Bigman Enterprises Limited Co.profile


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“Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people” – Leo Burnett

•Bigman Enterprises Limited is incorporated under CPR/2014/141662 under

the Companies Act ( Cap 486) on the 29th of April 2014, but has been in

existence since 2007.

•We’re a graphics agency that loves to design, and thrives on creativity

•We understand our client’s need, with their end picture in mind.

•We think. We exchange. We execute incisive ideas that are effective and get

lasting results.

•We hold experience in visuals to literature - from logos, adverts,

direct mail, packaging, point of sale, exhibitions,

corporate identity to full blown campaigns.

•We manage, coordinate, organize and source the best possible solutions from a

wide range of suppliers and partners.

•With a creative resource pool that lives, sleeps and breaths the gentle art of

communication we pride ourselves on having an intuitive understanding of how

to convey a given idea to maximum effect.

•Do you want to shout it from the rooftops? Or maybe just slip it in sublimely?

Whichever you want, we will get your message across loud and clear.

“Every child is an artist, the problem is staying an artist when you grow up” – Pablo Picasso

Targeted appeal

Our Approach

•There are numerous ways in which to present graphical information. At

Bigman, we take an all encompassing, holistic approach in getting Your

story across. We tailor campaigns to be any combination of printed

literature, photography and web based communiqué to ensure that these

different mediums both complement and enhance the overall message.

•So if you're looking for a graphic design agency that continually delivers

razor sharp and solid solutions then you need to look no further than


“You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘Why not’?”– George Bernard Shaw

Logo Creations

Spa product for a Tented lodge in the Maasai Mara

A Nairobi based Supply company

An organic nutrition-solution business

Logo Creations

A hospitality travel company

A Hand made artifacts business

A Privately funded NGO

Company Stationery

A mineral water bottling company based in

Mai Mahiu

Company Stationery

Jacaranda Hotels - Westlands

E-shots ,fliers & posters

Siana Springs Tented Camp

Maasai Mara

E-shots ,fliers & posters

Lake Duluti Lodges- Arusha

Valentines offer

Sarova Hotels Resorts & Game Lodges

E-shots ,fliers & posters

E-shots ,fliers & posters

Tazama Safaris

Leisure excursion offer

Menu Designs

Thorn Tree Cafe

Sarova StanleySarova Panafric

Menu Designs

Ol Tukai Lodge - Amboseli

Menu Designs

Sentrim Hotels & Lodges

Christmas menus

Exhibition Stand Design and print

Siana Springs Tented Camp

Exhibition Stand Design and print

Sentrim Hotels & Lodges

Exhibition Stand Design and print


Banners/ Visuals

Interdist Alliances

Marketers for CISCO/ORACLE

Banners/ visuals

Sarova Hotels Resorts & Game Lodges

Sentrim Hotels & Lodges

Banners/ visuals


Outer cover Inner pages

Our list of Clients

Our list of Clients

P.O Box 265-00621 NairobiTel: 0702 168624

