:46:19

Joyce Halling My father was a very hard working Nebraska farmer. He fed the cattle before he ate his own breakfast. He farmed the land that his family and my mother's family purchased many years prior. My mother worked right alongside my father -- doing everything she could to support the family farm. They taught us three kids VERY strong (but simple) common sense values. PROTECT AND TREAT THE LAND WITH RESPECT -- AND IT WILL FEED YOU! And . . . . it did . . . and we fed many, many others. This family farmland continues today to feed many others. I currently don't live in Nebraska, however I am a Nebraska farmland property owner and I pay Nebraska taxes. I ask you to MAKE A COMMON SENSE DECISION - - - PROTECT AND RESPECT THE LAND - - - so it can continue to FEED MANY OTHERS! The Common Sense vote here must be NO to Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline. Do NOT risk contamination of land and water.

4/6/2013 13:32:57

Julia Harrison Please - think about the future and not the short term - Oil had had its day - we should be spending money on alternatives - not on a soon to be obsolete source AND - a such an unsafe one - think of the grandchildren - yours and mine Yes this may provide jobs in the short run - but at too high a cost!

4/6/2013 15:14:49

Dustin Bartlett I believe that you, John Kerry, know in your heart that global warming is real, that it is caused by human activity, and that it threatens the future of all living things. You must therefore think that we have not yet reached that critical point of no return, that the hard work can be left for the future. Most climate scientists believe that we ARE at that critical moment in history, when decisive action must be taken or it will be too late. But even if they are wrong, and we can continue to get away with our destructive practices for a little longer, and it can be somebody else's problem, it shouldn't be. We have a men of integrity in the State Department and in the White House now. We may not in the future. Don't wait to do what is moral.

4/8/2013 5:29:19

Nina Nelson The only way to totally protect our precious water supply is to NEVER JEOPARDIZE it in the first place! No pipeline can guarantee this. Not to mention the upheaval to land prices and taking acres out of production. When did the financial interests of a "foreign corporation" become more important than the fundamental rights of an American citizen/landowner? This is shameful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4/8/2013 5:29:19

Nina Nelson The only way to totally protect our precious water supply is to NEVER JEOPARDIZE it in the first place! No pipeline can guarantee this. Not to mention the upheaval to land prices and taking acres out of production. When did the financial interests of a "foreign corporation" become more important than the fundamental rights of an American citizen/landowner? This is shameful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4/8/2013 7:05:09

Justin G Jones Asa concerned Nebraska landowner, I ask you to reject the proposed Keystone pipeline. From beginning to end, the pipeline creates more problems than it solves, and Transcanada is demanding that those along the route assume all the risk, with the only real benefit being to the oil company. This is unacceptable. Thanks for considering our comments.

4/8/2013 7:25:59

Deborah Yost Why I’m Standing Up to TransCanada’s Keystone XL Pipeline "EcoWatch: On Oct. 4, in rural east Texas, a 78-year-old great-grandmother, Eleanor Fairchild, was arrested for trespassing on her own property" news site article This is just plain WRONG. Also, the groundwater is way more precious than oil and its products. Solve the problem of alternative energy and you will make MORE money than with tar sand oil.

4/8/2013 7:37:23

Steve Urbauer The Keystone Pipeline is not in the interests of the country as a whole, or the planet as a whole. Time to find a new solution for our energy needs.

4/8/2013 7:38:14

Sophia Potter Given the recent disastrous events surrounding the Arkansas pipeline, it must become absolutely clear that this is not a "safe" thing to put in our state or our country. I urge you to immediately cease the process of creating the TransCanada pipeline for the sake of Nebraskans and Nebraska wildlife and the environment.

4/8/2013 7:38:56

Barry Robbins Listen to your soul and not the Koch brothers. This pipeline approval would be a step backwards for our county.

4/8/2013 7:49:15

Elaine & Roy Hartley

The burning of tar sands oil will be the beginning of the end for earth's climate as we know it. We cannot afford to do it. The recent spill of tar sands oil in Arkansas illustrates the inadequacy of pipelines as a transport system for heavy pipeline oil and the inability of corporations to clean up their spills when they occur. Say no to the Tar sands XL pipeline. It is bad for Nebraska and for all of us.

4/8/2013 7:51:40

Megan McGuffey

I urge you to reject the Keystone XL pipeline. I do not believe that the pipeline will benefit me or our country as a whole. We have so little to gain by assisting TransCanada and so much to lose. To me, the environmental risks are much to high for this project. Please carefully consider unbiased, scientific data as you make your decision and not the political gains of allowing this project to go through. The risks far outweigh any benefits and so I urge you to reject the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/8/2013 7:56:41

Kathleen Nelson A distinguished geology professor from Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa, has commented that while the damage to the area affected by the XL pipeline in Nebraska will be devastating, he is even more concerned with the irreparable damage that will be done in Canada. And he is a Nebraska native.

4/8/2013 8:01:13

bill grove We have lived in Africa and were impressed by the African's ability to project how their actions of today would impact their future. Please don't make an opportunistic, short-sighted decision. We're willing to make some sacrifices to protect our land, water, and well-being, not only for us, but for generations to come.

4/8/2013 8:06:11

Tom Lynch XL proponent s talk about jobs. What about the thousands of jobs that will be lost when they take crude now moving by other forms of transportation. If Canada wants the crude to move to other country's let them build the pipeline on their own soil. We need to insure the water supply in this country remains safe for our use.

4/8/2013 8:23:12

Douglas Grandt Already sent six comment letters on different topics. direct to State Dept. ;-D

4/8/2013 8:23:18

Judi Welniak It is a sad day when we let a foreign country tear up our land so that they can make a profit. Please do not let other countries or other states profit from raping our state in order to make money for themselves.

4/8/2013 8:27:16

Herbert AbraMS Look at teh location of our current oil refineries. Better yet have the Military look and tell you what will happen if some nut gets a dirty bomb and sets it off in the middle of the Gulf States. Not tomention everytime there is a Hurricane of a blow fuse in the 30 year old refineris there is a huge needless wealth transfer. Build some new refineries. UP NORTH MIDCOUNTRY

4/8/2013 8:41:46

Debra Cook The whole world is watching. This decision could well have a ripple affect which has ramifications for generations to come. It takes great vision, foresight, and courage to make a decision which will affect generations to come and not the short-term needs of powerful corporate and political interests. Please reject the pipeline for all the right reasons and know your legacy could well be one of planet survival.

4/8/2013 8:50:21

Greg Nelson We don't need tar sands in our water, our backyards, our environment nor in our future.

4/8/2013 9:00:25

Pamela Moreno Keystone XL is the result of a foreign power tramping on U.S. citizens with the sole intent of greed. All this dirty tarsands oil is headed for export to another world country that will pay top dollar. How can this be in "the national interest".

4/8/2013 9:02:27

Anna MacCashland

Water is not a renewable resource. The oil companies cannot guarantee "SAFE" pipelines or drilling procedures as we have seen in the horrific "accidents." Energy from oil is a horse-and-buggie myopic industry that might be better served to expand their investments to developing new renewable resources. STOP THIS PIPELINE!

4/8/2013 9:02:49

Jean and William Haslett

Please don't give in to this monstrous proposal. Too much is at stake. What more do you need besides the warning from what has happened in Mayflower, Arkansas! People along the proposed route should not have to live as potential victims of this kind of environmental ruin. THIS cannot be a justified by saying it will provide economic growth -- so would a lot of other programs that are potentially detrimental, and you wouldn't approve those!

4/8/2013 9:07:26

Peggy Lang It does not seem that the lives of Nebraskans, our land, produce or integrity is considered in how this government has let a Foreign Country invade our our Homelands, use para-military tactics against us. Actually, it seems a back door effort to overrun our Constitutional Guaruntees.I volunteerfor The Pawnee Nation and believe that the State Department has no reguard for preserving their heretiage or lands that they now own in Nebraska. *Our WATER is our Life.

4/8/2013 9:09:29

Kathryn Edwards

The Keystone XL pipeline is detrimental to the state of Nebraska and our country. We are taking all the risks for a foreign corporations that isn't even using our steal. Why should we take on the risk of pouluing our water which will endanger all of NE plus many more States. There is no reason for our country to put up with this and using a company that does business with TransCanada to show that it's safe is outragious and I can see no reason to go forward with this pipeline. If Canada wants this stuff then they should go though Canada out to one of the coast and not through our country.

4/8/2013 9:10:35

Tom Merten I am a small business owner in Florida. I, however, grew up in Omaha and maintain an abiding love for my home state. Planned events like the football team helping 7 year old cancer patient Jack Hoffman score a touchdown in the spring game confirm that there really is no place like Nebraska! Nebraska is known for its good caring people and its good land. Nebraska does not want to be known for tar sands oil spills that spoil the High Plains Aquifer, its rivers, streams and its soil. Keystone's XL pipeline, if built, will leak and likely sooner than later. Think Mayflower, Arkansas! Let Canada ruin its own land and leave ours alone.

4/8/2013 9:12:03

ricky fulton Dear State Department, Please do NOT approve the Keystone Pipeline. Nebraska does not want dangerous oil coming through our state. Plus the tar sands fields are ruining the earth. Please do not steal people's land for the pipeline. Thanks very much ricky fulton Omaha

4/8/2013 9:26:30

Thomas Jaudzemis

We don't want or need these dirty tar sands in our drinking water. We don't need the extra polution from our refinaries. THE PLANET CAN'T TAKE THE EXTRA CARBON. Let Canada build a pipeline across their own country if they want the $ that this project is all about. This project is bad for the US and should NOT be approved!

4/8/2013 9:30:22

Roxanne Wach The Arkansas spill embodies the reasons why we should all keep these pipelines out of our country. The pipelines are clearly not safe. They have no good means to clean up a spill and the chemically-polluted tar sand sludge is insidious. It's not good for Nebraska, not good for the environment, disastrous for the Ogallala aquifer and the farm land surround it. The Arkansas spill was a lower volume pipeline than the proposed pipeline through Nebraska. They consider that a small spill! As a concerned citizen, I feel bullied by a big money company trying to take away our good life. I don't want this toxic scheme running through Nebraska. There is no way to restore a precious water supply. The only people who win are the TransCanada executives. The people who lose? Nebraskans, the environment, the farmers and ranchers, the delicate wildlife, the precious aquifer and water supply. Say NO to the TranCanada Keystone XL pipeline. It's disaster in the making.

4/8/2013 10:39:00

Wilbur Dasenbrock

I believe the project is not in the best intent related in the wise use of natural resources. Lets invest in wind and solar and natural gas.

4/8/2013 10:53:06

Clara Theye I am strongly against the XL pipeline. Why take chances with our precious water supply? Water will be next on the endangered list! Do NOT take this chance and vote against the pipeline! We want clean water to be here for our next generation to use!

4/8/2013 11:09:41

Gary Latshaw President Obama – You must reject the application for the Keystone XL Pipeline, and join other countries in HALTING the use of other greenhouse-gas intensive fuels such as the Alberta Bitumen Deposits, and all coal. The Europeans understand the threat of man-made climate change. Ms. Connie Hedegaard, the European Union commissioner for climate action has said that Europeans are looking at your decision and hope for a decision in favor of the environment. The Europeans have already achieved some remarkable landmarks. The French have an operating carbon dioxide sequestration plant and they obtain most of their electricity from nuclear plants. The Germans are rapidly developing solar power with incentives for citizens to install solar panels on their homes. On sunny days the Germans are already able to acquire half their electric power from renewable energy sources. This widespread action is because scientists recognize that if we don’t quickly reduce our global emissions of carbon down by 80%, the climate will undergo drastic and threatening changes. We have to reduce to these levels quickly so we don’t overburden the atmosphere with greenhouse gases. If we wait too long, the accumulation of carbon will cause irreparable damage by releasing carbon trapped in the Tundra and Deep Ocean deposits. The climate will become warmer, hurricanes will increase in frequency and devastate at higher latitudes, droughts will become more frequent, surface ice will disappear, and the oceans become dangerously acidic.

If your think the Republicans are hard to deal with, Mother Nature makes NO compromises. If the world community returns the buried carbon – fossil fuels - to the atmosphere, which is what happens when fossil fuels are mined and then combusted, then the climate of the earth will return to something resembling that the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. During this period the poles were tropical and little or no life existed near the equator. We can pepper the landscape with wind turbines, lay solar panels on every home, and gather hydroelectric energy wherever feasible, but if we release the 400 gigatons of carbon from the Alberta Bitumen Deposits into the atmosphere, the climate will change dramatically. The State Department has issued a lengthy, but ultimately faulty Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR). Environmental Resource Management, a large consulting engineering company, wrote the DEIR for the State Department. But TransCanada – the firm that wants to build the pipeline - paid for the contract with Environmental Resource Management. The DEIR examines narrowly and irresponsibly the global warming impact of the pipeline construction. The DEIR assumes the Alberta Deposits will be mined in any case – and that is not necessarily true as there is substantial opposition even within Canada. The DEIR examines the global warming from mining and combusting the fuel, but only compares the emissions with that of petroleum. The report does not address the implications of mining all of the 400 gigatons of carbon in the Alberta Fields. This will almost double the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere since the beginning of the industrial revolution. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. It would take 4,000 years of the carbon emissions from all of our vehicular traffic, and industry to equal the carbon in the Alberta Fields. ExxonMobil chief executive, Rex Tillerson, has accepted the reality of manmade climate change, but he asserts that mankind can adapt to the changes. However, he has not offered to compensate the victims of Hurricane Sandy, Hurricane Irene, or the droughts in parts of the US, or any other calamity due to climate change. Ironically many of the skills that ExxonMobile and other fossil fuel industries have could be applied to developing renewable technologies and sequestering carbon dioxide emitted from power plants. The fossil-fuel industry needs the government to re-direct their enormous resources. Just as during World War II our major industries supported the war effort: Ford made airplanes, Chrysler built the original Jeeps, Singer Sewing Machine made outstanding guns, and other industries re-directed their expertise, today’s major industries must tackle climate change before it is too late. President Obama, the authenticity of your environmental leadership is at stake. Deny the pipeline and sponsor the development of renewable and low greenhouse-gas energy sources.

4/8/2013 11:10:33

Fern A. Adams DO NOT allow the Keystone XL Pipeline to go near our Nebraska Oglalla Aquifer! It could destroy our state, destroy our country's great source to pure water and our nation and the world's reliance on our agricultural crops. BETTER still is "DO NOT allow this pipeline to contaminate the United States and environmentally be THE PIPELINE TO DISASTER."

4/8/2013 11:24:24

Fern A. Adams Please DO NOT allow the Keystone XL Pipeline to go near our Nebraska Oglalla Aquifer! It eould destroy our state, destroy our country's great source to pure water and our nation and the world's reliance on our agricultural crops. BETTER STILL is "DO NOT allow this pipeline to contaminate the United States and environmentally be THE PIPELINE TO DISASTER."

4/8/2013 11:40:47

Jason Miller I am a proud tax paying citizen of Nebraska, a loyal husband, and most importantly, a father. It is as all three of these things that I write to you today, but mostly it's because I'm a dad. I may be lucky enough to be a grandfather someday. But what future does America hold for my child and these possible children? What does it hold for your offspring, grandchildren, and their children? Judging by the writing on the wall over the past three decades that I've been alive, it doesn't look good. The negative effects of climate change are getting worse by the day. The latest research doesn't look good, I admit. There is no legitimate scientific debate over climate change. It is not a debate. Man made climate change is fact and it's not going away. We know this. But we must make a concerted effort to communicate this to the people. Approving the Keystone XL pipeline does not communicate the correct message. It screams not only "business as usual," but "it doesn't matter," or worse, "we give up." But I have hope. I still believe that We the People can turn this around. But America must lead. As America goes, so goes the world. But it won't always be that way. Not if we continue to promote fossil fuel development like tarsands oil. That's the wrong side of history to be on. As the son of a Purple Heart veteran of Vietnam, I want to be sure that the America that he fought for is an America that leads, not settles for the status quo. The U.S. should lead on this issue, not lag behind while the rest of the world transforms their infrastructure and economy and we are left cursing missed opportunities. The worst thing we can do for our economy, our national security, and the future of our children and their children's children, is sit back and do nothing about climate change and approve this irresponsible pipeline project. The draft of the SEIS seems to brush off any repercussions of developing the tarsands oil, environmental or economic. This is wrongheaded. Even people in the business of tarsands oil have said that tarsands oil does not expand as fast or perhaps at all unless Keystone XL is built. The State Department's assumption that tarsands oil development does not change with or without this pipeline is false and absurd. Why would TransCanada invest billions into building the pipeline and millions on lobbying unless this piece of infrastructure is THE key

piece of the puzzle for the expansion of tarsands oil. Without this pipeline Canada stays at 2 million barrels a day or less, with it they get almost 3 million barrels a day and a virtual green light for more projects. That's a whole lot of carbon dioxide being sent into the atmosphere, once burned. If that wasn't bad enough, the tar sands spill in Arkansas this past month should be a wake up call to everyone involved in this process. If we're going to raise fuel efficiency standards to cut CO2, work to force high pollution factories to curb emissions, and phase out the use of coal, we should not encourage further development of a fuel that will just counteract the measures we are already taking. It doesn't make any sense. We should be finding real solutions, not making those solutions obsolete by giving the green light to more of the same. That's what got us into this mess in the first place. The majority of the American public is not that stupid. We know it's about money. But why so much concern for a shortsighted and irresponsible Canadian company's bottom line? Sure, our refineries get work, but the American people are not going to be using the finished product. There will be maybe 200 permanent jobs once it’s built. This is an EXPORT pipeline that studies have shown will actually increase the price of gas for drivers in my state of Nebraska and throughout the Midwest. We should not be helping to encourage the development of dirty fuel by other countries. We should not put our land and water resources on the line for the profits of this or any corporation. We should not continue the same old policies that have gotten us into this climate change crisis for one more pipeline, one more dollar, or one more day. There is more money to be made in the long run by investing in clean energy. Tar sands expansion will ruin the world as we know it. Have fun making money without customers! It's terribly shortsighted and doesn't make good business sense. Why are we awarding the irresponsible dinosaurs of business instead of responsible, innovative businesses. It's pretty simple economics. Fossil fuel companies are not sustainable businesses. Let them reap what they have sewn and adapt or die. There's nothing more American than winning, and fossil fuels are a losing game. The President has the ability to keep a million barrels of tarsands in the ground a day. With a stroke of a pen he can protect property rights, water and make a dent in climate change. This draft SEIS report is laughable, using the wrong assumption and therefore the wrong science. I also question its credibility. Is there really only one single Ph.D. qualified scientist in the entire list of preparers? In fact, some of them seem to be students and many seem to have

qualifications and experience that are not sufficient to equip them to research these matters. There is no one better qualified to cover this critical aspect of the environmental impact of the KXL project? As a Nebraska resident, I am also concerned about the following unaddressed issues that this report seems to disregard: -The route still crosses the Sandhills and sandy soil that is corrosive to pipe. -The route still crosses the Ogallala Aquifer, Niobrara river, Platte river and over 200 bodies of water in Nebraska as well as countless private family wells. My family also uses these bodies of water for recreation and fishing. Continued use for any reason will be at stake if the pipeline is built and operational. -No one, not one government entity at the state or federal level, has looked at the contract (i.e. Land Easement) between landowners and TransCanada and assessed the social and economic impacts and risks. -We do not have a single study conducted by our government on what a worst case scenario spill, of at least 150,000 barrels would look like on the Aquifer or our rivers or on private land. We only have studies from TransCanada and their contractors or one computer model from the DEQ that only looked at a 47,000 gallon spill in the Aquifer. -Comparing a tarsands and chemical diluent spill in Nebraska’s Ogallala Aquifer to a light-crude oil spill in a different Aquifer in Minnesota is not a valid scientific analysis. -Since the Ponca Trail of Tears is now crossed with this new route, a proper tribal study and consultation must take place. -Risks to Sandhills cranes, Whopping cranes, bald eagles and other wildlife are not fully addressed. Concerns about the American Burying Beetle are highlighted. In President Obama's inaugural address, 2012 campaign, and 2008 victory speech, he promised to lead on climate. In his first major speech as Secretary of State, John Kerry echoed that promise, as did his predecessor, Secretary Clinton. If our government is going to keep those promises, it must start by rejecting tar sands pipelines, especially Keystone XL.

It's impossible to fight climate change while simultaneously investing in the dirtiest, most carbon-intensive fossil fuels on the planet. The administration's bold advances in clean energy and vehicle efficiency have been critical, but much of that progress -- and the credit that comes with it -- will be erased if we also develop the tar sands. Fortunately, environmental momentum in Canada means that other new tar sands infrastructure is no longer a guarantee, and stopping Keystone XL will indeed be a big step against the tar sands. Canadian citizens are saying no. American citizens are saying no. We demand responsible action and plead for climate leadership from this administration. That has to begin with the rejection of Keystone XL. Jason Miller, Julie Pelton, and Jack Miller (age 3)

4/8/2013 11:42:03

Kathy Wolfe April 8, 2013 President Obama: The TransCanada Keystone XL pipeline project is not in our local, national, or global interest, and I plead with you to deny the permit. I am not insensitive to a need for jobs. However, TransCanada has vastly overestimated the number of jobs the project may create, and fully 99% of those jobs will be gone in two years. To top it off, the project will not even make use of domestic materials, thus taking jobs away from manufacturers in the US. Tarsands oil is only an expensive delay in the pursuit of renewable forms of energy, the importance of which you have been asserting for years. Very small short-term gains are not worth the environmental devastation being wrought in Alberta, Canada, nor the gigantic long-term risks to our water and climate posed by this project. The diluted bitumen slated to be transported via this pipeline is highly corrosive, and the safety precautions that TransCanada promises to put in place have been proven not to work effectively in other projects (see Kalamazoo, Michigan for a glaring example). Even with the slight rerouting of the pipeline project, there is still a very real danger of groundwater contamination of one of the world’s largest freshwater aquifers, which makes one of the most productive agricultural economies possible.

The EIS completed on TransCanada’s behalf contains so many factual inaccuracies—and was shown to be so biased by the cozy connection between TransCanada lobbyists and the former Secretary of State, and by Cardno Entrix’s relationship with TransCanada—that it isn’t worth the paper it was printed on. Further, the Nebraska DEQ report was also written by contractors with business connections to TransCanada. No environmental risk report on this project exists that does not reveal a stunning conflict of interest. Throughout their efforts to get the Keystone XL project approved, TransCanada personnel have deceived and intimidated landowners and lawmakers all along the proposed route, bullying them with threats of eminent domain and lawsuits. If the company had a decent argument in favor of its project, it would not need to resort to unethical strong-arm tactics like these. This export pipeline will do nothing to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and nothing to reduce the cost of gasoline, especially in the Midwest. For us, the pipeline is truly “all risk, no reward,” and you can be sure of ongoing civil disobedience here if it is approved. There are many reasons--environmental, economic, and political—to deny TransCanada the ability to build the Keystone XL. I sincerely hope you heed them. The credibility of your administration and--more importantly--our environmental future is at stake. In solidarity with my Sandhills neighbors, Dr. Kathy J. Wolfe

4/8/2013 12:08:09

Carolyn I agree with Bold Nebraska, Sierra Club, and other groups, ranchers, and citizens and oppose the Keystone XL pipeline. We want to see this pipeline stopped. I have made personal visits to some areas that would be traversed by the pipeline. In fact, I just returned recently from a trip to see the Sand Hill Crane Migration. This stopping of this pipeline needs to be given top priority by the State Dept. and President Obama. Our collective futures are truly as state here. Our citizens, nature, and wildlife are all at risk.

4/8/2013 12:36:05

Adam Chandler The long term risk involved with the Keystone XL pipeline shows that this pipeline is not worth it to Nebraska nor the midwest. The spill in Arkansas, combined with the other spills show that it is a matter of when, not if, it happens with this pipeline. The result of a spill this close to the primary source of drinking water for the central United States makes the Keystone XL pipeline a horrible choice to help secure this country's energy independence when algae based biofuels have not been put into use. end the era of oil and bring in renewable biofuels that make sense.

4/8/2013 12:53:40

Lynn Barber Allowing the XL pipeline to cross the United States from Canada would be an unconscionable threat to our water supplies, and the property and well-being of the people along the pipeline route! The pipeline is NOT in our national interest!! I beg of you to NOT APPROVE this pipeline.

4/8/2013 12:55:16

Karen Sookram, Ph.D.

To Whom It May Concern: RE: recent State Dept KXL assessment report As a life-long Nebraskan, I am deeply disappointed in the biased and ill-conceived evaluation that your consultants recently submitted regarding potential hazards of the KXL pipeline. Forcing tar sands and toxic chemicals through a pipeline over fragile grasslands in the vicinity of the Ogallala Aquifer should not be approved. Further, the pipeline will traverse much of the Missouri River Basin, cross over the Platte River, and place the environment from Montana to Texas at risk. Breaks in this pipeline are inevitable, given the history of pipelines. Why should our government approve an additional pipeline carrying such toxic materials through so much American land? Such practices must stop. The risks of harm to people, property, and wildlife are not worth the benefits (reaped solely by private oil corporations). Is it true that this toxic mess is destined to be refined in Texas and then sent overseas at considerable profit to corporations ( without even being taxed)? Why is our government protecting foreign and private corporate interests while putting U.S. citizens and our environment at risk? Please do not sacrifice the well-being of ordinary Americans for the corporate interests of a privileged few. The state department assessment of KXL risks and benefits falls far short of depicting the reality of the project. Thank you for reconsidering the harsh reality of the KXL project. Please do the right thing and kill this project! Karen Sookram, Ph.D. Concerned Nebraskan

4/8/2013 13:09:46

Karen E. Jones I am a resident of agriculturally-rich California and I am in support of my Nebraska Organic Ranchers and Farmers and all Good Stewards of the Land. The Ogllala Aquifer is our Life-Line and should NEVER be risked by dirty, dangerous Oil piplines like the expansion of the Keystone XL. Please hear our Voice of Reason and Good Morals. NO KEYSTONE EXPANSION!

4/8/2013 13:20:17

Lauren Davis I believe that approval of the Keystone XL pipeline through Nebraska would be unconscionable. Even the new route is too close to the beautiful, fragile Sandhills. In our current extreme drought the risk to the aquifer is unacceptably high. Not many jobs will be created and the oil will be exported - leaving us waiting for a spill to happen. The costs - real and intangible - are simply too high. Thank - you.

4/8/2013 13:31:03

Sue Mitchell Thank you for the opportunity to comment on Keystone XL. This is a very important issue. Keystone XL pipeline has no redeeming value Keystone XL will bring essentially no benefit to the U.S. Keystone XL will bring liabilities. Keystone XL will lock us in to 50-years of a bad decision. Who will pay the piper? Tarsands bitumen has no redeeming value CO2 emissions will exceed past fossil fuel emissions. CO2 emissions will accelerate climate tipping points. CO2 emissions will exacerbate flooding & drought. CO2 emissions will strengthen hurricanes and rains. CO2 emissions will decrease available potable water. CO2 emissions will increase heat-waves and wildfires. CO2 emissions will be “game over for the climate.” Tarsands extraction has no redeeming value Extraction destroys the habitats of people and animals. Extraction destroys ecosystem, livelihood and culture. Extraction destroys the boreal forest carbon sink. Tarsands processing has no redeeming value Processing leaves toxic water on the landscape. Processed toxic ponds attract migrating birds. Processed toxic waters seep and leak into rivers. Processed toxic water causes mutations in fish. Processed toxic water destroys food sources. Processed toxic water causes people to die of cancer. For all the reasons enumerated by countless other people of conscience I believe that the Keystone XL pipeline and the tarsand diluted bitumen that it is proposed to transport have no redeeming value and degrade U.S. national security.

4/8/2013 13:44:08

Sarah Bauman and Miles Bryant

Please consider the environmental impact of this pipeline and the long term effects on the Canadian North. We do not need this caustic oil sludge coming through our country to ship away and pollute the atmosphere. Temporary employment on this project does not involve positive economic impact, but the effects of leaks and spills does. Please do not allow the Keystone XL. Sarah Bauman

4/8/2013 13:56:41

Amy Schaffer There is no viable route through the State of Nebraska with the existing entry point. The route still crosses the Sandhills, Ogallala Aquifer, high water tables, porous permeable soils, and corrosive soils.

4/8/2013 14:07:19

Carolyn Nolte We will not be bought. Vote, NO, to ensure the health and safety of water, environment, and your citizens. Doing what is right is not complicated. Thank you, Carolyn M. Nolte

4/8/2013 14:08:43

Rosemary Thornton

We live a mile north of the Niobrara River and south of Sparks. We are concerned about all the rivers and streams in the route of the pipeline when a spill occurs. We have read widely about the pipeline and believe it to be the worst possible project for anyone's country, no matter what the route. We believe that it would be the beginning of a disaster of such proportion that no one can foresee what the future outcome might be. All for a company that wants to trade the health of the planet for money! If the President and Secretary of State are as wise as we believe them to be, they will refuse to allow Keystone XL Pipeline into the USA!

4/8/2013 14:09:19

Rosemary Thornton

We live a mile north of the Niobrara River and south of Sparks. We are concerned about all the rivers and streams in the route of the pipeline when a spill occurs. We have read widely about the pipeline and believe it to be the worst possible project for anyone's country, no matter what the route. We believe that it would be the beginning of a disaster of such proportion that no one can foresee what the future outcome might be. All for a company that wants to trade the health of the planet for money! If the President and Secretary of State are as wise as we believe them to be, they will refuse to allow Keystone XL Pipeline into the USA!

4/8/2013 14:52:41

John L Pappan I speak of the native indigenous people of Nebraska ie Omaha Pawnee nations whose ancestors lie buried in the soil here in the Midwest. Many remains and sacred sites including current homelands are along the Keystone Pipeline route. native indigenous people do not wish any oil spill to pollute our wells and water supply. We stand against yet another Injustice to our people we were never consulted on this matter. We look to protect our homelands, water and future generations Great Black Father in Wash DC do not allow this pipeline honor the treaties signed to protect the omaha and pawnee peoples

4/8/2013 15:45:11

Fern A. Adams DO NOT allow the Keystone XL Pipeline to go near our Nebraska Oglalla Aquifer! It could destroy our state, destroy our country's great sources to pure water and our nation and the world's reliance on our agricultural crops. BETTER still is "Do NOT allow this pipeline to contaminate the United States and environmentally be THE PIPELINE TO DISASTER."

4/8/2013 16:31:35

Lynne Eggers As a Nebraska landowner, I am totally opposed to running the pipeline through Nebraska - or any other state for that matter. Our water resources are much more valuable than oil transport at this point. I see no benefits resulting from this plan - only risks. Are we willing to put the health of our neighbors at risk? We've seen how incompetent oil corporations are in terms of preventing accidents and leaks. Who will profit from this - looks like oil corporations to me...and perhaps Wall Street...certainly not typical Nebraskans. This area is one of the most fertile areas in the world. Will this be true following an oil spill that ruins the aquifer? No to this outrageous plan!

4/8/2013 16:50:28

Donald Bredthauer

We are told the Keystone XL Pipeline will be the most highly engineered pipeline available to us and poses little environmental risk. That assessment needs to be weighed against these realities: 1) The tar sands crude pumped through this pipeline will be under enormous pressure and is highly corrosive. 2) The capacity of this pipeline will be 900,000 barrels per day compared to 80,000 barrels per day that flowed through the ExonMobil pipeline that recently ruptured in Arkansas. 3) The new pipeline route still runs over a portion of the Ogallala Aquifer and even a very small leak would be disastrous. 5) Even if we had 100% assurance there would be no leaks, respected climatologists report that the extraction, refining and use of tar sands crude will release so much carbon in the air that it will put us well over the limit of our ability to keep climate change from spiraling out of control. We urge you not to ignore health, safety and long term environmental concerns in favor of short term job opportunities to build this pipeline to transport dirty oil to Texas refineries for export overseas. Our concern about the risk to Nebraskans, our water source and future generations compels us to speak out. Donald & Barbara Bredthauer

4/8/2013 17:45:06

Helen Woerner Tar sands oil is an environmentally unacceptable energy source. We need renewable energy to supply our needs, now and in the future. The Keystone XL pipeline also poses hazards to land and water from the strong likelihood of spills and even possible sabotage. Locally, we are facing the prospect of ongoing and worsening drought in Kansas as a result of climate change. We cannot afford the additional 220 ppm of CO2 contained in the deposit from which this project's oil will be extracted: that would put the planet at over 600 ppm CO2--into the 'catastrophic' climate change range. This would be a crime against humanity and against all life on Earth.

4/8/2013 18:17:20

Betty & Gary Foster

It is inexcusable that Exon doesn't have to pay for spills their tar sands lines create. TAX PAYERS will pay for the Arkansas spill. The tar sands sink and will never get cleaned up. XL will leak and ruin the Ogallala Aquifer for drinking, growing, farming, wild life, with no guarantee it can ever be cleaned up. WHY is the media coverage of the Arkansas spill not allowed? THIS LACK OF FREE INFORMATION FOES AGAINST WHAT THIS COUNTRY WAS GROUNDED ON, FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

4/8/2013 18:24:29

Becky Hall I am a retired teacher, from Iowa, here as a member of 100 We are a group of grandmothers who want to leave a livable future on this earth to our grandchildren. Stopping the Keystone XL pipeline must happen. This needs to be the turning point when we all wake up to what we are doing to our only home, the earth. Stop this madness now!

4/8/2013 19:04:17

Rick Doolittle The pipeline is not worth all the Risks.water i8s a Tremendous resource and we Do not want to have it Ruined.

4/8/2013 20:38:45

Renee Wessels Please consider this issue very carefully and reject it on the merits. This pipeline is NOT worth it. I live in Nebraska and am STRONGLY opposed. Thank you.

4/8/2013 20:39:27

Charlene Potter I grew up on a farm in Kansas about 30 miles from the pipeline in - county. My sister and I still own 80 acres near there. They put that pipeline in and did not contact my sister and I. My parents have taught me well the lesson that we have to protect our land and water. I am an environmental artist because of this lesson. There is scientific documentation to support that Fossil Fuels are the cause of Global Warming. I believe right now, today, is the time to end the use of fossil fuels. And I believe hope for the future is in Solar and Wind Energy. This is the time for change. After the spills in Mayflower, AR, Houston, TX, and the railway accident in Northern Ontario that has spilled unestablished gallons of toxic dirty oil into our precious soil and water we cannot allow the XL pipeline to move forward. At some point we have to say no, stop, we will not allow anything to jeopardize our land and water any longer. I believe the land we grow our food is to important for monetary gain. The jobs that might be created does not out way the risks. These companies cleanup ability is nonexistent. There is so much untruths coming from these companies how can we believe anything from them. We cannot put our land and water at risk with these companies. We have to uphold the water we drink. The water is the life blood for all of Nebraska. The land is the foundation that supports all of Nebraska. This is the heritage that has been handed down to us and today is the day that we will rise up and say. "I will protect the land and the water." I say no to the XL Keystone Pipeline. The land and water is our heritage and we must protect it above all costs.

4/9/2013 5:35:42

Charlie Yost As a concerned Nebraskan I am disappointed that I will not be able to attend the hearing next week on the Keystone XL project. I urge you to reject this pipeline. The risks of moving so much dirty oil over such a vast distance are to great even if it is done in the most responsible manner, and I have no confidence that the Keystone people will not cut corners any where they can. We should be developing cleaner, alternative energy sources rather than scraping the bottom of the barrel with project like the Keystone XL.

4/9/2013 7:09:15

Cynthia Kelley The event in Mayflower is the TRUTH about pipelines and the tarsands that fill them. Studies done by oil interests ignore the real dangers and focus on the temporary, short-term benefits. This is hocus-pocus at best. Our environment is too fragile to handle the long-term negative effects of this proposed pipeline. Please stop the pipeline. Please.

4/9/2013 8:25:05

Scott Rayborne We cannot allow money to sway our decision making process when it comes to the environment. The only reason to drill for oil this dirty, oil that is being called "game over for the environment" is simply about greed. We need to do the RIGHT thing and make the RIGHT decisions for the environment or there won't be an environment to save..

4/9/2013 8:29:44

Kristin Grosskopf

When the future of our collective health and longevity requires that we seek alternative energies, constructing a pipeline to carry an even more toxic substance than has been historically used, is BACKWARDS IN ITS APPROACH! I am among the legions of others who have been, and are willing to conduct our lives differently, in order to reduce -- and possibly to eventually cease our dependence on oil.

4/9/2013 8:38:39

Jim Taylor Reject the KXL pipeline.

4/9/2013 9:41:00

Nanacy Williamson

To those in power, You can make a difference in the future of the your children and grandchildren and great-granchildren. Don't allow the KXL Pipeline on our soil. If we speed up the ease with which these tar sand products are brought to market we are participating in rushing the loss of of our health, lives, and future through pollution of the air, irredeemable rape of the earth and risking our own water supply in Nebraska. This is not new or questionable information. Don't be bought out or pressured to go against what you know is true and right. Sincerely, Nancy Forst Williamson

4/9/2013 10:15:25

MJ Albrecht Please reconsider the pipeline route. Putting the pipeline over the Ogallala Aquifer is a disaster ready to happen. Existing pipelines show us the question is not IF there will be a leak, but when, where, and how bad. The pipeline benefits oil companies, not average citizens. Furthermore, this route benefits oil companies, not average citizens. It creates just a few US jobs, and moves the Canadian oil south to the gulf area where the oil will be transported to markets outside the US. How is this good for the US?

4/9/2013 10:20:27

Matt Evertson If you give a child a lump of coal or a sticky, stinky glob of bitumen, they will go "ewww!" Intuitively they will know that this is dirty energy--if you burn this thing, it cannot be good for the air we breath. How much longer are we going to power our future with outdated, dirty, counter-intuitive fossil fuels from the past. The stakes are too high. We can do better than this. Keystone will just prop up this outdated energy supply--and destroy our environment in the mean time. The risks are too great--the pay offs way too small for Nebraskans, and citizens of the world!

4/9/2013 11:24:07

Lynette Ryder Tar sands are a problem from the method of extraction, transporting across American farmlands, to the end of selling on the open market with little or no impact on US gas prices. Why are we letting a Canadian corporation use its power to over-ride the wishes of US land owners?

4/9/2013 11:34:53

kathleen stanley I am against the Keystone Pipeline. It is a bad idea and should be stopped. Pegasus ruptured the other day two hours from our city. It will happen to Keystone. We know that Pipelines are a bad idea whose time is past. All old forms of energy give way to new forms. Solar and wind can be harnessed. Why don't the companies throw money into figuring out how to do it instead of slowly destroying our earth and our lives. We only have one earth. Please encourage the halt of the Keystone pipeline and all future pipelines. Thank you for your time. Kathleen

4/9/2013 11:38:32

Joan F Wilson I am totally against XL oil pipeline through the United States and Nebraska. Obtaining this kind of oil is extremely damaging to the environment and refining and use of this oil will contribute to global warming. I was born and raised in Nebraska and have family raised in the Sandhills. The water and land in this part of the country is far more valuable to future of this country and our children than any ad this dirty oil. I strongly urge you to turn down the request for Canada to build this pipeline through Nebraska and the United States. Joan Forbes wilson

4/9/2013 13:09:07

Cheryl Cassiday Please look at the history of the recent oil spills, both in the Gulf and over land more recently, and reject this pipeline. The industry cannot guarantee safety. The purity of our water supply and the safety of our homes and livelihoods depend on YOU to protect them!

4/9/2013 13:23:24

Barbara Schlachter

We do not need the pipeline because we cannot afford to burn this fuel and put more CO2 into the atmosphere. We need to invest in clean energy technology and not benefit the already rich oil industry. The US gains nothing from this endeavor in the long run. Gas prices will actually be higher in the midwest, and there will be very few jobs beyond initial construction. Any oil spills, and there will be some inevitably are costly to clean up. The American people will end up paying, not receiving any benefit, and the world our grandchildren will inherit will be less stable and livable.

4/9/2013 13:57:14

Don & Wanda Loseke

Keri-Ann Jones US Dept of State 2201 C. Street NW Washington, DC 20520 Dear Ms. Jones, As we are in the path of the proposed KXL pipeline we are opposed this method of transporting the Dilbit from Canada. This is not classified as crude oil so the United States government does not get any revenue from the dilbit going through our country. Why do we need to pollute our country with the tar sand dilbit in an effort for a foreign country and corporation to make a huge profit at our expense. With the recent pipeline break in Arkansas it should be enough evidence that we do not want or need this type of product going through our country. We have enough of our own oil to satisfy our needs for the foreseeable future. The amount of permanent jobs created by this pipeline will be considerably less than KXL is trying to make you believe in their information. We are opposed to giving a foreign country and corporation a forever easement through our one mile of property. They will only pay taxes for a short time and we continue to pay taxes as long as we own the property. As we understand KXL does not want to divulge what they are diluting this mixture with until the time that a leak is discovered. From all reports this is a very toxic mixture pumping at high temperatures and very high pressure. A leak of any kind would pump countless gallons of this toxic mess onto the land before they even know what is happening. We understand that KXL is not going to contribute to a cleanup fund in the event of a pipeline failure. Will this be up to our State and Federal Government to clean up? Please deny this permit as we do not want or need this pipeline on our land or in our country. Most sincerely, Don & Wanda Loseke

4/9/2013 16:07:34

Laurel Van Ham I comment as a Nebraskan, a person of faith, a concerned grandmother, and a citizen of the only planet currently known to sustain human life. One of the charges I hear whenever someone advocates for America to do something about climate change is that "What we do doesn't matter if other countries don't do it, too." Well, here is our big chance. Are we going to take action that makes it less profitable for Canada to harm the environment? Or are we going to enable their bad behavior? It's as simple as that. And if we decide to enable them we will live with the consequences for a half century or so. Until my grandchildren are grandparents, wondering what we were thinking back in 2013.

4/9/2013 16:11:14

Ellen Campbell I am totally against permitting a Canada company to carry toxic tar sands above our Nebraska aquifer. If it's so safe, why isn't Keystone piping it across their own land to the coast? I see no benefit to Nebraska or the U.S. other than some temporary jobs.Once the pipeline is completed, those jobs will be gone. And the final product is not planned for cheap sale in the U.S. It will be sold to the highest bidder, likely a foreign country. Keystone thought to pacify those objecting to the pipeline by moving the route to the edge of the sandhills, but its projected path is still over the aquifer. The recent disastrous pipeline leak in Arkansas should be warning enough to not place our own precious water supply in peril. Promises and "studies" by the very company that will profit from the project simply do not cut it.

4/9/2013 18:32:02

Greg Thompson Stop the pipeline!

4/9/2013 18:46:46

Kristie Tang I am opposed to the pipeline for environmental reasons. I am also disappointed in the lack of wind and solar energy development.

4/9/2013 20:14:20

lois schreur I will bring written statements for the State Dept when I come on the 18th. If we need more people to speak, I can sign up and read my statement. Otherwise, I will just plan to be there and bring my written statement.

4/9/2013 21:08:30

Rosalie President Obama I am asking that you deny the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. This pipeline will leak just as the one in Arkansas has. It may be 60 years and I will be dead by then but I do not want my Grandchildren or Great Grandchildren to want for food and water. I think we need to ask ourselves how good a neighbor is someone who uses eminent domain to take ones property for their gain? This land and water here in Nebraska serves so many States in our Country. So it is not only my Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren who would be harmed but everyone's children. I think God's intent was for us to do no harm. I can see where granting this permit is tempting but is the grief it can cause worth it?? Do you really want to let an Oil Company dig up our Native American burial grounds? Please deny the permit. Rosalie Regan A grandparent living in NE.

4/10/2013 7:59:07

Margaret Mainelli

The KEYSTONE PIPELINE is one of my biggest concerns. It is so massively important to say NO TO THIS PIPELINE. I have researched the extraction of oil from the tar sands in Canada. It is so utterly damaging. Examples are: the destruction of the Boreal Forests; the use of roughly 400 gallons of water per day; the creation of toxic pools of waste water; pollution downstream that has led to more cases of cancer for Indigenous peoples; the need for chemicals to move it through the pipeline; the chance of it spilling into Nebraska’s ground water and other waterways; the high percentage of greenhouse gas emissions compared to conventional oil; and the list goes on. These are all HUGE reasons to say no to this pipeline.

4/10/2013 10:23:25

Christine Wallingford

My mother is disabled, she has M.S., and lives in the Sandhills of Nebraska (out in the country, not in town) and can not drive. She gets her water from a ground water well. If the ground water is contaminated she would not have fresh drinking water or water to bathe. How can you in good conscience pass the proposal for the pipeline knowing the irreparable harm it will do to the people of Nebraska and our environment. If the groundwater is contaminated it would kill all the livestock the Nebraska Cattlemen count on to make a living, it would kill the crops (corn, wheat and soy beans), and it would kill my mom. Think about it: No Steak, no hamburger, no corn pops, no corn on the cob, no Wheaties, no bread, no flour, no Sandhill Cranes. Can you seriously vote for this pipeline and then go home and look your children and grandchildren in the face? There are some things in this world that money can not buy. Please tell TransCanada that we are Not for sale and our morals can not be compromised for money.

4/10/2013 10:35:26

Steve Larrick Recent oil pipeline spills from the Kalamazoo River to Arkansas show these pipelines are not safe anywhere near water. A University of Nebraska researcher estimates there will be 91 major oil spills along the Keystone XL pipeline over a 50-year period of use. Moreover, the tarsands oil that DOES make it through the pipeline will be subject to toxic processing and burning that will contribute to catastrophic climate change for our fragile planet. We need to move, instead, to create jobs creating renewable wind, solar, geothermal and other cleaner sources of energy.

4/10/2013 10:44:01

Virginia Fahnestock

It is INSANE to risk the water in the aquifir. Do the tar sand spills in Michigan and Arkansas mean NOTHING. I do not want the beauty of Nebraska to be destroyed by the pipe installation. I do not want the Earth to be destroyed by this horrible processing method, just for some smelly fuel. I would rather NEVER drive again that help to promote tar sands processing. We must find another method. Why do we want tar sand processing when Keystone will not even tell us what chemicals are used to force the tar sands through the pipeline? Please stop the insanity NOW!

4/10/2013 10:47:21

Ross The proposed Keystone XL pipeline is clearly a huge give away to the oil industry at the expense of American citizens and the health of the heartland. This is not about making temporary jobs for Nebraskans and others, but about providing a way for big oil to transport dirty crude to refineries in the south. It is also not about energy independence because there is no requirement that the refined petroleum be sold in the US and most will be shipped overseas to bolster corporate profits. Last, but not least, is the fact that refinement of tar sands oil produces a lot more greenhouse gasses than more traditional petroleum sources. To risk polluting US aquifers and farmland, and increasing greenhouse gasses in order to boost corporate profits is simply wrong and the pipeline should be denied once and for all. Dr. R. Secord

4/10/2013 10:47:36

Dr. Jeanne Reames

The recent spill in Arkansas only serves to underline exactly WHY we do not "need" this pipeline anywhere near the delicate ecosystem of the aquifer. Jobs are lovely, but short-term, and there are other jobs to be had -- some from other CLEAN fuel that Nebraska could invest in. Destruction of the environment is permanent. With water being used at increasingly high rates in the midwest and west, absolutely NOTHING should endanger the aquifer, and there is no such thing as a 100% safe oil pipeline. Anything less than 100% is a percent too high. Ergo, as 100% isn't possible, then the answer must be a resounding NO.

4/10/2013 10:51:48

Candy Laursen Please reconsider this pipeline project. We MUST preserve our water in Nebraska especially, at all costs. Water is more precious to life than oil. Always has been, always will be!

4/10/2013 11:32:30

Daniel Flynn One of the original arguments said that oil floats on water. We now know that to be entirely false after the dilbit spill in Arkansas. Lee Terry is either the biggest liar or con man in politics or just plain stupid. I'm guessing that it is a lot of both of those cases.

4/10/2013 11:33:26

Virginia Mitchell I can't believe we need to go through this all again. We do not want Keystone XL to come in and risk damaging the Ogallal Aquifer and our lively hood. Make it stop, The first EIS was flawed do to conflect of interest for Hillary Clinton and TransCanada. This EIS statment has again a conflect of interest with TransCanda's writing the EIS, Our questions were not answered. This is America, we are tired of getting lied too. We are tired of a foreign oil company coming in for 3 years now and threating us time and time again, and they do not even have a permit. How can that be right? Stop all of this termoil in our Nebraska lives and say NO to the Keystone Pipeline. Do your homework and look up all the oil spills that have happened with oil companies. You cannot risk our lives for their profits. It is not if there is a leak it is when, then it is too late. We are again experiencing the strangest storms hitting the midwest. Snow, Sleet, Wind, Tornadoes, all at the same time. Global warning if for real. No KXL pipeline.

4/10/2013 11:41:05

Maureen Franklin

As a life-long resident of Nebraska, I oppose the Keystone pipeline. As a committed environmentalist and farmer, I object to the use of tarsands to produce petroleum, and I oppose the transport of those tarsands through Nebraska. My farm is near the proposed siting of the pipeline. I do not want my land, which has been farmed by my family for over 100 years, to be damaged by a future spill from the Keystone Pipeline. Please keep the tarsands safely in the ground in Canada. Please do not endanger our land here in Nebraska with the transportation of this highly polluted material. It is toxic to our water supply and therefore, to our way of life.

4/10/2013 12:29:23

Stu Luttich 2013 April 10 United States State Department Attn: Ms. Genevieve Walker NEPA Coordinator 2201 “C” Street, NW Room 2726 Washington DC-USA 20520 Web-site: Re: Proposed TransCanada Ltd. Keystone XL Pipeline The fervent trust and hope is that the United States State Department will not grant any permit for any routing/re-routing and building any pipeline to transport any fossilized non-renewable carbon-based crude oil on behalf of any entity without first clearly and categorically explaining why and how the route, the pipeline, and use of the oil is serve, benefit and promote to improve the interests of the people of the United States of America. Just exactly what are the greater goods being served by the routing and construction of the pipeline; and, thereby, to transport and promote the exploitation and use of the oil that would not be served, if the permit to route and construct the pipeline through Nebraska and the USA was denied? Why do we – the people of the USA - need, or not need, the pipeline, the route of the pipeline, or the oil flowing through that pipeline? Why are the needs and values of the people of British Columbia CANADA different from those of Nebraska and the USA? Please explain the resulting environmental, economic and ecological consequences, if the pipeline is built, or not built, if the proposed route is followed, or not followed, and, perhaps, most importantly, if the dilbit (diluted bitumen) crude oil that is destined to flow through the pipeline

is used, or not used. Wiithout elabaorting upon the global meteorological, climatic and ecological ramifications resulting from the mining and using the tar-sands oils, two less significantly mentioned ecological facts have been either ignored or misconstrued: • Any routing and laying of any 36” diameter pipeline through virgin unbroken native prairie grassland will be a one time event within the lifetime of those living today, and perhaps more than a few generations to follow. Native prairie grasslands and grassland sod once broken is never fully restored again to its aboriginal state. • Yes, jobs will be created to construct, maintain and operate the pipeline; but, the overwhelming proportion of those jobs will be temporary construction jobs; and, once the construction of the pipeline is completed, those jobs will immediately evaporate. A far less significant proportion of jobs will remain for maintaining and operating the pipeline; but, even these relatively few jobs will not be absolutely secure. The first-order of any business - the pipeline business being no exception – is to be profitably successful; and, TransCanada Ltd. or their successors, no different from any other business, will only employ the minimum number necessary to maximize their profit margins to serve the intrinsic interests of themselves and their stockholders. When corporate profits begin to suffer, jobs are usually the first to be sacrificed. Jobs are still identified as a cost-liability, and, not an asset, on the accounting ledgers for operating a company. The fewer jobs TransCanada Ltd. needs to maintain and operate any pipeline the better. Almost none would be the ideal! I fully understand how hope and can and often does spring eternal; and, one of the more fervent hopes is for the economic and political leaders of this nation and World to finally realize the folly of our way and addictions, and, to commence leading the nation and world toward a less dangerous, less polluted and contaminated, and, less threatening future. One does not dig themselves out of a hole by digging the hole deeper. Sincerely, Stu Luttich

4/10/2013 12:36:53

Jonathan Flack Why is Nebraska the ONLY state that gets public hearings on #KXL at this phase? After a whitewash report with key parts drafted by industry consultants with deep ties to the Canadian TarSands I'm appalled at the lack of transparency you are giving to a project which does NOTHING to address energy independence and serves only to provide port access for a foreign corporation's toxic product. This is un-American at it's core and reeks of the kind of revolving door, cronyism politics that have turned American's against Washington DC.

4/10/2013 12:42:38

C. Richard Matson

The Keystone Pipeline is not in the best interest of this country or the environment. The oil will end up being shipped to other countries.

4/10/2013 14:01:03

Lisa Lee I am still preparing my comments but will forward them to you when I am finished. I plan to bring a hard comment of my public comments on April 18th as well.

4/10/2013 14:22:25

Ira D. Jinkins Sr. During just the past week we have seen the oil spills in Arkansas, Texas and other states. This is the time for the American People to demand that our elected officials put the health, welfare, safety and security of America ahead of campaign funds to fill their bank accounts. Furthermore, during my 50+years of observing the political process in America I have never witnessed the blatant selling out of America and the American People by elected officials, businesses and news media. As an Army Infantry combat veteran(Desert Storm) this blatant disrespect and dishonor of America is reprehensible at best and treason at it's worst. We all know that the refined Canadian tar sands will not be used in America, it is already under contract for China, Europe and other foreign countries. Taxes will not be paid to America, the jobs will be minimal and temporary and the American People will foot the bill for the potential oil spills, ruining of our lands, waters and air while Trans Canada and it's paid spokespeople will reap all of the money and benefits. This is so wrong on many levels!

4/10/2013 15:19:09

bob renner Keep the pipeline out of Nebraska.

4/10/2013 15:56:44



4/10/2013 16:37:35

Brent Christensen

AMERICA must be self sufficient for oil, or why would we put OUR Grain Belt at risk, to be exporting oil to OTHER countries, if we still don't have enough for our use?? Build a Canadian Pipeline across Canada to EXPORT this Canadian Tar Sand and you will find Cananda suddenly WON'T want to exploit these Tar Sands anymore!! They KNOW what they would be in for, but they are fine with shipping it across AMERICA'S BREADBASKET, to the Gulf Tax Free Export Zone!! NO MOVING ANY KIND OF OIL ACROSS THE USA, IF IT IS NOT FOR THE USofA TO USE!!

4/10/2013 17:35:08

Marilou Morrical Let's not sacrifice Nebraska and our sensitive environment to those who only want to make money for the big oil companies and care little for the people and land they might destroy if there's a spill. I know the actuaries for these big oil companies would prefer to pay fines and penalties if a spill occurs than scrap this project. They can't pay enough to repair the damage that would occur if there was a spill.

4/10/2013 23:50:12

Dean Shamblen I see what is happoning in Arkansas, and Kalamazoo Michigan. pipelines rutinely break, thats a fact. tarsands Bituman oil is the Dirtiest oil there is. its harder to clean up when it spills. thats also a fact. allowing this pipeline is short sighted and stupid. I've seen what the Canadian wilderness looks like after they mine for this crap. its a total wasteland. This pipeline WILL LEAK!!!! and poison our land and water. think of future generations. please dont leave our kids and grandkids a wasteland to "live" in.

4/11/2013 4:18:58

Michael McKee Please don't let this be built over our state! Please let human safety be more important than corporate profits.

4/11/2013 7:55:42

F.Kay Blackstone

Scientific evidence is telling people how rare fresh water is becoming all over the world. The Ogallala Aquifer is lowering. It would be a foolish act to allow any oil pipeline to be placed above the aquifer. There will be a spill regardless of the safeguards. The line should be placed over another area.

4/11/2013 12:42:49

mary pipher I am deeply opposed to the KXL pipeline. I want to protect Nebraska's land and water, but I also want our government to stop fossil fuel projects of this nature and work harder at clean energy solutions. I know that we have a very limited time to act before it is too late. I want my grandchildren to have long and healthy futures. Mary Pipher

4/11/2013 13:20:04

Deirdre Evans Without the horror of the Gulf oil spill I doubt I would have been as troubled by a post on Facebook about somebody’s grandmother being bullied by an oil company to build a pipeline through her land. At that point I had never heard of the Keystone XL Pipeline or TransCanada or tar sand oil. I didn’t even know that most of Nebraska sits on top the Ogallala Aquifer. It’s been a never ending learning curve ever since and the spills just keep on coming.

I have learned how the tar sand operations have decimated a chunk of Alberta the size of Rhode Island, sent the cancer rates of the nearby indigenous communities skyrocketing and polluted Lake Ahabasca so much that up to 20% of the fish living in it are tumor-ridden and deformed. Well, if that is how those tar sand companies treat their own land and people and resources, with the Harper Administration’s blessings, then how can I expect them to respect ours? For two full years TransCanada had no compunction about building this toxic export pipeline through environmentally fragile Sandhills and over the heart of the Aquifer. Insisted upon it, couldn’t do it any other way. This is not a company that cares about anything but their own bottom line. I’ve also learned new vocabulary words. Diluted bitumen, for instance. It’s a sticky, super sludgy heavy oil that is never easily cleaned up. It sticks to riverbottoms, driveways and ducks with the same stubborn adherence. Enbridge gave up on cleaning the Kalamazoo River and just dumped gravel on top of it. Now they are being sued to dredge up the mess. Does TransCanada expect to dredge the Aquifer? Recently, Exxon threw treated paper towels on lawns and wetlands in Mayflower Arkansas, trying to clean up a tar sand oil spill in the suburbs. Is that how a spill in the remote Sandhills would be handled? With paper towels? Or will that stubborn diluted bitumen cling and linger to pollute like the oil still does in Alaska? Or on the shores of the Yellowstone? Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, or PAH, is another new part of my vocabulary. They are some of the more persistant contaminants in tar sand crude which is what the XL Pipeline would carry. The 1989 Exxon Valdez spill, including PAH’s, continued to poison and affect the life span of fish and sea otters for more than a decade later. Long term exposure decreased salmon life span by 50%. Even years after a spill, workers or children or animals disturbing the dirt may stir up contaminants and be at risk of exposure. This is just a small part of what I have learned and it amazes me that this newest study says that the XL Pipeline will pose no substantial risk to our Aquifer or the land of our ranchers and farmers and their families. I see no substantial evidence that TransCanada or any other oil company knows how to clean up these toxic, noxious spills in the natural world in any meaningful way. The environment is not a kitchen floor and there is no tar sand Marge handing them a quicker-picker-upper. Given that we are now experiencing severe and lasting drought in Nebraska, our water should be our top priority. If we cannot look to our government to be the leading stewards of the land then we are woefully betrayed by them. And so will be the generations to come.

4/11/2013 13:53:04

Lori Lawrence As a native Kansan I see the need to keep our limited water clean. We are currently in a severe drought and cannot afford to have our water contaminated by an oil spill along this pipeline.

4/11/2013 14:26:05

Michele Artascos

Please veto the pipeline. It is too close to the aquifer and would spell disaster for years to come if there is a spill. Invest in renewable energy (wind and solar). This pipeline will not benefit our country in the long run, but will profit a corporation instead. Keep our country's wellbeing in mind, this is too important and the ramifications too serious to even consider this pipeline. No good will come from it!

4/11/2013 16:57:24

Margery Given the massive oil spills that have recently happened in Texas, Arkansas, Michigan, and Minnesota there is no way the oil industry can claim their Keystone XL Pipeline is safe. It is still crossing the Sandhills -- renaming that portion of the Sandhills does not make them not Sandhills. The Ogallala Aquifer is in danger NOW from the pivot irrigation usage and the Pipeline would turn Nebraska into a dessert. This project is not good for the planet nor the state. It would harm irrevocably productive lands and the Aquifer is not owned by the United States it is owned by the Indian Tribes who are opposed to such misuse of a resource that is needed by the people of the state of Nebraska not Canada.

4/11/2013 17:04:17

Jenna Lichter Please consider the magnitude of this pipeline and the negative effects it could have on Nebraska. It is too big of chance to take.

4/12/2013 7:59:54

Dan Conner I tired of the lies about the 10's of thousands of jobs they say will be created. Those jobs will only be very temporary, until the pipeline is done. Then, there will only be 10's of jobs. The sand will wear out the pipeline quickly, the pipeline will be diverting currently piped oil from Midwest refineries, raising the price of gasoline in the Midwest. The oil will only be refined for sale to foreign countries. In other words, the Keystone XL pipeline is only intended to boost profits of an already too profitable business. In addition of the catastrophic effect on the climate and land, there is no benefit to the American public. Why is the Federal Government considering putting the American people in such risk to their health to make the Koch Brothers and other oil companies even richer. This should not be about enriching people already too rich. It should be about improving lives of the American people. After all, isn't this about "We the people..." What is the Government and the oil companies going to tell the people when their pipelines break or leak and contaminate precious farmland, ground water, and aquifers? Sorry just won't cut it. Hurting people for the sake of profit is not a value. What is the oil company plan to unpoison ground water and aquifers? How will the oil companies de-poison the land and again make it suitable for agriculture? Instead of subsidizing oil companies through eminent domain, let's give eminent domain to wind and solar power. They don't pollute. We could have developed green sources for energy making oil unnecessary.

4/12/2013 9:02:11

richard chilton OTHRP/OTHPO Remarks Submitted to the United States Department of State Hearings on the Keystone XL Pipeline Lincoln, Nebraska September 27, 2011 and Atkinson, Nebraska September 29, 2011 The Omaha Tribal Historical Research Project (OTHRP), Dr. Dennis Hastings (Omaha), Founder/Director, is the official cultural authority in perpetuity by Tribal Resolution (Tribal law) of the Omaha Tribe of Nebraska and Iowa, a Federally-recognized Indigenous tribe. Calvin Harlan is the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO), the Tribe's representative for Historic Preservation matters with various state and Federal agencies, and other public and private groups. Neither OTHRP nor THPO speak for the Omaha Tribe on political or economic affairs, only on cultural matters as they reflect a thousand winters and more of Omaha history.

Thomas Linzey, Executive Director for the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund of Pennsylvania, has stated that the United States Constitution upholds the rights of private property and commerce over the rights of individuals, communities and the Earth, and OTHRP agrees with this assessment. Under the Constitution the U.S. State Department oversees international relations, and as an Aboriginal sovereign nation within the exterior boundaries of the U.S., OTHRP joins with other sovereign Native Nations both within the U.S. and the First Nations of Canada to repudiate the mining of the tar sands of North America for profit of private commerce in the name of corporatocracy, that, through acts of corruption and criminality now controls the national government of the U.S. and has a great economic and political consequence all over Mother Earth. This “Mother Earth Accord” which follows these Remarks is a joint statement by both North American Indigenous and non-Aboriginals to the people of Canada and the United States that concludes, “ on oil, including tar sands, and invest in the research and development of cleaner, safer forms of sustainable energy and transportation solutions, including smart growth, fuel efficiency, next-generation biofuels and electric vehicles powered by solar and wind energy.” In ancestral Omaha and Native culture, Mother Earth is the sanctuary of life for all our relations, and brevity and reverence must be given to these relations, including individuals, communities and Mother Earth herself when we as human beings utilize them collectively for living on this planet. As a combined Earth and Sky People providing for the Hu’thega, Tribal Circle, the Omaha joins Indigenous Peoples around the world in respecting the waters, the growing things, and the forces of wind, sun and moon for this purpose. When we tamper with these relations, as we have in the mining of tar sands for the sake of profit of private commerce in the name of corporatocracy – an economic rational that has been shown incontrovertibly through moderns science to be the human cause of climate change - we violate Mother Earth and the inalienable rights endowed by our Creator of life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness, as Thomas Jefferson understood when he replaced John’s Locke term “property” with “pursuit of happiness’ in compiling the Declaration of independence. “Pursuit of Happiness” does not mean that Mother Earth and all her relations is a “property” to

be exploited for the sake of profit of private commerce in the name of corporatocracy. As the original lands of the Omaha since 1640 include portions of the Ogallala aquifer, it is a violation of both Omaha culture and the spirit of the Declaration of Independence to mine these tar sands and then transport these inferior oil residues through pipelines across Omaha ancestral lands. The Omaha sustain themselves from water drawn from this aquifer. Moreover in the varying Treaties imposed upon the Omaha by the Government of the United States from 1815-to 1854, and further legislation, administrative or case law, or Presidential executive order from the end of the Treaty era in 1871 to today, the Omaha never signed away our water rights. The Mother Earth Accords speak to a number of reasons how and why construction of this pipeline is not in the environmental interest of Mother Earth. More specific to the Omaha is the fact that portions of the Sandhills, which comprise 18,000 square miles of unique topographical features, were part of the Omaha ancestral hunting grounds where numerous living relations, including berries and stalks and deer and buffalo, were provided by the Creator to the Omaha for daily tribal life. As death is as much a part of such daily life as birth, numerous Omaha gravesites, some known to the Omaha, some unknown, lay scattered through these portions of the Sandhills and as such, are sacred sites to the Omaha. The region also serves as part of the Continental Flyway for hundreds of species of birds, including endangered species such as the whooping crane. There remains as well an abundance of fish in the streams and rivers, insects in the grasses, and microorganisms in the soil necessary for the organic sustenance of Mother Earth. As these lands are “Ground Zero” for construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline, it is disingenuous for elected representatives of the People of the State of Nebraska, whether state officers or members the U. S. Congress, to claim opposition to this pipeline merely by saying “not in my backyard” while still believing that the project is a legitimate means for the culture to address its energy needs. It is cost prohibitive to the Pipeline’s corporate investors for this project to be constructed “around” the state, there is no other route available but next to the existing pipeline, which traverses eastern Nebraska, and is a more expensive course than the one proposed. Indeed, the entire project is said by some to be a sham, a ruse to mask through the mythology of energy independence the real goals of the state-subsidized corporatocracy, which is to

provide a means for U.S.-based refineries to profit yet again off the rape of Mother Earth in the sale of these inferior oil residues exported to foreign lands. At what point do these modern American Tories who fiddle while the country burns take up their own hardtack to eat with the rest of our citizenry? Moreover, vying between the economic interests of corporate agribusiness and the oil industry, it is equally disconcerting for Nebraska’s ranchers and farmers to defend the Ogallala aquifer when that aquifer is already under threat of depletion, overwhelmed with privately-dug wells. OTHRP’s cultural view is not that fossil fuels cannot be extracted nor underground or surface water be used for agricultural and other purposes, but that the employment of the natural resources of Mother Earth under the premise of private property or eminent domain imposed with the presumption of public good when in fact this is all a shield for the profit of private commerce that has already irreparably harmed both Mother Earth and her relations, clearly then, implementation of both conservation and development of renewable sources of energy are a more viable, effective and honest alternative. As practitioners of what Francis La Flesche (Omaha), the first Native American Anthropologist, termed “Progressive Peace,” a form of nonviolent diplomacy, OTHRP calls for Americans to recall how the late 18th Century American Revolution declaring a severance from British rule was in fact, prompted through nonviolent means. Progressive Peace is a deliberate choice of the Omaha to negotiate peaceful resolutions of conflict. Negotiation does not mean compromise, or a giving up of something in order to achieve a greater good. Rather, the Omaha recognize a reciprocity of relationship; that two equals, whether stronger or weaker, have by virtue of their presence a point of view, a culture, a way of life that must be respected. If disagreements arise then negotiations occur on the commonality of relationship, not difference. This was a common practice among many Aboriginal Peoples. We know for example, the influence of The Six Nations Confederacy on the eventual formulation and structure of the U.S. Constitution, the former first acknowledged in Colonial writings by Country Callandar in 1722, and later by Benjamin Franklin in 1749, when he spoke of the Albany Plan. Among many other non-tribal people a professor from the University of Nebraska-Omaha, Bruce E. Johansen - who is also a recognized expert on climate change - has three published books on this subject alone.

Opposition to the 1765 Stamp Act, a tax on the Colonialists imposed by the British Parliament to pay for the Seven Year’s War with the French, was the first of an increasing number of non-violent acts, up through and including the edicts of the First Continental Congress in 1775, to refuse to trade in British goods and a refusal to pay any taxes imposed on other goods, which galvanized a reluctant people to take the steps which led to the Declaration of Independence. Today, a similar circumstance exists in the United States as in the years before the 1776 Revolution. Then as now, the interests of property owners and investors in commerce took precedence over the interests of individuals, communities and Mother Earth. If the interests of corporatocracy continue to override those of the People, the United States may very well fracture like that of the Soviet Union, and for similar reasons, if under the different circumstances of state socialism as to what Americans face under corporate capitalism: the effects on the People and Mother Earth, however, are the same. While the Omaha never went to war with the United States, the Omaha have always resisted, and continue to resist, the imposition of cultural ways antithetical to those of Omaha interests. Imposition of the Keystone XL Pipeline upon Mother Earth is clearly antithetical to Omaha interest. An act of civil disobedience committed by 1,253 individuals, including members of both Indigenous and Nebraskan communities that occurred in the Federal District, the nation’s capital, over two weeks in 2011 climaxing on Labour Day weekend in resistance to the imposition of the Keystone XI pipeline on Mother Earth, exemplifies the kind of resistance that may be necessary to implement the full measure of Progressive Peace in our modern time, even if it means “Bringing Egypt Home to America.” OTHRP encourages participation and endorses the “Surround the White House” action on November 6, 2011 as a contemporary expression of what actions may need to be taken in carrying out the meaning of Progressive Peace as it pertains to the violation of Mother Earth by construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. In Peace,

Dennis Hastings, PhD Founder/Director, OTHRP Margery Coffey, PhD Assistant Director, OTHRP OTHRP richard chilton Calvin Harlan Project Facilitator, OTHRP Omaha Tribal Historical Preservation Officer (THPO) Preservation Officer Calvin Harlan Omaha Tribal Historical Preservation Officer (THPO) Mother Earth Accord September 2011 Tribal Government Chairs and Presidents, Traditional Treaty Councils, and US property owners, with First Nation Chiefs of Canada, impacted by TransCanada’s proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline and tar sands development present at the Rosebud Sioux Tribe Emergency Summit, September 15-16, 2011, on the protection of Mother Earth and Treaty Territories: Recognizing that TransCanada’s proposed Keystone XL pipeline would stretch 1,980 miles, from Hardisty, Alberta, Canada to Nederland, Texas, carrying up to 900,000 barrels per day of tar sands crude oil, which would drive additional tar sands production; Recognizing the existing resolutions and letters in opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline; Guided by the principles of traditional indigenous knowledge, spiritual values, and respectful

use of the land; Affirming our responsibility to protect and preserve for our descendants, the inherent sovereign rights of our Indigenous Nations, the rights of property owners, and all inherent human rights; Affirming our Indigenous view that the Earth is our true mother, our grandmother who gives birth to us and maintains all life; Recognizing that the tar sands in northern Alberta, Canada is one of the largest remaining deposits of unconventional oil in the world, containing approximately 2 trillion barrels, and there are plans for a massive expansion of development that would ultimately destroy an area larger than the state of Florida; Recognizing that tar sand development has devastating impacts to Mother Earth and her inhabitants and perpetuates the crippling addiction to oil of the United States and Canada; Recalling in September 2010, the Assembly of First Nations of Canada called on the United States government to take into account the environmental impacts of tar sands production on First Nations in its energy policy, citing the high rates of cancer in the downstream Fort Chipewyan community, which prominent scientists say are potentially linked to petroleum products; Recognizing the findings published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that tar sands production releases 13 elements considered priority pollutants under the U.S. Clean Water Act, including lead, mercury, and arsenic into the Athabasca River in northern Alberta, which flows 3,000 miles downstream to the Arctic Ocean; Recognizing that tar sands production produces three times the greenhouse gas emissions of conventional oil and NASA climate scientist James Hansen has said that if the tar sands are fully developed, it will be “essentially game over” for the climate; Recognizing that Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions from tar sands development have more than doubled since 1990, which is the main reason Canada is failing to meet its greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets under the Kyoto Protocol; Concerned that Indigenous people are most vulnerable to the social, cultural, spiritual, and

environmental impacts of climate change; Recognizing that Exxon-Imperial and ConocoPhillips Heavy Haul shipments are attempting to haul more than 200 oversized loads of heavy oil machinery from the Port of Lewiston, Idaho along Highway 12 into Montana, then north to the tar sands project in Alberta, Canada; Concerned that tar sands crude oil is more toxic, corrosive, and abrasive than conventional crude oil and poses additional pipeline safety risks that have not been fully assessed by the U.S. Department of State in its final Environmental Impact Statement for the Keystone XL pipeline, issued August 26, 2011; Recalling that TransCanada’s year-old Keystone pipeline, from Manitoba, Canada to Patoka, Illinois and Cushing Oklahoma, has had 14 spills in the U.S. portion since it started operation in June 2010, and was temporarily shut down by regulators in late May, 2011; Recognizing TransCanada’s extremely poor safety record for the Keystone pipeline, it is probable that the Keystone XL pipeline will have frequent spills because it will have similar design specifications; Concerned that oil spills from the Keystone XL pipeline would destroy live-sustaining water resources, including the Ogallala Aquifer, which provides drinking water for millions of people and farmland irrigation throughout the Midwestern United States; Concerned that construction of the Keystone XL pipeline will impact sacred sites and ancestral burial grounds, and treaty rights throughout traditional territories, without adequate consultation on these impacts; Concerned that the Keystone XL pipeline would increase air pollution in the communities surrounding the refineries that the pipeline would service where people of color, Indigenous peoples, and poor people are already experiencing high rates of cancer and respiratory illness; Recalling that TransCanada’s permit application to the Canadian government for the Keystone XL pipeline said it will increase oil prices in the United States by $4 billion per year; Acknowledging that the Keystone XL pipeline is not designed to provide the United States with

energy security and that industry documents indicate Gulf Coast refineries operate in a free trade zone and plan to refine tar sands oil into petroleum products that are intended for export overseas; Therefore, we are united on this Mother Earth Accord, which is effective immediately, that it be resolved as follows: We support and encourage a moratorium on tar sands development; We insist on full consultation under the principles of “free, prior and informed consent,” from the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples both in the United States and Canada; We urge regional authorities to halt the Exxon-Imperial and ConocoPhillips Heavy Haul shipments of tar sands equipment through the United States and Canada; We urge the United States and Canada to reduce their reliance on oil, including tar sands, and invest in the research and development of cleaner, safer forms of sustainable energy and transportation solutions, including smart growth, fuel efficiency, next-generation biofuels and electric vehicles powered by solar and wind energy. We strongly believe that the proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline is not in the national interest of the United States or Canada; and We urge President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton to reject the Presidential Permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. The Omaha Tribal Historical Research Project – Official Cultural Authority of the Omaha Tribe of Nebraska and Iowa 834 Highway 75 Walthill, Nebraska 68055 Omaha Tribal Historical Preservation Office P.O. Box 368 Macy, Nebraska 68049

4/12/2013 10:11:17

Nancy Allpress This pipeline is not in the national interests of the United States. It will not create permanent jobs, it will not reduce our energy dependence,, and it only serves to benefit Canada and their export company, TransCanada. The required study on the corrosiveness of DilBit has not been completed. Additionally, study on oil leak detection has not been completed. And then there is the lawsuit pending challenging the authority to exert eminent domain over Nebraska landowners. IF, and I hope this does not happen, the President determines that this is in the national interests, I would respectfully request that the route be moved far away from the Ogallala Aquifer and our sandhills. Contrary to the DEQ report and TransCanada's assertions, the current proposed route still crosses the aquifer and sandhills. NO TO KEYSTONE XL. SAVE OUR FARMS !!!!!!

4/12/2013 13:10:47

Judith Sandeen We need to stop the pipeline because of the long-term climate effects of tar sands, and because of the short-term issues with the aquifer. The safety records of pipelines are abysmal, and there is no reason to expect this one will be any different. The small gains pale in comparison to the huge losses.

4/12/2013 19:57:26

Karen J. Long Please think of what this will do for future generations for our water quality. Our health and of our children, grandchildren, and all future generations depend on safe water. Do not allow the oil pipeline to cross our valuable resource of underground water. Thank you, Karen J. Long

4/12/2013 21:56:45

Joyce Petit In the case of our farms , the pipeline would actually be sitting in our water of the Ogalalla Aquifer, because the water level is so high. So any leak we would have in the pipeline of dirty oil would immediately be in our ground water and all of our water supply, drinking water, water for crops water for our animals would be contaminated. So how do you run a farm and live with contaminated water? You don’t. it would be worthless. It would not only affect our farm but all surrounding farms and since the river is close, If it got into the river water there is no telling how far-reaching it would be. Where are the laws that protect the American Citizens and their property from a foreign corporation that wants to put in a pipeline that is not for the common good. It is only for the monetary benefit of TransCanada and only the risks for the landowners land and water. It would create very few American jobs and the tarsands oil will be refined and shipped out of Texas to the world market with no benefit to the U.S. With all the huge spills we have seen in the last 3 years we can see what a disaster it is for the United States. These spills have ruined property, lakes, fishing business'and lives. Causing illness of many kinds. For only one thing, billions of dollar profits for the oil company's. Disastrous spills for America to try to clean up at huge expense to the spill areas. Please stop the Keystone XL pipeline before we have any more disasters.

4/13/2013 6:15:46

james reilly Approving and completing this pipeline is a dereliction of your duty. It's lies on lies, for the sake of money for you and your friends. Your power is not unlimited, but the people's power is. We don't want this pipeline and you don't want us publicly connecting you to this disaster, for the rest of your lives.

4/13/2013 13:54:51

Mark Chavez I am already mourning for the people already impacted by climate change and the fossil fuel industry. I am mourning for the Beaver Lake Cree Nation where industry has stolen land in order to extract the tar sands, and where people are getting more and more sick. I am mourning for the community of Manchester, the Valero refinery in Houston, where childhood cancer rates are ten times higher than the state average. People talk about how bad things are going to be in thirty or forty years for the privileged, but they often ignore how bad things already are for the marginalized communities. I keep hearing from people that my generation--I'm 22--doesn't care or that we are too complacent. I've been thinking a lot about that, and the real reason we may seem disenfranchised is because it's your job, as the past generation, to convince us to buy what you're selling. And you've failed. At my age it is hard to see the power structures fail and become completely obsolete, but that is the case. There is no progress within the current system. The future you have left for us is a miserable one, so I don't want to see you act happy about that. I am tired of reading reports, and scientific studies that tell me this planet may not be hospitable for me by the age of retirement. And it will be even worse for my children, and the future generations. That is why I am here fighting, alongside many others my own age, and younger and older. Fighting to change things, fighting to change the flawed system that I was born into, and fighting for the future."

4/13/2013 14:19:02

cynthia tiedeman

Stop the XL Pipeline in order to decrease global warming and thus increase our chances of survival. Keystone XL is the fuse to a huge carbon bomb. Listen to the climate scientists instead of the tar sand money.

4/13/2013 21:12:13

Don Slaymaker Hello, My name is Don Slaymaker. I live over the Ogallala Aquifer and in a valley between the most beautiful Sandhills you have ever seen. They are at an elevation of 2,240 feet and some are even taller. You can go to the top and see for miles or you can be in a bottom and wade in a crystal-clear stream. Our very existence depends on the water that we drink, use to raise crops, and give to our animals. If that is taken away or polluted with an unknown chemical, our lives will never be the same and neither will the rest of the United States. We are in the Bread Basket, the heart of the country. You are ruining generations of preservation by risking our pure water and running a pipeline through this area's only water source. Why would we stand by and let this happen? Something is very wrong with this picture. I have heard about how "the procedures and proper steps have been taken". These are just empty words; they are not acceptable for us. If you knew the land (and I mean really knew it) like the landowners do, you would have a real love for the land and always would. These landowners care about the land more than any foreign company that only wants to make money ever could. There are many problems with this land that already exist, such as springs and fault lines by the Niobrara River and Brush Creek. When the pipeline is buried, there will be a tremendous amount of erosion. When it leaks, how bad will it be? Who will be responsible for the clean-up? I want names, not some group or company. If this is approved, it will be on your conscience, but we will be the ones to suffer. I could understand this a little more if it were an American company, but why should we risk our water for a foreign company? Why can't we know exactly what chemicals are going to be in the pipeline carrying the tar sands oil? Keystone XL can ship their tar sands oil out east or west across Canada and risk their own water, or whatever it is that they have up there. Please stop this before it is too late for all of us. Thank you, Don Slaymaker

4/13/2013 21:14:03

Don Slaymaker Hello, My name is Don Slaymaker. I live over the Ogallala Aquifer and in a valley between the most beautiful Sandhills you have ever seen. They are at an elevation of 2,240 feet and some are even taller. You can go to the top and see for miles or you can be in a bottom and wade in a crystal-clear stream. Our very existence depends on the water that we drink, use to raise crops, and give to our animals. If that is taken away or polluted with an unknown chemical, our lives will never be the same and neither will the rest of the United States. We are in the Bread Basket, the heart of the country. You are ruining generations of preservation by risking our pure water and running a pipeline through this area's only water source. Why would we stand by and let this happen? Something is very wrong with this picture. I have heard about how "the procedures and proper steps have been taken". These are just empty words; they are not acceptable for us. If you knew the land (and I mean really knew it) like the landowners do, you would have a real love for the land and always would. These landowners care about the land more than any foreign company that only wants to make money ever could. There are many problems with this land that already exist, such as springs and fault lines by the Niobrara River and Brush Creek. When the pipeline is buried, there will be a tremendous amount of erosion. When it leaks, how bad will it be? Who will be responsible for the clean-up? I want names, not some group or company. If this is approved, it will be on your conscience, but we will be the ones to suffer. I could understand this a little more if it were an American company, but why should we risk our water for a foreign company? Why can't we know exactly what chemicals are going to be in the pipeline carrying the tar sands oil? Keystone XL can ship their tar sands oil out east or west across Canada and risk their own water, or whatever it is that they have up there. Please stop this before it is too late for all of us. Thank you, Don Slaymaker

4/14/2013 6:39:44

Julie Walstrom The federal govt has spent alot of money to give protective scenic waterway designations to both the Verdigre Creek and Niobrara River areas. These designations took much time as well as money, and resulted in a document that consists of several hundred pages. This designation is supposed to protect the flora, fauna, people, and water quality of these areas. It does not make sense that after all this effort to create these protections, that a tar sands pipeline is allowed to encroach on them.

4/14/2013 7:23:01

Sarah Purcell Please, stop the pipeline project. Oil is a limited resource, and we need to be focusing our efforts on renewable, sustainable energy sources such as solar and wind power. Every job this project purports to create can be lost in the event of an accident. People can see how difficult it is to clean up oil spills thanks to media coverage, and how devastating it can be to wildlife and surrounding populations of humans. Why are we risking making the same mistakes over and over again?? To say the pipeline is environmentally responsible is negligent and ignorant. Accidents have happened many times and are inevitable as long as we continue to extract oil; nothing is fail-safe or fool-proof. The magnitude of these types of disasters should be enough to convince us they are not worth the risk. Not to mention the environmental pollution and human health hazards that ensue from the very effort of extracting crude oil. Please, as a concerned scientist, resident of Nebraska, and mother, I ask that you not allow this project to continue. Stop the pipeline!

4/14/2013 8:21:03

Deborah Mulligan

There are alternatives to big dirty oil: solar and wind power! Please do not approve this pipeline and threaten our aquifers and environment. We are sentencing our children and grandchildren to environmental hell. Let us stop being short sighted and greedy, and let us stop letting the Koch brothers and big oil dictate our way of life. Do the right thing and deny the permit.

4/14/2013 8:34:41

Marian Carling The KXL pipeline will enrich a few people while speeding climate change with the extraction and use of tar sands. The pipeline will leak while TransCanada will avoid paying into the liability fund. I urge the State Department to stand strong against big money lobbyists and act rightly to disapprove this project as a critical step to a more hopeful future.

4/14/2013 10:40:44

Robert Vavala This pipeline offers little to no positive impacts to the people of Nebraska. We are being forced to accept a pipeline belonging to a foreign corporation which intends to ship their refined product out of the country. No Keystone XL!

4/14/2013 10:43:24

David Corbin After having attended several hearings of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in Nebraska, I realized how many more standards and regulations they have than the construction of the pipeline. The standards for the Keystone XL pipeline should be rigorous with attention to worker culture and safety, security (from weather and sabotage), detailed testing standards as to what damage a spill can cause to different types of soil and how the damage will be paid for, details of how spills will be cleaned up with full disclosure of the chemicals that are in the pipeline to help make it flow. Until we have all of these answers and more, there should be no pipeline built.

4/14/2013 11:53:58

Amanda Long I grew up on a farm outside of - NE, where our water was well water from the Ogallala Aquifer. I left - at age 18 to attend college in -. The cups that my roommates and I used for water would quickly turn yellow from the water. I went to chemistry class and we used tap water to light a light bulb. At this time in my life I realized what a treasure Nebraska water was - and the first thing I did when returning home for Thanksgiving that year was drink a large glass of water. I lived in the - area for 16 years, but then moved back to NE. I have two children and I love to share with them the beauty of this part of the country. It horrifies me to think that as a country, we are not forward thinking enough to allow a foreign company to put a pipeline filled with dangerous chemicals through the Ogallala Aquifer. After the intensity of last year's drought it should be a no brainer. We should not do ANYTHING that would risk our amazing water supply. After seeing the damaging results of the pipeline spill in Arkansas, it only makes it more amazing to me that we would risk this? I don't think the pipeline is good in ANY area, but I do not understand why TransCanada insists on going through the Aquifer. There is no good reason for it - they could go around it. There are other alternatives. I joined this fight against the Keystone XL because I was worried about polluting our water and ruining the health of my family. Those are large concerns. However, since going deeper into the issue there is so much more to this. Climate Change is a real issue that deeply impacts the entire country and we should be forward thinking enough to not tap into a source to speed it up. The oil that would run through this pipeline goes to a foreign refinery and goes to the highest bidder. This does not do enough to enhance our energy independence to be worth the risk. Furthermore, it raises our gas prices, which only hurts the economy. It discourages us from developing green energy sources. The project does not create many long term jobs - your own report outlines this. The health effects and environmental impact surrounding the tar sands extraction area in Alberta, Canada is horrifying. Why would we invite that into our country? I urge you to NOT grant TransCanada the permit needed. If you feel that you cannot just say no, please do an environmental assessment of the project that is done by an objective firm with no ties to TransCanada or other oil companies. I speak out because I love my young children, I love my state and I love my country. Please do the right thing - for our land, our water, our health, our air, our climate and our future. Say NO to Keystone XL. Thank you.

4/14/2013 18:23:45

Deborah A. Hunsberger

Even though the major television stations and the press continue to call the substance to be transported in the Keystone XL oil, it should be understood by everyone involved with this that this is NOT oil. ExxonMobil just announced that they were not planning to contribute to the Spill Fund because, they said, it isn't oil. TransCanada has said the same thing. It is diluted bitumenous tar, plus the solvents that make it flow - which are very potent carcinogens like toluene, benzene etc. - even more toxic to humans and any other creatures come into contact with it - than the usual crude oil. It is much harder to clean up - the tar does not float, but goes to the bottom of bodies of water, while the solvents, being water soluble, will dissolve in water, poisoning the water, and also evaporate and turn into toxic fumes. In other words, it can’t be cleaned up! People who lived along the stretch of the Kalamazoo River after that disastrous spill have never been able to return to their homes. The pipeline will also need to be heated. Who will pay for this? The taxpayers of Nebraska? I live in Nebraska. This pipeline will NOT produce many jobs, only a very few. The “thousands of jobs” is nothing but a lie. It will cause enormous damage to our aquifer - there is no pipeline that won't leak - especially with this very caustic so-called "oil". It will cause heartache and enormous damage to ranchers, many of whom are 4th generation on their land, whose land it will cross. The fumes will doubtless cause serious damage to humans and to all wildlife exposed to them. This "oil" will NOT increase the amount available in the U.S. but rather be sold to the highest bidder from Houston on the World Market. That it would increase the U.S. oil supply is another outrageous lie. This will be a disaster any way one looks at it, is incredibly stupid and will benefit only those politicians who have been bought, and the international oil industry that is already obscenely rich. And needlessly endangering our aquifer, when much of the continental U.S. is fighting drought, and climate change, only to make the oil industry richer, is suicidal.

4/14/2013 18:27:12

Eddith Buis I am SO frustrated that despite all the reports that the TransCanada Pipeline is NOT a benefit to Nebraska, and will jeopardize our land, I keep hearing LIES about the dangers! Please, stay out of our land! Eddith Buis

4/14/2013 19:09:36

Barbara Bailey My name is Barbara Bailey. I am a Nebraska citizen, strongly opposed to the proposed TransCanada Keystone XL pipeline. Corporate and political greed continue, in spite of overwhelming scientific data, to place short-term profit and expedience before the protection of human life and the ecosystem. TransCanada’s Keystone XL pipeline is part of the final phase of extreme exploitation by the fossil fuel industry, which intends to squeeze the last trace of profit from an ecosystem careening toward collapse.

The charade of moving the Nebraska route to one less environmentally threatening, just like the exaggerated job promise, the dishonest safety record, or the claim of energy security provided by an export only pipeline, is a distraction from the real issues and meant to mislead and obscure the truth. There have been countless intelligent, independent, and well-documented reports published to convincingly refute these red herrings. Allowing TransCanada to build an export pipeline through the U.S. to secure profits on the foreign market at the expense of landowner rights protection and the health, safety, and environmental well-being of our state and the planet, as well as undermining U.S. efforts to reduce carbon emissions, makes this debate far more than a routing and permit evaluation. This is a moral decision. The Columbia River in Washington State is now threatened with barrels upon barrels of leaching nuclear waste from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, after years of plutonium production for weapons and power plants. The production project charged ahead without any idea or plan as to how the waste would be handled. In the same rush for profit mentality, there is no plan or understanding by the fossil fuel industry for cleaning up tar sands diluted bitumen. Tar sands pipelines operate at higher temperatures and pressures, have a greater risk of corrosion, and spills are significantly more damaging and difficult to impossible to clean up, especially in water. The spills in Kalamazoo, Michigan and Mayflower, Arkansas, and the ineffective and deceptive manner in which the oil and pipeline companies responded, should be far more telling than just one page of yet another flawed Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement by a another industry biased contractor with a poor track record. To consider constructing a monster 36 inch pipeline pushing noxious, chemical-laden, and corrosive tar sands bitumen at extremely high pressure, through one of the largest drinking water supplies in the nation is not only deranged, it is criminal. The landowners, citizens, and indigenous nations opposing this pipeline are not trying to sell anything. We are speaking the truth about this tragedy unfolding, with common sense from our hearts. I hope as recorders of this hearing and inhabitants of this planet, you will have the courage and integrity to break through this web of corporate and political greed and deceit. I hope you have the genius to carry our message; this pipeline is a threat to our life sustaining rivers and aquifer, our land, our communities, wildlife, and our future existence on earth as we know it. The TransCanada Keystone XL pipeline is not in our national interest.

4/14/2013 19:39:25

Bonnie Mercer Such an expensive, dangerous, and short-sighted scheme: for fuel that will be outsourced, transported with pipeline equipment that will not ensure any type of long-term safety OR long-term jobs. This is a $hort$sighted plan, being $wiftly rammed down the throats of Nebraskans (WHAT landowner rights?!), and helps mainly to line the pockets of XL - and others who perhaps benefitted with political "reimbursement$" already ?? Not to mention the environmental and water pollution hazards. The likelihood of "too-late" spills and leaks are huge, and scenarios similar to those in Yellowstone, Michigan and Arkansas are depressing and all too real. Don't you get it?!?

4/14/2013 20:13:00

Kathleen Gotschall

Jerry and Kathleen Gotschall Dr. Kerri-Ann Jones 2201 C St NW, Washington, DC 20520 April 14, 2013 Dear Ms. Jones My husband and I are landowners in a rural area of - County of the north-central region of Nebraska. We raise organic grass-fed beef on our ranch of 1300 acres on the eastern rim of the Sandhills. My great-grandparents and my husband’s grandparents were ranchers in the Sandhills. The Sandhills have been home to us for all of our lives and we have a strong sense of responsibility to past generations; folks who persevered through years of countless hardships in order to hand down the land to our generation. We have been entrusted with the legacy of the land and the water beneath it. We are also grandparents and we sense a strong responsibility to our children and grandchildren to preserve the legacy for future generations. We feel we must speak out because the time is now and we are not going to get another chance. I am asking for your support to protect our fragile ecosystem as well as the Ogallala aquifer. The original TransCanada KXL route was near our land. Even though the route has been moved, we are concerned about the process that continues to bring the pipe over fragile, sandy soil and the shallow ground waters of the Ogallala aquifer. We believe a spill into this massive underground water source would be a disaster of untold proportions. The recent Exxon spill in Arkansas is a big, red flag and we all must take heed of what can and eventually will happen to a pipeline over the aquifer. This water supply should be protected at all cost and

the only way to truly ensure this is to avoid it completely. We need this clean water source for our drinking wells, for the cattle we raise and for the crops that are produced in our state. We ask you to take action to protect our land and water from this risky pipeline and deny the permit. Our concern is that even though TransCanada says their pipeline is safe and that they have cleanup techniques in place, the Emergency Response plans are inadequate. Specifically, inadequate emergency response training for first responders, lack of disclosure of diluents in the dilbit mixture to be piped, inadequate liability coverage for landowners, and the lack of a basic step-by-step plan to clean up a spill in the aquifer. The integrity of TransCanada has been called into question many times. TransCanada has proven to be anything but trustworthy. One such instance is a report from a former KXL pipeline inspector who said that construction shortcuts were tied to leaks. The civil engineer and former inspector is quoted in the report suggesting that any equipment, no matter the quality, is only as good as the people installing it, and he’s convinced that other problems loom on the horizon. He said he came under pressure from his own supervisors to fudge tests designed to ensure that the soil underlying a facility was compacted properly. He said he is now worried that the foundation in sandy soils could slowly settle unevenly, therefore causing pipes to twist. He said and I’m quoting....”This whole process is really very much a science – unless you’re going to do it all haphazardly because you figure you’re out in the middle of nowhere.” This proposed route and our beloved Sandhills in Nebraska ARE the middle of nowhere. The new proposed pipeline route still goes through fragile sandy hills and across shallow groundwaters of the Ogallala aquifer. No matter what TransCanada claims, it is not in our best interest to use the new route, either. We, in our area cannot understand why the first Keystone route, already in place and functioning, couldn’t be used for a second pipe. There are places along the proposed route where no vehicle would even be able to drive to in response to a leak or a spill, much less navigate the clean up of an actual leak. Blowouts in the hills from even an accidental disturbance to the topsoil can take decades to repair and in some cases a lifetime. Those of us who have lived here all our lives know that it’s foolishness to think any amount of money, oil, or jobs could possibly be worth what we would be risking. I am also convinced that there are those who are willing to fight to the death in resistance to the pipeline. To hundreds, this is truly a matter of life and death.

As our grandmothers said, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. We must heed our common sense, protect this valuable resource and preserve it for our nation. This water is LIFE. It would be shooting ourselves in the foot for a few temporary jobs. We know that the oil will be sold on the international market, so it’s really not about doing our business with a friendly neighbor, is it? The United States depends on the agriculture from this region to sustain our country. Our jobs here in the heartland are as significant and vital for the national economy as any. And in the future our clean water will be the most valuable commodity. We must be wise stewards. We voted for this administration at election time, believing that it was our only hope for a clean energy future. You can deny the pipeline permit and continue to work towards a diversified and clean energy future. The time is now. The leak history of the Michigan and Arkansas spills paint a grim picture of what we would be facing eventually. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope that common sense, although it isn’t that common anymore, would prevail. For the sake of all concerned but mostly for the best interest of our state and of our beloved homeland, the United States. Sincerely, Jerry and Kathleen Gotschall

4/14/2013 20:15:08

Kevin Clee Please deny kxl pipeline permissions as this project doesn't provide the economic benefits nor addresses safety concerns. Now more than ever, the ogallala aquifer must be protected as Nebraska suffers in extreme drought and this ill-conceived proposal clearly doesn't. We know now since the Arkansas spill, tar sands will not be treated the same, with taxpayers saddled with cleanup costs and this trans canada pipeline fails to move the country forward toward energy independence, is dirty, risky and adds more carbon contributing to global warming and climate change. Spill baby spill, really? NoKXL.

4/15/2013 8:43:23

Kris Epley A bipartisan chorus says the pipeline is no big deal. Some suggest the administration is better off focusing on stronger EPA regulations, as if it were an either-or proposition. Others say we need the temporary jobs. Still others torture logic by claiming that not building the pipeline will be worse because that would force the tar sands to be shipped overseas, with the greater carbon footprint that entails — even though analysts say this is the fate of most Keystone XL oil anyway. The draft environmental review of the pipeline suggests its climate impacts are limited

because the project will not substantially “induce growth in the rate of extraction in the oil sands.” This narrow analysis misses the mark. Researchers now say that the Alberta tar sands contain 360 to 510 billion tons of carbon — more than double that of all oil burned in human history. While only a fraction is considered economically recoverable right now, we humans are genius at finding new and better ways to dig junk out of the ground. Once the big spigot is open, TransCanada will have every incentive to milk the massive tar sands basin for all it is worth. The idea that the tar sands would get developed at the same rate without the pipeline is undercut by mainstream financial analysis and industry documents that show Keystone XL is the linchpin for tar sands expansion in the next decade. Tar sands may get to market without it, but at a slower rate and a much greater cost. For example, Canadian research and investment advisory firm Peters & Co. says moving tar sands by rail would spike costs twofold, from $7 to $11 a barrel to $15 to $20 a barrel. Some tar sands will inevitably cross the border on trains and in smaller pipelines but not at the scale permitted by Keystone XL. Only with a substantial increase in pipelines to the coasts, and with access to markets overseas, can the tar sands industry meet its eye-popping production targets — a full tripling of output in coming decades — along with the crushing blow that would deliver to our climate. According to law, the administration’s final decision will be based on whether the pipeline is in the “national interest.” While the world will be stuck with the climate damages, the U.S. will be on the hook for spills, environmental degradation and much more. Not only is it a bad marriage but a long one: TransCanada’s estimated annual depreciation rate for “oil pipeline and pumping equipment” is 2 percent to 2.5 percent, which means a pipeline with a useful life of 40 to 50 years. This is clearly not in the nation's best interest. For the sake of the ecologically fragile Sandhills and our aquifer, and for current and future generations who live here and rely on clean, safe resources, this pipeline should not be granted approval. This project will not generate the promised jobs, either in Nebraska or elsewhere along its route. The toxic nature of the tar sands to be transported in the pipeline, and the TransCanada's abysmal safety record show that such a pipeline is an environmental disaster just waiting to happen. Don't write that future for Nebraskans, or for Americans. Say "no" to the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/15/2013 8:50:24

Kathy Dombrowski

Will send later

4/15/2013 9:03:48

Judi Welniak Please stop this pipeline. We cannot let a foreign country dictate to us what will happen in our country. Our water & land is precious to us in Nebraska. Please don't let somebody, who doesn't care, to destroy it for us.

4/15/2013 9:13:04

Maria Lewytzkj-Milligan

Outrageous how the continual use of fossil fuels rather than smarter cleaner energy is still an option on the table. This option has the potential to harm communities that reside over the pipeline and cannot be considered a modern technology simply because some of the parts on the pipeline end up being the newest technology. As a pipeline itself, the method for energy is out-dated and can have a devestating environmental impact as well as keep citizens living on or near that land constantly on edge about its potential harm to their quality of life. There are millions of ideas out there for how to increase revenue and how to build cleaner energy. Stop obstructing their potential because you are afraid of making a less toxic infrastructure successful.

4/15/2013 9:56:02

Colleen O'Holleran

I stand with farmers and ranchers against the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/15/2013 10:01:57

Jack Gross I can drink water but not oil and money will not replace water.

4/15/2013 10:03:19

Julie Nichols Keystone is another opportunistic company that has no problem using imminent domain but no 'investment' in backing off to preserve a unique ecosystem. Promises that no damage will come to the Sandhills ring false. In almost every case in the expansion of industry, damage has been done--if not immediately, then eventually. The US has NOTHING substantial to gain from the pipeline, and Nebraska has LITTLE to gain from the few PERMANENT jobs that would come from this venture. PLEASE PLEASE STOP THIS FROM HAPPENING. And remember--Keystone is a CANADIAN enterprise not an American company. Take care of our own, and take care of our land.

4/15/2013 10:57:43

Kenneth Benton United States State Department April 15, 2013 TransCanada/Keystone XL Pipeline The TransCanada/Keystone XL still crosses over the Ogallala Aquifer in Nebraska. My State of Nebraska depends on the water in the Aquifer for our livelihood, supplying 78% of residential use and 83% of the irrigation water. I am not in favor of allowing the Keystone XL Tar-sands Pipeline being built. Nebraska will be liable for all the risk and non of the rewards if the pipeline is built. This pipeline which has already been rejected from going to either coast through Canada is now being pushed to run through the United States for the profits of the oil company’s who seem to be only interested in the large financial gains they may reap. I don’t trust anyone involved with pushing the Keystone XL pipeline through the United States from Canada to Texas, to only be exported to other countries. The Koch Brothers and other oil bullies may think we have forgotten, or don’t care about their other lies and failures from the past, Exon Valdez, BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Kalamazoo River Tar-sands spill in Michigan, and the recent tar-sand spill in Arkansas. TransCanada/Keystone has put two hundred million in the contract for clean up from any tar-sand spill. This amount would be totally short, leaving the tax payers of Nebraska on the hook for anything above this level. Keep in mind that the Kalamazoo tar-sand spill is approaching the one billion level for clean up and not finished yet. We must also not forget that the product being transported (tar-sand) through the TransCanada/Keystone XL pipeline will not be subject to the National Oil Pipeline clean up tax, thanks to an exemption pushed through by former Vice President Dick Chaney. Which brings me back to my original point of Nebraska bearing all the risk and none of the rewards. I conclude the TransCanada/Keystone Tar-sands Pipeline should be rejected by the United States State Department. Kenneth Benton

4/15/2013 10:59:07

Nancy J. Peek Charles and Nancy Peek oppose the Keystone XL pipline. We urge the State Department to deny this pipeline which poses a real risk to Nebtaska's land, water and people. America and Canada need to invest in a progressive energy future not the failed and cracking pipelines of the past. Please go forward on the climate.

4/15/2013 11:00:14

Angela Gadzik The American people, the Canadian people, and the people of Indigenous nations will not support this pipeline when they know the real environmental and economic consequences it will bring. You and your descendents are are also in this just as much as anyone else. Leadership is about vision. You must see beyond the miniscule short term gains and recognize the long term costs. Reject this pipeline.

4/15/2013 11:15:48

Lenore Zur Welle

I am absolutely FOR the building of the Keystone pipeline. There is no significant evidence that it will do any harm to the environment during construction or when in use. I am FOR people over plants and animals. I am FOR the jobs that will be created. I am FOR using our resources and not being held hostage by Arab nations. Please pass along my views as well as the just the ones that agree with your side. You are not in the majority of people that are FOR the pipeline.

4/15/2013 11:25:01

Mary Lavelle There is absolutely no gain from this potential disaster. Why continue to subsidize and support big oil companies, who walk away with millions, while harming and threatening the little guy affected by this environmental nightmare. Move within a mile of the current oil spills that are wreaking havoc on humans and Mother Nature and then, after suffering total devastation of your health and your livelihood, try to ask yourself if it was worth it. Let Exxon/Mobil just pay out-of-pocket the salaries of the 300+ permanent jobs the pipeline is supposedly going to create. They obviously can afford it. In addition, just remember Exxon does not consider pipeline spill-cleanups their responsibility under current laws. Doesn't affect their livelihood

4/15/2013 12:02:58

Rob Hartung Simple. Don't want this pipeline. It is just bad for our state. Look at the spills elsewhere. Do you really want that kind of mess here? Millions in clean up costs. Years before the clean up is done. Longer before the negative impact is reversed. Just say no.

4/15/2013 12:39:45

Michelle Nevrkla Although I am not able to attend, I am against the Keystone XL pipeline. Please do not allow this to happen.

4/15/2013 13:40:44

John Atkeison The only safe place for tar sands dilbit is in the ground, not on the ground or in the air or in the water!

4/15/2013 13:56:29



4/15/2013 Bonnie Kruse Bonnie Kruse

15:37:26 US Department of State TransCanada XL Pipeline April 18, 2013 Grand Island, Nebraska My name is Bonnie Kruse. I am a Nebraska Past State President of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, I am a member of the League of Women Voters, I am a Rotarian, I am a member of the Seward County Groundwater Guardian Team, and I am a member of the Seward Citizens on Pipeline Route Committee. I am a concerned and active citizen. Deny the Presidential Permit for the TransCanada Keystone XL Pipeline. Regarding pipeline safety and spills, Congress has ordered a two year study on DilBit and basically the report indicates that the United States is not at this time ready for more DilBit pipelines from a regulatory and safety perspective. The TransCanada Keystone pipeline is a Dilbit pipeline. The TransCanada SCADA system cannot detect a less than 2% leak. Pipeline capacity is to be 830,000 barrels per day. Leakage rate at 2 percent would amount to 588,000 gallons per day. Dilbit sinks , making clean up impossible. Benzene is one of the chemicals mixed with Dilbit and is highly carcinogenic in small amounts. PROFESSOR JOHN STANSBURY, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF ENVRIONMENTAL WATER RESORUCES ENGINEERING AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA AND INSTRUCTOR FOR THE US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS RISK ASSESSMENT PROGRAM REPORTED THAT A SPILL IN THE SANDHILLS ABOVE THE OGALLALA AQIFER COULD DUMP AS MUCH AS 180,000 BARRELS OF CRUDE OIL, TAINTING THE VAST WATER SUPPLY IN THE REGION. Pipeline Safety is A Shared Responsibility. According to the National Transportation and Safety Board we have a lot of work to do before the Presidential Permit for the XL Pipeline can be granted. According to the NTSB there must be a process in place to ensure defects

are reported, repaired, and verified. There isn’t. Operators of pipelines need a verifiable procedure to notify potentially affected communities of the basic information such as the route of the pipeline, pipe diameter, operating pressure, product transported, and potential radius. There isn’t. Companies need to have qualification requirements, subject to US Federal Regulations, for all control center staff involved in hazardous liquid transmission operations. They don’t. There needs to be federal response preparedness standards stating specific pipeline response planning guidance for a worst-case discharge. There aren’t. Deny the Presidential Permit. Listen to the Landowners when it comes to sand hills, blow outs, aquifers and well-head protection areas . They don’t want a major catastrophe anymore than you do. Pipelines can physically be built through such areas --they just don’t belong there. It is still prudent that the Keystone XL Pipeline route is not located in the sandy soils and fragile soils and shallow water table areas of Nebraska. The new Keystone XL alternate route still crosses these lands . These lands are not currently identified as sand hills on current maps but they exist right where the alternate pipeline route is located. The new Keystone XL alternate route that has been proposed is better than the first route but the new route still places the Keystone XL pipeline in the water of the Ogallala Aquifer and it still crosses sandy soils and fragile soils and shallow water table areas. . Again, should the pipeline break, leak, or spill this is not where you would want it to happen. Regarding soils and sediment NDEQ found that potential impacts associated with operation and maintenance of the proposed pipeline include erosion, compaction, temperature effects, and contamination attributable to potential leaks. We are especially concerned about the impact of blow outs in these fragile and sandy soils which are common when such soils are disturbed. We did not see this issue addressed in the Evaluation. Deny the Presidential Permit. We question the employment and fiscal numbers in the DEQ report. The report states: “Keystone expects to employ approximately 270 Nebraska workers during construction, or 110

average annual jobs.” This looks to us to be 110 average annual jobs for only 2 and 1/2 years. years. When the dust settles on the construction of this pending pipeline, real numbers say it will create 35 permanent jobs in America, 13 of them in Nebraska according to the this State’s own DEQ report. Our observation from the first Keystone pipeline is that once the pipeline is built there are very few permanent jobs. Also, we observed from the first pipeline that crews brought trailer homes and well stocked campers with them and our Seward community saw very little economic impact. At best there would only be a temporary increase in economic activity as most of the construction would take place in the rural parts of Nebraska. Lets talk real jobs. THE US DEPARTMENT OF STATE IS NOT DEMANDING THAT THE PIPELINE BE MADE OF STRONG US STEEL THAT WOULD INDEED CREATE A SIGNIFICANT NUMBER OF JOBS. TransCanada refuses to disclose public ally where and by whom the pipe for the TransCanada XL Pipeline is manufactured. THE BEST WELDERS CANNOT MAKE UP FOR WEAK PIPE MADE IN INDIA THAT IS NOT INSPECTED BY THE PIPELINE AND SAFETY HAZARDOUS ADMINISTRATON. As far as we know the pipe for the XL pipeline has already been manufactured-- the pipe is from the India Welspun Company and the pipe is being stored in front of US steel mills that are currently closed due to lack of business. US steel workers unions have publically opposed the XL pipeline and have sent letters to Obama opposing the pipeline because the pipe was not manufactured in the US. If TransCanada can’t afford to build this pipeline right using strongest US steel and refuses to place the route to avoid the Sand Hills Region and the Ogallala Aquifer that supplies drinking water to two million people than TransCanada has no business building the pipeline at all. Pipelines break, leak, and spill. Deny the Presidential Permit. The Keystone XL Pipeline is not in the national interest. The oil in this pipeline is from tar sands mined and developed by foreign owned

companies operating in Canada. The oil is to be pumped thru a pipeline built by TransCanada from steel and pipe made in India, and transported through the United States putting US land and water at risk so that the oil can be sold on the world market to foreign countries. There are no contracts or assurances of any kind that the oil from this pipeline will be used by the United States. The Keystone XL Pipeline will not lower gasoline prices in the United States. At the same time TransCanada and the Keystone XL Pipeline puts United States soil and water at risk as landowners are being bullied by TransCanada with threats of eminent domain. . Once this pipeline is in the ground we are forced to live with it and its consequences for generations to come. Deny the Presidential Permit. BEHOLD! A PIPELINE COMMETH! Machines loom large with snort and growl. Behemoths gobbling up good soil, Gouging, gorging earth's deep bowel. Clay mounds exclaim a mindless toil. Disrupted earth through water rages, At blights upon terrain so fair. Man again adds shameful pages, To God's trust placed in his care. Blades and bores assault the fields, Raking clefts across the plains. Grain repaid with stunted yields, Laments the loss of promised gains. Black viscous fluid pulses on, Through gashes crushed upon the earth. Bystanders play the role of pawn, As pipes snake subtle throbs of dearth. Piped payments scratch at what is lost. Time only past will answers give.

Children to come shall bear the cost, Praying their fam'lies safely live. Uncertain life within us grows. We wait on God to show us light. Trusting that He only knows, Teaching us what's good and right. Richard Zwick

4/15/2013 15:48:27

Marilyn Liebsch Tar Sands byproduct Petcoke: During the various meetings, rallies and hearings I have attended, the talk of ‘heavy oil’ being extracted from the tar sands made me wonder ‘what is it in the oil that makes it fall into the heavy category?’ After researching several articles for answers, one particular article by Lorne Stockman called ‘The True Price of Oil’ had the answers to many of my questions and more. The differences between tar sand bitumen vs. conventional oil has already been established: the emissions are 3 to 4 times higher and produce 14 – 37 % more greenhouse gases. But, what is omitted from these numbers is the ‘heavy’ byproduct produced. The refining of tar sand bitumen leaves behind a carbon intense byproduct called petroleum coke, referred to as petcoke that can be used like coal. Between 15 – 30 % of a barrel of tar sand bitumen can end up as this byproduct. Petcoke is over 90 % carbon containing high sulfur and metal toxins and a per-unit of energy emits 5-10 % more CO2 than coal. This means a ton of petcoke yields on average 54 % more CO2 than a ton of coal which we already know to be one of the dirtier forms of energy fuel. After a first high energy input refining of a barrel of tar sand bitumen, this high carbon byproduct is left behind in an unusable form. Canadian refineries are not set up to do the second and third high energy input refining necessary to turn the byproduct petcoke into a useable form and were simply stock piling it in mass amounts. Who should come to the rescue? The good old USA where our refineries in Port Arthur and Houston include the biggest petcoke producing refineries in the world. These refineries and several others have already been converted to do the extra refining steps to deal with the massive amounts of high carbon byproduct contained in tar sand bitumen.

It becomes clear why the push for the Keystone XL pipeline is so urgent; Canada is not equipped to deal with the entire process involved in refining tar sands bitumen and have invested so heavily in the extraction and first refining process they are not able to further invest in the upgrades necessary to deal with the petcoke byproduct, something they might have considered before starting. US refineries are looking to capitalize on Canada’s miscalculation and now have just as much at stake because they speculated receiving the extra Keystone XL product and invested in plant upgrades. Global petcoke traders have been hard at work donating millions to the GOP super PACs and millions on lobbyists to keep the flow of tar sand bitumen coming to US refineries. Because petcoke is a refinery byproduct the energy required to process and the emissions from usage are not required to be included in assessments reports on climate impact of tar sands production or consumption. This means the climate impact of tar sands bitumen oil production is being underestimated. The US refineries are currently producing enough petcoke from pre-existing tar sands pipelines to fuel an average of 50 US coal plants per year. In addition, over 60 % of petcoke produced is being exported. It is not possible for refineries to store the massive amounts of this free byproduct so it is priced to sell cheaper than coal allowing already existing coal-fired refineries run cheaper and considerably dirtier. Coal fired electricity generation is already the largest source of greenhouse gases and petcoke will increase these emissions significantly. Currently petcoke is unregulated and is considered a coal replacement that operates under those standards even though it has higher carbon content. Petcoke is omitted in discussions on the greenhouse gas intensity of tar sands. Not including petcoke emissions means the climate impact of bitumen oil production is being undercounted by an estimated 13 %. The United States has the privilege to lead the rest of the world by example and part of the US State Department mission is to respond to the needs of their people and act responsibly within the international system. Currently we show that greed and short sightedness through not only continued but increased use of fossil fuels and a lack of innovation to pursue other sources of clean energy for the future is standard policy. The ultra-wealthy few with the deepest pockets get to determine the climate change fate for all oxygen breathing inhabitants in the world. I respectively request that the State Department emissions estimates for the Keystone XL pipeline include the cumulative greenhouse gas emissions of producing, processing and consuming of all products, including the currently omitted byproduct petcoke.

4/15/2013 16:19:19

Fern Adams I am trying very hard to be positive that you will make the correct decision regarding the Keystone XL Pipeline--and say "NO" to allowing it to cross the Nebraska Oallala Aquifer or the Sandhills. Thank you, Fern Adams

4/15/2013 16:31:29


Our family is with you all the way.

4/15/2013 16:39:29

Tom Tetherow I only have one thing to say. A well known oilman, T. Boone Pickens said it years ago. "Water is the new Oil." If there is even the slightest chance of a leak from this huge pipe, we can't take the chance. Our water is just too precious to risk for the short term profit of a few billionaires and their tax free refineries on the gulf. Say NO to the KXL.

4/15/2013 17:58:12

Debra Cook This decision will have a lasting impact in ways you cannot even know. Ways that will impact generations to come. Think about the movie, "It's a Wonderful Life" and the message therein. Weigh your options. Hmmm. More money and power to the mega-corporations and politicians OR a legacy of foresight, courage, and responsibility to the people and the planet. I understand. The right decisions are usually the hardest decisions. Love and blessings to you as you make the right decisions.

4/15/2013 18:44:48

Rod Supencheck

Oil and Water Don’t Mix! We have all heard of all of the spills in the past regarding the first Keystone pipeline. TransCanada says they will build a safe pipeline. They will incorporate all types of safety features that if a leak is detected they can shut down the pipeline in a matter of minutes. They will also use thicker pipe around river crossings and find other crossings if they think it will not be safe. The Enbridge pipeline in Michigan two and a half years ago dumped an estimated one million gallons of tar sands oil into the Kalamazoo River. This pipeline was carrying the same type of diluted bitumen oil that TransCanada will be sending across the Sand hills and the Ogallala Aquifer. This was not just a leak; it was a rupture six feet long and four inches wide at the widest point in the side of the pipe. The oil gushed out for twelve hours before the pipeline was shut down. They thought it was a column of gas in the pipeline causing a false reading. Dilbit oil is heaver than normal crude oil. It is more corrosive and requires more chemicals, heat and pressure to move it through a pipeline. This pipeline will run at a pressure of 1440 PSI and heated up to 158 degrees, compared with conventional crude that generally run at ambient temperatures and lower pressures. This will be a thirty six inch pipe delivering around 900,000 barrels of oil per day across the Sand hills and the Ogallala aquifer. Do we really want to take the risk? Remember the Enbridge pipeline? Almost three years has gone by and they are still trying to clean it up. This is where the most jobs will be created associated with the pipeline, those who are hired to help clean up after a major oil leak. How does Trans Canada plan on solving the column seperationg that are associated with tar sands dilbit? Everyone needs to get on board with this project against the Keystone XL pipeline. Oil and water don’t mix! This is not our solution to move forward to a clean energy future! Rodney Supencheck

4/15/2013 18:49:19

Liz Ryan I object to fracking and it's resultant petroleum product. I object to any pipeline traversing the largest aquifer in the country. The potential for environmental damage is too great. The alleged job opportunities are only temporary. As a Nebraska resident, I hope my voice is heard by our elected officials. Thank you Liz Ryan  

4/15/2013 18:50:07

Liz Ryan I object to fracking and it's resultant petroleum product. I object to any pipeline traversing the largest aquifer in the country. The potential for environmental damage is too great. The alleged job opportunities are only temporary. As a Nebraska resident, I hope my voice is heard by our elected officials. Thank you Liz Ryan  

4/15/2013 19:12:04

Rebekah Horton The Keystone XL pipeline would be devastating to many species, including our own. Reject the Keystone XL pipeline!

4/15/2013 19:16:00

Rod Supencheck

Oil and Water Don’t Mix! We have all heard of all of the spills in the past regarding the first Keystone pipeline. TransCanada says they will build a safe pipeline. They will incorporate all types of safety features that if a leak is detected they can shut down the pipeline in a matter of minutes. They will also use thicker pipe around river crossings and find other crossings if they think it will not be safe. The Enbridge pipeline in Michigan two and a half years ago dumped an estimated one million gallons of tar sands oil into the Kalamazoo River. This pipeline was carrying the same type of diluted bitumen oil that TransCanada will be sending across the Sand hills and the Ogallala Aquifer. This was not just a leak; it was a rupture six feet long and four inches wide at the widest point in the side of the pipe. The oil gushed out for twelve hours before the pipeline was shut down. They thought it was a column of gas in the pipeline causing a false reading. Dilbit oil is heaver than normal crude oil. It is more corrosive and requires more chemicals, heat and pressure to move it through a pipeline. This pipeline will run at a pressure of 1440 PSI and heated up to 158 degrees, compared with conventional crude that generally run at ambient temperatures and lower pressures. This will be a thirty six inch pipe delivering around 900,000 barrels of oil per day across the Sand hills and the Ogallala aquifer. Do we really want to take the risk? Remember the Enbridge pipeline? Almost three years has gone by and they are still trying to clean it up. This is where the most jobs will be created associated with the pipeline, those who are hired to help clean up after a major oil leak. Everyone needs to get on board with this project against the Keystone XL pipeline. Oil and water don’t mix! This is not our solution to move forward to a clean energy future! Rodney Supencheck Columbus NE

4/15/2013 19:58:27

Susan Sawyer The risk to public health, to the land, and to the planet are not worth "all the jobs" the pipeline will supposedly support! It would make a lot more sense to make the minimum wage a LIVING WAGE and focus on energy that does not carry such monumental risks of destruction. It seems to me that what is essentially fueling this pipeline push is greed. We deserve better.

4/15/2013 20:05:55

Helen Gillespie I have many physical problems that go with old age, but do want to say i have been a registered voter in Nebraska for many years and have followed the aquifer question closely - it is too vital to not only NE, but the entire Midwest to allow a pipeline coming through any point in NE - The irrigation systems have dried up too much as it is, but that is nothing compared to the damage a pipeline could do.

4/15/2013 20:25:03

Kelly A. Kelly Please do not have a short-sighted, short-term gain view of this land. The damage and harm is eminent if you allow this pipeline to scar the land and aquifer.

4/15/2013 20:44:02

Romaine Boerma

It is our duty to speak for the land, the animals and people. We can't let the large businesses keep taking these risks. We must only invest in energy solutions that bring about balance with all concerned. We must take these steps now and in the direction we want to go. Fossil fuel is not the direction we are choosing. We want harmony with our earth at all costs. These jobs are few compared to what they say they will give and there are plenty of jobs in Nebraska. As far as fuel savings to get it to us, there is no rhyme or reason for the flux of gas prices. We are not buying it. We are a country based on our creativity and need. We need clean energy and we are holding ourselves back by clinging to old ideas that play havoc with our health, resources, and the beauty of our God given land. No money is worth this exchange. No one plans a accident. Count me loving our land and people enough to say NO!

4/15/2013 20:56:59

Anthony Czarnecki

It amazes me that we are already transporting this toxic sludge across our country and it disgusts me that that this administration is bending to the will of the oil industry. You really are not representatives of the people but you are lackey's to an industry that believes in having no constraints. And now you want to double down for this industry and build a pipeline that could potentially cause one of the worst environmental disasters that we would ever see. Just look at the recent Arkansas spill and magnify that a few thousand times - oh, and like BP - I am sure they will say that they will be able to control any spill. The environmental degradation that has already been caused by the mining of this sludge is bad enough but to burn it would be like a carbon time bomb to the planet. So, wake up, climate change is happening and we do have the ability to mitigate it but do we have the political will to do so - I seriously doubt it. I am sure when the 1% inherits a dead planet then that may be a wake up call but probably not. So, surprise me and say NO to the Keystone Sludge Line. Regards, Anthony Czarnecki Age: 69

4/15/2013 21:21:16

madonna stallmann

Tarsands oil and the substances that it is mixed with are highly corrosive, causing a high likelihood of pipeline ruptures. As seen in Kalamazoo, MI and Mayflower, AR the effects of tarsand pipeline ruptures are devastating. Tarsand oil & the solvents mixed with it (bitumen), are very different in nature than the average "crude". Unlike crude oil, bitumen sinks, plumes, volitolizes, etc., making "clean up" impossible. I live 13 miles east of the XL pipeline in Kansas. It is not unreasonable for me to feel personally threatened by the presence of that line when, once there is bitumen flowing through it, any day I could be the one waking up from a severe headache, unable to breathe, overwhelmed by the disgusting smell, and unable to drink the water from our well. Because of that I stand here today in solidarity with the people of Kalamazoo, and Mayflower. I stand with the First Nation People in Canada who have had their lives turned upsidedown by the rape of their air, soil, and water from tarsands extraction. I stand for the Right to Life of all organisms with which we share this planet. REJECT THE KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE!

4/15/2013 22:00:04

Grace & Fred Fricke

We are residents of rural Monroe, Platte Co. Nebraska. We live within 3/4 of a mile of the Loup River. Less then 25 mile from the proposed KXL pipeline. Our water level is 4ft down. We have a capped artesian well on our farm ground. There is a water tile that crosses from the Loup power canal, our neighbors land, and our land to the road side ditch in front of our homeplace. It then flows south under Hwy 22 into the creek. When the water is flowing into the creek, the exotic animal zoo across the road waters their animals in it. That is one reason the safety of our water and land is first and formost our concern. There are many underlying issue that seem to be brushed aside when asked about. I have questioned TransCanada reps. I have questioned DEQ reps. They all seem to dance around some very simple questions without answering them. So I will ask again: The mid section of the USA is prone to dramatic weather conditions. If a tornado takes out a pump station, who will be the first to respond to the disaster? Will it not be the local volunteer fire & rescue depts along the route of the pipeline helping residents and farmers, and moving livestock to safety. Won't other area towns be called to assist as they usually are when needed? TransCanada nor the DEQ have the amount of people needed in place to respond on a moments notice to a disaster like the local volunteers are. Are our EMTs, firefighters, and First Responders suppose to put their lives and health on the line for a foreign tarsand pipeline? North Korean is threatening the USA. Middle East countries are threatening us. In light of what happened in Boston. Who is going to protect miles upon miles of pipeline from becoming a giant target? Will we the citizens of the USA have to use our tax dollars to pay our military to protect a foreign oil pipeline? OR will the our government allow China and other foreign

countries to bring their military into the USA to protect their tarsand oil pipeline interests? Why is TransCanada and the State dept. so determined to keep the proposed pipeline within the Ogallala Aquifer? Is this so at some not so far in the future date, TransCanada can quietly be granted water pumping rights, to get water to the refineries in Texas since much of the southern end of the Ogallala aquifer has already dried up due to piping water to the refineries for years? OR maybe to pump water to Canada for their use? The pipes are not made in the USA, so the pipefitters union said they would only put in USA steel? Was that a lie? So this is just 1more lie TransCanada has told. Jobs? Well we met some very nice people from Arkansas and the Carolinas when they put the other pipeline in. Which has had how many leaks to date? How many people work to maintain that pipeline to date? I believe it's less then 15 out in the field along the pipeline, not sitting in offices in Omaha or Norfolk. Please stand up as reps of the America citizens and listen to us and not the big oil companies. Be at least fair about it and not use the same specialists as TransCanada or other oil companies to determine the safety of the pipeline. We the citizens have the right to call foul, for the way our neighbors have been treated by TransCanada and some of our elected officials. Thank you for your time. May your God be of guidence to you, as you hold the future of our countries water supply & fertile lands, which feed our nation, in your hands. Grace C. Fricke and Fredrick B. Fricke

4/15/2013 23:54:12

Rose Gomez Global warming and major weather disasters will continue until we make better decisions for a better future for our children... Alternate energy sources are key for sustainability. For our kids sake, lets not continue in our old easy dirty convenient ways.

4/16/2013 6:52:54

Steven Larrick I have already sent in one or more letters. Thanks!

4/16/2013 8:14:00

Allene K Schwager

Dear Sir, This pipeline will be with 1/4 mile of my home and water well if allowed to go through. Do I leave our family farm to my grandkids, when the water could poison them or give them cancer? This pipeline is the end of my dream or pursuit of any happiness. An oil leak is eminent, and feels like we have a gun placed to our heads. All of the tar sands are headed for refinement on the "OPEN" market, destroying all kinds of ecology in it's path from Canada to Texas. They have yet to clean up one oil spill involving water above ground, so all the precautions will not save ground water going to 8 states. They do not know how to clean it up! Why are these studies being fast tracked? We sure don't gain anything, when later on, our lively hoods have been destroyed, our land is now worthless, just so someone else can put more money in their pocket. How will the United States handle the center of our country being destroyed? Why are the concerns of the people that live here being ignored? Please, make TransCanada find another way to get their dirty oil, without polluting the United States, any more than they already have! Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Allene K Schwager

4/16/2013 8:30:16

Lyndyn Sophia Stratbucker

How can anything so KEY to the survival of planet Earth and the Human species be allowed to happen? The co2 emissions of tarsands is off the chart- i have heard (movie- Carbon Nation) that if this goes in- the co2 level will be irreversible by the end of the century- and, Earth will collapse into runaway global warming- like Venus did (Venus was like Earth, until this happened.) The pipelines ALWAYS leak- just like in AR recently- with tarsands being hideously toxic, unable to ever be fully cleaned up- plus, TC not even required to clean them up! WHEN this pipeline leaks- they always leak because the tarsands requires a very high pressure and the pipelines are poorly made- into the Ogallala Aquifer- which supplies water to 1/3 of the US- that will be the end of that. The money will mainly go to a foreign oil company- Lee Terry himself said 30 jobs for 5 yrs. (plus, lobbyists and people paid off to keep quiet.) The TRUE way to create jobs, along with needed US energy production is with sustainable energy. NE is the 7th windiest state in the US- and is at the bottom of wind power- WAKE UP. 1000s of job will be created- over unending years- because the Earth will be saved and our grandchildren will actually be alive to enjoy it! THIS IS A HUGE DEAL- NOTHING CAN BE MORE IMPORTANT THAN NOT ALLOWING THIS PIPELINE TO GO IN. Be a president remembered for his COURAGE in standing up to GREED and LIES. Be a president remembered for creating healthy, jobs of pride and respect- not evil and destruction. Be a president remembered for his integrity and his high level of consciousness, intelligence and love of our beautiful Mother Earth. DO you want to be remembered for killing our planets, animals and our grandchildren? I will thank you for killing them if you allow this to go through. It is the Co2 units that is KEY here. Read the Science. Save the lives of our grandchildren- PLEASE!

4/16/2013 9:45:42

Judith Schwager

Please do not destroy the land, we have no other planets to go to. There is no plan B, this is it!!

4/16/2013 11:59:20

Laura Fortney While there are a myriad of environmental and economic reasons why the Keystone XL Pipeline makes no sense – none the least of which is the fact that burning tar sands oil is extra detrimental to the environment and that all of this oil is being shipped overseas – I simply wish to speak to you today on a human level. My family owns land in central Nebraska. I grew up on a farm and have developed an intimate relationship with the aquifer. We use it for watering crops and the family garden, washing dishes and doing laundry, and most of all, we use it for drinking. I’ve been around the country – around the world – and I will tell you, there is no better-tasting water than the Ogallala’s. And all you have to do is go to the tap. Many places in this great country do not have access to good quality water. It is inconceivable to me that anyone would want to play Russian roulette with such a massive fresh water supply. Because as we’ve seen, around the world and most recently in Arkansas, it’s not a matter of if – it’s a matter of when that enormous pipe leaks. The Ogallala Aquifer is so delicate and precious – it supplies water to countless people, plants, animals, homes, farms, and ranches. Would you really risk the well-being of the citizens that you swore to protect, for some easy money that doesn’t really benefit our economy? I implore you to consider, when did the desires of a few begin to out-weigh the needs of the many? This pipeline makes sense to no one, except for the people profiting from it – and they already have plenty of our money. Please do not let them take our lives and livelihoods too. No oil, we cry. No water, we die. Again, I just want to remind you of your humanity and your duty. You were once an average Joe like me. And you probably got into public office because you thought you could bring positive change and serve your constituency. Please remember that your loyalties lie with us, the population, and not with a handful of oil tycoons. Thank you for your time, Laura Fortney

4/16/2013 11:59:31

Elaine Kruse The Keystone XL pipeline is a threat to the environment and a real danger to the water supply of many states, including my own, Nebraska. It is irresponsible to allow this pipeline through the United States, only to have the oil shipped elsewhere.

4/16/2013 12:00:51

Noelle Ptomey I urge Sec. Kerry to act justly and put a stop to the TransCanada Keystone XL pipeline. Stand up to big oil. Stand for the people. Protect our land. Protect our water. Stop this dangerous and risk-frought pipeline!!

4/16/2013 12:13:59

Kelly Berney We cannot allow this, for it is a great threat to our environment. Too many depend on the aquifer, let us not destroy it.

4/16/2013 12:26:14

Janet I write to voice my opinion AGAINST the pipeline.

4/16/2013 12:31:23

Peggy We, as a Nation are at a cross-roads , for the betterment of Humanity, we need to reduce Fossil fuel...To invest in and crete more devestation is irresponsible and negligent. We were born to the Earth, she is our Mother and we muct protect her as she protects us. ...The potential for castasrophie by Trand-Canada is inexcusable and must be stopped now, before the nightmare becomes reality.

4/16/2013 12:40:48

Sarah Bauman Looking at all the factors involved and the potential disasters to the delicate environment where the tar sands are being ripped up leaves me no doubt this pieline, the KeytoneXL, should be built. All the steel used by Keystone is foreign manufactured, the latest estimate from the U.S. State Department is that only 35 jobs really will be created, the dilbit that would be transported is highly toxic, heavy, does not clean up, and the eventual oil from them will all be destined to foreign lands. Leaks in pipelines are major, and have been frequent occurrences these past few years. These are threats to the public, wildlife, the environment, and the economy. PLEASE do not allow this pipeline.

4/16/2013 12:52:20

Linda Price Keystone is not in the best interests of U.S. citizens. People in states along the route will be burdened by all of the problems, but almost no benefits of tar sand fuel production. 1,700 miles of farm land, homes, and hundreds of bodies of water will be vulnerable to the pipeline's leaks, including the greatest freshwater reservoir in the US -- the Ogallala aquifer. What's more, the pipeline will hasten a devastating global climate catastrophe. We don't have enough paper towels to clean up after a Keystone disaster.

4/16/2013 13:32:48

James Phillips As an owner of farmland that relies on irrigation and as a citizen with an environmental conscience, I oppose the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/16/2013 13:38:37

Marilou Morrical I don't believe we should "gamble" with the water and overall environment by building this threat. There won't be a second chance if a leak occurs. I know the actuaries think it's worth a fine, and cheaper for the oil company in the long run to take the risk, but I don't think people in Nebraska would agree if they understood the facts. The oil companies are trying to buy our permission from politicians who should be looking out for us.

4/16/2013 14:57:43

Candy Laursen I regret I will be unable to attend. Does not however mean I am not passionately against the Pipeline.

4/16/2013 15:25:47

Foster Collins Please do not sacrifice our water and quality of life on the alter of so-called "cheap" energy. We need to make a stand against global warming and destruction of the environment because some people want to make obscene profits and others want cheap gas. We need to take a stand against Tar-Sands and pipeline construction to transport it now.

4/16/2013 16:22:41

Sandra Anderson

I am frustrated that no matter what the citizens want any more, we are being told how it is going to be by our elected officials. Big money and oil seems to be the only thing they hear or see. If significant change doesn't come soon the people of this country will make sure they are all gotten rid of and we take back our country. We do not want any more oil pipelines running through our country and are urging you to do the right thing that the majority want and that is to focus all your energy and resources on clean, green, sustainable energy.

4/16/2013 16:27:58

Vance Nelson I have examined the new suggested routing of the Keystone XL pipeline across Nebraska, and believe it would cause damage to the eastern edge of the Nebraska sandhills, and would still have the potential of irreperable damage to the Ogallala Auquifer if there is ever a leak--which has been shown by other pipeline installations that it can happen over a period of time. There are not enough protective measures in place to continually guarantee a maintenance and protection on this installation. The Ogallala Auquifer CANNOT be risked for any sort of spill. Further, why should Nebraskan's risk everything, environmentally, to not receive ANY benefit, as it is my understanding that the oil carried in this pipeline is destined for foreign markets. I totally oppose the construction of this pipeline along the presently suggested route across Nebraska.

4/16/2013 16:50:17

SCOTT KITT Hello: My name is Scott J. Kitt and I am a lifelong Nebraska Resident. I have tried to be a steward of the enviroment my entire life. I first worked hauling garbage for the family buisness. I quit that job after I was called enviromentalist (there was an expletive before) after I hung flyers on the customers doors explaining that free of charge they could take their used oil to a recycling center within a half mile. This was the early 80s in Nebrasaka and it was still legal for a homeowner to discard used motor oil in the trash. I told the customers that even with a state of the art landfill I didn't want to some day have used oil in our drinking water. A ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. My next Career move was a Petroleum Hydrocarbon Recyler. I hauled used oil. I learned alot about how addicted we are to Hydrocarbons and about how important it is not let that addiction interfere with the environment in a negitive way. The Keystone Xl goes against everything we stand for in the United States of America. Property Rights, Eminent Domaine granted to a Foreign country, propery devaluation. The infastructure to this great nation needs to be rebuilt. Find the people good long term Jobs doing that instead of short term jobs building somthing that could potentially ruin our home. Mother Earth. NO KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE IN NEBRASKA!!!

4/16/2013 17:26:58

Rayma Tharnish please see the wrong in this pipeline. it is nothing but a bunch of lies. It will NOT bring more jobs to NE and the oil will be sent overseas IF it doesn't. Spill here first! please stop this environmental disaster before it's too late!

4/16/2013 18:07:04

Mark Phemister This pipeline is not good for America. Eminent Domain was never intended to be used by corporations or other countries, and was only ever supposed to be used for the greater good, never for the increased wealth of an elite few. There is not back up planet for us to move to, no matter how long we close our eyes and keep spewing pollution into the atmosphere and the waterways. It is not okay to send a pipeline which WILL leak somewhere at some point through American Indian Reservations. Their poverty is not an excuse for us to hand out 21st century small pox blankets. There is no back water supply for those who depend on the Ogalala aquifer, a population that covers roughly 1/5 of the continental US landmass. The only state who has truly been replenishing the aquifer is Nebraska and that is because of our watershed based NRD organizations. Organizing a governmental agency along ecological boundary lines works! Government can be organized eco-logically and achieve quite a bit. The contractors that told you there weren't problems had financial ties to TransCanada. I know you were stuck using them because of the GSA schedules system, but don't be fooled- these guys think they can get rich, live large, and then die before the consequences really hit the fan. That's very self centered. People over profit, planet over profit, principles over profit. The kinds of jobs this pipeline would bring are temporary (except for maybe the clean up ones) and no where near as empowering for the country as solar, wind, and geothermal jobs would be. We have a lot of cows out here. A better energy source would be methane digester capturing all that manure. Say No to the KXL. Bad for Nebraska, bad for America, bad for the planet.

4/16/2013 19:08:36

Michael Murphy On January 6th this year my wife died of cancer, we were married for 34 years, watching her, and trying to help her fight for life the last three years is something that nobody should have to do. Yet because tar sands makes lots of money, people are going thru the same thing my family did in Canada right now. People will go thru the same thing in Arkansas, and other places where they have had leaks and spills. They will go thru the same thing around the refinery, all so someone can make lots of money. There may or may not ever be a leak in Nebraska, but Nebraskans will die, they already are, so people can make large sums of money. To say otherwise is foolishness, stupidity, or an outright lie, so people can make vast sums of money. I have no idea what amount of money is made for each death, but I know that dying is also expensive, and I can only imagine how priceless it might have been to grow old with Rita. But sadly someone else was making money, and my wife, our families, none of us mattered. Nebraskans are big on religion, spirituality, the hope of heaven, and the fear of hell. Just know that when our time comes, tar sands oil will make the fire burn hotter, but protecting water just might cool the fire, and no amount of money will make any difference.

4/16/2013 19:21:28

Cherri Thieman Please do not risk our drinking water and livelihood with this pipeline. It is not a long term solution to our energy problems. Lets make the right decision for our futures and say no to the pipeline.

4/16/2013 19:32:46

Betty Hebda Ground water is the greatest commodity Nebraska has. It sustains our families,livestock and our crops. To endanger our water supply is asking for a catastrophe to happen. It has been proven that the chemicals that carry the tar sand are not enviromentally safe. Please don't endanger the families of Nebraska.

4/16/2013 19:45:54

Betty & Gary Foster

Water security is essential to food security, public health and life. We are obliged to protect our fresh water aquifers at all costs. Oil leaks will destroy our water, our food, our people and animals!

4/16/2013 19:49:20

Raymond J. Hebda

As a owner of a family farm I understand how vital our ground water is. Water feeds our livestock and our crops. Nebraska farmers depend on the ground water to irrigate our growing crops. With the need of food world wide it in a sense is more valuable than oil.

4/16/2013 20:01:00

Barry Harper This is most certainly one of the worst examples ever of totally disregarding our time honored axiom of maintaining checks and balances and making sure they are in place.

