Blitzkrieg & Course of...


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Blitzkrieg & Course of WWII


The Big Idea

• The Blitzkrieg allowed for quick and decisive victories for Nazi Germany

• The role allied nations such as France and Great Britain played during the beginning of WWII

Hitler’s Invasion of Poland

What date did Hitler invade Poland?

Sept. 1st, 1939 (Start of WWII)

Blitzkrieg “lightning war”

What was the German air force called?


Panzer Divisions

-300 tanks

Blitzkrieg on Poland (cont.) *Break Polish lines

-Polish Surrender

*Nazi’s & USSR divide Poland

What agreement established the dividing of Poland?

Nazi/Soviet Nonaggression Pact

Hitler’s Early Victories

Denmark & Norway (April, 1940)

Netherlands, Belgium, & France (May, 1940)

*attack through Luxembourg & Ardennes

-around Maginot Line

German Attack of France

Battle of Dunkirk

British Navy + private boats save 338,000 allied troops

-French sign armistice

June 22, 1940

*Vichy France =German Controlled France

Exit Questions

1. Why was the German Blitzkrieg successful in defeating other European countries?

2. Explain the Battle of Dunkirk as it relates to Great Britain’s early role in WWII.

Battle of Britain

Air War (bombing)

Hitler begins bombing cities

British Royal Air Force

-heavy German casualties

*Hitler postpones bombing

Attack on Soviet Union

Delayed until June of 194

Goal = Defeat Soviets by winter

Why do we learn about history?

Who’s mistake is Hitler mimicking?

a. 1800 mile front

-(pg. 598)

Soviet Winter

German Slowdown - Russian winter - Soviet ResistancePoor Planning -no winter uniforms *Soviets attack

Japan at War

Pearl Harbor (Dec. 7th, 1941)

Japanese Success

Allied Advance

African Theater= Battle of El Alamein

Battle of Stalingrad(Nov. 1942-Feb. 1943)

Battle of Resources


Manufacturing Center

Fierce Fighting

Street by Street

Hand-to –Hand

Sniper duals

The Asian TheaterBattle of Midway

Naval Battle

Island Hopping


New Guinea

Solomon Islands

Pg. 602

Last Years of the WarAttack of Italy & Sicily

“soft underbelly of the axis” – Winston Churchill

Attack Sicily

-Monte Casino


-German & Italian Resistance

Mussoliniremoved from office by

-Victor Emanuel III

*Mussolini Liberated by Germans

-German troops occupy Italy

*June 4th, 1944

D-Day (Operation Overlord)

June 6th, 1944

(Saving Private Ryan)

Normandy Invasion


-Naval assault (pics)

*Multi-Front War

Battle of Bulge & Fall of Nazi Germany


Due Tomorrow!!!!!!

Pg. 604

#’s 1,2,4,5, & 6
