Blog 27.07.13


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Jean-Marie Darchicourt

Name; Jean-Marie Darchicourt                           

Job Title; Partnership/Agent Liaison Manager

How long have you worked for Synchro ERP? 

18 months however been as a customer for 12 years

What is the best part of your job? Helping people

Describe yourself in 3 words; French, Hardworking, IT Geek

What did you have for breakfast this morning? Coffee

What is your favourite food? There are so many…Lamb, Pancakes, Chocolate, etc..

What do you dislike most? Lies

Who is the most precious person to you? There are 2 actually. My Girlfriend and my daughter

Who is your famous idol? Ayton Senna

What is your favourite book? Asterix

What is your favourite film? Senna

If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why? Sunshine baked Desert Island to be close to nature.

I hope you enjoyed getting to know Jean-Marie a little better and everyone at Synchro ERP would like to wish him a 

For Saturday 27th July, Hope you have a great day.

So as promised here is the answer for the Trivia question in the last Blog;

65% of us do this each day before leaving for work?

Answer is ; Kiss our partner !!

Synchro has been as busy as ever this week with another new customer signing up and members of the Team out training on site!

We have also had some lovely feedback from one of our customers who wrote in to say;

"On behalf of Umgeni Iron Works, I would like to say how we are verysatisfied with all aspects of support from the Synchro staff. Your weekly calls, regardless of if we have an issue or not, assures us that there is always someone on the other side of the telephone line to assist with any issues that we might have.Keep up the good work.


 Jacques Martin , F.D.,  Umgeni Ironworks"

We have received another repayment on our Kiva loan from Stanley - It is wonderful to be able to help such a fantastic cause.

There is now only 27 Days left to enter the Photography competition so make sure you like our facebook page and enter a photograph.

One last bit of exciting news here is that Lee and I will be expecting our second child (a Boy!) in December!

Just before I leave you here is another Trivia Question for you ...

Humans start doing this at age two ?