B'nai Review April




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  • FEATURED IN THIS ISSUE: Hebrew High Graduation Page 7 Pesah Schedule Page 12 Passover BBQ Page 17

    Tampa Bay Jewish Heritage Day: Rays vs. Yankees at the Trop! Page 22

    April 2015

    Nisan 5775 - Iyar 5775 Volume 5775 Issue 9

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    Jacob Luski, D.D.

    727.381.4900 x1008 Rabbi.luski@cbistpete.org


    Jonathan Schultz

    727.381.4900 x1005 Cantor.schultz@cbistpete.org

    Executive Director

    Susan Goldstein

    727.344.1017 execdir@cbistpete.org

    Pauline Rivkind Early Childhood

    Education Center Director

    Katherine Schaefer



    Pauline Rivkind Talmud Torah

    Education Coordinator

    Ricki Lewis

    727.381.4900 morah@aol.com

    Youth Advisor

    Bianca Levi

    727.381.4900 x1011 Youthdir@cbistpete.org

    Community Engagement

    Liz Sembler

    727.381.4900 x1007 lizsembler@aol.com

    Torah Reader/Educator

    Deborah Marmon

    727.381.4900 x1017 dmarmon@cbistpete.org

    Office Manager

    Pam Askin

    727.381.4901 officemgr@cbistpete.org

    Communications Coordinator

    Carolyn Moritz

    727.381.4900 x1001 receptionist@cbistpete.org


    Denice Piller




    Alice Ettinger


    Mens Club President Steve Feld USY President Hannah Weiss

    Bnai Israel REVIEW

    APRIL 2015

    Contact Us

    Our Mission Through our congregational life, our goal is to provide the opportunity for our

    members and friends to experience Jewish life to its fullest. We want to transmit the

    ideals of Conservative Judaism to our children and grandchildren, to enable them to be

    knowledgeable and responsible participants in Jewish life, sensitive and ethical human

    beings and reliable custodians of an enduring heritage. Through the synagogue, we

    want to find strength and inspiration in worship and study, in the sharing of lifecycle

    events, in acts of caring, in reaching out to the wide Jewish and non-Jewish

    communities, and in concern and support for Israel.

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    Tampa Bay Bucs

    tickets are available in

    the Mitzvah Mens Club block (Section

    135 great seats!) for the upcoming season.

    Contact Mike Slomka:



    The Rabbinical Assembly Pesah Guide, which we hope will add to your observance of Pesah, includes

    the rules and procedures relating to the special food requirements of Pesah observance. They have

    been compiled by the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards (CJLS) of the Rabbinical Assembly

    and Conservative Movement. This information can serve as an annual reference for you. Any items

    not covered, and about which you have a question, should be discussed directly with Rabbi Luski.

    We hope that your preparations for Pesah will lead to a joyous holiday for you and your loved ones.

    You can access the 2015-5775 guide on the RabbinicalAssembly.org website:


    Hard copies are also available in the CBI office, or you may call to have one mailed to you.

    Visit Page 12 for a full schedule of this years Pesah services.



    Todah Rabah to the many people who helped

    with the CBI directory including soliciting ads

    and helping with photos. Special thanks goes to:

    Ricki Lewis, Phil and Joan Redisch, Beth Ann

    Redisch and Mike Frye! PLEASE STOP BY THE



    They will not be mailed this year.


    The Benjamin Tower Foundation would like to

    extend an invitation to CBI congregants who

    would like to join PBT residents for Shabbat

    dinners. Dinner is $10 every Friday at 4:45 pm.

    This is a great opportunity to enjoy dinner and

    fellowship before walking over to CBI for

    Shabbat services.

    CBI will post each weeks menu to cbistpete.org

    on Monday afternoons. RSVP with payment and

    entre choice to Kelli Rolfe by Wednesdays at

    12:00 pm: 727.347.5191 or



    One of the most important mitzvot in Judaism is

    bikkur holim: visiting the sick. It is a

    responsibility that the clergy of Bnai Israel take

    very seriously. When our members are ill or

    hospitalized, we want to know. In the interest of

    protecting confidentiality, hospitals today are

    extremely cautious about sharing patient names,

    even with clergy. We need our congregants to

    communicate directly with us and to inform us of

    illness or hospitalization. Please call Pam Askin

    at 727.381.4901 so that, as clergy and the

    synagogue family, we can be helpful in moments

    of difficulty or stress.

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    From the Rabbi The Passover story as told in the Haggada recounts how Israel moved from darkness into

    light; from ignorance and a history of idolatry into freedom and glory. A permanent and a

    continuing saga, Passover is an event which eternally calls people of all generations to hope

    and anticipation of a new dawn. Indeed, the springtime festival of Passover represents a new

    life for all who suffered during the long years of exile and oppression. Celebrating the joyful

    festival at the Seder table, we remember our long and stormy history.

    The Passover story is living drama, a script involving Israel's children of all generations:

    a story of a fight for freedom, for human dignity, and for a permanent home for all the children of Israel. Passover is

    a democratic struggle for human dignity. From generation to generation one must picture oneself as having been

    freed from Egypt. The ongoing struggle for dignity and freedom has given the Jewish people the will, the power and

    the determination to fight on.

    Today, Passovers legacy sustains the Jewish people's struggle against terrorism and global anti-Semitism. We learned from history and gained faith and confidence to continue our struggle against all present enemies toward the ultimate victory.

    The story of Passover commands all men and women to join in brotherhood, to join in the building of Jerusalem and

    Israel and, by that very fact, in the rebuilding of the world! This festival is the festival of human freedom, a fascinating

    miracle by which human dignity is restored to all generations.

    Join our CBI family as we usher in this special holiday of freedom at the First Seder on Friday, April 3. I look forward

    to celebrating with our CBI family this meaningful holiday.

    With best wishes for a Hag Kasher vSameah! Shalom,

    From the Cantor We have a lot going on in April. Of course, the highlight of the month is Passover, but we also have three other observances: Yom Hashoah, when we remember those who perished

    in the Holocaust; Yom Hazikkaron, Israeli Memorial Day, when we remember all of the

    Israeli soldiers who have died serving their country; and Yom HaAtzmaut, Israeli Independence Day.

    I would also like to take a moment to tell you about some special services, events, and classes this month:

    On Friday, April 17, at 6:30 pm, we will have a special Kabbalat Shabbat service featuring the music of Debbie

    Friedman zl. Debbie Friedman was one of the most prolific and influential Jewish songwriters of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, and she was an icon in the Reform Movement. In a way, she was the Reform Shlomo Carlebach. And if you would like to learn the featured Debbie Friedman music in advance, come join me for the Debbie Friedman Sneak Peek on Monday, April 13, at 6:45 pm in the CBI chapel.

