Blood 1958 Van Putten 789 94


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  • 8/13/2019 Blood 1958 Van Putten 789 94


    1958 13: 789-794

    L. M. VAN PUTTEN and Fineke Croon

    in Vivo32Labeling with DFPThe Life Span of Red Cells in the Rat and the Mouse as Determined by about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: about ordering reprints may be found online at: about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at:

    Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.20036.the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DCBlood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by

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    T he L ife Span of R ed C ells in the R a t and th eM ou se as D eterm in ed by L ab e lin g w ith

    D FP 32 in V ivo y L M . V A N P U T rE N

    W ith the tech n ica l assL ita nce o f F ineke C roo n

    S E V E R A L M E T H O D S have b een u sed to de te rm in e the life span of ra te ry th ro cy te s . P on tico rvo de te rm ined the d etite r ium con ten t o f hem in a fter

    feed in g th is n uc ide to ra ts and es tim a ted the su rv iv al at 10 0 d ay s. B e rlin ,H uff and H ennessy 2 a rr ived at tile s am e e stim ation by de te rm in ing tile tu rn -O ve r o f F e59 in h em og lob in . In the sam e labo ra to ry , s tud ies w ith g lyc in e-C 4 -tagged h em oglo b in sho w ed a m ean su rv iva l o f 6 8 d ay s.3 F inch and co-w o rk ersdetern i ined th e red ce ll life span afte r transfusion s o f F e5 9-tag ged ce lls andfo tind it to be from 45 to 50 days.4 W ith the aid o f C r5 th ey es tim a ted theave rage su rv iva l tim e at days.5 T he ir w o rk is based o n the assu m ptio ntha t red cell de struc tion in the rat is a ran lofll phe IlO ille nO ll, a n assum ptiona t va riance w ith the o bse rv atio ns o f B erlin .1

    F ew recen t d ata o n the life span of f l lOHSC red ce lls w ere fo und in thelitera ttire . D od , B ie rm an alld S ili lllk illa determ ine d th e life span fro m thed isapp ea ran ce o f su lfhem og lob in from the red ce lls an d fou nd a m ax im a lsu rv iv al o f ab ou t 19 d ay s. B u rn ell, B rick ley and F inch4 in jec ted F e5 9-tag gedred cells an d fo llow ed th e d isapp earance o f rad ioac tiv ity from the b lood . T h eyca lcu la ted an ave rage su rv iva l tim e of 2 0 to 30 d ay s.

    T he use o f d iisop ro py lp hosp horo fluo rida te tag ged w ith rad ioactiv e p hos-ho rt is D F P 3 2 as a labe ling agen t fo r hum an b lood cells w as firs t in troducedb y C ohen an d W arringa7 in 1 954 , an d its su ccessfu l use has been rep orted bysevera l inv es tiga to rs.8 B ecause o f the s im p lic ity o f th is m eth od of labe lingcel ls 11 1 v iv o , its app licab ility fo r sm all laborato ry an im als w as invest igated .


    Th e exp erim en ta l an in la ls w er e m a l e \\.A.C. ra ts an in i)red \V istar A lb in o s t r a in , oh -t a m e d ill 1953 fron l th e G lax o labo rato rie s ) w eig h in g 235 -25 0 Cm . an d olale F l m ice C B A x C 57B L ) w eigh ing 2 2-2 7 G ins . D F P 2 w as o bta ine d in i tia l ly fro m the M ed i ca lB iolog ical L ab ora to ry o f the N ationa l D efe nse R esearch C o unc il w here it wa s syn thesizedb y I)r . R . O os terhaa n . L ate r it w a s syn thes ized by D r. H . M . K lo uw en in ou r Inst itu te .D FP w ith a spe cif ic ac tiv i ty be tw e en 2 0 and 2 00 tic . /im ig . D F P w a s d isso lv ed in pea nu to il a nd ad m in is tere d by in tra m u scu lar in ject ion . T he re su ltan t ra d io act iv ity in th e red cel lsw as d ete rm ine d b y the m eth od o f C o hen e t a l.7 R ed cel ls from h ep arin ied b loo d w e rew ash ed 3 tin leS in at leas t 5 vo lum es of sa line an d h em oly zed in d istil led w ater . T hev o l u m e of th e hem olysa te w as m ad e up to I 0 n il. a nd the rad ioa ctiv ity com pa red in aliqu id G .M . co un ter w ith that of a stand ard , ob tain ed by h ydro ly zin g a k no w n am ou ntof D F P 32. A t le ast 400 0 c ounts from e ach sam ple w ere registered. T o t a l ni t roge n w as d ete r-m ine d in a po rtio n of e ac h h em oly sa te.

    F ro m th e R ad iob io lo g ic al Inst itu te o f the N a tion al H ea lth R ese arc h C ou ncil , T N O ,R ijsw ijk , T he N eth erla nd s.

