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BIBLE BASICS"Open your heart when you open your Bible."

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LESSON No. 1 Coverage: Creation Through The Flood

Chart #1 General View of the First Covenant

1. Number of Books - 39

2. Theme of the Old Testament - Expectation and Longing - JOB 23:3

3. Period of writing - 1400 years by 32 different writers

*4. Only ONE AUTHOR - 2 PETER 1:21; 2 TIM 3:16

5. Books of the Bible: Law - 5 books (THE TORAH)

History - 12 booksPoetry - 5 booksProphecy - 5 major; 12 minor

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LESSON #1Chart #2 The Creation

1. "In the beginning, God created the heaven and

the earth." - GEN 1:1; HEB 11:3; JOB 38:1-7

2. Genesis is a book of beginnings

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LESSON #1Chart #3 The Creation of the Earth

1. 1st day, light appears - GEN 1:3-5

2. 2nd day, water above divided the waters below - GEN 1:6-8

3. 3rd day, earth & sea divided; grass & trees - GEN 1:9-13

4. 4th day, sun & moon given for light, time & seasons- GEN 1:14-19; PSA 104:19

5. 5th day, sea creatures, fowls of the air created - GEN 1:20-23

6. 6th day, cattle, beasts & first man Adam- GEN 1:24-31

7. 7th day, God rested (ceased His creative work) fromall that He had made - GEN 2:1-3; HEB 4:9-11

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LESSON #1Chart #4 First Dispensation - Innocence

DISPENSATION = A period of time in which God deals

with man in a particular way

1. Adam & Eve warned of consequence of sin- GEN 2:15-17

2. The serpent (the devil) deceives Eve - GEN 3:1 (REV 12:9)

3. Adam & Eve eat of the forbidden fruit - GEN 3:6-7

4. Sin breaks communion with God - GEN 2:15-17; ISA 59:2 (Spiritual Death)

5. God sought Adam - Romans 3:11; John 15:15

*6. They sewed fig leaves together to cover their nakedness - Man's way to cover


*7. God shed the blood of animals to cover

their sin which established the importance of Blood,God's plan - Genesis 3:7,21; Hebrews 9:22; 10:16-25

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LESSON #1Chart #5 Innocence ends in Judgement

1. The curse - GEN 3:14-19

2. The promise - GEN 3:15; ROM 5:19

3. Adam and Eve are sent from the garden - GEN 3:23-24

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LESSON #1Chart #6 Second Dispensation - Conscience

*1. Dispensation of Conscience = Man was now aware (conscience) of good and evil - GEN 3:5

2. Birth of Cain & Able - GEN 4:1-2

*3. God accepts Abel's sacrifice because it was his best (first lings of the flock) and it was a blood sacrifice - GEN 4:4; HEB 11:4

*4. God did not accept Cain's sacrifice because it was not his best and Cain displayed a bad attitude - GEN 4:3-7

5. Cain kills Abel - GEN 4:86. Seth begins blood line of promised Redeemer

- GEN 4:25-267. World became very wicked, but Noah found grace

in the eyes of the Lord - GEN 6:1-8

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LESSON #1Chart #7 Noah Builds the Ark

1. Noah builds an ark of gopher wood - GEN 6:14-16

2. Noah warns of coming judgement - 2 PET 2:5 (1 PET 3:20)

3. Conscience Dispensation ends injudgement by the flood

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LESSON #1Chart #8 The Ark that Noah Built

1. Size: 600 ft. long, 100 ft. wide, 60 ft. high2. Would hold 1,000 box cars, or 100 Barnum


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LESSON #1Chart #9 Days of Noah - Coming of Christ

- MATT 24:37-44; 2 PET 3:3-7

1. Wickedness great in the earth - 2 TIM 3:13

2. Large number of unholy marriages - MATT 24:38-39

3. Many men of renown - DAN 12:4

4. World unaware of approaching disaster - LUKE 21:35

5. All the earth corrupt - 2 TIM 3:2

6. Noah's family enters ark of safety - 1 THES 4:17

7. Noah and his family were in the ark 371 days

8. Noah returns to earth after the flood - JUDE 14-15

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Lesson # 2: Human Government Dispensation to Egyptian Bondage

LESSON #2Chart #10 Third Dispensation - Human Government

1. God makes a covenant with Noah - GEN 8:20-22; 9:8-172. The earth to be destroyed by fire the next time - 2 PET 3:6-73. Noah's sons told to replenish the earth - GEN 9:14. Ham is cursed; Shem & Japheth are blessed - GEN 9:20-275. The whole world had one language - GEN 11:16. Noah's descendants begin to build a tower - GEN 11:2-4

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LESSON #2Chart #11 Human Government Ends in Judgement - The Dispersion

1. Nimrod was the founder of Babel - GEN 10:8-102. God confounds their language and scatters them - GEN 11:5-93. The beginning of nations and languages4. Human Government ends in judgement by the dispersion

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LESSON #2Chart #12 Fourth Dispensation - Promise

