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Class 12 – History (027)

Revision Sample Papers

CBSE Examination – 2020

List of History Sample Papers

S. No. Paper

Code Contents

1 CSP 1 Climb Sample Paper 1

2 CSP 2 Climb Sample Paper 2

3 CSP 3 Climb Sample Paper 3

4 CSP 4 Climb Sample Paper 4

5 CSP 5 Climb Sample Paper 5

6 CSP 6 Climb Sample Paper 6

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1 | P a g e Code: History_XII_01

Time allowed-3hrs Max. Marks -80

General Instructions:

i. Answer all questions. Some questions have internal choice. Marks are indicated

against each question.

ii. Answer to questions carrying 1 mark (Part A, 1 to 20) should not exceed 30 words


iii. Answer to questions carrying 3 marks (Part B, 21 to 24) should not exceed 100

words each.

iv. Question no 25 to 27 are source based questions carrying 6 marks each. (Part C)

v. Answer to questions carrying 8 marks (Part D, 28 to 30) should not exceed 350

words each.

vi. Question 31 is map question with two parts - identification and location.

Part A (Objective Type Questions) (1×20=20)

1. Who was the first Director-General of Archaeological Survey of India?

2. In the Khetri area archaeologists found a new culture and call it as the

_____________. Here archaeologists found distinctive non-Harappan pottery and an

unusual wealth of copper objects. It is possible that the inhabitants of this region

supplied copper to the Harappans.

3. What do you understand by ‘dhammamahamatta’?

4. From the given pairs, which one is incorrectly matched?

A. Colin Mackenzie: Sanskrit and Dravidian Inscriptions

B. James Princep: Brahmi and Kharoshti

C. D.C. Sircar: Indian Epigraphy

D. William Bentinck: Buddhist Texts

5. Cite an example to show the position of mothers in the society during c. 600 BCE-

600 CE.

6. According to Jaina tradition, those men and women cross the river of existence are

known as _______________.

Sample Paper XII – CBSE 2020

History Class: XII

Sample Paper -01

CSP -01

2 | P a g e Code: History_XII_01

7. Which temple of Maharashtra is carved out of a single piece of rock?

A. Parali Vaijnath Temple

B. Bhimashankar Jyotirlinga Temple

C. Kailashnath Temple

D. Grishneshwar Jyotirlinga Temple

8. ‘In real life the caste system was not quite as rigid as portrayed by Al-Biruni.’

Support the statement.

9. List two philosophers influenced by the work of Francois Bernier.

10. Identify the text composed by the Alvars, which was frequently described as the

‘Tamil Veda’.

A. Manimekalai

B. Nalayira Divyaprabandham

C. Cilappatikaram

D. Tevaram

11. Indicate which of the following statement is NOT correct regarding the dargah of

Khwaja Muinuddin Chisti:

A. It was evidently popular because of the austerity and piety of its Sheikh, the

greatness of his spiritual successors, and the patronage of royal visitors.

B. Since the shrine was located on the trade route linking Delhi and Gujarat, it

attracted a lot of travellers.

C. Sultan Ghiyasuddin Khalji of Malwa was the first Sultan to visit the shrine, but

the earliest construction to house the tomb was funded in the late fifteenth

century by Muhammad Bin Tughlaq.

D. In 1568, Akbar offered a huge cauldron (degh) to facilitate cooking for pilgrims

in dargah. He also had a mosque constructed within the compound of the dargah.

12. State the most important objective of medieval sieges.

13. Highlight any one characteristic feature of the Vitthala temple at the city of


14. Jins-i kamil were the cash crops (literally, perfect crops). The Mughal state also

encouraged peasants to cultivate such crops as they brought in more revenue. Crops

such as __________ and ____________ were jins-i kamil par excellence.

15. Identify the city: ‘It was a new addition to the old residential city of Delhi, with the

Red Fort, the Jama Masjid, the Chandni Chowk and spacious homes for the


3 | P a g e Code: History_XII_01

16. When was the Fifth Report submitted to the British Parliament?

A. 1813

B. 1815

C. 1817

D. 1820


_____________ were the most powerful in North Bengal. In some places they were

called as Mandals or Gantidars.

