blurring problem when resizing images



how to prevent blur pictures when you resize pictures

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Let’s say you have a picture like this,

And you wish to resize it, I am using GIMP program here, it’s

an image manipulation freeware (yup, like Adobe

Photoshop, only it’s free). You can download it here:

I use the resize tool from the tool box at the right side:

As you can see, the resized image becomes blur, if you still

don’t get it, here’s another example,

As you can see, the resized image becomes blur, if you still

don’t get it, here’s another example,

As you can see, the resized image becomes blur, if you still

‘Bitmap’ is our regular picture format, the picture from your

camera, from Adobe photoshop…etc. , from afar, they look

nice, when you zoom in, you realize something,

All your images are actually made up of small dots, being so

close to each other that they look like one line.

This is what cause the blurring whenever you resize your


There are 2 ways to repair this,


, you use a freeware called ‘Inkscape’, here’s the

download link,

So, how do you use this program?

First, when you run Inkscape, you will see something like


Go to File > Open > ‘ your image file name’

Your image should appear like this,

Go to Edit > Select All

Then, go to:

Path > Trace Bitmap

A box like this should appear,

Check the ‘Colors’ box, uncheck ‘Smooth’ , click ‘OK’.

Then, close this ‘Trace Bitmap’ box, just click the ‘X’.

After that, go to Object > Lower to Bottom

Then, click on your image, press ‘Delete’ button on your

keyboard to delete the image.

The image you see now is the vector image, all your dots are

connected into a straight line. You can now safely resize this

image without making it blur.


You can only do this to images without too much details,

you can’t do it to pictures such as human faces, why?

2 reasons,

• You will lost certain details/quality if you do that

• The image file will become too large, it can go from a

few kilobytes to several megabytes.

So, if you happen to resize images with too much details,

use the 2nd


Open your image at GiMP.

Go to Filters > Enhance > Sharpen Image

Do this each time you resize your image. Adjust the degree

of sharpness at the bar until you see what you like.

Have fun ☺