Blending nesletter feb mar spring 2013




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FEB_MAR 2013




The upcoming elections in Italy,

scheduled for February 24 and

25, will determine the Italian

Chamber of Deputies and Senate,

and ultimately the Prime Minister

of the country. The strongest

three candidates, Pier Luigi

Bersani, Silvio Berlusconi, and

current Prime Minister, Mario

Monti, are no new faces to Italian

politics, however important

novelties have developed around

the current round of elections

thanks to the evolution of

technology. Social media election

coverage by journalists and

media experts, as well as a high

increase in campaigning through

digital media, have brought

about a noteworthy change in

the landscape of Italian politics.

Here are just a few of the many

sites and media tools to check

out (In Italian): The first social

media site dedicated to following

Italian election candidates and

campaigns in real time can be

viewed at http://www.italia2013.

me/. Italian readers may find

all candidates’ Twitter accounts

gathered at www.twitantonio.

it/, while http://polismeter.

it/ monitors web mentions of

political candidates and parties.

ELECTION TIME IN ITALY by Blending Staff & Lucia Giardino

GAETANO CUNSOLO, Una volta un tizio mi ha detto che si vedeva chi della mia generazione non aveva fatto il militare…, mixed media, cm 20x30, 2013. [Someone once told me that it was evident that my generation hadn’t been in the army.]

Image courtesy of the exhibition La Mala Educatión.

Almost as a commentary to the

contemporary Italian political

culture in this critical moment

of the upcoming elections, a new

art exhibition based on politics

will open on February 21 at the

Galleria Biagiotti in Florence. La

Mala Educatión, curated by Pietro

Gaglianò, features young artists

who were teenagers during the

1990s when Silvio Berlusconi

was first elected as Prime

Minister (1994). The concept

of this exhibition is that these

artists have developed a “bad”

(mala), yet necessary “behavior”

(educatión), in order to contrast

the “bad behavior” inspired by the

conformism of Berlusconi’s era.

Blending asked Gaglianò a few

questions before the opening of

La Mala Educatión:

What kind of relevance might this

exhibition have in relationship to the

upcoming elections?

The exhibition poses questions on

the moral education of a generation

who grew up during the so called

era of Berlusconism. Therefore, it

proposes a critical point of view on

this social culture, also considering

the Italian historic political

tradition from Gramsci to Pasolini.

I do not know if it will influence the

elections, but I hope so.

Do you think art plays a role in

creating political consciousness?

Of course it plays a role; it also

creates meanings. Art is politcs,

but it must be declared.





F_AIR and FUA School of Fine Arts

are more than lucky to have a not

only an authentic American living

in residence this semester, but a

true New Yorker. The New Yorker,

even in the eyes of an American, is

a blunt, innovative enthusiast who

loves to shake the status quo and

make their presence known in this

world. This almost sums up Eric

Mistretta. Eric was born in Queens,

New York and recently graduated

from the School of Visual Arts in

New York City in 2012. With his

school days behind him, F_AIR’s

artist in resident program seemed

like the perfect opportunity for him

transition into the life of an artist.

His job while he is here is to teach

a Mixed Media class at Florence

University of the Arts. Within the

classroom, his enthusiasm and

Eric Mistretta,Love Ain’t Never Die (YOLO), 2013,

Acrylic and pastel on tapestry, 55” x 62”, First work produced at F_AIR.

2013 begins a new season of F_AIR’s residency program

for international artists. The January through May

period welcomes the NYC-born Eric Mistretta as the

resident artist who will conclude his time at F_AIR with

a solo exhibition. Mistretta has exhibited at numerous

shows in the United States recently, including shows

at the Allegra Laviola Gallery, The Shirey, and Family

Business. When describing his practice, Mistretta said,

it “is heavily focused on appropriating items that already

exist and then introducing other foreign elements into

the equation. In doing so, the connotation typically

associated with the original object becomes confused

or corrupted, and the juxtaposition of materials and

previously existing implications forms a hybrid that

operates in an altered realm of understanding.”

F_AIR will also host a second international artist

during the same period. Victoria DeBlassie is currently

in Italy as a Fullbright scholar and is conducting a part

of her research at FUA. She is working on a project with

the Polo Conciario in the Tuscan town of Santa Croce

sull’Arno. The project is a study of works performed on

vegetable leather with orange peels.

Both artists will be involved in special art projects

at F_AIR and will interact with FUA’s School of Fine

Arts’ students and faculty members. Mistretta’s solo

show opening is scheduled for April 30. DeBlassie will

be holding a micro-exhibition from May 28 to June 14

at F_AIR. Prior to the May show, there will be an April

8 exhibition at FLY, the fashion store of FUA’s fashion

and accessories school, FAST, featuring a special project

created with FUA School of Fine Arts’ ceramics students.

