Biilil Flame Thrower Razes Jap Biiildiiig Grim Yanks...


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A Regional Newspaper S c rr in c

WAR BULLETIN'LOt^OK, SsniUr, Feb. IS (ff)-Be»T7

bombcn et lh« RAF droned «crwt the ehuiDtl lomrd the eonUnent hit nlfbt In % proctsslon. foUowlai np m Omyllsht ................................................- Pu-de-CaUIs tnv«floiicoul. Th« BrilUh bombera (o»k.C mia> QtM.ta'croM MDthewtem Eo|Uadl

VOL. 2G. NO. 258 TW IN F A ^L S , IDAHO, SUNDAY. F iiU IlU A U Y K), 19'M P R IC E 6 CENTS

Americans Shoot Down 43 Planes In Pacific Sweep

Dt MiONAnD MILLIMAN .Ak&oclftUd rma Wu- Kdllur

A t Icu-st -ly .lupuncsc planc.s were wipcii out in devastalinR HRW nurial -sweeps uKuinKl Uuhaiil and Kavicng, aUindinK Ijflwcoii American aoutli Pacific forcos and the forlress of ’I'riik, Gcnornl Doujflas MacArtliur reported today (Sunday).

'I'hirly-l'vo jicfiiiitcly wure shot down and nine probably in ■■aiirial (iognffhl.s over Rabaul’.s V'unakanau and Tobcrn air-

alljidromes, even as allied bonil)- crs from tlu: Solotnon« bia«t- ed their rinnvays and t'un !>u- flilions w itli H 'l lon.s of bombs. Anieriean fiKlilers Just on)y fou r plane.s a.s tiiey cu t in half the fleet of GO interceptors tlin l tried to halt them .

Bomber Bi»< thlDJvcboinber.s nad torpedo pli

,^Ulrlcd the fireworks sliortly nftcr wllli n bliLKl at Vmuikonnu

bomber base. Mediums rolloweU at noon nlille four eiiRlned bombers •slriielt at llie Tobern Ilglltcr strip, wlilcli tills nionlli L« the most boinb- pd m>ol in ttir southern Piiclflc, HuRC clouds of sinnke blnckol out ihr l.imcw Iwfore llic rnidliig Air-

Ulirrlfd tor lioMic.^ Ten Jn|ianc.sp i.lunt-'. ucre w.reck-

<Ml on the ground lus llic air ollcn* «lvr rniinicd to KavleiiK on New Irrhtnd. No enemy Interceptors Irlwl lo liull the iitlHCk, Mnny llrc.s were Martcd Iti lii.stnniitlons aruund the ivlrfleld. Ijltsted by 107 toa-; of ex- pln.-«lvcs.

Ti>kM TonStnrv*tlon niKl dlkeiuse, iicB eiic-

niic.s tiint hiive been stuUcliiR tlie ,lupnnf.-.r In the Solomon WniicU snd New Oulncu, Imve been taklns iliclr toll on New Britain, too. Mb- rinr pulmls nciir Borften bny, on Ihr opposite end of llie klnnd from Rabaul, found many dend uilhout t ninrk on tlielr bodlex.

Fnr wp5twnrd Amerlciin sky dro- ccitvs sunk three freighters 111 the south Clilnn sen while other tiiilUk of the H lh U. S. air force de- stroywl two trains. IncludliiR one loaded irltli troops, hit bridges and jinifed rlvercrafl In sweeps over cnina.


STUDY AiyVOTE_ BOfSE, Feb. IJ 0IJ!>—Democrat |P!<iid rtepubUcan leaders itnd state

nlflclnb will meet In Gov. C. A. Bottolfjen's office tomorrow after­noon lo Kan the draft of n pro- po.scd bill designed lo provide for nbacntee votlns for scrvlee men ond

If appravcd. Bottolfseii has an­nounced lie will call II special its- «lon for Pfb, 28. Since the bill would be drofttd and approved bf legisla­tive leaden of both parllus the tts- slon would be short, lasting less than n day.

It was learned from attorneys drafUng (lie bill that It wlU include the folloKlng' features: •

Move the primary date from (he first Tuesday In Augast to the first I ’ue.sday In Julj-; provide for regls- irntlon of soldiers at time they re­ceive and return their ballots; bal­lots «-ouId be issued to cltliens In nillltAry »crvlce nt the written re­quest of Uiemselves or Uiclr Wends, the reqUMtA to bo made a matter of record In ofdccs of county auditors:• provide certification of candidates

UtlQ days alter the primary InsUad of the present 30 days; all technical election itepe Auch as appointment of election Judses and clerka would be. pushed alicad.

Tlie auditors would have been 45 to 60 daya to send and receive i

(OnXln^ .1. ru< 1. «>



Mcxst motorbts can expect a cut In tiielr gasoline rations about April 1, OPA offlclnU Indicate.

Tliey liope lo exempt Uie east, which Is already on short rations, but petroleum bos3 Harold L. Ickes

••We might as well fncc the fiicUi; Petroleum slocks are tlKht and will become tighter."

Shivri>cat ciil i.i expcctrd un the we.ll where I '

iLso r c expccted lt off, but

A lundamemal factor In the na­tional ga.sollnc sltuotloij Is that wc now rmian Ki'solliie to .save gii-solliic ILself—bcciiii e of rapidly niuuntlng war rieiiiftiids.

Today a Uiird of all Kn&olhic pro­duced east uf the Rocky mnuiitalna goes to the nnned forcc.s. Tills iimy

• - per ccnl before Uir war offlcc of war Information

. Rocklc.s.40 per cent goes to w Jupiin nnd ihts u expec bove 50 per cent as thal war moi .Mrr to the tormenlors of Bauii Wiushlngton officials hold out.

hope tor Increases In civilian supply before the war en '

Biilil Flame Thrower Razes Jap Biiildiiig

r drud Jap In rorrgrn

lap bullrtlor na Namiii lalalftlii atflll clurliic i

ssuclated rreu phntiieraphfr «viisi

Boisean, Mtn. Home Baby Die in Crash

BOISE. Feb. 13 (/D-Paul Manos. Boise restaurant operator, was kill­ed lat« tonight In a three-ear col­lision on llie Mountain Homft high­way, 10 mUes eoBt of Boise. Abo re- ported UUed In the eraah waa the Infant wn of Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Demotry. Mountain Home.

The Denietrys, accompanied by Mnnos, were reportedly rettimlngto Mountain Home. Pour other Identified penotu Injured In Uu .. .....--- ... hospital.collision «

M lFor fun— for exciting ro-

mantio adventure, take up with Kitty Bishop,

lovely divorcce who was trylno io'forget .7 : Rea^ ‘

TOMORROW FAIR.B y W in ifre d Hoisted .



,11Idalio educnilon problems, rang­

ing from Uie teacher shorUige to Uit posjilble necessUy of ovrrhaiilliiii the secondary education structure, will be discussed at a meeting to be held al 0:30 n. m. Frldny, Feb. 18. at the Idaho Power company audi­torium. according to announcement by A. W, Morgan. Twin Falto school superintendent and president of ihi Idaho Education>octntion.

Tlie problem of .stnfflng schooli ext year In Ihe face of an In­

creasingly serious teacher shortoRc wllll occupy the attention of the educators.

The morning program: "Btafflni; the Schools Next Year." John I. HlUman. executive secretary Idaho Education association: "Tempomry Combinations and Transportation Slandartls." 0. B. Roberta, slate su­perintendent: "AccredltuUon Stan­dards." John W. Condle. diate high school supervisor: "War Emergency Permlls and Teacher Eklucatlon.” R. H. Snyder, president ot Albion Normal school: •'How Can Under- standing Be Developed?" Charles whlltalcer, president of Idaho Stale Trustees' association and the Idaho Education council. The discussion will be led by SupU Morjtan.

Influential laymen from various localities and occupntlon.i will at- •— I the afternoon session, al which

be considered the typo of sec- »ry educaUon best de.<lgned to t the needs of Idaho boys andI.

afternoon program: 'Intro-

.... PosslblllUes." William Kerr, director of vocational educa- ■'Velerans' Education Prob-

• Loren H. Boater, stale «ca- rehablttlallen officer In Uie

veterans' administration; "A Busl-<OnUiiB*< M Fan S. C«I(bii 4)

R e d s S m a s h I n t o

S u b u rb s o f L u g aLONDON. i-'i‘li, i;; (/I')— Soviet li-ODps ai t‘ now fiKhl'fii;

the Mihiii'lis Ilf i.ttnji, a jiiiu 'lio ii im Uic l.eniiiKfad-i’.'kii Wiusaw raihvay tiO iiiili'.s south o f Li-niiiKrad. w liik’ <ithi f<ii cus 18 iiiile.s ti) the ua^t cU'ari’<l t lip l.(!HinKrail-Hat(!l..'ka\ Niivnoiiul railway « ith th e cajHiti-i’ of Hatct.skaya. Mit.-i'ci aiiiiotiiictitl t()iii);lil.

Far lo thy .soiitli in lh(“ L'k raiiie troop,-; nf the first a iiti .second L'kruiiiiiiii froiili titrud !((;VL'ii more towns the (ircd and litiiiKrv nants of tn i iiazi divisi

100.0011 men — faciiiK imrru-nenl .stirreiuloi- or tieati;

Moscow L-oiniii the Soviet nil Junker-s-Sa ti cnrrj' .siipphi'

Miltl the broadcn.s iilijut ri-corclcd b; illor. •niirty-itirrciiMWl.s, trylnK ti I llic'sed ac r

Tlie 1 irttioiu .. in ivl

ig throuith i-up of the the retreat lakes III

captured, was me heavy snow in n cl Gerronns protcciiiic from the tiortli bcttti Hid Pclpus.In the Ukr.ilw lli

Imi the Russian iiw .iround the Iron toun of Krlvol Rog where railway cscnpc roiite.s rui nlng nortliwest and Im been cut.

Kfserves OcplcleJBecause Iced rcM'i-vc: '

depleted and prrepcetlK ■ ,uf/lc lc.................


Search Fails to Find Air Victims

MEMPHIS, t'eb, 12 (rt>-Swlfl currents of ttie MtsslKippt river to­night continued tu baffle salvnRc crews searching for the bodlc^ of 34 occupants of an American A ir­liners trnn.scontliicntal plane tlint plunged Into the water Thursday night.

Shattered pieces ol the plane. >me wclglitng os much as 300 Junds, were drcdiicd un ditrinK i

day along with some sucks of m ge, a woman's photograph, r and a sock.

GOP Leaders Rap New Deal in

Liiicoln’s Bu'lhday SpeecliesNallon-wlde observance ;'of .Lin­

coln's birthday brought Iridlvlduai Republican appeals for. ■‘poUtlcal emancipation from a ...............

Thomas B. Dewey. tew York and Republleu)

/. gov4nor of

dinner la New York that "there are few thinking Ameritams who wbh to risk the peacetime ehaoff of con< Unued new deal govenuncnt^

“And there are few Americans,' be added. *^ho do not fear what that government might fall to do In the.building o f« Just and Ust- in* peace.-

WalUee Bpeaka ... -... of the few speeches by

D“ 'w»J*.,y‘9e-PrMldent;_.¥all8eB. said in a Lincoln-day address at Springfield, 111., that Amerle* .must never rettiro to-"the dartc ceUan of

•Today,~ ha-aald. “while democ racy is menteot; abroad and vbUe American UtHita are trying to eo. slave us herrMbt wcrda and dee<ts and insplratlos . of Lincoln give sirengtli to t h ^ ' who battle in the luse of ihe per~‘Rep. UarUn,

dinner of Republlcna< In Wheeling, W. va.. Unit Prcildtni fioosevcli had poasesscd "absolutedomlnntlon" of Uie nation for 13 and allow­ed no signs of reUnquhhliig It.

The Presldeafs Uirtc terms, Mur- tin remarked, has crested •'» ruth­less, arrogant, powete-hislful bu ­reaucracy" which.Is -fastening Its clutcjies upon the iKople. '

Griswold llesrii In Kansas City, Oev. DwigJit

Orlswokl of Nebnuka advised a dinner group of Missouri Republi­cans that party success depended upon convincing the votera that a

■ win-ning of Uie war, la ......... .ment afterward, and that.RepubU* cans will cooperate ftiolelieartedly with oUier naUons to prevent future

""^ndelVwUlkleriliriMORepub'li. can nominee for President, and a candldaU for nomlnaUon UUs year, made his Lincoln day dinner address last night In Tacoma, Wash., accixs- Ing the DemocrsUe admiolstratlon of fostering disunity on u « home- front

‘Human nature li such that you must not entrust , loo much power to one man lor too long,”. Wlllkle olwerved. . , .



po.vslbllity of a far Rrr

s. the rlfect.s nf n

hn vc I uiipUe:

imulU ' mimbcrv, ho Kovenimcnt nsRed a ri'cluctlon hl.s year In home lyprs of ltve.stoc): ilXJrjition.v—particularly of hogs, commercial broilers and bcU Ity bcef cattle,

govemniclit recommcndntlons___ accompanied by chnayes la

t>ricc policies which made the feed- of hoys and flnbhed cattle Irs:

profiublc.In Uic case of hoRs. tor rxiunple 17 per cent rediicUnii lii thn lOf

spring pig crop wa.s re<iiicMcd. / po-st-card survey made In Dccenibei by the federal crop reporting bonrd iiidicnteri fanner* pliintied to cu: their pig crop by tiiui amount',

Keiver Cattle in tlie ease of cattle, the ngrlcul' ire depnrunent reiwt.s that 10 per

; beir fed In •nie Nn-ii.S-SOClll-

....... . belt 111.............tioniil Livestock Pi-odiii'c i

. the reduction l.s nt least per cent.

As to poultry, tlie government 1 recommended n reduction only the case of commcrclnl broilers—tlmi is.^young, llghtucight chickens. 11 wants the producUon of eggs to con­tinue at highest levels possible. Yet,

cent fewer baby chicks this year.

T u r k s B r e a k o f f

B r i t i s h P a r l e y s

ANKARA. Turkey, Feb. 13 UPh- Sudden suspension of month-Ions secret talks between the Turkish genernl staff and a Briilsh mlUUry :mlsslon was disclosed today.

(A Cairo dispatch said there were Indications Uint Turkey had shown lev reluctance ot grant Uie allies lir bnaes despite previous favorable Intimations. It wild allied military leaders who had been In Turkey had returned to Cairo In silence, giving no algii.i that they had anyncv hope of Irrsh war aid from Uir Turks.

(The Cairo account went on lay that IravelerB from Turkey .. ported offlcUla opposedTo'u'tiy’h’air- way Turtih entry Into tlie war lest Uie country be subjected to Oennan bombing or even land attack. .

: LEE ON OPA COMMITTEE BOISE, Feb. 12 (AV-An office oC

price administration advisory , eom- ••'.ee. formed by ilove reUilera and

wra of southern Idaho and east- Oregon, includes Robert E. Lee,

Twin Palls.


nililtlly aDproiichtia

rnlBhl ssk Mos lat If they w iirly

..............- ..................... ,.ild pro­claim to the world thnt. It had askui or peace and couldn't get It.(Even Gcrroan quarters, as quot­

ed In Madrid by the Siiiinlsh new;, agency EFE. expre.sscci rioubw ihni Finland long could opi>cc>n ‘•the In­fluence nnd prc.«nrc ot the variou.' allied nutloas." A dhiiatch from Zurich to the fteutcr.s agency

Plmis nlrcadj- tiad outlined their peace views to Derll

H a r r y H o p k i n s ’

S o n K i l l e d i n

M a r s h a l l I s l e sWASHINGTON. Feb. 12 lA'h-

Presitlont Hoasevclt tonklit no­tified Hiirr>' L. Hopkins that hU Kun Stephen, IS, hud been killed In action In the MnrAliall Islands and burled at sea;

Hopkins Is an iidvl'.er nnd friend of the chief i-sccutlve,

Mrs, Ho|>kt!LS, contirming re­ports of the death, .said no de- Ulls were avsllable. Steptien was a child of Hopkins' first mar­riage. Hopkins wo« en route south to try to recoi'cr liLs own strength and lieulih, which Inive been tax­ed by long and recurrent Ill­nesses.

Tlie President. Mrs- Hopkins said, sent her hashand a "bcau- Ufully-'wordcd" tt^cgruin telllnB him of Steplien's death- She Kald Uie chief executive iu.iertcd that ••we do not know the details, but we will be prouder of him when wo do."

L i b e r a t o r s P o u n d

A t P a s d e C a l a i s

LONDON. Feb. 13 t-V>-Amerlcan Llbervlors malnUlned the unprec- Rented pace of doyllghl bombing 'with a tliumplns attack today agalmff^ticOcminiia* l atteictl fuftl~ flcaUons around Pas-de-Calais. en-

■ ■' ftench territory nearest

Tho four-eiiglued bombera cross­ed the cluuuiel under a roaring um­brella of Mtutang and Thunderbolt fighter* and reltvned wlUtout loss to. complete successfully their 13th operation in 16 days. The filers re­ported they did not see a single e h e ^ fishier in' the sky.

Grim Y anks Tighten Beachhead Grip as Warships Aid Fight



spaltiTiKl fifth army .1thf Ativ.i<. beat;l>)u-adCoa. .Mark W. Clark.^via^r for ih.'ti11 and 'wns "sura to c. itiii’.’’

Their hold cin thelliHii al any tin >1- in th

Dotsi-; Ki t> i; I.f-Tiic nppiibii- ciin .■• ■.•illnil cciMimiUcc toalgill .selected Mo.scoa (or the jmrtys del­egate ooaveiitlnn niid set the date lu April 15.

Ttin platform annentloii will be hclil at •IVlii FalL; al the call of HUtc Chalrmnii Reilly Atkinson,the coninilttrc dccldc<l.

The deknate cumnitlon wlll'i.e- lecl the statPs pjrv.n (lele«al« to


on explain-

llloplMl twc



Tom Ketiie.v, Lcwl Smith, nevbiirg, ai inoiisly declared tl

.. , , irtv liiLs always Ix-iin favor of the ficc iiiiri unimpaired MPicL-r of the ilRht ol francllbe.

11 (Icdared thiit tlie Idaho Re- piibllraii party • tiivurs a Ircc and coniiiletc conslitiilluiiul and valid ballot for every M.-rvtcc man nnd woman nf vatlnp nge" nnd urged ttiat ••nit necc -ary Birin, be t

and supply «uiwllvi.

Ijirtr Ilcprfsentatlun■ -second rcMiliulon ufged thi regular .se.s-.lon o( the legWn o make jmivblon for selectitic p clialniiHn or vice ehatrinaii iiaitv state (Tiilriil comnilttec nl a vaciincy occurs. Alktii-soii iicd thiit nt present there U

machinery for replachig• oftlch

of tllllnuol nn T.rt 1. C«luran

FLASHES ofl if e

AD.MISSIONSTORRS, Conn., Feb. 13 - A pint

of blood and 10 dimes was Uie ad- nils-sion price nt a danuAiHist night at University of coimectlcut, bloo<l goes to the nnned forces, dimes to the infantile pnralysL? fund,

A mobile blood bank unit from Hartford will redeem the blood pledge cards given by the dancers.

DitArrunSPRINGFIELD, 111, Feb. I2-An

Indtgnunt womnn cnllcd Uie Illinois State Journal city editor, demand­ing:

•'Wliy weren’t pictures of today's draft group In ttie pajier?"

"II might have been becau-se our liholocraphcr was one of them.” sighed Uie editor,

BEDLOS ANGELES, Feb. 12-A night­

long senrch failed to locatc Donald Pape. Jr.. 8 years old,

Tlien a neighbor found him on the porch hi the morning.

He explained to a poUceman he wa.1 a little late gelUng home and bedded down in- the bath tub to avoid disturbing Uie family.

DESERTED• SAL7 LAKE CITY. Feb. 12- Thlrty-lwo years ago Shable Malouf left his wife at tlielr home In a Siberian village and csme to the United States,

Ho liked Uils country and became a clUzen. He was unable.lo persuade his wife to come lo him. he said in a court peUUon. and now asks a divorce on grounds of deserUon.

s rcpiil-sed with th

T o A i d C h i n a .

Ot^>lir.K TDCKKn

aiTI-:Kb, Algiers, Feb. 12 (/P)— Mud- roop.'i urinily tiifhtcncil their grip on llmi^rhl HS Ihoir comniiinilcr, LieuU assiirrd ihpin thai suppiic.i were nr- hal Uteir vlclurious march on Rome

slipll.piucd liiililoi'round was firm er ' 72 hoitrs after a German attack aid of warships which ranged boldly.

dc.spite heavy shells, and a alight break in the weather gave promise that overA'ticlmlnR allied air ffupe-/ riority might soon return to the nfd 3f Uie liaitl-fightlng ground forces. '

Ureak-Through Urged In a message to all his troops

ilong tho western lUllin front, ia- -- eluding those who slugged out lioi- it«l gains in Uie Cossino sector. General Clark urged Ills break Uirough Uie Oermans’ ••thin- ,.

lUies- nnd u> cnuh the en-' ihelr way norUi. supplies

. ..rivtiig ftt the beachhead. Oencna Clark said. Milch -would give the allied forces Uiere ihe op­portunity to kill'Germans "in large lumbers."

THE REV. E. h. IKESBERUY . . . PiiKtor «r Ihe Chureh of

the Brethren and a former mem­ber oC the Shansi famine relief eommltlee In China, U returning lo China (o serve with the United China Ilellef admlnljlratlon la devastated areas of Free China. He has been pastor of the Twin FalK church- slnte 11)11. ISlafI


10 CHINESE POSnir Rev, E. L. Ikcnbcrry, piLstor

of llie Flriit Church of the DrcUiren mid a veteran China missionary, will leave r.oon for a two-year term of United China Relief admlntstm- tlun worl: In fanilnc-strlcken areas ot Krce China.

Rev. Mr. Ikcnbcrry. who cnnie here ns pastor of Uie Church of the Dretlircn Sept, 1, 1041. spent a num­ber nf yenrs In China and speaks tlic laiiKiiage fluently. Ho served several years as a member of the Shoiisl International famine relief committee, a provincial dtvl Uie orgunlzatlon which ad lercd nhnoNl $30,000,000 of relief funds In ClUna, much of which came from Ihe United Suites, from 1019 to 1936.

"Clilna was rapidly becomhig nation," Rev. Mr. Ikcn­bcrry said -until Uie oveffan wide areas In 1037 and 1938. nnd Jopan^s nitlileas treaUnent ot tlie people eaufccd 50,000.000 refu­gees lo flee to unoccupied Clilna.’'

Tlie Twin Fnlls pa.slor also ser ed on the flood relief commlllee of Oovemor Hsu in the summer o' 1033. nnd made InveatigaUng toun with Mi»J. O. J. Todd, chief engl. necr of the InteniiUlonnl fumini relief commlviloii. He saw mud suffering caused by Jnpaliesc cniel- ty In the mission area where he wotkerl, and the Drethrtn relief eommlttce fed many scores of wid* OS'S and orphna^.

■Itellcf work In China has no characterlaUcs of careless charily," said the Brclliren pastor. "Instead, a enrcful survey ,U made of the famine areas and the methods of •( day's food for a day’s work* Is fol­lowed. All oble-bodled men and old­er hoys from a stricken family go to work on some road, or lo open up new homesteads, and grain is provklcd to feed the whole family

CBS, quoted a BrllWi war corres­pondent as kayliig thnt Uie Ocrman

idio was boiLsting Uiet tho heach- cad force soon would have to taka < boiit.i. Such aermnn stntcmcnt. tver have been ’•within miles of ic tnjUi.’' Uie correspondent said,

adding thnt the troops were facing Uielr Job wlUi sober confidence).

U was apparent that Uie Ger- nans, dlsorEunlzed by determined illled restsUince and with their ar- .nor bogged down In muddy termln. hud been forced to pause nnd re­group, .Tlie beachhead was UghUy held, luid on nllled tpokesman de­clared Its front lines "liave remain­ed relatively unchanged during the past few days.- ' •

YanM Score Qilns Along the main fifth army front

to Uie south Uie battle also tipped • • the ,p3H«- f»vor »a tlm

r a ^ scorcd UToody If liifillea gains In'Uie keyCasslno sector.

Bill Uicre still wns noUilnc to In­dicate Uial tlie fighting In lUity

lid not be am'on? Uie costliest and monl siiiigulniir; of Uie «-ar.

- Americans’ grinding struggles In Cassino finally gave them pos- ses.slon of one>entlre tecUon of the Bhatlcrcil town. They also knocked out the remnants of Uie Uiwn Jail to iljich tho nnzls had clung even af­ter nllled high exploshes had bat­tered Uie strong, fortress-ltke bulld- ’ ig lo Uie ground.

News that Uie Germans had oc-<C*nIlno as P*t« L C*l»a l>

$.32,850 Rupert Bond Sale

Puts Couuty $40,000 AboveRUPERT, Feb. 13—Army Jeeps carried boys and.girls through Rupert

streets today while an aucUon at the civic auditorium was selling bonds amounting to »32m

Today's aueUon put Minidoka over Ui< top on its series E quota the fourth war loan drirt, It was said by A. P. Beymer, county cha’ and sent tho total sales for Uie count; soaring to (40,000 over the .

Earl Buttcwie was chairman ot tho committee In charge of the aueUoo,hlch was sponsoTed-by-thfr-flupert-Ltoio-club.--------------- —AucUoneers were Uie Rev. FaUier Daniel B. McEUlgott, pastor of 8L

Nicholas CathoUo church, and J, B. Herd and Dean Bchofield, Rupert 'ruslneas-mea.

Prizes were donated by Rupert merchants. Top prices .were .M.OOQ lald for a SO-pound uck ot sugar, MOO for a case of beer, and I6S0 t a .botUe of whisky.

e was furnished ^ the high scbool baod.



ROi FALL SURELONDON. Feb. 12 — Prime

Minister Winston Churchill an­nounced Hally today that allied

In Uie I' •'palgn has ossured him Ilome would be won and there was •‘no justlft- itioii for pessimism.’''Tlie announcement, si the height

of th* swaying battle on the Anslo brldjehesd and nround Cassino. wns obviously intended to quiet mounUng anxiety both In this country and Uie United Sulcs and lo rta.ssure Uia lined and neutral world. U was In- • terpreted here a.1 a sign of grent confidence Uiat tlic Anilo bridge­head would be held.

Statement Unuioat The statement was considered un-

jsual In London, as ChurchlH has rarely made such positive assur- nces during an offensive aclloii.'T)ie BUlenient was handed out

without any odvonec notice — and with no special demands for any government explanation Uiough the British press had expressed concern and featured reports ot anxiety in Uie United SUtea.

The ■talcment was not seen as ny hint thnt an early break­

through to Romo was erpected. but it was welcomed aa assurance tha t. any danger thnt the fifth army wouW b* thrown back Into the sea now was past.

Churchill made a specific poUit of allied superiority In tanks and ar- tUlery. Uiereby dispelling any. Idea Uiat Uie Ametlc&ns and British Ivave to rely mainly cn ah- bombs and ship guns.

While It obviously was llkelj to.. Impress aU neutrals. ChurchUl'a strong statement may wen have b«n intended especially fcr tho Sp«n- lards who have atranf Interest in tlie Mediterranean and with whom. London and Washington are,, now • tr>'lng hard to reach some , sails- . : factory undenUndlng In adnmm opening Uie wisstem tanatoa.- -.• .

The - enemy • _____aUUment befora-the BJU ■ ■ ■ ----

iw r ra .p tte t.


Page Two TIMBS-NEWS.'TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Sunday, Fobruary-lS, 1944


ARRESIEOVIAl’A amall nowspnper ad had Ocorse

A. Pose, 27. in Uic clly Jail In:' nlSht. &na hftd reaulUd In tlie ri covary of four witr*Karcii elcclrlcol sppUancu stolen from 397 Addbon avenue In burBlnrlf* Ittst Dcr 25 and Feb. 3.

Hownnl ailletle. clilrf ol pollci (nid the recovered arllclM wrre

' etwing mnciilnc, Kallle Iron. Jomp nnd vacuum olenner, all elccirlcoperntcd.. Tliey »ero recovered when T/iylor, Filer wrvlcc . Intlrai n| ftlor, r<'ocl im ml In -nmr.sil

Tjiylor remimlwi *UCll appllnncM Iron me<sinlely nollfle<l a wns iirri''Ie<l

wlia-c minir 1 »' 1 1 1 . 1 kiiw.

of dlspaslHK of 'inirn iirc)|>rrly i nbly would be llle.l /.Knm.ii !■;. hn III Iiol cliarsvd with burglar

vf'-.tiiiictte fal() ni.'f linil 'ervi pv.tenn m the Idaho «nle penliem ...... I buTBlnr

recovered nrllclcs are tile / Of Allen Mnson, who li In

*ry fler\’lce, nnd Mrs. Mnson. u In wnr work At Porilnnd, McMullJn tnierled the ad of- ^ the tlOO reward >is rlend of th« Moions, nnd wn. g after the place duilnir their !. Qlllette Bald. The house la )P«rty of J. W. Mends,

C a p t a i n N o w


M « S B )

l| | iWcupled thft iirounds of the Pope'* summer palace st Outel Oandoifo v u reti»rcled as nnotber Instance of nael dctermlnfttlon to resui to the Inst St whatover coat In men or prin­ciple*.

The Gettnan eommunlqu# declar­ed that s oharp allied attack agsliut tiie Oerrnan llnei at Carroetto (Ap- rllln) had been benien back.

The allied communique said a Oetman attack on the beachhead wa« beaten back yeilecday and the fact that onl; one atUck «'u made that day Indicated the terrlllc ef­fect of eUlM air attacks the pre- vloiu day.

Allied headquarterit announced that during Uie stiff Jlghllng on both front* during the past seven days more than 3.000 crack Oermrm troope had been taken prljoner. H jU brouaht^th# aJlled mora than 13,000, v»tu(Uly cn4 divljlonr klnce the invnslon of Ilaly began Jail Scptomber. Thii rioci not '

BUTTER. CHEESE, OILS.' PATS — Book three brown

.mp Y valid tliroiigli March 20. oianipa V. W anti X vnllcl througli Feb, SJ.

P liurrs AND VEOCTABLES CANNED—Book four green ttamps O . K nnd J Rood throuRh Feb. 30: K, L and M vnUd through March30.

SUOAil—St«mi> No. 30 In book i vnlld lor flvo pounds through March 31, Book {our atamp 40 valid now for 9 poundfl for home canning only and good through Feb, 38, 104S,

SHOES—atnmp 18 In hook 1 and atump No. I In "airplane” sheet oJ ratJon book 3 effective Indefinitely

OAEOLINE; — lO-A coupons good for three goilons through March 31. B and 0 coupon* good for three gaj. Iona until exhnuated. New Bupplt- mRiitary B-3 and C-3 gasoline cou­pons are good for ilvo gallons cvcrj’. where until used.


Ing.cpru>L-iitcd al tho meet-

Earlier toduy the Idaho Voung IU'publlcan.1 heard a clLscu.sfclun'of palitlcnl treiida by J, L. Ebcrlu, BoL'iO iitlorncy; nnd Mrn. Eiimm Clouchek. T»ln Pain Idnho ncpubllciin nn- tlotial coinmlttcewoman. iidUreucd a meelJDg ^poiiiored l>>- tlie Ada county Iltpubllcnn Women’a league.

"Under the new deal our banken have bccome glorliled t>ooklceciwrs nnd many ol tliciii arc i>tlll unaware or the fiict," ElxTle tokl the Young licpubllcniis.

BMiklng TaUrn OverHe luild banking has been almait

eompkuiy takoii over luicl regu- liilcd by llir ivdmlnLKtrntloii. Harold KocniK, HUII.SCII. stnlc prei.lclcnt. uii- nouiHi'il mat a atnte mi:etlnK lor elcciioii cl oiliccrs will be hclii thl.i ipring,M/.1. Clourhrk told Die Rcj.iibll-

:an wnm n tlmt "t\t leixj t flO per <-nt ol the v..t<- in thl» el.rctloii will «• en.'i t)v llir women of Amerlcn ■nil uiir ii-..iA'ii»ibllny Is utcordlngli

•'Sillily H‘nl know your Lvsue-1 so ,011 ctiii Hicuk an them InlclllBent- y,- .■!»• ...uitocllcd.Tttii'3 nepiibllcan club.

iL.trK't clinlrmen, Mrf. Alice U. VxHi, Co<ur d'Aloiie and Mm . Elbert •: sn-lliiiijn. LcwlMon, wcro Intro- liKcil. Mr.v. Carlyle Snillh, Caldwi'll, oniirr jii.l.- Rcintbllcan chulnnaa, iiUc lucrd Mrs. CtoiJcJick.

Twin FaUs News in BriefVliK* Danihttn

Elmer Bmlth, Parker. CkJio., 1« via lUiifi hla daughters, Mrs. Jl B. Bol



RELIEF IN(Krncn r«r« 0

relief «ork makes pi future.

'"Die Chinese national seven ment Is o|icnlnK up new Jnnd.i In ■■ e nnrthwe.'t provinces, and fui

im Clilna United Relief help _ Kct the refucecs to ihc lund und

Xor Uii

ki'ci> I 1 frcim Tvlng 1

R e t a i l e r s W i l l

H e a r O P A T a l k sBoth employes and employen o

downtown atores will attend a mvt- tn« to be held at the Twin Falls blgb school sudltorJun) at 8 p. m. Monday, with slate OPA official* (II tho speaker*. It was said by E. C, Bingham, Tho ia In charge of ranitemcnta.