1. The scattered races turn to idol worship - ROM 1:21-282. The call of Abram - GEN 12:13. "The Promise" given to Abram - GEN 12:2-34. The covenant and its seal between God & Abram - GEN 17:1-145. Abram and his wife's names are changed - GEN 17:5,15

*6. Abraham called "the Father of the Faithful" - ROM 4:17-217. Abraham and Lot separate - GEN 13:8-138. Ishmael is born, the father of the Arabs - GEN 16:159. Sodom & Gomorrah are destroyed by fire - GEN 19:1-2810. Isaac is born, the promised son - GEN 21:1-311. Abraham's faith is tested - Gen 22:1-14; HEB 11:17-19

*12. Abraham's sons represent two covenants - GAL 4:22-24

Isaac = Son of Promise / Covenant of Grace Ishmael = Son of Doubt / Covenant of the Law

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LESSON #2Chart #13 Jacob and Esau

1. Esau & Jacob are born to Isaac & Rebecca - GEN 25:21-262. Esau sells his birthright to Jacob - GEN 25:29-343. Jacob deceives his father and receives his birthright - GEN 27:1-404. Jacob's dream and his vow to God - GEN 28:10-22; JN 1:45-515. Jacob spends 20 years working for his wives and for his cattle

- GEN 29 & 306. Jacob wrestles with an angel and his name is changed to Israel

(he has prevailed) - GEN 32:1-32

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LESSON #2Chart #14 Promise Ends in Judgement

1. Jacob has twelve sons2. Joseph is the most loved of Jacob - GEN 37:3-43. Joseph is sold by his brothers - GEN 37:12-284. Joseph is cast into prison - GEN 395. Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dream and is promoted - GEN 41:1-446. Joseph forgives his brothers - GEN 45:1-87. Jacob and all his family moves to Egypt - GEN 46:1-7,268. Promise ends in Egyptian bondage - EX 1:8-14; GEN 15:13-14

*9. The Children of Israel - GEN 29:32-35; 30:1-24

By Leah: Reuben By Bilhah: DanSimeon NaphtaliLeviJudah By Zilpah: GadIssachar AsherZebulun

By Rachel: Joseph (begat Manasseh & Ephraim - GEN 48:15-22)Benjamin

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Lesson # 3: Birth of Moses to Entering the Promised Land

LESSON #3Chart 15 Fifth Dispensation - Law

1. Moses, the deliverer from bondage - EX 3:7-102. The birth of Moses - EX 2:2-103. Moses slays the Egyptian and flees to Midian - EX 2:11-154. God speaks to Moses through the burning bush - EX 3; 4:1-175. God sends ten plagues on the land of Egypt - EX 7:19 - 10:296. Blood applied to the door post - EX 12:1-367. Israelites cross the Red Sea - EX 14:1-318. Moses receives the Law on Mt. Sinai - EX 19 & 209. Plans for the building of the Tabernacle - EX 25, 26 & 2710. Forty years of wandering in the wilderness

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LESSON #3Chart 16 The Tabernacle

1. The Tabernacle given for a figure (HEB 9:8-19);

2. The divisions - Outer Court, Holy Place, Holiest of Holies3. Holy Place - 10 x 10 x 20 cu. = 2,000 cu. or the "Church Age"4. Holiest of Holies - 10 x 10 x 10 = 1,000 cu or the "Millenial Reignof Jesus Christ" - REV 20:4

a shadow (HEB 10:1); examples-patterns (HEB 8:5; 1 COR 10:11; LK 24:44) a shadow (HEB 10:1); examples-patterns (HEB 8:5; 1 COR 10:11; LK. 24:44

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LESSON #3Chart 17 The Brazen Altar

1. A place of Death and shedding of blood, typifying Jesus Christ, ourperfect Sacrifice - HEB 9:28; ISA 53:7; JOHN 1:292. Our bodies must be a living sacrifice - ROM 6:6; 8:36; GAL 2:203. Must go by the altar to enter Tabernacle - no way to enter presenceof God except by way of repentance - ACTS 3:19; 1 JN 1:9

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LESSON #3 Chart 18 The Brazen Laver

1. Priest must wash before ministering in Tabernacle; our sins areforgiven at the altar of repentance and washed away, or remitted in baptism - ACTS 22:16; 1 PET 3:20-212. Laver reflected image; repentant sinner sees himself before baptism- 1 COR 6:9-11; ROM 6:3-73. Last command to Moses - "Wash at the laver that ye die not," lastwords of Jesus - "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved"- EX 30:20-21; MARK 16:16

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LESSON #3Chart 19 The Golden Candlestick

1. The light of the Tabernacle; Jesus is divine light - JOHN 8:122. The light of God reveals His mysteries - 2 COR 4:6; EPH 3:53. This light was to burn continually; we are the light of the worldto burn continually - MATT 5:16; 1 PET 3:15

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LESSON #3Chart 20 The Table of Shew bread

