Biology 2014-2015-Welcome Who am I? My name is Mr. Alderson I have been a teacher for 12 years 5...


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Biology 2014-2015-Welcome Who am I?

My name is Mr. Alderson I have been a teacher for 12 years 5 years at Harvard Elementary School

3 years at Simeon Career Academy 3 years at Thornwood High School 5 year at Harlan Community Academy I have been coaching basketball for 16 years 9 years at Harvard 2 years at Thornwood 5 years at Simeon The most famous player I coached was Derrick

Rose and Jabari Parker (Milwaukee Bucks).

My favorite sport to play

What are we going to do this year? We are going to learn about

living things including us, using: Inquiry Activities-

Experiments Reading online journals

Science News for Kids

Researching the latest and greatest in the science world and communicating what we learned

Team and individual reports

Online Discussions

Grading-How will I be graded? In class assignments Inquiry Lab Reports Research Projects Homework Exams and Quizzes Class ParticipationYour grades will be calculated based on percentage and

displayed on Gradebook-Visit your grade oftenIn addition you will keep a running total of the assignments

you turn in and the grade you earned.All assignments must be complete and correct to receive

full credit

I do not give grades, you earn grades

Grading Scale- Based on % of Correct and Complete Work

Eagle= 100-90Birdie= 89-80Par= 79-70Bogey= 69-60D. B. = 59and Below

Homework-Academic Reinforcement Homework must be handed in on time to

receive full credit No homework will result in you receiving a

pink slip-an accountability form you will fill out to explain why you did not turn your homework in on time and when I should expect it!

10% will be deducted from your homework assignment, for everyday late

Tutoring Tutoring begins now! Will be offered afterschool, but you can

always send me an e-mail to get help

or Make arrangements to meet before school

and on your lunch if necessary

Makeup Tests and Quizzes Bellringers cannot be made up-Arrive on time Missed tests and quizzes must be made up

the week it was given, before or after class but not during.

You will be given ample time to take an online quiz, don’t wait until the hour before the quiz closes to take your quiz

You will be taking your quiz in a cubicle-so study to pass your in class quiz or test, you won’t be able to see your neighbor’s.

Academic honesty-you’ll need it in college!

Copying homework and internet cut and paste

Plagiarism means “Stealer of Words” –Be original you don’t need someone elses words.

Consequences for plagiarism-Zeros for both students, the one who copied and the one who was copied from

Again-Academic Honesty and Ethics

Do the Right Thing-You’ll thank me later!

If you are having a tough time see me right away

Classroom Student Guidelines Be in class everyday, on time Be in seat working on 5 minute bellringer when

tardy bell rings Bring all books and materials to class

everyday, take them with you upon leaving Be respectful and courteous to all teachers

and classmates Follow all class directions and safety

guidelines the first time Follow all CPS policies and procedures

found in student discipline handbook

Consequences for Not Following Guidelines

1st-Warning and Documentation You will receive a guideline infraction notice

2nd- Action Plan Student conference to determine problem and work out

solution Parent contact via phone call home

3rd-Disciplinary Referral with all previous notices Severe Discipline Infraction-Any student who

fights, damages teacher, classmate or school property, disrupts class or is disrespectful, will be sent to the dean of boys or girls immediately with documentation and phone call home.