    Looking ahead into May, we have another special Kabbalat Shabbat service coming up. On Friday, May 8, at 6:30

    pm, we will have Sephardic Kabbalat Shabbat, featuring music from the Spanish-Portuguese and Moroccan

    traditions. I learned this music in my first year of Cantorial School in Jerusalem when I had the pleasure of studying

    with Dr. Edwin Seroussi, who is an expert on Sephardic musical traditions. It will be my pleasure to share a portion

    of his teaching with you on that night. And if you would like to learn the music in advance, come join me for

    the Sephardic Shabbat Sneak Peek on Monday, April 27, at 6:45 pm in the CBI chapel.

    This April and May, beginning after Passover, I will also be teaching a class on How to Lead the Friday Night

    Service on Tuesday afternoons from 5:30 to 6:30, beginning April 14, and ending May 26. If you would like to learn how to lead the Friday night service, or if you would simply like to better familiarize yourself with the

    prayers and melodies, then this is the class for you! This class is for Hebrew readers, as we will be using Siddur Sim Shalom.

    Hag Sameah,

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    From the President What is a kehilla? It is defined as a community, particularly of people who share the same purpose.

    So if we share the same purpose, does that mean we all have the same purpose for being part of a

    kehilla? I dont think so! I think we are part of CBI for many different reasons. Each of us has come here because of our Jewish Journeys. I will share mine.

    My father was born in Bessarabia, and my grandmother always said that she didnt know what country it was until she looked up and saw which flag was flying! My mother was born here. I grew up in

    Belmar, New Jersey, a small town at the Jersey shore that had one synagogue: Orthodox. My fathers parents, who were Orthodox, lived nearby in Asbury Park and had a tremendous influence on my religious beliefs.

    My parents were definitely Jewish, but were not religious. As a young girl, some of my friends were the seven other

    Jewish girls in my class. In fact, one of our group wanted to have a Bat Mitzvah like the boys. Her family convinced our Rabbi

    that we should learn, and he started classes for us. We eventually had a Sunday Confirmation / Bnot Mitzvah.

    Our family moved to another New Jersey community that had a Conservative Synagogue. We became members and made

    many Jewish friends. My mother became the choir director. There was a Jewish sorority, Iota Phi, and I eventually became

    president. (Guess that was a precursor of things to come.) I was active in USY as well.

    Then came marriage, two sons, and the Reform Temple. I was not active in Jewish community life as I was working and going to

    school while raising the boys after a divorce.

    Then I met Larry, who was brought up Conservadox. We joined a Conservative Synagogue, started a kosher home, and worked hard together. We were involved in our synagogue, attended services on holidays and whenever we could, and I sang

    in the choir. We had synagogue friends and family around us.

    We retired to St. Petersburg 24 years later. I had always said that when we retired, I would become active in the Jewish

    community. We found CBI and immediately loved the people who made us feel welcome from the first minute.

    You know the rest!

    I have found the meaning of kehilla. For me, kehilla means my St. Petersburg family. Come and see what it means to you.

    Tell us about your Jewish journey. If you would like, we can publish it and get to know you better.

    Larry and I will be away for Pesah this year, but we send best wishes to you and those you love for a Hag Kasher vSameah. Shalom,

    From the Executive Director One of the things I love about Judaism is its time-bound nature. The months of Nisan and Iyyar are

    punctuated with special moments in time. The star of the month of Nisan, of course, is Pesah, commemorating the exodus from Egypt and firmly heading us toward the future as we begin counting

    the omer and marching toward Sinai. Often, were so relieved to be done with the food-related challenges of Pesah that we overlook the Yoms that fall between Pesah and Shavuot.

    Yom Hashoah, observed by decree of the Israeli Knesset on the 27th of Nisan, is observed as Holocaust Memorial Day in memory of the victims of the Nazis and in honor of those who resisted their efforts at genocide.

    Our Mitzvah Mens Club distributes yellow candles to CBI members to light on Yom Hashoah. Yom Hazikkaron, Memorial Day, is observed on the 4th of Iyyar and is dedicated to the memory of all those who have died in defense of the State

    of Israel since 1948. In Israel, everyone stops to observe a national moment of silent mourning as an air raid siren is sounded.

    On the 5th of Iyyar, the day corresponding to May 14, 1948 when the State of Israel was proclaimed, the mood changes to one

    of joy and hope as we observe Yom Haatzmaut, Israel Independence Day. In Israel, there are parades, celebrations, and dancing in the streets! Here in Pinellas County, well enjoy a community celebration sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Pinellas and Pasco Counties.

    The last Yom before Shavuot is celebrated on the 28th of Iyyar. Yom Yerushalayim, Jerusalem Day, corresponds to the day in 1968

    when the IDF entered the Old City of Jerusalem and reclaimed, among other things, the Kotel (Western Wall) from Jordan.

    This day provides us with the opportunity to reflect on the sanctity of Jerusalem and to honor the men and women of the IDF

    who participated in its liberation.

    So when you savor that first taste of pizza after sundown on the last day of Pesah, remember the days ahead bring more Yoms

    to savor!

    Chag Pesah Kasher vSameach, (Information about the Yoms taken from The Observant Life by Martin S. Cohen and Michael Katz)

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    February 2014

    Calling All Storytellers!

    Pauline Rivkind Early Childhood Education Center is looking for some fabulous volunteers

    to come read to our youngest learners. We will even provide you with a selected P.J. Library Story

    that supports our Judaica! Schedules are flexible as we have availability Monday through Friday,

    9:30 am - 12:00 pm. Interested in getting involved?

    Please contact Preschool Director Katherine Schaefer at

    preschool@cbistpete.org or 727.302.9668.

    Pauline Rivkind Early Childhood Education Center (PRECEC)

    Spring has sprung and so has the PRECEC Organic Vegetable Goodness Garden! Starting back in January 2014, our

    VPK Stars built and planted a simple three bed garden in the CBI Courtyard. Today, our garden is now four beds and

    includes various flowers, berries, herbs, and vegetables.

    The Goodness Garden is not just a matter of teaching children how to plant and harvest. Educators are able to

    utilize this space to draw inspiration in their daily lessons. From nutrition and wellness to art and math, the

    Goodness Garden is essentially an outdoor classroom for our children to quite literally grow and learn together.

