Black Box



Black Box. Larry Gall -- Peabody Museum of Natural History. … about computing [black boxes]. … about the [black boxes that comprise] EMu. … a black box inspired by Will Real & … a black box inspired by Will Real & “ This Bud’s for you, Will ”. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Black Box

Larry Gall -- Peabody Museum of Natural History

… about computing [black boxes]

… about the [black boxes that comprise] EMu

… a black box inspired by Will Real &

… a black box inspired by Will Real &

“ This Bud’s for you, Will ”

“ This Bud’s for you, Will ”

“ This Bud’s for you, Will ”___


Moose Head’s

“ This Bud’s for you, Will ”___


Moose Head’sBlack Box’s_________


Black box nomenclature

Black box nomenclature

Some EMu black boxes

Black box nomenclature

Some EMu black boxes

Will’s Black Box Hack

Black box nomenclature

Some EMu black boxes

Will’s Black Box Hackto be posted on


Peabody CollectionsCounts & Functional Cataloguing Unit

• Anthropology 325,000 Lot• Botany 350,000 Individual• Entomology 950,000 Lot / Individual• Invertebrate Paleontology 325,000 Lot• Invertebrate Zoology 325,000 Lot• Mineralogy 35,000 Individual• Paleobotany 150,000 Individual• Scientific Instruments 4,000 Individual• Vertebrate Paleontology 125,000 Individual• Vertebrate Zoology 185,000 Lot / Individual

2.7 million database-able units => ~12 million items

Peabody CollectionsFunctional Units Databased

• Anthropology 325,000 95 % • Botany 350,000 1 %• Entomology 950,000 13 % • Invertebrate Paleontology 325,000 80 % • Invertebrate Zoology 325,000 31 % • Mineralogy 35,000 85 %• Paleobotany 150,000 60 %• Scientific Instruments 4,000 100 %• Vertebrate Paleontology 125,000 60 %• Vertebrate Zoology 185,000 95 %

1,225,000 of 2.7 million => 45 % overall

Black box nomenclature

“A piece of equipmentprovided by a vendor

for the purpose of usingthat vendor’s product.”

“ A black box is any devicewhose inner workingsare not understood or accessible to the user.”

“A piece of equipmentprovided by a vendor

for the purpose of usingthat vendor’s product.”

“A piece of equipmentprovided by a vendor

for the purpose of usingthat vendor’s product.”

“A piece of equipmentprovided by a vendor

for the purpose of usingthat vendor’s product.”

“ The opposite of a black boxis a system where the inner

components or logic areavailable for inspection.”

“ …sometimes knownas a white box,glass box, or a

clear box.”

EMu code & infrastructure is accessible, hackable, extensible

“ …white box in [that] theprogram code can be seen,but the code is so complexthat it might as well be a

black box.”

EMu code & infrastructure is accessible, hackable, extensible

EMu code & infrastructure is accessible, hackable, extensible also requires coaxing to behave



EMu code & infrastructure is accessible, hackable, extensible also requires coaxing to behave



Black box nomenclature

Black box nomenclature

Some EMu black boxes

Black box nomenclature

Some EMu black boxes

they’re everywhere^

The EMu Registry

The EMu Registry

The EMu Registry

Group Default

Group|Admin|Table|ecatalogue|Column Access| LocCurrentLocation


Insert Tab Order

{Launch Temp %1} script

The EMu Registry

Like Windows registry,


The EMu Registry

Like Windows registry, part black box,


part black art,

The EMu Registry

Like Windows registry, part black box,


part black art,

The EMu Registry

Like Windows registry, part black box, domain of EMu wizards

part black art,

The EMu Registry

Like Windows registry, part black box, domain of EMu wizards

Bern Marshall

The Taxonomy Module

The Taxonomy Module

The Taxonomy Module

The Taxonomy Module

The Taxonomy Module

The Taxonomy Module

The Taxonomy Module

The Taxonomy Module

Epitome of a black box for KE clients other than the natural history ones…

and often a colossal black hole for them…

and often a colossal black hole for them…

and often a colossal black hole for them…

and often a colossal black hole for them…

and often a colossal black hole for them…

and often a colossal black hole for them…

and often a colossal black hole for them…

and often a colossal black hole for them…

and often a colossal black hole for them…

and often a colossal black hole for them…

and often a colossal black hole for them…

and often a colossal black hole for them…

and often a colossal black hole for them…

and often a colossal black hole for them…

“Almost anything mightoccasionally be referred

to as a black box:

“Almost anything mightoccasionally be referred

to as a black box: a transistor,

“Almost anything mightoccasionally be referred

to as a black box: a transistor,

“Almost anything mightoccasionally be referred

to as a black box: a transistor,


“Almost anything mightoccasionally be referred

to as a black box: a transistor,


“Almost anything mightoccasionally be referred

to as a black box: a transistor,

humans,the Internet.”

“Almost anything mightoccasionally be referred

to as a black box: a transistor,

humans,the Internet.”


“Almost anything mightoccasionally be referred

to as a black box: a transistor,

humans,the Internet.”


Rather existentially black boxy…






Machines + People + Cyberspace

Pfffft !

Pfffft !

Pfffft !