Further information on the artists please visit their -




FEB_MAR 2013

charismatic personality is contagious and inspiring

to his students. Not only are his assignments in class

enticing, but his works in progress within his studio

are riveting as well. Eric has a set-up that is unusual to

most artists’ living facilities; His apartment and studio

are both within the FUA building. This combination

of a home and a job in one space unquestionably blurs

the line between working and living. Living within the

proximity of his work almost forces him to constantly

be creating due to the constant presence of his projects.

Eric’s zest for art and his own personal persistent work

ethic inspire his students without the physicality of

verbalizing diligence. His constant encouragement of

individuality gives his students a refreshing sense of

freedom within the classroom.On top of his already

impressive schedule, Eric is preparing for a solo

exhibition in the F_AIR Gallery opening on April 30th.

He also finds time to collaborate with local artists and

is in the process of exploring the possibility of doing

projects with them. Needless to say, Eric Mistretta is a

young, idealized professor and is a wonderful addition

to the F_AIR-FUA team.

Blending’s next issue will feature a special focus on F_AIR’s second

resident, Victoria DeBlassie.

Lucy Edick is a student from the University of Alabama and she is

currently attending courses at FUA’s School of Fine Arts, including

Mixed Media, taught by Artist in Residence Eric Mistretta.


On February 2013, Zoè Gruni

unveiled a new video project in

Florence, the capital of her home

region of Tuscany, as a significant

starting point for the video’s

journey to Brazil. The video’s title

La Merica refers to the experience

of immigration and draws upon

references from Maremma

(southern Tuscany) from where

many immigrants moved to Brazil

(recipient of Italian immigration).

The video displays a split screen

featuring on one side images of a

lush Brazilian jungle, and on the

other side a mythical creature,

resplendent and shimmering,

marked by a pronounced beak

and Zoè’s unmistakable eyes.

The Florence presentation of the

video marks the beginning of

yet another Brazilian chapter for

Zoè, who previously spent several

months there, and will return for

a residency program as well as to

begin Brazilian exposure to La

Merica and other projects. Zoè is

no stranger to projects connecting

distant lands: in 2011 her Jackalope

project, in which FUA Travel

Writing students were involved, was

carried out long-distance between

the artist in California and her

American counterparts at F_AIR -

Florence Artist in Residence, where

she would exhibit the project. We

recently caught up with Zoè here in

Italy and not only did she share her

insights on the new video but she

also revealed that Boitatà, a new

Jackalope-esque figure deriving

from local folklore, is in store for

the streets of her new destination.

Zoè, you have mentioned that

the video expresses a more inner,

personal phase of your art. How is

this expressed in La Merica?

I became a nomad a few years ago

and every day I fight against the

sense of loss and discomfort of

being an immigrant. When I left

California and I arrived in Brazil,

I thought that the best way to

exorcise this personal yet universal

fear might be a project on the theme

of migration. I reflected upon the

issues of immigration, identity

and interaction between cultures.

My work intends to mix cultural

elements linked to the collective

memory, local and global symbols

Zoè Gruni, Boitatà_2, 2013, charcoal on paper, 70x100cm. Courtesy of Zoè Gruni.



of the cultural identity. Starting

from my personal experience as an

immigrant, I would like to face the

global condition and to reflect upon

the universal fear of “the different.”

The video La Merica , born in 2012

in Rio de Janeiro, is the first step of

my upcoming project Nomad.

Where are you holding your artist’s

residency in Brazil and what does the

project(s) entail?

I will participate in the artist

in residency program at FAAP

University in San Paolo to develop

my new project Nomad to convey

my experiences to the students

and professors at the Foundation.

From the archive of the Museum

Paolo Cresci for the History of the

Italian Emigration of Lucca in Italy,

I’m recovering old stories, texts,

songs, objects and images of Italian

immigrants in the after war. I would

like to create a similar research in

San Paolo to realize a multimedia

project with performance, video,

photography, sculpture, drawings…

Can you share any preview hints on

Boitatà, the next figure to roam the

local landscapes in Brazil similar to

the Jackalope’s journeys in California?

After a first phase of study on the

social context of San Paolo I intend

to build a relational project with a

similar structure to Urban Jackalope

(California, U.S. 2010-2012) that

can be viewed at http://www.

I would like to involve in the project

the people that I will meet in town,

thus the development of the idea

depends on the real encounter with

them. The first phase of the project

will be developed through a series

of performances in the city streets

and the new character will be called


To find out more about Zoè’s past and

current work as well as upcoming projects,

please visit


The weekend prior to the semester, the two artists in

residence at F_AIR, Victoria De Blassie and Eric

Mistretta, and myself, Lucia Giardino, headed to Bolo-

gna to visit Artefiera and the collateral art events tak-

ing place in capital city of Emilia Romagna. It was a nice

way to get to know each other and to familiarize with

the contemporary art scene in Italy.

Artefiera takes place every year, at the end of January.