    If you would like to donate certified organic soil, certified organic seeds/seedlings, mulch, or garden equipment, or

    you are interested in aiding in tending our garden, please contact me at 727.302.9668.

    In keeping with the Health and Wellness theme in our PRECEC community, we have also introduced weekly yoga

    lessons to our list of amazing extra-curricular activities for our students. PRECEC also offers dance, soccer, and

    gymnastics to a variety of ages throughout the week.

    PRECEC has grown tremendously over the course of the last few months, all thanks to the support of the CBI

    congregation, friends, and local families. What has grown from a mere 19 students and three classrooms in August

    2014 is now a school with 65 families and 6 classrooms. Currently, our Tiny Owl Infant Room and Little Monkey

    Toddler Rooms are on waiting lists. If you are interested in getting a child you know on our waiting list program or

    enrolling them in one of the older classrooms, please contact the preschool office today!

    Want to see pictures of all of the fun we are having at Pauline Rivkind? Like our preschool

    Facebook page at www.Facebook.com/PaulineRivkind.

    Katherine Schaefer, PRECEC Director

    Pictured: Youth from PRECEC, PRTT, and USY all helped create one of CBIs best Purim celebrations yet! Photographs courtesy of Michael Frye and Ricki Lewis.

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    Hebrew High Graduation

    You are cordially invited to attend

    Hebrew High School Graduation 5775

    during Shabbat Morning Services

    Saturday, April 25, 9:00

    5775 Graduates

    Peninah Flo Benjamin

    Hannah Hartung

    Hannah Nicole Kunins

    Rachel Esther Piper

    Jack Samuel Sutton

    Hannah Terzi

    Hannah Mae Weiss

    Ari Edward Zimmer

    The graduates and their families are honored

    to celebrate this milestone

    with their Congregational family.

    A Kiddush luncheon in their honor follows.

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    CBI-Hadassah Book Club

    CBI and the St. Petersburg Chapter of Hadassah co-host a monthly book

    readers Discussion Group on Wednesdays at 10:00 am in the CBI Library. If you are interested in leading the discussion for a meeting, please contact

    Sheila Wasserman at 727.347.5816.

    This month, the book club meets on Wednesday, April 15, to discuss

    The Aleppo Codex: A True Story of Obsession, Faith, and the Pursuit

    of an Ancient Bible by Matti Friedman:

    Journalist Matti Friedmans true-life detective story ... reveals uncomfortable truths about greed, state

    cover-ups, and the fascinating role of historical treasures in creating a national identity. Summary excerpt courtesy of Amazon.

    Want a head start on next months book? The May session will discuss Mr. Rosenblum Dreams in English by Natasha Solomons.

    Talmud Made Easy

    Join Steve Wein as he and his Talmud Class continue study of a new Tractate this year along with its

    selected commentaries. The classes are in English, and Steve explains all. Materials will be provided.

    The class involves both textual analysis and lively discussion, and is open to all.

    No previous knowledge is necessary.

    Meet at the Buns Family Library at CBI on select Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm.

    Next Sessions: Wednesdays, April 8 and April 22

    Adult Studies with the Rabbi

    Torah 4 Seniors

    Join Rabbi Luski for meaningful Torah discussion at the Philip Benjamin Tower.

    Tuesday, April 14, 11:00 am.

    Lunch With the Rabbi

    Deli lunch and Mishna study with Rabbi Luski on Wednesday, April 15, at 12:00 pm.

    RSVP your lunch orders to Pam Askin by12:00 pm Tuesday, April 14, at 727.381.4901 or


    Dialogue With the Rabbi

    Come participate in an informal question and answer session during Shabbat morning services on

    Saturday, April 18.

    If you would like to present a message on Shabbat evening or morning from May

    through August, please contact Lou Bader at 727.867.4913 or


    Adult Studies

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    Learn with Cantor Schultz!

    Debbie Friedman Sneak Peek! & Kabbalat Shabbat

    Come learn the Kabbalat Shabbat music of Debbie Friedman zl! Monday, April 13, at 6:45 pm in the Chapel. You will have an excellent opportunity to learn the music for a special musical Friday

    night service on Friday, April 17.

    Debbie Friedman, zl, was one of the most prolific and influential Jewish songwriters of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. She was an icon in the Reform Movement, although some of her melodies

    are sung regularly in Conservative, Reconstructionist, and Modern Orthodox congregations.

    Debbies early musical influences included Peter, Paul, and Mary; Joan Baez; Judy Collins; and a number of other folk music artists. She wrote many of her early songs as a song leader at an

    overnight camp in the early 1970s.

    She is best known for her settings of Mi Shebeirach, the prayer for healing, and Oseh Shalom. Some of her other greatest hits include Miriams Song, Not by Might, and I am a Latke.

    After her death in 2011, the School of Sacred Music at Hebrew Union College was renamed

    The Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music. Find out more and check out her music at


    Sephardic Sneak Peek! & Kabbalat Shabbat

    By now you're a Debbie Friedman pro, so it's time to learn Spanish-Portuguese and Moroccan

    Shabbat melodies! This class meets Monday, April 27, at 6:45 pm in the chapel to give you a

    "sneak peek" into the Kabbalat Shabbat music of Friday, May 8, at 6:30 pm.

    Sephardic music is equal parts wistful and festive, with origins as diverse and colorful as its melodies.

    The Sephardi people descended from exiled Iberian Peninsula Jews who spread from Portugal and

    Spain into former Turkey, Greece, Yugoslavia, and Bulgaria. Their music evolved from Ottoman,

    Eastern Mediterranean, and Moroccan traditions into what we now know as Sephardic music.

    Learn the Friday Night Service!

    If youd like to learn how to lead the Friday night service, or if youd just like to become more familiar with the prayers and the melodies we use, this is the class for you! This class is for

    Hebrew readers, as you will be using Siddur Sim Shalom in class.

    Sessions: Tuesdays, April 14, 21, and 28; May 12, 19, and 26.

    Please note there is no class on Tuesday, May 5, as Cantor will be at a convention in Chicago.

    Adult Studies

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    Advocacy for Israel Committee

    Anti-Semitism in Europe: A series by Dr. Leslie Pearlstein In past articles, I have written about recent events in Europe linked to new anti-Semitism. What, then, is this new anti-Semitism? New anti-Semitism is the concept that a new form of anti-Semitism has developed in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, emanating simultaneously from the far-left, the far-right, and radical Islam,

    and tending to manifest itself as opposition to Zionism and the State of Israel. The concept generally posits that

    much of what purports to be criticism of Israel by various individuals and world bodies is, in fact, tantamount to

    demonization, and that, together with an alleged international resurgence of attacks on Jews and Jewish symbols, and an increased acceptance of anti-Semitic beliefs in public discourse, such demonization represents an evolution in

    the appearance of older anti-Semitic beliefs.

