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Translator's Remark

Whenever possible, the English version of the paper or book is presented. However, the order of the entries follows the original Russian edition. This has been done to minimize the possibility of printing errors. Since all the references to the literature in the text are indicated by the ordinal numbers, this ordering should cause no confusion.

1. Adenstedt, R. K. (1974). On large-sample estimation for the mean of a stationary random sequence, Ann. Statist., 2, No.6, 1095-1107.

2. Akaike H. (1973). Maximum likelihood identification of Gaussian autoregressive moving average models, Biometrika, 60, 255-266.

3. Anderson, O. D. (1976). On the inverse of the autocovariance matrix for a general moving average process, Biometrika, 63, 391-394.

4. Anderson, T. W. (1971). The Statistical Analysis of Time Series, J. Wiley, New York.

5. Anderson, T. W. (1973). Asymptotically efficient estimation of covariance matrices with linear structure, Ann. Statist., I, 1, 135-141.

6. Anderson, T. W. (1975). Estimation of maximum likelihood in autoregressive moving average models in the time and frequency domains, Department of Statistics, Stanford University, Stanford, California, Tech. Rpt. No. 20.

Bibliography 307

7. Anderson, T. W. (1977). Estimation for autoregressive moving average models in time and frequency domains, Ann. Statist., 5, 5, 842-865.

8. Arato, M. (1970). Exact formulas for densities of measures of elementary Gaussian processes, Studia Scient. Math. Hungarica, 5, 17-27.

9. Astrom, K. J. and Bohlin, T. (1965). Numerical identification of linear dynamic system from normal operating records, Proceedings of the Second IF AC Symposium on the Theory of Self-Adaptive Control Systems, Sept. 14-17, 1965, New York Plenum Press, New York, 1966.

10. Bartlett, M. S. (1946). On the theoretical specif ica tion and sampling properties of autocorrelated time-series, J. R. Stat. Soc., 1, 27-41.

11. Bartlett, M S. (1953). Approximate confidence intervals, II. More than one unknown parameter, Biometrika, 40, 3-4,306-317.

12. Bartlett, M. S. (1954). Prob1emes de 1 'analyse spectrale des series temporelles stationnaires, Publ. Inst. Statist. (Univ. de Paris) 3, fasc. 3, 119-134.

13. Bartlett, M. S. and Diananda, P. H. (1953). Extensions of Quenouille's test for autoregressive schemes, J. Roy. Statist. Soc., Ser. B, 15, 1, 107-124.

14. Bartlett, M. S. and Rajalakshman, D. S. (1953). Goodness of fit test for simultaneous autoregressive series, J. Roy. Statist. Soc., Ser. B, 15, 107-124.

15. Bartoo, T. B. and Puri, P. S. (1967). On optimal asymptotic tests of composite hypotheses, Ann. Math. Statist., 38, 6, 1845-1852.

16. Barton, D. E. (1953). On Neyman's smooth test of goodness of fit and its power with respect to a particular system of alternatives, Scand. Aktuartidskr., 36, 24-36.

17. Bentkus, R. (1972). On the error in estimates of spectral functions of stationary processes, Lit. Mat. Sbornik, 12, No.1, 55-71.

18. Bentkus, R. (1972). On the asymptotic normality of estimators of a spectral function, ibid, 12, No.3, 5-18.

19. Bentkus, R. (1977). Cuntulants of poly1inear forms of stationary sequences, Lithuanian Math. Journal, 17, 1, 16-31 (Russian version 27-46).

20. Bentkus, R. Ju. and ~urbenko, I. G. (1976). Asymptotic normality of spectral estimates. Soviet Mathematics Dokl., 17, No.4, 943-946 (Russian original 229, No.1, 11-14).

308 Bibliography

21. Blackman, R. B. and Tukey, J. W. (1959). The Measurement of Power Spectra from the Point of View of Communications Engineering, Dover, New York.

22. Bloomfield, P. (1976). Fourier Analysis of Time Series: An Introduction, Wiley, New York.

23. Bloomfield, P. (1973). An exponential model for the spectrum of a scalar time series, Biometrika. 60, 2, 217-226.

24. Box, G. E. P. and Jenkins, G. M (1976). Time Series Analysis. Forecasting and Control (Revised edition), Holden-Day, San Francisco.