1. Priest lived on this bread; we live by the Bread of Life- JOHN 6:32-35, 63; 1 PET 2:2

2. Shew bread to be continually renewed; Word of God must be continuallyrenewed in our lives - JOHN 5:39; ACTS 17:11

3. Frankincense was sprinkled on the Shewbread; Word of God is sometimesbitter - 2 TIM 3:16-17; Sweet to the inner man - PSALM 119:103

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LESSON #3Chart 21 Altar of Incense

1. A type of drawing neigh to God in prayer - ROM 8:26-27; MATT 6:6

2. Fire for incense brought from Brazen Altar; our prayers must bebacked up by sacrifices - JOHN 15:7; 1 JOHN 3:22

3. Incense offered daily; pray without ceasing - LUKE 18:1; 1 CHR 16:11

4. Three types of fire; destruction (Brazen Altar); inspiration(Candlestick); construction (Altar of Incense)

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LESSON #3Chart 22 The Ark of the Covenant

1. The Ark is representative of God's presence - EX 25:222. The Ark always led the people; the resurrected Christ will lead His people3. The Veil was a type of Jesus' humanity - HEB 10:19-214. The Veil concealed the glory of God - 2 COR 3:13-165. Inside the Ark were the tables of the Ten Commandments, Aaron's rodthat budded, and a golden pot of manna - HEB 9:46. Aaron's rod was a type of Christ's resurrection7. The Mercy Seat was the Throne of God in Israel8. The sprinkling of blood on the Mercy Seat changed the Throne of Godfrom a judgement seat into a throne of grace - HEB 4:14-16

The Tabernacle is a type of the New Birth in the New Testament

1. Furniture was in the shape of a cross; Jesus Christ fulfilled everypart of the Tabernacle; we must also fulfill it by:

(a) Repentance = sins forgiven by our sacrifice, Jesus (b) Baptism in the Name of Jesus = sins washed away(c) Receive the Holy Ghost = enter into the presence of God - JOHN 3:5; ACTS 2:38; Ephesians 1:13-14

2. Make sure we know the proper escape route

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Lesson # 4: Crossing into Canaan to End of Old Testament

LESSON #4Chart 23 Crossing Jordan - The Judges

1. Death of Moses - DEUT 342. Joshua - JOSH 1:1-5; 24:1-283. Crossing the Jordan River - JOSH 4:5-74. Conquest of Canaan5. Reign of the Judges - 15 men6. Gideon - JUDG 7:19-227. Samson - JUDG 13-168. Samuel - 1 SAM 1-3

Chart 24 Israel demands a King - United Kingdom

1. Saul - 1 SAM 9-132. David - 1 SAM 16 - 1 KINGS 13. Solomon - 1 KINGS 2-11

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LESSON #4Chart 25 Divided Kingdom - Age of the Prophets

1. Revolt of ten tribes - 1 KINGS 122. Jeroboam leader of Israel (10tribes) - capitol Samaria3. Israel taken captive by Assyrians in 721 B.C.4. Rehoboam leader of Judah (2 tribes) - capitol Jerusalem5. Judah taken captive by Babylon in 606 B.C. and 586 B.C.6. Elijah, Elisha, and Jonah were three prophets for Israel7. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel sent to Judah8. Prophecies in Old Testament concerning Jesus Christ

Old Testament Prophecy New Testament------------- -------- -------------a. MICAH 5:2 Place of birth MATT 2:1b. ISA 7:14 Born of a virgin MATT 1:18c. ISA 53:3 Rejected by Jews JOHN 1:11d. ZECH 9:9 Triumphal entry JOHN 12:13-14e. PSA 41:9 Betrayed by a friend MARK 14:10f. ZECH 11:12 Sold for 30 pc. silver MATT 26:15g. ISA 50:6 Smitten and spat upon MARK 14:65h. ISA 53:4-5 Suffered for us MATT 8:16-17i. PSA 22:16 Hands and feet pierced JOHN 20:27j. PSA 69:21 Given gall and vinegar JOHN 19:29k. PSA 22:18 Cast lots for garments MARK 15:24l. PSA 34:20 Not a bone to be broken JOHN 19:33m. PSA 68:18 His ascension LUKE 24:50-51

9. Prophecies concerning the Church Age1. ISA 28:9-13; 2. EZEK 36:26-27; 3. JOEL 2:28-32

10. Prophecies concerning the end times1. NAHUM 2:4; 2. DAN 12:4

11. Prophecies concerning the Jews1. EZEK 37; 2. ZEPH 3:20; 3. AMOS 9:15

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LESSON #4Chart 26 Restoration of the Remnant

1. Temple rebuilt by Zerubbabel - EZRA 1:1-4; 6:14-152. Walls repaired by Nehemiah - NEH 1:1-3; 6:153. Last of Old Testament prophets were Haggai, Zechariah,& Malachi4. 400 silent years before New Testament begins

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LESSON NO. 5 - Coverage: General View of New Testament, to Christ's Earthly Ministry