It is a large, must event for art addicts, though the 2013

edition was more low-key due to the general recession,

which has visibly impacted the art world as well. This

year, in fact, Artefiera occupied the ground floor, in-

stead of two stories, only of the immense convention

venue in piazza della Costituzione in Bologna. There-

fore several art galleries preferred to stay home instead

of participating in the oldest Italian vanity fair. Yet we

did not regret our trip, which gave us the chance to ad-

mire in person many classics (Eric and Victoria discov-

ered the Italian movement Arte Povera, and of course

the fame-inflated masters Burri and Fontana), plus a

variety of brand new emerging artists such as Alessan-

dro Brighetti (born 1978). A Bologna native, Brighetti

likes to merge aesthetics with medical and pseudo-sci-

entific research: his disquieting sculptures are mostly

black human organs animated with fluid growth, gen-

erated by electromagnetic stimulation.

Andrea Salvatori (born 1975) is not exactly among the

“emerging artists,” since he is well established in Italy

and has exhibited abroad as well thanks to his itiner-

ant gallery THE POOL NYC. Yet we can still admire his

Alessandro Brighetti,Skizophrenia, 2012

resin, liquid iron, neodymium magnet,

electrification mecchanism,170 x 30 x 30 cm,

(source: http://www.1fmediaproject.



Andrea Salvatori,No Title (mountain box), 2013,

ceramic, 70 x 80 x 80 cm(Courtesy of the artist)



FEB_MAR 2013

work as humorous, gimmicky, and

not at all boring. Salvatori brought a

fresh air to the tiring strolls around

the Artefiera booths. We are hon-

ored to announce that his work will

soon show at the F_AIR gallery on

February 26th.

After the over-lit and steaming hot

Artefiera pavilion, we explored the

parallel art events in town. The most

relevant was StartUp, a counter-fair

and huge art exhibition including

talks and performances that opened

at 6.00 PM every day after Artefiera’s

closing hours. The location? A for-

mer bus deposit, nearby the railway

station. Other noteworthy events

included the performance Il Giudizio

delle Ladre by Luigi Presicce (watch

out for him at the April 5th Arty Fri-

day at F_AIR); the extremely touch-

ing and discrete solo show dedicated

to Bas Jan Ader curated by Javier

Hontoria at Villa delle Rose, this illu-

minating retrospective is an homage

to the very inspiring Dutch concep-

tual artist who died in mysterious cir-

cumstances during a trip taken with

a small sailing boat. And last but not

least, an exhibition of unconvention-

al self-portraits at Casabianca, a very

friendly space in the countryside just

outside Bologna. The exhibition fea-

tured works by Alessandra Andri-

ni, Luca Bertolo, Chiara Camoni,

and Fabrizio Prevedello. This was

by far the most relaxing event of the

3-day art marathon. We left behind

our attitudes (a must when deal-

ing with certain art circles) and we

chilled out to regain our normality.

The works at Casabianca were as sin-

cere as the smiles of people who visit-

ed the opening: mostly “conceptual”

self-portraits, yet extremely reveal-

ing of the artists’ being (for instance

Chiara Camoni’s films of her dog, or

the mix between strength, fragility,

obsolescence, and balance of Fabrizio

Prevedello’s sculpture).

The Bologna weekend was full of

inspiration for the Spring 2013 semester.

Stay tuned for F_AIR’s upcoming Arty

Fridays and exhibitions. Follow us at fair.

Fabrizio Prevedello,Self Portrait, 2013,

concrete, iron, glass,cm 167x77x68,

(Courtesy of Casabianca)


Spring Semester 2013 begins with a premise that will be

remembered in the future for an incredibly unique proj-

ect and collaboration that FUA specifically has been able

to start through its hospitality school Apicius, with the

collaboration of the prestigious and renown Capannelle

Wine Resort. Situated in the heart of the Gaiole in Chianti

hillside, surrounded by typically Tuscan vineyards and

cypress trees, the Capannelle winery has become one of

the most interesting producers on the Italian wine scene

and market since 1975. The collaboration between Apicius

and Capannelle will witness different elements and re-

alities coming together. This semester, six Apicius classes

(Special Event Management, Hospitality Marketing, Viti-

culture and Enology, Menu Development, Advanced Ital-

ian Restaurant Cooking, and Restaurant and Production

APICIUS STUDENTSTO MANAGEWINE RESORTby Academic Project Coordinator Marika Pierguidi

Desserts) will be directly involved in this interdisciplinary

project. All of the students enrolled in these classes will be

working on the project through the area that they study, in

order to develop a large-scale event that will take place in a

3-day period: April, 19th-20th and 21st at the Capannelle

property. During the on-site event dates, the Apicius 1 and

2-year Career Students will spend those 3 days at the wine

resort and they will professionally run the entire property

from the check-in to meal production and service.A list of

prestigious guests have been invited to the 3 days. Togeth-

er with the faculty commission, these VIPs will determine

who to declare the winner of the project. The best student

will be rewarded with an internship at a top restaurant.

The theme of the project’s first edition is ‘Sustainability

and Territory’ and we have high hopes for a successful out-

come and many future editions to come. “Che vinca il mi-

gliore”, let the best man win! And keep on the lookout for

future updates and behind-the-scenes glimpses into the

project and its teams here on Blending!