4/16/2013 20:11:25

Raymond Hebda

I own a family farm, farming is my way of life. Water is vital to my operation. Clean water feeds my family as well as the livestock. I depend on irrigation to feed the growing crops. Putting the Keystone Pipeline through or near my land endangers the existence of operating my farm. Food is needed world wide it is more valuable than oil. Nothing is so safe that an accident is impossible to happen. If the chemicals that carry the tar sand should infiltrate our water not only will Nebraska suffer but also the food supply to feed the growing population.

4/16/2013 20:14:31

Barbara Salvatore

NO to Keystone XL ! Over 360 unique plant species inhabit the preserves of wild grasses and prairies here, in Nebraska. On the Great Plains, less than 2% of these original grasslands remain. As Nebraskans it is our responsibility to do all we can to preserve and encourage their revitalization. These grasslands must be protected, and will not stand the construction, operation, or inevitable failings of the Keystone XL Pipeline. I am student and teacher of indigenous plants. I speak for the plants. This land that we walk on is crisscrossed by the Platte, Missouri, Niobrara and other rivers. The Niobrara was designated by Backpacker magazine as one of the 10 best rivers for canoeing in the US. The Niobrara National Scenic River possesses "outstandingly remarkable values" that Congress has designated must be protected: Fish and Wildlife, Scenery, Fossil Resources, High Water Quality, and Recreation, and boasts a unique crossroads where many species of plants and animals coexist unlike anywhere else in the world. Unique fossil-filled sandstone cliffs host over 200 waterfalls.

Because of this geographic diversity, this whole area called the Missouri River basin was literally a bowl of thriving cultures and peoples. It is the swath of country through which the Keystone Pipeline would cross. It is a fertile basin of unique and rich soil, and in its heart, the Ogallala Aquifer. I am here too, to speak for the water. Izhazhe wiwitta tHe Barbara Salvatore. (My name is Barbara Salvatore.) Centuries ago the Ponca and Omaha were one tribe when they traveled up the Missouri River. They shared the same language. Today, less than 25 people living, speak this native Nebraskan language. I am a student of the Omaha/Ponca language. Wongithe, Tha thi tHe udoN ! Everyone, it is good that you are here. Here in Nibthaska – the Pawnee name for the Platte River – the Flat Water. Nebraska. I am not a tribal member. I cannot speak for the Pawnee, Sioux, Winnebago, Omaha or Ponca. But my Ponca relatives asked me to come here and say a few things. They want us to “Think about the Ogallala Aquifer and if the pipeline breaks through to contaminate that water, it will be too late. There will be an awful lot of people in trouble. " They want us to know "That KXL promises to put shut off valves at intervals, but thus will not stop the water from getting contaminated once it is contaminated. That they have seen this company make promises and yet use substandard materials. That they have seen these companies sneak around them – that while the tribes are negotiating with them in their own counties, the oil company proceeds to lay the pipeline in the next county over before they have even gotten the required permissions, and that they are very sneaky and they lie. That we have got to think of the damage to our next generations, all for the sake of industry and profit. We need to make sure the safety of our entire state of Nebraska is intact, and that no one should be sold out or forced out of their land and homes.” The Ponca Tribe of Nebraska should know. Treaties came and treaties were broken. Lands promised to the Ponca were signed away to the Sioux with the stroke of a government pen (in the 1868 treaty signed with the Sioux at Fort Laramie). The Ponca were forcibly removed to Oklahoma in 1877. After losing 2/3s of their people on this trail of tears and over that first winter, a small group of Ponca escaped the reservation and returned north. They were sheltered by the Omaha, but were immediately arrested by the government as trespassers. This led to the historically important Trial of Standing Bear in 1879. “The outcome being that the Indian was declared a “person” according to law, and that Standing Bear and his followers were free to return to their homeland.”-The Niobrara River Valley in Northern Nebraska. Then, in 1966, the Ponca Tribe was Terminated by the US government. “In effect, this meant that not only did the Ponca no longer exist, but also that their remaining land and holdings were dissolved.”

Then, in 1990, they were reinstated. As condition of reinstatement, they had to agree to make no land claims against the United States. A quick step forward to today, here, in the home-land of the Ponca and the many other tribes who were displaced, and yet who remain. The Ponca Pow-Wow is held on tribal grounds near the Niobrara River, near the Mormon Canal and Verdigre Creek. These homelands and waterways are directly in the path of the Keystone XL. The Ponca trail of tears to Oklahoma and back again is in the shadow of the proposed pipeline, including burial sites along this route that have been maintained by the Ponca, as well as by descendants of the white villagers whom they met along this long trail. Today, the northern Ponca say NO to KXL. The Ogallala, Lakota and other ‘Sioux’ tribes in western Nebraska, say NO to KXL. Omaha friends to the east say NO, raising many strong voices against the Tar Sands and this pipeline. The Pawnee to the South, directly in the path of KXL, have clearly said NO. Tribes all across these Great Plains say NO. Tribes from coast to coast say NO. Sovereign Tribes in these United States and throughout Canada say NO. NO to Tar Sands Oil. NO to KXL. Less than 5 Ponca elders speak the Ponca language. If any one of them were here, I AM certain that to the Keystone XL pipeline, they would say Onkkazhi! - No! But I can only speak for myself. For the land, for the Plants, for the Water. I have a home here. I am a student here. I am a teacher here. I say NO.

4/16/2013 20:23:38

Kitty Fynbu Please reject the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. KXL is not in the best interest of the United States. The economic benefits are not for the American public, but rather for the well-invested few from around the world. The purpose of this pipeline is to get Enbridge's product to the gulf coast refineries to sell on the global market. The United States does not need to support a project that puts so much freshwater at risk (both in Canada and in the US) Tarsands interests have bullied Canadians into accepting their mining practices and continue to destroy the Boreal Forests of Canada. They bully landowners along the proposed route and grease the palms of politicians to smooth their way. If this project is a good idea, then none of these tactics should be necessary; the facts should rule the decision. The truth is that as more facts are revealed, the more opposition builds. If we allow this project we divert funds that could be invested in our clean energy future, which is a better way to gain energy security for the US.

4/16/2013 20:32:46

Phyllis Stone The United States cannot allow this to happen to their own citizens. This pipeline is totally against our lifeline. If there should be a spill it will absolutely be devastating to every living thing. The Lakota people are against anything that is against life.

4/16/2013 21:12:15

Phyllis Stone Phyllis will submit her statement later, as she does not have access to computer right now. Phyllis is a Lakota Tribal Elder and would like to speak her testimony as such. She will arrive in Grand Island on Wednesday, and wants to insure a place for her in line, as well as for other tribal leaders. Thank you.

4/16/2013 21:13:32

Linda L Ollinger To allow the Keystone XL pipeline to continue to be built ANYWHERE across Nebraska and her sister states is a fatal mistake. Accidents with pipelines can and do happen, which can cause irreversible damage to water ways which sit above or below ground. Water is the life blood of the planet. We All depend on this precious resource, water, and can not afford to let it disappear due to contamination. We are the stewards of the land AND the water, let us protect our water resource's, keeping future generations in mind. Aho, Linda L Ollinger

4/16/2013 21:25:33

neal nollette I am Fr. Neal Nollette. I am a Catholic priest currently serving St. Ann Church at Nebraska. I am a Native Nebraskan. I was raised in the small town of - on the northern edge of the Nebraska Sandhills. I have many memories of going to a windmill for a drink of water on a hot summer day while working on the ranch. When the wind blew, there was always a steady stream of water pumping into the tank for the cattle to drink. I—nor any of my brothers or any of the hired men—never had to worry about the water. It was always cool, fresh, clean water that required no treatment or filtering before drinking. This was the same for any of the thousands of windmills across the Sandhills—anyone could go to any one of them and drink the water without fear of disease or contamination because it was pure, clean water from the Ogallala Aquifer. The Ogallala Aquifer is the largest fresh water aquifer on the North American Continent extending from Northern Nebraska all of the way into Texas. It contains as much water as Lake Erie. The Ogallala Aquifer provides drinking water for 2 million people as well as the water needed to irrigate Nebraska crops and water Nebraska cattle which makes Nebraska’s $17 Billion agriculture economy possible year after year. (That is “17” with “9 zeroes”.) The Keystone XL Pipeline poses a grave threat to this unique, fragile, delicate, and pristine

ecosystem. Articles in the news have stated that the current Trans Canada Pipeline has had 14 leaks in 14 months. With a track record like that, I do not put much faith or credibility in the claims that the XL Pipeline will be ‘safe, reliable, and trouble free’. The issue of building the XL Pipeline through the Sandhills is not a question of “if” a leak will occur. Rather, it is a question of “when” a leak will occur. Even a small leak will do way more damage than even the ‘best experts’ can predict. Contaminated water in the Ogallala Aquifer will be impossible to clean. Contaminated water from the Ogallala Aquifer will force 2 million people to find other, more expensive sources for drinking water. Contaminated water from the Ogallala Aquifer will make it impossible for Nebraska farmers and ranchers to raise crops or livestock. And contaminated water from the Ogallala Aquifer will turn the 20,000 square miles of Nebraska Sandhills into a toxic wasteland. Some have reasoned with this approach: Let’s build the XL Pipeline in Nebraska because there are not very many people there. If any problems occur, it won’t matter because there will only be a handful of people affected by it. Yes, compared to New York City, Nebraska’s total population is but a ‘drop in the bucket’. But there is much more at stake here than figuring out where damage will be done to the smallest population. I can guarantee you that if the XL Pipeline is built it definitely will break. Anyone who does not believe that is either naive or incredibly out of touch with reality. It is in America’s “best interests” to preserve and protect a “sure thing”: namely, 1) It is better to safeguard and preserve Nebraska’s $17 Billion agricultural economy providing food to the nation rather than building the XL Pipeline that threatens to destroy this source of America’s food. 2) It is better to safeguard and preserve Nebraska’s $17 Billion agricultural economy so that Nebraska farmers and ranchers—unlike some of America’s leading corporations and wealthiest individuals—can pay their income taxes rather than having oil pass through our nation through the XL Pipeline that most likely will not be taxed because—as some news reports have indicated—it will be shipped to Europe and Asia. 3) It is better to safeguard and protect the water in the Ogallala Aquifer so that there is safe, clean, uncontaminated drinking water rather than dealing with the issue of 2 million refuges within our own country because of the toxins that leaked from the XL Pipeline which was built

through the middle of the Aquifer. The Federal Government has a responsibility to protect and safeguard ALL of its citizens from danger and to preserve and protect the nation’s natural resources. A sure and certain way to do this is to DENY the XL Pipeline permit. Say “NO” to the XL Pipeline!

4/16/2013 21:25:56

Robert C Brown Please note my opposition to the KXL pipeline as an environmental risk and not the best option to accomplish the purpose.

4/16/2013 21:44:45

Joe Michael Having a service dog which is trained for my seizures I don't think it possible to attend, even though I would love to be there. I am totally opposed to the pipe line and if it goes through its a matter of timer when we will be stuck with spills that will totally distroy our under water system due to polution that cannot be rectified, and the oil companies still cleaning up the merss in the gulf and claim that everything is fine by their adds are only lying as the beaches and shell fish beds have been pretty much distroyed.

4/16/2013 22:36:17

Shirley A. Condon

Please say NO to the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. It poses a tremendous risk to the Ogallala Aquifer, the water supply of untold numbers of US citizens as well as crops, livestock, wildlife, and all living things. Though the Earth's surface is largely water, only 1% of this water is suitable for drinking. Water is not a "renewable" substance; every molecule of water currently in existance is the same water present in the age of dinosaurs. We can't risk any of this precious resource getting permanently fouled by tar sands. Nothing made by human hands is perfect, and the KXL Pipeline is certain to corrode and leak eventually. Do we want future generations to wonder what we could have been thinking to let such a poisonous substance be pumped through our water supply? Please DENY the permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline.

4/16/2013 23:31:02

Carl Mellecker I am opposed to the Keystone XL Pipeline as it is proposed. Find a route that won't cross over the Ogallala Aquifer or no pipeline at all.

4/17/2013 2:26:54

Mary Southwick Previous scientific studies and virtually all current scientific studies, as well as the disastrous consequences of tar-sands pipeline spills in Michigan and more recently, Arkansas, highlight the fact that the Keystone XL Pipeline is a HORRIBLE idea for Nebraska, and not a good prospect for the rest of the country, either! This Pipeline damages water, land and air----we simply cannot afford to devastate our resources and way of life through tar-sands oil, which at best, is a very risky proposition!! The Keystone XL Pipeline destroys our future, while rich oil companies profit unethically!! This is totally UNACCEPTABLE!!!

4/17/2013 4:30:35

jeanelle myers as a former nebraskan.. and citizen of the world, I stand with you and thank you for standing there

4/17/2013 5:29:31

Linda Marx The Keystone XL carries more economic risks than profit and is a bad investment financially and morally. ENDANGERED whooping cranes and also sandhill cranes use the Niobrara River right where this thing would cross. After visiting the cranes on the Platte River during their Spring migration, I am moved to strongly object to the Keystone XL or to anything else that would disrupt what little habitat these birds, including the ENDANGERED whooping crane, have left to use. The reasons to drop the Keystone XL project far exceed any possible reason for approval. I vote and I will continue to watch this issue with interest. Please do what is right. NO pipeline please.

4/17/2013 5:54:53

Christina Pacosz

I traveled from Kansas City to visit the sandhill cranes at the Rowe Sanctuary in the migration of 2008 and I have known all this while that great harm was in the offing if the Keystone Pipeline goes through. I say no to Keystone XL, a thousand times NO! We MUST protect this ecosystem for cranes and ranchers and everyone who understands the global importance of the great migration that remains on the prairie. My health does not allow me to attend in person, otherwise I would be in Grand Island tomorrow with bells and whistles>

4/17/2013 6:04:00

Rebecca Nielsen

Top 10 Reason to Reject the Keystone XL Pipeline 1. I am a native Nebraskan. Our Governor, Dave Heineman and Nebraska's legislature have abandoned our state and the people of Nebraska - in favor of greed. It's up to Secretary Kerry and President Obama to stand up and protect our precious natural resources. 2. Why would we risk our own country's natural resources for a foreign company to profit? Canadian citizens have rejected this pipeline in their own country. 3. Filthy, dirty tar sands produces the most carbon-producing product. Approving the Keystone XL pipeline would be like taking a GIANT step BACKWARDS in promoting green energy. 4. Chemicals that are added to tar sands and the heating process needed to move this sludge are toxic and dangerous. 5. The Ogallala Aquifer is a priceless supply of groundwater that cannot be replaced or recreated once it's polluted. 6. This oil is headed to Port Arthur so that the Koch Brothers can ship it to China and make even more outrageous profits. Our energy costs in the midwest will GO UP. 7. A few temporarty jobs are not worth destroying our environment. 8. I DO NOT trust Transcanada. They have spent millions on their dishonest ads promising the safety of this pipeline. Look at the Kalamazoo River in Michigan or the city of Mayflower, Arkansas. The examples of leaks goes on and on. 9. You must reject the Keystone XL Pipeline - for the future of mine and your children and grandchildren. 10. I am sick to death of money and greed winning out over the best interests of our citizens at every turn. You can stop this insanity and REJECT THE KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE. Sincerely, Rebecca Nielsen

4/17/2013 6:06:15

Jane Yule The arguments against extracting oil from tarsands and transporting it by pipline anywhere are lengthy. I have not talked to anyone in favor of this whole process. Jane Yule, Family Nurse Practitioner. Nebraska

4/17/2013 6:52:45

Beverly Hof-Miller

I do not think that this project which threatens a "no where else in the world" natural event like Spring Migration on the Platte is worthwhile. The cost and threats are too high for too little benefit and really who benefits? What is threatened here effects the whole world, not just Nebraskans.

4/17/2013 7:19:39

Deann Sterner Please vote against the Keystone XL Pipeline. The risks of transporting fuel from the north border to the south border of the U.S. are simply too great. America needs to consider other energy options. Please put partisan politics aside and use our financial resources and knowledge to find sustainable solutions.

4/17/2013 7:48:50

Jared Jensen As a former well driller, I know how quickly oil travels through the sandy soils of Nebraska. I saw groundwater ruined for a square mile by a leaky deisel fuel tank. I shudder to think what will happen when keystone XL springs even a small leak. At least deisel fuel floats. Tar sands will sink into the ground with no way to clean it up except to strip mine the area. Eventually the pipeline will leak. Maybe not on the first day of operation or the first year or the first decade but it will leak. When it does, families will lose farms they have worked for generations. Do we put short term jobs before jobs that last generations? Not here in Nebraska.

4/17/2013 8:36:51

Suzan Koch Have already submitted a comment to the State Dept. a few weeks ago.

4/17/2013 8:44:46

cynthia j. weitzel thank you for our NE hearing. The KXL can only be denied, for 3 good reasons: 1.) oil pipeline should NEVER be run through drinking water; 2.) corporations especially foreign ones should not be allowed to seize private property when they are not a common carrier; 3.) there is a moral imperative to transition to cleaner fuels and if not now, when?

4/17/2013 9:06:20

Dr Richard & Karen Dienstbier

We oppose the Keystone XL pipeline. it is a bad idea from beginning to end. Tar sands are the dirtiest oil available, and it takes way too much in the way of processing to make it a viable product. Besides that the pipeline is scheduled to go through some of the most fragile ecosystems we have - the Ogalala aquifer from which a good proportion of Nebraskans take their drinking water. We are now in a severe drought in this state and if the acquifer were to be polluted with oil, which is a very good possibility if the pipeline goes in, we will be in even more trouble as a state than we are right now with this drought. Sincerely, Dr Richard and Karen Dienstbier

4/17/2013 Brent To Whom It May Concern:

9:32:55 Christensen If all ‘Olympic Oil’ wants to do is EXPORT their product to China, RE-DRAW that pipeline from the Bitumen Shale Beds either WEST or EAST until you hit a Water Shipping way and find it would only be HALF as long as due South!! Propose they build a 'Shorter' Canadian Pipeline across Canada to EXPORT this Canadian Tar Sand and you will find Canada WON'T want them to exploit these Tar Sands anymore!! They KNOW what they would be in for, However; they are fine with shipping it farther (with more inherent risks) across AMERICA'S BREADBASKET, to the Gulf Tax Free Export Zone. So why should WE/USA take ALL the RISK for them to EXPORT their POISONOUS MESS to China over OUR IRREPLACEABLE FARMLAND and Private Properties? While at the same time this would be INCREASING our Midwestern Gas, Diesel and Heating Oil cost? (1.0 ~ ref at bottom of page) HOW does this ‘Olympic Oil’ and KXL pipeline HELP the US Economy, possibly 35 permanent jobs? Possibly they are counting the hundreds of TEMPORARY jobs, to be created after EACH SPILL Incident. The PIPE is coming from CHINA, the MACHINERY is coming from KOREA, and the stuff will be shipped to CHINA from a Tax Free Export Port! Again, how does this HELP the US Economy? Is AMERICA Self-sufficient for oil? If we still don't have enough for our own use, why would we be exporting oil to OTHER countries? WE SHOULD CONDONE NO MOVING OF ANY KIND OF FOREIGN OIL ACROSS THE USA, (with its inherent RISKS) IF IT IS NOT FOR THE SOLE USE of the USA!! When it SPILLS, and it will spill, HOW will you explain your selfish selves when it is too late?!? NOW is the time to nip this in the bud, before you go too far! (1.1 ~ ref at bottom of page) Last month, we saw a tar sands pipeline in Mayflower, Arkansas spill nearly 10,000 barrels of tar sands oil into a residential neighborhood. This spill is yet one more indication that we are not prepared to transport or clean up this dirtier, heavier, toxic form of oil. The Arkansas spill also highlighted numerous unanswered questions that must be addressed before we allow a tar sands pipeline nearly 10 times the size of the Pegasus line to bisect our country and run through one of our most important aquifers. Then this month, we have seen record-breaking temperatures in major cities across the United States -- just one more indication that we are experiencing the increasingly devastating impacts of climate change and need to alter our course immediately. It is impossible to fight climate change while simultaneously investing in the dirtiest, most carbon-intensive fossil fuels on the planet. Many of the administration's bold advances in clean energy and vehicle

efficiency have been critical, but much of that progress -- and the credit that comes with it -- will be erased if we also develop the tar sands. Environmental momentum in Canada means that other new tar sands infrastructure is no longer a guarantee, so stopping Keystone XL will indeed be a big step against the tar sands. I demand climate leadership from this administration, and that has to begin with the rejection of Keystone XL. Thank you for your Attention; Brent G. Christensen ~ a concerned American Parent, Grandparent, Citizen 1.0 ~ 1.1 ~

4/17/2013 9:37:30

Patsy Burnett Dear Hiliary, I have your book, and if you will stop the pipeline, I will read it. :) Our history, present, and predicted future impel us to stop raping the planet., And if you want to rape the planet, do I not even have the human right to not have it occour in my back yard? I suggest someone have the courage - to stop this folly. I know you will make the effective, healthy, sustainable decision to stop the pipeline. Thank you very much for all you have done for the USA. I admire your courage.

4/17/2013 9:45:01

Evelyn Davis When will we be smart enough in the USA to put our future before profits? This Keystone pipeline would become another disaster in the making on so many levels. Yes, it WILL break and spill oil. The question is where and when and how much. Will be be on the flyway of the mass migration of cranes on the Platte River or over the Ogallala Aquifer which supports a huge number of farms and rural communities? Aside from those concerns is the question of carbon emissions. This is the dirtiest oil on the planet and in "mining" it huge amounts of the boreal forests in Canada will destroyed . Sending this oil to the Gulf will not bring down oil prices because this oil will go on the international market and will do nothing to alleviate domestic oil prices. When will we be able to seriously begin investing in alternative fuels instead of trying to squeeze every last drop of oil out of the ground and subsidizing Big Oil in the process? Please, use some common sense and say NO to this project for the sake of people and the environment.

4/17/2013 9:57:50

Mary O'Connor Stop this enviornmental disaster which has no long term benefits for the US or the world

4/17/2013 10:27:55

Lori Fischer To the state Department and President Obama, I am a Nebraskan born and raised. I live a few miles from the first TC pipeline and have many worries about that one. The new one will be built just a few mile on the other side of me. After viewing some of the recent aerial photos from the Arkansas tar sand spill, all I could think about -is what that might have been like for us- if it would have been from a pipeline ten times its size. Or not above ground but out of sight in our aquifer. Or worse yet in the RECARGE area for our aquifer. The Arkansas clean up companies appear to be doing as poorly as the oil spill professionals who are still trying to clean up the Kalamazoo spill many years later after just learning that tar sands oil sinks. When we consider how badly the gulf spill clean up was done and read about what’s happening to the seafood I no longer trust to eat,- I know with out a doubt this will be the worst risk any one could ask our farmers to take. We must protect out aquifer. From what I have learned about the past clean ups there isn’t a chance in hell --that any of these so called experts would be able to cleaned it up properly. The oil is not guaranteed for our county. We should not be forced to take this risk! The only way we will become energy independent is to move on towards alternative energy which will be safer and better for our environment. Global warming is real. We need to be working on stopping it. Global warming information, Study on corrosiveness of tar sands. Which this new pipeline will be exempt from if its already built. Pipeline Spills Put Safeguards Under Scrutiny PHMSA lacks the resources to adequately monitor the millions of miles of pipelines over which it does have authority. The agency has funding for only 137 inspectors, and often employs even less than that (in 2010 the agency had 110 inspectors on staff). A Congressional Research Service report found a “long-term pattern of understaffing” in the agency’s pipeline safety program. According to the report, between 2001 and 2009 the agency reported a staffing shortfall of an average of 24 employees a year. A New York Times investigation last year found that the agency is chronically short of inspectors because it just doesn’t have enough money to hire more, possibly due to competition from the pipeline companies themselves, who often hire away PHMSA inspectors for their corporate safety programs, according to the CRS. Given the limitations of government money and personnel, it is often the industry that inspects its own pipelines. Although federal and state inspectors review paperwork and conduct audits, most on-site pipeline inspections are done by inspectors on the company’s dime. The industry’s relationship with PHMSA may go further than inspections, critics say. The agency has adopted, at least in part, dozens of safety standards written by the oil and natural gas industry. "This isn't like the fox guarding the hen house," said Weimer. "It's like the fox designing the hen house." Last January, Obama signed a bill that commissioned several new studies to evaluate some of these proposed safety measures, although his decision on extending the Keystone pipeline may come long before those studies are completed. Will the Keystone be exempt if its already approved? Please protect our water, our planet, and all the people being effected by the mining of tar sands oil. Sincerely, Lori and Ron Fischer

4/17/2013 10:49:03

Wendy Dorn-Recalde

I live in a small village outside- Nebraska. In - we are already struggling with water quality due to the high levels of nitrates in our ground water. The last thing we need is contamination on top of contamination with the inevitability of a tar sands spill. Watching the 'clean up efforts' in Michigan, it becomes apparent that we simply do not have the technology to make this a realistic and safe endeavor. Also, why should sovereign land-owners in the United States be forced to give up their property to a Canadian corporation, for the profit of that corporation? There is no "right" reason that would make this part of the issue okay to any rational person. This is our land, our water, our resources. We do not want them endangered by outsiders and our own government.

4/17/2013 11:04:08

Gail Sears I am against the Keystone XL pipeline or any other disturbance to our precious source of water crossing Nebraska. Water and it's quality is worth protecting. We can not live without water, we can survive without tarsand and the contaminants that go through the pipeline to help it flow.

4/17/2013 11:30:39

Melissa Bees Aside from the legitimate concerns about oils spills and water quality, one of our most dire national and global threats is climate change. It’s well known that extracting and processing tar sands oil is much more carbon intensive than traditional oil. In this era where we have a moral obligation to be transitioning to clean, renewable energy sources, this pipeline would be a major step backward. This is NOT the legacy I want for my state or my country. I don’t want to hear the excuse that “if we don’t do it, another country will.” That is not acceptable logic. I teach my kindergartner that just because someone else does something wrong, that doesn’t make it OK for us to do it. My 6-yr old understands that when we stand up and do what’s right, often times others will follow our lead. The same principles apply to nations. We could strive as a nation to embrace clean energy development. Or… we can be world leaders in the short-sighted quest for filthy tar sands oil. I’m not willing to sink to that level—not as an individual, and not as a nation. What I did not see in this draft SEIS was an economic assessment of the societal costs of the climate change to which this pipeline would contribute. What are the costs of increasing floods, droughts, wildfires and hurricanes? Proponents of the pipeline will tell you that this project alone will not destroy the climate. Well no ONE source of CO2 emissions will single-handedly bring down our climate. But it IS a CUMULATIVE effect, and this pipeline would be a SIGNIFICANT and UNNECESSARY culprit. I have already experienced the detrimental effects of recent floods and droughts made worse by climate change. To purposely add to this problem is INSANE. Approving this pipeline is not in our national interest. Yes, wars have been fought over oil. Wars are also fought over water and food shortages. Enabling big oil companies to further destroy our climate puts our nation and our world at greater risk for wars over declining food and water resources. If TransCanada is having to work this hard to rationalize what we all know in our guts is wrong, there’s a reason. You can’t justify what you know in your gut is wrong for the future of our climate.

4/17/2013 11:44:22

Bob Banderet US State Department, I am writing to comment on your recent draft EIS where you find that no significant environmental impact will occur from construction and operation of the Keystone XL pipeline. I am sure that finding is based in large part on TransCanada’s promises and assurances of a “state of the art leak detection system” and thorough reclamation of the construction ROW. As a landowner with Keystone 1 running through my property and the eye witness to the 21,000

gallon spill in ND in May of 2011, I can attest that TransCanada’s actual responses and actions are quite different from their promises and assurances. TransCanada has promised “The pipeline leak detection system will have ‘greater sensitivity than required by law.’ If TC can’t identify the cause of a problem within 10 minutes, then the pipeline will be shut down.” And in another public statement, “Keystone allows for a 10 minute trouble shoot period to confirm if the alarm is a pressure fluctuation or an actual leak. Keystone’s Oil Control Center procedures require immediate shut down of the pipeline upon expiration of the ten minute trouble shoot period.” Even though the Keystone XL leak detection system will be the same as Keystone 1’s, the reality of the ND spill was that a 60 foot geyser of oil spewed for 40 minutes before any action was taken to shut down the pipeline. And that was only after my call to the Oil Control Center informing them of the leak! TC has also said their SCADA system (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) can accurately detect leaks down to 1.5-2% of flow through. In the ND event the leak was double that at about 4%, yet the SCADA system triggered no alarms. Either TransCanada was not aware of the leak or they did not follow their own Operation Manual procedures! In the event of an emergency, TransCanada has promised prompt clean-up response and notification of federal and state agencies. Yet in the ND incident a pipeline technician took 2½ hours to drive to the site to confirm the release. Another hour passed before emergency spill contractors were dispatched to begin clean up, but only after a phone call from the ND Dept. of Health inquiring about the spill. The ND DoH was alerted by State Radio which I had called trying to contact the local sheriff. A total of 5½ hours passed before clean-up crews arrived on scene, plenty of time for significant environmental damage to be done. Four years after construction of Keystone 1 on my property, promised satisfactory reclamation has still not been done. Reclamation crews were back last fall (Fall of 2012), but did not adequately address my concerns. My land is hay and pasture with sandy, high water table soil, much like that near the Nebraska Sand hills where the pipeline reroute is located. Their reclamation crews have no idea how to address the unique conditions that sandy soil represents if the initial reclamation fails. Their solution was to rip everything up and start over, not a viable solution with the much drier conditions that exist in the Northern Plains and Nebraska this past year. I hope these examples illustrate that significant environmental impacts can happen and TransCanada’s assurances should not be a determining factor. I’m sure the people of Mayflower, AK and Marshall, MI had plenty of assurances as well from their respective pipeline companies. Thank you for your consideration. Bob Banderet

4/17/2013 11:56:54

Margaret Williams

I live in Grand Island, I don't own land, but I do know the pipeline is bad for Nebraksa. I do not believe this pipeline will provide more and cheaper oil for the U.S. I do not believe it will provide jobs for Nebraskans. I do not believe it's safe. We have seen a number of disasters world-wide that were supposedly not possible. Instead of taking chances with our non-replenishable water, lets starting using alternatives to oil. Another reason I am against the pipeline is because I don't believe a foreign country has the right to come in and take over U.S. property. No foreign country should come in and threaten our citizens right to use their property as they see fit. Just because they have money and lawyers, doesn't make it right. What happened to our freedom to live peaceably on our land? This is outrageous. This pipeline is not for the benefit of the United States, it's for the almight dollar, for Canada and for whatever country has the most money to buy the oil. I also don't agree with using tarsands. Let's use alternate fuels!

4/17/2013 12:34:55

Sara Gilliam I am a fifth generation Nebraskan and I respectfully request that the State Department not approve the continuation of the Keystone XL Pipeline project. This project jeopardizes not only our state's water and other natural resources, but it also asks Nebraskans to take on all of the risks of a serious oil spill while reaping none of the rewards. Your colleagues have determined that the Pipeline will only create 35 permanent jobs; there are so many more creative and environmentally sustainable ways to create jobs in Nebraska. Transcanada's bullying of family farmers and ranchers has been abhorent, and the corporation has show consistent disregard for not only environmental and climate change science but also human dignity. Please, please, please do not let "big money" call the shots on an issue as critical as this one. Thank you in advance for your consideration.

4/17/2013 12:38:30

Helen Tanderup My name is Helen Tanderup. My husband Art and I live and farm north of Neligh in the route of the proposed pipeline. We are opposed to the construction of the pipeline. Our soil is fragile Thurman fine sand. We are over the Ogallala Aquifer and in the Sand Hills. Any leaks or seepage would contaminate our water supply. The route has not been moved out of the Sand Hills or away from the aquifer. It crosses only 20 miles less of the Sand Hills and is completely over the aquifer. The pipeline runs 400 feet from our irrigation well and 500 feet from our domestic well. It is less than 600 feet from our house and a neighbor’s house. It is not a matter of if it will leak, but when it will leak and destroy our water and our livelihood. We do not believe that a private foreign corporation should have the right to take our land via eminent domain. They want to build an export pipeline that will not benefit our country. Wars between countries have been fought over lesser issues. Fuel prices will increase, not decrease. The jobs created are temporary. Permanent jobs could be created in the clean energy arena, or upgrading national infrastructure such as bridges and schools. Keep the promise to Nebraska that this pipeline would not be built through the Sand Hills or over the Ogallala Aquifer.

4/17/2013 13:24:04

Kathleen Stone Testimony of Rev. Kathleen Stone, Executive for the Office of Environmental and Economic Justice, on behalf of United Methodist Women

April 18, 2013 U.S. State Department Hearings Grand Island, Nebraska My name is Rev. Kathleen Stone, and I am on the national staff of United Methodist Women, an organization representing some 800,000 women across this nation who, for more than a century, have striven to be faithful to our God, our church, people around the world and the ecology that supports us. In November of 2011, I had the privilege of being part of an international delegation called by the World Council of Churches in partnership with Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives to visit Calgary, Alberta and the tar sands area. We met with a wide variety of affected peoples to listen to their views and deliberate about the ethics of a global economy built upon this particular extraction of fossil fuels. I have come to Nebraska to do the same thing – to meet

with and listen to a variety of people whose lives will be affected by the proposed Keystone XL pipeline – who are ranchers, church women, business people, and indigenous leaders affected by the pipeline? It is also my responsibility to pay attention to those who are affected but aren’t often represented in formal hearings – i.e. the Sandhills crane, the creeks, the indigenous plants of the sandhills, , complex ecosystems and sacred indigenous spaces that are threatened or endangered by the construction and operation of the proposed pipeline. This hearing has been called to gather opinions related to the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement. I am a trained clergy person, not a geologist, economist, or scientist. I cannot comment on the accuracy or methodology of the economic, archeological or environmental assumptions or findings in the report. Ultimately, the State Department and other Executive Agencies will advise President Obama what is in our national interest, based on these considerations. As clergy, and as staff of a religious institution, I am trained to reflect ethically. And so, I would like to make a few points about the morality of this situation, based on the teachings and policies of the United Methodist Church and United Methodist Women. • The report indicates that only 10% of the pipeline construction workforce will be from Montana, South Dakota or Nebraska. It also states that the bulk of their pay will be spent where the workers permanently reside, outside of the states where the construction will occur. It notes that the revenues related to the purchase of various construction inputs will accrue to companies and communities across the U.S. and internationally, with only relatively modest sums going to local communities. In the end, there will be approximately only 35 permanent jobs in the U.S. created as a result of this project. And so, one has to ask: in light of the relatively modest benefit to the states and communities which will be home to the pipeline, and the miniscule permanent job creation – who will reap the majority of the economic benefits from this project? The report leaves open who will consume the petroleum products ultimately refined – they may be exported to other countries. If recent trends continue, that is likely to be the case. The majority of the economic benefits certainly will accrue to the corporations involved. Not all of those corporations are U.S.-based, and not all are publicly-held, so the wealth created by this project is unlikely to broadly benefit the U.S. public. Is this in our national interest? • Ranchers in the area are being told that if they do not agree to the permanent easements on their property for the pipeline, that they will be taken by eminent domain. Is this a fair use of eminent domain? To benefit transnational company’s profit?

• The environmental justice section of the report provides no indication that various communities of color or low-income communities identified in the construction zone will significantly benefit from employment opportunities. Therefore, this project does not appear to offer our nation any positive justice impact. In fact, it would appear that the impact is likely negative, particularly with respect to our indigenous brothers and sisters. The new route of the pipeline disturbs the Ponca’s Trail of Tears and numerous other historical as well as pre-contact sites, infringes on various treaties made by the U.S. government with certain tribes, and threatens sacred water sources, among other things. Many indigenous tribes are opposed to the pipeline. In fact, the United Methodist Church’s energy policy statement opposes any energy policy that despoils native lands and calls for a halt to current practices that do so. The United Methodist Church has additional policies which call us to repent our historical involvement in the mistreatment of indigenous peoples and to stand in solidarity with them today. This would be sufficient reason in itself for United Methodist Women to strongly object to the building of this pipeline. • Is the disruption of local communities, of precious topsoil and agricultural lands, the risk to 1,073 bodies of water, including 4 aquifers and 23 public water supply wells, and 13 federally protected or candidate species of wildlife really in our public interest? • Since coming to Nebraska, I have learned of the vulnerability of the water supply throughout the breadbasket. Given that this is the area of the country which provides food for the world, do we put this vulnerable supply of water so needed for agriculture at any risk of bitumen contamination? • The report projects a 100-year life span for the pipeline. It recognizes that the quality of material pumped through it has a higher than average amount of greenhouse gas emissions associated with it. Given international scientific consensus, the world needs to dramatically reduce our greenhouse gas emissions swiftly to prevent a dangerous climactic tipping point from occurring. The U.S. and the world cannot continue along a petroleum-based energy path for the next 100 years. This is suicidal. We cannot continue with the status quo for even the next decade. The United Methodist Church and United Methodist Women, like many religious bodies in the United States and internationally, have strong and clear policies calling upon the U.S. and other wealthy country governments to shift to a more sustainable economic path based on conservation of precious resources and renewable energy. We are a mission-driven institution and as such, we are in ongoing contact with people living in poverty around the

world many of whom are on the move and struggling with impoverishment because of climate changes occurring today. Some in the business community argue that it is futile to oppose the pipeline on these grounds – that the tar sands oil will be extracted and consumed regardless. Surely, this line of reasoning is what some plantation owners used to justify owning human beings – if other people are profiting by a certain institution, albeit immoral, then by God, why don’t we? One person’s or one country’s actions won’t make a difference. This is certainly a spurious moral argument, and a questionable political and economic one. In conclusion, United Methodist Women strongly oppose the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. Its construction would cause further pain and injury to indigenous peoples in the affected areas. It does not bring broad economic benefit to the U.S. public. It threatens the integrity and safety of critical natural resources and ecosystems. It would send a signal to other countries that our nation does not have the political, economic or moral vision necessary for living in an interconnected, global world in the 21st century. We urge the Obama Administration to demonstrate the courageous and visionary leadership it was elected to bring to our nation and the world. Do not allow this pipeline to be built. Instead, let us invest our political and economic capital in a future that brings greater abundance and justice to all. Thank you.

4/17/2013 14:28:41

Ellen Rainbolt Please keep our water and natural environment clean. The dirty tar sands oil will not help us become energy independent. We need to preserve our environment for future generations. Thank you. Ellen Rainbolt

4/17/2013 14:59:00

David Hansen NO TO THE PIPELINE! The United States prides itself on being a world leader. I believe good leaders must lead with integrity and wisdom. As far as the energy policies of this country there is no integrity. If we say that we support re-newable energy and environmental protections yet our actions don't in any way reflect those words, WE ARE FOOLS. When the EPA allows oil companies to disregard regulations or imposes hand-slaps instead of appropriate fines, WE ARE FOOLS. WE are all fools when we allow big energy companies to essentially rape the land and the people who call it home. The future of our country is dependent on the natural resources (water, land and air) needed to sustain life. When our policies allow these essential resources to be damaged, we don't have scientific knowledge to correct our greed-driven mistakes. When we allow politicians to be lured into the profit and rape goals of big business for their own personal gain and power, we are the fools. Every single reason given in support of the pipeline, i.e. more jobs, decreased dependance on foreign oil, etc. is also a reason to support sources of re-newable energy. The one significant difference is re-newable energy doesn't require a RAPE of our essential natural resources. History will have the final word - will we be FOOLS or true LEADERS?

4/17/2013 15:23:24

Abby Swatsworth

I stand against the Keystone XL pipeline and urge you to stop its construction. The pipeline will transport dangerous tar sands oil from a foreign country through the heart of our country to a port where it will be exported to another foreign country. The pipeline will not help the United States to gain energy independence. Instead it will require that the people of the United States take all the risks of transporting this dangerous substance. Any amount of spilled tar sands is too much. I urge you to examine the issues based on facts from sources other than foreign oil companies.

4/17/2013 15:48:00

Sharlette Schwenninger

The Keystone XL is truly to risky with no reward. it is slated to travel through the most delicate ecosystem in Nebraska - soil so fragile that the work on the pipeline would take years to heal. (Not to mention trying to bury a pipeline where the water level is close to the surface...sounds like a nightmare to me.) I am a landowner whose farm is comprised of soil that is totally different than the soil in the proposed route. We have two natural gas pipelines that cross our land, one which has been constructed in the past 10 years. Despite the best efforts of the pipeline builder, the pipeline route can be clearly seen on the production maps. Again, this is in soul that is not sandy and not fragile. I can't imagine the damage to fragile soil. There is no reward for the residents of the U.S. We will not see any fuel from the pipeline - it will be exported to China and or India or any number of other country. A new report shows a net gain of 35 jobs...not worth the risk to put soil and clean water in jeopardy. And not worth the risk only to make a foreign company more profitable. I shudder to think of what damage a leak in this pipeline would do. Please preserve our water, our soil and our future by denying the permit for the Keystone XL.

4/17/2013 16:32:04

Sandy Fuchtman

We urge you to study the complete proposed route that the Keystone pipeline plans to take across the state of Nebr. Even though the pipeline was re-routed around the Sandhills, we strongly OPPOSE the pipeline crossing the enviromentally sensitive Ogallala Aquifer. We are 4th generation Nebr. farmers living over the Ogallala Aquifer. We depend on the Aquifer for clean drinking water for people & animals, and for irrigation to grow crops to feed the world. When the pipelline leaks, it will be an enviromental & economic disaster for everyone. Please think of the safety & wellbeing of generations to come, & consider keeping out only water source CLEAN and NOT contaminated by oil.

4/17/2013 17:50:49

Jerilyn Grace Morris

Mr. President, Please make the Earth Day Celebration of 2013 a testament to it's true reason for existing by putting an end to the TransCanada XL Keystone Pipeline. Mining for oil, via tar sands and then risking the drinking water of numerous states in the Great Plains is environmental terrorism. Perhaps this is not the week to bandy that term around, but we are running out of time...fossil fuel madness must end and you are our last great hope. Please deny the pipeline permitting process, and turn the tide of climate change.

4/17/2013 18:22:36

Elizabeth Novich

There are not many benefits to the Keystone XL pipeline. It would not create very many jobs. TransCanada has a disclaimer out that states that the company may not actually create the amount of jobs it says it will. The keystone pipeline will take away land ownership and it will put our aquifer at risk. The tar sands in the pipeline emit 2 to 3 times more carbon than refined oil, which would increase the rate of global climate change. TransCanada does not have to sell this oil to us, they can sell it to the highest bidder on the market. If they had American companies manufacture the pipeline parts, it would be economically beneficial for the U.S.; however, they plan on having the parts shipped from China. Please protect our land, water, climate and land ownership rights and do not let this pipeline be built.

4/17/2013 18:31:54

Jeff Lacey Just like the alcoholic who reaches for the rot-gut on the shelf because it is cheapest and closest, so the fossil fuel industry reaches for the tar sands in order to feed our oil addiction, and so do we if we approve the Keystone XL pipeline. To have literally seen peoples’ eyes gloss over when the chemical makeup and extraction processes of poisonous tar sand oil is described tells me this. To have heard from people’s mouths phrases like ‘Oil is oil’ and ‘We need the jobs’ (from people who have jobs, people who have no idea what jobs are involved) tells me this. As a lifelong Nebraskan, I believe we are better than this. As a lifelong Nebraskan, I know we are smart enough not to let big corporations steamroll our environmental future along with our economic and political independence. Last month, we saw a tar sands pipeline in Mayflower, Arkansas spill nearly 10,000 barrels of tar sands oil into a residential neighborhood. This spill is yet one more indication that we are not prepared to transport or clean up this dirtier, heavier, toxic form of oil. The Arkansas spill also highlighted numerous unanswered questions that must be addressed before we allow a tar sands pipeline nearly 10 times the size of the Pegasus line to bisect our country and run through one of our most important aquifers. Environmental momentum in Canada means that other new tar sands infrastructure is no longer a guarantee, so stopping Keystone XL will indeed be a big step against the tar sands. I demand climate leadership from this administration, and that has to begin with the rejection of Keystone XL. I also request that this comment on the draft SEIS and the pipeline, and all other comments, be made public in the interest of transparency and accountability. Sincerely, Jeff Lacey

4/17/2013 18:31:59

Malcom Miles As a native Nebraskan, citizen of the United States, and human being on planet earth I declare my adamant opposition to the building of the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/17/2013 18:35:44

Gwen I have no idea where everyone's common sense has gone. The sandhills is a fragile, delicate, fragile, and unique ecosystem duplicated nowhere else in the world. It should not be put in danger because of money mongers who want to move oil in a manner convenient to them.

4/17/2013 18:41:42

Eileen Cahill This is not the direction we should be going in. Destroying Northern Canada, subjecting our country to possible contamination with chemicals and oil, threatening land, wildlife, and water with irreversible damage. Please do not let this happen. Do not approve the keystone xl pipeline.

4/17/2013 19:15:38

Patty Hawk Even TransCanada admits that there will be leaks in the XL pipeline. This is their cost of doing business, but it could cost use clean water! Please do not patronize the citizen of Nebraska. We know that this dirty oil is bad for the environment, bad for farmers, and bad for workers. We do not know why the US government would approve the pipeline, but we are well aware that it will not make us energy independent. Please leave a legacy of clean water and stop the Keystone XL pipeline. Respectfully submitted Patty Hawk

4/17/2013 19:20:25

Miranda Shaw I am appalled that the State Department is considering a pipeline whose benefit to our economy will be minimal (the oil will go onto a world market, and few Americans will be employed in the process), while the negative impact on the environment is virtually immeasurable. The extraction and transport of "tar sand" involves threats to public safety and health at every step along the way. We already know that oil companies cannot contain or clean up after spills. Ask the people who lived and live in Prince William Sound, which has not yet recovered from the Exxon Valdez wreck in 1989. Twenty-five years. When spills happen - when pipes burst or tankers wreck or rigs explode - there is as no way to restore the environment or lives destroyed and lost. That alone should stop this pipeline. The costs goes beyond loss of property and livelihood (which often are not fully recompensed) and extends to health problems for years to come, death of domestic animals and wildlife, and destruction of habitats that are essential to the environmental integrity of vast regions. There are emotional and psychological problems as individuals, families, and communities see all that they love and all they have built destroyed by a toxic substance that humans have no idea how to contain, control, or remove from the environment. Even without a spill, land will be polluted, its beauty and livability degraded or destroyed. Water sources are polluted. Roads for construction cross public and private lands, disrupting their integrity and rightful human uses.

I also hope you seriously consider that the companies who undertake these projects are not committed to public safety. The rig explosion in the Gulf was caused by refusal to replace a modest-priced safety valve whose installation would "cost" the company time that could otherwise be spent drilling. The pipe that burst in Arkansas was not up to code. Nor do we have safety standards, an inspection regimen, and fines and penalties in place that could impel the companies to operate safely within our borders. The irresponsibility that surrounds this industry is astounding, in view of the number of lives affected. There are eroding oil pipelines all across our country...disasters waiting to happen. Building this pipeline will multiply the dangers and potential disasters exponentially. Were the Keystone Pipeline to have immense economic benefits for our country, I can understand why the State Department might consider approving it. It is not clear, however, what benefits are envisioned. Yes, a multi-national oil company will profit. A few hundred Americans might be employed temporarily to build the pipeline. These meager benefits surely cannot outweigh the immense threats to the beauty, water, land, air, and livability of our country. I urge you not to approve this pipeline.

4/17/2013 19:25:10

Ely Konen NO, to the Keystone XL pipeline! The risk/reward ratio is out of balance. Pipeline accidents do happen, just recently in Arkansas in fact. They cannot guarantee that it will not happen here and we Nebraskans are not willing to take that gamble. Energy independence is important, let's invest on the future, let's invest in renewable energy.

4/17/2013 19:27:26

Jan Whitney We are totally against the Keystone XL pipeline, and beyond that, against any mining of tar sands in the first place. With current knowledge about climate change, the practice is extremely irresponsible. At the very least, stop the pipeline.

4/17/2013 20:11:36

Kim Morrow I am Rev. Kim Morrow, and I speak to you as a representative of the faith community in Nebraska. I serve as Minister of Sustainability at First-Plymouth Church in Lincoln, and on behalf of the scores of faithful environmentalists I interact with in the community each week, I offer this testimony in opposition to the Keystone XL Pipeline. What is all too often lost in our public debates is the moral dimension of our decision-making. We can say that the decision about this pipeline is about jobs, or about oil, or about energy, or about land, but it is about something far more meaningful. The reason you see so many people here today wearing black armbands it that is about the moral dimension of how we, as Nebraskans and as Americans, are being called to live upon the earth.

In the second creation story from the book of Genesis, God calls forth creation from the ground itself. All of life- plants, animals and humans- have their common origins in the sacred and fertile ground. God then puts Adam in the Garden of Eden to till it and to keep it—not to exploit it: but to keep it. In Deuteronomy we hear that “the Lord your God is bringing you into a good Land, a land of flowing streams, a land of olive trees and honey, where you will lack nothing, and where you will bless the Lord your God for the good land he has given you.” In these examples we are reminded that we are only here but for the grace of God, who brought forth all creation in God’s image. The land on which we live has been entrusted to us as a gift of life, and we have been asked from the beginning to be its stewards. Tar sands mining has turned fragile ecosystems in Canada into toxic wastelands. The Keystone XL pipeline will carry a toxic oil sludge filled with chemicals through the most fragile water resource in our state. There are bound to be spills, and there are bound to be ineffective methods to clean them up. This pipeline will be responsible for emitting billions of tons of additional carbon dioxide into our atmosphere each year, leading us into a no-mans land of climate change. Climate scientists are unanimous in their warnings of a significantly altered climate in the years ahead, and the dramatic effects that will have on agriculture, public health, housing, food supply, transportation, the economy and more. We are at a time when the solutions of the past are no longer viable. We citizens, lawmakers and business owners are being called upon to make wise and forward-thinking choices to protect our future. Climate change is the most pressing moral issue of our time. The National Climate Assessment Report, published every four years by a coalition of 13 government agencies, spells out an alarming future. The U.S. average temperature has already been rising markedly in recent decades. It will continue to rise another 2°F to 4°F in most areas in the coming decades. That is already extreme. But by the year 2100, we will move into territory that none of us has ever seen before. If we as a nation and as a planet can implement substantial limits on greenhouse gas emissions, we will see an additional temperature rise of 3°-5°F. But on the other hand, if we keep going with business as usual... if we keep insisting that we need this tar sands oil to fuel our economy and that we will figure out the rest later, we will see temperature rises of 5°-10°F by the year 2100. That’s only 87 years from now. That’s a world that none of us will recognize... and which we may not even survive.

This pipeline will be responsible for more C02 emissions than our ecosystem can handle. This pipeline will take land away from hard-working Nebraskans. This pipeline runs the dangerous risk of contaminating the precious water resources we have in the Ogalalla Aquifer. I feel quite sure that this is not what God intended when he promised “a good land” to his people. I was in our nation’s capitol last week and I attended a hearing on this pipeline. The room was full of Congressmen and women, a handful of witnesses and tv cameras. I could feel the force of business as usual, lusting over the money to be made on this decision. I could feel the force of profit, as those who will benefit the most from this decision will retain their sizeable power. I could feel the force of apathy, which cannot bring itself to look at the disastrous ramifications of its actions. It is time to draw a line in the sand and proclaim that we will no longer live this way. We will take a stand against doing business as usual. We will take a stand against God’s precious earth being exploited for corporate gain. We will take a stand against greed, selfishness and apathy—because we know that what God promised us is a world that is powered by love and justice. For a future in which we have solved our challenges with courage and compassion, I urge Secretary Kerry and President Obama to stop this pipeline.

4/17/2013 20:21:48

Joshlyn White The Keystone XL Pipeline is dangerous, dirty, and destructive -- and the latest Environmental Impact Statement was both inaccurate and incomplete. It ignores the pipeline's significant risk for toxic spills, ignores its catastrophic impacts on our climate, and ignores the clear consensus among financial analysts and oil executives who agree Keystone XL will make the difference in tar sands development. For the National Interest and the future of our country and our planet, I urge you to reject this pipeline. Keystone XL will contribute dramatically to climate change. The State Department confirmed that tar sands fuel is up to 19% more greenhouse gas intensive than conventional fuel, and the tar sands industry admits that Keystone XL will lead to more tar sands production. The total carbon pollution impacts of Keystone XL are the equivalent of putting 9 million cars on the road when considering the total emissions of tar sands and refining processes. Contrary to claims made by supporters of the pipeline, the pipeline could end as many jobs as it creates with toxic spills in farmland or water resources. Only 10% of the created jobs would be filled by local people living in communities along the route. Building a new pipeline now will lock us in to higher carbon emissions when we should be rapidly investing in renewable energy that cannot be exported and will provide a secure energy future. Processing heavier, dirtier tar sands oil will increase the amount of toxic pollutants in communities near refineries that are already suffering from high rates of asthma and cancer. New data suggests that the current analyses of the impacts of tar sands under-estimate the climate impacts of tar sands pollution by at least 13% because they don’t account for a high-carbon byproduct of the refining process used as a cheap alternative to coal: petroleum coke. The pipeline's risk to water has not changed at all with the new route. It still crosses the Sandhills and the Ogallala aquifer, and this was the reason that Gov. Heineman, Sen. Johanns and President Obama rejected the route the first time around. The pipeline will cross more than 1,000 water bodies across 3 states and 875 miles threatening drinking water for people, farms, and ranches with a devastating tar sands spill. This pipeline poses an unacceptable risk to water. TransCanada’s first Keystone pipeline spilled 14 times in the U.S. in its first year of operation, and Enbridge, another pipeline operator, suffered a spill of more than one million gallons in the Kalamazoo River in 2010. Please say to the Keystone XL pipline. Joshlyn White

4/17/2013 Scott Svoboda My name is Scott Svoboda. I live at -

22:20:22 I am 59 years old and remember something that George Gallup, Sr., told me when I worked with him as an asst. editor for the Gallup Poll in the late 1970s. Dr. Gallup, born in Iowa, founder of the Gallup Poll, in Princeton, NJ, firmly believed that Americans—if given all the information—would make the right decisions. Nebraskans have not been given accurate information from TransCanada regarding the Keystone XL Pipeline. …and the information received is continually changing when questioned and/or proven to be inaccurate. Getting the correct information from TransCanada regarding the Keystone XL Pipeline is akin to an ‘Alice in Wonderland’ adventure Max Ferrell, who farmed near my hometown of - NE once told me that buying land was a good investment cause they don’t make it anymore. That’s the argument in a nutshell and this is why Nebraskans are furious that our quality of life, our liveiyhood for present and future generations is at stake. The Ogallala Aquifer is our lifeblood and our most precious resource. TransCanada uses the term ‘crude oil’ in their public discussions detailing the Keystone XL plans. Diluted Bitumen isn’t even considered to be OIL by the IRS and another economic reason for their unwarranted and unnecessary pipeline through an ecosystem both fragile and valuable. The annual savings incentive for exemption alone for TransCanada is $23MILLION to the Oil Spill Liability & Trust Fund. TransCanada will be responsible for the first $315,000+ and off the hook for the rest. That’s a sweetheart deal involving one of the nastiest extracted hydrocarbons on earth…diluted bitumen. A spill or spills will happen— it’s not a matter of IF, but WHEN, and Nebraskans and the federal government will be stuck with any cleanup. What could possibly go wrong? Just ask the former residents in Kalamazoo, MI…or…Mayflower, Arkansas how it's worked out for them.

Truth be known there were 20+ leaks in the 20" Keystone Pipeline in it's first year of operation in 2012. Same toxic cocktail of tar sands oil, benzene and other diluting carcinogens. A 36" pipeline carrying this heated, pressurized DilBit is a risk any sane or concerned person could put a price tag on. Imagine a spill, unseen, underground into the 2nd largest aquifer system in the western hemisphere with the projected 13 full-time employees and a system that is more dependent on passersby to report spills than from their own control panels. TransCanada has harassed and threatened Nebraskans owning property along the proposed Keystone XL route with eminent domain if they refuse to sign a land easement. An easement is forever. Until the Keystone XL Pipeline controversy, I wasn’t aware that a foreign corporation could legally threaten Americans with eminent domain. Two legislated studies directly impacting Diluted Bitumen pipelines—were included in The Pipeline Safety Bill that passed by unanimous consent in both houses of Congress. One study examines the corrosiveness of diluted bitumen the other study focuses on a company’s leak detection practices. The studies won’t be completed until 2015. Why the rush before the studies are completed? Really?! In 2012 the US exported more petro oil products, than it imported according the the US Energy Department. The reason given was that the US is now consuming 2 million LESS barrels of oil daily. The trend is expected to continue. WHY do we need a toxic slurry of heated tar sand bitumen pumped through the US to Gulf refineries where it will be sold to the highest bidder on the world market? In closing, there have been many corners cut in allowing TransCanada to even reach this point in Nebraska state politics alone. Nebraska’s own DEQ did not complete the “Risk Assessment” portion of their study before Gov. Heineman decided the route over the Ogallala Aquifer was fine after all, even though

earlier he pleaded with the president and the secretary of state to not allow this to cross the aquifer, as did Sen. Johanns. The DEQ (Department of Environmental Quality) report was written by a firm hired by TransCanada and omitted crucial facts requested by Nebraska citizens, including analyses of negative economic impacts of a spill, corrosive soil in the pipeline path, sandy soil in the pipeline path and risks to water. And, finally, from a man-on-the-street perspective: Gas prices in the Midwest will rise AFTER the diluted bitumen is refined at Gulf facilities and shipped back to the Midwest…and much of the refined product from the tar sand oil will be exported It is all risk and no rewards. Thank you Scott Svoboda

4/18/2013 3:40:26

Juanita Rice Juanita J. Rice, Retired University Professor I come here as a representative American citizen. I'm not employed or paid or bussed here by interested parties. And I think it's offensive to our national interests that you allow paid representatives of a foreign corporation to even speak here, let alone to have twice the time of those of us who put our national interests first, and our private pocketbooks second. Canada may be a friendly nation, but a corporation is soulless and faithless, and a foreign corporation is a foreign corporation is a foreign corporation, so let us have no more nonsense about Transcanada being "a friendly nation" with whom we as Americans have "cooperative ties." Let me get straight to the point: the mining of tar sands is a desecration beyond imagination. I challenge any member of the state department to visit the sites where this "diluted bitumen" is –manufactured is a better word than mined. Imagine a pit mine 50 square miles by 100 yards deep. That a football field deep. Use your whole brain to try to grasp this. This manufacture bulldozes virgin boreal forest and all the layers of peat—both of which SINK carbon, act as sponges for our junk waste products, and destroys soil, air, and water so that you have to have a haz-mat suit to come near enough to see the toxic tailing ponds.

The "process" burns enough natural gas to heat three MILLION homes. It uses as much fresh water daily as the city of Houston TEXAS. This water is contaminated, but it is stored in unlined ponds. Let me remind you that this is North American water. North American air. National interest? After mining, further there is further toxic chemical treatment to be able to pipeline it: in 2010 a "dilbit" spill in Michigan destroyed the Kalamazoo River—destroyed a river!!!—and destroyed the homes of 150 families. In 2013 "restoration" or "amelioration" funds are exhausted and the damage is not undone. When weather does that, it makes the big news. In Arkansas today, in the Yellowstone River two years ago, in the numerous actual factual pipeline spills, such devastation of people's lives and of the world we live in isn't newsworthy. Pipelines to make this extraction profitable will criss-cross America without regard to the humans who live in their paths. Ask any Nebraska farmer who has been bullied by Transcanada, lied to by Transcanada in the last four years, (at least ask those who have not been tricked into a gag clause) how their lives have been disrupted, their homelands, their heritages, their livelihoods, their homes are threatened by this one pipeline's plans. Nataional interest? Then there's the specialized refineries it takes to make this "dilbit" usable as fuel. Then there's the pollution of burning this fuel product—three times more pollutants than even conventional oil. And then there's the whole complex creation –the vast webs and networks of life on earth that we don't understand "scientifically" yet, while we continue to lay waste to species that have their own right to exist: animals, birds, plants, microbes, fungi. We don't even know what we're killing and destroying. Our sense of being at home on earth is derived from a complex association of life and earth, air, and water. Science on climate change—science, mind you—says the tipping points are near, as on the one hand we try to save species from extinction, and on the other we consider enabling an industry that is making a whole landscape of 56,000 square miles—the size of England—a desolate toxic dump. This destructive industry will be dead if we can muster the will to see beyond the dollar signs and refuse to let this pipeline cross our borders. Sorry, my friends who hope for jobs from this

industry: rethink the idea of clamoring for the pitifully few jobs involved in this tearing down of your own house!! Don't let the plutocrats continue to deny you meaningful work building our world so they can force you to accept destructive and exploitative labor. Scholarly analysis shows a pitiful pittance of jobs from this project, and those either short-term, or up in Canada for the muckers who sign up for longterm residency in the wastedumps. Of course, your prostitutes and your video games will be shipped in. Dwight D. Eisenhower warned that independent universities to provide disinterested searches for truth were the keystone of democracies. Why was an Environmental Impact Report farmed out to industry specialists, and not objective or disinterested scholars and scientists? In an American idiom that's putting the foxes to guard the chickenhouse—and that chickenhouse is our world, and "there ain't nobody here but us chickens." Obama said it: Profit for the few should not tempt us to risk the health and wellbeing of Americans and their children. I submit to you that your analytical process was flawed and skewed, and that this pipeline is not in the national interest, but counter to it. Thank you. Juanita Rice, PhD; Professor Emeritus

4/18/2013 6:13:17

Mary Meghan Davidson

I urge you to please protect our environment and our state from allowing the Keystone XL Pipeline to move forward in Nebraska. We cannot know with the certainty the ramifications and consequences of the Keystone XL Pipeline. The potential hazards and risk to the Ogallala aquifer are too high to consider for one moment allowing the Pipeline to move through. The dangers to our health, the availability of water for us, and the environment are too great. Please do everything you can to deny the Keystone XL Pipeline.

4/18/2013 6:29:06


4/18/2013 7:19:26

Brooke Masek Here are 5 reasons why building the Keystone pipeline is bad for the economy — and workers. 1. Building the Keystone pipeline and opening up the Tar Sands will negatively impact national and local economies: Burning the recoverable tar sands oil will increase the earth’s temperature by a minimum of 2 degree Celsius, which NYU Law School’s Environmental Law Center estimates could permanently cut the US GDP by 2.5%. At the same time state and local economies are already buckling under the real-time economic effects of our nation’s dependence on fossil fuels. In the past two years, the vast majority of U.S. counties – 67 percent – were affected by at least one of the eleven $1 billion dollar extreme weather events. Superstorm Sandy alone caused an estimated $80 billion in damage. The drought that affected 80% of US farmland last summer destroyed a quarter of the US corn crop and did at least $20 billion damage to the economy. 2. The same fossil fuel interests pushing the Keystone pipeline have been cutting, not creating, jobs: Despite generating $546 billion in profits between 2005 and 2010, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell, and BP reduced their U.S. workforce by 11,200 employees over that period. In 2010 alone, the top five oil companies slashed their global workforce by 4,400 employees — the same year executives paid themselves nearly $220 million. But at least those working in the industry as a whole get paid high wages, right? Turns out that 40 percent of U.S oil-industry jobs consist of minimum-wage work at gas stations. Instead of bankrolling an industry that is laying off workers and threatening our economic future, isn’t it time to take the billions in subsidies going to oil companies and invest instead in a sector that both creates jobs and protects the planet?

3. Unemployment will rise: According to Mark Zandi, the Chief Economist of Moody’s Analytics: “Superstorm Sandy wreaked havoc on the job market in November, slicing an estimated 86,000 jobs from payrolls.” In the wake of Hurricane Irene, the number of workers filing unemployment claims in Vermont went from 731 before Irene to 1,331 two weeks afterwards. Hurricane Katrina wiped out 129,000 jobs in the New Orleans region — nearly 20 percent. For the U.S. economy as a whole, 2011 cost US taxpayers $52 billion. 4. Poor and working people will be disproportionately affected: KXL and projects like it result in disproportionately negative impact on already struggling working families. According to a recent report by the Center for American Progress called “Heavy Weather: How Climate Destruction Harms Middle- and Lower-Income Americans, lower-and middle income households are disproportionately affected by the most expensive extreme weather events. Sixteen states were afflicted by five or more extreme weather events in 2011-12. Households in disaster-declared counties in these states earn $48,137, or seven percent below the U.S. median income. 5. Building the sustainable economy, not the Keystone pipeline, will create far more jobs: Our nation is in desperate need of jobs. Approving the Keystone pipeline locks our nation into a trajectory of guaranteed job loss and threatens the stability of the US economy. Why keep the “job-killing” course, when the alternative-energy path is already out-performing other sectors of the economy. For example, the solar industry continues to be an engine of job growth — creating jobs six times faster than the overall job market. Research by the Solar Foundation shows a 13 percent growth in high-skilled solar jobs spanning installations, sales, marketing, manufacturing and software development — bringing total direct jobs to 119,000 in the sector. And according to the Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts–Amherst, investment in a green infrastructure program would create nearly four times as many jobs as an equal investment in oil and gas. A study by Synapse Energy Economics developed a Transition Scenario for the electric power industry based on reducing energy consumption, phasing out high-emission power plants, and building new, lower-emission energy facilities. The study estimated the number of “job years” — one new worker employed for one year — that would be created by the Transition Scenario over a decade: 444,000 job-years for construction workers, equivalent to 44,400 construction workers working full time for the entire decade. 90,000 job-years for operations and maintenance workers, equivalent to about 9,000 full time workers employed over the decade. 3.1 million indirect jobs for people designing, manufacturing, and delivering materials and jobs in local economies around the country induced by spending by workers hired in the Transition

Scenario. Organized labor is right to demand that public policy pay attention to our desperate need for jobs. But the Keystone XL pipeline will only make our jobs crisis worse by making our climate crisis worse. Plus, there are lots of pipelines that need fixing. Construction workers can be put to work rebuilding our crumbling natural gas transmission pipeline system — this will create good union jobs and cut carbon emissions. And these same workers can rebuild our crumbling water infrastructure. If labor is going to fight for jobs, let’s fight for jobs that build the future we want for ourselves and our children, not ones that will destroy that future.

4/18/2013 7:34:10

Paige Recent events in other communities are vital signs that this pipeline is bad for our environment, bad for our community, and bad for Nebraska. Oil companies can attempt to make the pipeline secure, but accidents recently have proven that dysfunctions are possible. I am against the Keystone XL pipeline, period. I don't want it in Nebraska and I don't want it in America. Our landscape, resources, and properties depend on sustainable options rather then threatening solutions.

4/18/2013 7:51:28

Jane Reinkordt I am a life-long rural Nebraska resident. We work to be good stewards of the land and want to pass it on to our descendents. Our greatest resource is our groundwater, and it is absolutely foolish to take any unneeded risk to it. The revised route still crosses the Ogalalla Aquifer. The recent Arkansas spill shows us this risk all too clearly. When folks argue that that pipeline is old, remember that this one will also be that old in our children's lifetime. The KXL pipeline is not necessary for the United States. Our energy situation is better than when it was proposed. Furthermore, the reality of climate change is much more widely understood than just a couple years ago. If we don't have to, why should we enable a process (tar sands oil extraction) that contributes mightily to global warming? The unfortunate argument made by the Nebraska DEQ that "if we don't do it someone else will" is morally bankrupt and a shame to our state. That is not how I was raised or how I raised my kids. We say NO to this pipeline!

4/18/2013 8:08:58

joan hoffman Please!!! do not permit a pipeline through the state of Nebraska.. our aquifer is a sacred gift... we do not want to defile our beautiful water supply.. hear us , hear us..

4/18/2013 8:13:04

Ann Hosford From yesterdays down vote on gun control we can all see that the Congress can not be trusted with the safety of our nation. Our hope is in the State Department to save our health, land, and lots of money. In no way does this pipeline make us energy independent. It does provide a large profit for a few people, mostly in Canada.

4/18/2013 8:13:45

Greg Mays There is no reason to further promote foreign tar-sands oil and its role in America and Nebraska just for oil companies to make more millions exporting oil out of America. This pipeline is bad for Nebraska, bad for the water, and bad for America. It's not worth the risk!

4/18/2013 8:19:18

Mele Mason We do not need a pipeline through our aquifer. The jobs that this project would bring would only be temporary, and the devastation from a ruptured pipe would be catastrophic.

4/18/2013 8:19:40

Joyce gleason Please DENY this pipeline to Transcanada. We don't need dangerous tar sands oil coming into Nebraska too any "unintended" accidents have happened already. Let's develop our own US energy resources.

4/18/2013 8:25:39

Sherry Parsons I don't want this pipeline running through my state. It isn't safe. It isn't going to help us. This is a blatant attempt on the part of the oil industry to use their power to endanger Nebraska's natural resources in order for them to make a buck. Our WATER SUPPLY would be directly affected by any spills, and time and time again we've seen that the oil industry cannot guarantee that there won't be a spill. It's our water. If it's fouled, it can't be made clean again. Not to mention the devastating impact on wildlife, ecosystems that are unique to Nebraska alone. Don't shove big oil down our throats. We don't want it here.

4/18/2013 8:26:49

Danielle Shea I do not believe that the Keystone XL pipeline should be built. It will provide very transient job and economic benefits while producing major environmental scars that will have a much greater impact on us. The tarsands that are being extracted for transport through the pipeline are a dangerous source of toxic pollutants that will wreak havoc in a spill and are a terrible contributor of carbon emissions both through their extraction and by the absence of the forests that will be removed to reach them. I believe the long term risks to our clean water and land resources are far greater than the transient benefits to our economy and energy independence.

4/18/2013 8:31:27

Rebecca Hall I planned to be in Grand Island today to support the 100 Grannies in their testimony against the Keystone XL pipeline. I am stuck in Casper, Wyoming because of the winter storm. 100 is concerned about the future of our grandchildren. We have studied the experts, James Hanson and Bill McKibbens to name a few. We respect their research and know that changes need to be made now, for the next generations to have a livable future. This is becoming a moral issue. Please wake up now and make the right decisions!

4/18/2013 8:32:29

Larry Weixelman

Developed nations and economies are sustained by three critical resources that are essential for continued growth. Water Water must be available in abundant quantity for a variety of reasons, but listing a few would

include…. Potable water for drinking, cooking and healthcare Public health requirements for human waste management and hygiene Irrigation for farming and food production Recreational uses that generate tourism, trade and sporting events Food Produced and delivered at competitive prices is needed for these reasons: To maintain life, health and the activities associated with nation/state systems To maintain a labor force capable and willing to participate To maintain a sense of social equity (when bread rose above a certain price, it spawned a revolution in France) Energy Used in the manufacturing, creation and delivery of finished goods Indoor climate control for surviving temperature extremes To power transportation that supports national mobility for choice and freedom of movement Although each of these resources are needed in industrialized economies where large concentrations of inhabitants are located in densely populated areas, disturbing the preservation of the first two for the continuation of cheap energy has an effect that creates disastrous consequences. You can’t eat oil You can’t drink oil And no matter how much of it you refine or burn, it will not produce either of the former life sustaining requirements. Like Mark Twain was fond of saying: There are two types of people that shouldn’t gamble…those that can’t afford to lose…and those that can. And the KXL is a gamble in the most extreme sense of the word.

4/18/2013 8:35:49

Nicole Neighbors

The Keystone XL Pipeline would be a devastating thing to unleash upon the Nebraska Sandhills and the aquifer. No job is worth the impact this pipeline can and eventually will bring to this planet. Please do not allow this to happen. I don't want to live in a world where I have to worry whether my child and my future grandchildren have clean water to drink. Say no to the pipeline!

4/18/2013 8:36:10

Jane Martin Dear Secretary Kerrey, These Canadians are out-of-control with their lying and squirming to get this new level of toxic slime to come through my beautiful state. Tell them, "NO." The extraction process, and the delivery process are riddled with dire concerns for our planet and especially our water. The mysterious chemicals used are beyond dangerous for generations to come. Please rely on your most trusted scientists to see the likely consequences and deny this debacle.

4/18/2013 8:38:26

Thomas Merten I now live in Florida but grew up in Omaha. Nebraska's most important resource is its water, specifically the Ogallala aquifer. If the Keystone XL pipeline is built, it WILL leak. Looking at recent history, horrible leaks have occurred fouling important waterways. Why risk terrible leaks for so little gain? There will be short term construction jobs but much/most of the oil will likely be exported. Why encourage Canada to extract more oil from tar sand using energy intensive techniques that despoil their environment? The time has come to move past dependence on dirty oil and seriously invest in conservation and alternative energy sources. We have done so in our bed and breakfast which is state certified by the Florida Green Lodging Program.

4/18/2013 8:38:52

Mary Juett Please say no to the Keystone XL Pipeline. By saying yes you are endangering the livelihood of ALL Nebraskans by threatening our water supply, which everyone across the state utilizes. You would be threatening the livelihood of our farmers and ranchers who depend on the clean water from the aquifer to manage their farms and ranches. You would be threatening those who live along the pipeline route by allowing foreign companies to take their land by eminent domain, land that for many has been in their families for generations. All of this risk for a handful of jobs and tarsands that will be sent again to foreign lands. Please say no to the Keystone XL Pipeline. It is not a question of if it will leak, it is a question of when. Once it does, our land and our livelihood will be ruined.

4/18/2013 8:39:38

Bob Wilson The XL Keystone pipeline will do nothing to alleviate our dependancy on foreign oil when the oil or the finished product will not stay in the US. The process to extract the oil in Canada is strongly apposed by many many Canadians because of the loss of millions of acres of boreal forests and the damage done to the environment. No one knows the corrosive effect to the pipeline by toxic chemicals needed to permit oil to flow. God only knows what effect would result if a spill occurred in the "safest" 36" pipeline yet constructed. How many 36" toxic crude oil pipelines have been constructed???? Nothhing but a major disaster in the making. The pipeline should not be approved.

4/18/2013 8:40:41

jonathon donald I believe the historical evidence supports the idea that oil transmission is a dangerous proposition, especially the thick crude that will be flowing through the keystone pipeline. The danger to the environment and the people that live in that area is too high for too little gain. Please don't endanger our future for a bit of low quality oil.

4/18/2013 8:40:49

Linda Grosserode

Hi, I am writing to tell you that I am completely against the keystone xl pipeline going through Nebraska. I live only a few miles from where they are proposing to put the pipeline. I believe that water is the most valuable resource that we have. If you don't have water, you don't have life. I can not believe that the United States is actually considering letting a foreign county place a pipeline over our most valuable resource. My drinking water, is close to the proposed pipeline. Agriculture is Nebraska's biggest industry. These are things that we need to protect!!! Linda Grosserode

4/18/2013 8:42:29

Andrew Norman Please don't let the allure of short-term jobs outweigh the long-term impact on our state's landscape in your decision. An international company's desires should not outweigh the on-the-ground realities of hard-working Americans.

4/18/2013 8:45:18

Jules Russ I consider myself informed from all angles on this issue. The bottom line for me is principle. I'll be damned if I were to sell out to a billion dollar oil corporation whose only interest is profit. I could care less how scientifically safe and sound this pipeline is portrayed. Or how many (not really) jobs it would create or dollars it would bring to the state of Nebraska. Not a risk I am willing to support. The whole platform of the KXL project easing our dependence on foreign oil is the biggest absurdity among a huge ball of lies. Thank you to Bold Nebraska and everyone who has protested, been arrested and are willing to articulate on behalf of the state of Nebraska. Thank you, a million times, for doing what you do. It does not go unnoticed.

4/18/2013 8:46:24

Linda Batliner If we don't protect our water now, we will NOT get a second chance. This aquifer may be needed to supplement water for, not only, Nebraska, but also potentially, Colorado, Arizona, and California.

4/18/2013 8:46:32

Alan Bohnenkamp

I worked 30 years in the pipeline industry as a corrosion technician and as a pipeline safety regulator for Arizona enforcing the CFR pipeline safety regulations. My concerns are many but just a few. First is the less than truthful information we have been provided by supporters and TransCanada. this pipeline will not create 1000's of jobs nor will it lower costs of gasoline in this country. I worry when supporters of a project feel they need to lie to gain support for their project. Let this project stand on it merits. My second concern is the emergency response plan. We saw in the Gulf of Mexico (BP) that these plans are fiction at best. If this plan is to go through, the emergency response plan by TransCanada must exceed what is required by the MINIMUM requirements of CFR part 195. Putting people and equipment on a spill in the middle of nowhere will be difficult at best and every effort to assure that equipment is available within a few hours from any location on this pipeline must be addressed.

4/18/2013 8:50:08

Alexandria Hodge

This is a time in our country where violence and disconnect in Washington are causing deep frustrations for Americans, making them feel like the country is "a runaway train." It is difficult to imagine comfortably bringing up children in a country in our current state. Let's stand together and do something right for our country. Protect our midlands, protect our water, protect our future generations. Please say no to the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/18/2013 8:50:38

James Langan Nebraskans stood up against this pipeline once and we are committed to do it again. Keep it out of our state. The pipeline would be a huge eyesore for "The Good Life," but most importantly, the hazardous tarsands threaten the world's largest natural aquifer. KEEP IT OUT!

4/18/2013 8:53:54

Daniela Garvue As the caps melt, the seas rise, and the storms rage, my generation has no choice but to take on the status-quo. We can't let corporations place profit over the lives and homes of of our brothers and sisters in Nebraska, the US, and the World. And we certainly can't forget that humans are a tiny fraction of this beautiful Earth we share. Oil needs to be put on the backburner. We need a new way of doing things: taking risks in the name of the greater good, and what greater than our land that has nurtured and protected us since the dawn of civilization? Many people in charge have been willing to take those risks, including Jane Kleeb and others, but there's still a fight ahead. Let me tell you, I'm only 22 and I've got my whole life to fight. It's on! I grew up in the country, half an hour's drive from the nearest grocery store. I ran out with the dogs in the morning and ran back in to eat at night, and in between I explored creeks, ravines, coyote holes, snake nests, trees...I'd stand in the middle of a pasture where I couldn't see any houses and be so thankful there were still unspoiled gardens of Eden. That's what I'm fighting for.

4/18/2013 8:54:36

Carol Argue As a former resident of Nebraska, I am very concerned about the Keystone XL pipeline project that is proposed for construction through Nebraska. The location of the pipe is over the Ogallala Aquifer, a vast underground water table providing nearly all the water for residential, industrial and agricultural use in Nebraska. Because the region has a semi-arid climate, conservation measures continue to be instituted or modified to slow depletion of the aquifer. The minimal recharge of the aquifer comes only from snowmelt and precipitation. The Keystone Pipeline project poses an extreme danger to the existence of the aquifer. One key issue is with the potential break and/or leak from such a pipeline. A tragedy such as this would cause pipeline contents to seep into the ground and make its way to the aquifer and poison our precious resource. There have been far too many accidents with tar sands oil pipeline leaks and breaks in different parts of the country for which proponents of the project say won't happen in Nebraska. I say that it can happen and that this project brings extreme danger to the water supply and economic well-being of Nebraska and its people. This project should be rejected.

4/18/2013 8:58:12

Dave The evidence against this pipeline is damning. This is the Obama administration's opportunity to prove that they are environmentally friendly. I voted for both John Kerry and Barack Obama for president. I wrote letters to editors, newspaper columns, etc. in support of both. Please make those of us who believed your promises proud of our leaders. This pipeline would be a catastrophe -- worse than any other our country has seen. The question isn't whether or not it will leak. It will. The question will be "who was smart enough to say no?"

4/18/2013 8:58:16

Shelley Stall Even if this pipeline would bring a few temporary jobs to Nebraska, it could never be worth the damage a spill of bitumen would do to our water, our land and the health of our people. Please do not approve the XL Pipeline.

4/18/2013 8:59:27

Nadine Fahrlander

I am deeply concerned about the impact of the Keystone pipeline on Nebraska soil and water, especially the Ogallala aquifer. Our water is a more precious resource than oil. We need to wean ourselves off of oil, not seek more of it, and the Transcanada pits are a travesty, an evil committed against our earth and wildlife. No to Keystone, please, I stand with Randy, a landowner in Nebraska.

4/18/2013 8:59:35

Peter Anderson Number of jobs is was over inflated. It would not help the American energy supply. It would be shipped out. Who wins? The Canadian company and the refinery. That's it!

4/18/2013 8:59:50

Dan Flynn Please listen to the voices of reason represented by Nebraska landowners in the proposed route and how valuable our underground water tables are to our way of life here. Oil has little to do with Nebraska Agriculture and our economy. The job creation stats have been grossly overstated and the potential ecological damage demagogued. Please bend an openminded ear to legitimate concerns from caring Nebraskans.

4/18/2013 9:00:10

Marlin Smith NO NO NO.....We cannot tolerate this . The route can go in safer directions of course. In my opinion, theres no need for this tarsand product ANYWHERE. PERIOD.

4/18/2013 9:00:20

Christopher Gotschall

Dear President Obama, I’m writing you, with all due respect Mr. President, in the hopes that hearing from enough people like me might snap you out of your lethargy concerning climate change. Lip service aside (and there’s been a whole lot of lip service) your record on dealing with environmental issues has been dismal at best. It’s not gone unnoticed by me, or by the substantial number of environmentalists who helped elect you President, twice. You have the opportunity to reverse your lukewarm record these next 4 years, and the perfect next step would be denying the permit for the KXL export pipeline. The projected pipeline “job creation” numbers have been grossly inflated--even TransCanada’s own top executives have admitted that. Lies about why tar sands oil needs piped to the gulf, saying it’s for the American market when it’s really for foreign export, have been debunked. The threat it poses to the Ogallala Aquifer, even after adjusting the route, is still substantial and can’t be ignored. And the threat it poses to our future, by throwing the doors open wide for the tar sands market, has been outlined extensively by some of the world’s leading climate scientists--we’ve been warned of the inevitable dangers. THERE IS NOT A SINGLE GOOD REASON TO BUILD THE KXL EXPORT PIPELINE. And there a

dozen good reasons not to. But you need no better reason than simply this: it’s the right thing to do, as a steward of Mother Earth. I currently live in Chicago but grew up in the Sandhills of Nebraska. The Ogallala Aquifer is right at the surface where I grew up, exposed to the sky, fed by the creeks and lakes and rainwater of that region. The newest pipeline route still passes over waterways that breech the aquifer, still passes directly over parts of the aquifer, still puts that giant freshwater resource in harm’s way. The KXL export pipeline threatens the livelihood of my family in north-central Nebraska, threatens their neighbors, threatens the wildlife and livestock, the farms and ranches, threatens all that make the Sandhills their home. Living in Chicago or D.C. or New York City or anywhere else removed from rural America, it’s easy to forget that even though there isn’t a huge concentration of people in a place like north-central Nebraska, it’s as much our responsibility to care for and maintain as our local park or national monuments. Having grown up there, I venture to say that the Sandhills are as beautiful as any Grand Canyon or Blue Ridge Mountains, as any Michigan beach or Lincoln Memorial. The Ogallala Aquifer sustains a swath of America where much of our food is grown and raised, a backbone of the American economy, and Americans that live in and near the Sandhills rely on the aquifer every day. We shouldn’t allow ANYTHING to jeopardize the Ogallala Aquifer or the Sandhills, and anyone who threatens their safety should be considered a threat to national security. You will NOT be doing everything you can to combat the threat of climate change if you approve the Keystone XL Pipeline. We’re beginning to see in Mayflower, AR what a disaster spilled bitumen makes of lakes and yards and lives, and you know as well as I that it’s only the tip of the iceberg. We must keep a spill from happening near the Ogallala Aquifer. All eyes are on you right now as you make this critical choice about America’s future and your environmental legacy as President. Thank you for your time, Mr. President. Warmest regards, Christopher Gotschall

4/18/2013 9:00:33

Kelley Leyba People are watching to see if we can turn the corner and stop using these kinds of materials for fuel and energy. We can't risk any more damage to our water resources in particular. Please stop this pipeline now.

4/18/2013 9:07:40

Katherine Spielman

The Keystone XL pipeline is NOT a solution but a "railroad job" by Lee Terry (rep of Nebraska). I am ashamed of this man. His dealings on this issue have been unethical and self-serving. As every Nebraskan can see - this pipeline is ALL risk for our land and water supply, and NO reward for ANY American. I am a registered voter, native Nebraskan and opposed to the Keystone pipeline - no matter what the route!

4/18/2013 9:08:31

Juan P. Ramirez

Dear Sir/Madam, I am against Keystone XL pipeline since we cannot exploit more unsustainable natural resources from Mother Earth that can harm not only our people, but also the people that will be here after us. Sincerely, Juan P. Ramirez, Ph.D.

4/18/2013 9:09:26

Malinda Frevert Many other experts will weigh in with intelligent, well-informed critiques of this proposed pipeline. And while I have spent 3 years fighting the pipeline--whether at the front lines or in the crowd--I wish to weigh in this time with an emotional plea to Secretary Kerry and President Obama. YOU CANNOT PERMIT THIS DANGEROUS PIPELINE. Make no mistake, this pipeline will leak, it will poison land and water and homes just as pipelines in Kalamazoo, Arkansas, and North Dakota have done. It will bring nothing but anger, hearbreak and shame. Yesterday, President Obama delivered a fiery speech to the Senate, shaming them for failing to pass basic gun safety legislation. If the President fails to deny this poisonous project that is all risk and no reward for ranchers, Nebraskans, and Americans--he will get the SAME shaming and outrage from hundreds of thousands of us. An approval of KXL is a broken promise that none of us will forgive or forget. President Obama will spend his 2nd term focusing on his legacy. Well hear this Mr. President: If you approve KXL, you environmental legacy will go down as the worst in modern history. Worse than W. Bush and his government run by his crony oil friends. The call is yours President Obama--do the right thing. Deny KXL.

4/18/2013 9:12:54

Dana Pavuk Our natural resources are too important to chance on a pipeline that will most likely carry oil that will be sold to other countries. Tarsands and the pipeline are destructive to our already fragile environment. We should be spending our time and energy on finding alternative sources of energy.

4/18/2013 9:17:27

Janet Fox Corporate profits and the promise of a few jobs are not worth the threat the pipeline poses to our water and environment.

4/18/2013 9:19:23

Jamie Burmeister

Please protect Nebraska land and water by not allowing the Keystone XL to go through our beautiful state. The small economic benefit to our state is not enough to risk our natural resources. Sincerely, Jamie Burmeister

4/18/2013 9:19:33

James Wenz This does not help us create jobs, secure us energy or protect our environment. Let's invest in renewable resources!

4/18/2013 9:19:56

James Wenz This does not help us create jobs, secure us energy or protect our environment. Let's invest in renewable resources!

4/18/2013 9:24:45

Joelle Robinson Climate change is my top priority issue and the Keystone XL pipeline would make our climate situation that much more dire. Please so NOT move forward with the pipeline. Our children deserve a clean energy economy and a healthy home.

4/18/2013 9:26:04

Deb Trainor Please say NO to Transcanada and the Keystone XL pipeline. With it's record of 12 spills in the first year on the first pipeline it built, how can you possibly trust it across the Ogallala Aquifer - and it still does cross the drinking water supply for 2 million Americans. More farmers than that irrigate with this water. Don't risk what we can't afford to loose.

4/18/2013 9:30:33

Cleve Trmble MD FACS





4/18/2013 9:32:20

Ruth Chantry To the State department: Please listen, please hear, please see, and please know what millions of people are telling you with heartfelt pleas! Do not allow Keystone XL to be built. I do not think I can tell you something you have not already heard...but so present in my heart and mind is knowing that here in Nebraska, an immense resource in the Ogallala Aquifer will be compromised. We have seen in other places so to think it couldn't happen here is ridiculous. In an extreme drought year and headed towards the same this year -- possibly the worst drought in 80 years -- the idea of compromising our drinking water, as well as our landscape, our health & our land -- is so short-sighted as to be beyondcomprehension. Please listen. Please see. Please know...and do not allow Keystone XL. Thank you.

4/18/2013 9:34:57

Janet Craven We must protect our precious groundwater and ecosystems all across America, but especially in Nebraska where water is rare and essential to all life. There is no benefit to anyone from these dirty, polluting tar sands. We need to focus on clean energy--wind and sun--both of which are abundant in the western and midwestern U.S. Say NO to the Keystone pipeline and NO to dirty oil.

4/18/2013 9:36:38

Lori Tatreau I am writing to urge, no implore you to deny the permit for the TransCanada Keystone XL pipeline. There are a thousand reasons we should not allow this pipeline to be built including: • Route still does not avoid the Sandhills or Aquifer • Risk of leaks into the fragile and crucial Ogallala Aquifer • Threats to landowner rights with eminent domain and other bullying tactics by a foreign corporation • Creation of very few permanent local jobs • No information (even basic MSDS sheets) has been offered on contents flowing through pipes • No thorough leak/clean-up plan has been offered • Exposing tar sands will release billions of tons of carbon into the atmosphere o increasing greenhouses gases increasing effects of global warming increasing storm damage and irregular weather patterns and sea level rise increasing risks of loss of life, property and livelihood everywhere on earth • Contents of pipeline will be sold overseas for foreign corporation profit • Risk to crop and grazing land & livelihoods of farmers along the route • Extracting tar sands uses more energy than it creates • Risks to anyone coming into contact with processing tar sands or in the downstream path of the processing Our children deserve a better chance at a future on this planet with clean, protected water, land, air and rights. We must draw this line in our precious Sandhills and say no more corporate greed over citizen protection. Please stand up and defend our country’s citizens and environment. Please be an example and create a legacy we can all be proud of. Please take this opportunity to shift our time, money and attention to clean energy options. Develop green jobs and economic gain without risking our future on the planet. It is possible, it is necessary and it is up to you.

4/18/2013 9:36:39

Jason Conrad This pipeline should NOT be built.

4/18/2013 9:39:02

Leah The environmental risks related to the pipeline far out weigh it's benefits. My family and I do not wish to have the pipeline run though our state and endanger the natural beauty, wildlife and overall health of it's occupants. Nebraska and the people within it deserve to be protected from environmental dangers not voluntarily place in their path. Please consider our wishes and those of the many like minded citizens out there.

4/18/2013 9:41:22

Sam Carman Please consider the possible risks to the Ogalala Aquifer which not only supplies water to Nebraskan's but also to many Iowans, and Kansans. The slight introduction of oil to this amazing natural resource could cause an unprecedented lack of potable drinking water to these states hence endangering nearly 3 million of your constituents health. Regards, Sam L. Carman

4/18/2013 9:47:09

Chanté Earthwell

My name is Chanté Earthwell and I oppose the Keystone XL Pipeline so strongly that it's engrained in my family name. When my husband James and I got married in August of 2012, we decided that a new family name should accompany the creation of a new family unit. We ultimately decided on adopting the new surname "Earthwell" because it best represented what we hold dearest: the earth and the importance of nurturing and prospering its valuable resources. This value is so important to us that we wear it as a badge every day in the form of our new legal last name, and will pass that badge down to our children. This name is not just nominal: we live out these virtues every day and plan to teach them to our future children. If the Keystone XL Pipeline were to pass, it would go against everything that me, my husband, and our future family hold dear. It would not be treating our earth well. The extraction and burning of toxic tar sands will increase human-caused climate disruption. According to James Hansen in his May 2012 New York Times article entitled “Game Over for the Climate”, the use of the dirtiest non-renewable fuels such as tar shale and tar sands would cause the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to increase to over 500 parts per million – well over the minimum acceptable limit of 350 ppm (not to mention the level of CO2 before the industrial era: 280 ppm). (Source: This human-caused climate disruption brought in part by increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere would be devastating to our environment, our security, our economy, and our health. It would not foster the type of future I plan for my children. Human-caused climate disruption would also increase the chances of a known certainty: pipeline leaks. We know that the Keystone XL Pipeline will leak. According to, pipeline accidents have killed more than 500 people, injured over 4,000, and cost nearly $7 billion in property damages since 1986 (source: Two small examples of this count include twelve leaks in Keystone's first

pipeline and the most recent leak of the pipeline that runs through Mayflower, Arkansas (which, incidentally carries the same toxic tar sands sludge). When unpredictable weather occurs as a result of human-caused climate disruption, how much more frequently and more damaging will the leaks in the Keystone XL Pipeline be for those living along its route? Ultimately, approving the Keystone XL Pipeline would destroy our most valuable resources rather than nurturing them and allowing them to prosper. While I've used a lot of environmental arguments against the Keystone XL Pipeline, they are as a result of a real economic calculated risk. Our natural resources are just that: valuable resources. Instead of squandering and destroying them, why don't we use our dollars and human ingenuity to invest in our most valuable resource: the planet. As part of that, we should be directing all of our efforts towards increasing our infrastructure of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and biofuels. We should not be investing in a non-renewable fuel source that's even more devastating to the environment than conventional fossil fuels. Please keep our earth well. Live up to my husband and my name. Live up to the values that we hold to every day and that we plan to teach our children. Say no to the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/18/2013 9:50:27

Chanté Earthwell

My name is Chanté Earthwell and I oppose the Keystone XL Pipeline so strongly that it's engrained in my family name. When my husband James and I got married in August of 2012, we decided that a new family name should accompany the creation of a new family unit. We ultimately decided on adopting the new surname "Earthwell" because it best represented what we hold dearest: the earth and the importance of nurturing and prospering its valuable resources. This value is so important to us that we wear it as a badge every day in the form of our new legal last name, and will pass that badge down to our children. This name is not just nominal: we live out these virtues every day and plan to teach them to our future children. If the Keystone XL Pipeline were to pass, it would go against everything that me, my husband, and our future family hold dear. It would not be treating our earth well. The extraction and burning of toxic tar sands will increase human-caused climate disruption. According to James Hansen in his May 2012 New York Times article entitled “Game Over for the Climate”, the use of the dirtiest non-renewable fuels such as tar shale and tar sands would cause the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to increase to over 500 parts per million

– well over the minimum acceptable limit of 350 ppm (not to mention the level of CO2 before the industrial era: 280 ppm). (Source: This human-caused climate disruption brought in part by increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere would be devastating to our environment, our security, our economy, and our health. It would not foster the type of future I plan for my children. Human-caused climate disruption would also increase the chances of a known certainty: pipeline leaks. We know that the Keystone XL Pipeline will leak. According to, pipeline accidents have killed more than 500 people, injured over 4,000, and cost nearly $7 billion in property damages since 1986 (source: Two small examples of this count include twelve leaks in Keystone's first pipeline and the most recent leak of the pipeline that runs through Mayflower, Arkansas (which, incidentally carries the same toxic tar sands sludge). When unpredictable weather occurs as a result of human-caused climate disruption, how much more frequently and more damaging will the leaks in the Keystone XL Pipeline be for those living along its route? Ultimately, approving the Keystone XL Pipeline would destroy our most valuable resources rather than nurturing them and allowing them to prosper. While I've used a lot of environmental arguments against the Keystone XL Pipeline, they are as a result of a real economic calculated risk. Our natural resources are just that: valuable resources. Instead of squandering and destroying them, why don't we use our dollars and human ingenuity to invest in our most valuable resource: the planet. As part of that, we should be directing all of our efforts towards increasing our infrastructure of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and biofuels. We should not be investing in a non-renewable fuel source that's even more devastating to the environment than conventional fossil fuels. Please keep our earth well. Live up to my husband and my name. Live up to the values that we hold to every day and that we plan to teach our children. Say no to the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/18/2013 9:51:30

Carol Lilly The Pipeline is a bad idea ecologically and economically-- please support wind power and other renewable energy sources instead!

4/18/2013 9:56:13

Effie Caldarola I am writing to express my opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline and its running through valuable farmland in Nebraska. I oppose this pipeline and the tar sands process.

4/18/2013 9:57:01

christina narwicz

Please stop this insane idea that will potentially cause ground water contamination to largest aquafir in our country.

4/18/2013 10:00:14

Benjamin J Schiltz

The KXL Pipeline is a losing bet, leveraging our long term ecological stability and environmental health for a short term gain. A handful of temporary jobs and stream of dirty oil flowing through Nebraska is not worth the eminent risk of leaks. President Obama, stick to your commitment! We must start to wean ourselves from our dependence on fossil fuels. Approving this pipeline is not the way to do so. Benjamin J Schiltz M.S. Student in Agronomy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln B.S. in Grassland Ecology and Management, University of Nebraska- Lincoln 2011

4/18/2013 10:02:08

Anna Wilcoxon DON'T DO THIS.

4/18/2013 10:15:09

Patricia Jones Nebraska would be better off with any of the alternatives to the Keystone Pipeline. We could transport oil by rail or with shorter pipelines to Montana or Wyoming refineries (so it would go to US citizens, not Chinese). Better yet, we could reduce production of tar sands oil, looking for alternative energy rather than increasing demand for fossil fuels. We don't need the risks associated with a 36" pipeline running (for a foreign corporation - how did they get eminent domain rights?) from our northern border to the Gulf of Mexico!

4/18/2013 10:24:45

Ann Chambers 1. I had two brothers who worked on the Alaskan pipeline in the 1970's and they laughed at the poor quality of workmanship. That was "back in the day" when our work ethic was stronger. What kind of workmanship will we have today? We're seeing the problems with leaks throughout the country. 2. We set a precedent we may regret when we allow a foreign country to push us to eminent domain on US citizen's property. Please don't allow the pipeline in Nebraska!

4/18/2013 10:34:41

Bailey Jensen It seems as if this pipeline is all about wealth and power and protection of resources, but not of the right kind. We've lost touch with the value of our environment, the wealth of life and beauty it provides, and the power it has to stir people to come to its protection and aid. We are the stewards of our lands, and its construction would represent a failure on our part to recognize and uphold the value of our state's natural, untouched beauty. Don't scar out lands with this capitalist project!

4/18/2013 10:34:50

Collin Holcomb Please envision your ideal future, pause, and be bold by putting your strength to the right side of history: oppose KXL and their exploitative ilk. Thank you.

4/18/2013 10:47:54

Del Stuefer this pipeline will rupture. It will be 3 feet in diameter. All or most of the other toxic tar sands oil pipelines have already ruptured proving it's an extremely bad idea. And these other pipelines are only one foot in diameter. So it will be many multiples worse a spill. The future will bring water wars. Don't destroy our future before it arives. The oil and pipeline company's have proven that they have no idea how to cleanup a spill.

4/18/2013 10:53:26

Ally Heman The importance of our people, land, and water is being undermined in a very dangerous way. I cannot fathom what is going through the head's of anyone backing this pipeline. Do the right thing for these communities, this country, and this planet and do not let this happen!

4/18/2013 11:13:51

Linda LeBoutillier

President Obama, Secretary of State Kerry and Legislators: I am a resident of South Dakota, a state through which the Keystone XL Pipeline is proposed to go through. I wanted to drive to Grand Island today to give testimony, but the snowstorm stopped me in York, NE. Please know that I represent many who are against the pipeline but who cannot be at today' hearing in Grand Island, NE. The fact that the Keystone XL Pipeline will cross the Ogallala Aquifer raises much concern about pollution of the aquifer. The Ogallala Aquifer is a wide but shallow underground water table that exists under eight different states in the plains area. In the Nebraska Sand Hills, the water in table the valleys rises to the surface of the earth, creating wetlands that cover 1.3 million acres. This fact makes the groundwater especially susceptible to hazardous liquids, like oil, spilled on the surface. 27% of all the irrigated land in the U.S. is under this aquifer system, and it supplies about 30% of all ground water used for irrigation in the United States. It supplies drinking water for 82% of the population who live on the plains. If this aquifer were polluted, there would be dire consequences for the earth, for the food supply, for animals, and for human beings. If the pipeline should spring a leak in a location that touches the aquifer or even above it, the oil could easily seep into the porous, sandy soil, to pollute the groundwater. The ground above the aquifer is rightly called the nation's "breadbasket." Pollution of the water used to irrigate this land will have dire consequences to America's food supply. The KXL holds more economic risks than profits. The job creation claims being made by pipeline supporters and some media outlets are wildly exaggerated. While Rush Limbaugh says the KXL will create up to a million jobs, an independent study done by Cornell estimates the number to be closer to 2,000 temporary jobs, and that the KXL could kill more jobs than it actually creates. The most recent State Department EIS estimates that the KXL will only create 35 jobs. These jobs will be mostly filled by workers who are not local to the area where the pipeline runs, so it will do nothing for local economies.

The KXL route passes through a number of sacred tribal grounds, including the Ponca’s Trail of Tears. Native tribes are concerned about health and cultural impacts of the pipeline, concerns that have not been adequately addressed by the State Department. TransCanada's Pipeline Permit Application to the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission states project impacts that include potential physical disturbance, demolition or removal of "prehistoric or historic archaeological sites, districts, buildings, structures, objects, and locations with traditional cultural value to Native Americans and other groups. Indigenous communities are also concerned with health risks posed by the extension of the Keystone pipeline. Locally caught fish and untreated surface water would be at risk for contamination through tar sands oil production, and are central to the diets of many Native Americans. For these reasons, I urge you NOT to allow the Keystone XL Pipeline project to go forward.

4/18/2013 11:15:09

Ruth Cook I am opposed to the Keystone Pipeline, as I am opposed to fracking at all. Humans have a history of raping and scarring our Earth. Fracking will probably go on in Canada and elsewhere no matter what we do or do not do, but I pray that this will not be another instance of our country joining with the pillagers. Supporters say it would mean jobs for our citizens, but it would mean jobs only in the short term in exchange for destruction in the long term. Let us invest in renewable energy, not consumable--and consuming--energy.

4/18/2013 11:18:57

rick walker The pipeline must be stopped. Don't destroy the future of the Heartland of America due to shortsightedness, greed and just plain ignorance.

4/18/2013 11:24:47

Darlene Schaaf 10. Reasons I oppose the Trans Canada pipeline. 1. This whole thing is about GREED. Trans Canada has more money than the know what to do with it. They hand it out to politicians and anyone they can bully into crossing their land. Only so they can make more money. 2. If Canada is so gung-ho about a pipeline, dig it across Canada. (I hear they don't want it either). 3. Why should we take all the risks and they make all the money. 4. We will not get a gallon of this oil, as it will all be sold to foreign countries.

5. You moved the route, but not far enough. It is still in sandy soil and over the aquifer. It needs to be in clay soil. 6. Pure water is needed to sustain all living things. 7. Agriculture is the livelihood of most Nebraskans. It is also the agriculture that keeps Nebraska economically sound. 8. Why do you take the words of the so called experts and ignore the facts of the people who have lived on the land for generations. 9 Not only will they ruin the land where the line goes through, but also the roads and the land getting to site. 10. If the people are so happy with the first pipeline in eastern Nebraska lets put this one beside it and make them happier. It is in clay soil. 11. If Deb Fisher says she wouldn't want the pipeline to go through her Valentine ranch, but she is for the pipeline. It tells you a lot about our representative. 12. If you think all this pollution isn't effecting our weather. Think again. Darlene Schaaf

4/18/2013 11:26:19

Kent Heese As a landowner and on the route of the proposed pipeline, I oppose the project. Not only for safety concerns to our water BUT to bias easement that TransCanda is offering. Have any of you officials seen the "actual easement" that is being sent to landowners. A one lumpsum payment while millions of gallons is being sent down the pipeline is not justifiable. All risks are passed onto the landowners!!! Politicians and the public need to be aware of the easement and the conditions.

4/18/2013 11:28:43

paula bohaty Our family stands again this horrible pipeline. Do not scar America ,do not even consider taking a chance with our fragile land and water for a byproduct that will go to China. Keep this dirty tarsand line out of the US. It is your moral duty to support the will of the not shame us for the almighty dollar. Where is Director Kerry...Where's President Obama??? Why are the two of you not here touring,viewing the land and meeting the people who will suffer the most when it all goes wrong. Stop this pipeline now!

4/18/2013 11:38:04

Kristi and Fred Scheele

We are 4th generation farmers in - County Nebraska That hope to pass on the farm to the fifth generation to farm. So we strongly urge you to vote NO on the Keystone XL pipeline. The risk from a spill of the tarsands far out weighs any benefit as the end product is clearly going OUT of our country and would not help the US in any way. Our ground water is a very precious commodity for sustaining life itself and to water the crops which are grown for food. Any pollution of this precious life sustaining water would be devastating to all Americans. Therefore, we strongly urge you to vote NO on the pipeline!!

4/18/2013 11:41:16

John Roosmann You know and we know that there is going to be a break in this pipeline, anything from human error, to parts supplied by the lowest bidder. You know and we know that this pipeline is going to cross all of Nebraskas river systems and the Ogallala aquifier. You know that when the end use product reaches the refinery on the coast the toxic waste will not be properly contained. Why are you even thinking about giving up our childrens and your childrens need for healthy clean water. How many spills and how many blowouts and oil leaks have already happened and we get oops sorry. No amount of short term monetary gain will make up for the generations of poisoned people. Check with Monsanto and Dupont about the agent orange. They new it was poison and dangerous yet they continued to supply it to the US Government and the American soldier and Vietnamese civilians are still suffering to this day. Think hard about what you are doing to our future by allowing this pipeline to enrich a few and for certain poison many. John Roosmann - Veteran - Voter

4/18/2013 12:09:43

Dennis Waite dont allow the non-US corporation to put a pipeline accross the US border ....this would hurt groundwater supplies and does nothing for US oil supply : the end result would be permenant and unable to undo the damage ..people dont want this ....

4/18/2013 12:24:23

Meta Felt Tar sands oil is destructive and dirty. I want no part of strip mining Canada's boreal forest for bitumen that will be processed with toxic chemicals. The waste produced is destructive to water and wildlife and leaves land that was once beautiful and productive a wasteland. Local native populations and land owners in the path of this pipeline will be directly influenced by this process and dangerous pipeline. All citizens of the midwest who depend on clean water from the Oglalla aquifer will be punished because of the greed of a few oil developers. We must focus our efforts and investments on clean energy production.

4/18/2013 12:37:08

Jane April 18, 2013 To Secretary of State John Kerry, the State Department and President Obama It really saddens me that we are here today in Grand Island giving our testimony yet again on a toxic pipeline that should’ve been put to rest a long time ago. The KXL was not in our national interest back then and it’s not in our national interest now. The realities of KXL haven’t changed for the better. In fact, they’ve gotten much worse as more information becomes available and as more catastrophic tar sands spills lay waste to people’s land, water and health, such as the most recent spill in Mayflower, Arkansas. There are too many unanswered questions, and finding the answers to those questions requires time and much research from INDEPENDENT entities, not companies closely tied with the oil industry like those who did this latest SEIS. For that reason, I believe the report should be thrown out. Who would accept a report from foxes guarding the henhouse? There are many erroneous conclusions in the SEIS, questions that need to be answered and reasons why the KXL needs to go to pipeline heaven (or is it hell): • The statement that KXL would not lead to expansion of tar sands is ridiculous. If you’ve got a pile of dilbit that’s bottlenecked and not moving very far very fast, you need more conduits so you can move that pile in order for another pile to take its place. Of course the pipeline will lead to increased production of tar sands. Why would they be spending so much money on lobbying this if that wasn’t the case? Why build the pipeline at all then? Because the Keystone XL is critical to Canada’s expansion plans. • The report found that tar sands production emits 17% more global warming pollution, so increased tar sands production will exacerbate climate change, something we can ill afford as communities and individuals are already being bankrupted by extreme weather disasters. With the nation’s breadbasket in a severe drought and wacky weather happening everywhere, isn’t

it time to take climate change seriously? We simply can’t afford it, so why would we build more pipelines that will only make it worse? The point is to GET OFF FOSSIL FUELS, and we can’t do that if we’re BUILDING PIPELINES. Investors, academia and whole countries are distancing themselves from tar sands because it’s a bad investment, both financially and ethically. Even Lloyds of London has stated that tar sands are risky and uninsurable. • Shouldn’t you wait for the results of the studies being done to determine if dilbit is more corrosive than conventional oil? Shouldn’t you find out if a conventional pipeline can handle an unconventional substance like dilbit before building more pipelines the same old way? Shouldn’t you find out if it’s safe to run dilbit through old pipes that were never built to handle this sticky stuff that’s pumped at high pressure and is full of stuff that can kill you? Shouldn’t you wait to transport this gunk until proven techniques are developed to clean this crap up when it spills? Ask the people in Michigan near the Kalamazoo River and they’ll tell you even the clean-up people don’t know how to clean it up, and it’s almost 3 years and $800,000 later. What’s the clean-up method when it leaks into a priceless aquifer like the Ogallala? We’re ALL guinea pigs, and we didn’t ask for that. (As an aside, it also angers me that tar sands isn’t classified by the IRS as conventional crude; therefore, these companies don’t have to pay into the Oil Spill Liability Fund and yet they tout their oil as no different from any other crude. And you wonder why we don’t trust them…) • The energy security argument is bogus, to put it mildly. There is little chance any of this oil will stay in the U.S. It is bound for the export market with one of its hubs being Port Arthur, TX. TransCanada has told shareholders it wants to expand its markets; indeed it’s not smart business-wise to have all your eggs in only one export basket (the U.S.). The KXL is not going TO the U.S.; it’s going THROUGH the U.S. And to think it will lower gas prices is a dream. • The health effects of tar sands extraction and refining are not being taken into account because if they were, tar sands would not be economically viable. As in the burning of coal, the true costs are being dumped on the community in the form of severe health problems, including rare cancers, while the polluters get away scot-free. What is happening in Canada is horrific. To condone the extraction of tar sands is to condone the annihilation of vital ecosystems, the lives of many indigenous people and possibly some of our best-loved (and endangered) species, like the whooping crane. This is morally and ethically wrong. • When are these companies going to get more than a slap on the wrist for the damage they cause, not just in extraction and refining, but the damage that results when there’s a spill? A

$2 million fine is nothing to them; it’s a day’s profits, no big deal. This “punishment” doesn’t hurt and it certainly doesn’t motivate them to change. When are tougher safety regulations and tougher penalties going to be put into place? I fear for the people in Arkansas. Exxon STILL hasn’t paid what it owes from the Valdez spill almost 24 YEARS ago. If that isn’t a travesty, I don’t know what is. The people don’t deserve this. • And Native Americans are also getting the short stick, as usual. The KXL route passes through many sacred tribal grounds, including the Ponca’s Trail of Tears. Native tribes are rightfully concerned about the health and cultural impacts of the pipeline, concerns which have not been adequately addressed by the State Department. • Lastly and most of all, I fear for our lifeblood – our water. In Mayflower, city officials want Exxon to move the Pegasus pipeline OUT of their watershed. And here in Nebraska, we’re fighting to keep the KXL out of critical waterways like the Niobrara, the Platte and most importantly, the Ogallala Aquifer, so we don’t have to go through what they’re going through someday. It makes more sense and saves more money/heartache/health/etc. to be proactive instead of reactive. As an agricultural state, we cannot afford the risks to our water and land. And contrary to what you may have heard, the new route in Nebraska still crosses our fragile Sand Hills and the Aquifer. Just ask the landowners; they know their land better than anyone. The aquifer is already greatly depleted so we must protect what little we have left. That means keeping toxic pipelines out of it. Secretary Kerry recently pledged to confront climate change, saying,” …we are ignoring what science is telling us.” And speaking of the opportunities available in renewable energy to fight climate change, he stated, “I will be a passionate advocate on this not based on ideology but based on facts and science and I hope to sit with all of you and convince you that this $6 trillion market is worth millions of American jobs and we better go after it.” I hope he meant this, and I hope he realizes his credibility is suspect if he approves this pipeline. And I realize it’s just one pipeline, but you can’t take one step forward and two steps back if you truly want to take decisive action on climate change. Walk the talk – that’s what we must do every day if we want to live with ourselves and make a positive difference in the world. President Obama recently said in San Francisco that the politics of climate change “are tough,” that people are too worried about the day-to-day, about putting food on the table and keeping a roof over their heads to even think about it. But that doesn’t mean they don’t care about it. That doesn’t mean the government shouldn’t DO something about it. Indeed, it should

galvanize our leaders into action, because if we DON’T do something soon (and in a big way), the effects of climate change are only going to make putting that food on the table and keeping that roof over our heads that much tougher. Climate change is not a political issue, and it’s not something to debate. It is science -- strongly-supported and heavily-researched science. President Obama and Secretary Kerry have repeatedly declared their commitment to fighting climate change and protecting our children’s future. If they are truly being sincere, then the only moral and ethical thing to do is to deny the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. If they don’t, then I fear they are just typical politicians, who talk a lot but don’t do anything of any real, lasting importance. I hope that is not the kind of legacy they want to leave for their children and grandchildren. Thank you. Sincerely Jane Wilson

4/18/2013 12:37:15

Jane April 18, 2013 To Secretary of State John Kerry, the State Department and President Obama It really saddens me that we are here today in Grand Island giving our testimony yet again on a toxic pipeline that should’ve been put to rest a long time ago. The KXL was not in our national interest back then and it’s not in our national interest now. The realities of KXL haven’t changed for the better. In fact, they’ve gotten much worse as more information becomes available and as more catastrophic tar sands spills lay waste to people’s land, water and health, such as the most recent spill in Mayflower, Arkansas. There are too many unanswered questions, and finding the answers to those questions requires time and much research from INDEPENDENT entities, not companies closely tied with the oil industry like those who did this latest SEIS. For that reason, I believe the report should be thrown out. Who would accept a report from foxes guarding the henhouse? There are many erroneous conclusions in the SEIS, questions that need to be answered and reasons why the KXL needs to go to pipeline heaven (or is it hell): • The statement that KXL would not lead to expansion of tar sands is ridiculous. If you’ve got a

pile of dilbit that’s bottlenecked and not moving very far very fast, you need more conduits so you can move that pile in order for another pile to take its place. Of course the pipeline will lead to increased production of tar sands. Why would they be spending so much money on lobbying this if that wasn’t the case? Why build the pipeline at all then? Because the Keystone XL is critical to Canada’s expansion plans. • The report found that tar sands production emits 17% more global warming pollution, so increased tar sands production will exacerbate climate change, something we can ill afford as communities and individuals are already being bankrupted by extreme weather disasters. With the nation’s breadbasket in a severe drought and wacky weather happening everywhere, isn’t it time to take climate change seriously? We simply can’t afford it, so why would we build more pipelines that will only make it worse? The point is to GET OFF FOSSIL FUELS, and we can’t do that if we’re BUILDING PIPELINES. Investors, academia and whole countries are distancing themselves from tar sands because it’s a bad investment, both financially and ethically. Even Lloyds of London has stated that tar sands are risky and uninsurable. • Shouldn’t you wait for the results of the studies being done to determine if dilbit is more corrosive than conventional oil? Shouldn’t you find out if a conventional pipeline can handle an unconventional substance like dilbit before building more pipelines the same old way? Shouldn’t you find out if it’s safe to run dilbit through old pipes that were never built to handle this sticky stuff that’s pumped at high pressure and is full of stuff that can kill you? Shouldn’t you wait to transport this gunk until proven techniques are developed to clean this crap up when it spills? Ask the people in Michigan near the Kalamazoo River and they’ll tell you even the clean-up people don’t know how to clean it up, and it’s almost 3 years and $800,000 later. What’s the clean-up method when it leaks into a priceless aquifer like the Ogallala? We’re ALL guinea pigs, and we didn’t ask for that. (As an aside, it also angers me that tar sands isn’t classified by the IRS as conventional crude; therefore, these companies don’t have to pay into the Oil Spill Liability Fund and yet they tout their oil as no different from any other crude. And you wonder why we don’t trust them…) • The energy security argument is bogus, to put it mildly. There is little chance any of this oil will stay in the U.S. It is bound for the export market with one of its hubs being Port Arthur, TX. TransCanada has told shareholders it wants to expand its markets; indeed it’s not smart business-wise to have all your eggs in only one export basket (the U.S.). The KXL is not going TO the U.S.; it’s going THROUGH the U.S. And to think it will lower gas prices is a dream.

• The health effects of tar sands extraction and refining are not being taken into account because if they were, tar sands would not be economically viable. As in the burning of coal, the true costs are being dumped on the community in the form of severe health problems, including rare cancers, while the polluters get away scot-free. What is happening in Canada is horrific. To condone the extraction of tar sands is to condone the annihilation of vital ecosystems, the lives of many indigenous people and possibly some of our best-loved (and endangered) species, like the whooping crane. This is morally and ethically wrong. • When are these companies going to get more than a slap on the wrist for the damage they cause, not just in extraction and refining, but the damage that results when there’s a spill? A $2 million fine is nothing to them; it’s a day’s profits, no big deal. This “punishment” doesn’t hurt and it certainly doesn’t motivate them to change. When are tougher safety regulations and tougher penalties going to be put into place? I fear for the people in Arkansas. Exxon STILL hasn’t paid what it owes from the Valdez spill almost 24 YEARS ago. If that isn’t a travesty, I don’t know what is. The people don’t deserve this. • And Native Americans are also getting the short stick, as usual. The KXL route passes through many sacred tribal grounds, including the Ponca’s Trail of Tears. Native tribes are rightfully concerned about the health and cultural impacts of the pipeline, concerns which have not been adequately addressed by the State Department. • Lastly and most of all, I fear for our lifeblood – our water. In Mayflower, city officials want Exxon to move the Pegasus pipeline OUT of their watershed. And here in Nebraska, we’re fighting to keep the KXL out of critical waterways like the Niobrara, the Platte and most importantly, the Ogallala Aquifer, so we don’t have to go through what they’re going through someday. It makes more sense and saves more money/heartache/health/etc. to be proactive instead of reactive. As an agricultural state, we cannot afford the risks to our water and land. And contrary to what you may have heard, the new route in Nebraska still crosses our fragile Sand Hills and the Aquifer. Just ask the landowners; they know their land better than anyone. The aquifer is already greatly depleted so we must protect what little we have left. That means keeping toxic pipelines out of it. Secretary Kerry recently pledged to confront climate change, saying,” …we are ignoring what science is telling us.” And speaking of the opportunities available in renewable energy to fight climate change, he stated, “I will be a passionate advocate on this not based on ideology but based on facts and science and I hope to sit with all of you and convince you that this $6

trillion market is worth millions of American jobs and we better go after it.” I hope he meant this, and I hope he realizes his credibility is suspect if he approves this pipeline. And I realize it’s just one pipeline, but you can’t take one step forward and two steps back if you truly want to take decisive action on climate change. Walk the talk – that’s what we must do every day if we want to live with ourselves and make a positive difference in the world. President Obama recently said in San Francisco that the politics of climate change “are tough,” that people are too worried about the day-to-day, about putting food on the table and keeping a roof over their heads to even think about it. But that doesn’t mean they don’t care about it. That doesn’t mean the government shouldn’t DO something about it. Indeed, it should galvanize our leaders into action, because if we DON’T do something soon (and in a big way), the effects of climate change are only going to make putting that food on the table and keeping that roof over our heads that much tougher. Climate change is not a political issue, and it’s not something to debate. It is science -- strongly-supported and heavily-researched science. President Obama and Secretary Kerry have repeatedly declared their commitment to fighting climate change and protecting our children’s future. If they are truly being sincere, then the only moral and ethical thing to do is to deny the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. If they don’t, then I fear they are just typical politicians, who talk a lot but don’t do anything of any real, lasting importance. I hope that is not the kind of legacy they want to leave for their children and grandchildren. Thank you. Sincerely Jane Wilson

4/18/2013 12:40:29

Tyler Lemburg My name is Tyler Lemburg; I live in NE. I oppose the construction of the pipeline for many reasons, but the context under which I'd like to present today is that of climate change. My goal today is not to convince you that climate change is happening; anyone with an internet connection who pays attention can tell you that. Instead I would like to explain the impact of building this pipeline on the greenhouse gases we emit. Oil sands are a notoriously difficult resource from which to extract energy. So much so, that the amount of energy it takes to use oil sands is as much energy as we receive from it. Further, doing so requires more carbon emissions that add to those created when this energy is used. I'll save you from the math, but the total estimate of greenhouse gases emitted from using the Keystone XL pipeline for one year is equivalent to that of fifty-one new coal plants operating for one year. It is equivalent to adding over 37 million passenger cars to our roads for one year. Dr. James Hansen, NASA's leading climatologist who just retired, and many other scientists have said that tapping the Alberta tar sands would essentially be "game over" for our climate. Indeed, to keep our planet from warming over 2 degrees Celsius, which is considered to be a boundary value for our quality of life, studies have said we must leave at least two-thirds of proven fossil fuel reserves in the ground. Now, I realize that projects in the Alberta tar sands already exist. The draft SEIS by the State Department says that whether the pipeline is built or not, these oil sands will be extracted anyway and shipped elsewhere. Well, to me, that is a bit like saying that I should bully a little kid, because if I don't, my friends will bully him anyway. That kid is our environment. Our planet. And it's the only home we have right now. President Obama has said multiple times that climate change is a priority for his administration and that America should set an example for pushing toward renewable energy. I can think of no present example better than saying "no" to the Keystone pipeline. Sources:

4/18/2013 12:49:10

Katie Quiring I am an agriculture education instructor for middle and high school students in Nebraska. I am also a farm wife, farmer, rancher, and most of all a young person with a divine passion for preserving and promoting agriculture in Nebraska. There are many points of this pipeline that cause me to question that validity and purpose for it. I sincerely feel like the simple fact that Canada doesn't want this pipeline going across their country, so why should we want it running across ours? I am also concerned about how many leaks have already happened in the existing pipeline. I am also concerned about the decrease value in land. The pipeline does not directly go through our property but it passes about 100 yards behind my farm. The pipeline will not only decrease the value of that property but also of our property and we had absolutely no say in it because TransCanada didn't need us to sign an easement to build. The proximity also concerns me because if there is a leak our farm will be directly affected. My husband and I are both born and raise in Nebraska. We both understand the value of the small family farm and are excited to welcome our first child next month. We want him to be raised in a place the promotes the growth and development of American Agriculture. We both love Nebraska and wouldn't dream of living anywhere else. As Nebraska's we feel passionately that this pipeline is not good for Nebraska and we do not need it being a detriment to our local and state agricultural industry. Please don't let this happen. We must stand up for our land and resources. Agriculture is the industry that feeds our Nation and if we put it in jeopardy, we should not doubt be worried about its future. Please be the voice of the small Nebraskan family farmer. We are the next generation of agriculturalists and will gladly rise to the challenges facing our industry today if we have a government we know we can rely on to defend and back us up. I want to sincerely thank you for your time and pray that God will give you guidance in your decision. Thank you, Katie Quiring

4/18/2013 12:55:26

Jean Schmid the best companies can make promises, the best of pipes still leak : soon water will be more valuable than oil. Build this pipeline so they can ship the oil to China. After it is built there will not be as many jobs as they claim. Jean Schmid

4/18/2013 12:55:45

John K Mayer I am a lifelong Nebraska resident from Grand Island and I am strongly against the Keystone Pipeline crossing Nebraska soil. The risk to our State is tremendous given the track record of the oil industry and recent spills in all parts of the US. I say no to Keystone XL!

4/18/2013 13:52:56

Frank LaMere I am a Native American from the Winnebago Tribe of NE. It was Native people who first consecrated the ground on which we live and grow. Our elders tell us that covenants have been made with the Creator to be good stewards of the land if we are to live. We wish to live. My sense tells me that we will soil our Mother Earth not because we are needy but because we are greedy. Native people do not support this pipeline. Most Nebraskans don't. Note this fact I beg you. Respectfully, Frank LaMere

4/18/2013 13:54:15

Paula Larson RAMROD'S FORGET ME NOTS Come one, come all ~ stand up & call, The ramrod's junk yard, car part's maul piled low, so you can come n 'get, that car like yours, compare the fit! The auto industry's the purge the ads, the hustle, we endure, the price of gas, make farmers serve big oil's perusal, create more dirge! The play backs handle, no reserve just piece and part, your credit's curve has just run out ~ with lost conserve, the Auto has us ~ last call's nerve! MY SUGGESTION IS: Why can't they run Pipelines through "JUNK-YARD CAR LOTS" and they could create some revenue to see them through, and clean up our Inner City "slum" looking monster heaps! INSTEAD OF; RUNNING THE PIPELINES THROUGH OUR VIRGIN, PRISTINE, AGRICULTURE, FOOD BASED REVENUE LAND LANES. Thank You! Paula M. Larson, Nature Poet and Activist!

4/18/2013 13:55:34

Scott Christensen

Since Our own governor has abandoned us. I implore whomever is reading this to stop the madness of this pipeline. We are risking the health of future generations of Nebraskans. And for what? So China can have Canada's oil? who will provide freash water and food to our nation when this pipeline bursts? I'm sure Canada and China will not care. It is very ridiculous that this is even being considered.

4/18/2013 14:11:32

Mark S Cipolla Please do not approve the Keystone XL pipeline. The pipeline, carrying bitumen composed of tar-sands crude oil, carries certain risks. As with most everything, we must weigh the risks against the benefits. This pipeline has too many risks and not enough benefit for Nebraskans or for the United States citizens. The only potential benefit is the temporary jobs that would be available. The risks, however, are not temporary and would be with us for many, many years. There are clear risks from a large pipeline, with potential leaks, especially since it will be over a portion of the Sand Hills and over the Ogallala aquifer. The risk of such a rupture is very real, considering what happened with the rupture of the Pegasus pipeline in Mayflower, Arkansas earlier this month. The most significant risk, however, is the fact that the Keystone XL pipeline will carry almost 181 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, equal to 51 coal plants worth of carbon. Another way to put it: that's as much CO2 as 37.7 million cars to the road -- more cars than are currently driving in California, Oregon, Washington, Michigan, New York and Florida combined. This is according to a new report, which contradicts the State Department's assessment that the pipeline will have negligible climate impact. Thank you for considering my comments.

4/18/2013 14:12:24

Barbara Netherland

I am sitting here watching testimony against the Keystone XL pipeline. The speakers' passion and eloquence are moving - but will they be heard? I fear that money and power will win again. It is surreal to me that another country can take (by force) land that is owned by Americans - just as it it surreal to me that mega companies can continue to pollute our land and water and waltz away leaving taxpayers to pick up the tab. This pipeline will leak. This pipeline will pollute our water. Please, please protect our future. Thank you, Barbara Netherland

4/18/2013 14:13:25

Melissa Ballarin This pipeline is an example of how our dependence on oil drastically needs to be reduced. There are plenty of other options for renewable resources for energy in Nebraska, and oil should not be one of them. Those who wish to build this thing are not taking a risk, but the farmers to desperately rely on the land and the aquifer are. Please keep this pipeline out of Nebraska.

4/18/2013 14:44:44

Sharon Maynard

I respectfully submit my objection to the Keystone XL pipeline coming through Nebraska. I live in Omaha and am concerned about protecting water and the environment for all Americans. I don't want NE to add to oil company profits so they can export their product to other countries, while exploiting us. I don't want the oil companies to destroy our land and water on the basis of empty promises about safety. There's a reason this pipeline is not allowed to go through Canada. USA would be foolish to get suckered into this. I know several Canadians who are wonderful people, so it's nothing against them or their beautiful country. I've lost all faith in Congress and the government of my own Country. I'm not a lobbyist so I can't buy any votes, but here's my 2 cents anyway. Sharon Maynard

4/18/2013 14:57:25

Mia Bergman A while back, I answered the phone to a Keystone land agent that was asking me to survey the land we own as a consideration for their new proposed pipeline route. Since then, my life has been turned upside down! I have researched and attended meetings to see exactly what my family and I are facing. The information I have learned about TransCanada, as a company, and the purposed pipeline has made me extremely concerned about the affects this will have on my family, our neighbors, and the environment. I am writing to beg you to reconsider you stance on this pipeline, and to stand up for Nebraskans and all Americans…because I fully believe this pipeline is a disaster waiting to happen. My first concern is regarding the High Plains Aquifer and our environment. How can we, as a state that relies so heavily on this imperative source of water, even consider allowing something that could damage it? I realize that there are many different theories on the amount of damage that the land and aquifer may face when this pipeline leaks, but these are all theories and nobody truly knows what devastation we could be facing or if we could ever restore what most of us now take for granted. I know that TransCanada is preaching about how “safe” their pipeline is, but I’m not buying it. The number varies, but from what I have researched, their first pipeline leaked AT LEAST 11 times in the first year!!! I am ashamed to believe that Nebraskans are even considering the second pipeline after the problems with the first. What is that good old saying…. “History repeats itself.” I have also read many articles on the spill that happened in the Kalamazoo river in Michigan. This alone should be enough reason for Nebraskans to put a halt to this pipeline. It’s estimated anywhere from 800,000 - 1.1 million gallons of tar sands and the mixed toxic chemicals were dumped into this river! Water, land, animal habitats, and peoples’ homes and livelihoods destroyed! Approximately 2 years later and $700 million dollars spent on cleaning up…and it is still not cleaned up!!! My concerns about the product that is being transported through this pipeline and its effects could go on and on! Why would Nebraskans and our government even consider something that could be so disastrous? And to risk all of this for a foreign company! A company that has refused to sign an

agreement to have the oil produced kept in the United States! A company that has treated Nebraskans so poorly in the past! A company that has billions of dollars to gain and would do anything to secure this large profit! Again, history repeats itself. Why would we risk so much? And I have yet to understand what benefit this pipeline has to Nebraskans and the entire United States. People keep mentioning the number of jobs and economic growth in the towns that this pipeline will pass through. This is all temporary. The number of permanent jobs is very minimal. And now, there are reports from organizations that this pipeline will actually INCREASE oil/gas prices! As farmers, this would be detrimental to our livelihood. Fuel prices are already high enough that buying fuel to power our irrigations and equipment causes a strain on financial resources. Lastly, I do not understand how you, the head of our government, that is set up to help protect its citizens, our land, and rights, could allow a foreign company the right to eminent domain. The land that my family and I live on, was paid for by us with a lot of hard work. We are very proud of our accomplishments as a young family, and it is heartbreaking to think this could all be destroyed for a foreign company and oil. I firmly believe that the pipeline running under our soil would decrease the land value greatly. If we ever decided to sell our land, what other landowner would want to deal with having a pipeline on their property? Especially, when you have to contact a second party (TransCanada) to perform every year farming tasks such as deep ripping or deep tilling to aerate the soil on your own land. I am a Registered Nurse in a small town hospital, and with this job comes the education on disaster preparedness and management. We are taught through continuing education how to triage victims of a mass casualty event. The phrase that is reiterated over and over is “the greatest good is provided to the greatest number” of people. Meaning that we approach this situation very different from our more routine traumas in which we are able to do everything we can to save a small number of patients. We are trained to realize that patients that we would normally do everything for might have to be left to die because they would strain our resources so much that we would be unable to help anybody else and save a greater number of people. Again, “the greatest good is provided for the greatest number.” And I can’t help but compare this to the proposal of the TransCanada Keystone Pipeline and how our Nebraska and United States Government should handle this situation. I believe that the Keystone Pipeline is a disaster waiting to happen. And that the decision to allow this pipeline and to put our American people at risk should be treated like a mass casualty event, because I fully believe it will become something very similar. I beg you to make the choice that is “the greatest good…for the greatest number,” not the popular choice. Because as our laws state at this time, it is your decision to allow this disaster to happen. I realize that this is not the “easy” choice; however, I want you to think of nurses all over the state and the United States,

that have made it their life’s work to help people, and the dilemma that they face when they are in a mass casualty situation. Their choices aren’t popular either. People are going to beg them to save their loved one. The family and/or friend doesn’t understand the concept of the greatest good for the greatest number, they just want help, and when the nurse tries to explain that nothing can be done they are going to be met with a devastated, screaming family or friend. The thought of the impact this pipeline could have on my children’s health, safety, and future weighs very heavily on my heart, and so I am asking you to ignore the screaming of the small amount of people that will benefit from this pipeline and due what is best for the whole state and country…the greatest number of people. Sincerely, Mia Bergman

4/18/2013 14:57:28

Geraldine Coleman

Keeping our clean water and land we grow food on is our highest priority. No amount of jobs or oil will pay for a spill and it can happen.

4/18/2013 15:01:39

lisa jacobi Lets not repeat the mistakes of the past. Please protect our water, supplied by 'good mother earth'- that man cannot recreate. Do not put a price tag on Americas aquifer.

4/18/2013 15:03:18

Rebecca M Williams

President Barak Obama The Whitehouse Washington, D.C. I write today to ask you to deny the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. I am watching the live NETV television coverage of the pipeline hearing from Grand Island, Ne. It was my intention to attend this hearing but bad weather kept me at home. I wish, however, to make my wishes on this issue known. Let me say at the start that I live near - NE and do not own land on the pipeline route. I know no one who does. As I watch this hearing unfold, I feel so proud of the way so many different kinds of people have come together to voice their very valid worries about what devastation this pipeline could bring to our state, our citizens, our land, our water, our wildlife, and the crops we grow that feed the country and world. Recent pipeline failures, like the one in Arkansas, expose the imperfection of pipeline

construction and the fact that no technology exists to adequately clean up pipeline spills. Nebraska people are not stupid. It is not paranoid to be afraid of what this pipeline could do to our land. As one speaker from Nebraska said, the Keystone XL Pipeline is “all risk and no reward”. I would alter that to “all risk and no reward...except, of course, huge rewards for big oil”. I was particularly interested to hear from the whistle blower who had worked for the pipeline company. He talked of arrogant managers, low standards of quality, and violations of regulation codes. I am not persuaded by company officials and testimony from union workers who claim that the Keystone XL Pipeline will be safe. Besides, the environmental impact statement is inadequate and not prepared by an uninterested party but instead by a company close to Transcanada. What makes this even worse is that most of the bitumen passing through the pipeline will simply be passing through the USA before being refined and sent and sold elsewhere. My concerns about the pipeline and tar sands extraction in general extend beyond my state. I am utterly disgusted with the the effect the tar sands extraction is having on the native peoples of Canada. I am disgusted with the way native civil and legal rights and the health of the Canadian environment have been ignored throughout this pipeline process in the USA. I am disgusted, as well, by the arrogance of Transcanada in it's dealings with landowners who own land the pipeline will cross. How dare a foreign corporation have the right to hold eminent domain over US land? And I am worried that the approval of this pipeline and the extracted bitumen it will carry will result in the addition of even more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and, therefore, accelerate climate change. We don't need more oil, we need more environmentally friendly sources of energy! The testimony in this hearing seems to pit jobs for pipeline fitters and the interests of various Chambers of Commerce groups against landowners who want to protect their land. It seems that the fitters' union encouraged members from all over the country to speak at this hearing. They are not Nebraska landowners. Pipeline fitters want jobs and business people want the business that comes from the building of the pipeline. They assert that the state and local economies will have more revenue as a result. But this is all temporary gain! It is short sighted. They ignore the people of the state who, in one speaker's words, “don't need jobs, we need a living.” So, here is the deal President Obama. Be the change your want to see in the world! Prove that you really are who you claimed to be in your campaigns and in your inspiring speeches. I

supported you, I made calls for you, and I voted for you. I believed you when you said you were wanting to act to prevent further climate change. Please be the change Nebraska and the world needs. Deny the permit for the Transcanada Keystone Pipeline. Rebecca M Williams

4/18/2013 15:05:05

Krista Vogel I am speaking out against the proposed Keystone XL pipeline because I want to live in a country — and a world — that protects our future generations. We must keep our resources safe for all who will come after us. Water is our most precious resource, and the KXL endangers our water supply. Carbon emissions from KXL would prove detrimental to our planet, as we stand on the edge of the climate change cliff. I am counting on you, as so many others are. We trust you with our country's future, and we implore you to reject the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/18/2013 15:11:58

Edith Meints Water is our most important treasure. Do not allow the Keystone XL Pipeline to be permitted. As a retired teacher I taught the importance of water to my students in Lincoln Public Schools. The Aquifer must be protected.

4/18/2013 15:26:56

Joann Brown Please stop the XL Pipeline. Protect our fragile aquifer and our environment. Thank you. Joann Brown

4/18/2013 15:49:45

Rodney D. Birkmann

why chance ruining our water table just so Canada can cross our land to provide oil to other countries and not ours?

4/18/2013 15:52:06

Marci Baker Please, please stop the Keystone XL pipeline...for the people of this fine state, its animals and its land. Thank you.

4/18/2013 16:12:26

Emma Jenkins We have suffered through enough natural disasters, will probably suffer through more and we can do nothing about them. What we can and should do is try to prevent man-made disasters. The Keystone pipeline would be just that; a man-made disaster waiting to happen. We must use our God-given sensibilities and not allow this to come to fruition.

4/18/2013 16:55:25

Cory McGinn Please take a real and close look at the geography of our state and the proposed "new" route. The water in the aquifer is essential to the economy of Nebraska. The people who own this land do not want to sell it and abandon all that they have built for the sake of a foreign, billion dollar company. Please do not approve this plan for the Keystone XL pipeline. The risks are too great.

4/18/2013 17:09:50

Nanne Olds A few thousand jobs is NOT worth poisoning our water and land. Why won't Canada run this pipeline across its own land? And this oil will NOT benefit the U.S. Once Canada has the oil in the refineries on the Texas coast, it will simply sell that oil to the highest bidder. We MUST have action protecting our environment for our children and grandchildren. Not only must we stop the Keystone Pipeline, we ALSO need a good CARBON CAP AND TRADE program. Nanne Olds

4/18/2013 17:13:30

Ken Robinson The KXL pipeline is planned to carry the worst product ever as you already know. We've now seen several examples of just how costly for taxpayers and how destructive even a small spill can be. Also this oil is planned to be sold through Texas ports to the open market. So why are we taking such risks and not getting anything in return except taxpayer burden and toxic spills?

4/18/2013 17:38:57

valarie jackson we do not want a foreign country declaring eminent domain and coming across our country near our precious ogalllala aquifer with a vulnerable oil pipeline which they could sell to any country they wish to.

4/18/2013 17:44:33

Gail steen I ask President Obama to deny the TransCanada pipeline expansion. Nebraska already has one line - shame on us. It's clear these lines leak, extreme environmental damage cannot be prevented when they leak, and the few jobs gained do not offset the damage. Additionally, why are US citizens risking their health for Canada profits? The upside does not outweigh they the extreme downside. Our Congress members won't help us. Please, Mr. President, lead. Deny.

4/18/2013 17:54:49

Michael O'Brien All pipelines leak. All markets peak. No Keystone XL.

4/18/2013 18:19:13


We will be oil independent in a fue years, so why do we want to take a chance of polluting our water,so another country can export their oil through our land? It will be canadian oil and their pipeline and we would have on control over it Let them build a storage depot at the border and ship it by rail. More long term jobs and less chance of a spill I have friends in Canada and they can tell you why the indian tribes up there won't let them run the line west through their land. They know the disaster they have up there

4/18/2013 18:29:13

Lois Haupt Please do not allow the Keystone XL pipeline to be built. We don't want to risk having our groundwater polluted by dirty tar sands oil. Why should we allow them to run their dirty oil through our country, only to have it exported to China and other countries? Please consider the health of our communities and don't endanger it in this way!

4/18/2013 18:32:54

Elliot Figman I am writing to urge you to deny permission to TransCanada to build the Keystone XL pipeline. This project poses grave dangers to our water, land, and climate. It is not in our national interest. In fact, it is a direct threat to our national security since exploiting the Alberta tar sands will greatly exacerbate global warming, which will translate into more floods, fires, and drought. I urge you to reject this pipeline.