LESSON #5Chart 27 General View of the New Testament

1. "We have found Him ... Jesus of Nazareth." -John 1:45;1 Pet 1:10-122. Division of books - 2 Tim. 2:15a. 4 books - gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)b. 1 book - history of early church (Acts)c. 14 books - Pauline epistles7 books - General epistlesd. 1 book - prophecy (Revelation)e. 27 books, 8 authors, covering 100 years

Chart 28 John the Baptist

1. During the 400 silent years, the world power shifted from Medes andPersians to Greece and then to Rome.2. Prophecies concerning John the Baptist - Isa. 40:3-5; Mal. 3:1;Mark 1:2,33. John was the forerunner of Jesus Christ - Mark 1:2; Luke 1:15-17,Luke 1:76-804. He preached repentance and baptism - Mark 1:4-85. Jesus' testimony concerning John - Matt. 11:7-15

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LESSON #5Chart 29 Jesus Christ, "The Hope of the World"

1. Prophecies concerning him - Micah 5:2; Isa. 7:14; Matt. 1:18-232. The birth of Jesus Christ - Matt. 2:1-11; Luke 2tl-73. At the age of 12 years, Jesus was found in the temple reasoningwith the scribes - Luke 2:46,474. Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist -Luke 3:21,22; Matt 3:13-175. Before beginning His ministry. Jesus was tempted in thewilderness - Matt. 4:l-ll

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LESSON #5Chart 30 Christ's Earthly Ministry

1. Jesus chooses twelve disciples - Mark 1:16-20; Luke 6:13-16;Matt. 10:2-42. Jp,,dus used two means to attract people - His miracles and Histeaching - Matt. 4:21-21;3. He used three kinds of miracles - those in the sphere of nature,those wherein He displayed authority over disease and death, and those in which He controlled demons.4. Miracle of turning water into wine - John 2:1-115. Miracles of feeding the multitudes - Luke 9:12-17; Mark 8:1-96. Miracle of calming the sea - Luke 8:22-257. Miracle of healing the man with the palsy - Mark 2:1-128. Miracle of opening blind eyes - Matt. 9:27-30; John 9:1-79. Miracle of raising from the dead the widow of Nain's son- Luke 7:11-1510. Miracle of raising Lazarus 4 days after his death - John 11:39-4411. Miracle of raising Jairus' daughter from the dead - Mark 5:35-4212. Miracle of casting out demons - Mark 5:1-20; Luke 8:26-3613. Physical afflictions caused by demon powers that Jesus healed -Matt. 12:22; Matt. 9:32,33; Matt. 8:16; Luke 13:1114. The danger of not being filled with the Spirit of God- Matt 12:43-4515. Our insurance against demon possession - Eph. 6:10-1816. Authority given believers to cast out devils - Matt 10:1; Mk 16:1717. Jesus taught in parables - Matt. 13:10-17a. Parable of the sower - Matt. 13:3@, 19-23; Mark 4:3-8, 14-20b. Parable of the hidden treasure - Matt. 13:44c. Parable of the mustard seed - Matt. 13:31,32; Matt. 17:20

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LESSON NO. 6 - Coverage: Who was Jesus Christ to the Crucifixion

LESSON #6Chart 31 Who is JESUS CHRIST?

1. God is a Spirit - St. John 4:242. God manifest in the flesh - 1 Tim. 3:16; 2 Cor. 5:193. Fulness of Godhead bodily in Jesus - Col. 2:8,9; Eph. 4:44. Divine/Human traits of Jesus:

As Man As God------ ------

Born a baby, or son - Matt 1:23-25 Born the Mighty God - Isa. 9:6 Increased in wisdom - Luke 2:52 Knows all things - John 21:17 Became hungry - Matt. 4:2 Fed multitudes - Matt 14:19-21Was a servant - Phil. 2:7 Was king of kings - Rev. 19:16

Dwelt on earth - John 1:14 Created the earth -Col 1:16,17 Prayed - Luke 22:44 Answers prayer - John 14:13,14

Became sacrifice for sins-Heb 9:26 Forgave sins - Mark 2:5-7 Died - John 19:30 Arose - Luke 24:1-6

5. Scriptures teach only one God - Deut. 6:4; Isa 44:6; Isa 43:10,116. Jesus claimed to be God - John 10:30; 14:7-11; 8:24,587. Jesus existed from the beginning as the "Word" - John 1:18. The Son of God had his beginning at Bethlehem - John 1:14; Gal 4:49. God was manifested as Father in creation, Son in redemption andHoly Ghost in regeneration - 1 John 5:7; St. John 1:1410. Terms "God the Son","The Eternal Son" & "Trinity" are unscriptural

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LESSON #6Chart 32 Apostle Peter Given Keys to the Kingdom

1. Apostles questioned by Jesus - Matt. 16:13-152. Peter's good confession - Matt. 16:163. Church to be established on rock - Matt. 16:184. That rock was Christ - Psa. 18:31; Eph. 2;205. Peter given "keys "to kingdom - Matt. 16:19

