Big Blue Ox Big Question: How can animals help people? Author: Susan Stevens Crummel Illustrator:...


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Big Blue OxBig Question: How can animals help people?

Author: Susan Stevens


Janet StevensGenre:

Animal Fantasy



Big Blue OxDay 1

Daily Fix-it1. ox got Mom that pott.

2. He can hep Pop Mop.

Unit 1 Big Blue Ox - Day 1

Daily Fix-it1. ox got Mom that pott.

Ox got Mom that pot.

2. He can hep Pop Mop.He can help Pop mop.

Unit 1 Big Blue Ox - Day 1

Morning Warm-up

My dog likes to play. She likes to help me too! She helps me find the shoes I lose. How do animals help people?

Unit 1 The Big Blue OxDay 1

The Oxen Song

In olden days most farms had oxen.They helped to produce farmers’ crops.They pulled wagons for transportation.As helpers the oxen were tops.

Oxen, oxen,In past times big oxen wereEverywhere.Oxen, Oxen,In present times oxen are Rare.

Unit 1 The Big Blue Ox - Day 1

past If something happened in the past,

it has already happened.

produce When you produce something you

make or create it.

transportation Transportation is a way of moving

people or things from one place to another.

present Something that is happening now

is happening in the present.

hat pig

top t o pox o x

mop m o phot h o tpot p o t

rock r o ckWhen o is the only vowel letter in a word, it usually stands for the short o sound.

Word Work

n o ts o bl o t

h o pn o dg o t

s o ck

Unit 1 Big Blue Ox - Day 1

r o t

Word Reading - short o

• fox• ran• bag• mop• sat• lid• rock• am

• hop• top• back• six• not• wax• van

Unit 1 Big Blue Ox - Day 1

1. Reading WB page 232. Spelling WB page 93. Journal – Write about how an ox might

help a farmer.4. Take your AR test.5. Centers6. Read a book at your desk.

Unit 1 The Big Blue Ox – Day 1

Daily Journal Writing

Write about how an ox might help a farmer.

Unit 1 Big Blue Ox - Day 1

Big Blue OxDay 2

Daily Fix-it

3. mom and Pop can moop.

4. pop sat on the rok.

Unit 1 Big Blue Ox - Day 2

Daily Fix-it

3. mom and Pop can moop.Mom and Pop can mop.

4. pop sat on the rok.Pop sat on the rock.

Unit 1 Big Blue Ox - Day 2

Morning Warm-up

A dog can be a faithful friend. You can run and exercise together. A dog can also help you do work. Do you know a dog that is a helper?

Unit 1 The Big Blue OxDay 2

Amazing Words

• serve• danger

Unit 1 Big Blue Ox - Day 2

serve To serve means to do work for or

to help.

danger Danger is something that can hurt


-s plurals


pig pigsh a m sm a p st a b ss a ck sh i ll s

p a n sk i t sr a g sl o ck sb i ll sp i n s

One More than One

Unit 1 The Big Blue Ox – Day 2

Word Reading -s plurals

• wigs• fans• ribs• cabs• lips• dock• hogs• bats

• bins• jams• lids• van• bibs• tots• racks

Unit 1 Big Blue Ox - Day 2

1. Reading WB page 24, 25, 262. Spelling WB page 103. Journal – Write about how dogs can

help people.4. Take your AR test.5. Centers6. Read a book at your desk.

Unit 1 The Big Blue Ox – Day 2

Daily Journal Writing

Write about how dogs can help people.

Unit 1 Big Blue Ox - Day 2

Big Blue OxDay 3

Daily Fix- it

5. ox got the hot potz.

6. Pop got five lokks

Unit 1 Big Blue Ox - Day 3

Daily Fix- it

5. ox got the hot potz.Ox got the hot pots.

6. Pop got five lokksPop got five locks.

Unit 1 Big Blue Ox - Day 3

Morning Warm-up

Today we will read about a make-believe ox who cooks and shops! A real ox can’t cook or shop. Why can’t a real ox cook or shop?