DlscusiloQ at the meeting vUl be In two principal dlvlilona, enld Bingham, with W. J. WUde, district price executive, and Ren# Cntcn, price specialist, tis the speakers.

One of the topics will be Iniln- tion control, and thh dbicusslon wili be designed to give Uie clerks first­hand some of the material employ­er* have had at previous meetings.

Tht other TmporJant poJn' ‘ the cJerka. said Blneham, t... the Importance of their pm In Betting over to the public the neces Blty for putting up with «ubstltut< merchandise.

$750 LostThe los* of a blnek

tolnlng $750 In currcncy ported to the sheriff* otllce by W. E. Lancaster. Filer. Uncaster *nld he thought the lo.u occurred ne the sale grounda of the Sloekgrai crs" Commtefon company. TTie wn let. he Bnld, contained nothing IdentUy him as the owner.

The Hospital

&ncrgtncy beds only were avall oblc at UiB Twin Palis county scn enU hospltaj Saturday.

AD^IITTED Mr*. J. W. Smith nnd Thomas B.

Fflu»- ...................Btoki. ........................Jo Motsan. MurtauglL

DISMISSED Miss Hilda Strain. Eden; Mre.

Fi-Bnklin .Sharp, Hansen, anti Mrs. James Haiaby, Kimberly.


Xeep the While Flas;0} safetv Flplnff

'N ow ' iB <Iaut wittimt a h tra f/ le death in our Uagio

P o p e t o P r o t e s t

A l l i e d B o m b i n g sBEnN, Fob. 13 nj.PJ-Itollan froi

tier reiKjrtn from usually well'll, formed Cnthollc clrclpj in Rome said today that Pope Plus X II woult make a protest to Hie iillleri n». tlonn shortly rejmrdinB the wnmh,

of Cnstrl Oanrtolfo In wlilcti pniml .siiminer villa wo.i lilt nnd colirgc of propaganda demol.

LiliCfl.Tlie same sources reported also

thnt the pontiff plans to tnnke rndlo bronclcnst soon nppenling III! till' bcIIlBcrenl.s to rcsiiocl i noutrallfy of nil Vottcnn property throughout Italy.

According to official Italian cl.'it elnlm!i. 37 allied four-mc bomber* attocked Cnstel Oandoifo yesterday, kllllnir 500 of the t total of 3.000 population.

S u b s i d y O u t l a w

B i l l V e t o S e e n

WASillNaTON, Feb. 13 (U,R>_ Both slde.i ngrectl today that the conRrpisionnl farm bloc'.i bill to out- law iho adminlitratton's consumer food subsidy program is headed for on early presidential veto.

The scnnte late yc.Mcrday utter­ed B vigorou* "no" to the nubsldy procram by voting 43 to 28 to ban the use of subsidies for milk, meat butter, and wheat for flour after Jime 30, 1044. thus Jolnlns Ita voice to that of the house which ha* al­ready passed ft similar ban.

With a veto almcut certain, both ••pro.V and •‘nnlis" bcRnn almost ImniedlDtcly to muster the ir strcngUi for tho real showdotm ex­pected when the farm bloc attempts to override the president.

G r a v e s i d e R i t e s

F o r B u r k e I n f a n t

JERO.ME. Feb. 12-Oraveslde rlti, for the Infnnt daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burke, Jerome, held at 1 p. m, Saturday at .the omc ceinctcry with the Rev. Albert E. Marlin offlcintlng. The child died at birth at the St. ValenUnc has- pital in Wendell at 10:30 p. m. day.

Sun-lvlnir are the pirents, a small sLstcr, Barbnro. nnd the* ents. Mr. and Afrs. Frank Burk*. Wcndcl!. ond Mr. nnd Mrs. C. J. Kclier. Pasco. Wash.

S e r v i c e s T o d a y

BUIILEY. Feb, 13-Punernl ae. vice*, for Ocorge Henry Kerbs. 59. who died Sunday at the Burley hos-

'tal after six weeks' illness, will be ld at a p « . tomorrow at the Paul

CongrtgaUonnl church with the Rev. K. K. Maicr officiating.

Sttftal will be In the Paul ceme­tery with the Burley funeral iiotn* In charge.

tied. Incidentally refugees are Clirb-

tlani, nnd everywhere they go ... chitrchcs jprlng up in a short time, I upecl to dn a. great deal of church work, ns well as help to feed th

•rvlriii,"To Go Alone

ev, Mr. Ikenbcrry will go alon Chtnn, Mrs. Ikenberry nnd tlitlr

. .3 dflujhfor* here ptannlng to Mcrhersoii. Knn.. where thcli Enie.'t. snil daiiRhter. Susan, ni tenrtlng McPlierson rnlleno.

Tlie pftstor-inlBslonnry said he would not leave Twin Falla for lenst another month, becaune of I necetslly for compleUiig the sa Inoculation* that are given serv men goliiij into thiit territory. He will trnvel by bout from New " to Biinibiy, and then by plane the route on which planM : climb to n height of three and .... half mlle.1 to clear "ihe hump"—the IKmnlnya mnimtalns.

Rev, Mr. Ikenberry sold he h enjoyed living here, particularly aftir the preceding two yeaj war-lorn China, and regrets Ing the Magic Valley.

L o d g e W i l l H o l d

D a n n e r S e r v i c e s

BUHLEY. Feb. 12-runernl ... Ices for Fred Damier, 88. formerly a farmer In the Albion vicinity who (llnl at Ainnmbra, Cnlll.. thja mom- Inc, will be conducted by the Al­bion Mn'onlc lodfje In Itn hall at n tlini.' to be nnnounced later. Burial will be beside the body of hia wife, Mnllldn i/'wLi Danner. In the Al­bion Masonic cemetery. The Burley funeral home will be In charge.

Mr. Danner, who was bom Oct. 3, 1637, In Missouri, fanned near Al' blon until 10 years ago when hi moved to California, He had been In 111 health for a number of years.

He leaves nine sons and three rtnughlers, llebcr H„ Albion; 8am. Siiojhone; AfnrshalJ, David. John, Frank and Lee Dnmier, California: Mrs, Harriett Cliatbiim, Monterey, Calif,; and Mrs. Olive Mateon and Mrs. Abbe Farwcll. Allmnibra; also a brother. Harry Danner. New York City.

S e r v i c e m e n H e l d

O n M o r a l s C l a i m

A sailor and a marine, both — tloncd nl tlic navy convalescent hos- pltnl nt Stm Valley, were being held

rlly Jail nlKht on t f contributing to the de'

Unquency of minor girls.Chief Howard Oillettc, who Idcn-

tifled (he sailor as Jlmmio Forea. about 2<, and the marine as John E. Daker. about Si. said the two were arrested In one of the H. W. Danr cabins with two Birla, one 15 and the other' W years of age.

The )ioUce chief said he would ...................c the t

B u r l e y M a n o n

O P A C o m m i t t e eBOISE, Feb. 13 fURl-John Snow,

Burley, associated with the J. R. Slmplot Produce company, has been named a director of a naUonal ad­visory committee for the OPA. dls- triet OPA Director c. c. Anderson said today.

Anderson said 6no«.-wUl aet .oa _ ccmmlttee which represents ln< tere»(a of W.OOO - country shipper* and 7AC0 intermcdelale sellers.

M ASONS NOTICE!All M aate r Masons are urged to meet a t th e M asonic

Temple Monday, Feb. 14,1:15 P. M., to attend t i e

fu ne ra l of


I.i*...,, .UIO. tv, U. ~. Orville Denney, and

Vlilt ParenI* pvt. and Mn. C. F. (Junior) Wur-

.iiler, Sioux Palls, S. D:, arrived Sat­urday 10 visit Ills purcats, Mr. and Mrs, C. F. WursUT.-

Naval Air Cudcl WUbur Lareon. Lakevlllo. Minn., lelt today to re to duly alter visiting al the home of Mr*. Altn V, Dlcltey and Miss Nonna Dickey the past four dayi.

Attends FuneralJ. M. cook, route one. Twin Palls,

left for Idaho Falls Friday to at­tend thfl Jimeral of hi* brother, Thomiis 8. Cook, who died at tha Idnho Falls hospllftl foUowlng throat operation,

r^ffon Will Me<lTu’in Falls post No. 7 American

I-eglon will meet at « p. m, Feb. 19 at the U-Binn hnll, with an entar taliimciu folowln* tho busintrs* bu.«int.« m'Mlng. Service men home on fiirloiifth and veterans of World war tl nr- Invited to attend.

In Cadet TralnlnrCnrtrt Ddiialrt B. Anderson, form'

CT star nUilete Of th# Twin Pall* nnilns, l« now al the San Antonli iivhitlon cnclel center, where he 1- taking prefllnht training. Ha 1* tha non of .«r. and Mrs, Cflace Ander­son, Ttt-ln Falls;

Flier OveneaaStaff sgt. Keith H. Coleman,

nephew of Mrs, R. L. Coleman and a former Times-Newi advertlalng ataff member. 1* now with a bomb­ing squadron based In north Africa, He la first engineer and lower ball turret gunner oh a Ubtrilor bomb-

Complete* CourwAviation Cadet David P, Wood,

former agent here for a furnace con­cern, has completed the army's pri­mary flight iniliilng course alTbiin- rtertilrd field, Qlrnd«le. Arir.. and lift- now commenced hli bnstc fllsht training nt another air field. Hr L iho «m of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fill- ton. Suit Uko City.


WIIHEDUCAIORSs.1 Mun'i viewpiilnt," Floyd Wei . lulstant secretary of the Idaho State Chamber of Commerce. Mr. RoberU uUl lead the discussion t* follow the tallcs.

Organlullons to b« represented at the conference Include the Suxu Trustee*' awoclallon. Chamber of Commence, American Legion. th« □range, Idaho Farm Bureau Feder, fttlon of Women'* Clubs. Idnho Ped- eratlon of Labor. Idaho Congresi of Parent* and Teachers. Idnhc Education association, stale board of education. County Superlnten- dcnta' association, and advisory commlitees for ajrlcultur*. trade and Induatrlal education.

The first of the tlx conference! will bo held Wednesday and Thurs' day at Rexburg and Pocatello. Meet­ings following the Friday ses. ion hero will be held nt Coeur d’Aleni LcKlMon and Caldwell.

S o l o n s W i l l S e e k

A r m y V o t e A c c o r dWASHINGTON, Feb. IJ {/P)-Sen-

ile and house conferees will meet irxt week In an attempt to work ml a compromise bill to facilitate •oiing by member* of tho armed orre.i In this year's elections.Tlie Joint committee must find

lomethlng acceptable between the house's dclermlnaUon to leave the

in the hands ofthe states and the senate's In-ilst' encc on use cf « unJ/ornj federal ballot.

Senate conferees Indicated today tluit they are hopeful a compromise measure can be worked out retain­ing the federal baUot for Uie usa of voters whose home states fail to provide absentee ballots. Senator Connolly, D„ Tex., one of tlie co ferces and a states rights supports-, Riwkc of bolh -national and state ballots” In discussing the confer

RECORDSPart of the extra city hall apace

created by conslrucUon of a new cell block was being utilized Satur­day afternoon, as Charles P. 1 ^-

______ latlon of years of old recordsand forma is being stored In one of Ihe rooms formerly used as cells by the police department.

Material being moved there from closet will provide a small cloak-

xun for the dty hall force.. . .

BirthsTo Mr. and Mrs, Dicli Rolce. Eden

a daughter, bom Peb, 11 at OiS Twin Falls county general hospluU nlly homo.

Nary Discharge Leon Junior McCalmon. Filer, has

recorded hla honorable discliarge frcni lilt! na\>. dated May 33 of la* year at Farrnitut. He wn* an oppi;cn- lice seaman V-O.

Air Corps Promollon Donald K. Brandon, formerly ol

Twin PalU. ha* been promoted from a major to a lleutenanucolonel in the air corps, according

......................delrelease from i partoient.

Amy lUleaseSamuel M. Merrill, route three

Buhl, recorded hla honorable dis­charge from the army. Dated las July 5 at Camp Wolteri, Tex., 1 shows he was a private in the S1U infantry training battalion.

Brand CertlfleaUs State brand certificate has been

recorded here by Lon L, Green, route three. Buhl. The brand U an H’ tertwlned. W. i, Cameron. Rogerson also recorded brand certificate ' X+ brand.

Dinner Monday Scout* of iroop fl<. sponsored

the Twin Falls Methodist church will be entertained ot a dinner if be given in tha church parlors al 7 p, m. Monday by (he Fidelity Sun­day school eJasa. A court ot honor m also be Keld at that Ume.

•iTorce GrantedUn, Mildred PaUUo won divoree

from Leo PaUUo. CaUfomla. In a de­cree granted by Judge J. W. Portoi Friday afternoon. The pair married Nov. sa. 19«, at Reno, Nev. Mr* PalUlo won custody of their son, r months old.

PIds Causes t’lredefective flue was blamed for

fire at tho Idaho Oas and Oil su Main avenue nortli i

m. Saturday. Firemen said the damage was not exten.ilve ' ................. hard to efulsh ! of 1itsilon is operated by K. U Stanley.

In Adranced TrainingWilliam Oenc Hull, son of Mrs. A. T. Hull, Twin Fnll.1. n the Inst phase of his cndrt

at the advanced night t Wllllnms field. Chandler c rcccnlly completed th

basic flylnR course nt Marana ann air field, Tiicsan, Arli.


drlcks, a reci-nt nrrlval In Rupert, will leave hbi family here when '

called to active duly with vy. He is now awaiting assli ;nl as a machinist's maU.

EX-PAUL GIIIL 18 MOTHKIl PAUL, Peb. 13-Lleiit. and Mrs.

Norman D. Smith. Phoenix. Arlz.. the parents of a son, bom Jan. nt St. Jaieph"* ho.sp«nl at Plioe* Mrs, Smith is the former Mamie

Avelnr. dnuRhtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Avelar. Paul.


n.year-old enlistment* reported from Wendell nrc John Marvin Stock, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. 1 Stock, and Clinrle.s Everett Frei

son of Mr. and Mrs. C. 1 Freeman.


Mrs, Ethel Haines. Richmond. Calif.. Is vislltng nt the home of her parents. Mr. find Mrs. J, R, Stowers. Mrs. Hnlne.i Is employed in the shlp- ird,s in Richmond,Pfc. Charles J. Smith. Jr., Camp

Adair. Ore.. U home on a 14 day furlough. He is the son of Mr, and Mr*. Charles J. Smith.

Mrs. Porrest D. Stoclc left for Lakeland. Fla., to vUlt ter husband. LfeuJ. Porrtat D, Stock.

Clyde S. Andrews, stationed at Kingsville. Tex,, visited recently in Oakley. Mr. Andrew*, who has been In ths service for three years, '

ind taday furlough at the home ot his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde.And­rews. Salt lake City, formerly of Oakley.


«ST: HUch bUltold. esntMtrnlil* cumn. rr, nrtr Commluloii r«iwunr. yintitr ronlAct W. F. UoaKi.r oi W. J. HollcnWk. nr».rd.



Paintlntt .. Popcrhanging CalsomlninR

Pbone IZ42-W Eventngs '

T*ie eternal striving fo r perfec­

tion becomes greafer in war

time} when we are coniclous

of the way of life whicli we or®

fighting to keep.

W a r (trengtheru the qualities

of inJegrity, iy m p a th y and

good will be*ld« which mate­

rial things are worthless.



ilecilon.Those Invited to attend Ui

ferenctf include;Republlcan.v-Llciil. Gov. Edwin

Nebon; senate Majority Floor Lend­er C. A. Robln.1, St, Maries; Milton L. Horsley, spraJter of the houfc; Victor MorrU. Potlatch, hou.ic ma­jority floor leodrr; State Chairman Rellly Atkin.<ion.

Democrats—A, R. McCobe, St. Maries, house mlnoflty floor'leader; Perry W, Mitchell, senate mlnortiy floor leader; Stale Chairman Rob­ert Coulter, Secretary of Stole George H. Curtis and Aliy. Qen, Bert H. Miller.

Curtis said he would fight any attempt not to include in Ihe se-w Sion coll a provision for legaliialion of federal war bnllots.

He. also placed himself on record as favorlny consideration by Uie special se.ialon of the "plight of Idaho's public schtxiLi."

School grouiM now are seeking to have the upcoming je.'slon. to be called by Governor Doftolfsen for Feb. 28, to consider appropriation funds for Increasing teacher si arlei.

S e r v i c e s M o n d a y

F o r M r s . K i d d , 1 8

BORLEY. Feb. I2-Fliial rlte.i for Mrs. Dorothy Ann FJetcher Kidd. IB, wife of Pvt. Hnrland Kidd who died In chlldbb-lh. wlll be held at 2 p. m. Monday In Uia Burley L, D, 8, third ward.chopel with Bishop Sidney A.

The husbond arrived Wednesday from Camp Robert*. Cnllf,, where he ia atatloned,

Burtal will be In the Burley cem­etery under the direction of the Durley funeral home. Prlends may view the body nl the funeral home until lime for the smlccs.

P o i n t s B o o s t F a t

S a l v a g e R e t u r n s

n polnt.i, tile war production I ooneliitli'd ttxiay after total­

ing December wasle lat collections.Ever alncc tli>.- fat collection drive

started, butcher.s have hi'pn paying for fat-1 turned In tiy hoiisewtvc.i, but Iho response wa? JelJiarwJc. On Drc. 13. the Rovcniment began glv-

November totiils.

U S O G e t s G r a n tKANSAS CITY. Feb. : athinul coimnlttce ol i

thorlred a USO couni recreationii ccmber 31.

H.zno t the

At the same nounced some gr groups including tSii.

grnnlII In Tuba, OkUi.. for a ; program IhrouKfi De- IV. Noel Hud'on, rcEloiial

•d todoy.time Iliici nnts t

S e e n ' . . .

Couple 'of icifs tlaggering: under ■big waste paper luvla In lineup for free movies, and sev,«ral laraer fel- lowa'aeltlng'by with Cie minimum . . . Sports Editor OeorBe Redmond heading homeward at a a, m. this Sundoy monilhg wUh oplca of Life. Time, the New York 71mes and Sporting News. . . Two Day Scout* nolllng evcobody in '.-ourthou.-e with bond-buying query . . . Cll; ClerK Charley Larsen with pipe h, plnce of hb customary Und-roUed cignrecira . . . Ca/e cuslcmer MfeJng waitress' "honest opinion" a: whether a cerUln ordur la any(and receiving an honest a n . .....too) . . . Sailor inking two gtrla by the arm, although he didn't know elUier one, and getting away wiih ll , . Crack in pavement of Sec­ond strecl west. In first blpclt. as­suming proporllons or a mtnlaiuVe cariyon . . . Three telephone operi lors shivering like all ncl-out Uiey da.ih acrof* Mfeet, contlcas, I collec . . , And Mrs. Warren. Low-

vurra jirofc.wlonally coyylnj ; police radio's description way boy.


ONE DF 4 INJUREDDno man received a knee Injury d about JlOO rtftiniice wii-n done 11 1933 light sedan when the cnr,

The vehicle was driven by Clar­ence D. Brady. 25, and-he was ac- ompnnled by his wife. Mrs, Myrtle Jrady. her brother, Clark Mills, .ind hU wife. Mrs. Eleanor Mill). All live south of HollbUr.

Sheriff Wnnen W. Lowery, who Investigated the accident, said the parly was on the way home and dccliled 10 turn nround nl this cor-

il return to Tv,ln Falls. Kall- alof lullkloMly lor tlie •ouncl a triangle nt the Inler-

secllon. tho car overliiriied wlicn it ■ ikcd -Mirfi

end of 1

M o t h f e r o f W e s t

E n d M a n P a s s e sBUHL. Peb. 12 - Mrs. Arabella

Orey. 88, the mother of w. 8. Orey, prominent Buhl buslnessnlan. died Friday evenlnB at -Uedo. in.. follow, ing a *cvcrol*taonihs' illness. Mr. Orey left Immediately for Illinois to be presenl for itio aervlces.

Having vislM here in the past, Mrs. Orey way well acquainted in Buhl nnd had many friend* in Ihli vicinity.


Conllnuoui Today from liSQ

25C-U1 Z, Ihen 35o

Gooding Goes OverQOODINO, Feb, 13 — aogcllng niniy is nou’ "over ilie lop" In

fourth war loan drive. nccoiclloK Chnlrmnn A, J. Schi

■ .-nld li c. bu! the

could r: t flR- jiJU fwnJng Jn.


high Bchiiol band cniicerl. whicli was rheduled forSiindsy ultcriiooii, ha.'

been [loiliionpil until Sunriuy. Feb ' nf luiieral hcrvlcc!

. Ihe I ctim


nhout n.'pirin is the fact IhntSl. Joseph Aspirin brings them botli quality anil Inw cost. You eao't buj- better aspirin tlian tliis world’s largest teller at ll». AndyouRct30lsbleUfora»; lOO lab- let* oaly ‘iif. Buy JoeepU Aspirin.

RAY MALONENtw Stnialion In Sonj ond Dancnl



Th e JlV /N ’ { ( W JACKS and J iU s t t

Seoen Songs. . . Topped by ({ •Lover”,■tomethlngTclls Me",

- "After ilic Beat". '7hcy Got j: I^^Mc In the Middle of ThIngs'IJ





Latest War News


b u y £ « v4 W a r b o n d s /AT THIS THIATRE /

.SH£ Co/iES 0 ?o« ■ 9 F

t H E K f e

WAS A . |picri/Rtj- ro LENVe,

■ ybt/ wiih


K 'a p p y < 6 o

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p d h ■

-T h is

X ^ RoyAl- l in i .

' ' oi-'V<A <ie

e«i2oBEKT cmM/n&s^-mNOE^mRoi/Rm




C O L O R c a r t o o n

rw ju ii’*' iiBBMtir

___ •.-STORWr

lAtMt 'WkT Kem

Sunday, February 13, 1944 ' .TllttBS.-NEWS, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Page Threo


HOLLYWOOD. Pcb, IJ (U.R) — Some ol the hlgheat-prlcPd legal talent In the «,ut went lnU> a hud­dle todajr on the best wajr to keep Chatlls Chaplin out oI fcder»l prison on charges preferred by rcd-halrnl woman.

■k The a-year-old Joan Barry of ' Brooklj-n, N. Y. Tulan. Okla.. Mex­ico City, Hollr»ood and way place*, nccuicd ChspUn of being tfto father or licr child, said he took her eaat for Immoral purposes, got tired r' making love to her. and consplrcd i deprive her of her civil liberties. A federal mod Jury took up where Miss- Darn- lelt o fl nn4 indicted Chaplin on two while slavery chargfs under the Mnnn net. It L«ucd counti ngftlnst him, a Judge. Uirto police ofllccrs and two pali.

CIOMoahlpThe Chaplin of the white curb,

the four wlvc4 and the ocecnt which e 1>M retained bIoiib with British ■ ‘nship ilurlns hU 30 profltnble

in Hollywood, will jurrenilc- fnr (inecrprtntlnB Monday. So wll Police Judge Chnrles J. Griffon, Ilpverly Hills; Police Ci>pt. W . W, White' Police Ueut. Claude Miirpla; Police' Matron Jcs.slc Blllle Reno, nnd nobcrt Arden, the tefURce ra­dio broadcaiter. who lost liLs crctlll denllsL jponsor when he became In­volved In the Chaplin cv.c.

Only delenrtnnt unhrnrd from nm DsiSftSvi. the tnovlt jirodvKcr who foldran did any producing.

OrljlnilU' they hnd been ordered held on JI.OOO bull, but fcdrral Judge J. P- T, O'Connor, former comptroller of tlie currency, agreed with altorncya Jerry Oiesler and 8.S. Hahn th#t they were rcapoiwlhle men who would not attempt gneak out of the country.

Three weeks nftcr their finger* are Inked, Chaplin and compnny. mu'il appear In federal court for ftrralfmment anti Rcttlng ot n trial date, probably In late sprlnlt. Ocls- ler, one ol the we-it's most aucccs.i- ful criminal law>'cr», reprcsenla

^Chsplln. Hahn has been rctnlned by "'Ml nf the othor.i. Tlic nllornpy*:e prepnrcd to a.-sk that the Ihdlct- '

be dropjHHl, on the Kroimd ' le grand Jurors failed t.


Thc Hanloril Sentinel iiiinounccd on lu (rent iwRc today n campi>U’? tn buy Charlie Cliaplln n one wny tick­et 10 England.

Tlie editorial *nld that a tin cup could be (onnd on the Sentinel’!' office counter aa n receptacle for a coiitrlbullon, and oddcd:

"Cliarlle liai made hLi lortime in thl country yet he never hii-i botli- ered (o bfcome an American cltlTcn. JU< stnndard of living Ls unfiivornblc to ihe Amerlcnn film Industry.'•

Bulil Woman Wins Bond Prizes Here EASIAGGEPW

EESHtrnr. reb. U—^acuees from

he Minidoka relocation center and the elRht other centers ore finding good community occeptancc and buslnesa opportimllle^ in midwest and eiutem cities, aecor'dlng to Har­old S. Pbtcre. WRA tupcrvUor for the Cleveland area.

Fl-itere and Dr. P. A. Webber of le Salt Uikc WRA olflce are

si>rndliig four da)’s here to acquaint Hunt resldenu with tlie altuntlon rtgardlng evacuero. In.tlie midwest and east. Dr. Webber, an educator In Japan for twenty yrnrw prior 1D40. nik'nkA Japanese fluently.

"YtnmK evncueei who receWwl prole.i.Moiiul training In wcaleni ci leges arc tlndlng It much easier practice their ptofewloiia in the midwest and,'' Flstere sMd. Children of relocated ovacuees find that nicMt of the other school chU- dren have never seen an oriental lace before.

"Tlie movement of evacuees from the relocation centers eastward exiyct.'ii n IncrcMC as Uie evacui leuni more obout the U. S. eu-M Uie ltivkk-5."

Starrhs Ferry LDS Bishopric Changed '

BURLEY. Feb. 12-8Urrh-i Ferry | L. D. S ward bishopric was i Ranlml tit h recent .sacrament n InK by tliv Uiirley stake i)rc3l<lent, i . D. llnsRaii.

Weldon Bcck wa.i BUStnlned new blshou. succecding Bishop A. L. Ilnnks. New cnuaielor.i are C Btoke.s and Albert HolyoAk. ' the retiring counselors ore Joseph Holyoak and Ellas Dowers.

G r a n g e O f f i c i a l

P r a i s e s T h o m a s ’

W a s t e E x p o s u r eBOISE, Feb. 12 lU.p;_uay Me-

Knlj legblatlve commliteomon for tilt Idaho Oriiniie. l.xluy nuld Sen. Jolui Tlioiniis >hu»ld be praljfd for hLs "exiMviurc of scandalous meat spollnKe nnd wastj" ot a recent senate coni- mltiee liearlMK.

"Senator Tliomii.i wa.s in there swlnsliii! for the weliarp, not only oJ the nation's llve.'ioclc in- dusUy, but. for tlie Ainorlran' [)eoi)le. »ho can't .'ee why they should be deprlv<><l ol Iwd that In going to wa.ste," McKaIg said.

B u h l H i g h E l e c t s

S t u d e n t O f f i c e r s

nuKl* Feb. 12—Ofdeers Hivtt by llie niihl hlnli school bixly serve (nr the omlnK stmesler wer HttKleiil ft,swlntl(.n. Dltar^iome presldml; Uoniird RodlR. vh

O m iA G i


(U-PJ—Tlie U. 8. batUeslilp Oklahoma. 28 months ago a capslced Imik on tlie bottom of Pearl Harbor, rode proudly at anchor today, preparing to make Uie Japanese pay double.

In a terse one-nentencc bulletin, the navr disclosed that the M.OOO-

dreadnsught, one of live sunk heavily damaged Dec. 7. 1041.

...J "oncc more adoaf and that the HtnKSerltiK f^sk Of .salvage vus i !y cQinpletMl.

Tliere was no indication when the bitf ship wonlil swini; Inin Action. b\;l It WHS presume<l she hnd been modemlzirl lo make her a doubly fonnldiible loe lor the enemy IhoiiRht the Mirprl.Hft harmae of rliil tiiriKxlo bmntis had flnWied

Ol till- 10 U. S vessels sent !o bottom or dnniaKetl In tlie Do

17 monttu uc«r uib Jap* c, Uie gitat undenlde of na projected BtarUr^m a the hartor, ft griia re*

disaster, «Q but the battleship Arl- zonn aiifl the target ^ ip Utah ban Jelt the haitor repaired anfl \mdef thelr.own power.

For tome 17 months after the Jap* nneso attaek, th ‘ — ' — ’■*- the Oklahoma pthe waters of t^._____minder lo scores of f ships passing out to bnuie..

SnlTaee work was ctuted In July, lDi3. but It was not unUl Mar nesr* ly a year later that the great «* • sei was raised and rlfthted. Flnallr. one morning sotne time ago, ihs moved slowly down the harbor la tJie-pre-dawn.Kloom and-n06«d Into— -'le drydock.

Bho «-oa a BhosUjr sight. In the (tlare of the aliorc seorchllghls. Heavy, sticky oil and sludge clung to her entire hull and huge make-shlft patches covercd lOO-foot holes In her sides. Tho bodies of many crew members still Iny trapped In her cnRlncroom*.

S u s /

Y D U n N O S E

Mr*. Worthy M. Oldi, Buhl. left, wife of Ihe of the Twin Falb county fair board, here U playlnr (lie tennis racket and Kaek of spudn she won with the purchase of two honds at the cotinly auction here ynterdaj. With her Is Jayree Rondodier Itulh Itllboo. (Staff Photo-Engravlnfj

1,100 in E Bonds Bought at

Anction in County Fair Style

ny United I’ressPaul Joseph OocbboLs. nazi propa*

Kiinila chief in an iirtlcic 1» his newspaper on "The Battle of Ber­lin." artmltlfd that Berlin haji suf­fered •'many wounds" but he prom­ised revengo "on i\ scalc dwarfing

*' r present raids ngalnst Lon- ....1." . . .

Cnpl. Donald Aldrich. Clilcago. ahoi down his 20th enemy 'plane during Tliursday's raid on Rnbaiil to becnme the (Iftli marine flier to read! the mar* In tlie south Paci­fic . . .

Comedian ISud Abbott has been elected mayor of Sherman Oak*. Calif, a HallrweMxl suburb. Dul his partner. Lau CosteHo, didn’t vote tor him beciuK "I didn’t like the hat Bud toned Inlo the ring."

Albert Ivanic, 24, who rolled In Uib navy as Ensign Thom- S.5 E, Malloy bccause Jie won over the Age limit, was on his way home to Buffalo U be married when he was killed In the American airliner crasti In the Mississippi river.

nim ActrcM Olorlo DIclcs__ _seeking a divorce from director RflJph Murphy, now oppearlns with stripteiM arttit Ann Corio tn a San San mnelKo ita«o producUon, charging that his eoaduct had caus­ed her -extreme mental shoelc." No detalli were given.

Wllllim Lanree. 4S.year-oId eeenomlst, aothor and If now reilpilof as a eUlUt for the* e»m

-ie film actress Virginia Bruce Is going to seek election to tlie CaU-

' i IcgtsUture frooi the Santa ca dlitrict.

Scrle.s E bonds with a mnturlty value totaling U.lOO were .soW iiI the coiiniy (air bond auction here ye.sterday afternoon, u: Joint uu'plci-s of the Twin ! Jaycec's and the McrcJianUs' bi

•win Falls Chamber of Com-

....... than 135 bond.s—mf>sliy of!5 <Iciiomniatlun—were sold uihIit plan ulilch earned this affair tJie

dcslRnallon a.s the "iioor mnn'.n aiic- lion" becuu.'ic evcr)one purchn.slni;

received a mcrchnndlsi' mp prire ransins in viihir 0 to 15 for each bond

boiii;ht.Thor.e buyhiB boucLi wore nlven

an opportunity lo tlirow » dart at a board on which appeared iiunibcr.' correspondhiK to numbers on the various prtiei.

The wide variety of prizes In­cluded 500 DouiicH of coal, groceries, sports goods and olher mercliiin-disc, and war st.imps. wl........ ......odd rciulta from the dart slln«lnR.

Mrs. WorUiy Olds, wife of Uie manager of (he Twin Falls potato slarch plant, won a suck of potntoes. Enrllor her hu.'bnnd hnd purcliased 300 tons' of the tubers u.Hcd In the manufacture of sUirch.

.......... who bought two bond. hita number that called for a n ticket nt different rcslauranLi each of two throws.

A gallon of scarce Prestone- nc of Uie blngest lure.t for the dart

Uirowers—it was won by a : small

who took four throws got war sUmpa and a blanket on two throws, and then fell on evil days.


Mr. Isaac Todd has gone to Salt IJUte City on a business trip.

Mr*. Mary Leapcr and Mrs. Rob- rt l*oper havo relumed frotp

visit at Riverside, CaUf.Olenn Meyen Is undergoing ob­

servation and treatments at " Oowen field hospital at BoLie.

Tlio Rev. Logan YIngst. Buhl, filled tho pulpit ot UiD local Baptist church last Sunday evening.