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LESSON #6Chart 33 Path to Christ's Death

1. Triumphal Ride into Jerusalem - Zech. 9-.9; Matt. 21:1-9; Luke 19:29-402. Wept over Jerusalem - Luke 19:41-443. Judas arranged betrayal - Matt. 26:14-i64. Disciples prepared Passover Supper - Luke 22:7-135. The Last Supper - Matt. 26.-18-28; Luke 22:14-206. Jesus washed disciples' feet - John 13:4-177. Prayed in Gethsemane Matt. 26:36-46; Luke 22:39-468. Betrayal and Arrest Matt. 26:47-50; Luke 22s47-549. Jesus before the Council - Matt. 26:57-6810. Peter's denial of Christ - Matt. 26:69-7511. Judas hanged himself Matt. 27:3-1012. Jesus taken to Pilate - Matt. 27:213. Pilate sends him to Herod - Luke 23:7-1014. Herod returns him to Pilate - Luke 23:1115. Barabbas or Jesus? Matt. 27:2116. Pilate washed his hands - Matt. 27:24,25

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LESSON #6Chart 34 "By His Stripes We Are Healed"

1. Jesus was mocked and scourged - Matt. 27.-26-302. Physical healing was purchased at Calvary - Isa. 53:5;1 Pet. 2:24; Psalm 103:33. Jesus received 40 stripes - all known diseases can be classedinto 40 groups4. Redemption from sin includes both physical and spiritual- James 5:14-16; 1 Cor. 12:95. Crowd insists on crucifixion - Luke 23:18-25

Chart 35 "It is Finished"

1. Walk up Golgotha - Matt. 27:31-33; Luke 23:26-332. The Crucifixion - Matt. 27:35-383. Mocked and scorned - Matt. 27:39-444. Attitude of thieves - Luke 23:39-435. Darkness over the land for 3 hours - Matt. 27:456. Gave up the ghost - Matt. 27:46-507. Temple veil rent - Matt. 27:518. Side pierced - John 19:33-379. Body claimed by Joseph of Arimathea - Matt. 27:57-60

JESUS FULFILLS PROPHESIES WRITTEN!Probability of anyone person to do this is Two Quadrillion to One.

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LESSON NO. 7 - Coverage: Resurrection to What Does It Mean to Believe on Jesus?

LESSON #7Chart 36 The Resurrection and Ascension

1. Pilate set a watch at tomb - Matt. 27:62-66; John 20:1-182. John gives first account of resurrection (while it was yet dark)3. Matthew resumes "as it began to dawn" - Matt. 28.-I-104. Luke continues "very early in the morning" - Luke 24:l-l25. Mark finishes "when the sun was risen" - Mark 16:1-86. Soldiers paid to say disciples stole him away - Matt. 28:11-157. Jesus appears to disciples on the Emmaus Road - Luke 24:13-35; in the

upper room - Luke 24:36-49; to Thomas - John 20:24-29; to disciplesfirst - John 21:1-25; appears 40 days - Acts 1:3

8. Gave "Great Commission" - Luke 24:47; Matt. 28:19,20; Mark 16:15-189. Ascends to heaven - Acts 1:9-1210. Our glorified bodies to be like his - 1 John 3:2; Phil. 3:21

Chart 37 The Disciples Go to Jerusalem to Wait for the Holy Ghost

1. Disciples told to return to Jerusalem - Acts 1:1-142. Matthias chosen to take Judas' place - Acts 1:15-263. Group of 120 continue in prayer in one accord - Acts 1:14,15

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LESSON #7Chart 38 Dispensation of the Holy Ghost

1. They are all filled with the Holy Ghost - Acts 2:1-42. Multitude hears own language spoken - Acts 2:5-133. Jews and Gentiles are now united in the church,

which is His body Gal. 3:28; Eph. 1:21-23; Col. 3:11

Chart 39 Men and Brethren, What Shall We Do?

1. Peter explains to multitude what has happened - Acts 2:14-362. He gives instructions for receiving the Holy Ghost - Acts 2:37-403. 3,000 added to the church the same day - Acts 2:41

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LESSON #7Chart 40 But What About Matthew 28:19?

1. Jesus said, "in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost."2. What is the name? John 5:43; Matt. 1:21; John 14:26

Chart 41 Water Baptism, by Immersion, into Jesus Christ

1. Mode of baptism--immersion - Col. 2:12; Acts 8:38,39; Matt. 3:162. Authority for baptism "into the name" - Acts 4:12; Phil 2:9-11; Eph 1:21; Col 3:17

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LESSON #7Page 42 Is It Necessary to Receive the Holy Ghost, the guiding Spirit of God?