For more information on the participating wine resort, please visit



During my first weekend in Flor-

ence I completely let my senses

indulge. Scoops of creamy gelato,

hearty pasta dishes, and the toasty

scent of espresso wafting around

every corner clouded my thoughts

while stunning art and architecture

significantly widened my eyes. Part

of this exploration included a scenic

afternoon adventure up to Piazzale

Michelangelo where I was looking

forward to taking in some breath-

taking views of the city. But just be-

fore ascending the staircase to this

look-out point, I found a charming

little shop nestled on this hill that


was too inviting to ignore. As soon

as you step through the door of Il

Fiore di Zucca a colorful wooden

table covered of fresh vegetables

and walls lined with rustic bags of

pasta, flour and other grain prod-

ucts will catch your eye. But if you

take a closer look, what sets this lit-

tle establishment apart is it’s dedi-

cation to sustainability, supporting

local farmers, and selling organic

foods. Even in Florence, the capital

city of Tuscany, where it’s relative-

ly easy to find fresh and delicious

food - finding products that were

not mass produced is quite rare.

Cristina Palagi and partner Teresa

Bagni, founders of Il Fiore di Zucca,

work with local farmers within the

region of Tuscany and surrounding

areas to sell a wide variety of clean

products not only for environmen-

tal and economical reasons, but be-

cause of her belief in food as a main

source of fuel for a healthy body and

happy life.

So if you’re on your way up to the

Piazza or simply would like to try

something new, I completely recom-

mend you take a moment and visit

Il Fiore di Zucca. Wondering what

to try? Some of their most popular

items include delicious goat cheese

fresh from Chianti and fresh baked

bread from the provence of Diacce-

to just outside of Florence. Other

items include seasonal fruits and

vegetables, baked goods including

gluten free and vegan cookies, bulk

items, wine, oil, canned items, fresh

milk and a variety of cheeses, prod-

ucts for the home and body, and

even artisan beers.

Il Fiore di Zucca is located at

Via dell’Erta Canina 1r.

Open Mon - Sat: 8:30AM - 7:30PM.

Delivery available.

As you begin your time in the wonderful city of Firenze,

you are probably in awe of all the food culture around

you. The options can be overwhelming. While pizza,

pasta, and gelato are all classic elements of Italian cui-

sine, I’m here to give you an inside scoop on the dishes

known around Tuscany. These foods are a must try be-

fore you leave Florence. Here are five examples that will

make your stay in Firenze even more enjoyable.

1. Tuscany is known for ribollita, which is a hearty por-

ridge made with bread and vegetables. There are many

variations but the main ingredients include leftover

bread, cannellini beans, carrots, Tuscan black cab-

bage, onion, etc. Don’t be afraid to try things that may

seem strange to you!

2. Pappa al pomodoro is a tomato and bread dish that’s

a mix between a soup and porridge, similar to ribollita.

It is best enjoyed on a cold rainy day.

3. It is almost impossible not to develop a sweet tooth

while living in Firenze. Take a break from gelato and


Photo of store front and owner Cristina Palagi, by Stephanie Naru



FEB_MAR 2013

try schiacciata alla fiorentina, a Florentine sponge

cake. It is sprinkled with icing sugar on top and can

be filled with whipped cream, chocolate icing, choco-

late cream, or any other sweet filing. Usually served

during the Carnevale period.

4. Tuscany is known for its bread and olive oil. Make

sure that you try a simple filone and extra virgin ol-

ive oil. While it’s a small snack, it will leave you sat-

isfied and wanting more.

5. What’s a stay in Italy without pasta? Tuscany is

famous for tortelli alla mugellana, which are ravioli-

like parcels of pasta filled with potato stuffing. The

potato can be flavored with cheese or a little meat

and served with a hearty sauce.

I hope that you will take advantage of the wonderful

foods that Firenze has to offer. These are just five

out of numerous food finds.

Don’t be afraid to venture out and enjoy all the dif-

ferent but delicious foods that Italy has to offer!

Plus, when you order traditional dishes you will be seen

as more of a local. It’s a win win deal. Buon appetito!


One of the most exciting perks of

living in Florence, as many stu-

dents have already discovered, is

traveling. The city is a major cen-

ter of transportation, with many

airlines offering cheap flights to

cities all around Europe. While

weekend trips to London, Barce-

lona and Munich are enticing for

those of us who want to see the

world while we’re here, we should

not forget that Italy itself also has

much to offer.

Italy’s network of high-speed trains

links every major city and town

in the country, and often simpli-

fies travel. Siena, Pisa, Lucca, and

Arezzo are all less than a 2-hour

trip from Florence, as is Rome in

the neighboring region of Lazio,

if you hop on a high-speed train!

And unlike airports, many sta-

tions throughout Italy are within

or located at walking distances of

city centers. There are no baggage

fees, no weight limits, and your

luggage never leaves your sight. As

an added bonus, you get to gaze at

the beautiful Italian countryside

while you speed along the track.