A. Taluqdars

B. Jotedars

C. Zamindars

D. Adhiyars

17. Children in many parts of India grow up reading the lines of

______________________: “Khoob lari mardani woh to Jhansi wali rani thi”.

18. Correct the sentence and rewrite it: ‘The most spectacular example of neo-Gothic

style is the Victoria Terminus, the railway station at Bombay.’

19. Assertion (A): Local newspapers in the United Provinces recorded many of the

rumours about Mahatma Gandhi that circulated at that time.

Reason (R): Gandhiji’s appeal among the poor, and peasants in particular, was

enhanced by his ascetic lifestyle, and by his shrewd use of symbols such as the dhoti

and the charkha.

A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

B. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.

C. A is true but R is false.

D. A is false but R is true.

4 | P a g e Code: History_XII_01

20. Identify the following image and write its name:


Identify the following image and write its name:

Part B (Short Answer Based Questions) (3×4=12)

21. ‘The Manusmriti laid down the duties of the chandalas.’ Elucidate.

22. ‘Qandahar was a bone of contention between the Safavids and the Mughals.’ Justify

this statement.


‘The relations between the Sultans and the Rayas were not always or inevitably

hostile.’ Justify this statement.

5 | P a g e Code: History_XII_01

23. Describe the political framework of future India as suggested by the Cabinet

Mission in 1946.

24. How did the American Civil War affect the lives of the ryots in India? Examine.

Part C (Long Answer Based Questions) (8×3=24)

25. Distinguish between the principles of Hinayana and Mahayana Buddhism in detail.


What is the study of inscriptions known as? Do you agree that this study has its own

limitations? Explain.

26. Explain how during 16th and 17th centuries agriculture was organised around two

major seasonal cycles by giving examples of different crops.


Who is regarded as a ‘globe-trotter’? Do you think his account is useful in arriving at

an understanding of life in contemporary urban centres? Give reasons for your


27. ‘The architecture in colonial Bombay represented ideas of imperial power,

nationalism and religious glory.’ Support the statement with examples.


Who tried to bring about communal harmony from August 1947 onwards and how?

How did people react on his death?

Part D (Source Based Questions) (6×3=18)

28. Evidence of an “invasion”

Deadman Lane is a narrow alley, varying from 3 to 6 feet in width … At the point

where the lane turns westward, part of a skull and the bones of the thorax and upper

arm of an adult were discovered, all in very friable condition, at a depth of 4 ft 2 in.

The body lay on its back diagonally across the lane. Fifteen inches to the west were a

few fragments of a tiny skull. It is to these remains that the lane owes its name.

FROM JOHN MARSHALL, Mohenjo-Daro and the Indus Civilisation, 1931.

6 | P a g e Code: History_XII_01

Sixteen skeletons of people with the ornaments that they were wearing when they

died were found from the same part of Mohenjo-Daro in 1925.

Much later, in 1947, R.E.M. Wheeler, then Director-General of the ASI, tried to

correlate this archaeological evidence with that of the Rig-Veda, the earliest known

text in the subcontinent. He wrote:

The Rig-Veda mentions pur, meaning rampart, fort or stronghold. Indra, the Aryan

war-god is called puramdara, the fort-destroyer.

Where are – or were – these citadels? It has in the past been supposed that they were

mythical … The recent excavation of Harappa may be thought to have changed the

picture. Here we have a highly evolved civilisation of essentially non-Aryan type,

now known to have employed massive fortifications … What destroyed this firmly

settled civilisation? Climatic, economic or political deterioration may have

weakened it, but its ultimate extinction is more likely to have been completed by

deliberate and large-scale destruction. It may be no mere chance that at a late period

of Mohenjo-Daro men, women, and children, appear to have been massacred there.

On circumstantial evidence, Indra stands accused.

FROM R.E.M. WHEELER, “Harappa 1946”, Ancient India, 1947.

In the 1960s, the evidence of a massacre in Mohenjo-Daro was questioned by an

archaeologist named George Dales. He demonstrated that the skeletons found at the

site did not belong to the same period:

Whereas a couple of them definitely seem to indicate a slaughter… the bulk ofthe

bones were found in contexts suggesting burials of the sloppiest and mostirreverent

nature. There is no destruction level covering the latest period of thecity, no sign of

extensive burning, no bodies of warriors clad in armour and surrounded by the

weapons of war. The citadel, the only fortified part of the city,yielded no evidence of

a final defence.