    Writing in 1973 (American Jewish Congress' Congress Bi-Weekly), Abba Eban, the Foreign Minister of Israel,

    identified anti-Zionism as the new anti-Semitism, saying: "Recently we have witnessed the rise of the new left which identifies Israel with the establishment, with

    acquisition, with smug satisfaction, with, in fact, all the basic enemies Let there be no mistake: the new left is the author and the progenitor of the new anti-Semitism. Anti-Zionism is merely the new anti-Semitism.

    The old classic anti-Semitism declared that equal rights belong to all individuals within the society, except the

    Jews. The new anti-Semitism says that the right to establish and maintain an independent national sovereign state

    is the prerogative of all nations, so long as they happen not to be Jewish.

    Irwin Cotler, Professor of Law at McGill University and a leading scholar of human rights, has identified nine aspects

    of what he considers to constitute the "new anti-Semitism":

    Genocidal anti-Semitism: Calling for the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people.

    Political anti-Semitism: Denial of the Jewish people's right to self-determination, de-legitimization of Israel as

    a state, attributions to Israel of all the world's evils.

    Ideological anti-Semitism: "Nazifying" Israel by comparing Zionism and racism.

    Theological anti-Semitism: Convergence of Islamic anti-Semitism and Christian "replacement" theology,

    drawing on the classical hatred of Jews.

    Cultural anti-Semitism: The emergence of anti-Israel attitudes, sentiments, and discourse in "fashionable"

    salon intellectuals.

    Economic anti-Semitism: BDS movements and the extraterritorial application of restrictive covenants

    against countries trading with Israel.

    Holocaust denial

    Anti-Jewish racist terrorism

    International legal discrimination ("Denial to Israel of equality before the law in the international arena"):

    Differential and discriminatory treatment towards Israel in the international arena.

    Jack Fischel, former chair of history at Millersville University of Pennsylvania, agrees that new anti-Semitism is a new

    phenomenon stemming from a coalition of "leftists, vociferously opposed to the policies of Israel, and right-wing

    anti-Semites, committed to the destruction of Israel, [who] were joined by millions of Muslims, including Arabs,

    who immigrated to Europe... and who brought with them their hatred of Israel in particular and of Jews in general."

    It is this new political alignment, he argues, that makes new anti-Semitism unique.

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    Pesah Services & Events Schedule 5775

    Thursday April 2 Evening Bedikat Hametz - Search for Hametz

    Friday April 3 7:45 am Siyum B'horim Service followed by Breakfast

    Siyum Bhorim is the morning minyan and brief study session followed by a light breakfast, and is the last hametz meal eaten before Pesah. Attendance at this minyan is a special mitzvah for all firstborn males; firstborn daughters and others

    who wish to attend are also welcome!

    Yom Tov:

    Friday April 3 6:00 pm Minha, Maariv, Congregation First Seder at CBI

    Saturday April 4 9:00 am Yom Tov Services, 1st day Pesah

    Includes Tal, the prayer for dew in Musaf Service

    Saturday April 4 12:00 noon Minha

    Second Seder at home

    Sunday April 5 9:00 am Yom Tov Morning Services, 2nd day Pesah

    12:00 noon Minha

    Hol Hamoed Pesah:

    Monday April 6 7:45 am Hol Hamoed Morning Minyan

    7:30 pm Hol Hamoed Evening Minyan

    Tuesday April 7 7:45 am Hol Hamoed Morning Minyan

    7:30 pm Hol Hamoed Evening Minyan Wednesday April 8 7:45 am Hol Hamoed Morning Minyan

    6:00 pm Congregation Passover BBQ

    7:30 pm Hol Hamoed Evening Minyan

    Thursday April 9 7:45 am Hol Hamoed Morning Minyan

    Yom Tov:

    Thursday April 9 6:30 pm Minha, Maariv, 7th day Pesah

    Friday April 10 9:00 am Yom Tov Services, 7th day Pesah

    Matzah Brei Kiddush

    6:30 pm Yom Tov Service, 8th day Pesah

    Saturday April 11 9:00 am Yom Tov Services, 8th day Pesah

    Yizkor & Memorial Plaques Dedication

    12:00 noon Minha

    Mehirat Hametz - Authorization of Agent to Sell Hametz

    Please submit to Synagogue Office by

    7:45 am Friday, April 3, 2015

    I, _________________________________, hereby authorize

    Rabbi Jacob Luski to act as my agent to sell the hametz that may be

    at home, place of business, or elsewhere, in accordance with the

    requirements and provisions of Jewish Law.


    Home address________________________________________

    Business address______________________________________


    Donation to Maot Hittim Fund

    The mitzvah of Maot Hittim (money for wheat) has evolved to

    ensure that all Jews are able to celebrate Pesah. By giving to

    CBIs Maot Hittim Fund, you are helping us respond to the financial needs of those in our community who would not

    otherwise be able to participate in a Seder.

    YES, please count me/us in for this years Maot Hittim Fund.

    Please find my check in the amount of $__________.

    Please make your check payable to CBI - Maot Hittim and send to

    Congregation Bnai Israel P.O. Box 159

    Montvale, New Jersey 07645;

    or bring it to the CBI office.

  • 13

    Todah Rabah A big Todah Rabah to everybody who helped make this years Purim a huge success at CBI:

    Cantor Schultz for conducting the Purim service while Rabbi Luski was on Sabbatical

    All Hebrew High students who participated in the Megillah reading:

    Marc LeVine, Hannah Terzi, Shoshana LeVine, Anna Walters, Jack Sutton, Corey Sokolov, Danielle LeVine,

    Jared LeVine, and Rachel Piper

    Liz Sembler for coordinating the Megillah readers

    Debbie Marmon for her traditional Megillah readings

    USYers for creating Shalach Manot for the children

    CBI Womens League for their Shalach Manot project, and also to the Womens League Hamantashen bakers

    Todah Rabah also to those who assisted with the Hevra Kadisha dinner:

    Joel & Ellen Goetz for chairing Hevra Kadisha

    David & Michael Gross for hosting the dinner

    Special Upcoming Events Spring is an exciting time at CBI. Be sure not to miss out on any of our special events!