    S ubm it ted N ov . 20 , 195 7; ac cep ted fo r publ ic a t ion F eb . 15 , 1 95 8 .78 9

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    79 0 L. M . V A N PU T T E N

    The activ ity of the blo od samples w as ex pre sse (l in mic rog ram s l)FP3 ? per gram e rythro-cyte-nitrogen. ( One grain of nitroge n is c ontained in about 4 x1 0 rat erythroc ytes o r 5x 10m ous e e ry tllro cy te s. ) In a pre lim inary e xpe rim ent it w as found that the e xte nt o f labelingof re d ce lls in the rat w as inde pe nde nt of the do sag e betw ee n 30 and 1 00 g . D FP perrat.The Life Span of Rat Erythrocytes

    Fo rty ,.tg . D FP32 w as adm inistered to e acil o f 40 rats . A t vario us tim es afterthe injec tion, groups of f ive rats w ere killed and the radioac tiv ity in the redce lls w as determ ined. The results are presented in table 1 and fig ure 1 . Inthe first w eek, the am ount o f in the red ce lls sho w ed a sharp decrease .A fter the e ighth day , how ev er, ti le los s of radioactiv ity w as macil slow er.The early steep fall cannot be due to red cell destructio n , < 1 day; thered ce ll co tints ill the peripheral blood of the rats did Ilo t v ary betw eel l c lay 1and day ) . It ca n only reflect lo ss o f part o f the ac tiv ity from the red ce lls .The slo w dec line after tile e ighth clay is linear w ith tim e . A s it is highlyim probable that this co uld represent e lutio n of tile labe l from the cells , it isasstim ed that this part o f the curve reflects the disappearance of labe led redce lls fro m the circulation. The regression formula fo r the data after c lay 5 ,as calculated by the m ethod o f least squares , is Y = I . 09 5 - 0 .01 82 5 X , andthe life span of the red cells is 60 3. 2 S . D . ) days.The Life Span of M ouse Erythrocytes

    Fifteen . D FP32 w as adm inistered to each of 30 m ice . A t various timesafter injec tion, gro ups o f 5 m ice w ere killed and the radioac tiv ity in the redcells w as de term ined. The results are g iven in table 2 and fig ure 2 . The dis-appearance curve is linear w ith tim e and there is nO ev idence o f e lution orrando m destruc tion of ery thro cy tes . The regression fo rm ula calculated by them ethod o f least sqtiares is Y = 3 .706 - 0 .0911 X , alld tile red ce ll life spanis 40 .7 1. 9 S . D . ) day s. In a second experim ent w itil m ice, a me tho d ofdeterlninillg the red ce ll life 5P 1 1 il l il ldiV idual al linlals w as investigated. Fif-teen . o f DFP:t2 w as adm iniste red to each of 10 m ice . A t 5 aild at 18 daysafter this injec tion the anim als w ere bled to determ ine the radi oac ti vi ty inthe red cells . The am ount o f blood w ithdraw n at 5 days did not exceed 0 .05m l., w hich is e stim ated to correspo nd to 3 per cent o f the to tal bloo d vo lum e .From the dec line in radioac tiv ity the life 5P 11 o f tile red ce lls w as calculated

    T A B L E 1. Phosphorus F ound in Erythrocrjtes of Rats After Injection of 40 g. D F PD ays af t er in j ect ion - g. D FP/G m. er yt hr ocy te-n i t rogen

    1 2 .1 8 0 .104 1 .3 0 0 .038 0 .9 4 0 .03

    1 5 0 .80 0 .0322 0 .7 0 0.0 329 0 .5 5 0 .0336 0 .48 0 .0 143 0 .31 0 .01

    Each figure ex pre sse s the ineaii value ( S .E.) for 5 rats.

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    d R a tsY 1 0 9 5 0 0 0 1 8 2 5 XL = 60 d a y s



    1 0 15 20 2 5 30 35 h O 4 5 5 0 5 5 60D a y s a fte r in je c tio n o f 4 0 m ic ro g ra m s 0 F 3 2 P

    Fic. 1.-A m ou nt of P32 f ou nd in rat ery thro cy tes af ter in jec tio n of D FP3 ex pressed asg. D F P /G m . ery th roc y te -nitrog en) . T he v ertical bars giv e the s tand ard e rro rs of them ean f o r eac h gro up o f 5 rats. T he straigh t line has bee n calculated acc ord ing to them etho d of least squares f rom the data af ter th e f if th day .

    f o r each anim al. T he resu ltin g v alues w ere: 28 , 41 , 41 , 4 2 , 42 , 44 , 4 5 , 50 , 54an d 59 day s; m ean and S .D . w ere 44 .6 8 .1 .