4/18/2013 18:36:16

Madeline Wahl The Keystone Pipeline, if allowed, would become a dark scar on the legacy of American innovation. It would damage any sustainable economic growth and environmental stewardship we have worked so hard to establish. Please do not let this project move forward now, or ever, even with modifications. The Tarsands oil fields devastate the Canadian landscape, harming citizens and defacing the planet for good. The oil produced from the project does not move forward the US energy policy, nor does it help reduce dependency on foreign oil. There is minimal benefit in terms of reducing energy costs for corporations or consumers alike. As a resident of Nebraska, the US, and planet earth, I beg you not to let this project move further. All citizens of the world depend on Americans to make the right choice, for our generation and for the ones to come. Allowing the pipeline and tarsands oil project to progress only accelerates the decline of our environment. The burden of this project will only fall on innocent bystanders and make the world less inhabitable for our children and grandchildren. Please just say no.

4/18/2013 18:44:19

Cynthia Patterson

implore you to halt the XL Pipeline. It is not in our national interest because: A study done by Cornell estimates 2,000 temporary jobs, could be created and more jobs will be lost than created. The most recent State Department EIS estimates that the XL Pipeline will create 35 jobs. Tar sands are a bad financial, environmental and moral investment. Investors, nations, and academics are withdrawing support. The Keystone XL will NOT provide “energy security.” After passing through the US and being refined, the oil will be exported. Current EIS's downplay very important and obvious environmental concerns. The Pipeline has unacceptable risks. Dr. Stansbury, UNL Professor of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering conducted a study showing the KXL would result in 91 major spills over the 50 year life of the pipeline. The XL Pipeline will carry diluted bitumen. Diluted bitumen (dilbit) is not considered oil by the IRS. Therefore, TransCanada will not pay taxes into the Oil Spill and Liability Trust. Dilbit is a toxic sludge of chemicals and peanut-butter thick tar sands oil, which sinks in water and is impossible to clean up. To quote James Hansen, exploiting the tar sands means "essentially game over" for the climate.

4/18/2013 19:09:09

Renate & Jeff Shotwell

Climate change is happening right now, its a fact. By allowing the Keystone pipeline to go forward you are disregarding the dangers of climate change. It harms the environment to extract, transport, refine and ultimately use the tar sands oil. Thick and paste-like tar sands have to be heated, dilluted and pushed thru a pipe line under high pressure; containting sand it is also abrasive. Under high pressure it is likely to burst the pipe and very difficult to clean up.

4/18/2013 19:17:57

Susan Busker If we run out of oil, we will be inconvenienced but will still survive. If we run out of water or poison our water supply, we will not survive. Please treat our water as the most valuable resource it is. It does not matter how many temporary jobs the pipeline MIGHT create if the water and soil are damaged. No one will want to live here. I also do not agree with the use of Eminent Domain to benefit a private company. Eminent Domain should be used sparingly and then only for public projects such as roads and utilities.

4/18/2013 19:20:08

Danelle Miller We must fight to free ourselves from this dependence on fossil fuels. Sustainability is the right choice for the future. We must look past our own selfish desires and look towards a better tomorrow for our children and future generations. We need to stop stripping away the resources of this planet because it is only harming the survival of every living organism. I have no doubt that earth will survive human kinds need for destruction but will we survive? Sustainable jobs are the future for a healthy planet free from toxins and greed.

4/18/2013 19:21:45

Amy Saklar-Behrens

I think it is clear that most Nebraskans and Americans do not want this pipeline. Our land, safety, and future are not worth the small benefit this pipeline might bring. It's not if it will leak, it is when, and how disastrous it will be.

4/18/2013 19:25:46

Amy Bones April 18, 2013 I am writing in strong opposition to TransCanada Corp's application for the Keystone XL pipeline. This project is not in the national interest and it should be denied. I live in Nebraska, so I would be directly affected by this project. There are many reasons why this project is not in the national interest. Here is a list of some of the most important ones: 1. The Keystone XL tar sands pipeline is designed as a pipeline through the United States, not to the United States. The oil will be exported. Because of these exports, the pipeline will not reduce the United States' dependence on Middle Eastern oil. The pipeline would carry diluted bitumen across the heartland of America to be exported to foreign countries. The pipeline would double imports of dirty tar sands oil into the United States and transport it to refineries on the Gulf Coast and ports for international export. "Much of the crude oil that would flow down the proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline would likely be exported as refined products by U.S. companies—a prospect that is stirring further debate over whether the project serves the nation's best interest." Wall Street Journal, March 14, 2013. 2. The pipeline is very likely to leak and to ruin the pristine Ogallala aquifer. Pipelines leak and if this pipeline leaks (which it is likely to do), it will contaminate the Ogallala

aquifer, one of the world’s largest underground sources of fresh water.. In some places the aquifer is buried 1,200 feet deep, but in many places it is at or very close to the surface, often less than five feet below ground. Washington Post article. Dr. John Stansbury, UNL Professor of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering conducted a study showing that the KXL would result in 91 major spills over the 50 year life of the pipeline. The chemical makeup of the diluted bitumen which would be carried in the pipeline is heavier and thus is much more corrosive than conventional oil, and over time could weaken the pipeline. Propublica: Pipelines Explained: How Safe are America's Pipelines? (November 15, 2012) TransCanada's existing Keystone I tar sands pipeline has reportedly leaked 14 times since it went into operation in June 2010, including one spill of 24,000 gallons. The pipeline's risk to water has not changed at all with the new route. It still crosses the Sandhills and the Ogallala aquifer. The pipeline will cross more than 1,000 bodies of water across 3 states and 875 miles threatening drinking water for people, farms, and ranches with a devastating tar sands spill. If a spill reached the aquifer, it would be difficult to clean up because unlike conventional light crude, crude derived from tar sands sinks in water. According to environmental groups, it could also be more corrosive to pipelines than conventional oil, which would make the Keystone XL pipeline more prone to leaks. And if a leak does occur, there are questions about TransCanada's ability to respond quickly and effectively, given its poor safety record. The consequences of a potential spill were illustrated last month when a ruptured pipeline in Arkansas spewed thousands of barrels of tar sands oil into a residential community, forcing evacuations and harming wildlife. Media Matters blog. 3. Keystone would be “game over” for climate, according to NASA climate scientist James Hansen. Keystone XL will contribute dramatically to climate change. The State Department knows that tar sands fuel is up to 19% more greenhouse gas intensive than conventional fuel, and the tar sands industry admits that Keystone XL will lead to more tar sands production.

The total carbon pollution impacts of Keystone XL are the equivalent of putting 9 million cars on the road when considering the total emissions of tar sands and refining processes. The Keystone XL tar sands pipeline would send at least 181 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent each year into the atmosphere, warming the Earth’s climate, according to the authors of Cooking the Books: How The State Department Analysis Ignores the True Climate Impact of the Keystone XL Pipeline Please do the right thing. Deny TransCanada Corp's application for the Keystone XL pipeline. Sincerely, Amy Bones

4/18/2013 19:40:37

Tom Budler I have several questions that don't ever seem to get answered 1) How can anyone do an enviromental study if they do not know what chemical is added to the Tar Sand in the pipeline? How can any EMT or hospital take care of anyone without this knowledge? 2) If it is such a safe pipeline why as a land owner do have liability if there is a spill? Why doesn't TransCanada stand behind it and take full liability? Why do they not have to pay into the Diaster fund? 3) Why as a landowner, do I have no rights and a foreign company can bully and threaten citizens?

4/18/2013 19:43:15

Janet Carkeek It was clear today at the hearing that there is strong opposition to the pipeline and that claims for the pipeline for national security reasons are ridiculous. The oil is not even for us. Please stop this and protect our land.

4/18/2013 20:50:22

Lisa Fricke I am proud of those who are protecting Nebraska's environment by opposing the pipeline. As a state we should be looking at clean energy sources that will be better for all of us now and in the future.

4/19/2013 1:43:59

Beth Ann Hall It is too great a risk to gamble with our land and water for too little reward. I also believe that we should not set precedence by allowing a foreign corporation to declare eminent domain over American property. A a native Nebraskan, I value our limited resources. Renewable resources are our future, not dirty tarsands oil. Please stand by your pledge to protect our environment.

4/19/2013 5:11:41

Nancy Packard At the Department of State website, under the heading “Climate Change” I read of the Department’s recognition of and commitment to combat Climate Change. Following are introductory sentences to the two paragraphs: “The United States is taking a leading role in addressing climate change by advancing an ever-expanding suite of measures.” and “The international community recognizes the importance of moving forward collaboratively in addressing climate change. “ In the next section, “U.S. Fast Start Climate Finance in Fiscal Years 2010-2012”, I learn that “The United States has provided $7.5 billion during the three-year fast start finance period.” This section discusses funds that our country has contributed to, including Clean Technology Fund, Special Climate Change Fund, and FCPC Carbon Fund. Nearly every science scholar agrees that Climate Change is upon us. National Geographic and other publications and sources are documenting it. As excerpted above, the Department of State acknowledges Climate Change and is putting effort and a great deal of funding to combat it. How then can we consider participating in the destructive and climate-changing business of mining and transporting and refining and burning Canadian tarsands? In what way can this be in our national interest?

4/19/2013 5:20:46

Judy Holtan The Keystone XL Pipeline is dangerous, dirty, and destructive -- and the latest Environmental Impact Statement was both flawed and incomplete. It ignores the pipeline's significant risk for toxic spills, ignores its catastrophic impacts on our climate, and ignores the consensus among financial analysts and oil executives who agree the pipeline will be a conduit for oil and refined products to be exported, making the United States less energy secure and driving domestic gas prices higher. Pipeline Spills: This pipeline poses an unacceptable risk to water. TransCanada’s first Keystone pipeline spilled 14 times in the U.S. in its first year of operation, and Enbridge, another pipeline operator, suffered a spill of more than one million gallons in the Kalamazoo River in 2010. The pipeline will cross more than 1,000 water bodies across 3 states and 875 miles threatening drinking water for people, farms, and ranches with a devastating tar sands spill. Climate Change: Keystone XL will contribute dramatically to climate change. The State Department confirmed that tar sands fuel is up to 19% more greenhouse gas intensive than conventional fuel, and the tar sands industry admits that Keystone XL will lead to more tar sands production. Building a new pipeline now will lock us in to higher carbon emissions when we should be rapidly investing in renewable energy that cannot be exported and will provide a secure energy future. Impact on Consumers: Rather than providing the U.S. with more Canadian oil, the Keystone XL pipeline will increase the amount of gasoline exported, raising prices for American consumers. The firms involved have asked the U.S. State Department to approve this project, even as they’ve told Canadian government officials how the pipeline can be used to add at least $4 billion to the U.S. fuel bill. US farmers who spent $12.4 billion on fuel in 2009 could see those costs rise to $15 billion or higher if the pipeline goes through and millions of Americans will spend 10 to 20 cents more per gallon for gasoline and diesel fuel. For the future of our country and our planet, I urge you provide a comprehensive review of the Keystone XL pipeline. A complete review will conclude that this project is not in our national interest. Oppose the pipeline now and stop the madness before it’s too late.

4/19/2013 5:54:51

Deborah Judy Let Arkansas be a lesson. Stand with the people... not big oil. We need to pursue alternative energy... not increase our dependence on dirty oil.

4/19/2013 6:25:38


Mr. Obama; We will get behind you on gun control against Deb Fischer, Mike JOHNANNS, and Lee Terry. So ,get behind us against this disasresess pipeline.

4/19/2013 8:24:10

Brian Bedient When Governor Heinemann submitted his approval of the latest proposed route, I was astonished! He had adamantly been opposed to any route that passed though the Sandhills or crossed over the Aquifer. The maps that I have reviewed clearly show the route is going over the groundwater and if people would drive out to the area on the route going north from Fullerton, they would certainly think they were in the Sandhills…regardless of what the “official” map indicates. I started looking for who was left to take a stand. I believed strongly that the Draft Supplemental environmental Impact Statement would surely provide condemning evidence of the horrible risks and disastrous consequences of building this project. Although the report rebuffs the exaggerated claims about new jobs and energy independence, I do not believe it adequately captures what is at risk. So although I feel grossly inadequate of the task, I believe it is now my responsibility to personally speak up. My stand is very simple. There is such little benefit for our country, our state and our community that there is absolutely no reason to risk the futures of thousands of landowners along the route and the hundreds of thousands that depend on the Ogallala Aquifer. Frankly, I have a hard time understanding the lunacy that seems to have come over those who support it! When you accept the fact that there are only 35 permanent jobs created and the majority of the temporary jobs are not going to be hired locally, how can this be a big boost to America’s unemployment problem? In South Dakota, less than 15% if the labor was hired locally, during the construction of Keystone I. And once this goo is refined, it isn’t going into American fuel tanks, and it isn’t going to drive down the cost of fuel (since the whole business plan is to get it out on the world market and get the best price). TransCanada’s own Business Plan tells us that the primary function is for export. To top it all off… it only provides minimal economic gain, in the form of property tax for approximately 15 years, to the local coffers. A sober person would expect this country to get reasonable compensation for every drop of this caustic crud that we allow to cross our land. Where is the pay-off for America? I have read that because the bitumen is not classified as “oil”, TransCanada will not have to pay into the fund sent up for oil spill clean-up. If this is true, then the Draft Supplemental Impact Statement should be corrected. It clearly states in the Purpose section that the

pipeline will be used, partially for transporting Bakken oil from Montana and North Dakota. Either they are piping oil or not, they shouldn’t be able to have it both ways! I suppose selling out to TransCanada, as I believe many of our politicians have done, might get you a nice influx of campaign funds or may even get you re-elected, if you happen to interested in those kinds of perks! There are some other things I don’t understand about this proposition. When did our great country get so flipped upside down that apparently it is acceptable for a foreign company… piping a hot pressurized mixture of a substance that can’t even be categorized as a petroleum product… that arrives at a refinery in a free trade zone… to be exported to the highest bidder… and they are going to forcibly take land away from the current owners through Eminent Doman! I thought somewhere embedded in this concept there was a condition of “for the public good”. Someone please help me out here! I’m confused how anyone… that is anyone who hasn’t gotten paid a bundle of money or perhaps anyone who is not concerned about us out here in the heartland… can think that this is an acceptable risk to our water supply. Pipes are going to leak. So it’s not a matter of if, it’s just a matter of when, where and how much. None of the environmental studies that I have read present a “worst case” or even a “moderate case” assessment of this stuff getting into our groundwater. And just to review, at a maximum capacity of 830,000 barrels a day, that equates to 34,860,000 gallons a day! Since the public cannot be trusted with the actual contents being piped, there is educated speculation that about 1.5% of the volume is Benzene. Would you visitors here today feel comfortable with 522,900 gallons a day of poison running through your back yard, with just a ½” of steel from India between it and your next glass of water? The environmental studies, including the Draft Supplemental Impact Statement, assume either a surface leak or an underground leak that will not reach the groundwater. It appears to me that the major concern and what should be evaluated the most is the areas where the pipe is actually IN the aquifer! There are areas along the proposed route where the water table is only 3 foot below the surface. And how can you tunnel under a river like the Platte to a max depth of 50 feet and not be actually in the ground water? I have yet to find a source with the magical procedure for how you go about cleaning up such a spill, other than you drill a bunch of additional wells and try to pump the contaminated water to the surface. I even read one article where a pipeline proponent suggested that the latest proposed route was advantages… since the existing center pivot irrigation systems could be used in the unfortunate event that any stray Benzene shows up the drinking water! All Risk and No Reward has become a popular battle cry for those of us that oppose this project. I stand with the people who believe this is the naked truth about Keystone XL. I

believe that these people have an agenda to protect our natural resources, our rights as land owners and truly represent what is in this country’s best interest. Ask yourself what agenda does TransCanada and their supporters have? In closing, I’d like to share what has motivated me to make this testimony here today. Many of my neighbors don’t seem to understand why I’m so upset. They say “you can’t fight big oil” and “it’s a done deal. All the politicians are already in the pockets of TransCanada”. To which I reply,” I have to make a stand. I must do what I can to stop this horrible mistake from ever happening. I need to protect what my forefathers built, here in plains of Nebraska. And should the unthinkable happen…and the pipeline does happen…then 20 years from now I will at least be able to sleep at night, knowing that I did what I could to stop it. So… to summarize…this pipeline must be stopped! Thank you for your time and this opportunity to present my case. Respectfully submitted, Brian Bedient

4/19/2013 8:25:59

Bob Wiley As the excellent folks of the Great Plains Tar Sands Resistance movement explain, "There are no safe ways to transport tar sands crud. Tar sands crud [bitumen] must be diluted from its asphalt like consistency to a thinner substance by a proprietary, undisclosed chemical cocktail as well as heated by stations every 40 miles to be moved through pipes. The nature of this diluted bitumen (dil-bit) is a caustic and corrosive material that will sooner or later leak. The Keystone 1 tar sands pipeline alone leaked 12 times in its first year of operation." Big Oil has declared that pipelines are the 'safest' way to transport petroleum products, including the tar sands crud. In reality they have a terrible safety record. Since 1990, over 110 million gallons of crude oil and petroleum products have spilled from pipelines across the United States alone. The Great Plains Tar Sands Resistance folks, along with the folks of the Tar Sands Blockade and others including Bold Nebraska are on the ground resisting Big Oil stateside for the same reason Canada's First Nations and environmental activists are fighting the Northern Gateway Project up here, to protect the water, land and wildlife that sustain us all. Tar sands extraction and pipelines like the Keystone XL and Enbridge’s New Tar Sands Frankenstein pipeline must be stopped. It's all the same fight, there is no American water, no Canadian air, we're all in this together

4/19/2013 8:44:57

Diane Rentschler

Dear State Dept., Please refuse to allow this pipeline. We know that this pipeline will leak and we do not know or have any real idea what the results will be. This is too risky to allow. Our water is far more precious than any oil we will not use or jobs that will soon be gone. This is not a good idea for any one. Please say no to this pipeline.

4/19/2013 8:44:57

Jennifer L. Frasier-Davison

We need to start At the hearing yesterday, the proponents for the pipeline claim they know they are capable of constructing a pipeline that will not leak. Just because they say it, it doesn't mean it is true. This will not bring long-term employment to Nebraskans. The sandhills cannot risk contamination to their lifeline, their fresh water.

4/19/2013 9:44:27

Ted Thieman Dear United States State Department & President Barrack Obama: Re: Keystone XL pipeline opposition testimony: This is to voice my strong opposition to granting a Presidential Permit to the proposed Keystone XL pipeline which would come out of Canada and go south to our Gulf of Mexico. Having attended your State Department public hearing yesterday, in Grand Island, Nebraska, I fully support the sentiment voiced by a large number of testifiers opposing the Keystone XL pipeline. Thank-you very much for the opportunity and all of the patient listening. The hearing went late into the night, so I am commenting via this message. Allowing a foreign corporation the use of eminent domain, here in our United States, to transport the dirtiest oil on earth, even before a permit is issued, is just plain wrong. In terms of global warming, it is simply unconscionable for our Country to facilitate such horrible pollution potential. We must take the lead to protect our water, air, and land, so that our planet can be livable for future generations and all forms of life. Life on Earth is depends on it. Mr. President Barrack Obama and Secretary of State, John Kerrey, please do the right thing by our grand kids and generations to come by denying a permit to the Keystone XL pipeline. Thank-you Ted Thieman

4/19/2013 10:15:00


Tell canada to send their oil to their west coast or ship it by rail.

4/19/2013 10:23:24


Why is Lee Terry doing so much for Canada when hasn't done a damn thing for Nebraska all his tine in Washington

4/19/2013 10:48:07

Jeanette Loscutoff

On April 18 (2013), I attended the State Department hearing in Grand Island, NE on the Keystone XL pipeline. I joined my voice to the many that braved the snowy, windy weather to stand up for what is right, and to ask the State Dept. and President Obama to *deny* a permit to Transcanada. I found it remarkable that the coalition of citizens against the pipeline was so diverse. I believe it is because all of us know that the pipeline is a bad idea, no matter which ideals we are standing for. There were different races & religions represented; there were rural (landowners), urban, & suburban people present; there were Republicans, Democrats, & Independents agreeing (when does that happen?!); there were different professions, from rancher to engineer, from farmer to meteorologist, from Native American chief to housewife, from energy rater to student; there young persons and grey hairs; there were liberals and conservatives; there were people from NE, IA, CO, AR, & TX... No matter who we are, we know logically and with our common sense that pumping tar sands goo, diluted with toxic chemicals, under high pressure, through a 1/2 inch thick pipe with a 36 inch diameter, over sensitive soils, riverways, and the huge Ogallala aquifer that so many depend on would be a very large mistake and tragedy. We know that our water is more precious than any hoped-for, unpromised benefit of this petroleum product (that wounds the land, water, and ecology where they are mining it, plus the people living near the mining site.) We know that now is the time to find alternative clean resources that help our Home and not hurt it. Thank you for hearing our voices and denying the permit. Respectfully, Jeanette Loscutoff

4/19/2013 12:55:18

Brent Christensen

To Whom It May Concern: If all ‘Olympic Oil’ wants to do is EXPORT their product to China, RE-DRAW that pipeline from the Bitumen Shale Beds either WEST or EAST until you hit a Water Shipping way and find it would only be HALF as long as due South!! Propose they build a 'Shorter' Canadian Pipeline across Canada to EXPORT this Canadian Tar Sand and you will find Canada WON'T want them to exploit these Tar Sands anymore!! They KNOW what they would be in for, However; they are fine with shipping it farther (with more inherent risks) across AMERICA'S

BREADBASKET, to the Gulf Tax Free Export Zone. So why should WE/USA take ALL the RISK for them to EXPORT their POISONOUS MESS to China over OUR IRREPLACEABLE FARMLAND and Private Properties? While at the same time this would be INCREASING our Midwestern Gas, Diesel and Heating Oil cost? (1.0 ~ ref at bottom of page) HOW does this ‘Olympic Oil’ and KXL pipeline HELP the US Economy, possibly 35 permanent jobs? Possibly they are counting the hundreds of TEMPORARY jobs, to be created after EACH SPILL Incident. The PIPE is coming from CHINA, the MACHINERY is coming from KOREA, and the stuff will be shipped to CHINA from a Tax Free Export Port! Again, how does this HELP the US Economy? Is AMERICA Self-sufficient for oil? If we still don't have enough for our own use, why would we be exporting oil to OTHER countries? WE SHOULD CONDONE NO MOVING OF ANY KIND OF FOREIGN OIL ACROSS THE USA, (with its inherent RISKS) IF IT IS NOT FOR THE SOLE USE of the USA!! When it SPILLS, and it will spill, HOW will you explain your selfish selves when it is too late?!? NOW is the time to nip this in the bud, before you go too far! (1.1 ~ ref at bottom of page) Last month, we saw a tar sands pipeline in Mayflower, Arkansas spill nearly 10,000 barrels of tar sands oil into a residential neighborhood. This spill is yet one more indication that we are not prepared to transport or clean up this dirtier, heavier, toxic form of oil. The Arkansas spill also highlighted numerous unanswered questions that must be addressed before we allow a tar sands pipeline nearly 10 times the size of the Pegasus line to bisect our country and run through one of our most important aquifers. Then this month, we have seen record-breaking temperatures in major cities across the United States -- just one more indication that we are experiencing the increasingly devastating impacts of climate change and need to alter our course immediately. It is impossible to fight climate change while simultaneously investing in the dirtiest, most carbon-intensive fossil fuels on the planet. Many of the administration's bold advances in clean energy and vehicle efficiency have been critical, but much of that progress -- and the credit that comes with it -- will be erased if we also develop the tar sands. Environmental momentum in Canada means that other new tar sands infrastructure is no longer a guarantee, so stopping Keystone XL will indeed be a big step against the tar sands. I demand climate leadership from this administration, and that has to begin with the rejection of

Keystone XL. Thank you for your Attention; Brent G. Christensen ~ a concerned American Parent, Grandparent, Citizen 1.0 ~ 1.1 ~

4/19/2013 13:24:17

phyllis cole-dai This is a test message. Please ignore or delete. Sorry for the inconvenience.

4/19/2013 14:14:32

Diane Barker I have submitted comments against this foolhardy, environmentally destructive Keystone XL pipeline and the tar sands extraction. The ironic thing is that people who make unwise decisions to allow such devastation must think that they won't have to deal with the fall out. These decision makers should ask themselves if they want to live near these toxic projects. Do they want to drink the water from a contaminated well? Do they want the land stripped of vegetation and poisoned with extraction chemicals. Whoever votes yes should be moved to the site.

4/19/2013 14:35:23

Deborah Kopecky

My name is Deborah Kopecky and I attended the State Department Hearing in Grand Island, NE yesterday. My husband, Kerry Kopecky, ended up being speaker #137, one of the last two speakers before the 8 PM break. He was originally 220 something, but one of the speakers had to leave early, so we all swapped #s. We traveled yesterday morning with our 6 week old daughter, Karley, on icy roads with white out conditions to attend this meeting. What a day...! This is the first meeting that I have attended in regards to the pipeline. I have heard things in the news and read emails, but have always let my husband speak out about this. I am a wife, a mother, a sister, a daughter, a grandchild, and a friend - so I feel it is my responsibility to speak my opinion on this issue. I AM against the Keystone XL Pipeline and WILL NOT let the pipeline or TransCanada destroy our world for future generations. My family and I are simple people. We are home bodies and enjoy our way of life in the country. We believe in the natural way and organic production. We raise most of our own meat and take pride in how we treat our animals and our land. We aren't celebrities or anyone famous and have never dreamed we would have to fight for a better life. Family is our number one priority and I am speaking out to protect mine.

I am proud of my Nebraska roots and don't see any other place to raise my family. We get a good glimse of all four seasons - spring, summer, fall, and winter, with some exception to the bizzare weather the last couple of years. Each year is different, but I have never enjoyed one season more than the other. As I was growing up, many fond memories were created with the changing seasons and it is awesome watching nature change with the seasons as well. I look forward to new memories with my family in the upcoming years to come. It is incredible how a child makes you feel. The love, the joy, and sometimes the heartbreak. After meeting my husband, I thought I knew what love felt like, until our first child, Dalton, was born. He was incredible and hearing that first cry was something I cherish. Every woman changes after she has children. They really are "GIFTS from GOD!" Maybe it is all of the adrenaline of childbirth or your body's "off the chart" hormone changes, but the love of a child is different than the love you share with your husband and spouse. There is nothing greater than this feeling and you will do anything to help or protect your children. The world is changing and there are many topics in the media now-a-days that are disturbing. From school bullying and suicide to mass shootings in shopping malls, schools, and movie theaters; the list goes on and on. What is wrong with our fellow neighbors and people who live on Earth? We are all in this together, just with different circumstances. Some of us may be rich or poor, live in North America or China, but we are all people and only have one life to live. What we do in our life is important for other generations to come. When I look at my three children; Dalton, Dallas, and Karley - I want better for them. I don't want them to have to clean up our mess. This pipeline will do more than just spill and leak. It will destroy the world and not only hurt us but also our children. When I was pregnant, all that my husband and I wanted was a healthy baby with ten fingers and ten toes. Why is it that after they are born, we sacrifice their health and well-being for money and greed? I do not want to harm my children with the long term effects an oil spill will cause. It would be like giving them a death sentence. They will already have to deal with a massive world deficit, so why would we also put this pipeline on their shoulders? We need to fight one battle at a time, and this is one that we can make a difference with right now. When we were growing up, what do we all remember? The good ole days - RIGHT? No worries, no cares!!! Playing in the mud, water fights, raking leaves, and making snow angels. Would our children want this pipeline or are there other factors behind this decision? We need

to do what is right here and think about what really matters in life. Many of us have raised children and taught them about wrong and right, naughty and nice, and bad and good. Why is it so hard for us to do what is right when we get older? We stray from what we have been taught. Let's go back to those "GOOD OLE DAYS" and say "NO!" to the Keystone XL pipeline!!! Thank-you! Respectfully Submitted by Deborah Kopecky - 04/19/2013

4/19/2013 15:16:05

Kathleen McKinney

I am VERY opposed to the Keystone Pipeline. This is a potential disaster for Nebraskans and others in the Midwest as well as the environment.

4/19/2013 15:19:29

Julie As a registered Republican, I'm all for energy independence for this wonderful nation we live in. Utilizing oil - our own resources from within is WISE. Piping tar sands across our country (esp) for the benefit of other nations is UNWISE. Tar sands is not oil. It does not flow through a pipeline like oil. It is in a catagory other than oil and therefore, does not pay a tax to help clean up a possible spill in the future. The U.S. should not have to pick up the tab. Please visit one of the several tar sands spill sites and see for yourselves. Granting lifetime easements to a foreign company across our family farms is absurd. Since the claims are that there is little risk - why cut across our country? Let KXL pipe it across Canada westward to the Pacific coast. WATER: humans & livestock cannot ingest contaminated water. Crops cannot be irrigated with contaminated water nor can they grow in contaminated soil. WATER we cannot live without! Tar sands we can live without. I understand that politicians, from the President on down, are being pressed intensely by lobbyists representing "big money & big power." I urge you to stand strong and pursue energy independence for US - the United States of America. I realize we have a lot of debt with China, but please do not let them bully you in your decisions. Visualize a map of the United States. Then visualize a vertical line down the middle of our nation - cutting it in half. Let us not be so FOOLISH to think we can maintain control with a powerful foreign presence embedded in our very heartland! JOBS: I'm all for creating jobs in this nation. Please review the recent revised estimates by the EIS: 2000 temporary jobs and 35 permanant jobs is what will remain. The COST is not worth the RISKs that we will suffer on several fronts. Please walk in wisdom and display courage on this matter. Thank you. Julie

4/19/2013 15:21:58

Dr. Kurt D. Vollers

Dear Committee, I am oposed to putting the Keystone XL pipeline through Central Nebraska where it is over the Ogallala Aquifer. I reside in - County. My reasons are as follows: 1. The pipe will leak. It is just a question as to how much. Even several small continuous leaks over time could have major health consequences. It is my understanding that the pipe can leak 2% without being detected. 2. We have had several terrorist attacks in recent years. It would be nearly impossible to prevent an attack on the pipeline. Such an attack would have a catastrophic effect to the aquifer and effect millions of people. As you know the aquifer is located under eight states. My suggestion is to move the pipeline far enough to the east to insure that none of its contents could contaminate the aquifer. We have a high volume of cancer and disease in Central Nebraska due to our water having higher levels of nitrates, pesticides and chemicals. The reason we have a higher incendence of these health issues is due to our high water table and the sandy soils that allows these chemicals to leach into our underground water. Farming practices have changed in order to try and correct this issue. Please do not put millions of lives in jeopardy by putting the pipeline over the aquifer. I do not understand the logic of allowing our country to be placed at such high risk because of the expense that Trans Canda would have in moving the pipeline to the east and off the aquifer. Dr. Kurt D Vollers Rachel Vollers Rachelle Vollers 23 yrs Karl Vollers 20 yrs Sarah Vollers 17 yrs

4/19/2013 15:50:58

Pamela Moreno I'm an American citizen living in . I grew up on a farm during the 50's in the small community of Tampa; about 110 miles north of my Winfield home. I attended the State Dept. Public Hearing on Thurs., 4/18 and was very impressed with the citizens of NE and their passion for their ranching/farming lives in the state. I stand with Randy Thompson and all the landowners, business owners and citizens of NE and the U.S. that are opposed to the Keystone XL Pipeline. I share their passion and displeasure that we are even having this conversation. No foreign corporation should be allowed to come to this United States and try to "push their weight around". There should be no eminent domain for a risky pipeline such as KXL. Ground water cannot be cleaned once it is spoiled with heavy tarsands mixed with a variety of toxic chemicals. Taking a person's land for greed is not acceptable. I expect this application by TransCanada for the KXL pipeline to be REJECTED by President Obama and the U.S. State Department.

4/19/2013 16:49:42

Tom Macdonald Send the right message - to us and to the world: T The health of the planet will not be sacrificed to the interest of the status quo. Say NO to the pipeline so you can say YES to alternatives.

4/20/2013 6:05:07

Don Gallagher Hello, I am opposed to TransCanada's use of our land to transport their sludge. Regards, Don Gallagher

4/20/2013 7:58:07

Liberty Mather Dear Secretary Kerry, I am writing to ask you to advise President Obama to reject the Keystone XL Pipeline. All across our great Nation there has been tremendous outcry in opposition to this project. I know there are thousands upon thousands of letters that will tell you the statistics about the toxicity of the bitumen that is intended to flow through this pipeline. I’m not going to do that. I want to tell you about the fate my son will be sentenced to should KXL be approved. My son, Alec is 2 ½ years old. I want you to look into his beautiful blue eyes and tell him that his right to clean drinking water, clean air, and clean soil is less important that corporate financial gain. I want you to tell Alec that the risk of danger to his well-being is acceptable to you and this Administration. I want you to tell Alec that it’s acceptable for some people to be exposed to toxic, carcinogenic substances while TransCanada and their stockholders increase their profits. Tell him that he has less value as an American citizen because he had the unfortunate fate of being a resident of Nebraska. I want you to tell my son that the Ogallala Aquifer will be contaminated beyond repair and his source of drinking water will no longer safe. Tell Alec that the desires of TransCanada and their stockholders are more important

than his right to clean water. Tell the people of Mayflower, Arkansas and Kalamazoo, Michigan that the devastation they have experienced is acceptable. Tell them that their rights are less important than the financial gain of a foreign corporation. By approving this pipeline you will be sending the message that it is acceptable for my son to drink contaminated water, breathe contaminated air and play in contaminated soil – all of which will cause cancer to manifest in his body and eventually kill him. Tell him he is less important than TransCanada. I cannot comprehend why the risks to our natural resources is not being considered as the number one deciding factor. Why is the risk to my son’s future not being considered? The tar sands oil cannot be cleaned up and the contamination will not remain in one place – it will spread like wildfire through the aquifer, the soil and the air. If this pipeline is approved this will most certainly happen. I want you to look into the eyes of your children and grandchildren and tell them that my son’s right to a clean world is not important. Tell your family that the financial gain of a foreign corporation is more important than the livelihood of the Heartland of America. By approving the Keystone XL Pipeline that is the message you will be sending. I urge you to reject the Keystone XL Pipeline and leave a legacy of hope for our nation. Most sincerely, Liberty Mather

4/20/2013 8:11:45

Megan Jelken For centuries governments have been taking peoples' land from them and destroying it. I do not want my water destroyed by a foreign government and my government allowing them to do so. I want my children and future grand kids to grow up worrying where they will get clean water or how to water their crops. PLEASE STOP THE CANADIAN BULLIES FROM DESTROYING OUR LAND!

4/20/2013 8:13:50

Craig C. Gamble

Do not allow this pipeline to be built!! If you do, you will be helping to destroy America and the world!!!

4/20/2013 8:15:17

Vesta Schindler Canada will develop and market their oil reserves regardless of what we do about Keystone XL. Americans have waited nearly five years; this oil will not grow our economy, provide jobs for our workers or power our businesses and homes. After all the delays, it is time to act. SAY NO!!!!

4/20/2013 8:16:21

DiAnne Mcnutt I am strongly opposed to the Keystone pipeline going over the Ogalala aquifer. I don't believe it is safe and we need to protect our greatest resource--our ground water. Please to not let them send their dirty tar sands though our state so that they can easily ship it to China. Nebraska would not benefit from jobs being created. It is a no win for Nebraska.

4/20/2013 8:18:12

jeff johnson please do not allow this pipeline to go through. I beleive there will be no solution if there was a leak. It will leak eventually and will not be worth the devistation it causes, this is not fair to any Nebraska children. You want to see another civil war I dare you to grant the permit.

4/20/2013 8:18:51

Heidi STOP! Do not ruin any part of NEBRASKA with the Keystone. It is not needed in any state, put a end to it now. NO KEYSTONE FOR NEBRASKA!!

4/20/2013 8:22:07

Randall Smith The Keystone XL pipeline must not be built. It is not the answer to the energy demands of the United States or any other part of the world that would receive the contents of the pipeline. The money and resources being used for this project would be much better spent on developing sources of clean energy generation and distribution resulting in a more sustainable solution.

4/20/2013 8:24:36

Debora G Vogt I am a land owner not far from the proposed route to go through Nebraska. I am from I am a proud Mother and also a Proud Grandmother. I manage a 400 cow dairy just

across the state line. Water is a very very important part of this dairy and also of my life. I do not understand how the State of Nebraska could even consider letting a foreign company come into our state and take our land from us and shove this pipeline up our noses whether we want it or not. We as people of this State have rights but as you have shown think our land is your land...You should stand beside the land owner and honor our wishes instead of taking money from Trans Canada and thinking this is going to be such a great deal for Nebraska. The dairy that I manage has been having a terrible time finding help...We are short staffed and you think this pipeline is going to make so many people jobs...well I know for a fact that there are jobs out there and there are not people to fill these jobs just because they would rather live off of the state on welfare and not take a job at all. You have bigger things to solve than this stupid pipeline...It should not be an issue at all. Just say NO. Our lives depend on this water for us, our children, our grand children, without water we have NOTHING. My husband and I also have a ranch of our own we have cattle and also have sheep....I love my life and out land but without water we have nothing. When this pipeline leaks not if , the bankers in our community have stated that our land would be worth nothing and that they would have to rethink how they loan money to farmers and ranchers in the future that this pipeline any where near them. Your state will really suffer when all of these people will no longer be able to raise food for the rest of the world because of something that you think is so great and we do NOT. Please re think this whole thing and quit thinking about the money TC offers all of you and think about the people who will still be here after this damn pipeline leaks...think about this EVERY time that you take a drink a glass of water , eat beef raised in Nebraska or any other thing that you put in your mouth to continue to live. Remember WATER is the main thing of everything that you consume. Without water we have NOTHING. So please do the right thing and JUST SAY NO to this pipeline. Thank you DEBORA G VOGT

4/20/2013 8:25:48

Valorie Please consider Mother Earth and please respect and take care of her, just as you would your own Mother...

4/20/2013 8:37:14

Leigh Taylor Please reconsider the placement of the Keystone XL pipeline through our precious drinking water supply. Our health and safety, and the future of our children is in your hands. Please put their lives over corporate money and a few temporary jobs.

4/20/2013 8:45:17

Tonja Peterson-Wendt

To our elected professionals, Please say NO to all oil pipelines that are asking to cross the Sandhills or our natural aquifers. Our national treasures need and deserve your protection! Stand up for the future generations of our great nation by protecting our national treasures. Sincerely, Tonja

4/20/2013 8:49:15

Hattie Stone This proposed pipeline has not real benefit for anyone. It serves big oil so that they can sell to China and other countries. In Nebraska . as in other parts of the world, once the oil companies drill, the people of the land are left with poor water and no way to exist. I see no purpose to this or to the horrible destruction of the arborial forest of Canada and other parts of the world. What about global warming???!!!

4/20/2013 8:56:18

Lois Todd-Meyer

It is now up to the State Department to decide whether constructing the Keystone Pipeline is in our nation's best interest. A key element of this decision is that officials now need to identify who is 'our nation'. Is it the people who live, work and breathe in the area that will be impacted by the construction of this pipeline? People who have to face the very real possibility of living with and quite likely paying for the results of a devastating leak? Or is 'our nation' foreign and domestic corporations who will reap huge financial profits? We had an excellent example recently of our Congress sweeping aside the concerns and wishes of 80%+ of the American people and instead paying fealty to the NRA and the corporations it represents. My sincere hope is that the State Department and the Obama administration will take a decisive stand with the people of this country who recognize that there is a better way to provide energy. The possibility for excellent, well-paying jobs is far greater as we explore renewable energy sources. Do not risk the water we depend on, do not risk pushing us further into the abyss of devastating climate impact. Do not sweep away the concerns of the people in order for corporations to tighten their grip of economic power over the American people. Do not approve the Keystone XL Pipeline. Thank you.

4/20/2013 9:00:31

Michelle Toogood

Please do not allow the Keystone XL pipeline to be built through Nebraska. Our Ogallala aquifer is essential to our lives and lifestyle. It is too precious to risk. While the company promises it is safe, there have been multiple spills elsewhere, too many to risk having a pipeline here. I also believe it creates a soft target for terrorists. There will be so many miles of unguarded pipeline it would be too easy for a terrorist to set off a bomb on the pipeline and destroy the Ogallala aquifer by dumping the tar sands into it. Letting them build the pipeline is just painting a target on our state for those who want to destroy our food supply and way of life. Please defend the good life here in Nebraska by refusing to allow the XL pipeline to be built here.

4/20/2013 9:00:49

Ryan Mcclure As a citizen of Nebraska, I am completely against the Keystone XL pipeline. First, it is foreign oil that will be placed on the world market (not even a guarantee for domestic use). Second, the tarsands are one of the worst environmental disasters ever. Refinement of this oil is detrimental to the health of the world and the source site in Alberta is a complete disaster that may never recover. Third, we need to work on converting to renewable energy completely. Blocking this from the world market will increase the cost and thus begin the process of looking for alternative sources of energy that are renewable. The taxes must also be increased on oil and gas in an effort to help pay for the negative externalities associated with their usage. These small steps must be used to artificially inflate the costs so that alternative sources of energy may become the norm. It should be noted that normally inflating costs would be a bad thing (from an economic perspective), however this inflation would be used to simply expose the true cost of using fossil fuels today. It would also be used to expose the current subsidized system we use to propagate further consumption of these fossil fuels.

4/20/2013 9:01:55

James Crews As a proud resident of Nebraska and a conservative Democrat, I can say that I am not alone in opposing the Keystone XL Pipeline. The few jobs it will temporarily generate (and the profits for a Canadian company) are not worth the risk to our fragile environment. My friends and I all say: No pipeline!

4/20/2013 9:02:23

Carolyn Hall Just say NO to the Keystone XL pipeline project.

4/20/2013 9:03:53

Frederick Rickers

We cannot risk the damage to our environment that the Keystone XL pipeline brings. The jobs created will be mostly temporary jobs that will not help the economy in the long run. The potential damage to the environment holds the prospect of long term damage to our economy, far in excess of any temporary gain from job creation. REJECT THE KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE to protect out country.

4/20/2013 9:04:13

Jody Lee No to global climate change and the excessive power of oil companies. Look at the Arkansas pipeline break! The company bought the police, the news media, and ordinary citizens are powerless as their homes and perhaps health is wrecked. No to the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/20/2013 9:04:43

Gail Herbst Please do not trust a foreign oil company with our water!!!!!!!!!

4/20/2013 9:04:44

Dede McFayden-Donahue

Please hear our voices and concerns about the Keystone XL.

4/20/2013 9:04:47

John Cadogan KXL pipeline is intended to export dirty Canadian tar sands to the world. The US is merely a pass through --- where is the national interest and where is the US dedication to reduce carbon emissions?

4/20/2013 9:05:37

Carla Weakly This pipeline is not in the best interests of anyone here in the US. Please do not approve this, may lives are at stake. Please do not make a mistake that we can't take back.

4/20/2013 9:07:19

Kathy O'Keefe I urge Secretary Kerry and the State Department to make the decision which is best for the common good: NO to the Keystone XL Pipeline. It is a horrible environmental decision in so many ways - to the Boreal Forests of Canada, to the Oglala Aquifer in Nebraska, for our increased dependence on fossil fuels and exacerbating climate change.... The argument that some would make that it is economically advantageous is really not true for the long term - the jobs are temporary and oil (which is incredibly "dirty") is for export anyway. A decision to allow this pipeline is a decision to jeopardize the future our children and grandchildren will experience. I urge you to do the right thing - NO to the Keystone XL Pipeline!

4/20/2013 9:08:17


The USA won't have a financial bonanza stemming from the Keystone XL pipeline as only few temporary jobs will be available to Americans. Indeed, the environmental and financial cost of leaking pipes would result in a terrible burden, as well as the further endangerment of the Gulf of Mexico. If Trans Canada wants to sell oil to China, it should do so through Canadian lands, if their citizens so desire.

4/20/2013 9:08:21

Kimberly Fretz I would like to leave the place I live a little better than I found it... This would set us back to the Industrial Age. There is a reason you don't see coal powered factories belching toxic clouds into the skys... (oh, wait... yeah, we still do). AND we get to see small, quiet neighborhoods drowned in tar sands oil. What a lovely combination.

4/20/2013 9:08:33

Rob Short I just read that the carbon output from the Keystone XL pipeline will generate more than all the cars in California and four other states! That's OUTRAGEOUS! If allowed, the pipeline will literally kill our planet with it's carbon and other toxic releases. For us, our children, and all future generations you must SAY NO! Our survival literally hinges on this one decision. Don't be responsible for killing us and our planet!

4/20/2013 9:09:44

Gerise Herndon Please consider the legacy of our environment and our children; the supposed economic gains will mostly go to other countries, not the U.S. Please think long-term and not short-term.

4/20/2013 9:10:53

Michael & Kathi Bishop

This is a private, foreign corporation bringing a toxic material classified by the U.S. government as a hazardous substance. This material is NOT crude oil by any statutory definition and this firm has a history of leaks. Similar leaks have been devastating to the areas in which they have occurred. There are environmental concerns, safety and health concerns. Deny this pipeline and be consistent with President Obama's agenda and previous statements.

4/20/2013 9:12:02

Johnna The audacity of big oil to wreak whatever economic, environmental, and property damage it likes to make a few dollars is staggering. Please protect the rights of your voters to enjoy their land in safety!

4/20/2013 9:12:49

Carolyn Lilly The results of this pipeline is BAD for America, and the planet. It results in much to many DIRTY elements which will speed global climate change. NO, no, no.

4/20/2013 9:13:36

amy cyphers I implore you to stop the pipeline in its tracks and make this a grand first step in America's pursuit of renewable energy sources. Just say NO to Keystone XL!

4/20/2013 9:13:56

Robin Keithley Count me among the Nebraskans in the strongly opposed camp.

4/20/2013 9:13:56

Alan West Please DO NOT allow construction of the Keystone XL pipeline through Nebraska. If Canada wants its sand tar shipped by pipe let them do it in their own country. My land and my water are worth too much to be placed at risk.

4/20/2013 9:15:05

Ron Cady I urge you to reject the XL pipeline. The risk to our environment is too great and our country needs to focus of other alternatives and efficiencies.

4/20/2013 9:16:44

Dorie Reed As a Nebraskan, I stand with other Nebraskans against the proposed Keystone pipeline route. The proposed route goes across a portion of the Ogallala Aquifer which supplies the drinking water for thousands of people in five states. Water is one of the most precious resources of this nation and keeping it safe needs to be a national priority

4/20/2013 9:18:09

Ruth Gillan Keep this pipeline away from most of the nation's croplands. A chance of contamination is so great, Too many times of leaks!!!!! You know it, you see it, and you hear it!!! A great many jobs & generations of ongoing agriculture jobs could be destroyed. The future of many generations of U.S. citizens and their livelihoods is at stake, Don't let it happen.

4/20/2013 9:18:11

Jeanine Kemper The Keystone XL pipeline is an ill-conceived project, not only because of the ecological implications of producing oil from tar sands, but also because the proposed pipeline route still crosses a portion of the Ogllalla aquifer, one of the largest fresh water aquifers of its type in the world. The threat of land condemnation against land owners in the U.S. for the pipeline route by a foreign owned corporation is a reprehensible action, if allowed. Vote no on the pipeline!!

4/20/2013 9:18:37

Ann It is tragic that the American people are being mislead by multi-national corporations who are spending millions advertising lies and lobbying Congress (or should I say 'buying' Congress). The nation, this world, MUST give up fossil fuels and redouble efforts to go on line with sustainable energy sources. We have the technical know-how already. What we don't have is the truth and the political will. Our pipelines could be converted to carry water from flood areas to drought zones. This could be a mission more important and with longer range implications than putting a man on the moon. Think about it And put a stop to the disastrous, dangerous Keystone XL.

4/20/2013 9:18:48

Lori Lawrence As a resident on Kansas where this pipeline has already been approved by our foolish Governor without the public's knowledge, a supporter of my land and water and a citizen concerned for the welcare of my children, I ask you to put a stop to the Keystone XL pipeline. Our water is not an infinite resource and we must not risk contaminating it. This pipeline will ruin billions of gallons of water that cannot be replaced. Please stop the Keystone XL and Canada from damaging our land.

4/20/2013 9:18:48

Nanette Day Twenty years ago I wouldn't have thought twice about digging up the Nebraska Sandhills for any reason, mostly because all I wanted to do was get out of this place and see the world. And for the last twenty years, I have tried to explain what makes Nebraska Nebraska -- beyond the corn and the cows and the football. People I know who have driven through Nebraska often comment along the lines of "ugh it's so long and flat!" Sometimes I correct them; often I do not, because -- yes, I admit it -- I don't always want to share the beauty with others. It is a beauty that can't be found anywhere else in the known universe. There are days when watching a red fox trotting through a field of prairie grasses, seeing a line of cottonwoods creating a canopy over a pencil-thin creek, smelling the rich earthy aroma of freshly turned farmland, or hearing the echoes of thousands of geese flying overhead will literally bring me to my knees with their beauty -- a beauty so intense that it is almost painful to embrace too much of at one time. It may not be the aesthetic beauty of classic art, but it is a beauty that connects the very core of my being to this great Earth and everything it gives us to ensure that we survive. So, yes, when a foreign entity threatens to eviscerate this beauty from the inside out -- even if it claims to only harm a tiny fraction or run a minuscule risk of harm -- I feel a responsibility to Nebraska and all of the areas with hidden beauty and charm. It is my job to stand up and say no -- no thank you, but we do not need to rape our unique sandhills so that you can transport sludge to China and Russia; we do not need to run the risk of poisoning our aquifer so that middle classes in other countries -- people whose personal wealth is quickly surpassing that of the American middle class -- can have access to cheap oil from Canada; we do not have the right to ask ranchers, family farmers, and struggling communities to live in constant fear of "what ifs" so that oil companies can benefit. For me, this is not a political issue or an economics issue. It is a stewardship issue. This is a part of our country -- our world -- that is breathtakingly beautiful and an area that only a select few are ever able to see, experience, and appreciate. Twenty years ago I couldn't appreciate it. Today I can't go a single day without being awestruck by it.

4/20/2013 9:20:10

Scott Kemper If the powers that be decide to build this pipeline and things go wrong, who will pay to clean up? Everything I've seen or heard indicates TransCanada does everything it can to divert responsibility. I don't want the pipeline, but if it goes ahead, TransCanada should not be allowed to escape responsibility. Spills should be cleaned and the land and water should be restored to their pre-spill and and pre-pipeline condition. To show good faith, all existing spills should be cleaned and restored before a new pipeline is built. People say more spills happen with trains and trucks, but pipeline spills are bigger. Trucks can only spill a truckload. Spills from pipes can keep going, and going, and going. Please don't run the nastiest, dirtiest oil on the planet through the U.S.

4/20/2013 9:20:44

Janet L. Brown Please save the Aquifer. Say NO to Keystone!

4/20/2013 9:20:55

Andrea Kuhn The proposed route of the Keystone Pipeline DOES NOT AVOID THE OGALLALLA AQUIFER. My family's farm is located in - County Nebraska and sits directly over the aguifer. The families living on the farm and in the towns surrounding it depend entirely on water from the Ogallalla aquifer for themselves and for watering the farm crops. The pipeline route crosses - county only a few miles from my farm and runs directly over the aquifer. At the very least move the damn thing completely off the the aquifer. Thank you, Andrea Kuhn

4/20/2013 9:21:41

Cynthia Fleener I am asking you as a citizen of Nebraska and the United States to not approve the Keystone XL pipeline. The future of our planet is in peril and if this is approved, it will be one more step in the wrong direction. Our children, grandchildren and all that will follow will be greatly effected if this pipeline is approved, and it won't be good. Please vote against it. Thank you. Sincerely, Cynthia Fleener

4/20/2013 9:21:48

Jo Buechler Please consider our future...our children's lives...and the future of earth before making the decision on this pipeline. Pipelines...will have a leak...someday--and THAT IS FACT--not a speculation. After researching the substances involved, this could devastate our land. The oil sludge is the best thing that could leak, the solvents that is added to help push it down the line is the worst!! Our future food production/cattle ranching/and living here will be compromised. PLEASE DO NOT COMPROMISE MY GRANDCHILDRENS FUTURE ON YOUR WALLETS TODAY! This is just about money...and it is BIG OIL money...don't be a whore to these companies! STOP THIS DISASTER BEFORE IT STARTS! It is horrible that our country focuses on money more than our lives!

4/20/2013 9:22:03

Steve Nicolaides

One thing: Kalamazoo Tar sands spill. How can we even be talking about risking the Ogallala Aquifer? Stand up to the oil bullies. They are dinosaurs like the old guard Republican Party. Take a stand for the future, not the past. Protect the aquifer, don't roll the dice against it.

4/20/2013 9:22:32

Jeanne schaaf Bold and courageous leadership will move the USA forward; money does not "make the world go around"; money is simply 'mother's milk' for politicians who prefer to follow, versus lead!!

4/20/2013 9:25:37

Kimberly Hansen

The pipeline has more cons than it does pros. It is gambling with our land, our water and or children's rights to clean water and land. It is only a temporary joblessness fix and all for oil that doesn't even come to us. Allowing the pipeline would be a huge mistake. Please, please consider the mess there would be should it leak. They always do, deep down inside you know this to be true. Say no to the pipeline. Our environmental future depends upon it. Thank you for your time and your consideration of a very, very concerned Nebraskan. Sincerely, Kimberly R Hansen

4/20/2013 9:26:28

Janet Carkeek Please protect the Ogallala Aquifer. Thank you.

4/20/2013 9:27:24

Sheri Thompson Please consider carefully the impact to our environment from the production of tar sands oil and the risks to our property from a high pressure pipeline of this size. We treasure our land and the people who live on it and are not willing to take these risks any longer. This is an all risk and no reward project for US citizens. Please reject the permit for the Keystone pipeline.

4/20/2013 9:29:09

Darin Jensen The Keystone Pipeline is a terrible idea. Tar sands oil is a worse pollutant, the benefit of the oil won't make the US more energy independent, and you are endangering Nebraska's environment and the aquifer. Please don't believe the oil industry; the evidence from the gulf of Mexico disaster, the Yellowstone rive spill in 2011, and the most recent spill in Arkansas, demonstrate that the industry has a poor safety record that has terrible long-term consequences. Please listen to the people of Nebraska, rather than special interests. Thank you, Darin Jensen

4/20/2013 9:31:05

Jodene Glaesemann

Pipelines break. The very short term gain of employment for a few is not worth submitting to the bullying tactics of Keystone XL and risk our soil, water, animals, health, and livelihood. Please deny the pipeline and look to other energy sources such as solar and wind. Don't let the Heartland become a transport wasteland so Canada can make money off their Tar Sands pollutants. Thank you.

4/20/2013 9:31:42

Bill Crandell Come on, Mister Secretary! Act like the John Kerry we used to know - in a group known as Vietnam Veterans Against The War. Stop the pipeline.

4/20/2013 9:32:14

Claudia Please consider alternatives to the Keystone Pipeline going through Nebraska. The coalition of big oil (subsidized by our tax dollars) and the Koch brothers and their friends won't be around when the pipeline leaks. This type of heavy oil, under pressure is a disaster waiting to happen.

4/20/2013 9:32:29

sharon swett All of these pipeline disasters are a vivid signal that this pipeline should NOT BE APPROVED. What kind of sense does it make to lay a oil pipeline through an environment that in some places has water just a few inches below the surface. How much more damage to the environment should we do to fill the pockets of the Koch Bros. and a foreign oil co. such as TransCanada? I have always been a union supporter, but I leave any union who supports a project such as this and then builds the pipeline with foreign steel. NO PIPELINE IN THE NEBRASKA SANDHILLS OR OVER OUR AQUIFER.

4/20/2013 9:32:35

Virginia Fahnestock

I do not understand how you could possibly even consider appproving this pipeline when TransCanada is using 2 different chemicals to "push" the tar sands through the pipeline. TransCanada will NOT disclose what chemical is being used. Please look at what happened in the Kalamazoo River when tar sands oil leaked in pipelines. That water is no longer drinkable. If that is not enough, look at Mayflower Arkansas. The before and after pictures make me physically sick to my stomach. The Ogallala Aquifir provides drinking water to multiple states besides Nebraska and is instrumental in farming and ranching. One leak like Kalamazoo Michigan or Mayflower Arkansas would leave the State of Nebraska with basically no Agriculture, no ranching, no drinking water and an income basically screwed. This oil will be sent abroad and the jobs provided are nothing what TransCanada is touting. Please, please think about the long term effects and DENY this most dangerous product. Thank you for listening. Sincerely, Virginia Fahnestock A Concerned Husker and Earth Lover

4/20/2013 9:35:32

Sarah Frisch Because of human-caused climate change we're passing out of the geological epoch where the planet can sustain widespread human civilization. The Keystone Pipeline will be a disaster for human life on Earth. Please stop the pipeline!

4/20/2013 9:37:52

Danny Ladely The pipeline is bad for Nebraska. It must be stopped. Please do not approve it. Thanks.

4/20/2013 9:39:00

Mike Darbro It's wrong on so many levels.

4/20/2013 9:39:01

Gerald W Allen Water is becoming the most precious commodity on earth (and beyond). We can live without oil and know that there are alternatives for most of what we use if for. There are no alternatives for water, which is directly critical for our survival and for growing the food we need. The Keystone XL project without a doubt threatens the most valuable fresh water supply in the central part of the United States. The overall tar sands activities - from extracting it from the ground, processing for transportation, transporting, and refining - threatens the air, land, water and in the end, the food the world needs. I'm sorry, Secretary Kerry, but this whole project (from ground to gas) is wrong! I know you cannot control what Canada does but the U.S. does not have to participate in this ultimate environmental nightmare. Without a doubt, in the end the project will do great harm to the High Plains Aquifer in Nebraska and contaminate our most precious resource.

4/20/2013 9:42:03


NOT in our land, NOT in OUR water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4/20/2013 9:45:37

LaRue Wunderlich

It is much more important to protect water, particularly in Nebraska. It is our coal, oil, ocean, mountains, beach and playground. It sustains our state like no other resource. It is more valuable than any other resource to our state and its citizens. It should not be sacrificed to another country or corporation, foreign or domestic. It should be protected above other resources because it cannot be replaced, replicated or reproduced. Human, animal life can not exist without it, even armies can not act without it. The United States can survive and prosper without Keystone XL pipeline.

4/20/2013 9:47:51

Raymond Moller As a Nebraska land owner, I find it appalling that you would consider allowing a foreign, private company to use eminent domain on land owners for a tar sands pipeline that is meant for export purposes. I was told this 2 yrs. ago by one of Trans Canada’s land agents that the oil would be sold on the world markets. I also DO NOT want this pipeline going thru the Nebraska Ogallala Aquifer! The surface depth to ground water in our area is only 3-5’ and thus putting a 3’ diameter pipeline with 4’ of cover will immerse the pipeline within the aquifer. Their best leak detection methods would allow “seeps” of 500,000 gallons per day go undetected, using their own figures!!! This is unacceptable! This would be like injecting tar sands oil into our drinking water with a giant hypodermic needle! Would you allow them to insert the pipeline into the City of Lincoln or Omaha’s water mains? I don’t think so. Why are the rural citizens less important? Their strong arm tactics to get easements signed are appalling! My family has dealt with this for over 2 years. THIS PIPELINE NEEDS TO BE STOPPED!!!!

4/20/2013 9:47:57

Jeff Due My business is the safe and prudent use, protection, and care for our states underground water used in agriculture irrigation. This water flows underground, it is not static and moves. Many areas where in this proposed route cross places where this aquifer rises very high, in many cases to near ground level or even above. Any contamination of this unique source of the worlds largest supply of the cleanest underground water is capable of moving long distances, threatening large population bases, and a large swath of the Ogallala aquifer used to produce the nations biggest Because Diluted Bitumen is technically called crude oil is no excuse to exempt it from the regulations regarding the amount of Benzene in crude oil, gasoline and diesel fuel. Diluted bitumen sinks in water. It's loaded with Benzene. Benzene leaches readily from oil (diluted bitumen in this case) when exposed to water. If this pipeline were to have a spill the size of the one in Arkansas or the Kalamazoo River, there is absolutely no way to clean it up once the benzene leaches into the water supply, none. I cannot imagine the devastating affect this would have not just on our states economy, but my business, my customers health, my own safety and that of my employees. I simply cannot, in good conscience, support something that not only threatens my livelihood and that of my customers, but also would mean higher fuel prices for me to do business, increase my expenses due to working with and in possibly contaminated water, and would pollute, for all time, water that now is one of the last remaining sources of water so clean we can drink it straight from the ground with no treatment. If a spill occurred and the water supply were contaminated for any small town in it's path, it would be devastating. No town can cover the cost of treatment facilities to remove the contamination. It would seal their fate and effectively kill the town off, and all the local businesses and support industries serving the areas agriculture and livestock base. Many opposed to this will not comment for fear of retaliation from big business, so they will stay silent and hope. Realize that due to this, the number opposed to this is much larger than presented here and in polls. But they do vote, and they are educated.

4/20/2013 9:48:12

Sandra S. Slaymaker

Say No to TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline. It is bad for Nebraska's water, soil, farm and ranch families, the climate and everyone's children. The temporary economic impact is far outweighed by the negative environmental impact. It is wrong to allow a foreign country to take our land by the use of eminent domain. It is wrong to allow this country access to the land's of Indigenous Nations. It is wrong to perpetuate the possibility of pollution. Please hear my words as I say NO KXL pipeline.

4/20/2013 9:51:08

Mari Putnam Osborne

I have lived in - County, Nebraska my entire life. I feel that the decision about the pipeline should be made by those who it will directly affect--not by politicians who live hundreds of miles from here. I will be directly affected when this pipeline leaks. My family will be directly affected, my community, my livelihood, and the wildlife and vegetation that make - County what it is. A pipeline leak will KILL - County, and any area that the Ogallala Aquifer serves. There is not ONE thing about it that is positive, or good, or beneficial in any way you look at it. So let the people who will be affected by it make the decision--WE SAY NO!!!!

4/20/2013 9:52:33


I spent 20 years of my life in the military defending this great country and now the fighting continues for our rights to our land , livelihood, welfare of our families even to a right to have safe drinking water. What in the world are we doing when we allow a foreign country to bully their way into our country and run a pipeline carrying caustic materials that when a spill occurs it will sterilize our soil and contaminate out water for many years to come? We will receive no gasoline, very few jobs will be created and we will be left with the clean up costs as they arise. Now that the doors are open what other country will be next? North Korea, China, Iran? All of these risks we are be told to bear so a foreign government can make billions of dollars. This is not right, this is not the American way and we shall fight it to the very end.

4/20/2013 9:53:46

Greg Wees As a Nebraskan who cares about the environment and future generations, I want to add my voice to the hundreds of thousands who object to the Kxl pipeline. For all the reasons you already know, this project should be scrapped. Don't give in to pressure from foreign corporations and nearsighted politicians like our own rep. Lee Terry. Do the right thing for the citizens. You will be glad you did someday, when your political careers are over and done.

4/20/2013 9:55:13

Julie Hedges VOTE NO!!! The pipeline is a really bad idea. The risk is too great.

4/20/2013 9:58:18

Adam Chandler Say no to Keystone XL pipeline, and no to the oil company lobby who is lying about the benefits and consequences of this pipeline. It is time that the government started working for the people of this nation, not the corporations.

4/20/2013 Malia Robinson I am a Nebraska resident and I am strongly opposed to the TransCanada Keystone XL

10:02:13 pipeline for a number of reasons. Environmental: The extraction of tar sands causes unfathomable damage to the environment and people near the extraction sites. The approval of this pipeline will lead to an expansion of tar sands extraction, and in turn speed up climate change. Pipelines leak. Many of those leaks are major and pose immense dangers to the public. According to Dr. Stansbury, UNL Professor of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering conducted a study showing that the KXL would result in 91 major spills over the 50 year life of the pipeline. Given that the KXL still crosses the Ogallala Aquifer, the most valuable resource in our state, and the fragile Sandhills, the certainty of spills is too great a risk for our natural resources. In addition, the route passes through a number of sacred tribal grounds, including the Ponca’s Trail of Tears. Native tribes are concerned about health and cultural impacts of the pipeline, concerns that have not been adequately addressed by the State Department. President Obama and John Kerry have declared multiple times their commitment to fighting climate change and protecting our children’s future. If they truly believe this, then there is no way they can approve this pipeline. Economic reality: The KXL holds more economic risks than profits. The job creation claims being made by pipeline supporters and some media outlets are wildly exaggerated. While Rush Limbaugh says the KXL will create up to a million jobs, an independent study done by Cornell estimates the number to be closer to 2,000 temporary jobs, and that the KXL could kill more jobs than it actually creates. The most recent State Department EIS estimates that the KXL will only create 35 jobs. The KXL will carry diluted bitumen. Diluted bitumen (dilbit) is not considered oil by the IRS, which would allow TransCanada to evade paying taxes into the Oil Spill and Liability Trust, a fund used to clean up oil spills. Indeed dilbit is not oil; it is far more dangerous to the public. A toxic sludge of chemicals and peanut-butter thick tar sands oil, dilbit sinks in water and is

proving to be impossible to clean up. The Keystone XL will NOT provide “energy security.” The oil is destined for export and we will not see lower gas prices. In fact, TransCanada statements to shareholders declare that the pipeline will actually raise oil prices in the midwest of the US, thus increasing their profits. We would be taking all the risks AND paying more at the pump. All in all, there are no valid reasons for us to bear the burdens of the KXL. We face only risk, with absolutely no benefit. It would be unconscionable for the State Department and President Obama to approve this. Thank you for the opportunity to comment and for your consideration.

4/20/2013 10:05:31

Deborah McColley

This pipeline is going to put us over the edge on climate change, and there will be no turning back. This pipeline will have problems, just like they all do.

4/20/2013 10:06:22

Christine Polson I strongly urge the state department not to approve the Keystone XL pipeline which would run through my state of Nebraska. Its construction would not create jobs; it would extend dependence on fossil fuel; it would create problems for the environment not only in its construction, but in the future, when it inevitably ruptures. *Just don't do it.*

4/20/2013 10:07:23

Ron Saeger Please reject the application for the Keystone XL Pipeline. Building the Keystone XL will directly impact the expansion of tar sands, and in turn speed up climate change. It is time to take positive action to limit climate change and the adverse impacts of tar sand oil on our continent and the planet. Please stand against KXL.

4/20/2013 10:07:33

Jane Britton A pipeline dissecting the middle of our country is ludicrous, especially when we are trying to get off fossil fuels. It really won't produce long lasting jobs, the crude is terribly dirty. It will only make oil companies rich - time to change the format! Jane

4/20/2013 10:08:05

Mary Anne Andrei

Dear President Obama and Secretary Kerry, I am writing to ask that you, President Obama, keep your word to Nebraskans and deny the Keystone XL pipeline permit. The risks to our water, soil, and our children's health far outweigh the benefits of a few jobs to build an experimental export pipeline filled with the dirtiest form of fossil fuel and toxic chemicals. This pipeline is a disaster waiting to happen—larger in diameter and under greater pressure than any existing pipeline, which upon rupturing will result in a tar sands spill of millions of gallons even with a rapid response time—and when it does I will never let you forget that you were the Democratic President who promised "Change We Can Believe In" and then compromised away all the Hope I had left in the Democratic party. And to Secretary Kerry, I would hope that your State Department spokesman would be more informed about the one state that you granted a public hearing on this issue. Instead, when asked by a reporter at a press conference, announcing the Nebraska public hearing, if there was an island in Nebraska, referring to the name of the town Grand Island, he laughed and said he didn't know. The appropriate response would have been, "yes." Grand Island was founded on an island between the Platte and Wood Rivers. I invite you and Secretary Kerry to visit us here in Nebraska before making your final decision. You owe the Heartland's family ranchers and farmers—not corporate agriculture—the same time and attention you have given oil executives on the golf course and behind closed doors. Sincerely, Mary Anne Andrei

4/20/2013 10:08:51

Dan Conner The Keystone XL pipeline has nothing to do with securing oil independence for America. It will not bring any additional oil to America. Instead, it will only replace Venezuelan heavy crud. In addition, the refined Tar Sands oil can not even be consumed in the US and must be exported. However, Koch Industries is able to get the Canadian Tar Sands oil far cheaper than Venezuelan crude. In other words it is only about increasing PROFITS for Koch Industry while further endangering the health and lives of Americans. Also, while the Koch Brothers are leading money brokers for the Republicans Party and ultra-conservative Tea Party, stressing the the importance of "self-reliance" for the American public, it comes to the Federal Government hat-in-hand to ask for the power to run all over landowners not wanting the pipeline or the risk of oil spills. Why doesn't Koch Industries show some of their touted "self-reliance" and negotiate with landowners individually. It might be wise to get a registry of the people who purport to support the pipeline and start running it through their land. I think a good place for TransCanada to start their negotiations individually, with landowners who are proponents of the pipeline. That will make the entire process a win-win. Proponents will get their pipeline and antagonists will not have to be subject to a forced land grab. Then, I would suggest someone talk to TransAmerican about being humble and polite while negotiating. It doesn't sound wise to be arrogant and threatening when you are asking for something. Also, offering a fair deal is appropriate. Meanwhile, the landowner wishes have to be respected.

4/20/2013 10:11:00

Katherine Brown

Please, keep this pipeline out of our backyards, and out of our state.

4/20/2013 10:14:56

Allison Goering No pipeline in Nebraska. Keep our CLEAN water CLEAN.

4/20/2013 10:15:06

Delphine Sanks Keystone XL is a threat to the aquifer. It is not the economic boost being promoted. Tar sands are extremely dirty. All of which says nothing not already known. My husband and I oppose construction of the pipeline and, if built, bringing it through Nebraska.

4/20/2013 10:16:20

M R Steg No XL oil In OUR Water.

4/20/2013 10:16:56

Darcie Senff While I can understand your need to send this pipeline through our state, at least think of what repercussions it could have. Never say never. Things do happen all the time that no one planned on. I would love to see a pipeline that never has a leak, but leaks do happen and sometimes they are not caught right away. What would the repercussions be if oil leaked into the ground in Nebraska. I was told that this oil could not get into the water even if it was poured into the water. I would like this explained to me better. Also, why does Canada want to ship it to a refinery in the South? Why not build a refinery in Canada and ship it off their coast? While short term jobs are great, those same people will be out of work in six months to a year. That does not really solve the problem of employment for them. I would really like to know reasoning behind this and what environmental impact a spill/leak could have on our environment and water supply. If a leak would damage the Ogallala aquifer, would Nebraska as a farm community be able to survive? Let's look at worst case scenario. I want what is best for my children and my children's children. If you were living here and it spilled or leaked on your land, would you move? If you would, then it is not something the rest of us should have to live with either. Would you want your kids to be here if there was a spill/leak? Please do not go into this with blinders on. It seems that the big oil companies are greasing their way to do this with no thought of what happens down the road. Are we all that money hungry that we need to do something that would not benefit Nebraskans as a whole?

4/20/2013 10:18:16

Karin Nelson-Rogers

Nothing is worth risking clean water.

4/20/2013 10:18:53

Rebecca Hansen

It is past time to move forward with our energy needs instead of clinging to the past. We have the technology to use safer more effective energy sources. Kill the pipeline.

4/20/2013 10:19:19

Marcia White The Keystone XL pipeline is all risk and no reward for Nebraskans. Don't risk permanent damage to one of the world's most fragile and special ecosystems just to improve efficiency for Big Oil. They have proven they have other ways to transport their sludge; they have NOT proven that they can build a safe pipeline. Stop the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/20/2013 10:19:59

Robert G. Wanek

It is time that our government stands up for the citizens of The United States and denies the approval of the Keystone-XL pipeline project in its entirety. Trans Canada is making an overt attempt to trample not only our natural resources and environment, but the rights of American landowners. Their televised propaganda is nothing more than glossed over lies and their actions in our states' and nation's capitols are just more of the corporate sponsored corruption OUR American political system. The Canadian people won't allow the pipeline to cross their country. I wonder why...? This project will do nothing to help our energy independance goals, since it will all go on the international market. They will, admittedly, not be liable for environmental damage caused by leaks, spills and ruptures and are lobbying to avoid liability by not classifying their produce as "oil". The pipeline will not create significant permanent employment in any of the states that it trespasses on. This is a bad project. The company is a bad company. The lasting effects of the project will scar our land forever. It is just going to benefit the corporate and governmental officials that support it. Their product is highly toxic. Besides contributing more greenhouse gasses to increase global warming, it also is a grave danger to our land and water. This project must be stopped! Thank you!

4/20/2013 10:20:17

Mary Kefayati We need to invest in wind and solar instead of putting our water and land at risk. The politicians need to listen to the people that elected them or get out of office!

4/20/2013 10:20:29

Tom Strumolo Absolutely everything is wrong with the pipeline project. It is wrong financially, diverting precious dollars from building the new, sustainable economy. It hurts the US economy in favor of the Canadian and Chinese economies and helps the bottom line of the international fossil fuel companies that pay no US taxes. It I wrong for the environment in every single way, from mining to processing to transport to combustion. It is very close to negative net energy produced. It is offensive to people who have known the fossil path is the wrong one for 4 decades - when the hell do take the other fork in the road? And it is stupid. This is ancient technology now, a monument to myopia: lets dig up the earth and burn it! It is closer to cave-person technology than to 21st century smart technology. Stop the insanity.

4/20/2013 10:22:13

Catherine Keller No one who reads the scientific studies or the personal testimonies from farmers and ranchers can be hoodwinked into thinking this pipeline is anything but Big Evil for the United States and for the Earth. There is no more space for delay, compromise and passing the buck to future generations. Please do the right thing.

4/20/2013 10:22:43


How can anyone approve something like this that allows a foregin country to take our land for only their benefit I think we fought a war over something like this with England

4/20/2013 10:23:39

Patrick Colleran Fact: President Obama and John Kerry have declared multiple times their commitment to fighting climate change and protecting our children’s future. If they truly believe this, then there is no way they can approve this pipeline. Fact: Building the Keystone XL will directly impact the expansion of tar sands, and in turn speed up climate change. Fact: The KXL holds more economic risks than profits. The job creation claims being made by pipeline supporters and some media outlets are wildly exaggerated. While Rush Limbaugh says the KXL will create up to a million jobs, an independent study done by Cornell estimates the number to be closer to 2,000 temporary jobs, and that the KXL could kill more jobs than it actually creates. The most recent State Department EIS estimates that the KXL will only create 35 jobs. Fact: The KXL still crosses the Ogallala Aquifer, the most valuable resource in our state, and the fragile Sandhills.

4/20/2013 10:24:18

Dennis Mudloff If the truth were told our water has already been harmed....please protect Nebraska water before it is too late.

4/20/2013 10:26:00

cynthia johnston 1. The process to extract tarsands is destructive and releases toxic gases. 2. Poisons are added to the tarsands to render into a transmittable form. 3. ALL pipelines leak eventually. A disaster is inevitable. 4. The proposed pipeline will be thinner and under much, much higher pressure. 5. The damage to our fragile sand and irreplace aquifer will be too great. 6. Any jobs created for local citizens will be few and short-lived. 7. It's wrong to allow a foreign corpora;tion to use our imminent domain laws for their profit. 8. This tainted oil is already sold to China. 8.

4/20/2013 10:34:12

J. Mark Schwartz

Do not approve the Keystone XL Pipeline. Keep Nebraska pristine and beautiful. Just one leak will ruin it.

4/20/2013 10:36:38

danny melton Hi I live in Nebraska , and I hope you can fined a different route ,then across Nebraska. This keystone pipeline needs to be stopped. Thanks for looking. Danny

4/20/2013 10:36:40

Elliot Figman I'm writing to express my strong opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline, which represents a threat to our national interest. We need to be moving away from fossil fuels as quickly as possible, if we are to avert catastrophic climate change. Building infrastructure, like the Keystone pipeline, which ties us ever more tightly to fossil fuels is exactly the wrong thing to do if we want a habitable planet for our kids.

4/20/2013 10:37:57

Margery Coffey The Ogallala Aquifer is at 20%. If Trans Canada builds the pipeline it will kill the Aquifer and forever poison the area. We are entering our second year of drought. America can not afford to lose the center of the US to make a corporation in Canada richer. We get nothing in return. No oil, one lousy permanent job while the Koch Brothers get richer pouring more CO2 into the atmosphere. This is a no brainer. NO PIPELINE NO WAY.

4/20/2013 10:38:50

Thomas J. Gowler

Nebraska needs the pristine sandhills intact. Nebraska and the four other states that have long straws drinking from the acient water under Nebraska do not want oil in their water. Please hear us begging you to not allow oil anywhere near our drinking water. Without clean water, we will all die. It is far more important to have clean drinking water than oil.

4/20/2013 10:39:55

John Comer A case can be made to allow the pipeline to go through but if we are serious about curtailing our collective carbon footprint, it seems to me that denying the pipeline is one way to send a message to the world that we are serious about checking global warming and moving to less environmentally-devastating energy sources. I urge you to reject the XL pipeline.

4/20/2013 10:41:04

DeeAnn Birkel This Pipe Line has got to be stopped!! We have to set the precedent that this is a bad idea to risk the contamination of the WORLDS LARGEST ACQUIFER!!! We need to protect the environment- stop the fracking and it's potential to also ruin the vital water source for the planet and it's citizens.

4/20/2013 10:41:31

Steve Martindale

KXL is obviously NOT the way to reduce global dependence on fossil fuels - indeed, tar sands oil is the WORST, and the dirty energy produced won't even be used in the US. Allowing the Keystone pipeline to traverse our country would bring SHAME to us all. Is the federal government really just a pawn at the hands of the oil $$$$$? Please say it ain' so.

4/20/2013 10:43:28

Sue McHargue Please do not route the pipeline through the Sandhills of NE.

4/20/2013 10:44:17

Judy Holtan The Keystone XL Pipeline is dangerous, dirty, and destructive -- and the latest Environmental Impact Statement was both flawed and incomplete. It ignores the pipeline's significant risk for toxic spills, ignores its catastrophic impacts on our climate, and ignores the consensus among financial analysts and oil executives who agree the pipeline will be a conduit for oil and refined products to be exported, making the United States less energy secure and driving domestic gas prices higher. Pipeline Spills: This pipeline poses an unacceptable risk to water. TransCanada’s first Keystone pipeline spilled 14 times in the U.S. in its first year of operation, and Enbridge, another pipeline operator, suffered a spill of more than one million gallons in the Kalamazoo River in 2010. The pipeline will cross more than 1,000 water bodies across 3 states and 875 miles threatening drinking water for people, farms, and ranches with a devastating tar sands spill. Climate Change: Keystone XL will contribute dramatically to climate change. The State Department confirmed that tar sands fuel is up to 19% more greenhouse gas intensive than conventional fuel, and the tar sands industry admits that Keystone XL will lead to more tar sands production. Building a new pipeline now will lock us in to higher carbon emissions when we should be rapidly investing in renewable energy that cannot be exported and will provide a secure energy future. Impact on Consumers: Rather than providing the U.S. with more Canadian oil, the Keystone XL pipeline will increase the amount of gasoline exported, raising prices for American consumers. The firms involved have asked the U.S. State Department to approve this project, even as they’ve told Canadian government officials how the pipeline can be used to add at least $4 billion to the U.S. fuel bill. US farmers who spent $12.4 billion on fuel in 2009 could see those costs rise to $15 billion or higher if the pipeline goes through and millions of Americans will spend 10 to 20 cents more per gallon for gasoline and diesel fuel. For the future of our country and our planet, I urge you provide a comprehensive review of the Keystone XL pipeline. A complete review will conclude that this project is not in our national interest. Oppose the pipeline now and stop the madness before it’s too late.

4/20/2013 10:45:08

Pat Kingsley We live in Nebraska, over the aquifer that is a treasure of our country. Money can not and should not rule with this issue. The so called number of possible new jobs connected with this pipelinen is a blatant untruth . In the end the safety of our water is more important than Canada, and their Trans Canada corp. Who hasn't commented when drinking a big cold glass of water that it is the best drink in the world. Let's keep it that way here in the middle of our country

4/20/2013 10:47:11

Eileen simonsen Please protect our water resource and do not place a pipeline over our auquafer.

4/20/2013 10:51:25

Nancy J. Peek Dear President Obama and Sec. Kerry, my husband and I are retired Nebeaskans. We love this state and it's people. We came to Washington to attend the Forward on the Climate rally. It was cold that day but we were proud to be there to tell you we support you and urge you to change the direction of US energy policy. Thursday we drove through the snow, as did our daughter and 10 year old grandson, to attend the last public hearing on Keystone XL. We were happy to have our grandson witness Nebraskan's using the process to tell the US Dept. Of State to deny the KXL permit. We understand that oil people need work, but we can put them to work on a better energy structure. The time has come. Please deny KXL. Nebraska's elected officials let us down on this just as they let you down on sane gun legislation. We support your independent action on KXL and we stand with you for the future.

4/20/2013 10:53:22

Elaine Bernhardt

It is far better to use the Sandhills to an energy advantage like they are doing near Ainsworth with the wind farm. Comparitively, extracting oil from tarsands is not only astronomically more expensive, the jobs that are created are temporary, where wind farms will continue to need the folks that work them now. Axe Keystone XL, Canada would never allow us to spread a dirty pipeline over their main water source. If anyone thinks differently, they're just plain stupid.

4/20/2013 10:53:46

Bridgett Connell I would like to start off by thanking you for your time. I think the pipeline that already runs through our country gives me a good idea of what is going to happen if this Keystone XL pipeline would get put in our ground. They say that it will be the safest pipeline, but I can't believe that it will be any better than the one that is already here. It will still have many leaks. It will destroy so much of our beautiful country. I have taught my children to respect this country, respect the land, and respect the people. Even my nine year old daughter will say, " Mom, please do what you can so that they don't put this pipeline in cause it will ruin this country that I was taught to respect and keep clean." There are so many chemicals they put into the tars sands to get it to flow through the pipes. These chemicals can cause so many problems for the future. Cleanup for a spill is nearly impossible. Please consider how the oil companies are working at cleaning up the current spills... They are covering up the problem, not fixing any problems. Please stop the Keystone XL pipeline. Our children's future depends on your denying this pipeline. THANK YOU !

4/20/2013 10:55:44

Fredrick Ritter Please do NOT run the pipeline through Nebraska. It would run only 1 mile from our homes and our wells. Any problem that would arise with this line would affect our water, as the water here runs from west to east underground. WE ARE AGAINST THE KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE

4/20/2013 10:58:00

Tammy Hansen Snell

Every important step human beings have taken over time has demanded active decisions. It is time for the U.S. to move beyond petroleum products for the good of our economy, the good of our people, and the good of our entire planet. The U.S. should be striving to be the leader in alternative energies, and we won't lead as long as too many insist on clinging to the old ways. Stopping this pipeline is an important decision that could make an enormous historical difference in our ability to move forward as a nation and become the global source for new energy technology.

4/20/2013 11:01:15

Alexander Porter

The inevitable ecological damage is not worth the risk. If Obama is concerned in the slightest about his legacy, the Keystone pipeline, if he approves it, will wipe out all his many accomplishments. He will be remembered as the president who destroyed the ecosystem when he didn't have to.

4/20/2013 11:07:55

Andrea Howard PLEASE OPPOSE THE KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE!!! This pipeline carries the most crude form of oil with accompanying carcinogenic chemicals include benzene. The question is not if, but when, this pipeline will sprout leaks and, in turn, poison the Ogallala Aquifer. This aquifer, as you know, supplies drinking water to hundreds of communities, as well as irrigates the crops and livestock raised in the Heartland. Benzene is particularly troubling since there is no procedure that will fully remove this chemical from the water. The Keystone XL pipeline will jeopardize our ecosystems, our land, and our water. Studies show the jobs and economic boost promised by TransCanada are exaggerated. This petroleum is for export use only. Why are we letting a foreign corporation dictate our policies? Surely the spill in Arkansas last week shows how quickly a leak can lead to devastation of land, homes, animal life, and water supplies. Using paper towels to remove a leak? And seeing all the petroleum go into the sewers and the lake water. Is this what we want for our Heartland? The EPA is STILL trying to remove the oil leaked in 2010 from the Kalamazoo River! PLEASE SAY NO NO NO NO NO to the KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE!!!!!

4/20/2013 11:09:17

Andrea Howard PLEASE OPPOSE THE KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE!!! This pipeline carries the most crude form of oil with accompanying carcinogenic chemicals include benzene. The question is not if, but when, this pipeline will sprout leaks and, in turn, poison the Ogallala Aquifer. This aquifer, as you know, supplies drinking water to hundreds of communities, as well as irrigates the crops and livestock raised in the Heartland. Benzene is particularly troubling since there is no procedure that will fully remove this chemical from the water. The Keystone XL pipeline will jeopardize our ecosystems, our land, and our water. Studies show the jobs and economic boost promised by TransCanada are exaggerated. This petroleum is for export use only. Why are we letting a foreign corporation dictate our policies? Surely the spill in Arkansas last week shows how quickly a leak can lead to devastation of land, homes, animal life, and water supplies. Using paper towels to remove a leak? And seeing all the petroleum go into the sewers and the lake water. Is this what we want for our Heartland? The EPA is STILL trying to remove the oil leaked in 2010 from the Kalamazoo River! PLEASE SAY NO NO NO NO NO to the KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE!!!!!

4/20/2013 11:12:11

Brent Christensen

WE are going to see the same wanton death and barrenness as we see on the BOTTOM of the Gulf of Mexico from the Horizon Horror, WHEN the proposed KXL 'EXPORT' Pipeline ruptures and leaks as it passes over and sometimes UNDER the Ancient Ogallala Aquifer, which is used across Nebraska as the MAJOR source of water used to water the crops of "AMERICA'S BREADBASKET", This pipe will carry 10 times the amount of the same stuff as was released into that neighborhood and lake in Mayflower, Arkansas last month and into the Kalamazoo River (1M gal) years ago (which is still not cleaned or safe to drink)!! This 'Breadbasket' of Nebraska's bounty shows up in almost every American Food item on your store shelves, including meat and Ethanol, which helps lessen the cost of fuels. There is NO way to clean the Aquifer, once part of it is polluted by Bitumen and it's byproducts, the pollution will spread deep underground, throughout the Aquifer and you can't raise cattle or crops with oil polluted water. So there goes vast swatches of Table Food and Animal Feed for the American table and there IS NO going back from there, with a BP type spill deep underground!!

4/20/2013 11:14:54

Marilyn E Brennan

I object to the proposed Keystone XL pipeline in addition to the toxic tar sands, they stated they would NOT remove the pipeline when it is no longer used,, but will remain in the ground forever to leak toxic fluids through the centuries. Generations of landowners will be poisoned.

4/20/2013 11:21:02

Bette Jo Courville

Please stop the Keystone XL Pipeline from being built because it will cross the Ogallala Aquifir. The Aquifir is too valuable a water resource to have the dangerous toxic sludge, bitumen and tarsands, crossing it. Any possibility of a leak into the Aquifir is too much of a risk to this water supply.

4/20/2013 11:23:04

Andrew Borakove

John Kerry, you gots to move this pipeline off of Ogalalla aquifer dude. That is water for OUR FOOD! And really all the other stuff is bullshit and you know it, tiny amount of jobs, a lot of this oil will be shipped away from USA, etc. Thanks

4/20/2013 11:23:40

David & Blanca Atwood (2)

The work done by the Department of State in finding no significant environmental consequences is bereft of science and cannot be approved since the Obama administration has declared that policy would be guided by science. Case closed. Stop KXL

4/20/2013 11:28:18

Alexis Please do not permit this pipeline to be built. The jobs it will create in Nebraska are over-inflated. This is not worth risking an oil spill in some of the most pristine water and land in all of the U.S. We can see how little these corporations care and how secretive they can be after a spill disasterl--just look at the atrocity in Arkansas. All these corporations want is profit; they care not for the land and aquifer resources.

4/20/2013 11:30:06

Emily Levine the State Department, Secretary John Kerry, and President Barack ObamaBy now you have received almost one million comments regarding the approval of TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline. You have heard from those of us in Nebraska and elsewhere about the dangers of diluted bitumen, bullying land agents and threats of taking land through eminent domain, that this is an export pipeline and will not reduce our dependence on foreign oil, that this is the crucial decision in the catastrophe of global climate change---all the countless arguments against the building of this pipeline. What words can I add to counter the millions spent by the fossil fuel corporations? One of the interesting things that is happening out here on the plains is the surprising coalition that has formed in opposition to the KXL: farmers and ranchers are teaming up with Native people. Why? Because both have an understanding and a love of the land and water that may not be comprehendible by urban dwellers. The ranchers in the sandhills understand the fragility of the region. The wet meadows ARE the Oglala aquifer, the pure, cold springs ARE the Oglala aquifer. The beef you eat ARE the Oglala aquifer. The aquifer is not some abstract unseen subterranean mystery. It is life. The water is life. As you heard at the recent hearing in Grand Island, many of these ranch families have been here for as long as five generations. For over one hundred years they have been intimately connected to their land. It has sustained them. They have worked so hard, in blizzards, in drought,

through hard times. The connection they have to the land is something you may not be able to understand. Its streams are like their own blood; the relationship they have with the hills is like that of a relative, a loved one. The threat they feel is visceral. They are proud but quiet people. It takes a lot to get them riled, but now that they are, they will surprise you. They are smart, they are eloquent, they are informed. And they are way too tough to be cowed by oil men in fancy suits, or Koch brothers money, or a governor and legislature that have sold them out. And the Native nations? Long before the first homesteaders drove their locator stakes into the sandy soil, the Lakota, Dakota, Omaha, Pawnee, and Ponca people loved this land. It is alive to them. Alive and sacred. Many have been forced to leave the land they love but it lives in their hearts. And, like the First Nations in Canada, they have woken up and are "idle no more." As one speaker said at the hearing: "Come through Indian country, you won't make it." You want to know how strong the coalition is? Every time a native speaker rose to the microphone, everyone against the pipeline stood out of respect. The grizzled old ranchers with fists like hams and fingers like sausages, crows feet etched around their eyes---on their feet. The high school-age cowgirls in their tight Wranglers and best boots, blond and corn-fed---on their feet. The women ranchers with steel in their eyes and in their backs, strong hands and fierce eyes---on their feet. Why? Because they understand that the Ponca elder speaking is their ally here, not TransCanada. Because when the Omaha singers raise their voices they understand that those men are their allies, not the government in Lincoln. Because when the Ihanktowan language was spoken it made more sense to them then the folly coming out of Washington. Because they understand the catch in the throat, the tears in the eyes of their native allies. They understand loving the land that much.And when they formed the CIA--Cowboy and Indian Alliance--you better believe they know who the enemy is. They and thousands more of us will lay down our bodies. You will not come through our land. You may not understand this. But we KNOW it. Anyone making any decisions about the Keystone XL pipeline had better come spend a week with a ranch family in - county, come out and learn from the elders on Rosebud, go up to Alberta and see the planetary-scale devastation and tell me you're not horrified, speak with the First Nations people up there to understand the extent of the devastation. Forget your IES; it tells you nothing of use, only lies. I don't know if I have ever been more proud in my fifty-six years than when I stood with the people in Grand Island. Their bravery, their determination, their love made me feel the energy that comes from a struggle worth fighting. The ranchers, the Audubon activists, the old white ladies down on the bus from Chicago, our friends from the Kalamazoo spill and Mayflower, Arkansas, the gentleman who came all the way from the gulf coast of Texas to speak about environmental racism, the soil scientists, the botanists, the tribal elders from so many nations, the cowgirls, the people so shy it took all they had to speak--they have honor and courage and heart. I hope

you do too. 4/20/2013 11:30:17

Amy Schaffer The comment period needs extended, this is the busiest time for farmers and ranchers. There was also a full blown blizzard during the State Hearing and many were unable to attend. Although there was strong opposition at the hearing, had it not been for the weather the Heartland Event Center would have been filled with opponents. Please consider another State Hearing or an extension of the comment period. The farmers and ranchers will be the ones affected by this decision they deserve another chance to let their voice be heard.

4/20/2013 11:35:03

Ann Hosford The country has enough problems without more oil spills and ruining our natural resources. We in Nebraska do not appreciate the Keystone Pipeline playing Russian roulette with our water and our lives.

4/20/2013 11:42:04

Marissa Kreifels Please do not endanger our land and our water with this pipeline. If no administration is willing to take a stand for long term environment and energy independence, our society isn't going to be motivated to prioritize either cause. If we are unwilling to take steps now, we will fail our children and our country's future.

4/20/2013 11:52:05

Marilyn Barnes The most obvious evidence for objecting to a pipeline transmitting tarsands oil, is the Enbridge spill in Michigan, which took many more months in cleanup efforts than estimated and which resulted in the sinking of bitumen to the Kalamazoo River Bed. The pipeline will provide a few months of jobs for a few thousand workers but could result in very bad consequences for our food supply, since the Ogallala supports almost 1/3 of American agriculture. It is not a risk worth taking. In addition, our own oil resources are becoming greater as a result of new discoveries and new technologies. We don't actually need to help a short-sighted Alberta government despoil its land. Our energy resources are great, and we need to conserve them for the future. Please do not approve the Keystone XL.

4/20/2013 11:54:48

Sherie Gordon The building of the XL pipe line is just not a good idea. To risky, to damaging to the environment to build, to much of an impact to global warming and to shameful for the American farmers, ranchers and land owners to have their land taken away by a foreign country . And bottom line, oil companies can not be trusted. they will say or do any thing to get what they want. Please do not let this bad project happen.

4/20/2013 12:00:40

John Collins This pipeline is a good deal for BIG OIL and CHINA, and the pipeline's owner, and damn little else. It is NOT United States of America oil, it is CANADA oil that even their own citizens want left in the ground. This pipeline and that FILTHY tar sands oil it will carry is BAD for the USA, BAD for CANADA, and BAD for the WORLD.

4/20/2013 12:05:27

Juli Viel Let's move beyond dangerous 20th century fuel. Move to 21st century energy. It's safer its just better. Why are we goin' along with these oil baron's is beyond me.

4/20/2013 12:11:17

Marie Meyers There are far too many risks to the environment to build the Keystone XL pipeline. Additionally, we would be transporting the tarsands oil to the gulf to sell to the highest bidder. This will not help our energy dependence. We need to invest in more environmentally safe alternative sources of fuel.

4/20/2013 12:12:12

Eric Morris The Keystone pipeline should not be built. The pipeline would be a catastrophic component driving climate change, it would provide few new jobs, and its potential for spills and leaks would be a dangerous and unnecessary risk to the environment. Just building the pipeline would damage and take away family-owned and sacred tribal properties. Much of the petroleum products processed from the pipeline's diluted bitumen would be exported to access higher profit foreign markets, adding almost nothing to energy security domestically. The KXL pipeline is a deeply and fatally flawed project, and should be rejected.

4/20/2013 12:13:03

RoxAnn Boettcher

Do not approve the KXL Pipeline. Trans Canada was already put a pipeline through Nebraska. That is enough. We are already at risk for contamination of the water. They need to maintain that pipeline and keep it safe. Our land is for us to make a living not for a foreign company. NO PIPELINE PERMIT!!!!

4/20/2013 12:15:21

Jim Smiley Water resources are far more critical than oil resources, so I am skeptical of arguments that the Keystone pipeline is necessary. It's my understanding that the only reason this pipeline is being built is that Canada's native tribes will not allow it across their land. It will provide a modicum of shortl-term construction jobs, but beyond that any real benefits go to the Texas refiners and the Candadian oil company. The refined products go to the world market and don't really make the U.S. any more independent of foreign oil. Better to support renewable energy sources than to transport this toxic sludge across the middle of this country. I'm more concerned about the Ogallala Aquifer than oil supplies, especially with oil fracking sucking up a considerable amount of precious waterto liberate home-grown oil sources -- sources that are much less toxic than this tar-sands crud. (That's not a misspelling.)

4/20/2013 12:23:56

Stormy Johnston

The Keystone pipeline will not give us jobs for the American people over the long term, we, the American people will not be making any money of these pipes. We the people of America will loose our fresh water, our land behind this venture. I don't want this, many Americans don't want this, quit trying to force us to deal with it.

4/20/2013 12:24:35

Connie J Luton As a NE resident, I feel strongly that the Keystone Pipeline is a disaster waiting to happen, based on TransCanada's prior record. Just look at the mess in Arkansas. The Oglala Aquifer & NE Sandhills are too precious to take unnecessary chances, resulting in their damage. The temporary job opportunities are not worth the risk, especially since this oil will be shipped overseas. The idea that this project will move the US toward energy independence is ludicrous. I beg you to consider the opinion of the citizens who will be affected by your ruling. Thank you.

4/20/2013 12:25:31

Sarah Bauman As a U.S. citizen, resident of NE, and person of this Planet Earth, I write to protest the Keystone XL Pipeline. It is an ecological disaster for the Northern Canadian ecosystem of plants, birds and animals. The bitumous, toxic sludge shipped through pipes which at some time (recently some already) will have leaks or ruptures to destroy water, soil, ecosystems and aquifirs along the way. The end results will have traveled Canada and the US to be shipped off to be used in other countries to emit more carbon in the atmosphere. The pipes that transp[ort the sludge are 100% foreign made steel. In a recent Department of State study, there would only be 35 permanent jobs from this line. None of this makes sense. Protect the land. Thank You, Sarah Bauman

4/20/2013 12:26:35

Linda Smith Please stop the insanity. At some point, this country has to give up its addiction to oil.

4/20/2013 12:30:05

Randy Meek The risk versus reward for US Citizens is clearly in the negative column. It is time to stop using and transporting this polluting product through dangerous pipelines. Rail transportation can be used to handle this product if it is really needed. I am submitting these comments in opposition to approval of the Keystone XL pipeling.

4/20/2013 12:30:59

Sitaram Jaswal Save the environment for generations to come.

4/20/2013 12:31:44

Sitaram Jaswal Save the environment for generations to come.

4/20/2013 12:34:49

Sung-ok Lee I strongly oppose the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. Its construction will cause pain and injury to indigenous peoples in the affected areas and will seriously harm current ranchers and their families and the food they produce in this area. The pipeline does not bring broad economic benefit to the U.S. public. It threatens the integrity and safety of critical natural resources and ecosystems.

4/20/2013 12:41:36

Ann Coyne Please keep heavy tar sands oil out of our water and soil. Do not approve the Keystone Pipeline. It is toxic for Nebraska.

4/20/2013 12:46:46

Andrea Sime Please stop the Keystone XL pipeline. The risk to our environment is not worth it.

4/20/2013 12:47:10

Scott G Baker The oil will NOT be used in the US- it will be refined here and shipped to China. If constructed, so few jobs will be created it is to laugh at. If there is a spill, the mess will NEVER be cleaned up- EVER. Tell Trans Canada to build it from Alberta to Vancouver- let the Canadians deal with any mess!!!

4/20/2013 12:48:59

LeAnn R Baker The tarsands are toxic and sinks into the ground. It will contaminate our land and water. I do not want this in Nebraska at all! It's raping Canadian land, it's owned by a foreign company, and will potentially poison ours. It's time to focus on the electric car, more trains, wind power, solar power, and recycling! Why don't you see this needs to be stopped!

4/20/2013 12:49:01

Craig MacPhee, Ph.D.

STOP the Keystone XL pipleline! Thank you

4/20/2013 12:55:28

Courtney Siegenthaler

I am against the Keystone XL Pipeline. This is not a good move for America. 35 jobs is not worth the loss of American land to a foreign company so a couple rich guys can get richer. Who will feed America when Canada poisons our water supply for the farms this pipeline crosses? Turn down the pipeline so that we can move forward. Thank you for your time.

4/20/2013 12:57:05

Kathy Gustafson

Please do not approve the Keystone XL pipeline project. The environmental risk is far too great.

4/20/2013 12:59:12

Stephanie Retzlaff Leeding

NO NO NO on the Keystone Pipeline. It is NOT worth it!!!! The risk is too great. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE hear us!!

4/20/2013 13:01:36

Sherry Sharpnack

The Keystone XL pipeline will bring temporary jobs to America while the pipeline is being built, but at what cost? It will not decrease the cost of gasoline for consumers in the US, as Canada owns the oil and will sell to the highest bidder. It very possibly WILL cause an irreparable harm to the Aquipher over which the pipeline will travel. This could be devastating for the 11 states that receive water from the Ogallala. PLEASE re-think the pipeline. It will NOT be good for the US!!!

4/20/2013 13:05:45

Margaret Stratman

Approving this pipeline is so wrong for so many reasons. Not will there be a spill but when... We must move away from fossil fuels. Global warming and its consequences are real and disastrous. Please have the courage to do the right thing.

4/20/2013 13:06:04

Alice K. Olson I would like to see a real assessment of the impact of a spill on the more than a half million migrating sandhill cranes that stop for two weeks or so along the Platte River each spring to feed on their way from Mexico and Cuba to Alaska, Russian and northern Canada. The current spill assessment identifies such a small spill as to be laughable. Let's have a real environmental assessment done by an objective assessor rather than a bought and paid for consultant to the party in whose interest it is to minimize the risk. The cranes are at our mercy and so are the businesses that rely on their safe migration for the thousands of visitors they attract to the area each March and April. So much is at risk here. Have an honest look at it on our behalf. That's your job.

4/20/2013 13:06:40

Tim Fleener I am against this pipeline. Fears of water contamination, leaks that do not get reported and pressures on people's land. We need to stop being dependent on oil. This country has intelligent minds and resources that will get us using alternative sources of energy. Please do not build this pipeline in America. Wind, Solar and natural gas, we have enough of these energy resources to power our country. Thank you voting against this pipeline.

4/20/2013 13:07:49

Luke The Keystone XL pipeline would put at risk the state I love, the water my people drink, and the livelihoods of our farmers and ranchers. All of this while continuing our dangerous addiction to oil. I have never seen Nebraskans so politically motivated and organized in my life. I'm proud of my state and proud to add a comment against Keystone XL. We don't want this pipeline.

4/20/2013 13:08:42

Sarah Fairchild April 20, 2013 Dear United States State Department: IF you want to encourage foreign corporations to force Americans off their own land using Imminent Domain, Approve the Keystone XL Pipeline. IF you want to set a precedent of allowing substances of such dangerous quality that it is illegal to produce them in America to be transported across a huge span of America, Approve the Keystone XL Pipeline. IF you want to reward corporations for beginning to build projects that have not yet been approved by the federal government in order to force the government to grant approval, Approve the Keystone XL Pipeline.

IF you want to encourage sloppy, dangerous ecological practices that can threaten our biosphere and way of life by pushing global warming past a tipping point, Approve the Keystone XL Pipeline. IF you want to accept the blame and responsibility for providing monetary reimbursement for massive cleanup and resettlement of affected population in the event of a disastrous oil spill that contaminates the Ogallala Aquifer when NO ONE HAS ANY IDEA HOW TO CLEAN AN AQUIFER AFTER AN OIL SPILL, Approve the Keystone XL Pipeline. IF approving this one Big Oil project is more important than the preserving the unique and fragile Nebraska Sandhills ecosystem, Approve the Keystone XL Pipeline. IF you want to prove that the American government has been sold to Big Business interests with no regard for the welfare of its land or people, Approve the Keystone XL Pipeline. HOWEVER, BY DENYING APPROVAL YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO: Protect our national resources and the biosphere that keeps everyone alive (including union workers, the people who run corporations, urban and rural inhabitants, and future generations). Send a clear message to corporations that they should seek approval of projects BEFORE spending lots of money on construction and strong-arming landowners into delivering up their land and heritage to destructive practices. Assert the sovereign right of the United States government to regulate land usage and to prevent foreign companies from coming in and undermining the welfare of American citizens by destructive policies and practices. Encourage U.S. labor to stop applying its valuable time and effort to building short-sighted, inevitably outdated hydrocarbon-based infrastructures so they can redirect their American know-how and power to build a more sustainable energy future.

Sincerely, Sarah Fairchild

4/20/2013 13:09:53

Connor Magnuson

Creating a pipeline will not bring energy independence, but further strife with the marginalized people of this country. We will be fighting back, don't make this us vs. them.

4/20/2013 13:12:54

Alexandra Keriakedes

Comment nr. xxxxxxxx from Ms. Alexandra Susan Keriakedes of in OPPOSITION to the KXL pipeline!

Quoting words of Justice William O. Douglas : "The right to be let alone is indeed the beginning of all freedoms." We, the good people who seek to preserve the proverbial and real "Good Life" that we and all our invited guests associate with Nebraska -- have had to endure the repeated invasions of representatives of the "Heinz 57, multinational corporation that is "TranSCAMada" --- for over 4 years now, and we are just plain TIRED of them to the point of withdrawing any remaining "welcome" they tricked themselves into believing they had the right to call their own. Our heartfelt desire is to forever view TranSCAMada ONLY in our rearview mirrors from now until forever! Good riddance! Sincerely, Ms. Alexandra Susan Keriakedes

4/20/2013 13:14:23

Glenn Shanks Water is already the most valuable liquid on the planet. In not too many years it is predicted that there will not be enough water to supply our needs. Only 1% of non-sea water is consumable. Nebraska has and is experiencing severe drought. We must not and can not risk ruining the shrinking supply of underground water in Nebraska. Let's attack the problem of alternative energy sources so that further contamination of the planet is not necessary and it will cost less to protect the OPEC countries.

4/20/2013 13:16:08

kyran o'dwyer Oppose the pipeline There is no adequate impact statement There is no adequate emergency plan There is no know procedure to clean up a spill There is no way to assure adequate maintenance They price is too high and the benefits lacking

4/20/2013 13:17:34

Janet Papenfuss

The recent Pulitzer Prize awarded for reporting on the Dilbit leak should be required reading for those dealing with the Keystone...the Dilbit situation could be the Keystone situation if the pipeline is passed. That would be a tragedy.

4/20/2013 13:20:27

Euenia Kennedy The ecnomic gain to Nebraska is small, jobs are temporary or very few (35). The benefit is minimal the cost is huge oil companies have a history of being totally safe UNTIL the "accident" happens which will come they know it will. The oii companies are willing to pay the priceof the accidents because the reward is greater for them. NOT for the environment. We will pay the price as individuals who enjoy nature and as taxpayers paying for the cleanup. LOOK AT MAYFLOWER AR THIS WILL BE 5 TIMES AS BAD!!!!!!

4/20/2013 13:21:27

hester reik This pipeline is an outrage. It must not happen. STOP IT NOW!

4/20/2013 13:24:17

Cynthia Hobbs I want to express my extreme objection to the construction of the KXL pipeline in general and through Nebraska in particular. My reasons are far too numerous to list here, but they run the gamut of environmental, legal, ecological, economics, land stewardship, and others. I would be happy to discuss any of them in detail with any of you. DO NOT ALLOW THIS PIPELINE TO BE BUILT. NO ONE NEEDS IT EXCEPT THOSE WHO STAND TO PROFIT MONETARILY. THAT IS NOT US. WE STAND TO LOSE IN MANY, MANY MORE WAYS. Ultimately, we cannot drink oil.

4/20/2013 13:24:48

Sandra Ellenwood

These words come from Bold Nebraska, "Folks in Nebraska like all across the country aren't going to say to themselves, 'We'll take a few thousand jobs if it means our kids are potentially drinking water that would damage their health. We don't want, for example, aquifers to be adversely affected. Folks in Nebraska would be directly impacted." I wholeheartedly agree. Please do not allow the filthy Canadian pipeline to be built.

4/20/2013 13:25:59

Steve LeMunyan

Would you trust a plumber if he told you that it was completely safe to pump your household sewage out through a pipe inside your main drinking water supply line? I wouldn't, but that is exactly what the KXL oil line will be. It is toxic sludge to be pumped through the water supply. To approve this line is to poison the well. It is NOT in the best interest of the public. Approval will clearly show that our elected officials do not care about the people of Nebraska.

4/20/2013 13:26:04

Beatty Brasch Please stop the Keystone XL pipeline. THere are too many unknowns.

4/20/2013 13:27:20

Aaron Joslin There is no energy independence in the Keystone XL pipeline, only risk. The State Department needs access to the basic science behind the risks involved in the potential operation of this pipeline. The model used to date is for a 40,000 gallon spill, whereas Enbridge's own math shows that over 600,000 gallons could spill in just one day from a leak which their own detection equipment might not find. There are known conflicts of interest between the drafters of the report and the Tar Sands companies.

4/20/2013 13:29:01

Aaron Joslin There is no energy independence in the Keystone XL pipeline, only risk. The State Department needs access to the basic science behind the risks involved in the potential operation of this pipeline. The model used to date is for a 40,000 gallon spill, whereas Enbridge's own math shows that over 600,000 gallons could spill in just one day from a leak which their own detection equipment might not find. There are known conflicts of interest between the drafters of the report and the Tar Sands companies.

4/20/2013 13:31:02

Janet Eckerson The Keystone XL pipeline is irresponsible and dangerous for citizens and the planet. Say NO.

4/20/2013 13:33:43

Sharon Johnson It's tough to fight the slick, mega-budget, supporters of the pipeline. However, I will try. We cannot systematically continue to destroy our natural resources at the cost of man-made desires. At some point we must stop. This is the time. We cannot afford to risk destroying the land that is essential to our future. Please deny the pipeline across the Nebraska aquifer. Thank you.

4/20/2013 13:35:12

Abby Forero Stop siding with BIG OIL!!!!!!!! Stand with the people whose lives depend on this land!!!!!!! NO PIPELINE!!!!!!!!

4/20/2013 13:35:55

James Tarnick No amount of risk to our land and water that feeds this nation and the world is worth the rewards of a few jobs. Tarsands oil is a bad and failed idea. It is time to move on to cleaner energy options.

4/20/2013 13:36:35

Jeanne Crumly President Obama, Secretary Kerry, and State Department officials commissioned with the duties of evaluating the Keystone XL pipeline project: As a landowner at risk of having both land and water hijacked, I have to express my profound disillusionment with my elected officials. Most specificially, I want you to examine carefully the approval process in Nebraska. It was corrupt, corrupt, corrupt. I draw your attention to a DEQ map of Nebraska posted on the DEQ webside in December of 2011. On it, Nebraska was comprised of four distinct zones: tall grass prairie, short grass prairie, mixed grass prairie, and Sandhills. One year later and one month before Governor Heinemann's approval of the line, that very map, generated by DEQ, finds that the Sandhills have disappeared from Nebraska. We are now "Northeast Nebraska". It was easy for Governor Heinemann to make an approval based on "avoidance of the Sandhills", when his agency essential moved them out of the way of the project, at least cartographically. This is only one example, but it is personal to me. My soil is still 82% sand, verifiable by a recent soil scientist evaluation. I am part of this land which has always been considered part of the Sandhills, yet now find that distinction conveniently altered. This is a small example of how this company does business. The stakes are too high for our country to allow an organization of such utterly vacant moral character to steamroll over the hard-working citizens of our country. Proponents scream job, jobs. We have employed hard-working people for 5 generations on

this land. We pay over $70,000 / year in property tax, alone. This land is already contributing handily to our nation's economy. Appeals to my elected officials, yourselves included, have resulted in not so much as a reply. Both of you profess loudly the merits of a green society. Come look at Nebraska; we have endless miles of wind generating facilities; we have ethanol plants. We have dams that produce electricity. We also contribute greatly to feeding the world! This project offers nothing superior to what equal investment in these alternative energy sources offer. Finally, President Obama, you also profess a strong conviction in regard to grassroots activism. That is what was present in Grand Island last Thursday. Some 1000 people stood over 3 hours in a blizzard in order to secure the opportunity to testify. Busloads of good citizens rode busses through the night, to testify to leaks and spills in their homes and to appeal to your committee to not allow it to happen again. Note, the TransCanada officials remain comfortably inside. We withstood the weather and the discomfort of that wait because we feel passionately that this pipeline is not a option for our nation. The opposition to this project will not go away. Rather, it is growing! For me, I was moved above all else by the testimony of Evan Vokes late Thursday evening. Even if every other argument regarding the merits of a pipeline dissecting our nation for corporate gain and shipment of oil to China were true, his testimony was a chilling verification that this particular company, already known for harrassment, intimidation, buying of public officials, is irresponsible and criminally negligent in its previous projects. You are morally called to reject this application. Sincerely, Jeanne Crumly

4/20/2013 13:41:59

Ken Browning Dear Secretary Kerry President Obama et al Being of your generation more or less, and a former constituent of you, Mister Secretary, and with connections to Illinois through my family, I say to you both, listen to these fine people who rely on the Oglala aquifer. We must all stand together when it comes to protecting our hydrological and mineral resources, or we will all surely pollute and contaminate our lives separately.

4/20/2013 13:42:20

Charles Francis Most people in Nebraska strongly oppose the construction of the XL pipeline. Please respect this majority concern for a project that is not needed, will not create the promised jobs, and is dangerous to the environment. Thank you. Charles Francis, University of Nebraska -- Lincoln

4/20/2013 13:48:48

Patricia Phillips No Water....No life.....No way

4/20/2013 13:48:53

Marabeth Luton No XL Pipeline! The country cannot afford to risk the Ogalala Aquifer for some foreign country's entrepreneurial gain. The pipeline itself does nothing to benefit the United States in the long run. Don't expect us to put our water supply and farm land in jeopardy when the pipelines ultimate product will be sent out of the county and not enhance the U.S. oil supply!

4/20/2013 13:49:02

Donna Hevelone

Please protect our land and water from very probable tar sand contamination, with very little benefit to the State of Nebraska or America.

4/20/2013 13:49:51

Ron Kriha Pipelines Leak!!! This is a fact as demonstrated by the recent leak in Arkansas, and the Oil Companies do not have enough Paper Towels to properly clean up when they do. I am strongly against submitting our environment in Nebraska to an industry whose record regarding the environment is so poor. We are not in need of temporary jobs in Nebraska. Our unemployment rate is hovering around 3.8%, so this argument does not fly in Nebraska. The risks far outweigh any benefits (if there are any), and we need to stop this dangerous project immediately.

4/20/2013 13:50:16

timothy strong Mayflower, Arkansas has shown how badly a pipeline spill can effect the landscape. Why sacrifice more American landscape to a notoriously shoddy Canadian pipeline operator?

4/20/2013 13:56:29

Jerry mcguire No to the Keystone pipeline. It will not magically create jobs nor will it make us energy independent. It will enrich a small few and contribute mightily to already unsustainaly greenhouse gasses.

4/20/2013 14:05:43

Ann Duey Nebraskans who care for their environment are NOT in favor of the Keystone XL pipeline. Tar sands mining is a horrific blow to the environment. The oil will cross the U.S. but be sent to other countries after refining it. Our gains are temporary at best and our losses have the potential of being disastrous. We must leave some unspoiled land to future generations. Please do not approve the pipeline.

4/20/2013 14:10:23

Ken Browning The risks of this pipeline tainting waterways that once contaminated would be difficult to restore are too great to warrant approval. I respectfully submit that all steps be taken to speedily and without delay ensure that this plan be rerouted and laden with requirements that will continue to accrue benefits, not potential disaster on this the breadbasket of the world.

4/20/2013 14:11:03

Janet O'Keeffe The XL pipeline runs uphill toward money. Do not let it cross the Sandhills over the Ogallala Aquifer.

4/20/2013 14:11:43

Clayton Naff After careful consideration, I oppose the Keystone XL pipeline, because it presents clear environmental threats from source to terminus, both near- and long-term. We must institute a national policy that seeks to reduce not foster carbon-based fuels. The pipeline is step in the wrong direction. Thank you for considering my comments.

4/20/2013 14:12:21

Ms. Alexandra Susan Keriakedes

Dear State Department staff ……. In particular, the honourable Teresa Hobgood and accompanying personnel from 18. April, 2013 in Grand Island, NEBRASKA. Please see: 343 US 451, 467 (1952) “Public Utilities Commission v. Pollack” I, Alexandra Susan Keriakedes, born in Nebraska and currently returned from Europe to stay in Nebraska for as long as I continue to live, ask to be counted as an enduring OPPONENT to the “Keystone XL” pipeline project. In a dissenting opinion in the case of: Public Utilities Commission v. Pollack, Supreme Court justice William O. Douglas wrote: “The critical question of “standing” would be simplified and also put neatly in focus if we fashioned a federal rule that allowed environmental issues to be litigated before federal agencies or federal courts in the name of the inanimate object about to be despoiled, defaced, or invaded by roads and bulldozers and where injury is the subject of public outrage. Contemporary public concern for protecting nature’s ecological equilibrium should lead to the conferral of “standing” upon environmental objects to sue for their own preservation. This suit would therefore be more properly labeled as “Mineral King v. Morton” *** Dissenting, Sierra Club v. Morton, 405 U.S. 727 (1972) You can easily find more material in this vein (also known as Douglas’ “trees have standing case.” As the good justice wrote on another occasion: “The right to be let alone is indeed the beginning of all freedoms.” Indeed, we would welcome the late Justice Douglas’ intervention in the case of (yet to be formally named: “The people of Nebraska v. Transcanada.” All we want from Transcanada is to be LEFT ALONE . . . to see the whole pack of them and their tail lights only “in our rear view mirror.” They have overstayed by more than 3 1/2 years, the welcome we never even offered -- we could smell the stench of their oily money clear from Montana and North Dakota …… not to mention the fumes that were carried clear from our nation’s capital. Just GO AWAY …..ASAP ! Turn in your ill-gotten easements and we may even allow a nickel’s change for speedy compliance! Sincerely, “Mad” Alex-in-Huskerland aka Alexandra-the-Great-mouth Ps: My Grandfather Alexander from Tripi near Sparta (Greece) and Mother’s family member, Gov. William Bradford from Plymouth, England …… ….a LONG line of dissidents

4/20/2013 14:16:49

Carolee Koehn The Arkansas spill ought to be enough incentive to nix the XL pipeline. We are better than this. With the will to do so we can live off renewable resources. Put the unemployed to work building sustainable energy.

4/20/2013 14:18:48

Troy Thompson Is the Keystone XL pipeline in the national interest? The answer should be self-evident. The Keystone XL would: ▪ endanger one of the largest freshwater aquifers in the world ▪ accelerate the pace of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere ▪ deprive landowners along the route of their property rights ▪ raise the price of gas in the Midwest In return, the US would receive: ▪ a pittance of temporary construction jobs ▪ a handful of permanent jobs This risk/reward ratio is so absurdly skewed that it could only make sense to oil company executives and their accountants, and of course the politicians who rely on their largesse. Why would the US willingly accept the lifetimes of risk the pipeline entails when a foreign corporation is going to reap the vast majority of the rewards? Why would the United States government tacitly endorse the bullying of American citizens by a bad neighbor who's determined to drag a hose across our yard whether we like it or not? In what reality could this be remotely considered in the national interest? Now, we've heard, over and over, soothing reassurances about how safe the pipeline would be. I'm sure similar assurances were made when pipelines were installed near Kalamazoo Michigan and Mayflower Arkansas. We've seen the results when those promises fade from memory over the decades. I don't want my children or grandchildren paying for our shortsightedness. The Keystone XL pipeline is NOT in the national interest, and their permit should be denied.

4/20/2013 14:21:36

James Siebert we need to: Stop letting corporations seal our fate. Start heeding the will of the People. Enough already!

4/20/2013 14:23:50

Richard Weaver The US doesn't benefit from the Keystone XL and it leaves our country open to a ground water disaster when the pipeline leaks and it will leak. Refined in a tax free zone in Texas and shipped out of our Country, we get the damage to our air and water. Bad deal!!

4/20/2013 14:25:17

David Leithauser

We do not need the Keystone XL pipeline. We need to switch to clean, renewable energy for transportation and other purposes. DO NOT apporve this pipeline!

4/20/2013 14:28:44

Alexandra Keriakedes

from: Ms. Alexandra Susan Keriakedes, age 70: KXL opponent! STATE DEPARTMENT TESTIMONY on Sun-14-IV-13 Dear reader(s) ...... Forget facts and figures full of "We said.....they said's" ...... When I was teaching in public schools, I told my students: “I don’t CARE who “started it” ….I’m FINISHING it! We, the OPPONENTS of the Keystone XL pipeline have quite a few verifying sources we can show for each of our contentions in opposition to the testimonies of pipeline supporters. (To be frank . . . most of THEIR statements are bold-faced LIES…..and they know this. This is a form of criminal (at least misdemeanor) action. The most important fact is: Global warming and its attendant ravaging of all creation is brutally and undeniably REAL. It's not a question of what the KXL and all Albertan tar sands mining and exporting firms "will do" ...... (or "would do" if our president allows them...(God forbid !) ....... It is more about what they have ALREADY done -- cutting down many miles of healthy forest acreage and therewith, vitally-needed sacrificial guardians of the environment through the CO2 they could be yet storing and thus taking out of commission............Thus, the tar sands industries have annihilated regiments of our planet's top of our first lines of defense! They should be court-martialed and utterly removed from this climate war as “enemy combatants!” thank you, ~~Alexandra Keriakedes in Nebraska~~ __________________________________________________________________________________

4/20/2013 14:29:25

Nancy & Jim Carley

My husband's great-grandfather homesteaded south of Newport NE in the Nebraska Sandhills. They arrived at the dugout with 5 children. 5 more were born and a home built. Grandma Lanz never went to town the rest of her life. That's how tied to this land we are! Please do not allow our fragile grassland to be disturbed (it takes DECADES to replace) and our pure water threatened by a foreign corporation whose only motive is greed! Please say NO to the Keystone Pipeline.

4/20/2013 14:29:28

katherine milligan

I oppose the building of the Keystone XL pipeline as it puts our environment at risk. Please do not authorize this project. I have camped in many of the areas that the pipeline will be built and do not want an accident to spoil our beautiful state. Perhaps we need to work on our energy consumption rather than feeding the greedy desires of those who mistreat our land.

4/20/2013 14:29:32

Amber I live in Nebraska and the Keystone Pipeline would run directly in our beautiful states aquifer, the only fresh water source for the state. The chance of the pipeline destroying this area is too high and unacceptable. I stand against this plan and would hold the elected officials accountable if this pipeline plan were to continue.

4/20/2013 14:30:34

katherine milligan

I oppose the building of the Keystone XL pipeline as it puts our environment at risk. Please do not authorize this project. I have camped in many of the areas that the pipeline will be built and do not want an accident to spoil our beautiful state. Perhaps we need to work on our energy consumption rather than feeding the greedy desires of those who mistreat our land.

4/20/2013 14:33:23

kevin clee It is highly ironic the deadline for comment is earth day. The pipeline is all risk and no reward. Please for our future, NoKXL.

4/20/2013 14:34:30

Alexandra Keriakedes

STATE DEPARTMENT TESTIMONY on Sun-14-IV-13 Dear reader(s) ...... Forget facts and figures full of "We said.....they said's" ...... When I was teaching in public schools, I told my students: “I don’t CARE who “started it” ….I’m FINISHING it! We, the OPPONENTS of the Keystone XL pipeline have quite a few verifying sources we can show for each of our contentions in opposition to the testimonies of pipeline supporters. (To be frank . . . most of THEIR statements are bold-faced LIES…..and they know this. This is a form of criminal (at least misdemeanor) action. The most important fact is: Global warming and its attendant ravaging of all creation is brutally and undeniably REAL. It's not a question of what the KXL and all Albertan tar sands mining and exporting firms "will do" ...... (or "would do" if our president allows them...(God forbid !) ....... It is more about what they have ALREADY done -- cutting down many miles of healthy forest acreage and therewith, vitally-needed sacrificial guardians of the environment through the CO2 they could be yet storing and thus taking out of commission............Thus, the tar sands industries have annihilated regiments of our planet's top of our first lines of defense! They should be court-martialed and utterly removed from this climate war as “enemy combatants!” thank you, ~~Alexandra Keriakedes in Nebraska~~ __________________________________________________________________________________

4/20/2013 14:38:45

marie moonbeam

Don't risk our precious environment so someone can send oil STUPID!!

4/20/2013 14:40:09

Ms. Alexandra Keriakedes

Alexandra Keriakedes, NEBRASKA OPPOSED to KXL "The poor and those (human and otherwise) who have not contributed to the problem (global warming) will bear the greatest burden of the challenges created by sources such as the KXL pipeline.....(all fossil fuels, actually) .....Future generations will face much harder lives the longer we fail to act. Furthermore, we will lose much of the plant and animal diversity we now enjoy. Follow the justified council of such as the Citizens Climate Lobby and visit events of Earth Day to renew acquaintance with wise behavior patterns for sustainable living. Please! Future generations will know how you sought to alleviate the "problem" instead of contributing to it. and for this, thank you.

4/20/2013 14:40:46

Ben Though I am not a land owner in the area that the pipe will go through, I have visited the area and seen the dedication and hard work that those living on the land put in on a daily basis and cannot imagine this land and all that it gives being jeopardized to place a pipeline in these days when we should be advancing alternative fuels.

4/20/2013 14:41:56

Melissa Nuss No Keystone XL pipeline, our future deserves better.

4/20/2013 14:46:35

alan clayton I have property close where the Keystone XL will go and I don't want it going through. I'm concerned about my water. After all the pipeline leaks/breaks we're seeing now, I don't trust the safety of the pipeline. <:-)

4/20/2013 14:47:47

Donald Dodge You cannot endanger the water supply for the area that feeds the world! The oil isn't even going to stay in the states, if it was then why not build a refinery in The Dakotas? This is a BAD idea!

4/20/2013 14:51:29

Barbara L Ebbert

Tar sands is the dirtiest fossil fuel ever developed. If Obama and John Kerry are really concerned about the future of our children and climate they would not let this go forward. The pipeline will go over the Ogallala Aquifer a critical source of water in that part of the country. The heavy oil in this pipeline sinks in water and should a spill occur (and one inevitably will at some point) it will be impossible to clean up. Trans Canada is a foreign company that wants this pipeline to go to the Gulf Coast where the oil will be refined for export. It will neither lower our energy costs or increase our energy security. Please do not approve this pipeline.

4/20/2013 14:53:43

Steven Borish It is vital for the survival of our country, our rivers, underground aquifers, our farms, our cities and our health that you do NOT allow this desecration of the Keystone XL pipeline to receive your permission to cross our nations's territory. Please cancel it. The US must be an energy leader, not a blind follower of oil companies.

4/20/2013 14:54:15

Steven Borish It is vital for the survival of our country, our rivers, underground aquifers, our farms, our cities and our health that you do NOT allow this desecration of the Keystone XL pipeline to receive your permission to cross our nations's territory. Please cancel it. The US must be an energy leader, not a blind follower of oil companies.

4/20/2013 14:59:05

Robert Fahnestock

As one who drinks the water that would be poisoned, who breathes the air that would be polluted, and who lives on the dirt that would be devastated, I would like my government to at least do a serious risk analysis of the effect of a 2% flow loss, which could not be detected by the safety equipment so far proposed, on the environment. This has not been done. This is basic environmental science. What is Keystone, and our government, afraid of?

4/20/2013 14:59:33

J. Brunton As a Nebraska resident, I am strongly opposed to the Keystone XL pipeline. Members of the media have greatly exaggerated the number of jobs the pipeline would create. An independent study done by Cornell estimates the number to be closer to 2,000 temporary jobs, and that the KXL could kill more jobs than it actually creates. The most recent State Department EIS estimates that the KXL will only create 35 jobs. Even more importantly, KXL poses a risk to my family's health and safety. A University of Nebraska-Lincoln Professor of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering conducted a study showing that the KXL would result in 91 major spills over the 50 year life of the pipeline. Clean water and safe working conditions for Nebraskans are more important to me than a handful of temporary jobs. The risk is simply not worth it.

4/20/2013 15:06:50

Rosemary L. Thornton

Dear President Obama and Sec'y Kerry: I have confidence that you two know how important it is to work toward improving energy sources that combat global warming. Allowing the Keystone XL pipeline to carry tarsands oil through the US via the Nebr. Sand Hills, over the Ogallala Aquifer and under rivers and streams across the U.S. would be an environmental nightmare! It certainly would earn money for the company building it, but it would spell greater than ever global warming for the earth. I know that you want to encourage alternative energy projects that would replace the use of petroleum products. Please show that you treasure the planet and the US's beautiful lands, waters, air and people and reject Keystone XL's pipeline! Yours for the benefit of the earth, Rosemary Thornton

4/20/2013 15:11:15

Bill Welch We don't want more oil when we have cleaner gas in abundance and we are developing alternative sources of energy, especially the dirty oil that will come through the KXL pipeline. Take a stand for the environment. Reject the KXL pipeline!

4/20/2013 15:11:23

M. Tufft I am totally against the pipeline. It is unbelievably short-sighted. It would be a race to the destruction of the planet and the destruction of our children and grandchildren. The major amount of spills just in the last month show how much we are being put at risk. And for what? More profit at the expense of everything else. We could mitigate the climate and economic crisis with green energy projects. There is so much to do. Let's make the right choices. Thank you.

4/20/2013 15:13:08

alison merkel Please DO NOT approve this pipeline for the following reasons: The Koch brothers have a financial stake in Keystone XL and their right-wing groups like AFP are working side by side with labor union LIUNA to push this risky pipeline. 100% of the steel TransCanada is using was produced outside of the United States and only 50% of this foreign-made steel was rolled and coated in the United States.

Unions do not stand 100% with this pipeline. Nurses, AFT and Communications Workers are all opposed to the pipeline. Steelworkers were opposed to Keystone I because of foreign steel and Keystone XL still uses foreign steel. Building the Keystone XL will directly impact the expansion of tar sands, and in turn speed up climate change. The KXL holds more economic risks than profits. The job creation claims being made by pipeline supporters and some media outlets are wildly exaggerated. While Rush Limbaugh says the KXL will create up to a million jobs, an independent study done by Cornell estimates the number to be closer to 2,000 temporary jobs, and that the KXL could kill more jobs than it actually creates. The most recent State Department EIS estimates that the KXL will only create 35 jobs. Pipelines leak. Many of those leaks are major and pose immense dangers to the public. According to Dr. Stansbury, UNL Professor of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering conducted a study showing that the KXL would result in 91 major spills over the 50 year life of the pipeline. The KXL will carry diluted bitumen. Diluted bitumen (dilbit) is not considered oil by the IRS, which would allow TransCanada to evade paying taxes into the Oil Spill and Liability Trust, a fund used to clean up oil spills. Indeed dilbit is not oil; it is far more dangerous to the public. A toxic sludge of chemicals and peanut-butter thick tar sands oil, dilbit sinks in water and is proving to be impossible to clean up. Extracting the tar sands causes unfathomable damage to the environment and people near the extraction sites. Investors, nations, and academics across the world are distancing themselves from the tar sands. Why? Because it’s becoming clear that it is a bad investment both financially and morally. The Keystone XL will NOT provide “energy security.” The oil is destined for export and we will not see lower gas prices.

The entire KXL review process is broken. Conflicts of interest have riddled every review and each report has ignored very important environmental concerns. TransCanada does not have a good safety record, or a good safety culture. Though they claim to promote safety by having “agreed to 57 extra conditions,” most of those are already required by law. President Obama and John Kerry have declared multiple times their commitment to fighting climate change and protecting our children’s future. If they truly believe this, then there is no way they can approve this pipeline. The KXL still crosses the Ogallala Aquifer, the most valuable resource in our state, and the fragile Sandhills. Think of the future! Do not sacrifice a clean planet for money. Thank you, Alison Merkel

4/20/2013 15:14:00

valarie jackson we do not want a pipeline owned by a foreign country (which probably could be sold to another country) to go near our unique ogallala aquifer That is a risk we do not need to take and would set a precedent as far as eminent domain is concerned.

4/20/2013 15:20:27

Royce W. Guy I gave you the power to represent we the people.Please stop this pipeline. It's not worth it.

4/20/2013 15:21:35

Alan Malone Having grown up in Nebraska as a boy, the Sandhills are nothing less than a sacred place in the minds and hearts of Nebraskans. The Ogalalla aquifer needs to be protected at all costs from contamination to support a large a diverse uses of the central western states.. The oil companies have no proven record of safety or environmental protection. Any promises they make have been hollow. There is no apparent benefit to the US withe this proposed project, no oil is used by the US, little steel is US made, and few jobs other than maybe some short term construction benefit any of us. The potential environmental damage and CO2 contributing to global warming could not possibly offset the economic value. I am opposed to this project and encourage the US State Department to disapprove this ill-conceived project. It makes no sense.

4/20/2013 15:22:29

ivan marsh NO to the keystone xl pipeline!!!!

4/20/2013 15:27:36

Sandra Fairley To all Of You Who Truly Care About our Nation, the U. S. of A.: TransCanada plans to bury 36 inch pipe through our land and then pump 800,000 barrels of toxic, corrosive tar sands mixture (some additives of which they refuse to tell us exactly what's mixed with the tar sands) per day through this pipe line at high pressure, 1440 psi. Every night before we go to sleep, we ask ourselves, "Is this the night it's going to leak or will it be tomorrow or will it be next week?" No one should have to be under that kind of burden! Please do the right thing and stop the pipeline now! Thank you in advbance for your concern, Sandra Fairley

4/20/2013 15:31:43

Phalin Strong The resistance that has met this pipeline is done with purpose. It is with consideration for our land and people that we object to be invaded, defiled, and silenced. The Keystone XL, TransCanada, and oil companies like them are not innovations for future energy resources, but a continuation of a crude oil addiction. This pipelines strips sacred lands, water sources, ecological unicorns, farms and homes of safety, beauty, livability, and use. NO to the KXL.

4/20/2013 15:37:39

Alexandra Keriakedes

"At the constitutional level where we work, (SC justice William O. Douglas) 90% of any decision is emotional. The rational part of us supplies the reasons for supportng our predilections." ~~Ms. Alexandra Keriakedes in Nebraska~~ Please, President Obama and Secretary Kerry . . . LET your rational parts supply the emotion-satisfying reason to say a final: "NO !" to Keystone XL.

4/20/2013 15:39:41

Victoria Neumeier, RN

It is time to leave oil behind in favor of renewables. Future generations will pay the price if we continue to polute the planet, the air, the water with our dirty quest for fossil fuels. The pipeline will leak. THey all do. Please do not approve this pipeline.

4/20/2013 15:46:01

Justin Holbein There must be a better solution than endangering life sustaining resources for a pipeline of dirty oil. Once the pipeline is complete so will be the promise of job creation. Profits from this pipeline do not stay in Nebraska nor will they stay in the hands of Americans. It takes true courage to find an alternative solution to a difficult problem. I doubt any courageous individuals exist within the State Department whose hands are not contaminated by special interest or oil companies. If this pipeline were to run through Congress or the offices of the State Department this issue would not exist. Will the State Dept. lead or follow? I question if true leadership can be found at this level of government. The stench of corruption lies heavily upon this decision much like the smell that will permeate Nebraska's drinking water once the pipeline poisons our way of life. Our motto is "the good life" and our own government would deny us this right.

4/20/2013 15:51:01

Eric Nelson We are redneck republicans, soccer moms, pie making grandmoms, small business owners, young people, progressive democrats, rugged ranchers and feisty farmers. We are pipeline fighters and we are here to ask for basic science, simple economics and our fundamental property rights to be protected. There is no energy independence in this pipeline. Only risks. This is our home, not TransCanadas, Not Saudi Arabias, not Chinas. We will not let you threaten our homes and we won’t let you pollute our water with your risky tarsands pipeline.

4/20/2013 15:56:04

Anna Silliman I am a long-time Nebraska resident and strongly oppose this dangerous project. Our aquifers are the most precious resource we have. No, no, no, no.

4/20/2013 15:56:51

Jessie Jewell Please stop building the pipeline. Thanks.

4/20/2013 15:59:10

Robyn Prochnow

To our elected officials, my name is Robyn Prochnow I am a land owner in - County Nebraska and I reside at Agriculture is my livelihood as well as the livelihood of my children. The income received from agriculture pays for my tuition as well as the tuition for my son who is in college and will pay for the tuition of my youngest son who will start college in the fall of 2013. I am a student at the University of Nebraska, I am working towards two majors: Environmental Studies, Soil and Water Restoration. Composition of tar sand oil … information retrieved from Transcanada website. Sand, clays DNAPL - Dense nonaqueous phase liquids. A liquid that is denser than water and does not

dissolve in water. It will sink in the aquifer LNAPL – light nonaqueous phase liquids that are less dense than water and tend to accumulate at the top of an aquifer, rises to the surface Contaminants used for dilbut BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene) - "Volatile, monocyclic aromatic compounds, VOC volatile organic compound Bitumen is the heaviest, thickest form of PETROLEUM bitumen does not flow freely: it is heavier than water and more viscous than molasses. Most of the hydrocarbons in bitumen are heavier than pentane, and about half are very heavy molecules with a boiling point over 525° C. The light fractions are high in naphthenes (used in making gasoline and PETROCHEMICALS); the heavy fractions are high in asphaltenes (used in making asphalt). Bitumen also contains up to 5% sulphur by weight, and small amounts of oxygen, heavy metals and other contaminants Health concerns: Breathing benzene can cause drowsiness, dizziness, and unconsciousness; long-term benzene exposure causes effects on the bone marrow and can cause anemia and leukemia. Benzene has been found in at least 1,000 of the 1,684 National Priority List sites identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Toluene :affects the nervous system. Toluene has been found at 959 of the 1,591 National Priority List sites identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Ethylbenzene: Breathing very high levels can cause dizziness and throat and eye irritation. Breathing lower levels has resulted in hearing effects and kidney damage in animals has been found in at least 829 of 1,699 National Priorities List sites identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Xylene : People who breathe high levels may have dizziness, confusion, and a change in their sense of balance. has been found in at least 840 of the 1,684 National Priority List sites identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Remediation: there are different types of remediation that can be used but according to Transcanada they plan to use In-Situ pumping to retrieve the spilled oil according to their report in the EIS. Their plan submitted in the EIS does not disclose the remediation plan for clean up in the vadose zone nor the Ogallala aquifer. Listed below are a few remediations that have been effective in some superfund sites in Nebraska except for the natural attenuation of course. Natural attenuation fancy word for doing nothing, let nature take it’s course

Zerovalent Iron: use of iron to oxidize contaminants Bioremediation: use of nitrogen to stimulate microorganisms, used at Prince William Sound after many failed attempts cleaning up after the Exxon Valdez oil spill. In Situ Chemical Oxidation: long process very costly but effective for aerobic microbial activity Fenton Reaction: use of ferris iron and hydrogen peroxide In the final EIS Transcanada discussed In – Situ remediation by use of skimmers and plywood boards for navigational waters…we are on the fringe of the sand hills I don’t see any navigational waters . I want to see a more defined remediation plan for the different soil types and ground water… cannot use bioremediation in parts of Holt county because of the water leaching properties of the sandy soil and the high nitrates already in the ground water this will only increase the nitrate level in the sandy area…33ppm nitrates already exist in section24 township29 range 10 First responder training According to transcanada in case of a spill they are to be the first to be contacted…. What would be their response time to an oil spill north of Page NE? Who would be the first to respond? Why not train the volunteer fire departments in WASWOPER since they know the locations and they would be able to have a quicker response time than someone from Lincoln or Kansas City We talk about renewable energy and jobs, why not support the ethanol and soy-biodiesel production in Nebraska? What are the benefits of supporting Nebraska farmers? First of all the crops remove CO2 from the atmosphere in exchange for O2 as a byproduct through the process of photosynthesis. Second we will be employing Nebraskans who want to work. The revenue from Nebraska farmers will help pay for our transportation routes, education, health care systems and governmental agencies. Oh Nebraska farmers already pay into this…will transcanada? Have you ever heard of the 5 P’s:( prior planning prevents poor performance) perhaps if the elected officials would have thought of them then we would not have the problems that we experience at Prince William Sound, Kalamazoo River, Gulf of Mexico, Love Cannel, or the most recent Mayflower Arkansas oil spill. Has history not taught our elected officials anything? I just want to ask…what would your mother think of you if she knew what was being done. My brother is serving his 4th tour in Afghanistan to protect our rights to freedom, the freedom to live in a clean safe environment. I don’t see any elected official risking their life for our rights. The work that my brother is doing is that for a wasted cause? We are hard working agricultural producers, who start their day at the butt crack of dawn to raise crops to feed their livestock and to feed America, and yes we even feed those people

who work for Transcanada. But yet our way of life is being threatened…for what? The greater good? The greater good of what or whom. What would you think if all agricultural producers went on strike? Not just the agricultural producer of the Midwest but All ag producers from the west coast to the Florida orange groves. Where would you get your Omaha Steaks for your big parties? Goodness does this mean you would have to drink water from your own tap so you have something to sustain your life? If you don’t want to drink your water I’m sure people in Mayflower Arkansas would be more than happy to send you a jug of their water. I have a lot of respect for my family especially for those who have passed on. One of my Aunts use to say to my cousin…Don’t bite the hand that feeds you…another Aunt use to say …if there is a will there is a I’m going to ask… does our elected officials have the will for us to continue our way of life so we can feed the nation? Another person that I have a lot of respect for because he knew what was right and he stood up for what was right for our state. His name is Lowell Fisher from - County Nebraska who went on a hunger strike to prevent the development of a nuclear dump site. Here are some articles you can read on that topic: Plan for Nuclear Dump Stirs Rancor in Rural Nebraska March 26, 1989 Nebraska County Split Over Nuclear Dump October 22, 1990|By Rogers Worthington, Chicago Tribune. United States Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit. - 970 F.2d 421 Submitted April 13, 1992.Decided July 6, 1992. Transfer of $145.8 million ends nuke waste lawsuit THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ME AND LOWELL FISHER, I HAVE SOCIAL MEDIA…..Don’t let this Keystone XL Pipeline go through…

4/20/2013 15:59:26

Kent Goertzen Why I’m against the Keystone XL pipeline altogether, not just its current route. My name is Kent Goertzen And I stand against the Keystone XL pipeline.