25. Bol'shev~ L. i,N. and Smirnov, N. V. (1965). Tables of Mathematical Statistics, Nauka, Moscow.

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27. BrillingeI,'; D. R. (1969). Asymptotic properties of spectral estimates of second order, Biometrika, 56, 2, 375-390.

28. Buhler, W. J. and Puri, P. S. (1966). On optimal asymptotic fests of composite hypotheses with several constraints, Z. Wahrsheinlichkeitstheorie und verw. Gebiete, 5, 1, 71-88.

29. Wald, A. (1943). Tests of statistical hypotheses concerning several parameters when the number of observations is large, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 54, 3, 426-482.

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34. Giersch, W. and Sharpe, D. (1973). Estimation of power spectra with finite order autoregressive models, IEEE TrailS. Automat. COlllr., AC-18, 367-369.

35. Grenander, U. and Rosenblatt, M (1957). Statistical Analysis of Stationary Time Series, John Wiley, New York.

36. Grenander, U. and Rosenblatt, M. (1953). Statistical spectral analysis of time series arising from stationary stochastic processes, Ann. Math. Statist., 24, 537-558.

37. Grenander, U. and Szego, G. (1958). Toeplitz forms and their applications, Univ. of Calif. Press, Berkeley, California.

Bibliography 309

38. Dacunha-Castelle, D. (1979). Remarque sur I' etude asymptotique du rapport de vraisemblance de deux processus gaussiens stationnaires, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 288, Ser. A, 225-228.

39. Dunsmuir, W. (1979). A central limit theorem for parameter estimation in stationary vector time series and its application to models for a signal observed with noise, Ann. Statist., 3, 7, 490-506.

40. Dunsmuir, W. and Hannan, E. J. (1976). Vector linear time series models, Adv. Appl. Prob., 8, 339-364.

41. Dzhaparidze, K. O. (1973). Methods of estimating parameters of stationary stochastic signals with a rational spectrum Prob. Inf. Trans., 9, 4, May 1975, 295-301 (Russian original Oct.-Dec. 1973, 33-42).

42. Dzhaparidze, K. O. (1974). On simplified estimators of unknown parameters with good asymptotic properties. Theory Prob. and Applic., 19, 347-358.

43. Dzhaparidze, K. O. (1974). A new method for estimating spectral parameters of a stationary regular time series, Theory Prob. and Applic., 19, 1, 120-130.

44. Dzhaparidze, K. O. (1977). Tests of composite hypotheses for random variables and stochastic processes, Theory Prob. and Applic., 22, 104-118.

45. Dzhaparidze, K. O. (1977). Estimation of parameters of spectral density with fixed zeros, Theory Prob. and Applic., 22, 708-729.

46. Dzhaparidze, K. O. (1974). Lectures on Statistics of Random Processes, Jena University (in Russian).

47. Dzhaparidze, K. O. (1977). Asymptotically efficient estimation of parameters of a spectrum of Gaussian time series, Tbilisi University Press, Tbilisi, GSSR (in Russian).

48. Dzhaparidze, K. O. (1970). On the estimation of the spectral parameters of a Gaussian stationary process with rational spectral density, Theory Prob. and Applic., 15, 531-538.

49. Dzhaparidze, K. O. (1971). On methods for obtaining asymptotically efficient spectral parameter estimates for a stationary Gaussian process with rational spectral density, Theory Prob. and Applic., 16, 550-554.

50. Dzhaparidze, K. O. and Marr, G. 1. (1974). On the evaluation of the likelihood ratio for a generalized Gaussian process with rational spectral density, Theory Prob. and Applic., 19, 407-409.

310 Bibliography

51. Dzhaparidze, K. O. and Marr, G. I. (1978). Estimation of spectrum parameters of random processes on the basis of observations in noise, Probl. of Inform. Transmission, July 1978, 26-34 (Russian original 14, No.1, Jan.-March 1978, 37-49).