Unit 1 The Big Blue Ox - Day 3

Amazing Words

snuggle When you snuggle with

someone, you lie close to them and get comfortable.

tot tots

• When you come to a new word, look at all the letters in the word and think about their sounds. Check to see if the word has an -s ending.

• cot• cots• job• jobs

Unit 1 Big Blue Ox - Day 3

Animal Jobs

Animals can do big jobs.They help people a lot.Some help police search

for tots who stray.Others herd flocks of

sheep every day.Guide dogs lead us

around town.They help avoid bumpsand bends.But the best job

animals haveIs to be our friends.

The Big Blue Ox – Day 3

Short o Not Short o

Unit 1 The Big Blue Ox – Day 3

• We know that a real

ox is strong and does work on a farm. We’re going to read a story about a made-up ox that is big and blue. We’ll find out what kind of work this ox does to help on the farm.


• town• mud

High - Frequency Words• get• blue• help• from• use• go• take• he

1. Reading WB page 272. Spelling WB page 113. Journal – Write about ways you help your

family.4. Take your AR test.5. Centers6. Read a book at your desk.

Unit 1 The Big Blue Ox – Day 3

big huge

The big blue ox is ___________.


Unit 1 The Big Blue Ox – Day 3


A big blue ox.

Can help Mom.

Unit 1 The Big Blue Ox

Day 3

The big ox _____________.

___________ have red wigs.

Mom and Pop ___________.

___________ cans in the sack.

Unit 1 The Big Blue Ox

Day 3

dig mop hopThe pigs ____________.

The boys ____________.

Mom and Pop ______________.

Unit 1 The Big Blue Ox

Day 3

Daily Journal Writing

Write about ways you help your family members.

Unit 1 Big Blue Ox - Day 3

Big Blue OxDay 4

Daily Fix-it

7. Hopp up for mom

8. ox gott a rock.

Unit 1 Big Blue Ox - Day 4

Daily Fix-it

7. Hopp up for momHop up for mom.

8. ox gott a rock.Ox got a rock.

Unit 1 Big Blue Ox - Day 4

Morning Warm-up

In past times, animals helped people meet their needs. They helped them use tools to farm land and build shelter. How can animals help in present times?

Unit 1 The Big Blue Ox - Day 4

Amazing Words

• enormous• powerful

Unit 1 Big Blue Ox - Day 4

enormous If something is enormous it is very, very


powerful Something that is powerful is very strong.

Review - short i and final x




Word Reading• Nick• pit• and• big• can• ran• we• six• sack• box

• fix• up• Pam• take• van• pigs• have• dig• hill• with

Unit 1 Big Blue Ox - Day 4

Words in Context

• Pam and Nick have to fix the van.• We can take the sack up the hill.• Six pigs ran to the box of cobs.• Dig a big pit with me.

Unit 1 The Big Blue OxDay 4

1. Reading WB page 28, 292. Spelling WB page 123. Journal – Write about another make-

believe animal that helps Mom and Pop.4. Take your AR test.5. Centers6. Read a book at your desk.

Unit 1 The Big Blue Ox – Day 4

Daily Journal Writing

Write about another make-believe animal that helps

Mom and Pop.

Unit 1 Big Blue Ox - Day 4

Big Blue OxDay 5

Morning Warm-up

This week we read about animal friends from the past and the present. Some animals provide transportation. Others protect people from danger. In what other ways do animals help people?

Unit 1 The Big Blue Ox - Day 5

Short o and –s Plurals

• Bob got a box.• The tots nap on the cots.• Jog to the top of the rocks.• Mom had hot pots.

Unit 1 The Big Blue OxDay 5

use get help

You can hop to _______ the pot.Mom can _________ if it’s hot.________ a lid to go on top.If it tips, get a mop!

Unit 1 Big Blue Ox - Day 5

1. Handwriting sheet2. Journal – Write about an animal that helps

people.3. Take your AR test.4. Centers5. Read a book at your desk.

Unit 1 The Big Blue OxDay 5

Daily Journal Writing

Write about an animal that helps people.

Unit 1 Big Blue Ox - Day 5