First I'm mostly going to be talking about water. If we look at the near future, we need to be protecting our water resources. Protecting like the most precious commodity it is. The recent heat waves in Texas, rising average temperatures, and random weather is telling us this. Studies are showing that we are moving rapidly towards the same conditions that were prevalent in the first recorded Dust Bowl as discussed in articles by Nature, and Op Eds in the New York times. We can also look at what is happening in England. With some of the driest winters on record the last several years, they have said if it continue just another year, they may be forced to switch the water supply in large parts of the country to Stand Pipes in the next year. For those who don’t know what Stand Pipes are, they are faucets on public streets. Water is shut off in personal houses and people are forced to go to the stand pipes to get their water in buckets for use in the home. Cooking water, drinking water, bathing water all from a public faucet that is only usable during certain times. Yes England, the fog, rain, and drizzle country in a catastrophic drought. Water is our most precious resource. It sustains us, necessary for our survival. Yet this pipeline would jeopardize this most important resource, for what? Oil that isn’t guaranteed to even be directed for us, that a foreign national is trying to build. A resource we can easily replace and have the technology to do so now with natural gas, hydrogen, and electricity generated from renewable sources. I want to quote a friend, "What most people do not know, is that industry uses 90% of all water used in the U.S. The remaining 10% is divided between municipal usage and the water people use in their homes. That is an astounding statistic! The people use less than 10% of all the water. The public is always being told to conserve water. If every person cut their water usage in half (or more), it wouldn't make even a small improvement in staving off coming water shortages. In a word, industrial capitalism is UNSUSTAINABLE. Whether we are talking about shortages in oil or water, global warming, soil depletion, or the hundred other problems associated with for profit industry - the unavoidable fact is that our way of life is simply not sustainable; even

into the near future." -Carol Dewey Now lets look at the motives behind the pipeline. TransCanada and US politicians say we need this oil. But we are a net exporter of petroleum products. A Canadian expert in favor of the pipeline even says this, "And with the International Energy Agency forecasting the U.S. achieving energy self-sufficiency by 2020, Keystone isn’t really about reducing U.S. dependence on foreign oil. Not in the longer term. It’s about a route to Asia for Canadian oil, and diversifying our markets." - L. Ian MacDonald He is in favor of it, yet notes there really is no benefit to the US as a whole. The Canadian Prime Minister, and TransCanada themselves have both said almost the exact same things. And in fact, because this will lower the supply of their Tar Sands Crude with them being able to sell it to more places outside of the US, their price for their product will go up. They are currently selling to the US at a huge discount because they have no one else to sell it to, and they have so much extra they can't get to other markets. TransCanada even touts that fact in Canadian papers and speeches to government officials. If it isn't meant benefit the US and is meant to be an export pipeline, why are we bearing the risk just to profit them and a few US and foreign corporations (a Saudi owned refinery will be one of the main ones processing this crude)? Why should we bear the risks when one of the main reasons to go south is the opposition in their own country to running it to their own coasts? Why should we bear the risks when 90% of oil leaks go undetected by the detection systems these companies tout as making the pipelines safe. That isn't an environmental impact?

sensors.html Or that huge glaring holes were found in the Southern leg of the pipeline by activists. This is a pipeline that will be pumping at a higher preasure than regular crude. So even more oil will be leaking from these flaws. And as we've seen with the Arkansas leak, when the pipes fail, they fail more explosively with much larger holes breaking through. The previous pipeline TransCanada claimed would leak once every seven years. It has leaked over 12 times in one year. They said they would be able to detects leaks quickly. 4 of the leaks they had no idea about until several days later when land owners contacted them. It is not and has never been just environmentalists that oppose this pipeline. Nebraskans of all walks of life from business owners, Ranchers, Republicans and Democrats, old and young, all walks of life oppose it, because it endangers the very heart of our state... its water. You should see it. Nebraskans aren't ones to anger, some of the friendliest people you could meet. Driving down a road here you'll likely get a wave even from those you don't know. We don't protest much if really at all. But this issue has brought them out in our state to protest and rally. They have gone to Washington D.C. and been arrested in a peaceful sit in. And have have come out in our own state to protest outside the Governors Home. We can live without oil. We can use other technologies for energy. We cannot live without water. Water to drink, for our foods, our crops, for Cattle. We need to protect this resource, and the Ogallala Aquifer is one of the most important sources of fresh, clean water in the United States. We cannot sacrifice our most important resources, our land, our water, and our future. I have to quote Randy Thompson now, who made a great point at the last hearing held in D.C. : 'History will be the ultimate judge of this project and we are about ready to write that chapter of our history. Will our descendants look back and say, 'Thank God our Great Grandfathers had the foresight to protect the resources that we are now depending upon.' Or will they say, 'What were the damn fools think'in about.'

4/20/2013 16:05:39

Marci Baker Please stop the Keystone XL pipeline. We must protect our land, water, homes, and animals from this pipeline. Not in our land, not in our water, not in our country, Marci Baker We need to protect our people, animals and land.

4/20/2013 16:11:54

R. Kaufman Sec Kerry There is no promise that Canadian oil moved thru this risky KXL pipeline will even be sold for use in the US market. Please say NO.

4/20/2013 16:13:18

Lynne Hunter I am against the Keystone XL pipeline. It is symbolic of the urgency of our need to transition AWAY from fossil fuels that become more and more extreme in their toll on the earth and TO conservation and alternative energies. With the denial of this permit, let's turn our human energies toward a healthy future and away from a future that is deadly.

4/20/2013 16:17:46

Paul Marcussen You know the history of big oil. They are professional liars. They cut costs by deferring maintenance on their pipelines(ex. BP in Alaska). They lie about global warming not happening. They lie about jobs from the pipeline. They lie about keystone oil lowering oil prices in the U.S.-the oil will be sold on the world market, like any other. Oil is the United States largest export commodity. They lie about the destruction of the boreal forest. Pipelines burst. CO2 heats the planet and destroys the oceans. What's there to get here. The only reason to build this pipeline is to continue on the unsustainable path of idiot criminal capitalism that will kill us all in the future, but I guess we can only see to the next quarters profits. Oilmen are nothing but drug pushers and need to brought to heel, like wall street banksters. Its funny how we can put all our resources into catching the Boston Marathon bombers, but can't put a single bankster or environmental criminal oilman in prison. We have alternative energy sources that will employ many times more people, than maintaining the status quo. Please do not approve this abortion! Please listen to the scientists. Thank you

4/20/2013 16:18:51

Lesley Federgreenn

Open your eyes and see what you're doing to the planet. WAKE UP!

4/20/2013 16:23:37

Alexandra Keriakedes

Dear State Department personnel: We applaud you for choosing Teresa Hobgood as your ambassador to Nebraska for conducting the hearing on Thursday, 18. April. She and her traveling companions showed extraordinary qualities of patience and endurance without loosing their humanity and even a sense of humor. We felt our messages would be securely conveyed to President Obama and Secretary Kerry unlike those of the previous two hearings. As surely as these gentlemen have children, at least, and the hope of grandchildren and great grandchildren yet to they cannot seriously consider placing us all at the risk of any more global warming we can yet prevent. Transcanada has already caused so much additional global warming through their plundering of millions of acres of boreal forest lands and depletion of the formerly clean Athabasca River ......we cannot allow this to continue. For our entire planet ....STOP the Keystone XL and all over trade with fossil fuels. If our people will be taught to responsibly RATION their usage of fossil fuels as the "luxury" labor/time-saver they truly are ..... we can yet avert the ravages of the deadly "A.I.G. virus" (= "Arrogance, Ignorance, & Greed." Please "Stand with Randy" and STOP the KXL before it ruins us. Thank you, for Nebraska, the rest of the Midwest, and, indeed .....the civilized WORLD.

4/20/2013 16:25:13

Mary Sullivan Dear State Department, After considerable study and review of this issue, I conclude that the Keystone XL pipeline does not benefit our country. The various arguments for the pipeline do not hold up. Long term employment will not be improved. The US will not have more energy available, or be "energy secure". The risks involved to the environment and to wildlife, as well as to our climate are tremendous. It is not a matter of whether there will be damage, but rather how much and how often. Please do not support Keystone XL. Sincerely, Mary Sullivan

4/20/2013 16:25:33

Alec Merber The time has passed to find alternatives to oil, gas and other non-renewable energy sources. This pipeline is not only a continuation of a failed energy policy, but a highly dangerous one with all of the potential for harm that goes with it. I, along with thousands of other Americans, say KXL must not be built.

4/20/2013 16:32:34

Alexandra Keriakedes for her brother

Please remember (and remind President Obama) to honor his pledge to the United States to shun fossil fuels and favor green energy and the far greater number of working possibilities ("jobs") that will create instead of adding to the weakness of our struggling environment and its dependents. Thank you.

4/20/2013 16:35:18

Trudy L Waterman

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot. Nothing is going to get better. It's not." Dr. Seuss

4/20/2013 16:45:15

Andrew Owenreay

The Dept of Defense recognizes that climate instability is a threat to national security. Why can't the State Department do the same and stop this climate bomb? Please be sensible.

4/20/2013 16:47:25

Cynthia Askerooth-Olson

I want a clean world for my children to live in! STOP the pipeline! CLEAN energy from the sun NOT poison oil! Let's create a new world! And so it is...

4/20/2013 16:52:59

Wade Wunderlich

Please, No pipeline through Nebraska, thanks for your consideration.

4/20/2013 16:59:03

Nancy Breth This land and air and water belongs to us all. Please keep it clean. Say no to the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/20/2013 16:59:05

Carl Mellecker How can anyone sane person approve this? Fact: The KXL will carry diluted bitumen. Diluted bitumen (dilbit) is not considered oil by the IRS, which would allow TransCanada to evade paying taxes into the Oil Spill and Liability Trust, a fund used to clean up oil spills. Indeed dilbit is not oil; it is far more dangerous to the public. A toxic sludge of chemicals and peanut-butter thick tar sands oil, dilbit sinks in water and is proving to be impossible to clean up. Carl Mellecker

4/20/2013 17:01:21

tamara sotillo This is a grave mistake when we have so many alternatives that are safe which we can pursue.

4/20/2013 17:06:36

kent adelson Please do not allow the pipeline to go across our heartland. Let us instead turn to newer forms of energy that will benefit our country, and not others. This pipeline is mapped to go over my farm in central Nebraska. This is some of the top producing ground in the country. It also has an irrigation well within 200 yard of the planned pipeline. If the oil would spill and make it to this well it would have a freefall to our groundwater, with no way of removing or recovering the oil from water. This is a bad idea, based on greed and payoffs to those who decide. Stand with me against this.

4/20/2013 17:09:02

Dr. Amy Geschwender

I am a scientist, and I make decisions based on data and facts. To date, the necessary data and facts have not been provided for a realistic risk analysis of the Keystone XL pipeline. TransCanada's leak monitoring technology can only detect a leak if it produces at least 700,000 gallons per day. Nebraskans are not satisfied with this level of safety. Our land, our agriculture, and our way of life are at risk. I respectfully urge you to obtain the data and facts required to realistically examine the risks represented by this pipeline. Generations of hard-working Nebraskans are counting on you to make a fully informed decision. Best regards, Amy Geschwender, Ph.D.

4/20/2013 17:09:45

Bob Feagins The number of environmental risks associated with the Keystone pipeline far exceed the potential benefit. This pipeline is not worth it.

4/20/2013 17:09:57

Richard/Louise Carlson

We feel really helpless about this proposed pipeline being a foregone conclusion however we wish to add our names to Nebraska landowners who are NOT in favor of the pipeline across our state. It has been said many times but is worth repeating.. This pipeline is a foolish risk that very likely will ruin our water and our land. The tarsand oil is not our oil and will be sold on the world market so what energy independence are they talking about? Environmentally this whole project a disaster waiting to happen. As for jobs, they are only temporary.

4/20/2013 17:13:56

Clint Jones The pipeline is a lose-lose proposition. All risk and minimal gain. There are other jobs and other energy sources with much less risk and more gain.

4/20/2013 17:17:47



4/20/2013 17:19:30

Laura Fisher Semerad

Please don't compromise the Ogallala Aquifer and the precious Sandhills by approving the Keystone XL Pipeline. The aquifer and the Sandhills are a better resource to us, than dirty tar sand oil being pumped through for a few temporary jobs. The tar sands oil is difficult to clean up and spills are inevitable. Nebraska's very economy depends on the fresh water that flows freely underground. This is a foreign company and to give them eminent domain over hard working farmer's and rancher's land is terrible! Don't let big oil bully you. They can't bully hard working Nebraskans. We're better than that! Look at the pipeline fighters. That is Nebraska! Listen to them. Please don't do this. My family has a farm in the Sandhills and the beauty is so amazing. Find Nebraska Sandhills on Facebook and look at their photos. I dare you to look at that natural beauty and then be able to have it in your hear to approve that pipeline just for money...just to make big oil richer. How sad.

4/20/2013 17:23:08

Cynthia Cates One spill of toxic pollutants from the Keystone XL Pipeline into the Ogallala Aquifer could poison an untold number of people. I am a homeowner in Neb., very near the proposed new route of the pipeline, which, despite the obfuscations of Transcanada and government officials, STILL crosses the tremendously environmentally sensitive Sandhills region. The argument that the pipeline will offer jobs to people is specious, and even if it were true, the costs far, far outweigh any possible benefit to the worker. The pipeline will only take, take, take -- it is a horribly dangerous health hazard and will destroy a fragile and beautiful ecosystem. It will GIVE only more, more, more to politicians and oil fatcats by selling our stolen resources to overseas companies.

4/20/2013 17:23:08

Shirley Condon Please say no to the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. It poses tremendous risks to our Ogallala Aquifer and the water supplies of untold numbers of US citizens, livestock, plants, and wildlife all depending on clean water for survival. This pipeline is expected to be in service for decades. In fact, the Perryman Group’s analysis of the economic impact of KXL on the US was based on “the 100-year life of the project.” Not only do we need to worry about our own safety, but the possible risks to future generations. The “economic impact” no matter how large is not worth the risk of these tar sands and toxic diluents leaking into our water. Though the Earth’s surface is largely water, only 1% of the water is suitable for drinking. Furthermore, the Earth’s water is not “renewable.” There is no new water forming – every molecule of water currently in existence is the very same water present in the age of dinosaurs. We can’t risk the chance that any of it getting so polluted that it is no longer available for human, plant, or animal consumption. TransCanada insists that this will be the safest pipeline ever made. But they cannot promise that it will never leak. We don’t know how safe the steel is; it was made by a company based in India already being investigated for using substandard steel in other pipelines. TransCanada is using a new formulation of this steel and a thinner-walled pipe, neither of which have been proven to be safe. We don’t know how it will react to the corrosive tar sands and diluents, the higher pressure, and added heat necessary to force this thick stuff through the heartland of our country. Will our great-grandchildren have to wonder years from now why their own future has been destroyed by the decisions we make today? Please deny the Keystone XL permit.

4/20/2013 17:27:11

Anita Herrmann Keystone XL is on the wrong side of history; stop it.

4/20/2013 17:28:12

Dorothy Kaltz I am opposed to the pipeline. I am also opposed to fracking in MI and hauling poisons across the evaporating Great Lakes. I am sick of monied interests making policy in their own interests and disregarding the country, people and environment. Time to convert to clean and renewal energy.

4/20/2013 17:34:58

Denise Johnson Stop the Pipeline, it's insane to believe it is safe when we are celebrating the 3rd anniversary of the BP Gulf spill, and still it is not cleaned up. We cannot contain the oil and it definitely is hazardous to our health

4/20/2013 17:49:04

Edmund Pusch This pipeline should have never been built. Canadian citizens defeated it in their country. BIG MONEY wants it here regardless of however many USA citizens will be harmed and abused. LOOK at the spill in AR. This is really a VERY stupid idea.

4/20/2013 18:05:09

Jamie Dorn Keystone XL poses a serious threat to the water and lands in Nebraska in the form of potential leaks and spills. The project is not a significant economic stimulator for our state, and tar sands are a poor avenue to be pursuing for energy needs.

4/20/2013 18:08:34

Jeremy Long As a resident of Nebraska and the great-great grandson of a homesteader whose property lies near the route, I urge you not to approve the Keystone XL pipeline. It is not in the long-term interest of our country to build it. Environmentally, the tar sands are a burgeoning disaster, from the destruction of the boreal forests, to the energy intensive extraction of "immature" crude, to the risk laden (and leak assured) transport of the bituminous sands across fragile ecosystems such as the Ogallala Aquifer, to the polluting refining process and finally to the polluting vehicles using this source of fuel. The recent spills in Michigan and Arkansas have highlighted the inherent safety issues and all but impossible clean-up that this type of crude can cause. In Nebraska, in particular, water is our life-line and our greatest asset. To put this at risk is a grievous miscalculation. Economically, studies have shown little economic benefit in terms of permanent job growth and therefore appears only to benefit the private interests of an elite few. Likely, the sales of the refined crude will be exported, resulting in little-to-no price decrease in petroleum costs for U.S. consumers. As well, diluted bitumen is not considered oil and therefore, TransCanada is not required to contribute to the Oil Spill and Liability Trust placing financial liability on taxpayers and not the corporations whose negligence caused the spill. Lastly, TransCanada has bullied its way to this point in the process, from its powerful lobby in Washington and state governments to misleading advertising and economic justifications and most of all to its bullying of landowners and native Americans both of whom consider the land to be sacred. This pipeline is not in our national interest and if the President sticks to his commitment to fight climate change and protect the future for our children, then he needs to reject the Keystone XL.

4/20/2013 18:14:42

Pat Halderman Say NO to the Keystone XL Pipeline. It will not create jobs. The tar sand oil will not stay in the US. The pipe will leak!

4/20/2013 18:15:52

Paul Donahue “We need good jobs building clean energy. That way labor wins, the climate wins and our futures win.” I can't argue with that sentiment.

4/20/2013 18:24:21

Cynthia Rockwell

I urge you to NOT allow the Keystone Pipeline to be built across our underground aquifer. Please save our water and our land for future generations!

4/20/2013 18:25:14

Catharine Farkas

Dilbit is too toxic and dangerous to transport. Period. Only the Koch brothers and foreign corporations profit. We take ALL the risks and get NOTHING in return. NO to Keystone XL!!! The environmental risks are unacceptable. The tar sands project in Alberta needs to be shut down! The environmental damage to Alberta is already catastrophic!

4/20/2013 18:25:28

Aubrey Streit Krug

Violent events like the tragedies in Newtown and Boston make people fear for their safety. But climate change is a form of sustained violence against communities, too, and it is already affecting people of all ages. As activist Bill McKibben says, climate change is not only a future occurrence that will impact our grandchildren (though it will, of course). Climate change is here and now. It is already impacting the people and creatures I know and love. As a graduate student and teacher in Nebraska who often visits her farming family in rural Kansas, I have seen the effects of the drought in 2012 upon the land and the people. What I’ve also seen in Nebraska are a lot of misleading advertisements and false promises from TransCanada about the proposed Keystone XL pipeline. This pipeline will not create meaningful jobs or sustainable communities. Instead its creation looms as another form of violence—one that scholar Rob Nixon calls “slow violence.” Slow violence may initially appear as innocuous, but its harmful effects seep into our lives over time. The pipeline will contribute to climate change by advancing a carbon-polluting economy that destroys ecosystems. In addition, it will cross the aquifer in Nebraska as well as major above-ground watersheds and river systems, with any spills threatening to contaminate Nebraska’s water supply. A pipeline transporting fossil fuels and leaking chemicals (and we don’t know what chemicals are in diluted bitumen) is the epitome of slow violence, since what is spilled is not easily or cheaply cleaned up. It will linger in our lives and bodies. We can see this in the Enbridge pipeline spill that happened in the Kalamazoo River several years ago, which is still being cleaned up. And as Inside Climate News reported, TransCanada is lying when it says it will use the most advanced spill protection technology in building Keystone XL. Slow violence most affects the health and safety of those who don’t hold power in American society: the young, the elderly, the poor, the brown. These people, however, together comprise the majority of America—and of North America. First Nations residents of Fort

Chipewyan, Alberta, for instance, have protested oil sands development because their community has suffered the slow violence of cancer and disease, thanks to its location downstream from the tar sands. We already have many stories of environmental injustices because of energy development in America, from coal plants that emit mercury into the air breathed by communities of color to the BP oil spill that devastated Gulf shore economies and ecologies. We don’t need more stories like this to know what slow violence can do. The State Department should deny the permit to TransCanada to build the Keystone XL pipeline, and use its power to put a quick stop to the slow violence that this pipeline and other projects like it will bring to American communities.

4/20/2013 18:25:34

Michael Dreher The last thing we need is another gulf disaster destroying the Mississippi Delta and the Arkansas lands. We do not need this snake pit dirty thick oil. No way to Keystone.

4/20/2013 18:26:14

Pamela Friebaugh

From Edmonton down to Texas, this whole project is an ecological disaster. Just having to write a comment to you shows me how powerful big corporations are in Washington.

4/20/2013 18:30:41

Lynette Ryder The US needs to moving toward renewables, not allow a foreign corporation to take land from our citizens and endanger our water supply. We get nothing from this but a few short term jobs. Let those workers rebuild our bridges, roads, etc. as well as wind and solar projects.

4/20/2013 18:34:06

Michael Dreher The last thing we need is another gulf disaster destroying the Mississippi Delta and the Arkansas lands. We do not need this snake pit dirty thick oil. No way to Keystone.

4/20/2013 18:38:32

Shirley Condon Please deny the permit for Keystone XL. I have studied this project extensively since the first letter I received from the land agent representing TransCanada, in early April 2010. TransCanada was asking us to sign an easement agreement to allow them to place a pipeline across our pasture, through our cattle pond and our windbreak. The pipeline would be 36” across and 4’ below ground from the top of the pipe, placing the pipeline directly into our shallow water table. It would be less than 300 yards from our well and vacation home and our 12 acre sandpit lake, and would cross the southernmost channel of the Platte River on the other side of our property. This seemed like a crazy idea. As the photocopied easement included 3 misspelled names (my mother, my siblings and I own the property), handwritten notations, large whited-out sections, and gaps in the printed information where words had been deleted, we decided to ignore it. After two more letters and two different amounts listed to be given as payment for the easement, in July, 2010, we received a letter threatening us with eminent domain if we didn’t sign within 30 days. By this time we had studied all the information we could find on tar sands, TransCanada, and the Keystone XL proposal. We learned that TransCanada needed

a permit to cross into the US and it had not yet been granted. Yet the letter stated that TransCanada “is constructing and will operate” this pipeline and that we must sign away rights to our property. How could they do this without the permit? After several more letters and contracts were delivered, we received, in April, 2011, their “final offer” of double the dollar amount of the initial offer and yet another threat of condemnation proceedings if we didn’t sign in 30 days. What we just couldn’t get through to them was that we had no intention of being intimidated this way, and were convinced that our own government would protect us from this foreign corporation and their dirty toxic tar sands. It seems absurd that two years later, we are still being bullied by TransCanada. The reroute of the pipeline is no longer across our property, but we have no intention of backing down from our beliefs that this is much too dangerous a risk to the Ogallala Aquifer, to our Sandhills, and to our climate to be worth any amount of economic benefit. The benefit will be entirely TransCanada’s, as we know now that the numbers of jobs they claim is vastly inflated, and the tar sands cannot be refined into a product we can use in the United States and will not lead to lower gas prices as they claim. The “oil” has always been destined for overseas. And now in light of the recent disastrous failures of other pipelines, we find that tar sands are not even classified as “oil” and as such, TransCanada does not have to pay taxes into the Oil Spill and Liability Trust, used to clean up spills. And TransCanada has paid for experts who prepared the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, the Supplemental EIS, and even the latest EIS, which completely gloss over the damage to our environment from the extraction and eventual use of this “dirty” fuel form. Please stand up for our country and our environment and deny the permit for KXL. No amount of perceived economic benefit could ever make up for the risks posed by this project.

4/20/2013 18:40:28

Betty J Mapes We do not need that pipeline going through Nebraska. We are tired of the lies we are being fed and just want The State Dept. to tell them, "enough is enough" We know what has happened in Michigan and Arkansas and we do not need that kind of trouble in our state.

4/20/2013 18:48:09

Michele Burge This pipeline is not in the best interests of the United States, I would strongly urge denying the Keystone XL pipeline. We are a labor union family (IBEW) and we do not support this project.

4/20/2013 18:52:32

Mrs. Helen & Dr. Edwin Woerner

You have requested comments on the question of whether the Keystone XL pipeline serves the national interest of the United States: I was born in Illinois and I have been an English teacher for most of my life. My husband is a mathematics professor from Nebraska. We have worked overseas for the past fifteen years, teaching in the UAE, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Oman. Last summer I retired to the United States, hoping finally to enjoy the green, beautiful American land and comfortable, temperate

climate after all those years in the scorching, arid wastelands of the Middle East. However, thanks to the hottest and driest summer here in recorded history, the reality of our return was far from what we expected. Instead of normal weather conditions—‘normal’ such as we can expect in Kansas, we experienced a nightmarish reenactment of the Great Dust Bowl. Temperatures reached 115 degrees day after day. Harsh, desiccating winds blew incessantly. Creeks and ponds dried up. Our garden failed, our neighbors’ crops shriveled and died, cattle had to be slaughtered, and wildlife all but disappeared. Old-timers said they had never seen anything like it. We collected water from rain barrels, our cistern, and runoff-storage tanks. We recycled dishwater to flush toilets, rationed showers, and hauled water all day long just to keep our fruits and berries and the magnificent old trees that shade our property alive, and it wasn’t enough—I believed I could feel the land and animals crying out from the relentless heat, wind, and drought. We lost the garden, all our fruit, and half a dozen fine trees on our property alone, and with another summer like this one, who knows what will happen? The region simply can’t sustain more drought of this magnitude. We would like to expand and develop our small farm and eventually pass it on to our children. Our retirement portfolio is mostly real estate holdings. Being able to work hard at these ventures with some expectation of success is our idea of the American Dream. It comprises our “interests,” to use State Department language, as US citizens. Our financial security and our plans for the future—for our Life, our Liberty to make reasonable choices about how we live, and our Pursuit of Happiness, or at least (since this is Kansas) of a decent living--all depend on the continuing agricultural, social, and economic viability of our region. However, we understand the science on climate change. We realize that the future likely holds more of what we experienced last summer, with an atmospheric warming of only about one degree. In fact, we know that if immediate and significant changes are not made in the way we live and produce energy, the US and the world are in for “Dust-Bowlification,” due to the effects of climate change. The convergence of scientific evidence points to longer, more frequent and severe drought and ever rising temperatures by 2040, not only in the US, but throughout what are now the world’s temperate zones, including virtually all of the agriculturally viable parts of this planet. If this warming occurs, we can anticipate worldwide food shortages, water wars, disease, and increased mortality. Climate refugees will destabilize governments; battles will be fought over scarce resources. Many scientists question whether civilization can survive if the Earth is subjected to even 2 degrees more warming, and there is a growing recognition that life as we know it will end if warming

surpasses 6 degrees Celsius. I would say that such scenarios are not in our best US interests. To have any chance of preventing catastrophic climate change, we must immediately cut greenhouse gas emissions. We must minimalize our consumption of fossil fuels and switch to a clean energy economy. Building the Keystone XL pipeline to facilitate the exploitation of highly polluting, carbon-intensive Canadian tar sands bitumen is not consistent with a low-carbon future. The Keystone XL will carry and emit at least 181 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent per year, as a conservative estimate. The tar sands project alone stands to add 240 ppm of CO2 to the atmosphere, which, added to our current level of 290 ppm, pushes the total well over the limit estimated allowable to avoid 2 degrees or more of warming, with concomitant feedbacks of potentially dire portent. ‘Energy security’ arguments of Keystone XL proponents contend that the pipeline will promote US energy independence by reducing our reliance on foreign oil, especially from unfriendly countries. This claim is false. Keystone XL tar sands bitumen is ‘foreign oil’ in every sense, from the foreign investors who hold controlling interests in this Canadian company to its foreign export destinations, mainly in Chinese and Indian markets. Tar sands oil is a highly toxic, ‘unfriendly’ foreign fossil fuel product which will leak and spill along its transport route. It will further contaminate American communities at its destination refineries. Keystone XL tar sands pipelines and the toxic substances they transport will damage or destroy American ecosystems and deprive American people of their health, land, and livelihoods. The only way to achieve our national interests of energy security, economic prosperity, and a fair and promising future for our children is through an immediate mobilization of America’s industrial, scientific, and social capabilities to support the rapid deployment of clean energy systems. We must say YES to wind, geothermal, and solar and NO to fossil fuels and the Keystone XL pipeline. Respectfully submitted, Helen & Dr. Edwin Woerner

4/20/2013 18:59:33

Jaime Soderstrom

A 2 year study on the corrosiveness of DilBit has not been completed. The 1 year study on oil leak detection has not been completed. There is a lawsuit in Nebraska challenging the constitutionality of our governor giving eminent domain to TransCanada. TransCanada, a foreign company, has used bully tactics against Nebraska landowners. The whole review process with regard to the pipeline appears biased in favor of TC because TC shills were utilized to conduct the studies. The biggest farce is that politics were utilized to redefine the sandhills. The proposed route still crosses the Nebraska sandhills and threatens the Ogallala Aquifer. Please recommend to President Obama that he disapprove this pipeline. NEBRASKA PEOPLE MATTER AND SO DOES THE REST OF THE PLANET !!!!

4/20/2013 19:02:21

David Sukovaty This is an atrocity waiting to unfold. No matter how safe they say it is this pipeline will fail and desecrate our landscape at some point. We are being lied to and that enough should be a red flag to EVERYONE.

4/20/2013 19:02:27

Paula Griffin An influx of tar sands on the U.S. pipeline network poses greater risks to pipeline integrity, challenges for leak detection systems and significantly increased impacts to sensitive water resources when spilled. Observing a lack of due diligence by industry as it flooded the aging U.S. pipeline system with thick, HEAVY [SINKS IN WATER] diluted bitumen tar sands and proposes a major expansion of tar sands transport on new pipelines like Keystone XL. Government regulators need to identify risks associated with tar sands pipelines and develop safety regulations to address those risks. Pipelines moving tar sands are more likely to leak, that leak detection systems are unlikely to detect tar sands spills when they happen, tar sands spills are significantly more damaging than conventional spills, and conventional spills response measures are inadequate for containing and cleaning tar sands spills. However, despite the mounting evidence for concern, the tar sands pipeline industry continues to press ahead with their reckless expansion plans while investing in a campaign to avoid due diligence or improved safety standards for tar sands pipelines. Data from states in the northern Midwest, which have seen the greatest volumes of tar sands diluted bitumen over the longest time period, is alarming. Pipelines in North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan spilled 3.6 times as much crude per mile than the national average between 20010 and 2012. High temperature tar sands pipelines are at greater risk of leaks. Tar sands pipelines operate at higher temperatures that conventional pipelines and high temperature pipelines are more likely to spill due to external corrosion. We know that high temperature pipelines are more likely to rupture due to external corrosion because a small network of pipelines in southern California has provided us with an on point case study. Enbridge’s tar sands spill into the Kalamazoo River in 2010, resulting in the largest and most expensive onshore pipeline accident in U.S. history, was caused by external corrosion. Moreover, much of Enbridge’s line 6B, which was one of the first pipelines to move significant volumes of tar sands diluted bitumen into the United States, had to be replaced due to hundreds of corrosion abnormalities. Natural Resources Defense Council highlighted the risk of external corrosion on high temperature diluted bitumen tar sands pipelines in comments to U.S. pipeline regulators in early 2011. And yet, industry’s silence on the general risk of high temperature tar sands pipelines and external corrosion speaks volumes. THE EVIDENCE SUGGESTS INDUSTRY SOLVE CURRENT ISSUES BEFORE ADVANCING AGENDA.

4/20/2013 19:04:32

Shirley Condon Please deny the permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline. The risk of the destruction of fragile ecosystems like Nebraska's Sandhills and the possibility of contamination reaching our Ogallala Aquifer is not worth the few jobs the pipeline will generate or the false claims of economic benefits. The refined tar sands will be sold on the open market, most likely to China. TransCanada has boasted of the increase in oil prices once the pipeline is approved, and tar sands cannot be refined into gasoline, so there will be no relief in gas prices at our pumps as they claim. TransCanada has proven to be a very bad neighbor with its threats of eminent domain on US citizens, its callous disregard for rights of indigenous people both in the US and in Canada, highly inflated claims of job numbers, and its many ties to other foreign companies including the manufacturer of the pipeline steel in India and the oil's destination, a refinery owned by Saudi Arabia. I see no benefits for the United States -- only risks to our environment. Please say NO to the permit for this dangerous pipeline.

4/20/2013 19:14:13

Laurel Van Ham There is no way that a pipeline carrying tar sands oil is in America's national interest. It will not reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and it will only make it easier for our neighbor to the north to contribute significantly to the already dangerous level of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. There is no fence high enough to keep that danger from crossing our border with Canada.

4/20/2013 19:15:31

barbara phalen Thank you for supporting Nebraskans opposed to the Keystone XL, from the otherwise silent majority. We recognize the importance of the issue and hope to keep our water safe for future generations!

4/20/2013 19:17:51

katie kingsley I am strongly opposed to allowing the Keystone XL pipeline to go through Nebraska, let alone, any other state. We will not benefit by anything --those jobs they tout won't be ours. We could also pave Central Park and that would bring jobs--but that would also be stupid. So is the argument that this pipeline would bring jobs. The only thing that our country will have in 100 years-- to its name-- is it's beauty and natural resources--Look at what is happening to China's environment--We can't destroy our land and water anymore. You don't owe that company anything, and you do owe a lot to the citizens of Nebraska. So--STAND UP AND MAKE THE RIGHT DECISION. PLEASE!!!! Thank you... Katie Kingsley

4/20/2013 19:19:30

Thomas Merten I grew up in Nebraska and now live in Florida where my wife and I own and operate a B&B that is state certified by the Florida Green Lodging Program. We have long walked the talk. Our solar water heater turns 35 this July. The US needs to get off the oil teat, do serious conservation and alternate energy. The proposed Keystone XL would pump tar sands oil over the High Plains Aquifer. Why would anyone even consider something that will eventually foul the water source for a multi-state region? With no water to drink and no clean water for irrigation, will we drink diluted bitumen and water our crops with it? For the US KXL is all risk and no gain. Do not authorize its existence!

4/20/2013 19:40:26

Sarah Henry Pipelines leak. Many of those leaks are major and pose immense dangers to the public. According to Dr. Stansbury, UNL Professor of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering conducted a study showing that the KXL would result in 91 major spills over the 50 year life of the pipeline. I am STRONGLY AGAINST the building of the Keystone XL Pipeline. As a resident of Nebraska and of this beautiful planet, I am more than fearful of the inevitable day that this disgusting pipe leaks into a major water source and destroys every inch of land that it will run through. My grandparents talk about a time when people were actually proud to be Americans, that is time now long gone. I would like to feel a sense of pride for the country that I live in instead of a feeling of disgust. Instead of this country being run "for the people by the people" it is now run by big business. It is time that we put this country back into the hands of people. It is time that we start respecting this wondrous planet that will live on instead of desecrating it. I proudly stand united with the other hundreds of thousands of concerned citizens in opposition of this atrocity and vow to do anything in my power to stop the construction of the KXL.

4/20/2013 19:42:50

Anita Clement I hope you noted the comments on how when (not if, past predicting future) the pipeline leaks, NO ONE knows how to clean it up. The Ogalala Aquifer is too precious to risk. This pipeline will create only 35 jobs, and the oil will go to the highest bidder, most likely China and/or Venezuela, NOT to the USA. The 'jobs and nondependence on foreign oil' is a red herring, not to mention that Canada is also a foreign country, I hope you also noted that the only comments in favor were made by people paid to be there. Now is the time to listen to us, the people, not to corporations which have nothing personal to lose because of a leak. We, our children and grandchildren deserve clean water. Your decision to deny can make a critical difference.

4/20/2013 19:46:23

Jennifer Anderson

To continue with the Keystone XL pipeline is to perpetuate and worsen the same types of mistakes that were made before The Dust Bowl. For humans to think that we can outsmart, outlast, and dupe nature is perhaps our biggest folly. The Ogallala Aquifer is one of our most important natural resources, to even think of risking it in the name of oil makes me ill. You are hurting good, hard working families that want to live and allow future generations to live in land that is protected, beautiful, and clean. Please, do not make this mistake. It might not break for a year, or even ten, but this pipeline is most assuredly a mistake.

4/20/2013 19:48:31

Heidi Burklund Please don't put our state, and our precious aquifer, at risk for a few temp jobs. If you think oil is expensive now, imagine how expensive water will be when only a few countries have an uncontaminated source. Please don't sell us out!!!

4/20/2013 19:54:44

Erin Kubicek If I have learned anything, it's that oil companies will say and do anything so they can continue to feed their insatiable appetites for money and power. Keystone XL is not the solution to our problems. In fact, it would only create more. The oil industry has a very poor track record when it comes to safety and most of the oil is destined to be sold on the open market with very little staying here in the United States. Why should we risk our land, our water, and our environment when we will get so little in return? This is not a fair trade. Keystone XL is no good for Nebraska and it is no good for the United States. We are borrowing the environment from future generations, it's time we started taking care of it!

4/20/2013 19:56:45

Elen Freelander The fact that there is still big money trying to ram this Keystone XL pipeline past our lawmakers' intelligence and morals and past the wishes of the American people just shows how desperate they (the big money guys) are to wring every possible last drop of profit out of the oil industry before it is forced to evolve or die. Even a young schoolchild could tell you that injecting toxic chemicals into the ground is a bad idea.

4/20/2013 19:58:09

Linda Beckman Please do not let the Keystone pipeline cross our boarder and come across The United States. We all know it will eventually leak, we just don't know when or where. Look at the past history of pipelines. It is not worth the problems we know it will some day cause.

4/20/2013 20:01:48

Larry Lightner This isn't much different than someone telling you to take a suitcase full of who knows what through customs. If if works you'll make $50. If it doesn't you'll get 50 years in prison.

4/20/2013 20:16:50

Melanie Gudgel My family has ranched in the sandhills for over a hundred years (we received the Ak-Sar-Ben award two years ago) Allowing the Keystone Pipeline to run through the sandhills would endanger a beautiful part of the world. We have learned that there is no way to clean up a spill from this kind of pipeline and there are many endangered species in the area such as Whooping Cranes. I have had the joy of see the Whooping Cranes in person and shudder to think of what could happen. Also the Ogllala Aquifer is limited, if it is contaminated it will mean disaster for many many people. Please consider this. I am so concerned.

4/20/2013 20:31:18

Rosalie Mr. President and Mr. Secretary I urge you to deny the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. Think of the 20 children murdered in Conn. and then think of the children that would die because of drinking the water when this pipeline would break. Water is so necessary to life. Energy can be provided in better ways than this pipeline. Thank you for listening to me.

4/20/2013 20:36:32

pat ravasio please do the right thing. Environment is more important than economy. Period.

4/20/2013 20:42:57

Ann Wik Please protect our country and our climate. Do not allow toxic diluted bitumen to cross over the Nebraska Sandhills, the Ogalalla Aquifer, or any other part of our country. Do not encourage the development of tar sands--it is an environmental catastrophe, decimating boreal forests, affecting migratory birds, water life, animals and people. We must consider the long term effects of this pipeline. Facts show that diluted bitumen spills 3.6 times more often. This pipeline should not be allowed in our country. The temporary jobs it would create do not justify the long term climate and environmental hazards that tar sands would bring. Do what is right for our country and the global environment, not what is right for oil companies and those who would profit.

4/20/2013 20:47:26

Sara Nelson This pipeline is a bad investment financially and morally. As a Nebraskan, I know this pipeline will produce many risks and no rewards for my state. As a public health professional, I understand the extensive damages that may occur to our natural resources and the health of our citizens. The Keystone XL pipeline is a bad idea, hands down.

4/20/2013 20:53:25

Valerie Livingston

My stance started in neutral. After listening to Keystone XL's agenda, watching the hearings, and doing much research, I now stand FIRMLY AGAINST this pipeline. Keep it out of the bread basket of America where our pure water supply is worth far more than oil or temporary jobs. They want to transport 65 million dollars worth of crude oil across this pipeline per day to be refined and sold on an open market. TransCanada's own president could not guarantee that any percentage of the final product would stay here in the U.S. The landowners who have this pipeline crossing their land will not be paid any leases or royalties. They only receive a one time payment based off today's land values for an eternal easement across their property. Even the wind tower farms pay yearly leases to land owners who have towers on their property.

4/20/2013 21:03:37

Shirley Condon I’ve heard it said that we may as well approve the permit for Keystone XL, as the tar sands will be extracted whether we let the pipeline cross the US or not. This seems like the weakest possible argument. If a stranger asked you to hold the money sack while he shoveled in money from a bank robbery, you would of course say no, even though you suspect he will take the money with or without your help. You could be charged with being an accomplice if you were caught. Suppose this stranger promised you something in return for helping him. Fortunately most of us would still not assist in this endeavor. But if you did contemplate doing it, you would probably study the risks and review the stranger’s track record for this activity to determine if the benefit might be worth the risks. TransCanada is asking us to be an accomplice in moving toxic tar sands and diluents from the center of Alberta, across the Canada/US border and down the length of our country on its way to refineries on the coast and to the global market. They have stripped vast boreal forests, polluted the rivers, and caused illnesses and cancer to increase in the indigenous population in the areas near the Alberta operations. Many of the Canadian people don’t want the pipeline to be built across their own country either east or west to the coast because of the damage it would do to their own environment. Other Canadians have hoped the US will reject the permit, because they were hoping to get their own refinery in Canada and that wouldn’t be necessary if we let them cross our own heartland. And if you think of the outrage US citizens have had over a foreign corporation threatening them with eminent domain to seize US property, imagine what the Canadian landowners are going through when their own country allows this to happen to them. We are trying to assess the risks of this pipeline project, but the only official information we are given is from Environmental Impact Statements compiled by entities with direct ties to TransCanada. The lack of proper risk assessments reveals the bias in these reports. It would seem, in the first example, that if the stranger is providing the “risk assessment” information for you, and the benefits to you seem a little nebulous, and his own friends won’t help him, you would be wise to decline the offer. If something were to go wrong you could be left “holding the bag” while the stranger makes off with the benefits. Please don’t be TransCanada’s accomplice in this dangerous proposal. We will be taking a tremendous risk to our environment for the profit of a foreign corporation who cares nothing about our fragile Sandhills or the water source of a vast number of our citizens and their crops and livestock. We hope they decide to back away from the strip mining of the tar sands, or at least lower their rates of production. But don’t grant them the permit to send tar sands across US soil and water. We don’t want to take the risks, only to be left “holding the bag”. Please deny the permit.

4/20/2013 21:10:15

Ed Hall I am opposed to the pipeline for many reasons, but the primary one is that we as a nation need to take a stand on climate change. This dirty oil may get to market through other routes, but we should take the moral high ground and refuse to be party to it. In fact we should refuse to buy any tar sands oil. We need to get ourselves completely off fossil fuels as soon as possible, and might as well take a stand here. Sure it costs more labor to run our economy from renewable energy -- it always is cheaper to steal than to earn. Cost is not a valid argument when our future is at stake. If we don't make the right choice here, our children will not forgive us.

4/20/2013 21:10:48

Dawn Olney I am writing to urge you to reject the XL Keystone pipeline. Thanks to activists, we know there are already leaks in sections of the pipeline. The first Keystone pipeline had twelve leaks in a year, spilling 25,000 gallons of oil in just two incidents in Kansas and North Dakota. Leaks pose a danger to water supplies, and the Midwest is already water-insecure due to the prolonged drought we are experiencing. NASA climate scientist, James Hansen, has stated that the burning of tar sands oil would be “game over” for the environment, because it is 78% dirtier than conventional oil. The State Department report, which supported the pipeline, was written by a contractor who is on the payroll of Transcanada, so we know that report is of questionable objectivity. The State Department did admit that the pipeline would create only 35 permanent jobs, so the argument that it is good for unemployment is wrong. There is no good reason to build this dirty pipeline. President Obama, when the Senate killed the gun control bill, said that they had failed to protect the American people. Please do not fail now to protect us and future generations, and reject the XL Keystone pipeline. Thank you, Dawn Olney

4/20/2013 21:13:05

Lynne Peterson PLEASE learn from the past mistakes of the contaminations from the current pipeline leaks in Mayflower, Arkansas and the groundwater contamination that is currently happening in the Grand Island, Nebraska area from leakage from the Army Amunition Plant. Groundwater that is pure is irreplaceable.

4/20/2013 21:28:25

Jan Gdovic The Keystone XL pipeline is not in the nation's best interest. It is irrational economic, environmental, and public health policy. The fact that it crosses the Ogallalla Aquifer is reason enough not to let it happen. Imagine: if the pipeline leaks into the aquifer, what is the best case scenario?

4/20/2013 21:37:34

Beth Laurer The Keystone XL pipeland will be moving the dirtiest oil ever found across the heart of our country through our land and by our rivers. It has already been proven more than once that oil spills will happen and this is the most destructive oil and path through our country that has ever been suggested. When the spill occurs, it will be create the worst devistation to man and animal alike that this country has ever known. (Advocates state it will create some jobs but the jobs it creates are not even close to the destruction it will cause., and many more jobs could be created using wind power and solar power.) The Keystone XL pipeline is a ticking time bomb to the end of our environment as we have known it. The filth and contamination will be incredible. Man, animal, fish, farm animals and birds will be destroyed immediately from the spill or slowly, as the oil goes into our farm land, fish, and air and eventually into our bodies. It is the most dangerous thing we could build in this country and the most dangerous weapon our country could face. The

4/20/2013 21:45:21

Gloria Becker-Rial

Please do not have the pipeline destroy our natural resources. It's not worth it. I really think destroying the boreal forests in Canada to bring tar sands with toxic diluted bitumen over our Sandhills and Ogalalla Aquifer is a bad idea. Gloria Becker-Rial

4/20/2013 21:47:42

Jenivieve McPeck

We KXL Pipeline fighters are asking you for basic science, simple economics, care for our climate and wildlife, and our fundamental property rights to be protected. Perform the appropriate studies, and you will see that it is clear: There is absolutely no reason to build this pipeline. There is no energy independence to gain from this pipeline. There are only risks. This is our home, not TransCanada's. We will not let you threaten our homes and we will not let you pollute our water with this risky tarsands pipeline. No amount of jobs could be worth this risk. Do the right thing. We elected our government officials to represent us and they have failed. They only represent themselves and 'Big Oil' companies today. We need you, President Obama and State Dept., to represent us now. Our states, our countries, and our world depend on your decision. Do not take it lightly. Much of Europe, and Canada itself, refuse to use or transport this tarsands filth. Don't embarrass the United States. We need to set the right example: wind and solar power now. There's your jobs, there's your energy independence. Say no to KXL, there is just simply no good to come from it. All risk, no reward.

4/20/2013 22:16:05

Bill Gaughan Dear State Department Officials: I am writing to oppose the Keystone XL pipeline. Our land and water is too precious to risk an oil spill of any magnitude. I ask that you not endorse the pipeline. With the advent of natural gas discoveries and more electric cars becomign commonplace, why risk our environment to a pipeline that I believe will create only temporary jobs and give the terrorists one more place to strike. Profits should not come before sound judgement in light of the world we live in. Thank You for taking my comments under consideration.

4/20/2013 22:20:04

Lisa Nabity Water is life. I am against the Keystone XL pipeline. Numerous reports have cited increased rates of cancer at the source of the tar sands production in Canada. Water is life. Once contaminated, our water will affect the health of all the living that depend on it. This contamination has happened in Canada.... Please heed the warnings / warning signs that this pipeline is not in the best interest of Nebraska. Nor is it in the best interest of the United States, unless of course you do not care for the health and well-being of the people who make up this nation and the natives from whom this nation (land and water) came. TransCanada has no guarantee of no leaks. One leak will be too many. Please do not compromise our precious commodity of water. Please protect OUR natural resources -- water and land: all water sources...rivers, waterways, the sand hills regions, the Ogallala Aquifer.... this is precious and life-sustaining heart of Nebraska. Please deny the TransCanada Keystone XL pipeline.

4/20/2013 22:20:15

Lois Frogge We can live without oil (although drastic changes would be required) but we absolutely cannot live without water. The risk of this pipeline over the Ogallala Aquifer is too great. And the impact on climate change from the tar sands is also too great a risk. When will the Koch brothers realize that they can not and should not be able to buy everything they want?

4/20/2013 22:46:09

Kit Robinson I agree with Scientist Jame Hansen that exploiting the Tar Sands is "game over" for halting global warming. We need to stop playing politics and succumbing to greed; rather we need to make sound decisions to begin turning the corner on carbon, and water, pollution; for our children, and theirs. The sound decision is to prevent the Keystone XL pipeline. Thank you

4/21/2013 3:40:57

Judith A. Murphy

"Not in our land, Not in our water, Not in our country."

4/21/2013 3:41:35

Kathryn Gabig No dirty oil...let's make alternative energies our focus and our future...this can be our most important legacy for our grandchildren and our planet. Thank you- Kathryn Gabig

4/21/2013 5:00:49

Gary Cram For obvious environmental reasons the xl pipeline makes no sense and would pose a huge threat to the little amound of clean underground water we have left. Pipe lines break regularly.

4/21/2013 5:08:58

Sergio Costa I moved to Nebraska 3 years ago from Massachusetts. This is one beautiful state, with an amazing topography. This pipeline simply is worth one second of a couple of million years it took to form those sand hills. Not one second!! We have an obligation to protect these sand hills and this state!

4/21/2013 5:09:10

April Fearing The Keystone XL pipeline will endanger the health and safety of many people, including my small children. Please take their future health seriously and reject this pipeline.

4/21/2013 5:09:36

Bob DiPaolo NO to anymore pipelines! We need to get off our dependance of petroleum based energy.

4/21/2013 5:11:10

Karen Copenhaver

Please do not approve this pipeline. The United States does not need to carry the risk of tar sands oil flowing through our country. We do not want it in Nebraska., we do not want a foreign company using eniment domain to take the land from US citizens.....stand up for Americans and DO NOT APPROVE the Keystone Pipeline.

4/21/2013 5:11:26

Kellie Transcanada's study said the pipes will have about 11 leaks in their lifetime. One leak is all it takes to ruin the aquifer. There is no reason to invest anyone's time, money, land, or well being into the pipeline when we know it's a nonrenewable resource.

4/21/2013 5:11:56

Kyle Stoner Why are we risking Nebraskans groundwater to help export foreign oil? The risks are not worth any short-term jobs. The owners of this pipeline have been jamming the Nebraska airwaves with propaganda for years now. I don't believe anybody who has to try to sell us something with this level and degree of intensity. It smells of lies.

4/21/2013 5:18:07

Bill Lee We don't want or need this, we already give enough money to the oil companies without them building a pipeline across our country full of very toxic chemicals so they can export it. Very bad idea and of no value to us.

4/21/2013 5:19:16

Kimberly Please deny the pipeline. Please do not allow it to cross the Ogallala aquifer. Please listen to the voices of the citizens who stand in opposition to this project. We cannot risk our water, our environment, and our children's future for this project--they are much too valuable. Please protect Nebraska.

4/21/2013 5:19:27

Thomas Corey I submit that the pipe line is not necessary. Why does the oil have to be delivered to Texas or the gulf Coast? Simply because of putting the oil on the world market. It is not for our use in this country. If it was for our use, it would be better to build a refinery in North or South Dakota and create a source of refined product for our use in this country.

4/21/2013 5:19:54

Paul Montey Don't sell our children's future for a handful of silver.

4/21/2013 5:21:01

Jenelda Dittrich I am opposed to the pipeline because I remember the days when many people in Nebraska had limited water resources because they knew nothing about the big reserve underneath our soil and now Trans Can. wants to take a chance to contaminate our water!! This cannot happen. Our children and grandchildren will have to move out of the state and Nebraska will not survive.

4/21/2013 5:22:39

tracy brooks How many spills do we need to have before you people realize that your profit is not worth the destruction of the land? If the fossil fuels are really hard to get and move, let that be a lesson in NOT GETTING THEM OR MOVING THEM. Stop the madness!

4/21/2013 5:23:48

John Hintz This is just wrong and you know it.

4/21/2013 5:24:10

Paula Salmela We need to stop endangering the environment and health of the people for the sake of making more money. The dangers out number the monetary benefits by far.

4/21/2013 5:24:53

Melissa Whitefoot

Nebraska has been my family's home for over 100 years. They've raised cattle and crops on this beautiful land, using the Ogallala Aquifer to do so. Now I'm teaching my children to do the same so that my family can call this great state "home" for the next 100 years. PLEASE don't risk that livelihood over this pipeline! ONE LEAK, that's all it would take to jeopardize everything my family, and many others, have worked for! If you've never been to the amazing Sandhills of Nebraska, I suggest you do so before taking another step towards building this pipeline. Meet the people, see the land. FIND OUT why we're fighting so hard to protect our HOME!! Thank you

4/21/2013 5:25:47

Lisa Knopp Dear State Department: I am opposed to the construction of the XL Pipeline anywhere in Nebraska. We had a small oil spill in southeastern Nebraska last spring which still hasn't been cleaned up and the likes of the Arkansas oil spill is nothing I want here -- or anywhere else for that matter. Please protect our water and jobs (ranching and farm jobs). Please protect our land. Please protect out health. Please show courage, leadership, and vision on this matter. Sincerely, Dr. Lisa Knopp

4/21/2013 5:28:14

Jeff Benson Please deny the Keystone XL pipeline! All risk - No Reward.. This Is is a disaster waiting too happen!! Please stop this !! Begging you.. Thank you . Jeff Benson

4/21/2013 5:28:53

Zachary Mora James

Please deny the Keystone XL Pipeline. It will devastate our farmland and our Ogallala Aquifer if there were to be a leak, once built. It will do no good for our local economy and it will do no good for our environment. As a Nebraskan, I fully and without a question, oppose this Canadian pipeline to go through my land.

4/21/2013 5:30:34

Albert Allpress Please deny the Keystone XL pipeline. It angers me that a toxic tar sands pipeline may go through the Nebraska sandhills and the Aquifer. How can TransCanada and Nebraska politicians redefine what constitutes the Sandhills? The proposed route is unsafe and IF it is determined to be in the national intereests it should be moved as far away as possible out of the sandhills. Please tell the President that he direct TransCanada to stop bullying landowners. I also find it despicable that treaties with Native American tribes are not being honored. PROTECT OUR LAND, PROTECT OUR WATER, PROTECT PROPERTY RIGHTS. AND DO NOT BOW TO PRESSURE FROM OTHERS WHO ARE ONLY OUT FOR THEMSELVES.

4/21/2013 5:31:59

Brian Fisher Please for the love of humanity and the Earth, we need to stop the keystone pipeline and reinvest our future in solar and other renewable technologies.

4/21/2013 5:32:10

Fred Brown I am of Native American decent and our Treaty boundaries encompass a large part of the Great Plains. This is our ancestral territory that we retained through Treaty. We, to this day, love this land, and feel that we need to take care of it. At one point in time, America called, after illegal takings of other unceded territory, the remaining portions this land base "the Great Sioux Reservation." Nonetheless, we are our own sovereign Nation! At the beginning of daylight savings time, people protested the use of Whale Oil and our effect on the Whale population. We found an alternate fuel and it worked well for a long time. That resource has become too toxic to be solution any longer. It is time to find another source.

4/21/2013 5:35:02

Jamie Beebe No pipeline! Please!

4/21/2013 5:37:39

Bridget I am against the pipeline. I stand with Randy!

4/21/2013 5:39:03

Sarah Gilbert Please do not allow the Keystone XL pipeline to go through my home state of Nebraska. The benefits are fleeting and for a very few corporate entities, and the downside are many and will affect us all. Our grandchildren and their grandchildren will look at our decisions to understand how we started losing our stewardship of this earth--let's be proud of our actions now for their sakes.

4/21/2013 5:39:50

Virginia The role of government SHOULD be to protect its people against actions of big corporations, not to have sold out to the highest bidder. Americans and Canadians are LOUDLY voicing their objection to the Keystone XL pipeline -- and the job of these respective governments is to listen to the people that elected them into power. Please. Please. Listen to your people. Be the heroes. Be the catalyst for change. Please.

4/21/2013 5:40:21

Kimberly Cunningham

Destruction of valuable ecosystems for dirty oil and corporations is eco-terrorism. Stop this madness!! IDLE NO MORE!

4/21/2013 5:40:34

Jim Knopik The major breaks of pipelines carrying Bitumen are very concerning to me but the small leaks that will go on undetected for no one knows how long will cause many environmental health problems that will destroy and harm society for centuries. TransCanada has no abandonment plan and they don't want one. What they would find if they had to pull out the pipe when it has had its life use is where all those smaller leaks occurred and there will many thousands. I have worked with hydraulics as a farmer and I have never seen a hydraulic line that never leaked. There are many reasons a line like this is buried. The main reason is that no one can police the defects that will be there. Reject the pipeline. From beginning to end, Tarsands is a bad idea the way it is being harvested.

4/21/2013 5:43:15

Rachel Sydzyik I am a student teacher in NE. My endorsed area is natural science. When discussing the pros and cons of a pipeline, even my 7th graders knew how terrible this pipeline would be. Please listen to the people of Nebraska. This pipeline will put the aquifer in jeopardy even more than it currently is due to excessive water use. I am 100% against the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/21/2013 5:44:35

T.J. S. I really hope this doesn't get passed. I like my water to be clean and not filled with chemicals our oil. Pretty please with sugar on top?

4/21/2013 5:45:27

Leslie Fattig I am totally opposed to the pipeline.

4/21/2013 5:45:48

celeste ortega Pipelines leak and pose immense dangers to people, land and animals.

4/21/2013 5:46:01

Renee Johnson For anyone who was shocked, disgusted and depressed when the extended background checks didn't pass because it made no sense you know how it will feel if the keystone gets the go ahead. It will obviously be for greed of a few and not the good of the American people. We see through this

4/21/2013 5:46:02

Renee Johnson For anyone who was shocked, disgusted and depressed when the extended background checks didn't pass because it made no sense you know how it will feel if the keystone gets the go ahead. It will obviously be for greed of a few and not the good of the American people. We see through this

4/21/2013 5:48:27

Jessica Tschirren

We need better solutions than this disgusting stuff. No pipeline!!!!

4/21/2013 5:49:00

Patricia Shepard

Entrusting none of you have accepted bribes or are corrupted in anyway by the Koch Brothers, Transcanada, EXXON. You can't drink tar sands, you can't eat it, as a matter of fact it causes cancer and its a lethal poison. I implore you do not approve of the XL pipeline. A few temporary jobs does not equate to contaminating aquifers which supply the land with water. Water is worth more than any element on the planet...Do no approve of the XL pipeline. Ask yourselves this simple question what do these companies do for clean water, clean air, clean lands? Why are they not investing in cleaning up the oceans where they have dead zones now as a result of oil spills. Again, I ask you all to think with minds and for the future of this country and its people and do not be swayed by false reports by Big Oil, be the people the American people can say YES!!! They stood up for the land, water and air for the people and deny the XL PIPELINE...Leave a legacy your great grandchildren will remember you by.

4/21/2013 5:49:43

John Henderson And how is it that a Canadian corp can call "eminent domain" over American citizens, take their property, endanger their lives & health only to sell the nasty toxic tar sands to the highest bidders overseas? This is seriously WRONG...

4/21/2013 5:50:48

Tinka Please stop the pipeline! Protect our children’s future!

4/21/2013 5:50:55

Brenda LeBlanc Please, think of the children's future. This is too dangerous.

4/21/2013 5:51:21

Emily Earwig Transporting this hazardous material over US soil is a reprehensible idea backed by no other that the Koch brothers and Trans Canada; there is no benefit to the US in doing this.

4/21/2013 5:52:20

Heather Hillhouse

Canada said no to this pipeline going to it's own shores for good reason. This pipeline does NOTHING for the states it passes through. It has serious environmental risks associated with both the oilsands themselves as well as the sensative ecosystems along part of it's path. The benefits go to TransCanada and the Chinese companies purchasing the product. I can see no reason for the US, and Nebraska in particular to allow this pipeline to cross our territory. There is no benefit, and too much risk.

4/21/2013 5:52:33

Susan Mazour Allowing the pipeline is taking a drastic step back toward becoming a clean energy world. It WILL impact the aquifer which is VITAL to helping those who farm using it to feed the world. The minuscule seemingly positive effects of today ( if this is passed) will be devastating to our planet The very air we breathe, water we drink, and food we eat will be impacted. I'm no genius but the last time I checked, all of those things were necessary to survive. To me, this is a no-brainier! All risks, no reward!

4/21/2013 5:53:07

Judith Ann Dye Some seemingly good ideas are very, very bad ideas and this is one of them. Too much of our children's futures is at stake, their pure water supply and the land we need for food survivial, not to mention the adverse affect on hundreds of farm and rural families. I realize this means 'jobs' but they are not permanent jobs, they are temporary jobs and will not sustain the families of the workers who will do this terrible deed. You are exchanging their jobs for the potential loss of, not only livelihood for those on the land and who benefit from the land, but the land and water so precious to us all. Please do not support this legislative issue. There must be a better way. We are creative people, surely we can think of another way or another energy source.

4/21/2013 5:53:38

Ray Fuck off with your God Damn pipe line! We don't want it. The American, and World people have spoke!

4/21/2013 5:56:40

Amanda This pipeline is not in the best interest of Nebraska, the US, or the world now or in the future. NO PIPELINE! Minimal short term benefit for a select few, major future risk.

4/21/2013 5:56:41

Amanda This pipeline is not in the best interest of Nebraska, the US, or the world now or in the future. NO PIPELINE! Minimal short term benefit for a select few, major future risk.

4/21/2013 5:58:15

Annette Stenner I am a native Nebraskan and feel very strongly that our nation's heartland should not be subject this pipeline. Please do not risk the natural resources that are so precious to us with this endeavor. It's simply not worth it.

4/21/2013 5:58:20

Jon Standing Crow

Canadian owed company using eminent domain on U.S. soil just for the exportation of this heavily deforestation of the environment and possible pipeline rupture should and shall be stopped.

4/21/2013 5:58:51

Jeffrey Skjelver I'm from North Dakota. I support the movement against the Keystone XL pipeline project. We the people will not benefit from this project. Environmental risks are too great.

4/21/2013 5:59:00

Richard Petty Stop selling out the lives and interests of citizens of the United States of America to big oil money and the bribes they pay to individuals in the congress and the senate. This is criminal and needs to stop. The happiness and health of American people should come before the greed and personal gain of the corrupt elected officials who lack the back bone to do the right thing. Say NO to oil.

4/21/2013 5:59:57

Joseph Koesters

I was in the Marine Corps, and before going on a mission, we would assess every situation as part of our decision making process. We would continually ask if the reward is worth the risk, similar to the risk assessment with the Keystone pipeline. I now work for the Environmental Protection Agency, and I know that even though it is not very common that pipes burst or there are large spills, they do happen and there is always the risk of them happening. So how many spills are we willing to tolerate? How much pollution and water contamination are we willing to tolerate? How often are we going to allow oil companies to be able to damage our lands, our waters, and our air, and when mistakes occur, we merely slap them on the wrist? Many oil companies have been in violation of EPA regulations since the existence of the EPA. When do we finally say enough?

4/21/2013 6:00:25

Sara Bauer I think history (and common sense) has showed us that there is no such thing as a leak proof pipeline. I can't begin to imagine how anyone would be willing to gamble with our land and the region's largest water source. The small number of temporary jobs the pipeline would create does not outweigh the risks. And let's face it, the pipeline will do nothing to affect gas or oil prices for the US.

4/21/2013 6:00:31

Joseph Koesters

I was in the Marine Corps, and before going on a mission, we would assess every situation as part of our decision making process. We would continually ask if the reward is worth the risk, similar to the risk assessment with the Keystone pipeline. I now work for the Environmental Protection Agency, and I know that even though it is not very common that pipes burst or there are large spills, they do happen and there is always the risk of them happening. So how many spills are we willing to tolerate? How much pollution and water contamination are we willing to tolerate? How often are we going to allow oil companies to be able to damage our lands, our waters, and our air, and when mistakes occur, we merely slap them on the wrist? Many oil companies have been in violation of EPA regulations since the existence of the EPA. When do we finally say enough?

4/21/2013 6:03:45

Claude One whole world against earth destruction for greed don't you hear the prayers?

4/21/2013 6:06:17

Katie Jensen There should be no risk taken that could potentially damage the acquifer, farmlands, rivers of this state or any state, over oil. We must find alternative methods and fight the big money interests that would perpetuate the use of oil over other methods. Stop the pipeline. It is self destructive and makes no sense.

4/21/2013 6:06:21

Cody O. Is potential harm to the environment worth some temporary jobs and only a handful of permanent jobs? You know how much wind potential there is in Nebraska? Get going on that instead.

4/21/2013 6:07:05

Michael Bouchard

Please do not allow this caustic oil to travel through the U.S. pipelines. Science and reason should supercede profits of a foreign company or Government!!!!!

4/21/2013 6:09:11

Luciano Insua No to pipelines through sources of water. Stand up Nebraska!

4/21/2013 6:09:42

James L Leighter

I have already send letters to my state senators and to the President. Senator Terry DOES NOT have the best interest of our state or the nation in mind. From personal conversation with him, it is clear, his biggest interest is short-sided and short-term job growth. Like Detroit now and North Dakota in 20 years, this way of doing business is unsustainable. Make the right choice. Put your energy toward long-term solutions.

4/21/2013 6:10:23

Tori Ehlers I don't think the Keystone XL Pipline is a good thing. It does not benefit Nebraska in the long run. I also am concerned about possible leaks over the Ogallala Aquifer, which will happen sometime.

4/21/2013 6:11:33

Whitney Morrison

I am absolutely opposed to the Keystone XL pipeline. It is a terrorist target in the making. It will inevitably cause devastating pollution when it leaks- and it will. It's also an eyesore. I cannot name one good thing about it.

4/21/2013 6:11:41

Karen Jensen Please do not allow this pipeline to go through. It's ugly, non productive for the U.S. in the long run and a huge, Huge, HUGE environmental disaster just waiting to happen. I am a voter and I oppose this the Keystone XL Pipeline. I promise to work against and vote against any elected official that votes to let this horror go through. For once please put big oil pressure aside and vote what you know in your heart to be the right thing for all the citizens of this beautiful planet earth.

4/21/2013 6:12:01

Davon Ehlers The Keystone XL Pipline is not a good thing. It does not benefit Nebraska in the long run. I also am concerned about possible leaks over the Ogallala Aquifer, which will happen sometime.

4/21/2013 6:17:37

Richard H. Maloney

The Keystone XL pipeline is a terrible idea for the future of this country, environmentally, and therefore economically as well, Please stop this.

4/21/2013 6:17:44

Lane Hall It is a travesty to even think that Keystone XL is appropriate for our country. You are tearing apart the very fabric that our nation is founded upon - our land and water. Please vote no on Keystone XL.

4/21/2013 6:19:12

Kim Haes Please, please do not put the pipeline through Nebraska. Simple.

4/21/2013 6:19:26

Steve Trans Canada has already proven they can't handle the responsibility of running pipelines. Don't give them another one.

4/21/2013 6:19:40

David Norris NO, on Keystone XL pipeline!!

4/21/2013 6:19:50

JC Walstrom You saw that at the recent State Dept. hearing in Grand Island the number of people against this pipeline far outweighed the number for. There wee rapprox. 340 people who signed up to speak against it even though they did not all get to because time ran out, and only, yes only 23 showed up in favor of the pipeline. This says alot....This shows how MOST people really feel!!!!

4/21/2013 6:21:59

Fannie Bates Across Oklahoma, the Keystone XL is running parallel to and in close proximity to our 20" natural gas pipelines. The last pipeline TransCanada built leaked about 14 times in two years, mostly at the pumping stations. At the natural gas pumping stations, natural gas is released periodically to relieve pressure. There is no one on the planet who knows what will happen when there is a spill at one of these pumping stations and a simultaneous natural gas explosion. Or an earthquake. Or a tornado. Or a flood. Or a drought that causes the earth to shift. Risk analysis has not been done, and cannot be done accurately as long as TransCanada continues to refuse to tell us what they are using to dilute the tar sand. A foreign corporation is being allowed to take our farmland and endanger our drinking water. They don't even have to prove that what they are doing is safe and they won't give us enough information to conduct the studies to prove that it is unsafe.

4/21/2013 6:23:16

Frank B Smith The time has arrived when we must look elsewhere for our energy needs, and stop pumping toxins into our environment. The fossil fuel companies have repeatedly shown an inability to function safely. It's time to shut that door. The recent events in Boston cannot compare with the damage to this nation by the effects upon our people by this pipeline. The only way to stop, is to stop.

4/21/2013 6:24:10

Julie Walstrom Our Nebraska Governor does not represent the majority of the people here..he represents special interest groups that are big business. The majority of the people here in Nebraska are very much against the Keystone XL Pipeline. I once went to a tailgate party held by the Nebraska Governor and most of the people there were representing very big business, not representative of most of Nebraska...this is who our Governor caters to.

4/21/2013 6:24:29

Andrew Quirk Obama you talk the talk. Now walk the walk. Remember hope and change. That was some cool sh*t bro. How bout we do that ?

4/21/2013 6:24:39

Elaine Litton Please do no approve the Keystone XLpipeline. There is too much at stake to allow this trespass to go ahead. After seeing the mess with pipeline rupture in Arkansas, I believe it is just a matter of time before a similar disaster would occur in the KXL. There is no way to clean up an aquifer. There are alternatives for this foreign company. There are not many alternatives for us if our water supply is destroyed.

4/21/2013 6:25:19

Laura Shapiro We have given permission to private corporations to violate the integrity of the land, water and air for too long. It is criminal and it must stop. If we do nothing to end the abuse perpetrated by gas and other energy companies, our children will inherit an uninhabitable wasteland. Water is a limited resource. We cannot afford to squander it. It is imperative that we put an end to the reckless destruction of our land. We have to put an end to the barbaric, unsustainable path that gives free reign to private companies to extract profit from pipelines at the expense of every living thing.

4/21/2013 6:26:04

Melissa Chandonnet

No keystone xl,save our planet

4/21/2013 6:26:20

Carrie Biggs-Adams

The pipeline is too dangerous, leaks are guaranteed to happen, they just do. We don't need this pipeline for domestic energy supply - please don't approve the KXL.

4/21/2013 6:26:33

Shirley Rine Please don't allow the foreign country, Canada, to put the Keystone XL tarsands pipeline through our precious lands. There are enough pipelines already in our ground. Fresh water needs protected for generations of Nebraskans in the future. It is just not worth the risk!

4/21/2013 6:26:38

Elaine Litton Please do no approve the Keystone XLpipeline. There is too much at stake to allow this trespass to go ahead. After seeing the mess with pipeline rupture in Arkansas, I believe it is just a matter of time before a similar disaster would occur in the KXL. There is no way to clean up an aquifer. There are alternatives for this foreign company. There are not many alternatives for us if our water supply is destroyed.

4/21/2013 6:27:18

Chris Headley Please don't destroy our natural resources with this pipeline!

4/21/2013 6:28:10

Libby Volgyes Please vote against the Keystone Pipeline. Building the pipeline will impact the expansion of tar sands that in turn will speed up climate change. I know you have pledges to do what is right for the environment - voting for the XL pipeline is not right. Pipelines leak. The damage caused by the leaks will forever harm and forever change beautiful Nebraska and their people. This is not in the best interest of our land, our people or our future. Please, please vote against it.

4/21/2013 6:28:20

Paula Stovall Think of the natural consequences,the large scale magnitude of the devastation to our water supplies wildlife and humans when these pipelines leak, get old. No way, these places are not kept up, regularly maintained. I oppose the pipeline. I want to be assured my children have clean water to drink

4/21/2013 6:34:34

David DeFruiter This pipeline must not traverse over the Oglala aquifer!

4/21/2013 6:34:47

Barbara Waterman-Peters

As I think about the horrendous potential of destruction across the United States should this pipeline be installed, I picture a huge zipper which whether open or closed could rust, snag, corrode, entangle, pinch, rip or break. Once broken, it would forever be useless and would have irrevocably split the beautiful and functional garment that is our home. But there is more: locked within the zipper's teeth is a deadly concoction struggling to get somewhere, anywhere but where it is. And it is not friendly.

4/21/2013 6:34:56

Angela Duck Our country doesn't need the potential for a ruined environment or the expense of moving, cleaning, and processing this dangerous mess. If you want to transport oil, tap some newly found sources in the US. Don't bring foreign problems to American soil.

4/21/2013 6:37:17

Kelly Smith Please don't allow the Keystone XL pipeline to go forward. The risk to the environment is huge, particularly given that leak monitoring and detection systems are all operated by imperfect humans. We need to be moving away from fossil fuels, anyway.

4/21/2013 6:37:53

teo sik stop destroying the earth

4/21/2013 6:39:23

Niki Stanley No pipeline. No tar sands. How much hacking and marring of the earth should we stand? I'm ashamed of our country for worshipping money in this way. And furthermore, think of what a hero you would be for creative lucrative clean footprint-less energy... That is my challenge to you - seize this opportunity to bring positive, money-making(!!), clean energy opportunities to the table. (Wind? Solar? Bio? Be creative, be a hero, make history.

4/21/2013 6:40:30

Brice Miller The Keystone XL pipeline is a bad idea. When you see pipeline oil spills, oil tanker spills, oil rig explosions, and entire ecosystems crippled, I don't know how anyone thinks we can continue these practices. We need to switch to energy sources that do not produce greenhouse gases and other harmful products. So many more jobs are created with renewable energy. Renewable energy is created domestically and cannot be imported. Please do what you can to stop this pipeline, and support renewable energy so we can help each other out of the mess we created.

4/21/2013 6:41:03

Wanda Guthrie This would be the end of our country. The environmental damage would be unrecoverable.

4/21/2013 6:41:16

Timothy Johnson

WHY? The XL PIPELINE is a death sentence for the TAR SANDS and will be one for AMERICA. Stand up for the PEOPLE and say NO to big OIL.

4/21/2013 6:41:32

Mary K. Stillwell No, we Nebraskans don't want the pipeline running through our state. We've seen what environmental tragedy looks like in other places and we don't want it here. It does not offer jobs; it offers calamity. Thanks.

4/21/2013 6:44:20

Ann Gunther The term "fail safe" is used to describe design in such as way that if all safeguards in the design fail, the outcome is still safe. Putting the entire Ogalalla aquifer at risk of contamination from petroleum from a leak is madness. Would you pursue this path if it meant putting your own water supply at risk?!? And putting the public at risk, and agriculture over most of Nebraska, all for the sake of a corporation? Producing virtually no jobs beyond construction, and resulting in Canadian oil for export - no benefit to the American consumer? Sheer madness! Unless there were clearly compelling public goods to come of such a project, not just for Nebraskans but for all the states this proposed pipeline will cross, should this project even be under consideration. Imagine the bomb at the Boston Marathon instead being at two separate points along the proprosed pipeline. This goes beyond the NIMBY phenomenon, this goes all the way to "Not in anyone's back yard." How many worst-case scenarios are needed before the State Department does the right thing, and shuts this thing down for lack of scientific study about potential environmental impact? Sincerely, Ann Gunther

4/21/2013 6:44:22

Al Viola The pipeline will create temporary jobs while leaving a permanent environmental hazard for Nebraska, and increasing climate change for the U.S., all just so TransCanada can ship petroleum products to China and India. We can live without it a lot easier than we can live with it.

4/21/2013 6:45:07

Kim Schulz We've seen what an oil spill does to the environment. And the oil industry has proven time and time again that they have no way of cleaning these spills. Enough is enough! No more! We talk about how cleaver we American's are, yet stupid seems to be the norm these days. There are alternatives and there has been for well over 50 years. It's time to shake the addiction. NO PIPELINES!

4/21/2013 6:45:34

Lauren Thomas Kincaid

As an American, Nebraskan, and parent of two, I am writing to you to add my voice as a 'NO' vote - please do all you can to keep the Keystone XL pipeline from being built. Thank you.

4/21/2013 6:50:03

Jennifer Hammer

No pipeline please. Protect the Ogalla Aquifer!

4/21/2013 6:51:50

phyllis cole-dai I created "A Mother's Letter to TransCanada & Big Oil" after being inspired by a conversation with my 10-year-old son about the Keystone XL pipeline and tar sands mining. Please watch and hear and understand! Reject the KXL! Deep peace, Phyllis Cole-Dai

4/21/2013 6:51:58

Chuk Flavin People have the Power so please Listen

4/21/2013 6:51:58

maxine johnson Please. Let common sense prevail. Keystone is just a disaster, waiting to happen. You know it. We know it. Please.

4/21/2013 6:52:06

Sydney McMillan

If the pipeline is for US oil independence why isn't it going to Montana instead of Texas? Why is America not taking advantage of Alberta's cheap oil? A pipeline to the ocean isn't helping anyone except Alberta and big oil and it's a scam on the American people. Slow down the tar sands and keep the oil here for the future! Keystone is a HORRIBLE idea and the fact that it's already being built is nothing short of total arrogance!!

4/21/2013 6:52:47

Dan Langdon I strongly oppose the Keystone XL pipeline project on the following grounds: 1.) Environmental - at a time when we are starting to see the effects of climate change, the last thing we should be doing is developing a pipeline to extract the this filthy tar sands oil. A spill into one of our aquifers could poison the entire American Midwest - "breadbasket to the world", as they used to say. Do we really want to risk that, especially at a time when freshwater resources are becoming more preciou

4/21/2013 6:53:59

Joan Thompson The Keystone XL pipeline is not safe. An environmental evil. Absurd to even consider it viable.

4/21/2013 6:54:00

Grace Agnew The Keytsone XL pipeline will bring very toxic bituminous petroleum through the entire diameter of the United States endangering communities, watersheds and ecosystems. A major rupture has the potential to permanently destroy any ecosystem where it occurs and multiple leaks can bring widespread, irreversible destruction. We have seen with the Gulf Oil Spill and now the Arkansas pipe rupture that the corporations in the oil industry have very poor safety records and even worse recovery methodologies. The damage from Keystone will be irreversible. Even if this were a major job creator, which it is not, the ongoing jobs are minimal, or if the profits would enrich the U.S., which they do not, the risk of irreversible damage is too great. We can't replace our critical water supply or prevent the deaths of our communities with money. The Gulf Oil Spill alone demonstrates this. The risks for approval are simply too great.

4/21/2013 6:55:31

Rebecca Britt Let's use our efforts and our abilities to create new jobs in a new arena--let's find alternatives to oil--like wind energy, and beyond. I've been hearing how our country's leaders are developing new energy alternatives since I was a little girl, but nothing's changed. Now I'm a woman with little girls of my own. I'd like to keep Nebraska beautiful for them--for all of us. Please say NO to the Keystone Pipeline and yes to clean water and safe soil for Nebraska.

4/21/2013 6:57:28

kathleen russell Yes, we need energy. So let's conserve what we have. Destroying our environment so that we can continue to waste energy is not intelligent. Stupid is as stupid does. Keep it clean!

4/21/2013 6:58:04

Gayle Two Eagles

As a Lakota, I also am opposing the eXL pipeline. The damage it will cause by far exceeds what we will get. It is a blight on the land. It is a black deadly snake.

4/21/2013 6:58:48

Nadine Marcellus

WATER....the greatest resource on the planet is already becoming scarce! Why on God's green earth would ANYONE want to take the chance of contaminating the Ogallalla Aquifer!!! The pipeline will leak, sometime, somewhere. All the other ones already have and this one will too. We have seen the devastation caused in Michigan and Arkansas from these leaks and the crappy way the "clean ups" have been dealt with. There are health issues and environmental issues that NO ONE has any idea how to deal with. All this for what?? Oil that will be shipped over seas to foreign countries from a foreign county. Protect the AMERICAN citizen from the greedy Big Oil Companies and greedy Politicians that have no respect for the AMERICAN people. The lies and the terrible treatment of the landowners is appalling!! Do the right thing...STOP the Keystone XL pipeline!

4/21/2013 6:59:53

Victoria L Northrop

PLEASE do not allow this pipeline to cross our state. We should not be controlled by big money and big oil. One of the wonderful things about living in Nebraska all of my 53 years is the untouched natural beauty and history we enjoy. We are lucky to live with the pollution free qualities of our state. Do not be part of this destruction of the amazing state of Nebraska.

4/21/2013 7:00:36

Bryan Hall If we continue to destroy nature now, we won't have any natural resources to sustain an econemy in the future. The health of people and the environment needs to come before profit, and the large amount of money needed for this project would be of better use to everyone if put towards the many amazing efficient and green technologies that are now available or being developed. There are too many important reasons to oppose this pipeline.

4/21/2013 7:00:54

Carolyn Vogel I oppose any more toxic pollution and those who perpetrate this.

4/21/2013 7:01:29

Elizabeth Carroll No Keystone XL! Protect the people and the land instead of profits!

4/21/2013 7:01:31

Shirley Robb I am against the Keystone XL Pipeline for the safety of our land and our people. Please don't let it go through for the sake of our aquifer that is so important to the people of Nebraska and other places. BAN THE KEYSTONE PIPE LINE FOR THE PEOPLE OF NEBRASKA...FOR THOSE NOW AND THE FUTURE GENERATION! THANK YOU!

4/21/2013 7:03:36

Roselyn Cicerone

This administration's legacy will be fouled for generations to come if this pipeline is approved. The study that deemed it safe was done by people with a vested interest in seeing the pipeline approved. There have been several damaging spills of tar sands already, but even if this business with a proven record of failure when it comes to public safety could guarantee there would be no spills, the added damage to the environment at this moment in history would guarantee that history will condemn this administration.

4/21/2013 7:05:07

Francis Olsen The Keystone XL pipeline goes against common sense in light of the impact of burning fossil fuels. Tar sands are a negative expense and unsustainable, even without the huge threats of spills, breakdowns, and sabotage. I oppose any pipelines of fossil fuels.

4/21/2013 7:05:12

Holly Bonasera I am against the Keyston XL pipeline. It will endanger the Ogallala reservoir, the seventh largest aquifer on the planet It will irreparably harm the grasslands of the Midwest, a unique and irreplaceable natural environment. Siding with Keystone XL is a bad policy decision that the US will come to regret. Please stop the pipeline.

4/21/2013 7:05:37

Dawm Otto The largest clean body of water is in Nebraska. Don't put a tar sand project here. Any spill could potentially contaminate our water. Why take the risk. It's ludicrous to even consider it.

4/21/2013 7:05:38

Catherine Jahn The US cannot afford to allow the big oil companies and interest in domestic oil to outweigh the real concerns associated with the pipeline. The level of destruction of the environment necessary to create it is astounding. Just recently we've had oil spills from other pipelines. There is not enough oversight and not enough concern for the environment. This is a terrible idea.

4/21/2013 7:06:16

Jamie Paape we need tot atop using fossil fuels and start using free energy like wind and solar power.

4/21/2013 7:07:05

Laurie Parker There are too many risks associated with this pipeline. Its proposed route still crosses the Ogalala Aquifer, which supplies all of the water my family uses. Please vote no on Keystone XL. My small childrens' future health depends on it.

4/21/2013 7:07:10

Laurie Parker There are too many risks associated with this pipeline. Its proposed route still crosses the Ogalala Aquifer, which supplies all of the water my family uses. Please vote no on Keystone XL. My small childrens' future health depends on it.

4/21/2013 7:07:11

Kathryn Edwards

I like many others do not believe we should take this risk of our water supply. I vote no to Keystone XL pipeline going across our nation, Having a study done by those that have worked for TransCanada before and will again is not a just way to do business. Just say NO.

4/21/2013 7:07:47

Howard Parker Please don't endanger the largest fresh water aquifer in the middle of the nation, and this pristine area, with a dirty polluting fossil fuel. Invest in clean alternative energy instead!

4/21/2013 7:07:58

Rob Walters Please STOP the pipeline. Nebraska's Eco system is too valuable and precious to risk it for short term gains. Nebraskans don't want this!!

4/21/2013 7:09:27

Julee Jaeger I live 10 miles away from the Mayflower Pegasus spill. It caused me to vomit in my car while driving to work, and almost caused an accident. My parents live within a few miles of the proposed route in Nebraska. This pipeline will decrease the value of their land, potentially impact their drinking water, and releasing this carbon will only increase the climate uncertainty that is bankrupting my cousins in agriculture via drought. Please deny this pipeline, it is not safe enough to cross Canada, and is not safe enough to cross the poorest parts of the US.

4/21/2013 7:10:36

Casey Welsch We don't care how many times they draw a new route for the pipeline. We don't care how safe they lie about it being. We don't care how many jobs it will bring to Nebraska. We have one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country and we don't need or want their jobs. This pipeline will never cross Nebraska borders. Not one inch. We don't want their oil, and we don't want them. Get out of Nebraska. Our wells pump clean water, not oil, and that will never change.

4/21/2013 7:10:38

Jason Nord As a school teacher living in Nebraska, I think about the future everyday; it stares me in the face as my students gather in the morning, ready to explore the world they've been born into. Let's just be honest; the Keystone XL pipeline betrays these children. Building this pipeline would be an act of violence against them. It will leak, no matter how much the liers who want to make millions from it want to claim, and when it does leak it will leak into our children's drinking water, it will seep into the land where their food is grown, it will damage their homes and damage the economies that these children will rely on for safety and security. Even if, by some miracle, it doesn't leak, the keystone XL pipeline will carry some of the dirtiest fuel imaginable. Politicians may doubt if climate change is real, but none of my students does; when it is warm in December and snowing in April, they know that something isn't right. This pipeline would add immeasurably to this problem; the single biggest problem their generation will face. This decision is simple: Which is more important, the future of our children, or some billionaire's bank account. It is that simple. Do we care more about our children or the profits of a large corporation? Any attempt to make this question more complicated is an act of obfuscation. Do we care more about our kid's future or Russ Girling's next Yacht? Please, for God's sake, make the moral decision, not the one dictated by political bribery. Everyday I have 24 students who stare at me, excited to be alive, interested in the world they are inheriting. Don't destry that world. Shut this pipeline down. Jason

4/21/2013 7:10:45

terry frisch this pipeline has the potential to ruin our livelihood by ruining our water we are expected to feed the country which will be impossible when contamination happens water is our first medicine for life it is wrong for a foreign company to claim eminent domain on us citizens for private gain we will stand against this pipeline which is to be used as an export pipeline with very little benefit to the usa for nebraskans it is no gain& and all the risk right is right &wrong is wrong &this is so very wrong please listen to the common sense of the people who will have to live with a disaster like happened in mayflower,kalamazoo &the yellowstoneriver please reject this pipeline

4/21/2013 7:11:06

Beth All risk and no true (non-fictitious) reward. Arkansas and other events prove the risk is real and those at fault will absolutely dodge responsibility at all cost! Vote AGAINST this pipeline!

4/21/2013 7:12:02

Colleen O'Neill I am AGAINST the proposed Keystone XL pipeline because of environmental risks it poses to our land and groundwater in Nebraska and other states. I hope our lawmakers can represent the wishes of their constituents when the final decision is made.

4/21/2013 7:13:33

Bob & Coreen Miller

After a lot of thought and study, we have decided we must be AGAINST the Keystone XL pipeline. There is just so much about this project that is not well thought out or planned. We must protect the Nebraska water. It is our most important resource.

4/21/2013 7:15:43

A Severson Please stop the pipeline.

4/21/2013 7:16:13

Carla McCullough

Dear Secretary Kerry, I am writing to ask you to reject the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. As a citizen of Nebraska, I am keenly aware that the new proposed route still does cross through the Ogallala aquifer. In an era where fresh water drinking sources are shrinking worldwide, where wars are and will increasingly be fought over water, we cannot foolishly pollute this huge source of drinking water for the breadbasket of our nation. It is unbelievable, the blatant conflict of interest in having TransCanada pick the author of the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). TransCanada has proven to be a bad actor, bullying Nebraska landowners with eminent domain before they even have permit, refusing to disclose to landowners just what exactly is going to be passing through the pipeline (what solvents are used to get bitumen to flow) and eventually contaminating our drinking water. Even TransCanada admits that they don't detect smaller leaks and that they expect 1-2% loss in the pipeline system. For the Ogallala aquifer, 1-2% loss, and accumulating for decades, is a big deal. It is a guarantee that we will pollute our pure Ogallala water, having effects on human health, and all life in the region, as well as economic impacts for generation to come. As seen in Kalamazoo, Michigan and Mayflower Arkansas, we do not yet know how to clean up leaks from tar sands pipelines. How could the EIS report that there is no significant environmental risk, especially given that there is no known way clean this up? The Central Flyway, major bird migration route for millions of birds, narrows to a bottleneck in central Nebraska, not far from the proposed Keystone XL route. We cannot recklessly endanger already fragile bird species such a the endangered whooping crane, which uses this area of Nebraska on its long trips north and south. Do the right thing for us here and now and for generations to come. Now is your time to stand

up and be a leader to the world, changing the unsustainable course we are on right now. Tar sands extraction is a horrific affront to the environment and not the direction we need to be going in to fight climate change. The US State Department should be prioritizing water security over allowing a foreign oil company to threaten our water supplies for an export pipeline. Thank your for your service to our country and for conducting the US State Department hearings in Nebraska regarding the proposed pipeline. Sincerely, Carla McCullough

4/21/2013 7:16:56

Amy Himes Dear President Obama and U.S. State Department: I am a wife, a mother, and a masters prepared National Board Certified public school teacher. My great great grandparents homesteaded in Nebraska. Please, demonstrate leadership and courage. Fulfill your promise to take care of our planet. Stop the KXL pipeline. Do not allow a foreign corporation to blight the bread basket of the United States. Keep TransCanada out. Stop TransCanada from running their toxic sludge through the most beautiful and richest soil on the planet. Keep TransCanada away from the High Plains Aquifer. Say NO to KXL. Nebraska says NO to the KXL Pipeline. Sincerely, Amy Himes

4/21/2013 7:17:15

Carla McCullough

Dear Secretary Kerry, I am writing to ask you to reject the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. As a citizen of Nebraska, I am keenly aware that the new proposed route still does cross through the Ogallala aquifer. In an era where fresh water drinking sources are shrinking worldwide, where wars are and will increasingly be fought over water, we cannot foolishly pollute this huge source of drinking water for the breadbasket of our nation. It is unbelievable, the blatant conflict of interest in having TransCanada pick the author of the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). TransCanada has proven to be a bad actor,

bullying Nebraska landowners with eminent domain before they even have permit, refusing to disclose to landowners just what exactly is going to be passing through the pipeline (what solvents are used to get bitumen to flow) and eventually contaminating our drinking water. Even TransCanada admits that they don't detect smaller leaks and that they expect 1-2% loss in the pipeline system. For the Ogallala aquifer, 1-2% loss, and accumulating for decades, is a big deal. It is a guarantee that we will pollute our pure Ogallala water, having effects on human health, and all life in the region, as well as economic impacts for generation to come. As seen in Kalamazoo, Michigan and Mayflower Arkansas, we do not yet know how to clean up leaks from tar sands pipelines. How could the EIS report that there is no significant environmental risk, especially given that there is no known way clean this up? The Central Flyway, major bird migration route for millions of birds, narrows to a bottleneck in central Nebraska, not far from the proposed Keystone XL route. We cannot recklessly endanger already fragile bird species such a the endangered whooping crane, which uses this area of Nebraska on its long trips north and south. Do the right thing for us here and now and for generations to come. Now is your time to stand up and be a leader to the world, changing the unsustainable course we are on right now. Tar sands extraction is a horrific affront to the environment and not the direction we need to be going in to fight climate change. The US State Department should be prioritizing water security over allowing a foreign oil company to threaten our water supplies for an export pipeline. Thank your for your service to our country and for conducting the US State Department hearings in Nebraska regarding the proposed pipeline. Sincerely, Carla McCullough

4/21/2013 7:17:21

Tami Fierstein Don't ruin our water!!! All across the country, we need it!!

4/21/2013 7:17:21

Rick Yoder I recommend that the US State Department withhold approval of the Keystone XL Pipeline because the pipeline does not serve the *net* national interest. The few potential positive outcomes are far outweighed by the tangible negative outcomes plus the risk of potential negative outcomes. I concur with the points made by Bold Nebraska which articulate dangers posed by the pipeline. I think two additional points are worth mentioning. First, several First Nations groups continue to indicate opposition to the development of this resource and the pipeline. If the US supports this development, it follows a lamentable history of seizing resources from indigenous peoples for corporate gain in the name of a national interest. And in so doing, it destroys their culture by removing resources necessary to support it while destroying our culture by escalating the power of the corporatocracy. Which raises the second point: I am troubled by the iterative move towards an equivalency of corporate interests with national interests. The taking of private property for corporate interests is just not what the eminent domain laws were intended to do, in my way of thinking. The national interest is long term, not short term. The overstated short term jobs and profits benefits identified by this corporate development hold intrinsic dangers for the long term well-being of US security. Several reports point to the risks to national security posed by climate change, see: , , ,, , .

4/21/2013 7:20:29

Kumari Durick I am asking that you do not allow the keystone pipeline as it would be detrimental to some of our most valuable resources.

4/21/2013 7:20:41

Emily Killham The Keystone XL pipeline is an environmental disaster waiting to happen. Pipelines leak. Even under the best of circumstances, there are leakage disasters. Given that the proposed route of this pipeline is over a large aquifer, the leak would be disasterous to safe drinking water. My first distrust of this pipeline and it's intentions came when it was obviousl that millions (billions?) of dollars were being spent in propaganda ads to convince Nebraskans that the pipeline was a great idea. As my husband said, "If it was so great, they wouldn't need this kind of money to convince us." While I am all for decreasing our reliance on foreign oil sources and job creation, both of these are false advertising in the Keystone case. Job creation - independent studies have shown that in fact the job creation claims have been vastly exaggerated. Most, if not all of the jobs "created" are temporary. One study even estimated job loss as a result of the pipeline. Gas prices will NOT decline as a result of this pipeline, so those claims are at best exaggerations and at worst, lies. Please, please do not support this pipeline. The consequences are simply to dire.

4/21/2013 7:21:00

James Pipher To: Secretary of State Kerry--I had the opportunity to watch your 2012 speech in the U.S. Senate regarding climate change. Sir, it is clear that you "get it"--you understand the science and what our situation is at this moment with regard to CO2 emissions and global climate change. You know that we cannot wait any longer to change how we approach our energy needs and the burning of fossil fuels. Given the huge amounts of money and corporate power involved with the carbon extraction industry, I can only imagine the pressure you face to go along with "business as usual". However, you know that building the Keystone XL Pipeline will mean decades more of dirty oil and in the words of climate scientist James Hansen--"game over". In many of your past actions, you have shown yourself to be a man of courage. There has never been a time in human history when courage was needed more. This sir is your time. You and President Obama hold the future of my grandchildren in your hands. This sounds dramatic and hyperbolic--but you both are smart enough to know that it is true. Please sir, reject the Keystone XL pipeline. With great respect, Jim Pipher

4/21/2013 7:22:28

Dave Young I would have liked to have been in Grand Island Thursday to add my voice to the dissenters of the Keystone XL pipeline. I'm sure you've heard all the arguments against putting it near the water source for a third of the U.S.. Basically, if there's any question of it contaminating our water source, it must be re-routed rather than new aquafer boundaries drawn. This pipe will carry SAND and sand cuts when it moves. It will eventually wear through at some point. Let's not let that point be in Nebraska.

4/21/2013 7:24:52

Graham Heslop This pipeline and the product it will carry are going to hasten the end of life as we now know it, all the while causing terrible suffering to the creatures caught up in it's particularly harsh pollution. Please do not allow these types of pipelines.

4/21/2013 7:26:02

Victoria Hoyt When I was in elementary school, I was taught Nebraska had one of the greatest resources in the world-- the Ogallala Aquifer-- right under our feet. (And a little more out West, since I'm from Omaha.) To have a natural system of clean, abundant water already threatened from climate change, overuse and environmental hazards be on the pipeline route is short-sighted and dangerous. Protect our natural resources. Don't build the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/21/2013 7:26:29

Jacqueline Lemmer

The Keystone XL Pipeline is not only an unnecessary risk to the Ogallala Aquifer, but also to every river it crosses and every neighborhood it passes through. With the recent spill in Arkansas I don't see how anyone can claim that the benefit outweighs the risks. This pipeline is a catastrophe waiting to happen.

4/21/2013 7:26:47

Pam The Keystone XL pipeline is a dangerous gamble with our precious water supply. Pumping the Dangerous sand tar oil through our country is a Dirty mistake! It is a step in the wrong direction for this planet.

4/21/2013 7:26:50

Elysia Stop killing the planet for profit!!!!!

4/21/2013 7:26:50

Catherine Rauch

The bad weather kept us away from the hearing but we were there in spirit. We are life long Nebraskans and deeply treasure our state and it's unique resources. Water, water, water. Keep TransCanada out of our state! They have no rights here.

4/21/2013 7:29:33

Laurie Hauschild

If the administration's stated policy is to do something against global warming, then encouraging tar sands development seems like a very bad way to start. And setting up a major aquifer that powers the economy in a U.S. region for possible contamination is a major risk when balanced against the paltry gains. Plus, I don't like the bullying tactics by TransCanada to get land that have been reported -- since when do foreign corporations think they can come in and push around American citizens with impunity? (We'll leave the question of campaign contributions to state officials out of it, but you get the picture.) Please deny the Keystone XL.

4/21/2013 7:29:40

Rob hartung The keystone XL pipeline is not welcome in Nebraska. It will, at some point, leak. It will. Not might. Our water and other natural resources are worth far more than the supposed financial gain of this horrendous pipeline. The product won't even end up here, in America. No. No pipeline. Not now, or ever.

4/21/2013 7:32:21

Veronica Green Stop the holocaust on the environment , NOW !

4/21/2013 7:32:32

Patti Bennett Please think of the environment! There is a ton of wind here. Build wind farms, have electric cars and trucks, Get fuel that way. It is time to get out of the fossil fuel business and into solar. Do the right not let the pipeline go forward. My children thank you.

4/21/2013 7:32:54

Martha mays Please stand with Nebraskans, it's time our leaders quit letting the groups with the most money write our laws. Please please stop this pipeline. There has NEVER been a pipeline built that doesn't leak. Respect the rights of landowners respect the science that states the dangers of an oil leak. If you can't do that look at the pictures of Mayflower, Arkansas or the Yellowstone or any if the thousands (yes thousands of other leaks) that shouldn't happen anywhere. You have the power to prevent it in Nebraska

4/21/2013 7:35:27

Regina Please keep this pipeline out of Nebraska, and if I had my way the entire US. Our aquifer is too precious, I don't understand why there is a question of risking it. We need to think about our future generations and stop being blinded by money and greed. "We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."

4/21/2013 7:35:29

Sally Thomas Based on extensive reading of the research on this pipeline and all the issues surrounding it, I am convinced that allowing the pipeline will have extremely serious consequences in the future. Please listen. Please think of the seventh generation!

4/21/2013 7:36:08

David Barba There are zero benefits for me and my family. Please Mr. President, don't let this pipeline to be built!

4/21/2013 7:42:33

Theresa Cassiday

I very much oppose the building of this pipeline! I don't want to risk destroying our water supply and the Nebraska Sandhills. Most of the jobs created by the project will be temporary jobs -- they won't provide long-term economic benefit.

4/21/2013 7:43:55

Verdon Smith Please do not ok the pipeline. It will be on our land, thru the creek and subwater on the hill side. Please say NO!

4/21/2013 7:45:35

Brad Hayes This does not benefit Americans and certainly not our state. WE WILL STOP YOU! Release the over 5,000 patents that have been buried by Washinton and help create a new energy industry that does not destroy the planet.

4/21/2013 7:45:39

Koren Keller Don't do it! Eventually it will break or leak or something. We can't keep thinking in the moment because even if this doesn't break in our lifetime it's going to be our grandchildren and great grandchildren that have to face the issues. If this world doesn't start seeing the problems in things I'm afraid we won't last much longer.

4/21/2013 7:45:43

Karen Hickerson

Oil spills pollute our air and water, why would we add to this with a pipeline that could affect millions of people, plants, waterways and animals. Please make the right choice for future generations and say NO to the KXL

4/21/2013 7:46:22

Elphy Im not for piplines they do cause alot of stress on wildlife and you people cant get the picture of the sinkhole happening...too many natural products being taken away from the ground and its making the earth change rapidly..Go figure way we have earthquakes,wild storms sinkholes...theres a reason why it happens..Think about the future of you kids and there kids and so on....

4/21/2013 7:46:41

Coti Luttrell This pipeline is a disastrous rape of our land. It's unhealthy, unfounded to provide an energy independent nation, unsupported by the Indigenous Natives on this land, and unsupported by the public who want clean energy, respect to the environment, and protection for our future generations. This is not US made steel. The spills from these pipelines damage the environment, but also damage people's homes and lives. There is nothing about this pipeline that should be approved. It is an obvious undermining of laws meant to protect people from this sort of scum and should not be allowed to pass as if rewarding a student who cheats on a test like they were clever for thinking how to cheat. Call a Spade a Spade and deny this dirty scheme! Protect the Public and protect the land!

4/21/2013 7:48:53

Mary Powers I ama Nebraska native. I grew up in the Sand Hills and I live in the State Capitol now. I am raising my family here and my children will raise their families here. If this pipeline goes through, it will leak and it will ruin this state and quite possibly those states around us. When it does leak, we absolutely will hold each and every one of you responsible. Don't ruin our livelihood. Instead of investing our interests in this, we need more sustainable means of energy. Not dirty oil destined for other countries. This is not your life to waste.

4/21/2013 7:50:29

Janice walker Please hear the voices if those of us who oppose this project. This is NOT about jobs and energy independence. It is a continuation of the fossil fuel industry's chokehold on America

4/21/2013 7:50:42

susan renken Seriously. Look at Arkansas. Do you want that to happen to Nebraska whose water trickles down through many states?

4/21/2013 7:51:59

Steve The KXL is a black snake which will poison the planet and kill my grandchildren and great grandchildren. Please let them have a healthy earth to live on as President Obama has repeatedly promised. Persuade President Obama to save his own children and reject KXL

4/21/2013 7:52:44

Dale Paxton I feel the Keystone XL pipelinewould be a very bad idea and very bad for our water supply am not for it at all

4/21/2013 7:52:57

Kelly Guinan Our planet is NOT for sale.

4/21/2013 7:54:00

Carolyn Allpress Please do your homework before even thinking about letting this toxic tarsands pipeline run through the middle of our beloved U.S.A. Lets clean up not make things worse. Next time you drink a glass of water or eat a nice grass feed steak or organic chicken if some terrorist hacks into their so called state of the art pump stations this will be the end to all Nebraska and other states of provided our country with a quality of life we all sometimes take for granted!!!! Where does your beef come from????????

4/21/2013 7:55:52

Gina Stop the keystone pipeline !

4/21/2013 7:55:55

Holly Nelson I, and my family are strong opponents to KXL. It poses too much danger to our natural resources, and to the future of our nation.

4/21/2013 7:56:01

Kathy Keller I am strongly opposed to the Keystone XL pipeline. Please do not allow this threat to our pure water and natural resources. Help us preserve them, not destroy them. Thank you

4/21/2013 7:56:49

Charissa Hofpar I am against the Pipeline route going over the Ogallalla Aquifer. Our need of water is not something we can risk.

4/21/2013 7:57:40

daniel gray Please stop the pipeline oil will not help our country and the chance of skills are too risky let's go solar wind and geothermal as a country and spend our money on something else in dirty oil thank you

4/21/2013 7:59:11

Cheryl Cassiday We have seen time and time again that the oil industry cannot ensure the safety of its pipelines. The environment cannot continue to take these hits. Please vote against the pipeline and place your support behind efforts which will decrease our dependency on the oil industry.

4/21/2013 7:59:54

Terry Pulliam Burd

This project will do next to nothing to create jobs for Americans, but it WILL create potential damage to the environment. Nothing in this pipeline will benefit the United States. It will, however, threaten the land and its people. No pipeline!

4/21/2013 8:01:25

Suzi Kelley Save the land, air, water, waterfowl, insects, birds, mammals and plants from tar sands/crude oil and the pipelines that carry them. Come on people! Get your heart out of your pocket book and into what is humanly possible if we just think about a better solution.

4/21/2013 8:01:33

Dorothy E Locke

This is an enviromental accident waiting to happen in America's heartland...It is NOT necessary to have another pipeline, to only export domestic oil overseas so they can sell it back to us at a premium price per barrel, and risk the environment to support government greed.

4/21/2013 8:01:52

Julie Mierau i am writing to urge the State Department and the President to deny the KeystoneXL Pipeline. The list of reasons to deny this pipeline are lenghty and better described by others. i will say that my family has farmed in Nebraska, close to the revised route, for four generations. This land is our heritage, and the food we grow is our gift to the world. If a Canadian company wants to mine tarsands, which the entire world should object to, then let them run it through pipelines across their own lands, pollute their own water and risk their own future. This is not in our national i terest, and it sets a dangerous precedent whereby foreign-owned companies can take land from U.S. citizens by eminent domain. For us, this project is all risk and no reward. For the sake of our history, for the sake of our farmland, for the future of our children, please do the right thing and deny this project.

4/21/2013 8:02:45

Kirsten Drennon No Keystone Pipeline. All risk and no reward for Nebraska or the United States!

4/21/2013 8:04:19

Alan C The Krtstone pipeline is not the answer to our energy problems. It will create more problems and disrupt our environment overtop many miles.

4/21/2013 8:06:21

Lisa TOTALLY Against the keystone pipe line, as most people are. It's time to start LISTENING TO THE MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4/21/2013 8:06:54

Louise Maloof Do not pass the Keystone Pipeline Bill! You will damage our environment irretrievably! Thank you! Louise

4/21/2013 8:08:15

Susie Kelley Dear Mr. Kerrey, I writing to say I am very much opposed the the XL pipeline project. I believe the potential consequences far out way any perceived benefits. I stand with all Nebraskan's and ask that this pipeline does not happen.

4/21/2013 8:11:21

Ruth Bailey Please please no to the pipeline.

4/21/2013 8:11:24

Jennifer Richardson

I am against the XL pipeline. This is an endeavor that is filled with flaws and risks. And the risks are greater than any benefit. Please do not build this pipeline!

4/21/2013 8:15:01

Deena Province The economy grows with renewable enregy. Sustainable jobs come from renewable energy. Our land, air and water is clean for generations to come when we stop living in the past and in the pockets of the oil companies and make use of the resources that are abundant.

4/21/2013 8:15:16

victoria gutierrez No too XL Pipeline...

4/21/2013 8:17:03

Sherri Our earth matters. No more sins!

4/21/2013 8:17:10

Sherri Our earth matters. No more sins!

4/21/2013 8:21:13

kiyomi smith Please stop the pipeline. We must protect the earth for future generations.

4/21/2013 8:22:44

Shelley Rose The Keystone XL pipeline is unsafe and poses too great a risk for the environment, climate and citizens. Stop it now.

4/21/2013 8:22:49

shannon hager I can not think of a single good thing about this pipeline, no temporary 100 jobs, no foreign tarsands to be shipped opff shore and sent to other countries is going to benefit this nation enough to risk compromising my ground water. Put your oil tu=ype stff in a semi and drive it to the ocean, leave my ground water, my soil, my state alone. Keep your millions of dollars and buy trucks with it. Please, please, do not allow this to happen to the water andt he grond. It is the livelihood if this state.

4/21/2013 8:23:08

Nancy Gleason Do not approve the XL pipeline. It is a slap in the face of Americans to allow corporate interests to use OUR country as a conduit to greater profits for a few. The dirty oil will not benefit Americans in any way and will put our environment in further danger. Say NO.

4/21/2013 8:25:01

Larry Peters Make this be a healthy choice legacy for our grandchildren and not an unhealthy one. Do away with the Keystone XL Pipeline going through Nebraska and other great plains states.

4/21/2013 8:25:45

Joeth Zucco We've already seen how damaging tar sands "oil" is to the environment--in Arkansas, in Michigan, in Alberta. Please do not build the pipeline over or close to the Ogallala Aquifer. It's too precious, it's too risky. Our land and water are more important than this. If the president and his administration are committed to curbing climate change, they need to say no to this pipeline and the tar sands. There is so much wrong about this pipeline and the values of those who support it. Please make the right decision for the health of the planet, the health of the people, and the health of the environment.

4/21/2013 8:27:38

sheila Lee i'm totally against this!!

4/21/2013 8:29:02

Linda Waller No to the is NOT good for Nebraska!

4/21/2013 8:29:07

Sarah Swearer Communities, property and the environment are too precious to take this risk with. Can you really ensure that the pipe line will never ever have a serious leak? I think not.

4/21/2013 8:29:16

Adam Andrews The pipeline is something someone want, not something anyone needs. Please invest in the American people's future and everyones environment by not approving the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/21/2013 8:29:17

jo wilkins NE sandhills is and amazing place - please don't risk it w/keystone pipeline!

4/21/2013 8:29:47

Sarah Spencer We need to be focusing on cleaner energy sources and resources that will not spill into our precious aquifer. I am against the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/21/2013 8:31:53

Linda Marshall It is imperative that the Keystone XL Pipeline does not get built. The threat to the environment and to our health far outweighs the benefits to the big oil companies and job creation. Job creation should be built around renewable energy sources, and protection of the environment and the health of the American people.

4/21/2013 8:32:53

Allison Kelaher-Young

This is a dangerous and unnecessary solution to energy in the United States. I firmly opposed this plan and strongly urge you to consider other sources of energy (solar, wind) as well as to begin public awareness campaigns to support energy conservation in this country.

4/21/2013 8:32:57

Barbara Shane Please do not let this pipeline go through the farm and ranch land of Nebraska, the water above and below the ground is our greatest resource. We feed so much of the rest of the world. We need to use clean energy to protect our future generations. Transcananda can afford to find another way to coast. Please say No to tar sands crossing our great country for America not foreign oil. Thanks for listening I will be praying for your wisdom in this matter. Barb Shane

4/21/2013 8:33:40

Sue Mitchell This KXL pipeline STILL goes through the SANDHILLS and through the Aquifer in Nebraska. The EIS is not true. Come talk to the landowners and come see for yourself the propossed reoute. How can you clean up an oil spill, when it runs through the Aquifer, Leaks under ground undetected, and the toxic killing chemicals still leach down into the underground flow of water. It can go undected for days without knowing it, until animals and humans start showing signs of sickness. PLEASE SAY NO TO THIS MONSTER PILELINE AND FOREIGN OIL COMPANIES. YOU ARE THE ONLY ONES THAT CAN SAVE US, PLEASE.

4/21/2013 8:33:47

Thomas Jaudzemis

No tar sands over Nebraska's ground water! There is simply no way to repair the damage if this toxic mess gets into the aquifer. We don't want and don't need this dirty Canadian tar! This is a horrible environmental nightmare that needs to be stopped!

4/21/2013 8:34:01

Karen Polvinale Judging by the number of oil spills from pipelines in the last couple of weeks, this is a very bad idea. We cater to these companies, give them everything including a negative tax bill and they spoil our earth. No amount of clean-up can fix what they are doing. This has got to stop.

4/21/2013 8:34:07

Janice Dongworth

stop the destruction

4/21/2013 8:34:53

Shari L Schnuelle

The Keystone XL pipeline is absolutely the WRONG WAY TO GO FOR NEBRASKA. This will not benefit Nebraskans and puts our valuable natural resources at great risk. The temporary job benefits are transient, and Americans are being sold a bill of goods about the nasty tar sands. If this were such a great project, the Canadians would find a way to route it through their own country! I do NOT support this project, President Obama, you MUST NOT support this project. It is a red herring -- it will cause permanent damage to the US with a false promise of TEMPORARY jobs.

4/21/2013 8:35:43

joann lane "I am opposed to the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline route because it is directly over the Ogallala Aquifer. Therefore, I am asking you to disapprove TransCanada’s pending permit request. Do not allow TransCanada to build a pipeline over the Ogallala Aquifer and risk the potential damage to Nebraska’s water."³

4/21/2013 8:39:51

Jessie Smith As a Nebraska native I am appalled that elected officials who are supposed to "represent the people" would even consider allowing this. It is not a matter of if the pipeline will leak, but when it will - so, you are considering having a known contaminator put in. What has the cost analysis shown regarding the potential health costs of the people & clean-up of contamination? Huge risks can provide huge rewards, but i am seeing no reward in this risk. I am seeing more contamination of water and soil. I am seeing more profit for a few at the price of suffering for many. This is not my tax dollars at work. My tax dollars should be funding renewable sources of energy. My tax dollars should be funding continuing education for farmers. My tax dollars should protect the land, and not devastate the soil and water. My tax dollars should be protecting the people, and not harming them. My uncle was Sen. Roman Hruska. I did not always agree with him, but I always respected him for having the interest of the people and the farmers high. Integrity in office is something subsequent generations of politicians struggle with. I urge you to be be bold and take a stand for the people and our planet.

4/21/2013 8:40:13

Wesley Alonzo A good economy cannot and will not exist if we don't maintain a healthy environment, and the Keystone XL pipeline does not promote a healthy environment. Its really that simple. Say NO to the Keystone XL Pipeline!

4/21/2013 8:41:21

Kim Coffey There is no element more vital to life, than water. Period. As a country, we can not risk this vital resource, we can not! This pipeline WILL leak, they all do. No sane, competent human can argue this. Period. So, tell me...what do we do when it DOES leak? What then? It will be too late at that point, to try and do the right thing. The Ogallala Aquifer is too critical, not only to Nebraska, but to a major portion of our country, our agriculture industry, our lives. WE CAN NOT RISK IT! Another vital point, is our citizens rights to property. Eminent Domain is tough enough when our own country invokes it, but how on earth can a Foreign FOR PROFIT company invoke it. That is unconstitutional at every level! Mr. President, you must deny this project. You must!

4/21/2013 8:41:32

kendrick guenther

Keystone XL is a toxic nightmare that will seriously damage our ability to combat climate change. Tar Sands oil and diluted Bitumen are the dirtiest energy sources on earth, and we need to be taking every possible step to clean up our energy supply. Enbridge's shoddy construction practices, terrible safety record, and lack of transparency all but ensure that the pipeline will bring more terrible spills like the one in Mayflower, AK.

4/21/2013 8:44:05

Barbara Manns We know from experience that this pipeline will leak and no one knows how to effectively and completely and effectively clean up such a spill. You have 2 glaring examples from recent years in Michigan and now Arkansas. Let's instead have a national goal of eliminating fossil fuel use before a third of this century is up. I think almost everyone could get behind this. Do not let corporate interests override public and environmental safety yet again. Do not approve the KXL. Thank you.

4/21/2013 8:45:37

Sandra Lee Please do not destroy our earth with this pipeline.

4/21/2013 8:48:16

James Howe There is no way for President Obama to chastise congress about not following the will of the people on gun restrictions and still allow this pipeline against the will of the people, there is no way for President Obama to claim a concern for global warming and the environment and still allow this pipeline, there is no way for President Obama to show he isn't another corporate tool and still allow this pipeline. Please Mr. President, stop this pipeline now.

4/21/2013 8:52:26

Ardie Davis Please fulfill your solemn responsibility to be a steward of our planet for today's generations and the generations to come. No more greed-driven irresponsible environmental disasters. Exxon Valdez, the Gulf, and now Arkansas. PLEASE do not approve the Keystone XL pipeline!!!!

4/21/2013 8:54:05

Amy A. Miller I am a lifelong Nebraskan. I am not an expert able to impress you with my specialized knowledge, but I do have common sense. The Keystone XL Pipeline fails the "Common Sense Test." Since other commentators will have much more compelling facts and stories, I will stop here and leave it simple: I oppose the pipeline and urge you to deny permission to build it.

4/21/2013 8:54:39

mason mitchell Keep our water clean that simple . If you want a pipeline your going to half to go through me and my famlily. My little mini pony, ThunderPants, the Pipeline Protesting Pony, needs clean water to live, too. Please say NO to KXL Mason Mitchell, Age 8

4/21/2013 8:56:10

Lili Loewen You have the power to help save Mother Earth. To destroy Her for profit is to kill Her slowly and future families of Hers. Please help.

4/21/2013 8:56:16

John Arnold We don't need another pipe line, it's only adding to the problem.

4/21/2013 8:56:41

Mary Lou Meier Pipelines that carry oil leak. Look at history and resolve to be good stewards of our earth. Reject the Keystone XL pipeline. Please.

4/21/2013 9:00:31

Elizabeth Sterling

I am AGAINST the Keystone pipeline. We need to be investing in renewable energy sources and technology. The Keystone pipeline is a short-sighted energy solution that will benefit a few financially and create environmental and health issues for many. We have to start considering the environmental and health costs as legitimate costs. The costs of the Keystone XL pipeline is too high in this light. Sincerely, Elizabeth Sterling

4/21/2013 9:00:32

Karry Please stop destroying our land.

4/21/2013 9:00:42

Carol McWhirter Our family has lived on our farm in Nebraska since 1898 deriving our living from the Ogallala Aquifer. We are the US breadbasket, annually irrigating our crops which insures a good yield every year despite global warming and unpredictable drought conditions. It is appalling to think that our most precious resource, water, could be spoiled forever by the Keystone XL Pipeline driven by corporate profits. Please remember that the weight/nature of this oil (sinks rather than rises to the top) is different than the traditionall oil that is carried in pipelines and cleanup technology has failed to date to cleanup their spills - which WILL happen. Fact: The Koch brothers have a financial stake in Keystone XL and their right-wing groups like AFP are working side by side with labor union LIUNA to push this risky pipeline. Fact: 100% of the steel TransCanada is using was produced outside of the United States and only 50% of this foreign-made steel was rolled and coated in the United States. Fact: Unions do not stand 100% with this pipeline. Nurses, AFT and Communications Workers are all opposed to the pipeline. Steelworkers were opposed to Keystone I because of foreign steel and Keystone XL still uses foreign steel. Fact: Building the Keystone XL will directly impact the expansion of tar sands, and in turn speed up climate change. Fact: The KXL holds more economic risks than profits. The job creation claims being made by pipeline supporters and some media outlets are wildly exaggerated. While Rush Limbaugh says the KXL will create up to a million jobs, an independent study done by Cornell estimates the number to be closer to 2,000 temporary jobs, and that the KXL could kill more jobs than it actually creates. The most recent State Department EIS estimates that the KXL will only create 35 jobs. Fact: Pipelines leak. Many of those leaks are major and pose immense dangers to the public.

According to Dr. Stansbury, UNL Professor of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering conducted a study showing that the KXL would result in 91 major spills over the 50 year life of the pipeline. Fact: The KXL will carry diluted bitumen. Diluted bitumen (dilbit) is not considered oil by the IRS, which would allow TransCanada to evade paying taxes into the Oil Spill and Liability Trust, a fund used to clean up oil spills. Indeed dilbit is not oil; it is far more dangerous to the public. A toxic sludge of chemicals and peanut-butter thick tar sands oil, dilbit sinks in water and is proving to be impossible to clean up. Fact: The KXL route passes through a number of sacred tribal grounds, including the Ponca’s Trail of Tears. Native tribes are concerned about health and cultural impacts of the pipeline, concerns that have not been adequately addressed by the State Department. Fact: Extracting the tar sands causes unfathomable damage to the environment and people near the extraction sites. Fact: Investors, nations, and academics across the world are distancing themselves from the tar sands. Why? Because it’s becoming clear that it is a bad investment both financially and morally. Fact: The Keystone XL will NOT provide “energy security.” The oil is destined for export and we will not see lower gas prices. Fact: The entire KXL review process is broken. Conflicts of interest have riddled every review and each report has ignored very important environmental concerns. Fact: TransCanada does not have a good safety record, or a good safety culture. Though they claim to promote safety by having “agreed to 57 extra conditions,” most of those are already required by law. Fact: President Obama and John Kerry have declared multiple times their commitment to fighting climate change and protecting our children’s future. If they truly believe this, then there is no way they can approve this pipeline. Fact: The KXL still crosses the Ogallala Aquifer, the most valuable resource in our state, and

the fragile Sandhills. 4/21/2013 9:01:43

joseph I don't see how this argument can get past the aspect of environmental damage, we risk destroying our land on a much larger scale than all the spills of JUST last month combined... all for an addiction to petrol. KXL is not energy independence, it is not an answer for the people, it IS an answer for energy companies, lets not forget their track record. NO KXL!!! PROTECT YOUR LAND!

4/21/2013 9:03:03

Kerry Hoiberg I don't want this pipeline. There are too many risks. I don't want the future generations to have to deal with mistakes made now that could seriously effect their way of life.

4/21/2013 9:04:53

Nicole Champ Please take a moment to consider all of the negative effects this will have on Nebraska, The United States and Our World around us. Spills will happen on our soil, and important soil at that. You are taking land from families that have been there for generations and continue to work hard for their land, families and living. Please Please say no to the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/21/2013 9:05:44

George Griffith This pipeline has no place in Nebraska's fragile Sandhills, one of the last unspoiled places in the lower 48.

4/21/2013 9:07:46

Sarah High As a Nebraskan I want to tell you that the vast majority of people here DO NOT want the pipeline. Why would Nebraskans want to risk their farms, ranches, & drinking water to benefit a multinational corporation from a foreign country? Something is very fishy about the fact that the state dept is even considering allowing the Keystone XL. Our own local politicians & many at the national level have clearly sold out to filthy, corrupt Big Oil companies. Why would we want to risk SO MUCH for a handful of temporary jobs? Answer: WE DON'T. Tar sands is a *filthy* form of energy, and there have been spills from similar pipelines all over the country. I believe that the Keystone XL issue is so black and white that it has become a very, very important decision that will have long-term consequences politically for this country. I believe that for a large group of people, if this goes through, it will be the straw that broke the camel's back. Obama's administration has already failed environmentally in many people's eyes. I believe that if Keystone goes through, it will be widely understood that our govt is irreparably corrupt. I think it will be the beginning of a revolution of sorts, because it will be finally, & undeniably obvious that OUR government is not here to serve us, but rather big corporations. Such a sad situation that we Nebraskans, who are just trying to farm and ranch in the way our ancestors did, have had to fight so hard and for so long against a greedy behemoth who threatens & intimidates us in order to put a pipeline on OUR land. If the Big Bad Oil wins, I fear that our country- politically, environmentally & land-wise- will be lost.

4/21/2013 9:09:48

Mary We should be past using fossil fuels. Stop this toxic bullshit!

4/21/2013 9:10:08

Geraldine Adams

Why on earth would we encourage the use of the DIRTIEST oil on the planet? This project will NOT create long term jobs and only a few people are poise to get rich off it. Meanwhile, use of this oil will create a CO2 BOMB of enormous proportions for the atmosphere to deal with. Last I heard, there was no ferry to another Class M planet where we can move after we ruin this one.

4/21/2013 9:11:28

Jonathan Irwin The Keystone XL pipeline is not only a terrible idea for the US' on-the-ground security in rural and suburban America, not only a boost to further land theft of unceded Northwest first nations tribes in Canada, not only the destruction of some of the last vast swathes of old growth forest in North America, and an unnecessary externalization of cost to US tax payers--but it has also been found to be a 'game over' for global climate change. Whatever the oil pundits have said, infinite expansion is not a given--for more and more people are realizing that we will be killing our future generations THIS or next century. Please deny these permits with prejudice. Kill them now and don't allow future reapplication. This is not and will never be an acceptable idea.

4/21/2013 9:11:46

Jimmy Simpson Jr.

My name is Jimmy Joe Simpson Jr. I was born in Hawaii and raised in Nebraska. I am a recent graduate of the University of and a current resident of I am writing this comment to urge the State Department and President Obama to reject the Keystone XL pipeline. President Obama has promised us that he will no longer stand idly by and watch as climate change causes grave dangers to our world. If he approves this pipeline, then he is not taking a stand to make this world a safer place for his children. He is putting his own children in greater danger. TransCanada says that the carbon emissions from this oil and this pipeline will have a minimal impact, but non-biased scientists disagree. President Obama has made his nation and his children a promise. And it is time that he kept that promise.

4/21/2013 9:14:52

Angela Burke As a former Nebraskan, I am shocked that this is even up to debate. Looking at the "whole" picture - clean water and a thriving environment for the future - why would anyone jepordize this? Politicians have "different" motives than the general population - a growing problem and issue. How can anyone ethically agree with this? Come's 2013 and we are still relying on oil? This is archaic thinking. I would have thought we had progressed - intellectually and intuitively - beyond Turn-of-the-Century power options. The bottom line only get one shot at preserving the environment and it's time to stop the "selfish" motives driven by money, and for the love of God, do the right thing!

4/21/2013 9:17:14

Roderick Even though our children are young adults now, we are still concerned with the quality of our natural resources in general and the safety of the drinking water in particular, in this state. Regardless of how big oil companies spin their slant on state-of-the-art saftey precautions, we are continuously reminded of just how failable those measures can be. (The most recent oil disaster in Arkansas among others come to mind) Even though the proposed pipeline will create some job opportunities, most of those, I understand, will not be long term, and I can't imagine that much of the revenue that those jobs produce will stay in the state for long. Our family of registered voters hope, in all sincerity, that local politicians take into consideration the welfare of the whole state, and not just their own personal zeal for political gain and lust for power and personal gain. Although we are not overly optimistic about the current crop of Nebraska's political elite to make conscientous choices, that are not self serving, we continue to hope that National leadership will provide balance and vote NO to the Keystone pipeline!

4/21/2013 9:17:15

Roderick Even though our children are young adults now, we are still concerned with the quality of our natural resources in general and the safety of the drinking water in particular, in this state. Regardless of how big oil companies spin their slant on state-of-the-art saftey precautions, we are continuously reminded of just how failable those measures can be. (The most recent oil disaster in Arkansas among others come to mind) Even though the proposed pipeline will create some job opportunities, most of those, I understand, will not be long term, and I can't imagine that much of the revenue that those jobs produce will stay in the state for long. Our family of registered voters hope, in all sincerity, that local politicians take into consideration the welfare of the whole state, and not just their own personal zeal for political gain and lust for power and personal gain. Although we are not overly optimistic about the current crop of Nebraska's political elite to make conscientous choices, that are not self serving, we continue to hope that National leadership will provide balance and vote NO to the Keystone pipeline!

4/21/2013 9:17:36

Linda Grosserode

I would like to go on record saying that I am AGAINST the keystone XL pipeline. We are taking all of the risk and getting none of the rewards. We all know that everything man made will break. The pipeline is no exception. This pipeline goes directly over the Ogallala aquifer. Water is much more valuable resource than anything else. If we don't have water, we don't have anything. The proposed pipeline is going to go in only a few miles from where I live. It is going over the water that I drink. It is going over the water that I use to water my animals. It going over the water that I use to water my crops. We need water to survive. Once again, if we do not have fresh clean water..... we do not have anything. Please do NOT allow the pipeline to cross the Ogallala aquifer. Linda Grosserode

4/21/2013 9:19:38

Richard Reynolds

To Whom it May Concern: I adamantly oppose the Keystone XL pipeline, as this project is of serious environmental, health and safety danger/concern to our nation and its citizens. Instead, I support the development of renewable energy alternatives as a means to environmental health and economic prosperity. I sincerely hope that you will see fit to do likewise.

4/21/2013 9:20:45

Matt Griffith Please stop this unnecessary, unsafe and ill-advised pipeline from using my state to sell dirty tar-sands oil to foreign parties in the Gulf. It is not worth the risk, the already large environmental impact in Canada nor is it the right course to take for our energy future.

4/21/2013 9:25:00

Evan Wright Levi

The KXL Pipeline would be an unnecessarily terrible blight on the American landscape. I believe the folks before us, who worked tirelessly to preserve our American cathedrals, would be disgusted as this proposition. We are all aware of the American prowess to solve issues intelligently while maintaining our heritage as the people of nature. Our nation expanded slowly across the width of this continent, doing it's best to preserve the beauty and grandeur for our future generations. We have stumbled along the way, making irreversible mistakes again and again. We have an opportunity to continue a tradition of greatness, a tradition rooted deeply in family. Money drives man to make decisions he always regrets. Money is a temporary high sought by an elite few at the expense of many. Money will drive man to etch an indelible scar in the face of this great nation once again, if we do not shift our attention to a symbiotic solution. President Roosevelt once instructed the folks living around the Grand Canyon to avoid turning the natural wonder into a commercial wasteland. He said, "Leave it as it is. The ages have been at work on it. Man can only mar it." I know a lot of families think this is the only way they will survive in our capitalistic society today, but I believe we can all survive by using American ingenuity

4/21/2013 9:26:34

Onna LeBeau Please stop killing our land for selfish reasons. Please take into consideration the future generations who will be here forced to live with the mess you approved and created. The satisfaction received from the pipeline is temporary the damage is permanent.

4/21/2013 9:27:24

Michele Lastovica

Temporary jobs vs. possible lifetime contamination. That's all that needs to be said. If a leak on the pipeline is AT ALL possible - and history proves it is - then there is no question that this pipeline should not be built anywhere near the Ogalalla Aquifer with the potential to destroy a water source. Temporary vs. lifetime, think about it.

4/21/2013 9:30:01

Paul Not every square foot of this EARTH needs the human "footprint".

4/21/2013 9:31:54

Kye Halsted The fact of the matter is that this pipeline is dangerous. It is frightening to think that we are even considering it. Please do not allow this to happen!

4/21/2013 9:32:36

Andrea McBride STOP KXL!!!!

4/21/2013 9:34:19

Terrence Keefe Please do not allow the Keystone XL Pipeline to go through. It is bad for our environment, endangers our precious Ogalala Aquifer, and will do nothing to help us become energy independent. I am a lifelong Democrat and a supporter of your administration. If we the people can't turn to you for help in protecting our planet, who can we turn to?

4/21/2013 9:35:10

Alicia Registering my opposition to Keystone XL Pipeline. Pipelines leak. Many of those leaks are major and pose immense dangers to the public. Dr. Stansbury, UNL Professor of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering conducted a study showing that the KXL would result in 91 major spills over the 50 year life of the pipeline.

4/21/2013 9:36:59

Vi Please do not jeopardize our Ogalalla Aquifer by building this death project. Our desendants deserve better. You do not have a right to take away their chances for a good life by risking an oil spill or leak from the Keystone pipeline. Please do not approve the Presidential Permit.

4/21/2013 9:37:35

Pati Oglala Aquifer, Sandhills, Sacred Native Sites, History of pipeline breaks, need we say more?

4/21/2013 9:38:07

M winters We don't want the pipeline. If it has to be built, run it next to the one that is already there.

4/21/2013 9:38:42

Melissa Please don't allow the Keystone XL pipeline into or through our state! I value preserving the habitat, the aquifer, and worry about the damage oil and crude will have should there ever be a spill. There is NO guarantee that we can prevent accidents and no accident is worth destroying our natural habitat and clean way of life in Nebraska. What does it say on billboards as you cross into our state "Nebraska the GOOD life!" Let's keep it that way. Please. As for jobs this can provide...I believe we can provide jobs for alternate energy sources to be established, such as wind turbine power. Besides the pipeline jobs would be temporary while building and then gone!

4/21/2013 9:38:50

Marlee Eigenberg-Gordon

How can anyone think that the pipeline will be safe for our environment and our water supply when you see what's happening in Arkansas? Stop the Keystone XL pipeline before we have more of these environmental tragedies! Vote NO

4/21/2013 9:39:44

Mary All the leaks and lack of proper clean up in other pipelines prove that it MUST be stopped!

4/21/2013 9:43:11

Natalie A Johner

Please stop the Keystone XL Pipeline. The hazardous outcomes outweigh all else.

4/21/2013 9:44:17

David Norris The Keystone pipeline has no place in Nebraska or the United States for that matter. Please do not let this pipeline go through our land. Thanks David Norris

4/21/2013 9:45:59

Jacqueline I don't want the pipeline because it will be counter to necessity fueling creation and we need to reduce our expanding dependence on oil and instead harness solar energy. By creating this pipeline we will not only be potentially destroying great lands and natural areas, but enabling our dependence on oil. Those long before us have said the answers are in the sun, when will we start listening???

4/21/2013 9:47:49

Katie White We the people will not allow a foreign corporation take land, lives and livelihoods away from our fellow Americans. America is under attack, and we know who who's responsible!

4/21/2013 9:48:23

Heather Gomes We should learn from the mistakes of other states and not make the same mistake. We need to protect our natural resources (land and water) as they are irreplaceable.

4/21/2013 9:51:08

Cindy Hale The toxic threats to our precious resources should be a priority when considering this pipeline. Recent events should only prove how devastating this could be to future generations. Do not allow this!

4/21/2013 9:51:13

Dana Lone Hill Please do not jeopardize our Ogalalla Aquifer by building this death project. Our descendants deserve better. You do not have a right to take away their chances for a good life by risking an oil spill or leak from the Keystone pipeline. Please do not approve the Presidential Permit.

4/21/2013 9:51:58

Adell Zdan If tarsand oil isn't even worthy of the American market after processing, why would we risk putting a pipeline carrying something that filthy through a huge aquifer?? And at a time when we as citizens of the world should be working AWAY from oil dependency? It just doesn't make sense. Please be reasonable.

4/21/2013 9:52:36

Shannon Parry The Keystone Pipeline will o doubt bring some money and boost our economy for a short, limited period of time. The question is not *if* the pipeline will damage our fragile Nebraskan ecosystem, but when. All of the arguments for this project are shortsighted. We need to think long term, because whatever benefits that would be reaped in the short term are far outweighed by the devastation that would incur in the years to come.

4/21/2013 9:52:45

MaryRaine There are LOTS of other ways to supply energy to people~ This Pipeline is a CRAZy idea.................The People DO NOT WANT IT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LISTEN!!!

4/21/2013 9:53:04

Che Wagoner Hello, I, like so many of my fellow Nebraskans, am writing in opposition on the Keystone XL pipeline. I am gravely concerned with the threat to our water supply as well as the implications on Canada's natural resources and the environment as a whole. I believe that we need to stop doing risky backflips to try to make our old way of doing things work and start investing our time, energy and resources towards truly a truly sustainable way of living. "We did not inherent the earth from our parents, we're borrowing it from our children" Thank you and please make the right choice for our future.

4/21/2013 9:53:52

Heidi Waddell We want to keep America's drinking water clean. Do NOT poison your country's citizens!!! We will do everything in our power to stop this project. So please, just drop it. We do NOT want this pipeline running through our country. We can't clean up the current damage from pipeline ruptures. Do not put us more at risk.

4/21/2013 9:53:56

Bridget Farrell Your time in history will make or break the Earth. Don't take this lightly. Please STOP the Keystone XL.

4/21/2013 9:54:14

Roberta Abel There are many reasons not to go forward with the Keystone XL pipeline. For one, the potential for an environmental and health disaster is great. Pipelines leak...just look at Arkansas. Diluted bitamen is one of the ingredients the pipeline will carry. It is not oil. It is a reason to allow TransCanada to evade paying taxes into the Oil Spill and Liability Trust, a fund used to clean up oil spills. It is far more dangerous to the public. A toxic sludge of chemicals and peanut-butter thick tar sands oil, dilbit sinks in water and is proving to be impossible to clean up. It won't create the jobs that they say it will. Only 35. TransCanada does not have a good safety record, or a good safety culture. Though they claim to promote safety by having “agreed to 57 extra conditions,” most of those are already required by law. Many more reasons. Please stop it.

4/21/2013 9:59:33

Brad Simonsen As a life long Nebraskan, I am very concerned about the Keystone XL pipeline coming through our state, and all of the United States. The potential for leaks to contaminate our soils and ground waters is proven and WILL happen eventually. And for what benefit and gain to Nebraskans, Mid-westerners, and the rest of the country? The oil is originating Canada, to be piped through our country using steel produced in a foreign country, producing temporary jobs, for oil to be sent to China and India. And recently it was reported that North Korea received around 80 percent of it's fuels from China, so why would our government want to help a country that is threatening our country and our allies? Please do not allow this pipeline to be built at the expense of our land, waters and climate. It will only benefit investors and foreign countries. Thank you, Brad Simonsen

4/21/2013 10:01:11

Ann What is wrong with you people? Too much water and soil is polluted with oil and chemicals which you all have neglected to place restrictions on!!! The clean up for the existing problems will take life times to repair. Put your energy into getting the oil companies and auto manufacturers to build engines that don't use as much fuel nor pollute.

4/21/2013 10:01:11

Ann What is wrong with you people? Too much water and soil is polluted with oil and chemicals which you all have neglected to place restrictions on!!! The clean up for the existing problems will take life times to repair. Put your energy into getting the oil companies and auto manufacturers to build engines that don't use as much fuel nor pollute.