Sgt. Charles Lorain. Camp Gor- don, Johnston, Pis.. Is hero visiting Mr. and Mp. Carl Donunus and Mr. and Mn. Joo Doramas. Sgt. Lorain Is with the signal corps at f’amp'Gordon.

Mrs. DcUa Fields has retu l<^d •om Salt Uike City after a six eeks visit with Mrs. Kenneth

.lui nn ei.-cinc cord.Jayci’f Udniloclli r.s lu'lpt'd wlUi »p-

e.'tlmiiled lliat 500 sjiecla- inl the j.ceiir (liirlnn tlir ivtr llir<e hours re(|ii1ri-il

lo [ll,spt»>c of Ihe inrfrhanill.M' i>rl7.r.i.

1 2 5 A t t e n d M e e t

O f S u p p l y G r o u pRUPERT. I'Vli. 12 - The annual

tncctliiK of Ihe (iiani;e .S;iji;>ly co:n- p.-iny wiis held i.i ilu' ChrUtliin church annex with i:'5 in altend-

Offlrers nre Itii.vell Bowman, prc.sldcnt; Hii.vell Aeuck. vice jirc.'l- dent mill Ernie Marlcle. .Kecretary. Prnnk Saylor, Ernie Marlcle anil Cnrl Slark me dlrector.s. .It wn.s <leclded Hint membership in the company wonUl be open to any farm«T whellur a Grance member

R. M. Mlleliell, Walla Walla, Wa-sh.. educall(inal director <il Ihe Pacific Supply eninjiany Kave a talk on the coo|ierailvr inovemrnt now celebrating Its lOUth anniversary. Other speakers were Ray WoQd- tnunsce. Lonbe Jmus of the coo]>- eratlvc audllliiR service. &1 NcL'on of the Burley co-op and Shcrmim Anderson of the Rupert Orange Supply coniiiany.

Membcni voted to Join the Pacific Supply cooiK'inllve wholefnle or­ganization iifflllaled with the na­tional co-op covering Idaho. Ington and Oregon.

7 E n t e r S e r v i c e

I n M i n i d o k a (

RUPERT, Fi-b. IJ-SeviffnVcil riiiM'lv Tnnn l.<fr hi* V.,,.

I'rlclny.Air ciiclets ace«|)ted In the Jnnu-

v-r.1) M'—. T.-........ It......

T H E E S Q U I R E ★



the new location of the Roger'

ton News Stand, now known

___ Page Four TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, I d I hO Sunday, February 13, 1944

and S«curtM •

H E E iy iS E r 'S J 'ivA ,™

SICK, AM ) iiKTimn maiun ' . Severn! days hko we poliiled out tlial con-

tro! or noxious weeds Is pcrlmps the most ser- I'lo us problem confronting Twin Falls county

!.'-Vand Magic Valley geiJcralJy.The continued increase In this threat to

■•••;our agrlculturnl productiveness is far more , ; dangerous than m ost of us realize, it wua '^ p o in te d out, and unless all concerned take

a more active Interest In working out some solution to the problem, some day we shall

•;'i' regret our short-sightedness... i Meantime, E. M. Sweeley, county prosecutor

who has been working on proposed weed con- , trol legislation ot the request of the Twin

'■•--Falls county commissioners, has made some -■ '• Blgnlllcant statements In this connection be-

T'fore the olty p lann ing board., "Despite an the ta lk we have heard in the

past about our system of weed control,” Sweeley'‘tffld the board, "we still have no workable weed law. As a result. Twin Falls Is an awfully sick county. More than 20 per cent of the acreage under the Twin Falls canal system Is In a serious condition. In many Instances, cost of clearing this Infested acreage of weeds would be more than the land Is worth. That's why Twin FafJs is a sick county, and It ’s getting sicker every year.

■. Unless we get this problem under control, the time is coming when the most productive

. county In the world w ill be an Invalid."Mr. Sweeley advanced good reasons why it

■ Is Impractical to deal with the weed problem : on the basis of county units. Because of the

many ways )n which weed seeds are spread,: he explained, any solution must be worked ' out with a program that's thorough and wide-

spread.The county prosecutor believes tha t a quar­

antine of weed-infested lands Is the most log leal solutloh. Under such restrictions the quarantined areas could not be used for any type of production until weeds had been brought under control.

The first reaction to this sugge.stlon may be that It is altogether too dro.stlc. but whe­ther this or some other method Is eventually employed, we had better reconcile ourselve.s to the fact that the problem Is one that de­mands drastic action.

I t ’s encouraging to see the county com­missioners, p lann ing boards and others get­ting prepared for w hat may prove an Inten-

■ slve and victorious battle with noxious weeds. Now’s the time for ju s t such a battle—before It's too late.

T U C K E R ’ S N A T I O N A L

W H I R L I G I GliEl’RESBlON—A fundnmenlal desire to preserve

Amerlcun maiipo»er for Ilie postwar period llci belUiid Uic Rvosevelt-Stlmson-Knox policy at build-

liiK a tar Urger mlliUry machine Umn wm be needed to defeat the axis. Army-jmvy npoktsmen recent ly explained ‘he lonn-ninge ImpU- cntlona of the program to memberi


id btislnew In the fli .. ..^mpetltlve years thiit wUI ! low Hifl confllel. T. D. n. ha* ” qiiently commented on the l«i

Ims of brllllm younft men «ii ed by Drllaln and Frnnco In lust atrusitle. YounK*ter* who »

llllcd key posts In lliooe nntlona n llie Jleldi of Flnnderj. li l»rg«ly to tho disappearance of

olds j Prime

or unwUIlns to ; the clmiictllerlea of t they who pursu e 1939 depression,It conflngratlon.

Casualties so f&r hnvo been unexpectedly unall on land, on sea nnd In the nlr. Our material auperlorlty. logctlier with the conatnnt depiction of the enemy'flnt-cln^s wivrrlors. indlcn

here.The low rote, and t

the crentlon of n trem slUlr. It 1.1 hopecl. Uie

a bA2cd on dnUi a.uembled

5 re.iult of the Insistence on

niHCii/UlGE-In pvirauonce of this plan, meillcnl iitn In all ncrvlcfi have Inslnllod a unlqiip, i.llhoiiKh madvertlacd. fenliiro, cnllcd a "icrcenlng .lystem" In lospltnls and rest ccntcra such as Uiosc m New Jer- ey. Florida ftiid CaUfornla,Tlicy do not subject soldiers to psychlotrlc t . U, for

hey try to ovoid tho clinical aspccui of an examlna- lon. nut Uicy kftp an eye on the boys, fjupstlon them tnobtnulvely about their ambitions and qunllflcaUoni

comments in Uie records.

thejffially- the

UAi'rtpcrhops— to Infonn ■ he might


Close friends of Jo h n L, Lewis disclose that, although he seems impervious to popular animosity, he Is actually very much upset- by the overwhelming criticism leveled at h im . He has received verbal and written threats to his life and is apprehensive that some hothead may try to harm him. The hostility of returning wounded veterans Is unusually violent.

But all Instigators of walkouts are dls- llked by the soldiers and sailors— as has been set forth by THE W H IRL IG IG repeatedly. The other day a couple of New York news­papermen were Interviewing one of the groat flyers In the presence of army public rela­tions officers. This ace had been on numer­ous flights over Germany.

"W hat Is the chief grievance th a t the men overseas have expressed to you about tho at-

. titude of the folks here?" he was asked."Question barred." interrupted the brass

; h a t watchdogs. "H e U not permitted to answer that."

"Maybe I'm not,” snapped the aviator, "but If 1 could I should say without reservation —strikes and strikers.”

INSPIRE—Se enter the arn)> peclally mcmbc beginning to su too, exchaose I lar-a-month toi

Many bellev-

, Henry CatMt Lodge’s reslgnatli has »el many of his coUciiRUer , of Ujo house, to thlpklnu. Thi;

that they wUl be »i

e fearfulr Uipmseivfs by Jiu

i-iirs to confirm Uila oj tumbents was greater I

irvfiicd to prevent loo many home Dcm- olng martial by ruling that they cannot

liolil on to tnelr civpltol hill deslca but miut resign. His lenders In the lower chamber warned that buI- ficicnt absences would give the O. O. P, numerical control of that body. But It U a good bet that the LodBc move will Inspire many to do lllcewise.


Tliere U n disciplined hope In the hearu of many a norUiwest lamlly today, o-i there Is amontc the nonh- WC.MS boys who have fotjght so gallantb' In the New Oulnrn jungles. The announcement from General Douglas MncArUiur’a headquarters Ujnt a rotational plan to send home on Icnve some of the soldiers who have served longest Is the occasion for Qiilet rcJolclng, though It be restrained by the army’s warning that only a Kmoll pcrcenlaBc of Uie troops may be spared at


P E G L E R ’S A N G L EHEW YOnK-Wlth no IntcnUon

iff curl » Up at Mr. WlllUe for pro­posing’ that Amerleuu must dls- - — this eounUy'i high maUrial

I would point out to him that that standard ftlRody Jiaa been revised

C L A P P E R ’ S O B S E R V A T I O N S



In the evening after dinner 1 oti a wet front porch »1th Ma). Gen Maxwell Murray, commander of ihi smith Pacific forn-ard area, rlnht or

spot where Uie first mortnej landed on Guadalcanal.

No longer Is there any war here,for thU I* fi .................

. il Is Just a big supply dump. Yi-fit Is not quite aa peaceful nrrt

e as mwit battlefields become tlie war moves and

s again. This was a stormy , and the wind la. hed the surf nto the little plot In front of ral Murray’s quarters, Tlie

blew In through the screened elclid hut.

Certainly, early leave. vlll go t<

SLIGHT DIFFERENCE There is. it seems, a small but vocal Rroup

: In this country agitating for an early end ;• of the war, and a negotiated peace. From

England, too. have come some recent de- '■ mands for a quick cessation of hostilities—

without the negotiated peace. They were ex- ' pressed by Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery.

"This war began a long time ago.” he said ;■ to troops preparing for tho invasion. "I am

— gotting-fod-up with the thing. I thlnk it : nearly time we finished It."

, We feel pretty sure that the majority of . Americans Incline toward General Mont­

gomery’s way of thinking.

__ ______ ^T H E PHANTOM FOE -A Japanese newspaper tells its renders.

' with a straight face, -that after the heroic ;' SODS of beaven scrammed from Kiska at -the • threat of Invasion,, the Americans landed '^And fought three weeks with an army made - Xip of the ghosts of Jap soldiers killed at Attu. . .They even wpulspd phantom counterattacks, ' the paper says. . .

You’ve heard-Of the Japs’ "fighting eplrlt.” Well, this apparently-IB It ,

.^rA'.^lseonsIn man fell three stories, sat up M or a drink—reversing the usual

Papua and Stilamaua. The 41st Sun.icl dlvWon. a na­tional guard outfit from Oregon, Washington, Idaho. Montana and Wyoming, had been so efficiently trataed mdcr tlie Inte Mnjor-Gcnerttl George A. Whllo that It tos the Jlrst to be called Into federal service.Tlicsc former men of the guard went Into the regular

army on September 15, 1040, and more tlian eighteen hs ago tJiey went overseas as a unit. The north-

..... jrncre. nccuslomcd to outdoor life and trained tomllllar}' pcrfcctlon, adapted themselves BwlfUy to Jungle warfare. It was not until General MacArthur commended tlie 4Ist, in January. 1S43. that the foUcs back home were Informed Ihat the division was fight­ing as a unit.

After nearly three nnd one-half year* In uniform, ftlter many months overseas, fighting In the heat and pesUlenco ol tho Jungle* against aaUnlo ferocity of th« enemy, some of sons ot the northwest wUI be coming home toon. We have a returned officer:* word for It that the division is at Its ph}-slcal peak, and that Is the best news. Dut the thought of home and family Is always with them. They need a boUday from war.—Portland Oregonian.

TWENTY YEARS AFTER •Twenty years ago today Woodrow Wilson died. Be

died broken by the bitter knowledge that the cauM for which he led the nation Into war. the cause for which American boys fought and died on the fields ot Franee, had been lost In victory, A great war President, he died defeated, not by the enemy but by hli own people when they failed to support tho one aim that In his mind JustiriedHhe- wn-straM'agony o f» conflict mat U|T^- that time had no parallel in history. He was repudiated aa an Idealist, and we returned to “normaley;* but U h« could come back to the earth today, who could re­fuse him the Utle of the supreme, re&lbt of his gen- enUonT

With terrible clsrlty tho dying author of the core- nant of nations aav.that.the war we thought-he-bad won was not'over. He died In the "absolute convlcUon.” as he lutld In his last speech as President, that "wlUUn another generation there will be another World war 1( the nations ol the world do not concert the method by which to prevent It ' America had a greater Interest tn'preventlng It ihsn other nation* because, he warned, "the next war would have to be paid for In American blood and mooey."

He died. too. in the absolute cooTlctlcn that thli country wotUd have to accept the vision of reality that blind men caUed a dream. ■'I would rather faU In » cause that somo day will triumph," he said, 'than to triumph in » causa that I know some day will faU." Twenty years after, the Tlndlestloa of Woodrow WUsos Is cnielly complete. It Is to be hoped that the education of the Amerlcun people Is also complete, for if we fall again there wUi be no peace, neither In our time nor for generations t« come.—Kew York Times.

I ttontJcred fiow the jnarim landed here, hut that was 1 RUst, In the dr - season. Now ralnrd every day since Christmas............Irst sallv I walked with said.

found It depre.uing even In- __ rt time I have been on the


Ouadnlcanat has become a kind of shrine for the Pacific war In Ui

rlcnn people, foi1 llfi that

Jungle stniggle with the Ji stopped their, advancc and mnrkr Uie bcKlnnlns of our slow march tc wnrd Tokyo.

Nobo<!y will ever live happily o this place. It U not unpleasant t the eye along tho coast. Some spol In our mllllnry developments, which atretch for 30 or morejnlles along the north coast, are as nenl antt at­tractive as an outdoor summer col­ony, with little hut* under neatly cleared coconut gro\-es. and little white coral walks edged with stones or small tree trunks. But It is wi' The rain, or what a Cnllfomli... might call the Guadalcanal mist, drlpa as It did on the stage for Somerset Maughan’s play. •Tlaln.''

The high *urf broke two barges loose and they were washed up on our beach. The tent^ never dry out. Ever^-thlng becomes as wet as the outside of a beer botUe on a warm

Adm. Theodore Wilkinson and I talked for a couple of hours In hU office tent with the rain washing in on to the floor. But there ia no use bothering obout wet floors, nor about the mud that It carried In large cakes on every- body'* shoes.

■your foxhole will be completely full of water unless you cover It with canvas-ln-which case It will be: only half full-olthough that is not so important as at Munda, where two tUghU before I was there

Verc Injured brcnusc they bed Instead of diving for foxholes. '

hen frlcmlly little llaircls oiu- screen-wlrc walls you tentlon. It's thp mofiqulloe* watch

Ihc dbcnsr—and onu artmlrnl got 11 from sptndliiB Just one night, on the la land.

Here, ss at MUnris, amonR tho mcxsi cim.splciioii.i tliliiKs you sec when spproachInK by air aro the whlW crosses in the eemcterlr.v Our vtut alrllelds tell you at once that ennrnoui drvelopments have taken place under Amerlctin occupation.

'riiiit sU’ays Inipresjfi

i-rlcan bu.OnI pny unap.

................. . r countrj'.Anyllilnit ac <lo, wc dn big, Great piles of ammunition, rntlons and every other article of war are to be fuuiul nil over the Piiclflc up to our front lines. Tlint h now true of Giiadnkanal, TliLi U not an ideal, for Ihere Js no protected an- chorsge, but It was the only pli avsllsble at the time. And aa Gen­eral Murray i^ald. onc» you set you v.-ork tshle set up. with bifr repal ■hops and rvccumuUtlonit of re

.lupplles. 11 1.1 dllllcult


keep Tam FalLi

Es’ Sweeicy, ye overhe 'Idaho

"Wlien people

inty pf05«:utcr. dteourslni

hwpltal .south at D

foot." aid tl

llbmrj'.Indy to publl

y oftci nil tly up before making

mother Jump.Ousilnl L n't anything like wha'

,t was when Dlok IVega.-ikla wa; living through hL< •’dalr)"' out here

a KjiHc t/icj' called (t « re.?i p but now the mtn are Just bj

an«pus to get nway as they evei were, Oenernl ' MacArthur tn put­ting In an Ifl-month rotation schem* ror Kime of hU troopj wlio htivf been In combot areas longest, and U

irking out similarly in ttils Pacific area.


Mm. 0. TJ. Streltr, chalrma the Richfield infantile porabsl* drive, reports seventy-seven d< collected with the school children contributing the largest amour

ene Housel has returned from Las Vagu. Nev., where she tiad

*-lth her aunt. Mrs. Arnold Caffall.I. M. Tindall, cafe manager, has

1)cen 111 several days with a bock ijury,Chester Powell underwent n __

Jor operaUon ot the Wendell hos- pital.

“ ce Anderson returned to her___at Dalse oftec spending severaldays hero with her mother, Mr*. Fannie Anderson.

Edwin Johnson has gone to Port- u}d for an examination at the

clinic. His father. Louts Johnson, recently submitted to another major operation there.

Mr. and I-Irs. Melvin Moore and family, Colorado Springs, Colo., are visiting his brother. Bob Moore and family and his mother. Mr». Edith Moore, Bhoshone.

Joe Johnson h iu been dlsml.'ised from the Gooding hospiuil following n emergency appendectomy. Richfield friends and relatives

have learned that Mrs. AlUe Droper, fonnerly Nell Marie Ptldmore. Rich- field, has been accepUd as » WAVE at Napa. CaUf.


n YEARS AGO. FEB. IS, 18U “ma heme ot Or. and Mrs, J. t .

Evan* was. the acene ofavery pretty wedding ’niMsday allemoon when their dsughttr, Mias Paulino Evans, became Ihe bride of Ernest H. Seuhr. The bride la a graduate of Twin noil hlili school and Mr. Seuhr ha* been employed for the past few

at the Twin Falls Neva.

IS YEARS AGO. FEa IS. 1K9 John S. Welch. Idaho commls.slon- : ot agriculture, and George Tuck-

--Vatate dairy Inspeclor. two of th( defendanU in a suit for JS8.000 damage* laUly InsUtuted In district court here by Carl L. DeLong. Twin P#U* poUto dealer, want the case trlM lnBoUe.'

The Ladle* Pioneer cljjb, Kim- betly, will meet Thursday afternoon at the home of Mr*. Glenn Whitney. Mrs. E. B. Wllkerson. Mn. Roy Bcott. Mrs. Carl &nenon and Mrs. Ruth Adams will assist the hostess.

I>tlss Helen Bonnold. Instnctor in the ’University of Idaho, southern brand*, U here visiting her parents, Ur. and. iirs. W. C. Uoonold.

A big closing otit sole wlU ba .onducted for J . E- fltrong & Son four oad > half mile* uuth of Han- *ea br CoL R . B . Lua on Monday. Feb, 1». beginning at II a. m . TJiere wm be li head of harse*. 70 head of catUe and 8C hog* sold. bealdM ill the turn implemenu tnd aoutt-

....... . quirk she phoned hack tonay that the library couldn’t tell her the stMe colors but that she had found from another source that thr colors are silver a id Hold.

Our rcicarch department Ilguri'd the lady was wrong and wa.% taking the University of Idaho for official state colors- So we luskcel Associated PrcM nt Boise to out. Here's the reply to settli matter:

"T«lfi — Sfnftf Jllif-Margaret Robert;! says Idaho iinhiis state colors. Onlv Arliona and Ok; homn of the 46 do have official colors. State flag Is blue field, gold fringe and red bar. with state seal ■In colors,•-The Associated Press, BoUe."

n ow NOW. MR. WALLACE: Dear Pot Shot:

For some time now some of here have had a' consuming suspi­cion nnd fear of the European lams and rightly so. I think.

Now Mr. Henry Wallace alarmingly warns us that unless we aro on our guard we will have fascism in this country. Pleaae. Mr. Wallace, can you tell us wherein lies the difference between communlsir naiUsm ond fascism? Arc we agali belne-Bsked-lo-RBg at a gnat-and. swallow a camel? —Mae

OLD VETS LAMENT See that old gun in the comer Behind the kitchen door?That gun has seen good ser\’lce For 60 years ond more.I carried that ol’ musket All through the ClvU war.It's gone with me through many

things I ’d never thought before.With mo a holdln' of it I'd love to Join the fray In this grand fight for freedom That’s goln’ on today.My hand's a UtUe shaky But my heart U bestin’ true And I would gladly Join you An' stop a Jap or two.Don't know If I could stand The action I have done;I ’spect my old knees wouldn’t Bt trusty on a run.My eyes are getting' washy An* maybe I couldn’t sight But I ’d be there a tryin'Doin’ my beat all right.When I to6k off my *ult of blue Twas mighty tom and frayed Prom flghtin* on the batUe field And stream* we had to wade.D* Old veU tiltin’ home Know all the tacUc* through If twant tor my old rheumatl*I ’d gladly fight with you.I can M« our old flag wavln' •Afore you Bcldlers *t«ppln’ foat— My love 1* right be*lde you - And will be till the last.

-E . M. B, Jerome

ATTENTION, C. OF C.As an Item of Interest to the

Chamber Of • Commerce, we offer, the comment of Mrs, Elmer Jordan after she and her family moved back to T*rtn Palls from Emmett.

Said she: ’’I'm glad to get back to God's country.-

' FA&I0D8 LAST LINE .. tie gate her his *he« stamp

for a Valentlael,. . .TUE GE.NTLEMAN IN

tAs s n n to b o w

to live luxurious­ly. It has reached the“ p o l f i f 01

tably the Mlamis w-nmk in Florida, SanDiego and in many of our factory and shipbuilding centers, and the worry ami uncertainty have had n bad moral effect on servicemen nnd their wives who liave reason to be­lieve that they are being gypped by landlords explolUng their heartache and neceMlty and feel that clvlIianB are favored bfcama they are In a ixMltlan to pay more rent ar«l for longer terms. And, of course, food l-i not plentiful, transportation is slow, crowded ajid painful and many of our people are llMng oiit of sulteaBcs, the parents and the baby, au In one mean little room. This is not the traditional American standard but jid fnicrgtiicy condllJcn, but no ’pr- tlieles.s It rcpre5ents a great decline for a great many.

'An.enll.sted nnv)' man wrote from San Diego some ttae ago after 18 montiis In the Aleullans and tho

tJTPaclflc complaining that be- se he was not a "defense work-

-. ho could not find quarters In which to spend a few months ashore with his wife and son.

Naturally, this turned him against the civilians In the war factories and ho said bitterly that he couldn’t compcte with the overtime pay of Ihofi* 111 whose defense he had put in his time at jen. Tlie navy peopln »t the biise had Irlril lo arxaiiRC for

married enlWrd men and the ie palnf

mdfdmen coming In for hospital trent- menl thelr fnmlllrs rould fln<l nc place to live. The housing iOmrt«»c uns so bad. In fact, that somr ol Uie want ads In the Snn Dlcijo Trl- bune-Sim contained offeni ot bribes or boiiuscfl. onlv one of them. Incl-

.t) or«ll-

•, by a builnf.viniir

nenl busincss people," were ready to pay *50 reward for a lumlslied house with two bedrooms.

On the other hand, •'navol lleut, wife (expectant), want fum. hous# or apt.” •■Army couple (expectarU mother) -tirgcnt need a h«ne," arW •'jervico wlfo (expectant mother), small son, want room, kitchen priv­ileges.” Is a text which bespeaks a standard of living that cannot go much’ lower'wlthout plunging into absolute hardship and efjualor.

An ensign’s wife in Miami was vciy angry at landlords both on Uie beich and pn the mainland who were clinrslng exorbitant rents and discriminating agalnsl scrvlcrmen ar.d thel.' wives, most of Uiem ap-

1 patently young brides who had left their homes evcrj-where to foIlo-A' their husbands (« the water's edge. The CPA, she sold, had set rents as of Augu.1t lfl« when -on the aver- age they were double what they wuld ordinarily be," but oen so some owners would not rent lo sen’-Icemer I all.

-Naturally.’' she conceded "the story Is not all one-sided. There are kind landlords and there are een'- Ice people who ftbiise klnduewi. But they arc definitely in Uie minority. J'or some ot these men )t MJl be Die la.'i fhnncc for n ambiance of fam­ily life. We hear so damn murh about nil of ua aeltllng down and loving one onother like brothers af­ter the war, nnd rtght ncnv In the midst of the war people can’t even have consideration for the men who arc fighting It, Tlicy can't atilke, they don't make $90 a week, they have no homes and tltcy are boycot­ted bccouso their bicome Is limited. We «1ves of officers arc fortunate In hating more Income to rent some sort of home. But what about th# thousands of enlisted men with fam* IIIM?”

Tlie anme sort of reports have come from places In Texas, and In fome indiutrlal towns life Is equnj^ ly bad for war factory workp®

enough to meet the cost of living In close qunrters wlLli strangers Wider Klian rondltlona.

As to pcoplo In higher Income hracknt.s. Mr. Willkle, being one of them, should know tlial many have hnd to borrow money to pay Uielr Inxes and have scaled down their standartl of living of ncccE.slty In

It Uielr fnmllle.i both at home and I the road following them around, ive sncrlflced mo,sl.


FRO M N E W Y O R Ksiik iieh ovs

Jniiaiu'.s', what hope can be offered lo the families prisoner* still In the grip of liil

Jailers?It ri d here

uthorlty thol

I Uie treal- b decent.

Tlie leader of tills ilzatlon Is

Prince Konoye, prime mlnb- supplanted by

Hlcjeki (Razor)Tojo. Apparently the offlclal-s blood relationship with tlie emperor prevents Interference by the cruel war lords.

Some In prominent po.sltlons who lave constanUy opposed the army :llque may still exercise mercy.For years the pendiiltim in Japan

sn-ung back and forth between 11b-

............................ of thjyoung men's federation. Instigated the tt%slssInatlon of former ” ' mier Salto, of the Inspector gio f education and of Uie fl_____minister. Prime Minister Admiralikada escaped only by a ruse.On the word of men In touch

with our stale department, these ! brave officials who went to r_ deaths because tliey resisted

.... .•aMrigly'the rasKbrutal gang ofmurderous brass hats. How many of their followers are a'llve tMay -Qt known.

BOMBS — Ksgow*, the fame ... Christian clergyman of Tokyo who preached in United State* rellgtous InsUtutlons a few years aga, I* etili the head of tlie nlpponcsc United ihurch.The Presbyterian board of for-

'Ign mlssloM In New York has af- fadavlts from captured American ministers sUtIng that Japonese of (heir faith walked IS mile* to and from camps with food and glftx. Minority sects, however, have little influence in Hlrohlto's realm.

Many highly placed persona In Washington are convinced that Ad­miral Nomurs. former ambasosdor, is an honorable man. that he and his kind would restrain the bestlnl- itlea of the »«dl»t generals if theyere aware of (hem.If humane arguments failed, en­

gineers’in the Nomura group might point out the vulnerability of their tlnder-bo*. capital should on aven­ging America delermlBe to wipe out Uie whole civilian population.

Tokyo is a fire trip. Specific de­scriptions Inform o( (ha magnitude of the haxard. In a normal year flame* dfstroy 8,000 of tha city's 600,000 Shacks.

Forty-four per cent of the metrop- o>l* was swept away In a conflagra­tion In 1923. Thirty-three thousand men. women and children were caught and burned lo death in one factory block alwie. Firemen then had nothing to contend agaltut but (he blace — no Incendlarle*. no blockbufter bombs, no naval sheila.


liliiinoKraph or "Juke box," HLi com­pany I" now making weapons.

In telllnR Nrw York frlenrt.i how his firm solved the probltm of ab­senteeism nnd careltssness, he con­fessed:

-At flrat our patriotic pep talks lo plant workers got us nowhere. Tlien we personallied the meetings.

"As the men nnd women assem­bled I would fl«k anyone with a wujfc or brother in the -scnlces to hold'r up hla hand. I would pick up a slip valve which we tuni out for tanks and, pointing to a girl down in front, would my, ’I want you all to know Mary Jonc.i; her brother is driving a tank In Italy.

''•Perhaps hl.s machine ts etjulp- ped with one of the valves that we nnke right here In thl.? factory. Hij Ifp may depend on whether or not it folks In this room have made It iropcrlv or fihlpped it (o him on .Ime. We can’t let Mary Jones and her brother down, can wc7'"

RACKETEER—Although they will not openly admit It, federal of­ficials believe that black marketing and tox chbeling are responsible for tlie enormou.s Increase In the amount of currency In circulation — four times that of the 1&29 business peak.

Contrarj’ to cxpeclatlons of fiscal -•xperts, this loose money did not diminish when full employment was attained. I.Argo bills are in unusutf-n demand. Salesmen of itecondhanlM automobiles often wave osldo ciu* lomcr'* chccka. even those which cover profiteering prices; they re­fuse to accept anyUilng but cash. Similar incidents arc reported in the.old-jewelry and antltiue-fuml- turo fields.

Reason for this nluctanee Is that by the deposit of written orders-per- manent bonking rccords aro estab­lished through which internal rev­enue ngenu can trace the rackctccra.If no books arc kept nnd oil tmns- acUons are in actual money. TIncle Sam’s collectors can be eluded.

poll'llei in ordsr to protecTfree^n- terprlze. This 1* indicated by the entrance of Honer B. C»pebart .o£ Indlank as Republican candidate Xor United States senator. .

The manufacturer of hiualcal in-

n i N I

This tt the second week, aeeordlng to Mrs. John P. Hackn«r. county Red Cross nutrition ctiatrman. Mr*. Colette W. Farrar 1* Instructor,


I p t .

Tea. rire got % pus, toot «|{e neTcr lets me go out on Satortay, nHhtal-

Sunday, February 13, -1944 ■;tim e^ n e w s , t w in f a l l s id a h o Page PivS

Camp Fii-e^u:ls Buy Bonds

_____ - _ _ __ ___ - shown_________ of the FldelllT National huik with Ihe pfotetd* from

_ - ule. C'ntlUmen piclurrd. Iclt to rlfht. are MIm Itarban Johnton. M in E\-e- lyn Dean. Mbo Maurinc Boren and Ml»» Marilyn Norili. The bonds purchased will, be »enl lo Uie nalional headounrten >o that each Camp Fire and Bloe Bird *lr1 In Twin Falls .1* partlclpatlnj In the purchase of an ambulance pUne which will be named by Camp Fire *irb 1b I h ....................................... .....fl UnKed Klatea. (Staff rholo>EnrravlnE)

Surprise Dinner for '' Pitch Club Members

.JtROME. Feb. 12-/»n elk dlmicr !.p: •cd rttnilly for niciiibcrT.

the Pllcli cfiib niid tliclr wives iJit nuburbnn home of Mr. and Mrs. Den W1I.S011.

’IlK* occiuMoii wns pliiiiiicd jiiriirlsc for club members who iiDi Informed ol ihnlr wlvrs’ comliiR imlll oil were nMcmbled for dinner.

Quesw were neiiled nt one long, Ince covered Inble cctilei-eri with larse bouqiiel ol Rweet.i>e(i.'<.

A.vslsMiJK Ihe iiostcft-s were Mrj Hnrry FrlUIcr »nd Mrs. Gov. Wll-

Heyburn G irl WedsHEYBUJIN, Feb. 12 — Mr, mid

Mr.s. jo lm Payne, Hejburn, an­nounce the nmrrlngc of their daugh- Irr. Ml«i Dclli Pnyne. to Capt. Sam­uel Sponsen, Thatcher. Arlz., on tVldny, Feb. 4. m Snlt Lake City,

Ciiptaln Spoiueii hna Ja^t relum­ed from China where he served for the p,iat year.

Marian Martin Pattern

Here is R slip that la not only smart looUng, but perfccUy be- hiTed. Ptttt«m esiB Is 80 dealsned that It wui not ride up when ;ou

,V »lt. . . aelther does It slide off your V shoulders. Add the dainty embroid­

ery <translei‘ patlcra included) and you're A perfect gift.

Pattern 891S comes In mUses' and women’s clt«s 14. 10, 18, ao; 30, » . S<. 38, 40 and 43.-eUe lO ie- qulru a yards M-lneh.

This pattern, togetber with a tniufer pattern of decorative em­broidery motUa that you eaa use on Unens or flocks. TWENTV CfENTS.

send TWENTX CENTS In ootns for these patterns. Write plainly SIZE. NAME, ApDEESS. 8TZLB

Grand Council Fire Scheduled

Plims for the Gruiul Council Fire, to be held March 15 iil the hiKh wehool RymiiHKium. were iire.senlcd n t n rcceiit Cam)) Fire fiunnliiins' mect- inp by Mrn. H. H . Soper iinci Mrs. Lionel Uean. who. wiUi Mi'h. Loyal L Perry, are in clinrKC of the Grant! Council Fire arnmKt-'Uicnt.s.

Committees for the Coun­cil Fire will include Mrs. J . S. D iffeiidarfer, honors; Mfh. Alfred PuKliano and Mr.s. \'ic Goertzen. marciunK and line­up; Mr.s. D. T. W illiams and Mrs. Merland' G. E<Uvnrd.<, hospitality, and Mrs. Wallace Bond, publicity.

