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HOCQUET Jean-Claude

Research Director Emeritus

Université de Lille III

Medieval Period BIOGRAPHY Born in France. Jean-Claude Hocquet obtained his secondary school diploma from the Collège de Maubeuge and studied at the Faculty of Letters in Lille. He obtained his History Habilitation and his Ph. D from the University Paris IV, in 1975 He was associate professor at the Lycée Faidherbe in Lille (for preparatory classes), then assistant in medieval history at the Sorbonne and professor of medieval history at the University of Venice and at the University of Lille III. He was elected Director of the laboratory of the CNRS and is now Research Director Emeritus at the University of Lille III. For more than 25 years, he chaired the International Commission on History of Salt and for two decades, he was Secretary-General of the International Committee of Historical Metrology. Acclaimed for his work, he received several awards including:

• Prix de la fondation Roberto Cessi (Venise 1975)

• Prix Vovard de l'Académie de Marine (Paris 1980)

• Lion d’Or de la région Veneto (Venise 1992)

• Prix Duchalais (Institut de France, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres) 1996, for his full work.

• Médaille de l’Académie de Marine (Paris 2006) for his book Venise et la Mer, Fayard 2006). He also contributed to seven historical and cultural exhibitions in many European cities:

• Mostra storica della laguna Veneta, Venise 1970

• Salz, Salzburger Landesausstellung, Hallein, Pernerinsel u. Keltenmuseum, Salzburg 1994

• Salz macht Geschichte, Haus der Bayerischen Geschichte, Munich et Augsburg 1995

• Mediterraneum. El esplendor del Mediterráneo medieval. Instituto europeo del Mediterráneo, Barcelone 2004

• Ibn Jaldún. El Mediterráneo en el siglo XIV: Auge y declive de los Imperios, Exposición en el Real Alcazar de Sevilla, printemps 2006

• Venise et l’Orient, Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris 2006 and New York 2007. BIBLIOGRAPHY

Jean-Claude Hocquet wrote thirty books. Among those related to the history of Venice:

• Le Sel et la fortune de Venise, vol. l, Production et monopole, vol. 2, Voiliers et commerce en Méditerranée 1200-1650, PU Lille 1978-1979.

• Chioggia, capitale del sale nel Medioevo, Chioggia, Il Leggio 1991.

• Anciens systèmes de poids et mesures en Occident, Londres, Variorum Reprints 1992.

• Denaro, navi e mercanti a Venezia, Rome, Il Veltro 1999.

• Venise et Bruges, l’essor urbain au Moyen Age, Paris, La Documentation française 1999.

• Comercio marítimo en el Mediterráneo medieval y moderno, Grenade, La Nao 2002.

• Venise au Moyen Age, Paris, Les Belles Lettres 2003, reédition 2005.

• Le Saline dei Veneziani e la crisi al tramonto del Medioevo, Il Veltro, Roma 2003

• Venise et la mer, XIIe-XVIIIe siècles, Paris, Librairie Arthème Fayard 2006

• Venise. Guide culturel d’une ville d’art. De la Renaissance à nos jours, Belles Lettres, Paris 2010,

In addition to these works, he also contributed to several co-works, including Storia di Venezia in 12 folio volumes published in the 1990s by the Enciclopedia Italiana in Rome, and several articles in the journal Studi Veneziani. His last book was published in July 2012, in Venice and Paris::

• Venise et le monopole du sel. Production, commerce et finance d’une République marchande (Xe – XVIIe siècles), 2 vol., Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Venise et Paris 2012, 1209 p.