4/21/2013 10:01:31

Karl Souders The family farm is now a ranch in the sand hills. Their operation is almost entirely self-sufficient- on a good year they are able to grow all their own feed using water pumped to center pivots. But good years don't always happen. In fact, it seems like more often than not they end up having to buy feed, using the money saved from the good years. The potential contamination from the Keystone is very risky. It isn't an "if," it is a "when," and honestly, I'd rather not have to worry about the "where," for the sake of my cousins. Please consider the average working families whose way of life relies on the water from the aquifers that run up and down the plains. Please don't green light the Keystone Pipeline. Thank you. Karl Souders

4/21/2013 10:01:51

Melissa Wadulisi Shelby

ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! END THE PROJECT NOW. Native American lands and rights are being ignored, and this pipeline is detrimental to their food and water resources, and on to all of the food and water resources. I am in Tennessee and EAT their food. I do not want to see them suffer at the hands of this government's decisions not one more time! The oil is sub par, the pipeline is unnecessary, there is no truth in the claims for the economic solidity it brings, because it does not, it merely destroys what is successfully providing for all our people. The oil can not be cleaned, the spills are completely destructive. Do not misrepresent the people you are there to serve! We are neither your slaves nor servants. We have a right to this land and to the waters and to a clean and productive fertile earth. This Pipeline denounces all of those rights. That responsibility will be on your and your families' shoulders throughout time if this passes; you are elected to vote for all Americans. You could stand and protect, as a true representative would do to work in our collective best interest: say no to this pipeline. There are better alternatives and ones that create better lives. We are not dispensable Humans. Americans are saying NO!

4/21/2013 10:02:02

Ralph Southern As a Nebraskan, I am against the Keystone XL pipeline being built for the following reasons: all of the steel used was produced outside of the US. It will create only about 2,000 temporary jobs. The State Department estimates it will create 35 jobs. The oil from the pipeline is destined for export from the US. It will not make gas prices lower for us. KXL still crosses the Ogallala aquifer and the Sandhills. It does not serve our national interests.

4/21/2013 10:02:31

Farrah Cote Please Stop the Pipeline, our Children and Grandchildrens Lives Depend On U Stopping It Their Futures

4/21/2013 10:02:41

Ralph Southern As a Nebraskan, I am against the Keystone XL pipeline being built for the following reasons: all of the steel used was produced outside of the US. It will create only about 2,000 temporary jobs. The State Department estimates it will create 35 jobs. The oil from the pipeline is destined for export from the US. It will not make gas prices lower for us. KXL still crosses the Ogallala aquifer and the Sandhills. It does not serve our national interests.

4/21/2013 10:03:31

Pamela M. Barger

In our changing world, clean water will become rarer and more precious than oil. Water is life. Oil is convenience. I'm outraged that we're even considering this pipeline. For one thing, we don't know what is in the stuff that Keystone wants to run through their pipeline because TransCanada refuses to divulge specifics. This probably is because the ingredients are more corrosive and toxic than the stuff that flows through older pipelines. Although I am almost 60, I have close ties to all generations younger than I through my children, grandchildren, and to the beloved children to whom I teach piano. I am sick at heart that our government is even considering involvement in something that likely will contribute to the difficulties these innocent young people will inherit from our selfish generation. It's even worse to know that our government is considering allowing a foreign entity to do this to us. What's in it for us but a few transient jobs? Clearly campaign money for politicians. Shameful. Pam Herbert Barger

4/21/2013 10:04:25

Chenoa LaPointe

Please stop the pipeline!

4/21/2013 10:04:46

Irena Cottier No pipeline at all!

4/21/2013 10:05:07

Samantha Ashcraft

91 major spills over the 50 year life of the pipeline of a substance that is far more dangerous to the public than tar or oil? A toxic sludge of chemicals and peanut-butter thick tar sands oil, dilbit sinks in water and is proving to be impossible to clean up AND The KXL route passes through a number of sacred tribal grounds, including the Ponca’s Trail of Tears. Native tribes are concerned about health and cultural impacts of the pipeline, concerns that have not been adequately addressed by the State Department. Extracting the tar sands causes unfathomable damage to the environment and people near the extraction sites. Just wanted to make sure you read your own information and understood that the risks certainly outweigh the supposed gains of this pipeline. Please do not wreck any more havoc on our already damaged planet.

4/21/2013 10:05:33

Emily Brodersen Not in Nebraska!!! Not good for the people or environment of our state, and not worth bargaining with!

4/21/2013 10:05:56

Matthew Emerton

Don't sacrifice the aquifer for dirty oil!

4/21/2013 10:07:13

Sharon Spencer Please don't allow this pipeline to happen! Our water and the safety of all those affected is too precious! Even one leak would be disasterous, but the possibility of 91 leaks in 50 years is unthinkable!! Please consider what is best for the U.S. OUR safety, OUR economy and OUR environment!! No KXL pipeline!!!!

4/21/2013 10:07:17

Michael Miller I do not believe this pipeline will give Nebraskans work, especially not permanent work. I believe that this oil is a Canadian resource moved across our land for export to other Nations and the profits from it benefit only a small amount of the American people.

4/21/2013 10:07:31

Karen K Little Thunder

Protect the environment, stop corporate greed. Please do NOT allow the Keystone XL pipeline to cross our lands!

4/21/2013 10:07:35

Janice C. Mickle Please stop this atrocity. It is affecting land, people, and wildlife. And what of your word to all of the indigenous people's that you promised to not violate their sacred sites? Where the pipeline has gone has affected the land, the people and the wildlife. This greed must stop. There are other alternative ways to provide energy that will not cause harm to the environment or others.

4/21/2013 10:07:49

Mary Young I don't want another pipeline going through my state (Nebraska). There have been too many spills in recent years. It's not right to take over property that people have put their whole life into, just to run a pipeline through it -- a pipeline that could destroy everything they own. Nebraska will not gain anything from this pipeline, except, maybe, some temporary work . The work will not last. In the long run, this pipeline will do nothing for Nebraska and I'm totally against it.

4/21/2013 10:07:58

Stephanie Carlson-Pruch

We MUST protect the Sandhills and our water source. Please do not support the pipeline through this fragile, precious land.

4/21/2013 10:09:05

Andy Melichar It doesn't create jobs. It's an environmental disaster waiting to happen. The oil isn't even going to end up being sold to the US. The mining of tar sands has already destroyed large parts of Canada. Stop this ridiculous, un-needed project and lets get on with keeping this country beautiful.

4/21/2013 10:11:24

Melody Listen to the People. They are the one who make it possible for you to be in your position. Hear their cries. Please.

4/21/2013 10:11:29

Carl Schreiner As a lifelong resident of Nebraska I urge you to carefully consider your vote on the XL pipeline. Water will very soon be our MOST precious resource. Oil pollution would be a tragedy. NO to XL. Thanks, Carl Schreiner. Eagle NE.

4/21/2013 10:11:53

Chet Gassett Please do not allow more money to be spent on environmentally harmful technology. It is time for us as a society to move forward and invest in clean energy, and more effective environmental protection.

4/21/2013 10:12:03

Kati Tobler Please stop the Keystone XL Pipeline! Our Ogallala Aquifer is too important a resource to risk for questionable tar sands. We need to find better solutions to stop climate change. I stand with Bokd Nebraska to oppose Keystone XL completely!

4/21/2013 10:13:50

Jane Levine The risks of the pipeline are too great compared to the possible rewards. If we pollute the Oglala Aquifer, there's no going back. Keystone cannot give enough assurances that this will not happen.

4/21/2013 10:13:59

Barbara LeBeau NO! WE HAVE TO LIVE HERE!!!!

4/21/2013 10:14:29

Joseph Smith The pipeline cost vs. future value ratio does not balance out. By the time it is built, has a spill or two, and needs repairs, clean energy will have surpassed the need for the KXL. Earth Science 101...don't build the pipeline over an aquifer. Future value includes more than money, it includes water resources as well. I would be in favor of a pipeline to transfer fresh water from Canada to Texas to alleviate worsening drought conditions. You have had the science of it all presented to you already, you have big money breathing down your neck, but do you truly believe in your heart that this is best for your state/country? Because if you value instant gratification over future generations, then you have missed the point of public service and should resign. Also, science shows that you might be a sociopath with no empathy for others.

4/21/2013 10:14:37

Elizabeth Blodgett

This pipeline does not benefit the USA (not oil for our use). It crosses aquifers that, if polluted, would poison the water of thousands upon thousands. We have seen that no one but the taxpayer will be on the hook for any remediation (as in AR). It also crosses some of our most beautiful undeveloped plains. Most of all, it crosses the land of sovereign nations (also known as "reservations" in SD, the home of the poorest people in this entire nation. They do not want this to cross their lands and I stand with them on their choice. There is simply TOO MUCH RISK VS NO BENEFIT. Do not allow yourselves to be bought by another mega-corporation. Please!!

4/21/2013 10:14:49

Pauletta Red Willow

Stop the Keystone pipeline! It will be a negative influence on all aspects of life and land.

4/21/2013 10:18:35

Vallee Johnson It's beyond ludicrous to believe that ripping the heartland out of America for the benefit of so few is in the interest of the American People. Time and time again, brave individuals, scientists and activists have shown the facts of the consequences of this disastrous course for our planet. BE the force of changing our course for a safer more user friendly planet!

4/21/2013 10:20:23



4/21/2013 10:20:24

Deborah Keystone XL pipeline = disaster after disaster after disaster...THINK KARMA.

4/21/2013 10:22:27

Jessica Edwards

To whom it concerns, This pipeline is not only a hazard to the environment but also to your loved ones. Please fight against it.

4/21/2013 10:24:23

Terri Flowerday No pipeline across our land! It is beyond crazy to put a dirty leaking pipeline across the Ogalala Aquifer! Seriously? This is the fresh water supply for North America. And, the Lakota Oyate do not want a black snake stretching across the sacred lands. No No No!

4/21/2013 10:24:42

Billie Jean Herron

Can we really take the chance of risking our Nebraska Aquifer? Even if it was oil for our own country I wouldn't want it but oil for other countries NO !!

4/21/2013 10:27:30

joyce Why am I against the KXL? I'm sure you have read the talking points many times already, so I will skip them. The way I see it the whole industry right now has A LOT of toxic spills out there that are not cleaned up as of yet. Why should we trust these corporations? AND The use of eminent domain, for the private profits, while the public bears the cost of accident is ......... sigh, it is just WRONG. Besides it is feels like this nation is becoming Oligarchy, and that is NOT what we have served and sacrificed for in the USA.

4/21/2013 10:28:57

Kelle Lambert NO Keystone XL. Please put all the time, money etc that has been put into this issue into renewable energy.

4/21/2013 10:30:30

Tamra Brennan No Keystone Pipeline! We do not need any other environmental disasters on our lands, enough is enough!

4/21/2013 10:30:51

Charles Baker I am a native Nebraskan and I strongly oppose the dangerous and counter-productive construction of the the KeystoneXL pipeline. This boondoggle would present a clear and present danger to the livelihoods and well being of the people in my state. TransCanada has consistently lied, cheated, and obfuscated to have their project rammed through with no meaningful review or oversight. They don't give half a fuck about Nebraskans. We can live without this dangerous and economically valueless oilpipe. We cannot live our lives without the Ogallala Aquifer. STOP THE KEYSTONE XL! Charles Baker

4/21/2013 10:31:00

Norma Kerns You need to stop the KXL pipeline. We already know too many things can go wrong and cannot be fixed. We can't turn back the clock on this, but we can stop it. Look into your heart and forget about the big money and big power.

4/21/2013 10:31:28

Dennis Hackbart

Other than providing for financial gain for Big Oil, I see no financial or environmental benefit to the American people. Exploitation of the tar sands and construction of KXL will likely result further deterioration of our environment by increasing C02 in atmosphere, endanger the valuable aquifers, valuable farmlands and communities of the Great Plains. (Think Mayflower, AR.) I understand that much if not most of the oil resulting from this risky enterprise will enter the world market and thus have little or impact on the domestic market. ,

4/21/2013 10:32:21

Vickie Budd Please...our farmlands and pristine areas are far too few and precious as it is. Do the RIGHT thing ...NO Pipeline.

4/21/2013 10:39:13

Dean Leh This ecocide is immoral and must be stopped. In addition, the Tribes have not given their permission and the treaties must be honored. We did not elect President Obama to bow to Big Oil, but for leading America into green energy. The fact that we are even considering this, or trying to convince President Obama is unconscionable. He knows the science behind this and he knows how wrong it is. Dean Leh, M.A., M.S.Ed., Albuquerque, NM

4/21/2013 10:40:16

Dennis Burnick All excuses for this pipeline (jobs energy profit) are trumped by the need to protect our environment and the peoples who occupy the lands. Do the right thing. You will sleep better at night.

4/21/2013 10:40:30

melainie brandon

Running this pipeline straight through the heart of this country is like striking the killing blow to it. We can not live on earth without water this pipeline endangers natural resources and wildlife while desecrating Canadian land and sickening aboriginal as well as all other people along the way. Stop before it's to late and we are stuck with irreparable damage and sick people again.

4/21/2013 10:41:08

Jan Reynolds With all the proven FACTS that the tar sands pipeline IS detrimental to health and well being of people coupled with FACTS that detrimental to environment...STOP this pipeline NOW!

4/21/2013 10:42:29

Sharlene Please ensure our way of life for future generations. The agriculture sector makes up a very small percentage of our population. Yet they fed the world. Are you willingly to risk the water and food supply of the heartland for some oil that will more than likely end up in China. Trans Canada is NOT an American company with out American interests. PLease do not allow this dangerous pipeline to ruin the heartland

4/21/2013 10:44:40

Janice Nelsen I do not want this pipeline through my State. We need to protect our underground water source. This pipeline does not benefit the United States only big oil and foreign countries. It is time to change our thinking on big oil and stop the pollution of our Earth. It is time to use cleaner resources for energy. Spend the money on saving our planet so our children have a home. We are destroying our home big oil just so you can get richer. Enough is enough.

4/21/2013 10:45:58

Dan Destroying our environment is worse than creating some temporary jobs. We will stand united!

4/21/2013 10:46:21

Lenae Flying Hawk

Please protect our mother earth, future generation's water, and our environment from dirty tar sands, oil and Canada's KXL pipeline. It's unamerican, so say no to foreign-made destruction of the heartland.

4/21/2013 10:47:43

Haley Warren PLEASE NO TAR SANDS!! Our future matters!

4/21/2013 10:47:51

Karen OHara Pipelines leak. Many of those leaks are major and pose immense dangers to the public. According to Dr. Stansbury, UNL Professor of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering conducted a study showing that the KXL would result in 91 major spills over the 50 year life of the pipeline.

4/21/2013 10:49:36

Steve Hummel Do not allow the Keystone XL pipeline to be built. Support solar, wind, and other renewable forms of energy.

4/21/2013 10:51:29

Angela Hultberg The Ogallala Aquifer is so important to the state of Nebraska. It is vital to the survival of the citizens of this state. It must remain contaminate free. I don't want to see another Arkansas disaster followed by an Exxon cover up. It's not worth the risk to our aquifer. Nothing is 100% safe. Listen to the people! Nobody in this country will benefit from this pipeline. I say no to the pipeline!

4/21/2013 10:53:09

Diana Ball Don't contribute to the destruction of America. Stop the Keystone pipeline.

4/21/2013 10:53:26

Shea Winkler The Keystone XL pipeline will not only ensure that we face the most severe levels of climate change, but also put limits on people's creativity. If we rely on oil and continue to do so our league of innovators will grow bored with our acceptance of no progress being made. I want to make it clear that if we do build this pipeline we will fall behind as a nation and force the rest of the world to face the resulting climate change. Do not build this pipeline, and the younger generations will still have hope in this country.

4/21/2013 10:54:00

Barbara Schlachter

I was planning to say the following at the hearing but left at 8pm after a long day. I don't know if you got to 240 or not. "I speak today as someone who grew up on a farm in Ohio and as a grandmother concerned about what kind of future we are creating for the next generations. I also speak as an Episcopal priest, someone who has been given the authority to speak sacramentally, that is to speak of the sacredness of life and creation. I speak as a student of the Bible and its moral and ethical implications. For more than 40 years I have labored to understand and teach what it means to be a fully human being in God's creation. I can tell you we have fulfilled the command in Genesis to go forth and multiply and subdue the earth! Jesus gave us a new commandment: to love one another. But we continue to act as if we need to beat the earth into submission rather than live in harmony with it. God so loved the world...from the beginning and continues to love it and us. But God cannot be pleased with our decision to live as greedy instead of grace-full creatures. The effects of our inability to acknowledge that the earth belongs to the Creator and not to us creatures will be of apocalyptic proportion. And we Episcopalians do not use that word lightly! If we continue to pour CO2 into the atmosphere through the burning of green house gases we are setting a carbon bomb ticking. We are terrorists on our own and only planet. The innocent victims are those in other countries who have already suffered droughts and floods because of our using up of Mother Earth, and they are our own children and grandchildren. Morally and ethically we are wrong because we are taking bread out of hungry mouths and roofs from over the heads of those who will not have the security we would like to have them take for granted. Future generations will judge us if we do not do the right thing now. We cannot permit the building of this pipeline which would benefit only a very few who are playing the greed card to the hilt and would harm almost everyone else. John Kerry--how do you ask a future generation to be the last generation on earth because of a mistake that is easily avoided? President Obama--will you be morally courageous and fulfill your promise to do what needs to be done in the face of climate change?

4/21/2013 10:54:44

Tracy Arthur Please stop KXL! Keystone is a threat to our environment & our people!

4/21/2013 10:55:11

Camille Drapeaux-Stewart

This is a very dangerous project and the risks outweigh any of the benefits. Please don't build this!

4/21/2013 10:55:19

Michelle Owings-Christian

We've seen over and over that there is no guarantee that this pipeline (or any other) is safe. Any pipeline can be breached. DO NOT ALLOW THIS PIPELINE to go through. It presents a terrible threat to the environment. Scientific research has shown the likelihood of this pipeline, made of substandard materials, having 91 major spills during the 50 years of it's life. The route of the pipeline extends through many sacred tribal grounds, which is a sacrilege. There are more economic risks than benefits. The oil gathered through this pipeline is marked for export. Our prices will not go down as a result of this pipeline. The latest estimate suggests that the pipeline will only create 35 jobs. The only people who stand to win in this entire debacle are the Koch brothers and other groups who have a financial stake in this AND DON'T CARE WHO THEY HURT, as long as they get their money. Do NOT allow this pipeline to go through.

4/21/2013 10:55:42

Charles Peek If the pipe line is approved, we hurt alternative energy and new jobs, we endanger 40% of U.S. agriculture, and we sell owners' rights to foreign interests. That doesn't sound like the legacy I would want to leave!

4/21/2013 10:56:47

Charles Peek If the pipe line is approved, we hurt alternative energy and new jobs, we endanger 40% of U.S. agriculture, and we sell owners' rights to foreign interests. That doesn't sound like the legacy I would want to leave!

4/21/2013 10:58:22

Peter Dowben We depend on ground water for our home - if that gets contaminated, we have nothing.

4/21/2013 10:59:13

Allyn Karle Help us save our water, our land, and our way of life, VOTE NO on the Keystone pipeline.

4/21/2013 11:01:13

J B David Keep the wilderness, do not believe the corporate lies. The devastation of natural heritage has to stop somewhere... draw a line in the sand and say no more. We need to turn away from dirty, destructive solutions... more jobs through alternative energy production... cleaner alternatives. Many generations still need to live on this planet.

4/21/2013 11:05:21

Therese Hill Peregrine

The KXL pipeline would be a horrible thing to inflict on Nebraska. The sandhills region is a very fragile ecosystem, and would take literally hundreds of years to recover from the impact the pipeline would bring. And then there's the Oglala Aquifer! I shudder to think of the consequences if some of the tarsands oil would get into this system! There is also the FACT that the steel used to make this pipeline is made outside of Canada and the USA.... plus, the processed oil and gas won't even be sold to Americans! How is any of this a good thing???? NO! We don't want this pipeline! JUST SAY NO! Therese Hill Peregrine

4/21/2013 11:06:18

Kristin Harris Join this century's leading nations in energy reform and DON'T succumb to Keystone pressure. No pipeline! Solar and win energy will create more jobs and a cleaner world for ourselves, and more importantly, our children.

4/21/2013 11:08:48

John This is the moment Americans can show they are more concerned with the long term ramifications of global warming than short term profits and questionable so called "benefits". Do not permit this pipeline to cross our borders!

4/21/2013 11:10:05

Dominic Thoendel

The pipeline is bad.

4/21/2013 11:10:09

Lindsay Kruse I am against the placement of the Keystone XL Pipeline through Nebraska.

4/21/2013 11:11:16

Krista Eduarte I am horrendously concerned about the long term environmental consequences that will be created by the pipeline. Our children, and generations to come, are depending on us to do whatever we can to minimize the continuation of carbon emissions which has already created significant disruption to our planet. Please have the courage to stand up and vote against this destructive project. Thank you, Krista Eduarte

4/21/2013 11:12:45

Ken I am concerned about the damaging affect that this pipeline will have on the environment and its impact on global climate change. Please Mr. President , regardless of who profits from this this right thing.. history is watching..

4/21/2013 11:13:51

Erin Dear State Department, I think it would be wonderful if you would take all the messages that real, live people from my dear state of Nebraska are sending to you about the Keystone XL pipeline to heart. Here's another one: do not allow this pipeline to be built through my state. Do not allow ANY pipelines to be built through my state. We sit atop one of the worlds largest aquifers. We also have some of the best conditions in the U.S. in which to grow crops. If you allow this pipeline to be built, you are signing the Ogallala Aquifer's death certificate. Pipeline's break. ALL THE FREAKING TIME. Look at this: It's a list of all the pipeline accidents in the United States since the year 2000. For only being 13 years, this list is really, really long. And someone wants to build a pipeline over Nebraska's main source for water (drinking, bathing, IRRIGATION water). No fucking way. SERIOUSLY! No fucking way! Don't let it happen. Just don't.

4/21/2013 11:14:47

Jay Vetter Please register my opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline. In addition to my concern about the damage to Nebraska"s groundwater and ecosystem I believe that we should be doing all we can to slow the exploitation of fossil fuels and encourage the development of wind and solar. Denial of permission for foreign company to build the KXL would be positive step toward dealing with the problems posed by global warming.

4/21/2013 11:15:28

iona mcConville STOP KXL

4/21/2013 11:17:00

John Carosella Keystone is an immoral project that supports, aides, and abets an even more immoral project. We DON'T WANT IT! It's bad for us, for our children, and for our grand-children. When are we going to stop being manipulated, and start acting like responsible adults? NO to Keystone XL.

4/21/2013 11:17:40

Norma Vinchkoski

The spills in Arkansas are proof that this is NOT a safe project.

4/21/2013 11:17:51

Maryll Jones Please stop the keystone pipeline. As clearly demonstrated by the recent pipeline leaks, it is clear that this is a hazard to human and environmental health. The destruction of native lands is also unwarranted. All for tar sands oil that is going to be exported to other countries.

4/21/2013 11:20:16

Rosana Chin-Joseph

It is our duty as we each take our seats, we become the voice of many unheard cries.. It is our duty to • stop & th(ï)NK of all the shoes one can fill to ask "whose shoes would you like to wear or be in"? Your Answer {* hopefully not one with blood stains from oil spills, that clog or clot our pores from breath (air) that it suffocates our own being all because of simple greed. Do what you can, with the Means laid before you if now seek and you shall find the answer: make the difference & change to this call so you too can breathe and Sit with peace knowing that you did not take anyone shoes, but fit the ones given to you to do the will for greater good for all of man kinds means that the 'Laws of Nature' will be your rites of passage through this time and the rest to evolve> simply because you choose to do the righteous thing ~3* your ways becomes your will. You, we, ours, I = One @ circle of <3 that comes back to its center = go:}d living or a circle of hate, greed, for lust, power & $ = living well by Ones me@n:(s . The choice is inevitably yours.

4/21/2013 11:22:59

Rosana Chin-Joseph

It is our duty as we each take our seats, we become the voice of many unheard cries.. It is our duty to • stop & th(ï)NK of all the shoes one can fill to ask "whose shoes would you like to wear or be in"? Your Answer {* hopefully not one with blood stains from oil spills, that clog or clot our pores from breath (air) that it suffocates our own being all because of simple greed. Do what you can, with the Means laid before you if now seek and you shall find the answer: make the difference & change to this call so you too can breathe and Sit with peace knowing that you did not take anyone shoes, but fit the ones given to you to do the will for greater good for all of man kinds means that the 'Laws of Nature' will be your rites of passage through this time and the rest to evolve> simply because you choose to do the righteous thing ~3* your ways becomes your will. You, we, ours, I = One @ circle of <3 that comes back to its center = go:}d living or a circle of hate, greed, for lust, power & $ = living well by Ones me@n:(s . The choice is inevitably yours.

4/21/2013 11:26:16

ruth Lessg I am writing against the Keystone pipline being considered. I am concerned about the oil that is being shipped and refined already. The spills as seen in Arkansas by a 65 year old line, and Minnesota by 14 derailed train cars show how risky this is. I am concerned about the future of this planet Earth and how future generations will survive. We must not ruin the future.

4/21/2013 11:28:15

cari When will the America government get it together and realize the impact of environmental factors or rather devastation by even consider such support of a project like Keystone XL. This is not necessary and does no good for America let alone the world. The American government should be on the fight along with other countries in the world to get the tar sands shut down. This is a no-brainer and we should not even have to be petitioning like this. Obama get it done and over with - STOP this ridiculous project from completion and take actions to prevent it from being in existence in the future governments. Money does not own the earth and never will - the inhabitants do. If you have no earth due to the continued destruction and devastation by mankind, well then... you have no money.

4/21/2013 11:28:21

Catherine this is a HORRIBLE decision you can't undo- you don't get a do- over this is our drinking water -

4/21/2013 11:29:15

Elizabeth Doxtator-Morenberg

Creating the Keystone XL pipeline will destroy what is left of the Ogallala aquifer. This aquifer is the bloodline for our farming and ranching industries. Destroy the aquifer, destroy the livelihood of your constituents.

4/21/2013 11:31:55

Lisa Fricke Sometimes Americans reflect upon past actions and ask "Why???" I don't want my children or grandchildren looking back wondering why we as intelligent and partriotic Americans didn't utilize clean renewable energy resources instead of "sludge" that harms the land, natural resources, animals, and above all precious lives. Lisa Fricke, Nebraska

4/21/2013 11:32:04

Kyle Knapp I'm tired of policy decisions being weighed in favor of greed above the public welfare. Not only is the Keystone XL pipeline high-risk, but it offers little, if any, economic benefit to those most impacted by that risk. People who live on the Ogallala aquifer deserve a real voice in this issue, not just lipservice. PLEASE, STOP THE KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE!

4/21/2013 11:35:00

Greg Please do not build the Keystone XL pipeline. Tar sands oil is too dirty and destructive to the world for exploitation in my opinion. We need to get off fossil fuels in my opinion.

4/21/2013 11:36:19

Emily Reiersgaard

There are other ways to meet our needs. This is too dangerous to mess with. It's not worth it. Don't do it.

4/21/2013 11:37:09

Shelley McCoy I am against the Keystone XL pipeline. It is a danger to our people and our environment without sufficient evidence of any gain. The economy has the potential to recover. The environment will not recover from the enevitable spill. Please vote against the Keystone XL pipeline. We must stand strong for our children and our grandchildren's sake. The enviromental disaster will affect the health of the state and nation for years to come. The environmental effects will last many many lifetimes. Sincerely, Dr. McCoy

4/21/2013 11:38:22

Benjamin Goldberg

Keystone XL, like any other oil or natural gas pipeline, represents a security risk that the country can't afford to take. We have just seen the damage to an area that an oil spill can cause in Arkansas, and have seen the vulnerability of a soft target in Boston. Imagine a thousand miles of soft targets that can do the damage of an oil spill. Still think it's a good idea?

4/21/2013 11:38:55

Michelle Cavanaugh

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do NOT do this!!!!!! This will affect so many lives if something horrible happens to this pipeline and Arkansas is a perfect example. The people of NE don't want this pipeline to happen!

4/21/2013 11:42:05

Rex G Walton what can we do for this nation, for electrical and petro power ..? R&D in lithium-ion, lithium-manganese, etc battery efficiency, i.e., power per pound, and charging efficiency - i.e., charging watts per minute -- save petroleum for that which petroleum is irreplaceable

4/21/2013 11:44:02

Katie Justman The potential costs to the environment are too high. The Keystone Pipeline could damage Nebraska's delicate ecosystem forever. It could poison water that 8 states depend on. Do NOT allow this pipeline into our state.

4/21/2013 11:44:45

D. Day I stand against the Keystone XL pipeline! I am an Indigenous person, and feel that we are endangering our Earth and our future generations! Please listen to the voices of America! Thank you, D. Day

4/21/2013 11:44:45

Rob Busson Please convey to the President that the current route for the Keystone pipeline travels through a very delicate part of our state and could have grave consequences should there be a spill or leakage. We need to protect the last few unspoiled areas in this country including our beloved, beautiful Sandhills.

4/21/2013 11:46:24

curt clay Obama has a choice: climate redemption or permanent climate chaos.

4/21/2013 11:47:34

Jeanine Jewell Please do not approve the Keystone XL pipeline. The pipeline is not in the interests of Nebraskans economically or environmentally.

4/21/2013 11:48:08

Stephen Kavanagh

This is another step in the wrong direction and once the damage is done there is no turning back. Whether the pipeline fails or not, there will still be lasting damage for a quick and temporary fix. We will regret this.

4/21/2013 11:53:22

Ian Bishop As a graduate student in environmental studies and someone who will have to live with the consequences of climate change and our current, intense use of fossil fuels, I do not support any decision to further develop infrastructure that supports unsustainable energy sources. PLEASE DO NOT APPROVE THIS PIPELINE. There are many other renewable energy sources that will not exacerbate our current global warming predicament, so fund and approve them instead. Thank you, Ian Bishop

4/21/2013 11:56:39

Jill Hallgren I am a Nebraska resident and I am STRONGLY opposed to the keystone pipeline. Please vote against it and keep our environment clear of toxic tar sands crude oil.

4/21/2013 11:56:42

Courtney Marshall

I do not want this pipeline. As a nurse I am concerned about the public health and environmental risks associated with its inevitable leaks. I support job growth, but understand that the number of jobs TransCanada claims will be created has been vastly overestimated. These jobs also will be only temporarily. I fear that the pipeline will leak and destroy sacred land, the Sandhills and a fresh water supply that we all value more than the oil that we do not produce and will never use. Please say no to the Keystone XL pipeline. Please. Sincerely, Courtney Sorrell Marshall

4/21/2013 11:59:15

Katy Heil Last month, we saw a tar sands pipeline in Mayflower, Arkansas spill nearly 10,000 barrels of tar sands oil into a residential neighborhood. This spill is yet one more indication that we are not prepared to transport or clean up this dirtier, heavier, toxic form of oil. The Arkansas spill also highlighted numerous unanswered questions that must be addressed before we allow a tar sands pipeline nearly 10 times the size of the Pegasus line to bisect our country and run through one of our most important aquifers. Then this month, we have seen record-breaking temperatures in major cities across the United States -- just one more indication that we are experiencing the increasingly devastating impacts of climate change and need to alter our course immediately. It is impossible to fight climate change while simultaneously investing in the dirtiest, most carbon-intensive fossil fuels on the planet. Many of the administration's bold advances in clean energy and vehicle efficiency have been critical, but much of that progress -- and the credit that comes with it -- will be erased if we also develop the tar sands. Environmental momentum in Canada means that other new tar sands infrastructure is no longer a guarantee, so stopping Keystone XL will indeed be a big step against the tar sands. I demand climate leadership from this administration, and that has to begin with the rejection of Keystone XL. I also request that this comment on the draft SEIS and the pipeline, and all other comments, be made public in the interest of transparency and accountability.

4/21/2013 12:00:59

Jill Holmquist Nebraska's agricultural land and, even more important, its position over the Ogallala Aquifer, make the Keystone XL pipeline far too dangerous to route through Nebraska. Even with the changed route, a break would poison our land and water--the water supply for hundreds of thousands of people. We know a break is inevitable somewhere along the line. (We are aware of recent spills in Arkansas, Montana and Michigan.) The pipeline's economic benefits will be short-lived and of narrow impact compared to the harm that a break would cause. In addition, reducing our dependence on oil from any source is critical. For this reason, I and tens of thousands of other Nebraskans oppose the Keystone XL pipeline!

4/21/2013 12:01:49

William S. Whitney

I am against the Keystone XL: We must avoid more carbon pollution and transition away from fossil fuels as soon as possible, we must invest in less risky energy sources and drive innovation in renewable production and end use, spillage risks along the pipeline are probable, foreign eminent domain should not be allowed, Keystone XL will not create many jobs nor influence the price of domestic gasoline.

4/21/2013 12:05:04

Elsa Ashelford As a proud Nebraskan I'm against the pipeline for many reasons, the number one being the ecological impact it could have. We don't know that a leak will never happen and if or when it does it will be devastating.

4/21/2013 12:05:14

Jon As a farmer, I swore to do no harm to our precious planet. This cannot be allowed.

4/21/2013 12:07:08

Ashley If approved, the Keystone XL pipeline will slice through America's agricultural heartland, the Missouri, Platte, and Niobrara Rivers, the Ogallala aquifer, habitat for sage grouse and sandhill cranes, walleye fisheries and much more. Our public water supplies, croplands, and recreational opportunities will all be at risk of dangerous tar sands oil spills like the million-gallon Enbridge oil spill in Michigan. We believe that the U.S. needs clean and renewable energy solutions as we make the inevitable and necessary transition to a post-oil world. Tar sands, as well as other inferior fossil fuels like oil shale, simply should not be part of the equation. Tar sands are a starkly inefficient, polluting, ecologically disastrous and expensive way to power our cars and trucks. Each tar sands pipeline our government approves further increases our dependence on this dirty fuel. These pipelines will become, in effect, a longterm, government-approved pollution delivery system. This network of tar sands pipelines would deliver even more pollution to refineries where and the surrounding communities, which are already experiencing health effects. WE WILL NOT STAND FOR IT!!!! DO THE RIGHT THING!!!

4/21/2013 12:10:13

Ronald Hibbert We cannot stand any more water contamination. with population growth and farmer and industry contamination our grandchildren are going to run out of decent water !!!

4/21/2013 12:11:16

heather Please do not do this to our environment! It isn't worth it, we need our Earth much more than we need this pipeline. Perhaps, we shouldn't focus so much on being independant in our oil needs, but instead on lowering our dependance on oil altogether. It's what the people want. Stop catering to big corporations and listen to the people for once, please. We need our world to be clean, for ourselves and our future generations. Thank you.

4/21/2013 12:12:39

Mikala Stockfeld I am a Nebraska resident and I am against the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/21/2013 12:12:46

Donna Huber NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO! I cannot believe the proponent side of this. It is all about money for a few at the detriment of HUMANITY. There is NOTHING beneficial TO ANYONE that I know and care about. DO THE RIGHT THING.

4/21/2013 12:17:43

Elyse Towey It is utter insanity to think that allowing the Keystone XL pipeline to be built across the middle of our country is a good idea. How can we take the chance of polluting our water tables and subjecting our rivers and land to ruin in order to benefit the pockets of a few? Please reconsider the decision to allow the pipeline to be built. There is nothing worth more than the health of our land and the future of our children.

4/21/2013 12:17:49

Hillary Alberts I am firmly opposed to the building of the Keystone XL pipeline. While there may be some potential short-term benefits (temporary jobs), they cannot and do not out weigh the long-term negative effects (potential oil spills, more green house gases, few permanent jobs, and no steps towards energy independence). Please don't allow the pipeline to be built.

4/21/2013 12:19:38

Paula Three Stars

Stop the Key stone XL pipeline project entirely! Use solar power or wind power. Do you have another planet to move to?

4/21/2013 12:22:22

John F As a lifelong Nebraska resident I do not want this pipeline anywhere near our state. Keystone XL's track record stands on it's own as being pathetic in relation to spills, response times, and general shoddiness of it's lines. I do not want this ruining our states water and land! Do not let them put this in!!

4/21/2013 12:22:31

Nancy Haag I do not want the XL pipeline to be built, anywhere, anytime. Thank you.

4/21/2013 12:22:58

Adella Hoffman For the sake of the land, the animals, and the enviornment, do not run the pipeline through Nebraska. I have seen pictures of the devestation to the lands after the pipelines are done and it is shameful!! Leave the beauty undisturbed and let us seek other viable means of heat and energy that does not destroy Mother Earth. Thank you.

4/21/2013 12:23:04

Edward J Dietrich

The flow of evidence raises major questions. I think no is the best answer. I still don't get what it is the USA gets out of this. We're just a flow through from Canada to a shipping port, moving it to other countries. Makes no legitimate sense to me.

4/21/2013 12:27:16

Allison Seyler I've been impressed by the creative, cooperative, inclusive protestations expressed by Bold Nebraska and it's allies against the Keystone XL pipeline. As a young person in this country who will pay for the decisions that are made by our political leaders regarding the environment, I encourage you to please reject the pipeline. It is clear to me and many others that the promise of a few jobs for a few months is not worth the risk to our land and people that this pipeline would entail. Please join with us in saying no to big oil and Transcanada and yes to a greater vision for our future.

4/21/2013 12:28:21

Alexander Briner

I firmly believe the Keystone XL Pipeline is a horrible idea. It is careless to allow a foreign corporation to build a pipeline across our country because their own country does not want it. We do not want it either. However safe Transcanada claims this pipeline to be, there will STILL be oil spills, and even one over the ogallala aquafir is too many. The company does not have a good track record with past pipelines and this one will be no different. Do not allow this pipeline to destroy the water source that feeds this nation. Do not fail the farmers being bullied by this Canadian corporation into giving up their family land.

4/21/2013 12:28:31

Felicia Santini An ecological disaster waiting to happen!

4/21/2013 12:29:27

Helen Gillespie I live in the Midwest in a State over a vital aquifer - we have seen how "safe" other pipelines are when they turned pristine rivers into tarpits that killed wild life and disrupted daily life - we deserve better than that. The Canada pipeline would not benefit anybody but the Exxon etc. as it would just be shipped overseas. Putting Keystone Pipeline in is not just a mistake, it is a crime!

4/21/2013 12:35:03

Travis Lear Please do not allow an oil pipeline to be constructed through our state. It is too much of an environmental risk to our water supply.

4/21/2013 12:40:37

Jeffrey Wood I am unaware as to whether or not whoever will receive this comment or decide on this issue has seen the natural beauty of our state, Nebraska. Whether you have felt the unimpeded sunshine warm your skin or watch the wind dance over our few remaining prairies, but I hope that you can see them with your mind's eye. Think of our farmers, our ranchers and our drinking water. Think of a bright spring morning, a silent winter's day, a flurry of autumn leaves, a warm summer night. When you think of it, decide not to tarnish it with a thick and unforgiving coat of tar-sands oil. I urge the state department to remember whom they serve. Do you work to protect and aid the people or foreign corporations and businesses? The people of Nebraska do not want the Keystone XL pipeline, not our ranchers, not our farmers, not our hunters, not our tree-huggers, not our ill-treated Native Peoples, nor our city dwellers. We call out in one voice at our nation's capital, from our homes far and wide, to say "I stand with Randy!" Let not our cries go unheard.

4/21/2013 12:43:08

sheri mcvay I'm against this! Its not worth the benefits. Thnx

4/21/2013 12:46:19

Sylvia Pesek The irrational and intentional ignorance of the gigantic risks to our environment, the usurpation of the rights of landowners, and the ridiculously low number of ACTUAL jobs provided by this insane project ought to provide adequate evidence to uphold an insanity defense for anyone who supports it.

4/21/2013 12:49:14

Catherine Hart PLEASE let us invest in clean, renewable, domestic energy. This pipeline is a short-sighted and messy expenditure.

4/21/2013 12:51:17

Garrett Connelly The destruction of the environment and democracy by those afflicted with insatiable want is flat out disgusting. The governments of the US and Canada are working together to destroy earth and democracy to let a few pirates in industry get as much as they can before humanity becomes extinct. The US State Department must choose now, the Secretary of State has already called for a new election in Venezuela, do all the employees of the department want to be viewed as war monger criminals like their boss?

4/21/2013 12:54:43

Connie Baum Please do not allow this pipeline to be placed across Nebraska! It is sure to pollute our water. No amount of money and no number of jobs can equate to good water. Please. We appeal to your common sense. You must surely realize what Mother Earth has already been put through. She needs us to care for her and love her, not pillage, plunder and rape her repeatedly.

4/21/2013 12:56:04

Marcia Stewart The fact that there is STILL an outstanding issue about the building of the XL pipeline is ludicrous. The Sandhills ARE in the path. Pipelines, by nature of their construction, WILL leak. The CITIZENS of Nebraska are DEPENDENT on their water supply. Foreign counties and corporations SHOULD NOT have more rights than U.S. landowners! Those are the key facts and the only facts that should be considered. Keystone is NOT the only company providing jobs. They are the only company tyring to lie and line the pockets of politician and decision-makers!

4/21/2013 12:56:21

Mary Peters I am against the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/21/2013 12:58:26

Marta Ockuly I am a United States citizen 100% against the Keystone XL pipeline. We need solutions that are sustainable and ecological. This pipeline is a disaster waiting to happen. DO NOT VOTE FOR OR SUPPORT THIS IN ANY WAY.

4/21/2013 12:58:54

Lynda King Please do the right thing and stop this pipeline. There have been spills recently which prove that they can cause catastrophic impacts on the region. TransCanada cannot be trusted as witnessed by there approach to the Land Owners. Lynda King

4/21/2013 13:05:02

Mary Langhorst Please listen to what the good folks from Nebraska and other states along the proposed pipeline route. The opponents of the proposed pipeline said it eloquently and concisely. They are Grassroots America who will be greatly affected if the proposed pipeline is completed and if it fails even one time. It only takes one time for destruction and devastation.

4/21/2013 13:09:06

Jody Kocsis I value our clean water, and there's no guarantee that the XL pipeline won't leak. The risk is NOT worth it! We need to protect our land and water. Our leaders need to focus on creating new jobs by supporting innovative green businesses that will harness clean energy. Your jobs depend on it...

4/21/2013 13:09:27

Cornelia Hansen MT(ASCP)

I am currently a regitered medical technologist at a family practice clinic in NE. It is a small clinic but we are legally bound by fedral law to publicly post what is known as an MSDS form which, simplly put, explains to EVERYONE the chemical contents of ALL our liquid reagents down to: hand soap, disinfectant, "white out" etc,etc. The MSDS form goes into detail on what to use if there happens a spill, or it should get into someone's eye, or someone accidently ingests said material and who to call for assistance. My question is: Why doesn't TransCanada have to tell the public what they are using to make bitumen flow down a 36 inch pipe? What would first responders use should there be a fire or spill? Surely this is more caustic or toxic than liquid hand soap or white out and has huge ramifications for emergency personnel. Please don't tell me that Canadians are not held to the same standards as US citizens when they are crossing Nebraska!

4/21/2013 13:11:31

Benjamin Zand This is short-term thinking that will cause suffering as inevitable damage is unexpectedly caused. I urge you be think holistically i your position as an integral manifestation of humanity. There are alternatives. Fund decentralized energy projects.

4/21/2013 13:11:37

jono vaughan The Keystone Pipeline is a catastrophic idea for America. Just this month we have had pipelines leaking in our country. Coupled with the BP oil spill in which we have again and again seen proof that the corporations are anti-American in how they walk all over our legally implemented laws and regulations many citizens of this country are far too aware of what this pipeline really does. The jobs and oil it creates will not impact America in any positive sense and the environmental impact will be (not could be) devastating. The only reason that I can believe any public service employee would vote for this pipeline is because of greed and anti-American sentiment. If you love America then you protect it, all of it. From our workers, to our land, to our future, and our children's future. America is a land of promise, not profit. Lets try to see it that way at least. Then our future families will not have cause to look at us with fear of why we did nothing to stop this terrible project in its tracks.

4/21/2013 13:12:32

Zachary Kreps We need to take a stand! This will only bring more hardship and destroy our beautiful land and wildlife!

4/21/2013 13:12:39

Zachary Kreps We need to take a stand! This will only bring more hardship and destroy our beautiful land and wildlife!

4/21/2013 13:13:11

Lisa Winton As a long-time resident of Nebraska, I urge you to vote against the building of the Keystone XL pipeline. Tar sands crude is very corrosive and I think that it is inevitable that leaks will occur. This is especially critical since the proposed path is over the Ogallala aquifer. Energy companies are notoriously bad about assuring the public that their pipelines/wells, etc. are safe, but their poor environmental records speak for themselves. The short-term gain of a few thousand jobs and a small amount of oil are just not worth the risk. Please protect our future and vote no on the XL pipeline!

4/21/2013 13:14:28

Charles Brooks It's extremely unsettling that in a Nation whose leadership so tirelessly promotes the "Terrorist Brand" that those same leaders would even consider allowing the construction of (anything) that could be so easily sabotaged by any of the vaunted evil Terrorists to bespoil our Nation's largest and greatest fresh water Aquifer, or just as easily be sabotaged by any group motivated to blame such Terrorists. Our leaders have ambitiously promoted (Homeland Security vs. the Terrorist Brand) like any of the usual two football teams. A Homeland Security that just last week proved itself worthless in the face of the Boston Marathon bombings, what's next after all, outlawing all backpacks? Following all the money we've spent on the Homeland Security Dept and all the rights and freedoms we've had stolen since 9/11/2001, it is now totally unnacceptable that any portion of our current leadership is considering we put something much, much worse than any conventional bomb right smack dab on top of the Ogallala Aquifer which has historically helped feed the people of this nation. Odd, don't you think? It's almost as though people at a high level of power wish to speed the bespoiling of America. The Tar Sands project may not be about oil at all, but an in-place 'Time-Bomb' that could at any time be used to intentionally, further cripple America's food supply as desired by unsuspected enemies who are effectively woven into the very fabric of our own leadership. Remember, just because we're paranoid, doesn't mean nobody's out to get us. Thanks.

4/21/2013 13:14:39

Jennifer Wilson The Keystone XL pipeline is a mistake and our government must listen to the people on this one. It will NOT benefit U.S. interests, it will provide little in the way of "real jobs" -- just temporary, the oil will go to China (per a Keystone exec testimony before a NE committee one or two years ago), and THE VERY REAL RISK TO OUR AQUIFER, water supply and wildlife simply isn't worth it. Any Congressperson or Senator who votes for this is doing so out of special lobby interests and self protection. Please, do the right thing. Vote NO against the pipeline. Make your constituents proud -- it's been a long time since we have been!

4/21/2013 13:17:20

Ian O'Phelan I could support a project like this if I knew the players involved would plan for and be held accountable for the inevitable repercussions. However the profit motive seems to preclude responsible behavior. The nation can live without this pet project.

4/21/2013 13:21:47

Sarah Fayershteyn

Our environment and water are far more important than supplying tar sand oil to foreign countries.

4/21/2013 13:28:37

michael sandusky

Please do not allow the keystone XL pipeline to be built.

4/21/2013 13:29:03

Susan Rossman Me and my family are totally against a the XL Pipeline trying to come into our state of Nebraska and - county!!! Our land will be left to our son and his children!! We do NOT want them to have to worry about future spills!! It WILL leak!!! This pipeline does not benefit anyone except those who have millions of dollars and will make more from this thing!!! I thought out state and federal government was here for the citizens, well that ia not true!!! I feel they are in it to line their own GREEDY pockets!!!!!!

4/21/2013 13:29:49

Rachel Bryant This pipeline is a risk without benefit! Don't do it!

4/21/2013 13:30:38

Robbin Otto We already have surplus barrels of oil. It's obvious to the smallest mind (or it should be) that we are harming this planet. So shouldn't we be working harder on alternatives instead of continuing on this same path?

4/21/2013 13:31:22

cheryl good stop them please

4/21/2013 13:31:54

Nancy Schupp If you believe in the little Black Book that says God Created for our use. Why are they putting an A & B in front of the word? For surley it is abuseing the land that God/Creator gave us. If you don;t believe in the little Black Book just read what is happening with spills in the last 2 weeks. I was ROFL when they showed trying to get oil sands up with paper towel. I pray that the Koch Bros gave them a good price on Bawny paper towels. We do not need this it is harming the earth and truly not making jobs. I cry what is happening to this earth that my 6 great grandchildren will inherit.

4/21/2013 13:32:51

Angela I think about the horrible consequences of PG&E, Love Canal, and the Oil spills, and all these towns so deeply contaminated and my soul hurts. This is not the fate I want for the great plains, for Nebraska. We know better. We know what it takes to clean up and we know the cancer, respiratory disease, and other dangers these pollutants cause. It makes no sense at all to wantonly put ourselves at risk. The only good that comes of this project is the greedy lining of a FEW pockets. It does not create jobs but it will create damage. To our environment, to our way of life, and to the future health and safety of our food and water supply and our children. Do not allow GREED to do this thing.

4/21/2013 13:33:54

Chrissy My ancestors came to this country in the late 1800's and settled in Mills, north central Nebraska. My grandfather was born in a sod house in Ansley Nebraska. Some of the first homesteaders in Nebraska were my family. I was born and raised in the Cornhusker state. My family farmed and learned to live off the land, but they also respected it and took care of it. Nebraska is the most beautiful place on earth, with full of natural beauty that can only be found here. Why should we allow another country to come into our home and destroy the wildlife and fragile ecosystem so THEY can make money? Stealing from some of the most honest, hard working and strong people ever to walk the earth. Nebraskans aren't resilient people because its trendy or fun. We live through blizzards and droughts, wildfires and tornadoes, floods, the dust bowl, the depression and hopefully one day we can say we fought this horrible company and won for the future of our state and our families. I want what is unique and beautiful about my state to last forever. But the only way we can do that is to say no to this pipeline. Please for Nebraskans now and in the future, please do not allow a foreign oil company to kill our beautiful state. Centuries of hard work, sacrifice, love and care for the land and wildlife, and family tradition are far more important than any amount of money. Ask any Nebraskan what's more important to them, to have money or the land their ancestors bled and labored for. I know they will say the land. On behalf of my forefathers, I implore you to stop the pipeline and let us Nebraskans continue our lives being blessed to live in the most beautiful piece of country in the world. Thank you.

4/21/2013 13:40:38

TERRI OBRIAN Dear Mr President, If the oil market exceeds supply to demand then the global price of oil is predicted to drop. Would this be similar to the oil events of the 1970’s and would this position us, once again, to sideline the urgent need to research green energy options? What direction are we hoping to go? If oil becomes the easy answer will it be 50 years before we revisit the green energy programs we desperately need? Green energy has been a major topic of your administration. When do we take up this banner? Scare tactics or not, the risk to a major water supply is real. The inability to guarantee no accidents makes the risk too great. Once the water is polluted.. ‘game over’. The documented effect of polluted water on humans and animals is disturbing. In your State of the Union address you mentioned policing the, now exempt, oil industry to expose the toxins utilized to produce their product. I had hope that we would see some change and that the people of this country had a new type of politician at the helm. I think you are that President. Your compassion seems genuine. Mr. President, please watch out for us. This time the vote is yours. This time you alone can speak for the people and not the industry. This time you are on watch for our beautiful land, our innocent animals, and the American people. Please vote NO to the rape of our country and to the threat of eminent domain from a foreign company. Please vote NO to the Keystone Pipeline.

4/21/2013 13:40:45

Robert Field This is the dirtiest oil in the world. If we build this pipeline, we will be abandoning the fight to prevent the worst consequences of global warming, as well as inviting gigantic oil spills which the companies involved would have no legal requirement to pay for. It's just not worth it.

4/21/2013 13:43:36

Kathi Gentzler The Keystone XL pipeline is a threat , and risky in so many ways. Please keep the future of our children safe. Deny Transcanada's business proposition for its tarsands pipeline.

4/21/2013 13:44:13

Richard Pieters Please consider alternate energy sources and do NOT despoil the land from Canada to the Gulf in support of the continued use of oil. This is not about energy but about the priority of outdated, polluting, non-renewable over renewable, clean energy (wind, sun.) Our planet in more precious for our future than oil.

4/21/2013 13:45:15

Ann Carrier Please say "No!" To the Keystone pipeline! It's a filthy fuel, these tar sands, and they shouldn't be routed through our nation!

4/21/2013 13:45:28

Tom Genung 4-20-2013 Re: Keystone KL. Dear Secretary Kerry, We want to thank you for your service. We also want to express thanks to Ms. Kerry Ann Jones for the meeting with land owners from Nebraska in February, and members of her team.

We were able to voice one more time our Total and unequivocal disagreement for the construction of the KXL. The reason for the emphatic disagreement for the project are all of the REASONS you know of and more, and at the same time the alleged reroute is NON-existent due to the fact that the proposed location is still and always was over the Ogallala Aquifer and in sandy soils. It is unmitigated propaganda put forward by the governor and TransCanada that continues to deceive people in believing everything is OK with the (Proposed) project. I also cautiously want to thank all concerned for the hearing 4-18-2013 in snowy south central Nebraska along with the pervious hearings in the various locations. The reason I state cautiously is as follows: I hope it is not an exercise to appease the public and others. I have had the opportunity to witness firsthand the Legislature of Nebraska being manipulated by TransCanada. The State Senators being duped into legislation to give the impression that it was necessary to provide special legislation via LB 1161 which allows the governor to be the soil person to approve the reroute. All of which took place at the time of the election campaigns with the clearly identifiable groups and individual who’s intent was to cause the President to look bad and sway the election. It didn't work he was reelected anyway. A very special thanks to the hearing crew who remained very gracious and flexible allowing opponents to speak their peace at times becoming a little long winded to match the weather we had in the early part of the day 4-18-2013 and for extending the hours so most folks except those who had to leave got their say in. I not being one, however via. this letter hearing from me now. Please do not let this be an exercise that is just an elaborate process that serves the process it’s self and not the citizens who are affected most. Lately we are hearing the phase “business as usual” that is case with this unbelievably insane proposal. Approving the KXL will contribute to be business as usual when change is the only thing that will begin to make a difference in this world we live in. We must do everything we can to STOP abusing the natural resources we as a people have the responsibility to protect. This is why I am a member of a ever growing number of citizens who are willing to make sacrifices to allow real progress rather than business as usual to take place. Please recommend denial of the KXL permit. Sincerely. Tom and Cathie Genung PS Here is somewhat of a tally of what took place Thursday 4-18-2013 1000 total folks in Grand Island today

Final count of speakers 26 total for pipeline with 24 having direct ties to TransCanada, Liana, oil industry. Over 200+ speakers against the Proposed project. The crowd overall was over 80% against.

4/21/2013 13:47:09

Wendell Bogle I am in opposition to this project, as I feel that the long term benefits do not outweigh the potential environmental risks.

4/21/2013 13:47:38

medora woods There is nothing to say that hasn't already been said. Say NO to Keystone XL.

4/21/2013 13:49:59

Lindsy I can live without oil. I cannot survive without water.

4/21/2013 13:51:51

Valerie Carlisle The Keystone XL is bad for our environment and the health of the citizens of the USA. As we know, spills occur. Why isn't the media there to show the clean ups? Because if the real truth was out there, the majority of the USA would agree to stop the pipeline. It's only for the profit of the gas and oil companies. The oil will be exported. We will take all the risk and ill effects and money will go to the small group at the top of our food chain.

4/21/2013 13:58:31

Dawn Davidson Please think of ours and our children's health and future which means more than just the bottom line.

4/21/2013 13:59:50

Janet B Heaney We do not want the Keystone XL pipeline! Over the long term, it will yield a permanent threat to our environment and only a few long-term jobs. At best, it will help whichever country purchases its oil further to put off development & use of cleaner technologies. NO NO NO to the pipeline, here or elsewhere!!!

4/21/2013 14:01:36

Trevor Herron It is my understanding the oil will be transported down south in order to refine it and sell it abroad. Why not just refine it up north and sell it to American?

4/21/2013 14:05:29

Michele McCoy DO NOT allow the Keystone XL pipeline to be built! It's been 3 years since the BP Deep Water Horizon explosion and we are still suffering from it! Look at Arkansas with the tar sands spill there... we CANNOT allow this horrible disaster to occur!!

4/21/2013 14:06:33

Lisa Walker Tar sands oil is dirty and hard to clean up. It is also much more polluting to distill.

4/21/2013 14:09:19

Deborah Campbell

Please do not allow the continuation of progress of the Keystone XL Pipeline project!

4/21/2013 14:13:07

Mary Beth Tuttle We DO NOT support the pipeline coming through our state.

4/21/2013 14:16:18

Tim Stop poisoning our land !!!!!!!!

4/21/2013 14:18:17

Steve Pieters I am strongly opposed to the Keystone XL for many reasons. Chief among them is the damage it will do to our environment. It will contribute to climate change, and it will cause irreparable harm to Native American tribal lands. Please stop the KXL before it is too late.

4/21/2013 14:19:27

Robert Allpress I am TransCanada and Keystone XL's worst fear. I am a Conservative, Redneck Republican and I am 100% against the installation of this pipeline. TransCanada is not a good neighbor. Instead they are a BAD ACTOR who is using lies, deception and threats to obtain private land for a project not for the public benefit. They have not shown any evidence that there is a long term good or benefit for the United States. All they can show is a few hundred TEMPORARY construction jobs and only 35 total permanent jobs once the pipeline has been completed. The United States assumes all the risk to the heartland of the country for nominal reward. President Obama reject this atrocity.

4/21/2013 14:20:22

Lori Mudloff I am against the Keystone XL pipeline. I live in Nebraska and own and farm 3 irrigated quarters of land that the proposed pipeline would go through. This pipeline still crosses the Ogallala Aquifer. When, not if, the pipeline leaks will be certain disaster. Please President Obama, reject this pipeline. It is Not in our nations best interest.

4/21/2013 14:21:10

David Morris This proposed pipeline is an environmental disaster - from its ripping through sensitive geographical areas to its eventual leakage into our precious aquifer. the long-term negative effects infinitely outweigh any short-term economic benefits. Disapprove it.

4/21/2013 14:24:28

Juanita Conradt I am against development of the Keystone XL pipeline. My reason is firsthand experience of water contamination of a water well at my parents house on the Fort Peck reservation, Poplar, Montana. We lived north of Poplar and about 15 miles or so from my parents house was a oil field, that oil field caused a underground plume of contamination that poisoned alot of underground well water in the surrounding areas. I dont think everyone that was affected received any compensation for the loss of water, my parents had to buy water from another town 22 miles west of Poplar. My youngest sister had some pets that drank the water and they died, also we used to have a huge vegetable garden that we planted in the 1970's but since the 1980's nothing can be grown out there now due to loss of good water.

4/21/2013 14:25:00

Amy Schaffer Being employed in the oncology for ten years and given that my family raises organic grass-fed it is easy I place a significant importance on pure drinking water and food sources. I have firsthand experience treating people who have faced the devastation of carcinogens affecting their health. This brings me to my first point about the KXL route; it still crosses the Ogallala Aquifer. The issue with this route has always been about the water, and it is still about the water. I truly cannot comprehend why anyone in their right mind would advocate placing a manmade pipeline less than a .5” thick that most certainly will have manmade error filled full of

undisclosed carcinogens over the Ogallala Aquifer. Meanwhile, no government or industry has yet studied or evaluated the risks of either external or internal corrosion at the temperature at which the projected KXL pipeline will operate. In addition to soil corrosion, there is also the issue of the corrosive nature of water and metal. Growing up on the ranch, I helped repair many rusted out tanks and can attest as many in this room that water causes metal to rust. Moving onto the soil, as acknowledged in the SEIS the pipeline is not out of the Sandhills it is only out of the NDEQ Sandhills. Figure 3.3.2-4 in the SEIS supports this showing the Sandhills boundary extending to Keystone I as it does in the USGS map that TransCanada submitted with their original application. Based upon conversations with EPA scientists, to protect a characteristic you should use a map of that characteristic, so in this instance to protect our water sources the Department of State should use a map of the Ogallala Aquifer and route the pipeline accordingly. This issue extends beyond Nebraska it’s about people their health, their land, their water, and their livelihoods. From Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, the well-being of the American people will be negatively affected if this project moves forward. The pipeline poses a significant threat to our nations National Security by polluting our land, water, and food supply. TransCanada has preyed upon the ill, the poor, the elderly, the disabled, the widowed, and the broken hearted all across this country. They have stooped as low as staking a preacher land agent in a community in north-central Nebraska. TransCanada is now holding onto easements on old routes even though landowners have offered to give their payment back. Why? Why, are they holding onto easements for a route that no longer exists? They have solicited eminent domain for the last four years threatening landowners for a project that is non-existent and seizing up perpetual easements for pennies in comparison to what they have spent on marketing this project to our State and Country. In summary, no amount of money can cure cancer; repair family homesteads or our livelihoods. It is up to the Department of State to ensure our natural resources remain pure, preserving the economy of our State and Country. I stand with the pipeline fighters in Nebraska and all across the country; they are some of the richest and most inspiring people I have ever met they are true heroes exhibiting characteristics that enrich the lives of people, leaving the land and the world a better place. I ask for the Department of State to do the same, take a stand and stand for the betterment of society by denying the KXL permit.

4/21/2013 14:28:28

Carol Ann Kyrias

Please do not destroy our aquifers with this horrible project. There aren't nearly enough jobs to balance the dangers. And for oil that will be exported!!!!! There is nothing here for our country; just obscene profits for companies that are already paying almost nothing in taxes. The whole thing is outrageous.

4/21/2013 14:28:53

Gwendolyn Holley

Fact: Building the Keystone XL will directly impact the expansion of tar sands, and in turn speed up climate change. Please reject the pipeline.

4/21/2013 14:31:24

Tiffany Holka It will leak. It's a fact that eventually the pipe line will leak. Then what??? What will you do to clean our water? How many years will you be able to pay Nebraska farmers because you ruined their farmland, their livelihood, their passion?? Not long enough!! Also, I don't want robe showering and doing my laundry with aquafina! Stop the pipeline!! We don't want chinas oil ruining our water!!

4/21/2013 14:33:03

Laurie Payton There is no planet B. Please help us protect the one we have. No tar sands.

4/21/2013 14:34:44

Darlene Speidel I am from Saskatchewan and this is a personal plea to President Obama and the United States Congress asking you please do not approve the trans Canada pipeline. Our Premier Brad Wall and Prime Minister Harper are using you to help them perpetuate their dream that Canada needs to be the world's number one producer of natural resources. In essence they are trying to relive the "fur trade" era that much of this country was built on. Their capitalist imperialist dreams in the long term will only benefit a small number of people. The jobs will be short term and in the end those who gain the major monetary profits will walk away rich and the workers who made them the profits will be left hanging. We already have evidence of that here in Canada, especially in the north. When a mine runs out of ore or an oil well isn't making money they just abandon it. They don't even fill up the holes they made in the ground, clean up after themselves, offer no remedies for the pollution of the rivers and lakes, or the other things that the jobless area residents are left to deal with. Just like in the fur trade days, when they can't squeeze anymore profits out of a site they just dropped the site and moved on to a new site. The jobs they are offer pay good for the short duration that they exist. But they are low end jobs and the employees are expendable. Just like in the fur trade. The high paying, long term jobs are held by people who have no relationship to the community or respect for it. Usually they fly in for a few days and then fly out to back to their million dollar home in the big city or their resorts. Just like in the fur trade days there is also a class distinction while at the work site. On site the managers, engineers, admin staff and so on have luxury accommodations

on site while a few of the lower level workers drive in from the their homes and the majority live in military camp style accommodations without their families. Also while the up level workers have four day work weeks local workers and those living in the military style camps usually work some ridiculous schedule like 10 days in and four days out . Just like in the fur trade days, while the company is in an area there are all kinds of economic spin offs for local entrepreneurs. The local economy will flourish, most likely do better than it ever has done since its inception. But when they leave it all crashes like a house built of cards. (ie: Uranium City, Sask.) This pipeline is going through many communities in Canada and the USA that are in economic crisis already because of the changes in the agriculture economy. Many are on their deathbed. Is it fair to inflict this on them??? It will be like putting salt on a wound. Beside the utter disrespect of the environment, Indian rights, sacred sites, and potential destruction local ecosystems the presence of these mining and oil industry activities cause complete chaos in the local lifestyle. A good example is what is happening in Wiliston, North Dakota and surrounding communities as a result of the Bakken oil field developments. Yes money is being made but there was no advance planning to help the communities to prepare for it. The local community infrastructure was/is not sufficient and businesses in those communities can not handle the influx of people moving into the area. The roads are being destroyed and the number of accidents has skyrocketed including the number of fatalities. The schools and hospitals were not prepared for the influx. Public safety especially for women and children is a major issue. Crime rates are at epic highs and the courts are swamped. I could give many more examples but I think the best thing is for the pipeline advocates to spend a week in Williston (warning you will have to book a room 3 months in advance). After spending a week touring in that area, ask them if they want that for their home community and then for their constituent communities, especially those that will not gain a significant number of long term jobs. People who do not live in a community should not be making decisions for a community without the consensus of the community. Here in Canada there is a legal expectation, "the duty to consult", which is suppose to be followed when making decisions such as this. I hope that you take that into account for communities. Note I did say "is supposed to be followed". Prime Minister Harper and Premier Brad Wall are violating this legal mandate and are passing legislation that lets them side step those requirements. These two leaders have become so

obsessed with their goal that they are beginning to implement dictatorial political strategies not dissimilar to those that Hitler used. For example passing omnibus bills that void environmental protection laws, silencing the scientists, propaganda campaigns, bullying not only their political party members but anyone who questions their motives and Indian leaders (ie to get funded for the new fiscal year April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014) Indian leaders had to sign an oath that they would adhere laws of Canada or their funding would be cut off...that was never required before because the laws they are referring to are the new laws that are coming down to support resource development and the pipeline) The envoys of Canadian officials going to Washington DC and approaching the leaders from various states to support the pipeline is actually an embarrassment . So is the propaganda that is being fed to your media outlets. Its "bullying" at its finest but we can't do anything about Harper and Wall until 2015 because of parliamentary style of quasi democratic government we have. Therefore we appeal to your sensibilities and implore upon you to help us stop the transcanada pipeline and support us in trying to move our government on to a track of sustainable resource development rather than relive the "fur trade" which this time will destroy the environment and mother earth.

4/21/2013 14:36:05


From the information I have studied, it appears that the KXL Pipeline offers no benefits to the US. Information provided by KXL proponents understates risks: 1. estimates of leakage incidents and 2. toxicity to water from benzene contamination and overstates benefits: 1. jobs will be added only during the 2 yr construction period and 2. after that jobs from the pipeline will be limited to 30 or less. Benzene contamination is a significant carcinogenic risk to the general public The by-product of the oil to be transported (to be refined off shore and under lessor restriction) does not meet our govt standards for compliance with environment standards and will go to China, a country without environmental standards. The financial benefits of the pipeline will go to private company investors. The environmental risks -- contamination of our water for generations -- will go to American citizens. The economic benefits are insuficient to justify the risks. The economic costs to agriculture are immense. This project poses major risk of loss to Nebraska citizens and all citizens of our country. Please do not approve the KXL Pipeline project. The Koch Brothers and other right wing groups supporting this project are concerned only about investment profits and do not care about the welfare of our citizens.

4/21/2013 14:37:44

Gillian Patton Please don't allow the Keystone XL pipeline to be built.

4/21/2013 14:42:08

Sandra McConnell

Please register this as my opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline to run thorugh Nebraska. It will not decrease the price of gas at the pump, it will not create long term, good paying jobs and we only have the latest residential leak to look at for the best reason to not allow this pipeline to run through our state.

4/21/2013 14:46:19

Clem Wilkes Please do not jeopardize our Ogalalla Aquifer by building this death project. Our descendants deserve better. You do not have a right to take away their chances for a good life by risking an oil spill or leak from the Keystone pipeline. Please do not approve the Presidential Permit.

4/21/2013 14:46:37

Rick Otto All risk for us & no profit for us. KXL has a bad track record. Don't do this.

4/21/2013 14:48:04

Nancy Heath You very well know that we don't need this pipeline coming through our country, nor will we gain anything,productive including monetary gain, from it as a nation. A very few will profit and they have no concern for the danger it poses. A vote for this will be a vote against yourself and your descendents. Unless you have another planet or country to go to, then use your brain not your billfold for your decisions.

4/21/2013 14:49:54

LaDonna Avers I cannot think of anything to say or words to use that haven't already been said by smarter people than I am. However I don't see how the proponents of this pipeline can sleep at night. All I had to do was see that the Koch Brothers and Rush Limbaugh are involved and that said everything that needs to be said. They are crooks who only thing of the money in their pockets and not of the well being of their fellow man. May God have mercy on them.

4/21/2013 14:55:38

Laurie Wise Please accept my comments on the Keystone XL Pipeline. - According to many reputable sources and TransCanada themselves, the Keystone XL will NOT provide “energy security.” The oil is destined for export and we will not see lower gas prices. - Building the Keystone XL will directly impact the expansion of tar sands, and in turn speed up climate change which is real despite the views of some leaders. - The KXL will carry diluted bitumen. Diluted bitumen (dilbit) is not considered oil by the IRS, which would allow TransCanada to evade paying taxes into the Oil Spill and Liability Trust, a fund used to clean up oil spills. Indeed it is not oil; it is far more dangerous. A toxic sludge of chemicals and thick tar sands oil, dilbit sinks in water and is proving to be impossible to clean up. - The KXL route passes through a number of sacred tribal grounds, including the Ponca’s Trail of Tears. Native tribes are concerned about health and cultural impacts of the pipeline, concerns that have not been adequately addressed by the State Department. Haven't we done enough damage to the Native American people of this country? - The Koch brothers have a financial stake in Keystone XL and their right-wing groups like AFP are working side by side with labor union LIUNA to push this risky pipeline. Sincerely, Laurie Wise

4/21/2013 14:57:02

Christie Graber The Keystone XL pipeline does not belong in Nebraska. The damage it could cause to to the aquifer, the sand hills, the rivers and our way of life would be tragic. We need to be seeking environmentally safe energy alternatives. Opt instead for wind turbines as a clean energy source!

4/21/2013 14:58:28

Lynn Bills Please do not allow this pipeline to be built. Transporting corrosive DilBit through a pipeline over a fragile ecosystem like the Nebraska Sandhills is a recipe for disaster. The aquifer is very close to the surface here and provides our fresh water. Despite what TransCanada says, this pipeline would not be good for the United States and especially Nebraskans. Thank you.

4/21/2013 14:59:05

Kathy McHenry I am writing to submit my opposition to this pipeline and to encourage the State Department and President Obama to deny permission for its construction and operation through the United States, particularly through the fragile Midwest Sandhills over the Ogallala Aquifer. American landowners' rights should not be usurped for the profit of a private foreign business, especially one with such enormous capacity for damage and disaster. President Obama, you campaigned on a platform of ecological preservation and alternative energy. This tar sands pipeline is the farthest from that platform. As far as job creation, the construction jobs will be temporary, not permanent - the hazards are not worth the promised 35 jobs, which will likely be fewer, if we look back to promises made by other companies looking for approval and tax breaks, promising economic incentives as motivation for such approval. Those who have testified at the hearings are not wrong - this pipeline, however, is very, very wrong for the United States of America.

4/21/2013 15:01:12

jessica mason Mayflower, AR; Arthur Kill Sewaren, NJ; Yellowstone River, MT; Barataria Bay Gulf of Mexico; Talmadge Creek, Michigan; Red Butte Creek, Utah; Trans Alaska Pipeline; Deep Water Horizon; Port Arthur, TX; NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA!; Cosco Busan SF, CA; Unalaska Island, AK; Athos 1 NJ; Bouchard #120 Mass; Coos Bay, OR; Portland Maine; Rhode Island. To name a few.

4/21/2013 15:02:51

Susan As a former rural Nebraskan (born and raised~60 years........this would be devastating to Nebraska rural farmland and water resourses. It's to great of a do what? Create jobs? I dont think so. Please Don't!!!

4/21/2013 15:04:07

Sara Baker I oppose the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline near the Ogallala Aquifer. My primary reason is quite simple: I drink water.

4/21/2013 15:05:23

rob fisher Why is favorable legislation for sale in this country? Why do we continue to vote in these law whores to Washington? Why not take a minute and educate the American public on how this really works instead of allowing them to wander aimlessly through life not knowing the harm this really causes? Why not force our lawmakers to do their jobs and REPRESENT the people of this country and not the wealth of a few? Who is really in charge, US, or them?

4/21/2013 15:13:10

Amanda Bowman

Please do not go forth with the Keystone XL pipeline! Not only will it cause extreme environmental degradation, it also poses a high risk to the people living near it. Let's use our tax dollars toward clean energy research!

4/21/2013 15:13:17

Janet Gioffre-Harrington

Plant SUGAR BEETS, Hemp and everything else that you can make fuel out of- and stop destroying our planet!

4/21/2013 15:13:23

Julia Kennedy hello, My name is Julia Kennedy. I was born in - County, Nebraska on the very edge of the sand hills. The sandhills and the Ogallala aquifer really are like no place on earth. The very idea that there is a safe way to utilize this pipeline through this fragile environment is crazy. I have read the reports that mention monitoring the oil flow for any possible leaks; but I ask, what then? How will the discovery that the inevitable leak has occurred be handled? This is the very life blood of this entire region, for humans and livestock. How do you clean an underground aquifer? One thing that we do have in western Nebraska is wind. Rather than back this horrible toxic oil why can't we begin to think and act green by backing clean, renewable energy (in a serious way) . The people of Nebraska, the ranchers, the environmentalists, the Native tribes have all joined because we all understand that this pipeline does nothing but endanger this region for another country's profit. This is our land, please, help us protect it; for the people living there now and for our children. thank you, Julia Kennedy

4/21/2013 15:14:02

Joyce Gettman I have yet to hear any convincing argument that the economic value of the Keystone XL begins to justify the environmental risk associated with moving bitumen through fragile regions and near critical water supplies. This pipeline should not be approved.

4/21/2013 15:16:56

Mandy I am opposed to the Keystone XL oil pipeline.

4/21/2013 15:19:12

nancy durante Please, if you care anything about the world we live in, the air, the water, the wild life, respect for people rights ban the pipeline.enough is is more important then lineing someones pocket with money.I have had enough.

4/21/2013 15:22:34

Christina Aikman

I say no to the Keystone XL Pipeline. Effeciency, standards, and technologies should come first!

4/21/2013 15:23:46

Jenny Waltemath

To Whom it May Concern: That's everyone on the planet! Thank you for considering that we have done enough damage to the environment and we have enough free energy to start sharing it and stop beign so greedy. Please? Jenny Waltemath

4/21/2013 15:26:22

Fran Maunder Water is our most precious resource and Nebraskans have been in the middle of disputes with neighboring states over our water usage for years. Why would we even consider endangering that supply? I think need for good water is the one thing all living things have common. We can and we will go on without oil, not without water. Pipelines leak. No matter how safe TransCanada can make their pipeline, it is still raping this earth and putting ours and future lives in peril. Please, please, stop the Keystone XL, for our present, and our future.

4/21/2013 15:26:43

Michelle Moore Please. America can do better than this. We need to give clean energy the upperhand and work on liberating America from Oil PERIOD. Forigen or Domestic. Please bring back our free nation, and quit selling out to corperations. Lets start doing what is right for the planet, because that will be the only thing that will leave a positve legacy for this nation.

4/21/2013 15:27:28

Suzie Kingery DON'T GO THROUGH WITH THE PIPELINE. We've seen it time after time problems occurring because of oil. Put the money into renewable resources. For once care about the planet and what you're leaving behind & not the money! Please.

4/21/2013 15:29:13

Donna Baker-Hartwell

Our energy future must be in renewable, green and safe sources. Spending money on continuing our fossil fuel dependency is irresponsible. The time is now to stop practices that damage our environment.

4/21/2013 15:29:25

Patti Burns Again!

4/21/2013 15:29:26

Vincent Hess Almost no real jobs, a huge carbon footprint, and for what? This is not right for America!! I DO NOT WANT THIS PIPELINE!!!

4/21/2013 15:31:57

Kellly McConnel We must think about what we are doing to this planet that is causing millions of dollars in damages to everyday people in the forms of crazy weather, not to mention the loss of life. It starts with our earth. Everything we do at every level contributes. How can you in good concious harm our home and all the creatures that can't speak up for themselves. It has to end.

4/21/2013 15:32:30

Glenda Dietrich Moore

I am against the The Keystone XL pipeline being built. It will not create that many jobs; I do not trust that the pipeline is safe; and the trying to get oil from the tarsands in Canada is an environmental disaster. The planned route still crosses the delicate sandhills of Nebraska. Our governor and state senator Fischer are ill-informed and have not made wish decisions. Please do not allow the pipeline to be built across Nebraska.

4/21/2013 15:34:08

Thomas J. CRACK THAT CRAP IN CANADA..and then ship it to US !!

4/21/2013 15:38:39

Nissa Sturgeon I can not understand why we are creating the pipeline. We see that it is extremely dangerous and harmful to people of the US and our land. Please put a STOP to this atrocity.

4/21/2013 15:42:40

Robert A Smith Dear State Department, Just wanted to cast my vote against this Keystone pipeline. Please don't allow this big mistake to cross our fine state so that others will gain financially at our expense! This is huge step in the wrong direction for our planet and it's resources. We stand to lose alot if and when this toxic pipeline leaks! Accounts of jobs created is a joke and a big lie. Please adhere to Democrat's view of energy and the fact that we don't need more oil, but other green solutions. Please do the right thing for our state and the nation and deny this pipeline. Thanks!

4/21/2013 15:45:19

Rick Wigington There's sunshine and abundant wind in the proposed pipeline area. Create jobs in the solar and wind energy industries.

4/21/2013 15:45:21

Alex Ham As a landowner and sixth generation Nebraskan, I find it ridiculous that the Republican politicians representing the state are so gung ho to allow the pipeline to still cross the Sand Hills. It's no surprise, considering Gov. Heineman and Attorney General Bruning both took money from the TransCanada Corporation, and had to give it back because it violated campaign finance laws. The Sand Hills is a vernacular region, and the 'boundary' was subjectively established. The ground is sandy all the way east to at least Ewing! Go to the area around Chambers and tell me it isn't a part of the Sand Hills. Pure insanity. I am adamantly opposed to the establishment of the pipeline. It is of no consequence to me if it is not built. The majority of jobs created are temporary, and go to a majority of out of state workers. Might sound provincial, but I ultimately don't care about how the economy is affecting out of state workers. They can go work in North Dakota or Montana. Plenty of work to do there as it is.

4/21/2013 15:47:20

gerald johnson Dump the Keystone Pipeline ASAP!!!!

4/21/2013 15:47:31

Rita Gebhardt There is no real benefits to the American public. The Koch Brothers/ Company profit and we and our land,water and environment takes all the risk. Plus.... I in no way want my tax dollars to subsidise one single inch of this pipeline by any means,, shape or form... PERIOD!!! Thank you for your consideration...

4/21/2013 15:48:25

Rita Gebhardt There is no real benefits to the American public. The Koch Brothers/ Company profit and we and our land,water and environment takes all the risk. Plus.... I in no way want my tax dollars to subsidise one single inch of this pipeline by any means,, shape or form... PERIOD!!! Thank you for your consideration...

4/21/2013 15:53:09

Damon Wirth Not in my sandhills. My father, family, and all of my relatives have a part of these hills in our life. From family vacations to the most scenic drives in the country, this is our home. Everyone thinks that Nebraska is I80. I always tell them to spend the time going through the sandhills and you will find your heaven on earth. Please deny this permit, I am a union man and vote union everytime. This will be the first that I disagree with. Protect our state secret please. Protect our clean springs on the dismal, protect our waterfowl hunting opportunities, most importantly, protect the state from a foreign corporation that would cripple our tourist industry for the sake of a dollar. I beg you please.

4/21/2013 15:59:17

Laura Felleman The Canadian government's need for the tax revenue generated by the tarsands industry should not outweigh the need of hundreds of thousands of Americans for safe drinking water.

4/21/2013 16:00:28

Julie Motl Please realize that water is more important to humanity's survival than oil. Stand up to Big Oil and its money and do the right thing. Even if it means you may not be re-elected. Be a leader not a politician!

4/21/2013 16:06:11

Constance Keith The Pipeline should not go through fragile and precious sandhills and aquifer of Nebraska. My grandchildren should not have to live with the devastation of a leak.

4/21/2013 16:12:05

Dowell Caselli-Smith

The world does not need this dirty oil fouling our air at its final destination. The northern tundra plays a vital role in our world's natural systems and this pipeline is devastating there as well. And, pipelines all leak sooner or later (I used to work laying gas pipelines and I know this to be a fact). This project stomps on the common good and the rights of property owners. Stop it.

4/21/2013 16:14:11

micki fowler Please do not destroy my family land. We grew up out there with 25 family members now we fish out there with over 50 relatives and friends. Water is our most important resource. You can't live with out clean water. Living without oil is just an inconvenience that can be overcome with better research. Why waist millions when one day we may have to go overseas to beg for water. NOT worth it!! STOP the pipeline!!!! No one wants it!!!

4/21/2013 16:14:13

chase key It is critical in planning for a sustainable future to not allow the keystone pipeline. This will have an irreversible effect on the planet I am a citizen of this world just as much as you we need to protect this! please stop the keystone pipeline.

4/21/2013 16:16:51

David Davis I am AGAINST the Keystone XL pipeline!

4/21/2013 16:22:24

Heather This is the wrong move for Nebraska ...and for America!

4/21/2013 16:24:29

Ann Devish Please do not allow this pipeline to go across Nebraska. It will put our water supply at risk. Water is much more important to sustain Nebraska's economy. Also we need to stop moving forward on fossil fuels. The earth is currently at a critical point where it is critical to move away from adding more CO2 to the atmosphere. Using tar sands to produce oil is a giant step in the wrong direction.

4/21/2013 16:26:32

Gaye Mason The large number of jobs they promise are temporary - most lasting only as long as it takes to build the pipeline. The majority of the product will go to the highest bidder. At this time, it is likely to be China. What are we getting in return - exactly?

4/21/2013 16:33:43

Laura Campbell Dear Sir/Madam, I am a native of the Nebraska sand hills. My family has lived here for over 150 years. I do not believe that the XL pipeline is safe, regardless of the re-directed route. The route still passes over critical aquifer lands. Now is the time to invest in alternative fuels. Now is the time to keep our lands safe. Please, please do not let this pipeline go through. I will support any other alternative to this. Sincerely, Laura K. Campbell

4/21/2013 16:33:43

Cynthia Johnson

I oppose the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline. It represents the worst of the worst in terms of our quest to meet our current and future energy needs: worst for the environment, worst for future generations, worst for the citizens who live along its proposed route. Further, in Nebraska, the chosen route continues to pose a threat to the precious groundwater that sustains us. The idea that we would even consider allowing a foreign corporation (!) to threaten one of our most critical natural resources is mind-boggling. The representatives of the Canadian company that stands to benefit the most financially from this travesty has attempted to bully Nebraska landowners into relinquishing control over the land that shelters the life-giving water in the Ogallala Aquifer. They should be booted out of the state with the dispatch that would be used in dismissing an uninvited and boorish guest from one's own house. As a citizen of Nebraska and of the United States, I ask you to respond to the concerns of the people whose interests you represent. We are waiting to see if we still have a functioning democracy.

4/21/2013 16:34:40

charles brannen Don't let big oil spoil our land !

4/21/2013 16:37:29

Janet Binion Not a single person who cares about our environment thinks that the Keystone XL pipeline is a good idea. KILL THIS HORRIBLE IDEA NOW!

4/21/2013 16:37:46

Vicki Pratt Do not allow the Keystone XL pipeline to come into the U.S. The toxic diluted bitumen is dangerous and harmful to humans, our water supply, and the environment. The pipeline is going to leak and the thick tar sands oil is not easy to contain or clean up.

4/21/2013 16:38:23

Deanna Lamb Our Nebraska farm has been in the family for four generations. My parents held on during the Dust Bowl, but there would be no way to hold on, to farm the land, or pass it on to the next generation if the water and soil are poisoned by a pipeline spill. Please reject Keystone XL.

4/21/2013 16:42:32

Cynthia charger Dear Sirs: please protect the nations Sandhills, we love travelleling there, protect the water and the earth, remember your roots your ancestors and all they stood for, please vote for life and tell these people to leave

4/21/2013 16:48:14

Karen Ratzlaff Keystone is bad for everybody except the big oil companies. You all know this is a terrible idea and in the wake of the Arkansans disaster, our point of view could not be proved any better if we had tried. Tar sands do not produce enough oil to matter and big oil has made deals to sell it to foreign countries, giving America no benefits what so ever!!!. Besides us getting the environmental crap, we will foot the bill to clean up after the oil robber barons rape and pillage whatever they can from us. Finally do the right thing and stand up to these assholes or you will never get re-elected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4/21/2013 16:54:00

Jaim Hackbart Dear President Obama and State Department Chair Mr. Kerry, Thank you for allowing our voice to be heard. My name is Jaim Hackbart. I am an artist and a Nebraskan. I was born in California by virtue of being in a military family, but my parents, grandparents and great-grandparents were born in Nebraska. I have lived most of my life in the Omaha area. My childhood summers were spent at my grandparents farm north of the interstate near Beaver Crossing. My great-great grandparents, great grandparents, and grandparents have all farmed land in Seward County. My uncle currently farms our family’s land. My grandfather, who will be 100 on April 25th, and I have both voted for President Obama in his first term. I admit I have been lazy about standing up for what I believe is right. I took it for granted that our elected officials were standing up for our values. I pay my taxes and vote. I have voted every year since I was 18 because I know it's a privilege that other people around the world don't have. It's my duty. In the last decade, I have come to believe that our Federal government politicians don't represent or care about their own citizens as much as they do corporate interests. It appears

Lee Terry has sold out his own constituents for TransCanada interests. I hope you have not too. It's a bad decision for several reasons. All of which you have heard by now. It's a fact that pipelines burst. There's a proven record of this. The number of bursts in the first keystone pipeline has exceeded their own projections for the first seven years of operation. The KXL pipeline is larger and would be transporting more toxic bitumen through our state's water supply. The aquifer provides water to our farmland that supplies grains through cattle feed and direct-to-table products like popcorn, field greens, and sweet corn. Benzene, a known ingredient, in bitumen will leak at some point through the pipeline into the aquifer. It's a solvent that is linked to several cancers such as leukemia. Benzene cannot be entirely cleaned up --ever. The aquifer and soil cannot be cleaned up with paper towels. Please explain to me how this is a good idea? The percentage of jobs that KXL claims to generate in Nebraska do not outweigh the health and environmental losses. Our animals will die. People will become sick. The Sandhill cranes will lose their home. Not to mention the loss of income to farmers, ranchers, and tourism when the water becomes contaminated and all our products are poisoned? They could lose their farms. How is this a good thing for our country? Please explain how it is possible a corporation from Canada to bully US citizens with "eminent domain" when it's not their country? It's our country. TransCanada has proved they are capable of dishonesty in the way they have pressured Nebraska landowners and in the way they recently altered the Sandhills geography on their new maps to make their new route look safer. Be wise. When there is a spill, they are going to act in their best interests, not ours. Their track record shows that they don't care about U.S. citizens or Nebraskans. Do you? Mr. Obama, please stand up for what your people across the United States want. Represent our values and our environment, not what foreign corporations are saying. Please don't sell us out. Take a stand your citizens. This is bigger than our economy. Do not allow the Keystone pipeline through our country. We are earthlings . Dead poisoned water, and soil will not support human life, no matter how many paper towels we put on it. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Jaim Hackbart

4/21/2013 16:54:01

Patricia Vogler The Keystone XL Pipeline should not be approved. The risks associated with pipelines are far greater than any benefits that would be gained. There would be few permanent jobs created, and the chance of oil spills is too great. The U.S would gain no energy security from this project since the oil will be destined for export. Before anyone considers approving this project, they should go visit one of the several pipeline leak sites from the past few weeks and see what we would have to look forward to with Keystone. This project is NOT in the best interests of the American people.

4/21/2013 17:02:48

Karen Savage This pipeline is just plain wrong. It desecrates sacred land, takes land illegally from landowners, and will send some of the most toxic oil known to man to be refined in places like Houston and Port Arthur, which ALREADY are overburdened with refineries and other pollution-causing industry. I say NO KXL!! Thank you!

4/21/2013 17:09:31

Marcelline Lawn Our water is far more precious than the oil Canada is trying to run across our lands. Accidents happen. Tar sands are not like crude oil, a spill would be disasterous. I am vehemently opposed to the Keystone pipeline. Please put our needs ahead of Canada's corporations. Thank-you.

4/21/2013 17:09:34

Charlene Covey PLEASE keep the pipeline away from the Ogalalla Aquifer! Our EARTH is our most precious resource!

4/21/2013 17:11:56

Leela Bruner Please do not vote for the pipeline or anything that potentially puts our water supply in jeopardy.

4/21/2013 17:13:39

Tracy Thorpe-Sorensen

Why are we making it easier for Canada to ship the oil out of North America that they have acquired by raping their land?

4/21/2013 17:17:35

David Snider Please don not approve the pipeline. It will be a disaster for our suffering environment. Solar and wind power now!!!!

4/21/2013 17:19:14

patricia gallimores

Please stop the Keystone XL pipeline. I an unconvinced of its safety. I am concerned about the environmental impact. I am unconvinced of long term benefits supplying jobs.

4/21/2013 17:20:25

Leyla If you desire a sustainable future for your descendants, please contemplate your actions.

4/21/2013 17:21:34

Vanessa Brand The Keystone XL Pipeline is not in the national interest of the United States for a number of reasons. First, I would like to focus on the effects a leak in the pipeline would have on underground water supplies. Despite the safety measures TransCanada claims are in place, the pipeline will still leak, a fact even TransCanada admits. Tar sands, which have to be diluted with harmful chemicals such as benzene, are more corrosive to pipeline materials than oil. This coupled with the increased heat and pressure needed to pump viscous tar sands increases the risk of a leak. Contrary to popular belief, the proposed route for the Keystone XL pipeline still crosses the

fragile soils of the Sandhills and Ogallala Aquifer of Nebraska. As the name implies, soil in the Sandhills is very sandy. Sand is a porous material that would allow tar sands to permeate groundwater supplies. Once in an underground water supply, the tar sands would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to clean. Many Americans along the proposed path of the pipeline, including my parents, depend on clean ground water for home use, irrigation of crops, and watering of livestock. Even a small leak would pollute underground water supplies to the extent that farmers and ranchers would no longer be able to live on the land they claim home and make a living doing the work they love. If their water supply becomes contaminated, how will they live and irrigate their crops? As the drought of the past year has shown us, irrigation can be a life saver. Yes, the pipeline will create temporary jobs. However, I worry about the farmers and ranchers whose land lies in the proposed pipeline route. Farming and ranching is their job. It would be an economic disaster if contaminated soil and water prevent them from doing their job. I am also concerned about the temperature of the pipeline. Because the tar sands are so thick, much friction (and, thus, heat) will be generated. Some reports indicate the temperature will be in the 120-150 degree Fahrenheit range. This heat will affect the root structure of the crops my dad grows, adversely affecting his yields. The negative economic impacts of the Keystone XL pipeline to farmers and ranchers cannot be minimized. If the pipeline is built, the tar sands will go to refineries in the Gulf Coast that are owned by the companies Motiva and Valero. Both of these are export refineries. Thus, I agree with the statement that much of the oil extracted from the tar sands will be exported. Motiva is half owned by Saudi Arabia, so I am sure they, and not the US, will prosper greatly from this. Also, the type of fuel extracted from tar sands is diesel rather than gasoline. The diesel market is much greater is foreign countries (such as China, Brazil, and European countries) than it is in the US. Therefore, I don't buy the argument that the pipeline will help decrease US dependance on foreign oil when very little of the product will stay here. Experts have even stated that the gas prices, especially in the Midwest, will increase, rather than decrease, if the pipeline is built. This is an economic impact that will affect all Americans that purchase gasoline. Some have asked why the tar sands aren't just transported to the east or west coast of Canada. The reason--Canadians don't want this pipeline. They are fearful of the implications. The political climate in Canada about the pipeline is so hostile that TransCanada feels its best option is through the United States. I think it sends a strong message that the majority of Canadians don't even want this pipeline in their country. Leaks in the Keystone XL Pipeline would have drastic effects on the groundwater supply in Nebraska. The Keystone XL pipeline should not be approved because the risks to the

livelihood of farmers and ranchers is too great. For these reasons, the Keystone XL pipeline is not in the national interest of the United States.

4/21/2013 17:24:00

Peggy Melvin Fact: Pipelines leak. Many of those leaks are major and pose immense dangers to the public. According to Dr. Stansbury, UNL Professor of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering conducted a study showing that the KXL would result in 91 major spills over the 50 year life of the pipeline. Fact: The KXL will carry diluted bitumen. Diluted bitumen (dilbit) is not considered oil by the IRS, which would allow TransCanada to evade paying taxes into the Oil Spill and Liability Trust, a fund used to clean up oil spills. Indeed dilbit is not oil; it is far more dangerous to the public. A toxic sludge of chemicals and peanut-butter thick tar sands oil, dilbit sinks in water and is proving to be impossible to clean up.

4/21/2013 17:24:20

John Maloney I sincerely don't believe this pipeline is necessary for the survival of our species and let us not forget that nature bats last!

4/21/2013 17:26:18

Teresa Schmidt I am strongly opposed to the Keystone XL pipeline. I have heard all the "benefits" which I feel are minimal compared to the risks. The jobs are minimal overall, the risk from leaks are REAL, and quite frankly I do not see TransCanada as a strong partner with the US and US Steel. We will NOT see any decrease in gas prices as the oil is to be exported. Then we've got the whole tar sands issues. I could go on with many other points.... but the long story short is I am strongly opposed to the Keystone XL pipeline!

4/21/2013 17:30:45

Jean helms How many leaks and spills will it take to convince you that running the XL pipeline anywhere near our precious aquifer is a bad idea ? No XL pipeline through Nebraska please.

4/21/2013 17:30:57

Eric Franke We can not afford the climate implications or the risk of leaks from this pipeline. DO NOT approve the pipeline project. Thank you from Nebraska.

4/21/2013 17:31:12

Mary Kay Wood We have seen the irreparable damage of tar sands leaks fairly regularly in the last month. Each leaks kills our planet. Money for the rich does not justify killing our planet. Stop this insanity.

4/21/2013 17:32:12

Nick Steinke No rational, unbiased, intelligent person could think that transferring ditbin via pipeline from another country all the way across our country is a good idea. It doesn't make sense for the environment; and it doesn't make sense from an economic standpoint. Thinking otherwise is very short-sighted. Real and possible environmental impacts have been casually dismissed and this is a classic political case of solving a problem that doesn't exist, in this case to the short-term economic benefit of a select few. No government, or government leader, can genuinely say that they support fighting climate change and also support this project. The risk v. reward is clearly weighted against this unnecessary and idiotic project.

4/21/2013 17:33:06

Kieran Lyons I am against the pipeline.

4/21/2013 17:46:08

Katherine Brandenburg

The long term devastation the pipeline will cause far outweighs the short-term gains.

4/21/2013 17:47:54

James Howe you've already heard the details and the issues. if you are listening to either you already know the wishes of the people and the wishes of the folks with money. the people of the u.s. don't want this, don't need this, and likely will not stand for this. this is wrong on all levels and allowing it will only show a total disregard for people worse than congress not passing gun legislation. do not allow this pipe to be built. thank you.

4/21/2013 17:48:02

Tom & Lucy Adkins

What irritates me (Tom) about this is how in the HELL can a foreign company come into Nebraska and do eminent domain to take easements? Also, we know that currently, the gulf coast refineries are selling up to 60% of their refined petroleum to other countries. Finally, it's about time we faced facts about carbon based energy. It's also about time Mr. Obama stepped up to the plate with more than symbolic talk, and started us seriously down the path to a different energy dynamic.

4/21/2013 17:49:50

mary jo christian This pipeline serves no good purpose. It does not benefit the USA and it is very harmful for our environment. the risk is far too great to take when we have so many horrible oil spill disasters that still have not been properly cleaned up. Furthermore there isn't any means for funding these spills from the oil companies due to poor planning and faulty regulations. we need sustainable energy NOW and no more of this toxic life destroying garbage that only benefits the wealthy.

4/21/2013 17:54:42

Jamie Dickerson

Tar sands pipelines have proven to be leak hazards and incredibly toxic to land and water. The proposed pressure, route, leak detection technology, and steel used have also proven to be ineffective. For once, think of the human capital instead of capitalism!

4/21/2013 17:55:04

Kym Most certainly against the XL pipeline! Stop poising and destroying ! Sustainable energy.. we want it.. Don't you have enough money already! While your interest is money.. ours is not.. Be real leaders or get out! NO TO KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE!

4/21/2013 17:58:38

Sandy Brown I oppose the building of the Keystone XL pipeline in Nebraska for 3 reasons: (1) it is not worth the risk to our environment and its precious natural resources, particularly our water, when a spill/leak/accident occurs, which we know will happen as nothing like this can be controlled indefinitely; (2) it will destroy the natural beauty and economic value of the land it must cross, forcing landowners, farmers, ranchers and more to sacrifice their fortunes and livelihood for little economic gain to Nebraska or the United States; and (3) it does not move us in the right direction toward cleaner energy sources so we can help minimize global warming, which is a necessary priority for our future. Please do not approve this pipeline. It is not what the people of Nebraska want or need. Sincerely, Sandy Brown

4/21/2013 17:58:39

Rachel Earth first

4/21/2013 18:00:56

Susan Stuart As a public health professional who grew up in the Sandhills of Nebraska, I want to register my opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline. Climate change is one of the major looming threats to public health, affecting agriculture, vector borne diseases, ground level ozone, and extreme weather events. The U.S. government should be putting its resources into infrastructure that reduces dependency on fossil fuels while lowering greenhouse gases rather than supporting this environmental boondoggle. Please say no to the XL pipeline. Sincerely, Susan M. Stuart, M.P.H.

4/21/2013 18:05:00

Paul Swanson Secretary Kerry and President Obama, I urge you to reject the further construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline. A rejection of the pipeline will be a ''Seventh Generation'' decision that will benefit our nation both now and for future generations. Tar sands petroleum is the least efficient of all petroleum sources returning only 3 units of energy for every unit of energy used to recover it. Environmental damage at the site of extraction is devastating. The knowledge of how to clean up a spill of chemically added bitumen apparently does not exist based on the inadequate results of clean up attempts in Michigan and Arkansas. All of the pipeline contaminants will be deposited in the sensitive Gulf Coast of the United States. The Gulf Coast still has not recovered from the oil spill in the Gulf. Pipeline leaks are certain regardless of construction expertise. If science and stewardship do not trump political power and money in this decision when will business as usual ever take Environmental Damage and Global Climate Change seriously??? Clean fresh water is more important to the United States ( also the World) than the World's most toxic source of oil. Mr. President keep your commitment voiced on national television to take serious action on Global Climate Change.

4/21/2013 18:06:07

Brent Böes To the republican politians this pipeline will not be constructed without a huge fight from the American people who raise your food, pay your wages and hired you to work for them........

4/21/2013 18:06:28

Alex Totman Tarsands pipelines, I've read, use more oil to extract than the oil will even produce. I have not heard one good thing that could come from the building of this pipeline (it's even being built with steel that's not even made here in the states) and I hope you hear the thousands of our voices reaching out to you and you listen! We do NOT approve of this! Not in our backyard!

4/21/2013 18:06:38

Elizabeth Williams

We have enough oil in reserves to put us over 2% warming by 2028. Keystone shouldn't even be up for discussion. Shifting resources to renewable energy should be.

4/21/2013 18:08:41

Vonni Don't destroy our land!!!!

4/21/2013 18:09:37

Judith Gibson My family, my friends and I supported and voted for this administration, in the belief that our values are compatible. I need not repeat the cogent arguments against building the KXL Pipeline; I'm certain you have them all. Please validate our faith and belief in your commitment to the life of the planet. There are many ways to generate jobs and energy but none to restore water and air after they've been poisoned and killed. Thank you.

4/21/2013 18:10:09

Terry Hauck Please listen to the people!! The earth can not take care of us if we don't take care of her. Abandon this idea......NOW!!

4/21/2013 18:12:01

Nancy Aden I am strongly against the Keystone XL pipeline for these reasons: I believe it is a major risk to the water system in NE; the risk to the environment of a spill of tar sands is too great; the claims of new jobs are far overrated; and we should be focusing on clean energy. Nancy Aden

4/21/2013 18:13:23

Chelsea Taxman

We are on this Earth temporarily and it is our responsibility to nourish and care for the land while we are here, protect the waterways and be an example for a sustainable future. REDUCE.

4/21/2013 18:13:49

Melanie Horsman

I am a Canadian and I am opposed to the oil sands. The oil sands have already poisoned the Athabasca River and it is predicted it will be completely contaminated in 7 years. That is a conservative estimate (Environment Canada). It is outright dumb to rely on fossil fuels, as they cannot be replenished. America and the world needs to develop green energy. Recently you've seen examples of what broken pipelines can do. The only reason to support the building of keystone is for greedy aims. It will cause more damage then benefit. You will be encouraging the development of the oils sands and the entire world knows that is not in the best interest of the planet. It isn't the life of the planet that is at stake it is ours. We must get off fossil fuels, not find dirtier methods of extraction. We can't drink oil or eat money.

4/21/2013 18:16:03

Nancy Mueller We, the people of the United States, do not want the Keystone XL pipeline. It will leak, destroying precious land and water resources. It carries the dirtiest "oil" that we don't need. Mining it and transporting it and refining it will emit more dangerous pollutants into the air than the energy is worth. It is time, now, to invest that money into solar and wind power. A lot of creative energy is going into fighting this pipeline that could be better used to create renewable solutions to energy needs. Stop listening to big oil and start listening to the intelligent, creative, hard working citizens of this country. Stop wasting time and money on this destructive policy and get on with really solving energy problems. Stop the Keystone XL pipeline now.

4/21/2013 18:21:24

Laura Please let the residents of Nebraska's voices be heard. Stop the pipeline. Our water and land is worth more than money! Stop it for our children's sake.

4/21/2013 18:22:50

Jason Krivanek The ultimate responsibility of our government is to safeguard the lives and livelihood of its citizens. Doing this effectively involves more than building fighter planes, screening people at airports, and bailing out "too big to fail" banks. Humans die after 3 days without water, but they can survive indefinitely without oil (hard as it may be to believe). The Ogallala Aquifer is the largest underground source of fresh water in North America, and is a vital source of irrigation providing the lifeblood of the economy of Nebraska. Risking the future of this God-given, priceless resource in order to transport toxic sludge that, when burned, will accelerate the greatest threat to our species-global warming-is not just wrong, it is asinine. Meanwhile, your Environmental Impact Statement claims that the pipeline will have no impact because the tar sands oil will be extracted no matter what. Come again? But what impact will that have? The Pentagon says the greatest threat to national security this century is climate change. This isn't just an environmental issue, a property rights issue, or an economic's a national security issue! I am a lifelong, proud resident of the great state of Nebraska, and I hope for once in my lifetime the leaders of my United States listen to their better angels and do what is wise. Reject the application of the KXL and set us on a new and better course for the future. We can be the change if you let us.

4/21/2013 18:23:43

Julie Smith Here is a chance for the public trust in government to be restored. People are taking the time to voice their opinion and it's your responsibility to listen and act on behalf of the people. Do not misrepresent us. Do not override our power. Do not make the choice for us. Please act democratic. It would be very uplifting if the government sided with the people on this one.

4/21/2013 18:23:55


4/21/2013 18:24:37

Nancy Pieters PLEASE, please do not approve this pipeline. Oil is NOT as important as the lives of people, animals, habitats! Thank you!

4/21/2013 18:30:15

liz dittrick Haven't we seen enough devastation as result of pipeline failures in the past. Please don't let this be a possibility for the Keystone.

4/21/2013 18:34:59

Marge Van Cleef

The Keystone pipeline is dangerous to the enrivonment, to the land and acquifer wherever it passes through and the burning of this oil contributes to climate change and global warming through the emissions.

4/21/2013 18:35:20

Nancy-Jo Dillman

I respectfully ask that the Keystone XL pipeline not be allowed. My reasoning is simple,it is too much of an environmental risk to the country and the planet. It is does not merit building for economic purposes because it will not provide enough jobs to be worthwhile in any manner. Easily put, the Keystone XL Pipeline is a bad idea any way it can be conceived.

4/21/2013 18:36:06

Don Reeves Please deny approval for the Keystone XL Pipeline. As an owner of farmland in - County, Nebraska, near the planned route of the pipeline, I share the concern about possible spills and local groundwater contamination. My larger concern, however, is contributing to the further development of tar sands for petroleum we could do without (by ramping up sustainable fuels), and poisoning the atmosphere -- perhaps beyond recovery -- for the sake of my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. "No" to the pipeline.

4/21/2013 18:38:38

Sara Christopherson

No No No, protect the planet please!!

4/21/2013 18:39:14

Patrick Soby I am against the XL pipeline! Jobs are temporary the earth Isn't!!!! There should a better alternative something more healthier more green!!! By building this pipeline you are threatening our water resources and also wildlife!

4/21/2013 18:40:36

Guy Polenske 'Main street' says least this mile of it. Stop this horse-sh**!!

4/21/2013 18:43:37

Merna Blagg Save the planet...please!

4/21/2013 18:48:02

Gary Zajic Secretary of State John Kerry Assistant Secretary of State Kerri-Ann Jones I am a retired scientist living near but my roots are with my family farm in

I believe the Keystone XL pipeline would be a direct threat to the groundwater and rivers in Nebraska. Please reject TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline! InsideClimate reporters Elizabeth McGowan and Lisa Song have won this year's Pulitzer Prize for national reporting with their book: The Dilbit Disaster- Inside the Biggest Oil Spill You've Never Heard Of. They reported that the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration will not have the proposed federal rules to strengthen pipeline safety in place before construction could begin on Keystone XL or other new dilbit pipelines. With current detection systems, leak volumes of 1-2% could go undetected until visually observed. The Keystone XL pipeline would carry 830,000 barrels of tar sands oil each day, which means a 1% leak would be over 8,000 barrels each day. This pipeline is to be buried under ground, directly over the Ogallala Aquifer and into the very porous soils of the Nebraska Sand Hills. This pipeline would be like no other because of its size and the fact that it would be under pressure and temperature just to pump the dilbit. The amount of diluent needed to reduce the viscosity would be composed of very toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic compounds such as benzene, napthala, and other polyaromatic hydrocarbons. The tar sands contain elevated levels of mercury and arsenic and have a very high sulphur content. If that is not bad enough, the bitumen would sink and cling to the bottom of rivers in a spill. From all I've read, it is impossible to clean. All of Nebraska's rivers eventually drain into the Missouri River. If a pipeline ruptured into a river, such as the Exxon spill into the Yellowstone River or the Enbridge spill into the Kalamazoo River, it would be an immediate national catastrophe. Fresh, clean water is Nebraska's, and this country's, most vital resource. Canadian citizens will not have a pipeline running across British Colombia. The First Nation peoples of Canada and the USA will not have it running through their lands. Nebraska farmers and ranchers do not want it running through their land. All pipelines leak and I do not want to hear of contaminated groundwater in five years, or one day have an oil slick on the Niobrara river. I believe the United States would do well to follow Denmark and Germany in their use of alternative energy. As much as we all like our Canadian neighbors, we are not responsible nor will we accept TransCanada corporation misadventures in our country. Please reject Keystone XL. Regards, Gary Zajic

4/21/2013 18:49:13

Allan Marquart The Ogallala Aquifer is a vast reservoir of some of the world's purest waters. It cannot be risked in the pipeline project. It's preservation is vital to our nation's interest!

4/21/2013 18:50:38

Sergey Alexandrov

The environmental impact of this pipeline and the tar sands operations it would expand is devastating. One only need to look at the Arkansas spill to see but a small example of what can happen on our soil as a result of this project. Our focus should be on clean energy, not letting multi-national, tax-evading fossil fuel corporations expand their toxic grip on our environment and our economy. Please do not let this project continue.

4/21/2013 18:54:46

Vernon N Vogt Here we are again fighting another bad thing in - County Nebraska...The pipeline does not actually cross my ground but no matter what it will affect my land value and my water....Without water our world will no longer be what we have now. I raise sheep and cattle..although this year I had to sell the cows because I ran short of water and feed. If this pipeline goes in and when it leaks it will ruin our water which our lives depend on this. Without water we have NOTHING... Please pay attention and quit listening to KXL and just say no to the pipeline please. This is our lives and our only way of a living that I know. My wife and I have no schooling and are getting to old to start over so there for PLEASE say NO to this horrid thing and concentrate on the bigger problems that the state of Nebraska has. JUST SAY NO.

4/21/2013 18:55:52

Elizabeth Harmon

Please do not further the problem of our country's environmental mess. Please do not condone displacing people, raping the land, forgetting why we are here. Please do not allow the Keystone Pipeline to ruin us.

4/21/2013 18:56:18

Mary J Swanson

It is my sincere hope you will oppose the Keystone XL Pipeline for the sake of the Earth and generations to come. Global warming is a real issue that needs to be dealt with. Environmental degradation is a crime against our planet and all of us who share it. The development of tar sands and the construction of the pipeline have a devastating impact on both of these issues. Thank you for consideration of my viewpoint.

4/21/2013 18:58:47

Robert Weitzel The Keystone XL pipeline is totally unnecessary. I has nothing to do with transporting our country's oil for our use. It is what the Canadians want to sell their dirty oil to the Chinese. If they want to do that let them build the pipeline west across Canada to their own ports on the Pacific. I am against the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/21/2013 19:01:40

Patrick Wheeler Dear State Department, Please do not allow construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. For the temporary jobs it may create, the harm it will certainly do should make this a non-starter. I am pro-prosperity, but not at the cost of the environment, public health and the opportunity costs that accompany spending money foolishly. I will gladly help create a more healthy and prosperous solution. All you need to is ask. Respectfully, Patrick Wheeler

4/21/2013 19:02:18

Beverly G./ Henkel

Please listen to the folks from Michigan and Arkansas as well as the folks in Nebraska who have been and will be directly affected by the tarsands Keystone Pipline. Land use and a possible leak that would cause the loss of fresh water for the people of a large region as well as land use that would be affected. The resulting damage from the Michigan spill and the Arkansas spill can not be risked in Nebraaska. This is not about jobs. Surely the Unions can find other jobs for their members. Or we as a Nation can resume making things here and not in China. I work at Hobby Lobby in the fabric department and the fabric I cut daily is manufactured in China. How awful is that!!!!! lease consider - would you want this risk in your back yard? We do not want it in ours!!! Thank you. Bev. Henkel, Tucker Hill Farm,

4/21/2013 19:02:35

David Reiber This is bad for our water supply, oil that will be sent overseas, not helping our country at all, endangering our land, water and health. Do the right thing and stop the pipeline. What should be important is our citizens health, water & future...not $$$'s lining pockets.

4/21/2013 19:05:12

steve lefler big oil,makes big bucks already.They want a pipeline?they can build it themselves.Besides,if we build it -won't we be responsible to fix it-repair it-pay for leaks-and protect it from terrorists and thieves? why cant we build more wind and solar? And let big oil have the big mess..don't let them lure you in to make you liable for future accidents,don't be suckers!!be smart..

4/21/2013 19:07:21

Susan Cohen No Pipeline. Do the right thing.

4/21/2013 19:08:36

Ian Birlem It's time for the obama administration to step up and prove they care about the environment. The tar sands are nasty dirty energy and we shouldn't be supporting their extraction by making it easier to export them. In addition that pipeline is guaranteed to leak on our land. Further, indigenous people have clearly stated they don't want the pipeline crossing their land. Have some backbone and say no. I worked on bothe the Obama campaigns and I'll be very disappointed if you approve the pipeline.

4/21/2013 19:09:51

Bethany Sanio This benefits nowhere near outweigh the risks.

4/21/2013 19:10:16

Clinton The Keystone pipeline is dangerous to the climate. We are already running out of time in addressing other things that effect our world without adding another that most scientist have said will cause dire consequences. This will not produce a million or more jobs like the Koch brothers would like us to believe it would. We have highways, bridges and road that need fixing that will truly create jobs that will help our economy now and in the future. Add on upgrading buildings and other projects we need to address that will create even more long term jobs. Again treaties are being broken with Native American tribes. How can we talk about other countries honoring their commitments when we do not honor our own. It is time to quit putting short term profits ahead of our planet, children and their future. President Obama, you said you would protect us from this kind of exploitation and we are counting on you. Please stand for what is right. In these past weeks we as a country have offered our condolences and hope for the next generation. When will our words turn to action? When it is too late and someone stands up in government and says oops we were wrong.

4/21/2013 19:11:46

Joan Benderson The Keystone pipeline is very dangerous. It WILL rupture at some time. The tar sands oil is too energy-intensive to extract. LEave it in the ground!

4/21/2013 19:11:48

Suzanne Prenger

I am a voting citizen, with roots four generations deep in Nebraska. My grandfather was a steward of farm land who taught me the value of clean water and respect for the soil. Please REJECT the Keystone XL pipeline through this current route over the last clean water acquifer. It makes no common sense, something else my grandparents taught me. And no political sense either. I voted for this administration, not Canadian and Chinese oil interests. Thank you for your consideration. Oh yes, and please don't cook the books next time in your impact statements. We are also not stupid and see the revolving door of your staff. This will hurt my rather vigorous zeal for political work for future democratic administrations. You really don't want me sitting the next election cycle out, do you? Hope you don't lose this this time, either.

4/21/2013 19:12:44

Andrea Lawse The pipeline is an ecological disaster waiting to happen, and a serious threat to the ecology of western Nebraska. You are putting at risk an inestimably precious water source for Nebraskans and surrounding states. The jobs that are supposed to be generated by this project are a joke to us, they are an outright insult. We demand cleaner energy sources. We demand our right to safe, clean water and healthy ecosystems. We demand our right to a more stable climate on this earth, if we can do anything to help that be a reality--and we *CAN*. We demand that our government stand with its people--that it act on behalf of citizen welfare and health, not in the interest of major corporations and companies, like big oil. Show us you know how to put the American people and this precious planet we all live on, first. If we are to thrive, we need to create a world in which life of all kinds can survive and thrive.

4/21/2013 19:17:04

David Yoble This pipeline will ruin Nebraska.

4/21/2013 19:17:05

David Yoble This pipeline will ruin Nebraska.

4/21/2013 19:17:18

Hendrik Van den Berg

Given that the danger of climate change prevents us from using the carbon fuels we already have, why on Earth would you permit the dirty tar sands oil to reach the world market through the U.S? Only corruption could lead you to approve the Keystone project. Show us you are an honest person, and do the right thing. Reject the pipeline!

4/21/2013 19:18:38

Robin Kinney I am writing in opposition to the Keystone XL export pipeline, and I don't know what I can say in addition to the comments about the destructive process of mining tar sands, the toxic cocktail of chemicals necessary to move it, and the imminent threat to my water supply when this pipeline leaks. Both Scottsbluff and Gering, Nebraska city councils submitted letters in support of the pipeline without soliciting public input or considering public opinion of the project. Interestingly, both city managers are members of the Ports to Plains Alliance just like Trans-Canada, and the letters of support were drafted by the Alliance, not the councils themselves There are quite a number of us in the - Nebraska area that are very much opposed to this export pipeline. Many of us wanted to be in Grand Island, Nebraska last week to offer testimony, however the inclement weather which closed the roads prohibited us from making the six hour drive. I find it extremely unsettling that the interests of a foreign corporation are being placed above the interests of American citizens. No American Citizen should have his land taken by a foreign corporation under the guise of Eminent Domain. KXL is not in the public's interests. The United States will not see oil prices reduced if this pipeline is approved, and it will not reduce our dependence on foreign oil. In the plains states, clean drinking water is a commodity we cannot afford to risk contaminating. The Ogallala Aquifer is the source of irrigation and drinking water for the bread basked of the United States. We cannot chance contamination by tar sands. Please, look closely at the destruction of forested lands home to Caribou to extract this product. Please, look at how the cleanup of the Kalamazoo has gone. Nearly three years and 800 Billion dollars later, and it's no better than the day they began cleanup. Please, look at the spill in Mayflower, Arkansas and see the damage to the wetlands there. I cannot imagine the bread basked of the US with fields fallow and abandoned because the water used to irrigate and water cattle out to pasture is unusable. Nebraska ranchers and farmers have been good stewards of the land, for some families for five generations. Our elected officials from the governor down to our local city councils have put the interests of a foreign corporation over the interests of their constituents. Please don't sell us out as well. Sincerely, Robin Kinney

4/21/2013 19:19:57

Emilia Vesper Without water, life is unsustainable. Please stop the KXL pipeline. We cannot afford another oil spill to pollute our waters, environment and people.

4/21/2013 19:20:23

Danna Seevers I am against anything that puts our water supply at risk and there is much evidence to suggest that a pipeline accident, explosion or malfunction could compromise our water supply. Your time and our tax dollars would be much better spent developing alternative, clean energy sources. Thank you! Danna Seevers

4/21/2013 19:21:46

Krissa Lee-Regier

Please protect our water supply by stopping the Keystone XL pipeline. The price is too high to our environment.

4/21/2013 19:21:59

Margo Nielsen We must stop this before it is too late, The audacity of exercising eminent domain for economic gain is the most undemocratic practice in the U.S. today. A corporation disenfranchising people from their property should not be permitted.

4/21/2013 19:25:19

summer e kluytman

We inherited this earth. It is not our to destroy. Do the right thing.

4/21/2013 19:26:31

The Ven. Betsy Blake Bennett

Statement of Opposition to the Keystone XL Pipeline I’m a resident of Nebraska and an ordained deacon in the Episcopal Church serving as Deacon at St. Stephen’s Church in Grand Island, Nebraska, and as Archdeacon of the Diocese of Nebraska. My general area of ministry is environmental stewardship and how that connects with our spiritual and physical well-being. As the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere increases, the amount of Arctic sea ice decreases, and as we continue to extract more fossil fuels from the earth, my ministry focuses increasingly on the moral and spiritual aspects of the climate crisis caused by our ongoing use of fossil fuels. The effects of climate change, including droughts, extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and melting permafrost all have ill effects on people, often on some of the poorest people in the world who can least stand these added stresses. These effects along with the disregard for the integrity of God’s creation bring this argument into the sphere of religion and ethics. Our existential denial of global warming – accepting the science intellectually but going on with life as if climate change were not happening – is one of the puzzling responses that point to a spiritual danger. If we know what causes global warming and what we need to do to mitigate its effects and how very soon we need to stop burning fossil fuels, how can we even entertain the thought of building something to enable the release of the amount of carbon in the Alberta tar sands? What does the fact that we are considering approving the project say about the state of our souls and the state of our national climate policy? The very real effects of extracting, processing, and burning the tar sands on humans and on the ecosystems that sustain all life on this planet is reason enough to deny a permit for construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.

Reading the Environmental Impact Statement, I’m struck by a sense that this study was carried out in a state of existential denial about climate change and many other things. That there are real people living in Nebraska whose livelihoods depend on the integrity of the land and water that they have conserved and protected for generations because their lives depend on doing so seems to be another reality that is ignored. It’s as if the EIS were developed in a world where fossil fuels area the ultimate good, the only thing worth considering, while they are in fact the biggest threat to the future of humankind. We are well aware that there are always people who will do just about anything – even sell their own souls – if they’re offered thirty pieces of silver, even if the offer of the silver turns out to be an empty promise. I’m proud to live in a state where our ranchers and farmers keep their priorities straight and stand up for the stewardship of our land and water that Nebraskans have practiced for generations. The land and water not only sustain our agricultural economy, but they ground us spiritually. The threat of this pipeline to our land and water is reason enough to deny a permit for construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. Even though people opposed to the pipeline talk about climate, the Ogallala aquifer, the fragile Nebraska Sandhills ecology, tribal rights, and the rights of landowners, when we talk about a project of this nature we are in the end talking about ultimate things. We usually look to theology to figure out what we believe about ultimate things, but when we consider projects that put profits and the possibility of some short-term gains for a few ahead of all else while pushing the agricultural economy of Nebraska and the survival of life as we have known it on this planet toward the brink of disaster, we can look at our political decisions to learn about our true beliefs about ultimate things. It comes down to a moral question, perhaps the most important moral question humankind has ever had to ask ourselves: Will we set aside business as usual and do all we can to mitigate the warming of our planet, or will we continue to act as if the will of the fossil fuel industry is the ultimate authority in our lives? We have a choice to make between death and life. Deny this permit and choose life so that we and our descendants may live. Respectfully submitted, The Ven. Betsy Blake Bennett

4/21/2013 19:26:39

LINDA Bone This is oil will not be used here! There will be a major leak. It is inevitable. And it will come back to haunt every person who voted for it. Show the rest of the country that people in Nebraska are not a bunch of pushover dummies like the rest of the country thinks!

4/21/2013 19:26:40

Erika Nicholson Until all oil companies and their related entities can PROVE beyond doubt that they can fully clean up any damage, in any scenario, they should not be allowed to build the keystone XL Pipeline.

4/21/2013 19:28:02

Judy Mullally Do not let this dirty pipeline carrying tarsand oil into Nebraska and the Ogallala aquifer. Stand for clean energy and clean energy jobs. Do something right!

4/21/2013 19:28:34

Rachel haley I am against the Keystone XL pipeline. This threatens the lives and health of an entire nation.

4/21/2013 19:28:49

David Cicotello Stop. Keystone XL Pipeline. NOW.

4/21/2013 19:29:24

Ann Green Just imagine the Arkansas leak into the Oglalla Aquifer. The devastation would be enormous. The risks far otweigh the profits. I can't believe this is being considered.

4/21/2013 19:31:46

Jillian Cohen This all has to stop at some point. It will come to an end. Why not end it now? NO MORE PIPELINES.

4/21/2013 19:32:02

Robert Mittan I am opposed to the building of the Keystone XL Pipeline and I encourage the State Department to oppose it as well. There are far too many known risks, unknown consequences, and unfounded claims of economic gains. Please listen to those who live and work in the pipeline corridor. When it fails--and it WILL fail--they will suffer.

4/21/2013 19:34:40

Mark Byers I am against this pipeline, due to environmental concerns as well as the deceptive and coercive tactics of the builders.

4/21/2013 19:35:02

Jodi As a parent and fellow human being I ask, when will we put our children before money? When will the health of an entire planet trump the potential wealth of a few? How can we look our children in the eyes and tell them we truly care about their futures, yet destroy the very environment needed to sustain all life? Please stop the pipeline--in light of the numerous spills lately, I implore you to do the right thing-for my children, your children, and our planet. Thank you for your time, I sincerely hope you consider your legacy by considering the end of this pipeline proposal. Jodi Crosley, MN

4/21/2013 19:35:02

Mark Byers I am against this pipeline, due to environmental concerns as well as the deceptive and coercive tactics of the builders.

4/21/2013 19:36:07

Alana I beg you to not allow TransCanada to ruin drinking water for all future generations just so that they can save some money. The company's record alone should be enough to make one realize this company has no regard for anything other than profit and is not to be trusted. None of the people making these decisions have a stake in this endeavor. Environmental impact studies presented were wholly inadequate. It appears that not even a worst-case spill scenario was contemplated. Amendments to the plan made to try to placate detractors are insulting and a total mockery of due process. It's embarrassing that legislators in four states have already put forward resolutions in favor of the pipeline that directly copy language present in TransCanada literature. How stupid do you think the American people are?

4/21/2013 19:36:42

Ronnie Bowlin I am a voting citizen, with roots four generations deep in Nebraska. I love the land that is Nebraska - especially the Sandhills area. Please REJECT the Keystone XL pipeline through this current route over the last clean water acquifer. It makes no common sense. When I voted for this administration, I was not voting for Canadian and Chinese oil interests. Thank you for your consideration. Oh yes, and please don't cook the books next time in your impact statements. It is shameful.

4/21/2013 19:37:09

doug dittman As a Nebraska dairy farmer I realize that groundwater is simply more important in every way than oil. No water,- no life - it's as simple as that. I realize I must tighten my belt if I help stop the KXL pipeline and I can and will do that. For the future of this great state and all it's inhabitants, please do NOT approve the KXL pipeline. Thank you, Doug Dittman

4/21/2013 19:38:39

Lauren Dapena I beg you to not allow TransCanada to ruin drinking water for all future generations just so that they can save some money. The company's record alone should be enough to make one realize this company has no regard for anything other than profit and is not to be trusted. None of the people making these decisions have a stake in this endeavor. Environmental impact studies presented were wholly inadequate. It appears that not even a worst-case spill scenario was contemplated. Amendments to the plan made to try to placate detractors are insulting and a total mockery of due process. It's embarrassing that legislators in four states have already put forward resolutions in favor of the pipeline that directly copy language present in TransCanada literature. How stupid do you think the American people are?

4/21/2013 19:38:56

Carol Schooley This pipeline is a bad idea. The main thing I worry about is the fact that corporations will promise anything to get the job and then they do not care what they damage or hurt when they do get it. They will not return land to it's original condition. They have tried to do whatever it takes to get folks to sign their easements. They have lied. They have used money to get politicians on their side, many of whom have never seen the Sandhills. They have even gotten Govenor Heinemen to change the name of the Sandhills on the maps of Nebraska to North Central Region. It's easier to say they are digging a pipeline through the North Central Region instead of the Sandhills. No businessman with any brains would do business with such a bad actor, why is the United States preparing to?

4/21/2013 19:39:38

Deborah A Hahn

All this rhetoric and appears that it is going to me same o same o and that the Pipeline is still directed through the Nebraska Aquapher. As a support to those who oppose and in favor of protecting nature and creation, I am expressing my opposition. Please do as was argued for and re route to not affect the land and water.

4/21/2013 19:40:31

Kevin Watson As a Canadian and a youth, I am saddened by the thoughts of a pipeline in Canada. I want clean water and non poisoned water and food for myself and my kids when I become a father some day. Harper is a new hitler and this pipeline is part of his plan, abolish the idea and set new green standards for Canada and for the people!

4/21/2013 19:40:31

Kevin Watson As a Canadian and a youth, I am saddened by the thoughts of a pipeline in Canada. I want clean water and non poisoned water and food for myself and my kids when I become a father some day. Harper is a new hitler and this pipeline is part of his plan, abolish the idea and set new green standards for Canada and for the people!

4/21/2013 19:41:37

Sarah Kelen Given the safety records of existing pipeline, it is a question of WHEN not IF a pipe will ever rupture. The State Department can decide -- when the KXL pipeline is compromised to a greater or lesser extent, will it happen within the fragile Sandhills ecosystem? Will the Ogallala Aquifer be underneath it? How many irrigation wells will become unsafe? The current proposal for the pipeline's path is reckless. I urge you NOT to approve the current pipeline proposal.

4/21/2013 19:43:46

Megan Peabody The problem of relying on short term patches for long term crises is one thing. But in the case of the KXL pipeline, we're talking about short term patches that are physical, and real, and actually blow their banks and destroy vital resources and livelihoods. We've seen it happen, and it will happen again. The risks alone outweigh the few short-term economic benefits, and I should know: I've lived in Nebraska for eight years, but I've also lived in southwest Michigan for six years, a place still suffering due to tar sands destruction that was unanticipated in 2010 and is still devastating in 2013. Please listen to the voices and desires of Nebraskans, many of whom represent generations of homesteaders who deserve better than this from their government. This pipeline is bad business, bad stewardship, and bad politics.

4/21/2013 19:45:05

Robert Deran the amount of energy required to extract energy out of tar sands is zero if you consider the impact on the environment. Please use this effort and money to wean this country off its oil dependence.

4/21/2013 19:47:18

glenda washakie

STOP KXL pipe line. It will kill mother earth and our water for our people.

4/21/2013 19:47:38

Margot Machado Knuth

I beg you to not allow TransCanada to ruin drinking water for all future generations just to save money. The company's record alone should be enough to make one realize this company has no regard for anything other than profit and is not to be trusted. None of the people making these decisions have a stake in this endeavor. Environmental impact studies presented were wholly inadequate. It appears that not even a worst-case spill scenario was contemplated. Life will go on without gas, it will not without water. Amendments to the plan made to try to placate detractors are insulting and a total mockery of due process. It's embarrassing that legislators in four states have already put forward resolutions in favor of the pipeline that directly copy language present in TransCanada literature. How stupid do you think the American people are?

4/21/2013 19:47:39

Kim Stormberg It seems that the potential danger to the aquifer that would result by building the kxl pipeline is too great a risk for much too small of benefit, considering the water issues this country could face in the next 50 to 100 years. Why are these Canadian tarsands and the construction of this pipeline so important to the U.S. government? I listened to 4 hours of hearing testimony on 4/18/13 and didn't hear a compelling argument put forth by anyone testifying in its favor. And I attended this hearing with an open mind as I knew very little about the reasons people support it. This leads me to believe there are likely strong American corporate interests in the development of these tarsands, and that must be the reason this project has progressed to this point. Once the damage is done and pipeline is approved and built, there will be little anyone can do. Please do not approve this project. thank you

4/21/2013 19:48:38

Charlene Please consider the highly potential risks involved with allowing the pipeline. It's simply not worth it for our Earth, family, friends, and wildlife. Leaks would have a grave impact on our water source, which leads to our food...

4/21/2013 19:50:09

Sabine Rauch Building the Keystone XL will directly impact the expansion of tar sands, and in turn speed up climate change. This can not happen!

4/21/2013 19:51:11

Shane Connell Please not allow the the pipe line to go in. The cause is not worth the most important valuable resource we have is the water underneath the ground. The jobs aren't going to help out at all. The keystone pipe line is not even running at full force so why put another pipe line to run at half capacity. Just stupid in my mind and to know that the epa for bids any of the benzine that is put in the oil to help it in the pipe line, do the how small the atoms are to filter out of the water. They haven't even cleaned up any of the last oil spills from tar sands yet any where else. They even admitted the it will leak in the future, cause the keystone has had reports of leaks and the land owners have turned them in. There tech is just not advanced enough to put another pipe in the ground. I STRONGLY AGAINST THE KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE FOR EVER.

4/21/2013 19:55:01

Vicky Kovar Pipeline leaks are inevitable and devastating to our environment. We have seen this time and time again. It is crucial that we protect our most important resource - fresh water - for our citizens now and for the generations to come. Please deny the Keystone XL.

4/21/2013 19:55:31

Steve Bruns I oppose the Keystone XL pipeline!

4/21/2013 19:57:12

Mark Feller We have messed this planet up enough. Our legacy should be our embrace of solar and wind. It's not our oil so getting it to the world market is not our problem.

4/21/2013 19:59:32

LA As of today the Yellowstone River is full of oil from a leak. This was one of the most pristine rivers. Arkansas is a mess. This pipeline is not for us here in the US. It is time to Stand up Mr. President. Please you campaigned as a president for the people. The earth is a planet not an empire. We have to stop special interests in defining & using the planet for their own gain. We are all standing up for what is right, we are right behind you, Do not turn away from us. We want to move in the straight line direction to nonpolluting forms of energy. We do not want the use of massive chemicals anymore. Enough is enough. No GMO, stop the use of herbicides & pesticides for lawns. No more additives & hormones in the livestock. Have ya heard they what to put aspartame in milk?. ...Respectfully, L.A.

4/21/2013 20:01:27

ane berrett Please stop this fossil fuel rape of the earth....we need to change our ways fast to reduce carbon and avert disaster to the planet. We can do better than this...

4/21/2013 20:04:00

Mary Ellen Ducey

I stand against the Keystone XL Pipeline. I stand with Nebraskans and others who believe in the need to protect our environment and who believe that there are alternatives that can be considered to produce energy that leaves a legacy of beauty and abundance for every generation of the next hundreds of generations.

4/21/2013 20:04:19

james My wife and I toured Ecuador on our own last month. We witnessed the promises not kept by American oil companies and the devastation that it has done to indigenous groups in the region. Dozens of kilometers of pipe line that failed and polluted entire river systems. There is now warning signs every mile not to use the water in the area. The Keystone travels over the worlds largest aquifer------this is down right stupid . Our own farms are connected to that aquifer and what happens in that vicinity eventually comes to roost on our farms. Put the pipe line in an area that does not have the Ogallala Aquifer under it.

4/21/2013 20:05:29

Christy Dowdy The Keystone Pipeline is an environmental disaster. PLEASE know that the damage to our planet will be forever. The energy companies want us to believe that it is not harmful, but the long term damage will be irrepairable.

4/21/2013 20:08:01

Candice Estes Please do not let the Keystone XL pipeline continue; it is a danger to our drinking water and our life. Please stop the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/21/2013 20:09:33

LISA J GOOD Earth Day Eve, 2013 Dear State Department Representatives, in reference to the proposed Keystone XL pipeline project: What could possibly be more in the public and national interest of the State Department than ensuring its American citizens are kept whole, safe and free? We cannot turn America into a third world country by endangering the property rights of citizens who are terrorized and bullied by a foreign corporation's claim of eminent domain rights within our own borders; a foreign company's exaggerated and laughable claims of oil transport safety in the face of frequent and horrific spills all over our nation and the world; and finally, by continuing to enable oil corporations a continued reap and destroy path to unsustainable energy through strip mining and drilling for filthy dangerous fossil fuels when we have the motive, capability and capacity to utilize cleaner, life-affirming and job creating energy strategies here at home. Other countries have successfully stepped up to the plate for solar, wind and other sustainable energies. Sadly, America was not wise enough to lead this charge, or strong enough to say no to big oil. But now, we should at least be smart enough to follow before its too late. Do not forget we are a nation of shared sacrifice, ingenuity, determination, diversity, bravery and know-how when called upon in times of serious threat to our quality of life and principles.

Americans must not have their access to clean safe water compromised at the Ogallala aquifer, rivers, streams and groundwater anywhere. Safe food crops cannot grow genetically modified, and in benzene and bitumen, nor can our cattle drink bottled water when ecological disaster strikes. None of the citizenship nor our environmentally sensitive Sandhill ecosphere of migrating cranes, turtles, birds, and local and regional life of all size and description, deserves to suffer from toxins, poisons, displacement, cancers, extinction and demise. It is incumbent upon the united whole of humanity, through the will of the people, and the policies of our elected officials and state departments, that we not pass on a legacy of uninhabitable lands, filth and the failed example of 'gluttony and destruction of greed' over the 'good of respectful living' to our descendants. Additionally we must lead by example and begin to respect the property rights of the tribal nations in lands which are sacred to them, and critically important for all of us on this one shared planet. The State Department's job is to ensure that which is in the state's best interest. There is nothing but exceptional risk in allowing any chemical packed toxic oil pipeline, or strip mining, or fracking project to continue in a world whose tipping point is so dangerously close to economic and ecologic disaster. For the salt-of-the-earth tax paying Nebraska citizen to endure a foreign company that manipulates, lies, terrorizes and bullies American land owners, citizens and its politicians, presents a serious security breach in our own borders. Americans increasingly insist our government present a united front against our aggressors whose interests do not serve our own. Must we summon our well organized militia against this sure threat bent on shattering our health, safety and welfare for their own personal bank books? Shame on us for not even insisting that American steel products be utilized in the manufacture of the pipeline. The resulting net of a mere 35 permanent pipeline jobs is an insult and a rip-off for promised pending ecological and economic peril to so many. The only real jobs will be awarded to those Americans willing to wear Haz-Mat suits to attempt to clean up spills in highly toxic areas when the pipes break. Making up safety as they go along, the oil companies recently shut out American media while they used paper towels to wipe up hundreds of thousands of gallons of spilled chemical spew, and shove the rest of the toxic chemicals with power washers down our sewage drains to kill all in its downstream path. This is stuff of eco sci-fi horror. It is unfathomable to try to understand why we are even entertaining such a flawed and one-sided fiasco. Somebody up the ladder needs to grow some brass because everybody else already has. I ask our President and Secretary of State to show planetary leadership at this critical 11th hour. It is obvious over one million strong have hunkered down in their resistance to such ecological and economic and energy lunacy. This is 'the' key and defining

moment of our time. There are millions of Americans who will not accept business or politics as usual when the issue of life as we know it and want it to be, is this critically threatened. Do not turn America into a third world country by allowing such a short sighted, illogical and unnecessary pipeline that only serves to profit an outmoded industry who should have diversified years ago. Respectfully but adamantly, Lisa J Good P.S. Keystone XL pretends to respect the State Department's authority while they plan to steal American citizens' land and poison our waters to profit themselves. What will the state department's and our elected officials answer be? CC: President Barack Obama Secretary of State John Kerry Nebraska Representatives Mike Johanns, Deb Fischer, Jeff Fortenberry, Lee Terry, Adrian Smith

4/21/2013 20:12:41

Larry Eigbrett The Keystone XL pipeline is too large of a risk. We should find other energy sources.

4/21/2013 20:12:57

Mike Boettcher I am against the Keystone pipe line crossing Nebraska due to their accidental/ spill history. We can get economic development dollars by other more environmentally safe methods.

4/21/2013 20:14:29

Quin Anderson I oppose the Keystone XL pipeline. I oppose it because of the inevitable environmental damage it will cause. The damage it will cause will be irreversible. The risks are too great, especially when there are other methods for oil transportation and other energy sources available.

4/21/2013 20:15:52

Shelly Gifford If this is allowed to continue the groundwater will be contaminated, and all rural people in Nebraska will be drinking contaminated water. They will develop cancer and other diseases. The food sold from Nebraska to other states will be contaminated. You and your families will suffer just as those in rural Nebraska will suffer, and you will likely never understand that you allowed this to happen. Vote NO!

4/21/2013 20:17:51

Amy Kantor This can't be allowed -- the health implications for our planet, nature and millions of people is disasterous. We can build wind turbines across our plains creating more jobs and decreasing our dependency on foreign oil. thank you

4/21/2013 20:20:06

RoxAnn Boettcher

Do Not approve the Keystone XL pipeline. Trans Canada wants to build the safest pipeline. That scars me and makes me want them to rebuild the Keystone I in eastern Nebraska. In other words, that means the pipelines in place are of great risk to all the water across the US and especially in Nebraska. Make them accountable for the safety of all of their current pipelines. Please do not let the foreign company jeopardize our water. WE CANNOT AFFORD TO TAKE MORE RISK WITH OUR WATER!!!!!!!! If they have to dig up Keystone 1 to make it the safest pipeline in the world, then that would create jobs and keep our water safe. Inspect that pipeline!! NO MORE PIPELINES--The climate change is real!!!

4/21/2013 20:20:48

Charles Harper Plesase do not authorize the pipeline! It is not safe and it endangers a precious resource. Charles Harper

4/21/2013 20:23:53

Anne DeVries The entire world needs to STOP using fossil fuels this instant! Since this isn't going to happen, we need to do the next best thing and not introduce more fuel into the pipeline by not building the pipeline. See "Do the Math" movie? There are scientists that can explain the reasons we CAN'T build this pipeline. Our entire planet is at stake. I think it was a poor discision to put the hearing in Grand Island. Lincoln is closer to where the pipeline route is and having it in GI was an obivous ploy to limit the amount of people that could go to the hearing. The number at the hearing should not influence the decision when you will have millions of people asking that the Keystone XL pipeline be rejected.

4/21/2013 20:25:38

Kimberly Stuhr Mr. President and Sec. Kerry, PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW TRANSCANADA TO BUILD THE KXL PIPELINE. The facts speak for themselves: *Pipelines leak. Look at AR and MI. People came all the way to Nebraska to testify of the devastation, as well as TransCanada's poor track record of clean up and their more notable track record of cover up. *the KXL route passes through tribal grounds. Seriously, haven't we already taken enough from our native people? *The biased report should be enough to predict the future of how TransCanada does business. Add to that their audacity to begin building before even being approved. Enough said.