» ♦

Pink and Blue.Mrs. CUflord Olaiu, aMlsleii by

Mrs. Del! Jenkins, enlertftJned 16 friend. rccenUy at a pink and blue shower la honor of Mr.-s, Dud Cook.

At the K‘inie.1 lollowlng the shower Mrs. Charle.i Cotnnr won IiIkIi prize and Mrs. Vlri{iii<a Ellson won low prize,

Decornlloiis and retrc.-ihnienla carried out Uie pink and blue Uieme.



Borne of Uie older boys nnd glrU belinvc so slriinKely Ihul people, who pec only whiii npi)can> on ihc surfoce, arc likely lo cull tlicni dc- Vnquentj and so clarify perletlly Rocd young people wiilt Uitue not Fo good. Mony of these odd-acting sludents arc suHerlng from anxiety causcd by Ule effects by Uie war tjpon their home lives:

Fathers hove gone to war and anxleCy fills tJiclr honitt. Big broth- en are at Uie front nnd those left behind , are anxlou* about them. Boys and girls who know Uiat Uielr fatlicrs and broUiera are exposed to danger nnd dentli arc not going to remain untouched by that knowU edge.

One boy who hod been a good student. weU-mannercd. friendJy. liked by all who met him. became a wild boaster who regarded not truth nor knew modesty. He talked loudly of his father's heroic exploits, magnifying them beyond belief, and Into Uie bargain began bullying his classmates who, knowing him be­fore Uiia could scarcely believe it was the same boy.

One day he outraged even their paUence and loyalty by betUng ^ in s t his own Uam, Uie team

MS playing on. They could . know what they afUrwnrd

learned, that he was suffering from ^steria, brought on by fear for his father's safety.

Luckily there was an undersUind- Ing physician at hand to help him w what was happening to him, (o help him set himself right once more. Bucli boys and girls are not Jew in number today. They need friends, comforting, s u s ta ln ln ir friends, and the help of undentsiid- tng skilled Uacltera.

A girl Ih the senior class of . ilgb school, a leader among .her

claasjnates. began neglecUng her studlai. Instead of Joining her group and leading In tiielr acUrt- ties wlUidrew, hid in comers and cried. When quesUoned she said, “No. nothing is the matter NO. m not worried about a ^ '


diiURliters of

Df Mrs. Molly

■Pip Zenoblii club, tlif Nile, will meet al iicMliij 111 tlic home Notilc, Kimberly.

Jotk,- DmiBlitcr.\ will nicpt iil 7 pm. Mniidny In tlin Miu.nnlc tciiii tnr inlliullon. nefrc.'hmentj. will ■••Pl'rtl follOWlllR thl- lIl'Tllllg iiiul I liiirnii* (>r DiiuKhlrr.s lin

corillallv Invard.=f. * *

Kiiull Grunge ttlll nn'Cl nl 8 p.i '11u-.xlay, Frb._ 15 nt tlic. Pleiu.aiil Vlpw M-lioollio'usi. Oyi>lcrft wll srrvpd lor rclreshmeni* nnn n t)<T* hiiv.' been a-skisl lo bring table service, tables iiiid RBmc.s.

¥ * * llip FltlelU cliifj. ol tlie Bapt:

chiiTTii will nirct at 8' pan. Tuesday In the BuptUt bungalow with Mr. and M . . Hiirnld Lockey n-s iiokl.v Mrs. K. J. Stcpken will be (jiieatsjicakcf,

Tlie Counliv Woiiii'n* club wiil meet at llio Home of MrsJ E. .O. Cain. 3JS Fiiurlli avenue, cast, on Wediie;(ln.v for iin all day meeting of HimI Crcks M’VvhiK.'Mi'inbecs. lu'ive beun iRkeil ti> l>rlii« ii covered, sandwiches and tiiblc service.

* * *Till' Siincl;iy cvoiilnii sacriiinent

■■.ervice of tlii' I..05. NrM Wnrd'wlU be nt 7:30 p.m.. today to honor the anniversary of Lincoln's blrtlulay. ‘ special nat-slciii program has'be arrange<l. Mr.s. Juanltn Hull will be reatler iinil Clujd Soreliion will ' speaker.

IILT) ( UQSS MEETING BUHL, Feb. i:-A mcetUiK of the

board of dlrrctorft and coiiimlttee chairmen of tlie nnlil chapter of the American Heel Crn.>, will be held at' 8 p.m, 'lMe.'<lity, Feb. 15, In the Red Cros.? roonui In the city hall.

W e n d e l l : G i r l ,

O f f i c e r M a r r y

' - A t H o m a R i t e a. WESom.. IVb. U-Mlsa Marian MacQulvey,' ilaughter pf Mr.- nnd Mn*. -0. Dj'UncQulvey. Wendell, •betfame Uie bride Of Lieut. John W. Wlchle, Fott Lewb. Wosh., wn of Dr. and Mrs. Srw. mtehlc. Hnirer- im»n. Ih'a cenniony performed: dny aftcmMii, reb, 0.'

Vov s wiV«.exchangetf' « t 3:00 p..... • at Uie .WetKlcll Prcsbyteriiin church wlth.-Dr.' John' L*. Aii(1erM)n of .tfie, Colleic of Idaho rcodliiK' the ■flngle ring Illunl IW tlio .ptet^nce of more tlmft, 300 . reroUvcs and friends.

The altar, banked in greens, cen­tered by tall cnndelabm nnd Hank- fid by,bouquels of w^............... ..

...............- party? •••Miss Dorothea Cook. Boise,.nnd

Jlmiiiy'JJeonctt. .HagWau,* rnriK, accompanied by H l» Lola-JillkcLson. Boise, who also played bnc|!Rround maMq.-;;. . , . , , ,'

•• •■• ilVliUe SaUn.Tlie bride, given li> irii»rr|ni;c by

her fatlicr, wore a ‘tmdltlonni while natln-.weildlnS.gown wlUi swcrt- heart nccklltie, long sIccvM, filled bodice mid Iorr train. Her flnncr- tip veil WM held In place by a coro­net of teed pearls- She cnrrled i while 0- E. S. Blblo nnd an arir bouquet ol white nnrdrCilas. ItK zircon necklace she wore wns a rK' from the jnwrn, i

Mr.r John Turner, Caldwell. «enr' Ing a pastel blue gown with ni arm bouquet of Amcrlcim h»nuty roses, was matron of honor.

Bridesmaid] were M£»s Bennett, Ilagernmn, In pasiel pliit and cnn ’ing an arm boiifiuct of talisman rosebuds: MIsh Maranrot Jean,Bennett, Corvallis. Ore.. «Ing pastel yellos', nnd MIm Lila ..... Word. Qoodlng, in pa.%tcl blue. Eich carried nosegays of pink roiebiid. . white carnations and snipe hy- clnths. .

Jimmy Bennett nclcd ■Die best man nnd Im'o of the

lirldcsmalds were nephew and nicccs of the groom.

Viher*Usliers wprc John Turner. Culd-

well, and Hobcrt HiiRhfs nnil ,li:n neiilrow, Jr.. bolh of Wendell.

Marilyn Peterson, Urrivsed In pii rrepr, was llourr «lrl niiri Liin Peterson, In soldier uiilfi>nii. ui rliiK bearer, cnrrylnc the rins In of white carnations on a will satin plllow-

rollowlni! the ceremony an u formal recciillou was held nt U hbme of the brkle',1 piirrnt'. seven*tlprp(i cake, topped bv mini; ture bride lind soliller, w, liie rentrrplecp lor the liut-cnM'ii

nil' In llip irudltlonal nmnnrr m srrve<l by MKs Martha Kftpj-el m Mrs, Ro,"<mary Iliiby.'

I'resldlnir Mrs. Wird Muller prrslripri nl the

coffee ser\lce the t|oiir. nnd Mrs Merrill MacQulvey. Bolsr ilie -sei'ond hour At the imiii'ti b<i'vl were Mrs. Delbert Lnmbtns and Mi« Lila Rue Ward. Others a.s»tst- liiR In serving were Mrs. H. P. Holslnger. Mrs. Robert HurIips. Miss Betty Bennflt, MKs Anticlte Stew­art. ML« Ann Hyslop, and Mbs AuRiLila Jollei. all of the CoIIprc of Idaho. Ill chnrgc of Rue.'t book wns Mr.s, Jolm Turner and In the dft room oere MLis Dorothea Cook [tnd .Mlu Lois Mlkcl.ion. both of Boise. •

Mrs; Rllchle attended tlie ColleRC of Idaho and reccivod Iht M. A degree In physical i-ducntlon frorr SWmfortl •university. She has beer .director .of women’s physical edu­cation at the College of Idnlio for Oie paM year nnd a hnlf.• Lieutenant'Ritchie took his , medical course ot Corvallis. Ore., and gradualed in 1M3 from the' Uhlver*lly of OrcRon Medical eol- lega at,Portland. He took liL In- tern-shlp at Emonuel hospital in Portland.

ThC couple left Immi-dlntely nller the ceremony tor Tllllcum,, fhere they will ninkr Uielr home, lie bride norc for. travrlln* a tan

lierrlnRbbne siill. green and brown nccessorles and on orchid corcngc.

W e d s L i e u t e n a n t

MU-. Ma.uiv :M«qiavty. <1aUKll. trr nr Mr. aud.Mn^G. D. Mne- Oulvpy. Wendell.'before her Feh, i: «eililliiit (o the WashlnKton lleu- trni.iil. (Staff EncratlnKI

Buiuii'll or II jnii

Mothers Feted by Ninth Grade GirlsNinili Krade m'rLs 'enterlahieil'

mi>tlu-r.s III a "pluy' lilRht" held<!:i>' iiU;ht 111 the hlull school ». lli>, lum iinil .'iKinsnri'd by the nliitliKind.- OlrU- Athh-tlc aisoclation.

WI<li "Juki' txi.v 'lLs (lie (Iieinc tennis Wi re niiirked with mlnliitnre phouonrnpli recurd.i of . iwpumr were held between tcnnjs of mother- and' teams of.dnURhtcrs, The dntiKhters won'nirconleiits but the - 'mothcr-dnughtcr biu ltctball

Diincliii! conte.sts Were iiko hi;U!, A wtillr.-i-ciiiii'.M WHS won by Joiin Dct- K'cller and lii-r motluT nnd Doloreij

IT niDtlur. Wiiinei's lnlc. l wiTi- Miirjiiile I molhi-r, IJeNe.e niolhrr and Dolores ■r inollu'i.L .1)1 the eveninii lit leaRiic tui.sketbiill

Excelsior P-T.\, Celebi-ateK Date

birlliiliiv jmitv r< ri'nlly with John K. Mayes. T'.vln Fnlb. niitiiinal i.rKiiiiiv'T. mill Mi>. .1. H. younR, iiLmi ot IWlii Fiill.v DirseiU lo lL sl3l In li c.MidillKlitnii; i-pivintaiy.

A iiroRriiiii pre.-i'iiti'd liv .scIkhiI .MiiileiK;. Ii'atiired nil oiklnni ple- luri' .sluiw ■•riie Cniirt-shlp ol Miles RtaiidLsli,' by Rlrls of tlip . un'iuh

Hay Doh>e Rave the address of wi'k-iinic and Mi-s. Hnyr .s|»)l;r on •'I'urpn-.e and llecomnieiidatlDiLs ol the P.-T.A."

Tlie birthday dinner hji.s under the dlreetloii ol Mrs. Hunk Tha- iniTl, Mr-s. Mabel FretT. ^ l . M;iry Curl and Mi v TH SUIe>.

1 II.EIt CM'H TO .MKI.TFll.l-:ii. Fi'i). 12 - 'nil- Syi-inRa

Home lnii.iuvi'in.'iit club ivlll ..I till-Inline of Mr.s.J.K.Sleffiii 2 p. ni -nieMiny. Feb. 15. .Miss Plor- cnee Schultz will be present.



T.:S Second Avr, S. I'linne Sl-tV

Card PartyThe Knight.1 of Columbus

w iil flponaor n public card p .a r ty in St. Edward’s parish h a l l Wednesday evcnitiB, Fob. 16.

Rcfreahmenls w i l l be aerved nnd prize.s offered.

A water HofteiK-r -will be .Riven as a Hiwcial'prize.

Dance Climaxes Boy Scout Week

Tlio climax of Scout week eanie tvhcn the Boy Scout* si>on.'.ore<l by L,D,8. .w-iuds entertained the B Ihvo Rlrbi of the Tviln FaUs stn: nt n dancc held FTIday evening . the first ward recreation linll.

•With Jay Merrill -ns dnnce ma; ager 11 was one of Uie nnv.t sii cc^ Iul danee.s of ILi kind ev glveii-

More tiian 1*50 people were pre eni and Mrs. Annn Everioii ui L. A. llaiuseir- rre Rcheral chalrnu

The floor show bPRan nt 0;;6 p.: wiili po.itlnn or colors by thp Boy fkoiili. under the direction ol Uani ■ Riippleye, ward .

.’tile iKvstliiR of roliirs was followed by two dniici-s liy Merle Sloddnril’ chinrliii! .studeiiU nnd a drill by th Ui.y ScdUl.s and Bee Hive RlrLs o the ( and .leoond wards. Tli dilll. Wlil.nunhi be pre.sented nt th stnke M r.A. <lanci- I.) be held Mar. 2 Ih lli.dio RonduvcK).

Tlie dnnce ronimUtee Included CInrk Canieron. Spencer Roblason. Miles Hunte?, Mrs. Bernice Hunter and Mrs Zelinn Henderson,

Uefre.Mmients were served It.......Ince-covered, table dccoratcd with red nnd white cnrnatlon.i and light­ed tuiHTs under the dlrccUon of Mrs, Bertha -Mac Hansen and L, A, Hnnsen. n.«l5lc<l by Bee Hive glrLi,

Tlio decoration committee iitclud-' cd Mrs. Betty Freeman. Mrs, Ber­nice Hunter, Mrs. Mary Arrington nnd Mrs. Everton. were welcomed by Mr.Mr,-,. William nnd two ScoiiLs nnd two Bee Hive girls from

Music 1 by Oral 'I


6 I R L S

The Tanakia Ciun|> l-’ire xroiip mel I'’rld:iy for a Vnlenline party.

AIlT Raines were plnye<l nii fter-lunenUs e|■vl'd the ciil.' iniide lilnn.s lor the Rrand council flie t be held In Muich.

onAKOllie Odako Cnnip Fire group mt

at the home of JoAiin Beglan t hear Mrs. Matt Beglan speak o how to prevent nccldcnt.s.

Fi>IlowinK the nieelliig refresh nieenta were served.

“Personalities”••Per.sonnlllles" wns the subject

discus.'icd when the chnrm and ell(|uettc group ot the Girl Itc. crvcs met Frldny nlKht In the "Y" i

Following t-lie dl.scusslon re: menw were serv«l.



P llO N R 7.3

HAYES Furn. Exchange

- Send TEN CENTS extra U yon vUb Marian liorUn pattern book. Completo atjrls tdectloa lor aU ages. Pree pattern printed- Send your order t

the ckW of"tht^lrl's '” father was in the merchant mar­ine; one broUier was in Ute PacUlc area and the other was soon to be inducted. A beloved aunt had gone to a base hospital as a nurw. The girl wa«.grlevlng her heart out.. .-

auch cwidrea are vicUms ot anxiety. Their stnuige behavior U their endeavor to hide their lean. Deal gently wlUi aU children tbue daysilor .there are (ew;Indeed.irtio' have not been affected br-the war Watch, wait and stand lv'rebdy-l» help them. They need all the help they c.......... . **

P l e a s e r e t u r n e m p t y C o c a - C o l a

b o t t l e s t o y o u r d e a l e r .

'To b a 'o b i* to serve you better, yow dea ler needs empty Coca-Cola boHleifc

There are plenty of Coco'Cola boHlet IF th e / o re kept moving. Woit't you pleaso

return empty Coca-Cola bottles to your dea ler ot once for your deposit or,

better jffll, for credit co full botHes o f dolldous Coca-Cola. ---------- — ----------


. T W IN P A L L S C O C A - C O L A B O T T L IN G C O M P A H V

Formal Goast Nuptial . For T-win Falls Youth

On Dcc, 22 at the- Hirst Baptist church In ,(?lendalc, Calif., MUa Evelyn Fair Ward, daughter of Mr. and Mri, W. T, WnrU. Glendale, bocatne the .bride of Donald Glcnn Murtyn, son of Mr. and Mrs. A, 8. MartyiT. Tft'ln Fnlls. Tlio ccrcmony was pe fo^nr^d by tlm Rev. Dr. J. Whitcomb Broughcr. Jr.

The bride, given In marriage by er fuUier. wore n white salln gown

fashioned wltii train, a Kced-i>eorl yoke and flUed bodlcc. Her finger­tip yell fell from a |>eiirl halo iinci she carried a bouquet of gardenias nnd botivnrdia centered by two orchids.

. of honor, MIks Mary Alice Harknes.'. wore white la

live bridesmaids wet. Rou-ned in lull-sklrtocf white chllfon with fitted Jvr.sey bodices. All carried bouquets of reil rosebud.s. •

lliilh Overman. wearinR a lonR while nnd cnrrjlng n ba.skct

letals, wiii Ilower Rlrl.Vard wore a Rown of du-sty

.. .•I>e and Mri. .Martyn was dre. e<| in nn li'e-hlue ensemble,

hey bolh won- orchid corsaRes. HefDert Koiil lu-ted ns best man.A violin ,solo prereiUxI the cerc- lony and Uiree vocal snlns were of- Tiil by Harold Tie.iry, uccrantKinled y Mrs. Kilth Walker, who nls '

fered l),iek«rnund music.rerrjilliin In the rhurcli jwrlors ?00 liUi-.slA foliowrd liie ceremony I sororllv sl.Mers of the bride a.i-

sl.stlllR her In Uie r«---lvlnn hlli Mrs. Marlyii, a Rriitlunlo ot En'Rlo ock hlRh sehool, Kn;:k' HiK'k. ( a senior nt the University of Ui d.;

lajul-s. where she ttlll continue

Mr. Martyn Is takiiiK n cour.s> ... the University of SoutJiern Ciililor- nln, where he Ls n nuvnl re.servo cadet. Ho Is nffillatcd with tiie Nu SIgmn Nu fr.itcmlty.

After a wedding trip to Snr Dl- .:o llie couple have miido Uielr

home In Los Angeles.* * *

World Prayer Day Is Set for Feb. 25An exenitlve commillee mel .

eeiiily nl ihe hnine of Mrs. Bnrllett Slnclnlr lo ninke iirepaiatloiis for the World Day <if Prayer, which will be held Filday. F<'b. 25, nl Ihe First Prcsbylerlaii eluirch.

llie day will oivrn with n moniluc poi. luck h

W e d s L o c a l M a n

1 lie !

. Chlesrliiirch lnille.% ns host-

brine n covered nnd (able servk-c

Tlie aftenumn under the dlrerlli i 'alls chureh In cliarRC ol

sked 1•lehe.i

for the luncheon, on urnRrani will I rllon of various Tw I. wllli each church dp.-.lRnnled period.

nirs. Donald Glenn who W.1S Mls» Evel,n F»l. daiiRhier of Jlr. and Mrs, tVaril. Glendale. Cillf. befoft Dec. z: wcduiii{ ts Ills TnlnS youth, liitatt EnirsTlni)

Rupert Ebel Club Is , Entertained at Cafe

nUPtiJtT, Fel). 12-Mcnibcrs the Ebel club and one table of guesLs wero entertained recently by MIm Mildred Nickerson nl the Rogers club cafe.

U.shiK a Vnlentlne theme for the decorations ihe de.s ert table w centered by an nrrnnRcmeiit ot r canintlons and while sweet pca.i,

Tlie next club meellnR will be nt Ihc home of Mrs. Leo Kc.'-sler.


HEARINGFree Anilnli



to sovle your

ration problem


F R E E !

Tlicse fa-slilons *111 lift you up . . . make «-ar-tltne wollclng smooth sailing. Superbly fash-

by expert craftancn util­izing non-criUcal materials. One pnlr 0 year? Who carts when you can get styles like thcseT

bmart pumps Tn gtbudln* with wear-tested pluUe Mlei . . popular aside strapafor all your casual wear and all styles In ft complete site ranee.

'Ankle Straps ^.5. AvaUable in—

Page Six TIMES-NEWS,TWIN-FALLS, IDAHO Sunday, February 18, 1944



f r o :

Ai y« Olde Sport Bcrtvencr watch' td » porUf mtla man iltUna ulolcaJ- ly on the bcnch of Ui« Dtcio eimp-

. loU u Ihoy plnypd In tiie Jerome ouU»w bMketiJolI Ummamenl. the nfraln oj Domon Rimyon’» gr«» pporUng poem: "II wn« umdj, hnn<t-. ano/, ftinde br/illng. Ihmc bnbjM homt," k»pt nmnln« ihrouBh pud?)’ one's nilncl.

It w»j iKcause y . 0. S. 8. 1 Jiut c«ne from »n lnltnl»;w » tint portly mile mnti In whl<!ji dlKmcrtd tiint whlln Bflnilr’n fn mlshi have cnlleclUio > tlir

. I jockey-prcxliicliis the union, it wii» lUnt i>urtly llulp mnn »hn really made 11 «n.

filranie, lin'l (1. (hnt rrtilin, trhichun't a Ilnile fommtrclal


Had Nosed Them out Earlier; Rupert ThirdJEROM E. Feb. 12— Win-

ninfc the three final xnmca of the (oiirnnniont, tho Ueclo Simplots .won the IG-tcnm Jerome Jnycco outlaw meet toiiiKht. In the championship ffnme, they triiimpheri over the Jerome Jiiyceea, 30-28— the (e«m which hnrf handed

4 D e c l o P l a y e r s

S e l e c t e d o n T w o

A l l - S t a r T e a m sJDIOME, Feb. 13—Ttie follow-


Porunrd—B. PftrkliiAon, Declo. Center - Elmer KdrtlnKton.

Oimrd—Cruller, De<-lo. Ouard—AhriiniFi, Declo.

HKCONI) TKAM Forwar<1-Tnn.,lll. Mtn. Home, t-iirwur.l Kchnrl Center-Brown. , ..Ouiird —HolllbniiKli. Jerome, Oiliird—C. Anderson, Dtclo.


\xseo Parke

tot ibonrd s mcchorse and iturted him "besilns those bailee home" m the eouniy Inirs In souttiem l<in- ho. Thai lot was Vnsco ParKe—now Uie portly gent OD the SlmjjJoi bcncJi,

Prom ih# county fnlr trucks of Idaho-lhe route thnt even ihe great Sande traveled—Va-'co Purke graduited to the racetrnek at Tln- Junni, Bui weight ovcrloglc him lii tJic year Uiat followed and he v,aa forced from the momin w oUicr tjulu about the pnddock*.

Blnce lhat day there liu l>ren ■ •te*dy ilrtam of youth* from lUahc fo <he rtcetmeiu of the oatlon, Ulvn tbere by Visco Ptrke, nnci no) a Unite dob failed to ouke good, Thr"- ..........................

them H 3;j-31 defeat enrlier in the (Iny.

The lUiport Boosters, who were beaten by the .Simplots, 38-37, enrlier iTTFno evening, took third i)lnce in the annuiil

int.rank IlcUlg, representing Ihi

Jerome Junior Cham^r ol Com- rcc, presented a tSO war bond K Slmplou, while a KS bond wen'

;hc Jaycees. Tlie Booalcrs rccelv- the tn\;mnmcnt basketball. AC' ling ttif awards H'erc Vbsci if, ji)a;in£er ol Use fltapJoU;

Earl Williams, the Jsj-ctes' capialn. id Aclr tij-mns, the flupcrt n

HImpInU Hnurt (o Win Tlie einiplols imt oh n »|ni n Ihe final gumo after the

llad been tied four Umes, Tlie pints, won by holding Jerom jeven points In the final half after they had trailed 31-18 at the res period.

alnmlna of the Blmplot; the packed gnllerlcs. Tlie;

had enough left to pul on the cham ploiiship winning spurt even alte: playing the two previous games, one ol them the louiiti 33-37 leinl-flnal tncounUT wttli thu Rupert Hoosi ers. aiie Slinplols and Uooslcrs tterc Ued 20-20 at the half,

Before eliminating the Booaters, 10 eimplolA downi-d a surprlslnR

Uagcrman team. 39-27, Tills i ilp-and-luck affair

111 the____'b big I;

First llier« were his four broUicrs —Burley, second lending money Winner In 1021; then ihe erca Ivan, the 1023-34 lender; Monte who was second to the fnniou. Wcatropo In 1033: and Clmrllc. \vhi wna ttie lliird ftest U. S. collector o purses In tm .

Ivan waa the m0.1t famous of th< quintet. He once finlahert second ir. the Kentucky derby ntUr the favor- lie tie Was to have ridden Uos Bcralched. Burley and Clmrllc niso

_rodo In the blucgrns.i cla-sslc but didn't do so well, Uilcr Ivan be­came a trainer for the Mnrcti Rlnble of Chicago and last year he saddled winners that won $323,000 in purses. Too, he produced the lendtnc two- year-old. Occupation, In 19<2, nnd repeated with Occupy In lfH3. ,

Msny other Idaho youths Va^o Parke put into the silks. They In- elude Charlie Stevenson and Mar- Union, Dolse. both leadtnr money wlnneti, (he former In 153B and the UUerln IDZG; Jimmy Wltion, Flier: Frediile Sethlng. DIelHch, and Lee IluRiplirifi. Jerome.

Vajco Parke spends his lime be- tB'cen (h# tucetrftcks and his ranch at Declo. In April he will leave for the east and south where he will visit race tmcti In the Interest of ArllnjtoB park, ClilcnBo, When the Chtc.igo racing sca.".on ataru he will eetUe down ns the boss of oil thi Jockeys In that area.

But believe It or not. It Isn't of hU racing achievements lhat Vnsco llkea most 10 talk. I t U the f. pennant winnera that he mnuaL... In UiB Snake river vnllry baseball league of & number of years ngo

And Uiat would make many „ follower of the "sport of kings'’ re- mark: "Well. I l l ba damedl'-

N i n e P i l o t s S c o r e

T o D e f e a t W o l v e sOLENN3 FmRY. Feb. 12-Con«h

OeoTje mick'a Castlcford Wolves roftde nine out of 20 free tlirows, Bomelhlng of a rccord for them, but they fell before the strong Qlentjs T tm Pilots. 4g-25.

Calvin Qraybeal. the Costlcford Bl*r, kepi Joe Doboron, the Pllou' high scoring center, pretty well tied up'ourtnit the evening but eight

■ other of Ctmch Oene Cooper’s ladt broke Into the field jool column to trtumph.

In k preliminary g&me. the' town

...... -

imriir.ny Onn.... ___

The Rniiici on the final dny of the thrcf-diiy loiirnamtnt, which at- tracted the Ifl alrotmesl Independent (Ciimj in the Mi.kIc Valley, were much closer than in the Ilr.n two days.

The dny produced the only Kame to Ko Into overtime. It was between HnKerman and Miirtnugh, the form-

winning, 34-30. A Hngennan . mLised nn iifier-Uie-gun free throw will! Uic «rore tied, 30-30, lit the team miutp two field goals ) win In the ovcrllme.John Norby's Held ROal . ..._

closing minutes of the Iirst Declo- gnmo won

33-31. Jerome led, 18-10, at the half: Other scores durlnft the day: Murtaustj 27. Twin Palls I’clers

Onions 21.Rupert *i. King Hill IB.Rupert 35. Mountain Home 20. Hagerman HI. Heyburn 25.Rupert 3S, Kimberly 20

John Norljy Scores Game-Winning Goal

BtmLBY, Feb, la-Only ow stands between Coach .Rulon

Budge's Burley Bobcata and another Big Seven conference baskeibill championship. If they win ihsi gatne—wllh Jerome next Tuesday

Bobcats Near B ig Seven Basket

Crown After Defeating Indians

Outlaw Touiney Scores

i:S a

Fishing Creek For Juveniles

BlauBhter Hou.'ie creek, a mile- ad-a.hnlf long stream that run;

IhrouBh the municipal golf links t mile west of Twin Fnll.% will be ileslgnalod os a Juvenile fishing stream, according lo an announce­ment made at Uie meeting of ihe Southern Idaho Fish and Game association directors last night,

FJsWDg In llje strMm wJJJ be re- strlcted to Juveniles under U years of nse who are not reijuirod by law

IXBsess a fishing llceii. e. Tlie rnm, which will be policed by

stale fish and game depart­ment. Is well stocked ^ 1th trout.

The directors dcclded to send two ..icn will) Uie U. S. forestrj’ officials and employes of the stole fish and game department wlien a ccnsus la taken of the deer In Uie Minidoka national foresL

Tlie team copUlned by Earl Davidson was reported far out In front In the membership drive with 560 memberships obtained to J8« for the team capuilned by Mel E\'er- ton.

The ca m pa ign will continue throuRtiout the year with Uie win­ners feasting on turkey whUe the losers banquet from can* of beans,

Vorloui other project* were dis­cussed by the directors.

^ IJODDfl BBATS HDESB— .......~;BOSTOK, Fob. U CVW3U Doddi

. tonlsbi 9ed .to a i:09A Hunter mile Tlcto7 and'k aOfyard’ win onr B ill “ - ..Mnr rorJjjl. O . U» Amert-

^t(teQr..-jwerd<lio)der. before tnek meet

^ 4 t Boston gardes,

iilj' ''l'ip ;

'kLoV/ 1 si; I. la 0-7 e ToUU > :.| 11

ICIKItMAK <<|, IIRYIIt;!IN 3111 fx It i>r

I'fUnnn 1' I' 2:15 iii I ‘Morirun r

1 H I *’’ i l'.l 00 0.0 0.

0 o-'o e

10 <-i io| Tofmli ies.7 4

M a l t a W i n s F t o m

P a u l F i v e , 4 6 - 2 6

MALTA, Feb. M-Raft River high school of MalU defeated Paul, 4«.J9. hero last night. Malta also took the preliminary gnme, 3S»lt

l U S ' t ' 1 w I---- D«rrln*-

- j i i s . . : t

B l a c k ’ s 2 1 P o i n t s

E d e n W i n F e a t u r e

EDEN, Feb. 13—Clark Black, Eden lurward. had another great nfght last night and as a result the home lcan> defeated Dietrich. 61-38. Black made ID field soals and a free throw for 21 points, while Lemra Stephens, Eden guard, came through wim le.

Dietrich gave Eden plenty trouble In the llrst quarter, tying the score at soon after Its open* Ing and then being only 13-10 be> hind at iu conclusion..

It a pfiDi.irith f« j


RS I:..’

A l b i o n W i n sAOEQUIA, Feb. 12—Aee<iula and

Albion battled right down to the stretch last night with Albion fl- nally winning. 20-24, TOe victory eUnched third place in the ••• ' Cassia conference for Albion,

e ::- 'f f t >.'!/!;?!■>

W ' “ !

i i:i

! & . . ! !;! :

4 i S

! | ! g r r . ! a ;

11 T-4 71 Ibtab t

H a i l e y C a g e S t a r

D i s c i p l i n e d b u t

H e L e a d s S c o r e r s

HAILEY. Feb. 12-Scolt Bo*lden. Hailey high school's Bll-around star, was relegated to the role of s sub- stllule as a disciplinary move lost nlglit but that didn't prtveni him Bleallng the gpoUlght In IltUey'i

18 in Row for Kcdskin Five

WE.VDELL, Fcl mer EddlnKlon gr orvitralloii ol ho*

trouncing Weiidull, 35-21, t skeins dlUn’l ullow the tinme a single point In ihc fir>t while making 10 lln.-m6clM-.'the TcKiilitrs littlt III, the walked lo 21--J nnil 29-10

EddliiRlon I

fenH'd the UrL';. r-20, 111 tl

11 pl.iyrs In Uie 1 .'-'<11 INK lionorj when Stephensoi:

T h i r d S t r a i g h t

R e v e n g e V i c t o r y

F o r G i r l C o a c h

h BeDcnis,He made sU field goals and three

free throws for 19 points to lead his team to a 43-2S triumph, Bellevue led. 7-5, at the end of Uie finl Quar- ter and 20-9 at Uie h»U before Bowldcn got Into the game. In U third period Hailey Jumped Into 34-33 advanuge...................... n.ik*^t <t u

, ItowUn I

1 IK-J 1 ToUUToUl* _________________


WlUlam Hells’ ilrawberry roan Olympic Zenith became a.Uki' Churchill Downs prospect Jieri t,- day by winning tho 115,000 Uultlana derby over a lush avp of J-jear- olds.



KIMBERLY. Feb. l2-"MLss Awn- Bcr“ Is what they arc culling Jcnn Porsoiu, Idaho’s only woman bas­ketball coach of boys' teams.

Defeating Hnzellon, 25-22, Inst nlGht. Miss Porfloas’ Kimberly Bull­dogs gained their third .straight vic­tory aver basketball teams that hail previously defeated them. Eden and Muriaugh were Uie oUier clubs slmllnrly to fall.

The game wa.< a close nffalr throughout TJjo fluJWog.? foot n 10- 7 lend In the first quarter, made Uielr advantage 17-12 ot the half and 10-15 after tliree quarters, lliiz- eltort made Its biggest bid fcr victory In Uie I.iat qunrter. cutttng the Bull- doss' lend lo 23-21 near the cickse of the frame.Klmberlr fr ft pf

a s s ,

Nampa Beals ruins, 43-18, to

Gain First Big Five Cage TitleNA&tPA. Idaho, Feb. 13 (/P>—The Nampa Bulldogs took their first

Big Plve championship here tonight by downing the Twin FalU Bruins. 43-ia.