Now that you know the advantages

of traveling by train, here are a few


tips for experiencing Italy the fast

and easy way:

1. Know if you’re traveling region-

ally or long-distance. Regional

trips (i.e. Florence to Pisa or Siena,

all within Tuscany) don’t require

advance booking, though this is

available. Long-distance trips, if

you’re traveling to Rome or Venice,

will often be cheaper if you book

in advance, though tickets are of-

ten still available at the station for

last-minute trips.

2. If you are traveling regionally

or without a numbered seat reser-

vation, you need to validate your

ticket before you board, otherwise

you could receive a hefty fine. If

your ticket does not state a specific

date and time of travel, insert it

into a yellow validation machine at

the station.

3. Trenitalia (

is usually the cheapest option for

booking regional, long-distance,

overnight, or international trains.

Check the top of the page for the

English site button, which is a

UK flag. However, remember to

use Italian place names (Firenze,

Roma, Venezia, etc.).

4. Buying a ticket at the station is

easier than you might think. Ma-

jor stations have self-service ma-

chines with English language op-

tions (again, look for the UK flag).

These are easy to use and accept

both cash and credit.

5. Some cities have multiple sta-

tions, so make sure you know

which one you want before you

book. While some stations are

walking distance from city sights,

others might require a taxi ride.

For further information on planning your

train travel experience, check out:

Buon Viaggio!

Editor’s tip: The recently inaugurated

Italo train network is offering high speed

travel between major Italian cities at low

booking prices. Tried it already? Let us

know what you think!



Do you know the Tuscan Archipelago? Vacationers to

Italy often seek out seaside destinations such as Ca-

pri in the south and Cinque Terre in the north, while

much of the mid-Italian coast off of Tuscany remains

ignored. FUA’s campus press Ingorda has often dedi-

cated its publications to lesser-known, unique desti-

nations such as Versilia and Maremma and this se-

mester, Blending will collaborate with the Ente Parco

Nazionale Arcipelago Toscano, the public administra-

tion of the Tuscan islands. The archipelago is a nation-

al park and is situated towards southern Tuscany in

the Mediterranean Sea. It is composed of the islands

Elba, Giglio, Capraia, Montecristo, Pianosa, Giannu-

tri, and Gorgona. For each issue of the newsletter and

the semester’s-end magazine, we will be sharing an

insider’s perspective from Dr. Aurora Ciardelli, the

administration’s Director of Communications.

The focus of this issue is Elba, the largest island of the

archipelago and the third-largest in Italy. It is by far the

most inhabited of the islands, with its approximately

30,000 residents and 8 recognized towns under the

provincial jurisdiction of Livorno. A long-time summer

retreat for Italians, Elba offers not only an extremely

diverse coastline of promontories and bays, though

the sea is the immediate attraction for most visitors.

The inland areas are teeming with micro-climates and

unique wildlife that should not be missed. In fact, as

Dr. Ciardelli shares, “I highly encourage visits outside

of the high peak periods of July and August. May and


June are more indicated to fully enjoy the natural trails

and the macchia mediterranea,” referring to the “spots”

of shrubland typically of the Mediterranean. Some ad-

ditional tips when visiting:

- Out of the many park trails, a few in particular of-

fer stunning viewpoints of the other islands. From the

highest peak, Monte Capanne, the entire archipelago

can be viewed. Or along the mining trail, Montecristo

seems like a stone’s throw away.

- The Ente’s headquarters at the Enfola promontory are

located in a former traditional tuna butchering facility,

where the fish used to massacred prior to the adminis-

tration’s takeover of the building. An important sym-

bol of local history and the current mission to protect

the archipelago’s natural species.

- A special trail has been created to allow visitor access

to the butterfly sanctuary at Monte Perone, a high-

altitude point of the island. For lucky visitors, once a

year in the second half of April, the rare and protected

butterfly species Zerynthia polyxena appears for a very

brief period.

And finally, the yearly Walking Festival offers free,

themed, and professionally guided itineraries through-

out the Archipelago. 2013 dates: April 13 - May 5 and

Oct 19 - Nov 3. See

For more information on visiting please visit

and stay tuned for upcoming coverage of the other islands!

Elba Island, Courtesy of the Ente Parco Nazionale Arcipelago Toscano



FEB_MAR 2013

I’ve saved this moment as my last Florentine experience and can’t believe in another hour it will all be over. As I climb to the top of the Duomo, the most incredible landmark I have been lucky to live less than a half mile from, I think of all the experiences I have had since touching down in Italy four months ago. I explored over thirty Italian cities and towns, eaten world-class meals and began to understand the life of the Florentine.

I can’t believe how much time has

passed since this trip.

January 20, 2013 marked two years

since leaving for Florence. On the

same day in 2012, I left for Califor-

nia State University of Monterey

Bay, a trip 3,000 miles from my



home school in New Jersey, and a

Florentine inspired it all.

While sipping cappuccino overlook-

ing the Duomo, my Italian language

partner and I discussed Ameri-

can students studying in Florence.