Anakin Skywalker

Anakin Skywalker Seven of Nine

Anakin Skywalker Seven of Nine


The Ultimate Black Box


Keanu Reeves


Keanu Reeves


Carrie-Ann Moss


Keanu Reeves


Carrie-Ann Moss


Laurence Fishburne


Hugo Weaving


Hugo Weaving


Hugo Weaving

There’s more…



Black box nomenclature

Some EMu black boxes

Black box nomenclature

Some EMu black boxes

Will’s Black Box Hack

These suggested solutions all work successfully,But involve exiting EMu and operating “elsewhere,”

And do not handle the multiple links/linking issue

Admin Task, calls script, builds Import control file

Admin Task, calls script, builds Import control file

Address Will’s immediate problem, but also offer extensibility

Admin Task, calls script, builds Import control file

Admin Task, calls script, builds Import control file

Build an Excel CSV file to import new images:

Fill columns in spreadsheet as usual (e.g., MulTitle, Multimedia)Identify a catalog field with unique values (e.g., CatFullNumber)Coopt a multimedia field to hold the catalog values (e.g., NotNotes)Fill the coopted column with the corresponding unique catalog values

Admin Task, calls script, builds Import control file

Build an Excel CSV file to import new images:

Fill columns in spreadsheet as usual (e.g., MulTitle, Multimedia)Identify a catalog field with unique values (e.g., CatFullNumber)Coopt a multimedia field to hold the catalog values (e.g., NotNotes)Fill the coopted column with the corresponding unique catalog values

Run the Import Tool

Admin Task, calls script, builds Import control file

Build an Excel CSV file to import new images:

Fill columns in spreadsheet as usual (e.g., MulTitle, Multimedia)Identify a catalog field with unique values (e.g., CatFullNumber)Coopt a multimedia field to hold the catalog values (e.g., NotNotes)Fill the coopted column with the corresponding unique catalog values

Run the Import Tool

Save these freshly imported images into a Group (e.g., MyMatrix)

Run the new MM Linker Admin Task

Admin Task, calls script, builds Import control file

Guts of the new MM Linker script:

Using saved Group, make list (a) of catalog records in coopted column

Admin Task, calls script, builds Import control file

Guts of the new MM Linker script:

Using saved Group, make list (a) of catalog records in coopted column

Affiliate multimedia records in the Group to proper catalog records

Admin Task, calls script, builds Import control file

Guts of the new MM Linker script:

Using saved Group, make list (a) of catalog records in coopted column

Affiliate multimedia records in the Group to proper catalog records

Query the catalog and assemble list (b) of existing linked multimedia

Admin Task, calls script, builds Import control file

Guts of the new MM Linker script:

Using saved Group, make list (a) of catalog records in coopted column

Affiliate multimedia records in the Group to proper catalog records

Query the catalog and assemble list (b) of existing linked multimedia

Merge lists (a) and (b), following preferences the user has specified

Admin Task, calls script, builds Import control file

Guts of the new MM Linker script:

Using saved Group, make list (a) of catalog records in coopted column

Affiliate multimedia records in the Group to proper catalog records

Query the catalog and assemble list (b) of existing linked multimedia

Merge lists (a) and (b), following preferences the user has specified

- If errors, return a text file with brief description

- If not, return an Excel CSV file good to go for import

Admin Task, calls script, builds Import control file

Positional arguments to be passed to MM Linker:

Name of the coopted multimedia field required Name of the unique catalogue field required Name of the multimedia Group required Action for the MM Linker to take optional

Admin Task, calls script, builds Import control file

Positional arguments to be passed to MM Linker:

Name of the coopted multimedia field required Name of the unique catalogue field required Name of the multimedia Group required Action for the MM Linker to take optional

2 = append new images onto the catalog records

Admin Task, calls script, builds Import control file

Positional arguments to be passed to MM Linker:

Name of the coopted multimedia field required Name of the unique catalogue field required Name of the multimedia Group required Action for the MM Linker to take optional

0 = flush existing multimedia from the catalog records 1 = prepend new images onto the catalog records 2 = append new images onto the catalog records 3 = insert the new images after flushing existing ones 4 = just show all existing multimedia (use to make “backups”!) 5 = delete catalog links anywhere for specified multimedia

Admin Task, calls script, builds Import control file

Registry entry = {Launch Temp %1} string

“execute some external script and send it’s output into the file %1”

Registry entry = {Launch Temp %1} string

“execute some external script and send it’s output into the file %1”

string is the gateway into our Black Boxstring consists of the external script name and any arguments

mmlinker MulDescription CatFullNumber [text: prompt] mmlinker MulDescription CatFullNumber mymatrixgroup [text: prompt]

Registry entry = {Launch Temp %1} string

“execute some external script and send it’s output into the file %1”

string is the gateway into our Black Boxstring consists of the external script name and any arguments

mmlinker MulDescription CatFullNumber [text: prompt] mmlinker MulDescription CatFullNumber mymatrixgroup [text: prompt]

emuload status

{Launch Temp %1} labels-ent-new 2 [text:Enter cat. no. or group]

{Launch Temp %1} mmlinker MulDescription CatFullNumber [text:]

Existing Multimedia records

Import the new Multimedia records

Import the new Multimedia records

mmlinker with action=2 (postpend)

mmlinker with action=2 (postpend)

mmlinker with action=5 (selective kill)

mmlinker with action=5 (selective kill)