The Bulldogs led cellar Twin Falls eqund. 13-4, at the end of the first period, 30-B at the half and 33-14 entering the final period.

Pritchett led the Nampa scoring . with 10 points. Dey and Olmatead led their squad wlUi 4 polnu each.

Twin Falls made eight out ' tries at Ihe foul line,

Friday night the Caldwell jm pounced on the Bruins,Tlie Bruins fell behind In the first period and were unable to put up a tliteat during the rest of the game.Caldwell led. 9-3. nl iho end of the

period. 31-8 at the half and the end ot the third pe­

riod.Jensen, Cougnr guard, piled up a )tsl of le points for the high scoro

ol tho evening, while OlnisUnd. Bniln ccntcr, and BlUs Russell. Bruin guard, tied for the leader- ihlp of Ihe Twin Falls team.

Nampa defeated Boise Friday ntghc, 29-24. Boise led tho tiampa stiiiad during the first three quar-

Nnmpn cllnchcd tlie game nal frame.

H a g e r m a n B r e a k s

K i n g H i l l S t r e a k

HAOERMAN. Feb. 12-Wllh Wot- >n, center, making nine field gooL-!.

Coach Harold Brown's Hagerman guifitct broke King Hill's wlnnlnn itreak by downing the visitors, 11-31, last night.King Hill led. 10-6. ot Uie end

of the first quarter but Hagerman ide 10 points tn the second quar-


Solons Spurt To Beat Filer

•rcnco Icam today •St night there wai r rccord would tie

--0 Filer Wildcats baited the Solons neck and neck far two riods before finally succumbing,

Ooo<liiig led, 7-5, at the eni first nuarlcr but at the en( holf Ihe score wns lied, 11

However. In Uie third quarter Solons pulled away to lead. 20-13


"! ' ! . _'r ■

McSMlry ..

...irn the tomb of Tuiankhaintn, who niled F.sypt about 1350 B. c., was opened, vas« conlolnlng qunn- titles ot still fragrant arot


; € A S H


TALLOW • BONESCall us-We will also pay cash

)ld. «-orthIes or dead horsts, cows, sheep, hogi.

CALL COLtECT Twin FalU 314; Oooding 47]

Rupert 85

rer M coneeonUve yeua the Flylo* OooM <m tbe bMT bae been tbe wcetem tanaer'e cnide to teeted, fertile aeed

Am«fc»V'leSlB ISSa*n e 1M« crop of KerUilaad Brand

•eed Is high (a qwoity as aver, but doe to the t»et that egr AUlee must alM

Ktag • o r. doUar or write to

Noifhrup, King £r Co.T W IN F A L L S ,.ipA H O

I’lillllpt SS, Uow Ch.a,!,.I


Johnny Revolts, the Evanston, III., professional whose forto Is Iron

swept over Brackenrldgecourne seven-under-par 64 today to

1 five-stroke lead at the half- . 'nark in the Texas open goU


ter to tthe visitors' two and v trouble thereafter.

S K 'fr pi

n lib « r r ro ?c

Vi Uon «• i H i • 1 olj

S F ' s n 115% L i Hul iTo'iirh- “ “■*



S i .i SjJ_ i;S


Set it up yourself in 1 day

or let 113 do it for you.

Lnrffe shipments

Machine and Ciirriago

Bolts have arrived.

Galv. Screen Wire

Several Rolls Available.


COMPANY415 2nd Ave. S. Fbon« 43D

FARMERS-See us first for your

1944 PEA and BEAN

PLANTINGSWe are now contracting

. all our pea and bean seed requirements for 1944

All Standard Varieties

JEAIfSEEDCO.Phone 47 Res. Phone 81



RUPERT and DECLOClande Chagg Rupert, Ida.


Vemard Comatock Rup«r(, Ida.

Bone Own«d and Operated By Andrew Jean. Flier

Sunday, February 13, 1944 TIMES-NEWS. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page Seven

Australia Lilies 41sl, Which Has Lots of South Idaho Men

AustfftUa Ukei the 41at dlvlilon. tbs enck ftnn; unit vhlcb coaUliu nuutf of Uio M*«lo VUley m*n who went Into tcrvlee with the nsUoaa] BU&rd and ihorUy ftlt«rward, *e> eordln* to newspaper clipping* from Portland. Ore;, received by Mrs.

'* Oraca Rytn.-The <l«l. or BuHMt dlvlaloa. hw

. hid'pleniy ol combat work In New j^Oulnea and Itfl engineering unlU T (the Twin Pall*. Buhl and Buitey

guardimcn were engineer#) have accompU»hed remarkable eowtruc- lion feati.

Lauterbach’e Job B lj (Editor'! note; It wa» revealed

rceentiy In a cotutrueUon tnagaxlne received by J. D. Slnema. Twin Fnllj hlEhvny district engineer, ihnt the engineers commonded by Col, H. Q. Laulerbaeh. Twin rail*, are now building a military roid across New Oulnea. The highway li termed a vital move for trans­portation of allied forces.)

The Portland newspaper Inter­views quoted Lleut.-Col. Mike A- Trapmsn. supply officer on the gen­eral aurr of the 41st. os saying the division has had a good r« l In Australia and Is rnrln’ to go, Colo- nH Trapmnn la the first officer t« return from the dlvhlon who jUH f a member of It.

Said the colonel:"Pliyelcally. the men are at their

peak. They are In excellent condi­tion. The training they hovo under­gone since tlielr return to Au.'lrftUn from New Oulnen, plus the lur- loURhs Uiey hnve had. have dono wonders. They are rarln’ to go again. Some of tlie men of the iflJnd Infantry who had a touRK time of It at Salamaua lost some weight but they hikve regained It.

>Uny Friends •'The division has mony friends In

Auairalla aiid the Australians have been tnlghtV sood to us. The 41st stUl Is. In our opinion, the best di­vision In the United States armj-. bar none. But It Is not a Pacific northwest outfit any longer. It be­longs to the whole United f ' Our rcpIacementB have come all over the nation."

A ' Colonel Trapman said the division has llnally been given permission to wear Its famed Sun.-<ct insignia again, once banned for security sons In early days of the wai

Many of the officers and me the hove been decorated for bravery In action against the Jap­anese In the New Guinea campaigns, anti Colonel Trapman said "another batch" of medals la scheduled soon.

For Magic Valley mothers whose sons had written that tiioy couldn't leam to llKe Australian mutton, comfort cames In the colonel', elation thot the men are no cclvlng the finest of beef-

The 4Ut, prior to Pearl H was ranked as the finest of a tional guard outflU. Guardsmen all over the nation were called Into service In September of I9<0, and the bulk of fdaho guordsmen w f to Port Lewis for long training


LAiNOTINUSEPrompt sale and disposal of all

Idaho lands, not In use or meful to the state, was urKod In' a resolution passed by the Twin Palls Chamber

be IminFdlaicly forwnnlMl to Oov. C. A, DoitolMen, according to oham- ber President Claude H. Detweller.

Suggestlntf lhal the sUte ol Idaho oR-ncd certain tmcu of land

s of U—, ---- -— , ‘t-DO

lojidi be disposed . . flKure *0 that U.ey moy be ■'return- I'll to private ownership and placcd U]>on the lax rolln of the state."

It w further requested tliat Oov. enior Doli45lf»en Wke Immediate .iteps to In.'iruct and advise the de­partment of public works and all other he:i(l> of state departments to "inviintorj- and list" the properties of ilie jvOSf which arc'nelllipr usri' nor ubc'ful, end lo Instruct them t< '■|)rfimi>tly aiiil cxiK.-<1ltlously dlspon

nirthrr, "If It be aMerlalne<l Uiai any acldltlonnl legislative nuUiorll) Is rrqulrwl in thli regard, that th( govi-rnor stiirt planning now tha 3iich uiillinrity be prt'pared an< renrty for ennctmmt by the ne»i Idnhn legislative session."

M o t h e r o f P i l o t

D i e s i n N e v a d aMrs. Irlne OoodnlRht Bnsunsa,

6S. fonnerly of Twin ralUi, d'2:30 a. m, Friday at her hoi Elko, Nev., following a sudden heart attack.

Bom Aug, 13. IBOO, In Endleotl, Wash., she came to Twin Fnlb li

^,1010. where she hnd lived for mos of the time since. Marrying Johi. Ensunsa in July, 11)43, she moved to Elko, Nev.

She Is survived by her husband; one son, Lieut. Bob OoodnlKht. Mus- tang P-Bl pilot stationed at an air- base In England; two daughtcni, Miss Irma Ooodlnght. Portland. Ore.. and Miss Margie Ooodnlght; Dko. Nev,; her father. J. 8. MulUns, Twin Palls; three sisters, Mr*. Roy Berdslee, Lcadvllle. Colo.. Mrs, Spencer Tilley. Burley, and Mrs, W. H. Smith. Elko, and two broth­ers. Carl Mullins. Oxnard. Calif, end Albert Mullins. T»'ln Falls.

The body has been brought to the Twin Falls mortuary where funernl services will be at 3 p. tn. Tuesday.

Interment will be In the TwliPalls cemetery.

P o s t a l S u b s t i t u t e

‘E x a m ’ A n n o u n c e dExamlnatlonii for the position of

k.pcet office substitute clerk-carrler ^'were announced this week by the

U. S. civil service commission through II. P. Hexroet, secretary of the local civil service board.

Applications must be on file at the office of the director, lUh 17. 8, civil service region, S20 post of­fice building. Seattle 1, Wash., not Inter than the hour of cloalng of bailncst on Feb. 33, 1044. The date and place of exoRilnatlon «IU b« shown on the admission cards funi' Ished applicants after close or re­ceipt of appUcaUons.

Copies of the announcement of this e*amlnaUon (containing full Infonnatlon as to place of examloa* tlon, requlrtmente, salaries, etc.) and appUcatlon blanks may be ob-

I frem the Twin Falla postoffice.

S u i t t o R e c o v e r

$ 1 ,8 2 3 I s F i l e dSuit asklnf iudgnent for II,.

Ba.3J assertedly owing under a Judgment Issued by District Judge 3. W. Porter ?eb, « . W39, has been

. filed in district court by the Pam . KaUonal bank of Buhl against

^iFloyd Oosfc ^Tha compUtot states that tha

1B39 Judgment wa* for $3469ia plus I33J0 costs. J. W. Taylor represenU

DO YOUR HEAD and NECK ACHE7Relief o(t«a obtained from

tint treatment-^X.Ror <U«C- noaU U neeeuary.

D R . a l m a H A R D IN

UO Mate No. PbOD0 3331

B u h l N a m e s 8 t o

U . S . H o n o r G r o u p

BUHL, Feb. 13---New memberafor the National Honor society have been chosen by the members of the Buhl high school faculty on thn basis of charocter. scholorshlp. lead­ership and service.

Senior members cho.ien at IhLi time nro Muriel Moss. Frances Op- pliger. Albert Shadcluck, Virginia Wall and Thelmo Worley. Junior membcm. chosen from the upper third of their cla.s« are Charles Ab- shlre, Qeorg« and Marjory Venter. .Members from last year arn Ernest pnefson. Doris Bing and Vivian Ziical.

New officers for the society are Emrst Pelerson. pre. ldent; Alvert Shndduck. vice-president; Frances Oppllger, secretary.

4 3 B r e d G i l t s t o

B e i n S w i n e S a l e

Forly-Uirce bred gilts will t)e rep­resented at the first annual swine sale of the south central area to be held at 12:30 p. m, Monday, Feb. 14, nt the Filer fairgrounds. The sale Is the last of three being spon­sored this month by the Tdnho Stole Swlnc Growers ft.uoclfttlon. D- T. Dollnghrolte, Twin Palls county agent, pointed out.

"Each brt-ea repre-'entcd In this oalB offers some of the best blood- llni's available In the country," he said.

Duroc Jerseys, Herefords, Black Poland chlnn.i. Hainpshlres and Spotted Poland Chinns are breeds repre.wnlecl. Col. Enrl O. Walti will be ihe auctioneer.

Both total sales and series E bond figure* tn the fourth war loan drive tn Twin PnllJ county contlnu. ed to climb Baturdky, It was sale by n. J. echwendlman. chairman.

Although already well past thi quotas of »},in,000 and WD9,000. re­spectively, for total isles and »«rlci Z bonds, those figures last nUht stood at 0 *0.116.3S,

Pointing out Uut these totals did not include ihs county fair auction held'here yeiterdsy, or bonds sold by Boy Scouts, Schwendlman hs expectcd the total U> go to 600.000.

E- a. LaHue. Filer chalnnan, ported to Bchwendlmon Saturday thot Filer coPimunlty hsd exceeded Its quoU of » » ,000, with sales ' data amounting to 1350,860,78.' Five large bond purchosps not hitherto reported were revealed by Schwendlman Batunlsy. They ar Nonhrup King and company. »10, 000; PacUIo m it and Produce com pany, M,625; Western Auto Supply company. »1,P00; Radio Broadcast Ing corporation, 14,000; and tin Filer Seed company, 110,000.

The clialrmsn said he h»d recelv ed a report Uiot one Boy Scou Soturday sold J6.200 »,orlh of bunds

FFA Contest Winner lo Be

Finals Entx'yErnest Sturgill, Kimberly, wlnno

of tho district Future Farmer speak­ing contcst held In T»'ln Fall# Sat­urday, will compete In the state con­test to be held her* April 1, the last day of the three-day tlalc Future Former convention, scheduled for March 30-31 snd April 1, according to Dean Broadliend, Twin Falls Smith-Hughes Instructor.

"Farmers In This Changing World" was the subject of Sturglll'n talk- l.eonard Alvi-y. T»ln Falls, Uie only other entry, ftiicuMed ■•Why We Wont to Be Parmers." Tlie speeches were 10 minutes long, wltli five minutes reserved tor fiue.stloni by the Judges. Score.s were bn.ied <in written manwcrlpts, delivery am: knowledge ol the subjfcl. Judges were Thomas Maberl}'. Rupert: Stanley Trarhslle, Jerome, and Clarence BerJitolt. Filer,

H a z e l t o n R i t e s

F o r M r s . W y g a lFuneral services for Mrs, 1a Vem

Spon.icr Wygnl were at 3 p. m Saturday ot the Hazelton Presby­terian church with the Rev. E. L. White of the Filer Presbyterian church offlclaltng. Ko was os.tlsted by the Rev, E. E. Porker o:' Hnielton Presbj'terlan church.

Music was offered by a duet, Mrs, E. A, Beam and Mrs. Ray Shearer, both of Flier.

Pallbearers were Gordon Perkin*. John Morehead, Victor Kelly. Cloud Parker, A, Bumner and M. H. Chrls- tophenon.

Burial was In the Hazelton ceme­tery under the direction of the White mortuao'.

2 , 7 0 0 P o u n d s o f

P a p e r S a l v a g e dMore than 2,700 pounds of waste

paper were turned over to Boy 6coulJ Soturday morning at the second paper-salvage matinee held through cooperation of Twin Falls theaters. ThU week’s movie was held at the Idaho theater.

The tliird and lost of such matl' ees win be held at a a. m. Satur­

day. Feb. IB at the Orpheum the­ater. "Mr. Bug Goes To Town." a feature-length color cartoon will be the main attrscUon.

D a y l e y R i t e s S e tBDRLBY, Feb. 13—Funeral ser-

ices for Heber Dayley, M, the sec nd white child to be bom in Cassia

county, will be held at 3 pan. Tuet- day at tha Burley third ward chapel with Bishop Sidney A. Lar- •'in officiating.'

Burial will be la the family pjot « t the Oakley cemetery. The body may be viewed at the Burley funeral home until time for the cenrlcea.


'40 Obey, flpedal DeLtoe two.' door tedan

•41 Bulck Special. 4.door •«1 Pontiac SUrentreak two-

door•34 Olienolet Ootipe ■31 Ohemtet two-door

H a i l e y M a n F o u n d

D e a d a t H i s H o m e

HAILEY, Pcb, 13-millarn F. Jla Akln-v 73, Hailey, found dead at hi-s home ot 2 p. m. rrlriny by lit-, ni'phrw. JnmM Sliarii. He had suffered a paitlyllc tlroke a yoai ogo iind hod been In III health .since

Born Nov. 17. 1871. In MarysvlUe, Mo., he had lived In Blaine county lor the past 35 years.

He Is survived by lour brothers, Charles KnwKlns, iltn Prancl.tco; Arthur HavKkliu. Abertloen, Wash., and Leslie lUwklns and Fred Hnw- Um, both ot Marysville, .Sto.. and three slstcn, .Mrs. .Mary Sliarp. Hailey. Mrs. Dla Mnrqunidi, Wich­ita, Kan., nnil Mrs, Anns Bwan.ion, Son FrunciKo.

Funerr.l senlces will he at 3 p, . Sunday st the Harris funeral

chapel with the Rev. Augusta Jack- Icy offlclatlnii.

Burial will be m Uic Ilolley cuine- tery.

F F A P i c k s T h r e e

H o n o r M e m b e r s

Three honorarj' members were elected to mewberalilp In ihe Ttt'ln Falls Future Farmers’ s.isoclatlon at a speclol meeting held Friday In the high school sgricultural depart­ment. Those elected were D. T. BoUngbroke, county agent; John D. Flatt, high school principal, and K. E. Kalt, vice-prlnclpal and dean of boys.

tho honorary members octing Judges. Pnrlldp:ints were Gordon Hansen, frc-ihman. and Leonard Alvy, sophomore, Alvy was award­ed high score: lie entcred'the dis­trict contest. The subject of hLi talk was "Why We Want to Be Farmers."

B a t e s B a b y D i e s

S o o n A f t e r B i r t h

The Infant dsughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oront L. Bates, Hollister, died at the Twin Falls county general hospital at 3 p. m, Saturday. 20 hours after lU premature birth.

She la survived by her parents, one slsUr, Sherry Lee, 7; two broth-, ers. Rodney. <, and Bruce, 4, and by two grandmothers, Un. Edith Bates and Mrs, Ilenty Nelson, both of MurtAUgh.

Serrtces hsve been tentatively Mt for Monday at the Luke memorial chapeL

Here’s One by Gowen Soldier

^ I

MARK MV WORD, QTwaatlitt, Idaho uili put over lls loiiith ' loan drive the way it did the Idaho ixitato.

(Editor's note: This cartoon wm dra<ni by K{t. Uob Galllva field, former caHoonlst tor Fjquire mafsilne.)

Ancestoi’s “Guide” Children in

Alaska, Says Veteran SoldierBy PAT PAtMER

Lcs.i can be said concerning wor

C , r ; ; r Y o u t h O r g a n i z e rWn newsmen have called service- men in that region "the forgotter men o{ ihe ivrtny.”

Pvt. Macons M. Claybom, hom< on a 10-doy furlough deloy en route, has spent the past 30 mimths In Alaska, and though he wearii tin expert's Insignia os a coo.-.i «r tlllerymati. machine gunner . nnt rifleman, he L-> Inflexibly "mum’ when questioned about a single ac. tlvlty of the mlhtary. With rrcard 10 any other phoM of hli lUi Alaska, however, he's glad lo

Lovn Alaska Eskimos He lovL-s the rugged primitive

ot the country—the frlenilllncis

L-sled 1 ;lftl work I liong theEskimos,

non-scctarlan suntlay and a group callcd the 'young Northerners club. About 60 per ccni of the young Eskimos at Nome be­longed to tho organization.

ThouKh Private CTayborn Is er ' a Paso, T< ■

liter the '

Uie ra and continue his work among

rndcrs wanting ad' nnd work to do, couldn^t find

. . ter place thou Alaska," lio de- clnred. ‘The field Li wide open for

>clal welfare activity, Alaska Is still a frontier country, md there ore opportunities for de­velopment In many lines of work or Industry."

Claybom will leave for his new ise at El Paso curly next week, c la In Twin Ffllla for a few doys'

Msit with his mother. Mrs. Frank Murdock. 231 Elm street. Inciden­tally. he made no comment con- remlng the sudden change from Alaska to Texas.

No Discipline Referring to the problem of Ju­

venile rtellnqucnc}-. Claybom said thot If Twin Falls thinks It la hav­ing lt« '-youth troubles." the Ju­veniles here are •'nngellc" compared with those In Alaska, Eskimo pnr-

. It seems, do not discipline their children. They believe the spirits of (heir ancestors will guide them,

Lhcy run »Hd............... he became interested

In the life and welfare of the Umo, Claybom said he supposed he’d always been “sympalhetlc to­ward the ’underdog'" and thot ha Just naturally enjoyed organizing and working with young people.

'~he Eskimo, really Is quite a >mlnded person. He la patriotic, I to see his community prog- and U wllhng lo follow anyone

he likes • and trusts.’' TTie native.......... he said, icems particularlyinterested In learning the white woman’s way of living. She will copy ‘ er In every way she cun.

Severe Weather Storm and fos and severe vreatli-

er b so much a part of the native' ejclstence. he said, he believed Ue Eskimo loved It quite, as much as we enjoy warm balmy dayj

Bummer temperature may go up > 65, and that seems very hot af­

ter a severe winter, Claybom polnt< ed out. The averoge winter tempera­ture U about SO degrees bebv zero.


B yto get me details ot two* time fomanofl

Starting: in next-issue

PVT. M. M. CLAVnOIlN . . . After tpendlng 39 month*

In Alaska, Pvt. Maron'. Claybom, army eoatt arllllerrtnan, la In Twin FiIU Vitlilnr hli mother, Mf*. Frank Murdock. He li here on dplajr en routr lo Kl Paso, Tex. ISIaff Pholo-Engnrlng)

Anyone out-of-doors must guard against frosting his lungi by wear­ing the protective "pnrlta" hood.

Private Claybom wears not only the expert's Insignia, but a good conduct medal unrt an American defense medal lor the Asiatic- Pacific theater of war. He was based at many different points In the Alosknn area during 39 months of sen’lce there.

' attended grade nchooLt tn Ta'ln Falls In 1028 and 102D, as well as public schools at Pocotel- lo and niockfoot. Ida. He graduated from high school ot Laurel, MonL

B a r k e r P r o m o t e dBUHL, Feb. i3-:-Reccnt Informa-

tlon rccclvcd In Buhl says that John Barker, head of the Barker Insur-

ngency, has been promoted

made effective Jnn. 1. Lleutenoni Barker is In tlie armod guard ot the merchant marine.

enH E A K

SnFiPNDAVPublic hearings on the proposed

imt budget lor Twin Falls county opens .nt 10 a. m. Monday at of­fices of the commissioners. County resldtnu will have all week to make suggestions or crltlclsnv> regarding the 1370,150 budget tenutlvely set by the board.

The budget can be reduced but not Increased alter the hentln*.

For titory hearlngB have not

duced a single protest and nc payers have shown up to conlci


biidcet l.iMV,700 hlgh- inan uio iu43 tentative and W3,.

ifl higher thsn Ihe 10<3 fln.l. Aciual e»i>fndltnres by the co\mtj

C h i n a B r o a d c a s t

T e l l s o f S t o w e ’ s

O p e r a t i o n i n H u t

Wnrlcl»lite ihort wove broadcn l lellliU ol tlie upin'iidcctomy oporu- llon iiorlcrmwl by Capt. H. L Btowc and a l-llnw.Mirgeiiii of the army

wii. U'uiiipil iru in CliiiiigklnK. Cliitm, i-.ul) Siitiirilay innrnlng.

AlllinuKh rtceiHlDli hiTp was IMwi.iiccordUih- lo Chic Crabtree of KTFI, tlie liriindcu.M wn-i ImeUlglblc and hiovc details similar to Uiosb carried In the Timca-Nows dls- po'tcliia Irom China lost month, Tho aimouncer told of tin flight Into the Interior of Cnptain Stowe and his companion; tho operation In Untem-lit mud hut, ond the general's recovery.

Tlie troadenst was from the In Icrnritlonnl broadcasting setup opcr. ateU bj Ihi" Chlnc.'(c government.

D iv o r c e s S o u g h t

B y T h r e e M o t h e r s

Tliree new divorce suits Imve been Instliutert In district court here by wives, all of whom are mothers.

Mrs. Ann Singleton asks divorce from Dewey Singleton, whom she married Aug. 23, lfll2. In T»ln Falls.

;k1cc •sup­port and cnielty. Asking custody ot their eldht-month-old son, »hi seeks 160 per montli support money

Mrs. Mildred sued Al­bert NelUon, Reno, Nev.. on Rrounds of de. ertlon In August of 1838. They married In June, 1BI7. nt 8nh Lake City. The wife a.iks custody of three cWWttn tlie minors; Ihttt ers ore over legal oRe.

Mrs. Irene Gifford naked freedom from Olln Oifford, to whom . .. was marrli-d Aug, 10, 1039, In Twin FalU. She charKes crueUy. seeks eustoily of their Hirer daughters, nnd asks reasonable support money. O. C- Holl Is ottorncy for the pe­titioners in all three cases.

T r a c t P i o n e e r , 7 9 ,

P a s s e s S a t u r d a y

Gottfried Stettlcr. 70. Twin Falls, died at the T«1n Fnlb county gen­eral linspltal ot ! a- m. Saturdny.

Oom In EayV, Bern. SwUttlnnii. on June <, IB04, he cam« to the Twin FnlL< tract In 1008.

Preceded In death by his wife Dec. JJ, 11139, he Li survived by three sons, F. Stcttler. ’Twin Palls Lee O, Gtettler, Seattle. Wa^h.. nnt Paul B. atettler, Reno, Nev.; on. slsler. Mrs. Dertha Wyss, Oos.snu Zurich. Swltzerlond; three grand­sons, all In the army; two grnnri- daughlers'and six great grandchil­dren.

Graveside services will be held by Uie ’TR'ln Falls Ma.->onlc lodge at 2 p. ml Monday, Feb. 14 In Sunset memorlol park.

Interment will be under the di­rection of the White mortuary.


SPECIALISTS Cleanlng-Repalrlni-

RepUeements I

nENTON 'SOltu & Radiator Shop I

m 2nd East Ph. 4U-W I




Cnrefiilly sclectcd flocks—- 100% blood tested for pullorum.



6t*rtlng February 22

Hatched In new, sonltaiy

Jsmetvsy Incubators . . ,

No custom hatching.

I f moro convenient orders may bo leftatHolmea Produce,

202 Second Ave. So., or witb-the crcam truck driver.


A i r S h a r p s h o o t e r

LIKtlT. HASH. P^r^FRSON , . . carried off honon for his

»<e at l.ukc field, Arlt.. al a rc- eiit iKo-iU}- iicrlal •liarp^lioollnr Iircl In Whlih ali Ariiuna .anil

L i e u t . P e t e r s o n

T o p s A i r C o r p s

G u n n e r C o n t e s t

FOR POLIO lET -’The public la Invited to attend r

mcetlne of the boiLrd of dlrecCon 01 the Twin Polls chapter of tha Nauonnl Foundation for Itifontlle Paralysis, which will ba held at S

;i. Tuesdivy at tha navy reerult- offlce In the basement of tha :llty national b.inK building, It Bald by Mrs, Fraiikla Alwortll, - '

Ain FnlLi county* share of Oi9 loy collected In the' fight Infan­

tile paralysis campnign.wlll be tum- .■er to the board at this meat- >y U. N. Terry, chitlrman. e bonrd will also discuss plana lending ii doctor to leam the

Kenny method ot treating InfanlHa potnlysls, and # nurae to learn tha system or manipulation by vhloh the strength la returned to musclM ' affectcd by poliomyelitis.-.

" . David McGlusKy previously received Oil* Instruction, hut

.. .1 now In rJiarge of the state hospital at Ulackfoot- Two Twin Fnlbi county nur»c.s hova received irMnlng In the Kenny- hot .pack

DECLO, Feb, 13-Lleut, Basil O. Petersonstriictor .......................awoy with highest honors In oerlnl sharpshootlng at a recent two-doy

■ held at AJo army nlr ffeld. Six nrmy air ba.ic!


Perhai« quite os much d

the tael iliat Peterson's student, Ueiit, Curtis Blckcrstaff, rated tin second highest scorc on tlio secun< day of the meet—a tribute to thi giinnen- expert's Insirnctlnu.

in writing of tho event to ht parent*. Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Peter­son, Declo, Uio young Ucutenon said ho would bring home thi •'large.1t trophy" ho hnd ever seen

"It stands obout two feet or i llltle more." he wrot«,

A* the ouLiundlng offlcer-con- tesUnt. Lieutenant Peterson won a gold Elgin watch.

At the meet there were six t men t<omB. each ri'iiresented by officer nnd a gunnery student, either officer or cadet. Tlv fleId-1 parllelpntlng were LukeAril.: l-'ost Held. Victoria, ___Eagle Pa.-ui field. Tex.; Wlllloms field nnd Moore field. Tex., and AJ( field, Arlz.. Lieutenant Peterson who 28- yenrs-old was commls- loncd at Luke field In May or 1043, He Is n grad­uate of Dcclo high school and Iron Albion State Normal schooL

SNOWOAKLEY, Feb, 12-Th0 Gftkli

bnsln Is only seven miles cast i tlil. municipality of that name ar only o rbe of 80 feet seporntes them—but the weather In the two areas b quite dltlcrent

In the Oakley bn. ln there Is 18 Inches of snow on the level ond none at all In the municipality.

NOTICEIs Hereby Given

that the Co-partnsrshlp exlsUng for the last twenty two years, between 0. C. Beauchnmp. awl C. E. Adams, under the firm name of Beauchamp & Adams, Is hereby dissolved.

J. C, Beauchamp, retires from bu.ilncss. after 35 years as a Ileal Dtalo dealer In ’Twin Falls.

• C. E. Adams, will on-n nnd con­tinue the Real Estate and In­surance buslnes-v at No. 137 Main Avenua East, Twin Foils. Idaho, All notes and nccounts due the firm, ulll be owned by. and arc payo-hlc lo C. E. Adams.


0. E. ADAMS.




R i t e s H e l d f o r

R o b i n s o n I n f a n tFMi\«-Tftl M-rvlces tor Dftle Edwwd

nobiii.'.on, infnnt son of Mr. and Mn. 0. E. Robinson, were at 3:30

1. Friday at the Twin Falls unry cha[>el with Dlshop J. O.

FVedcrlekson In charge.Music wiut offered by Mn. Lyon&

Etnlth and Mrs. Florence Klrkmap, :companled by Mm , Myrtle Dibble.Scripture reading wall by Mires

Hunter. J . Ohueson offered the prayer.

Durlftl wfu In Sunset memorial

STACK’Twin Palls county will have Us ’*

motnl smoke.itocic ot«p the. ccR|rt* housQ painted one of thMO <S«Tp.' - /

~ ■ ■ intu "the fUrtQUlatdW-"•nie l- the

............- of »12. -....................mounts the roof of tm courthouse by about 13 feet.

Ilaycs stipulated that he vanted .) wait until he found a day when the wind wosn'i tilowlng, because wind has plenty of power whca youTD on top of the courthouse.

Harry Barry Ain't ?Iad EKherl

Well, folks, the lumber that Harry Barr}' bought keeps rolling In, and It Is rolling out too lor bams, sheds, chicken houses ond corrab. One tnniicr who feeds many catUo bought some of our 3-lnch coast........... plank and nailed them

.; our railroad ties next • to the cattle feed mangcra so the cattic do not have to stand In mud knce-decp when they are Xeedlng.He hauls straw to the ccnter of the lot where the steers bed down oa dry straw tvhcn they are through eating. 'This fir feed plaUona wlU last nearly twice as long as or­dinary pine lumber. We still have plenty of this lumber and a limited number of creosoted ties If you want ‘o Improve your feed coma la this

We shipped In several more em t those large straight spUt cedar

^sts but the pile sure melted down yesterday nnd Friday. Many of thcM posts are 0 and 7 Inches. ’The price Li 38c each. Our shipper kos down from KoosUa this spring and cum­mer' and told us that posts would be scarce this spring and sum­mer for lack of men to cut and split them. Another carload of ship- . lap and 1-lnch boards come in this week. Also a little bam siding. Also

\T of rough 2x4s to 2zI2s and 3 I of surfaced 3x4s to 3xl2s; one :hc£e cars Is extra long length, to 24 feet. Wo also unloaded »

.... of El Rey roofing and a car or heavy stringers to support eur .3- Inch bridge plnnk.

Have you taken out your tractor oU? You will get more service out of jur tractor w ith our ArtamsM

-Xotor oil. Tvi-o brothers came down from OnVley last week for their olL They take out a 68 gallon barrel at a time and told me this Is the beat oil tlicy ever used. ’They operata several trucks, 3 tracton. comblnw and threshing machines, so they reaUy put this oU to a rigid test! One of the large tractor dealers ot ’Twin Falls told me that tractors using Pratt's Arkansas Motor oil. . showed less bearing wear and’ re* qulrcd less repair th a n tractors using other oil.

We have a good supply ot fork handles, shovel handles' and acM^ h&ndlu on the north ald« ot the street. Our shipment ot (orfca and shovels wiU be here tn about tvo- weeks. We have received many caa- . pllments on our quality and inaDr. Uty of waU paper.The dlsplayahow , patUms on' hand at a glance.