FROM G.F. DALES, “The Mythical Massacre at Mohenjo-Daro”, Expediton,


As you can see, a careful re-examination of the data can sometimes lead to areversal

of earlier interpretations.

(i) Why is the lane called deadman lane? Why earlier interpretations sometimes

are reversed? 2

(ii) What did the Rig-Veda mention about ‘pur’? According to Wheeler, what did

excavations show? 2

(iii) How did the theory of G.F. Dales contradict to the theory of Wheeler? 2

7 | P a g e Code: History_XII_01

29. Peasants on the move

This was a feature of agrarian society which struck a keen observer like Babur, the

first Mughal emperor, forcefully enough for him to write about it in the Babur

nama, his memoirs:

In Hindustan hamlets and villages, towns indeed, are depopulated and set up in a

moment! If the people of a large town, one inhabited for years even, flee from it,

they do it in such a way that not a sign or trace of them remains in a day and a

half. On the other hand, if they fix their eyes on a place to settle, they need not dig

water courses because their crops are all rain-grown, and as the population of

Hindustan is unlimited it swarms in. They make a tank or a well; they need not

build houses or set up walls ... khas-grass abounds, wood is unlimited, huts are

made, and straightaway there is a village or a town!

(i) Highlight any two aspects of rural life observed by Babur. 2

(ii) Why the people settling in at new place did not built their houses? Name the

two categories of rural peasants. 2

(iii) Explain two factors that constantly expanded agriculture. 2

30. What the sepoys thought

This is one of the arzis (petition or application) of rebel sepoys that have survived:

A century ago the British arrived in Hindostan and gradually entertained troops intheir

service, and became masters of every state. Our forefathers have always servedthem,

and we also entered their service … By the mercy of God and with our assistancethe

British also conquered every place they liked, in which thousands of us, Hindostani

men were sacrificed, but we never made any excuses or pretences nor revolted …

But in the year eighteen fifty seven the British issued an order that new cartridgesand

muskets which had arrived from England were to be issued; in the former ofwhich the

fats of cows and pigs were mixed; and also that attah of wheat mixed with powdered

bones was to be eaten; and even distributed them in everyRegiment of infantry,

cavalry and artillery …

They gave these cartridges to the sowars (mounted soldiers) of the 3rd LightCavalry,

and ordered them to bite them; the troopers objected to it, and said thatthey would

never bite them, for if they did, their religion and faith would bedestroyed … upon

this the British officers paraded the men of the 3 Regimentsand having prepared 1,400

English soldiers, and other Battalions of Europeantroops and Horse Artillery,

surrounded them, and placing six guns before each ofthe infantry regiments, loaded

8 | P a g e Code: History_XII_01

the guns with grape and made 84 new troopersprisoners, and put them in jail with

irons on them … The reason that the sowars ofthe Cantonment were put into jail was

that we should be frightened into biting thenew cartridges. On this account we and all

our country-men having unitedtogether, have fought the British for the preservation

of our faith … we have beencompelled to make war for two years and the Rajahs and

Chiefs who are with us infaith and religion, are still so, and have undergone all sorts

of trouble; we havefought for two years in order that our faith and religion may not be

polluted. If the religion of a Hindoo or Mussalman is lost, what remains in the world?

(i) Who was the first sepoy to protest against the newly arrived cartridges? From

where did the revolt start? 2

(ii) Distinguish between ‘Mutiny’ and ‘Revolt’. 2

(iii) Why was there discontentment among the soldiers against the British

government? What was its result? 2

Part E (Map Based Question) (3+3=6)

31. A. On the given political outline map of India, locate and label the following with

appropriate symbols:

(i) Amber OR Jabalpur

(ii) Fort St. David OR Quilon

(iii) Masulipatnam

B. On the same outline map of India, three Mahajanapadas have been marked as A, B

and C. Identify them and write their names on the lines drawn near them.

9 | P a g e Code: History_XII_01




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