Blackboard Collaborate Ultra - Moderator Guide for Lecture...


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Blackboard Collaborate Ultra - Moderator Guide for Lecture Capture

Updated July/2018

Getting Started in Collaborate Ultra

1. Recommended Browser:

Google Chrome is the recommended web browser for the best user experience. Google Chrome Browser Download, if needed. Supported Browsers Information.

2. How to Access and Setup the Tool in Your Blackboard Course:

In your Blackboard course, click on either the Tools Menu OR expand the Course Tools menu under the Control Panel, then locate and click on Blackboard Collaborate Ultra.

After opening the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra Tool:

Use the default Course Room (readily available for the duration of your course).

To access the default Course Room, click on the Join Room button.

3. Audio/Video Setup

When you click Join Room button, Collaborate Ultra will load in a new browser tab and you will be guided through a brief tour of the tools, as well as, a guide to setup audio and a webcam for your session, follow the prompts on your screen. See Get Setup for further details.

Blackboard Collaborate Ultra - Moderator Guide for Lecture Capture

Updated July/2018

Record your lectures: To record a lecture for your class, follow these steps.

Loading PowerPoints presentation into Collaborate Ultra: a. Open the Collaborate Panel found in the lower right corner b. Under the Share Content menu select Share Files c. Drag your PowerPoint file to the Add Files Here box and wait for them to load. d. Once loaded, click the Share Now button.

When you are ready to begin recording: o Turn on audio by clicking the Mic icon o Open the Session Menu (the “hamburger” icon in the upper-left corner) and click Start Recording

When you have finished: o Turn off audio by clicking the Mic icon o Open the Session Menu and click Stop Recording

Blackboard Collaborate Ultra - Moderator Guide for Lecture Capture

Updated July/2018

Access Ultra Recordings: a. To access the created Recording in the Blackboard Course Ultra application, open the Blackboard Ultra tool in your

course. Click on the “hamburger” icon in the upper left corner, then select Recordings from the menu. You may need to change the date range in order to see all the recordings. To do that, click on the down arrow next to Filter by Recent Recordings and select Recording In A Range then set the date range that will show the Recording

b. Hover to the right of the recording, then click the 3 dots in a circle icon to access the drop-down menu

c. To share your recording, choose the “Copy link” option and paste the link into your course content.

Contact Information:

If you need assistance, contact NOVA Collaborate Support. If you experience problems locating the tool in your course site or need assistance using the tool, contact NOVA Collaborate Support. NOVA Collaborate Support 703-764-5051