1. Jesus said, "Ye must be born again" - St. John 3:1-122. What is the Kingdom of God? - Rom. 14:17

Page 43 The Purpose of the Holy Ghost

1. The Holy Ghost is "Jesus (Salvation) in you" - Col. 1:25-27; Rom. 8:92. He will guide us into All TRUTH - John 14:263. He will comfort and cause the weary to rest - Isa. 28:11,124. He will show you things to come - John 16:135. He will give you power to put on His Divine Nature - Acts 1:86. He will resurrect us at His coming - Rom. 8:11

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1. Yes, the apostles and the mother of Jesus did - Acts 2:1-42. Yes, the Samaritans did - Acts 8:14-243. Yes, Cornelius and friends did - Acts 10:44-484. Yes, men at Ephesus did - Acts 19:1-65. Yes, Paul did - Acts 9:17-19; 1 Cor. 14:18,396. Why did God use speaking in tongues as the initial physical

evidence of receiving the holy Ghost?

a. An external evidence of something that has taken place in the heartb. A uniform signc. A symbol of the Spiirit's complete control. (The tongue is the last

thing to yield)

Chart 45 What Does It Mean to Believe (COMMIT) unto the Lord Jesus Christ?

1. Gentiles spoke in tongues when they believed with all their heart - Acts 10:43,442. The apostles spoke in tongues when they believed with all their heart - Acts 11:173. These signs shall follow them that believe with all their heart - Mark 16:174. What did Jesus say about believing? - John 7:37-395. Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed? - Acts 19:1-7

LESSON #7Chart 44 Do All Speak with Other Tongues?

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LESSON NO. 8 - Coverage: The Gifts of the Spirit to the Dark Ages

LESSON #8Chart 46 The Gifts of the Spirit

1. The Gifts of the Spirit: wisdom, knowledge, faith,healing, miracles, divers type of tongues,interpretation of tongues, discerning of spirits,and prophecy--I Cor 12:8-11 (Tongues = Spirit of God speakingout of a person, ‘Naba’ as prophesied in Joel 2:28)

2. Different kinds of gifts or manifestations, but the same Spiritcausing them to happen - I Cor 12:4-7

3. Paul explains the operation of the speaking in tonguesand the ability of interpretation of tongues - I Cor. 14

4. Purpose of the gifts: To glorify Jesus Christ, to strengthen,uplift, admonish, or correctly build the body of Christ.

Chart 47 Works of the Flesh and Fruit of the Spirit

1. Our three enemies: The Devil and his worldly kingdomand our carnal/fallen nature. We are born unperfect,weak through a sinful nature: Psalms 51:15; 139:14-17

2. Works of the flesh - Mark 7:21-23, I John 2:15-17,Titus 2:11-15, Gal 5:l9-21

3. If we live in the flesh (fallen nature), we cannot pleaseGod - Rom. 8 & 6-8

4. The heart is wicked (weak) - Jer. 17:9-10. God mustsearch our hearts - Psalms 139:23-24. Issues of lifeare from the heart - Prov. 4:23

5. All things become new in Christ - 2 Cor. 5:17, Rom. 6:12-136. Fruits of the Spirit - Gal- 5:22, John 13:3,87. Warning if we do not bear fruit - Luke 13:6-98. Help to manifest, how to bear His Fruit - 2 Pet. 1:5-8

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LESSON #8Chart 48 Holiness! THE IMPORTANCE OF - Heb 12:l4

1. We must be holy because God is holy - 1 Pet. 1:16, 1 Jn 3:1-92. We are a peculiar people - 1 Pet. 2:9, Ti. 2:14, Phil. 2:l53. We must guard our tongue - 1 Pet. 1:15, our hands -

2 Cor. 6:17, our eyes - Psalms 101:3, and watch our appearance- 1 Tim. 2:9-10

4. Our bodies are to be holy - 1 Cor- 3:l7, Rom. 12:1-2, 2 Cor. 7:15. Our fruit is unto holiness - Romans 6:226. Holiness means, "set-apart" so believers are to separate

themselves from sin (1 Cor 6:9-11, 19-20; 2 Cor 6:16-18;1 Jn 2:15-16; Rev 21:8) or face the judgement of God

Chart 49 Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles1. Saul, persecutor of the Church - Acts 8:1-3, 9:1-2, 1 Cor. 15:92. Struck down on the road to Damascus - Acts 9:3-93. Ananias prays for him and he receives sight - Acts 9:10-194. Goes to Arabia - Gal. 1:16-17, and back to Damascus - Acts 9:225. Apostles at Jerusalem send him to Tarsus - Acts 9:23-316. Barnabas brings Saul to Antioch - Acts 11:19-267. Paul's first missionary Journey - Acts 13 and 148. Paul stoned at Lystra - Acts 14:19-209. Paul's second missionary Journey - Acts 15,36 - 18:2210. Paul and Silas beaten at Philippi - Acts 16:22-2411. Paul's third missionary Journey - Acts 18:23 - 21:1712. Seized by Jewish mob at Jerusalem and taken to Caesarea -

Acts 2l:27; 23:2513. Paul appears before Felix, Pheastus and Agrippa -

Acts 2:49; 25 & 2614. Paul wrote fourteen epistles in New Testament15. Beheaded in Rome by Nero around A.D. 68

