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The cancer was back after three years of submission and now it had spread to my brain, I wanted to cry, I wanted some answers. We were at the doctor’s office, when my doctor James Conley came out. He called my mom over to the front desk and I saw my mom start crying and worry come to her face. When my mom and I were alone in the car I asked her “ Mom did he say, am I going to get better?” She shook her head “ No,” She answered. I sat back in my seat and began to cry.

At home dad was changing my sisters diaper, I sat down on the couch and flipped through the channels on the television.

“So, how did it go?” My dad asked.H-He said that I wasn’t going to get better. My dad got up and walked over to me, “ You know Tony what pastor Clarke said about trusting in God?”

“Yea I remember,” I said with a low voice. “I just don’t get it?’

“Get what?” Dad asked me.“If God is real, why is all this stuff happening to me?” “I thought he cared for his children?”

“ Listen Tony I don’t know why all this stuff is happening I just know you should have faith.”

The next day dad dropped me off at school. My best friend Kaitlin was waiting for me outside.

“You ready?” She asked“I guess?” I answered back.

It was our first day of high school and I was really nervous.“So what did the doctor say?” Kaitlin asked “I don’t want to talk about it.” I answered “ Was it that bad?”

Kaitlin was the only person that would actually talk with me. The other kids gave me nicknames, they yelled mean words, and some even pointed at me and laughed

I sat in homeroom all alone isolated from the group. I was afraid to Talk, all the rumors I heard about freshmen getting pushed down stairs, thrown into trashcans, and being made fun of made me scared. Another kid Derek came over to me “Hi I’m Derek, what’s your name?” He asked He looked all right so I told him“ Tony Salyers” I answered him.“ Hey what's that on your head?” He asked.“ Here goes,” I thought. “ Once I tell him he wont want to talk to me.” I-I’ve got cancer. I said a little nervous.

“Oh well that sucks, how
