Biomes and their Organisms XIyu Shen Argosy University


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Biomes and their OrganismsXIyu Shen

Argosy University

A biome is a geographically defined area with distinct plants and animals group

Biomes are defined by geography and climate

Understanding biomes requires good understanding of the location and adaptation of the climatic conditions of a particular region

The survival and well being of a biome and its organisms depends on ecological relationships throughout the world

Tundra Taiga Grasslands Deciduous Desert Desert Scrub

Cold temperatures and precipitation is more of snow

It spreads across the northern hemisphere regions of the world

The regions have brief Summers with Tempe ratures slightly above Freezing point

Polar bear Caribou Musk OxArictic Fox Snow owl

Lichen Cotton Arctic Willow Moss

Caribou herds feed on the lichens There is predators in this biome for

example polar bears, arctic foxes, and wolves.

The smaller animals the smaller mammals are lemmings and snowshoe rabbits. at predators eat include

The plants also relate with the soil in the sense that the heights and root depth depend on the soil

The polar bears and owls have developed thick fur that enables them to survive in the cold climate

The caribous have developed hoofs that enable them to walk on the snow

In rocky areas, plants have roots that are modified to support the plant without going too deep

Animals like reindeers have antlers for defense

If the temperatures rose by 10 degree, the possible effects will be;

1. Animals will die because their bodies can not adopt immediately

2. The snow will melt and the habitats will be destroyed

3. Organisms will have to migrate to other places to find suitable climate

The changes may also prompt new organisms to move in or some of the others may adopt to the new conditions

Those organisms that remain will have to modify their characteristics over time

The migratory species will face the challenges of food and survival

The biome may be completely destroyed for a new one to develop

When the biome adapts to the changes in the temperature, the following will happen;

1. The animals that will live in this biome will remain the same because of adaptation

2. The animals may need a little time top adjust than if only the temperatures change

3. The organisms will have different chacteristics as compared to the earlier ones

Proper environmental management would ensure the conservation of the biome.

Conservation would help in sustaining the biome, hence the organisms will continue with propagation

Poor management will lead to poor polices that can lead to the destruction of biomes

Where there is poor management ,effects can be felt like global warming

Global warming would lead to the melting of ice and the biome will be destroyed

Proper management of environment is an important factor when it biomes to preserving biomes

Environmental management ensures that proper policies have been made.

Drastic changes in the biome will affect the society because the members have learnt to rely on some organisms

If the snow melts, the transportation may be affected because some people use sleight

Food will also be a concern for the peoples because the society depends on organisms for such.

I will still live in the same biome incase of drastic changes in climate because human being can find a way of dealing with the changes

The changes will prompt the community to think of ways of dealing with those changes and find new ways of doing things

Humans are rational hence and the world is changing all the time ,so it is better to be dynamic

Biomes are majorly determined by climatic conditions and geographical location

The organisms can be able to adapt new conditions within a biome, though it may take long

Human activities can also affect the conditions of a biome

There is a direct relationship between organisms and the type of biome

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