“American students come all the

way to Italy but have never seen

the other side of their own coun-

try,” my language partner said. I

saw the truth in this and decided

to travel through the National

Student Exchange, a program that

over 100 colleges and universities

throughout the United States, Can-

ada, Guam, the Virgin Islands and

Puerto Rico participate in. I stud-

ied in California for two semesters

all because of a quick conversation

with a Florentine.

I have now graduated from col-

lege and have become an indepen-

dent social media manager. I have

landed my first account and hope

to acquire more accounts to create

my own social media marketing

firm. The courses I have taken at

FUA including social media and in-

troduction to mass communication

have given me a solid foundation to

turning this dream into a reality.

While the scene of sipping cappuc-

cino beneath the Duomo will al-

ways be in my mind, I have come

home with so much more than a

romanticized idea of Italy. Flor-

ence University of the Arts was an

important stepping-stone into my

post-graduate life as I developed

personally and professionally.

Lucky for me, I am able to continue

traveling, as my profession can be

done anywhere Wi-Fi can reach,

although it was hiking in Califor-

nia with my adventure sports class

when a wise professor pointed out,

“the greatest places in the world

don’t have Wi-Fi,” and I was left

with another piece of advice that I

know will shape my future.

SPEAK UP!by Leah Jordan

As study abroad students, we have made the decision to

come to Florence, subject ourselves to being outsiders,

and, ultimately, immerse ourselves in the rich culture

of the Florentines. A few weeks into our adventure now,

most of us have shaken off that initial culture shock,

and a few of us can even (occasionally) get around with-

out using a map. There might be nothing we can do to

change the fact that we physically appear to be foreign-

ers, but the first step in blending starts with speaking

Italian as much as possible. So what happens when you

try to speak, but the Italians you converse with realize

(rather quickly) that you’re a foreigner and choose to

speak English instead?

As a city that attracts millions of tourists each year,

not including the countless study abroad and Euro-

pean Erasmus students, many of Florence’s permanent

residents possess a considerable amount of English.

Enough, at least. Enough to cut you off while you’re

desperately trying to string words together to create an

Italian sentence. Or phrase. Or just any relevant word

to accompany the given situation.

Yet consider that just like you want to learn Italian,

they want to better their English. If a barista notices

that you could help aid broken conversation, he/she

will override your attempt with the familiar, interna-

tional tongue: English. In this situation, many of us

would breathe a sigh of relief and start speaking what

we know with ease. Avoid this temptation to the best of

your ability! It’s much easier to speak English, but you

won’t improve by giving up. A few tips to consider:

1. When walking into a shop, try offering phrases like

buongiorno or buonasera depending on the time of day.

Every time you leave a store or restaurant, be sure to say

grazie instead of “thank you.” It’s a small step, but you’ll

be surprised at how second-nature it becomes.



2. After the store-keeper in that very shop tries to re-

vert to English, keep speaking in Italian. Or keep try-

ing, at least.

3. Study your Italian notes from class and try to use

them in every-day situations.

Sono uno studente, come ti chiami, di dove sei, che cosa sig-

nifica and come si dice are all helpful phrases to commit

to memory.

4. Find a relatively empty cafe, restaurant, shop, etc.

in off-peak times and have a real conversation with

whoever is working. In all likelihood, they may have a

few minutes to spare to help you speak. They’ll prob-

ably find it mildly entertaining (at your expense), but it

wouldn’t be surprising if you found yourself with a cof-

fee or two on the house (at theirs). You can keep your

head in the books all day long, but it’s a proven fact

that your language skills will improve most effectively

by conversing directly with a native.

5. Ditch the headphones on the train/bus/plane ride

to wherever. Observing the conversations of others as

an independent third-party listener is definitely eaves-

dropping, but also a fun way to test yourself on how

much you are able understand.


Is there a certain type of audience you

are reaching out to when you are creat-

ing a piece of work?

No, there’s no specific audience. I like

to make my art appealing and ap-

proachable to all people. Everyone

can find something they understand

or relate to.

We’ve noticed that many of your pieces

are either depicting nature or using nat-

ural materials, is there a reason for this?

I am very interested in incorpora-

tion nature into my art. I think na-

ture, art, and the body are all con-

nected. I have to feel something,

which makes my brain start to


Virginia Lopez teaches Fine Arts

courses at FUA.

Here she is interviewed by two

study abroad alumni,

Jessica Havard and Morgan Lee.

think, which then allows me to use

my hands to create it. I like to use

natural materials such as beeswax

to depict natural pieces such as hu-

man hands. I think feeling and al-

lowing your body to receive nature

is a big part in the artistic process.

You work with a variety of different ma-

terials. Do you begin a piece knowing

exactly what materials to use or do you

insert them as you go along?

I often change my mind many times

as I go along. I have an initial thought

but idea for new materials come into

my head that I think will be bet-

ter ideas for the piece. I usually just

make the decisions as I go along and

hope that it ends up well!

Do you prefer working with pictures or

video? Why?