*Dilbit is not considered oil by the IRS. This would allow the already-huge company to evade paying taxes to the oils spill and liability trust. *Extracting tar sands is so destructive the wound can be seen from space. *The process contaminates water and creates toxic ponds---and kills thousands of migrant birds. Are we really this selfish? *The pipeline is a bad moral and financial investment. The future is in renewable energy. TransCanada should be investing the millions it would cost to construct the pipeline into green energy. * This pipeline is not in the publics best interest. TransCanada -a private company- has their own best interest in mind. They should not be able to buy your vote. Your vote should be for the public good. And the list goes on.... Again, Mr. President and Secretary Kerry, please do not allow TransCanada to build the KXL pipeline. Sincerely, Kimberly

4/21/2013 20:27:04

Maria Teresa Gaston

Thank you for accepting our comments. I know we are at a crucial time of decision making in our country. It is very difficult to pit jobs against environmental dangers. I favor safety for our land and people. I believe we can be more creative and find meaningful work for many people and not give permission for this pipeline that poses too many risks.

4/21/2013 20:27:42

Kathy Dombrowski

Inspectors don’t inspect and regulators don’t regulate. That seems to be the lesson of the fire in West, Texas and the pipeline leak in Mayflower, Arkansas. Pipelines built for one purpose get used for another. Transporting bitumen is bad enough. Who’s to say how this pipeline will be used in twenty years? The Keystone XL Pipeline is just too risky. The Ogallala Aquifer is too precious and too important to risk for so little gain. TransCanada has not shown itself to be a good neighbor or an ethical company. They’ve lied to the landowners, they’ve bullied, they’ve bribed. They tell us they can build a safe pipeline. That doesn’t seem possible, even in the best of conditions. Why should we believe them? Their state of the art detectors can’t pick up small leaks that could be devastating to our Aquifer. The bitumen sinks, the benzene rises, the Aquifer is permanently damaged. Water tables to the south and east of the leak are contaminated. Our newspapers are full of articles about water. How long will the drought last? Will farmers be allowed to irrigate? Will water be rationed in the cities? What about the compacts with other states? In these times of ever increasing water shortages are we really prepared to risk the Aquifer? I believe that in the not too distant future water will be more valuable than oil. The satirists say that the Pipeline will then ship snow melt from Canada to the United States. Perhaps they are right. Saying this pipeline will help meet energy needs is counterintuitive. It is 36” in diameter, the oil has to be heated and pushed through the pipeline at high pressure. It takes tremendous energy just to mine it and move it. How is that helping our long term energy needs? This pipeline is about greed, not energy independence. We have so much to lose and so little to gain if this Pipeline is built. Deny the Pipeline Permit. Save our water. Kathy Dombrowski

4/21/2013 20:30:47

Tim Guthrie Here is what won’t matter: It won’t matter if you win the argument that a few jobs might be created in Nebraska because the number will be inconsequential and likely go to people from out of State. It won’t matter if you win the argument when you claim you’re putting the US first, because you are allowing a foreign country seize land from farmers in Nebraska. You will think you’ve won over enough of “your constituents.” You will be mistaken, however. You will have moved past a tipping point. Obama will suffer a backlash for being empty in his promises to care about the environment and will lose his base. Heineman will lose his base because they will see he didn’t put Nebraska first and instead allowed a government take over and seize of land. So much for smaller government. Basically, no one wins in this battle if the pipeline is approved. Neither Democrats nor Republicans. Those that will lose are the ones who will be remembered for putting another country in front of the USA ... the ones that put other States in front of Nebraska. It is so clear how bad this is for everyone involved, but that won’t matter, either. A vote to approve this pipeline will only destroy any remaining hope we have in our government. I’m not speaking just for myself. I know many people that are going to vote against every incumbent in the next voting cycle if this pipeline is approved. The party doesn’t matter because both parties are betraying us. You should all be deeply ashamed and you better start thinking about how you are going to explain this vote to your grandchildren, because you will lose them more than you lose your constituents.

4/21/2013 20:31:43

Dennis Maun The Keystone XL Pipeline is nothing more than a foreign company threatening the environment of the United States so they can ship their foul oil to foreign markets. It's all risk and no gain. SAY NO!!!!!!

4/21/2013 20:38:41

Connie Lungrin The Keystone pipeline is a danger to the Ogallala aquifer. It is not a matter of if, but when the pipeline will leak. The environment cannot afford it and Nebraska cannot afford it.

4/21/2013 20:39:21

Joshua Budden Reject Keystone XL. We do not need it. We have become net exporters of oil. According to the International Energy Agency, the United States is on track to become the world's biggest oil producer by the end of the decade. Because of our new found energy independence Canada is desperate to reach foreign markets. More and more Americans are becoming aware that KeystoneXL is about foreign markets, and that it will not lower oil prices in the US. Canadians oppose piping the tar sands over their own land, which is why the Northern Gateway also faces considerable political hurdles. According to Canadian Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver "If we don't find new markets, the resources will be left in the ground and the legacy will be lost." Keystone is their key to foreign markets. Destroying Canadian wilderness, excelerating global warming, risking our water and walking on the property rights of American citizens is too much to pay for the temporary development of a resources we should be looking to replace. Pipelines leak. Pipelines spill. Rejecting KeystoneXL is the right thing to do. Joshua Budden

4/21/2013 20:42:55

Val Hyde The Kestone XL a lose-lose situation for America. From the steel that would be used to build it that was not made in America, to the dangerous threat it poses to the land. The only reason I can image a politician allowing this to be built is to line their own pockets, and keep the Koch brothers happy.

4/21/2013 20:45:19

LeAnn E. Thomas

I enjoy science fiction movies and one common theme that shows up in the future is that WATER IS THE MOST PRECIOUS commodity. I’ve always thought this scenario was a little farfetched and “out there” to be totally realistic. But the Keystone XL Tarsands pipeline is putting that scenario into reach. In the science fiction future there will be water, but it will be contaminated with benzene and other chemicals from the Keystone XL tarsands pipeline leaks. (TransCanada won't really tell us all the chemicals they are using, so we can't know for sure what we'll be getting sick and dying from) And those inhabitants of the near future will wonder: “What was President Obama and Secretary Kerry thinking when they allowed a for-profit company to just bully and deceive their way into our country and endanger our water supply?” Dear President Obama, I am 56 years old and you are the first democratic President I’ve ever voted for. I voted for you because I believed that you would not be afraid to take this country in a healthy direction—taking care of our land, water and people with sustainable green jobs and environmental protection. Please, Mr. President, do not be persuaded by deceptive tricks and lies of big oil and big money. I believe in you to make the right decision for the future of this magnificent country. Say no to the Keystone XL pipeline. Blessings, LeAnn

4/21/2013 20:46:16

Ron Hughes Tar sands oil is a disaster for the environment and pipelines leak. Corporate interests should not trump the common good. We need to direct resources toward clean, sustainable sources of energy and begin to divest from oil, coal, and other greenhouse gas increasing activities. The status quo is literally killing us. Please do the right thing and stop this pipeline. Thank you.

4/21/2013 20:46:45

Corinne Kolm Dear Secretary Kerry, As a native Nebraskan I have followed the Keystone XL pipeline issue carefully. Although this is sometimes presented nationally as an "environmentalist" issue, I have seen the concerns over the pipeline transcend political, socioeconomic and rural-urban boundaries. I strongly believe that this pipeline does not make sense for Americans. The numerous risks far outweigh the few benefits. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Corinne Kolm

4/21/2013 20:48:20

Cori Rachael I ask that you reconsider the prospect of putting in the pipeline. There are clearly many concerns but the likelihood of spills and toxic consequences to the land as well as the people is the most alarming in my opinion. The choices that we make now will have huge effects on us and the generations to come. I realize that corporations are pushing this through for their own short sighted benefits. I do believe that when we pass from this world and see the likely consequences that we allowed for such short sighted gain those who pushed for it will see it in a different light and wish they had chose differently, Thank you for your consideration.

4/21/2013 20:49:05

Nick Cook I am not for the pipeline! I live only a few miles from where they want to put it, which is on top of the Ogalalla Aquafer. I want our future generation to be able to drink this water and to know we did everything we could to keep the hazardous pipeline out of our wonderful country!

4/21/2013 20:50:24

Larry Moller 1) The reroute still goes thru the aquifer!!!! 2) Canadian oil going thru our country and on to China will NOT reduce American dependence on Middle East oil!!! 3) I do not believe our eminent domain laws were ever meant to allow a foreign company the right to take over American owned property!!!!

4/21/2013 20:51:50

Kathryn Barrett Please watch this important video:

4/21/2013 20:53:21


4/21/2013 20:54:07

Rachel Brian It is made clear by the state department that the Keystone XL will increase the green house gases as if you added another 626,000 passenger cars more a year. Does the earth need more greed house gases? We can't breath now. The EPA and the Lung Association has made is clear that breathing smog cause emphysema due you want your kids to live with that or you?

4/21/2013 20:57:22

Becky Buller PLEASE keep our (and our children's) drinking water safe! Thank you!

4/21/2013 20:58:32

Arlene Vogele Having a pipeline running from the northern border of the US south to the ocean will take away US citizens property on Emminent Domaine, possibility of ruptures creating massive destruction to people's lives along with the environment, most importantly we need clean energy sources instead of oil!

4/21/2013 20:58:48

Leah S Please do not run this monster across our nation and leave the tar sands alone. Do your descendants a favor and invest in solar energy please. When will the oil companies stop? When sinkholes swallow their mansions?

4/21/2013 21:01:35

John Pollack As a meteorologist, I am opposed to the Keystone XL Pipeline because of the enormous climate impact of the project. This was covered in an analysis by Neil C. Swart and Andrew J. Weaver in Nature Climate Change, Vol 2 No. 3 (Mar. 2012) pp. 134-6. This analysis was not referenced in the SEIS. In the SEIS, the climate change impact was minimized by considering the incremental impact of the project only, and downplaying that through a dubious economic model. It defies common sense that a multibillion dollar pipeline would be built unless it would substantially increase the flow of oil to world markets, and make the utilization of a large part of the oil sands more feasible. More importantly, the Keystone XL would set a precedent in encouraging a business-as-usual approach to a large extraction of new, unconventional oil. This precedent will be noticed and followed by other countries, and will be very difficult to reverse. Business-as-usual results in an extreme outlook for disasterous climate change and ocean acidification with worldwide implications stretching far into the future. This is an easy time to say "no" to creating a new problem in both climate change and foreign policy. Say "no" to the Keystone XL Pipeline! Thank you.

4/21/2013 21:11:09

John Schoenewaldt

Extracting and processing more Alberta bitumen is only about more oil industry profits. It`s destructive, and a bad source of not that many jobs. As for future energy, we should be heading quickly towards non-polluting methods, such as solar, plus serious incentives for efficiency. No more digging up and burning stuff (including uranium). New oil pipelines, especially tarsands, takes us down a wrong path. Your job is to protect the public and the environment, not indulge large corporations!

4/21/2013 21:12:54

Cheryl Brake Nebraskans do not want the pipeline. The jobs promised are only temporary, most will go away once construction is completed. If the pipeline goes through you are endangering what is left of our fresh water supply and the ground that grows the food to feed this nation. The pipeline in ND has already polluted the ground water and soil in many places rendering them dangerous and the land is no longer arable in many places. But no one publicizes that. The media does not report the oil spills, the lives lost building the pipeline and infrastructure and is complicit with the oil business. The oil isn't even for us. It's going to the gulf to be refined and sold to foreign countries. Stop lieing to the American people. Do what is right. Don't you think it's time?

4/21/2013 21:24:33

Cam Popp Fact: The KXL will carry diluted bitumen. Diluted bitumen (dilbit) is not considered oil by the IRS, which would allow TransCanada to evade paying taxes into the Oil Spill and Liability Trust, a fund used to clean up oil spills. Indeed dilbit is not oil; it is far more dangerous to the public. A toxic sludge of chemicals and peanut-butter thick tar sands oil, dilbit sinks in water and is proving to be impossible to clean up.

4/21/2013 21:28:26

Mary Daley To whom it may concern: Please do not allow the Keystone XL pipeline in Nebraska. It makes our beautiful land vulnerable. It is unnecessary and keeps us from moving toward a more earth friendly, sustainable type of life. I do not believe that it is worth it to corrupt the land in order to turn a profit. Please do not allow this to happen.

4/21/2013 21:28:27

Daniel Grossman

please go back to school until you remember how to tell the difference between truth and lies, the difference between scientific facts and the bullshit spawned by economic/political greed, and the difference between doing what is morally right and wrong for the planet and for our children.

4/21/2013 21:28:57

Beth Everett Please do not cave in to the pressure from the companies who only have temporal goals for their company's profit in mind rather than the future of our United States farming land. We do not want this pipe line to go through Nebraska. My grandparents homesteaded in Nebraska and I am still farming part of the original homestead.

4/21/2013 21:31:42

Katherine Kvam Do not allow the KXL pipeline! The true number of legitimate jobs it would create would be nowhere near the much greater number of lives that would be poisoned along with the precious fertile and sacred tribal land. Our earth will never recover for centuries from the harm we have already done to it. This pipeline will in no way benefit our economy. We know that! Stop lying to the American people! We DO NOT need this. Remind me, what country do I live in?

4/21/2013 21:32:03

Shirley Condon The State Department and President Obama will eventually make a decision on a permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline. I am asking you to delay your decision until TransCanada provides acceptable answers to the following questions: 1) What are the honest numbers of local or even US citizen jobs created by the KXL, and how long will the employment last? TransCanada has given a wide range of numbers of jobs, with no explanation as to why the first numbers were so inflated. The Perryman Group’s analysis of the economic benefits, a report paid for by TransCanada for the first EIS, states that their report is based on “the 100-year life of the project”. TransCanada says the project will take 2 years to complete and gives no clear estimate on the lifetime of the pipeline. Does the job number include only actual construction jobs, or does it include peripheral jobs -- an extra waitress or bartender at the local bar and grill, another housekeeper at the local motel, workers to repair damages to local roads during construction, etc? The steel for the pipeline has already been manufactured in another country and TransCanada employs many of their own workers in the construction. How may local jobs are currently held by workers from the first Keystone? There will be no additional refinery jobs, as the amount of tar sands delivered will be a small percentage of the amount currently processed. 2) How will Canadian tar sands reduce US gas prices? Tar sands cannot be refined into gasoline, and its other products produced do not meet US standards for use here. TransCanada has said many times that the price per barrel of oil will increase with the addition of their tar sands. Their representative told me that the refined tar sands will be sold on the open market, so most likely will be exported. 3) What are the components of the diluents added to the peanut butter-thick tar sands to allow it to be pumped through the pipeline? Thus far, TransCanada refuses to divulge the toxic substances, saying this is proprietary information. Even our own State Fire Marshall has been unable to obtain this information for our firefighters and first responders in case of a spill. Without this information, landowners will not know what contaminants to have their water

tested for in order to detect hidden leaks. MSDS information is required by law. 4) Will TransCanada pay into the Oil Spill and Liability Trust fund? Though TransCanada characterizes tar sands as crude oil, the tar sands will be carried as diluted bitumen to flow through the pipeline, and this “dilbit” is not considered oil by the IRS and is not thus taxed. The latest major pipeline spills in the US have pointed out this oversight in our laws. 5) If TransCanada gets its “foot in the door” by approval of this permit, will they then have an easy path into our country for many more toxic pipelines, or even multiple pipelines along the current easements? The easement contracts TransCanada tried to coerce me to sign were ambiguous on this point, one contract stated “one pipeline”, another “a pipeline”, yet another “one pipeline” (with a space where something had apparently been deleted), and the final one stating “one or more pipelines”. Worse yet, would this set a precedent for other (not as friendly) countries to gain permits to cross our borders? 6) What will prevent TransCanada from selling our easements or even the entire pipeline to another corporation or another country at some future date? They claim KXL will be the safest pipeline, but if they turn it over to another owner in 5 years it may not be properly maintained and we could end up with a mess like the Yellowstone River, Kalamazoo, or Mayflower, Arkansas spills. 7) TransCanada plans to “abandon the pipeline in place” when they cease using it. They say that the landowner then takes full responsibility for any damages that occur in the future. If the easements are “permanent”, how can TransCanada shirk its responsibility to maintain the pipeline permanently? If a major leak were to occur while the pipeline is in operation, could TransCanada then declare that they are abandoning the pipeline thus leaving the liability on the landowner? 8) TransCanada has a reputation of mistreating Native tribes in their own country, polluting their rivers, disregarding sacred grounds, and ignoring the increasing cancer and illness rates near the tar sands operations. The State Department review did not address Native concerns here regarding health and cultural impacts on native lands, and the current route passes through a number of sacred tribal grounds protected by US Treaties, and includes the Ponca’s Trail of Tears. 9) What is the impact of TransCanada’s tar sands mining on climate change? If we are truly serious about protecting our planet, can we seriously condone this pipeline? Please reject the permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline, as it would seem that TransCanada’s KXL is not in the best interest of our country. I believe the only US benefit will be to the politicians who have received money from Big Oil lobbyists. If KXL were really such a good idea, TransCanada would not have had to line so many pockets with large amounts of money to convince us.

4/21/2013 21:32:15

Curt Butler This pipeline is not in the best interest of Nebraskans. I am completely against it. Not in our land, not in our water, not in our country.

4/21/2013 21:42:37

Suzanne Singer Please don't support the Keystone KL pipeline. It is not just bad for Nebraska--it is bad for the future of my grandchildren. Let's put the US in the forefront of sustainable energy and not pollute our environment. When I was visiting a friend in Hamburg, Germany, and we drove up to the Black Sea, I saw fields upon fields on wind farms. I'd love to see them across the United States!

4/21/2013 21:43:56

gayland baker I oppose the pipeline and any measure that supports the development of Canadian tar sands. This endangers our lands and the oil is not for the USA..Canada should go across to the east within it's own boundaries... We should support green healthy energy not the least desirable oil... Get behind something good....the time is right...G. Baker

4/21/2013 21:47:13

melinda sweet Earth First.

4/21/2013 21:52:32

Brady The INTERNATIONAL TREATY TO PROTECT THE SACRED AGAINST TARSANDS was initiated between the Ihanktonwan and the Pawnee Nation, and signed by seven other Indigenous Sovereigns in the US and Canada on January 25, 2013. The parties to that Treaty affirmed that "our laws define our solemn duty and responsibility to our ancestors, to ourselves and to future generations, to protect the lands and waters of our homelands, and we agree to mutually and collectively oppose tar sands projects which would impact our territories, including but not limited to the TransCanada Keystone XL pipeline." I stand with the Ihanktonwan Oyate/Yankton and Oglala Sioux General Councils. I stand with the Nations under attack. I stand against bullies of tyranny & all their fool's gold promises. I stand against TransCanada KXL's acts of aggression. I stand in opposition.

4/21/2013 21:53:27

Brady Koch The INTERNATIONAL TREATY TO PROTECT THE SACRED AGAINST TARSANDS was initiated between the Ihanktonwan and the Pawnee Nation, and signed by seven other Indigenous Sovereigns in the US and Canada on January 25, 2013. The parties to that Treaty affirmed that "our laws define our solemn duty and responsibility to our ancestors, to ourselves and to future generations, to protect the lands and waters of our homelands, and we agree to mutually and collectively oppose tar sands projects which would impact our territories, including but not limited to the TransCanada Keystone XL pipeline." I stand with the Ihanktonwan Oyate/Yankton and Oglala Sioux General Councils. I stand with the Nations under attack. I stand against bullies of tyranny & all their fool's gold promises. I stand against TransCanada KXL's acts of aggression. I stand in opposition.

4/21/2013 22:03:47

Dillon Levi Tar sands are not our most sensible energy resource. Renewables need to take as much of a boost as fracking has done. Lets do something smarter than this!!!

4/21/2013 22:12:31

Christin Graff This pipeline is NOT in the best interests of my family, It's not in the best interests of my neighbors. Not in the best interests of my state, Not in the best interests of my nation, Not in the best interests of my planet. It will only provide a few temporary jobs and put our precious water supply at risk for the foreseeable future. The oil sands will but be refined for use in this country and will NOT create energy independence. Big Oil needs to be shown the door, and my elected officials need to represent ME for a change. I don't want this pipeline. I want a clean environment. I want to not worry about the next big oil spill being in my backyard. I want clean water. If you want to "create jobs", we should invest in solar or wind, as the European do now. A solar spill is just a nice sunny day. Wouldn't that be so much better?

4/21/2013 22:27:46

Dr. David J. Hibler, Sr.

I strongly object to construction of the Keystone XL and urge the State Department and President Obama to kill the project and help stop the exploitation of tar sands oil.

4/21/2013 22:39:59

Carolynn Bell-Tuttle

Here are my reasons for not building the Keystone XL pipeline: *100% of the steel TransCanada is using was produced outside of the United States and only 50% of this foreign-made steel was rolled and coated in the United States. *Unions do not stand 100% with this pipeline. Nurses, AFT and Communications Workers are all opposed to the pipeline. Steelworkers were opposed to Keystone I because of foreign steel and Keystone XL still uses foreign steel.

*Unions do not stand 100% with this pipeline. Nurses, AFT and Communications Workers are all opposed to the pipeline. Steelworkers were opposed to Keystone I because of foreign steel and Keystone XL still uses foreign steel. *Building the Keystone XL will directly impact the expansion of tar sands, and in turn speed up climate change. *The KXL holds more economic risks than profits. The job creation claims being made by pipeline supporters and some media outlets are wildly exaggerated. While Rush Limbaugh says the KXL will create up to a million jobs, an independent study done by Cornell estimates the number to be closer to 2,000 temporary jobs, and that the KXL could kill more jobs than it actually creates. The most recent State Department EIS estimates that the KXL will only create 35 jobs. *Pipelines leak. Many of those leaks are major and pose immense dangers to the public. According to Dr. Stansbury, UNL Professor of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering conducted a study showing that the KXL would result in 91 major spills over the 50 year life of the pipeline. *The KXL will carry diluted bitumen. Diluted bitumen (dilbit) is not considered oil by the IRS, which would allow TransCanada to evade paying taxes into the Oil Spill and Liability Trust, a fund used to clean up oil spills. Indeed dilbit is not oil; it is far more dangerous to the public. A toxic sludge of chemicals and peanut-butter thick tar sands oil, dilbit sinks in water and is proving to be impossible to clean up. *The KXL route passes through a number of sacred tribal grounds, including the Ponca’s Trail of Tears. Native tribes are concerned about health and cultural impacts of the pipeline, concerns that have not been adequately addressed by the State Department. *Extracting the tar sands causes unfathomable damage to the environment and people near the extraction sites. *Investors, nations, and academics across the world are distancing themselves from the tar sands. Why? Because it’s becoming clear that it is a bad investment both financially and morally. * The Keystone XL will NOT provide “energy security.” The oil is destined for export and we will not see lower gas prices. *The entire KXL review process is broken. Conflicts of interest have riddled every review and each report has ignored very important environmental concerns. *TransCanada does not have a good safety record, or a good safety culture. Though they claim to promote safety by having “agreed to 57 extra conditions,” most of those are already required by law. *The KXL still crosses the Ogallala Aquifer, the most valuable resource in our state, and the

fragile Sandhills. 4/21/2013 22:43:36

Rebecca Jim Dear President Obama and Secretary Kerry, At this moment in time, as time changes quickly to history, I plead with you both to make history, to stand up for the earth and make the decision that will be protective of our lives and our futures, deny the permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline. The days of fossil fuel are over, we can do better than this. The Tar Sands oil will stain the length of our country and will create few permanent jobs, except for the jobs that it will create for land and water cleanup efforts, these will be permanent, since all pipelines leak and tar sands oil is going to fowl our waters, and as yet, the industry does not know how to effectively clean this up. My father was an electrician for a pipeline for over 35 years, I grew up knowing he would be called in the night for emergencies at the pump houses. These happen, and with the heavier tar sands oil, more will happen. Pipelines leak. Water is scarce. I grew up in west Texas in a drought, and now live in Oklahoma, an oil state, now experiencing another drought. Water is important, always and must be protected. Climate change has happened and is going to continues to change quickly. The extreme weather in the last few years is connected. As my mother's primary caregiver, we survived 3 weeks of frigid cold from an ice storm, leaving us without electric power in the country when she was in her 90's, lucky to have a wood stove to cook and heat a room, bringing a toilet to her to use. Extreme weather. Tornadoes which took half of Picher, OK much of Joplin, MO and just 5 days ago much of Spavinaw, OK, These are my neighbors. More climate changes are coming, both of you have an opportunity to stop the Keystone XL pipeline tar sands, deny the permit. Do this now for us, do it for yourselves. Care about this, please. I attended and spoke at the hearing in Oklahoma and with this submission, I would like to amend that statement to include these words. I humbly ask for your attention. Respectfully, Rebecca Jim

4/21/2013 22:49:58

Karen Havranek Keep our water clean. It will leak. We value our Ogallala Aquifier.

4/21/2013 22:52:09

Steve Hollister President Obama, I'm an 62 year old fourth generation farm kid. I remember well the days before deep-well irrigation here in East-Central Nebraska. Dust and grasshoppers were our main crops. The advent of deep-well irrigation from the Ogallala Aquifer turned the "Great American Desert" into the breadbasket of America, and the difference between an ample food supply for the entire Earth. The only way to ensure our national security is to jealously and ardently protect the main factor in our country's food supply. That factor, of course, is the clean clear groundwater water of the Ogallala aquifer. This KXL foreign-owned and foreign-sourced pipeline can supply millions of dollars for election campaigns, but it Will, sooner or later, LEAK, in major and catastrophic ways, into our treasured aquifer. Let us all proceed to protect our water resources and food for the world by stopping this hideous experiment in bullying and mind control. Stop Keystone XL! Thank you Steve Hollister

4/21/2013 22:53:01

Alan Vovolka Approving this pipeline would be a failure of leadership. The Keystone XL is basically a way to extend our addiction to oil and delay making the transition to sustainable energy sources. The U.S. would be far better served by leaving tar sands in the ground as a future source of lubricating oil, not fuel oil. Petroleum is a good source of lubricants and tar sands could lubricate our machinery for centuries to come, but if we burn them up, we could only meet global energy demand for a matter of months. If we actually needed to transport tar sands, train cars would be safer because the tar sands themselves would be what spilled, not tar sands mixed with an undisclosed cocktail of toxic chemicals used to make "dilbit" flow through a pipe. Risking damage to the Ogallala Acquifer is a national security risk because the Pentagon has stated that future wars are likely to be fought over water rather than oil. In summary, leadership on this issue requires that the pipeline permit be denied in the interest of moving forward on energy, environment and security, not backward.

4/21/2013 22:59:08

Mark Zuckerman

If the Canadians are driven to extract this dangerous element from their lands, let them send it to market through their own country, if they must. The temporary economic benefit to the relatively few construction workers is far outweighed by the long-term risk to our nation's water resources, at the very least. The output does nothing to the claimed energy crisis as the world market will price the oil and the highest bidders will receive the product. Further, the danger to the planet's temperature from the processing and burning of this substance threatens us all. I join with Nebraskans in opposing the construction of the XL Pipeline through the lands of the United States.

4/21/2013 23:14:30

Robert L. Wilken


4/21/2013 23:17:09

Levi Means Foreign produced steel does not create American jobs.

4/21/2013 23:18:59

Sharon Drapeau Please use your good judgement and common sense - Stop the KXL pipeline from desecrating our lands, our air and especially our precious water just for the sake of corruption and corporate greed. Our generations to come will remember what you have done for them or to them!

4/21/2013 23:26:04

Pat LaMere Dear Presidents Obama all my life I've lived in the city as a urban Indian , I never new my Native ways but grew up learning to respect Mother Earth and our elders. Today we are having to teach our children, not only to respect Mother Earth, we need to protect Mother Earth from a foreign corporation TransCanada bringing in a pipeline to poison the Earth and water we also see as scared. Go outside and touch the ground with the palm of your hand and feel the energy within the soil of Mother Earth, feel the life she brings, without good soil and water there will be no more life to flourish for our future generation, say no to the KXL pipeline.

4/21/2013 23:28:46

Tatiana Moore No Pipeline!!

4/21/2013 23:34:51

Jametria please do not disturb sacred grounds

4/21/2013 23:41:57

Richard and Betty Ann Ritscher

We believe that this pipeline should not be built because a break in the pipeline could affect of thousands of people in Nebraska and that the extraction of the bitumin will add immeasurably to the gases creating climate change.

4/21/2013 23:53:05

David Think about the future and irreparable damage you will be causing to the Aquifer and in effect the lives of the people who will depend on that water source. -David Estrada

4/22/2013 0:42:29

Lisa Nabity No to KXL. Pipelines leak. Many of these leaks are major and pose immense dangers to the public. According to Dr. Stansbury, UNL Professor of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering conducted a study showing that the KXL would result in 91 major spills over the 50 year life of the pipeline. http://www, The KXL will carry diluted bitumen. Diluted bitumen (dilbit) is not considered oil by the IRS, which would allow TransCanada to evade paying taxes into the Oil Spill and Liability Trust, a fund used to clean up oil spills. Indeed dilbit is not oil; it is far more dangerous to the public. A toxic sludge of chemicals and peanut-butter thick tar sands oil, dilbit sinks in water and is proving to be impossible to clean up. TransCanada does not have a good safety record, or a good safety culture. Though they claim to promote safety by having "agreed to 57 extra conditions," most of those are already required by law.

The KXL still crosses the Ogallala Aquifer, the most valuable resource in our state, and the fragile Sandhills. Nebraska has only passed one law concerning oil pipelines, and it only covers reclamation and the siting laws passed do not apply to TransCanada. We have no trust fund set aside to help families if their land, water or health are affected. We have no Emergency Response Plan that has been made public. Nebraskans are, right now with the current pipeline in the ground, at risk and at the mercy of TransCanada if / when a leak, spill, blowout or anything else happens. KXL pipeline would carry the dirtiest form of oil, tar sands, a thick form of oil that requires many chemicals, high heat and high pressure to push it through the pipeline. One chemical added- benzene -can easily travel 100+ miles, once leaked; and only a small amount of benzene leaking out undetected alone can irreversibly contaminate our water. There would be no remedy for a leak of this toxic tar sands sludge. This would be devastating here in Nebraska for our Ogallala Aquifer, Sandhills, rivers, wells and all water sources within extra many miles of a leak. Additionally, numerous reports have cited increased rates of cancer at the source of the tar sands production in Canada. Please protect our land, our water, and our health. Please care enough to place our precious resources and well-being ahead of a foreign corporation's demanding desires. Please, this KXL is absolutely not in the best interest of Nebraska. Please do not allow TransCanada's tar sands pipeline. Please deny the Keystone XL pipeline permit. Sincerely, Lisa Nabity a life-time resident of Nebraska

4/22/2013 0:47:02

Christian Bolding

"Please do not jeopardize our Ogalalla Aquifer by building this death project. Our desendants deserve better. You do not have a right to take away their chances for a good life by risking an oil spill or leak from the Keystone pipeline. Please do not approve the Presidential Permit."

4/22/2013 0:56:47

Aimee Beitel Kampbell

Dear State Department, I am writing to tell you that as a citizen of the United States I strongly oppose the Keystone XL pipeline. I am a native of the Nebraska Sandhills and I know how fragile the soil I grew up on is. I know how vital the Ogallala Aquifer is to the agricultural economy of this country and that it is a source of fresh drinking water for thousands of people and animals. I am disgusted when I hear about people suffering from cancer who have the misfortune of living near the Tar Sands in Alberta. I am heartsick when I hear the stories from victims of the Mayflower and Kalamazoo oil spills. Enough is enough! Are we willing to risk our planet, our land, our water, and trample land owner rights so that a gigantic FOREIGN oil company can have its way in OUR country? Eminent domain was never meant to grant a foreign company access to our land and trample on our freedoms simply because they had enough money to influence the process. I am hopeful that you will deny the Keystone XL pipeline. I know that if Mr. Romney has been elected this pipeline would have been approved by now. I am hoping this administration plans to make good on its promises and distinguish itself during this term by putting its money where its mouth is and end our obsession with fossil fuels for once and for all. President Obama can't have it both ways--make a stand for clean energy today and stop the Keystone XL pipeline, thereby paving the way for us to focus on renewable fuels that can be produced domestically. PLEASE for the sake of your citizens and this great land say NO to the Keystone XL pipeline!!! Sincerely, Aimee Beitel Kampbell

4/22/2013 1:44:51

Ann Beckenhauer

I do not support the KXL pipeline and pray that this will not go through. There is so much evidence against this pipeline and especially since it will be going over the Ogalala Aquifer. The state of Nebraska needs this water to stay clean. There is no guarantee that there will not be a spill. It's time to stand up to Big Oil, Koch Brothers, Transcanada and say no more. We want a future for our children and this pipeline will alter the climate, landscape, jobs, businesses and health in a negative way. Thank you for listening.

4/22/2013 Lori & Ron To the State Department, Secretary John Kerry, and President Barack Obama

2:30:38 Fischer In response to too many unacceptable tragedies that have already taken place at and alarming rate- resulting in damaging health effects on citizens, including those child to be born we must not allow tar sands pipelines to be built. The people along the route who depend on the Ogallala aquifer must not suffer economic losses, property losses, and environmental losses, resulting from oil spills. The dilbit spill in the Kalamazoo was unlike any cleanup the EPA had ever tackled before. When dilbit spills in the Ogallala aquifer it will be unlike any cleanup the EPA had ever tackled before. We can not afford to give them the problem of figuring out how to clean it up. The Canadian people, our US citizens and the worlds environment must not be put in harms way. We must do all that we can to prevent global warming from increasing. Every type of crude oil, including diluted bitumen, is made up of hundreds of chemicals, and many of them evaporate into the air after a spill. If Scientists don't fully understand how some of these chemicals affect humans how can Doctors know how to treat people exposed? During a congressional hearing on the Michigan spill, Scott Masten, a scientist at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, would testify that "the potential for human health effects exist. However, understanding and quantifying these effects requires further study. There has been relatively little long-term research into the human health effects from oil spills. Trans Canada can not honestly claim that the product produced will benefit the US by making it less dependent on foreign oil. It will enable Canadian shippers to sell the refined oil on the world market. It is a export pipe line- I ask why it is promoted as for "energy independence” when we export more then we import right now, and our demand is going down? Canada may be a friendly nation but like us, are powerless to interfere with where the oil controlled by oil companies and refineries are sold. But yet we will be the ones taking all the risk and guarding from tersest miles the miles of tar sands pipelines running through our aquifer. Not only to protect just the oil source we become dependent on but to protect our ability to grow and export quality food. Help support our growth to become energy independence by not keeping us addicted and locked in to our only choice being oil. Wind and solar power will not make us vulnerable. European countries can buy cars that get better gas mileage than ours. No pipeline is spill proof. The federal agency responsible for regulating interstate pipelines is the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), a perennially under funded and understaffed division of the U.S. Department of Transportation. For the most part the agency relies on pipeline operators to monitor their pipelines and self-report any problems. In 2008, Enbridge identified 140 corrosion defects on 6B as serious enough to fall into the

180-day category. But the company repaired just 26 of them during that period. In 2009, Enbridge self-reported a separate set of 250 defects to PHMSA. The company fixed only 35 of them within 180 days. Instead of immediately addressing the 329 defects that now remained, Enbridge got a one-year extension from PHMSA by exercising its legal option to reduce pumping pressure on 6B while it decided whether to repair or replace the line. A defect on 6B near John LaForge's house, where the pipeline eventually ruptured, didn't even appear on any of the 180-day repair lists. This small part of the history of oil transport companies alone shows how venerable our aquifer will become by putting trust in the management by TransCanada or any new owners of this pipeline. And even more because of the current under funded and under staffed ability of PHMSA to protect us. Allowing the pipeline to be built will set precedence by granting a private for profit company the full power to take away private land owners rights. As you heard at the recent hearing in Grand Island, many of these ranch families have been here for as long as five generations. Their land is not for sale at any price. And they loose value after a pipeline is put on their land. Many court cases at this time are being fought all a crossed our county to defend landowners from this wrongful taking. Indian tribes have agreed to not allow the land they control to be used. As one speaker said at the hearing: "Come through Indian country, you won't make it." Farmers, Ranchers and the indigenous people have joined forces to fight. In - County Nebraska as of April 15th, two day before the State Department hearing TransCanada had only three land use lease agreements filed for the segment that runs a crossed my entire county. Trans Canada will never be able to honestly claim that the compensation they offer does not infringed on our land owners rights or is agreeable to many property owners in my state. It should be clear after knowing they lack most of the easements in my county and in others it will be a long hard fight to tear away land from private US land owners. Our Government should not be helping them to do it. It should be crystal clear there will be a fight to take the land when so many would rather be forced by eminent domain than sell easements to Trans Canada. When a greater percent of the Republicans in congress supported this project our Republican Governor did a flip flop to now support the project. His approval goes against his original common sense since it still crosses the Ogallala aquifer. The only way to explain his complete switch is by attributing it to party politics. The Governor does not have the expertise to site pipelines and there is no separation of powers since the senior NDEQ staff serve at the will of the Governor. Currently you should be aware that there is citizen law suit against the abuse of power given to the governor to make this decision. The compromise to move the route changes nothing as far as protecting the water source for our heartland, it only give a false impression that it does. A different map was used that does

not reflect the same shared soil types as on the original true map of our sand hills that Trans Canada used in their first permit application. And even then neither one of the general ecosystem management maps were ever intended to be use for pipeline sitting. They did not move the new route out of the sand hill. The same soil types that help to contribute to the recharge of our aquifer exist on the new route. The same vulnerability still exist. A DEQ staff member John Bender, told Inside Climate that it is up to TransCanada to “come up with something that’s as far away from [the Sandhills] as possible while still meeting their needs.” Appearing to only Hug the Sandhills on a different map is hardly “far away” from the fragile part of our state we are so concerned about. It does not eliminate the threat a spill could cause to the recharge area for our aquifer. Congressional legislation trying to impede the presidential authority shows respect for Trans Canada, but showed no respect for our president, or to the victims who will be put at risk or to the land owners forced to give up their personal property rights. You only have to look at the turn out at the State department hearing and tally up the results to clear see why we do not want this pipeline. I urge you not to be like our Nebraska representative Lee Terri who has also sold out the very people he was sent to Washington to represent. It is time our president show the Republicans in the Senate he is willing to use his presidential authority by doing the things he promised when we elected him. That’s the very reason why I voted for him in both elections. If not his legacy will be know more for selling out the American people to corporate greed than protecting our people and planet. Last week I had a conversation with Evan Vokes a ex TransCanada pipeline engineer, a man responsible for ensuring that pipelines were constructed safely, who came forward with shocking information about TransCanada’s unscrupulous safety practices. Evan Vokes gave testimony information about how industry regulations are poorly enforced and lead to potentially dangerous incidents like the Enbridge oil spill. When referring to work done on past pipe lines he said someone is going die and they just don’t know it yet. He said I should be very worried about the first Keystone pipeline built just a few miles from my home. He said they did not listen to safety recommendations he made because they had already spent more money than they planned. I find it also hard to trust the state of the art technology TransCanada intends to use as being good enough to protect the most valuable water resource in North America. Pipe line companies use a wide array of techniques to detect leaks, remote leak detection technology is the most comprehensive, offering real-time, nonstop monitoring along the line's route. But the facts have shown some operators may get so used to false alarms that they may become dismissive of real ones. For instance, consider the rupturing of an Enbridge (NYSE: ENB ) pipeline in July 2010, which discharged more than a million gallons of dilbit crude into

Michigan's Kalamazoo River in what was the first major bituminous crude spill into a U.S. waterway. At the time the pipeline ruptured, the company's controllers were monitoring data from multiple lines, while also working 12-hour shifts. At the first sign of danger -- the moment pipeline 6B ruptured -- numerous alarms were triggered. Yet control room and other personnel dismissed the warnings as false alarms triggered because of column separation. It took them 17 hours to figure out they had a spill on their hands. If you get a multiple false alarms a month, what happens when you get a big [real] one? How do you tell the difference? You can't. The unfortunate reality is that no solution to detect all oil spills consistently and reliably today. Even companies with top-notch leak detection systems and experienced control-room personnel have to face the very real risk that some leaks will go unnoticed. In the remote areas along the pipeline route it will be difficult to discover them until they are big enough to notice if any one is around to see. The spill response plan in the study is useless. Tar sands Crude is NOT conventional oil, and does NOT behave like it!! The empirical, undeniable evidence from the Enbridge 6-B spill into the Kalamazoo River, the ExxonMobil spill into the Yellowstone River, and the ExxonMobil Pegasus spill in Mayflower, Arkansas ALL showed that Tar sands SINKS in water! I have personally heard from the mouths of Trans Canada representatives during the Nebraska Natural resource committee hearing that it floats. They also say it is not any more corrosive that other products shipped by pipelines. I would like to know if that is also a lye before any more new pipelines are build or more of the old lines are converted to trans port it. A completely unbiased study needs to be completed first. This briefing paper raises a number of questions regarding the jobs claims promoted by the industry, questions that are serious enough to generate a high level of skepticism regarding the value of KXL as an important source of American jobs. My friend Robyn Prochnow asks in her letter if you ever heard of the 5 P’s:( prior planning prevents poor performance)? Perhaps if our elected officials would have thought of them then we would not have the problems that we experience at Prince William Sound, Kalamazoo River, Gulf of Mexico, Love Canal, or the most recent Mayflower Arkansas oil spill. I to ask you to use the 5 P's and don't let them build the pipeline. US citizens would assume the risk of spills for the rest of their lives. And global warming will be made worse. Make this a major part of our plan to save our planet not accelerate its destruction. Listen to the people, the land owners that know the land. Not the hired companies paid by

TransCanada who will work for them again after a spill so they can profit by it even more from the spills. For them its all about the money they make getting it built and dealing with it after. It not unbiased or full of truths. No one can truly weigh the economic benefits of the land value that’s been in you’re family for generations or its value when you pass it on to the next.. Or the price of your health when you live next to a tar sands mining operation, refinery, or polluted water source. Thank you for hearing our comments. Lori and Ron Fischer

4/22/2013 2:59:35

Elizabeth Camarota

No to KXL!

4/22/2013 3:05:51

Laureen Van Norman

Please do not approve the Keystone XL pipeline. I am a Nebraska resident and oppose it crossing our state as well as the use of tar sands. Thanks.

4/22/2013 3:48:17

Mary Ann Folchert

The Keystone XL pipeline presents an environmental threat, both in terms of carbon emissions as well as the potential threat to water, wildlife, and environment in the event of a spill. (A spill that contaminates the Ogallala aquifer would be disasterous.) The jobs created are only temporary. The overall project does not help the US achieve energy independence or lessen our dependence on foreign oil. The only party that stands to benefit is the company TransCanada.

4/22/2013 4:05:15

M. Bock I strongly oppose the pipeline. I have not been very political in the past but this is an issue that cannot be ignored. It it critical that we work hard to protect our environment. This pipeline is wrong in ways too numerous to put in this short message but the facts are available if you wish to know.

4/22/2013 4:08:25

Marjorie Saiser Having listened and read a great deal about the Keystone XL pipeline, I see that the pipeline is good for Keystone and not good for our water, our soil, our grandchildren.

4/22/2013 4:12:08

Naomi Mardock I am against the Keystone XL Pipleline. It is impossible to monitor a pipeline for all spills, no matter the advanced monitoring technology and dedicated personnel. Spills happen. This pipelines must not threaten the Ogalla Auquifer. Doing so puts profits before people in the grossest way. Everybody needs a safe water supply. Nebraskans are so blessed to have the Auquifer. Please help us protect it.

4/22/2013 4:20:28

Steven McFadden

Please do not threaten the sustainability of life North America and the whole of the planet by continuing to engage in massive climate-wrecking projects, such as the rape of Tarsands, and the ill-concieved XL Pipeline. Just stop. It is wrong wrong wrong on so many levels. There are clean energy pathways forward. Make those pathways into superhighways, and the world will thank you.

4/22/2013 4:24:08

William Oram This pipeline is just about the oil company's bottom line it won't help anything else not the environment not the people and certainly not prices.

4/22/2013 4:52:50

Matthew Krafthefer

This pipeline has the potential to create many jobs and is a simple solution for US refineries. However, the benefits have not balanced with the costs. Until this pipeline can be created to have the most minimal environmental impact (through careful monitoring, long term and thoughtful, redirected construction from its current plan), have the backing of our unions (all of them), and respect the authority of tribal sovereign nations (and all of its people), this pipeline should not be built. Once again the costs outweigh the risks at this time and the decision is being made with out the foresight needed to create a true benefit to our society. Please lead your constituents and governmental agencies to make the best decision for us all--and one that has our support.

4/22/2013 5:06:27

Ruth Morris Thomas

The XL TransCanada Pipeline is wrong and all work on it should be stopped permanently.

4/22/2013 5:16:23

Jennifer Schellpeper

Please do not approve the Keystone XL pipeline. Invest in America's future by spending local dollars and developing alternative fuel sources, alternative ways to live and be prosperous.

4/22/2013 5:17:54

Julia Torquati Oppose the Keystone XL which PRIVATIZES PROFIT and SOCIALIZES RISK. Keystone will not provide substantive jobs or economic development and it is not worth the risk.

4/22/2013 5:35:46

Robert Miller This pipeline is a continuation of global warming on a large scale. It is a continuation of big money pockets being able to open their pockets wider to have them filled. It is only being built for giant profits shared only by a few. Yes it will create some jobs but at a large expense to the rest of the world.

4/22/2013 5:35:47

Donalld L. Schmidt

Nebraska would be adversely affected as the pipeline would go over the Ogalalla Aquifer. that would harm the water supply for hundreds of thousands of Nebraska residents and cause thousands of livestock to die from contaminatd water.

4/22/2013 5:37:44

Marleen Evans We do not need another pipeline to transmit this kind of oil. We need to be putting our resources into clean and renewable energy as well as maintaining and improving our current infrastructures. This is what would create many more jobs and they would not be just temporary jobs in many cases.

4/22/2013 5:38:22

Mark Alan Zimmermann

Please deny TransCanada permission to build their Keystone XL pipeline. They have proven themselves to be "bad actors" in their pursuit of such a permit. They have bullied and lied to landowners in their unlawful assertion of eminent domain authority. They have unlawfully begun work on the pipeline before any permit has been issued by the U.S. State Dept. They have lied to the U.S. State Dept. in inflating the economic benefits of the pipeline. They have failed even to consult with native and indigenous peoples over routing the pipeline through their lands. And they have used environmental impact reviewers who have an obvious conflict of interest in that they have had recent business dealings within the past three years with TransCanada, contrary to the criteria for independent environmental review. They have proven willful disregard for the environmental concerns of Nebraskans by failing to avoid the Ogallala Aquifer and the sensitive Sandhills regions in both the first and the second proposed routes. They have both overstated their capacities and understated the costs involved in responding to and cleaning up any mess that would occur when there is a rupture in the pipeline. They have resisted detailing the composition of their diluents, making cleanup of leaks harder to plan for and more hazardous to the public as well as cleanup crews. This project provides no permanent jobs benefits, but would create a permanent risk that would be assumed by citizens along the route. They are not required to contribute to public funds for the cleanup of diluted bitumen when it spills, as dilbit is not classified as oil, for which such cleanup funds are designated. This project would not increase energy independence for the U.S. as it is designed to provide transportation fuels for the world market. It would instead raise fuel prices throughout the Midwest. This is the very opposite of energy security. Hardworking citizens across the breadbasket of the Midwest, growing 60 percent of this nation's food, would take another hit at the fuel pumps, in addition to having to worry about the future productivity of their lands when a rupture occurs. In addition to all this, the mining of tar sands will cut down large swaths of arboreal forest which soaks up carbon dioxide. It will allow the release of huge amounts carbon dioxide speeding up the process of global warming and wreak havoc on the delicate atmospheric balance under which we all live. For these reasons and many more, please deny them the permission they are requesting.

4/22/2013 5:41:20

Joyce Michaelis This is endangering our state and our resources with no real long-term benefit. How many jobs? ARe they guaranteed to be jobs for Americans? How do you reclaim what has been lost ?

4/22/2013 5:41:59

Virginia Coburn Please reject the Keystone XL pipeline. Finding ways to reduce our excessive energy consumption is better public policy than endangering the sandhlills and the precious Oglala aquifer.

4/22/2013 5:44:07

Colleen Honor the treaties. Honor your word. Honor the earth. Honor your children. Toxic resources no longer serve us as our country grows. Invest in renewable resources and fund our future.

4/22/2013 5:45:03

Brian Depew State Department - I urge you to deny the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. The US must urgently shift from investment in fossil fuel infrastructure to clean energy infrastructure. The pipeline could lock us into the wrong fuel source for decades. I urge you to deny the Keystone XL permit. Brian Depew

4/22/2013 5:45:44

Brian Depew State Department - I urge you to deny the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. The US must urgently shift from investment in fossil fuel infrastructure to clean energy infrastructure. The pipeline could lock us into the wrong fuel source for decades. I urge you to deny the Keystone XL permit. Brian Depew

4/22/2013 5:50:03

Melissa Brown I Am Not In Favor Of Building The Keystone XL Pipeline. The Risks Outweigh The Benefits.

4/22/2013 5:50:08

Barb Carlson PLEASE, PLEASE DO NOT approve the pipeline. Take the risk of ruining our environment for what? To make a few billionaires even more filthy rich?

4/22/2013 5:50:39

Bruce Boettcher This being my last comment on the KXL pipeline I have two basic points energy independence and energy security. Energy independence has already been achieved through pipeline infrastructure already in place in the way we have been exporting refined fuel from the gulf. Energy security is right before your eyes it is solar, wind, and hydro if we let green energy grow which doesn’t cost us anything we have gained our energy security. This KXL pipeline is not necessary for energy security it is immoral profiting for big oil companies at the expense of the people. This pipeline because of these two basic reasons is not in the nation’s best interest.

4/22/2013 5:50:40

Doreen Rice NO NO NO NO NO NO - they can not maintain the ones they have now! They are using paper towels to clean it up. PAPER TOWELS??!!!! This is an important and integral part of saving the earth!!!!

4/22/2013 5:50:42

Connie Weichman

Please deny the Keystone Xl pipeline permit. As a landowner whose land was on the original route we know all to well that TransCanada does not treat landowners with respect. This includes our politicians who think that farmers and ranchers are ignorant people. If you don't have OUR product you won't survive. With the new technology advancing daily we are headed for self-destruction. We need to get back to the earth and basics. Our ancestors raised crops and cattle without big oil. It's the man in the suit and tie that won't be able to survive! Please deny this permit. Thank you! Connie Weichman

4/22/2013 5:54:11

Dennis Maloney Lets build wind farms not pipelines

4/22/2013 5:54:34

Bob Allpress As a landowner on the route, I know there has never been any valid studies made. Nobody has ever requested to trespass on our land. TransCanada and the Nebraska DEQ have been notified numerous times of this but choose to ignore facts. We have hard evidence of a long term Native American campground and burial site on our land. No archeology inspection. We have found fossilized bones and teeth. No paleontological study. We have an active, long term and successful Bald Eagle nest that is right on the proposed route. No acknowledgement or verification of this. The information used to create the Nebraska Sandhills Gap was from one geological study by one college intern. No valid geology study. These omissions have created a seriously flawed EIS report. The pipeline application must be rejected until proper documentation has been made.

4/22/2013 5:55:24

Sara Harding As a Nebraska native, and the great granddaughter of a Nebraska homesteader, I petition your to protect the land, the safety and the environment of Beautiful Nebraska. Do not let Big Oil determine the priorities of this great nation and alter the landscape of the Good Life. Keystone XL is not welcome in Nebraska. Thank you.

4/22/2013 5:57:34

Barbara Schmitz

Please for the sake of the earth, the water, the people of the planet desist from the XL Pipeline which is not safe and will be a hazard to the safety and well-being of the people of the earth and their glorious planet.

4/22/2013 6:00:06

Al Kleeb This pipeline is not only a threat to the land and water of 8 States... it's a threat to our planet's environment. Yesterday as I listened to dozens of songbirds singing and chirping around my house I wondered... What if scientists are right about the effect that tearing up the vast tar sands region will have on the North American song-bird population? What if they're only 10% right? The risk to this important part of our ecology is just TOO GREAT!

4/22/2013 6:00:47

Randy Thompson

America should not risk one square foot of American soil, or one American livelihood for the Keystone XL. Americans should not be asked to accept a lifetime of risks while big oil reaps the rewards. Please stand with the ordinary citizens of this country and deny this permit.

4/22/2013 6:01:27

Kristine Nemec I am against the Keystone XL pipeline because of the potential for the pipeline to leak, harming the environment and the livelihoods of local residents along the route of the pipeline. I am also opposed because the proposed route of the pipeline runs through sacred tribal grounds such as Ponca's trail of tears. The economic reasoning for it is also weak because the pipeline will only create an estimated 2,000 temporary jobs. The drawbacks to this pipeline outweigh the benefits.

4/22/2013 6:01:32

Tatyana Svirsky Please keep this risky pipeline away from our freshwater.

4/22/2013 6:02:37

Mike McDonald No to foreign dirty oil piped through US for refining and export to foreign markets.

4/22/2013 6:03:43

Abbi Kleinschmidt

To the hard-working men and women at the State Department; I realize it is your job to make sure all Americans remain safe, and therefore I plead you to please say NO to this xl pipeline!! I can assure you the risks far outweigh the rewards for anyone in America. I know it would be so easy to just keep doing things the way our country always has, and to continue to be so dependent on dirty oil but I challenge you to give the people in the U.S. a chance, let's turn the corner on dirty oil and move toward renewable energy sources!! We CAN DO IT!!!!! keystonexl.......just say NO!!!! God Bless, Abbi Kleinschmidt

4/22/2013 6:03:47

James Hahne The XXL pipeline will transport a toxic mix over the largest fresh water deposit in the US..Just so China can obtain more fuel...Let Canada have the pipeline and risk in there country...We don't need it..The pipe will not lower energy prices in this country, big oil puts the price where ever they please.. Thanks.....................................JH

4/22/2013 6:06:06

Darrick Hamak Lets not put our precious aquifers at risk. Stop keystone xl from transporting one of the most polluting fuels. We need to consider the environment first, & politics last!!

4/22/2013 6:06:47

Stacy Simon Say no to the Keystone XL Pipeline! Our water and natural resources are our future.....don't trust them to a foreign oil company.

4/22/2013 6:07:00

Joan Greger Please so NO to the Keystone XL Pipeline!!!!! This will be the worst thing for the United States!!!!!! We are the breadbasket of America- This is totally crazy to take a chance of polluting our precious water. Nebraska is feeding our nation and others with the best beef raised on this grassland and soil that this will pollute. Do not take this risk with our drinking water!!!! SAY NO!!!!!!!!!!!

4/22/2013 6:07:07


4/22/2013 6:07:29

Jack Gould Move the XL pipeline out of the sandhill and away from the nations largest fresh water supply.

4/22/2013 6:08:42

Roselyn Volkmer

I oppose the KXL pipeline through our state. President Obama and John Kerry have declared their commitment to fighting climate change and protecting our children’s future. If they truly believe this, then I expect they will not allow the KXL pipeline through the state of Nebraska. The KXL still crosses the Ogallala Aquifer, the most valuable resource in our state, and the fragile Sandhills.

4/22/2013 6:09:14

Roselyn Volkmer

I oppose the KXL pipeline through our state. President Obama and John Kerry have declared their commitment to fighting climate change and protecting our children’s future. If they truly believe this, then I expect they will not allow the KXL pipeline through the state of Nebraska. The KXL still crosses the Ogallala Aquifer, the most valuable resource in our state, and the fragile Sandhills.

4/22/2013 6:09:32

Joan Greger Please so NO to the Keystone XL Pipeline!!!!! This will be the worst thing for the United States!!!!!! We are the breadbasket of America- This is totally crazy to take a chance of polluting our precious water. Nebraska is feeding our nation and others with the best beef raised on this grassland and soil that this will pollute. Do not take this risk with our drinking water!!!! SAY NO!!!!!!!!!!!

4/22/2013 6:10:04

Nicole N Giron As a US Citizen and Nebraska resident I want to tell you I am completely against the Keystone Pipeline. I have read the evidence for both sides and feel the economic benefits do not outweigh the environmental concerns over bringing tar sands oil to market through the US territories. Thank you, Nicole N Giron

4/22/2013 6:10:43

Jane Wendt The Ogallala Aquifer MUST be protected. Water is our most important resource, not dirty oil.

4/22/2013 6:14:08

Sheryl B. Rauch Not In Our Land, Not in Our Water, Not in Our Country Please vote against Keystone

4/22/2013 6:15:30

Justin Kemerling

I'm a Nebraskan and I stand against the Keystone XL pipeline. It endangers our Ogallala Aquifer and threatens the precious Sandhills. This project will speed up climate change and set us on a trajectory in the opposite direction of clean energy independence. It's all risk, no reward and we as the United States of America can do better.

4/22/2013 6:15:49

Kris singleton Dirty fuel that is more corrosive to pipelines that when they leak are not subject to oil regulations that also won't make us more energy secure is a lose-lose-lose for the USA. Don't give away our energy interests to Canada and the Koch brothers. Don't distract the nation from making the energy investments we do need to increase our energy national security and to assure our environmental sustainability for future generations. It isn't a rush and it isn't a good deal.

4/22/2013 6:16:11

Linda Jones Why would we do this? Why would we do any thing that has a potential to hurt the earth. There is not enough to gain and so very much to be lost. Just make a real list of positives and negatives and you have your answer. No

4/22/2013 6:17:25

Kurt Goetzinger The people of Nebraska demand that the Keystone XL Pipeline not run across our state. I voted for President Obama twice because of his environmental promises. I expect his administration to live up to those promises. This pipeline is dangerous for so many reasons. Stop the Keystone XL today. Kurt Goetzinger

4/22/2013 6:17:28

Patrick Rowan All risk, no reward. Don't do this. Invest in renewable energy!

4/22/2013 6:17:47

Constance Jacobson

Nebraskans turned out in great numbers in Grand Island last week to protest the Keystone pipeline. Their senators did not attend, their representatives did not attend, their governor did not attend. It appears that big money has bought the votes needed to shove the pipeline through regardless of the votes of the citizens. Protect the Ogallala aquifer...protect the nation's food supply.

4/22/2013 6:18:15

John Gilliam Please deny TransCanada's permit application to put a pipeline the through our country. Please think of our environment and children. Don't let us be on the wrong side of history.

4/22/2013 6:19:01

Lin Brummels President Obama Please choose to protect the aquifer that supplies water for so many people and crops. Thank you.

4/22/2013 6:19:47

Leah Meyer I'm writing to share my concerns regarding the keystone xl pipeline- even disregarding the environmental impact (as this is the only concern that Lee Terry has addressed), the use of imminent domain, already a disgusting action and a violation of the rights of all Americans, would violate the land rights of our native citizens and many farmers. Please consider the rights of the people when making your decision.

4/22/2013 6:21:44

deb cawley NO pipeline in my state -- it is not economically a good idea and puts at risk the Ogallala Aquifer, a valuable resource in NE.

4/22/2013 6:22:05

Lea Wroblewski I am proud of Nebraska and the way various groups have come together to oppose this pipeline. I look at the diversity between ranchers, Native Americans and environmentalists and I am proud that they have put aside other political and social differences to come together on this extremely important issue. It makes it clear that the land and environment are more important than those differences. I don't think it's possible for an educated individual to truly support this pipeline unless they are financially benefiting from it. Please, please please do not allow this pipeline to go through my state or my country. This garbage tar sand should not be piped through our nation's heart for the purpose of being refined in our gulf and then shipped across the world to China. It's insanity.

4/22/2013 6:22:15

Bill Barnett I am profoundly against the Keystone XL pipeline running through, over, across or near the Ogallala Aquifer. Please consider on this Earth Day what is best for our earth.

4/22/2013 6:22:48

Kale Roberts The Keystone XL proposed pipeline cutting through the heartland of America, with its wealth of increasingly scarce fresh water, is a raw deal for our Nation and the world. It is the duty of our public servants, our elected to officials, to listen to their constituents and protect with their votes the citizens of this great country. Be the change you want to see. And if that's too difficult, be the change your constituents want to see in the world.

4/22/2013 6:23:15

Bill Grove Stopping the Keystone Pipeline sends a clear message that we're not continuing business as usual with fossil fuels. We need to reduce usage of fossil fuels for the sake of saving our planet. I want my grandkids to enjoy the earth like I have in my lifetime!

4/22/2013 6:23:32

marty rajandran There is NO economic justification to build the pipeline thru the US destroying valuable land and the prospects of destroying the water and land like in Arkansas. If China wants the tar sands, let Canada build their own pipeline across their own country.

4/22/2013 6:23:59

Steve Hanson I live in NE and I have property on a beautiful, clear stream in the north central part of Nebraska. The thought of an oil spill damaging a resource like that in my state sickens me. Please do not build the keystone pipeline.

4/22/2013 6:24:59

Jessica Neal I am totally against the Keystone XL pipeline. Above all, we must protect our aquifer. Water is our most precious resource and this pipeline is putting it at serious risk of contamination. Once the damage is done, it is done. I grew up in the sandhills and I cannot keep silent about this very important issue. We DO NOT WANT the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/22/2013 6:25:20

Madonna Braun We must not take chances with our precious underground water.

4/22/2013 6:25:25

Rob Short The pipeline will release more carbon than all the cars in California, the entire west coast states, and Florida, Texas, and more! That's truly a life altering aspect that should be grounds for saying NO to this insane earth killing proposal. Think about that, the future of the world, whether it lives or dies, lies in your decision. You MUST say NO if you value life and what future generations will face. Literally it is life or a death sentence you're giving them. Please, stop this insane destruction now!

4/22/2013 6:27:29

D'Arcy Blosser Too much risk for too little benefit! We cannot put one of the world's largest water supplies in even the slightest peril. Oil spills in Michigan and Arkansas show us clearly what can happen. And this is only one of many reasons the pipeline SHOULD NOT BE BUILT!

4/22/2013 6:28:50

Laraina Jarvis I just ask that you do what you feel is right in your heart. Thank you :)

4/22/2013 6:29:52

Mary Hoadley To do justice to our children's childern, and to respect our land, the US simply must be a leader for the planet and deny clearance to the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/22/2013 6:30:19

Harry H. Johnson

Dear Sen. Kerry, Say No to the Keystone pipeline project. Tar sands production must stop immediately. Shift all future focus to developing wind and solar energy technologies. Wind and solar resources exist and WILL generate more than enough renewable energy to sustain our needs in the U.S. "No" to Keystone. "Yes" to wind and solar energy.

4/22/2013 6:30:32

Sandra Frost Stop this dependence on oil and the devastation it causes.

4/22/2013 6:33:14

Nora Tallmon It is the wrong thing to do. Do not do it. If you allow it...shame on you and all of your kin forever.

4/22/2013 6:33:56

Kathleen Nelson We cannot continue to rape Mother Earth. The KLX pipeline will not only do that in the Sandhills in Nebraska, but perhaps even more importantly damage the Earth in Alberta Canada. We need to keep our water BLUE in Nebraska!

4/22/2013 6:33:58

Dana J. Orlich Senator Kerry, I am against the Keystone pipeline project. No route is acceptable. ANY tar sands production is unacceptable. ALL energy development and investment MUST be in wind and solar energy, which have more than enough capacity to meet all U.S. energy needs. "No" to the Keystone tar sands. "Yes" to wind and solar alternatives.

4/22/2013 6:35:20

John The Keystone XL Pipeline is an environmental travesty and should be stopped now. Do not let this abhorrent project be a legacy of the Obama administration.

4/22/2013 6:35:42

Jacob Please do the right thing. The greatest of the greats are always remembered for the tough decisions… But mostly because they made the right, tough decision. Nobody's remembered for being a sellout.

4/22/2013 6:37:26

susan I vote NO for the keystone pipe line. Keep our water source clean from any spills. Why help other countries when the usa is in major debt. Why dont you help us first!

4/22/2013 6:40:16

kevin hauptman Sincerely, kEVIN hAUPTMANDo not grant TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline permit. A 1700 mile pipeline that transports UNKNOWM chemicals along with the Tar sands, under pressure is sure to leak. The sensors are unable to detect leaks of as much as 700,000 gallons per day. The substance is headed to Port Author, Texas, which is a tax free zone. After being refined, the oil will be shipped overseas. Show your support for the environment by denying this permit. IT WILL BE YOUR LEGACY!!!

4/22/2013 6:40:32

Marcelo Plioplis Please stop this horrible plan to destroy the heartland. Enough said.

4/22/2013 6:40:32

Larry Schmedding

There is a reason why Canada doesn't want to refine this oil themselves and it is not because they want to help us out. They moved it over but it still goes over the Aquafer. That is like saying I almost missed that tree. Either you miss it or you hit it. There is no almost. Do not allow this pipeline!

4/22/2013 6:40:38

Susan Siebler The oil industry has a horrible reputation for leaks that are not handled well. To top it off, this is a foreign company that is trying to use emminent domain on AMERICAN LAND. There is nothing right about this. The aquifer is Nebraskas greatest resource and once it is contaminated we will have problems that may not ever be fixed. It is not worth the risk especially since most of this FOREIGN oil is going to be sent to other FOREIGN interests and the permanent jobs will be minimal.

4/22/2013 6:40:43

Jennie Borchert Please keep our deep water safe. Don't let Keystone build the pipeline across the fragile environment.

4/22/2013 6:42:04

Andy Witkowski do not do this to us! do not allow this pipeline to be built. Do the right thing, do something with bravery and vision, invest in sustainable energy sources. Alberta tarsands are the worst of the worst. nothing said here is new, thank you.

4/22/2013 6:42:24

Yvonne Kaylor-Arner

By continuing to encourage the extraction of tar sands by approving this poison pipeline, the U.S. is telling the world that we are FOR the destruction of our environment and our atmosphere. By denying the permit for this flawed project we are telling the entire world that we are in favor of doing the RIGHT THING and beginning to be a world leader in the research and development of alternative sources of energy.

4/22/2013 6:42:58

Chuck Flavin People have the Power

4/22/2013 6:43:38

Molly Minturn Stop plans for the Keystone XL Pipeline. It is a setup for disaster and will likely not affect fuel prices for the better. I strongly oppose the pipeline.

4/22/2013 6:43:57

sam Rathod I hope you will not grant permission to build the pipeline because of the concerns for oil spill and enviornment pollution. Its not going to help towards energy crisis in our USA. Thanks

4/22/2013 6:44:52

Julie Watts I feel it is critical to the health of the people of the United States to stop the building of the Keystone XL pipeline. The route they are currently planning is still over the aquifer and we are risking our groundwater, our life source. The few benefits gained are not worth the risks. Canada does not want it going to their borders for a good reason. We are responsible for the health of the people of the United States and that must be our priority.

4/22/2013 6:45:19

Eric I am against the keystone pipeline. don't let greedy interests win again.

4/22/2013 6:45:20

Ann Royle The pipeline should not go forward. Why? There is no greater resource than our land and water. It should not be compromised in anyway by a corporation only interested in making money without regard to our greatest resources. There is no more land and there is no more water. Please stop this now.

4/22/2013 6:45:55

Robert David Cohen

My wife, children and grandchildren and I are all opposed to the Keystone XL pipeline. It will endanger the environment and keep us on the old, climate-changing path. President Obama promised to pivot to new and greener energy and technologies. Now is the time.

4/22/2013 6:45:56

Amy Barnes-Smith

Please don't let the Keystone XL pipeline pass thur the state of Nebraska. The possibility of the pipeline leaking as one did in Arkansas is a real possiblity here in Nebraska. And why are we going to let oil pass thru our state to only be then exported over seas. That makes no sense when we could use that oil right here to make a difference instead of importing from other countries.

4/22/2013 6:46:11

Carol Chappelle I am born and raised in Nebraska...always proud to think that we were once an inland ocean. Now that ocean has sunk below the sandhills to form the Ogallala Aquifer, one of the largest freshwater aquifers in the world. Without fresh, uncontaminated water, we all will perish, maybe not this generation, but future generations will have no chance. PLEASE VOTE AGAINST THE KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE! It's for the good of humankind. Thank you.

4/22/2013 6:46:28

Tracy Kelliher Please don't let tar sands cross our state, it is not worth the risk. Ag is what we do best, our driving economical force but that is what a leaking pipeline would jeopardize.

4/22/2013 6:47:17

David Trouba Mr. President, The number of comments you have received on the Keystone XL Pipeline should be evidence enough of sentiment against this issue being approved. But I am convinced that in no other area is your legacy as president more more dependent than on the environment and our nation's energy independence. You know that the tar sands produce the worst kind of oil - the dirtiest kind of oil. You know that this dirty oil is primarily meant for export to the rest of the world. And you know that this company, TransCanada, is taking advantage of American citizens by wrongfully using eminent domain to claim land for the pipeline route. You also know that this pipeline will cross a critical water source in Nebraska, the Ogallala Aquifer. And since all pipelines leak sooner or later, for that reason alone you should deny them permission to build the pipeline. I'm all for increasing domestic gas and oil exploration and production, given that it is done in as environmentally sensitive manner as possible. But there is no way we should ever allow a foreign nation to build a pipeline across our country, when the risks as so large and devastating, and the reward is completely negligible. I urge you, as an American and as a resident of Nebraska, to deny TransCanada the permission to build the Keystone XL Pipeline. Thank you sir, and God Bless America. Yours respectfully, David J. Trouba

4/22/2013 6:47:34

Dan Hello, I believe the pipeline would be an environmental disaster for my home state of nebraska. Our farms and land are the most precious resources we have in this state and to sacrifice this for the benefit of few (big oil companies) is ludicrous . As the federal government I ask you to stand up for citizens of this country, that you put aside politics and make the decision that benefits our land, communities, and future generations. The recent pipeline leak shows us these aren't safe no matter what big oil tells us. As A Nebraskan, American, and citizen of the world I ask you stop this pipeline. Thank you, Dan susman

4/22/2013 6:48:10

Tina Simeon I would like to go on record as opposing this pipeline, if my representatives would care to listen. The "oil" (which it really is not) it would carry will not stay here for our country's use, the few jobs that might be created will not last, and most importantly is the enviromental damage that will most certainly happen. It is a proven fact in this country that big business, in this case oil companies, DO NOT care about what happens far from their offices. They only care about how well their pockets will fill up. I'm fed up with them getting by with this. We pay taxes to take care of our great country, and we should be listened to. And what we are saying is: DO NOT LET THIS PIPELINE GO THROUGH! I hope you all in Washington are listening.

4/22/2013 6:48:45

Zack Hamilton This project is not in our National Best Interest, nor is it a safe project to bring across our nations most valuable resource the Ogallala or High Plains Aquifer. During our most resent drought "that we are still in mind you" the Aquifer is the only reason that our Nation had a corn crop this last year. Nebraska is number 1 in red meat production in our Nation and we water that red meat out of the aquifer. The RISK that this project holds is by no means worth the reward of exported oil and few jobs that this project will provide. Let us put our laborers to work building renewables energy sources like wind and solar which my state could benefit from greatly. Deny the KXL Export Pipeline !! WE the people have spoken Mr. President, now it is time for you to do what you said you would during your campaign and in your inaugural address. Stand for Climate Change, Stand with Farm and Ranch Families, Stand for what's right. Do not let a Foreign for Profit Company Take Your Citizens Land under false pretenses. There will be law suit after law suit from citizens if you approve this project.

4/22/2013 6:49:55

Kerry Ruscitti Don't let this happen. Let's work on safer forms of energy so that my son's children will be able to have a long, healthy life!

4/22/2013 6:50:14

Margaret Kubat Protect the aquifer. It is irreplaceable. Any pipe will eventually leak. We cannot live without water. We can live without toxic tarsands oil. Do not run a pipeline through the United States for grade D tarsands oil.

4/22/2013 6:50:56

Rebecca Wells Pipelines do crack and spill its contents out into the environment, polluting the earth, the air and the water. This results in the sickness and death of animals and in the surviving animals, their offspring have had higher rates of gross deformities. People become sick from exposure to the pollution. We only have one planet to live on, if and when spills occur and pollute our water supply and land, what are future generations going to drink if our water supply is polluted? I worry about if my grandchildren will have access to clean water, air and land.

4/22/2013 6:50:57

Pat Halderman Vote NO on the Keystone XL Pipeline. It will leak and compromise wildlife, farmers and the water supply.

4/22/2013 6:51:22

Peggy Adair Earth's creatures large and small do not need crude oil to survive. What we do need is water. Please consider the need for our survival and vote no on the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/22/2013 6:51:44


If this were in our national interest, that would be one thing. But it isn't. A simple review of the literature makes that clear. I urge its rejection.

4/22/2013 6:52:34

Amy Cederlind NO KXL Pipeline = NO tar sands development = NO animals dying! Bulldozing forests and killing all the plants and animals there to make a huge unhealable scar on the earth and then further polluting the earth and killing people to transport poisonous tar sands is wrong and = DEATH!

4/22/2013 6:53:24

Ernie Henderson

I am writing to express my opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline. In reviewing the pros and cons I see this as a project which will endanger the ground water considering the companies poor safety record and equally poor responses to leaks in their existing facilities. It also has the intent of shipping the product overseas rather than for use by Americans. I also ask you to consider the people of Canada will not allow this company to build it in their country.

4/22/2013 6:54:16

Carol Windrum I hope that we still live in a democracy where citizen voices are heard and respected. I strongly oppose the Keystone Pipeline for a multitude of reasons...we need to protect our sandhills, the tar sands are an environmentally destructive way to get energy, the oil won't even be used domestically and there will be very few permanent jobs that come from this. Dr. Stansbury, UNL Professor of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering conducted a study showing that the KXL would result in 91 major spills over the 50 year life of the pipeline. I am weary of the lies and half truths coming from TransCanada with their millions of dollars to spend on propaganda. I will side with people power over money power. I hope you will as well. Sincerely, Carol Windrum

4/22/2013 6:55:52

Janet Poley I strongly urge the State Department to stop the Keystone XL Pipeline. In fact there are no reasons - science, economic or political - to approve it. It is totally unnecessary to any U.S. interest! It is potentially very dangerous - the recent Arkansas spill was prologue to the future of this pipeline. As a scientist, I've seen no argument that would support putting the pipeline in the location now suggested. Even Senator Joahans said early on the location was bad. Nebraska is generally a republican state - I am a strong democrat and I fight for most of the things on President Obama's agenda. For once we have bi-partisan passion in "red state" Nebraska against Keystone XL. I have worked closely with the Ponca and other American Indian tribes here in Nebraska and nationally. Shame on those who with this pipeline would further damage sacred burial grounds. I do not understand why President Obama, now free from re-election peril would even consider approving this. Why would he and Secretary Kerry agree to put a "ticking time bomb" underground when the country does not need this oil and under no circumstances should encourage the development of tar sands oil anywhere!

4/22/2013 6:57:13

Sharon Rouse Please do not put this dirty product over our valuable irreplaceable farmland. It is not fair to them or to the country. And then to export more than half to dirty up the rest of the planet makes NO sense. Vote your conscience! Sharon Rouse

4/22/2013 6:57:34

Lynette Ryder The US should not allow a foreign corporation to take land from our citizens, potentially polluting our water and air, to transport a fossil fuel to be sold to other countries. TransCanada has lied about the number of permanent jobs and the impact on our own oil supply.

4/22/2013 6:59:02

Mary L Holling President Obama and John Kerry have declared multiple times their commitment to fighting climate change and protecting our children’s future. If they truly believe this, then there is no way they can approve this pipeline. Let us continue to support Earth Day responsibly!

4/22/2013 6:59:28


Not too distant history tells us that we as humans often act with good intentions but out of ignorance only to awaken years or decades later to that reality. Don't let the Keystone Pipeline be one of those events. We have the power to take a step in a different direction for the good of the planet and its inhabitants. In ethics class you learn that to make a mistake in the direction of acting on something is more harmful than a mistake in not acting. Please don't make this tye of error.

4/22/2013 7:03:45

Deena Douglas Here is our chance to be the change we wish to see-keep our water clean!

4/22/2013 7:04:56

Natalie Baskin Please reconsider building the Keystone XL pipeline...for the sake of the earth and all other living things. Building this pipeline would represent greed and disregard for the welfare of others. Think of the future. Think of the planet. Please refrain from making this nightmare a reality.

4/22/2013 7:06:20

Cheri Frisch Please consider what you are doing. This pipeline has lied to landowners paid lobbyist lots of money and even tried buying the government. Be smart and vote for the people. They claim jobs but in truth only 35 jobs are long lasting. The others are not for Nebraska union workers they already have their workers they are just stringing everyone on. Our fuel will increase in price. We can not burn tarsands in US they will add ND good oil with the tarsands oil and we won't even have that in the US. They don't pay into the fund for leaks because it is tarsands crude not oil, so it is the taxpayers who pay. They are headed for a tariff free port so we will only get personal property tax for a few years. Our Governor has already mention getting rid of personal property tax. Our water is how we make our living and help feed the whole US and the world. In - county alone we feed people all over the world with our products. We have the figures if you want them. I am a grandma mother caregiver wife and partner in a farm ranching operation, yes I go out in all weather every day to care for our livestock, making sure they have feed and WATER. We can not that if our water is contaminated We often have ground water above ground they help themselves so Transcanada would have a hard time hauling in water to feed all our livestock and crops. The people in Canada are not for this they are dealing with the contamination already. The government is getting rich so ignoring this. Don't join them, work for the people who elected you and will or will not in the future. Cheri Frisch

4/22/2013 7:07:02

Angela Please stop the Keystone XL pipeline. Climate change is OUT of control and we have to take giant steps to stop it NOW. What is the point of a better economy or gas to drive a car if the landscape, the plants, the animals, the air is destroyed?! President Obama promised to start working against climate change. It has to be now.

4/22/2013 7:07:48

Barbara L Francis


4/22/2013 7:07:50

Michelle Dorwart

It is time to begin changing our energy paradigm. Fossil fuels are bad for human health and bad for the future of our planet. The first step to changing our energy sources is to reject the Keystone pipeline. If we keep delaying the change, the problems we face will continue to worsen, and our future will continue to be threatened.

4/22/2013 7:08:03

Robert ODell It's 3:23 in the morning and I am awake Because my great-great grandchildren ask me in dreams, "What did you do while the planet was plundered? What did you do while the earth was unraveling? Surely you did something when the seasons started failing; As the mammals, reptiles and birds were all dying. What did YOU do...once YOU knew?" A poem by Drew Dellinger Submitted By Robert O'Dell

4/22/2013 7:08:45

William Claiborn The pipeline facilitates energy sources which are heavily polluting. Environmental impact study was badly flawed, understates risks.

4/22/2013 7:09:13

Rebecca Seth I want to add my voice to the MANY other citizens who are asking you to block the Keystone XL pipeline. I would hope that you would listen to the voices that were raised at the hearing in Grand Island, Nebraska, last Thursday, with the vast majority voicing their concerns about the pipeline and most of those speaking in favor of it having ties to the fossil fuel industry. I have many reasons that I am opposed to the pipeline. The siting of the pipeline and further development of tar sands oil are HUGE concerns. But more than that, it is time we draw the line and encourage the growth of clean energy sources. We can continue to extract and burn fossil fuels causing greater damage to our planet, or we can take positive steps toward vastly increasing the amount of energy we get from clean sources, creating many jobs in the process and becoming a world leader in this area. It would be good for our economy and it might save the planet for our grandchildren. I support a tax on carbon with the revenue being returned to households, with border tariffs that protect the value of our exports.

4/22/2013 7:09:24

Nancy Chapman

I am a lifelong Nebraskan and I feel that the Keystone xl pipeline is wrong for our State and our Country. This pipeline will put our water at risk, as well as our farm and ranch land. Please deny the permit.

4/22/2013 7:09:26

Dave Fall Stop KXL, Oil Spill in Arkansas is evidence enough.Time to stop big oil. Time to save the environment.

4/22/2013 7:09:48

Tim Janda Please don't sacrifice our water, our environment, and the future of our planet to this misguided cause.

4/22/2013 7:09:59

Jen Respass This pipeline will bring nothing but risk. Risks that we do not have the capacity to prevent, resolve, or clean up. Risks that we cannot entrust with any big oil company. It will poison the Ogallala Aquifer and ruin our land. We cannot afford this risk. No one can.

4/22/2013 7:10:51

Tim Janda Please don't sacrifice our water, our environment, and the future of our planet to this misguided cause.

4/22/2013 7:12:11

Richard Snook The Keystone XL pipeline is a bad idea for several reasons one of them is that they are destroying the environment where they are taking it out of the earth

4/22/2013 7:12:16

David Bravender

With all the fracking going on, and the resultant energy, the U. S. does not need the Canadian tar sands energy. But we do need clean water!! The major oil companies already get huge benefits from the U. S. government, and do not know how to prevent oil spills based on their history.

4/22/2013 7:12:19

Kathleen W. Fitzgibbon

Building the Keystone XL will directly impact the expansion of tar sands, and in turn speed up climate change; extracting the tar sands causes unfathomable damage to the environment and people near the extraction sites; and pipelines leak. Please kill this!

4/22/2013 7:13:27

Donna Roller Tar Sands mining is the Avatar of Alberta. Trans Canada has perpetuated the biggest marketing lie ever told to the American people. TC goal is to divide the people So that the true is not considered. The 35 permenent jobs and the predicted 91 leaks that will jeapordise the largest fresh water aquifer and destroy the greatest source of food in the U.S. is the truth. Allowing TC a foreign company to take farm land away from U.S. citizens for there own financial gain is a violation of the constitution of the United States. Stop corporate fascism. The people do not want this pipeline.

4/22/2013 7:13:33

Kathryn Ley I am very concerned about the safety of our water supply. I don't think it's worth the risk when it will not provide a lot of jobs in the long run. And the oil will not lessen our dependence on foreign oil. I am totally against the keystone pipeline.

4/22/2013 7:14:04

Marianne Fitzgibbon

Just a few reasons why the Keystone XL pipeline should not be constructed: Fact: The KXL route passes through a number of sacred tribal grounds, including the Ponca’s Trail of Tears. Native tribes are concerned about health and cultural impacts of the pipeline, concerns that have not been adequately addressed by the State Department. Fact: Pipelines leak. Many of those leaks are major and pose immense dangers to the public. According to Dr. Stansbury, UNL Professor of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering conducted a study showing that the KXL would result in 91 major spills over the 50 year life of the pipeline. Fact: The KXL holds more economic risks than profits. The job creation claims being made by pipeline supporters and some media outlets are wildly exaggerated. While Rush Limbaugh says the KXL will create up to a million jobs, an independent study done by Cornell estimates the number to be closer to 2,000 temporary jobs, and that the KXL could kill more jobs than it actually creates. The most recent State Department EIS estimates that the KXL will only create 35 jobs. We need to think about the future welfare of our children!

4/22/2013 7:14:56

Karen ODell Only when the last tree has died And the last river has been poisoned And the last fish been caught Will we realsie that we cannot eat money. Author unknown. Submitted by Karen O'Dell

4/22/2013 7:15:37

Gail If they have nothing to hide, build it above ground while the pipeline crosses NE. This issue is not about oil for America (they can sell to anyone), not about jobs in NE (we don't have a lot of the skilled workers this requires), and Burying the pipeline another foot is not the answer. Please move it above ground. Thank you.

4/22/2013 7:15:58

john ventre Mr Obama and most of the Senate and Congress are Christians. Christianity believes that the natural world called the Garden of Eden was created for human's to live in perfect health. I think the natural world was created for it to stay the way it was created. The sun, wind and others will supply all the world's energy needs while being much more earth friendly to the Garden of Eden.

4/22/2013 7:16:19

Bette Zdan Oil companies have a bad record of leaks. This is our water supply in danger. And the jobs are temporary - not worth the risk. Why are we risking US water so that a Canadian company can send oil to China?

4/22/2013 7:20:23

Kenneth Taylor STOP KILLING OUR EARTH. The risks far out way any benefits. and, Why? We don't need it. There are far to many ways to create renewable energy sources. Stop being GREEDY and being only concerned with your wallet. or at least be GREEDY in a responsible way. Wind turbines, Solar panels, hemp bio-fuels; So many alternatives, so JUST STOP. STOP it NOW. No fracking, No pipelines. No more damage to Earth. STOP STOP STOP STOP. STOP IT NOW.

4/22/2013 7:21:19

Elizabeth Martorell

Please do not do this. Think long term, not just the immediate economic so called benefit. This will be devastating, both economically and ecologically in the end. Be courageous and do the right thing.

4/22/2013 7:22:41

Sue Mitchell I have lived all my life in NE. I grew up 22 miles south of - NE. The KXL original route was to go through my parents ranch. It was homesteaded by my Grandpa Doolittle in the late 1800s. It cut through our SandHills summer pastures and down into our low land hay meadows. We have 7 artisian wells that watered our livestock that cost us nothing, You can stick a pipe into the ground and it has enough force to continue to flow, it is in the Ogallaha Aquifer. After several hearings in Lincoln, NE, against the pipeline going through such fragil land, our Governor Heinmann and TransCanada came to a closed door decision. ThansCanada would not go through the Sandhills. We were so relived that our Governor had stood up for us, Then we were hit with the other proposed route. It moved North of Atkinson 20 some miles. That is where my husbands family has owned land for over 120 years. The land is the same. Sandhills that grow some of the best protein filled grass for our cattle. Also the water source goes through several springs that feed creeks, and ponds that water our livestock. The Sandy Creek flows through our land and is the only source of water. The proposed route goes through the springs, that flows out of the ground to form the Sandy Creek. What happens when that pipeline breaks and contaminates our water? We are 2 miles from the pipeline. Who is going to help clean up our water, or can it ever be cleaned up? How will our livestock and wildlife be protected. If the chemicals themself are seeping into these springs, the only way we will know that it is leaking is when our livestock and livestock become very sick. We are already sick to think that a foreign company can come in and take our land in emmint domain. We do not get any benifits from it, that is unconstitional. When is emminet Domain used in other instances? Well to build roads, that will benifit everyone in the US, for example. This pipeline does not benifit the US, it kills us. Please do not allow this permit. It is being said that we are turning against Canada, that is not true, we have all do respect for Canada and our union workers. It is TransCanada we are against. THere can be jobs created in other ways to get us off the dependance of oil. Please kill the pipeline and save our water, children of the future, land and homes that have been in the family for generations. Thank you for your consideration, and do the right thing.

4/22/2013 7:23:00

Christopher Kaiser

The contradiction implied by building an oil pipeline through the center of the United States, through the Ogallala Aquifer, through the Trail of Tears, and through the Niobrara River is staggering. It is not going to happen, because people do not want it to. Renewable energy sources have been flagships of modern politics, words to be used when appealing to people to receive votes for office. If there is any merit in these words, then there will be a complete and utter denial of the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/22/2013 7:23:49

Paul Spatz I have with me today, a copy of The Groundwater Atlas of Nebraska - Resource Atlas of Nebraska Number 4a published in 1998 by the Conservation and Survey Division - Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources (IANR)- The University of Nebraska Lincoln. Among other things, it contains color keyed maps of geological and hydrological regions of Nebraska as the prestigious land-grant university published them in 1998 with descriptions of the regions contained therein. An examination of the maps and descriptions of Topographical Regions, Groundwater Regions, the High Plains Aquifer (credits to Weeks and others 1988) pages 8, 10 and 12 respectively, among others and together with the Atlas's system of scientific method employed for the study is contradictory with the mapping now being widely distributed as fact and in the Omaha World-Herald issue of Dec 5, 2012. Further, the Atlas is precedent setting in that it was compiled well before the Keystone projects were envisioned or planned. That is to say it was compiled with no regard to the eventual siting of a 36" tarsands meagapipeline through the Nebraska Sandhills totally unlike the subsequent mappings widely being used to influence a State Department decision. The Atlas proves that the current siting being proposed for approval, in fact, DOES cross the sand hills region according to mapping done, not by the the Nebraska Dept. of Environmental Quality (NDEQ) nor agents of TranCanada, Inc. , but by a truly independent source prior to involvement of the NDEQ and TranCanada in the process for approval. Said another way, the two presentatione are incongruent with one another with one appearing to show a pipeline avoiding the Nebraska Sandills but the other, independent mapping, showing the that the proposed routing is in the sandhills region and coincides with the proposed pipeline route for a distance of approxiamatly 63 miles diagonally through Holt and Antelope Counties here in Nebraska. This is conclusive and indiputable proof that NDEQ and TransCanada are at best mistaken and, at worst, involved in an attempt to deceive the public in general and the approval authority in particular by providing fictitious claims about the validity of the re-siting process after the original siting was rejected by Nebraskans including Governor Heineman. I urge the U.S. State Department to investigate my evidence and recommend that the President of the United States REJECT the pipeline in its totality based on the accuracy of the new evidence herein and the sadly mistaken or deceptive inaccuracies the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality and TranCanada, Incorporated have been attempting to pass off as fact.

4/22/2013 7:26:37

Caroline A. Glaser

Please say no to the Keystone XL Pipeline.

4/22/2013 7:28:05

David Leithauser

This pipeline will do more harm than good. It should NOT be approved.

4/22/2013 7:28:32

kellye glasgow I am totally against the Keystone Pipeline! It would only create temporary jobs while leaving permanent environmental problems. We also need to protect our farmers land!

4/22/2013 7:29:10

Dawn Thrapp The risks and negative impact of a pipline far outreach any temporary positives that are perceived. Allowing another country to do this to us is appalling to say the least. We need to look at the long term effects.

4/22/2013 7:34:42

casey karl Too dangerous. Too dirty. NO TAR SANDS -- NO PIPELINE!

4/22/2013 7:35:06

Morgan Stand up for our environment!

4/22/2013 7:38:08

Joyce Vannier I am not only against the pipeline, but the whole concept of drilling tar sands oil. We must not take this assault on the earth lightly!

4/22/2013 7:39:25

suzanne eckerson

I am against the pipline

4/22/2013 7:39:31

Carol I urge you to reject the Keystone XL pipeline! The reality is that when (NOT IF BUT WHEN) a leak occurs, it will be too remote in the sandhills of Nebraska to be quickly seen and dealt with. The company admits they cannot detect a "small" leak. Even by their own definitions, a large amount of oil will be seeping though porous sandy soil straight into the aquifer. That is totally unacceptable! The people of the midwest depend on the clean water for drinking and agriculture. The people throughout the USA depend on the food grown in the midwest. Not to mention dirty tarsands oil further crippling our chances of doing something about climate change before it is too late. If the huge spills in the gulf, Arkansas, Michigan and more have taught you anything, it should be that you cannot trust the oil companies. They will say or do anything to make a buck. It should not be at the expense of the safety and well being of the American people. No temp jobs, or even a few permanent jobs are worth the loss of the entire agricultural economy and ecology of the great plains states. WAKE UP! REPRESENT THE PEOPLE NOT THE CORPORATIONS! As the state department, it is your duty to protect and defend the safety and best interests of the people of the USA....not the corporations of Canada etc. DENY KEYSTONE XL!

4/22/2013 7:40:11

Sam Brown The issue with the pipeline that concerns me most is that it facilitates the production and distribution of a very environmentally damaging high CO2 type of oil. At a time when we should be looking for a smaller carbon footprint we should not be aiding this production.

4/22/2013 7:40:37

Gene Sengstake

If the Keystone XL pipeline gets built - it will signal that the US is on a fatal course of energy management. There is so much wrong with the proposed pipeline. It "will leak" - either slowly or catastrophically - and these spills cannot be "cleaned up". Using the word "safe" when speaking of the proposed KXL pipeline is almost laughable. It would be an enabler of one of the planets most destructive undertakings - the Canadian tar sands oil industry - allowing this environmental killer to continue with what looks like US support. If the pipeline gets approved - I will personally loose all respect for the president and "any" politicians that support the KXL. So far they already appear to be a short-sighted - ignorant - reckless group of individuals - as even now so many of them already support this atrocity. Our country is in pretty in sad shape - and if the KXL is approved - it will essentially show to the world that our leaders don't give a tinkers dam about the environment - and as far as I'm concerned - have no business even being in public office - - -

4/22/2013 7:41:22

Dana Maaske I just want to say that I have lived in NE all my life. I have traveled to every part of this state as well as to many other parts of the US. The one thing I have noticed over the years is how good the water quality is here. We are sitting on one of the most prized natural resources on the whole planet, the Ogallala aquifer. I believe that it is absolutely NOT in our national interest to jeopardize the aquifer and the drinking water, farmland, the livelihood and food supply of so many for a foreign company. I wouldn't risk it even if we were the ones reaping all the profits! The damage tar sands oil and the chemical additives it contains are too dangerous and too high a risk for any rational argument against them; our water and the health of the people and ecosystems in this fertile region are NOT worth more than paper money in TransCanada's pockets. You are supposed to work for US, protect US, and make decisions on behalf of OUR best interest, NOT the interests of those with the biggest pocketbook. PLEASE do the right thing and what is best for the citizens across our great nation that you represent. All the eyes of the world are upon you, let's change the pace of America to that of most European nations an move toward healthier, sustainable energies. Oil is finite, and tar sands oil is one of the most destructive practices in obtaining energy there is. We can put more people to work in permanent positions if we instead begin wind and solar energy production. We can rebuild our nations energy grid, have complete dependence from foreign, dirty energy AND build a strong economy in the process. Going green is a win-win no matter how we look at it. It is high time our country simply DO THE RIGHT THING. You have the power to take the first giant step in rejecting the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/22/2013 7:42:27

Susan Swearer The Keystone XL pipeline will pass through sacred tribal lands and over the Ogallala Aquifer, both invaluable and sacred places in this country. Approving the Keystone XL pipeline will spell DISASTER for our state, nation, and world. Please do not support the Keystone XL pipeline. Instead, we should be investing in and using renewable, clean energy sources like wind and solar power. Please don't cave to lobbyists and special interest groups.

4/22/2013 7:43:56

Nancy Mills While I am currently a resident of Texas, I grew up in Nebraska, my sisters and I still own our family home, and the family farm. I am deeply concerned with what happens to Nebraska. My primary concern is with the environment. I support the development of alternatives to petroleum based energy sources, and feel that the rush to identify new ways of obtaining petroleum from sources like tar sand is short sighted, allowing us to continue to use petroleum as an energy source, causing further climate change. This has to stop immediately.

4/22/2013 7:45:19

Jenny Rede Please look inside your heart and do what is right!

4/22/2013 7:45:27

Richard Dale Sullivan

Those in support of the Pipeline usually offer the reason that it will provide energy independence to the United States. I assume that this means, "independence" from Mid Eastern oil. That's a questionable assumption. But assume it is correct. That means that the Keystone pipeline is a 1700 mile long target for those who hate America. Most are worried about potential leaks, but what of deliberate destruction? Who will provide the security?

4/22/2013 7:46:31

Ben Kjelshus For a liveable future for all the world's children, global warming and climate change must be reversed. It is imperative that the Keystone XL pipeline not be allowed to be constructed.

4/22/2013 7:47:06

Brenda Van Leer

As a former environmental science student, I beg you to please deny the pipeline. Please help my kids continue there quest to save the planet! Do what is right for the good of all.

4/22/2013 7:47:09

Steve Rede I am against the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/22/2013 7:53:34

Olivia Stockman Secretary Kerry, When I campaigned for you in 2004 it was because you had a super environmental rating from the League of Conservation Voters. Permitting the Keystone XL pipeline, with its affect to the boreal forest, climate change, and potential aquifer degradation, would, in one fell swoop, tarnish your environmental record. The jobs argument for this pipeline project is laughable, as the way they count the job is by each construction segment, so each new approximately 3 week segment is a new job. This is ridiculous. The farming and ranching jobs along the route are sustainable, important jobs, which shouldn't be harmed for this project. Because this pipeline goes to the gulf coast of Texas, very few people have ever believed that this oil (dilbit, really) is for US consumption and therefore has nothing to do with energy independence. It was good to see that the SDEIS acknowledges this. Global warming pressures have been shown to be bad for international conflict - as Secretary of State you are tasked with minimizing conflict. We can't always control it, but this is one thing you can control. This pipeline was ruled unacceptable before because it crossed the Ogallala Aquifer. It still does. To permit it now would be irrational. You don't have an election to worry about. Say no to this pipeline - Quick like a bandaid... the press will get over it. Thank you for the important job that you do. Olivia Stockman

4/22/2013 7:53:56

Jon W Wissman Please use your head and stop this silly pipeline from coming through this state. Keystone has enough money to build it through other states instead.

4/22/2013 7:54:49

James Baldridge

I oppose the Keystone XL pipeline because even though I now live in Maryland, I am from Nebraska and I know farmers who would be negatively impacted by this pipeline and they oppose it. The proponents claims of job creation are overblown, probably by orders of magnitude, and construction materials are and will be imported, not made by Americans. Pipelines leak, including Transcanada pipelines, and the threat to the Ogallala Aquifer and to streams, rivers and fragile lands is in no way worth the risk. The proposal would not help "energy independence" and this low grade tar sands "oil" is harmful to the environment and our future by it's very extraction and refinement processes. Please rule against this proposal and turn what would be a lose-lose scenario into a win-win scenario for Nebraska, the Great Plains, America and Americans.

4/22/2013 7:55:28

Kassi Moy "Rex Tillerson, the head of ExxonMobil, in a speech in Dallas last week [14], said the oil sands are part of a new "era of abundance." The 170 billion barrels of recoverable oil there, he said, are "enough energy to fuel North America’s vehicles for almost 45 years." This 45-year solution is no solution at all. It's the opposite of a sustainable solution. 45 years of fuel for ONLY North America does not qualify as an "era of abundance". What is the long-term solution here? This is just a band-aid. Until we start thinking globally and sustainability, we are going to keep perpetuating these quick fix money making schemes at the Earth's expense. What good is all the money and power if you have no where to exist?

4/22/2013 7:56:00

Barara Mikulicz Please do not put another intrusive pipeline through our land. Our air, water , land is needed for future generations. No Keystone XL !!! Do the right thing.

4/22/2013 7:57:04

Anne Brown Please do not approve the Keystone XL pipeline. The benefits it will bring are far-outweighed by the risk to the environment and our health.

4/22/2013 8:00:14

Mary Picken Look to the future. Pipelines leak. We have seen that happen recently. We should be thinking about future generations and their well-being. Water can be clean or dirty-there is no in-between. How can we be so short-sighted that we would risk our own environment for a handful of jobs? What will future generations think of us if we leave them a polluted aquifer?

4/22/2013 8:00:24

S H Witt XL Keystone is a conpiracy based on misinformation from both the US and Canada extractive industries who tout the deal as an employment issue when, in fact, the employment numbers would be inflated for a short term hiring period and then would quickly go to zero in the US and Canada, too.

4/22/2013 8:02:32

Craig With all the recent oil spills, especially the most recent one in Arkansas, it should be obvious that this is a bad idea. Running this pipe through Nebraska right on the aquifer is a sure way to contaminate that water. This will only create problems, be a small incredibly minor fix for jobs, and be bad for residents. Don't let this happen!

4/22/2013 8:02:51

Brian T. Osborn The Ogallala Aquifer is the lifeblood of America's breadbasket. What they plan on pumping through the Keystone Pipeline is not "oil." It is a toxic mixture of hydrocarbonous sludge and toxic diluents that, if spilled, will irreparably poison the water our lives depend on. We would declare war against a foreign aggressor that would do such a thing to us. Pumping Canadian sludge that will profit mostly our neighbors to the north and China, which is potentially our greatest rival of the future, does little to help America's economy. While it will temporarily employ a handful of construction workers, the pipeline is designed to operate with a minimum of labor, unless you count the emergency personnel that might be required to stem the flow of its toxins when, not if, it ruptures. Please, for the love of Americans, don't allow this damned thing to be built across our country. There are other, more efficient and less polluting, methods of providing for our energy needs of the future. They are ways that would create new industries and jobs right here in America, for Americans.

4/22/2013 8:03:19

Darcy Escher It is not worth the possible devastating effects to the environment. If I truly believed this project would have a great impact on the economy by way of job creation and energy independence, I would be all for it. However, both of those factors are going to be minimal, at best. It is time we start taking care of the Earth and stop exploiting it! And denying the pipeline would be a great first step and hopefully set precedent.

4/22/2013 8:06:13

Carol Chapman Building the Keystone XL will directly impact the expansion of tar sands, and in turn speed up climate change. Please put our money and resources (and lives!) into CLEAN energy rather than the Keystone XL

4/22/2013 8:06:35

Sheri Connell Please deny the KXL pipeline. The Landowners will be stuck with this decision of yours forever! The union workers will be able to walk away when the job is done, the President does not live out here, Sec. Kerry does not live out here, the vast majority of the people who are for the pipeline do not live out here, Transcanada does not live here. We landowners live here and we LOVE it here and we don't have the luxury of being able to walk away from the decision you make about our land. Please don't let TransCanada take away our land for their profit and no gain for the United States as this oil is too heavy to be used in the U.S. and will be exported. Deny the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/22/2013 8:06:36

Kaja Rebane Please do not approve the Keystone XL pipeline. Albertan tar sands need to stay in the ground, to preserve a livable climate. In addition, even if it weren't for the climate impacts the pipeline itself is a bad deal for America - spills risk poisoning farmland and the Ogallala Aquifer, which is so important for agriculture and human health in so many states. This pipeline is not in America's interest, period - please don't allow it to be built!

4/22/2013 8:09:39

Laura Bartolomei-Hill

For me, the Keystone Pipelines represents a real opportunity for our government to invest in a long-term strategy for environmental and job security. Clean energy and reduced fossil fuel emissions are essential to sustainability. I don't want oil spills and pipeline leaks I've been seeing over the past week to damage the water, land, and communities of the heartland. Please reject the keystone xl pipeline.

4/22/2013 8:10:11

Susan Wells Please consider the recent leaks of the pipeline into residential neighborhoods! It appears to me that the concern for our environment, which when compromised, has a direct effect on the health and well-being of our citizens, not to mention our young children, should take precedence over the possibility of the oil companies making more money.

4/22/2013 8:11:51

LYLE PLEASE DENY THE KEYSTONE PIPELINE PROJECT. The cost in environmental damage is far too high, starting with the clearing of areas of natural boreal forests in Canada potentially as large as Florida, removing 100 to 200 feet of soil to extract and pre-process clay, shale rock and bituminous tar deposits that make up the dirtiest source of oil on the earth, burying 1,000+ miles of 36 inch pipe through private property owned by US citizens, under highways, railways, rivers and streams and the Ogallala Aquifer, pumping the heated toxic chemical and tar oil mixture 2,000 miles to Texas to be re-refined primarily into diesel fuel and shipped by tankers to Europe. If it's built, it will leak. Pollution and environmental clean up cost could be in the hundreds of millions. The winners will be Canadian and international oil firms and energy exploiting billionaires such as the Koch Brothers who are already pumping tar sands oil to Texas and Louisiana through existing pipelines that are adequate for current use. Any current pipeline construction should be focused on maintaining the existing pipelines that are leaking and will continue to do so with continuing corrosion in moving the gritty, caustic, heated bituminous tar sand oil. And of course the real loser is the planet Earth, already suffering the results of our curious race to put carbon back into the atmosphere producing climate change and destructive weather patterns. We need to the right thing for our children and the future of the planet. Say no Keystone. Lyle Vannier...

4/22/2013 8:12:25

penelope greene

you know this is extremely detrimental to the environment. quit lying about it to us and to yourselves. use your money to develop cleaner energy, or leave a dying planet to your children.

4/22/2013 8:13:23

Jeffrey Poley When the proposed XL pipeline experiences it's first major spill and severely compromises the Ogallala aquifer you can expect that this event will be called the Obama Dilbit Disaster. Please do not approve the permit for this accident that's waiting to happen.

4/22/2013 8:14:30

Laura Marks Having grown up on our family farm in - County, Nebraska, I am deeply alarmed by the plan to route a risky, leaky pipeline through the Sandhills and Ogallala Aquifer. This pipeline is a mistake from a climate change perspective, a disaster in the making from an ecological perspective, and a poor economic investment with little hope for meaningful benefit to the areas being asked to bear the risk. Say no to the Keystone XL pipeline!

4/22/2013 8:16:25

Sue Dodson As a proud Nebraskan I am dismayed when I hear of siting the Keystone XL near our Ogallala aquifer which supplies drinking water for not only Nebraska but neighboring states. We do not need to be supporting the use of fossil fuels. What we need desperately is to invest in alternative energy sources. Fossil fuels are a finite resource, one day they will be gone. Then what? No on the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/22/2013 8:17:11

john sheppard The task is not to represent "who" you represent, rather the task is to represent who you "should" represent. Please do the right thing. John

4/22/2013 8:21:36

Dr. Peter J. Capuano

I want my kids and their kids to drink healthy, pure Nebraska water! Please no pipeline!

4/22/2013 8:23:29

Susan Schriever Don't think short term.....think long term when it comes to "saving our earth" for those who follow. I don't support the Keystone XL pipeline project.

4/22/2013 8:24:17

R.K. Piper It is morally WRONG and the WORST imaginable economic and environmental public policy to allow ANYMORE carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases produced by tar-sands to be pumped into our super-heating atmosphere when there are better alternatives for America and the world!! YOU can stop it! Just DON'T ALLOW IT!!!

4/22/2013 8:25:41

lee pearson The cost to the public are far too high.

4/22/2013 8:25:59

Mark Hendricks I am a life long Nebraska resident and treasure our natural resources. This pipeline does nothing for Nebraska except expose our aquifer and other vital natural resources to risk. The inflated job creation numbers are bogus, and are not worth the jobs we will lose if the pipeline fails. (And it will... this company has had two failures this year.) The principals of the pipeline is all wrong... a Canadian company forcing Nebraska's to sell their property and building more infrastructure to rely on fossil fuels diverting resources from developing renewable energy sources. I just have to wonder who our government represents any more... citizens or lobbyists and companies with money to put in the pockets of representatives. The right wing energy security myth is just that ... and the tar sands oil will go to China anyway... This is just a bad thing no matter how you look at it.

4/22/2013 8:26:37

William Black I hardly have the motivation to comment since the facts lay buried in lies and propaganda. Can you, the public servants in the State Department, separate yourselves from the influence of big money, big oil, and still come to the conclusion that allowing the Keystone XL pipeline is in the best interests of the United States?

4/22/2013 8:26:45

Nancy S. Svoboda

My middle school students have been studying the Keystone XL pipeline issue for two years. It has been a good exercise in analysis of conflicting information on an important topic. The conclusion they arrived at was this: the Keystone XL pipeline is a high risk proposition. It is not good for Nebraska; it is not good for the United States.

4/22/2013 8:26:56

Gary Foster THERE IS NO KNOWN WAY to CLAN UP TAR SANDS SPILLS! Spills into rivers, Ogallala Quifer will ruin drinkinr water, farming, ranching ALL that keeps people and animals alike! WE CAN'T REPLACE WATER, OR IS THE KEYSTONE PIPELINA & THE SPILLS TO COME A WAY TO GET SOMEONE TO MAKLE BILLIONS SELLING WATER TO PLACES COVERED IN TOXIC TAR SANDS? Koch brothers have bought political leaders to get this foreign oil that will be sold to China and India. This will NOT helP our oil dependency, just fill the pockets of the CANADIAN company & Koch brothers.

4/22/2013 8:27:26

Elaine Kruse We are destroying our planet with this terrible energy source. We must come up with better solutions.

4/22/2013 8:27:30

Tom Lynch Hello, I just wanted to add my voice to the many who have spoken out against the Keystone XL pipeline. I have two major concerns. The first is that is seems clear that the pipeline will exacerbate global warming. Clearly this is not in the national interest. My other concern, which I don't think has received enough attention, involves the many river crossings the pipeline will need to make. Given the experiences at the Yellowstone River, and especially the Kalamazoo River, the danger of a spill seems very real. I can't imagine the terrible consequences of a spill in the Niobrara or Platte. Has sufficient attention been given to the endangered species that reside in and around the rivers in Nebraska? I would think, given the presence of piping plovers, least terns, and pallid sturgeon in the water course, that an Endangered Species analysis should be conducted, at the very least. Sincerely, Tom Lynch

4/22/2013 8:27:44

j lee bonham man is the only animal that fouls its own nest . keystone not only fouls its own nest ca.nada but al,so nebraska.

4/22/2013 8:28:51

Mary Beltzer I am writing to you as a native Nebraskan and long-time resident of the Sandhills. I care deeply about this area but also about the entire planet. There are so many reasons to oppose the KXL Pipeline that it is hard to know where to begin. I hope, if nothing else, to add my voice to the many trying to convince you not to sacrifice the future for some short-term politically motivated economic gains. Who knows the truth, if not the world's scientists, who overwhelmingly describe our current dilemma and the critical, difficult and painful measures we must take now to have any hope of giving future generations a chance at life on a healthy planet? The science is clear; the facts are clear; there is no debate left in that arena, and you know it if you (not your advisors nor those you've delegated) have done as you should to become personally informed about climate change and our use of fossil fuels. I need not restate those facts here because they have been well-documented again and again. I am convinced, as you should be, that we must wean ourselves off fossil fuels and stop any further development of those reserves. Denying the KXL Pipeline may not prevent the tar sands from being developed, but we must do what we can to be an obstacle to that development. It must be stopped! And then there is the issue of individual rights in this democracy. I understand that there are times when the public good overrides individual freedom, but there is no public good, certainly no long-term sustainable public good, to come from supporting the fossil fuel

industry and/or Big Oil. Our government has no right to allow anyone, especially a foreign corporation, to take control of someone's private property for their own agenda. I am appalled that eminent domain is being used to trample the rights of decent, hardworking citizens who have fought for and believe in what this country stands for. If that outrage is not enough, to deal yet one more blow to the native peoples of this continent is absolutely criminal and morally reprehensible. I am aware of the public opinion polls indicating that the majority of people favor building the pipeline and continued development of coal, oil and natural gas, but I can assure you that these people are either not fully informed or are simply focused on short-term monetary gain. Most people simply listen to party rhetoric, catch a brief spot on the evening news, or maybe read an occasional article that often fails to fully present the facts and frequently distorts the truth. The real tragedy here is that by the time the public does wake up, it will be too late. That is why we need leaders we can trust and count on to educate themselves and act in the best interests of the citizens they have been elected to represent and protect. I hope you will look into the eyes of your children and know that the decisions you make will determine their future. You have the chance to act with courage and foresight and take the difficult but necessary steps to alter the disastrous path we are on. You will probably have a fight on your hands whatever you decide, but I plead with you to stand with the citizens of this planet and begin by denying the permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline! I submit my remarks to you with absolute sincerity, desperation and commitment to continue the fight.

4/22/2013 8:31:16

Yvonne Price Respectfully, I cannot conceive of your saying yes to the Keystone Pipeline, now or in the future. At last Thursday's hearing in Grand Island, Nebraska, you listened for hours and hours of testimony, entreaties, prayers, songs, and poems, to say nothing of the scientifically-based information regarding the negative impact on our planet's future if we continue to dig up and burn fossil resources for fueling our species' needs. The few people who spoke in favor of the pipeline were majorly not landowners, and had only short run or profit interests in the pipeline. The long term economics of accepting the pipeline are not good, the permanent damage to our fragile environment is worse. Please, do not okay this menace. Please support President Obama's promise not to accept it. I couldn't be at the hearing last week because of concerns about my age, but I watched most of the day. I heard nothing from the pro- speakers that I could support, and could only admire and respect the con- speakers, who seemed to me to have all the arguments on their side.

4/22/2013 8:32:15

michael I want to voice my concern over this pipeline. Regardless of political affiliation, if we are to be responsible caretakers to our planet, our children, and ourselves- not just for tomorrow but for generations to come- making this pipeline a reality will represent a tragic and giant step away from progress. Please don't take part in this step.

4/22/2013 8:32:19

Chris and Yolanda Blake

If it is built, the Keystone Pipeline is a mistake we will all regret. Please don't allow it to be built.

4/22/2013 8:32:57

R. L. "Larry" Caldwell

I have sent a snail mail letter and enclosure to both President Obama and Sec. Kerry mailed on Saturday, April 20. I would also like to bring your attention to "Let's be on Mother Earth's side" by Winona LaDuke. She is the executive director of Honor the Earth, a Native organization that stresses sustainable environmental policies. She wrote her article for Progressive Media Project, a source of liberal commentary on domestic and international issues; it is affilliated with The Progressive magazine. Her view was published in the Monday, April 22 issue of Lincoln, NE Journal-Star Newspaper. page A7.

4/22/2013 8:33:11

David V Evans As one who grew up on the Nebraska prairie and have a deep appreciation for the beauty of that part of the United States, I have deep concerns about the dangers inherent in the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. The very real threat not only to the water supply but also to our environment in general is a strong argument against construction of this pipeline. It is one I hope the Administration would follow. The lure of jobs in construction of a pipeline is literally penny wise and pound foolish, and we should not be led astray by any such jobs at all costs advocacy. Please stop this unwise endeavor and move on to other energy producing alternatives that will provide both jobs and environmental protection. That would be a very worthy endeavor, and certainly one worth pursuing.

4/22/2013 8:35:27

Jason Miller As a Nebraska resident I am concerned that we will be the next Mayflower, Arkansas after this pipeline is built. Fact: Pipelines leak. Many of those leaks are major and pose immense dangers to the public. According to Dr. Stansbury, UNL Professor of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering conducted a study showing that the KXL would result in 91 major spills over the 50 year life of the pipeline. All risk for Nebraska and the US and no reward. Please deny the permit for TransCanada to build the pipeline. Thank you, Jason Miller, Julie Pelton, and Jack Miller

4/22/2013 8:36:07

Jessica Umberger

As a Nebraskan, I feel extremely violated that these oil folks think they can come in and destroy our one true gem, the Ogallala Aquifer. There are too many sources of clean energy that our government has been ignoring, it's time to stop being lazy and start doing your job, which is PROTECTING our environment, not selling it out.

4/22/2013 8:36:30

Michel Boulware Dear State Department: I am against the building of this pipeline. Pipelines leak, as evidenced by the mess in Arkansas. I support energy independence for the US, but this will not provide it. I am concerned for our climate future, and this pipeline will not improve it. Please make the right choice, support the citizens of this country, don't be controlled by big business interests. Deny the pipeline!

4/22/2013 8:36:45

Laura Cravens-Wertz

President Obama and the State Department: Reject the Keystone XL Pipeline. Laura Cravens-Wertz

4/22/2013 8:38:02

Colleen Smart The Keystone XL export pipeline is not energy independence. No Keystone XL!

4/22/2013 8:38:08

Lynn Wake Dear Friends, Please, please do not permit this pipeline! President Obama wears many hats, but one must be to lead the nation in protection of our vital resources. I live above the Ogallala Aquifer, I have three lovely grandchildren, and I have been a big fan of President Obama's since reading his first book. His legacy absolutely depends on stopping this monstrosity. Absolutely. I'm a lifelong Nebraskan, and these temporary jobs are not what we need. America can create jobs rebuilding infrastructure instead. Please, stop this pipeline! Thank you for reading.

4/22/2013 8:38:13

Jamie Q. Tallman

Ladies and gentlemen this pipeline cannot be built. Why kowtow to a foreign company just so we can enrich them and put our land at risk? As a Nebraskan I shudder at the thought of a spill occurring over our aquifer. This oil company cannot be trusted. A corporation is about one thing, making money, they will lie cheat and steal to achieve that end. Regardless of your decisions Nebraskans will make sure TransCanada does not trample our land.

4/22/2013 8:38:54

David Tysdal This is far from what we need as a people and you know that. Make the right decision. One not backed by money and perceived profits but one based on the will of the people.

4/22/2013 8:41:29

Shirley Cupani There should be NO new piplelines until the spill in Arkansas is completely cleaned up. The Arkansas spill demonstrates the oil industry just can't handle an "accident". The oil from the XL pipeline is for export only. None of the oil in that pipeline will find it's way to the United States (other than spills). The fact that Canada will not allow the pipeline to be built there tells you how bad the pipeline is. Why would you allow the garbage in our country? The profits go to a Canadian company. What benefit is there to the U.S.? What is more important than a clean, healthy America?

4/22/2013 8:41:57

Tom Kruse Please announce a turn down of access to Transcanada ref. the Keystone XL pipeline on EARTH DAY 2013!! Thank you

4/22/2013 8:42:46

Lori Tomes The fallacy of pipelines being safe is clearly evident...they ALL leak. We cannot afford to jeopardize any more of our natural resources. A pipeline running over the Ogallala Aquifer is a disaster in the making. Before coming to a decision, I would ask everyone involved to consider their children, children's children, and all who come after. Are you willing to risk their futures? Oil disasters affect everyone in one way or another. Take the time to look at what has happened in other areas of the country. Speak to those who have been effected. Put yourself in their shoes. Look at the horrendous damage at the raw material collection sites in Canada. Educate yourselves on these environmental catastrophes. Then, DO THE RIGHT THING and deny this pipeline.

4/22/2013 8:43:06

Elizabeth Ocken Robertson

My family immigrated to Nebraska in the 1870's. They farmed the fertile land and drew their water from the refreshing underground source. These resources need to continue so as to provide the people of Nebraska pure water to continue their farming and ranching income. T he KXL threatens farming and ranching - it crosses the Ogallala Aquifer, the most valuable resource in our state, and the fragile Sandhills.

4/22/2013 8:46:03

Mabel Dobbs Please quit selling out the people and our environment in the name of corporate greed.

4/22/2013 8:47:46

Richell Mintzlaff The evironmental cost from this pipeline is too high to justify the building of the pipeline. The disastrous response and cleanup incompetence from the spill in Arkansas is evidence that this pipeline should not be built and stricter regulations, responsibilities, and punishments should be enforced for existing pipelines. We will not gamble away our responsibility to nature or people living near the proposed disaster at the whim of oil companies dangling the prospect of a few jobs in front of spineless politicians

4/22/2013 8:49:14

Holly Davis Please do not approve the Keystone XL pipeline. Among so many problems with the proposed pipeline, the inevitability of oil spills will pollute key water sources in a drought stricken region. The long-term environmental costs will be far more expensive and damaging than any minuscule short-term gains.

4/22/2013 8:51:19

Dianne Swertzic Please do not let this TransCanada Pipeline XL go through Nebraska sandhills and Ogallala aquifer. Listen to the landowners and others who have studied this route and the high risks we Nebraska would take for a foreign company. We are good stewarts of the land who are trying to protect our way of life. We are asking for your support and to turn down this pipeline. It is a moral obligation to protect our land and water for ourselves and future generations.

4/22/2013 8:51:21

Willa Penney Please do not approve this pipeline. Our fresh water is too important to endanger. We do not know whether this dirty oil will be of benefit to the United States, or will be sent overseas once it is refined. The jobs that will be created are only temporary at best.

4/22/2013 8:53:27

Kathryn Bedell I oppose the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. It would only benefit big oil companies, mostly foreign. The future is being sacraficed for the immediate gain of the already wealthiest people and as a Mom and very concerned citizen I want our government to listen to the voice of the people and not allow this to happen.

4/22/2013 8:54:32

Delia Constant Please do not allow this to happen

4/22/2013 8:56:08

Charles Day Do right thing, please. Save the planet and humanity from the escalating tragedy of global warming. Peace, Charlie Day

4/22/2013 8:56:08

Dr. Karen Sookram

Earth Day 2013 RE: Keystone XL - no way! TO: President Barack Obama & Secretary of State John Kerry Thank you for considering yet another opinion against the KXL - Ogallala Aquifer project. I live at the edge of the Ogallala Aquifer in NE. Our drinking water comes directly from the Platte River and its tributaries. The KXL pipeline will cross the Platte and Missouri river basins (as well as numerous other rivers in the Great Plains). This pipeline will eventually pose a threat to our primary sources of water. Witness the Mayflower, Arkansas, spill and other recent fiascoes. Pipelines weaken over time and oil companies are NOT vigilant in maintaining them. I agree with the consensus of most environmental scientists that this project is not appropriate, given environmental risks and climate change issues. One of the pro-KXL arguments being posed, according to the press, is that there are already many pipelines crisscrossing the central region of our country, therefore, one more pipeline should not unduly increase the risk. Really? Because many pipelines have been built in the past, we should continue to build them in the future? The problem is that eventually there will be more spills, more pipeline failures, and over the decades, greater harm to our environment. Trust us. Please, DO NOT RISK the KXL pipeline route over, or even near, the Ogallala Aquifer. Thank you. A concerned Democrat (Does my vote count?)

4/22/2013 8:56:45

Grant Petty I am an atmospheric physicist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I have written a textbook on how sunlight and infrared radiation are transported in the atmosphere and how their interaction with gases like CO2 affect climate. The very few scientists who vocally discount this interaction are not even remotely representative of the views of those who have devoted their lives to the study of the atmosphere and of climate. I'm deeply concerned about the implications for future climate of opening up the tar sands in Canada to exploitation. If we actually extract and consume the carbon in this reservoir, we are very likely to cross the threshold of irreversible -- and hugely disruptive -- climate change. Rather than facilitating our continued dependence on dwindling and climate-changing fossil fuels, we should be creating jobs --- and a more secure future -- by investing in clean energy. For the sake of our children and grandchildren, please DO NOT APPROVE the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/22/2013 8:56:54

J P Wehrman This project can and should be done entirely wIthin Canada. Canada has access to the Pacific Ocean. They should have the entire benefit and the entire burden from this pipeline if it is to be built at all. Deny permission to build it in the US, and allow the entire controversy to be resolved within Canada where it rightfully belongs.

4/22/2013 8:57:07

JoannBrown Please stop the Keystone XL pipeline. The risk of damaging the fragile ecosystem of our aquifer is far too great. The risk of leaks impacting our drinking water is far too great. The toxicity of far sands is dangerous. The impact of global warming will impact our climate. We have a moral obligation to protect our land, our earth, our environment. These are some of the most precious things we possess. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration. Jo Brown

4/22/2013 8:57:28

Marilyn Brennan Please REJECT the Keystone XL Pipeline,because a leak in the Ogalla Aquifer would poisen the water for millions with the toxic ingredients they put in it to make it run through the pipeline.

4/22/2013 8:58:06

Mary A. Spearman

The travesty that has been committed in the Province of Alberta, Canada to the land, its people, and wildlife in order to extract the tar sands oil is unconscionable. We cannot let it cross the border into the U.S. We especially cannot allow it to pass over the Ogallala Aquifer in Nebraska. We cannot drink oil -- we need water to survive!! STOP THE KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE --- NOW!!

4/22/2013 8:59:05

Herbert Abrams Built a refinery.

4/22/2013 9:00:31


Mr; Obama; Please help protect the farmers , ranchers , and the environment in Nebraska from the oil companys in Canada and this Keystone Pipeline. I am sure Heinz Ketchup would want Mr Kerry to do the same. Let them ship it by rail. BNSF would love that and all of Nebraska

4/22/2013 9:03:42

Mena Sprague To add to my comments on April 18 #59. When a person is poisoned by toxic chemicals, it is forever. My doctor told me in 1980, "For you to think I can cure you is unrealistic". I was home bound for seven years, a good doctor in Colorado and the clean healthy environment in Nebraska saved my life. One other fact I didn't hear at the hearings is: - County, Nebraska is on a fault line and has had earthquakes. They were large enough that they shook our house in northeastern - County. What happens to a pipeline made with steel from India (not made with the regulations steel made in the U.S. would have) with high pressure going through it and the earth starts shaking? Please protect our lives, our livelihood and our environment, and say NO to KXL!

4/22/2013 9:05:02

Hy Libby We do not need to put so much at risk just to ship more oil overseas and further enrich the petro-elite.

4/22/2013 9:05:42

Marian Krueger Save the Ogallala Aquifer, NOKXL

4/22/2013 9:06:55

Linda If we don't protect our water now we will NOT get a second chance. The Ogallala Aquifer is a potential source of water that will be needed in the future by, not only Nebraska, but also western states such as California, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico.

4/22/2013 9:06:58

Alex Schmitz The Keystone pipeline should not be built. The pipeline would be a catastrophic component driving climate change, it would provide few new jobs, and its potential for spills and leaks would be a dangerous and unnecessary risk to the environment. Just building the pipeline would damage and take away family-owned and sacred tribal properties. Much of the petroleum products processed from the pipeline's diluted bitumen would be exported to access higher profit foreign markets, adding almost nothing to energy security domestically. The KXL pipeline is a deeply and fatally flawed project, and should be rejected.

4/22/2013 9:07:46

Dina and Richard Schoonmaker

The pipeline is being built by big industry to sell oil abroad not to have it for use in the USA. Those who will be hurt by a spill, not to mention the devastation that mining tar sands causes are in North America and will be hurt. Who gains? Nobody.

4/22/2013 9:09:40

Jordan Deffenbaugh

This is an example of the government taking sides with a massive corporation over the people and the land they live on.

4/22/2013 9:09:50

MR Stegman We can't drink oil!!

4/22/2013 9:09:54

Mark Tinsley We all know what political and corporate pressure is. However, do you all understand what it means to stand up for what is right for the majority and right for the environment? Hopefully you won't allow the smell of money taint your thought processes and jeopardize, once again, the environment, of which we only have one, and for which we are so greatly dependent upon. Those of us that haven't fallen victim to the Tobacco Co. style lie campaigns of the Keystone Mega Corps, know that the truth is this pipeline is a short term proposition, benefiting foreign interests, and jeopardize or threatening our homeland. Please put a stop to this, now. Thank you.

4/22/2013 9:10:25

Alicia Bower Please do not allow the completion of this pipeline - not only will it contribute to climate instability, but it also has the potential to result in tragic spills that destroy our shared and individual communities. Please support renewable energy alternatives!

4/22/2013 9:10:56

Alicia Bones Nebraskans get pushed around a lot for being a less populous state. This wouldn't be happening in somewhere more populated, and a small-voiced state like this one deserves to have its land protected as much as any other state does.

4/22/2013 9:11:55

Dave OBrian Mr. Secretary, As a 56 year old former Californian who moved to Nebraska in 2011 to spend the rest of my years in this beautiful, pristine part of our country, I implore you to reject this time bomb. Before making this decision, please watch the documentary, "Great Plains: America's Lingering Wild". If this pipeline is approved the question of a catastrophic event is not "if", it is "when?". But will be too late. Hindsight is not an option. Sincerely, Dave O'Brian

4/22/2013 9:12:37

Dove Abbott - Mejorado

I am AGAINST, totally against more dangerous and dirty energy pipelines. NO MORE TRAGEDIES! The Gulf Oil Spill, and subsequent oil spills all over the lands that oil crosses, should be enough evidence that this is NOT a viable energy source. Funnel your interests into the more sustainable and viable energy, please. Listen to your constituents!

4/22/2013 9:12:43

Jennifer Fahy Keystone is not the answer. Please do not put our natural resources, our homes and farms, our food and water, our communities, our values, our planet at risk in the name of corporate profit and power. Jennifer Fahy

4/22/2013 9:12:53

Hans Wrage I oppose the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. The main reason is the horrendous toll that extraction of oil from tar sands in Canada will have on our environment and global climate change. The United States needs a new direction toward clean and renewable energies. The short term benefits of construction jobs are miniscule to the cost that global warming has on America's economic outlook. Be brave and look forward. Deny the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. Sincerely, Hans T. Wrage Current resident of Ohio, and a former resident of Nebraska (born and raised).

4/22/2013 9:13:41

Mike Sousek I am against the Keystone XL pipeline project because ; 1) I don't believe our country needs to sacrifice our precious natural resources by piping tar sands oil across them. Until they can guarantee that no leaks will ever happen this is unacceptable. 2) Giving a foreign private company the power of eminent domain is crazy. This power should never be used but in the most prudent circumstances. Profit for a foreign company is not one of them!

4/22/2013 9:15:50

Joselyn Viera I object to the pipeline because we must focus our attention on renewable energy that will not harm the environment with toxic spills and unforeseen impacts on the environment. The health of our future citizens is more important than the short term benefits of this project.

4/22/2013 9:16:54

john jenkinson Keep the pipeline out of my AQUIFER!!

4/22/2013 9:17:08

james mcginn Dear State Department, Don't worry, in the long run Canada (the country, not to be confused with the company Trans-Canada) will thank us for refusing the Keystone pipeline. Be happy, side with the US and especially Nebraska landowners, concerned citizens, and past Obama supporters who've clearly demonstrated the case against the pipeline on economic, enviromental, and ethical grounds.

4/22/2013 9:17:41

j johnson This is a horror for the environment that needs to be denied. There is no benefit for anyone, there are very little in the way of jobs, just an environmental disaster waiting to happen, that no corporation will ever pay for. There will be no clean up for this.

4/22/2013 9:18:37

Kelly France A few thousand temporary jobs are not worth the potential perpetual damage to the water supply and economic backbone of the state. If the oil is needed that badly build a refinery at the source, otherwise create a fule science or infrastructure program that would foster career growth and not pose such a devastating potential reality.

4/22/2013 9:21:51

Marty Steinhausen

I am against the Keystone XL pipeline for many reasons including the following: 1) TransCanada has proven to be a bad player 2) Eminent domain powers should never be given to a foreign corporation 3) The oil is destined for export

4/22/2013 9:22:28

Melodee Our water and land are treasures, vital for life. This tar sands oil is sludge, devastating to our ecosystem. Where's the dilemma?

4/22/2013 9:24:08

Alisa Tomlinson The people don't want it. It leaks. It stinks. It makes everyone in Washington who supports it look bad, like they don't understand what for the people means. YOU work for US. WE don't want to poison the land for foreigners.

4/22/2013 9:24:45

Elaine K Hudson

Please don't let the KXL pipeline bring dirty oil across our lands. Pipelines are NOT safe, they don't have a good track record and the damage their spills do is permanent.

4/22/2013 9:25:42

Rev. Del Roper Pipeline or no pipeline, the issue for me is the burning the toxic tar sands and the devastating consequences to our planet. I oppose construction of the pipeline, but even more I oppose removing the tar sand crude from the ground. We must quickly reduce all burning of fossil fuels.

4/22/2013 9:28:07

Sarah Erdlen Dear State Dept, Perhaps you call us Pipeline Fighters "idealists." Certainly the less diplomatic call us "crazy." But here's the thing: we're fighting to live by our values. Is that so crazy? We not only value good jobs and national security, but we also value our environment, our personal health and wellbeing. In essence, we have higher standards. We don't just expect jobs to put food on the table. We expect jobs that contribute to national well-being, food that doesn't risk contamination. We expect better. In the hundreds of thousands- dare I say a million?- comments you've received, I know that my compatriots have informed you of the lack of scientific rigor in the EIS. I know they have pointed out that all reports have neglected that agriculture, particularly cattle-ranching, is our largest product here in Nebraska; no report takes that into account. What I want to tell you though, is that this is one of those rare opportunities to take a huge step towards a more ideal world. Sure, we're idealists- but that means we believe we can do better, and we can do better right now. Don't you think it would be nice to live in a world, in a country, with clean energy? Where we don't have to worry about oil spills or other health hazards? By rejecting the Keystone XL pipeline, you take us one huge step closer to that world. It's hard work, changing the status quo. None of us are going to argue that the road to renewable energy is without its obstacles. But just because there's work ahead, doesn't mean we should give up before starting. It only makes it more imperative that we start now. Please, for my future, for our future, REJECT Keystone XL. Bring us one step closer to being well. Thank you, Sarah Erdlen

4/22/2013 9:28:21

Jake Welchert Temporary jobs or permanent environmental effects. It's an easy choice...reject the pipeline.

4/22/2013 9:29:06

Kelly Berney We must not allow this pipeline to endanger the ogalala aquifers and wetlands of Nebraska.

4/22/2013 9:29:13

Austin Sherwood

Why do you want to jeopardize our livelihood for this potential destruction. We are better than this. In you heart, if you know what the potential risk is, you can't honestly say that the world is in safe hands. Think about it, this is no place for this, there are continuing better alternatives to embark on, let's go find them!

4/22/2013 9:29:40

Larry K. Zink The tar sands oil, and the associated chemicals which enable it to be transported by the Keystone Pipeline, are widely reported to be some of the most toxic oil in its immediate form in the event of a pipeline leak or spill -- which would ultimately happen. Also, when finally burned, this oil will also be very polluting and contribute greatly to our current global warning crisis. As a lifelong resident of Nebraska, I can see very little in the way of a redeeming value to the very significant risk that this pipeline poses to Nebraska's groundwater and lands. It is time to make the tough policy choices and resist further major investments in environmentally threatening projects for the short-term profit of just a few. The long-term risk have been adequately documented and are just too great to proceed with this very unwise project. There is no shortage of alternative projects that need our investment to secure our country's alternative energy future. It is only politics and the huge amount of money being thrown around that continue to keep this very misguided project alive. I oppose the further development of the Keystone Pipeline through Nebraska and ask that you please help save our children and grandchildren's future water, land, and climate by opposing this very unwise and risky project.

4/22/2013 9:29:57

Berwyn E Jones Please clean the tar off the bottom of the Kalamazoo River, and THEN consider the Keystone XL tar pipeline. No one knows how to clean up a tar pipeline river disaster, so please do not put the wild and scenic Niobrara river under this death sentence. If you approve Keystone XL, Canada gets all the profit, but the US takes all the risk. How is this a good deal for the US?

4/22/2013 9:30:04

Isobel After what happened in Missouri, we do not need to contaminate Nebraska's water & soil.

4/22/2013 9:33:35

Melissa Anson The Keystone Pipeline would be a huge step backward in the effort to mitigate climate change and move forward with a more sustainable energy program. This pipeline would gravely endanger our country's natural resources - this is a big problem for farmers who live along the route, homeowners, and people and animals who consume air and water (everyone). The pipeline only benefits Canadian oil companies, while polluting the United States. Tar sands spills are much more risky, as they are difficult to clean up. This project is not worth the risk it poses to our country.

4/22/2013 9:34:52

Mary H. Kuhlman

Reading arguments for & against the pipeline in Omaha World-Herald, I can't see how the known facts support this risky project. Benefits may balance actual costs, but potential damage is so enormous and benefits so relatively unimportant that I strongly believe pipeline permission should be denied and this pipeline should NEVER be constructed. (I suggest funds should go into developing technologies to make "renewable energy" economically sound. )

4/22/2013 9:35:44

Joseph W. Johndreau

The proposed Keystone XL pipeline does not offer long term jobs or economic opportunity for the areas it impacts. The Keystone XL pipeline will not contribute to relief at the gas pump for Americans. The Keystone XL pipeline will recklessly and carelessly endanger some of the America’s most precious natural resources, most worrisome is the irreversible damage to the aquifer when the pipeline leaks; the pipeline will leak. If legislators want to contribute to long term economic growth and fuel price relief in America this is an opportunity to construct a true 21st century refinery in the Bakken oil fields in North Dakota.

4/22/2013 9:40:26

Michelle Lamb Please DO NOT allow this pipeline!!! Our environment needs protection! Do not risk the Ogalla aquifer for greed. Alternate energy such as wind and solar power are needed. Get away from oil! Thank you very much for your time. Please do the right thing and STOP THE KEYSTONE PIPELINE!!!

4/22/2013 9:40:42

Karen Fowler I am waiting for the day when we value clean air, clean water, clean food and a thriving ecosystem over the short term profits of large companies. Fossil fuels are killing the planet and the answer cannot be "all of the above" or "drill, baby, drill." You make the decisions, but we all have to live with the results. Save Canada. Save us all. Say no the pipeline.

4/22/2013 9:41:41

Amy Brt I am a single mom living with a diagnosis of cancer. I am against the Keystone XL pipeline. Show me one pipeline that is 30 years old and has not leaked, then I might reconsider my opinion. The opposition to the keystone pipeline is about protecting our water and protecting our community and protecting our citizens. It is not about profit is not about jobs. We want Clean jobs not oil cleanup jobs.

4/22/2013 9:42:29

Vencille Hipke I am a Landowner whose land is on the Proposed Alternative route. I have always and will always be opposed to the Keystone XL pipeline or any pipeline that is for the profits of one organization. A landowner should only have to give a land easement in the case of when the project is for the good of "the Public". This project is in no way, shape or form for the good of the "Public", it is for the profit of the Oil industry. The risks I would have to take and potential loss of my whole operation due to a leak would leave a taxpaying loss on our area. At the present time the pipeline is shown to cross right over top of my farmstead's well. From there it would disect a couple springs of water that flow into a Dam that supplies all the water to our 1000 head Cattle Feedlot. Even a small leak would be the end of this operation! And I don't know that I would ever feel safe drinking or bathing in the water for fear of finding out too late that there were small underground leaks that go unnoticed until something major happens. As you see the risks are far too great and the benefits minimal for "the Public" for this Pipeline to be built over our water sources. This Pipeline IS NOT in the best interests of our Nation! Please consider how many jobs for us the people who are already established and paying into the system you would be jeopodizing vs. how few permanent jobs this pipeline would create.

4/22/2013 9:42:58

Carolyn Roper Please do no allow this Keystone XL pipeline to cross Nebraska with the tar sands oil which is bound to destroy this planet when burned anywhere on our "space-ship earth". The benzene used in helping to transport the dirty oil will poison our water supply. We must replace fossil fuels with alternative energy sources such as wind, solar, moving waters, and geothermal.

4/22/2013 9:43:43

David Sprague FACT: WE have an oil based economy. We are a water based life form. Oil and water do not mix. We can and must change one of those facts. The Tar sands must remain in the ground for the protection of the world . Stop the Keystone XL pipeline project.

4/22/2013 9:45:37


There are so many reasons not to support the Keystone pipeline. "Bottom of the barrel" dirty oil. low clean up potential,low accountability and no payments into the clean up fund...the list goes on. Please reject this insane proposal. thank you.

4/22/2013 9:46:38

Ashley Floraday I oppose the Keystone XL pipeline. The lands and waters of our country are more important than low cost oil.

4/22/2013 9:47:38

Linda Hoffman` I have one comment for now that I would you to give serious consideration to. When (not if) there is a leak in the pipeline as it crosses our acquifer how do we sustain life as we know it? We all know that we can survive without a lot of things but pure water is not one of them. All the conversations about how Transcanada can fix this is not the issue. We need to avoid these problems at all cost. Please vote NO!

4/22/2013 9:49:13

Anita Newsystemofgovt

The XL pipeline will not happen, mark these words. For the American people do not wish it to be so, but a small group of men who's profit favors you both. If it is not postponed again, direct action will be taken. Your propaganda efforts will be useless, your words are in direct opposition to your actions and this has NOT gone unnoticed. I am proud that I never voted for either of you. Good day.

4/22/2013 9:49:35

sara hennessy To whom it may concern, I am a nurse here in - Nebraska and I must tell you I oppose the Keystone XL pipeline. For my children, myself, and the many people, including you, who would be directly or indirectly negatively affected by a spill into the aquifer, you must hear our pleas and stop this pipeline from ever being built. This is an opportunity to show people our government is listening and inspire them. If this pipeline is allowed to be built, we will know that our government has turned their ears and eyes away and sacrificed the well-being of its people in favor of a corporation's interests. At that point, citizens will be disheartened and awakened to the fact that we must take control of our own well-being and utilize direct action against Transcanada to stop them ourselves. I hope it does not come to that and this whole project is eliminated before it even begins. Please listen to our concerns and deny the pipeline permit. Sincerely, Sara Hennessy

4/22/2013 9:49:51

Catie The pipeline will only create some temp jobs, and no long lasting economic benefit to the people of the U.S.. Instead it will just endanger us and our habitat while TransCanada reaps all the profit.

