BIOL 4142 Photo Quiz Lab 1 Ornithology birds: Anseriformes and Galliformes First, you’ll see a...


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BIOL 4142 Photo QuizLab 1 Ornithology birds:

Anseriformes and Galliformes

First, you’ll see a photo showing just enough to allow you to clinch the ID. Then, you’ll see the full photo with the name and perhaps some ID tips on specimens (not field ID)

American Wigeon; Anatidae; Anseriformes

No other bird, much less other duck, has a whitish forehead with green on the face

Green-winged Teal; Anatidae; Anseriformes

Green face patch on reddish-chestnut head unique. Warning = that white mark on the sides of the breast sometimes hard to see in study skins

Blue-winged Teal; Anatidae; Anseriformes

No other bird, much less other duck, has a whitish crescent on face; pale blue secondary coverts are a bonus

Bufflehead; Anatidae; Anseriformes

Two species!

Canada Goose and Cackling Goose; Anatidae; Anseriformes

Check out the difference in bill shape: Cackling is disproportionately shorter, more triangular

Canvasback; Anatidae; Anseriformes

Reddish head, white back, black breast

Fulvous Whistling-Duck; Anatidae; Anseriformes

You can barely see the line of black feathers down the back of the neck; note the plain light-brown face

Northern Pintail; Anatidae; Anseriformes

Brown head, with clean white breast and white extending up sides of neck

Gadwall; Anatidae; Anseriformes

GRAY! But compare to N. Pintail and Green-winged Teal

Northern Bobwhite; Odontophoridae; Galliformes

Unmistakable; those wavy dark markings on the breast and belly are distinctive

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck; Anatidae; AnseriformesNo other duck has plain face and solid black belly

Greater White-fronted Goose; Anatidae; Anseriformes

Either the irregular black markings on the breast and belly OR the white on the face is diagnostic (compare with Blue-winged Teal)

Mallard; Anatidae; Anseriformes

Green head, white neck ring, brown breast …

Tough one!

Snow Goose (blue phase); Anatidae; Anseriformes

Redhead; Anatidae; Anseriformes

Reddish head, black breast, gray back – compare to Canvasback

Hooded Merganser; Anatidae; Anseriformes

White patch on head diagnostic, but compare to Bufflehead

Lesser Scaup; Anatidae; Anseriformes

Blackish head and breast with paler back (varies almost white to fairly dark grayish, usually mottled)

Female Red-breasted Merganser; Anatidae; Anseriformes

Shaggy reddish-brown head, narrow bill (which will show serrations clearly in the specimen)

Northern Shoveler; Anatidae; Anseriformes

Expanded bill tip diagnostic

Wild Turkey; Phasianidae; Galliformes

Nothing else has those colors and patterns on the back or wings

Vaguely like a Mallard, but skinny serrated bill, and much “messier” overall

Red-beasted Merganser; Anatidae; Anseriformes

Dark head AND black back – contrast with Lesser Scaup

Ring-necked Duck; Anatidae; Anseriformes

Ruddy Duck; Anatidae; Anseriformes

Dark crown with clean white face

Wood Duck; Anatidae; Anseriformes

What else could it be?

Two species

Snow Goose & Ross’s Goose; Anatidae; Anseriformes

Check out the difference in bill shape: Ross’s is disproportionately shorter, more triangular