The spring shipment ot palBt ta - in. So we now have tflost colon ot. ■■■ Inside enamel and outolds houM paint. We expect anower unoteom shipment Monday or Tuesday. • •

We hare concentrates lor oattla. hogs and poultry. Alto oyster abeu and sheep salt, sheep pala iand ' saws, spirit lereU. aaclilBa.vbotti;? carriage bolts, sisal rep*. » t ^ . » r *

Pag6 EightTIMES^NKWS, t w in f a l l s . IDAHO ■

Sunday, February 13, 1944

LEGAL a d v e r t is e m e n t

Twin Falls County Election Precinct Boundaries and Names and Addresses of Registo^^^Pursuant to the provblons of 8m-

•'Uon 3J.7M. Idihp Code Atinolawd for m i, PDDUO NOTICE 18 HEREDY OIVEN that TfgLitrntlon foV nominating election lo b« hcM on' Auput t. 1044 will be oi>- ened on the first Monday In Mnrch, 1D44 and name and dcxcrlpllon o( preelncls nnrt rtglstran ehereof are

nlonR Shoshone S

Fourtli Strc'i't Nortli Avenue Norlh; llimct alons ScvcnUi Avcnt Shoalionc Street, the ginning. -All.tlie nbc etrccls and nvenlies City of TwlM«Fnlls, Id

Twin Kails N BcBlnnlnif nl. U>e Ir

•Addison Aventic mid -Boulcvnrd,- JiuiiihiR 11 'erly uIoiib BIur Li'ikofc

- 'the porner of Blue ! -vurd flhd -sr.venlh / |T!h«nce- Nortliwcst<Tl>- r

Uicnce Eiu>ieriy n

■win rnlls, Soiilhett'lerly

to Uie Coniw Id nine Uke:

Bcglhnlnn at tho InterwcUon o{ Fourtii Street North and Mi>lJi A nue, In the City of T«’ln FnIK I

nlng Uicnce NorthwMti

e &nd /along Main .. .thence Easterly alonR Aridlaon Ave­nue to the comer of AddL<ion Avcnw ond Seventh Avenue North: thence Boulhcosterly along Scvcnlli Avenut North to where »(vld Avenue Inter- seeU *im Fourtli Street North; thence Southwesterly along Fourtli Street NorUi to Mnln Avenue, tin place of bcBlnnlng.

Twin Fall* No. e Beginning nl t point on the SnaVe

River, where the north and noutl hall-secUon line of Section 33 Town^lp 0 South. Unnite 17 E.B.M IntenecU the raid rivet; runnlni thence south on the Imlf-scclloi line o! said Scctlon 33. and Sectloi 4. and Section 8 of Township 1' South, Range n E. B. M.. lo a poln where tho said line Intersect* th center line of Addison Avenue, n. the north line of the Clly of Tvi’ln Foils: thence Westerly along thi ccnlcr line of said Addison Avenui to t:ie Soutiiwest corner of Sectlcr 0. said township and range; thenci north along the west line of sale Section 9 and Section 4, said (own ship and range; and Sections 33 an< 28. Township 9 South. lUnue 1' E3At-. to a point where said line Intersects with Snake River: thence Southeasterly alons said Snake Riv­er to the place of beginning.

Twin Falli No, Beginning at a point on the north .................. ........- - “ If 6ec-

; llrie o'f' lll# snld lol ti

n Pulls; running\ddl-

me West and Uic South .... on 8, Township 10 South. 7 to a pollIon line IntcrsecU me of Rock Creek; thencc ttrrly along uild Rock C lii()T>ectlon thereof

llvpr; ruimlii* Uic If en-sl line of 8e<:tl d lownship unci rnt

Une of sold iccUoii to where said line IntcrsecU he north and souUi half-iectlon ine thereof; running tlience south tloni! the norUi nnd south haU- .cctlon line of Secllons 1,-12, 13. 24 ind 2i. tald towTishlp Mid range, to I point where nald line Intenects Jie louUi line of said Section 25; ninnlng Ihcnce eost along the south Ine of said Section 25 to the south- •list corner tliercot; running Uienc< K)uth along the east Une of Section tn .<,1.1 township and range, and'

, Town-thlp 11 South. Ranga lo a point where saJi'


and west hair-secllon line of ;lona 23. 32 and 21, said townshlpl »nd range, lo a point where said line Intersects Uie west line of sold Section 31; running Uicnce south ' ing the west line of said Section

to a point where said line :ts’the center line of tlie Lot

of the Tft'ln FalU Canal

line I ........ ............... • line .1 Line Canal of tlie Twlr ;anni compnny; thenei terly along the center Uni :anal to a polnl where thi tersects the west line o to. imid township am

lienee north along the west cctlon-1 to and 3, said town-' range, and S^Uons 34. 37.

nd 10, Township JO South. 4 E.B.M.. to the northwest if (inid Section 10; ihcnce

1 Secllc ] thi

siild township nnd r

; Uicnce southw(

; thence west along t 1 of said secUon to t

comer of Section 10 SouUi. Range 14

loutb Une'of SecUons 39 and sold townsliip and range, ond Sec-

, 3J, 33, 84, 35 and 38. Town­ship II SouUi. Range 10 E, B. M, nnd Section 31, Townsliip 11 South, Range-17 E. D. M-. U> the southeast comer

pany;i Uio c

e Uici e westerly along

Uie some Intersecl MUi the west line of Section 20, said lownship and range: running thence wuth along the west line of Boctions 20 and 2S. sold township and r lo a polnl where said line 1 sects Uie ea.n and west Imlf-se line of SecUon 30. said townshlpl and range; running Uience we:

■ If-secUon line to Ihe luime Intersecl secUon line Of said

inning Uience south line of sold SecUon

High Line Canal of the Twit Canal Companj'; running westerly along the center 1 Uie said High Line Canal lo

if said SecUon 31, the placer beginning.

Castleford Precinct

I Inlcrsects the SccUons 32 snd 27, Towns South. Range 11 E. B. M.; ni thence east along the north I Sections 28 and 25, said tov

range, and Sections 30, 29. 26, Township 0 South,. B. M.. to B point In Ihe of said Section 20 whei

and 29, Township 9. South, *4 E. B. M-. to a point where

sold line Intersects the center imo Deep creek: thence southerly Uie center line of said crMt lo where the same Intersects the

line of Section » . said town- ind-range: thence east along)uih line of SccUons 39 ond Id township ond range, to the

place of beginning.Hansen Prcelnet

nlng at n point on Sno' vhere the north and sou action Une of SecUon :

Township 10 South. Range 18 E,M. Intersects with Snake Rive tunning Uience south along t north qnd south half-secUon line Sections 10, 15. 22. 27 and 34. said Township and Range, and S« Uon 3, Tofttishlp 11 Soulh. Ron 18, Z. B. M., to a polnl In the. sou line of said Scctlon 1; runnl thcnce east along Uie south line said StcUon 3. nnd Sections 3 a 1, said lowashlp and ronge. o Sections 6, 5 and 4, Township South. Range 10 southeast comer < running thence north o line of sold Section 4, •

nterse1 line

Uience soulh oloni the east line of sold SecUon 7 t< where the same intersects with the center line of FlfUi Street, in City of Pllcr. Idoho; thence

enter line of sold Fifth •he Intersection Ui

ter line f Southeos Townahii

ter line of sild sirct secUon thereof with of Moln ATcmie. in plocc of -bcitlnnlng.

IntcrsecU the c Jreek; runnlns ilong «ie said I point where

I South, Ran( s Inter

Uon 33, Townshipn EBA!.. where ..... .............sects Snake River; running thenci eoulh olong said lino nnd the norlh and souU) half-sectlon line of said SccUon 33 and of Sections 4 and 8, of TownUUp 10 SouUi. Range 17 EJSJJ.. to a point where ssid line Inlerzects the center line of Addl- Bon Avenue, on ihe north line of

/the City of T»-ln Falls: running thence east along the center line of sold Addison Avenue ' " ‘ ' sccUon Uiereof wllh Iof Blue Lakes Blvd.. ................City; thencc north along Uie East line of SccUons 0 and 4, Township 10 SouUi, Range 17 E B it, ant' SecUon 83. Township 9 South. Rangi 17 E3JJ.. to a point on said llni where same intersect* wlUi Snoki niver: thcnce northwesterly along said Snake River to Ui ‘ beginning.

Twin FWlt N». .Begiimlng at a point on Snake

lUver where the Une between See- tlons'U and 34 of Towmhlp S South, lUnce 17 EJIJS.. In Twin Falls Coimt7, Idaho. InterMcts said river; xunnlnt thence aoutb along the line between BecUoiu 3 and 4, and B and ' 10. of Township 10 SouUi, Ruige I I E.B.M', In said County, to, BIue 'Ltke* Blvd. in Ui« City otl Twin PWls: Uieat* conUnuiog souUi' along said Blue lAkea Bird, to the.

- lnt«8ecUon of Blue Lake# Blvd. »nd AddlsoQ Avenue, la U»e old aty; Utence nort>iM>t«rly abng the cen-.

• •tei'i'HfaB. of :tto..fUewIlc ^ n «

. .Tirto:juj».'.wiien' tlw « ld anter ' igUMBUc Itne, ntended, would In*;

to* pcrtb Una Jet!the north Une of Dorlbetrt KoUi akog .Uu<

of £

le of Rock noiiUii

5 Slrcci

3A!.; tlicr ctlon line

thcnce s BecUons South, I

Towrohip 10 Soul

■ Clear Lakes nrltigc

d Cityle of F

d Scctlon

west Une of Townships 13. 12-and 11 SouUi, Range IB E. B. M.. to where the . sold line Intersects the center line of Uie Low Line Conal of the Twin : 1U Canol Company: running hence northeasterly olong the cen* et line of sold canal to where said renter line Intersects the north and louth half-secUon line of SecUon 10, Township 11 South, Range 1»,, E. B, M-; thence north along sal»| north and south half-section line to' k point where said line Intersects Uie north line of said Section 10; thence east olong the norUi line of Sections 10, II and 13. Towa^hip II South, Range 1

nnd (

) Soulh, r

d lownship nntl riinge, and Sec a 4. 0, 10. 21, 28 nnd 33. In Town p 11 Boutll RanKC 14 E. B. M Ihe soiiUicost comer of SccUoi. said township and ronge; thence

n Pall.-i Creek to where

e of SccUons 10

Twin Puli'* County

0 the pltice of

I the nortlicost comer 12 South. Range 17

unnlng ihence south , line of sniri lown.ihl| !iip 13 somh, nange 1

Ui line of SccUons 36, Township 13 South.

Range 17 E. B. M.. to the southwes comer of Section 34, said townshlj

range: running thence norUt along Uie west line of said Seclloi

0 a point where the same Inter s with Uic <

secllou lln

Township 14 SouUi. Rnnge 12 E. 1 M, Towailiip 14 South, Range I E. B. M-, and Town.iiiip 14 Soull

said town-ship

along the south

South. Range IS polnl where the sa --lUi Salmon F^lls

to a point where the e

e of befilnnlnR,Buhl rreelncl No, 2

■ginning si the Intenectlon of center line of Main Street nnd idway Avenue. In the Cli;1. Idaho; running Uience so rrly along the center line of

, Range 1 ; ciusl alon

I, Township

K Uie ninning

. . I line < ■ SccUons 6, 8 nnd 4. Township South. Ronge IS E. B. M. to the northeast corner of said Section '. ninnlng thencc south Bloiig the eoat .................. ... ............... Polr‘

said sccUon ilong the west Ur ind 28. Townshli 17 EJJ.M. to ft I

the said line, extended, lersecta the centcr line of the Low

■ of the Twin Fnlls Ciinol Compony; th ence soulhenster^- long the center point where t

..le east line of ship

e the SI s wllh Wie! Of

Of saidsame intersects ;lion 12, Town-

. . ____ :ige 17 E3M .;ce north alons the cast line of

___SecUon 12 nnd SccUon 1, saidtownship and range, to a point where sold east Une inlersecU Rock Crcele: Uienee northwesterly along

• line of Rock Creek lo a where Bock Creek intersects

Uie ecnter Une of Shoshone Street. In the Oily of T»-ln PaUs, Uic pioce

F .,.. N . I . Beginning at the northeast comer

of SccUon JO. Township 10 SouUi, Range 17 E. B.-M-: running thence soulh along Uie east line of SocUons 30, 39 and SJ, said township ond ronge, and SecUon 5. Township II South. Range 17 to a pointwhero-8«ld line, extended Intcreecta Ute cenler line of the High Line CamU of UiB TwUi KoUs Canal Com­pany: thencc southwesterly along me center line of said canal U where said line Intersects the wes secUon Une of SecUon 7. Townshli ll'South, Range 17 EBAf.: thencL norm •long Uie west Une of Sec- Uoni t and t. Township U South, Range 17 E, B. M.: and SecUons 31, SO and 19, Township ID South, Ronge VI E.BAt. to Uie northwest comer of sAld SecUon ifi; thence east

the north line of Sections 1 and 20, ' Slid township and rangi to tbe pikce of beginning.

. ^T ^la FWU No. 15 ytfjinniny at the InterseeUon of-

South ; Uiei:




....... „.5l half-secUonlion 3, said toaiishlp and.....nlng Uienee east along said ho Inn line to the center point ..I Scctlon 3; running Uience south ig the north and soulh hslf-sec- I line of Sections 3. 10 and 15.1 townsliip and range, to a point ;re said line Intersects the south I of said Section IS; running

Uience west along the south line ot SccUons 15.18 nnd 17. sold lownship ond range, lo the southwest comer of said Section 17; running thence soulh along the east line ot SecUons 10 nnd 30. said township and range, to n point where sold line intersects Uie east and west half*secUon Une of sold Section 30; ninnlng thence west along said half-sectlon line to Uie center point of said SecUon 30; running Uience south along the norlh nnd soulh half-secUon line of said Section 30, to where same Jn< terseels the south line of said sec­tion: running Uience west along the south line of SecUon 30, and of Sec­Uon 25. Township 10 South, Range 14 SJlJd.. (0 a point where said line Intersects the north and south half>secUon line of said SecUon 3Sr running Uience north along thi norUi and souUi hslf-secUon line of SccUons 29. 34.13.1] and 1, eai<' townihlp and range, to'where saJi- llne intersects the north line of s*ld SecUon 1; thence vest along north line ot said SecUon 1 to Its InleriecUon wlUi Uie center line of Main Street, U> Ui# City of Buhl; thence northeasterly tlong the ceo< ter Une of said Main SUeet to lU InUTMcUoD wiUt Uie ceoler Une ot Broadway Avenue, la said City, the place ot begbmlng.

Buhl Prednet.......Beginning'at the northwest comer

of SecUon 1. Township 10 South. Bange 1< S B Jl; tunning Ihewe

. , , northeast, co) Uicnce west along

.............j of Sections 23, 23, 2120, said lownship and ronge, where the same lnlct«ects wllh center line of Deep Creek: Ihcnce notlheaslerly olong the cent ot Deep Creek to n point whi same InUirsccts ,wllh Snake thence easterly olong Snake to the place of beginning.

■ Filer Precinct No. 1 Beginning at o point In Uie

of Section 11. Township 10 Range 16 E. B. M.; running norlh along the norUi and souUi half-sectlon line of Sectl J, said township and ranssaid line intersects w llh ..............section line of said SecUon 2; thence west along the north secUon 111 of SecUons 2, 3. 4. 5 and 6. sa township and range, nntl Scctloi 1 and 2. Township 10 SouUi. Ronge It E. B. M„ to o point where salt" line Intersects with the north anc south liolf-iectlon line of said Sec' Uon 2; thence souUi long said norU and soulh half-sectlon line lo th< center of said Section 2; thenci west along the east and west half- secUon Une of SecUons 2 and 3

township and range, to the r point of said Section '

ilience south along the north <• half-secUon line of SecUons

- 10. said township and ronge, to tho centcr point of said SecUon 10; Uience east along Uie east

half-secUon line of Sections ... .1 and 13, said township and range, and SccUon 7. Township 10 SouUi. Ranee 10 B. B. M- to a point where said line Intersecu Uie east Une of said Section 7; Ihence south along the east Une of sold Section 7 to where said Une intersects wlUi UiB center line of FlfUi Street, In the City ot Filer. Idaho; thenee «»>t along the center, line of said nfth Street to the InterMCtlon Uiereof with the center line of Pair Avenue, to said City: thence north along the center line ot said Fair Avenue to the InterseeUon ot said line with the east and west half* secUon Une of SccUon 8. Township 10 SouUi. Range 10 E. B. M,: Uienee east along Uie east and west hall BccUon Une ot BccUona 8. 9. 10 an­il. said lownship, and range, to Uie center point of said BecUon 11, Uie place of beginning.

n icr rrMloet Beginning at the center point

of SecUon 11. Township 10 SouUi, Range 10 E. B. M , running thence m th along tbe north and souUi balf-«ecUon lU)e of SecUons 11, U and 33. 'said township and range, to

, Uie center polnl of said SecUon 33: I ninnlng tbaac*'Veft aloig Uj* «U(


7: running t • norUi ond ne of Section

intended Intersects the f Uie Low Line Coiuil ' R»lls Canal Compnny:

center line of Uie where the sold line west line of SecUon ship and range; n north oloni 7 nnd e. ■£:and SccUons nna : 10 Soulh, Ronge 17 E. : place of beginning.

Allendale Prec Beginning ot the sout

of Section 32. Townsh Range 17 E. B. M.; Uien

souUi 1:

ng thence. ........... - of SecUontownship ond _ , 31 nnd 30, Township

35 ( d 30. sold ti

Clover rr«lnct

iship 11 Soutlj. Range to a point where s wlUi Uie north action line of SecUnn

I polnl where said I

)f SecUf 2 and 1,range. I Sectio

I South, s’here the ea. t line of sni tersectJi the eentrr line < Line Cnnal of Uie TwI

.....III Company; thence we.M nlon6_Uie_centcr..llnc of fivld

ml t i polnl whc________ __ ___ .section lineSection 27. Township 10- Soul Ronge 15 E, B. M-; Uience not along Uio norUi ond souUi ha secUon line of Sections 27 nnd L.. said lownship ond range, to a polnl where said line Intersects the norlli line of said SecUon 22; ninnlnfl thence west olong Uic north line ol SccUons 23, 21 and 20, sold town­ship and range, to the norUiwesi comer of said SecUon 20; thenci louth along the weiSeetl( 1 30, oft-nsh

! Line

„ Uie soutlieost comer ot s Uon 38: thence north along line ot SecUon.1 3fl. 25. 24.12, said township and rr where Ihe sold line Intcrac the center line of Uie U Cnnal ot IheTu-ln Palls Canal Com­pany: thence norlhwestorly along the center line of said cnnal to where said line InlersecU tho west secUon line of Section 33. Township 10 BouUi. Range 17 E, B. M.: thencc souUi along (he west line of said SecUon 33. ond of SecUon 4. Tomi- ship 11 South, Ronge 17 E. B, M., to a point where sold line, extended, inlcrsects the ceoUr line, of Uie High Une Canal of the Twin Falls Canal Compnny; Uience westerly along the center line of sold canal to where the some Intersects Uie west secUon line of Section 8, said

;to«Tishlp and range; Uience souUi •long the west line of SecUoni 8, . 1. 30..20 and 82, said township and range, to the place of beginning.

Berger Preclnei Beginning at the southeast comer

of SecUon 31. Township 11 SouUi, Range 17 E. B. M,: running thence north along Uie east Une of SecUons 91. SO, 19, IB and 7, said township and range, to a point where said Une Intersects Uie center line ot Uie High Line Canal of the Twin Falls Canal Canpany: Uience westerly along the center Une of Uie said canal to wherf the same Intersects Uie west Une ot said BecUoo 1; Uicnce south along Uie west line of said SecUon 7 to a point where the same Inleraects wllh the east and west tiaU-seeUon line of SecUon IJ, Township » Boulh, Range Ifl E. B. M.; Uience^wsl aloT« the east and veet haU-iectton line of SecUons 13.11, JO, ». • and township and range, and SecUons ia-and-U,-Towwlilp- 11.' SouUi, Range IB E. B. M , to the centcr of said BecUoo It: th e aM .^ lK along the north and aouth half* secUon Une ot SecUona 11..14, as, 30 and M. aald township and nnge, to a point where said Une Inter-

isecu wim the souUj Una of c^dImcUoo-X; Uuoeo wat.AlOBS Ui*

,,, . of Section towiwhip nm

r. Township 1

;reek to o point where Ihe nKr&ccts wllh the east and ilf-sectlon line of Section 31. lip 13 SouUi. Ronge 15 E. running east along said east st holf-secUon line to a point the same Intersccta with the le of SccUon 33, Towtvailp "

I. M,: inlligt line 0

if Twin Falls Cotm

. and Sections 19, 20. 31. -4, Township 8 SouUi. B, M.. and olong sold 1

Sections 10 ond 20, Towns flange 14 E. B. M-. to • intereccU Uie centcr

rrlyp Creek:

long Icrcek to where the some Intersecl ,lth Uie Snake River, on the norUi loundoty of sold County: running thence norUiwcatcrly along Spoki iver to the point of beginning.

Maros PretlnetBeglnnI

River j the north iScctlon-secUon

Township 9 SouthM.. intersects SnoV............Uicnce south nlong the north tsouth ha r 8 ecU(

lame Intersects the i ,e Low Line Canal ol Cannl Company; Ui

... along the ccnlcr Hi canal lo where Uie same


alongange: line, 0

and wline 1

33. 28and range, lo ft pomi wnerc

Intersects the soulh llm SecUon 35; ninnlng th ilong the south line of Sect

35 and 36. said township nnd rs and SccUons 31. 32, 33. 34. 35 36, Township 0 Bouui. Rarigi E B M to a polnl where said iinc lnle^ects RoclcnorUierly nlong sold Rock Creek to 0 polnl where the la with the Snake River; westerly olong Snake point of beginning.

,._.i 30, sold township r ncc nlong raid c holf-sccUon line of s n point where.the sa the west line of tlie s hence soulh along if SccUons 30 ond 31, e ind range, and Sectior

half-sectlon line of the said See 7; thencc ca.-sl nlong Ihe casl west hnlf-secUon line of Sect 7, 8. B, 10. 11 and 12. sold '

Intersects e north- r to the

Range begin ■

_ , polnl where Mid line Intersects the east and we.i‘ holf-secUon line ot Section 30. sali township and range: thence west ti renter of said Section 30, Townshli. 10 South. Range 15 E. B. M.: thence south along the norlh nnd soi ■ alf-sccUon line of sold Section 30 3 where the sold line intersects the DUth line of sold secUon; thence zest along the south llns of said

SccUon 30 to the southwest comer I hereof; Ihence south along Uie we; Ine of SccUon 31. sold townshi nd range, and SccUon 6. Townshi

.1 South, Range IS E. B, M-. to _ point where the said line Intersects

center line ot Uie High Dne al lo Uie Twin Falls Canal

Company; th enc e souUiwesterly olong Uie center line of said canal

point where the same inter Uie west line of Sccllbn K

Township 11 SouUi. Range 14 I " M.: Uience souUi nlong Uie we!

eof SocUons 15, 32. 27 and 34. t. said township and range, to Uie point of beginning.

Deep Creek PrWlnel Beginning at the northeast comer

of SecUon 33. Township 9 Soulh. Range 14 E. B. M.; running Uienee souUi along Uie eost Une of said secUoa and of Sections 4. 9 a- 16, of Township 10 SouUi. Range E. B. M., to the souUieost comer .. said. SecUon 18; running Uienee west along . Uie souUi line of Sec- Uons 19. 17 and IB to a point whet; said line Intersects wlUi the norUi and souUi. hsIf-secUon line ot said secUon 18: runnUig Uienee norUi along said half-secUon line to Uie center point of said Section 18: run* nlng Uienee west along Uie e a j t ^ west half-secUon Une of said Sec­Uon 18. and secUoni IS, 14.19 and 16, Township 10 BouUi. Range IS B. B. M , to a point where the same interaect* Him ^ Salmon FaUs Creek; Uience norUi- easterly along tbe center Une o: aald creek to a point w h « Uii same InUraectt Uia norUi Una o: Section 36,'nwwhlp S South, Range 13 E. B. hL; thence east along Uie

,north Une'of BecUona,38. and 29, In id towutUp «nd nag*, u d 8eo*

Beginning____ Precinctat a polnl In the west ;lon 15, Township 10

SouUii Range 10 E, B, M.: running thence souUi along Uie west line of SecUons 15, 22, 27 and 34. sold loatishlp and range, ond BecUons \ 10.15,23. 37 and 34. Township" SouUi. Ronge 19 E, B. M.; runnl Uience eost,along Uie south line •Rift-nshlp 11 SouUi. Range 19 E.•• and Township 11 South, Range -, 2. B, M., to the southeast comer of SecUon 35. Township 11 Soulh

inge 20 E. B. M.; ninnlng Ihcnce irUi along the east Une of SecUons

JJ. 56, a . M, 11 .nd J.11 South. Ronge 20 E. B. t? the norUieast comer ot sold e«Uon 2; running thence east along the norUi Une of Section 1. said township and nnge to a point where aald line Intersects the norUi and south hoU- secUon Une of said secUon: tunnlm. Uience north one-half mile t o ^ e north line of tbe Oregon Short Line Railroad Company’s right-of-way: running thence morUiensterly alwg said norUi line of said right-of-wM to where Uie north and south h ^- secUon line of Section 28, Township 10 SouUi, Range 21 E. B. M , taler- secU Uierewlth: ninntng thence norUj along aald north and souUihalf-sectlon Une to where th e---intersects with Snake River: —- nlng Uience down and along Snake lUver to Uie point of beglnnUig.

- Reek Creek Precinct Beginning a t Ui# northeart comer

of SecUon B. Township 11 SouUi. Range 19 B. B. U.: nmnlDg Uience souUi along the east line of BecUons g. 18, 31, 28 and 23, said township and range, to the souUieast comer ot said SecUon 51! ninnlng Uience west along the south Unea of Bec­Uons 3J, 33, and 31, said township and range, to the Huthweat comer ot said SecUob Sli running thence

,souU) along tbe eut Une of Town­ships' 13 an(n3,-'8ciuUi.-Ban8e I I ' B. B, &L. to the scuUieast ccrner of SecUon 30, Township 13 So«U», Range IB K. B . M.J running Uience west along the souUi Una of Town­ship 13 South, Range IB s . B. M„ to Uie souUiwest comer of BecUon 31.

_____ where sold?rsecl3 Iho east line of said 12; Uience north olong Ihn i of BecUons 12 and 1. noid p nnd range, and Sections ind 24. Township 10 South. 18 E. B. M., to Uie place of ig.

)LVED:. r r ruRTitER resoiThot the elecUon precincts as nere- tofore exlsUng be. and each and all of Uie same are hereby, vocoled. t,"! le extent and In the way as abovSi’ rovlded for. I

Appolnlmenl ot Begblrars Pursuant to Section 33-701 I.C.A.. |

the Board at Uils time appointed Reglslrora for the several elecUon reclncU In Tft'In FoUs County, ioho, as follows;Twin Palis 1, Mildred M. Brown. Twin Fnlls 2, Coro McCoy.Twin Palls 3. Mrs. Belle While. TVi-ln Falls 4. Mrs, C, H. 8lln.son. Twin Foils 5, Mr. ond Mrs. Mosei

Steams.Ttt-ln Polls 6. Mrs. Lydlo Domrose. Twin Falls 7, Mrs. E. P. Lauben-

helm.Twin PoUs B, Mr. and Mrs. L. V.

T*'ln Palls 9, Mrs. C. J. Hahn. Twin PolU 10. Mrs. Dora C. 'Wllks- Twin Palls 11, Mrs. Helen Min-,

nick.Twin Palls 12. Mrs, MclU Balsch. Twin PolU 13, Hallle Fisher.Twin Falls 14, Mr, and Mrs. H, T.

Blake.Twin Palls 15, KaUiryn'M. Kirk*J

man. ITwin Ptills 19. J. B. Schafer. ,\ Buhl 1 Mrs. Adolph Machocek.^i Buhl 3, Mie. Olendoris Brannen.’T Buhl 3, Mrs. Mayme Quire.Buhl 4, Mm. R. R. Brannon.Buhl B, M n. H. S. CunnUigham. I PUer 1. Mr*. Ivey C. Musgrava ' Filer 3. Mrs. VirgUila Hack. Kimberly 1. Mra. Mabel Heltom Kimberly a, M n. Marie, Arnold. I AUendal. Mn.'tiUff Davis.,

• Berger. Mrs. Flossie McOregor.CasUetord, Mrs. NelMe tJlrieh. Clover. Martha-Uertnani — — Deep Creek. Mr*. Vera Day. Hansen, June Wilson.HoUlster. Ruby D e M - . Lueetne. Mra. W. S, S t ^ Maroa. Mrs. Praaeea Pond. Mw^gh-EdlUi -BaUa.. - .......S ? k Cba^

Tbometa, M » ^ a B. Orleve.- • . / C. A. BTJLLE8.- Clarli of the Board of County

OomnUssionen. . ruhU ih iM kU .m 4 .

Sunday, February 13, 19J4 TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Page Nine


BUENOS AinES. Feb. 13 «JJO — Col. Entiqtie P. OoutiiJcr. sccreU^ to PrejWent Pedro namirei:. UcllJy diarged ihc 'Onlicd Slaua and Brtl*ln Itut nlfihl with conducting uplonnse In Argentina.

^ He acknowledscd In a press In* Ftervlew tlint Argentina during IW

period of neuwaltty hnd bceD con. verted Into a "center of world e«plonage " ond ai^ertod that iiplti ol b11 countrlM m war were active. Gontnles siild tlie Argentine gov- cmment'fl Invcstlsatiou of Oormnn- Japanese csplonnw wofl IncreiuilnR dully in wope with tlio nimbcr of l«r«Dmi Implicated ••alormlng. So many persona have come under siuplclon. he Rftid, that the Inve.-ll- gatlon hM talccn longer thiin nntlc- Ipaied.

Inve»HC»Uon ^oms"I c n stnl

vestlRatlona. several counlrlr* — which incliicle neither aermiinj' nor Jap:in-wlll receive verj- Intercsl- hiB Information about esplonngf »n.l therefore will have to InvcMI- K.HC the activities of some of thel; ii;UlonaLC he

i« Argentine republic ua ..... . . - --.... Qf

veried : c.iplDn l les t

the peoples."Goniulez Mild llie OiTnmn

jRpanese c.ipionugc or«nnlz:itlons had Severn! chiefs of nuclei many minor agi'ms. All uxLs spies so far arrested, lie *nld, have fe ed.

Worked In Dlsculw"Almost nil opcriiictl under the

Bulse of commercial oBcnt.i wUh acccsa to larRC «ums of money." he Mid. ‘Trom the sluay of, documents selied. It WO.S found that importnnt Informallon wa.' ^cnt thU counlr>- for spies. Tlie e ptolll(Ke acllvlllr.i of thr Ocrmiii_>« Wfre Bri-»ier thnn

A summary of some of the in* • formation sent here for .e.splanuRe

purposes may be released next Prl-

Tax Collector Will Be in Magic Valley

BURLEY, reb. 13—Itlticrnrr of J. Russell Walston, "the Income tox man." or deputy collector of litler- iinl revenue, trom now to the March 15 .deadline Is a-' follows:

Malla, Feb. ll; Rup'Tt, FcU 12 lo 10. 21 lo 26: Durley. hVb. 28 to Mnrrh 15.


SALT LAKE CITY. Feb. I. A. Dottolf.'cn Of Kluiio .c

...TU'd tonlRht that the Republlru parly "can anti -veni win \lie tSulm of 1041 If llie lisucs Of .till' cam|>an: arc iin.-scntcd to the peoplo cle;.i lul uncomprombUigly.'- Hottolfson yesterday anmiimiH Ls eantlUlacy for the D. 8. »enat In an iiddre-M prepared for 'ii very Ul a Oli.h Rcpubllcnii I.ii .In day dinner, he said lie .m. ihfsp tssiir.s" a* primarily:-I. Amcrlcftu reprrM'ntaUvf kd\ riiiiirnt versa< new deal ceiitrnil:-i jii or slalo boclullsni.

ReUetllcalion of Aliierlr,v i ir I'lvll llbortlri i[iii<rameecl iiiuli K' constlliitlon, Inclucllng friiilu:I opiKirtuniiy and enlerprlv. vvj 1-. federal bureaucratic resuhilli f our economic system which b. it rst step toivnrd (he dCslruclicin iII clvU liberty.-3. KMll purtlclpnUon by the UiU'

i r<l Blntr.s In the pcacc seltlniK i I wllhln the framework of tlie An:.-.


IlKAL TKACEtiliior. •rinii.'5-Newf

n.r world sllunllcm (od.iyoMiMilvx. so UiU ut <

ly |>vrplcxcd and ’ cinifuscd. The tiiirp.s wr u.sp KKlay .ire bo powc (III—tti' ratch up Will) rcsiKin- slljmiy in ll.p use ..I forc.'s Wliv should Wi' not cical. : as inucli

laker (lie mnkps i>cacL- rpftli iA” and •IricalUts") He ollcn . a "h(Vik of Ideas lo thhik nil" lor.lii- wi-ll knows Ulat acUc |i:iriKs fioin

• 'thcr


Showinc calcoUllDii o1

Most Physical Losses May Be

Deducted in Income Tax BillTi person. Do you have proof?Following Is the tUlh of U lulhor-

Itatlve, ca57-to>foIlotT arllclti tell* Inr the vsge-eamlng taipi^tr how to prepare his Insome lax rtlDm. Ileaden should clip and uve each Installment of the »erle».