Video is a new concept I began work-

ing with however I have to say that I

still prefer pictures and tangible art

more. I decided to do a video piece on

melting wax in an exhibit and wound

up taking it out in the end. I didn’t

have the hands on feel that I usually

have when creating a piece of work

and a lot of the elements were out of

my control, which I didn’t like. I hope

to try again with video sometime in

the near future.

Errare Humanum est



FEB_MAR 2013


As I sat in the first day of

Public Relations, Communi-

cation and Marketing in the

Publishing Industry listening

to Isabella Martini introduce

herself, I couldn’t help but think of Julius Caesar’s

observation that “experience is the teacher of all

things.” Enlightening the class that we would soon

become exposed to the strategic approaches to suc-

cess in the publishing industry and in a professional

setting at large, Isabella’s experience on the subjects

as a former student, professor, and managing editor

and literary agent were immediately evident.

Before garnering her professional experience, Isabella

Embalajes#1 | Ephemeros as a globe

What inspired you to conduct a group performance

about being a reindeer for the day? What do you think

the group got out of it?

I worked with a theater group in Finland and came

up with a pretty obscure idea in which we would

pretend to be reindeer for a day. We had no maps

and no idea where we were in Finland and we could

only communicate using reindeer noises. We were

on regular streets dressed in regular clothes how-

ever we could only eat reindeer food. It was a very

interesting experience because we were communi-

cating with a group however only thinking within

our head. Whatever we were feeling or thinking

was kept internally which made it a unique indi-

vidual experience for each person

What made you decide to use applied materials such as

bees wax? Do you tend to do this in many of your pieces,

is there a particular reason?

Again this goes back to the theme of nature that

appears in all my work. I like to be able to not only

visualize my art but to feel it as well. I think that

materials and thoughts and creation are all connect-

ed through nature, which is why I think it is very

important to use natural materials in my work. I be-

lieve it is almost a sort of out of body thing in which

I am able to view myself as an artist by using nature

in my work.

amassed a significant background as a student herself.

She holds a BA in Foreign Languages and Literatures,

an MA in Translation of Literary Texts, post-graduate

knowledge of Translation of Post-colonial texts, and a

PhD in English Literature from the University of Pisa.

During the time she was still completing her MA and

PhD, Isabella actually began working with the Univer-

sity as an editorial consultant and managing editor.

Consequently, when reflecting back on her time not

as a teacher but student, “trying to always be moti-

vated, engaged, positive and curious in whatever you

will do and not forgetting to network...” is the advice

she feels strongest about leaving her students today.

These earlier involvements combine with her current

diverse professional backgrounds to create an enrich-

ing classroom experience for all of her students. In

addition to working as an instructor at FUA, Isabella

is a lecturer of English Translation at the Humanities

Faculty of the University of Cagliari, a managing edi-

tor and literary agent with Thesis Contents (focused

on textbook editorial management), a translator, ac-

quisition and managing editor for Felici Editore, and a

former English and French teacher in Italian second-

Do you feel that using different materials and ways of dis-

playing them (canvas pictures, videos, etc.) let you grow as

an artist? Explain.

Yes and no. I envy artists who are so brilliant at one

form of artwork that they can devote all their talent to

that specific forte. I also however really enjoy being able

to spread my creativity across all different realms of

art. It has let me grow because I can try out new meth-

ods and discover new things that I am good at.

Courtesy of Isabella Martini



ary schools. It is this unique repertoire of experience

that causes Isabella to not only teach to the topic of

her courses, but to how to act respectfully and appro-

priately in a professional setting too. “Working in a

domestic versus an international setting, I have to

deal with different cultures and try to avoid clashes

and misunderstands,” remarked Isabella.

In the future, Isabella hopes to continue teaching and

doing research at the University level. However, re-

gardless of where Isabella ends up, she hopes to con-

tinue to amass the experiences that make her such an

invaluable teacher.

FLORENCE, THE PLACE LOVED BY MANYAfter months of anticipation, I

successfully made the journey as

a naïve, suburbanite girl ready

to immerse myself in the stile di

vita all’ italiana. Instead of a Kate

Chopin-esque awakening, I think I

may have fallen in love for the first

time in my life. I suddenly have


uncontrollable feelings toward a

piece of land with some buildings. I

am a googly eyed girl writing a love

letter to the city of Florence.

But my dear Firenze is admired

by many, perhaps too many! The

city has many admirers seduced

through charm and unpredictabili-

ty. As much as I would like to claim

being the one and only love of this

city, I know it belongs to a long line

of students, artists, philosophers,

soldiers, patrons, and all my other

predecessors who have walked the

same steps I have.