    Siyum Breakfast Siyum BHorim is the morning minyan and brief study session followed by a light breakfast. It is the last hametz meal eaten before Pesah. Attendance at this minyan is a special

    mitzvah for all firstborn males; firstborn daughters and others who wish to attend are also welcome!

    Join us on Friday, April 3, at 7:45 am.

    Matzah Brei Kiddush Join us on Friday, April 10, for Passover Yom Tov Seventh Day services at

    9:00 am followed by a Matzah Brei Kiddush.

    Yom Hashoah Holocaust Remembrance Day is Thursday, April 16. The Florida Holocaust Museum

    will feature a guest speaker at 6:30 pm: Dr. Suzanne Brown-Fleming will present Love thy Neighbor? Catholic Responses to the First Anti-Jewish Laws, April 1933. The program is free and open to the public.

    Visit Page 22 for a full description of Dr. Brown-Fleming and her work.

    Event information at flholocaustmuseum.org.

    Yom Ha'Atzmaut The State of Israel was proclaimed on May 14, 1948 (5 Iyar 5708). This year, we

    celebrate Yom Ha'Atzmaut, the Israeli Independence Day, along with Tampa Bay Jewish Heritage Day

    with a Rays vs. Yankees game at the Tropicana Field on Sunday April 19, at 1:10 pm. Visit Page 22 for

    information about special deals and group tickets. Congregation Beth Shalom in Clearwater will also

    do a special screening of the film Beneath the Helmet: From High School to the Home Front on Thursday,

    April 23, at 7:30 pm.

    Daven & Dine at the Kotel We are bringing the Western Wall right here to CBI on Friday, April

    24, at 6:00 pm! Join us in our annual Daven & Dine at the Kotel, followed by a special Got Shabbat?

    Israeli Dinner. RSVP by Friday, April 17, by filling out the form on the back cover.

    Kabbalat Shabbat on the Beach On Friday, May 1, pull on your favorite sandals and bring a chair

    to join us for Kabbalat Shabbat on Upham Beach! Turn towards the beach on 67th Avenue off of

    Gulf Boulevard, drive two blocks, and you're there! There is metered parking from 8:00 am -

    8:00 pm: $1.25 per hour by cash or credit card. In the event of rain, we will relocate services to CBI.

    See you there!

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    Sunday Monday Tuesday

    5 PESAH DAY 2 9:00am Passover Yom Tov

    Services, Second Day NO PRTT

    12:00pm Yom Tov Minha

    6 PESAH DAY 3 7:45am Hol Hamoed Minyan,


    7:30pm Hol Hamoed Minyan

    7 PESAH DAY 4 7:45am Hol Hamoed Minyan,


    6:00pm Chess Club

    7:30pm Hol Hamoed Minyan

    12 NO PRTT

    13 PRECEC Re-opens

    6:45pm Debbie Friedman

    Sneak Peek! with Cantor Schultz

    14 11:00am Torah 4 Seniors

    Philip Benjamin Tower 5:30pm Friday Night Service

    Class with Cantor

    Schultz 6:00pm Chess Club

    7:00pm Board of Trustees


    19 USY Regional Convention 9:00am Minyan, Bar Mitzvah of

    Travis Zerin 9:45am PRTT

    1:10pm Tampa Bay Jewish

    Heritage Day

    Tropicana Field

    7:00pm Hadassah Concert in

    Memory of Chana




    21 5:30pm Friday Night Service

    Class with Cantor

    Schultz 6:00pm Chess Club

    6:45pm Ritual Committee



    26 9:45am PRTT

    27 6:45pm Sephardic Shabbat

    Sneak Peek! with Cantor Schultz

    28 5:30pm Friday Night Service

    Class with Cantor

    Schultz 6:00pm Chess Club


    Minyan Followed by


    Sunday: 9:00 am

    Monday - Friday:

    7:45 am



    Sunday -


    6:30 pm

    Please consult this

    calendar or the

    Passover service

    schedule on

    Page 12 for holiday

    service times.

    Nisan - Iyar 5775

    April 2015

  • 15

    Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

    1 3/30 - 4/3: Pinellas Schools

    Spring Break

    Kitchen Closed for

    Passover Cleaning

    6:30pm USY Chocolate Seder


    NO Hebrew High & Mehina

    2 3/30 - 4/3: Spring Break

    Kitchen Closed for

    Passover Cleaning

    10:00am Library Committee


    Search for Hametz after dark

    3 3/30 - 4/3: Spring Break

    7:45am Siyum BHorim Minyan, Breakfast

    6:00pm Minha, Maariv,

    First Seder

    7:31pm Candlelighting


    4 PESAH DAY 1 9:00am Passover Yom Tov

    Services, First Day*

    8:32pm Candlelighting

    12:00pm Yom Tov Minha

    8 PESAH DAY 5 7:45am Hol Hamoed Minyan,



    6:00pm Passover Barbecue

    7:00pm Talmud Class

    NO Hebrew High & Mehina

    7:30pm Hol Hamoed Minyan

    9 PESAH DAY 6 7:45am Hol Hamoed Minyan,

    Breakfast 10:00am Library Committee

    6:30pm Erev Yom Tov Pesah

    Service, Seventh Day

    7:34pm Candlelighting

    10 PESAH DAY 7 9:00am Yom Tov Services,

    Seventh Day, Matzah

    Brei Kiddush

    6:30pm Erev Yom Tov Pesah

    Service, Eighth Day

    7:35pm Candlelighting

    11 PESAH DAY 8 9:00am Yom Tov Services,

    Eighth Day, Yizkor &

    Memorial Plaques


    12:00pm Yom Tov Minha

    15 10:00am CBI-Hadassah

    Book Club

    12:00pm Lunch with the

    Rabbi 4:45pm PRTT Alef-Heh

    7:00pm Hebrew High &



    16 YOM HASHOA 10:00am Library Committee

    6:30pm Love thy Neighbor? Florida Holocaust


    17 USY Regional Convention 6:30pm Debbie Friedman

    Kabbalat Shabbat

    7:39pm Candlelighting

    18 USY Regional Convention 9:00am Shabbat Services,

    Dialogue with the

    Rabbi, Kiddush*

    22 YOM HAZIKARON 4:45pm PRTT Alef-Heh

    7:00pm Hebrew High &


    7:00pm Talmud Class



    23 YOM HAATZMAUT 10:00am Library Committee 7:30pm Beneath the Helmet Film Screening

    Congregation Beth

    Shalom, Clearwater

    24 10:00am PRECEC at Kotel

    6:00pm Daven & Dine at the

    Kotel, followed by

    Got Shabbat? Israeli


    7:42pm Candlelighting

    25 9:00am Daven at the

    Kotel, Hebrew High

    Graduation, April

    Simha Shabbat,


    29 4:45pm PRTT Alef-Heh

    6:00pm Womens League Torah Fund Dinner

    30 10:00am Library Committee

    6:00pm JNF Tree of Life

    Awards Dinner, Lilly

    Salcman Honored

    Tampa Grand Hyatt

    * Shabbat Minha service

    will begin approximately

    45 minutes after the

    conclusion of

    morning services.