4/22/2013 9:51:39

Sara Mills Please do not approve the Keystone XL pipeline extension. It is an environmental disaster in the making. The tar sands oil should be left where it is, the oil will not be used for US purposes and any jobs created will by an large be temporary. Please do not extend that pipeline. Sara Mills, MD, PhD

4/22/2013 9:51:47

Sara Mills Please do not approve the Keystone XL pipeline extension. It is an environmental disaster in the making. The tar sands oil should be left where it is, the oil will not be used for US purposes and any jobs created will by an large be temporary. Please do not extend that pipeline. Sara Mills, MD, PhD

4/22/2013 9:51:57

Taura horn Don't build this pipeline of lies through our beautiful state of Nebraska. It will only prove to be a disaster, and line the pockets of the people whose lives it doesn't even touch. Thank you, Taura

4/22/2013 9:52:07

Deborah McColley

I oppose the pipeline. It is a greed driven, ecological nightmare. We cannot keep doing this and expect different results. This pipeline will leak just like the others. OUr aquifer is in danger, even with the adjustments. Please vote no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4/22/2013 9:53:06

Sharon Kolakowski

Briefly....because we're running out of time to STOP this, and our nation is worth better... 1. All risk no reward. 2. Export pipeline from Canada 3. Sinks in water impossible to clean out of rivers and God forbid the Ogallala Aquifer. 4.Horrible consummer of energy just to make it; 5. Horrible emmissions when burned. 6. Environmental degredation end to end. President Obama, Please don't sign this! Think about our country's future, Sincerely, Sharon Kolakowski

4/22/2013 9:53:13

Paul M Barby We must invest in sustainable energy. Tar sands oil is not one of them; the sustainable return on investment is a negative.

4/22/2013 9:55:27

Christa Brown I am opposed to the Keystone Pipeline on the grounds of the damage that it will cause to wildlife and nature. So we want a good economy, but do we even want that? Supposedly the U.S. government is working to improve our economy, but I don't believe that. They just make excuses to destroy more environment and stymie any real economic growth. We could easily switch to free energy as a power source for the entire world, and noone would pay a dime. You, the State Dept., have the power to change that. You have your hands in everything, all over the world. Stop the corruption and make the world a better place. And to those who are interested in making more and more money, I say -- stop when it is enough.

4/22/2013 9:55:52

Diana Danis This administration has promised to be environmentally friendly. That is contrary to approval of any tarsands pipelines, much less approval of Keystone. Honor your commitments to the nation and the planet.

4/22/2013 9:58:30

Cindy No matter how much money they throw at us we cannot get back the land like it was before they spilled any. This could be really devastating in some places.

4/22/2013 9:58:39

Kristin Grosskopf

Please stop this, and all future pipelines. Surely there are no political "wins" that warrant such risks to our land and water. (I refer to the excavation practices in Canada, as well as the land required to lay the pipe.) Instead, please support efforts to secure alternative energy resources that do not harm our environment, our lives! Please use your political power to put an end to a lethal plan, and toward alternatives that protect the quality of our lives.

4/22/2013 10:00:17

Erin Reilley To whom it may concern, Please consider this comment as one more voting, tax paying American who opposes the Keystone XL project. Our country needs to move towards more responsible energy choices, not towards more environmentally destructive ones which perpetuate our crippling addiction to fossil fuels. Department of State, please kill this horrible project. Yours, Erin Reilley

4/22/2013 10:00:45

Maury Swoveland

This is another oil company disaster waiting to happen. Oil pipelines have a history of failing, this pipeline is no different. We cannot afford to continue polluting our environment for short sighted oil company profits and greed.

4/22/2013 10:01:52

Arta Smith We are already endangering/damaging too many of earth's beautiful preserves! The Sand Hills and our aquifer are too precious as resources for life to endanger with a pipeline. Please vote NO!

4/22/2013 10:03:45

William Shaffer Please think about the future, particularly renewable energy sources. Let's get off the fossil fuel addiction. Thanks for listening.

4/22/2013 10:06:56

Marianne Schuler

I am 100% against the Keystone pipeline project, proposed to come through Nebraska near the sandhills and over the wonderful Ogalla Aquifer, one of the true wonders of the world, with it's sparkling clear cold water contained in an area the size of 3 of the Great Lakes. We would have to be crazy to place toxic tar sands oil anywhere near this area.

4/22/2013 10:07:50

Sondra Haltom Keystone XL is a disaster waiting to happen. The Canadian oil that would be carried on Keystone will be shipped overseas, not kept in America. Yet Americans would be the ones faced with the very real (see Arkansas) risk of a spill that contaminates our land and water. The reasons this idea is stupid are too numerous to expound upon in this space. Say no to the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/22/2013 10:09:53

Pippa White Lawson

As a Nebraskan, I am at a loss as to why the US is even considering the Keystone XL Pipeline. Jobs? TransCanada admitted months ago to the Washington Post that they had greatly exaggerated job numbers. And why don't the "jobs" of farmers and ranchers, who put food on our tables and whose livelihoods will be threatened by the KXL, ever enter the conversation when Pipeline Jobs are discussed? State-of-the-Art Construction? Why didn't TransCanada use state-or-the-art construction on the Keystone 1, which leaked 14 times in its first year? Oil from our friendly neighbor to the north? TransCanada has never denied that this oil is going on the world market, not to us. THERE IS NO GOOD REASON WHY THIS PIPELINE SHOULD BE BUILT! It's going to leak into the aquifer, Nebraska's greatest and most precious natural resource, and it's about as much "in our national interest" as the war in Iraq was. Please Do Not Cave to big money-grubbing corporations who lie, cheat, and harass good, law-abiding, tax paying American Citizens. TransCanada's treatment of US citizens in Nebraska has been atrocious and thoroughly uncalled for. There is nothing good about TransCanada and nothing good about the Keystone XL Pipeline. Have courage!!!! Deny this permit!!

4/22/2013 10:11:32

Daniel Shively The Keystone XL pipeline would produce legitimate despair for the climate, for people living over the Ogalalla Aquifer, for forward-thinking people everywhere.

4/22/2013 10:14:24

Teri Hlava COMMENT TO U.S. State Dept, Senator John Kerry, and President Obama on Monday April 22, 2013 (Earth Day) 12:15pm CT from Teri Hlava Excerpt from Yorknewstimes (dot) com – Editorial page Tues April 2, 2013 (and reference to an Omaha World Herald article) ……..Surely the reporter knew that Adrian sits on the powerful House Ways and Means Committee. This committee, back in 1980, declared tar-sand to be neither oil nor petroleum, so when an “anonymous company” recently asked the IRS to make a ruling on tax liabilities based on current law, the IRS had no choice but to rule the 36 million gallons of this toxic brew, gushing just a half inch away from Nebraska’s Ogallala Aquifer every day, will not be subject to the eight cents per barrel Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund Tax. (American oil has to pay this tax, but the Canadian tar-sand oil gets a free pass, thanks to Adrian’s House Ways and Means Committee determination.) Adrian has been informed that a spill in Nebraska similar to the one in Michigan could cost up to a billion dollars to repair and restore, and TransCanada is only liable for the first $350 million. After that, the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund is tapped, but remember, based on Adrian’s committee, the Canadian oil going through the Keystone XL does not have to pay the $23 million a year tax to replenish the fund … only American oil has to pay. We have asked Adrian to change that provision. He is reluctant to do so, saying he might have to get the Department of Transportation and Department of Energy involved. All right then Mr. Smith, as one well known Nebraskan might say, “Git-er-done!” …….

4/22/2013 10:14:43

oliver clark To whom it may concern, Please DO NOT allow the keystone pipeline, i understand the idea sounds good at first sight. Look at the evidence of the recent spill of tarsands in arkansas, this is not acceptable. Do not allow big business to have more say then the citizens you are supposed to be working for. Thank you for time, Oliver Clark

4/22/2013 10:17:35


Stop this insanity of a foreign country seizing land from our citizens to run a pipeline that shall at some point leak. The hazards are too great to take a chance on contaminating our drinking water and livelihood just so a foreign country can make money. We will receive no gasoline, very few jobs and take all the risks so they can make billions. Gasoline will go up 10 to 20 cents a gallon. This will definitely hurt our farmers. This is not a winning situation and I ask that a level head be used and the pipeline be rejected.

4/22/2013 10:19:23

Gwen Lawson Cracks, fissures, and other sources of potential leak have already been discovered in this pipeline, making it an unworthy hazard to our country. We can develop alternatives to fuel, but we can't develop alternatives to clean, safe water! Please protect our groundwater and our health and safety by refusing to authorize the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/22/2013 10:20:15

Anabel Graetz Protect our water supply; protect our priceless parks and flora and fauna, protect our country. STOP the pipeline (sorry to yell, but, guys, you seem not to be listening); now, before it's too late. And stop the fracking in North Dakota; turn those jobs into meaningful work installing and building a renewable energy infrastructure for our country!! I was barn and raised in Nebraska, and stand in solidarity!

4/22/2013 10:20:23

Jon York Dear Lawmakers and other elected or appointed officials, Please listen to the majority of us....WE the People....who ask that you heed your conscience and act to stop the Keystone XL pipeline. No one in their right mind can honestly say that we don't have better energy options. You know we do! We have let Germany take the lead toward the future of Clean Energy....but we can catch up, and we need to stop this pipeline as a part of our process of shifting over to non-polluting renewable sources of energy. If the Keystone XL pipeline goes ahead, future generations will remember the people who authorized it in the same way that we remember Hitler now...notoriously selfish, evil, and harmful to others. We urge you to stand up for what is right and let the oil industry know that they do not have you in their grasp. Thank you, and happy Earth Day.

4/22/2013 10:20:34

Rebecca Norman Dvorak

I like the quote: "If you really think the environment is less important than the economy try holding your breath while you count your money." Or in this case, try drinking your money. Don't risk our precious drinking water for potential economic gain - it's not fair to the younger generation!!

4/22/2013 10:22:22

Anabel Graetz Protect our water supply; protect our priceless parks and flora and fauna, protect our country. STOP the pipeline (sorry to yell, but, guys, you seem not to be listening); now, before it's too late. And stop the fracking in North Dakota; turn those jobs into meaningful work installing and building a renewable energy infrastructure for our country!! I was barn and raised in Nebraska, and stand in solidarity!

4/22/2013 10:22:32

Alene Swinehart Water is Life ! We cannot risk it's contamination -- no matter how "small" that possibility might be ( and I am afraid that, really, it is a huge possibility with this pipeline). And, WE HAVE ALTERNATIVES ! There is NO reason to go in this disastrous direction except GREED -- and that is unacceptable

4/22/2013 10:23:49

joshua stratton no black snake

4/22/2013 10:27:23

Curt Bright The Keystone XL pipeline is a terrible idea. Please stop this pipeline.

4/22/2013 10:30:13

Charise Adams Please reject the Keystone XL pipeline. Keep our country beautiful and safe.

4/22/2013 10:30:46

Sarah Bailey As a Nebraskan I am strongly opposed to the Keystone XL pipeline. It is hard to believe that our nation is even considering such a risky project that will not only put the Ogallala Aquifer at risk, it will accelerate climate change around the world and all with no benefit to anyone here. Jobs will be temporary and the refined oil shipped overseas. The United States will just become a pawn in Transcanada's game to maximize their profits if this project is approved. The only thing that our nation will get in return from this pipeline are polluted rivers and water, damage to agricultural and natural lands, and the poisoning of its people that live near refineries in the south or from a spill that contaminates our drinking water. Transcanada's claim about the Keystone XL pipeline being the safest pipeline is completely ridiculous. We have seen two major spills from pipelines carrying toxic tarsands bitumen in the past few years. There was the spill on the Kalamazoo in Michigan and now the one in Mayflower Arkansas. Of course we have seen the harmful effects of such spills on the surrounding environment and on public health. Perhaps the most disturbing piece to this is the fact that Transcanada cannot even provide a list of all the chemicals that are used in transport of this toxic bitumen. Thus, how do we even know what we are putting our people at risk for? How do we know exactly how a spill will affect the surrounding environment? It has also become clear that these corporations that transport tarsands by pipeline do not even have clean-up protocols in place when there is a spill. It would be an absolute shame to see this nation approve a project that jeopardizes the health and well-being of its own citizens and the environment, just so a few can profit from it. It is time that our nation stood up to this reckless and unsustainable foreign corporation. We MUST say NO to Transcanada and the Keystone XL pipeline. We need to look forward as a nation to clean energies and providing jobs in these areas. The time to act is now, otherwise we will continue down this path of jeopardizing our own health and wellbeing by contributing to climate change. We CAN change this. Stop the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/22/2013 10:34:35

abigale wool Enough already with filthy energy. Put all that $$ into alternative, sustainable resources!

4/22/2013 10:35:18

Larissa Huge The Keystone XL pipeline is a project that should be rejected. The State Department's draft supplemental environmental impact statement misses the mark in a variety of areas, and thus does not sufficiently make clear that the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline must be rejected. In particular, the State Department's draft statement is wrong on these key points: 1) The Keystone XL pipeline would be responsible for massive greenhouse gas pollution, resulting in more global warming. The State Department's analysis of the climate impact of Keystone XL is flawed, as it is based on a business-as-usual scenario that would bring us to climate chaos. The Keystone XL tar sands pipeline would, if approved, be responsible for at least 181 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) each year, comparable to the tailpipe emissions from more than 37.7 million cars or 51 coal-fired power plants. Read more at 2) Keystone XL is a pipeline through America, not to it. It would do nothing to enhance so-called “energy security”; most of the oil it transports would be exported abroad. As shown in Oil Change International's recent report, KXL refineries already export some 60% of their products. 3) The State Department's impact statement was written in part by contractors who have ties to oil companies and pipeline proponents. This clear conflict of interest brings the entire analysis into question. With these problems in mind, it's abundantly clear: the State Department must reject the Keystone XL pipeline!

4/22/2013 10:37:57

Gerald Sanftner This pipeline makes no sense whatsoever. You should be demanding the process of renewable projects that would employ more people permanently and have no danger to our precious water and air. Stop the madness, stop the pipeline.

4/22/2013 10:40:54

jean incontro Pipelines leak. period. We need to protect the environment.

4/22/2013 10:42:27

Mark Margrave Please do not allow the Keystone XL project to go forward. The arguments against the Keystone XL pipeline are overwhelming . Here are some of the key arguments with links to sources: Fact: Building the Keystone XL will directly impact the expansion of tar sands, and in turn

speed up climate change. Fact: The KXL holds more economic risks than profits. The job creation claims being made by pipeline supporters and some media outlets are wildly exaggerated. While Rush Limbaugh says the KXL will create up to a million jobs, an independent study done by Cornell estimates the number to be closer to 2,000 temporary jobs, and that the KXL could kill more jobs than it actually creates. The most recent State Department EIS estimates that the KXL will only create 35 jobs. Fact: Pipelines leak. Many of those leaks are major and pose immense dangers to the public. According to Dr. Stansbury, UNL Professor of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering conducted a study showing that the KXL would result in 91 major spills over the 50 year life of the pipeline. Fact: The KXL will carry diluted bitumen. Diluted bitumen (dilbit) is not considered oil by the IRS, which would allow TransCanada to evade paying taxes into the Oil Spill and Liability Trust, a fund used to clean up oil spills. Indeed dilbit is not oil; it is far more dangerous to the public. A toxic sludge of chemicals and peanut-butter thick tar sands oil, dilbit sinks in water

and is proving to be impossible to clean up. Fact: The KXL route passes through a number of sacred tribal grounds, including the Ponca’s Trail of Tears. Native tribes are concerned about health and cultural impacts of the pipeline, concerns that have not been adequately addressed by the State Department. Fact: Extracting the tar sands causes unfathomable damage to the environment and people near the extraction sites. Fact: Investors, nations, and academics across the world are distancing themselves from the tar sands. Why? Because it’s becoming clear that it is a bad investment both financially and morally.

Fact: The Keystone XL will NOT provide “energy security.” The oil is destined for export and we will not see lower gas prices. Fact: The entire KXL review process is broken. Conflicts of interest have riddled every review and each report has ignored very important environmental concerns. Fact: TransCanada does not have a good safety record, or a good safety culture. Though they claim to promote safety by having “agreed to 57 extra conditions,” most of those are already required by law. Fact: President Obama and John Kerry have declared multiple times their commitment to fighting climate change and protecting our children’s future. If they truly believe this, then there is no way they can approve this pipeline. Fact: The KXL still crosses the Ogallala Aquifer, the most valuable resource in our state, and the fragile Sandhills. Respectfully submitted, Mark Margrave

4/22/2013 10:44:52

Alisha Sauer I am against the Keystone XL pipeline. It is not safe for our state to support this project. We are inviting toxins into our environment if this is to continue. We need to think about what is sustainable for our Earth. The needs of "now" cannot overrule what is right for the people of this state as well as our Earth.

4/22/2013 10:46:15

Andrew Cubrich These pipelines are fragile, shoddy tubes full of poisonous tar. Are you honestly going to allow a Canadian corporation of proven liars to run one of these through the depths of a natural resource that our nation needs? Don't give us the argument that this will benefit the United States. Jobs? A handful. Security? Bullshit. Risk? Yes, nothing but that. Reject this pipeline so we don't have to do it ourselves.

4/22/2013 10:50:33

Craig Lawson This pipeline is the least smart initiative the State Department has ever considered; if Canada wants to be considered our ally, it should not ask us to accept a pipeline that its own people does not want across Canadian territory. At the very least, the pipeline route across Nebraska must move farther away from the High Plains aquifer (the Ogallala aquifier), and out of the sandhills, which have a fragile ecology.

4/22/2013 10:52:23

Kacey Pedersen I am against the Keystone XL pipeline in Nebraska because I care about my family our clean drinking water and I believe this pipeline will seriously jepordize the Ogallala Aquifer that we rely on so much. Please do not allow this pipeline to be built. It will only benefit a foreign corporation.

4/22/2013 10:53:43

Todd Calvin I am very much against this pipeline -- the tar sands oil is filthy and polluting and will increase the carbon into our atmosphere even more than standard oil. The costs to our planet and environment are not worth a few thousand jobs.

4/22/2013 10:53:54

Janice Spellerberg

Please do not extend the pipeline through Nebraska. Precious ecosystems could be damaged in case of a spill--and there are lots of spills with pipelines. This oil is dirty and hard on pipelines. It's the worst kind to clean up. I stand in favour of changing our habits in the use of fossil fuels and concentrating our efforts on expanding renewable energies such as wind and solar. We must take responsibility and stop caving in to the wealthy interests who see, most of all, an opportunity to make money through the exploitation of fossil fuels. We can do better.

4/22/2013 10:55:19

Anthony Janis I am against the Keystone XL pipeline. We need to start using renewable clean energy and stop polluting. I feel the Pipeline is detrimental to the progress of clean renewable energy.

4/22/2013 10:55:20

steve wise The dangers outweigh the benefits. Bolts and metal break, they have a lifespan. Profits and business practices have shown by record damage will occur.

4/22/2013 10:55:25

Michelle Haukaas

Please reconsider what you are about to do..this land is sacred! STOP now before Karma has its way with you...NO KXL PIPELINE!!!

4/22/2013 10:58:55

Brent Christensen

The Keystone XL will NOT provide “energy security.” The oil is destined for export and we will not see lower gas prices.

4/22/2013 11:00:59

Mary Boschult Please keep the pipeline out of our water in the aquifer.

4/22/2013 11:01:04

Willa Toren-Senn

Please stop the KXL pipeline from coming through our Sandhills. Be the change you promised. Don't support this environmental disaster!

4/22/2013 11:02:58

Tuesday Metcalf Hofts

Please do not let this pipeline happen.

4/22/2013 11:03:49

David Riggenbach

When the day comes when there is no more fresh water to drink, what will you tell your grandchildren? That you gave in to big business rather than making decisions that protected all life and our natural environment? That you were glad you did because now you could afford the best water filtration money could buy? What about the rest of your constituents, you know, the poor ones? What about the flora and fauna? Do they have a voice in this process? You’ve heard the voices of many Nebraskans and others around the country. There are many of us who feel that preserving our natural resources and the environment is more important that a temporary boost to the economy. Look around, what is nature telling us? Perhaps the message is that living out of balance isn’t such a good life after all. Are the mega storms saying, please build a pipeline? Let’s show the rest of this world that yes we can make the right decisions and that the United States can be a leader in the new paradigm; one in balance with our natural surrounds, and that it’s people and leaders capable of long-term, intelligent and sustainable decision making. In the end, I think we all understand on some level that mother earth always wins.

4/22/2013 11:05:21

Rebecca Jean Hicks

To Whom It May Concern, Allowing an oil pipeline to be built across our state of Nebraska would be like allowing your toddler to play unattended in a parking lot. Toddler and ground water, both precious resources. We do not allow our children to play unattended in a traffic area anymore than we would allow a corporation to be left in charge to guard our precious ground water. Sincerely R Jean Hicks Omaha

4/22/2013 11:05:41

Jane Britton We are getting warmer and warmer, and the need to reduce fossil fuel is one of the main ways to cool us down a little. Too many people, too much CO2, we must put a stop to it, and stopping the pipeline would be one of the ways to do this.

4/22/2013 11:06:34

Rebecca Shaw This is my home, my ecosystem, my people. I oppose the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/22/2013 11:06:41

Cheryl Koerwitz For God's sake what is the problem-we can't live without clean water-the environment is being destroyed in so many ways and now you want to add to the destruction. NO!NO! plain and clear. Put a stop to it all.

4/22/2013 11:07:41

Eric Sundquist Hello, The XL pipeline only inflicts costs to the U.S., in the form of spills and additional carbon emissions. The benefits are negligible, as the XL will facilitate through-shipping of tar sands oil to other countries. Today it is bottled up in the upper Midwest, keeping gas prices down there. When it flows more freely to the Gulf it will simply be shipped overseas. This is a dangerous and costly project. Please deny the permit.

4/22/2013 11:08:12

Dwain Marcellus I am not going to go into all the facts why the KXL should not be built, I am sure you have heard them all. From polluting the water in Nebraska to the air in Texas. I also realize that the construction workers need jobs, but doesn't it matter that these are only temporary jobs!! They need permanent jobs. We also need to realize what the people want. It is not the Tarsands Oil!!!! It is not big oil forcing the pipeline down our throats. Or is it being bulled around by TransCanada. Or is it feeling that OUR elected officials care more about BIG OIL then the people who care about America. Or our greedy elected officials who are more concerned about money then our next generation. Or about how the pipe is all foreign steel. Or what happens to my farm and ranch where I grow Dry Beans, Popcorn, Soybeans and Corn. We also run a nice herd of Angus Cows, all of these get water from the Aquifer. So let me ask you, when the pipeline leaks, and it will, will you still eat my beef, or munch on popcorn or enjoy a bowl of soup that has dry beans in it. My father purchased our farm in 1952. Then in the 80s I began slowly taking over the operations, now my son who is 21 is doing the same. I hope you know the hardship my parents went through so me and my son could enjoy the fruits of their sacrifices. We will not allow a foreign company to destroy our lives so they can export dirty tarsand oil to foreign countries. This is all about GREED. YOU BETTER LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE WHO ARE DIRECTLY AFFECTED. WE LOVE OUR LAND MORE THAN ANYTHING.

4/22/2013 11:09:15

Paul Mathews I believe the State Department should: 1. Fully investigate the 2011 Keystone 1 Ludden ND spill: a. No public report has been released to evaluate the Transcanada’s spill detection abilities as apparently this spill depended on eye witness to discover. i. If Transcanada failings become apparent on this spill, that fact should be considered when their route spans critical areas which then are put at risk in our country for foreign mining interests. b. To ascertain Keystone 1 special conditions of operation are being complied to: i. For those of us live adjacent to the corridor, mandatory flyovers were absent in the months before the Ludden spill and since appear to be tardy for the 2-3 week window for compliance since. 2. Discover if rural responders have adequate training and equipment to address a potential spill. a. Keystone 1 rural responders do not as I belong to one. 3. Evaluate further the corridor’s crop production losses. a. Keystone 1 has visual indications that crops above the pipeline are being affected. Local farms are witnessing and have assembled pictures indicating crop stress. Keystone XL appears to be a “twin sister” to Keystone 1 and any deficiencies should be addressed before exposing additional US environment or her citizen’s to hazards this pipeline proposal presents.

4/22/2013 11:09:21

Pam Bulin I feel down the road the pipeline will harm are enviroment. It only take one spill to affect are water supply.

4/22/2013 11:10:24

Michelle Toogood

Please do not let the Keystone XL pipeline go through Nebraska. It still crosses the Ogalala aquifer and endangers it. In light of the recent bombings at the Boston Marathon, I believe letting a pipeline like this cross our large fresh water source is just creating a soft target for those who want to harm our country. There will be miles and miles of unguarded pipeline where a bomb could be placed to blow up the pipeline and destroy our source of water for homes, livestock and irrigation. Please stop the Keystone XL pipeline. Thank you.

4/22/2013 11:11:38

Scott Childers I cannot fathom logic that allows a toxic waste pipeline to cross the aquifer. There is no argument in favor of this pipeline that trumps the value of the aquifer. I cannot illustrate the level of dismay such a pipeline will cause me. It's the most short sighted energy policy imaginable. Please do not sanction its development any further. Thank you.

4/22/2013 11:11:43

KURT KOSTER There is nothing good that will come from this pipeline! Do not ruin my state by allowing it ti happen!

4/22/2013 11:12:01

william mehring There is no upside for Nebraskans. The risk outweigh the rewards. PLEASE - say no to the xl pipeline !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4/22/2013 11:12:32

Ann Chambers Please don't sacrifice our natural resources for a quick buck. It's short-sighted to place our environment in jeopardy to help Canada make money. Stop the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/22/2013 11:12:47

Jack Anderson Please deny this pipeline. I am a native Nebraskan, and I hope to raise a family in this state someday, but I will not if this pipeline is built. This pipeline will endanger the health, safety, and well-being of our current and future citizens. Let us learn from our history--Michigan, the Gulf of Mexico, Arkansas, Montana, just to name a few--and provide a safer, healthier, and cleaner environment for our children and grandchildren. I urge you to deny this pipeline and focus on clean, renewable, and sustainable energy instead.

4/22/2013 11:13:12

Kristin Hoffman As concrete eventually cracks, pipes eventually leak. It may take 2 years, 20 years or more, but in the long run it will leak. Please be brave enough to make a decision for the Earth and one that will have a long term positive impact. Please do not approve of this pipeline. Let us focus on green energy, like we said we'd do back in the 1970's. It is time!

4/22/2013 11:13:30

Angel Holland I am against the Keystone pipeline! We need to protect the greater resource and wildlife!

4/22/2013 11:14:00

Heather The most devastating result of building this pipeline is the contamination of the Oglala Aquifer which would effect multiple state's fresh water supply. Clean water is a basic human necessity as well as a resource for agriculture.

4/22/2013 11:15:10

Lauren Scarpello

The pipeline is a bad idea for the U.S. and for Nebraska. The Sandhills are a precious resource. The short term benefits are not worth the long term risk - please say NO to the Keystone XL pipeline!

4/22/2013 11:15:16

Jonathan Cumbee

The people of Nebraska -- the people you are supposed to represent -- have made their wishes against this pipeline very clear many times. We do not want the pipeline. Reroute it out-of-state if you still want to build it. You are setting a terrible precedent where citizens can no longer stand up to their representatives for not acting in their best interest. You are saying to the people, "We represent industry and not the people who elected us." If you have a conscience, let it be shown now. There will be consequences come election time. You either represent the will of the people, or you represent lobbyists and industry. It's time to make your choice. I sincerely hope you listen to your constituents.

4/22/2013 11:15:23

Amanda McKinney

I am OPPOSED to the Keystone XL pipeline because there are NO benefits. There are no long term economic benefits in terms of permanent jobs. There are no benefits to the environment... there is only potential to contaminate the drinking water of millions of people and to accelerate climate change by releasing massive amounts of carbon into the atmosphere through both production of the tar sands as well as use of the dirty oil. The government is a body of elected representatives to protect the people and their interests. The people do NOT want this pipeline! Corporations are not people and they have plenty of money to see that their interests are considered. Please protect our land, our water and our environment by STOPPING the Keystone XL. Thank you. Amanda McKinney, MD

4/22/2013 11:16:30

Tracy Johnson I am firmly opposed to the Keystone XL Pipeline. The purposed route will endanger the Ogalala Aquifer, the source of drinking water for thousands of Nebraskans. Although our state population is small compared to the rest of the country, we are still, non the less, Americans with the right to clean water. I live in Lincoln and our drinking water comes from the Platte River near Ashland. The pipeline would cross the Platte river and put over 250,000 Lincolnites' water in danger. We will not stand silent on this. There are countless smaller

cities and towns all along the purposed route that get their water from wells. How is TransCanada going to protect this water? According to a recent map, the pipeline will also go within yards of my grandparent's and great-grandparents' graves. Should there be a spill, and no doubt there will be, how will these small cemetaries be protected? I have heard no answers on that subject. How do you clean up underneath or adjacent to a cemetery? I know that you do need the families permission to move the graves, but what if these families don't exist anymore. These were pioneers, immigrants who left Europe for a better way of life. We are all descended from these brave people and to put a pipeline near their final resting places is simply wrong! The manner in which TransCanada has treated Nebraskans is very disturbing. If a company needs to intimidate and lie in order to get what they want, then what that company is selling is not right. Almost like a scam. Give us some of your land in exchange for jobs and oil. The low number of jobs are temporary and the oil will GO ON THE WORLD MARKET. None of this oil is destined for the US. Actually, I think we're just going to take the land by eminent domain instead. This is what TransCanada has done. It's tactics like this that concern and disgust me and fellow Nebraskans. This is not sparcely populated land of grass that some foreign company can take over. This is our home and we love it and any Nebraskan politician who states that Nebraska wants this pipeline is WRONG! DO NOT BUILD THIS PIPELINE!!! Nebraskans will not allow it. Just thinking about and looking at the pictures of the pipeline spill in Arkansas makes me sick. That will happen in Nebraska if this pipeline is built. But how do you clean up an overground aquifer? I have never heard an answer to this question. What about the long term effects of a spill? Who's going to pay for the doctor's bills of the surrounding community and farmers who have to live in the area of a spill. Without the protective equipment that the clean-up workers have. Will houses needs to be demolished because of the toxic fumes that will linger in the air and come in the houses, plant themselves in carpet and furniture, settle in the dishes and glasses and pots and pans, adhere to the painted walls, and stick on the clothes? Until there are answers and concrete evidence that this pipeline is 100% safe, then no pipeline should ever be built . Just remember, the Titanic was unsinkable - until it sank on it's maiden voyage. Nothing in this world is unbreakable, impenetrable, or completely safe. And anyone who says differently, then I've got a bridge for sale.

4/22/2013 11:17:58


4/22/2013 11:18:48

Leah A. Hamilton

I'm against the Keystone XL pipeline. Please focus on renewable energy sources instead.

4/22/2013 11:19:05

Sharon Stonecipher

Please prioritize our environment as more important than a FEW jobs and oil for foreign countries. If we ruin our land and water supply we may not have the technology to correct the damage I.e. the Ogallala Aquifer. It is a sad day when we choose to under value our natural resources for the dollar. There are other ways for Canada to accomplish their goals within their country.

4/22/2013 11:21:12

Diane Steinke The TransCanada export pipeline is a risky and bad idea for our state, our land, our water, and our economic activity. We do not want to see it built. We want to see investments in American-made energy, including domestic oil and sustainable biofuels, wind, solar and efficiency programs, which bring long-term jobs to rural and urban Nebraska. The Keystone XL Pipeline is dangerous, dirty, and destructive -- and the latest Environmental Impact Statement was both inaccurate and incomplete. It ignores the pipeline's significant risk for toxic spills, ignores its catastrophic impacts on our climate, and ignores the clear consensus among financial analysts and oil executives who agree Keystone XL will make the difference in tar sands development. Keystone XL will contribute dramatically to climate change. The State Department confirmed that tar sands fuel is up to 19% more greenhouse gas intensive than conventional fuel, and the tar sands industry admits that Keystone XL will lead to more tar sands production. Building a new pipeline now will lock us in to higher carbon emissions when we should be rapidly investing in renewable energy that cannot be exported and will provide a secure energy future. New data suggests that the current analyses of the impacts of tar sands underestimate the climate impacts of tar sands pollution by at least 13% because they don’t account for a high-carbon byproduct of the refining process used as a cheap alternative to coal: petroleum coke. The pipeline's risk to water has not changed at all with the new route. It still crosses the Sandhills and the Ogallala aquifer, and this was the reason that Gov. Heineman, Sen. Johanns and President Obama rejected the route the first time around. The pipeline will cross more than 1,000 water bodies across 3 states and 875 miles, threatening drinking water for people, farms, and ranches with a devastating tar sands spill that is proving impossible to clean up. We need to start reducing emissions significantly, not create new ways to increase them. We

should impose a gradually rising carbon fee, collected from fossil fuel companies, then distribute 100 percent of the collections to all Americans on a per-capita basis every month. The government would not get a penny. This market-based approach would stimulate innovation, jobs and economic growth, avoid enlarging government or having it pick winners or losers. Most Americans, except the heaviest energy users, would get more back than they paid in increased prices. Not only that, the reduction in oil use resulting from the carbon price would be nearly six times as great as the oil supply from the proposed pipeline from Canada, rendering the pipeline superfluous, according to economic models driven by a slowly rising carbon price. But instead of placing a rising fee on carbon emissions to make fossil fuels pay their true costs, leveling the energy playing field, the world’s governments are forcing the public to subsidize fossil fuels with hundreds of billions of dollars per year. This encourages a frantic stampede to extract every fossil fuel through mountaintop removal, longwall mining, hydraulic fracturing, tar sands and tar shale extraction, and deep ocean and Arctic drilling. For the future of our country and our planet, I urge you to reject this pipeline.

4/22/2013 11:23:10

Katie Baeten Please do not let this happen. My generation is sick and tired of watching y'all stack up problem after problem to line your pockets today at the expense of our future. It's irresponsible, it's cowardly, it's wrong. If you spent half the time trying to foster new technology and infrastructure as you do bickering about fossil fuels we'd have solved our job crisis while breaking our dependence on dirty, environmentally degrading technology.

4/22/2013 11:23:35

Megan Higgins I ask that we stop taking unnecessary risks with our future, and stop the building of the Keystone XL pipeline. In comparing the promises of Keystone versus the facts of what has happened already in their history, it is obvious that they are exaggerations and lies and are taking advantage of us for their profit. Protect our water, protect our well-being. Put the individual's rights before the corporations. The moment the pipeline goes in it becomes a ticking time bomb, the spills and destruction are inevitable. It is not a matter of if, but when, and this is obvious to all looking at the history. I understand the lure of the promises, the jobs, but let's create jobs that don't destroy our livelihood with a quick, non-lasting, fix. As we can see the main job Keystone creates-is the volunteer unpaid jobs of cleaning up the spills that they refuse to help with. Let's create jobs that don't destroy the environment-invest in new sources of energy, renewable!

4/22/2013 11:24:24

Spencer Olson The Keystone XL Pipeline is wrong for the environment and wrong for America. It's time for our energy future to focus on sustainable, clean solutions that fuel American enterprise. The proposed pipeline will have devastating impacts on our local environment and negates the energy progress of Obama's administration. This pipeline is a step backwards when we need to making investments in our country's future. NO on the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/22/2013 11:27:08

Gary Our planet cannot withstand continued fossil fuel buring. This Bitumin is the most carbon intensive extraction and should be left in the ground. If this pipeline is built, it will erase President Obama's progress on climate change.

4/22/2013 11:28:54

George W. Wimmer

Please do not support the Keystone Pipeline. Tar sands are yesterdays solution to the energy problem, Look to the future and spend more R&D on new areas of energy - wind, solar, nuclear. If Canada wants to refine these fuels, let them build the infrastructure to make it happen. I am a Nebraskan, and we depend on water to grow the crops that feed the world. We cannot risk a spill of unknown chemicals into the Ogalalla Aquifer. The proposed pipeline route runs too closes to the Aquifer, has inadequate regulations to safeguard our water. Trans Canada has taken and been granted great liberties to condemn land along the pipelines proposed route. They are a foreign country and have been granted eminent domain on routes that have not been approved. There are many other reasons to oppose the pipeline, and really none that make economic or environmental sense. Again, please vote no. George W. Wimmer

4/22/2013 11:30:08

Jason Moore Please do not allow this to continue. There is nothing but speculation and empty promises of anything good to come of such an endeavor. Moving the crude oil to the cost is only to get it on boat to ship off to other countries and will not bring down our consumer costs. Also, this does nothing to ween America from oil dependency.

4/22/2013 11:31:18

Pamela & Carroll Wilhelm

We are begging you please to leave our beautiful state of Nebraska alone. PLEASE do not allow the Keystone XL pipeline to cross our state.

4/22/2013 11:31:19

Thomas E. Keefe

For many reasons I believe that this Keystone XL pipeline is a bad idea. But let me submit just these questions to you: Who will want to drink our precious water resource once it is contaminated by an accident/spill, which you know will happen? Will the executives and their families of Keystone XL drink it? Will the Canadian government supporters of the pipeline drink it? Please do not risk our precious, life-sustaining water resource for the promise of some temporary jobs.

4/22/2013 11:32:22

Marion Bahensky

"Mining" the Tar Sands oil is leaving the earth forever ruined; shipping the Tar Sands oil is dangerous to our air and water. Building the pipeline has been and is dangerous, and incredibly outrageous in its disregard for the land, water, and citizens' rights. The whole project benefits ONLY the wealth of already-rich businessmen. We can, and must learn to live without fossil fuels.

4/22/2013 11:33:00

Michael Lazar DON'T DO IT. DON'T. DO. IT. As if the obvious environmental travesty of mining tar sands weren't enough of a deterrent, this pipeline will pose a direct threat to natural habitats, will increase our dependence on fossil fuels, and UGH I JUST CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE STILL HAVING THIS CONVERSATION JUST STOP IT ALREADY.

4/22/2013 11:33:32

Pat It would not be in the nation's security to have a pipeline that crosses a vital water source for so many people. If a terrorist decided to create a break in the pipeline it would force the county to concentrate on cleanup and divert attention from other possible targets.

4/22/2013 11:35:24

Allison Kruk Please do not allow this pipeline. The potential damage to middle America is vast. We do not want to destroy our fresh water sources and the fertile land that provides a great amount of American agriculture.

4/22/2013 11:36:11

Joel Bejot This pipeline is ridiculous! It serves no positive use but to enrich a foreign company. It will drive up our gas prices and endanger the sensitive NE land. Reject this terrible idea NOW!

4/22/2013 11:38:25

Bryan Kampbell I oppose the Keystone XL pipeline. I have several reasons for my position: 1) I do not believe the process of land acquisition has been carried out in a way that affirms and respects the institution of private property. 2) Likewise, the bullying that TransCanada has engaged in is unethical at worst and unbecoming at best. That is not the kind of company we want doing business in the United States. 3) I am disappointed in the elected officials involved in this decision for ignoring a clear voice from their constituents, suggesting a serious level of corruption in government. 4) Finally, I am seriously concerned that important environmental issues have not been adequately addressed, specifically those related to the Ogallala Aquifer and the areas watersheds. Therefore, I strongly oppose the Keystone XL pipeline, and I urge the State Department and President Obama to deny this request. Denying this request is to stand up for private property, due process, and environmental stewardship.

4/22/2013 11:41:12

Deborah E. Hickman

I am writing regarding the proposed Keyston XL Pipeline. The Pipeline is a symptom of our country's refusal to address carbon pollution and it's consequences head-on. Are you subtracting the effects of this pollution against the so-called economic benefits of the Pipeline? Sandy=$64 billion Great Plains Drought=35 Billion are just two examples. Those costs also include lost jobs and businesses that will not be able to reopen. I hear nothing about the subtractive costs of the extraordinary weather events, only the fossil fuel industry's propaganda extolling the jobs and energy independence. We're all paying the price of continuing down the Fossil Fuel road through Higher Insurance Rates, Higher Taxes, Higher Food Costs, Higher Health Bills due to the hurricanes, floods, fires an droughts caused by carbon pollution. PLEASE LOOK AT THIS THOROUGHLY AND USE SOMEONE OTHER THAN FORMER FOSSIL FUEL EMPLOYEES!

4/22/2013 11:41:30

Larry Tucker Investors, nations, and academics across the world are distancing themselves from the tar sands. Why? Because it’s becoming clear that it is a bad investment both financially and morally.

4/22/2013 11:42:41

Adam Frankel This project holds desperate consequences for our nation's environment and future economic growth.The KXL holds more economic risks than profits. The job creation claims being made by pipeline supporters and some media outlets are wildly exaggerated. While Rush Limbaugh says the KXL will create up to a million jobs, an independent study done by Cornell estimates the number to be closer to 2,000 temporary jobs, and that the KXL could kill more jobs than it actually creates. The most recent State Department EIS estimates that the KXL will only create 35 jobs.

4/22/2013 11:43:33

Evelyn Bartlett I am against the Keystone XL pipeline first and foremost because of its endangerment of the Ogallala Aquifer. The land over the Aquifer is very fragile, and any damage will affect potentially millions of people. I am also against the unethical business practices of TransCanada, who tried to bully landowners out of their property. Once land is gone, it is gone forever. TransCanada does not have a good track record, and their past performance should be carefully considered. And, this is a chance for President Obama to make good on his claim to be an environmental leader. Keystone is a horrible strike to the environment, will destroy beautiful land, and upset a fragile ecosystem. I realize that President Obama has never been to Nebraska to see what will be destroyed, but hope that my vote for him was not in vain.

4/22/2013 11:43:49

Isiah Williams Stop this nonsense, Do not ratify any type of new pipelines through the State of Nebraska. We do not want this treachery and shame on Nebraskan representatives who would lobby for this atrocity.

4/22/2013 11:47:15

Isaac Singer There are many ways to get the energy and resources we need as a country. And a fair portion of the oil in this pipeline may not even benefit the United States. It's not worth the risk to our environment, our agriculture, and our people. It's not safe. It's not necessary. No Keystone XL pipeline.

4/22/2013 11:47:16

Daniel Britt Please add my voice to the chorus of Americans concerned about the proposed Keystone XL pipeline. It is risky from an environmental perspective, and the continued reliance upon oil for energy does not promote innovation - which is desperately needed to keep America growing and leading. Please consider denying TransCanada's proposal for the Keystone XL pipeline. Sincerely, Dan Britt

4/22/2013 11:48:57

Angie Fletcher Please be mindful that Nebraska's Sandhills and Ogallala Aquifer are valuable resources to our nation.

4/22/2013 11:52:01

Steve and Connie Ripp

We have Ripp Dairy and raise replacement dairy heifers, corn and soy beans in Nebraska. We represent agricultural jobs. We have two children studying agriculture at the University of NE. One child is an agronomist who does crop consulting throughout the Heartland for producers. We were at the hearing held at the Heartland Center. TransCanada, by our count, had three bus loads of pipelayers supporting the jobs they apparantly provided transportation. We represent a larger industry. Agriculture. From our base, jobs are thousands and the Heartland feeds the world. We are the base of the grain and cattle commodities. The study done is questionable and possibly corrupted by greed. TransCanada is not even required to have a spill containment plan in dealing with our water resourse. We assure you, if you allow our wells to be poisoned the tragic loss in jobs will be small compared to the loss of food production in the US. This oil resource is not clean energy and will go to fuel communist China. Our major concern is that thiands is unsafe for national security, for environmental safety, for food supply safety and is not good planning for our nation. Our crop land is a finite resource as is fresh water. Why do we risk it for a foreign, oil company who will strip mine profits and leave the US and Nebraska with a mess? Manmade structures do break. Thank you.

4/22/2013 11:52:38

Lloyd Hipke I am opposed to the Keystone XL pipeline and any pipeline that does not benefit the people of the United States. It is not using common sense to refine tar sands that takes more energy to produce than conventional crude and to create more CO2 emmissions in the process. If we need to fill our needs for fossil fuel. we need to promote the refining of the oil we already have in the USA. We do not need "dirty oil" when we have the Balkens. This is a good time to make the change to start promoting more "Green" energy and to stop making a product that the USA has an over abundance of already. Also a quick question--Who is responsible or will pay for the disposal of all the toxins and byproducts that are removed from the tar sand oil brought into the USA? I do not think the risk of running this dirty, toxic mixture close to any fresh water body is worth what little benefit the people of the USA will ever see. The Keystone XL is NOT in the best interests of this Nation.

4/22/2013 11:52:41

Elizabeth Turner I am strongly against the approval of the Keystone XL Pipeline because of the negative global and local impacts it will cause with no substantial benefit to United States citizens. Globally, I am opposed to the climate impacts that would result from getting tar sands oil more quickly, easily, and cheaply to international markets. While a pipeline is a safer way to transport oil, we cannot afford to let fossil fuel companies invest any further in fuels that pollute our air with carbon, disturb weather patterns, and require an environmentally destructive process for extraction in the first place. The United States government should be concerned with incentivizing companies to invest in clean and renewable technologies and energy conservation programs that support high-quality US jobs and American innovation, not supporting a corporation in pillaging of a resource that will only harm the majority of US citizens. Locally, I am concerned about the impact a spill would have on my family’s farm in Northeast Nebraska. My great grandparents came to this country over a hundred years ago to settle and farm a piece of land that the Keystone XL Pipeline would abut. My dad says the water there is “the sweetest, clearest, cleanest water,” a water source that a Pipeline spill would destroy. My family’s identity is tied to this piece of earth. It embodies the hopes and dreams for a better future that my great grandparents came to the United States to develop. The Keystone XL Pipeline represents a nightmare for the quality of our air and water, and is a step in the wrong direction for the American dream of progress.

4/22/2013 11:54:03

Steve and Connie Ripp

We have Ripp Dairy and raise replacement dairy heifers, corn and soy beans in Nebraska. We represent agricultural jobs. We have two children studying agriculture at the University of NE. One child is an agronomist who does crop consulting throughout the Heartland for producers. We were at the hearing held at the Heartland Center. TransCanada, by our count, had three bus loads of pipelayers supporting the jobs they apparantly provided transportation. We represent a larger industry. Agriculture. From our base, jobs are thousands and the Heartland feeds the world. We are the base of the grain and cattle commodities. The study done is questionable and possibly corrupted by greed. TransCanada is not even required to have a spill containment plan in dealing with our water resourse. We assure you, if you allow our wells to be poisoned the tragic loss in jobs will be small compared to the loss of food production in the US. This oil resource is not clean energy and will go to fuel communist China. Our major concern is that thiands is unsafe for national security, for environmental safety, for food supply safety and is not good planning for our nation. Our crop land is a finite resource as is fresh water. Why do we risk it for a foreign, oil company who will strip mine profits and leave the US and Nebraska with a mess? Manmade structures do break. Thank you.

4/22/2013 11:54:15

Patrice Gallagher

To Secretary Kerry and the US State Department: It really does appear that the decision on the Keystone XL pipeline comes down to the interests of citizens vs the interests of large corporations. It is just not possible to justify taking land away from people and endangering people and the environment — all in ways from which we can never step back — given the many negative aspects and possibilities inherent in going forward with the pipeline. Please say no to the Keystone XL pipeline. Sincerely, Patrice Gallagher, Maryland, United States

4/22/2013 11:56:50

Linda Pipelines leak. Many of those leaks are major and pose immense dangers to the public. According to Dr. Stansbury, UNL Professor of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering conducted a study showing that the KXL would result in 91 major spills over the 50 year life of the pipeline. Haven't we done enough to damage our soil and water already? Why risk this unnecessarily? Building the Keystone XL will directly impact the expansion of tar sands, and in turn speed up climate change. I have children and grandchildren. I am AGAINST the Keystone XL pipeline! Stop this NOW, before harsh, unsustainable decisions are made that everyone will regret later. We're all on this one planet together. Hear our voices! thank you, Dr. LR

4/22/2013 11:58:28

Diane The devastation caused by tar sands oil should be enough to tell us that we are on completely the wrong track. It is unconscionable that "energy" is extracted in this way. Transporting it is tacit approval for this completely unsustainable "energy source".

4/22/2013 11:59:48

vicki lemunyan Dear State Department,please here our cries.please do not allow this toxic sludge through our country,and please stop this terrorism we are being subjected to by trans canada via kxl pipeline.No good is going to come of this.if you can't be upfront with us about any aspect of this monster then why put it through.would our presedent subject his family to this?I don't think why my grand children?

4/22/2013 12:00:12

Caleb Bailey Clean water is essential to everything, from a global perspective down to an individual's health. To even ponder introducing infrastructure that could break down and threaten this delicate natural resource is dumb. Just dumb, I say.

4/22/2013 12:01:25

Greg Keller With all due respect: Have you all lost your minds? If this project is allowed to continue at all, then it is proof positive that corruption in government has reached the highest levels. There is NO rational reason (other than corporate profit and exploitation) for the Keystone XL pipeline to be allowed to cross the Ogallala Aquifer or to even be allowed into the U.S. It has been proven unsafe, unnecessary, and of little economic benefit the this country. Keep the toxic tar sands out of my state.

4/22/2013 12:02:32

Jenni Harrington 1. All Risk NO Reward ( wery few jobs-oil exported to world markets) 2. Canada's export pipeline through the heartland of America 3. Tarsands sink in waterways impossible to clean up & God forbid it gets into the Ogalllala Aquifer. 4. Tarsands production is a horrible consumer of fossil fuel. 5. Tarsand's production has horrible emissions when burned. 6. Environmental degradation end to end. I know President Obama will say no to the KXL because he is for clean energy and working to save the planet from climate change. This is a huge legacy that will be written in the history books as the day President Obama said no to Tar Sand expansion was the day the world took a breath and said yes we will say no to BIG OIL and save the planet. NOW is the time to say no to KXL and yes to supporting clean renewable energies. Thank You Jenni Harrington Farmer from NEBRASKA! If Republican conservative Nebraska farmers are against this Wow it would make one wonder why aren't their conservative leaders listening to them. BECAUSE they ALL have been bought off. It is disgusting and will not be forgotten. Deb Fisher, Lee Terry, These two started at the state level with NE Govener Heineman. I could go on and on. NO to this is the right thing to do. I know the President knows that. He just needs to know we do too! We will not be quiet!

4/22/2013 12:03:35

Sarah Bauman The Keystone XL piupeline uses steel solely produced in foreign countries, the extremely toxic bitumen sludge thaty would come through them is destined for foreign countries, and it is our land that will suffer ecologically, our water that will be polluted, our population that can be harmed when leaks occur in it. In Canada, the ecosystem will be destroyed as the tar sand area is raped. Please do not approve this line which by the State Departments own study will only create 35 permanent jobs

4/22/2013 12:05:41

Clara Theye I am completely against the XL pipeline. I t will go over one of the largest fresh water aquifers in the United States. Our next great "extinction" might be us because of lack of fresh water. Why take a chance piping this nasty, corrosive oil through what will be one of our most sought after commodity in the future. Are you willing to bet the future lives of many people for a few people making money? When does the wealth of a few top the lives of many?

4/22/2013 12:06:31

J. J. Carroll Genuinely a bad idea. Would love to see the bank accounts of every single person who okayed this projects go ahead. Extremely sad that the people involved in this monster of a project could sell short the citizens of Nebraska's future. Think about it..

4/22/2013 12:06:56

Suzanne This is the least effective way to create energy for the US. Do not approve the Keystone XL pipeline unless you want to see all of us slowly die a miserable death

4/22/2013 12:07:09

Katy Let's look into other sources of renewable energy rather than using up these resources.

4/22/2013 12:09:52

Rose This pipeline is a ridiculous risk to our environment. It is clear there is nothing positive about the installation and use of it. I stand firmly against this pipeline. Please listen to the pleas of your constituents.

4/22/2013 12:13:51

Candice Barber The Keystone XL pipeline is a risk not worth taking. It has the potential to devastate the drinking water supply of the region and that alone should be enough to shut down this operation down.

4/22/2013 12:16:49

Linda Harris Spills and leaks happen, there is no guarantee they won't. They are expensive, time-consuming and bring millions in damages. Some damages, those to the land and water systems, are never repaired or fixed "like new" again. It is imperitive you listen, especially to the Native American people whose lands you wiant to cross. Do not violate them, or their sovereign nation. You have no right to go ahead with this when so many citizens do not want it. It is against the constitution to violate thoses citizen's rights. You cannot force them to accept it.

4/22/2013 12:17:22

Mary Hawk We will eventually need an alternative to oil. There is no alternative to water. Please stop the XL pipeline and protect our water.

4/22/2013 12:18:43

Doty, Elfriede The Pipeline has only risks for Nebraska. We should invest in clean, renewable, energy instead of sticking with the same old world polluting fossil fuels. The Pipeline does n o t h i n g for our access to fresh, clean water in the future, it adds a large risk to our water supply!!! Please do n o t side with those few who will profit from the Pipeline and say NO to set a turning point to a cleaner future!!

4/22/2013 12:19:54

Jordan Heintzelman

Just look at the track records of these pipelines. The 2010 Kalamazoo River spill, the 2013 Mayflower, Arkansas spill - the list goes on and on and on. Every time these pipes leak, the landowners and citizens get stuck with most of the bill, and the oil companies get off with nothing more than a slap on the wrist. Until these companies are held even the slightest bit accountable for their actions, they'll continue not caring one bit what happens, the pipeline systems will remain unreliable, citizens will continue to see these spills ruin their lands, and the oil companies will gleefully keep running to the bank with their profits. Until there is a real system in place to protect our lands, our wildlife, our resources, and to hold these companies responsible, DO NOT allow the Keystone XL pipeline to be built across my state, across one of our country's most important water sources. Please, listen to the citizens, to the landowners who are affected here, and stop this project before it's too late, before Kalamazoo/Mayflower/etc. happens again, this time tainting an aquifer that is one of our nation's most important lifelines.

4/22/2013 12:21:25

Kara Cavel I am against the Keystone XL pipeline because building the Keystone XL will directly impact the expansion of tar sands, and in turn speed up climate change.

4/22/2013 12:21:31

Elizabeth Camarota

No on the Keystons XL pipeline!

4/22/2013 12:22:00

Sara Jumping Eagle

Today is Earth Day, April 22, 2013. What will our world be like on April 22, 2063? When I chose a leader for the United States, I hoped for a leader who would make decisions based on what is best for our future generations. When I heard you speak of the future generations President Obama, I knew you were such a leader. We must think of the Earth, Unci Maka, Grandmother Earth – that which sustains us all – the water. How do we protect the water for our future generations of children, grandchildren, and the next generations thereafter? As I write this, I think of the two weeks prior, during the week of April 5th, there were three oil spills during this one week, in Arkansas, Texas, and Northern Ontario, Canada. Water has been tainted there that cannot be recovered. Animals hurt. People displaced. Oil companies attempting clean up with paper towels and blocking news coverage. Is this what we should expect of the future? You and we know what the RIGHT thing is to do, to be uninfluenced by oil companies whose only interest is monetary profit. The oil companies continue to attempt to buy and bribe our indigenous people in order to pay their way onto our lands, yet a significant number of our people will not be swayed by money, promises, and lies. We will continue to fight to protect the land, the sacred water, and the air. Our children and grandchildren canNOT drink oil. The four-legged animals, the birds, the fish cannot drink oil. We cannot breathe oil. The Ogallala aquifer is worth more to us than any money, any “jobs”, or any tainted promises/lies. The oil companies continue to lie and attempt to cover up oil spills that have occurred on the edge of the Blackfeet Reservation, spilling into the Yellowstone River – how will that affect our children? We expect the US to promote and establish green energy jobs with the same fervor that the oil industry has received (including the provision of infrastructure and tax exemptions for). We expect the US to continue to develop vehicles which use lower gas mileage and hold companies to use less energy in developing their products to lower our need for an oil based energy economy. Please be the true leaders that we elected you to be. Make the difficult and wise decisions that are in the best interest of the people, this Nation, and the world and protect our water and natural resources! Pilamaye, Thank you, Sara Jumping Eagle, MD

4/22/2013 12:23:05

Daryl I am writing in opposition to the XL pipeline which is proposed to run from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. I live in Nebraska and am a landowner about 40 miles east of the proposed route and the reason I am against the pipeline is because of the lack of safety issues with the pipeline. Our underground water is invaluable to all Nebraskans because we live in a state that depends upon irrigation for agriculture which is the main industry in Nebraska and if we ruin our water supply not only for irrigation but also for drinking water, we are finished. We simply cannot afford to risk the safety of our water supply so I am urging you to NOT build the pipeline which I feel would not benefit Americans except perhaps for a few temporary jobs. It would help Canadians and China but not us. Please vote against the building of the XL pipeline.

4/22/2013 12:25:20

Ray Kohl The U.S. can not afford to sacrifice it's environmental integrity for the financial benefit of the shareholders so Keystone XL. We would receive a very short term benefit of a few temporary jobs at the risk of a huge environmental disaster! If you have any common sense or environmental integrity you can not in good conscience allow this project to go through the U.S. anywhere and especially not through the Nebraska Sandhill or near the Ogallala Aquifer.

4/22/2013 12:25:23

Jean Estill I feel it is imperative that this Keystone XL pipeline project be stopped. The main reason I feel this way is due to the people that live in the United States. We have got to come to the realization that we cannot keep polluting our water and air or else ultimately there will be more illness than there already is. Whatever monetary gain some people think we may acquire through this project will be offset by what the medical cost and/or crisis it will cause. The Bible speaks of how God sustains creation in Psalm 65:9-13. The Bible also speaks of God's consequences of defiling the land, such as in Psalm 107:33-34, Isaiah 24:4-6 and in Revelation 11:18 where it says, "The nations were angry; and your wrath has come. The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding your servants the prophets and your saints and those who reverence your name, both small and great-and for destroying those who destroy the earth." For those in the political field holding power....if you think you can escape the wrath of God, you had best think again. Perhaps it is time you do more visiting with those who make their living off of the land and take time to listen rather than using money and power to advance yourself or your political party. In the beginning, "God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good." (Genesis 1:31) Let's keep it that way! Thank you!

4/22/2013 12:28:25

Karen Weeks I continue to oppose the Keystone XL pipeline for several reasons. 1.)It is not environmentally friendly, both in the method of extraction and in transportation (because leaks do occur in pipelines and TransCanada does not have a good safety record). The current route still goes over the Ogallala Aquifer, a major source of water in the agriculturally important Midwest. Keep our water safe from pollution! 2.)The number of jobs is greatly exaggerated and most will be only temporary during a construction phase OR if a spill needs cleaning. 3.) The oil is slated for export and the steel for production is foreign made. How does that help our economy or our energy security? 4.) The concerns of Native Americans whose land would be crossed have not been adequately addressed. I ask Mr. Obama and Mr. Kerry to take the needed action to stop this project permanently.

4/22/2013 12:28:49

Julie Nichols Please vote against Keystone XL. Our administration, if committed to changing our relationship to fossil fuels and diminishing use of them, you MUST stand behind your words. To allow this pipeline to pass through a unique and fragile grassland is a sin against nature and a betrayal of American people. Keystone has no interest in preserving our environment in Nebraska as proven by its other projects and its cavalier, dishonest attitude in marketing the pipeline to Nebraska residents...with promises of jobs and economic growth. The fact that not only does Keystone supply itself w/materials obtained outside the US, but will ship out the proceeds of the tar sands shows how dishonest Keystone is and how willing to deceive to benefit the company. You may think "What difference does it make? The pipeline runs through the middle of nowhere, a region that is barely populated." Let me assure you that Nebraskans of all stripes oppose this project, some of us BECAUSE the pipeline would run through the middle of nowhere. THERE IS VERY LITTLE 'NOWHERE' LEFT IN OUR COUNTRY...The kind of nowhere that provides us with our natural heritage and preserves the open, uninhabited land that marks us as a special place. I beg you, for the sake of all Americans, please send Keystone back to Canada, and keep our open land secure. We are stewards of the land, and it is our obligation to preserve it. Thank you for denying the Keystone Pipeline.

4/22/2013 12:29:07

Julie Nichols Please vote against Keystone XL. Our administration, if committed to changing our relationship to fossil fuels and diminishing use of them, you MUST stand behind your words. To allow this pipeline to pass through a unique and fragile grassland is a sin against nature and a betrayal of American people. Keystone has no interest in preserving our environment in Nebraska as proven by its other projects and its cavalier, dishonest attitude in marketing the pipeline to Nebraska residents...with promises of jobs and economic growth. The fact that not only does Keystone supply itself w/materials obtained outside the US, but will ship out the proceeds of the tar sands shows how dishonest Keystone is and how willing to deceive to benefit the company. You may think "What difference does it make? The pipeline runs through the middle of nowhere, a region that is barely populated." Let me assure you that Nebraskans of all stripes oppose this project, some of us BECAUSE the pipeline would run through the middle of nowhere. THERE IS VERY LITTLE 'NOWHERE' LEFT IN OUR COUNTRY...The kind of nowhere that provides us with our natural heritage and preserves the open, uninhabited land that marks us as a special place. I beg you, for the sake of all Americans, please send Keystone back to Canada, and keep our open land secure. We are stewards of the land, and it is our obligation to preserve it. Thank you for denying the Keystone Pipeline.

4/22/2013 12:31:03

Cynthia Taylor Do NOT approve the Keystone XL Pipeline. Contrary to what we are being told, this project will NOT create many, if any, long term jobs for local people. This project transports dirty tarsands, and the likelihood of leaks are very high. Since the pipeline transports tarsands, TransCanada is NOT required to pay into the oil spill clean-up fund, so who will pay for clean-up when a spill happens? And a spill WILL happen sometime. And what happens when a leak contaminates the groundwater in the Ogallala aquifer and other groundwater aquifers? Contaminated water FOREVER! The Ogallala groundwater aquifer is one of the largest groundwater aquifers in the world! We cannot risk the contamination. And finally, the fuel from this pipeline is FROM Canada, and will GO TO foreign, NOT U.S. for use. I cannot think of one, NOT ONE good thing about this proposed project. So do NOT approve it. It's a mistake!

4/22/2013 12:31:29

Jarrad The environmental impact is too great to authorize the Keystone pipeline. The amount of sequestered Carbon in the Canadian tar sands where the energy would come from makes this one of the dirtiest possible fuels. For minimal alternation in energy prices, the risk simply far outweigh the gains. No to the pipeline!!!

4/22/2013 12:32:54

Becky McMillen Dear Senator Kerry and President Obama, I live in the western end of Nebraska near the Wyoming border. Although the TransCanada Keystone XL Pipeline does not travel through my part of the state I vehemently oppose the

building of the pipeline and I urge you to deny the permit. Politically speaking, I live in a Republican state and the western end of my state is even more conservative than the more populated area near Lincoln and Omaha. Lobbying groups for TransCanada have not neglected western Nebraska. Their influence has resulted in letters of support from several groups who claim to represent public interest. In fact the members of most of those groups are sadly uninformed about the facts and dangers of this pipeline and have neglected to get public input before jumping on the TransCanada bandwagon. Let me be clear. These groups do not represent the best interests of the citizens of this state or this country. They along with a majority of our state lawmakers represent a political community that is interested only in profit at the cost of public health. I implore you to look beyond the surface politics of this Canadian business venture that will benefit only those who reap the profits from the mining, transportation and sale of a dangerous cocktail of some of the most toxic substances on the planet. The effects of these substances are well documented and they are being released into our environment at an alarming rate as I'm sure you are aware. The devastation from recent spills is difficult to ignore. Or is it? In Nebraska our primary business base is agriculture which depends on healthy soil and clean abundant water from rivers, streams and underground aquifers. In fact we live above one of the largest underground water reservoirs in the country. Any leak, whether it is detected or not will impact our water. If our water is contaminated and we are unable to pursue our primary source of income in this state everyone here will suffer. The only safe tar sands pipeline is no pipeline at all. Generations of Americans will suffer from a decision to allow this pipeline to dissect our country. It is time for you to stand up for us, to stand with us for a better tomorrow. It's time to stop pandering to the wishes of foreign oil companies, and runaway lobbyists. It is time that business as usual is not focused on the profits of giant corporations but rather on the health and wellbeing of the public that elected you Mr. President. I urge you to watch each and every testimony from the recent State Department hearing in Grand Island, Nebraska. I made the time to do so, and others traveled in snowstorms to be there because they felt so strongly about this issue. I have never been so proud or so humbled as I listened online to the testimonies of young parents, grandparents, students, ranchers, ministers and people just like me from Nebraska, Illinois, Minnesota, Michigan, Colorado and

Arkansas as they pleaded with you to deny this pipeline. It is clear to us that the TransCanada Keystone XL Pipeline is not in the best interest of our country, not now, not tomorrow, not ever. Take the time to see the truth about this pipeline. Our future depends on you. It is time to say NO to the Keystone XL Pipeline. Becky McMillen

4/22/2013 12:35:55

Robert Holmes To: U.S. Dept. of State Subject: Keystone XL Pipeline Once again the question of whether to approve construction of the Keystone XL pipeline has come up for review. And once again, the benefits of jobs and energy security are being touted. What concerns me most is the environmental impact of burning the stuff to supply our energy needs. If we continue to burn fossil fuels, we will worsen the effects of climate change. Namely, more drought, more severe storms, rising food prices, rising sea levels, famine and human misery. That is why I do not support construction of the pipeline. Furthermore, the environmental risk of extracting the tar sand crude from the ground should not be taken lightly. It requires massive amounts of water that become toxic and cannot be returned to rivers, streams and reservoirs. There are better ways to provide jobs and energy security. Investing in renewable energy sources and promoting more efficient energy use should be our priority if we want to mitigate the worst effects of climate change. Rob Holmes

4/22/2013 12:37:33

Tom Genung NO KXL NO value to U.S.A. just to the investers ....Who will continue to damage natural resoures to make profits at all cost..The cost to the climate is tooo great. NO Permit.. Thanks

4/22/2013 12:38:27

Carrie Wiese The risks to the relatively pristine waters of the State of Nebraska are simply too great to allow this pipeline to come through. Even "careful monitoring" of other pipelines has not prevented devastating contamination, including recently in Arkansas. Aren't our natural resources worth more than a few years' worth of oil that a foreign company will make huge profits on, selling to whomever they want? Why should TransCanada get all the goods while the people of Nebraska will end up with the bads? Nebraska does not need temporary pipeline jobs (most of which would go to union workers from outside the state anyway), but it does need its precious natural resources protected- the land, the water, and the livelihood of the people who make their life on the land. There is so little support for this project, if you stop and talk to any Nebraskan on the street. We expect our elected officials to do right by us, and to NOT support this pipeline.

4/22/2013 12:39:03

Jesse Franklin The Keystone XL pipeline just isn't worth it and sends a counter intuitive message to the American people. We are living in a time when environmental or green consciousness needs to be raised. The government is one of the most powerful and influential voices in society and it should take the responsibility of preserving our well-being seriously. The Keystone XL pipeline is not only an environmental risk, but sends the message that a handful of temporary jobs are more important than the long term health of our society and planet. Please do not allow this pipeline to be built.

4/22/2013 12:43:41

Karen Berry, Germaine Berry, Sheila Davis

I am writing on behalf of my mother, my sister, and myself. All three of us own land that is on the proposed KXL pipeline route. All of our soil is extremely sandy, porous, and fragile. Once disturbed, it will not recover for a long time, if ever. We want to keep growing our crops and pasture, but this will not be possible if the pipeline is approved and installed. We are opposed to this pipeline because it will negatively impact the land and the water. We urge you to deny permission for economic and ecological reasons. From our personal perspectives as well as regional and global, tar sands extraction and transportation is far too risky. Prairie and croplands can provide food and habitat for a long time, while tar sands bitumen will cause much harm to many unless it is left in the ground. Please deny the permit for the KXL pipeline. It's the easiest way to prevent future climate change.

4/22/2013 12:45:57

Patricia Reed No to this pipeline! There are too many possible worst case scenarios for the land and the people.The only winners are the oil company and the politicians. Enough about greed for heaven's sake!

4/22/2013 12:46:40

Daniel Gallman The future of our entire civilization is dependent on this very issue. If we allow oil companies to continue trashing our land, water and atmosphere, we face certain perils regarding climate impacts and food supply degradation. All the time, money and future planning spent on continuing the oil economy's control over our government has already cost huge losses in the development of alternative energy sources. I have no doubt that if oil disappeared today, it would only take our engineers 2 weeks to create a workable solution. Lets follow the lead of many countries who can't compete with America's control of middle-east countries and implement vast amounts of alternative energy plants. We have to stop subsidizing oil. We are going broke with our military spending decades in oil-rich regions, even after we watched USSR go broke doing the same thing. Lets stop sending $8Billion every day into the middle-east and work towards the increased jobs, technological developments and huge economy that will result after we reduce our dependance on foreign or domestic fossil fuels. JUST ASK INSURANCE COMPANIES IF WE NEED TO REDUCE OUR CO2 EMISSIONS! :) Have a good day and thanks for your time.

4/22/2013 12:47:02

Tiiu Eva Rebane

This pipeline will not create the jobs promised, and will not be as safe as promised, both for workers and the environment. Tax loopholes and monetary benefits to a few key investors are not a worth the risk, and not what America should stand for. Do NOT build this pipeline.

4/22/2013 12:47:43

Pamela Please stop this for the Earths sake and for drinking water for ALL Americans

4/22/2013 12:49:12

vinn Stephens After reading all the pros and cons about the pipeline, I have decided it is too risky to have that in Nebraska and ask you to please not to vote for it. The jobs are only temporary.

4/22/2013 12:50:04

Renee I am against the Keystone XL and you should be as well. It is my intent that our water, soil and air are clean, pure and plentiful for humanity. Every aspect of this pipeline goes against that intent as it is highly toxic for the land, water, air and humanity. It contains a grade D oil not allowed for use in the US and radically high CO2 emissions. The health and prosperity of Earth, her abundant natural resources, and the health and prosperity of humanity far outweighs any and all political and financial agendas behind this pipeline.

4/22/2013 12:51:12

Sandra We have to be the stewards of the lands and in that comes a responsibility in making sure we protect this land. A project like the Keystone Pipeline may indeed bring Jobs and money. However, a spill will cost more than what the benefits may appear to be at first glance. Stop this pipeline. The evidence shows that a spill will be inevitable and disastrous to the communities in which it occurs. This is not going to be a good thing for Nebraska or for the USA. Stop this pipeline. Thank you.

4/22/2013 12:53:14

Roy Guisinger Let's keep this simple: 1. We already know that climate change is real. 2. We already know that climate change damages property and harms people. 3. We already know that fossil fuel production contributes to climate change. Therefore, any action that supports the production, transport, refining, or use fossil fuels is knowingly complicit in creating property damage and harm to people. Therefore, approval of the Keystone XL pipeline makes the approving body complicit in future property damage and harm linked with climatic events. From a purely economic perspective, approval of the Keystone XL pipeline is reckless.

4/22/2013 12:55:00

Troy Kellogg Having lived in an area with heavily contaminated water and knowing the issues and problems we faced every day and the costs associated with trying to have clean water, I strongly urge you to vote against this pipeline. Within just the last few weeks we have seen the devastating consequences of leaks, poor maintenance and failed safety measures and a lack of creditable funding to resolve these problems. We have have been told time and time again that there are funds for such a breakdown and have been shown that companies simply don't care when there are accidents. The temporary jobs it would create are not worth the permanent damage it will cause. We owe it to ourselves and to our children to make a responsible and educated decision, to leave clean water, clean land and sustainable and renewable resources. To not leave yet another problem to be solved later for a few quick bucks.

4/22/2013 12:55:42

Leah Johanson-Blinks

The Keystone XL pipeline is a disaster waiting to happen, and I oppose it. The fragile Sandhills and our precious Ogallala Aquifer cannot be sacrificed for the greed of Big Oil.

4/22/2013 12:56:04

R.Nadine Fahrlander

Please do not allow the XL Keystone pipeline to come through Nebraska. Our sandhills and aquifer are precious to us. Today, Earth Day, we hope to save our resources for our great, great grandchildren. By letting the pipeline move bitumen from Alberta to Texas, you allow the ruination of the environment, and postpone the promotion of renewable energy. Stop the pipeline. Please.

4/22/2013 12:57:45

Lynda Buoy The Ogallala Aquifer, part of the High Plains Aquifer System, is a vast yet shallow underground water table aquifer located beneath the Great Plains in the United States. One of the world's largest aquifers, it covers an area of approximately 174,000 mi² (450,000 km²) in portions of the eight states of South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Texas. It was named in 1898 by N.H. Darton from its type locality near the town of Ogallala, Nebraska.[1] The Ogallala Formation underlies about 80 percent of the High Plains and is the principal geologic unit forming the High Plains Aquifer. About 27 percent of the irrigated land in the United States overlies this aquifer system, which yields about 30 percent of all ground water used for irrigation in the United States. The aquifer system supplies drinking water to 82 percent of the 2.3 million people (1990 census) who live within the boundaries of the High Plains study area Nations fight over oil , but valuable as it is, there are substitutes for oil. There are no substitutes for water. At least 300 million people live in regions of severe water shortages. By the year 2025 it is estimated, it will be three billion. With three -quarters of the earths surface covered by water, it may be hard to believe we can be headed towards a crisis based on water deficiencies, but 97 percent of the resource is saltwater, and perhaps two-thirds of the remainder consists of icebergs and snow. The Ogallala Aquifer provides water for about 27 percent of the irrigated land in the United States yielding about 30 percent of all ground water used for irrigation in the United States. The aquifer system supplies drinking water to 82 percent of the 2.3 million people. The Keystone XL Pipeline permit should be denied.. The possibility of aquifer contamination is to great.

4/22/2013 12:57:58

Magdalena Vinson

Dear President Obama and Secretary Kerry, I am writing to join my voice with countless others to speak out against the Keystone XL pipeline. As a resident of Nebraska, the threats to the fragile biologically unique landscapes in my state from this pipeline, in my opinion, far outweigh any economic benefits that would be provided by the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. This pipeline will be constructed and controlled by a Canadian business, with no guarantee that any of the oil extracted and refined from these tar sands will be delivered to U.S. oil markets, which leaves us responsible for any ecosystem damages caused by the pipeline, and nothing to show in the end. Yes we need to find other sources of fuel to feed our fossil-fuel dependent nation, however, the way to accomplish this is by funneling serious research and construction dollars and personnel into development, testing, and production of renewable energy sources, not simply constructing a few solar panels or wind turbines, and pouring most of the resources into further oil and gas exploration. This pipeline, even with its revised path, will still cross the Nebraska sandhills and the Ogallala Aquifer. As we prepare to enter our second consecutive year of drought, with very little water available for irrigation or municipal usage, the thoughts of Nebraskans turn more and more to the aquifer that lies beneath 2/3 of the state. A spill from this pipeline could easily contaminate the groundwater source that 8 states rely on for agricultural and municipal uses, and destroying this imperative water source for generations to come. I ask that you both honor the commitments you have made over and again to protect and conserve our planet, our natural resources, and the one home we as humans have, and do not approve the Keystone XL pipeline for construction. We as Americans will find the answers to our needs for fuel, but not when the costs are the natural wonders of our Great Plains. Sincerely, Magdalena Vinson

4/22/2013 12:58:57

Marcia Roberson

I live in Nebraska - my drinking water comes from an aquifer -- and I find the idea to put an oil pipeline through or anywhere near an aquifer of any size to be insane. In this case you are planning to put pipes of oil through the largest aquifer in the nation. Pipes leak -- drinking water is not so abundant that you risk poisoning such a large vast reserve of it. It is one thing to poison oceans and lakes with oil -- but there is no way you could ever clean up an underground aquifer no matter what they say. The risk is much to great -- please don't buckle under to political pressure to do such an irrational unlogical thing as put a pipeline through or even near the aquifer. Thank you for listening!

4/22/2013 13:01:08

Daryl This is unnecessary and harmful. Please stop this now.

4/22/2013 13:01:30

Croitiene ganMoryn

I want my grandchildren and their grandchildren to live! I want them to have air to breath and water to drink. I want the economy to turn around because SOMEone will fight against Big Oil. Are you that person? Sincerest Regards, Croitiene ganMoryn

4/22/2013 13:01:31

Thomas I oppose the Keystone XL pipeline. Greed can not replace what we are about to lose! Our pristine ancient aquifer. Our clean air. The global climate. Do not approve this, it is a terrible idea!

4/22/2013 13:01:34

Michaela Wolf Dear Members of the State Department, Please protect our United States by not allowing the Keystone XL Pipeline to be built. Our country sees change and threat constantly. Please do not allow yet more of our environmental security to be sacrificed by construction of this pipeline. Even more basic than our duties as citizens are our duties as humans who absolutely need stable ecosystems to survive. Please do not risk deep environmental damage (and instability) for the sake of potential, meager, and short term economic gains. Yours truly, Michaela Wolf

4/22/2013 13:02:19

Stephanie Jones

As a U.S. citizen, I strongly urge you to not go forward with the Keystone XL pipeline. Although energy security is critical to the stability and prosperity of our country, the pipeline is at best a bandaid solution to our crisis of energy over-consumption and at worst a potentially devastating development that will harm ecosystems and communities across North America. (Furthermore, if indeed most of the fuel is destined for export, I fail to see any meaningful purpose outside of short-term economic gain or job-creation.) As an environmentalist, as a farmer, and as a scientist, I fear the long-term destructive impacts of the Keystone Pipeline. I fear also that its contribution to global climate change, air pollution, and ecological degradation will worsen our international reputation. Dear State Department, please do not allow this to happen.

4/22/2013 13:02:49

Paul McFarland Everything about the KXL pipeline is bad for this country and a disaster in the making for farmers and ranchers all across the heartland of America. There is no justice in this country when a foreign corporation can use eminent domain to take citizens land for private use. There is NO benefit to the United States or the citizens of this country that this pipeline be built. Any jobs will be few and not worth the dangers of losing our clean water and precious land to grow crops and raise animals that feed Americans. When the desires of a foreign corporation are given preference over the best interests of American citizens we no longer have a government that represents us. It is that simple.

4/22/2013 13:04:04

Lean-Miguel ("Miguel") San Pedro

I ask you to exercise sound leadership for the American people and to put an end to the Keystone XL pipeline. Although this project has been told to create a million jobs and help achieve energy independence, it is very unlikely to achieve these goals and would create far worse problems. For starters, an independent study by Cornell University estimates that only 2,000 temporary jobs will be created thanks to the pipeline. In fact, the project would destroy more jobs than it would generate. As for purported energy independence, the oil sands are, in fact, meant to be exported; ordinary Americans will not reap significant economic benefits, like lower gasoline prices. Furthermore, many investors are breaking off their ties to the pipeline not only for its lack of concrete economic value but also for its social irresponsibility. The line runs through lands dear to Native Americans and other local populations. If a leak occurs--which, according to a study from the University of Nebraska, is very likely to occur dozens of times over the pipeline's fifty-year lifetime--the resulting released sludge would be nigh-impossible to clean up. This concern is especially serious given TransCanada's poor safety record. Most importantly, the creation of this project will fuel an appetite for tar sands that will pave the way for even more dangerous projects, posing greater threats to the climate, to the environment, and, in turn, to human beings. The risks to our generation and to future generations are far too formidable for a project like Keystone XL to be justified. If you block this pipeline, many generations to come will be proud of your strong, supportive, and justified leadership. Please do not let this prime opportunity pass.

4/22/2013 13:05:39

Grove Harris There are significant risks to groundwater that make it silly at best to run this pipeline through this land. We've got to get away from consumption, and reduce our dependence on oil, and protect our land, waters and future. Listening to the people instead of the corporate interests is crucial, as corporations are often short sighted and are required to aim for profile in the near term, even at the risk of an entire water supply with incredible multiplier effects through out the country. Corporations are not required to internalize these risks or costs, and the people are left carrying the risk and the devastation. Corporate interests are no longer those of the citizens of this country, and do not reflect a sane approach to living beyond the next decade. Thank you very much for considering this point of view.

4/22/2013 13:07:23

Jill Miller Besides being another nail in the coffin of climate change, this pipeline will carry so much product that a break like the recent one would flood a huge area. On top of those problems, the pipeline will provide few lasting jobs for US citizens and the oil will be sold overseas, enriching the owners, but not helping the USA.

4/22/2013 13:09:06

Addie Jacobson The Keystone Pipeline is a misguided project for more reasons than I can document here, and I know you have heard them all already. I just want you to know that it poses risks for all Americans. My personal, local interests are, as a Midwesterner by upbringing, I have many friends and relatives who will directly be placed in harm's way. As well, my husband's family's farm in western Iowa will also be in direct danger of harm. As the recent pipeline rupture reminds us, accidents will happen and the effects will be devastating to those involved. The climate and environmental -- including climate --damage from extracting the oil for the pipeline would also be unacceptable. I join everyone else in my family in urging you to reject any furtherance of this dangerous and misbegotten project. Addie Jacobson

4/22/2013 13:11:37

Karen Gunderson

It is impossible to keep these pipelines from leaking. And, the leaks are so harmful to the environment, I don't think any more pipelines should be built. There is not enough money in this world to fix the damage once it is done. DO NOT approve this pipeline. It is a disaster for our environment. And, our country belongs to all of us, not just to big oil.

4/22/2013 13:12:07

Hannah Bell The KXL pipeline will lead to nothing but problems and destruction of valued resources that are irreplaceable. Stop the KXL.

4/22/2013 13:12:29

Marvin 'Butch' Hughes

Allowing the pipeline would further allow more destruction to the fragile ecology and enviornment in the Alberta Province of Canada while contributing to the massive water pollution to Canadian water (thereby impacting water quality in U.S.A.). Also, where are the refineries by the Gulf of Mexico in Texas going to put all the toxic stuff that must be refined from 'tar sands' to make it usable for fuel? If Canada wants to destroy part of their country, the United States does not need to be a party to it. In Nebraska (should we end up with this pipeline) how do we deal with a spill/pipeline leak if we do not know what solvents, etc are in the pipeline? This pipeline has proven to be only for purposes of export from the refineries, so what benefit will United States receive? In all appearances, the Keystone Pipeline to be built by Transcanada is all liability and no asset for we Americans in U.S. A. Thankyou for you diligence to duty in hearing out the people of our great country. Butch Hughes

4/22/2013 13:15:06

Lea Farho As a young Nebraskan and a person who likes to drink clean water, I oppose the Keystone XL pipeline. Please don't allow this destructive pipeline to taint the beautiful Sandhills region.

4/22/2013 13:16:58

Lauren Vagts As a resident of Nebraska, myself, along with thousands of others, stand against the XL Pipeline. As water becomes increasingly scarce on a worldwide level, it is in our interest to preserve natural resources that our lives depend upon, rather than luxury resources. There are far too many risks involved if the XL Pipeline is permitted to cross through our nations waterways. As a tribute to Earth Day, I ask that you please consider the voices of thousands of residents and their opposition of the XL Pipeline. Sincerely, Lauren Vagts

4/22/2013 13:17:05

Byron and Diana Steskal

State Department: We testified at the State Dept. Hearing in Grand Island NE on April 18, 2013. We are landowners on the proposed route in Nebraska, we oppose this Keystone XL pipeline as we believe it is an export pipeline and will not benefit the United States or the citizens of America. We believe that this pipeline will be an environmental and health risks to us, our children, and our grandchildren. DENY THE KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE!!!!!!!

4/22/2013 13:18:01

Rachel The potential negative impacts of the Keystone XL far outweigh the benefits. Please stop the pipeline!

4/22/2013 13:22:14

Lucy Flott Adding the Keystone XL pipeline will increase our carbon output by 3 times the amount we put out now! Would you really choose money over saving the earth? Saving the earth not only helps our environment but OUR health as well. By reducing global warming we reduce sickness, war, and many other things. Please do your research on the environments behalf before putting the Keystone XL pipeline in. Thank you Lucy Flott

4/22/2013 13:22:25

Austin Bricker Please. Please do not pass this act. The Keystone pipeline is nothing but bad news for the country. The pipeline is unneeded, their environmental record is horrendous, and it poses a huge risk to our ecosystem. Allowing this pipeline to be built poses a risk to the health of everyone, and it is by no means worth the risk.

4/22/2013 13:22:44

Brent Christensen

I WAS AT THE STATE DEPT HEARING THIS LAST WEEK ~ NOT FOR ME {I've got mine and maybe 20 or so years left, if lucky} THIS IS FOR YOUR AND MY CHILDREN AND THEIR CHILDREN AND GENERATIONS TO COME AFTER THAT!! I CANNOT do anything with polluted water. No more than the Farmers of "AMERICA'S BREADBASKET" can grow or raise the FOOD that the WORLD eats with a polluted Ogallala Aquifer!! I feel THIS is the most IMPORTANT thing I have EVER done or possibly ever WILL do ~ AND it is NOT for MYSELF!!

4/22/2013 13:23:27

Ben Rainbolt Please do not transport this dirty oil across the hearland of the USA. If we need it for domestic use, which i find hard to believe, then build a refinery close to the Canadian border so we dont jeopardize the enivironment expecially the Ogallala Aquifer. The tar sands oil is only going to be refined and exported and very little, if any, is needed in the USA. This is needed only to help the multinational corporations add to their already bulging profit margins. The permanent jobs that it will create is very few.

4/22/2013 13:24:49

Virginia K Wright, MS

VIRGINIA K. WRIGHT, MS APRIL 22, 2013 SUBJECT: NO to KEYSTONE XL President Barack Obama Secretary of State John Kerry Representatives Jeff Fortenberry, Lee Terry, & Adrian Smith

Senators Mike Johanns & Deb Fischer Dear Honorable Representatives of the People, In 1961, I was the only home ec major who had never been in 4H, hadn’t heard of a State Fair, and thought I’d fallen off the face of the Earth - living on Ag Campus of the University of Nebraska. Someone drove a tractor round & around on a track just north of the dorm, 24/7. Dumbest thing I ever saw. Until I learned that the University of Nebraska tractor testing lab was the world acclaimed facility for scientific testing of tractor performance and safety. No tractors could be sold in the United States without first being studied & declared safe by the standards of the day. By my sophomore year I started to appreciate some things about Nebraska & quit missing the Colorado Rockies so much. I noticed city campus students carrying books about ecology. Ag campus is where I took physiology & genetics (albeit plant). Trisomy 23 had recently been identified & understood in human genetics. In other words, I learned quickly how smart these farm kids were, & how connected, scientific and business, climate, & community connected they were like I had never seen growing up in suburban Denver. Why Keystone XL must be stopped: It’s going to break us financially and is ruining the life-sustaining ability of the Earth. We all breath, eat, get sick, are born, die. From 1980 when I first heard a prescient Nebraskan refer to his fears about water wars in the future, to today, the rampant threats to our water and air and animals and soil and plants, food, and health are an indictment of the power of corporate money. And, an indictment of our political process that it has gotten this far. Fossil fuel corporations have had their way with us for too long. 1) FAIL safety, 2) FAIL to follow regulations, 3) FAIL to prevent their disasters, 4) FAIL to pay for dumping their trash into our air, 5) FAIL to care about anything but their profits, 6) FAIL to pay clean-up costs, shifting costs to taxpayers. It is a condemnation of the fossil fuel corporations (coal, oil, & gas) that their self-interest has taken over. We have realized and reached the limits: we are running out of atmosphere to dump waste into (2015 will be so heavy with CO2 that the goal of 2 degrees Celsius in temperature rise will not be achievable). SOLUTION: fossil fuel corporations immediately

transform into clean, renewable energy companies, instead of fossil fuel corporations. It’s been done before. Car manufacturing switched in 6 months to war machine manufacturing. SOLUTION: STOP all new drilling, mining, fracking regardless of legal shenanigans embedded in the US rules, regs, legislation which was more than likely written by the fossil fuel industries. SOLUTION: penalties so high for trash dumping into our atmosphere that it will no longer be a viable business plan for fossil fuel corporations to continue as is. If these solutions are implemented the rest of the catastrophic effects of Exxon Mobil, BP, Shell, Chevron, TransCanada, et al will be slowed and be more likely salvageable: food, clean water, lower fuel price, climate change, innovation, jobs, jobs, jobs. Better health. The situation with TransCanada/Keystone XL is an example of bad faith “negotiating”, expensive & deceptive marketing, outdated/discredited information, and political failure. I urge you, in the strongest terms, to serve the public & national interests. It is overdue for the fossil fuel corporations to move out of the 19th century. The 21st century demands healthier, sustainable, clean and safe energy sources for the drastically changed circumstances on Mother Earth and for a future here. My children & grandchildren - Greg/Amy & Jack (18 mo), David/Jaren & Braeden (age 9), Riley (age 7) - deserve it. FAQ Can you explain the math, please? Sure. To grasp the seriousness of the climate crisis, you just need to do a little math. Fossil fuel corporations have 5 times more oil and coal and gas in known reserves than climate scientists think is safe to burn. We have to keep 80% of their fossil fuels underground to keep the earth in livable shape. Here are the three numbers you shouldn’t forget: 2 degrees— Almost every government in the world has agreed that any warming above a 2°C (3.6°F) rise would be unsafe. We have already raised the temperature .8°C, and that has caused far more damage than most scientists expected. A third of summer sea ice in the Arctic is gone, the oceans are 30 percent more acidic, and since warm air holds more water vapor than cold, the climate dice are loaded for both devastating floods and drought. 565 gigatons — Scientists estimate that humans can pour roughly 565 more gigatons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and still have some reasonable hope of staying below two degrees. Computer models calculate that even if we stopped increasing CO2 levels now, the temperature would

still rise another 0.8 degrees above the 0.8 we’ve already warmed, which means that we’re already 3/4s of the way to the 2 degree target. 2,795 gigatons — The Carbon Tracker Initiative, a team of London financial analysts and environmentalists, estimates that proven coal, oil, and gas reserves of the fossil-fuel companies, and the countries (think Venezuela or Kuwait) that act like fossil-fuel companies, equals about 2,795 gigatons of CO2, or five times the amount we can release to maintain 2 degrees of warming. Sincerely, Ginny Wright

4/22/2013 13:25:06

Josh Krohn No KXL pipleline. 35 permanent jobs is a joke, and none of that sludge is even bound for us, unless it leaks into our water. No royalties for the states it crosses, and no spill cleanup fund? It's all risk and no reward, and we never asked for it in the first place.

4/22/2013 13:26:02

Sarah Dunne It is the legal obligation of the United States to protect the human rights of all its citizens. Water has been declared a legally binding human right, which must be guaranteed and protected by our government. The precautionary principle demands that this pipeline proposal be rejected.

4/22/2013 13:26:15

Jane Sayre Vote NO! Keystone XL pipeline is a direct threat to the security of the people of Nebraska, and every state that relies on the Ogallala Aquifer. The reasons to stop this atrocity are so numerous all I need to say is "All of the Above". For every person who has spoken on behalf of our sacred earth, water, way of life, rights, there are countless more supporting them. We, the people of Nebraska, will not allow this transgression to go forward. We, the people of Nebraska, are demanding you do the right thing for our future, the future of generations to come, and stand up. Say NO to KXL!

4/22/2013 13:27:22

Neil Harrison The deadly toxins associated with the tar sands product that the Keystone XL pipeline is prepared to transport across dozens of wild rivers and the Ogallala aquifer (anyone familiar with the Nebraska Sandhills and the Ogallala aquifer knows damned well that the proposed route for this pipeline is still located over both the Sandhills and the aquifer!) are already sickening and killing people downstream from the mining sites in Canada. This obvious absolute lack of concern for those human beings is evidence that Transcanada does not give a tinker's damn about the health of the environment or the people in Canada. And it is ludicrous to believe that they have any more regard for people and the environment in the United States. If our United States representatives refuse to put a stop to this pipeline, they prove themselves as corrupt, greed-driven and irresponsible as the corporate executives who dreamed up this disaster in the first place. Stop this pipeline! The deadly contents it intends to transport are already responsible for the mass sickening and deaths (some would call it murder) of people downstream from where it is mined.

4/22/2013 13:28:30

Darlene Starman

It's time to stop listening to these irrational opponents of the Keystone XL and move forward on the pipeline NOW! Our country's energy security depends on it. Thank you.

4/22/2013 13:29:18

Sloan Danenhower

I strongly oppose Keystone and encourage you to do everything in your power to stop it.

4/22/2013 13:34:33

Penny Simonsen

I believe Adolph Hitler used the phrase something like this, "Tell a big lie, keep it simple and tell it to people often, and they will believe it." The Keystone XL pipeline doesn't pass the stink test with me, and I think if we were all honest with ourselves, there would be no discussion. As a Nebraska native, I'd like to suggest wind and solar innovations as a safe alternative.

4/22/2013 13:36:46


Alexandra KERIAKEDES for the record: OPPOSED to the KXL pipeline (and any other removal of fossil fuels from the earth to wreak their havoc on our atmosphere Reason nr. 3: the Nebraska ECONOMY Without clean water and all other components of a healthy, thriving agricultural economy that in addition, leans heavily on its areas of special interest to the tourism trade, Nebraska cannot survive – the very heartland of the United States. “As Nebraska falls……so does the nation.” Please remember this as you consider the ECONOMY of the entire United States. Of course many, many people need paying jobs – but working with fossil fuels is so “20th century” ---- those who care about NOT going the way of the dinosaurs look to GREEN “JOBS” and professions for their sustenance. They are aware that it is not right to deal in the trifecta of evil: Just remember -- A.I.G. = Arrogance, Ignorance, and Greed! It would be prudent for the government to concentrate on furthering education for those willing to work ………education in new technologies to develop the workforce of the future. Please have all your employees see the film: The Island President and take a lesson from a paradise on earth threatened with IMMINENT DESTRUCTION partly as a result of that which TC practices with its illegal misuse of EMINENT DOMAIN. STOP KXL dead in its tracks!

4/22/2013 13:40:23

Brian Zdan America must embrace President Obama's "all of the above" energy policy and reject the TranCanada Keystone XL pipeline project. The national addiction to fossil fuels must stop. Authorizing the pipeline would be like handing a syringe of dope to a drug fiend.

4/22/2013 13:40:59

Jeff ulir Can anyone tell me what keystone #11 has done for the united states? How many people does it employ? Has it help to lower fuel prices? Has anyone looked at the trans-canada safety record? Has anyone looked at Cornell University's independent study? Why has there been no study on the affects of sand's leaking into the aquifer? Why has trans-canada tried to hide the fact it Keystone one had 14 leeks and its first year of operation? Why would anyone think its okay to build this pipeline?

4/22/2013 13:41:29


4/22/2013 13:41:33

Lewis Litzinger The very last moment we have left to sustain the environment and the human race is no time to be considering expanding the exploration, unearthing, refining and burning of one of the two dirtiest energy sources known to man! Abraham Lincoln said, "The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise to the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country." It doesn't matter very much that Congress is paralyzed by the right; we should support efforts like the Kyoto Protocol, not because the Koch brothers don't like it, but because it is morally the right thing to do. We don't have a minute to waste on a pipeline that has holes in it before its construction is even finished!

4/22/2013 13:42:37

Alison Please do not move forward with the keystone Xl pipeline!

4/22/2013 13:42:44

Danielle Oil spills are almost inevitable and the financial benefits to the american people are non existent. In a world with the environment in constant decline this is not a step towards helping the environment. In fact it will be absolutely detrimental to the environment and the water supply. The KXL still crosses the Ogallala Aquifer, the most valuable resource in our state, and the fragile Sandhills. Building the Keystone XL will directly impact the expansion of tar sands, and in turn speed up climate change. Extracting the tar sands causes unfathomable damage to the environment and people near the extraction sites. resident Obama and John Kerry have declared multiple times their commitment to fighting climate change and protecting our children’s future. If they truly believe this, then there is no way they can approve this pipeline. I AM AGAINST KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE. THIS MUST STOP.

4/22/2013 13:43:42

Ken Beukenhorst

I strongly oppose the approval of Keystone XL. Oil companies have proven over and over that they are not able to fend off environmental disasters and only are interested in profits. We owe it to ourselves and future generations to protect more important things like our land, water, and wildlife. Please do not let our children have to make tough decisions because we made bad decisions today!

4/22/2013 13:48:40

Gary and Glenda Nelson

The Keystone XL pipeline is not good for the U.S. and the environment.

4/22/2013 13:48:43

Marlienne Hoppe

Please, no Keystone Pipeline .We have accepted the responsibility of "Keepers of the Land for more than 5 generations. And with Gods help we shall continue to be blest with this great honor.

4/22/2013 13:53:07

Ross Wells Please do not invest in antiquated and dirty oil. Invest in the future. Invest in renewables. Simple as that. Stop the Keystone Pipeline.

4/22/2013 14:02:50

Roberat Miller How will the government provide more clean fresh water when the pipes of KXL break or spring a leak and the crude goes into the soils and water of our farmland and creeks and rivers? Do you understand the meanings of up/down rivers or headwaters or watershed? This pipeline endangers our water and soil. This crude oil which has ruined Canada's boreal areas--pines, birches, soil and rivers, and forced indigenous into cities and poverty, also will warm up our climate at least another 1F in the near future. What are you recommending for our northern plains at they face more drought? What do you suggest for the southwest as they face drought and fires from the 100F heat. What do you suggest for those making $20,00-50,000 or 10,000 yearly who cannot afford the higher electric bills, food costs, medical bills pushed upward by the effects of burning this tarsands oil/ And if you say it will be exported, that does not stop the spills, the CO2 accumulations, the economy of the US/ Please do not sell us short or kill us with this Keystone XL business./

4/22/2013 14:04:17

Angela Cravens no on the pipeline. combat climate change.

4/22/2013 14:10:24

Rebecca Grosskurth

Stop the Keystone XL pipeline. It's delusioned thinking to assume that it will create thousands of long-term jobs, solve our oil crisis, or majorly stimulate the economy. Yes, it has some economic and convenience benefits, but the environmental impacts greatly outweigh them. The fact that it will barge through American Native lands should be enough to stop this movement. Haven't we already ripped enough sacred land and areas away from the Native American people? Consider your actions, and choose better ones.

4/22/2013 14:21:35

Beverly DeWeese

I was born and raised in the Sandhills of Nebraska and EVEN though the route of the pipeline has changed I continue to protest it crossing Nebraska by even an inch. I enjoy when I am in Northern Nebraska being able to turn on the water tap and 98% pure water comes out!!!! That is priceless!! All the talk about jobs and economy is a complete "snow job"......the pipelines have a history of leaks so don't think that the middle american citizens are to naive to believe that kiind of PR. KEEP THE PIPELINE OUT OF NEBRASKA AND OUT OF THE UNITED STATES. Let Canada take all the risks....not us!!!! Remember how well putting tons of radio active material went a little over a decade ago??????? Leave us alone!!!!

4/22/2013 14:23:06

Cherisse McCoy This pipeline is an unacceptable risk to our water sources. Do not allow this to happen.

4/22/2013 14:23:08

Katelyn No one has the right to take away one's water.This is nothing more than greed.If anyone has any common sense or a heart they most certainly would look at this and say :''This is not right''.Do not allow this keystone pipeline to happen.It is nothing but an abomination on people and our enviorment.Perhaps you may not have to live with what will happen to the water but others will.

4/22/2013 14:23:49

Helen Pitts I am a student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln who is currently studying abroad in Germany. I love my state, and I'm very proud of the natural resources we have, not to mention the beautiful landscape. I'm very concerned that the Keystone pipeline will destroy the natural bounty of the state of Nebraska. Nebraska is an important breadbasket, producing crops for domestic use as well as exports, and an oil spill would utterly decimate Nebraska's environment. The economic impact of a destroyed corn crop would be immense, and trusting a foreign company with the livelihoods of many Nebraska farmers is, in my mind, a horrible mistake. Other concerns are the habitat for endangered and protected species, and the impact this pipeline would have on Native American sacred land. Should oil be spilled, not only their jobs would be compromised, but also their cultural practices. I ask the State Department to respect the environment, and to value the lives, livelihoods, and cultures of Americans over the interests of foreign corporations.

4/22/2013 14:27:11

Casey Connell The Keystone XL pipleine is not GOOD for Nebraska or the United States. This should not be allowed to pass, as our future generations are at stack. Everything we, as Nebraskans and Americans have worked for with have been for nothing. Protect our culture and our environment!

4/22/2013 14:29:03

Katie Naumann I would like to voice my opposition to the Keystone XL Pipeline. As a lifelong Nebraska resident, I cherish the land, resources and the communities that surround me. As a mother, I hope to raise my children in a safe and healthy environment, where they can learn to appreciate the natural world and all it provides. The proposed route of the Keystone XL Pipeline threatens the well-being of resources so vital to Nebraska residents; notably the Ogallala Aquifer and the fragile Sandhills. The diluted bitumen which would be carried in the KXL is a substance that is dangerous to the health of humans and nearly impossible to clean up in the event of a spill. Noted UNL Professor Dr. Stansbury, has conducted a study showing the likelihood of 91 major spills over the 50-year lifespan of the pipeline. Why would we place such precious resources in danger of contamination? There is an abundance of misinformation available through the media regarding the pipeline, mostly backed by those who seem to benefit economically or politically from the project. Reports show that the number of proposed jobs has been highly exaggerated; the State Department EIS only shows 35 jobs, not the thousands that others are claiming. This project does not enhance our country’s energy security if the oil is ultimately being exported elsewhere, as planned. The steel for this pipeline was not even produced within the United States. The economic benefits are few; the environmental and health risks are many. It should be the state department’s responsibility to fully evaluate the environmental and economic risks without being swayed by outside special interest groups. A decision on the Keystone XL Pipeline should be made based upon facts, and with full consideration of the long-term impacts the decision will have upon all generations. Based upon the facts; I vote NO to the Keystone XL Pipeline.

4/22/2013 14:29:34

Claire Briney The prospect of having the Keystone XL pipeline in my state fills me with terror. The capacity for human error is one of the indisputable truths of life, and I feel that it would be a grievous mistake to put this structure over the top of one of our country's greatest aqueous resource. If a single mistake is made with this pipeline, we risk losing the Ogallala Aquifer and polluting the only existing Sandhills ecosystem. This is not a risk that I'm willing to take. Please consider my comment.

4/22/2013 14:32:02

Carol Barta There is a mountain of environmental and health evidence that would lead any rational person to believe that building the Keystone XL pipeline is a terrible idea for the future of the planet. The only thing that it has in its favor are the immediate gratification of $$$ for a few in the oil business and some temporary jobs for the builders. If it is built, the sunk costs will create a need to keep it going for a very long time. We need to take the step of saying no to the pipeline and trying something new. If the leaders of the big oil companies found a way to make money in that field, they are smart and creative enough to find new solutions that won't ruin our health and our future. The pipeline is the easy way, but not the sustainable way. Even though there would be some short term losses, over all the industry needs the encouragement to innovate new solutions, not just keep trying to extract what little resources remain in the ground. It is too dangerous to stay on this course. No insurance company in the world would indemnify the risk that the pipeline poses to the land and water of Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. Say no and tell the oil men to move on to a new way of creating energy.

4/22/2013 14:32:44

Lori Elliott-Bartle My concerns about protecting our natural resources, especially water, lead me to hope the pipeline will never be built. I think the possible benefit of adding jobs are far less important than protecting the water supply and all the ecosystems through which the pipeline would flow. Please prohibit construction of this pipeline.

4/22/2013 14:33:24

Lawrence Novotny

My main objection to the Keystone XL pipeline is the contamination of precious groundwater with tarsands oil. The pipeline will be crossing the Madison aquifer in the western part of South Dakota. Recent oil spills in Michigan and Arkansas have resulted in contaminated water that has not been able to be cleaned up. Water is essential to the arid west of South Dakota. The Madison aquifer supplies drinking water both for humans and for livestock. (Agriculture is South Dakota's number one industry.) It will be a matter of when, and not if, the pipeline will rupture resulting in water and soil contamination that will not be able to be cleaned up. Please do not approve this pipeline. Lawrence Novotny

4/22/2013 14:33:42

Chad No oil in my water!!!

4/22/2013 14:35:10

Barbara Sommars

I'm wholeheartedly AGAINST Keystone XL. Can't think of a worse idea. Personally, I like clean air, clean water and clean food as all humans should and I'm not blinded by short-term greed. I hope you, President Obama feel the same. Oil lobbyists and planet rapists can suck it!

4/22/2013 14:36:08

Amee Jacobs No! No! No!

4/22/2013 14:36:09

Renee Deemer Please Stop The Keystone XL Pipeline. What you are doing is so wrong in so many ways. The whole nation is against this pipeline. We see what the consequences are and will be. Why can't you see that? What you are doing wont just effect a few people it will effect the whole nation including your own families! Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline before its too late.

4/22/2013 14:41:59

Wayne Larsen Fracking is injurious to the planet, and piping the oil obtained across the nation's bread basket is potentially disastrous. Please do all you can to stop the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/22/2013 14:43:17

Jen Valandra I am against building the Keystone XL pipeline for many reasons, including the serious environmental, health, and economic risks to our communities, that will be present if the project proceeds.

4/22/2013 14:44:15

LISA MCGUIRE The people in the heart of America have spoken and I hope you listened with open minds. As a nation, we are struggling with the economy, employment and weather of all types. One thing that we should not have to worry about is being dependent on other countries for our wellbeing. We are the United States of America - we are not a bump in the road for others to roll over us. Please do not allow China and Canada to treat us as such. The short lived employment does equal the long term problems that an oil spill would cause. To some, the Midwest states are "flyover" states to get from one coast to another. These flyover states produce the majority of crops for our nation. Please protect our resources.

4/22/2013 14:45:20

Sally Cox I am moved to make a comment because the health of the environment is in extreme crisis. President Obama and John Kerry have declared multiple times their commitment to fighting climate change and protecting our children’s future. If they truly believe this, then there is no way they can approve this pipeline. Please stop this environmental insult. We have only one planet, and it is in danger from short sighted poor investments such as the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/22/2013 14:46:10

Nancy Kile After considering the evidence of human rights violations caused by careless and short sighted investors and multi national corporations, this undertaking is dangerous and unjust. Americans deserve to be treated like human beings. Do not approve the Keystone XL pipeline application. Thank you for including my comment into the public record. Sincerely, Nancy Kile

4/22/2013 14:46:14

Megan G. The Keystone XL pipeline's risks outweigh its benefits. Risking one natural resource (water) for another, less important, resource (oil) doesn't make any sense and neither does our reliance on more foreign oil. Are a few jobs worth putting our land and water in jeopardy? I don't want to live in a country that prioritizes money and oil over it's own citizens safety, their land, their water and their way of life. Please vote against the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/22/2013 14:47:47

Eve DiMagno While it’s true that at a national level the debate has divided along party lines, back home the perspective is very different. In fact, the opposition to the pipeline is and always has been a movement that crossed party lines. Though it may seem ridiculous, given the enormously politicized nature of this issue at a national level, the first resistance to Keystone XL came from a bipartisan coalition of environmentalists and rural Nebraska. Opposition to the pipeline has been growing in Nebraska, Oklahoma, Montana, and Texas for years. In Nebraska especially, a movement developed that largely transcended political affiliation, including liberal environmental organizations such as The Sierra Club, National Wildlife Foundation, and, local political organizations such as Bold Nebraska, rural organizations such as the Nebraska Farmers Union, and a largely conservative collection of ranchers and farmers. Though all of these factions became involved through different means, they have united behind several key issues. The first is the initial pipeline route proposed by TransCanada. Originally, Keystone XL would have traversed the Sandhills, an extremely environmentally fragile region in the northwest part of the state. The Sandhills got their name because they are literally hills of sand, covered by a very thin layer of topsoil. Disturbing this topsoil would allow the sand to be exposed and blown away, causing massive erosion. Digging a route for the pipeline in this region would be hugely destructive to the ecosystem. The danger is compounded by the presence of the Ogallala Aquifer in the region. The aquifer, which lies beneath most of Nebraska, provides irrigation and drinking water for the entire state. In fact, the pipeline was slated to pass just southwest of Lincoln, about a twenty minute drive from my house. A leak there could contaminate the water supply with tar sands oil for the quarter million people living in the city, as well as smaller towns and farms in the area. If the pipeline leaked somewhere near where Omaha-Council Bluffs pumps its water, anywhere from half a million to a million people could be affected. This is without taking into account the farmers and ranchers throughout the state who depend on the groundwater to grow crops and feed their livestock. A leak anywhere along the pipeline, even a small one, could be devastating for everyone in the community. In addition, the way in which TransCanada went about acquiring the land in the path of the pipeline is deeply concerning. TransCanada began contacting landowners back in 2008 and 2009 to acquire land for the proposed Keystone XL project. Landowners would receive a

letter informing them that their land was in the path of the pipeline, and would be offered a financial reward for giving up their rights to the land. If the landowner refused, TransCanada would seize their land under eminent domain and the landowner would be paid after an assessment of the property. Not only was this questionably legal (it is unclear that TransCanada had the right to claim eminent domain before a pipeline was officially approved), TransCanada would continually harass landowners with letters and visits until they agreed to a deal. But at a national level, this bipartisan, grassroots campaign has been discarded and forgotten. The rise of the opposition to the national stage was the result of years of work on the part of local groups directly in the path of the pipeline. But this work has been largely dismissed, even though without the years of cooperation between local environmental advocates and rural conservatives, the issue would never have reached Washington and would not be on your desk today. Please, deny TransCanada the permit for Keystone XL on behalf of your true constituents: those who will be directly affected and will bear the brunt of an inevitable pipeline break.

4/22/2013 14:50:44

Eric Magnuson I write you because I care about the future of my family, my state, our water supply, and our environment. Our elected officials have the responsibility to protect the well-being of it's people, and this pipeline is a dangerous and dirty violation of our rights as citizens to security. It's not a matter of "if" this pipeline will leak but rather "when" it will leak. Do the right thing for the country and for the world by opposing this pipeline. Fact is it will not create any long-term jobs and will not impact the price if oil in America. Please act now and show America that you do care...and that there is a better way to do things and a better future for our children and our country.

4/22/2013 14:51:43

Fredrick Toohey Given the concerns about oil spills affecting large portions of the Mid-West's water supply, I urge you to deny Transcanada the permit to build a the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/22/2013 14:56:39

Larry Lightner Dear President Obama, Senator Johanns, Senator Fischer, Congressman Terry, Congressman Fortenberry and Congressman Smith, Most Nebraskans are not a simple people though most of us like to describe themselves as such. It’s pretty clear to most of us what is driving the construction of this pipeline no matter how it’s been presented. This pipeline is not for the greater good of Americans and America. It’s for the extreme benefit of an extremely small number of Americans. Those people are oilmen and politicians. It’s for the extreme benefit of the countries of Canada and China. Let them run this poison across their countries if it’s that important to them. Sending this horribly toxic oil through a pipeline designed and built by a company that has been proven unreliable is selling us so cheaply. It’s as if you’re telling this state to get someone else’s suitcase full of God-knows-what through customs. If it works we get $50. If it doesn’t we get 50 years in prison. This pipeline does so little to help our country and puts our people, land and water in such great jeopardy. It will most likely to raise fuel prices due to the added competition for refinery needs in South Texas before being shipped overseas. The greatly overestimated number of jobs it would create won’t be of much use to Nebraskans. I suppose the payments to the landowners would be nice. I feel for the next door neighbor landowners who will be in as much jeopardy but without payment. Right now it’s proposed to run through land just miles west of where I grew up in St. Edward. But, I’d feel the same regardless of where it was potentially running. Yosemite it’s not. But, I remember growing up loving how the water tasted. Mr. President I hope one day you’re able to taste the water from the Ogallala Aquifer. Senators and Congressmen, hopefully you’ve all had the experience. It’s remarkable. Perhaps it’s not as sweet as a check from an energy company. We wouldn’t know. For all of us who will never see a check like that we hope we never see the day when we have to give up the taste of that water with nothing to show for it. It not something you can write of a check but Nebraskans know what they’re worth. They know what their land and water is worth. Please don’t sell this state out so cheaply. Please stop this pipeline. Sincerely, Larry Lightner

4/22/2013 14:57:59

Joshua David Satre

Dear State Department Officials, I am a conservative Republican, and wholeheartedly support good energy policy. However, this isn't good energy policy, and as such, I oppose the granting of a permit for Keystone XL pipeline. There are several reasons for this. First, The risks far outweigh the benefits. The arguments in favor of Keystone XL as a job creation engine are exaggerated to say the least, and with a 3.8% unemployment rate, Nebraska is hardly hurting for jobs. Additionally, the company has done a terrible job at addressing the legal and environmental concerns of citizens and critics. There are a myriad of additional concerns written by people far more well informed than I , but I strongly urge you to reconsider this issue, and hope that the concerns of citizens triumph the legal department of the oil lobby, and that the interests of Nebraskan residents. Sincerely, Joshua Satre

4/22/2013 14:58:20

Emma Hoppe As a lifelong Nebraskan, I've seen the horror drought can cause in communities. The chance that the pipeline will break and our aquifer will be unusable is not a chance that I'm willing to take for cheaper energy. We're surviving the drought now, but if we didn't have a sequestered water source that the agricultural communities and cities could turn to when it got really bad, we would not have crops and many would have had difficulty paying their water bills. Do not allow the pipeline. Cheaper energy will just lead to increased damage of the ecosystem and the economy.

4/22/2013 14:58:58

Gay Robinson Abraham

I implore you to NOT approve the Keystone XL Pipeline. The risks to our environment are catastrophic. It will not increase energy security because the diluted bitumen would be exported to foreign markets, and this is not a step toward building sustainable energy. The small number of jobs created would be temporary. Family-owned farms and sacred tribal properties would be damaged. Both President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have declared multiple times their commitment to fighting climate change and protecting our children's future. If they believe this, then the only way to act honestly and with integrity is to not approve this pipeline. Please live up to my support of both of you!

4/22/2013 15:00:04

Justin Brouillette As a former long standing resident of Nebraska, I venomously stand against the Keystone XL pipeline. Neither the world, nor Nebraska needs tar sands to continue moving. We need ingenuity not, impending oil spills to tarnish our most valuable resource, water.

4/22/2013 15:02:20

Shari Ditloff I want President Obama to deny the proposed keystone XL pipelinie. It is devastating to the environment end to end and threatens our Ogallala Aquifer. The oil is not for us but for export to world market. This is not in our nations best interest. Please say NO KXL! Thank You Shari Ditloff

4/22/2013 15:03:39

Jason baker I do not support the keystone xl pipeline. The risks to our water alone should be enough to stop this pipeline before it causes any devastation.

4/22/2013 15:07:11

Daniel King Please stand up and lead our country out of the dark ages. We don't want dirty tarsands oil flowing through our state. We have enough pipelines and risks to our water already. As a hazmat responder and public health professional I can tell you that a accident like the ones in Michigan and Arkansas would be devastating anywhere in this great state of free flowing streams and abundant groundwater. Please tell Transcanada, thanks but no thanks! My wife and I voted for President Obama and still believe in his vision and leadership. Please don't let us and our children down. Sincerely, Dan N. King

4/22/2013 15:07:50

Dr. Rosalind Morris

I urge you not to approve this pipeline because the oil that it would carry comes from a boreal forest area of Canada that is being destroyed to extract it from the ground, thereby endangering the future of many birds and other forms of wildlife that make their home in these forests. It would be equally damaging to the wildlife of Nebraska if there is inevitably a leak that would contaminate the water and ground. Please concentrate on safer forms of energy with progress in wind, solar, and more efficient buildings.

4/22/2013 15:08:26

Ryan Corrigan Dear President Obama, over the last week, you have called out Republicans for ceding to public interest groups on gun control. While our efforts to build a safer society may have been slowed in this case, you have the power to override public interest groups in another case, the Keysonte XL pipeline. As a Nebraskan and a young leader, I know in my heart that this project is wrong for our future, but the true facts don't bode well for it either. Obviously we know the possible damage from a spill, but it doesn't make sense from an economic perspective either. How many jobs did Keystone 1 generate? 2580, how many of those jobs were for American citizens? 282. This is a terrible idea for Nebraska, the rest of the country and the world as a whole.

4/22/2013 15:10:28

Ken Revoy Please explain how this will lead to energy independence? Actually, it will do the opposite.

4/22/2013 15:11:45

Matt Piersol Greetings, I would like to voice my firm disapproval for the proposed Keystone XL pipeline. The track record with these pipelines is not stellar - just look at the latest rupture in Arkansas. Also I do not believe it will create abundant jobs, and most certainly the finished product will be shipped to China. I fail to see what advantages this gives the citizens of the midwestern U.S. Ibelieve this to be an example of short-term greed vs. long-term stewardship of our natural resources. Not only that, but the potential for terrorist attack on the pipeline could create an environmental catastrophe. And it prolongs this country's dependence on fossil fuels that aggravate the greenhouse effect. Sincerely Yours, Matt Piersol

4/22/2013 15:13:05


Alexandra Keriakedes for the record: OPPOSED to the KXL pipeline INTERNAL SECURITY: Dear State Department ….. We’re sorry that you haven’t had the opportunity to experience our precious Sandhills and Niobrara Natl. Scenic River by more friendly weather. Spending some leisurely days reveling in our yet wide open spaces unspoiled by scars such as that pipeline would cause …….unthreatened by the threat of noxious chemicals on your skin or the ground you walk on, water in which you could play – canoeing, swimming, kayaking, waterskiing, etc. ………. It is well documented how greatly this can benefit the physical and mental health of weary, stressed humans and animals alike. Above all, the “good fences” out here help, as well, to keep up our “good neighbors” ……the fences are only there to protect humans and animals alike ……the natives can tell you sufficient horror tales of topping a rise on a supremely lonely trail – paved or not – and finding their vehicle on a collision course with a majestic example of Nebraska beef ….or perhaps, even …….a bison (buffalo) ………..SO ……good neighbors keep their fences maintained. At the same time…..they frequently travel from “compound to compound” to lend aid to needy neighbors and to celebrate festive occasions with these, each in its season. Again, for this, yet another reason, please say NO! to the KXL pipeline. We guarantee you will profit from the enthusiastic welcome you will receive upon paying us a visit ……and you don’t have to sample “bull fries” (aka “rocky mountain oysters” if you’re squeamish.

4/22/2013 15:15:59

Emma Wass Hello, My name is Emma Wass and I am currently a freshman at Nebraska Wesleyan University studying Biology and Environmental Science. I am 19 years old and I am strongly against the keystone XL pipeline for multiple reasons. Being an oil pipeline it is almost inevitable that oil will be spilled and leak into the Ogallala aquifer. This is not something to be taken lightly when about 30% of the United States water for irrigation comes from this aquifer. The pipeline is not only dangerous for the Ogallala aquifer, but it will also be destroying some of Nebraska's most beautiful prairies and wildlife refuges. Being a lover of nature and animals I am very much against this pipeline and will do all I can to voice my opinions and get others feeling the same way I do. Stop the Transcanada Keystone pipeline! Please!

4/22/2013 15:17:07

Julia Anderson Dear State Department, Please deny TransCanada the permit to build the keystone water. I'm concerned this pipeline will leak and expose my Midwestern friends to toxins in the water, such as benzene.

4/22/2013 15:17:34

Steven L Douglas

I believe that no matter how safe the employees of the Keystone XL Pipeline Project claim the project is that it is not enough to run the risk of JEAPORDISING OUR GOOD LIFE! I have lived in the Nebraska Sandhills since 1999 and have a great life here and enjoy the many GOOD things that Nebraska has to offer including some of the best water anywhere and can not imagine how devastating a leak of ANY MAGNITUDE would be no matter where it occurred in the state. THE PIPELINE SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED IN THE STATE and YOUR concern should lie in the preservation of Nebraska's environment and the very diverse way of life for the majority of Nebraskan's as well as the generations to follow in your steps.

4/22/2013 15:18:34

Josh Turek-Herman

We shouldn't be propagating a system which is destroying our planet, and wreak havoc on natural ecosystems in the process.

4/22/2013 15:21:37

Tomas Neale All pipelines leak, and when this one does, it will be a catastrophe.

4/22/2013 15:22:42

Peggy Olson What chemicals will you use to clean the chemicals in our aquifer and in the land after fracking? Where do we get the clean water and earth needed to sustain us? Now is the time to think about clean jobs and renewable energy sources. Thank you.

4/22/2013 15:28:13

Paige Humecki The Keystone XL pipeline will continue our dependence on fossil fuels and advance climate change.

4/22/2013 15:28:15

Wendy Leuenberger

Dear State Department Officials - I would like to share with you my opinion regarding the controversial Keystone XL pipeline. I am a native Nebraska who is currently attending school in Pennsylvania. Even all the way out here on the East Coast, I have met people who are against the Keystone pipeline and understand that the costs greatly exceed the benefits. When I tell Pennsylvanians about Nebraska, I typically mention the Sandhill Crane migration as one of the coolest things I've seen in Nebraska. If the Ogallala Aquifer is damaged as a result of dilbit spills after the pipeline is damaged, the entire Sandhills ecosystem would suffer, including migrating species such as the Cranes. Migratory species do not belong solely to the United States, and it is our responsibility to help them get to their next destination, not cut off a valuable stopping point. Oil for exportation and a small handful of jobs are not worth as much as the services and species present in this ecosystem. The BP oil spill is still not cleaned up, showing the persistance of these problems, and the Gulf ecosystem is forever changed as a result. I do not want the Great Plains to be tarnished in such an arrogant manner. Thank you for your time, and Happy Earth Day, -Wendy Leuenberger

4/22/2013 15:29:29

Judy Radcliff I am opposed to the Keystone XL pipeline. It is a monumentally bad idea which will result in very few (mostly temporary) jobs and an astronomically negative impact on our environment.

4/22/2013 15:34:10

Randy Barger Please count me as one of the thousands of Nebraskans who are adamantly opposed to allowing the Keystone XL pipeline to cross our state. This pipeline will not benefit anyone other than TransCanada and their cohorts here in the U.S. Oil pipeline companies have a long track record of promising pipeline structural integrity and responsible clean-up of accidents when they occur. The record clearly shows that they don't deliver on those promises. The enviornmental havoc that tar sands extraction wreaks on our northern neighbors, and indeed, our entire planet, is equally unacceptable.

4/22/2013 15:35:53

Sue Mitchell This pipeline is not in the interest of our nation. Our children of the future deiserve better that this dirtiest tar sands flowing across our country. Especially in Nebraska, where theOgallala Aquifer and Sandhills lay. The sulfur content to so high that we cannot us oil anyway. Nebraska's naturl resources are, cattle, corn, soybeans, wheat, popcorn, alfalfa, hay, wildlife for hunting purposes, polurty, hogs, horses, oats, milo, vineyards, AND WATER. I am sure I have not named them all. They all need our water and irrigation to feed the whole world. Nebraska is the bread basket of the world. Please, please, please, do not allow this permit to pass.

4/22/2013 15:36:32

Linda Witfoth Dear President Obama - I oppose the Keystone XL pipeline project through Nebraska. Please protect Nebraska's very precious resources by denying this project. Please stand for border rights. Please stand for protection of family land owndership. Please stand for protection and preservation of clean water. Please stand for protection of the Ogallala Aquifer resource. Please stand for protection of migratory bird habitat. Please stand for protection of the precious sandhills. Please stand for protection of agricultural lands. Please stand for clean and alternative energy. Please protect tribal grounds. Please help us move out of the tar pit of oil dependence into a new future for our children - a place with blue skies, fresh air, clean water, abundant food production, and CLEAN energy to transport us and sustain us. Bring the promise of change for the people home! Thank you. Sincerely, Linda Witfoth

4/22/2013 15:40:08

Aja Martin I've stopped and restarted typing messages twice before now. Maybe third time's the charm? I just realize how important and still almost meaningless my message is going to be. Chances are incredibly slim that this will be read with any real intent. And yet, this is the way we are given to address this issue. This is how people feel about interacting with our government. Sure, there is a method in place to talk, but there is little conversation. We want our country to appear big and tough to protect us but be approachable in our interaction. It's a tough place for anyone to be in, I'll admit. But at the end of the day, I'm reaching out and I hope typing into a field on a computer will influence a massively important project. Oil has revolutionized the modern world. And lack of it has done the same. Don't mistake, I know it's importance. But I also know the importance of keeping ecosystems in place, in keeping water clean for use and in protecting our land from more than foreign threats. The US has a mixed history in terms of choosing other interests over 'hippie mother Earth bullshit'. It has gotten to the point where it feels like expressing concern over potable water makes a person into some kind of radical. This isn't an issue for tomorrow. This was an issue for yesterday, but since that time has passed, I'll settle for today. Traditional cost-benefit analysis needs to take into consideration all manner of costs and benefits. There are people who want to make this solely about money. Like we can quantify to the decimal point something like the Arkansas oil spill. You can tally the money spent on clean-up, but that doesn't address the toll on the residents or land and it leaves off the fact that it's effects continue into the future. We have multiple examples of what happens when something goes wrong. And what we get is lies, dodging the responsibility and devastation. I just don't think we should trust that they are doing their best to take care of us preventatively when we can see that they don't after the fact.

4/22/2013 15:40:49

Valerie Lovejoy We know you are an evil bunch of greedy liars, we know you care nothing for the USA and it's people and it's land, we will not sit idol while you destroy our country, how many of us do you plan to kill, because that is what you must do, in order to come through my families farm you must kill us.....

4/22/2013 15:41:28

Alexa Koch The history is against pipelines such as this one, and I can't believe people would look past the blatant evidence foreshadowing that this is a bad idea. Even this month, with the Exxon spill in Arkansas, we have been given an idea of how bad spills from pipelines can be. Do not allow this pipeline to be built, not only for the environment's sake, but Americans who call its path home.

4/22/2013 15:41:41

Chase Iron Eyes

The oil/tarsands is an american resource and it will not be sold in america. all jobs created are temporary during construction and some for maintenance. The oglala aquifer will be destroyed at some time, it is only a matter of time. This pipeline will not be built if the forces of the univers win out.

4/22/2013 15:46:23

Daniel Ocanto As a concerned citizen of this country and of the great state of Nebraska, I urge you to consider the concerns of your constituents. Please recognize that many are concerned of the dangers that are faces in building this pipeline. In light of recent catastrophic oil spills in this country and hemisphere, I implore you to explore options that do not threaten the beauty of our landscape or the immensely valuable resources. Thank you for your consideraton. Daniel Ocanto

4/22/2013 15:46:53

Rev. Angie Hlava

Nothing of value would come from this dangerous pipeline. The jobs are short-term and it would cost a LOT in environmental damage of various sorts (see below). We would assume all the risk, while they wouldn't even have to pay into the fund to fix damage because dil-bit isn't counted as petroleum. To let this FOREIGN CORPORATION come in and BULLY OUR OWN CITIZENS into signing easements so they can put the environmental damage on us while shipping the end product to China, is just shameful, and those in government backing it are only doing so out of greed/pay-offs. PLEASE stand up for our nation's LONG-TERM WELL-BEING and DENY THE KXL! Fact: The Koch brothers have a financial stake in Keystone XL and their right-wing groups like AFP are working side by side with labor union LIUNA to push this risky pipeline. Fact: 100% of the steel TransCanada is using was produced outside of the United States and only 50% of this foreign-made steel was rolled and coated in the United States. Fact: Unions do not stand 100% with this pipeline. Nurses, AFT and Communications Workers are all opposed to the pipeline. Steelworkers were opposed to Keystone I because of foreign steel and Keystone XL still uses foreign steel. Fact: Building the Keystone XL will directly impact the expansion of tar sands, and in turn speed up climate change. Fact: The KXL holds more economic risks than profits. The job creation claims being made by pipeline supporters and some media outlets are wildly exaggerated. While Rush Limbaugh says the KXL will create up to a million jobs, an independent study done by Cornell estimates the number to be closer to 2,000 temporary jobs, and that the KXL could kill more jobs than it actually creates. The most recent State Department EIS estimates that the KXL will only create 35 jobs. Fact: Pipelines leak. Many of those leaks are major and pose immense dangers to the public. According to Dr. Stansbury, UNL Professor of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering conducted a study showing that the KXL would result in 91 major spills over the

50 year life of the pipeline. Fact: The KXL will carry diluted bitumen. Diluted bitumen (dilbit) is not considered oil by the IRS, which would allow TransCanada to evade paying taxes into the Oil Spill and Liability Trust, a fund used to clean up oil spills. Indeed dilbit is not oil; it is far more dangerous to the public. A toxic sludge of chemicals and peanut-butter thick tar sands oil, dilbit sinks in water and is proving to be impossible to clean up. Fact: The KXL route passes through a number of sacred tribal grounds, including the Ponca’s Trail of Tears. Native tribes are concerned about health and cultural impacts of the pipeline, concerns that have not been adequately addressed by the State Department. Fact: Extracting the tar sands causes unfathomable damage to the environment and people near the extraction sites.

Fact: Investors, nations, and academics across the world are distancing themselves from the tar sands. Why? Because it’s becoming clear that it is a bad investment both financially and morally. Fact: The Keystone XL will NOT provide “energy security.” The oil is destined for export and we will not see lower gas prices. Fact: The entire KXL review process is broken. Conflicts of interest have riddled every review and each report has ignored very important environmental concerns. Fact: TransCanada does not have a good safety record, or a good safety culture. Though they claim to promote safety by having “agreed to 57 extra conditions,” most of those are already required by law. Fact: President Obama and John Kerry have declared multiple times their commitment to fighting climate change and protecting our children’s future. If they truly believe this, then there is no way they can approve this pipeline. Fact: The KXL still crosses the Ogallala Aquifer, the most valuable resource in our state, and the fragile Sandhills.

4/22/2013 15:48:35

gayland regier Pipelines like any new vehicles eventually will and do brake down & leak! They always have & always will! (Only a minor quake can do it.) Leaving a moralless greed-driven foreign corporation to safeguard our nation's most precious fresh potable underground water supply is only courting disaster. Already XL has built a sloppy tract record not having yet cleaned up spills into significant waterways. Despite Keystone's contention & proprietarily guarded brew of toxic carcinogenic chemicals this heavy dirty tarsands cocktail does not float but largely sinks in water. Polar and nonpolar, organic and nonorganic chemical compounds DO leach and DO contaminate good water dispite general thoughts to the contrary. Expediting more fossil fuel consumption means greater energy insecurity and an eventual environmental dead end for us all. Please think green with much more renewable energy and reject the XL pipeline approval for the sake of giving our deserving children a viable future!

4/22/2013 15:50:33

Kara Slaughter This pipeline poses too great a risk, for too little benefit. There are alternatives to piping dirty tar sands across aquifers and precious midwest farmland. Please turn down the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/22/2013 15:54:34


Alexandra KERIAKEDES for the record: OPPOSED to the KXL pipeline TERRORIST THREATS : That “Trojan Horse” mentioned before …….as TC has been heard to say at a Natural Resources Committee hearing in our state capitol: “If the day comes when we no longer need the pipeline for “oil” …..(again, that sugar-coated word!)…….we can always send a “pig” through it (remote-controlled machine that ‘cleans’ out the inside of the pipeline …and “cleansing” gases……and use it for WATER !!!!!!! Amazed that the room didn’t totally ERUPT with rage ! Just WHOSE water was meant …..?! Their own ruined Athabasca River ? or even our OGALLALA AQUIFER !!!!! That is the equivalent of calling for allout WAR with the USA ! (there were rumors that they wanted to sell our water …or other….to Colorado! And whatever transpires in Washington, D.C., we pipeline fighters are determined to put our bodies on the line in front of any earth-moving equipment they should advance to the line of our horizon! NOT in our NEBRASKA ! Don’t forget …..this is the state about which the late George Will (even if he’s not yet been declared “deceased,” ….his brain seems to have ceased to function, judging by his “contributions” to the Washington Post – in which he once wrote: “I don’t know what it is about being “just” Nr. 2 that disturbs Nebraskans so, but I wish the rest of the nation would catch it.” May I submit …… when it comes to our land and water, we will defend it down to our last drops of blood. What I heard on April 18, 2013, in Grand Island gives me cause to believe that good folk from at least 6 other states are ready to join us on the front lines. Our bodies against their bulldozers …… with the entire contingent of CIA members as well … (if you’re not up to date ….. that now stands for: “Cowboy / Indian Alliance” …organized by our indigenous sisters north of the border. Invade at your own risk, TC! *** additional threat to the USA …..and the entire nation…..Our enemies could take a tip from us and employ EXTRA-SMART DRONES to knock a huge hole in the KXL so that it would deliver oil into our rivers AND the aquifer …….. “game over” for our share of food and water…..not to mention the civilized world and its climate.

4/22/2013 15:59:27

Carla Stagemeyer

NO. It is time that the process comes to an end. A time that the TransCanada lies stop. A time that environment takes precedent. A time that taxpayers be heard. At time that money does not dictate decisions. It is time for the State Department to say NO. I live in the bread basket of America - the same area that is being threatened by foreign companies. This area is productiive pastureland for cattle and cropland for growing corn and soybeans. This productive land is, however, so very fragile. We have been environmentalists long before it was popular or politically correct. We needed to take care of the land so the land could take care of us. Erosion and pollution were things my forefathers didn't just talk about. They practiced them on a daily basis to provide not only for their family, but to provide food for the hungry throughout this world. Now, we are threatened to be invaded by a foreign country to take away this asset. TransCanada is not using fighter planes and guns like Japan did over 50 years ago at Pearl Harbor. Instead they are using political pressure, false information, and money to invade our country with tarsands. TransCanada wants the monetary revenue from the pipeline; they don't want the liability - that is passed on to the landowner, who is helpless without the representation of our government officials. These are the same taxpaying landowners who have voted you into office with confidence that you will do what is right - say NO. Besides the environmental risks, say NO to the economic hardships this pipeline has already brought to struggling rural communities. In the fall of 2012, several land sales took place in our area. Land was averaging $7000/acre. A comparable piece of ground that the pipeline is proposed to cross was offered for sale at public auction. Did it bring the same amount of neighboring ground? The land investors and farmers said No. What should have been an active auction was deafening quiet, with no bids placed on the property. It could not be sold at any price. Is this fair to landowners? Is this fair to county and state governments when numerous taxable acres are robbed from their budget. Say NO to causing economic hardship. State Department, you have a choice. Do what is right, noble, and on the same principles as our founding fathers. Say NO!

4/22/2013 16:00:18

Chuck Mathes Allowing a foreign corporation to bully their way into ruining peoples land and water supply for profit and endangering future generations by continuing the dependence on oil is not tolerable. Don't bow down to the moneyed few!

4/22/2013 16:00:23

Judith Christianson

Please stop supporting industries that destroy our nation and our heritage. Pipelines like this are bad ideas. You have very smart staff. Stop responding to big money and create better solutions.

4/22/2013 16:00:36

Josephine I have lived in this beautiful place for 80 yrs,please don't let it be destroyed by fouling our water source. keep the tar sands out of our COUNTRY.Thank you for your efforts.

4/22/2013 16:01:45

Phyllis Lopez I am a Nebraskan, born and raised and I do not want the pipeline! Please don't do this to our beloved state.

4/22/2013 16:03:29

Ken Kipple We do want or need this pipeline. I don't believe that President Obama wants this pipeline, if he stays true to his word, given in his Inaugural speech.

4/22/2013 16:04:00

Kathryn Decker As a citizen and a teacher I am strongly against the KXL pipeline. I am a retired elementary school from - NE. In the 34 years I spent my days with young learners, I taught many lessons. One of those lessons was about one of Nebraska’s wonderful resources, the Ogallala Aquifer. It’s a treasure of underground water, filtered through fragile layers of sand and gravel. At the Children’s Groundwater Festival which is held in Grand Island and in field trips to the Platte River, my students learned about their responsibility to care for and protect this amazing water resource. Another lesson I taught was map skills. Accurate information, expressed in visual form can be very helpful in aiding understanding and in guiding not only travelers, but decisions. The information must be accurate however. The map which shows that the KXL pipeline avoids the Sandhills is flawed. How can landowners who have been stewards of the land and know from springs and wells drilled on their land suddenly not be above the aquifer? The KXL still crosses the Ogallala Aquifer, the most valuable resource in our state, and the fragile Sandhills. I agree with the sentiment expressed at the Nebraska Breakfast in Washington, D.C. during the summer of 2004, in which our then Senator, Dr. Tom Osborne, said that our Nebraska water was going to be a more important resource than oil. Humans CAN find ways to live without oil, but we will never be able to live without water. One important lesson I taught was about friendship. We talked about how true friends don’t pressure their friends to do anything that would be harmful to their bodies. We were talking about the poisons of non-prescription drugs, tobacco and alcohol of course. But if Canada is truly our friend, they would not even ask us to even consider poisoning our precious underground body of water. I implore you to think about the children whose lives I touched and all the children of this land, whose lives will not be enriched or positively impacted by this potential poison to our groundwater and way of life.

4/22/2013 16:05:34

Sue Mitchell Since Keystone is an international project, Secretary of State John Kerry, YOU have the authority to decide on ending the proposed conduit for toxic oil from the Alberta, Canada tar sands, across the United States, to the Houston area for refining. From there, the oil goes straight to China. Tar sands oil produces 17% more carbon dioxide per barrel than the average barrel of oil. With China's intense demand for fuel, the volume of carbon dioxide pumped into the atmosphere will increase at a dangerous rate even beyond the current hazardous rate of pollution. . Save our children of the future. Please

4/22/2013 16:07:19

Whitney Haruf President Obama and John Kerry have declared multiple times their commitment to fighting climate change and protecting our children’s future. If they truly believe this, then there is no way they can approve this pipeline. In addition, extracting the tar sands causes unfathomable damage to the environment and people near the extraction sites. Please do the right thing and think of long-term sustainability, not short-term profit and gain.

4/22/2013 16:08:46

Cynthia Patterson

XL Pipe line is bad for the environment, our climate, and the U.S. Tar sands oil creates more global warming pollution than traditional oil production. Tar sands will not increase U.S. energy security. The oil is for export via U.S. Ports. The massive Exxon Mobil spill in Arkansas reminds us of the unacceptable risks of a trans-continental pipeline across numerous watersheds, farms and ranches. A previously built TransCanada pipeline had 12 spills in the first year of operation. . I urge you to revise the EIS to reflect the truth: the Keystone XL pipeline is too risky, does not benefit the U.S. and if built means "essentially game over" for the climate. Now is the time to advance climate solutions, not develop the dirtiest oil on earth that will only make climate change even worse

4/22/2013 16:08:47

Todd Cook The risk of our groundwater becoming polluted is too high, so this pipeline should not cross Nebraska.

4/22/2013 16:09:10

Carol Bodeen I am a landowner in Nebraska. The keystone XL won't pass through our property, but I am still vehemently opposed to this project. I can't imagine how horrible it would be to have tar sands oil passing through my land. I feel for those people affected who are fighting so hard to keep this from happening. However, even more than that, I feel for our environment that we are systematically destroying for the generations that will come after us. When will we start to make decisions that will look forward and not just satisfy the needs that the oil companies see in their current profit statements? I implore the State Department and our President to make a decision for the protection of our future and to send a message to these large corporations that we will take a stand. This pipeline will do nothing to make our nation more secure.. It will, in fact, do just the opposite. The claim that it will create many long term jobs is just not even logical. I'm not saying anything new from what others I'm sure have already said. So I will end with just this plea: Please reject the Keystone XL pipeline! Carol Bodeen

4/22/2013 16:10:04

Cassandra Vondrak

This harms so many areas of our country. Let's invest in solar and renewable energy instead.