    D I S C U S S I O NT he f in d ing of an elation o f tile labe l f ro n l rat ery th rocy tes deserv es corn-

    m ent becatise th is phen om eno n has no t b een rep orted b e fore w ith D FP as alab elin g agent. A pre lim in ary ex p erim ent in the rat, using a dose o f 1 0 0 jz g .D FP, resu lted in a sim ilar tag ging of the red ce lls as repo rted abo v e: the to talam ou nt fo und in the red cells af te r 1 day w as 2 .07 ,sg ./G m . n itro gen , and theam ou nt o f labe l w hich w as no t sub jec t to elation w as ex trapolated at 1 .1 1i tg IGm nitrogen . In the ex perim en t w ith 40 ,sg . D FP per rat th ese v aluesw ere 2 .18 and 1 .09 5 g ./G m . n itrog en , respec tiv e ly .

    T A B L E 2 Phosphorus F ound in Er ythr ocytes of M ice After inject ion of 15 j ig D FPD ays af t er in j ect ion d ig. DFP/Gm . er y t h r ocyt e-n i t r ogen

    1 3.72 0 .0 65 3.23 0.068 2 .9 5 0 .0 9

    11 2.590.0621 1 .85 0 .032 8 1 .1 6 0 .0 5

    E a ch f ig ure e x presses the m ean v alu e S E .) f o r 5 m ice .

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    79 2 L . M . V A N PU T FEN

    ci M i c eC V.3 .706-0 ,0911 X

    \\\\\f\ L= h 0 .7 d a ys

    r { 1 7 6 }

    1 NN \\

    1. 0 -

    1 5 O 5Day s a f t e r i n je c t i o n o f 5 m i c r o g r a m F32P

    Fic. 2.-Anlount of P found in m imo use erythroc yte s m fte r i nje cti on of l )FP ( expres sed asp.g { 1 49} FP/G nl. ery thro cy te-nitro ge n ) . T ime ve rtic al i)ars g ive the s tandard e rro rs of thenean fo r e ach g ro up of 5 m ice .

    The c lose sim ilarity ill tile e xte nt o f labelimlg o f rat erv throcv tes in time tw oexperim ents covering rather dif ferent dosages suggests tilat a saturation hasoccurred fo r bo th rnechanisllls by w hich D FP is I)aulldl I)\ the ce ll, a stableco m binatio n and a labile one \vhic il is rev ersible ill v iv o . It has been calculate dthat each rat ery throcyte bimlds irreversibly 900 0 m o lecule s o f D FP, anum ber w hich is low er than that fo und in tile m ouse at le ast 23 ,0 00 ) andin m an at least 12 ,500 ) . In m an the dosag e used for labe ling red ce llsand thro m bo cy tes has been m uch low er than 0 .1 m g /Kg ., the clo se at w hichsaturatio n o f rat ery throcyte s is just approached. It is thus po ssible that humanred cells are able to bind an apprec iably hig her am o unt o f D FP. ) A bout theac tual site s o f binding of D FP in rat ery throcyte s, flO definite data are available .

    The linearity o f the second part o f tile disappearance curve for the ery thro-cy te s o f the rat conform s to the ex istence of a de finite life span and bearsev idence against random destruc tion o f ce lls . The calculated life span is inreasonable agreem ent w ith the m o re recent values in the literature .35

    In the case of the m ouse the ex perim ental results are strong ly sug gestive o fa true life span w itho ut random destructio n.

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    T he linearity of the normal disappearance curve may be of great advantagefor determinations of the life span of red cells in pathologic conditions in thisspecies. T he finding of random destruction by earlier workers is probablydue to the use of less suitable tagging methods. I t seems unlikely that it wouldbe due to the use of different mouse strains.

    S U M M A R Y AN D CosciusloNsT he red cells of rats and mice were tagged in vivo by injection of diiso-

    propyiphosphorofluoridate D FP , labeled with p: and the disappearanceof radioactivity from the circulating red cells was determined. From the dataobtained, it is concluded that the disappearance of the red cells is linear w ithtime and that the red cells in both rats and mice have a true life span withoutmeasurable random destruction.

    T he life span of the erythrocytes was foulld to 1w 60.0 : 3.2 S.D. daysin the rat and 40.7 1.9 S.D. days in the mouse.

    Especially in the mouse tile determination of the red cell life span withD FP32 is a simple procedure.


    L e erythrocytos de rattos e muses esseva marcate in V IV Per Ic injectiontie di-isopropyiphosphorofluoridato a p32, I c disparition del radioactivitateab le erythrocytos circulante esseva determinate. Super le base del resultatosobtenite, le conclusion es formulate que le disparition del erythrocytos eslinear con le tempore e que le erythrocytos tanto in rattos como etiam inmuses ha un ver duration vital sin mesurabile destruction al hasardo. L e dora-tion vital del erythrocytos esseva 60,0 dies in Ic ratto e 40,7 dies in I c rntis condeviationes standard de 3,2 e 1,9 d ie s, resp ect iv emen te .

    L e determination del duration vital de erythrocytos per medio de istemethodo-specialmente in muses-es tin simple manovra.

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