As these lovers come and go, I am

left wondering who exactly the

devoted husbands and wives of

Florence are. Who shares their

love with fleeting caresses of her

streets? Who are the people who

are truly married to this city?

by Maggy Kilroy

Courtesy of Maggy Kilroy



FEB_MAR 2013

FACES OF THE VIAREGGIO CARNEVALEThe enormous, colorful, and hand-

crafted floats created by the city

of Viareggio’s artists have parad-

ed down the Tuscan beach town’s

streets since the 1800s. The parade

has become an internationally re-

nown event, at times it has been

at the center of discussion for its

dogged and “spare none” satire of

Italian politicians. Maggy Kilroy

offers two unique and contrasting

images of the Carnevale celebration

from public and private perspec-

tives: a shot taken during a peak

moment of the parade, another of

a more intimate moment in which

a family takes their masqueraded

child for a stroll on the beach.

Traveling while studying abroad is

an important part of the experi-

ence, but spending time in Flor-

ence and exploring your new com-

munity is an underrated part of the

experience as well. A great way to

get to know your host city better

is through direct contact with the

community, and what better way to

do this than through the Student

Life activities? One of the upcoming

opportunities to do this is through

the Connecting Cultures Chat Pal

program, which allows students to

learn more about their host com-

munity through direct contact with

a conversation exchange partner.

Language partners are expected to

meet for at least one hour, once a

week, and to divide the time equally

between Italian and the student’s

mother tongue.

Conversation Exchange partners

can meet at a time and place of their

own convenience. This is a great way

to make new friends in the commu-

nity, to discover new ways to pass

your time in Florence and to get

off the beaten path of the typical

study abroad experience. If you did



not make it to the Chat Pal general

meeting, please contact student ser-

vices for further information and an

application. The deadline to sign up

for the Chat Pal program is Monday,

February 25th.

Still looking for ways to immerse

yourself in the community and learn

more about the history of Florence?

Sign up for the upcoming Discover

Italy visits! One upcoming opportu-

nity to not miss out on is the visit

to the Historic Palazzo Medici Ric-

cardi on Friday, Feburary 22th. This

amazing palace, well regarded as the

prototype for Renaissance architec-

ture, with an unexpected courtyard

garden features Benozzo Gozzi’s

fresco The Procession of the Magi.

This palace also hosts temporary

exhibits, such as the current Dalì

Courtesy of Maggy Kilroy

Courtesy of SLD



SLD STAFF PICKSby Nicoletta Richardson

We’ve briefly interviewed SLD staff members for their unique perspectives of Florence.In this issue they offer two diverse suggestions for exploring cafes.

Jessica Volpe

When asked where the best place is for a student to get

away from the everyday city life of Florence, Italy, Volpe

suggested seeking out a literary cafe. Describing these

places to be an area where students can sit down and

have a nice space to study, Volpe mentioned one place

in particular called La Cite’ which is located on Borgo

San Frediano, in the Oltrarno. A must-go-to café in or-

der for students to get away from the touristy lifestyle!

Olimpia Bozza

Bozza expressed the need to go to a very fancy cafe

at least once while you’re in Florence to get the atmo-

spheric experience. If you sit at a table at one of these

expensive cafes, she said that there would be a charge

of an outrageous sum for just a coffee. However, drink-

ing the coffee standing at the bar drastically reduces

this price. With a coffee and a small pastry, students

soak in the atmosphere and get a short experience in

the same elegant setting. For constant updates on fes-

tivals and events going on around Florence, Bozza sug-

gests a very interesting website:

Bozza said that when she herself has a day off, she al-

ways checks to see if something is going on. Divided by

art, music, theater, and food, this website makes it easy

for students to find something to do that is culturally

enhancing on a day they have off.

Universe Experience, an show dedicated entirely to the

artist Salvatore Dalì. If after your time exploring the

city you would like to experience life in the countryside,

don’t miss out on the trip to the Chianti region on Sun-

day, March 3rd to Montefioralle and Greve. Learn more

about the popular town of Greve and the beautiful bur-

row of Montefioralle, both in the Chianti Classico area,

and meet the owners of the Montefioralle vineyard. Get

a glimpse into life in the country and their residents.

For further information on how to sign up for either of these Discover

Italy activities, please consult the Student Life calendar or contact

Student Services at

Courtesy of SLD


Supplemento di /

Supplement to Blending Magazine

Reg. Trib. di Firenze n° 5844 del 29 luglio 2011

Anno 3 – Numero 1 – mese 2012 /

Year 3 - Issue 1 - Jan 2013

Corso Tintori 21

50121 Firenze

Tel. 055-0332745

Sede editoriale /

Editorial Headquarters

Corso Tintori 21

50121 Firenze

Tel. 055-0332745

Stampato in proprio /

Printed in house


Direttore Responsabile /

Editor in chief

Matteo Brogi

Caporedattore /

Editorial Director

Grace Joh

Coordinamento Editoriale /

Managing Editor

Federico Cagnucci

Redazione / Copy Editors

Katelynn Rusnock

Progetto grafico e impaginazione /

Graphic design and layout

Federico Cagnucci, Kai Ling

Blending is a newsletter created with

and for students of Florence University

of the Arts, the academic member of

Palazzi FAIE. The newsletter collaborates

with the Student Life Department and

Development Office.

For information contact :