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1. Persecution in Jerusalem spreads disciples to Samaria -Acts 8:1. Caesarea - Acts lO:24, Antioch - Acts 11:19,uttermost part of the earth - Acts 1:8, 8:4

2. Christians meet severe persecution under Nero,emperor of Rome

3. All apostles are martyred except John

Chart 51 The Destruction of Jerusalem

1. Jesus foretells destruction of Jerusalem - Luke 19:41-44, 21:20-242. Roman general Titus fulfills it in A.D. 70

LESSON #8Chart 50 Persecution Spreads the Burning Torch of the Gospel

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LESSON #8Chart 52 Dark Ages

1. Persecution turns to compromise - Col. 2:8, Matt. 15:9, Gal. 1:82. Warnings of a falling away - 1 Tim. 4:1-2, 2 Tim. 4:4, 1 John 2:18-193. Constantine introduces Doctrine of Trinity at Council of Nicea, 325 A.D.,

baptism into Roman Dogma introduced to unsuspecting.4. Church and state unite - form catholic, or universal church

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LESSON NO. 9 - Coverage: Former Rain and Latter Rain to Vials of Wrath Poured Out

LESSON #9Chart 53 Former Rain and Latter Rain

1. The reformation began the Journey back to Pentecost2. Light slowly began to shine to reveal hidden truths

- Isa. 28:lO3. Martin Luther began with "justification by faith"4. John Calvin organized his churches with local

presbyters and observed the Lord's Supper5. King Henry VIII became head of Church of England6. John Smyth began baptizing by immersion into Jesus7. John Wesley taught holiness and a genuine conversion8. Peter Cartwright, Charles G. Finney, Dwight Moody all

brought great revivals and a stir to churches in America9. Group of Bible students at Topeka, Kansas received

the seal of the Holy Ghost on January 1, 1900 afterseeking God 21 days

10. Speaking in tongues spreads to Joplin, Houston, and Los Angeles in the Western World.11. News of these revivals spread to other parts of the world12. More Truth Is revealed about baptism into Jesus Christ and pure Monotheism. The revelation came to many but not all. This causes a division in the year 1916 among those who had received the Holy Ghost.13. His Spirit is poured out on all flesh - Joel 2:23-2814. Make sure you know the truth - I Tim. 2:4-5. Col. 2:8

BIBLE BASICS"Open your heart when you open your Bible."

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LESSON #9Chart 54 Signs of the End Times

1. Jesus's disciples ask three important questions - Matt. 24:32. Mental state of world before His return - Lue 21:25-28, Matt. 24:103. Moral state of world - Matt. 24:37-39, Luke 17:28-294. False prophets shall arise - Matt. 24:11, 1 Tim. 4:1, 2 Tim. 4:3-45. Increase in lawlessness - 2 Tim,, 3:1-56. Scoffers will say, "Where is the promise of His coming?"- 2 Pets 3:3-47. Wars, famines, earthquakes - Matt. 24:6-88. Peace conferences - 1 These. 5:2-89. Return of Jews to land of Palestine - Isa. 11:1O-1210. Gospel shall be preached in all the world - Matt. 24:1411. As the day approaches, assemble together more - Heb. 10:25

Chart 55 The Rapture

1. Rapture is the catching up (transforming) of the Churchto meet the Lord in the air (Spirit); the Revelation isthe second -appearing of Jesus Christ on the earth.

2. Living and dead believers will rise together - 1 Cor. i5:51-53,1 Thess. 4:13-18, Phil. 3:20-21, Rom. 8:23, 8:113. One taken, the other left - Matt. 24:40-44, Luke 17:34-364. Judgment Seat of Christ - Luke 14:14, 1 Cor. 3:12-15, 2

Cor- 5:1O, Rom 14:1O-12, 1 Cor- 3:8, Phil. 3:14, 2 Tim. 4,85. Marriage Supper of the Lamb - Rev. 19:7-9. Eph. 5:25-27

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LESSON #9Chart 56 Manifestation and Reign of the Anti-Christ

1. Great time of trouble - Matt. 24:2l2. World to be ruled by one man - Rev. 17:17, 2 Thess,

2:3-12, Dan. 8:253. Jews will return to Palestine - Eze. 22:19-22,

Zeph. 2:1-24. Jews will rebuild Temple - Acts l5:l4-16, Rev. 11:1-25. Jews will make covenant with Anti-Christ - Dan. 9:27,

Isa, 28:156. After 3 1/2 years, Anti-Christ will set himself up as

God and refuse to allow Jews to offer sacrifices in theTemple, which is the abomination of desolation -Dan. 9:27, Matt, 24:1, 21-26

7. Anti-Christ turns against Jews and terrible persecutionsfollow, called "Time of Jacob's Trouble" - Jer. 30:5-7,Rev. 13:5-7

8. Anti-Christ will set up his image and force all to takethe mark of it or be killed Rev. 13:8, 12-15

9. All must take mark of Beast to buy or sell -Rev. 13:16-18

10. Pressure on all to take the mark of the Beast - Rev. 14:9-1111. Men will take this mark because they receive not a love for the truth - 2 Thess. 2:9-12