Uy S. BURTON IltATfi NEA Staff Corre»poaileal

Ordinarily, the overage laxp>jrr ha.1 no lo.<4''.i In the caaualVv gniuii that can be df>ducKd. Yet most of

ur nu<.inc tax returns. K«r you, DO may have been such a }car.12. if you had a net loss Ironi fire,

torm, flood. U) .-ft. burglar)', ship- •rci'k or train »Teck. beyond wlini

red by Insurance, you me•liled I


13. All medlcfll. .surslcnl. And dental ex|)cnscs .should b up-fces piild to surt;rons c

Real Estiite TransfersInformation f'umlshrd by

Twin Folli Title and Abstract Compan;

rf.n. 5Deed: Lorena W. Jnrdnn to J. A.

Ilarrover, *5000, BHSWNW 8 10 M.Do: D- V etebrr to S. J, Vun

Hamm. *10, pt. lot 12. Surtep-s.Deed; J. H- Otirrlson K. C. E.

■Kpatlng, *10. pt. lot I. blk. 10 TT Oo; Nora J. Prltchcr lo C- M.

Plsher. $1. lot 1. bik. 17 TF.Do; n o E, Wilson te. J, Hi Mc-

Clenny, Jl. gWSWB\VSE 20 10 18, FKII. 7

Hon. D1.SC11.; U, 8. Nnvy to M. Uslle.

A) Hon. Dlsch.: U, S. Army to J. W. ^ Merkle.

Hon. Dlsch.: D. S. Army lo F. P. 8mim.

Do; U, S. Navy to Virginia M, Goodhue.

Deed: Clarn E. Reecr lo Salmon niver Canal Co.. 110, W‘4SW 9 M 10.

Do; D. B. Moorman to E. W, Moorman. $1, S<4SS 30 10 ai.

Hon. Dlsch.; U. 8. Army to O. B. Haga.

Deed: P. L- Jcn«n to 8. L. Crow, ley. *10: same.

Do: J. C. Baty to T. C. Ma.-!on. *10. S\VN\V 3 11 IB.

Do: Ida r . McOulgan to .*10.: same.

FED. 8E>sed: Fed, Ld. Bk. to P. Klemke

pt.- SESW 70 Q n.Deed: W. T. Littleton to D. D

niRbce. »1600, lot S, bIk. 13. Invest Deed: Parks Devcl U> L. E Kirk

man, *125, Mc. 07. Hlllcrest.Kon Dlsch.: U. a. Marine lo M

E. Short.Do; U. a. Naval Reserve to R.

^ Conke.^ Deed: J. K. Boyd to H. C. Jamca

110. lot M. bik. 3. MurtnUBh Tn, Deed: A. H. Coob to RcttA Ram­

sey, MIOO. lotfl 0, e. Weaver's Siib.Hon. Dlsch.: O. 8, Army to D. C

Johnson.Hon. Dlsch,: U, 8. Army to R. M.

Hanby.Deed: Qmce B. Van Hnmm; same. AdmInU, Deed: P. W. Neale to L.

W. Kloppenburg, *7000. lots 8. 0. 10. Ttmte La'wn.

Deed: P. R. Thompson to L. A Drexler, *10, pt. lot IB. bik. 4, Mur- taugh Add..

Lease: M. V. Strsnathan to W. L. Starr, pt, 84NE. pi. NESB 16 11 18.

Deed: R. C. Llttls to J. A. Prltiff. *10, 6ENW 93 0 14.

Trustee's deed: H. Overbcrg to H. Burgman. »0000. NWSW 14 10 17.

FEB. 9Hon. Dlsch.; U. 8. Army to H. W.

McNutt.Hon. Dlsch.: U. 8. Army to J. R.

FUher.Deed: E. Tarr to R. M. Anderson.

*10; same.Deed; TT Mt«. Ln. to E. L. Uhll*.

*10, pt.E!4 8ec. 35 ID 19.Cert, ot Servlec; U. 8. Army to O.

F. Copenbarger.L' Hon Dl«h.; U. 8. Army to H. B. Rodman.'

Do; D. 8, Navy to N. C. Peterson. Deed: O. Mngel to 0. W. Schneldcr

HO. pt. NWNESfl 11 18.- Deed: P. R. Griffith to M. R.

BiUar. $10, WHNE » 10 17.

innblle acildent, you iiiiij dcdii Iho iiuiotinl of damage lo your n Ihiil was not covered by lii.-.uranc V(.u can not deduct anylhins )< may hiivr paid the oUier purl either for damage lo hb ciir or

cxpen.«s arklng oul of liilurlci i

F e r r y W i l l G e t

T r a i l e r H o u s i n gGLENNS FERRV, Feb. 12 _ A

trailer cstnp will b« available here by March IS, lo provldr accommo­dations for railway employes. Flfly cabins arc being bulll by ' Schinlcdeskump ConhlrucllQii pany of Portland. Ore. Houtt: being brought In from llie Mountain Home project. Fred O. Moore, pcriniciidcnt of connrucilon. pecf. lo have at leiwi 20 men «■Ing soon ond the project will .. cupy most of two bloclu ol lots

G r a v e s i d e R i t e s

F o r M o n c u r B a b yRtn*ERT. Feb. 12 — QravcsWe

scrvlccs. were held In Ihe Rupert cemetery for Vaim Raymond Mon* cur, infant eon or LleuU Vcrn L Moncur and Mra. Moncur.

He was bom Feb. 3 IM1 at og. den, Utah and died there Feb. 4 Ho was a grandson of Mr. and Mre. D, W. Moncur of Rupert. LIcut -----------In Hit European

r. I I.hnll bring- up i onipul.illon In u latr

u-Uh ( yci

•Ruler lip IIcuplcs

■t rf.ihlf

throne In government, r rnrry the prcroKftllve of the exi r. i of the occupant's will. The body men coUcctlvely Li the stale, snil that l^ y resides tlie right to doni

"Tho ninln Issue In Ahierlcii ti day," tilt' Id.iho governor went o "Ls no Ioniser between what wc ci the llbcrnl ond conjervatlvr polii

I M'lde-Sprrad n.illdllnc uiMiiiK wUleMiic.,il |..ri

In the coining eliMlnai.


the ward hall rn-eti >v.- Hlch.l <l. iirtri ct;i lilt: at Ihi: hoinr- i

iilrklvIG. Your chifkbook. or the work

Bheeu ........'Ml 1 1 1 |ire|)iirinKIMO-K.'! I;i'i prjitrmher 'and

hist Drceniheri I

you will need 1* of your rplurn quite. Tlicre n helpful, Ihnt rpi I shall diMiiy 1 tide.



Pfc. Rohpil 0- Baker afurloi I hl<

Moncur Is n>

Son File.s Petition To Settle Estates

HAILEY, Feb. 13-PetlUon for Icltera of sdmlnlstratlon In Uie Utes of Willard E.- Swengel . Jtosetta May Swengel, deceased, .u filed In the probate court by Sam J. Swengel, D son.

Rosetta May Swengel. wife, died In September. 1920. and WlUard 8 Swengel, husband died Jan. 17, m< They had lived near tlnlllok#. The estate Is estimated at *4,000.00. Pe. tllloncr U represented by j, j . mc- Paddcn, Hailey, and H. S, Redlord Rupert.

PEASU tnUrated In Growlof Feu,

Attention Oniontewersvia An Now CoalrMtlnc Onions ter DebydnUen


Phone 80 Ntekl. CU BO BvnH

W . Twta no,

and Mr!i. Olln Uakc-r. He U .suidylng radio operation at Ciinip Adair,

Sgt. Biwcll Sliockcy 1-1 lionfurlough from Lake Chnrln.......Pvt. Louis Bowen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Bowen, Unity. aL-;o came with him. SerReiint Sliockey is crew chief on a B-'.’O medium bomber, and ha# brea In the air forces 20 months. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. O. R . Shockcy.

Mr. and Mni. C. G. Parker have Information tliat their son. Delbert,

..jw ft captain. He Li stntloncd at Camp Swift, Tex., with the army signal corps.

First LleuL Ray O. Jefferson been promoted to cnpuin, according to Informalloa from the public re­lations office of nn nnny nlr force troop carrier command squadron In the Medlterranthn. He vJs a son of Mrs. Lorena Jeffer>.on.

Wayne Van EnRclen. son of-Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Vnn Engclcn. has entered the army nlr center ut Nasli- vllle, Tcnn., as an aviation student.

Mr. nnd Mrs, S. H. Kunau's twp sons left by plane for Solt Lake City after a furlough at home. Tech. SgU Lc* Kunau returned to Fort Meyers. Vo., while Pvt. Glen Kunau returned to army specialized f ’ Ing In Los Angeles.


Wo have severAl lot« of started chiclcs Uiat wc arc offering at tUshtly above


W H ILE THEY LAST l ’Leshom* ind heavies, 'breeder hens Dialed to O. 6. R. O.- p. maJes'wlth records n og ln ; from :soto3n«rg3.Pullets from these ehleks will pay for them*elvcs long before Ute batetied chiclcs wlU start Uyln*.


I lne\ltnlilp, though i IS rrHdlrnble. -Wlii.t

: Mr Adler deals wit uhi. lr>’ 10 •■.mile away th> •idlctlon cif united, but Inde I'll! natK.ns must fall off lh< ■. .111(1 iiMi.illy fall lull) iw.yim- iind iKitt-er poUllc.<i. as soon aj

abundun Ihe nea.'<el wordsI cannot hrldKc the unbrldgabliII between alliance and fcdera-

n's cxpcrlcnce proves that It li Iral to build sonic bridges and nihprn .'annot be built, oiiiihl 1.1 the tirldne bet

, The foe of yesicrdii>

When Italy Mini Stop.*< Tanks, Kujjcrt Offi<-cr Starts Them

ON THi' RA'p UJO niVEJl KRONT, Ju1 31 'Drliiyed' -iwWhen any Iver boKKC'd down In n!llr. hyWlllliim F. Boiinh, 23, Hupcrt,

’ .sniti the lleulenant, who Is

I dnyllKht In miolhercd lip 0

0 fctIirllllrry bar

:h a tow cublo- pvcn lay down

;liiK Ilo climb

"And nt night the tlic-m out. You have lo Keep up miiiniennnce. in out maintenance.

"My crcws have had only about four hours full week."

The lleulrnant had those clrcleri under lil.s spending too many Itouni awny from the cot..llic only ones who were a.'lecp on ilib Job wi

didn’t think even American engineers could K''t Ij river bottomland they flooded. These Qcrinftti.'i i dead or In prison cnmpa,

sleep at night for

r Ihe Qcrmnni- Tliey iks the Rapldo e cither on the run,

Come a Runnjng for the World's Greatest Value!

Buy WAR BONDSHelp This C o m m u n ity A tta in

Its 4 th W AR LOAN Q uota

A nd Every D ay a t Y ou r Grpcers

You 'll Find T h is G o o d Buy!

a s k f o r

E d H u 's


a "light-aark" bread that's deliciousi Cfcotrj liy Itif Fomi/Ui PAN DANDV Bok..;r»

lia r ...................... ............ ..........lo vhuallzf iiie present position of RUi-ila. 'niic new coIcis.w5 that be- strlilfi U.U c^pnUiicnl," said Smul.n, "b bejliinlng lo a«\une a position “lat no country has ever occupied V Uic hlstoo' of Europe'Tills judden toii'ch ot tuni of

events in E^iropeaii Iheater of war ihould producc ample material tor tny Sdult lo study- lUre l. Uic ptl- niiry prablcm.What did Wuflhliiston'MP. when

le said avoid foreign entui^lenienisitBllctol?

Hunrai ■ iTwln FalK)



ASZIO nEACHIIHAD ItAly, I I .UP'-Ciuuultle.s Irom the C nan b-imhlng hut Monday of American evacuation ho.fpltnl and

Aiaerlcthem a Ite»l Cro*s worker.

In Mciiday’ji bombings two Amer. lean women nurflcs were Icllted Im' mediately, imd nn Injured nurse and an Injured red cross worker died later.

Thursday’s ciuiuaUles Included two American nur.ics killed nnd sev-

woundcd. four of them ifflcer.s.

landingleld 1- -.- pltal.........

fully with Re

I ywtenlay

inijiiiel hit the Reiieralnr nt tin rlo M,su-m. i.hrnciiii; .-11 ih. s. including the operallnB tent

Maj. Jl Mnson, chief aurgeo: nirmliiaham, Alu.. wiu preparlnn (

dellciito ubdiimlnal oix'i I the llKhu went off, n u under ane^thctlc ni

prepared tor the operation when tl ilirnpiicl riddled the tenU<.

Nunei nic Cookhij Supper Tlie two women imrie,« killed wn

n ihelr tent cdoKIiib ihelr aupi>cr ihrnpni-l riddled

■•Wc h; etlng 0nilA

loiirkp, Chicago. Ill- a said, ■aiiey couldn:i. move-but . Jiiit laym thclr cots sayli...................

liicomlnn mull. Wo know the oimrt. niat'fl how wc got wounded, fou must go to foxholes and forget

about us."............... , cd and tried not

show fenr. Tjjcn the lights went < and »r evacuated the patlent.'i other haspltiiK, Including the o

about to be ojwrnted oi

Bed Is Needed for Home-Nursinff Class.IKnOME. Feb. 12-Mrs. Carmen

Miller. R, N.. who slarted a home nursing course this week at her homa, renulres one more small, ►Iralght bed to be used during class ' ork.

CliiM work stnrted Friday afier- oon at Mrs. Miller’s home, mid n •conil class, (o be held in the even- IKS for those women who cannot line In the dnytlnie, will besln nc«

Wednpsiiny evening. Tlic class work will continue for a 12 week's period.





SCI Pure Bred Swine Snio Advertisement I'^b. 11


AdrertUenient, Feb. 11

FEBRUARY 15J. L . Dallas

Advertisement, Feb. 12

FEBRUARY 17C. B. Lindsey

Advertisement, Feb. 14

FEBRUARY 18F. R . Grifnih

Advertisement Feb. 15

FEBRUARY 21W. A . Farley

Advertisement, Feb. 18

FEBRUARY 25Bl{r, p ab llc naetlon M AG IC V A LLE Y


ATTENTION FARM ERS, Om •> ih* ataomn ot . annwtel ,

K i m b e r l y F l i e r ?


S[IIMlNie43.WASIIINOTON, ■ Ttb.' 13 (AV-

unerlcan Worken ppcketed » record *100.003,000,000 In fiUarlc* and'wages last jeur, neatlx *31,000,000,000 more than in 194J and H8,000,000,000 more , than In 19J0, ’ • ,

Tho commerce dcpartmcat, re- poriing Uils last night, sdld Income

H a i l e y C a p t a i n

N o w i n E n g l a n dHAILCT, Kcb. 12-Capt. Marlon

V. Klinger hu.s arrlvctl In England from the Mcdltcrraucim area l< train lroop.i preparatory to the III' viLslon of wc.stern Eiiroi>c.

Captain Klinger w ls decorated'fnralhii

, IP<3, while n

iKk-d I brotight I thi! I

jeeii-d to -ever.- >lu-Ilhik- an<I enemv nrlllkry Ilii.-, CiiDUiln Klinger aided these nieii while .shells wtre falllnnwithin 50 janls nt the aid stutlun and It Ls beUiied Hint hU proinpl inrdlriil altontlon was directly re- »|)oiu.lbl« for .MiVlnt; the Uvcii of iki two Who were severely wound-

Caplaln Klu,«er Is a foniler Hal- le.v t>oy. Kra«ui;ittni! ircim high .school with the cl;.S(. ol 1031. He Kradu.ltcd from the Unlwr.sliv of Utulio Ir medleliii- and KniIc hLs lnlerii-.hUj nt. Portliuicl, Ore, just Drlor lo enll.«t

I,. His wifend d,i\ Mils,

......Doran H. Sutphul CoodhiK. ills i«iienl5, Mr. and Mrs, Tom Kllngirr. re-'.ldc hi Doko.

Three Sons in NavyDUllLKY, Keb. l2_Mrs. R. W

Chrl.sniHn, Durley. now hiis tlir«i -nons hi the imvy. Tliey are Leo Kcl- lOKK, wh<i «u..i 6w<itti.)ii, Jail. 20 fo naval V-5 trainliiK and who wll. lenvr about March I; Milford B. KellOM«. boHermakn- first and Cur! ItclloKK, In the men


returns. In lS4i nmount- ■ cd lo *141.717,000,000 compared with5.115.480.000.000 a year earlier nnd.-482.578.000.000 In 1023. . ' ' • ■

Plllnu record on rccortl, such pay- ...... In Dcccmbcr hit an ftll-tUna

Df »13.4CO,000,CWO. more than , f.OOO.OOO above November’s pro- -

>lous hiKh, Most of tlio December In ­crease, howe -cr, was attrljjuted t<k ' heftvy ycnr-end dividend and. inter- pujnicnts. These BK«regated 8J.- • 5ci,0(n.000 nnd brought ihe total

e year lo 13540,000,000.•mber wnse. and salnriei ileti.ln M,030.000,000, an In- ot »i3e,00o.000 over Kovem-

■ilei»irlnient said (Ul Deccm*. •i.Mnent. when adjusted for 111 viirlalinn Were equivalent to ■mial nile of *151,000,000.000,

. — ,-e than double Ihe *70,820,000.- 000 piiid to individuals In pre-war

uni'ncy caiitloned against p.-iyiKfnV lo 1ft-

iil.' with luiltonal Income-cstf- nic Inner, whldli Include uu-

iiilcxl. corjX)rnte profits, hnv#■L been compiled for 1043.


y o u r s a f e ,


Lev US picpvliSe you with t HbtI-

ford Safe Burglary Policy which

make* any safe "loss proor and

also guarantees to pay tor dam--

BRB done to Uie premises by

enick iinen. We vrlte Rc*ldcnc».

Durglary Insurance too.

P E A V E Y -



I Draining and flushing worn, thin ell from

islei n i i3. Fluihing trai old 0 rea*«.

4 . Filling .with corrcet weight tubrlcant*. (Umit i p««n({.)

5. Flre*tono completa chasslt lubrication.

6 . Chocking front whooi boarlng*.

7. Toiting tfio battery with hydronMtor.




- PapreTen TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Sunday, February 18, 1944

Gidoon planishhSincfMr/avis


DlatHtatrt hr KM la»c>

of his office day, Dr. Plnnl»li had ' H lonit-tllslttiice cnll from Klniilk- ■ Irilclc;

"Tlittt you. Olilton? Tlil.i C. Prlilinore. I've noJ.Mmc Uad .nc««. Prcsldcm Dull cllfcl sud­denly - tills mornliii! . .

. -WHS sort of Ivrrlblc. n . lirti mi'tilng of iho iiuilciU »f-

bly. I .wtifl -tlirre, trnU to addccss llic 6Hi'lpnt.i,

. BUiWcnly' he Jlopprd n kind pf sliocltPd m i' ' up on Uie floor niid rench him. I und Dr. jUrrndy pnsst'd iiwiiy.

" I’m spcnWiiit Ironi'll trustees. Ihprt'n o.^xmini "I Ihhere, and ihci' nil'jrinl jmrllirrKQrd."'. tlipy lliliiK mry lilf;lilyyou. mid wi- RHiil 111 iiIliT .......

' coUcge i>ri'.Hl<li'iiry uKuli.ll. II

who ttns aupiio.sed to be «t 1 In Wa.'ltceBiin,

Pfoiiy da.\hcd to him—Dr. P1ivnl*h rolled iicrox.1 Ihc room more idowly.

Dllznrd niiiililt-'d, "Ju.^f n Utile /ilrnU-Klo «iiriirl.sp visit. Flew here from home to nildre.-is llic b rally nt the ImptTlnl Tuinplc t' Iilijlli-fly bnck tomorrow. You tv rorae'nnd nit on the platfonn « int. Some bly niiiw friin WnshlnK- Ion Ihen— tlir Chiincellor Ofncral Und tlie Ui'crctiiry of Education und Art.?, Roc. your reports hnve been fine, mid you, youiiR womRn, I hear you're drvcloplng cjultc n knnck ol u'lniiinR friends and Influencl'nii pi'uiilo. Mnybe you'll be quite ii-seJul 1,0 the critsTy BJIzzjird machine, some dny. yim’rr KoltiK lo .bHnu your

■tand utid .111 ii|) on the pluUnr’iii

Ur. Plalil.'h MtiiiiiniTi■; lonmrrdW muiiiliu;,

'thirty, at the I'lni' Oli,Mrs, Btili my cMrcnii' rrnril.’ . you lotnornm. Oil, ki''’ i”!' lo' Teckn."

Dr. uml -Mr.'. PIniilsli. nctimlly hnd no cnnftKciuut tliat evi'iiiiiii. Ho ono hail tclrjiii(iiii:il to Uifni;

71 tliry Itlcil (0 Ivli- phone w»» at hiim<-, Nnlurnlly, Uiut was pretty dl.ilrc.-.ilnn lo Pcduy. and she wltfmpcred, "Tjiij h Uic cold­est. most IndlKctcnt lottn. Sotiic- UmcA 1 almost think you «cr;i luc lummcr—tlut wc mlslit Imvc been happier In Klnnlklnlct.'*

The Doctor was ccrtnln notv thixt there would be a Ood-elvcn n nicnt. some time Uilj cvcnlnB.

,tell her., ■ Tlicy dined wUh elpsniirc In the Plain Onk Room, I’ccny to be In a tender miiod, uhethrr because of tlic rhlckrn of the fael Him Ciic.uir, Hit liead- Wttlter. remembcrMl iticlr imine lust out of f(iniiiii'.-,s for lirr , _ m; nnd the Doctor took clinncc. Ho licr m c fuUy os thouKli she were nii ai cnee of wlUinK phllnmhrobbcrs

"Dear, listen lo nii (font sny nnytliinf tIJf f'lT I know what a wonderful, loyul heart you have. When 1 htnr frl- lowa like Homuwnrd or Gantry kick about whnt grnfters or runceltcd gabblers tlielr wlve. are, i alway.i think how very forluniilc I've bei'ii. Hey—hey—wftini I finMil I know sometimes you set ft little with the slowne.-s of llle-nll ol lu's ambitious people <lo-but 1 know that in Uis long run. you're ful os Ruth—you'd follow your hu.s- band wherever he lind to k<>, ever nmld the alien foni, liuiili? '

Tliough nffccUd uiilavornbly by the mention ot corn or olhcr rrops indigenous to the Mlddlcieat, Peony BBld Yes. she ccrtalnly was n Ruth.

•Tlicn — listen now, aikI don't Interrupt—poor old Au.illii Dtill dropped dead Utb mornlni.'

"Oh. I'm sorryl""Pridmore telephoned me — tliry

want me to lake tho prc.drteiicy right away. Remember limt it would be a Job (or kceiu, net de­pendent on Marduc, and witli n pension. Wo could get oway every summer, and eomc to Hew York or, after the war, go to Paris. Bwectheart. this is imporlnnt, . it's immediate. Can't 1 count you?"

•'Oh, Oldton, I don’t want to be unreasonable, t know. I sup­pose I would be son ol a queon In Kinniklnick. Do you solemnly promise we'il ge lo PnrU If—My

(imy Mil on lh<‘ pititform bp. rn her hu.ibiiiul und the Clinii- w Cinn^nil of the United aiiiK'S

, /. iprlrn. To llic liasbivnd whLsiHTftl, "Thtnk. proli ly Just i.iorjiinK the Cliaiiti'llor wa.s i riiblm't nx'i'ttni;. niJttlnK- Ihc di>un 01) Uii.v<tii and Iioiit mid Ih. Sol. c'HTytliinK- -Ji

nil! liinldA uity:"

"Oh. I know," sighed Dr, Plan- lali, und after a lonR lime, "I know."

Afterward, when the audleneo trolled up on the Blagc lo get the Ctmncellor'a aiitoRroph. scverM of them asked Peony for hers, and one of Ihrni took her for the Chan­cellor's wife. She KlHHled that, on the liu-% hoiiii'. Him spoke «ltli high .^crl0llslu•.s :

"Honcybird, clonl you won :l.s in tho iilcf

Sunday, Fcbrftary 13, 1944 TIMES-NEWS, TWIN PALLS, IDAHO Page Eleveit

"sAc l a s s if ie d a d v e r t is in gPhoribi

WANT AD RATES<U4>W ea Ccl.ppi—ortt __

I i t j _____________ll MX wcrtI dw< ________«• S»f ««ril Mt ia

' ^n ln lnua at H'fa snr oo* <Uwlll*d t l T>rau-4 b>

OUDLtN&a. lot CUmUM selri

f “ 'm. iwnlif

• nd ne InfflrratUoB cts b< jl’M l» rf (Art t0 Ibt adnrttett.

Uia OBI Isnrtfcl Imtnloa.



Vacuum Funiacc Clcniilns

________ PERSONALS8?CNCIiil eorMtien. LnU Ciriliiir, Pbooa

CHIKOPKACTOltS lY i)l4rno>li. [>r Alm> ItKKlln. ISO

...In »n. U.n Mwlc.t-


S IT U A T J O N S W A N T K l)mic. l-r. -.Vu (.rra—-ofk-rr


c n r r &

roi-CUitN itlrl »inlt4 tor EnlunUr and Siindi? >orli. SnowUll’i 8l«irt Shon.

ftt:NE»AL hc,u..'...r> .. j ,.f> ,t X

■hp Applr In Ctmpl.firi

H E LP WANTED—MALEA UAIHVj. W n.n.,., «.rl,d.'Wrll.

JKIUI. farai hind winwd. I'hona >Ft. K tn, Idahn. > ,1 Kbon,•. a»r,l 1C «r o..r, .lih blr,.)—\V?l.

WATm'l). G,nml r.,m K.i.d/ tUri<r flnxlp, traclur ''lUli'mrnL Ton wa I[<rm>n Ilgfltle. Kdrn. MtKo.

STNCXETr WtVd n..n f»r .f .d ,-

kMAimiKU m.n ~ . , k on {.rr,'. ,o^

TK»er nulmtni, hnii'f, Kir.l.n. milk turnUhKl. Y»«r reunj cnii>Uifmciil.


Larlmrr Ht.. Dfmrr. Colq.


Wrlu B» II. ‘Tlan.Ni



t- u lS iS B E ff

u A m N f S l I E b h o Us KsS

4 KOOM booM.

■ .srs


^ n t ^ d ^ k ' E S t . T EaSB ' «■. . ,i._j‘cvio M Um iZ

'lU ra woipmtaOlMBOfc


D O N ’T


RENTtliat »pare room quickly with ft Tlnics-News Clos- slflPd ad Roonu are In ricmnnd now.

SELLlliose odcls-ftnd-ends at a Ruod prlcc now—U It not


P H O N E 38and a.Hk for an


M ON EY TO l o a n



550. T O SSOO


S'llli monthly pnymcnta




REAL ESTATE WANTBITivANTEn: Twti or Ihrif mod*t

5 Room in~lrrii >wmi


i’our bf>lN>om hou«». two irU of vh Inr. L^rse car4s«. Two fKij lou. (ond location. Id.OOO.M.

:-»r«e. ntw. miKlrrn durln. Ori' »raiiicd for •I’Xtor or


iwd iMludlvz IrtcV. aivl Ui• ■ Tr,n*ih»nj.

, lautlan 'shauM pi


th* b«>t locaud farm boni* or fact—Wdliln walking dliUao Ih srada and hl*h Khool.

r«l«. apudt. or

IlM r»d « n»n. U

An Hm I Hob


ntCS [rrliaUd land la,


I. Dmibla car


rn 5'“/J



Good 4 room home. bam. etc.


U U N tEK S SW A P A tSbl.L ■' ' Alf.l,^ oTM*h.„.,rK till..


E. A. MOON Real Estate



1.000 SACK3~ N»»,

HA i " « /{A lN AN /)' FEED

CUaTUU (Md irlndlnx. UeKaan Ulllln.S«rfic«. P^na 18SIU. Twin Falb.

WlUT i:,id (t*d rrtndlnx. N«Uao UllllB

WO IJUSHKt n.l.M yr ln.


n .O T H IN G




(or iiuuUng and rouBl'liit It.

il'A llO JU N K HOUSE ' Tliosa Kopptl Bojt"

“ m is c . FOR SALE

llhrao uhl*. m U I. onJir UiaiB b««I t

ruiii brok«a“wlBdow t«(«n ttira »n»t« of No cbtm tor


Actu ! oulh ot Wejidtll. Full ilcr rlelii. fair Imnrovt-

*G0 per acre. »«oo oAJ.h illJmndle thl.s.

120 A C RES

7 room homt. fumac«. balh. *|H. »1« irltllr. t>arn Siiio, Kcod ctilc>« bogfi. r.ncfd and croM linM •«>» •n »lN. «>H. <a<7 t« lrtlK*><


wrlL Will atll with hmtt Nr- lihad er unfurn1,h«d. AtUacUxlT

(or naadxl caah. Tcrmi.

PHONE 0483-Jll






EontubW Uf«. D. 1


Swift’p Baby Chicks

■■ LlVfc:STOcR— PO U L tU YMATCHED Uam hom«. i-.;- old! Ili

'‘‘hr..k*‘ 'pi! ni°55V8jTj'.'’'‘100 lb,, w.ll

TCXlil A-l nuk,. 1: rtira old. It. b.

7 (idOD rr«d<r pita. 1 m<la «< KimUrlr.

at. 2' i loutht'^ll.'norfh

TKAM „.r . „M.'Sound.

bOllUKI. u.m. brr.l.r. .fll

aualltr akd maranic .l. I'hnFKW tin,. Ur»n..- u<m ,r >CoU

al*™l' ^(,)on Vallrr

toad ou nCariiMi! 7l'A?Ca"II


tS IIKAU rouns work hor>n 8 hcad _ jl7 CO..- JV4 aoulh

and tnulw.

SUUKCU t >tar o)d aaddli bn.kci S >r«r old bny ui ivmindi. well liroki: ■<-vrral


of“nlMV“r'r“piion^*11!^Hrat home

and other „»d So,.,a.

i auiiUi. wot I III)



GOOD THINGS TO EAT APfLEa. Hom»:"wjn«a7r~b»ll.tou.-ri

» Olt » BEPKOOM iiom.. aoJarn,

K .k.TkV.‘Va/caah.

— -J~paid tor UMd turmtai*. atoraa aa4 almlailnr boKra. Uoon'a. Phuoa t.

tyiHQ t. ,o..r WIU. hid,, fur,.• hat ha>a too. Wt bur anjlhlnt. ’


: : : rhAPIOB ' iUt wlJfit ■ 'won‘t i.U7."

m or wrlu • “ " ---«0

AKY aiaiuu* OMd trMun ar UMd uacur >whlMr^._ rbani »». Oo< <ai ud

tamadJautr look a

II Flra Polnu. i'boM 01



Sea tu belcn yop mU.

U&sel Auto Company







They have » big stock of: WOOD PIPE—i and 0 Incli TANKS-for 13 inch cillvcrlj HOT WATER TANKS PIPE and PIPE riTTlNOS

Brlim your coppcr. brnis. Iron, batteries, ^udlutor^ Juiik tlrrs. raRs and mogatlnM at the wme time.


Tin HAI.Ki' L;;;

■jii:-WAU d...;

? rlUir'c Awi ipln-dry



“ r a d i o A N D MUSIC^ « T k. CAIILB c.hio.l ,».d. .



mVaoUTI^ eoupa. «M. W i fST.


I, G. Rotl«»i>. 210 UalB n

m ocm ^ortrr .i,

TRUCKS A N D TRAILERSfWsAC>5rT:;rT;r7;;7. .t«i -rarrr,

paWIlL rb>ma I




n me Maltfr of thi- EiLolo nf Be fttrlc t- II..Uiiaii, D«ea»eil. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN B'

.HJOniE SWALLOW. AdmlnWtrain, with will unnexrd ol

Uic Mlata of Ueatrlce L. Holmsji,deceaaed.

PublUh: Jan. 30. Feb. «. 13, 20. 10«.


TWIN FALLS COUNTY. IDAHO In the MiMtcr ol Uie EsUte of

HERBERT D. RliAD. Bonietlmes knt^-ii n* H D. Read, Deci;:\hcd,

Pui-sumit to an Order ot -said Court,

ebniury. Ilif.vlay.

c City of TR’ln iln F illfl, lm-1 I) 0 lime mid pluc

Dlicrr IGih day of

cxrd ot the Estate

Piilillsh; Feb 4th. 0th u

2 B u h l B u s i n e s s

P l a c e s R e l o c a t e

nU IIU Fil,. 12—Tv.0 Biilil I nt-v hoii.-,c lUll be in new 1 tlon i very sliuitly. Pcck'.s Hind'

lorly occnplrd by r n banquet room, nnd Sport Shop. tio.1 to be (lone,

be setUed In their

atl\ nvjvos v.’ttc acccjssUsilKl 1('ii.s|mk of tliolr piCM-iU niiar-

tlie c. C. Andfr.'jou Co. for iiiidcU groccry store.