52. Dzhaparidze, K. O. and Nikulin, M. S. (1974). On a modification of a standard statistics of Pearson, Theor. Prob. and Applic., 19, 851-852.

53. Dzhaparidze, K. O. and Yaglom, A. M. (1973). Asymptotically efficient estimation of spectrum parameters of stationary stochastic processes, Proceedings of the Prague Symposium on Asymptotic Statistics, 55-105, Charles University, Prague.

54. Dzhaparidze, K. O. and Yaglom, A. M (1975). Application of a modified "scoring method" of Fisher to the estima tion of spectral parameters of random processes, Soviet Mathematics Doki., 15, No.4, 1077-1082 (Russian original 217, 512-515 (1974».

55. Dzhaparidze, K. O. and Yaglom, A. M. (1977). Estimation of parameters of the spectral density of random processes with stationary increments and stationary processes with vanishing spectral density. Abstracts of papers presented at the Second International Vilnius I Conference on the Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Vol. I, 121-122.

56. Jenkins, G. N. and Watts, D. G. (1968). Spectral Analysis and its Applications, Holden-Day, San Francisco.

57. Deistler, M, Dunsmuir, W., and Hannan, E. J. (1978). Vector linear time series models corrections and extensions, Adv. Appl. Probab., 10, 360-372.

58. Doob, J. L. (1953). Stochastic Processes, J. Wiley, New York.

59. Durbin, J. (1960). The fitting of time-series models, Rev. Inst. Intern. Statist., 28, 233-234.

60. Durbin, J. (1959). Efficient estimation of parameters in moving-average models, Biometrika, 46, 306-316.

61. Davies, R. B. (1973). Asymptotic inference in stationary Gaussian time-series, Adv. Appl. Probab., 5, 469-497.

62. Davis, H. T. and Jones, R. H. (1968). Estimation of the innovation variance of a stationary time series, JASA, 63, 321, 141-149.

63. Zhurbenko, I. G. and Zuev, N. H. (1975). Higher order spectral densities of stationary processes with mlxmg, Ukrainian Math. Journal, 27, No.4, July-August 1976, 364-373

Bibliography 311

(Trans. of the Russian original, July-August 1975, 442-464). 64. Zacks, S. (1970). The Theory of Statistical Inference, J.

Wiley, New York. 65. Zygmund, A. (1959). Trigonometric Series I. (Second

edition), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England. 66. Ibragimov, I. A. (1963). On estimation of the spectral

function of a stationary Gaussian process, Theory Prob. and Applic., 8, 366-401.

67. Ibragimov, I. A. (1968). On a theorem of G. Szego, Mathematical Notes, 3, 442-448.

68. Ibragimov, I. A. and Rosanov, Yu. A. (1970). Gaussian Random Processes, Nauka, Moscow.

69. Ibragimov, I. A. and Tovstik, T. M. (1964). On an estimator for spectral densities, Vestnik LGU (Herald of Leningrad State University), 1, 42-57.

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71. Kendall, M G. and Stuart, A. (1967). The Advanced Theory of Statistics, Vol. 2 Inference and Relationship, (Fourth edition (1979», Griffin (Hafner), London.

72. Quenouille, M. H. (1947). A large-sample test for goodness of fit of autoregressive schemes, J. Roy. Stat. Soc., Ser. A, 110, 123-129.

73. Quenouille, M. H. (1957). The Analysis of Multiple Time Series, Griffin, London.

74. Clevenson, M. L. (1970). Asymptotically efficient estimates of the parameters of a moving average time series, Stanford University, Statistics Dept. Techn. Rep. No. 15, Stanford, California.

75. Kohn, R. (1978). Asymptotic properties of time domain Gaussian estimators, Adv. Appl. Probab., 2, 10, 339-359.

76. Cramer, H. (1946). Mathematical Methods of statistics, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.

77. Koopmans, L. H. (1974). The Spectral Analysis in Time Series, Academic Press, New York.

7S. Levin, M J. (1965). Power spectrum parameter estimation, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory IT-II, 1, 100-107.