  • 16

    Womens League Congregation Bnai Israel Womens League

    invites you to attend the


    on behalf of







    For her years of dedicated service


    Director of Principal Gifts

    Florida Regional Office

    The Jewish Theological Seminary

    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, at 6:00 PM

    Congregation Bnai Israel 300 58th Street North

    St. Petersburg, Florida 33710

    RSVP by Wednesday, April 22

    Anita Helfand: 727.347.2300 or

    anita1121@msn.com Your check is your reservation, made payable to

    CBI Womens League

    Couvert: $20.00

    Plus suggested minimum donation

    to Torah Fund

    Gift Opportunities:

    Minyan $ 10

    Chai $ 18

    Koach $ 28

    Benefactor $ 180

    Guardian $ 300

    Associate Patron $ 600

    Patron $ 1200

    The Women's League of Congregation B'nai Israel is

    proud of our members who were honored as Women of

    Distinction by the Jewish Federation of Pinellas County

    on Sunday, March 29. We want to congratulate them for

    this well-earned recognition:

    Ellen Bernstein: CBI Womens League

    Esta Blaxberg: St. Petersburg Chapter of Hadassah

    Linda Goldfarb: TOP

    Ricki Lewis: CBI

    Karen Sher: Philip Benjamin Tower

    Livia Wein: Israel Bonds

    Please mark your calendars, consider a level of giving,

    and join us for upcoming events at CBI:

    Sunday, April 19, 7:00 pm

    Concert honoring the memory of Chana Olmstead.

    Sponsored by Hadassah.

    Wednesday, April 29, 6:00 pm

    Torah Fund Dinner with guest speaker Carolyn Kantor

    and topic "The Kitchen Table and Torah."

    We wish to all of Congregation B'nai Israel a very happy,

    healthy Pesach!

  • 17

    Mitzvah Mens Club

    As youve undoubtedly heard by now, Bill Marger is the 2015 Man of the Year. Bill is a former Mitzvah Mens Club (MMC) President and an active current CBI Trustee and member of the Executive Committee. He is always

    willing to pitch in and help, not only with his physical efforts, but also with his great problem solving and forward

    thinking. Yasher koach to Bill for this well-deserved recognition for his efforts.

    An additional reason to kvell is that our own Jeff Litt will be honored at the forthcoming international convention

    of the Federation of Jewish Mens Clubs (FJMC) with its Maasim Tovim (good deeds) Award. It is the highest honor bestowed by the organization, given only to those whose accomplishments and contributions span many


    Coming up on Wednesday, April 8 is our annual Passover BBQ, an event that always draws a crowd. MMCs famous Mothers Day Brunch follows close behind on Sunday, May 10.

    CBIs MMC is the lead host club for Florida FJMCs statewide Golf Tournament, held at Bardmoor Country Club on Sunday, May 31, featuring our own Moishe Pipick as Chief Marshall. The 1:00 pm shotgun start will be followed

    by a great dinner and appropriate frivolities.

    Mitzvah Mens Clubs Annual


    Get out of the kitchen and let the boys cook for you tonight! Bring your kids and grandkids to this beloved annual CBI tradition.

    Wednesday, April 8, 6:00 - 7:30 pm

    Come Enjoy:

    Grilled Chicken

    Hot Dogs

    Garden Salad

    Potato Chips

    Finger Foods



    And of course

    Unlimited Schmoozing!

    Adults: $20 Vegetarian Adults: $10

    Teens 13 - 17: $10 Children 12 and Under: Free

    RSVP by Wednesday, April 1, to Carolyn Moritz at 727.381.4900 or

    receptionist@cbistpete.org. Please make checks payable to Mitzvah Mens Club and send to 300 58th Street North, St.

    Petersburg FL 33710

  • 18

    Life Cycle

    From the Judaica Shop Crew

    We are prepared for Passover; hopefully you are too! If you are in need of items to brighten your table, we

    have it. If you are invited to a friends home, take a look at our many gift items.

    To whet your appetite, we have cards for the occasion at only $1 each. Check us out for ceremonials such as

    Kiddush cups, candleholders, Shabbat candles, challah covers, challah trays, and more.

    We have a wonderful crew of volunteers in the Judaica Shop. We need to bolster our staff, and more friends

    are welcome to join us so we can be open many more days.


    Monday 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

    3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

    Tuesday 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

    Thursday 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

    We look forward to seeing you!

    For an appointment:

    Eileen Richman: 727.492.4509

    Diana Lift: 727.392.5554

    Anita Helfand: 727.347.2300



    Mazal Tov!

    Wendy Levine

    Engagement to Dan Insdorf

    Adele Morris

    Wedding of granddaughter

    Samantha Haber to Joshua Steininger

    In Memoriam Lillian Grau

    Mother of Steve (Linda) Grau

    Martha Kimmel

    Barry Grau

    Sister of Edwin Brooklyn

    Sylvia Denhoff

    Sandy Herskowitz Partner of Pat Weber

    Jean Kraff Mother of Eileen Richman

    Tina Hager

    Ron Kraff

    Sister of Frank Florence

    May God comfort the families among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

  • 19

    Mitzvah Grams

    Join us in wishing Mazal Tov! to members celebrating their birthdays, anniversaries, and Bnai Mitzvah. Your good wishes can be part of their memories, while at the same time supporting Bnai Israels commitment to help our schools, youth groups, and Synagogue through your donations to our

    Mitzvah Fund.



    Jeremiah & Diane Weiner 5

    Dr. Bob & Jennifer Sternberg 7

    Dr. Harold & Anita Pollack 9

    Michael & Vicky Henry 11

    Dr. Fred & Mali Feld 12

    Greg & Liz Sembler 13

    Dr. Sheldon & Susan Scheinert 15

    Michael & Bonnie Walker 26

    In Honor of: ___________________________

    Check the names of everyone to whom you want to send a Mitzvah Gram.