4/22/2013 16:10:10

Cynthia Sacks This pipeline is environmentally dangerous to the land, water, animals and people along it's path. Please say no to it.

4/22/2013 16:12:04


Alexandra KERIAKEDES for the record: OPPOSED to the KXL pipeline TERRORIST THREATS : That “Trojan Horse” mentioned before …….as TC has been heard to say at a Natural Resources Committee hearing in our state capitol: “If the day comes when we no longer need the pipeline for “oil” …..(again, that sugar-coated word!)…….we can always send a “pig” through it (remote-controlled machine that ‘cleans’ out the inside of the pipeline …and “cleansing” gases……and use it for WATER !!!!!!! Amazed that the room didn’t totally ERUPT with rage ! Just WHOSE water was meant …..?! Their own ruined Athabasca River ? or even our OGALLALA AQUIFER !!!!! That is the equivalent of calling for allout WAR with the USA ! (there were rumors that they wanted to sell our water …or other….to Colorado! And whatever transpires in Washington, D.C., we pipeline fighters are determined to put our bodies on the line in front of any earth-moving equipment they should advance to the line of our horizon! NOT in our NEBRASKA ! Don’t forget …..this is the state about which the late George Will (even if he’s not yet been declared “deceased,” ….his brain seems to have ceased to function, judging by his “contributions” to the Washington Post – about which he once wrote: “I don’t know what it is about being “just” Nr. 2 that disturbs Nebraskans so, but I wish the rest of the nation would catch it.” May I submit …… when it comes to our land and water, we will defend it down to our last drops of blood. From what I heard on April 18, 2013, in Grand Island gives me cause to believe that good folk from at least 6 other states are ready to join us on the front lines. Our bodies against their bulldozers …… with the entire contingent of CIA members as well … (if you’re not up to date ….. that now stands for: “Cowboy / Indian Alliance” …organized by our indigenous sisters north of the border. Invade at your own risk, TC! *** additional threat to the USA …..and the entire nation…..Our enemies could take a tip from us and employ EXTRA-SMART DRONES to knock a huge hole in the KXL so that it would deliver oil into our rivers AND the aquifer …….. “game over” for our share of food and water…..not to mention the civilized world and its climate.

4/22/2013 16:13:32

Kerry Eddy I am not a scholar, a geologist, an environmentalist, economist or ecologist, but a mere human being who is concerned with our environment. I struggle to understand why it is necessary to build this pipeline. I hear proponents touting job creation, cheaper oil and gas prices. I fail to see how this will work considering that the jobs are temporary, and the product won't even be used in the American market? Not to mention the fact that tar sands crude oil is reportedly more difficult to refine, and more costly. Common sense and the facts presented and available tell us that fossil fuels are a finite resource. Why the hell is anyone convinced this is still a viable way to produce energy? Why are we not concentrating on renewable resources such as wind and solar? It's clear enough that profiteers in the oil and gas industries are still greedily gouging into the earth at the expense of its inhabitants. I am disgusted that we can't wean ourselves off of fossil fuels because of the machine that is Big Oil. So much money has been spent trying to convince our citizens that this is good for America. If that truly was the case, such a multi-million dollar campaign using radio and tv ads to convince us of the pipeline's safety and benefits would clearly not be necessary. We don't need this pipeline. What we need is progress in the right direction - in research and development of renewable energy. Period. None of us here writing have any financial interests at stake one way or the other, but we ALL have something much more precious at stake; our environment. Our livelihoods as ranchers, and farmers especially depend on the health of our land and water. Put a stop to this pipeline. It's simply a giant leap backward - beating the proverbial dead horse that is fossil fuels. Do the progressive thing, bring us into the next century by saying no to TransCanada's pipeline. The KXL pipeline is not going to make us independent or prosperous as a nation. It's just common sense when you look at the big picture.

4/22/2013 16:16:43

Connie Smith We do not want the pipe line. It will be on our land. Please say NO to the pipe line.

4/22/2013 16:17:17

Brittany gordon American lives are not worth taking in order to pay a debt to China!!!! The pipeline will not create jobs! It will inevitably break!!!! The drinking water will end up contaminated!!!!

4/22/2013 16:26:52

Peter Addington-White

Most of us will all have children and grandchildren and they in turn will too. Imagine the suffering they will endure in short order if we don't stop indulging in further fossil fuel investment. You owe it to yourselves and your children not to trade the future for the short term profit of a relatively small number of rich guys...c'mon, do the right thing and stop the tar sands project in its tracks. Stop Keystone XL now!!!!

4/22/2013 16:27:12

Glenn Kietzmann

I learned way back in Kindergarten that oil and water don't mix. It's many years later now and they still don't mix. Sacrificing water, which every living on thing needs, just to have a leaky oil pipeline is criminal. Use Buffet's Railroad instead and keep the water clean.

4/22/2013 16:28:54

Joan Addington-White

Most of us will all have children and grandchildren and they in turn will too. Imagine the suffering they will endure in short order if we don't stop indulging in further fossil fuel investment. You owe it to yourselves and your children not to trade the future for the short term profit of a relatively small number of rich guys...c'mon, do the right thing and stop the tar sands project in its tracks. Stop Keystone XL now!!!!

4/22/2013 16:29:32

Judy MacFarland

Money and more oil doesn't trump a cleaner environment. Rape and pillage of the Earth... Well what goes around, comes around.

4/22/2013 16:29:58

Scott Ideen The risk doesn't even come close to any reward.

4/22/2013 16:30:37

Alexander Addington-White

Most of us will all have children and grandchildren and they in turn will too. Imagine the suffering they will endure in short order if we don't stop indulging in further fossil fuel investment. You owe it to yourselves and your children not to trade the future for the short term profit of a relatively small number of rich guys...c'mon, do the right thing and stop the tar sands project in its tracks. Stop Keystone XL now!!!!

4/22/2013 16:31:50

Eric Benner I oppose the Keystone XL being built.

4/22/2013 16:31:51

Lucie I oppose the Keystone pipe line because I believe protecting our water and wild life is more important.

4/22/2013 16:32:31

Jarel Vinduska The environmental assessment claiming no significant harm to the environment resulting from the building of the Keystone XL is obviously flawed. The atmosphere, hydrology and wildlife of the earth are all interconnected. Fly over the tar sands pits and see if you can kid yourself that these vast areas are not adversely affected. This would not happen but for the access to the world markets through pipelines. Therefore the Keystone XL enables more of the same only at a much accelerated rate. Please do not allow this to happen!

4/22/2013 16:32:35

Kenneth Schultz I am against the keystone pipeline pumping tar sands oil across Nebraska and our nation. If Canada wants to get this oil to China they can send it across their land. Our water is too valuable to risk contamination.

4/22/2013 16:35:13

Daniel Duncan Yeah, please don't do this. It's not good.

4/22/2013 16:36:34

Kristine Bernt We do NOT want or need TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline. It is NOT in the nations best interest, let alone in Nebraska's best interest. No matter what the benefits "MAY" be, they will NEVER out weigh the risks!!! How many more leaks, small or large, does this country need to have before we say "NO MORE!" The people of this country, nor the people of this state should have to take the risks to their health, land, or livelihood for a greedy foreign corporation. I can go over all the risks again, but you have heard all the risks and reasons. Both sides can speculate all they want, but what really tells the truth, are the spills this country is already trying to clean up! The best thing that you can do is to take the time to go look personally at the destruction and devastation it has caused to these citizens. Not only do these people have to deal with it now, but their future generations will have to deal with it!! Then there is the question of eminant domain which is for the good of the public. This pipeline is NOT for the good of the people nor is the tarsand oils or the cartigens that it contains!! The reroute in Nebraska did nothing. It still goes through the sandhills and through the Ogallala Aquifer. The impact of this pipeline has NOT been suffiently studied. There are still to many questions that have NO good definant answers!! We still do NOT know how to clean up a tarsands oil spill!!Our state politicians have sold us out to a foreign corporation. I hope and pray that our state dept and our president doesn't do the same!! PLEASE DENY THE KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE ONCE AND FOR ALL!! THIS IS WHAT IS BEST FOR THE CITIZENS OF THIS STATE AND THIS COUNTRY!!!

4/22/2013 16:37:35

Gregory Carlson Please don't allow the Keystone pipeline through the States. We should have started being more kind to our environment many years ago, why waste more precious time? Prove that big oil doesn't control the Earth, it's time. Thanks!

4/22/2013 16:42:11

Roger Chin I am not from the part of the country which would be directly endangered by this pipeline and I understand the potential jobs that could be created by the project, but beyond all the numbers and arguements, I think it is people that should first come to mind. I understand oil (formed from the bitumen) is a rare commodity and that we should encourage energy development within the US, but water is even more crucial to our livelihood.

4/22/2013 16:43:33

Jessica Please do not put in the Keystone pipeline. It will just turn into another area ruined by oil spills. I love Nebraska and want to protect its wildlife and people.

4/22/2013 16:45:52

Jason Hua To allow this pipeline to pass would be doing the nation a disservice

4/22/2013 16:46:21

Sandra J Gall nothing you have not heard before, please protect our environment! Stop the pipeline.

4/22/2013 16:48:30

Tanya de Bruijn Don't build, it'll kill us all!

4/22/2013 16:54:03

Sam Zeleski Nebraska should not willingly sacrifice its water to the profit motivated interests of dirty oil. If we are going to screw up our aquifer, we certainly don't need outsiders' help. There still remain some Nebraska farmers who are stewards of the land. Try to remember what stewardship means for a while longer, it will serve all of us well if you do.

4/22/2013 16:56:49

Gina Durfee Please deny the Keystone Pipeline as it benefits foreign companies while exposing the US to major risk.

4/22/2013 16:57:08

Yvette Freeman I do NOT want the pipeline in Nebraska! This will ruin our State! DO NOT LET THIS PASS

4/22/2013 16:57:38

Jonathan Riggle Please rethink the pipeline. You don't want to do this. If this back fires we're going to be in a lot of trouble.

4/22/2013 16:57:55

Lindsay I love our natural resources, and they need to be kept safe! Historically (and recently) it's been proven that we lack the technology to contain/prevent/clean up oil spills. Keep the pipeline out and keep our state safe!

4/22/2013 16:58:29

Joyce Beelaert It is fallacy that this pipeline creates jobs except for a short term. Check into the facts on the last one built in eastern Nebraska. Why should citizens of the United States be subjected to the hazardous chemicals in tar sands and then have their health destroyed because of the wants or needs of any country, let alone a foreign China, Korea and the rest of the TransCanada company. It is not our neighbors of Canada who is sending this through our country, it is China. Lets repay our debt to them in a way that is safe for our country, not sell out our livelihood and health and our childrens future. Say "NO".

4/22/2013 17:04:17

John T Flaherty I understand that making America energy independent is an important goal of this administration, and rightfully so. But this pipeline should not be a part of it. Fossil fuels will soon be history; extending their use will only push off the inevitable for a few more years. This project also has tremendous risk: a spill would destroy ecosystems and areas of human habitation, as seen in the recent disaster in Arkansas. Plus the "job creation" offered by Keystone XL is minimal compared to what a similar in investment in renewable resources or nuclear power can provide. Please reject the pipeline project, for the future of America and it's citizens. Thank you!

4/22/2013 17:05:27

Lynne Elwood I oppose the Keystone XL pipeline extension because I am concerned that the water for people, livestock and farming will be contaminated. We produce the nations food supply. We need to make sure that what we produce is healthy for consumption.

4/22/2013 17:06:16

Lisa Handler Whose interests are really served by this pipeline idea? It sure isn't clear to me that it's the citizens of the States. This is not the direction to go for a clean and sustainable energy future.

4/22/2013 17:07:26

Laura Meusch I am submitting this comment on behalf of my mother in law who does not have the internet. Mary Jean Koinzan. I am 83 years old and when I was a very young girl my father told me we must protect out water because some day it will be worth more than gold. Because water is life you can not allow this pipeline to enter out country. We can not live without water. The time father spoke of is here and now is the time for you to do what you have promised and protect this country and our environment. You must deny the pipeline.

4/22/2013 17:11:04

Brenda Mayberry

The federal government has already given money and space to NBAF which is scheduled to housed over the largest aquifer in this country, to couple that with this fiasco destined to happen. There is currently not enough trained personnel to handle even an outbreak for NBAF, how could you handle a break in this pipeline itself and its clean up and , God forbid, if NBAF had an event a the same time???

4/22/2013 17:15:20

Kurtis Swartz The risks of building this pipeline far outweigh the benefits. Allowing XL to happen will be selling our future for lower immediate prices which will not pay off in the end. This pipeline is short sighted and does not solve our current energy problems. We need to be looking to get away from fossil fuels, not be more dependent on them.

4/22/2013 17:18:30

Roger Holling Aside from the many environmental issues, the Keystone pipeline would shift incoming Canadian tar sands oil away from midwest refineries to the gulf coast where it will bring higher prices on the international market. This benefits only the Canadian oil suppliers - not U.S. consumers

4/22/2013 17:23:02

Karen Kessler I oppose the Keystone Pipeline. I am an artist, and feel the following: With Destruction of Nature Destruction of Art With Destruction of Nature Destruction of Life My wish for Earth Day is to stop the Destruction.

4/22/2013 17:24:27

Emily MacDuffie To those who make these decisions, I urge you to deeply consider the environmental and human impacts of this pipeline. Although reliance on domestic oil is preferable to that of foreign imports, what we truly need is investment in different sources of energy for both people and the environment. Consider investing the money into those pursuits. The impact on people living near the pipeline cannot be overlooked. There are lives and livelihoods that depend on water resources near the pipe that will be put in danger. Please try your hardest make sure that this pipeline project is denied.

4/22/2013 17:26:26

Judie Quint Please vote against this pipeline! Clean water is precious & our state does not want any spills to deal with. Many people are under the impression that the KXL will add jobs (minimal) & gas prices will go down (much of the oil will be shipped to China).

4/22/2013 17:26:34

Christine Funk I am writing to express my strong opposition to U.S. approval for the Keystone XL pipeline to be built through the United States. The science is indisputable that greenhouse gas emissions, which come extensively from the burning of fossil fuels, have put our planet in peril. There is no justification to support this dirty tar sands pipeline that will only contribute to the ill health of people and the planet. President Obama and the State Dept. have both an opportunity and a duty to promote the development of clean energy and conservation over the further development of oil. We have the knowledge and technology to slow down climate change but it will require strong leadership from Washington. Denial of a permit for this pipeline is a very important piece of the effort needed to get our country on the tract we need to save our planet catastrophic changes. James Hansen's editorial in the New York Times on 5/10/2012 lays this out very clearly. As a native Nebraskan who cares deeply about my state as well as my planet I urge the state Department and President Obama to deny the permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline. Thank you. Christine Funk

4/22/2013 17:28:51

Lynne Still It has been proven scientifically that the Keystone Pipeline will further damage the environment not to mention the possibility of leakage on the lands of homeowners that the pipeline will travel through.

4/22/2013 17:29:40

Shelly Meyer Nielsen

Sir - This argument for and against almost seems ludicrous to engage in. We are the guardians of this earth, the clean air and the clean, drinkable water. How can we dare to shirk our responsibility, this our most important charge, to keep clean and to protect our home, to sustain life and the continuance and improvement of ourselves. I trust in you, Mr. President, I trust my beautiful delightful grandchildren and their futures to your decision. I see you as a man of deep thinking and vision. I trust in you. Thank you for allowing me to do that.

4/22/2013 17:30:36

Mike Watts I encourage the U. S. State department to say no to the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. The risk of oil spills and the damage this type of oil would do to our streams, rivers or aquifers in the event of an oil spill is too great and could be long term, especially if it gets into the aquifer. Many Canadians don't want the pipeline going through Canada because they know what the damage of oil spills would do to their environment. Now is a critical time to do more to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases we pump into the atmosphere which is causing climate change. We should be encouraging more renewable energy rather than encouraging the production of tar sands which has negative effects on the environment throughout it's entire production process. Most of the the jobs this project would create would be relatively short term with few permanent jobs. There is a good chance most of this oil would be exported and would have little or no effect on U.S. gas prices. Now is the time to back up the talk of reducing our dependence on fossil fuels by setting an example to the rest of the world that the U.S. is serious about doing something about climate change.

4/22/2013 17:34:49

Tanya Please listen to the people that live and thrive in this state... we expect you to do what is best for us now and for the long run. We are not talking only about money, but protecting the land we all live on. Most people I know are against the Keystone XL pipeline. The people that aren't don't really understand the environmental repercussions we will most likely ensue at some point. It's just not worth it. Thanks for your time. Tanya

4/22/2013 17:35:46

Beth Heyen I'm speaking out against the Keystone XL pipeline as I don't believe that the new route, which cuts across the Ogallala Aquifer does enough to protect the very fragile groundwater ecosystem in Nebraska. The Ogallala Aquifer is the largest aquifer in the county and provides irrigation to more than 45% of the farmland in the midwest. TransCanada's safety record, as exhibited by the spill in Michigan, is dubious, at best. And the bitumen transported by the pipeline is especially hazardous in bodies of water. The Keystone XL pipeline should be rerouted again to avoid BOTH the Sandhills and the Ogallala Aquifer. The mere fact that the route would be longer is certainly not enough to justify jeopardizing a precious natural resource.

4/22/2013 17:36:35

Laura Fitzgerald The KXL holds more economic risks than profits. The most recent State Department EIS estimates that the KXL will only create 35 jobs.

4/22/2013 17:40:24

John Knapp I do not support the Keystone XL pipeline! I ask that you do not give it the permits necessary to proceed! The tar sands are more difficult to refine. Our refineries are outdate and do not have the current air pollution technologies since they were grandfathered in. you will be importing pollution to the residents impacted by the air poution from the refineries. Toxic chemials are added to the tar sands so that they can be pumped in the pipes. These chemicals add additional problems for the environment, first responders and neighbors when a spill occurs. Keystone refuses to release the chemicals used in the process, so how can the appropriate response be made by any of the parties, when you don't know what your dealing with? The tar sands are abrasives and increase the chances of pipeline failure. All these issues pose extra problems if the spill happens above the Ogalalla aquifer. Industry and the government do not have a very good record dealing with spills. Environmentalists were told that there was no need for double hull tankers to serve the Alaska pipline. there was very little chance of a spill and if it did occur there would be cleanup equipment to deal with the problem. What happened? The spill happened there was no equipment to deal with the spill. There are claims that this will help make the U.S. more energy independant. We have no guarantee that the oil will even be sold to the U.S. Eminent domain should not be granted to foreign companies. In conclusion, I believe that you should not grant the permit for this pipeline. Thanks for the opportunity to comment.

4/22/2013 17:41:35

Vern Jantzen I would encourage the State Department to recommend that President Obama deny the Keystone XL pipeline permit. The company that studied the environmental impact of the pipeline had a conflict of interest because employees had been involved in studies done for Trans Canada previously. Full disclosure of all fluids that will be found in the pipeline has not yet been made so a permit based on incomplete information would be dangerous. A careful study of the proposed pipeline route through Nebraska will show that the pipeline will still go through fragile terrain and over shallow water resources. Trans Canada has shown a culture of dishonesty in dealings with Nebraska landowners and that calls into question their truthfulness in other aspects of the process to acquire a permit. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Vern Jantzen

4/22/2013 17:43:24

Jen Davidson Please DO NOT APPROVE the XL Pipeline. Protect our ground water and limit carbon emissions. It's a deciding moment in climate history.

4/22/2013 17:43:42

Mari Putnam Osborne

Let the people of the Sandhills and those who are served by the Ogallala Aquifer continue to live our lives as they are! When the pipeline ruptures, ALL of us will suffer irreparable harm--our health, our livelihoods, our environment. Virtually everyone will have to relocate--AGRICULTURE is our mainstay, and with contaminated water, each and every one of us served by the aquifer will be negatively affected. Please deny the KXL permit--the pipeline is not welcome in my "neighborhood"-- County and beyond!

4/22/2013 17:45:17

Amanda Clowers

As a citizen of Nebraska, I strongly oppose the keystone XL pipeline. The risks of water contamination to the Ogallala Aquifer are too great, especially as the pipeline eventually ages, becomes less profitable, and falls into disrepair. Proponents tout the jobs this pipeline will bring, which the majority are temporary. Only a handful off permanent jobs will be created. My last major objection to the pipeline is that it continues global dependence on fossil fuels. The scientific community is in agreement of the effects of burning fossils fuels on climate change, which we are already seeing effects of.

4/22/2013 17:50:57

John Bretz I am against the pipeline

4/22/2013 17:51:40

Connie Eash Please do not allow the pipeline to be built. Money should be invested in renewable energy and energy efficiency. Such technology is present and used wherever people make the commitment to it. Our family uses 100% local wind energy. Easily accessible fossil fuels are gone, so the oil industry will do anything access the little oil that is left, regardless of the massive destruction of our land, water and air. Do not allow the industry to make decisions or supply their biased information. Periodic oil spills ruin our resources. People get sick and die from such pollution. No areas affected by oil spills have ever fully recovered. Those who allow such destruction will be responsible for the destruction of our country.

4/22/2013 17:51:46

Claire Barta This CANNOT go forward. The record of safety is non existent. Too many accidents and no way to make right what is then polluted. That includes the Ogallala aquifer. PLEASE say NO.

4/22/2013 17:54:25

Gina Mogis I am a Nebraskan with a deep appreciation and love for my country and my state and today I am writing to express my opposition against the Keystone XL Pipeline. I am an urbanite, living in Omaha, but whenever I can I seek the beauty and peace of rural Nebraska. Often it is in the Sandhills, there my family owns an old abandoned homestead and ranch. I did not grow up there, my family bought it about a decade ago, so I have come to know this area and its people more recently. I can now say however, they are some of the most remarkable, hard working and generous people I have ever met. In all of my travels through the United States it is here that I see the people that we imagine as traditional Americans with our high values and unparallel goodness, always helping your neighbor, pitching in at times of extreme hardship, and the stick-to-it-ness that we value so much. It is found here, every day, without a thought and it is done effortlessly.

I am also an Earth scientist, I have studied a wide variety the issues that face the Keystone XL pipeline, both water and especially soil. It is because of this that I am deeply concerned and fearful of the consequences of this pipeline running across our state and anywhere near the aquifer. Since the rerouting of the pipeline, now further from the heart of the Sandhills we are being told the dangers have been mitigated, Nebraska, and its resources are all in the clear. I, as a scientist do not believe this to be true. TransCanada’s report states that it avoids the Sandhills, by their definition. It still however, passes through northern - County. The soils there are generally sandy and high permeable. Also in this area the Aquifer can be very close to ground level. So the pipeline very possibly could be buried right into/through the aquifer/water level and not over it. This brings me to a main point that I would like to make. It is this: that while it is good that action has been taken concerning relocation and the heart of the Sandhills what has not been address is the fact that the Ogallala Aquifer extends beyond the borders of the Sandhills. These are two separate entities, yes they work together, but they do not always occupy the same geographic space. Our aquifer is still at risk. In their original pipeline in 2010 alone TransCanada had 11 major leaks, the worst one in North Dakota with 21,000 gallons. All of this and then add in the fact that this pipeline will be carrying bitumen which brings another whole level of unknowns. This kind of history and uncertainty does not instill faith in me. The Ogallala Aquifer is a unique and more precious resource than that of what will be passing through the pipeline. It is not replaceable. It is the largest underground aquifer of its kind in the world. It is in fact a national treasure not only for Nebraskans, but for our country as a whole. I fear for our ranchers who have lived on their land for many generations that it will be taken away from them, I fear for the 82 % of people living within the borders of the Aquifer who depend on it for drinking water, I fear for the close to 1/3 of America’s farmer’s who depend on this Aquifer to irrigate their crops. This water helps to make this land which was once deemed ‘The Great American Desert’ part of America’s bread basket. Let us not have this land become that ‘Great American Desert’ once again.

4/22/2013 17:54:43

Kevin Connell NO KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE You had Dept of State, two conflict of interest with EIS on pipeline plus Nebraska DEQ also had conflict of interest. What goes with the governement can't get anything right. Then during the Public comment period in Grand Island, NE, you allowed TransCanada to wine and dine you people to the fullest. Did you even go and talked to the citizens of Ne before the meeting. The answers is NO, you probably didn't. So, you people are no different then TransCanada. NO TARSANDS PIPELINE the KEYSTONE XL pipeline. You people just make me sick and you people work for us. All of you that worked on both the EIS's should be fired. NO KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE period

4/22/2013 17:54:43

Andrew Waks Please deny TransCanada the permit to build the Keystone XL pipeline!

4/22/2013 17:57:38

Michael Wurl-Koth

From the bottom of my heart I urge to say NO to the Keystone pipeline. The future of our planet depends on it. sincerely, Michael Wurl-koth

4/22/2013 17:58:27

Mary Dunne No benefit to this.

4/22/2013 17:59:02

Mary Bamesberger

Trans Canada is a foreign for-profit company, that cannot be deemed trustworthy, based on their past actions. A pipeline through Nebraska is definitely not in our National Interest. Tar sands and dilbit are toxic. We must support clean energy and conservation. We must protect our precious clean water resources. The Ogallala Aquifer is vital to our survival. Protecting our soil and water is in our National Interest. I have been standing actively against this action for several years. No to Keystone XL now and forever. I believe in democracy. I read. I vote. I work with environmental organizations.

4/22/2013 17:59:45

Julie Bretz This pipeline is a disaster.

4/22/2013 18:01:00

Bruce Koehler Our nation and our state (Nebraska) not need additional disasters like the ones in Kalamazoo, MI and Mayflower, AK. After forty years of insufficient national action, and even counteraction, let's pursue the sustainable energy future the Obama campaign promised us. Let's not be bullied by oil companies and foreign interests.

4/22/2013 18:01:31

Mary Bamesberger

Trans Canada is a foreign for-profit company, that cannot be deemed trustworthy, based on their past actions. A pipeline through Nebraska is definitely not in our National Interest. Tar sands and dilbit are toxic. We must support clean energy and conservation. We must protect our precious clean water resources. The Ogallala Aquifer is vital to our survival. Protecting our soil and water is in our National Interest. I have been standing actively against this action for several years. No to Keystone XL now and forever. I believe in democracy. I read. I vote. I work with environmental organizations.

4/22/2013 18:02:47

Kevin Li This is bad for the environment!

4/22/2013 18:03:43

Atish Agarwala The Keystone XL pipeline will be an environmental disaster. If America is going to lead the world in promoting clean, sustainable energy, this is a step completely in the opposite direction. More locally, it has a strong chance of impacting local communities near the pipeline itself. Some fun facts: So please, do the right thing and do not allow this project to continue. Sincerely, Atish Agarwala

4/22/2013 18:04:44

David Hill This project could very well lead to environmental degradation, harmful by-products to farm land and will be of limited economic benefit to the population. Please oppose this action.

4/22/2013 18:07:05

donnie goebel change the route. dont care how good they say it is,it is really stupid to take a chance on the largest source of underground high quality fresh water in the western hemisphere. transcanada has no regard for the landowners of nebraska. the examples of wayne stafford on the website "on earth" should be examened by state and federal law enforcement.

4/22/2013 18:08:34

Jennie Zulkoski I believe it is unnecessary at this point to go over the details, so I will simply state that allowing this pipeline to be built with the amount of public opposition it has received would be CRIMINAL. Elected officials are meant to represent the will of their constituents and if in this case that were unclear, then at least elected officials should be expected to look out for the welfare of their constituents. Putting our land and water at risk is nothing less than a crime against humanity. I thoroughly expect that money will be the deciding factor here as in all things political, so here's my challenge: Surprise me. Show me that you know life has intrinsic value as well as a price tag.

4/22/2013 18:09:51


4/22/2013 18:10:01

Martin As a former Nebraska resident, I am totally opposed to the Keystone Pipeline. The route across such an important aquifer is simply too potentially destructive to allow.

4/22/2013 18:12:00

Amy Blumenshine

Thank you for this opportunity to critique the latest environmental report. The report speciously assumes that TransCanada would cause as much damage to the environment by using alternate routes if the Keystone XL pipeline is not built. This is wrong. Shipping the crude along the Vancouver coast would be hugely opposed because of the likely damage to this (compared to the Gulf Coast) pristine environment where shipping accidents would be likely. Also spills from railroad cars would cause less damage because they wouldn't include the toxic dilbit. If the pipeline is built, how long until the 3rd World also stops using high sulfur fuel as the developed world? Beijing is choking and is soon likely to impose draconian controls. Once built the pipeline promotes environmental and human destruction from mining to burning with uncertain financial support for maintenance.

4/22/2013 18:13:45

Katrina It is wrong to play politics with people's drinking water. There's so much scarcity of clean water in broken countries. Intentionally posing a threat to clean water is not only 1st world arrogance, it is a crime again humanity. IT. IS. WRONG.

4/22/2013 18:14:25

mato anatah please listen to the native peoples, we are against the KXL pipeline.We dont need it only helps china with refined oil.And big oil companies. listen to us protect our lands & water.

4/22/2013 18:17:19

Zoe Olson I oppose the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. I am a citizen of the United States, born and raised in the Sandhills of Nebraska. I cannot live without clean water. I can live without toxic tar sands and so can my children and my granddaughter. The Keystone XL pipeline still crosses the Ogallala Aquifer, the most valuable natural resource in our state, and the fragile Sandhills. No matter how many times TransCanada redraws the map, they can't move the Sandhills--they can move the Keystone XL pipeline and move it out of Nebraska. 100% of the steel TransCanada is using in the Keystone XL pipeline was produced outside of the United States and only 50% of this foreign-made steel was rolled and coated in the United States. The standards for the foreign-made steel are not strict enough to prevent leaking of toxic tar sands. Unions do not stand 100% with the Keystone XL pipeline. Nurses, AFT and Communications Workers are all opposed to the pipeline. Steelworkers were opposed to Keystone I because of foreign steel and Keystone XL still uses foreign steel. No U.S. jobs to be found in steel production. Building the Keystone XL will directly impact the expansion of tar sands and in turn speed up climate change. My children and grandchildren deserve a clean and healthy environment to live in. The Keystone XL pipeline holds more economic risks than profits. The job creation claims being made by pipeline supporters and some media outlets are wildly exaggerated. While Rush Limbaugh says the Keystone XL will create up to a million jobs, an independent study done by Cornell estimates the number to be closer to 2,000 temporary jobs and that the Keystone XL could kill more jobs than it actually creates. The most recent State Department EIS estimates the Keystone XL will only create 35 jobs. Pipelines leak--it's not a matter of if but when. Many of those leaks are major and pose immense dangers to the public. According to Dr. John Stansbury, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Professor of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering conducted a study showing the Keystone XL pipeline would result in 91 major spills over the 50 year life of the pipeline. The Keystone XL pipeline has the purpose of carrying diluted bitumen. Diluted bitumen (dilbit) is not considered oil by the IRS, which would allow TransCanada to evade paying taxes into

the Oil Spill and Liability Trust, a fund used to clean up oil spills. Indeed dilbit is not oil; it is far more dangerous to the public. A toxic sludge of chemicals and peanut-butter thick tar sands oil, dilbit sinks in water and is proving to be impossible to clean up in the numerous spills and disasters created by TransCanada projects. The Keystone XL pipeline route passes through a number of sacred tribal grounds, including the Ponca Tribe’s Trail of Tears. Native tribes are concerned about health and cultural impacts of the pipeline, concerns that have not been adequately addressed by the State Department. The native people have suffered enough. Respect them. Extracting the tar sands causes unfathomable damage to the environment and people near the extraction sites. Sophisticated and knowledgeble investors, nations, and academics across the world are distancing themselves from the tar sands. Why? Because it’s becoming clear that it is a bad investment both financially and morally with the exception of the Koch brothers. I do not want the Koch brothers who have a financial stake in the Keystone XL pipeline and their right-wing groups like AFP working side by side with labor union LIUNA to push this risky pipeline. They don't live here and I don't believe their money should rob the people of our state, country and world of clean water and a healthy environment in order to line their pockets with more money. The Keystone XL will NOT provide “energy security.” The oil is destined for export and we will not see lower gas prices. In fact, we have been promised at least a $0.20 per gallon increase in gas prices in Nebraska as a result of the pipeline. Thank you, but no thank you. The entire Keystone XL pipeline review process is broken. Conflicts of interest have riddled every review and each report has ignored very important environmental concerns.Transcanada has bought and paid for elected officials in Nebraska from the Governor and State Legislators to U.S. Congressional Senators and Representatives. Since the rights of we the people are not being represented by elected officials in Nebraska, I am asking for federal protection from their abuse of power. President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have declared multiple times their commitment to fighting climate change and protecting our future and the future of our children and grandchildren. If they truly believe this, then there is no way they can approve this pipeline.

TransCanada does not have a good safety record, or a good safety culture. Though they claim to promote safety by having “agreed to 57 extra conditions,” most of those are already required by law. Stop the TransCanada Keystone XL pipeline project, please.

4/22/2013 18:21:27

Brian E. Johnson

Brian Johnson: To trade a source of energy for the peril of fresh water is not only short-sighted, it is asinine. On top of it, this proposed pipeline is not even for the common good of the residents of the United States

4/22/2013 18:21:41

Tim Baggett Dear State Department Representative, I am asking you to deny the Keystone XL pipeline. This pipeline is not in the best interest of our country. The pipeline will contribute to climate change, by insuring the development of the tar sands and also by the increase in CO2 from the petroleum coke which was not included in the EIS. The pipeline is not necessary. America is using less petroleum every year, and with increased fuel standards, we will continue to use less. This dirty source of fuel must be left in the ground. Environmental racism is inherent in this project. The tar sands will be refined in a lower-economic predominately Hispanic community on the Gulf coast. This community is already suffering from poor air quality and refining of tar sands will increase their health problems and suffering. Please deny this permit. Respectfully submitted, Tim Baggett

4/22/2013 18:24:30

Pat Friesen Keep the pipeline out of Nebraska, away from our aquifer.

4/22/2013 18:24:32

Katie Scheele Please vote against the keystone pipeline. I am seriously concerned about the long term effects on our water and environment. The risks of leaks, climate changes and potential harm to our farmland far outweigh the possibility of 35 new jobs.

4/22/2013 18:26:26

Jeffrey Wurstner The risks are too high, the rewards unproven. The benefits to foreign corporate interests are too one-sided and will do little for our country. Let's do the right thing for our people and our land...and our descendants. So no to the TransCanadaXL pipeline in any form!

4/22/2013 18:27:31

Jim Fadell The emphasis should be on renewables, not fossil fuels. Does not the accident in Arkansas teach us anything?

4/22/2013 18:30:04

james kelly I am 11 years old . I don't like the idea of toxic muck being piped through nebraska.What would happen to us kids if it burst. I hate the idea of growing up in a wasteland. from, james kelly

4/22/2013 18:30:54

Barb Hopope This pipeline has been rejected by the people of Nebraska. It is a pipeline that folks from another country want to build to give oil to another country. We have just celebrated Earth day. Let us Save our state. Let others waste resources. The water in Nebraska is more precious that this oil. Barbara Hoppe

4/22/2013 18:32:27

Candy Bless To the attention of: State Department Officials As a native Nebraskan, I am appalled and concerned for our state’s resources in light of the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline (KXL) by Canadian company TransCanada. I hope you will take my comments into consideration and deny the permit for this foreign company and all-around bad actor to build this pipeline in our nation and especially my state. A long-time supporter of environmental protection, this issue came to our attention in 2008 when the second pipeline was first proposed to cross through our state. Very few people knew of the Keystone 1 (K1) pipeline- that it crossed our state, what it was carrying, or that it could even be a problem. It was built without much fanfare. We learned shortly after hearing about KXL that K1 would go online, in 2010. Many felt that it was beyond our control to stop such a powerful company when the first pipeline (and presumably many others) had been constructed without much public knowledge. We underestimated even ourselves. Quickly a group of people started to form who all had one common bond: for various reasons, we did not want this pipeline or any others to cross our lands. This created a strange coalition of young and old, republican and democrat, city dwellers and farmers. We knew that if we could come together on such an important issue, we could make a difference. The over-arching issue that I have is the quality and quantity of our water. Nebraska heavily relies on our agricultural resources. Between the fertile soils, the abundant water, and the perfect growing climate, we have fed the nation ever since settlement. Without the precious

resource of the underground lake we call the Ogallala or High Plains aquifer, farming would not be profitable in our state. Many areas of our country, and the world, already have water quality and quantity issues. In the event of a spill or leak in our state, I fear the aquifer would be irreparably damaged. As we watch the cleanup of the spills in Michigan, Arkansas and other states, it becomes clear that tar sands are very difficult to get out of the environment once they are leaked. In addition to the tar sands being heavy, which means they sink to the bottom of a lake or river, we need to consider the chemicals that are added to the substance to allow it to flow through the pipe. Tar sands are sticky and gooey, a viscous substance that requires a lot of dilution to flow. How will those chemicals affect our water ways? Since TransCanada considers that mix a proprietary secret, we aren’t allowed to know. As more and more pipelines are built across our country, more and more waterways will be affected. How can we continue to live without clean and abundant drinking water? In addition to water resources, the resource of the land itself is very important to Nebraskans. Many farmers and ranchers still live on or work the land that their ancestors homesteaded. To have a foreign company (Canada is still foreign, yes?) come on to their land uninvited and bribe, lie and downright threaten them is unacceptable. If a company cannot play by the rules of our nation, they should not be allowed to do business here. That may be acceptable in Canada, but it sure isn’t here. Especially heinous is the threat of eminent domain when the project hasn’t even been approved in our country. Many of these people have fought back, but there are some who were duped by the smooth talkers and threatening words of the TransCanada agents. Finally, the harvesting, shipping, processing and eventual burning of the tar sands will be detrimental to our earth’s atmosphere and our way of life as a species. We know that warming above 2 degrees C would be unsafe for our future on this planet. Already, since scientists have been studying global climate change, the average temperature on earth has risen by 0.8 C. It doesn’t seem like very much, but this is a global average. That means some places have cooled beyond normal levels and others have warmed way beyond normal levels, on a sustained basis. If humans are to reverse this trend, we need to reduce the CO2 levels in our atmosphere. Scientists who study these levels estimate that, on top of what we already have put into the atmosphere, we can put around 565 more gigatons of CO2 in the air and still stay below 2 C. We also know that there are coal, oil and gas reserves around the world that, when burned, would emit around 2,795 gigatons, give or take. This is FIVE TIMES the amount estimated for a safe release into our atmosphere.

The State Department EIS stated that the tar sands would be developed even if the KXL was not built through the USA. Well, we’re standing up and saying Not In My Backyard! And that Backyard includes the whole nation! Where does it end? When will someone stand up and say “NO! We will not burn any more fossil fuels! Enough is enough!”? Consider us “standing up”, fighting to keep these emissions under control. This project is not in our best interest as a state. It is not in our best national interest. It is not in the best interest of our planet. Thank you. Respectfully submitted, Candy Bless

4/22/2013 18:34:37

Paul Seamans I would ask the State Dept. to deny TransCanada's permit request for the Keystone XL. I feel the jobs estimate are grossly over stated by the proponents. In fact both TransCanada and the Dept. of State estimated 5000 to 6000 jobs would be created over the 1700 miles of pipeline. As the southern leg of 500+ miles is almost done and the fact that 325 miles of the pipeline are in Canada this leaves only 850 miles of pipeline to be built in the US. Thus to finish the pipeline would only create one-half (850 miles/1700 miles) of the estimated job numbers left to be created for the US leg of the pipeline. On the matter of oil independence for the US, there is no guarantee that the oil will remain in the US bu may be exported.

4/22/2013 18:37:07

Madeline Ferber Please don't destroy our planet, I'd really like to have kids someday and not worry about them having to deal with a dying planet. Protect our water, find alternatives to oil!

4/22/2013 18:37:27

robert wertz Please, please stop and think of what your doing. The land and the environment are too fragile to be to be running oil pipe lines through them. Tell Canada to forget it and tell all the politicians that they can't capitalize on this one. Thank you and please start listening to the people.

4/22/2013 18:37:30

Lonan Kelly Dear President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry, I do not like the idea of the Keystone XL pipeline. Me and my brother agree the XL in the name means Extra Loser because, if it floods, it could kill animals and stuff. And if there is too much oil, it might go to a water fountain and we don't get fresh water, just oily water. Respectfully, Lonan Kelly

4/22/2013 18:37:56

Noel Pratt On Earth Day, I wish to register my opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline which will impact the expansion of tar sands and, in turn, speed up climate change. The diluted bitumen (dilbit) carried by this pipeline is not oil and is far more dangerous to the public. This is a toxic sludge of chemicals and peanut-butter thick tar sands oil, and it is proving to be impossible to clean up. Furthermore, since dilbit is not considered oil by the IRS, it allows a foreign company, TransCanada, to evade paying taxes into the Oil Spill and Liability Trust, a fund used to clean up oil spills. This is a bad proposition and it cannot happen Noel Pratt

4/22/2013 18:39:30

Jan Enstrom Dear President Obama, Earth Day is a time to celebrate our care and concern for the earth. I teach my 5th graders things they can do to protect our community and the habitats in our state. We just finished a science units called Water and Wetlands and they learned about the unique wetland areas of Nebraska, the Sandhills, the prairie, and of course the Ogallala Aquifer. My students and I are very concerned about the possibility of the Keystone XL pipeline going through our state. Even though the path has been adjusted, it is still too close to the most precious resource we have, the Ogallala Aquifer. Any kind of spill would devastate our drinking water and source of irrigation. The tar sand from Canada is the dirtiest form of oil, and its refinement would pollute our atmosphere and add to global warming. You spoke of a push for alternative energy sources in your State of the Union address. Approving the XL Pipeline would be doing the opposite. If you really care about the Earth and the future of our planet please do not approve the pipeline. It's not if, but when there will be a leak, and the toxic sludge will destroy precious water, farmland, and virgin prairie land. Jan Enstrom

4/22/2013 18:40:50

Michelle Nevrkla Please don't allow the Keystone XL pipeline to be built.

4/22/2013 18:44:59

John Jorgensen Too much risk, too little reward. Say no to the transcanada pipeline. Just say no.

4/22/2013 18:45:27

martha Mays PLEASE PLEASE scrap the Keystone pipeline. The environmental dangers are great the benefits are minimal. Don't let Canadians bully American land owners.

4/22/2013 18:49:35

Eric Baughman No KXL pipe in Nebraska please.

4/22/2013 18:49:54

Tamara Pratt Kingman

Stop ruining our land and used it as intended. Start producing clean energy from sun and wind.

4/22/2013 18:51:06

Erin Lowe Please don't build the Keystone XL pipeline. Tar sands are nonrenewable--they won't provide energy security for the future, and extracting them is unsustainable and extremely environmentally degrading. If it breaks, the pipeline itself will have serious potential health consequences for US communities. I don't want even the slightest chance that my friends in Nebraska will be drinking water laced with benzene. Thanks.

4/22/2013 18:52:57

Kelli Ceraolo Water is life's most important resource. We know--scientists have made it clear--that this fact will become an even more prominent issue in human society in the near future. Yet, the KXL would cross the Ogallala Aquifer, a valuable source of that resource. Our environment should be our priority.

4/22/2013 18:52:58

Becky Schelm Please keep our good water in Nebraska oil free and leave the crude oil in Canada. This line will go across my late father's land and it would cause a blow out. Most people don't realize how fatile the soil and grass is in the Sandhills.

4/22/2013 18:53:42

Dawn Canning PLEASE, Mr Obama, you are the "green" president, please vote for the people of the United States that want the good life, starting with fresh clean water. Our country is NOT FOR SALE! Do not approve this foreign country to use our country to further pollute the world and our country. This will not benefit!!! All of the risk with none of the benefit!! HAVE MERCY AND DO THE RIGHT THING. SAY NO TO THE KXL PIPELINE THANK YOU

4/22/2013 18:55:04

Alexander Addington-White

Most of us will all have children and grandchildren and they in turn will too. Imagine the suffering they will endure in short order if we don't stop indulging in further fossil fuel investment. You owe it to yourselves and your children not to trade the future for the short term profit of a relatively small number of rich guys...c'mon, do the right thing and stop the tar sands project in its tracks. Stop Keystone XL now!!!!

4/22/2013 18:55:12

Rodrigo Hernandez

From what I understand, aside from any environmental issues the pipeline does make economic sense for the United States regardless of the state it is built through. Other oil sources, are more economically viable for the United States.

4/22/2013 18:55:15

Joan Addington-White

Most of us will all have children and grandchildren and they in turn will too. Imagine the suffering they will endure in short order if we don't stop indulging in further fossil fuel investment. You owe it to yourselves and your children not to trade the future for the short term profit of a relatively small number of rich guys...c'mon, do the right thing and stop the tar sands project in its tracks. Stop Keystone XL now!!!!

4/22/2013 18:56:05

Jage Bechtle There is nothing good about this for the American people. It won't give us long term jobs, only long term expenses. Vote against this and try to stop it at every turn.

4/22/2013 18:57:24

Tom and Cathie Genung

NoKXL Over the oquifer would make a great terrorist target....It's already clear tarsand and it's distillate Can Not be cleaned up... All Risk and nothing to gain............TransCanada's hipe is immaterial.

4/22/2013 18:57:31

Tom and Cathie Genung

NoKXL Over the oquifer would make a great terrorist target....It's already clear tarsand and it's distillate Can Not be cleaned up... All Risk and nothing to gain............TransCanada's hipe is immaterial.

4/22/2013 19:00:15

John Jarecki My family has land near the proposed pipeline. A stream that starts on our land feeds a lake. We purchased this land in order to pass it down for generations to come. Based off of numerous pipeline ruptures we fear for the future of our land. An oil leak would destroy all enjoyable aspects of our land. It would also destroy all Ideas we having a government that is representative of it's people. Please stop the pipeline.

4/22/2013 19:04:07

Shirley Condon Please say no to the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. It poses tremendous risks to our Ogallala Aquifer and the water supplies of untold numbers of US citizens, livestock, plants, and wildlife all depending on clean water for survival. This pipeline is expected to be in service for decades. In fact, the Perryman Group’s analysis of the economic impact of KXL on the US was based on “the 100-year life of the project.” Not only do we need to worry about our own safety, but the possible risks to future generations. The “economic impact” no matter how large is not worth the risk of these tar sands and toxic diluents leaking into our water. Though the Earth’s surface is largely water, only 1% of the water is suitable for drinking. Furthermore, the Earth’s water is not “renewable.” There is no new water forming – every molecule of water currently in existence is the very same water present in the age of dinosaurs. We can’t risk the chance that any of it getting so polluted that it is no longer available for human, plant, or animal consumption. TransCanada insists that this will be the safest pipeline ever made. But they cannot promise that it will never leak. We don’t know how safe the steel is; it was made by a company based in India already being investigated for using substandard steel in other pipelines. TransCanada is using a new formulation of this steel and a thinner-walled pipe, neither of which have been proven to be safe. We don’t know how it will react to the corrosive tar sands and diluents, the higher pressure, and added heat necessary to force this thick stuff through the heartland of our country. Will our great-grandchildren have to wonder years from now why their own future has been destroyed by the decisions we make today? Please deny the Keystone XL permit. Shirley Condon

4/22/2013 19:04:16

Twyla Hansen I'm opposed the Keystone XL pipeline not just because it might affect the vital supply of water in Nebraska, but because the dirty tar sands production is destroying important forest habitat in Canada for so many songbird species in the U.S. What kind of a future will our grandchildren face when our planet no longer has birds to enjoy, clean water to drink, and unspoiled places on earth? Developing more fossil fuels is going in the wrong direction in the face of climate change and increased carbon emissions. We have a consumption problem in this country, and the need to find renewable solutions is too big for us to fail. Just Say No to the Keystone XL pipeline!

4/22/2013 19:05:16

ron bouska After being a weed control specialist for almost 40 years, I can honestly say that when the soil is disturbed, the first thing to grow are noxious weeds including Canada thistle, Musk thistle, and leafy spurge. These plants are extremely costly to control and to eradicate. Are our landowners going to be burdened with the cost of controlling them with out recompense of any sort? It will take ten to twenty years, if ever, to heal over this damaged ground. This pipeline must not be built across our fragile landscape!

4/22/2013 19:06:16

Mary Green Dear Secretary of State, I'm writing to urge you to oppose the Keystone XL pipeline. I'm a Nebraska resident and I don't want our aquifer contaminated with toxic sludge spilled on our soil by a foreign corporation. We all know it is a matter of when, not if, the first spill occurs. One study shows that the KXL will experience 91 major spills in the 50 years of the pipeline. With the recent tar sands spill in Arkansas, we are seeing just how damaging tar sands are to the environment, and how difficult to clean up. Diluted bitumen is much more dangerous to the environment than traditional oil. Please put a stop to this nonsense now, and deny the permit for TransCanada.

4/22/2013 19:06:24

Shirley Condon Please deny the permit for Keystone XL. I have studied this project extensively since the first letter I received from the land agent representing TransCanada, in early April 2010. TransCanada was asking us to sign an easement agreement to allow them to place a pipeline across our pasture, through our cattle pond and our windbreak. The pipeline would be 36” across and 4’ below ground from the top of the pipe, placing the pipeline directly into our shallow water table. It would be less than 300 yards from our well and vacation home and our 12 acre sandpit lake, and would cross the southernmost channel of the Platte River on the other side of our property. This seemed like a crazy idea. As the photocopied easement included 3 misspelled names (my mother, my siblings and I own the property), handwritten notations, large whited-out sections, and gaps in the printed information where words had been deleted, we decided to ignore it. After two more letters and two different amounts listed to be given as payment for the easement, in July, 2010, we received a letter threatening us with eminent domain if we

didn’t sign within 30 days. By this time we had studied all the information we could find on tar sands, TransCanada, and the Keystone XL proposal. We learned that TransCanada needed a permit to cross into the US and it had not yet been granted. Yet the letter stated that TransCanada “is constructing and will operate” this pipeline and that we must sign away rights to our property. How could they do this without the permit? After several more letters and contracts were delivered, we received, in April, 2011, their “final offer” of double the dollar amount of the initial offer and yet another threat of condemnation proceedings if we didn’t sign in 30 days. What we just couldn’t get through to them was that we had no intention of being intimidated this way, and were convinced that our own government would protect us from this foreign corporation and their dirty toxic tar sands. It seems absurd that two years later, we are still being bullied by TransCanada. The reroute of the pipeline is no longer across our property, but we have no intention of backing down from our beliefs that this is much too dangerous a risk to the Ogallala Aquifer, to our Sandhills, and to our climate to be worth any amount of economic benefit. The benefit will be entirely TransCanada’s, as we know now that the numbers of jobs they claim is vastly inflated, and the tar sands cannot be refined into a product we can use in the United States and will not lead to lower gas prices as they claim. The “oil” has always been destined for overseas. And now in light of the recent disastrous failures of other pipelines, we find that tar sands are not even classified as “oil” and as such, TransCanada does not have to pay taxes into the Oil Spill and Liability Trust, used to clean up spills. And TransCanada has paid for experts who prepared the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, the Supplemental EIS, and even the latest EIS, which completely gloss over the damage to our environment from the extraction and eventual use of this “dirty” fuel form. Please stand up for our country and our environment and deny the permit for KXL. No amount of perceived economic benefit could ever make up for the risks posed by this project. Shirley Condon

4/22/2013 19:09:13

John O'Keefe The increased CO2 and threat to ground water make this project folly. The pipeline is immoral.

4/22/2013 19:10:01

Shirley Condon I’ve heard it said that we may as well approve the permit for Keystone XL, as the tar sands will be extracted whether we let the pipeline cross the US or not. This seems like the weakest possible argument. If a stranger asked you to hold the money sack while he shoveled in money from a bank robbery, you would of course say no, even though you suspect he will take the money with or without your help. You could be charged with being an accomplice if you were caught. Suppose this stranger promised you something in return for helping him. Fortunately most of us would still not assist in this endeavor. But if you did contemplate doing

it, you would probably study the risks and review the stranger’s track record for this activity to determine if the benefit might be worth the risks. TransCanada is asking us to be an accomplice in moving toxic tar sands and diluents from the center of Alberta, across the Canada/US border and down the length of our country on its way to refineries on the coast and to the global market. They have stripped vast boreal forests, polluted the rivers, and caused illnesses and cancer to increase in the indigenous population in the areas near the Alberta operations. Many of the Canadian people don’t want the pipeline to be built across their own country either east or west to the coast because of the damage it would do to their own environment. Other Canadians have hoped the US will reject the permit, because they were hoping to get their own refinery in Canada and that wouldn’t be necessary if we let them cross our own heartland. And if you think of the outrage US citizens have had over a foreign corporation threatening them with eminent domain to seize US property, imagine what the Canadian landowners are going through when their own country allows this to happen to them. We are trying to assess the risks of this pipeline project, but the only official information we are given is from Environmental Impact Statements compiled by entities with direct ties to TransCanada. The lack of proper risk assessments reveals the bias in these reports. It would seem, in the first example, that if the stranger is providing the “risk assessment” information for you, and the benefits to you seem a little nebulous, and his own friends won’t help him, you would be wise to decline the offer. If something were to go wrong you could be left “holding the bag” while the stranger makes off with the benefits. Please don’t be TransCanada’s accomplice in this dangerous proposal. We will be taking a tremendous risk to our environment for the profit of a foreign corporation who cares nothing about our fragile Sandhills or the water source of a vast number of our citizens and their crops and livestock. We hope they decide to back away from the strip mining of the tar sands, or at least lower their rates of production. But don’t grant them the permit to send tar sands across US soil and water. We don’t want to take the risks, only to be left “holding the bag”. Please deny the permit. Shirley Condon

4/22/2013 19:12:30

Shirley Condon The State Department and President Obama will eventually make a decision on a permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline. I am asking you to delay your decision until TransCanada provides acceptable answers to the following questions: 1) What are the honest numbers of local or even US citizen jobs created by the KXL, and how long will the employment last? TransCanada has given a wide range of numbers of jobs, with no explanation as to why the first numbers were so inflated. The Perryman Group’s analysis

of the economic benefits, a report paid for by TransCanada for the first EIS, states that their report is based on “the 100-year life of the project”. TransCanada says the project will take 2 years to complete and gives no clear estimate on the lifetime of the pipeline. Does the job number include only actual construction jobs, or does it include peripheral jobs -- an extra waitress or bartender at the local bar and grill, another housekeeper at the local motel, workers to repair damages to local roads during construction, etc? The steel for the pipeline has already been manufactured in another country and TransCanada employs many of their own workers in the construction. How may local jobs are currently held by workers from the first Keystone? There will be no additional refinery jobs, as the amount of tar sands delivered will be a small percentage of the amount currently processed. 2) How will Canadian tar sands reduce US gas prices? Tar sands cannot be refined into gasoline, and its other products produced do not meet US standards for use here. TransCanada has said many times that the price per barrel of oil will increase with the addition of their tar sands. Their representative told me that the refined tar sands will be sold on the open market, so most likely will be exported. 3) What are the components of the diluents added to the peanut butter-thick tar sands to allow it to be pumped through the pipeline? Thus far, TransCanada refuses to divulge the toxic substances, saying this is proprietary information. Even our own State Fire Marshall has been unable to obtain this information for our firefighters and first responders in case of a spill. Without this information, landowners will not know what contaminants to have their water tested for in order to detect hidden leaks. MSDS information is required by law. 4) Will TransCanada pay into the Oil Spill and Liability Trust fund? Though TransCanada characterizes tar sands as crude oil, the tar sands will be carried as diluted bitumen to flow through the pipeline, and this “dilbit” is not considered oil by the IRS and is not thus taxed. The latest major pipeline spills in the US have pointed out this oversight in our laws. 5) If TransCanada gets its “foot in the door” by approval of this permit, will they then have an easy path into our country for many more toxic pipelines, or even multiple pipelines along the current easements? The easement contracts TransCanada tried to coerce me to sign were ambiguous on this point, one contract stated “one pipeline”, another “a pipeline”, yet another “one pipeline” (with a space where something had apparently been deleted), and the final one stating “one or more pipelines”. Worse yet, would this set a precedent for other (not as friendly) countries to gain permits to cross our borders? 6) What will prevent TransCanada from selling our easements or even the entire pipeline to another corporation or another country at some future date? They claim KXL will be the safest pipeline, but if they turn it over to another owner in 5 years it may not be properly maintained and we could end up with a mess like the Yellowstone River, Kalamazoo, or Mayflower,

Arkansas spills. 7) TransCanada plans to “abandon the pipeline in place” when they cease using it. They say that the landowner then takes full responsibility for any damages that occur in the future. If the easements are “permanent”, how can TransCanada shirk its responsibility to maintain the pipeline permanently? If a major leak were to occur while the pipeline is in operation, could TransCanada then declare that they are abandoning the pipeline thus leaving the liability on the landowner? 8) TransCanada has a reputation of mistreating Native tribes in their own country, polluting their rivers, disregarding sacred grounds, and ignoring the increasing cancer and illness rates near the tar sands operations. The State Department review did not address Native concerns here regarding health and cultural impacts on native lands, and the current route passes through a number of sacred tribal grounds protected by US Treaties, and includes the Ponca’s Trail of Tears. 9) What is the impact of TransCanada’s tar sands mining on climate change? If we are truly serious about protecting our planet, can we seriously condone this pipeline? Please reject the permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline, as it would seem that TransCanada’s KXL is not in the best interest of our country. I believe the only US benefit will be to the politicians who have received money from Big Oil lobbyists. If KXL were really such a good idea, TransCanada would not have had to line so many pockets with large amounts of money to convince us. Shirley Condon

4/22/2013 19:14:21

Mike Newton I am a 53 year old - County Nebraska farmer. I have farmed in - County since 1986. I deeply care about the soil and water here. It has some of the most productive soil on earth. My farming practices include no tillage and crop rotations to protect the fertility of the soil. My goal is to leave this farm in much better shape for the next generation. If the Ogallala Aquifer is theatened by this poisonous pipeline we are in trouble. I feel this project stinks from the beginning to the end; from the stripping of the Boreal Forest, which I feel is a crime against Mother Nature, to the added carbon emissions from this dirty source of tarsands oil. It seems like this project has been influenced by Big Oil money to get their way. How can a foreign company dictate our laws? I know who I will blame it this happens: Govener Dave Heineman Unbelievable to me. Mike Newton

4/22/2013 19:16:57

Paula Griffin A very wise women once told me that we should look 7 generations ahead to find the answers we seek today. Today I am asking you to do the same. I am asking that you consider-- what is the meaning of true "economic success". Economic practices must observe ecological limits and we have not followed this sound practice. I am asking you what our children and grandchildren need you to do right now. . I am begging you to please stop this ecological destruction and show the world and our country that life is more important than money or partnering in a destructive venture for the gain of a few and the harm of many generations. Please follow the wisdom of 7 generations, ask yourself, "If I say yes to this pipeline and the agenda it carries will it change the world in a positive way and will the generations to come be better due to the choice I made today?" Thank you for your apparent concern of our thoughts and concerns for the future of our world. Paula Griffin, [written for Nicole and Max, my children].

4/22/2013 19:17:47

John Harter President Obama John Kerry Department of State I am John Harter. Property I own is in the path of the Keystone XL pipeline proposed route. I Come to you again in opposition of the Proposed KXL pipeline. I stand in support of all who are against this proposed man made train wreck. The following are only a few of the reasons. 1 : Trans Canada has no right to take private property for personal gain. This alone is enough to end this nightmare to property owners. 2 : Trans Canada will not install the safest pipeline possible. This fact has been proven in - County, South Dakota. I have absolute proof of this and for this reason this should be denied. If you do not follow up on this then you are negligent in your duties.

3 : Trans Canada’s reroute in Nebraska does not remove the KXL pipeline route off of the High Plains / Ogallala Aquifer . My property in southern - County in South Dakota is also in the Sandhills type soil’s and above the aquifer. On my property where the proposed pipeline will cross, at one point it will be about 355 yards from the City of - SD north water well. The wells are down slope from the pipeline and well within the Cone of Depression of the two wells. The Cone of Depression is the sucking area of the well. This proposed project has numerous accounts of endangering the public. This is willful intent to do the public harm. For this reason this should be denied. 4 : There is no known plan for cleaning up an aquifer system. To endanger millions of peoples water source for drinking and growing a safe food supply for the world , just so a private company and its investors can get their product to the world market is irresponsible. To do anything but deny this project would be “ Intent to do the public harm, for private gain.” 5 : Trans Canada has acted in bad faith through out the whole process of land easement attainment. The last one in my case is that after obtaining an easement to my property through eminent domain. Trans Canada and I had an easement settlement agreement. Trans Canada violated this agreement by changing the wording in the easement, hoping that I would not see the change. This shows how little regard the have for property owners and our rights. For this reason they cannot be trusted and this KXL pipeline should be denied. I could go on with how Trans Canada has lied to myself and others and have changed what they told the public when selling this bad, self serving project to the public. For this reasons this needs to be denied. Please do your job and deny this self serving project. John Harter

4/22/2013 19:18:34

Andrea Hardin I Andrea Hardin life long resident of Nebraska, grew up on a ranch and now married to a rancher do not believe the Keystone XL pipeline is in our national interest. Seems how it is a foreign owned company, also the simple fact that the tarsands oil does not stay here in the US. However even if it did there is too much at risk for our people in the central agricultural heartland of America. I feel we have a pot of gold sitting underneath the heart of America, why would we risk that?? It is a rarity of its own and will be worth more than any amount of money, oil etc. in the future. I strongly feel we as a country need to be very cautious regarding this TransCanda company now and in the future. Thank you. God bless America.

4/22/2013 19:22:40

Kenneth D. Bay April 22, 2013 Dear Sirs, I oppose the KXL Pipeline Project. The route in Nebraska passes through the East Verdigre Creek watershed near Royal, Neb. I have a web site DEADDRIFT.Com that documents my opposition to the pipeline. I support Bold Nebraska, The Sierra Club, The Nebraska Farmers Union, All Risk No Reward and all groups across the nation who have formed a coalition of citizens who have educated themselves and are one voice speaking against the pipeline route in our state. , If the kxl pipeline would spill in the watershed of the East Verdigre Creek in Nebraska with the same amount of oil as the Mayflower spill, it would destroy the creek forever by flowing down the road ditches or the feeder creek terrain and soak into the porous soils and flow into the waters of the creek and would not be "cleaned up" by any methods deployed by the "oil cleanup procedures" used in Arkansas. The State of Nebraska would lose a thousand year old source of water, a wildlife management area, an NGPC state facility, a world class plains trout fishery, and Grove Lake while contaminating the waters that flow toward the Niobrara in a matter of hours. I live on the banks of the Platte River, any spill from the pipeline into the river would impact my home, my water supply, my work, and my pursuit of happiness. The right of eminent domain in Nebraska is not negotiable with a Canadian corporation and will be proven unconstitutional in Nebraska's courts.

The State Department Hearing in Grand Island, Nebraska heard simple, honest testimony from Nebraskans who oppose the pipeline. Their words were, Each a prairie bell of single notes, a cappella, a western plains choral symphony of truth to themselves, each other, their land, their water. President Obama should deny the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. Thank you, Kenneth D. Bay

4/22/2013 19:24:10

Greg Kosmicki Keystone says their pipeline won't leak, but oil company pipelines I the US had nearly 300 leaks last year alone. Keystone says the oil will help America be free of foreign oil, but the oil's going to China-- what's the connection? And when did Canada become a part of the US? If the line is built, it will leak eventually-- they all do-- and it will pollute the last major aquifer in the central US forever. Is that a price that we need to pay to further enrich oil company moguls? What's the upside of this? Oh, I forgot--some rich people are going to get richer. That makes it all worth it. And don't worry, we don't need water, we'll just drink Coke.

4/22/2013 19:24:46

kathy derosas We have more solar power than oil. Let's go solar like the Germans and be lead the world into a new era.

4/22/2013 19:25:05

Peter Burgis I am writing to OPPOSE the KXL Pipeline. It is no solution to our energy needs, as it will simply bring dirty diluted bitumen to market for processing to sell abroad. We don't need the oilspills it would cause, we don't need the carbon emissions it would bring, basically we don't need the environmental catastrophe-in-waiting that it will bring to the US and to the earth's atmosphere. Dump KXL!

4/22/2013 19:28:54

kaye nelson the proposed pipeline is still running over the Aquifer which is very important to the people of Nebraska

4/22/2013 19:30:37

DeAnn Hanisch No to KXL. The pipeline is an easy short term solution with too many possible long term negative consequences. Smart leaders learn from their mistakes. Wise leaders learn from the mistakes of others. Brave leaders take a stand against those in power who use threats and political bullying for self gain. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE be wise and brave

4/22/2013 19:31:12

Matthew D. Carper

The KXL will carry diluted bitumen. Diluted bitumen (dilbit) is not considered oil by the IRS, which would allow TransCanada to evade paying taxes into the Oil Spill and Liability Trust, a fund used to clean up oil spills. Indeed dilbit is not oil; it is far more dangerous to the public. A toxic sludge of chemicals and peanut-butter thick tar sands oil, dilbit sinks in water and is proving to be impossible to clean up. 100% of the steel TransCanada is using was produced outside of the United States and only 50% of this foreign-made steel was rolled and coated in the United States. Why would we put so much trust in these components that were manufactured in third-world countries, the Defense Department does not do it, why should a project of this magnitude be allowed to.

4/22/2013 19:37:31

Calvin Dobias The officials need to start listening to the people instead of oil money hungary companies. Why would the American people want a pipeline that is going for export?

4/22/2013 19:40:23

Shawn Smith As Earth Day 2013 comes to a close I hope you reconsider thoughts to go ahead with the Keystone XL pipeline. As a Nebraskan who has in-laws that live in the proposed build zone (- County) I fear that a leak would cause both environmental and economic devastation to the region, state, and country. It would potentially cause a great deal of farmers to lose their livelihood, which in Nebraska, makes up the majority of the state economy. Also, if a leak did occur, and farms were ruined, many older farmers (majority of Nebraska farmers are over 55) would be financially ruined with no job prospects in the future. Environmentally, a leak would cause irreversible damage to the drinking and agricultural water supply. The previous cleanups from past spills show evidence that no spill is truly ever 100% clean. In closing, please think of the both the future of Nebraska's economy and people, as well as the country's when making the RIGHT choice of NO PIPELINE. Sincerely, Shawn M. Smith

4/22/2013 19:40:52

Shirley Condon Please deny the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. The risks greatly outweigh the slight benefits for the US, and TransCanada and the tar sands companies will reap huge profits. I was threatened with eminent domain because I refused to give my land to a foreign corporation with no permit to be here. The latest reroute moved the pipeline away from my property, but still did not move the route out of the Sandhills or out of the Ogallala Aquifer. I do not consider myself "one of the lucky ones" because of the new route. I still need pure water to drink, fresh food to eat, and fresh air to breathe. A leak into our water would be tragic, and as the most recent spills have shown, no one knows how to clean up this toxic substance. We can't take that risk for any amount of economic benefit, and it is doubtful that we would reap much benefit anyway, as the tar sands must be refined into fuels too harmful to be used in the US, and few if any jobs will result from this export pipeline. Please respect our planet and discourage tar sands from being mined, and, at the very least, don't provide a path for it across the heart of our country. Thank you. Shirley Condon

4/22/2013 19:42:57

Sharon Sinkler I am against the Keystone XL pipeline passing through the state of Nebraska. We cannot afford the risk of contamination to our water supply. We can live without oil, but we cannot live without water!

4/22/2013 19:45:39

Kama Ogden I live in Lincoln Nebraska and I am opposed to Transcanada's Keystone XL pipeline. The current route is still over the Ogallala aquifer and over the the sandhills through which the water that feeds the aquifer is filtered naturally. This water is vitally important to people in Nebraska but to many people who live and drink water in the great plains of the USA. This pipeline will not benefit anyone in the USA except for the greedy politicians who have taken money from them to support it. It will only create very temporary jobs as it is being built and then few jobs afterwards. It is an environmental threat. We should be worried about what will happen to our water and to our ability to produce food WHEN this pipeline fails like they all eventually do. Please do the right thing for our country and stop this now while we still can.

4/22/2013 19:46:06

Lori Cooper I am a homegrown Nebraska and oppose Keystone XL. It is universally wrong in every aspect possible. It's time to make the environment a priority. No to Keystone XL!

4/22/2013 19:47:05

Jessica Tok To All Concerned: I am a born-and-bred Nebraskan and a second-generation American. My parents came here seeking opportunity and grew to love it more than their native land. Nebraskans are united in simple things: soil, water, kindness, and fierce independence. The Keystone XL is a pipeline that the United States cannot support, least of all, the people in Nebraska, and all the people affected secondarily by the Ogallala Aquifer. Pipeline leaks are a reality. No system is foolproof. When it breaks, it damages crops. It damages water, land, and wildlife. It damages a way of life for Nebraskans and all those who depend on us. This pipeline will adversely affect people. Ask Laurel, Montana. Ask Cohasset, Minnesota. Ask Mayflower, Arkansas. Ask Kalamazoo, Michigan. These are only a few of the many massive oil spills in this decade alone. We cannot drink or water our farms with oil. The extreme drought over the last few years should have clearly emphasized this issue. The fight over water rights, the millions of dollars of fines between states over one river; these are all symptomatic of the larger water security issue affecting us now and in the future. This is a question of water and landowner security versus oil rights and temporary profits. This issue unites both conservatives and liberals alike. We are against the pipeline. Do not take our land and water for the temporary enrichment of a foreign company. Heed Coleridge's prophetic words, lest they come true: "Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink." Will your actions force us to choose between saline and oil-polluted water, or will we summon the courage to step forward now and save the biggest freshwater aquifer in the entire United States for our future? Please stand with us and reject the Keystone XL pipeline. Very respectfully, Jessica Tok

4/22/2013 19:48:12

Mary Carla McCullough

Dear Secretary Kerry, I am writing to ask you to reject the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. As a citizen of Nebraska, I am keenly aware that the new proposed route still does cross

through the Ogallala aquifer. In an era where fresh water drinking sources are shrinking worldwide, where wars are and will increasingly be fought over water, we cannot foolishly pollute this huge source of drinking water for the breadbasket of our nation. It is unbelievable, the blatant conflict of interest in having TransCanada pick the author of the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). TransCanada has proven to be a bad actor, bullying Nebraska landowners with eminent domain before they even have permit, refusing to disclose to landowners just what exactly is going to be passing through the pipeline (what solvents are used to get bitumen to flow) and eventually contaminating our drinking water. Even TransCanada admits that they don't detect smaller leaks and that they expect 1-2% loss in the pipeline system. For the Ogallala aquifer, 1-2% loss, and accumulating for decades, is a big deal. It is a guarantee that we will pollute our pure Ogallala water, having effects on human health, and all life in the region, as well as economic impacts for generation to come. As seen in Kalamazoo, Michigan and Mayflower Arkansas, we do not yet know how to clean up leaks from tar sands pipelines. How could the EIS report that there is no significant environmental risk, especially given that there is no known way clean this up? The Central Flyway, major bird migration route for millions of birds, narrows to a bottleneck in central Nebraska, not far from the proposed Keystone XL route. We cannot recklessly endanger already fragile bird species such a the endangered whooping crane, which uses this area of Nebraska on its long trips north and south. Do the right thing for us here and now and for generations to come. Now is your time to stand up and be a leader to the world, changing the unsustainable course we are on right now. Tar sands extraction is a horrific affront to the environment and not the direction we need to be going in to fight climate change. The US State Department should be prioritizing water security over allowing a foreign oil company to threaten our water supplies for an export pipeline. Thank your for your service to our country and for conducting the US State Department hearings in Nebraska regarding the proposed pipeline. Sincerely, Carla McCullough

4/22/2013 19:52:10

Scott Duncan American refineries are buying that oil now. Once a foreign corporation, like Transcanada, gets a pipeline to a seaport the American refineries will have to bid higher for the same resource. Raising American fuel prices for American citizens to benefit a foreign corporation.

4/22/2013 19:53:39

Franz Knupfer Don't destroy our water and our environment when we should be focusing on finding alternative energy sources instead of subsidizing dirty oil! Franz

4/22/2013 19:55:48

Scott Duncan American refineries are buying that oil now. Once a foreign corporation, like Transcanada, gets a pipeline to a seaport the American refineries will have to bid higher for the same resource. Raising American fuel prices for American citizens to benefit a foreign corporation.

4/22/2013 19:55:57

Joyce Latrom Tar sands oil is just too nasty. Our water is too precious to risk this invasion.

4/22/2013 19:58:38

Jennifer Depp I oppose the Keystone XL Pipeline. It all comes down to benefits outweighing the risks. Building the Keystone XL will directly impact the expansion of tar sands, and in turn speed up climate change. We are losing a battle with time when it comes to climate change. If we have it within our power to halt it's progression we should cling to that outcome. The KXL route passes through a number of sacred tribal grounds, including the Ponca’s Trail of Tears. Native tribes are concerned about health and cultural impacts of the pipeline, concerns that have not been adequately addressed by the State Department. As someone who has a half Native American mother, I ask you to reconsider putting our Native citizens through even more strife.

4/22/2013 19:59:35

Madison Fickel Nebraska is my home and my pride. The thought of a dirty bitumen pipeline (those things ALWAYS leak) being run through our sandhills and over our aquifer sickens me, not to mention the threat it poses to our wildlife. I stand AGAINST the transcanadian pipeline, it is of no lasting benefit to our country.

4/22/2013 20:00:05

Margery Coffey There is not enough water in the Aquifer to push that toxic sludge to Texas. The Aquifer is owned by the Indian Nations by Treaty Law. You allow a foreign country to bully your citizens into forcing this toxic project that will leak, it will end America. The major part of the agricultural business will die. This will become a great American desert. Stop the bullying and deny this toxic Canadian invasion.

4/22/2013 20:02:32

Edwin Woerner I am a lifelong Midwesterner, and a long-time Nebraskan. I strongly oppose the Keystone XL pipeline project. KXL puts the Ogalalla Aquifer at risk. Too many oil-carrying pipelines have leaked or been damaged over the years. In the case of KXL, a leak or break could do irreparable damage to one of Nebraska's most important resources. I have a strong family connection with the Sandhills region. I understand this danger to so many people's safety and way of life. This project threatens to take land from Nebraska homeowners, farmers, and ranchers by imminent domain. This would not benefit Nebraskans or Americans, but only a small number of Saudi and Chinese investors. KXL would not create jobs for Nebraskans. It will not result in any sort of "Energy independence" nor will any of this oil lower gasoline prices that Nebraskans pay. Finally, climate change is one of the most important long-term issues we face. Encouraging projects like KXL sends the wrong message to politicians, oil companies, and consumers and citizens in general. Thank you for reading this message.

4/22/2013 20:08:25

Boyd Catt-Ironshell

I say NO to the Keystone Pipeline. America will take all the risk, foreign companies the profit. Our water is sacred and valuable for future generations and for the ag and ranch community of which I live. We do not want any pipelines to cross the min wiconi water lines which by law can not be crossed over or under with a consensus of tribal nations affected. We do not want our ancient burial grounds and historic tribal land marks disturbed by xl construction. We do not want this pipeline anywhere in our 1851 and 1868 Ft. Laramie treaty lands. I say no to any project that allows the tar sands to continue, please close down the canadian tar sands and save our planet. Thank You, Boyd A. Catt-Iron Shell

4/22/2013 20:14:13

Lisa Teet Why must we ruin what is pristine before we place a value on it? Clean water and clean soil is precious. Ask the families of Mayflower, Arkansas what it would be worth to go back in time and have Exxon prevent the spill that decimated their community, poisoning their land and water. No amount of oil for energy is worth ruining our world. Once a pipeline leaks, and they all leak, we can never go back and undo it. The only way to prevent more spills is to stop building these tar sands pipelines. The chemicals they carry are toxic and corrosive. We already have one leak-prone Keystone pipeline running through our country. We don't need another one.

4/22/2013 20:15:40

Susan Dunavan April 22, 2013 Dear President Obama and Secretary Kerry, I am a landowner whose native prairie is in the path of the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline. I

attended the Department of State Hearing last week in Grand Island, Nebraska. After listening to some of the members of the Pipefitters Unions speak, one issue in particular has me wondering why it has never been addressed. The Union members all spoke about the need for good paying jobs, health insurance and retirement. I respect their desire to make a living for their families. The needs expressed by the unions are the same needs as those of us Nebraska Farmers, Ranchers and Small Business Owners. I began to look around the room mostly filled with our neighbors and friends. Most of us do not have high paying jobs. We have good years and bad years. We never know if we will make a profit until the end of a year. Most of us feel blessed just to be able to make a living. We do not get health insurance unless we pay for it ourselves. We do not get a paid vacation. Since 2008 when TransCanada decided to start to bully us, our "vacation" has consisted of doing research on tar sands and attending hearings on either the State or Federal level. These "vacation" days are taken at a LOSS of pay because if we do not work, we do not get paid. And Retirement??? Our "retirement" is working only 40 hours a week instead of 60 or 80 hours a week depending on the season. People who work the land never retire. Our "retirement" is leaving clean water and well cared for land to the next generation. Our "retirement" will hopefully be that when we die God will welcome us with the words, "Well done good and faithful servant." There has not been a risk assessment for those of us who live and work on the path of the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline. You have studied the temporary jobs that would be created for those who would build the pipeline, but you have not even given a thought to those of us who make our living on the land and the consequences that a spill would have on families and communities along the route.

I urge you to please do a risk assessment for those of us living in harms way and you will discover that your only choice will be to DENY the permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline. Sincerely, Susan Dunavan

4/22/2013 20:16:46

Erin Roark The risks are too high and the future of our children and our planet are at risk. No Keystone XL pipeline.

4/22/2013 20:18:15

Jan Buzek The Ogallala Aquifer is too precious a resource to risk for the profit of a few , mostly foreign, individuals. The health of the climate is at risk here too. The EPA seems to get this. Approval of this pipeline would be one of the worst instances of privatization of profits and socialization of costs in recent history.

4/22/2013 20:19:31

Barb Netherland I submitted a previous comment but I am a historian and I left history out of the message. In the 1980s an article was published by some folks who referred to Nebraska as the "buffalo commons" and suggested the land be returned to the buffalo for use. It is no secret to Nebraskans that this state (especially the western half) presented a challenge to homesteaders. Living conditions were harsh and the weather could be brutal. Against enormous odds, the hardworking, gritty homesteaders prospered. I listened to the testimony of the farmers and ranchers who had been on that Nebraska land for three or four generations and I knew what it took just to survive. I stand with them. Nebraska now feeds the world - an accomplishment that rests squarely on the shoulders of those early farmers and ranchers who did not, could not quit. They need clean water. Nebraskans are in a league of their own as demonstrated by a couple of WWII undertakings that you should consider (just to get and idea of who you are selling out if the Keystone pipeline is approved.) First there is the North Platte (NE) Canteen. The canteen began with a few ladies meeting a train full of soldiers headed overseas during WWII. They thought they were meeting Nebraska boys but met a train full of Kansas boys. Not wanting to return home with cookies made for the soldiers, they fed the Kansas boys. Deciding that this was a great way to show support of American soldiers, these ladies masterminded a plan that met EVERY train carrying soldiers, day and night. Tons of food and baked goods were shipped to the Canteen by individuals throughout western Nebraska and many young girls volunteered to hand out cakes, cookies, and sandwiches to soldiers when the trains arrived. It is estimated that the Canteen workers served six million soldiers at the depot in little, tiny North Platte. The only stipend received from government (if you can classify it as such) was a $5.00 donation from FDR when he heard of the Canteen's work.

Also during WWII when America entered the war and was sending soldiers overseas, our country's steel mills were looking at a shut down because there was a shortage of scrap metal. America was sending troops overseas but may not be able to provide bullets, buns, or tanks. Seeing how critical the situation was, an Omaha newspaper publisher and his staff came up with a statewide contest to collect scrap metal. The results of this contest were overwhelming and kept the steel mills in operation. Washington DC had been begging for scrap metal (no success). When they saw what Nebraska accomplished the adopted what they called "The Nebraska Plan" and ran a nation wide contest to collect scrap. Nebraska's home front efforts demonstrate that very same grit that was present in the homesteaders. I'm sharing these things in the hopes that you see what Nebraskans are "made of". When something needs done, we do it. If we can help a situation, we will. We care about one another and we care about our country, the water and the land. We understand that when our government makes bad choices that it is the citizens who pay the price, not the rotten politicians or the greedy corporations. That too, can be seen over and over again in our history. I am asking in the spirit of the homesteaders, the Canteen ladies, the scrappers, and the current hardworking families, farmers, and ranchers of Nebraska - please do not let ANY pipeline put our livelihoods and our water at risk. Barbara Netherland

4/22/2013 20:22:03

Mariela Scabuzzo

Please listen to the people ! we don't need more pollution and destruction of the environment.

4/22/2013 20:22:30

Virginia K Wright, MS

VIRGINIA K. WRIGHT, MS APRIL 22, 2013 SUBJECT: NO to KEYSTONE XL Errata notes President Barack Obama Secretary of State John Kerry Representatives Jeff Fortenberry, Lee Terry, & Adrian Smith Senators Mike Johanns & Deb Fischer Dear Honorable Representatives of the People, In 1961, I was the only home ec major who had never been in 4H, hadn’t heard of a State Fair,

and thought I’d fallen off the face of the Earth - living on Ag Campus of the University of Nebraska. Someone drove a tractor round & around on a track just north of the dorm, 24/7. Dumbest thing I ever saw. Until I learned that the University of Nebraska tractor testing lab was the world acclaimed facility for scientific testing of tractor performance and safety. No tractors could be sold in the United States without first being studied & declared safe by the standards of the day. By my sophomore year I started to appreciate some things about Nebraska & quit missing the Colorado Rockies so much. I noticed city campus students carrying books about ecology. Ag campus is where I took physiology & genetics (albeit plant). Trisomy-21 had recently been identified & understood in human genetics. In other words, I learned quickly how smart these farm kids were, & how they connected scientific and business, climate, & community. I had never seen anything like it growing up in suburban Denver. Why Keystone XL must be stopped: It’s going to break us financially and is ruining the life-sustaining ability of the Earth. The spills, explosions, remediation costs, health costs, rebuilding. We all breath, eat, get sick, are born, die. From 1980 when I first heard a prescient Nebraskan refer to his fears about water wars in the future, to today, the rampant threats to our water and air and animals and soil and plants, food, and health are an indictment of the power of corporate money. And, an indictment of our political process that has allowed it. Fossil fuel corporations have had their way with us for too long. 1) FAIL safety, 2) FAIL to follow regulations, 3) FAIL to prevent their disasters, 4) FAIL to pay for dumping their trash into our air, 5) FAIL to care about anything but their profits, 6) FAIL to pay clean-up costs, shifting costs to taxpayers. It is a condemnation of the fossil fuel corporations (coal, oil, & gas) that their self-interest has taken over. We have realized and reached the limits: we are running out of atmosphere to dump waste into. How much CO2 is too much? The 2009 Copenhagen agreement said 350 ppm would keep the atmosphere at a level compatible with civilization. Today, we are at 395 ppm. How much carbon can be added for holding temperature rise to 2 degrees Celcius? 561 gigatons. Yet, at the current rate, we will have added 565 gigatons in 15 years. Alarmingly, the fossil fuel industry already has 2,795 gigatons in reserves! Which it expects to use & has zero national or public benefit.

SOLUTION #1: the fossil fuel industry must STOP lobbying, STOP exploring, and KEEP 80% of the reserves underground. There is no excuse for continuing to drill, frack, mine, mountain top clear for anymore fossil fuels which cannot be used without destruction of life, civilization & the planet’s balance. SOLUTION #2: fossil fuel corporations leap quickly into clean, renewable energy companies, instead of fossil fuel industries. It’s been done before. WWII Car manufacturing switched in 6 months to war machine manufacturing. SOLUTION #3: STOP all new drilling, mining, fracking regardless of legal shenanigans embedded in the US rules, regs, legislation which was more than likely written by the fossil fuel lobbyists. SOLUTION #4: establish penalties so high for dumping into our atmosphere that it will no longer be a viable business practice for fossil fuel corporations to continue as is. If these solutions are implemented the rest of the catastrophic effects of Exxon Mobil, BP, Shell, Chevron, TransCanada, et al will be slowed and be more likely salvageable: food, clean water, lower fuel price, climate change, innovation, jobs, jobs, jobs. Better health. The situation with TransCanada/Keystone XL is an example of bad faith “negotiating”, expensive & deceptive marketing, outdated/discredited information, and political failure. I urge you, in the strongest terms, to serve the public & national interests. It is overdue for the fossil fuel corporations to move out of the 19th century. The 21st century demands healthier, sustainable, clean and safe energy sources for the drastically changed circumstances on Mother Earth and for the future of civilization here. [SEE: “Do The Math” video; 350.0rg] FAQ Can you explain the math, please? Sure. To grasp the seriousness of the climate crisis, you just need to do a little math. Fossil fuel corporations have 5 times more oil and coal and gas in known reserves than climate scientists think is safe to burn. We have to keep 80% of their fossil fuels underground to keep the earth in livable shape. Here are the three numbers you shouldn’t forget: 2 degrees— Almost every government in the world has agreed that any warming above a 2°C (3.6°F) rise would be unsafe. We have already raised the temperature .8°C, and that has caused far more damage than most scientists expected. A third of summer sea ice in the Arctic is gone, the oceans are 30 percent more acidic, and since warm air holds more water vapor than cold, the climate dice are loaded for both devastating floods and drought. 565 gigatons — Scientists estimate that humans can pour roughly 565 more gigatons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and still have some reasonable hope of staying below two degrees. Computer

models calculate that even if we stopped increasing CO2 levels now, the temperature would still rise another 0.8 degrees above the 0.8 we’ve already warmed, which means that we’re already 3/4s of the way to the 2 degree target. 2,795 gigatons — The Carbon Tracker Initiative, a team of London financial analysts and environmentalists, estimates that proven coal, oil, and gas reserves of the fossil-fuel companies, and the countries (think Venezuela or Kuwait) that act like fossil-fuel companies, equals about 2,795 gigatons of CO2, or five times the amount we can release to maintain 2 degrees of warming. Sincerely, Ginny Wright

4/22/2013 20:24:22

Sarah Burnett Dear Secretary Kerry, My family has farmed in - County, Nebraska since the 1870’s. Several years ago, we started hearing about the Keystone XL pipeline project because it is proposed to cross land that has been farmed and cared for by our family for generations. Since that time, we have learned a lot more about tar sands. We, as a country, have witnessed spills of tar sands (or diluted bitumen) from pipelines into Michigan’s Kalamazoo River, and more recently, in Mayflower, Arkansas and bodies of water there. We, as a country, have learned that tar sands spills have long-lasting health impacts, and that we do not know how to “clean up” a spill of diluted bitumen. If diluted bitumen enters the Ogallala aquifer and sinks, how can it ever be cleaned up? We have also learned that the first Keystone pipeline spilled 12 times in the first year of operation, and even had to be shut down because of spills. Now, they propose to build an even larger pipeline to transport even more tar sands to the gulf coast to export. My specific concern is this: In this area, there are gravel roads a mile apart in a grid. Because Keystone XL goes from the northwest to the southeast, it would cross each gravel road diagonally. On the land we inherited from our grandparents, the pipeline would have short angled sections on each side of the gravel road so that it crosses under the road at about a 90 degree angle. The Transcanada contractor who contacted us explained that the state of Nebraska required these perpendicular road crossings. This will require many short, angled segments of pipe, which

would seem likely to pose more risks than longer, straight pieces of pipe. It seems possible that the chance for leaks, internal corrosion, or build up inside these numerous short, angled segments would be much greater in Keystone XL than in other similar pipelines. I do not understand how the Department of State and the President could determine that this project is in our national interest given the risk to the water in the Ogallala aquifer, the people along the route, and the economies of the states that rely on the aquifer that the pipeline poses. I have not yet read today’s statement from the EPA, but understand that it calls into question the Department of State’s conclusion that Keystone XL would have minimal environmental risk. This is a Canadian company, building a pipeline called the Keystone “Xport Limited”, across the entire distance of our country from north to south. This is not in the national interest of the United States.

4/22/2013 20:26:22

Yoon Song By taking a stand against the Keystone Pipeline our state could be an example of a community that is taking steps to ensure ecological integrity as well as supporting green energy solutions. The people of this state take all the risk especially with TransCanada's spotty track record. I hope you will consider these brief comments and issue a hard "NO" to Keystone.

4/22/2013 20:30:07

Jo Tetherow This pipeline is a terrorists dream wanna screw up the US? plant a couple of bombs along the pipeline. make sure they are near the aquifer so they can pollute the biggest source of clean water in the country and screw up the breadbasket to cause food prices to skyrocket. oh yeah, this pipeline is a great idea. NOT.

4/22/2013 20:33:13

Anthony Mogis I am a Nebraskan and would like to voice my concerns to you about the Keystone XL pipeline. The current rerouting of the pipeline still places it over our the Ogallala Aquifer. This is alarming to me as a great majority of Nebraskans get their drinking water from the the Aquifer. If leaks occur and pollute our water where are we to turn for our drinking water? The state's largely agricultural economy also relies heavily on water from the Aquifer for crop irrigation. If it were contaminated by a pipeline leak, it would have devastating effects on crops and livestock and consequently the livelihoods of thousands of farm families in western and central Nebraska. From what I have seen of the 2010 Enbridge pipeline leak in Michigan involving bitumen, it is very challenging to clean up and contains highly toxic materials. Are there studies or existing protocols dealing with how to cope with bitumen clean-up in groundwater, and the impact to the wildlife and ecosystem as a whole? I write to you out of concern, for my drinking water, my fellow Nebraskans, and the wildlife of my state. Please think of us and all the others in the path of this pipeline when making your decision.

4/22/2013 20:33:29

Kate Wiseman Some things are more important than making money. People are more important than making money. And putting this pipeline through Nebraska will endanger the health of Nebraskans. Please make the smart, right, moral and economically-beneficial-down-the-line decision to halt the production of the Keystone pipeline.

4/22/2013 20:34:29

David Bagby I oppose the Keystone XL and urge the State Department to deny TransCanada's request to build it. - The Draft Environmental Impact Statement is seriously deficient - says the EPA; - The pipeline will leak. TransCanada's leak detection systems are not sensitive enough to protect against massive, slow, longterm leaks. - TransCanada says it moved the XL to avoid the Sandhills of Nebraska. Oddly enough, at the same time they they changed the map of the Sandhills they used, so their map shows the new route running through areas that we Nebraskans know are still the Sandhills. - TransCanada has acted as a bully, lying to landowners and threatening eminent domain claims to bully landowners into granting easements. They swung the eminent domain club with no legal justification. -TransCanada gains all the benefits of the pipeline (long term jobs are negligible) while we in Nebraska bear all the long-term risks. No TransCanada CEO or board member will ever live along the pipeline. We do, but we receive NO benefits from it. - By the same token, no State Department employee will ever live on this pipeline. Do you get what that means? This is all academic to you. It's not to us. It's life. It's water. It's the land we've lived on for a century and a half, the land we've worked and learned to cherish and love. Come here, live our lives, and you'll begin to understand.

4/22/2013 20:40:30

Amber Hollmann

Don't understand what is so hard about this. Focus on clean energy and protecting water and land. Simple as that. Money is nothing in comparison.

4/22/2013 20:40:49

Jennifer Baker The proposed Keystone XL pipeline is NOT in the best interest of the United States or the American people. The only guarantee with an oil pipeline like the proposed Keystone XL pipeline is that it will spill. This was shown by Keystone I, which was predicted to spill once every 7 years but instead spilled 14 times in the first 1 year, this was shown by the recent Pegasus pipeline disaster in Arkansas, and this will be shown with devastating consequences if the Presidential Permit for Keystone XL is approved. The current state of the Kalamazoo River is a testament to the destruction caused by tar sands spills and to the difficulty of cleaning up such spills. We cannot afford any more risks to our water sources. The DSEIS states that the “permanent operational pipeline workforce would comprise about 50 employees strategically located along the length of the pipeline in the United States: 35 Keystone employees plus 15 contractual workers.” DSEIS page 2.1-66. The value of these 50 jobs is miniscule in comparison to the irreparable damage to our water, our environment, our health, and our communities that would result if the pipeline is built. I also question how the number of expected permanent jobs was determined. According to the 2011 FEIS for TransCanada’s first Presidential Permit application, the “permanent operational pipeline workforce would comprise about 20 U.S. employees strategically located along the length of the pipeline in the U.S.” How is it that the length of the pipeline could be shortened (by the length of the KXL pipeline route in Oklahoma and Texas) but the number of permanent jobs nearly doubled? There is no guarantee that any of the dilbit transported by the proposed pipeline would remain in the United States for consumer use. In fact, Congress’s behavior has indicated that there is no intention of keeping the refined product in the U.S. While considering a bill that would have “fast-tracked” approval of the Keystone XL pipeline in February of 2012, the House Energy and Commerce Committee rejected an amendment to that bill that would have prohibited oil companies from exporting petroleum products produced from tar sands oil imported via the proposed Keystone XL pipeline - unless such prohibition would increase our dependence on foreign oil or increase costs to refiners or gasoline consumers. The proposed amendment left no room for doubt; the Committee’s rejection of that amendment revealed that profits – and not energy independence – are the motivation behind this pipeline.

The State Department is required by federal law to consult on a government-to-government basis with potentially affected Indigenous Nations about this project. Executive Order 13175, issued November 6, 2000, takes special note of the unique relationship between Indigenous Nations and the United States as set forth in the U.S. Constitution, treaties, Executive Orders, and court decisions. The Order further requires agencies to respect sovereignty and honor tribal treaty rights. As a result, agencies are required by law to ensure meaningful consultation. President Clinton issued Executive Order 13175 in order to “establish regular and MEANINGFUL consultation and collaboration with tribal officials in the development of Federal policies that have tribal implications [and] to strengthen the United States government-to-government relationship with Indian tribes” (emphasis added). The term “policies that have tribal implications” is specifically defined to include “actions that have substantial direct effects on one or more Indian tribes,” such as the National Interest Determination by the State Department for the proposed Keystone XL pipeline. Perhaps the most important order issued by President Clinton through Executive Order 13175 is the directive that “Agencies shall respect Indian tribal self government and sovereignty, honor tribal treaty and other rights, and strive to meet the responsibilities that arise from the unique legal relationship between the Federal Government and Indian tribal governments.” Thus far, the State Department has failed on all accounts to comply with this order. President Obama re-committed federal agencies to this duty through a Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies issued on November 5, 2009. In that document, President Obama declared: “My Administration is committed to regular and meaningful consultation and collaboration with tribal officials in policy decisions that have tribal implications including, as an initial step, through a complete and consistent implementation of Executive Order 13175.” The consultation process pertaining to this proposed project has been wholly inadequate in ways that were pointed out to the State Department through public comments regarding TransCanada’s first Presidential Permit application. Despite having received and read about the shortcomings of its process, the State Department has taken no actions to improve that process. In addition, the State Department has failed to acknowledge binding treaties that would be violated if the Keystone XL pipeline is built, such as the 1851 and 1851 Fort Laramie Treaties. Executive Order 13175 and the United States Constitution require that the rights outlined in those treaties, including territorial exclusive use rights, be honored. The Programmatic Agreement that was developed in 2011 demonstrates the mishandling of

the consultation process. The State Department determined that 11 federal agencies and 6 state historic preservation officers should be “signatory parties” to the Programmatic Agreement. In addition, TransCanada and two state agencies were included as “invited signatories.” No Indigenous Nations or Tribal Historic Preservation Officers were provided signatory party status, which carries with it certain rights and authority with respect to the Programmatic Agreement. Despite the fact that approximately 44 interested Indigenous Nations notified the State Department that they wished to participate in the consultation process, not a single Indigenous Nation was allowed to be included as a “signatory party” or even an “invited signatory” to the 2011 Programmatic Agreement. Indigenous nations were essentially relegated to a status inferior to that of state agencies. This is a far cry from the respect and “government-to-government relationship” required by federal law. The proposed Keystone XL pipeline project itself jeopardizes the federal trust responsibility to the Oglala Sioux Tribe. According to the Mni Wiconi Project Act of 1988 (PL 100-516), “the United States has a trust responsibility to ensure that adequate and safe water supplies are available to meet the economic, environmental, water supply, and public health needs of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.” To the extent that this responsibility is currently met, it is met by piping water to the Reservation from the Missouri River. A spill similar to the 2010 spill that devastated the Kalamazoo River is not just possible, but it is inevitable. Such a spill in the Missouri River could destroy the ability of the Mni Wiconi Project to provide clean drinking water. Voluntarily risking such a disaster would constitute a breach of the federal government’s fiduciary duty spelled out in the Mni Wiconi Project Act.

4/22/2013 20:41:17

Cathy Dobias Please protect our water. It is still crossing the Ogallala Aquifer in sandy soil that is very permeable. We have learned through experience that nitrate contamination happens before you know it, but luckily they have found that nitrates can be cleaned out by Reverse Osmosis and can be used for future crops through irrigation but not oil with carcinogenic poisins. They keep saying our water is already contaminated but many wells still have drinkable water and we are working to make it better. We have learned that we need to keep contaminates out and we can stop this before it is too late. The native grass prairies will never be the same and some spots will take decades to cover. The oil is going to an export port in a tax free zone so does not benefit the U.S. as we won't be getting the friendly oil they deceptively advertise. Yes, many people say they are for the pipeline but they are probably relying on their deceptive advertising. Their application even states that it will increase prices in the U.S. yet advertise cheap oil. I don't think there will be many jobs as they will keep moving the crews they have. There are many people in our area waiting months to find people to do restoration and construction projects. I know people that are doing the work of several people because they can't get help. We learn by experience. Study the Kalamazoo and Arkansas spills, as well as, many others carefully and don't approve it unless they prove that they can clean these up completely and require them to pay into the spill fund. Research carefully and understand the amount of natural gas, water, etc required to extract, pipe, and refine it. Is it worth it? Study the amount of greenhouse gases created by this process very carefully and say 'no more'. Look at the devastation in Canada caused by mining the oil sands. That was one of the first things that upset us about this. Also, all of the cancer caused by this at the mining site and spill sites. Listen to the concerns that the Native American have with it. They have very strong connections with the land and water. As one pointed out at a gathering with landowners their is a hole in the center of South Dakota and Nebraska that pipelines have been avoiding. Why? There is probably a reason.

4/22/2013 20:43:21

Sheri Ericksen The Ogallala Aquifer and the Nebraska Sandhills are vital and irreplaceable, and there will absolutely be a major leak or spill from this pipeline--it's just a matter of time. Trading the safety of our water supply, not to mention the land and fragile ecosystem, for a few thousand temporary jobs is not only irresponsible, it is criminal. Read the facts--all of them!!! Not just the ones that say what you want to hear (many of which are based on improbable situations and unrealistic expectations).

4/22/2013 20:44:29

Bob Fritzmeier I urge you, for the sake of our younger generations especially, to please reject the Keystone XL pipeline.

4/22/2013 20:44:34

David Magnuson

I believe that the proposed Keystone XL pipeline is NOT in the best interest of our country, most importantly from the environmental danger to the Nebraska sandhills and the country's largest repository of underground water, the Ogallala Aquifer. Water, NOT oil, is our country's and the world's greatest resource, and we cannot risk contaminating it. Additionally, tar sand oil IS NOT in the best interest of the U.S. Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and geothermal, along with hydrogen-based sources, offer much greater potential, without the risk of a spill. The few jobs that will be created are not worth the risk to our precious environment. Economically speaking, Keystone XL and the tar sands project are enormous liabilities with marginal bottomline return for the U.S. It is therefore that I request that the State Department and President Barack Obama reject the Keystone XL pipeline project.

4/22/2013 20:46:27

Chris Dobias I am a 17 year old student that is concerned that the pipeline will contaminate our water.

4/22/2013 20:48:42

Liz Langdon I am a Nebraskan living in Texas. This pipeline should not endanger any of the states to profit a very few. We don't need the polluting tar sands oil. It is very clever how them are getting oil from the top layer of the earth, but it is not wise to strip the skin off the earth and leave an area transformed into a giant scar. The United States is only contributing to global warming by continuing to support Canada's folly.

4/22/2013 20:49:38

Nicholas M. The resources we have in Nebraska (groundwater, range land and farm ground) are too valuable to risk for little to no return.

4/22/2013 20:51:28

Kelli Van Vleet Pleskac

I am writing you today to express my opposition of the Keystone XL pipeline and to encourage to you look after the welfare of the American people, especially those affected by the placement of the Keystone XL pipeline. I do not believe allowing this pipeline to be built is in the best interests of our citizens, or our country. I am a Nebraska native and am very concern about the consequences it may have on the land and water of my home state. I am especially fearful of the consequences that the pipeline’s bitumen would have on Nebraska’s Ogallala Aquifer, part of one the largest underwater aquifer of its kind in the world. It is a much more precious resource than bitumen. And bitumen is not even a domestic resource! It is a Canadian resource being transported across our country to then be exported to mainly China and India. It appears we Americans will be shouldering much of the burden for this pipeline. The recent the Exxon’s Peagasus pipeline in Arkansas and especially last year’s Marshall, Michigan leak with bitumen were grave wake up calls. We are ill prepared to deal with these kinds of incidents and the pipeline companies, especially with the bitumen leak, were of little help in stemming the tide of the leaks to begin with. This is not a future I want to see for my home state, or my children. I am trusting in you to please make the right choice for us Americans. Thank you.

4/22/2013 20:51:32

Lisa Nabity The Keystone XL pipeline is wrong for Nebraska. Tar sands, diluted bitumen, permanent contamination, death vs. water, precious irreplaceable resources, the Ogallala Aquifer, the life-sustaining heart of Nebraska. I choose life, without the unnecessary risk. My parents farmed land in - County, Nebraska without the use of chemicals. I, too, agree not to endanger our earth - land, water, wildlife, ourselves - To risk this for a death-causing substance is asking for irreversible trouble. Please do not ignore these very important environmental concerns. Please place first our precious resources and well-being ahead of a foreign corporation's demanding interests. Please protect our land, our water, and our health. Please deny the Keystone XL pipeline permit. Please don't allow TransCanada's tar sands (diluted bitumen) pipeline. Please say "no" to it. KXL is not in Nebraska's best interest. KXL would be death for Nebraska.

4/22/2013 20:54:46

Chelsea Hello. My name is Chelsea Johnson. I am a Nebraskan and I have been fighting the Keystone XL pipeline the past 4 years. I am currently writing my senior thesis, which is about how Irregularity in State and Federal Regulations of Oil Pipelines Leads to Pipeline Spills. I have been lucky in my senior research to have at my disposal the National Response Center database, a database where all of our nation’s spills are reported and recorded. I’d like to dispute an earlier testimony that claimed pipelines are the safest way to transport oil, and that railroad is much more dangerous. That is a blanket statement that overlooks very important details. Railroads may derail and spill their contents more than a pipeline may spill, but many

times the cars are empty, or spill out substances like celery. We are not talking about pumping celery through a 36 inch diameter pipeline, we are talking about diluted bitumen. When filtering the data to only include oil there were only 18 instances in 2012 of a train releasing oil. In 2012, there were 435 cases of a pipeline spilling out oil. Furthermore, when pipelines spill, they spill big. According to a new study by the Association of American Railroads, over the 2002-2012 time period, pipelines spilled 474,441 barrels of crude, while railroad transport resulted in only 2,268 barrels spilled. But for me the biggest issue isn’t whether pipelines or railroads are safer. For me the biggest issue is that the entire permitting process and regulatory system governing oil pipelines in the U.S. is completely flawed and in some aspects corrupt. Hundreds of pipeline and oil companies have been responsible for spills in this country. And they have all passed through the United States permitting process and regulatory system with flying colors. When they have received calls for corrective action, they simply ignore them. And they are allowed to. For example, before its 6B line ruptured, Enbridge had been notified of structural issues with the pipeline in 2005, but never corrected the problem. Because of this, an estimated 1 million gallons spilled out of line 6B and into the Kalamazoo River in 2010. Every single environmental impact study that has been done on this pipeline has been done by a contracted company with very deep ties to the oil industry. And it’s technically legal. But just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s right. TransCanada and pipeline proponents claim that this review has gone on long enough. Yes, it has. For too long TransCanada has been allowed to select a firm to conduct the environmental review for its own pipeline. When the company whose project is being reviewed is allowed to select the reviewer, it is no wonder that these review firms are deeply connected not just to the oil industry but to specific companies that will benefit from this pipeline, including TransCanada. And it’s no wonder that all of these environmental impact analyses find no significant environmental impact will result from this pipeline. Not only does the pipeline company get to pick their reviewer, but these third party reviewers are not subject to the same scrutiny as a federal employee when it comes to conflict of interest reporting. There is an inherent conflict of interest in allowing pipeline companies to select the body that will conduct the environmental review for its own project, and holding them to a lower standard makes it worse. The regulatory issues with oil pipelines are not the fault of this White House, or this State Department. They originated when the Reagan Administration installed a regulatory structure that allows the pipeline companies to regulate themselves, and makes it virtually impossible to fight against them. According to PHMSA, federal pipeline safety regulations are “written as the minimum performance standards.” Because PHMSA does not provide regulation on the siting or routing of a pipeline, there is “no federal process that guarantees consideration of the long-

term environmental impact of oil pipeline routing decisions.” PHMSA depends upon the states to help enforce its regulations and put into place whatever additional regulations are appropriate for a given area. The problem is, most states haven’t done this. According to the National Association of Pipeline Safety Representatives, an association which represents that state agencies responsible for regulating oil pipelines, as of 2011, only 6 states had put in place regulations above and beyond PHMSA’s. Nebraska had no idea what its authority was until this project came up, and many of our officials still don’t fully understand their power. If federal regulations are meant to be the bare minimum, and states aren’t using their authority, then there is no one to regulate pipeline companies but the pipeline companies themselves. I do not place the blame on the Obama administration for this inherently flawed regulatory process. But you better bet I will place the blame on this administration when the Keystone XL pipeline leaks and so will hundreds of thousands of others. If this administration does nothing to improve the permitting and regulatory process governing oil pipelines, catastrophic, preventable spills will continue to happen. The Pipeline Safety, Regulatory Certainty, and Job Creation Act isn’t good enough. It doesn’t get to the heart of the issue which is allowing the pipeline industry to regulate itself. Under the Obama Administration, the biggest spills in American history have occurred. But he wasn’t president when those projects were approved. Approval of this pipeline is the decision of the Obama administration. When this pipeline spills and fouls the lifeblood of the Midwest, ruins the homesteads of families who have been stewards of their land for generations, Obama will own that spill. I would like to end my testimony with one question: Does President Obama want that to be his legacy? If not, I would suggest saying no to this pipeline.

4/22/2013 20:57:52

Jim Fobben My name is Jim Fobben. Please include the content of this email in the public comment on the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for the proposed Keystone XL pipeline. I want to commend the State Department for conducting a well run hearing in Grand Island, Nebraska on April 18, 2013. I appreciated that the hearing was extended by three hours to allow all who had the desire and endurance the opportunity to speak. I sincerely hope everyone making the decisions on this important issue take the time to listen to the testimony given in Grand Island. The entire hearing is archived on Nebraska public television at . I found it notable that testimony opposed to the pipeline significantly outnumbered the proponents of the project, and that the vast majority of the proponents had direct economic ties to the project, while those opposed to the pipeline were motivated out of a genuine concern for the vast potential for environmental harm that this project will cause.

The construction of the Keystone XL pipeline would insure the the Alberta tar sands are fully exploited. If the USA and Canada are really serious about limiting carbon emissions this project must not be approved, and the international community must apply pressure on Canada to halt extraction of the tar sands. The government of the United States of America cannot be complicit in the continued development of the Alberta tar sands. This source of hydrocarbons is environmental degradation from the start to finish. The production of diluted bitumen from the Alberta tar sands has been accurately described as the most environmentally destructive process on Earth. Starting with clear cutting of the boreal forest (2nd only to the Amazon in deforestation rates), turning massive amounts of fresh water into toxic tailing ponds fatal to any unfortunate wildlife that mistakes them for water, toxic emissions from processing exposing the local populous to a greatly increased cancer risk. All of this for a product that yields only 3 to 5 energy units per unit of energy input. Then it is diluted with “proprietary” organic solvents containing benzene and other toxic compounds, and if transported by pipeline, done so under high pressure, making the consequences of a disastrous spill all the more likely. When it makes its final destination the people of places like Port Arthur, Texas are subject to the noxious emissions from the refining process. Then it’s exported to another country, likely China, because it cannot be refined to meet U.S. Clean Air Act fuel standards, where it will be burned in the form of petroleum coke or high sulfur kerosene resulting in high carbon emissions and high emissions of criteria pollutants such as sulfur dioxide worsening already terrible local air quality conditions in eastern Asia. It has been demonstrated that if the target emissions for limiting Climate Change to a 2 degree Celsius increase in global temperature, only 20 –30 percent of the known reserves of hydrocarbons can be burned. There is no room for such an environmentally harmful hydrocarbon as the tar sands in this remaining inventory of acceptable fuels. The planet will be much better served by the preservation of the boreal forests.

4/22/2013 20:58:14

Shirley Condon Please protect our planet and deny the permit for the Keystone XL project. If we participate in the irreversible damage to our earth by the extraction of tar sands, what will future generations (if they survive) think of us for letting this happen? The extraction of tar sands in Alberta is said to be the most destructive project on Earth. Boreal forests are destroyed, First Nations peoples suffer from cancer and illness linked to the toxic tailing ponds and contaminated water of the tar sands operations. Birds are dying. If the tar sands corporations care so little for their own country, why would they care about destruction of our country's fragile Sandhills or the contamination of our drinking water derived from the massive Ogallala Aquifer? They have proven to be callous in dealing with landowners along the path of their proposed pipeline. This is all about the profit of a foreign corporation at the expense of the people and land along the way to the exportation of their product from our Gulf Coast. Please help us keep climate change at bay by slowing down the extraction and use of this dirty fuel. Deny the permit and don't help them destroy our planet. Shirley Condon

4/22/2013 20:59:13

Becca The Keystone XL pipline will contribute to the destruction of my home Nebraska, to our home, and to the future home for generations to come, our world. This cannot happen. Save our planet

4/22/2013 21:04:39

Doris A. Forbes I am a 96 year old woman. Putting a pipeline with toxic chemicals in it across Nebraska is just plain crazy. Don't do it.

4/22/2013 21:10:15

Cathy Dobias Please note that the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality did not give any approval or disapproval after their investigation. Just a report to Governor Dave Heineman who had the only say to approve it. One person to speak for the whole state when he made it widely known before the report that he was very much in favor of the pipeline.

4/22/2013 21:17:44

Cliff Allred Climate change is accelerating to catastrophic levels even now. We see that in Hurricane Sandy, in the hurricanes striking Australia, in Texas and most of the Western forests being on fire every summer, in the record breaking heat. We have to start throttling back our hydrocarbon consumption now, and we have to start laying the groundwork for an oil-scarce future. The KXL is a step in the completely wrong direction. We are allowing oil companies to destroy our future for the sake of their profits and America's addiction to comfort.

4/22/2013 21:20:01

William Schrader

Leadership comes with great responsibility. We need to governments of this planet to begin responding accordingly. I am firmly AGAINST this pipeline. Don't pipe me brah!!!!

4/22/2013 21:20:10

Rev. Richard Burgess

I pray that you will choose to deny the Keystone XL pipeline to proceed.

4/22/2013 21:29:50

Joan Phelan I urge you not to allow the Keystone XL pipeline to be finished. The proponents claim that it will create thousands of jobs. I would submit that Mayflower, AR and the Kalamazoo, MI spills should have taught us that most of the jobs created will eventually be for cleaning up oil spills. It is irresponsible to take on this risk to our environment -- to our farms & ranches and our aquifer.

4/22/2013 21:37:17

David Wiesman It seems to me this line has very little benefit to the USA: maybe a few short-term jobs, some greater profits to the oil companies when the refined product is sold overseas. And this is for us taking the risk of a spill (even if it's a small risk, any spill would be a major disaster to our drinking water/fresh water sources) with problems that could last generations. This is not the kind of policy the USA should be promoting for the long term. Thank you for your consideration.

4/22/2013 21:45:28

Wyn Dee Baker I strongly believe that approval of the Keystone Pipeline would be a harmful and ill-conceived exercise of authority without sufiicient analysis of health and environmental risks. The financial benefits widely extolled by the pipeline proponents are to a large extent unsubstantiated and are far outweighed by the danger to water supplies by both insidious small leaks and major leaks and spills such as the Kalamazoo and very recent Arkansas spills. I am an attorney and a long-time resident of Oklahoma and am familiar with the oil and gas and pipeline industries. The risk of short term and long term health consequences to people in the area of the Keystone XL Pipeline route are too great to in good conscience allow for the sake of transporting toxic tar sand products from Canada, a fact made worse by the fact that TransCanada would not be required to pay into the Oil Spill Liability Trust fund used to clean up spills. The American public must not be put at such severe risk of harm for an economic gain which is to a large extent a private and foreign gain.

4/22/2013 21:52:47

Jorge Arauz I attended the hearing at Grand Island, Nebraska, on April 18, and I could hear Nebraska residents' plights concerning Projected Keystone XL pipeline. An overwhelming majority of speakers pointed out to many serious violations of due process, including abusive and overbearing actions on the part of TransCanada, and lack of transparency and true democratic participation. Many offered detailed information about the potentially devastating effects that the pipeline could have on people's livelihoods and communities. Still others denounced the overwhelmingly destructive impact that the tar sands exploitation in Canada in particular and the boost to a continued reliance on fossil fuels in general would have on the planet and humanity. During the hearing, it was made clear that the purported benefits of the project for the nation

were nil or far outweighed by the actual and potential damages it would bring upon the people of the United States and the world. I would like to reiterate now my heartfelt request that Secretary of State John Kerry recommend a stop to the process of granting a permit for the KXL pipeline. The Keystone XL project is not in the interest of the United States and ignores the real needs of the people of this nation, including the need for sustainable employment for its workforce, which can only be attained through industries that ensure a sustainable future, including renewable sources of energy. When Katrina struck the Gulf Coast, I felt compelled by my spiritual convictions to personally contribute to the alleviation work. With the support of my Quaker meeting in Philadelphia (Chestnut Hill Friends), I served as a volunteer with the Red Cross in the Gulfport-Biloxi area. I witnessed the destruction on property and nature, as well as the human suffering, caused by natural forces thrown out of balance by an atmosphere that has been altered by the byproducts of fossil fuels. The same spiritual convictions that led me to serve in the Gulf Coast, lead me now to beg you to halt the Keystone project until independent studies are conducted, scientific assessments of costs and benefits are duly incorporated, and the voices of affected individuals and communities are fully heard. Whether we take scriptural stories in a literal way or not, the central message they have for us is unchangeable: what God created was good in God's eyes. And the book Genesis says that God, after the flood, promised: "I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake ... neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done." Can we, humans, recklessly destroy what God has sought to preserve? The decision the State Department faces is a decision of important economic, social and political consequences. But it is also a decision of great moral and spiritual import. Can our national leadership show the way for a responsible and sustainable approach to the challenges and needs facing the nation and humanity, or will be led in a self-defeating course of expediency and short-sightedness? Please reject the approval for the Keystone XL pipeline. Always your friend, and in prayer for your souls, so that they will know the freedom that comes from the love of truth and justice, Jorge Arauz

4/22/2013 21:53:18

Merry Kellogg As a taxpayer and a grandmother, I believe the Keystone XL Pipeline carrying tarsands across the country to the gulf coast is not worth the risk of spills into the Ogalala aquifer that is vital for life here in the heartland. We have seen oil spills in Michigan and now Arkansas that are impossible to clean up and I never want to see that happen here. There is a great risk with no reward. The oil refined from this will be exported to other countries. I have seen pictures of the devastation where they are mining these tarsands in Canada and it appears to be a toxic mess. Please do not approve a permit for TransCanada Keystone XL pipeline to be built. No foreign company should be able to come into our country and threaten and take by eminent domain our land that belongs to Americans. Thank-you and please do the right thing and protect our country and rights. Merry Kellogg

4/22/2013 21:57:52

brent bettenhausen

Please do not approve this permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. There are to many inconsistencies in the impact statement. The benefits have be overstated and the risks have been understated. Our future is a risk. regards, Brent

4/22/2013 22:01:13

Kathy Burrow Dear President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry, As you consider your options regarding the Keystone XL pipeline, I continue to be extremely hopeful that you are going to do the right thing and deny the permit for the pipeline. Our world is at a crossroads and we are all counting on forward thinking US leadership which will enable the world to follow our lead in pursuit of sustainable energy and to phase out fossil fuels Asap due diminish it's impact on climate change. I am a lifelong resident of Nebraska and am deeply concerned about the prospect of the Keystone XL pipeline crossing our state and more importantly the Ogallala aquifer. I find it very difficult to understand how the possibility of a minimal amount of likely temporary jobs is more important than protecting our vast and precious water supply. Without realizing the value of this water you run the risk of poisoning our drinking water , livestock water and water for agriculture .There is no question that a leak will occur. It is not a matter of if it is a matter of when .Once the damage is done it cannot be undone and our families health and economic well being will be at risk. Please do not allow this foreign oil company to play Russian roulette with our lives. You have the opportunity to stand behind your word and make a firm commitment to our countries clean energy future.Thank you for continuing your fight to protect our environment and to insure our childrens future on a clean and healthy planet, yours respectfully, Kathy A Burrow

4/22/2013 22:09:26

Tekla Broz It's time to stop letting oil and gas corporations run our country. No KXL

4/22/2013 23:00:06

Lynne Davis STOP IT!

4/22/2013 23:08:26

Shawn Mitchell I grew up in the Sandhills of northern - county and having witnessed examples of water contanimation from small spilled farming herbicides because of the extremely high water table and sand. It is not worth the risk to put in a new pipeline across risk areas when a pipeline throughfare already exists along the eastern border that is not over the aquifer. Putting one precious commodity at risk to gain access to another commodity does not make long term environmental sense.

4/22/2013 23:59:31

Bren Ames We cannot afford to continue to squander our monetary resources in subsidies for destructive energy companies. Neither can we afford to squander our natural resources, our health, and our planet. JOBS: KXL will kill more jobs than it creates. The most recent State Department EIS estimates that the KXL will only create 35 jobs. Cornell estimates that TEMPORARY jobs may reach 2000. KXL propagandists wildly exaggerate that up to a million jobs will be created. Ask the residents of Kalamazoo, MI how their jobs and businesses are going after the 2010 tar sands dilbit spill there. We want to hear first hand reports from the residents of Mayflower, Arkansas about March 2013 tar sands spill. We want to hear the voices of hundreds of Nebraska citizens and landowners who spoke in front of the State Department Thursday about this dangerous project. We want time to review, consider, discuss, and debate the over a million public comments that have already been submitted, and for the public comment period to be extended for the normal 120 day period (until early July) ************************************************************ We want time to examine previously suppressed information about the dispersants used in the Gulf (and elsewhere), including David Kirby's article published today "Corexit: An Oil Spill Solution Worse Than the Problem?": Once heralded as tidy way to clean up spreading slicks, the chemical agent has proven toxic

for sea life—and humans. Ecorig diver and whistleblower Steve Kolian holds up a bag of sea water contaminated with oil and Corexit. (Photo: Dean Schweinler) Every three to four weeks, a cycle of horror repeats itself across Steve Kolian’s face. First it becomes itchy. Then the bumps appear. Then a raw, irritating redness sets in before the skin peels away in patches. Finally, it all disappears for a while. Other parts of his body, however, seem to be in perpetual disrepair. Dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, bloody stools and cognitive issues surface intermittently, painful reminders of the toxic assault he and untold others endured following the April 2010 explosion on the BP Deepwater Horizon oil rig. It reminded me of Dante's Inferno. The fumes were choking folks along the coast. Then you add the Corexit, and communities felt their lives became a laboratory, only they were the living experiment. Kolian, 51, is convinced that his illnesses were triggered by a chemical product designed to disperse petroleum in water, a substance euphemistically marketed as “Corexit.” Now, three years after the disaster that left some 210 million gallons of Louisiana Crude and 1.8 million gallons of dispersant in the Gulf of Mexico, a growing body of evidence supports his contentions. Kolian is founder of the nonprofit group EcoRigs, whose volunteer scientists and divers seek to preserve offshore oil and gas platforms after production stops. The superstructures can be maintained not only as artificial reefs, but also producers of solar, wind, wave and tidal energy. After the Deepwater Horizon blowout, EcoRigs divers were asked by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to gather water samples from the Gulf, “in exchange for test results and presumable compensation,” Kolian told TakePart in an exclusive interview. The group’s first dive was on May 7, 2010, when they took samples at the surface and subsurface, and collected marine life, including corals, sponges, and sea squirts, growing on platforms. “NOAA assured us it was perfectly safe” to dive where crude oil had been treated with dispersants, Kolian said. “But we quickly learned that was false.”

His harrowing story, and those of many others, has been compiled into a raft of damning affidavits and interview collected by the whistleblower group Government Accountability Project (GAP) and the Louisiana Environmental Action Network (LEAN). Taken together, the statements paint a grim picture of corporate deceit and governmental acquiescence, which could foretell a legacy of chronic illness and premature death among those exposed to the blood-cell rupturing properties of Corexit. Meanwhile, the impact of the dispersant on the Gulf’s environment and marine life is gradually coming to light, as toxins in the product, and the oil it emulsified, make their way up the food chain. They say that the cover-up is often worse than the crime; but in this case, the solution may be worse than the problem. ¨¨¨ Corexit is a product line of dispersants that emulsify crude oil into miniscule droplets that are heavier than water and tend to sink into the ocean. The idea is to prevent oil slicks from reaching shorelines, estuaries, and other coastal waterways, with their fragile and sometimes threatened ecosystems. Once oil is treated, typically by aerial spraying, the slick breaks down and quickly spreads across the surface and down the water column, as tiny beads of goo begin to sink. Wave action and wind turbulence degrade the oil further, though evaporation concentrates the toxins left behind, especially dangerous compounds called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs. Soon after the Deepwater blowout, BP snatched up one-third of the world supply of dispersants, namely Corexit EC9500 and Corexit EC9527, according to The New York Times. Of the two, Corexit EC9527 is more toxic. Its main component, 2-butoxyethanol, has been identified as one of the agents that caused liver, kidney, lung, nervous system, and blood disorders among cleanup crews in Alaska following the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill. According to media reports, nearly all of the individuals in those crews have died, with the average age of death around 50. Herring fisheries in the area were decimated, and other marine species are still in stages of recovery. Corexit 9527 is toxic to blood and organs. “WARNING: Eye and skin irritant,” reads a safety

data sheet on the Nalco website. “Repeated or excessive exposure to butoxyethanol may cause injury to red blood cells (hemolysis), kidney or the liver. Harmful by inhalation, in contact with skin, and if swallowed. Do not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Do not take internally. Use with adequate ventilation. Wear suitable protective clothing.” In case of accidental release, handlers should “restrict access to area as appropriate until clean-up operations are complete.” Human health hazards are “acute,” according to the safety data sheet, and potential toxicological impact is “high.” But that is only for people who come into unprotected contact with it. That’s why Nalco claims that, “based on our recommended product application and personal protective equipment, the potential human exposure is: Low.” Cleanup crews not only lacked “personal protective equipment” to guard against Corexit, but when they asked for respirators, BP officials threatened termination and told them it would be bad publicity to suggest the spill was toxic, news reports said. As for potential environmental hazards, the risk is “moderate,” Nalco says in its data sheet, then adds: “Based on our recommended product application and the product's characteristics, the potential environmental exposure is: Low." As such, Corexit is classified as “non-hazardous waste” by the federal government and not subject to federal regulations. There are fewer warnings for Corexit EC9500, though no official toxicity studies have been done. “Based on our hazard characterization, the potential human hazard is: Moderate,” according to Nalco's safety sheet. Again the risks are downplayed—if the product is used properly. “The human risk is: Low. The environmental risk is: Low. Any use inconsistent with our recommendations may affect the risk characterization." Nalco itself has a storied history. Once partly owned by the Blackstone Group, current owner of SeaWorld, the company was recently sold to EcoLab, which works on hygiene, clean water, food, and energy services. “Every day, we make the world cleaner, safer and healthier—protecting people and vital resources,” trumpets Ecolab’s website. Equally ironic is that the company’s largest shareholder is also dedicated to health and hygiene: Bill Gates, whose Cascade Investment LLC owned more than 22 million shares in 2011, while the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Trust held another 4.4 million. A spokesman for the Gates Foundation said it had nothing to do with the Trust, even though it invests money to create funding for Foundation grants.

To many environmentalists, it is mystifying why the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ever approved Corexit for the Gulf in the first place. EPA data shows that Corexit is far more toxic, and far less effective at dispersing Louisiana crude, than many other products: 9527 and 9500 are only 56 and 63 percent effective, respectively, and some alternatives are 10 to 20 times less toxic. The EPA’s head at the time, Lisa Jackson, said approving Corexit use was “the hardest decision I ever made.” BP has consistently defended the decision. One company spokesman told The New York Times it was “pretty effective,” and “rigorously tested.” Nalco’s chief technology officer, Mani Ramesh, told Reuters that the product is harmless to the environment because its active ingredient is “an emulsifier also found in ice cream.” BP did not return emails seeking comment. In May 2010, the EPA told BP to identify less toxic alternatives from a list of government-approved dispersants. If BP could not identify an alternative, it had to offer concrete reasons why not. The company replied that less-toxic dispersants were not available in the quantities needed. BP continued spraying Corexit on the Gulf, at an average ratio of one gallon per 91 gallons of oil, into the summer of 2010. ¨¨¨ Steve Kolian and the other Gulf divers had been assured by NOAA that it was safe to enter Corexit-treated waters. But they soon learned otherwise, and they learned the hard way. “During those dives, we wore standard equipment: air tanks, fins, snorkel, gloves, a 2mm wetsuit and a hood,” he stated in his sworm affidavit for GAP. But wetsuits provided little protection from the contaminated water, and the skin on Kolian’s now-peeling face was completely exposed. Kolian said he was contacted by a NOAA contractor, who asked divers “to collect samples and submit a research proposal” for studying water quality, and another proposal for evaluating marine life on offshore platforms. After his first two dives, “I asked (NOAA) staff specifically if the Corexit was toxic, and they said ‘Corexit only has a 90-minute half-life,’ ” Kolian said in the affidavit. “This was reassuring to hear,” he said. “As long as we were not seeing any planes flying around we thought we would be ok.” Government officials “endorsed a policy to deny the toxicity of Corexit,” he continued, and they “purposely misled people: NOAA, EPA and FDA knew that Corexit and oil was a very toxic combination.” The EcoRigs team made 36 dives for NOAA. “We were seeing things that other people were not documenting,” Kolian told TakePart. They collected samples from mid-July to mid-September 2010, but could not obtain lab results from NOAA. Eventually, the divers began

withholding samples. Kolian sent repeated requests for the data, but only received a verbal response that some samples were positive for oil, though not from BP’s MC 252 well, he said. “We started to figure that (NOAA) was going to screw us in some way,” Kolian said in his affidavit. EcoRigs managed to have some of their samples independently tested, and found PAH concentrations that were up to 1,000 times higher than EPA safety standards. The samples’ fingerprints correlated with MC 252 oil. Large amounts of oil sit on the surface of the Gulf of Mexico that leaked out of the Deepwater Horizon wellhead operated by BP on May 6, 2010 in Venice, Louisiana. (Photo by Chris Graythen/Getty Images) Over the summer of 2010, NOAA cut off communication with the divers, and the agency “has not paid us to this day,” Kolian continued. “Our invoice is for $113,000. That includes hazard pay, such as diving in the oil.” A NOAA spokesman told TakePart he could not comment on the allegations because the spill is under litigation, as the government takes on BP for compensation. One of the first divers to show health problems was Kolian’s friend and colleague Scott Porter, who developed symptoms in July 2010. Kolian’s own symptoms began in September. No one realized they were being caused by Corexit and oil, he said, but the collective symptoms were undeniable: nausea, headaches, fatigue, memory loss, and blood in the eyes, nose, and stool. By October, Kolian began to connect the dots. That fall, he started documenting the health problems and submitted his findings to the LEAN website. “When Corexit comes in direct contact with a human body, it breaks down the protective lipid layer under the skin, which then allows toxins direct access into the bloodstream,” he wrote. The article was read by Shanna Devine, investigator at GAP, which is now working with LEAN to secure medical care costs for those affected, many of whom lack insurance. The agencies also want a promise from BP not to use Corexit again. LEAN bankrolled blood testing for oil and dispersant compounds. Kolian’s levels were extremely high: The chemicals were absorbed by the skin and “got into our liver, kidneys and fat cells,” he said in the affidavit. “I just found my liver is partially damaged.” A detox regime in 2011 helped clear up many of the worst symptoms, though Kolian now worries about long-term effects, including cancer. ¨¨¨ Corexit and crude oil combined “can be more toxic than either alone,” according to Susan D. Shaw of the Marine Environmental Research Institute. “The properties that facilitate the movement of dispersants through oil also make it easier for them to move through cell walls, skin barriers, and membranes that protect vital organs, underlying layers of skin,” and other

surfaces, she said, in a statement. One recent study of microscopic marine life found that oil mixed with Correxit was 52 times more toxic than oil alone. Nalco insists the potential for human exposure to Corexit is “low,” but try telling that to Marylee Orr, LEAN’s executive director. LEAN helped prepare a survey of the health impacts on people living along the coastline and found devastating results—not just among divers and cleanup crews, but ordinary residents as well. “I began getting calls right after the spill,” Orr said. “When the wind blew off the slick and when they were burning oil, folks called about the nightmare. It reminded me of Dante's Inferno. The fumes were choking folks along the coast. Then you add the Corexit, and communities felt their lives became a laboratory, only they were the living experiment.” Orr spoke with people who had bled from their nose, ears, breasts, even anally. “One patient had a toilet filled with blood,” she said. Others complained of cognitive damage, including what one man called getting “stuck stupid,” when he temporarily cannot move or speak, but can still hear. Related Gallery Earth: Your Fragile Planet (PHOTOS)See Full Gallery The most common ailments were headaches (87 percent of respondents), dizziness and cough (72 percent), fatigue and eye-nose-and-throat irritation (63 percent), followed by nausea, diarrhea, confusion and depression. Environmental health consultant Wilma Subra, who evaluated the survey data, said oil and dispersant had aerosolized and travelled up to 100 miles inland, potentially exposing tens of thousands of people to the hairspray-like mist. “Now we are seeing the reproductive effects,” Subra said, including high rates of miscarriages, preemies, infant respiratory problems, and neurodevelopmental disorders like autism. “The workers that BP hired should have been trained and protected adequately,” Subra said. “It was inappropriate to expose them to toxic chemicals as they did their job.” She told federal officials the workers needed respirators, but was rebuffed. “They said I would be killing the workers because of the heat,” she said. “There are suits with piped-in cooling. Cleanups happen all the time in hot weather.” As for aquatic life, “If we are getting sick, then you know the marine life out in the Gulf is too,” Kolian said. Dispersed oil collects on the seabed, where it feeds microscopic organisms at the bottom of the food chain and works its way up to shellfish and eventually fin fish and marine mammals.

A 2005 National Academy of Sciences report found that oil and dispersants can kill fish eggs, while another recent study showed that “Exposure to medium and high concentrations of (oil and Corexit) significantly decreased settlement and survival of larvae” in two coral species. Meanwhile, larger predator fish are turning up with Corexit components in their flesh. Last spring, seafood catches in the Gulf were off by nearly 25 percent of the norm, according to Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries. ¨¨¨ So what now? Most people are waiting for compensation for their medical bills through BP’s settlement program. But many do not expect much. “We’re represented by lawyers making medical claims in the BP program,” Kolian said. So far he is not filing suit against the government, even though GAP discovered, through the FOIA process, that EPA and NOAA knew it was dangerous to dive in Corexit-laced water, but said nothing, Kolian asserted. “People are sick: They’re in the midst of an economic crisis and a health crisis and BP has not addressed these problems as they should,” said LEAN’s Orr. “Our Vietnamese fishermen, Native American, Cajun and African-American fishermen and women rushed to save our beloved Gulf. Some now feel the price they’ll pay is the loss of their communities and their health. Life as they knew it no longer exists.” Kolian, with a mixture of sadness and fury, agreed. “I’m resigned to the fact the government tried to make things look better than they are. But what really makes me mad is I continued working because nobody will document or even admit what is going on,” he told TakePart. “I had to spend my own money and time and risk my future to do this.” For now, the diver worries about his long-term prospects. “I exercise and stay healthy as possible,” he said. “I know I’m going to lose years off my life. Right now, I just want to get my papers published, and fulfill what I’m supposed to do.” *********************************************************** We want full access to information. Allowing Exxon to control a NO FLY ZONE over Mayflower, Arkansas, the site of last month's tar sands dilbit/bitumen spill is the move of an oligarchy, not a democracy. Why is mass media spouting the mislabeling of tar sands dilbit as 'crude oil'? What did EPA and Michigan residents learn from the 2010 spill? That spill proved that despite prior claims - outside the pressurized pipelines, the diluents, (commonly toxic and carcinogenic benzene, and other, non-disclosed, proprietary solvents), separate from the

peanut-butter-thick bitumen and evaporate into the air. In Michigan, the odor was still evident 50 KM away, weeks after the spill. Health effects from airborne exposures to toxic and carcinogenic substances like benzene can be both immediate and long-term. Diluents are added to reduce viscosity of the tar sands bitumen enough so it can be sent down a pipe under high pressure. Some of this bitumen is heavier than water, and sinks. The EPA, for some reason, 'didn't anticipate' that the bitumen would sink?! How can we rely on conclusions from people who couldn't predict that a substance heavier than water would sink? Based on the Kalamazoo spill, tar sands bitumen and dilbit are at least 10x more difficult and costly to clean up than crude oil. We really don't know HOW much more difficult and costly because cleanup has not yet been successful. TAKE 6:37 MINUTES TO LISTEN TO RESIDENTS OF Kalamazoo, MI WHO ARE STILL AFFECTED by the 2010 tar sands bitumen spill that we didn't hear about over the BP Gulf gusher. Their river is STILL UNTOUCHABLE. Their resources and property values permanently degraded, quality of life, recreation opportunities, businesses and jobs lost. In 2010, a pipeline ruptured and emptied 3,000,000 litres of bitumen into the Kalamazoo River in Michigan. The accident was the costliest oil pipeline spill in U.S. history. The heavy bitumen sank to the riverbed, making conventional oil spill clean-up techniques useless. The end result is that the local residents and natural environment in this region will never be the same, their home waters forever changed. What are the long term (health, environmental, and land value) effects from such inevitable spills? What are the effects from exposure to the diluents that evaporate? How will effects differ when spills are not slowed down in marshes (like in Kalamazoo), but released into rivers, lakes, aquifers, estuaries, and oceans? DILBIT (Diluent + Bitumen) NOT=CRUDE OIL How Little We Know About Heavy Tar Sands DILBIT ** Online nonprofit InsideClimate News wins Pulitzer, April 15, 2013 for story on DILBIT: **

A deeply concerned citizen

4/23/2013 5:18:00

Judy Holtan The Keystone XL Pipeline is dangerous, dirty, and destructive -- and the latest Environmental Impact Statement was both flawed and incomplete. It ignores the pipeline's significant risk for toxic spills, ignores its catastrophic impacts on our climate, and ignores the consensus among financial analysts and oil executives who agree the pipeline will be a conduit for oil and refined products to be exported, making the United States less energy secure and driving domestic gas prices higher. Pipeline Spills: This pipeline poses an unacceptable risk to water. TransCanada’s first Keystone pipeline spilled 14 times in the U.S. in its first year of operation, and Enbridge, another pipeline operator, suffered a spill of more than one million gallons in the Kalamazoo River in 2010. The pipeline will cross more than 1,000 water bodies across 3 states and 875 miles threatening drinking water for people, farms, and ranches with a devastating tar sands spill. Climate Change: Keystone XL will contribute dramatically to climate change. The State Department confirmed that tar sands fuel is up to 19% more greenhouse gas intensive than conventional fuel, and the tar sands industry admits that Keystone XL will lead to more tar sands production. Building a new pipeline now will lock us in to higher carbon emissions when we should be rapidly investing in renewable energy that cannot be exported and will provide a secure energy future. Impact on Consumers: Rather than providing the U.S. with more Canadian oil, the Keystone XL pipeline will increase the amount of gasoline exported, raising prices for American consumers. The firms involved have asked the U.S. State Department to approve this project, even as they’ve told Canadian government officials how the pipeline can be used to add at least $4 billion to the U.S. fuel bill. US farmers who spent $12.4 billion on fuel in 2009 could see those costs rise to $15 billion or higher if the pipeline goes through and millions of Americans will spend 10 to 20 cents more per gallon for gasoline and diesel fuel. For the future of our country and our planet, I urge you provide a comprehensive review of the Keystone XL pipeline. A complete review will conclude that this project is not in our national interest. Oppose the pipeline now and stop the madness before it’s too late.

4/23/2013 5:51:01

Russell White The Keystone pipeline must not be permitted. The financial gain of a few does not justify our addiction to fossil fuel and its clear and demonstrable results for our children, our grandchildren, and indeed the entire planet.

Timestamp Name Use this field to submit your comment to the State Dept. against the Keystone XL pipeline.

3/15/2013 8:23:34

Jane Kleeb The State Dept. report fails again to conduct a proper spill analysis on the rivers in Nebraska. A model of a 47,000 gallon spill only in the Aquifer is not a proper study of the risks to our water supply.

3/15/2013 8:52:51

Scott Childers My comment is simple..... There is no good reason to build this pipeline and no good reason to mine tar sands.

3/15/2013 8:53:39

Ira D. Jinkins Sr. While some politicians and news media are trying to frame the opposition as "Symbolic, Disrespecting Canada or other falsities". There is nothing "symbolic" about having ones lands, water, air and livelihood taken away or destroyed by oil and chemical contamination. Ask the citizens of Hickman, California who have been poisoned by Chromium 6 because of PG&E. Ask the farmers and ranchers in the Midwest about the strong arm tactics and the taking of their lands by a foreign government through imminent domain. Once Nebraska's water and lands are poisoned there are no "do overs" and the property will become worthless all because some politicians have put their personal bank accounts above the health and safety of their constituents and America. Per the Congressional Hearing of 2010 it was stated by Trans Canada's leaders that the oil will not be used in America and in fact it will be put on the foreign oil market. If this were such a great idea, why are Canadians standing in opposition to the pipeline being built to their east and west coasts? So, America will be stuck with all of the risk so that a foreign company, it's supporters and politicians can make billions of dollars! As the saying goes, "I was born at night but it sure wasn't last night"! Take this con job some where else!

3/15/2013 9:18:17

Deborah Burns This will be a huge environmental disaster down the road and no way to clean it up

3/15/2013 9:59:48

John St. Clair It is not in our national interest to allow TransCanada, which has a poor safety record building the first Keystone pipeline, to build the Keystone XL pipeline through tornado alley and over the Ogallala Aquifer, the largest underground source of water in North America. It simply isn't worth the risk.