:allf.. wllli Her i-Iaw...................... ind Mrs, Jack Mc-room. and in Hollyn‘oo<l with her in-ln-l»w mul rtniiKhtcr, Mr. and rs, m)Urrt IlowelLs,Mr!>. Fedora Drottim, dounhlcr of

Mrs, n ic lla Uycook and to;ichcr In :he Hiiiuicn grade Achonl. ItOA pafised Jirr exunilnatlon (or tlie Alr-WACx nnd htui b«rn notified to report at Fort Dougli*. Otuh

c fllie tt appolnl

Mrs. W . C. '.‘'''0(13 frll on the Ico far Jjcr h',me i»Ht week and suf- ■rtd a cvprc gnsh la her. forearm, hlch re<juM ten RUtche. to close. Mr. ntirt X!r». -Will Ray relumed ceiitlv from icvcrnl wceiu visit at lenwoofl enilng*. Colo., where they ere called by the lllnesa of her

moUier. Mr». Alice Ho,«.Mrs. T. E. Oallcy la Improvlns

foUowlnR an ni her home. AN nle.-iclug are Mra. M. L. Good­

man, who hM been confined to her home for Mvcrsl weeks, and Mr.i. Chwles Wiseman, who hue been iinder her doctors core for several

MLu Ida KUnEcmann h u been Bubstltutlng la the Hansea grade Mhool for the p u t week la the placo of Mta. Pem Pryor, who has been m at her home.

Mrs. Arthur Prj-or la In Uie Twin Fall* cotinty general hospital where she ffubailtted to surgery.

Mr. and Mra. Earl Boraes and :hlldren relumed recently from a ten day vWt at MouaUln City, Nev.. with her porcnu. Mr. and Mrs. Amtln Wicker, and hisr brother, Earl Wicker, who la horae on fur­lough from the naval training <ta- Uoa At They also vUltedat Rio Tlnto. Nev., with her brother- in-law and »i*ter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles flsll,

~ ^O S H O N E

. Mrs. Id a TtioraaKon left for Bsnta A»s. CaUf., to be with her son. BUI Thtunason, «ho was operated on thera.

Word bat beui recelred b j Un. Lee Wtnuner that her daughter, Mrs. Jean Wlmmcr Whitney, is mother of il daughter, U nda Je«o. .bcro at BurboBk. Otlit



fr~l to <hoW. 2.

" 'im ' * r

•tir SOO.I b«v»a brouBh' 4JVarc»«l V> *?; " i”

,,’ U.lrr .Vlchu at'.

SClIOniS RAIKF. S ill BURLEY. Feb. 12 — Mrs. Jessie

Ootdon, school chnlmian for the ol polio drive, reported this that a total of $11130 was col­

lected In Burley schools.


nation's securities sad pain mar- kcU wore closed today In obserr. ance of Lincoln’s birthday.

P o l a t o e s - O n i o n a

............t^lrj tuM na

tS.M U

« , s :

•- U. & Nn. 1 «Im B, >taW. U.ll.

i°nd'’n i i .« "

ClV h

Butter and Eggs

CWw: WbalMal« prka, tufa HUt,

to“2b. larVi “ ra’ ^ j i ”to"»J * **

WOOLBOSTON. Tab. 11 «UPV-'n» »»U*»

ialratlon roporlad lodar ta 111 vtiklf

KatlJ In tht w^k. a dRlilsa »u inaja l« Mil t}.. tlorkplla wooU Uirautk *»f iiuWio auctku. A mtia HllM la t




Mil lOO.Mft


Sgt. Albert Oabardl. who Is aU- Uoned at Ardmore olrbose. OUs., U 'Isltlng lil.i wife. Mrs. Dorla Oabardl. iiid other relaUves.

Ml.u Anna Kinsman hu toot (« Yuba City, Calif., afUr a two-w*ek vIkIi bC the WUllam SUmbaugb home.

Ir. and Mrs. Otto Rend3s. Cm*..Neb., visited Mr. and Mrs, Her-1 Voss, en rouu to Cunp Abbott,

..... where Mr. Rendla U sUtlon- ed.

Mrs. J. w. Brlggt left lost mek for Psyetto. Ida., to spend soms tlm» with her moUier. Mrs. J. 0. Emer-

who Is IIL . r. and Mrs. Nelt Nelson hsvi

received word from Jack Wesllnir, former popular Buhl bo;, that he Is somewhere In Great Britain and hts been promoted to corporal.

Mr. and ^{rB. Glen Wyatt are npendlng two weeks In Callfomla, where they wlU attend the fuml- ture mnrktl In Ban'Prantlso.

Mm. Walter Mes.>iley Is enjoying 4 'Islt In Denver with her son Mn-

ton, and other relative). Linton Is ' itloned At the arm; camp oeoi

Cliarlc.i Comment lisa returned from Los Angeles where ho look Mrs. Comment several weeks ago for modlcnl treatment. He reports that Mm. Comment Is slowly Im­proving.

Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Fait have're- turned from Boise where Mr. J^lt itiendcci the hardware dealers

meeting.Mr. and Mrs. Jerrr Ambrose and

fanUly. Portland, have.-moved. to □uhl and will make tlielr home near

on A farm.and Mrs. Smll Perilsehl hart

returned (ront Boise wher« th«]r re­ceived medical treatment


T^vin Falls Mai’ketsLtVESTOCK

Cholti buUhan. IM to j;o It '’••t».iibl buub,it. JJO to SI

bittS'fV «4-*Q



tod at«k I, ■ •*

(TWO daal«f« qtMUdIOLD DEANI

Qraal Nortlifna No. I ' - Qrait Nortbaraa Na. I - _<6U daalai. quMadl

daalan gMl ilUVB POUtm

RoMUn. its '... «\4 Ikfc ud np ___________

K a i«ka. tH »

•'rnoQ O i'

Pape Twelve TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Sunday, February 13, 1944


WAaniNOTON, rcb, is « FranUln DcIbuo Rooecvclfs n> nntloii for n fourth term cm

■ expcclfd wllli ROiiip conJldpiic bfcome nn nccoiiiplWiKJ IiiclDccome *><• ■>'kboul d:30 p. t1

But If you want lo bel niid i St Mlf, mnltc 11 not bUi Bttme Hour .on O'C. fo:iuwiii« i SaturcUy. July 22. Clmlrimiii P ert E. H»nncBi'>i of H"-' U<'iiii>cr nnUoiml com.iiitioc hi<» minoui Uml Ihc .strciunllm'a Ucmocr nBtlon»l coiivriilloii would ni-'rl Wcdiic.'diiy. July ID. In Cliic»Ko

Tlic Drmocrutlc iiiilloiml coiiii tCC. ftlildi ulia.c Uic fitr nl ft m. InR hcrr lust iiicmli .md oil. Mr. Roosevelt 10 nil. as.uii. IrliHaimc8»i> IUIn«o( u di.t . H ncsaii would hiiK- Uknl lo d<

By ..rd<Tlu Ihc- roiivniumi lo 8t..rt in iiild-- r<.k. Iii,nnr«..u -SOilKlit lo iiMUrp a ;.horl moi'lliii;. IlL. oniioiiiii'i'iiiinl said ll wa-s I'x- peeled llii'l iill |)ri>i:ri'<lliiKs wuiilil 1>Pcoinplclrd lii thp ri'iiiiiliKlcr of iliiil wcck-Ioiir cUiyi,. Tin: ntpiiWlcaii coiiveiitloii will IH-Kln In Chlcaifo on Momlay. June 20.

Barring n knotk-down buttle over Mic vlcc'HresIdcnllnl noiiiliiutloii.wlilch l» more tinm likely, the Dcm- ocrnls could numlnnlc llielr tickct nticl adoiil n pintform In n coiipic of dnys ond do U cully. But tralli jx)* liUcal purtlc- Imve lenriicU lo nr-

. miiKc Uielr convention Kchedulcji lo UXc Bdvnniiige of tlie btsi evenlnn rnUIO hOuri>. Tliereforc, It Is expect­ed Dial the Dcniocriitli; keynote spcaker-Bllll lo be nnmcd-wlll do ............ n Uir flrM iilKlit, July 10.

I tlirTlie .Bpcak hl.i plcciJUl}' 20 und tlie re oiullOIl.s coinmii- tcc come In with Uic platform liitc Frldny aftcrnooji.

n'allace Key lo Lfnfth Adoption of the pintform prob-

mbly will be Uie prelude lo the noai- InnUon of n prealdcnlliil canclldnte. Tlien, provided Mr. llooscvelt did not Insist on liiiving Mr. Wullaer iw a runiUnB mate ngiiln, the vlcc-pro.s- IdcnUal nomlnixllon could be Klven

■quickly lo of n doicii part; .'stalvorts. espccliiUy Speaker tiini -Rnybiim. U the convention had ?er loiia vice-prc.'ildcntlnl problcm.s ihen would atlU be Saiurdiiy for Ihelr ko-

■ iution.

D i e s i n A c t i o n

inmrRT r. avoory

. . . Nrplirw of Jerome piilr III aellon in Knly on hi'

irlhdaj. IIU brother In tnlMlnf li

S o l d i e r , 2,■!, K i l l e d

O n H i s B i r t h d a y

her nrphrw, Hubert P. V , klllr<l 111 artloii In Italy t

birtheliiy nimlvrrniiry.•me I

part: "atneml deep jiyinpalliy In Informlns you of the dfiiih of jour nephew who foiiKhl vnllantly .

YoiniR Woody wiis born In CIciir field, UUih. and he moved nllli hi: fnthcr and hrothiT to Sodii Sprlnjs, fda.. foIlo».ln« the deiilh of the boy'

:her In lOnO. Hr landed hi ftal . 10. I

AVill Uvloce he will ovec- ,,, .s. Tlie two boys' father l.s Piinl Woixly, Osden, only brother nf H. O.

oody, Jerome.'


n Wiiiiiici It her . (

F e r r y W i l l F e t e

P T A F o u n d e r D a y

- OLENNB PERny, Pcb. rj-htound- era' day program will be pmented ttt Uie Oleiiiia Ftrry Pnrcnl-Teacli- cr assocltttloH meeting Monday eve- nfiiff. At 7:30 p. m. thur>e who art Inlercsted In confereiioc.? wllh Briido tcnchcrj will go lo llic grnde build­ing. wlille olhcrs t 'lll ntlend the study group In the home econoni- to», «w i» of Uit high school biillO- Ing. Hero Mls.1 Oniellni Andrew?, v llt lead llie (troup In a dtscuKslon of “Tht RftUon Meiil."

The Broup will moot at 8 o'clock In Lh« old HUdltoMimi for the snun, includlns a akli by MLvi MIU

.dred Jones’ lourth-grnde room, ob- Bcrvlng Founders' dny. A muslcnl numbr Is being arrnnRcd by Mrs. Mildred McPndden. All past denis of Uic organlaiUon here have been contacted by Mrs, Vernon Hull, program dialrman. nnd will be pres­ent for the ceremony and Ihe tm- dltlonil birthday cake.

Water Company Sets Charge for New YearJEROME. Feb. 12-Malnlenat

chorgM for the coming wiiter yi were set at a recent meeting of Uic Norlii Bide Pumping compiiny held In HnMllon. A charge of *4.40 per sluire for plants I. 3 and 3. ti‘‘ under tlie Tint segregation, wc: estnbllshed. Charge under ptanlA and 3, second segregation was s *t U£0.

Thla water year wUI begin In April.


Marion Pugmlre niid Ralph Hume returned from Arizona, where they had gone to deliver a loud of polutoes.. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Tulboll hL..

returned after visiting for the past three wetka with rclntlves In Utah and California. Cedi Talbott, who hoA been tahine care of Ihelr lunn during their nbsenee. returned lo hia homo In Vancouver, Wash.. Mrs. Earl Latham and Mrs. IIow-

«rd Mtnli left, for Amettciuv mil* to vlnlt their husbands, who are employed there.

Mrj. Virginia Tiipptr nnd son, Jlmtny, who hnve been vLslilng for Ihc past Uirce nionth.s wlUi her par­ents. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Monh, loft for Chicago.

Mra. Pninlc Dlcken.on - Ipft lor Boise to visit a few days with her brother and '•tfe. Mr. and Mr*. CecU Ollmore.

Wllcy Harmon and ton. Dean, left for U» weat coast lo look f« prop, erty tor a new home. Mrs. Hannon b vl&ltln; her mother. Mrt. Isabelle Blanchard, during Ihelr absence.

Y O t C O ^ ^ ^

C IN D ER ,' B M C K S


. . .R o b e r t E .U e S B ie a C o .-r Ph«

. _ l.WsSUMiW’

* -f' '

Tanipn. Ha., Kpent u few dityh ul hl.s falhrr, John Wiignrr, hi !■ LniiLs, whore Mr. Wngner wiu nilli by itif Illnrsa of a brother, Sgt. Wni nor received 111] wing.s In Sc|ilcii

cchool In Te.xa.i. He I-s nttendlnK Kroiind Nchool In Tiimpu now I-, also (lying, linvlng made nev trips 10 Cuba.

Alvin Hliivaiy Is worklUK n.s iih mail at the llolsley {arm during lambing sea.son.

'llie Buperlor school pupU.i told thftr wa.'te paper lo Ihc Idaho Junk hoiBe In 'IVhi Kalla and divided Uic money nmoiig thr children In wnr icavlnc stainjis. They had collected over three ton.s.

FYiink Chandler returned trom Spokane. Wa,sh„ where he has ■ en vL»ltlns hln mother.

C, Cn.sebeer t in clmrne of llie r. C. Uiwyer fiirni while they arc I Portluiid vMthig relnllve.-t.

num . ItOTAItlAN SPEAKS SALT LAKE CIl-Y. Feb. 13 |,P>—

Charles D. DurhiK, Buhl. Ida., rov- • of Ihe Utah.Idaho dUtrlct of

Rotary Inlcrnutlonnl. will be the si>eaker at the weekly luncheon meeting o( the Salt L«ke City Ro-

chlb Tuesday. He will dls- ••Rotary In Worllme."

FOR iimmOHOSHONL;, m . IS-Memorlal

services for Licut. William M. And­rew. 21, killed in a plnnc crn>li Dec. 12 near Carqulna.1 brUlce, VrIIpJo, CnIK.. were held at llie Uiicoln iMhool auditorium. 6enlcrf< nrrr In

irge of Ihe American Lctiluii andtlie llary.

Four ofdcrrR from thr lltiiil re­location cellar Hf-l'lPiI 111 lilt »er-

Mr.s Hn «>l

and H. M. Mcci.iii

Coulter Tlie hi

body. Bu for the


by ihe Rpv, J. II.

•iKHil ultendrd In a

War iteporter. Declared Lost,

Saved by Stolen Enemy FuelSAN KIlANOfbCO, Feb^ 12 (/TV-,

Once Ihied os among the missing Dean Sclicdlcr, 20, Associated Pre&s »i.r eofre-ipondent and one of th# hwt men lo leave Corregldor. re- riirncd today to tell a vivId story of how lie escaped In a dllapldaled plane uslni; Rii.iollne natives stole from the Japanese.

f'or Alx yeani the Stillwater. Oicla.. newM>»lHTmnn tin-i been In the OrlPiil. When war broke out he Wa* III MiiniU ami wiineswl the ghwt-Iv bomhliiB* the Japanei.c Inflicted, He reiiihed AUKlralla after a apcc*

Corregldor.Slix II Sclic spent

V Oulnca froii. itlirr war correspondent. » dllnpUIatcd. patched

• rnri)->

I.lpiitriuuil .Miilrf*

Mrs. nr.irv(- II Krn

:i Ci.<l.l Wlltr«l AiKlrew, KnnI a, Callt.; U(i hidl lirolhcfs, War , and Chur Keiiastoii. HlioMione.

’4 4 W o o l t o . S e l l

A t , S u p p o r t L e v e l

llvpred tory a.s.sembly |«j Is roiilemplate<l

e<l woiil dealers will net ».» iiiirrlui*-

S c o u t E x e c u t i v e

T a l k s t o K o t a r y

the Boy 9ir bilker 1.1 the riin dl.-'ni.v lnK 1.


Rolitry lr(»iii, nninaiiiii'd

1 IHI his tieeii-hmi-e pn.jvrty Ihe elly lliiill-V niid Ilip boy aohiR to etpilp It suU.nlily fo Tie ' Ii*.

inley Webber wiu aiiiloiiiifil li repre.ienl Rotary on the b«iid driv nnd the Rev. Max Orpfnlep whs in trortueed as a new meml)er.


REPAIRSKxperl Servicemen Always Avaibbi*


ABBOTTSlU Shoshone North

You'll lind the btuiiy Ub«l and ocJiliiua en t\erj genuine lluilinmi'




You’ll never want to

give thii coat up. You

won't have to either

for man}^, mony Ma­

sons. The enduring

B othm oor qua lity

take* ctre of thaU

OUur Rethmoer Coots

«9.00 to OP.00 ;

a. rxMioNiM

Bertha Campbell's Store'

h they retrieved rorner of an .air-

Ucul. Perry Pranks rlcs Sneed left Cor- 1 April II. 1043. itl-AIrrrafI Fire -d out over the bay,"

livto n oft by careful

•:ic.nped with minor

riiouRh unso-


N o r t h S i d e W a t e r

P r o j e c t O p p o s e d

nURLKV. Fol). 12—Allen Hardin

n>bli-iiident ahn


rd of director* this week nnd :-ed n protest analn-st construc- 1 of tiip Minidoka North Side Ir-

rlantlon project,Mr. Ihirdin told tlie board that

e and the farmers In his territory re oppobe<l to coiutructlon of the ow trnct they believe It •III impair pie.sent water rlghl.s. He pointed out that records keiit

Lynn Cnihdall, Idaho Falls.i.Itko

. Ifl2n t•, show

Falb. w.,3

-s t)ceu R heavy rMsi- shii:e 103S. and al. o e propa'.cd Pull.sade,-! 1 side tract should ted since ll will lin-

it was ciihcr .'do It’ or go down In Uie Pacllle. We flew about 27i miles blind. It was an cxcellcnt plccc of flying. We saw a tiny dot below us. Unable to know whether ll wm Jap controlled or American, we took a cliancc and leveled off fi Ing.

"We tklddcil.omo (he bench ami as Uic plsne nosed over wc Icaiied to safety. It was a tough Job bu the three of iii mHiiiiKcd to* haul th piano-to the obkciirlly of a i>»lni grove. It uirncd out to bo the Is­land Diiniaraii. Natives, Ductile at first but friendly after they learned we were American, told about 50 mlle.t from th held i-ilaiid uf Talawiin. 'Hiey told 1L1 Uicy knew where there wiis some gasoline. Wc auuinnd they meant the fuel


n the Jni

ble, clciired bench and wH and piitflni! ni


propelior ! n.i pcxMl- rrom Ihi

• motor luiflliif plane urenlclnj.

. All old model 'T we took nil one evnilni;. W r eoiild- irt make altllude than 1,000

"Fur !Cipral hour* we wlicctet! nlons. Iliinlly laiidiiiK at Uie Wiuid nf r«na>. -nier a turiirKc. They showed patches In which I had br as mls-sini; We were lold fiLit as tliev expecled n Inviuslon. We left early i mornlni; and landed ;.atcly danao. They had given ii.i another plane. We Miij'cd there five dpya ind then flew lo DiiNl

Burley Schedules Stake Conference

BURLL-V- KcU. 12-Burlcy L. D, a ake will hold rriiiilnr n»ni' ' .nfcrrnrr at the slake tiiber :re on .Sniiirdiiy nnd Simrtny,I nnd 20. niiiiuiincril Prrslde

»HI h l<I It^ni>■ ’Kith

In llcm s You've

Ilccn I^okinfir for


or without, these hnndsomely cov­ered, dumbly constructed suites ure designed for beauty and loiiK wear. Come In and see our selecllon tomorrow.




COUCHESBeaullfully covcrcd, tlicii studios make up Into com- fortablc, full double beds. Open and close easily. Rigid­ly coiisUuctcd — an out­standing value at only

$99.95B U Y ON E A S Y TEHMS

M APLE or OAlv


SETSBeauUfuIly finished tJiblrs, 4 fitrong, upholstered chairs. A line telectlon. from

3 7 . 5 0 to $ 1 1 4









You’ll Find Them All nt WILSON-BATES

Tlicse ranges embody every line f«a- A ^ « a gm lure found In Monarehs for years.In msterlftl iind construction, nothing ^twA been altered, and they will give With Rcscnolrthe same excellent oervlce you expectof a Monarch.



JEROME. Fe» 12-Chester Arndt. Jerome county's new extension ogent. Is now well under with his official duties. He succeeded Ray O. Pctensen. who has left for Cald- well where- he will serve tn a sim­ilar capacity In Canyon county.

Anidt served In numerous lin- porunt agricultural and dalrjlng Holds since his graduation Irom tlio Unlveulty of Idaho, Mot^Wi-and had been dbtrlct Four-H club agent for the 20 southern and soutlieast- em Idaho counties until his arrival In Jerome: Until recently he had been a resident of Pocatello where Mrs. Arndt l.s re.sldlng until the close of the school year.

Mrs- Arndt hns been teaching In the Pocatello tchool system this yeur and will join her hiiibond In Jerome,

Bom and reared In Wisconsin. Mr, Amdi complciod hti education at Moscow nnd Inter wrved as Inspec­tor of ditryUiK tu Idaho and for live years thereiifter wa-s representing Kani.a,'. Stale college when: he wa.i In chnrKe of state Instltutlunal herds In Ka^sa. .

Arndt was with the Pevely dairy In St. LouLs, Mo, nil that company's certified dairy farm and also was n technicliin In the company's dairy Intioratory.

No Serious Injuries In Utah Train WreckSUNNYSIDE, Utah, Feb.

Forty-five loaded coal cars and four pmplle.s plJe<5 Jip nt the loot of a steep Krnde near here today, cov­ering the enghie under a sleumlng ninss of debrl.s. but the engineer and fireman escaped without serious In-

Aliout 2J00 ions of coal was Kal- tcrcd along the roadbed, mllroad men estimated. Cause of.the accl- dcnt was not immediately deter­mined. Tlie' coal

I, Ciihf-rl plant at h-on.


•nrcl Riii>e, n, Kon of Mra. Mildred tiipe, Huii.%cn. was sworn Into the iivy nt Boise reeniUhiK hcadquart- rs and left this week 10 beftln his oot training at FarraBUl, Jda.

C o u n t y - A g e n t

CHESTER ARNDT > . . New extension aeenl Cqc

Jerome county, eras fonnerly head of 4-11 club. In 2C counlle>s h u been stale dairylnx Inspector and WUI In char« of slate Insttlullon- al dairy htrdi In, Kansas. ISlaff


Mrs. Dleii llan-sen, Pouatello, Is here suiyhift mth her dauginer, Mri.. Darrel Dnrrlnston nnd caring for her new granddaughter.

Faye Preston spent the week-end In EJcclo nt'the home of her parenta. Mr. nnd Mrs. Leyland Preston. Pnye Is employed nt Pocatello,

Mr. nnd Mrs, Nell Olsen. Trcmon- ton, were here.U) ntlend the ser­vices of tlielr grandmother, Mrs. Cynthia M, Ward.

Mls-s Arlene Hurr.t Li visiting In niftcktoot. wlih her sister nnd hus- and, Mr. and .Mrs. Donald Andcr-

Albcrfr Ohen and Rlle.i- AiiderMiTi


OFPiipiRICASBUHL, Feb.,12-A Pan-Amerlcnn

program was presented at a Joint meeting of the American Legion nnd Auxiliary, with Mrs. Martin Miller as clulrman. Tiu'ee musical num­bers were given by Miss Young's Spanish class from the Buhl hlgb school. One num^r In Spanish dla--;1 logue. and two musical numben with tambourine aceompanlmcnt, werfl'Rlvcn In costume by Uie Span­ish class of the Castltford high school, under the direction of Mrs. Hartley, their teacher.

Mrs. Miller pointed out t t ia t Uiough the two Americas slaricd nt about the same time. North Ameri­ca was more for«ard In advancing, thus resulting In suspicion by our BOUtheTn neighbors. The Pon.Am- erlcan Union was ict up In 1890. nnd Uiough slow In darting. It hns accomplished mudi, especially the last few years.

Al the beglnnlnB of tlie present voT the dlls coutruUed all Uie nlt- Incs In South America, she »uld. >ut they now have all b«n t4»kcn ivcr by the Union. Tlic Union has ilready submitted po.n-»nr plum, md Is steadily worklni; along this line, .. W. B. Clliic, Kout-niniter lor the Legion troupe, thnnked the Anxlll-

for the Inrse Hag they rccentlv to the troupe, nnd unttd nil ent to cooperate witli the .scoiit.'' he Utmost of their ability hi the

scouts bond drive, work and their collectloi) of wa.nte iiaiwr.

In a separate niecllng the Au.xlli- ary donntcd f/ve dollurs to tlie Auxlllarf spoi sottrt club-mobHea lu scrvlce in the war sccUoiia. Tli« Legion and Auxiliary will entertain the Legion troupe at a pot-luck din­ner Wednesday evening, Pcb. 23, Mrs, Oscar Johnson will hnvn charge of the program on nhUottal defense.

• theilr daii»hier nrel

Mrs. Mirv Hadley, who undcr- mnjor jurgery recently. Mrs,

Albert OLsen Li Rtaylng in 6 nlt Lake th Mrs. Hudlev, who was the MLss May Anderson of Dcclo,

The flotntlon method ullllica

S e n d t h a t b o y i n t h e s e r v i c e


• Tlicrc'.i plenty of mail stocked up here so maybe we'd better take a quick look at It bctoce wc get, on wllli Uic rest of Uie builiieis nt hand. Flr.1t an alr-mall, V-niull letter from Lieut. Kennetli L. Skeen, who flics a P-38 'niupdcr- bolt nnd who was recently advnnc- ed to first lleuUnanL We were glad to hear from him—he com- missioned us to do a chore or tfo for him—nnd well get them done mid let him know personally that they were! And a Idler from Floyd L, Lcnon, seaman second clnxs In irnlnlng at Oceanside, Cal, ■>Ve were able to send him Ihe nd- drtss 0? .Cpl. Mftrvlnwhich he requested,

• Tlien there was a V-mall let- ter Irom SgU Leonard Maurer who has Just been advanced to Uiat grade. He's over In England and neknowledged a ChrlsUnas —or New Year—greeting we were able lo send him. He »ay» we con quote him to Uie effect Uiat Uiere’s noUi- Ing In tho world like a good Ida­ho spud . . . and he'd like to us« a few of 'em for eating purposes. And Staff Sergeant C. E. Hen­derson sends In hbs rcgtirds from somewhere in India and clues with Uie typical thought, “I'd best close and get one cold water shaves."—nigged genii these O, I.’s.• Next In the list Is Sgt. Ralph L. Behretu who Uianks us for a note we dropped him a while back. Well, the pleasure was all ours. Behrena is In the down-un- der land..Ho.says Uie folks have . been "fair dlnkum" wlUililm, Nice nelghborsi He stiys he wTote his letter with k walerproof cloUi ov­er his tablet to keep the perspira­tion from- soaking the paper. He promises to stop la and have a chat one of these days. A card from Wayne NIghbert. A. 8. from Camp F^rrogut asmoundng that he •'made ll all Jight," Olad he dldl OeorsQ Ooff, a former mem­ber of Detweller'B staff In Twin Falls, sends it nice, note and In It congratulates , Charlie Belbcr, a brother worker on being aworded > key by the National Junior Cliamber of commerc® tor out* standing work. Qofl 1* now clas­sified as tt, ivcather observer with lots ol training ahead of him down al Buckley field. Colorado. Had a peach of • 1ell«r from Don t/eV' cotnb—he' loo thanks us lot a not« we’d sent him fUiough U wu a lone while, reoclilng him) and ncknowledges lelten from Harold Cooke and Walker Carr who reached him through this col­umn. We're gUd the; matle con- nKUons. Newcomb says-'keep up the good work on rolling out the biggest crops In history. Work lUte that makes the oieo In, the Mr-

vice really want to get in there and pltchl

• Elbert U Parrnr, a cWlHnn lechnlclan now stationed in nortli- ecji Ireland and formerly' of Twin Falls says hello nnd keep up the Kood work. He says to remember him to Lionel Deon, Slim Lyons and Lcmolno Stevens. Slim Lyons lina been with Detweller's the past six montlis. Farrnr, Incldentall)-. L? a technician working for tho Lockhced people on their ships In that neck of Uie woods. And he Went on lo say he'd pnsscd the •'Letter from Home" around and found ft number of fellows from Mnglc- valley In the group,

• Cpl. H. C. Fcllon wrote us a good letter filled wlUi sincerity and friendliness—nnd you bet w« will answer ll Just as soon as we can. Wc had Ihe pleasure of call­ing up Ills folks In Twin l%Ils and passing Ills greeting on to his molher. wife ajid daughter. The corporal U located In EngUnd— says he has seen the tjueen and that the occasoin was one of the mail thrilling In his O. L life. 'And probably our most consistent and wclcome correspondent, T/ Sgt. Woller P. King, drops an­other line — sUlI somewhere In Italy. He hu obtained another correspondent through Utls news letter — Pvt, Cleo C. Poster, whont lie surmises la in tlie Pacific somewhere. We used the poem whlcli King sent us. last week.

• A mutual friend cuts us In on some correspondence from.Collins Comwcll; fomierJy of Tifin Bilts —and now i printer ih tho navy. And he says, -1 could really wing some ducks'now as I am getting plenty of practice, aa I am gun­ner on Uie ship when general quarters sound — tho’ 1 am using someUilng slightly larger than a shotgun.".

• Wc musnl forget. aUo some ;^eara sent In by frtonds in MoglcValley—the P. V. Morrisons, of Murtaugh, report that Uielr.son. A/G Howart V. Morrlwn, has finished- “pre-lllght"- nt san- An- lonlo, Tex. and Is now taking primary at Coleman Field, Tex. Another son. Pfc. ■William Morri­son haa b«tn moved from North Africa to lUly. He. Is now witli a.ground crew servicing rafUo

' equlsimenl alter a. number o( raids over the conUnent from England as B taU gunner. 6UU onoUier son Pfc. Ployd 0, Is stnUoiied at Ft. DCS Moines In sn E. E. Veterinary detachment. AND' atUl another son. P v t . Robert W, Is In the Marine Coria and stationed at Notre Dame. And'that takes'care ot (he news of the fighting Mor< iUon»-4or the preacnl.

F e b . 13,1944

• Ted Koicmcyer. Twin Falla, and now a mc.w sergeant In "this man's army- makes news In Calc- „ land paper wllh the tlory ot . , Jungle cooking—"which cotulstJi of opening cans and adding water."I hope tho news doesn't get tprentl too generally around llie honir front or some of aur harrletl housewives will take it up. FXsr general news he adds-"We hove the kind of beach you dreatn about. White sands, palms wav­ing in the brecM and the moon shining Utrough the irees-beautl- full And every night rats nest In my barracks bags and anU pul their eggs In my ehoei." Borne luni Kc Is preprlctor of whut Is knoW as MoUier Kaiemeyefs Kitchen. Location; On s cozy comi Island somewhere In 'Die south Pacific, We thank Mrs, J, H, Bry­ant for this Information.

• Basketball scores—Durley 30.Filer 21: Olenns Ftrry 33. Twin

• Falls 31: Eden 47, T»1n Pulls Cubs 41: nupen 40, Filer U: Bur- 'Icy 38. Oakley 37: Hagcrrnan 32. Costleford 28; Ooodlng 37, Olcnn.t , Perry 30: Albion M, Paul 34: Bulil > J ! 39. Jerome 20; Wendell » , Good­ing 6Utc School 43: King Hill 6t. Grandview IB; Kimberly 43, Mur- taugh 22; Bhoslione 47. Dietrich18; lltyburo 41, Malu M; Catcy 19, Hailey 18; Decio 55, Acequla 39: PocaUUo 39, BoUe IS: Hampn 30, Caldwell 39; DoUo 40. Idaho PalUt

•31: Rexbunj 37. Idaho Falls 20: Shoshone 45, RlchflcId 15; Twin FalU Cubs 25. Goodliig State School 31: Olenns Fcrr)'45, Huger- mnn 20; Oakley 35. Jerome 16:King m u 38, Wendell 31; Bur-

• ley Rupert l»;.Edcn se, Hotcl-

• Biggeal and beat newt is thnt Maglo Valley lias gone over Uie top In the 4Ui War Loan Drive— and the drive Is not yet over, SUll to go will be receipts from s drlvn the Boy Scouts ore putUng on nnd a big County Pair War Bond sate the -Merchants Bureau and Uie Junior Chamber ot Commerce put on llUs Saturday. Pull rthirii* are not yet In—but be sure of thl»— tliey re really going lo bal here At home, whether Its war bonds. n«d Cross or crop pnsductlonl Per- . soniilly. I led that conmunUles ( i t such ns oura here In Magic VaI- ' J ley really are doing a )ob on thla war effort business wlUioul bene­fit ol romanllo ililpyart opem- tlons or proximlty to military In- &U\ltitlons which always «Weboost to cIvlUan effort So be sure we're aU behind you I

• Not much room for matv per­sonals Uils.veek-asldB tnm news which we-ve bad In the m*ll. «>

feUews on the . Ilghllng front n a l week. Be a e ^ youl




- D ^gned A f a Pmilic Service by B a iM e t 't , In ti-—