    Send this form together with your check, minimum $10 donation for each acknowledgement to: CBI St. Pete, PO Box 159 Montvale, NJ 07645,

    donate online at cbistpete.org, or drop off your check in the synagogue office.

    *The minimum donation per acknowledgement is $10.

    Please print:

    Your Name: ______________________________________________

    Address: _________________________________________________

    City, _____________________________Zip: __________________

    Telephone: ______________

    Other Simhas

    Do a Mitzvah on your birthday

    Attend the Daily Minyan!






    APRIL 25, 9:00 AM




    Carl Rubinsky 2

    Robert Warsaw 3

    Jessica Strait 3

    Sandy Brasch 5

    Dr. Naomi Abel 7

    Robin Schroeder 7

    Sandi Rodman 7

    Dr. Warren Abel 8

    Joan Redisch 9

    Joyce Seder 10

    Diana Jay 11

    Barbara Karpay 12

    George Sakovich 12

    Susan Turner 14

    Rachel Wein 14 Michael Hurwitz 15

    I. Jerome Rosenberg 15

    Naomi Berg 16

    Dr. David Gross 16

    Mike Frye 18

    Sanders Heller 19

    Bette Schroeder 20

    Dr. Steven Shwer 20

    Gerald Wiseberg 20

    Janet Shapiro 21

    Billie Bornstein 22

    Claire Yogman 22

    Meni Kanner 24

    Joel Berman 25

    Pearl Brook 25

    Leslie Kirsner 25

    Liz Sembler 27

    Dennis Vorob 27 Joanne Luski 29

    Teddi Robbins 29

    Dr. Steve Warren 29

  • 20


    Adult Education Fund In Memory Of

    Lou Bader Lillian Grau

    Dr. Larry & Sheryl Feinman Joseph Alpert

    Don & Annette Weinshank Gus Barshefsky

    Building Maintenance Fund In Honor Of

    Michael Barth & Maureen Shacter Wendy Levine

    Buns Technology Fund In Memory Of

    Fred & Kathleen Buns Abraham Buns

    Villa Buns

    Shirley Buns

    Camp Ramah Fund In Honor Of

    Stacy Orloff, Charla Fogel, Laurie Reiskinds 50th & Randi Rabin Birthday

    In Memory Of

    Dr. Ed & Vivian Lurie Joseph Elias

    Martin Lurie

    Cantor's Discretionary Fund In Memory Of

    Morry & Billie Bornstein Lee Schwartz

    Ellen Glassman Adult Studies In Memory Of

    Jack & Linda Goldfarb Jean Kraff

    Gail Warren Leadership Fund In Honor Of

    Linda Goldfarb Gail Frye

    In Memory Of

    Phil & Joan Redisch Loved Ones

    Dr. Stanley & Nancy Rosenberg Dr. Hyman Rosenberg

    Lillian Grau

    Library Fund In Honor Of

    Bev Sherman Harolds Speedy Recovery

    Charlottes Special Birthday

    In Memory Of

    Fred & Kathleen Buns Villa Buns

    Abraham Buns

    Shirley Buns

    Mitzvah Fund In Honor Of

    Fred Shuback Daily Minyan

    Akif Agayev In Appreciation

    Marilyn Benjamin Jerry Gilberts Speedy Recovery

    Birth of Yael Golda


    Morry & Billie Bornstein Bill Marger

    Dr. Pat Cottrille March Birthdays and


    Beverly Dikman Anita Shers Birthday

    Mitzvah Fund (contd.) In Honor Of Lenny & Millie Gelfond Esta Blaxberg

    Livia Wein

    Ellen Bernstein

    Ricki Lewis

    Dr. Arthur & Bebby Marlin Livia Weins Birthday Carol Root Dr. Abrams

    Vivian Neumann CBIs Women of Distinction Honorees

    Dr. Marc & Laurie Reiskind Wedding of Adele

    Morris granddaughter, Samantha Haber

    David & Teddi Robbins Robert Robbins

    Susan Scheinert Gail Frye

    Warren & Rebecca Simmons Jay Kauffmans Birthday March Birthdays

    Rose Sutton Sarah Fallas Speedy


    In Memory Of

    Michael Bender & Robin Perlman Anne Perlman

    Judy Benjamin Joseph Alpert

    Drs. Steven Bloom & Joseph Alpert

    Charlene Wygodski

    Joann Bush Joseph Elias

    Dr. Pat Cottrille J. Leonard Azneer

    Beverly Dikman Lillian Grau

    Dee Dinsfriend Winifred Lowther

    Murray Fink Benjamin Fink

    Joe & Eva Fuchs David Meiv Ickowicz

    Harold & Charlotte Goldberg Lillian Grau

    Robert & Deborah Jacobs Jacqueline Jacobs

    Audrey Kopelman Karen Murburg

    Sam Koppelman Bert Koppelman

    Leo Lang Juan Jose Gerardino

    Arlene Levine Max P. & Alys Levitt

    Dr. Morrie & Marilyn LeVine Karen Murburg

    Ruth Mauer Lenny Mauer

    Tracy Benstock Solomons Jill Engelman

    Barbara & Sanford Orkin Joseph Alpert

    Adele Morris Louis Weisman

    Dr. Marc & Laurie Reiskind Jean Kraff

    Joseph Alpert

    Lillian Grau

    David & Teddi Robbins Robert Robbins

    Greg & Liz Sembler Leonard Mauer

    Warren & Rebecca Simmons Joseph Alpert

    Dr. Mike & Sandy Slomka Leon Slomka

    Miriam Tambor Ricky Schroeder

    Jean Wittner Ted P. Wittner

    Music and Concert Fund In Honor Of

    Bev Sherman Susan Turners Speedy Recovery

    In Memory Of

    Bev Sherman Gertrude Shure

    Mort Sherman

  • 21


    Preschool Scholarship Fund In Honor Of

    Michael & Bonnie Walker Esta Blaxberg

    Ruth Mauer

    Rabbi's Discretionary Fund In Honor Of

    Philip & Diane Bloom In Appreciation

    Morry & Billie Bornstein Wendy Levines Special Birthday

    In Memory Of

    Drs. Warren & Naomi Abel Paul Abel

    Charlene Barshefsky & Ed Cohen Gustave Barshefsky

    Mary Wygodski Joseph Alpert

    Eliot & Audrey Dantowitz Evelyn Krasnoff

    Anonymous Karen Murburg

    Anonymous Estelle Weinstein

    Steve & Linda Grau Sidney Grau

    Larry & Myrna Irwin Alfred & Fay Sonn

    Sam & Sandy Janofsky Carrie Janofsky

    Ronda Gale Janofsky

    Meni & Malina Kanner Frida Litwak

    Audrey Kopelman Harvey Kopelman

    Norman Halem

    Beverly Halem

    Bob & Elaine Lachter Morty Lachter

    Moe & Pam LeCompte Ted P. Wittner

    Marian Lustigman-Rooth Elaine Greenberg

    Dr. Frank & Kathy Mendelblatt Leah Blacker

    Milton & Evelyn Smolowitz Samuel Loshin

    Susan Turner Myron Jay Kaplan

    USY Fund In Honor Of

    Dr. Mark & Judi Gordon Birth of Yael Golda Marlin

    Steve & Linda Grau Engagement of Adele

