Black Berry (Repaired)


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  • 7/31/2019 Black Berry (Repaired)



    Consumer Behaviour

    Assignment Number 1

    Kamal Syal


    As per the following assignment I had to conduct an in depth interview of a product costing over Rs

    5000/- that , the customer feels, reveals something about the kind of person he or she is. To do the

    following exercise I have taken the help of buyers decision process to understand that how the

    decision was being made.

  • 7/31/2019 Black Berry (Repaired)


    Kamal Syal

    PGDM 11 02 B54 Page 2

    The person whom the question were asked is Mr. Pravin Wakle, who has recently done EPGDM

    from NMIMS, Bangalore.

    The product which Mr. Pravin has purchased recently is BLACKBERRY CURVE SMART PHONE

    What BlackBerry CurveHow much Rs. 10,000(Approx)

    When Decemeber-2011

    Where Mobile Store, Koramangala

    How Physical Stores

    Aspects of Consumer Behaviour (Pravin Wakle Behaviour) :Buyer Decision Process

    Problem Reconition:As the user has lost his phone during trip toOoty, So it was urgent need of an hour to purchse new phone.He hadstarted hunt for a Smartphone.

    Information Search:User used many Integrated Marketingcommunication tools to gather information about the product.He didalot of pre research with respect to Smart phones in India.All the

    personal,public and Commercial source of information were used by


    Alternative Evaluation:Initially, his mindset was clear that he wantsto purchase Nokia Handset, but Nokia was not fulfilling his need, sohe was confused between Samsung and Blackberry Smartphones.

    Choice/Purchase:Due to both Intrinsic and Extrinsic factors and as hewants the product for comfort and convenience, he decided topurchase Blackberry Curve Smartphone, mainly he was impressed byBrand positioning of Blackberry and RIM .Moreover, his perception

    about the Backberry motivated him to buy this product.

    Post purchase Evaluation:User is not at all satisfied withBlackberry,he finds BB Messanger service to be very expensive.Lateron he relaized that Samsung with Android would have saitisfied his

    need in much better way.His expectations were not fulfilled

  • 7/31/2019 Black Berry (Repaired)


    Kamal Syal

    PGDM 11 02 B54 Page 3

    Analysis of the customer:

    The customer purchase does indicate that the purchase of mobile is an urgent take for him as his old

    phone was lost in ooty. Although, earlier he has used Nokia handsets, but this time he want to

    purchase a Smart Phone and in this segment Nokia is below par. So, he did lot of research. He used

    Internet to gather maximum knowledge about the various handsets available in the market and was

    fulfilling his needs and desires and within his price range.He realizes that Samsung and blackberryare flooding Indian market with their models. Most of the shops are aggressively selling Samsung

    and Blackberry which did ring bells in his mind. Canada-based Research in Motion is best known for

    its BlackBerry phones. Samsung is being flooding the world market with its new smart phones.

    Pravin is kind of person who prefers features rather than Aesthetics.

    Below are the factors which influenced his buying decision process:

    Extrinsic Factors Intrinsic Factors

    Social Factors Personality FactorsReference group

    Role and status in society





    Culture Factors

    Social Class

    Psychological Factors




    He was quite surprised to hear sales pitch of Blackberry at my budget. Blackberry is perceived bymany as Work Phone for e-mailing and same was his perception. It has superior push email

    software. The phone is given by companies to its employees to check email and limited browsing of

    Web. All Blackberry application use 128 bit encryption. It runs chat software more efficiently than

    any other handheld wireless devices.BBM is one such tool. Mainly his perception about BB

    motivated him and he purchased BlackBerry Curve. The main contributor towards this purchase was

    Salesman of the respective store; He told all the good things about the handsets and presented it in

    such a nice manner that user purchased this mobile. User is not at all Brand loyal, infact he consider

    himself as a switcher. The relationship which Pravin enjoys with BlackBerry Smartphone is not up to

    the mark. According to him, after some months only, he realized that he should have gone for

    Samsung Galaxy rather than going for BB, Web browsing is the area where Blackberry is a big loser,

    and applications offered by Android. So, he was completely dissatisfied with the product, as during

    the whole interaction, he never said a single positive thing about BlackBerry. Brand do play a major

    role for him, as he said he never go for brands like Karbonn or Micromax, this mobile is more of a

    status symbol for him, as he has seen most of the executives using BB, So, being a MBA student, he

    decided to go for BB.But his post purchase evaluation about blackberry clearly states that Pravin

    want to change his handset and next time he will not purchase Black Berry. So, this handset was

    below expectation and he enjoys Bad, Hatred relation with the product now.

  • 7/31/2019 Black Berry (Repaired)


    Kamal Syal

    PGDM 11 02 B54 Page 4

    Complexity and problem solving of Pravin


    Involvement Level Yes Yes No

    Problem Recognition Automatic Semiautomatic Complex

    Information Search Too much Search Too much Search Extensive

    So, to summarise a customer, he did his ground work appropriately, he did lot of research before

    making a decision, as he is a Brand Switcher, he switched from Nokia and being Nokia not satisfying

    his needs, he was having the option to choose from BlackBerry and Samsung and due to all intrinsic

    and extrinsic factors, he decided to purchase BlackBerry curve, but within months, he was having

    negative feeling and Hatred kind of relationship with the product as this was not satisfying his basic

    need that is cheap web browsing. So, when I asked him about his next purchase, he said it will never

    be BlackBerry again, in fact he will like to with Samsung Galaxy with Android OS in future.