79. LeCam, L. (1956). On the asymptotic theory of estimation and testing hypothesis, Proc. Third Berkeley Sympos. Math. Statist. Probab., 1, 129-156.

SO. LeCam, L. (1960). Locally asymptotically normal families of distributions, Univ. of California Publ. Statist., 3,

312 Bibliography

No.2, 37-98. ~

81. LeCam, L. (1969). Theorie Asymptotique de fa Decision Statistique, Les Presses de l'Universite de Montreal, Montreal.

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86. Mann, H. and Wald, A. (1943). On the statistical treatment of linear stochastic difference equations, Econometrics, II, 173-220.

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96. Osidze, A. G. (1974). On a goodness of fit test in the case of dependence of spectral density of Gaussian processes on unknown parameters, ibid., 74, No.2, 273-275.

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98. Pagano, M. (1972). Estimation of models of autoregressive signal plus white noise, State University of New York at Buffalo, Research Report No. 57.

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Asymptotically efficient estimator 100, 182,223

asymptotically normal estimator 201 asymptotic differentiability 73, 166, 206,

208, 236, 247, 268 asymptotic equivalence of

estimators 147, 170, 178 asymptotic maximum likelihood

estimators 198, 220, 221, 222 asymptotic efficiency of 199

autoregressive process 4, 36, 93, 103, 115, 136

Gaussian 243, 259, 296 linear 190,216,217,280 multidimensional 304

asymptotic normality in the LeCam sense 21

asymptotic optimality 265 asymptotic unbiasedness 173

Bartlett and Diananda' s functions 281, 283, 303

Bartlett's formula 217, 221 Bartlett's test 268 Bayesian tests 268 Bessel inequality 278

block matrices 226 inversion of 226

BLUE estimator 43, 56, 98 Bol'shev and Nikulin's test 268 Brownian bridge 28, 29, 274, 276

Cauchy-Schwarz inequality 188, 192 Cauchy-Schwarz matrix 174 Chebyshev inequality 63, 70 Chernoff and Lehmann's result 288,

294 X2 (chi-squared) distribution 183, 25, 30,

126,183,237,277,287 x2-non-central 30, 32, 33, 238, 250,

277, 278, 285, 286, 288, 293 Clevenson estimator 235 close alternatives 34, 37, 302 contiguity 7, 66, 68, 101

of sequences of distributions 237, 241, 247

contiguous alternatives 222 consistent estimator 32, 33, 110, 209,

213,219,220,223,228,249 correct normalizing function 186 correlation function 148, 163, 211 cospectral density 183


covariance function I, 3, 36, 50, 113, ll8, 124, 131, 153, 154, 176

covariance matrix 183, 187, 212, 240, 252,290

Cramer-Rao inequality 192 Cramer-Wold device 163 Critical function (see test function) Critical region 237, 240

Davidon-Fletcher-Powell's method 231, 234

differentiability in LeCam's sense 9, 20, 21

differentially asymptotically equivalent measures 271

differentially asymptotically similar tests 251, 269, 270

Dirac's 8-function 150, 162

Ellipsoid of concentration 169 excess, coefficient of 160 experiments, sequence of 166, 168, 171,

178, 236, 247 exponential measure 168 Euler's constant 220

Fejer's sums 53, 54, 82, 141 Fejer's theorem 165 Fisher's efficiency 108, 144 Fisher's information matrix 20, 107,

108, ll4, ll7, 123, 126, 135, 144, 192, 204, 220, 304

Fisher's information quantity 183 Fourier coefficients 38, 53, 63, 68, 77,

81, 95, 96, 107, 163 fourth cumulant 140, 196

Gauss-Markov estimator 43 Gaussian autoregressive process 27, 134 Gaussian homogeneous field 100 Gaussian process 4, 7, 10,35,43,64,

66,67,93,94, 189, 198, 199, 208, 246, 300, 305

Gaussian "restriction" 154 Grenander and Rosenblatt's result 300,


Hannan estimator 24 Hannan's equation 227,230 Hannan's method 225, 235 Hajek LAN 184 Hermitian matrix 56, 157 Hilbert matrix 97 HLAN 184 (see also Hajek LAN)