    Morris granddaughters Engagement of Rachel

    Luski to Alan Medvin

    Engagement of Justin Jay

    to Elexis Persino

    In Memory Of

    Drs. Warren & Naomi Abel Jill Engelman

    Harold & Charlotte Goldberg Sol Soman

    Larry & Myrna Irwin Karen Murburg

    Jill Engelman

    Bruce & Mary Ann Marger Herman Baum

    USY Pilgrimage Fund In Memory Of

    Charla Fogel Paul Fogel

    Charlotte Levine Al Levine

    Frank & Arlene Moss Hortense Lasher

    Charles Possick Meyer Possick

    Etz Chaim Tree of Life Leaves on the Tree of Life have been inscribed:

    Happy 50th Birthday

    Laurie Reiskind

    With love from friends: Kay Bronstein, Chris Duerson, Abbe

    Ensminger, Alice Ettinger, Stephanie Goforth, Pam LeCompte,

    Brandi Rosenbluth, Debbie Saltiel, Debbie Sembler, Liz Sembler,

    Stephanie Stein, Suzie Elinger, & Stacey Slomka

    March 23, 2015

    Happy 50th Birthday

    Laurie Reiskind

    With love from Ed, Arlene, Jodi, Andrew, & Stanton

    March 23, 2015

    Happy 50th Birthday

    Laurie Reiskind

    With love: Mom, Dad, Marc, Elissa, & Jeremy

    March 23, 2015

    It is a Tree of Life to those who uphold it.

    Proverbs 3:16-8

    Looking for a special way to honor

    family and friends celebrating a Simha?


    is just the answer. What a joy it is for someone to

    walk into our shul and see a tribute in honor of his/her

    Bar or Bat Mitzvah, special birthday, anniversary, or

    wedding. Order forms are in the synagogue office and

    lobby. Minimum donation $254

  • 22

    Yom Hashoah at Florida Holocaust Museum

    Thursday, April 16, 6:30 pm

    Dr. Suzanne Brown-Fleming: Love thy Neighbor? Catholic Responses to the First Anti-Jewish Laws, April 1933

    Dr. Brown-Fleming is Director of Visiting Scholar

    Programs in the United States Holocaust Memorial

    Museums Jack, Joseph and Morton Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies. The Pinellas County Board of Rabbis

    will lead prayers and the lighting of candles as part of the


    The Commemoration is presented in partnership with

    the Pinellas County Board of Rabbis and the Bay Area

    Cantorial Association, and is part of The FHMs Genocide and Human Rights Awareness Movement.

    Around the Community

    Join a Havurah!

    Call Sandi Rodman today and let the committee know

    you are interested in becoming part of our celebratory

    "side by side" group.

    Nothing is set in stone yet! No tablets have been carved!

    Come for a Friday night Shabbos dinner and stay for a

    lifetime, or fly on to another group of likeminded Angels!

    Kindle the Shabbos lights with strangers and leave with a

    whole new group of friends!

    Special interests? Let us know! The committee will work

    to find you a spot in our evolving network!

    Our community is welcoming and varied.

    Wishing you all a "Gut Shabbos!" Call today!

    Our tables have chairs waiting to be filled!

    Sandi Rodman: 727.348.4406

    Our sponsors make the Bnai Review possible. Please support them too!

    Sunday, April 19: Rays vs. NYY

    Further discounted group tickets at $20 each are available for groups of 10 or more. If you are interested in attending with a CBI group, contact Carolyn at 727.381.4900 or receptionist@cbistpete.org.

  • 23


  • 24

    Womens League needs YOU To help bake your own recipes/cake

    mixes to be used for Kiddushim. If interested, please contact Ruth Ann Mizrahi at

    727.347.6688 or ruthannmizrahi@gmail.com ~

    Womens League Catering is Special Trust us with your simcha and youll discover that in addition to the delicious food, the great attention to

    detail, and the unbeatable value, theres one thing that separates us from the rest. With everything we do, from

    the first phone call to the serving of each carefully prepared dish, we do it with all our heart.

    Give us a call and see for yourself. Contact Livia Wein at

    727.393.3289 or polyglatt@gmail.com

  • 25


  • 26

    Weekly kosher Shabbat dinners, traditional Jewish holiday celebrations, private van service, Katzs Korner

    minimart, and a full schedule of daily activities are available to our residents.

    Studio and one bedroom apartments are available

    through rental programs that offer affordable housing to seniors living on limited income.

    250 58th Street North St. Petersburg, FL 33710 philipbenjamintower.org


    Ad sponsored by Benjamin Tower Foundation

    A 55+ independent living community that honors Jewish tradition

  • 27

  • 28

    Congregation Bnai Israel

    Bnai Israel Review

    300 -58th Street North

    St. Petersburg, FL 33710-7889

    Tel: 727.381.4900

    Fax: 727.344.1307

    Website: www.cbistpete.org

    24 Hour Telephone Voice Mail

    Change Service


    Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage

    PAID St. Petersburg, Fl.

    Permit # 618

    RSVP for Daven & Dine at the Kotel by 12:00 pm Friday, April 17

    Name: _____________________________________________________________

    Phone Number: ______________________________________________________

    Number of Adults: _______ $20/person = _______

    Number of Children 6 - 18: _______ $10/person = _______

    Number of USY Volunteers: _______ FREE

    Number of Children 5 and Under _______ FREE

    Family Four-Pack (2 Adults + 2 Children) $50/family = _______

    Total Number Attending: _______ Total Due = _______

    Vegetarians: _______

    Pay online at cbistpete.org by searching for Daven & Dine on our Calendar page and filling out the event form.

    Pay by check to CBI at 300 58th Street North, St. Petersburg, Florida 33710


    FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 6:00 PM