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LESSON #9Chart 57 Vials of Wrath Poured Out During Great Tribulation

1. Men will be covered with boils, all water will turn toblood, sun will scorch men, darkness will cover the land,lightning, tremendous earth-quakes, and hail weighing100 lbs. will fall on men - Rev. 16

2. There is an escape - call on the Lord TODAY while He is near!

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LESSON NO. 10 - Coverage: Battle of Armageddon to White Throne Judgment

1. Following the vials of wrath is the judgment of the Chart 58 Battle of Armageddon Anti-Christian system of religion known as Babylon - Rev. 17 & 18

2. Federation of nations and Anti-God systems ofreligion began with Nimrod and tower of Babel - Gen. 11

3. Nimrod was first type of Anti-Christ; tower of Babelwas first type of a false religious system!

4. The image Nebuchadnezzar saw had a head of gold(Babylon), chest and arms of silver (Medes and Persians),stomach and thighs of brass (Greece), legs of iron (Rome), feet of iron and clay (combination of Rome and tenkings, which are ten toes and ten horns of the Beast ofRev, 17)

5. The Anti-Christian Church, which has brought allreligions under one head, will be destroyed by thefederation of nations.

6. Israel is compared to adulterous wife who has beenput away, but will be restored during great tribulation- Isa. 54:1-10, Hosea 2. Gentile/Jews make up the "bride"who was "caught up into a celestial kingdom"

7. In the middle of the seven years, Anti-Christ will sethimself up as God, stop Jewish worship, and begin topersecute Jews to try and destroy them. Then they willbegin to call on their God in their affliction - Zech.14:1-3. Isa. 10:20-21, Hosea 5:15, Zech. l3:9

8. The Jews shall "look upon Him whom they havepierced" - Zech. 12:10

9. Jesus shall come to the Mount of Olives - Zech. 14:4-710. Christ and His armies shall overthrow enemies - Isa. 26:21, 63:1-4, Rev. 1:7, 19:11-16, Jude 14-1511. He is the "stone cut out of the mountain" - Dan. 2:34-35, 4412. Great slaughter - Rev. 19:17-18, 14:20, Ezek- 39:12-1313. Beast and false prophet destroyed - Rev. 14:1O, 19:2O, 2 Thess. 2:814. Completion of first resurrection of just - Rev. 20:4-6, John 5:2915. Judgment of living nations - Acts 17:31, Matt. 25:31-46, Joel 3:2 16. Satan bound for 1,000 years - Rev. 20:1-3

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LESSON #10Chart 59 Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ

1. Peace on earth - Isa. 9:6-7, 2:4, Rev. 2:26-272. Last dispensation of time - "Kingdom Age"3. Sickness and disease gone - Isa. 65:19-20, 35:5-64. Men will live long lives - Isa. 65:225. Thorns and thistles gone - Isa. 11:9, 65:23, 35:1,7,

Zech. 8:126. Viciousness gone from animals - Isa. 11:6-97. All nations will worship at Jerusalem -

Zech. 14:9, 16-19, Isa. 11:98. Saints shall reign with Him - 1 Cor. 6:2-3, Rev. 1:5-6, 5:8-10, 20:6, 1 Cor. 15:52-54, 1 Thess. 4:179. Satan loosed after 1000 years and gathers armies

of Gog and Magog to battle against God - Rev. 2O:7-910. Seventh dispensation ends in judgment

Chart 60 The Severity of God

1. God requires Judgment because His justice, love and mercy2. His holiness demands judgment - 1 Pet. 1:17, Heb. 2:33. Cast angels that sinned into hell, destroyed entire world except for

Noah and family, turned cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes -2 Pet. 2:4-9, and had a man stoned to death for picking up sticks on Sabbath - Num. 15:32-364. He will take vengeance on them that obey not the

gospel - 2 These. 1:6-10, 2 Pet. 3:7, 2 Thess. 2:10-12

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LESSON #10Chart 61 White Throne Judgement

1. Satan cast into Lake of Fire - Rev. 20:102. Second resurrection of the unjust - Rev. 20:11-133. Men will be judged - Rom. 2:12-16, Prov. 1:24-31,

Matt. 7:21-234. Those names not in the Book of Life cast into the

Lake of Fire - Rev 20:155. Devil and his angels (Matt. 25:41), slothful servants

(Matt. 25:26-30), backsliders (Heb. 10:29), ungodly(2 Pet. 3:7), those who did not love truth ( 2 Thess.2:8-10), did not obey gospel (2 Thess. 1:8) will all becast into the lake of Fire

6. New heaven and new earth - Isa. 51:6, 65:17, 2Pet. 3:7-13

7. New Jerusalem - John 14:2-3, Rev. 21, Rev. 22:1-5

8. He is coming quickly - Rev. 22:7, 12-14, 17-20

The closing words of the Bible - Rev. 21:18-21