Ibragimov and Tovstik's result 301 idempotent matrices 285

Jacobian 203

Koh.llogorov-Smimov test 29, 274 Kronecker product 145

LAM 185


LAN property 108, 145, 155-166, 174, 176, 184, 186

least squares estimator (LSE) 98, 100, 139, 140, 144, 210

optimality of 175 universal property of 144

least squares method 202 likelihood function 4, 10, 43, 57, 100,

116, 187 approximation to 100 principal part of 5, 6, 50, 94, 103,

116, 183 likelihood ratio 60, 107, 155, 191, 263

criterion (test) 26, 27, 263, 267, 268 linear regression analysis 97 Lipschitz condition 164 loss function 182, 184

approximation to 100

Martingale 160 Martingale differences 159, 193 maximum likelihood estimator 102, 126,

178, 182 asymptotic ll, 12, 103, 104, 114,

129, 134, 138, 173, 182, 183, 192, 193

asymptotic efficiency of 103, 114, 183


asymptotic normality of 103, 114, 129, 140, 183

consistency of 111-113, 129, 140, 183

optimality of 103 method of moments 202 moving average process 45, 46, 93, 118,

128, 212, 222 mixed autoregressive moving average

process 5, 27, 37, 45, 48, 93, 121, 137, 138,214,225,282, 298

mixed cumulant of fourth order 149, 160 of mth order 161

mixing coefficient 162

Newton-Raphson method 19, 203-204, 234

Neyman's C(a)-test 255, 267-268 generalized 259, 263, 272

Neyman's "'; test 268, 279 Neyman's test statistic 27 noise 13, 14, 128, 189

white 14, 24, 128, 189 noise intensity 130, 133 normalizing matrix 179

Observations errors 13, 14 w2-test 29 Omstein-Uhlenbeck process 94, 95

Parzen's method (procedure) 24, 229,235 generalization of 229

Pearson' s X2 test 34 periodogram 6,9,52, 194,207,301

smoothed 194 polynomial majorant 182 polynomial-trigonometric regression 98 power of a test 236-237, 239, 251

average 239, 253, 270 pseudo best estimator 99 pseudo spectral density 99

Quasi-Newton method 234 QuenouiJIe orthogonal functions 280, 281 Quenouille's method (test) 31, 279, 303


Rao's test statistic 27, 241, 244, 256, 267,279

generalization of 263, 272 regression spectrum 100 regular estimator 174, 176

risk of 169 regularity in Hajek's sense 145, 148,

167, 173, 176, 185 Renyi test 29 Riemann sums 100, 101, 222, 227, 303 robustness of estimators 142, 159 roots of systems of equations 201-202,

213, 215, 216, 219, 222, 232 Rosenblatt's mixing condition 150

Scoring, method of 204-205 LeCam's generalization of 205

semiparametric model 176, 190 signal 17, 24, 129, 137, 189, 216, 217 spectral density I, 33, 35, 43, 47, 48,

50,55,58,64,66,71,76,85, 87, 91, 96, 98, 122, 179, 183, 198, 209, 212, 233, 245, 280, 300

exponential 13, 24, 27, 31, 125, 220 Fourier transform of 130

stationary process with discrete time 3, 160

statistics of second order 146 stochastic difference equation 220 stochastic regressors 193 strong mixing condition II, 16, 149,

152, 162 Szego's theorem 94, 95

T-consistent estimator 200, 20 I, 204, 207

test function 236-237,239,251 test-statistics (see test function)

dominance of 266 third LeCam lemma 171 Taylor's espansion 290 Toeplitz matrix 4, 35, 38, 51, 60, 99,

153 inverse of 93

trigonometric regressor 56


Vandermonde matrix 39

Wald criterion 27 [see Wald's (test) statistic]

Wald's test statistic 242, 244, 245, 251, 267

generalization of 263, 272

white noise 216 Whittle approximation 101 Whittle formula 5, 6, 7


Whittle-(type) estimator 15, 16, 17,22, 23, 151, 194,225,228,234

Wilson's iteration method 213

Yule-Walker equation 116
