Beyond Customer Journey Mapping 18-6-15


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°  18 June 2015

°  Connected consumer: The future of digital retail experience (VIC) | Half Day Forum


° Mark Fletcher, Founder

°  ShopScience

° Beyond Customer Journey Mapping

° How can retailers and brands conceptualise and leverage the non-sequential and iterative shopping behaviour of hyperconnected customers in an omni-channel retail environment?

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° The reality of modern retail customer engagement…'t-dead-but-it-is-evolving/

Instant notification On-call review

Constant discussion Endless browsing

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° Conceptualising Customer Journey Mapping 1

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° What isn’t Customer Journey Mapping?

° Traditionally, marketers have considered the path-to-purchase like a funnel in which mass marketing starts a linear process

° This simplistic view of what really happens fails to account for… °  New marketing channels and information sources °  Empowered and engaged shoppers °  Complex and iterative buying processes

The consumer decision journey, June 2009,

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° Buying replacement carpet for an existing home Decide that new floor coverings are required

Identify approximate budget

Decide which areas of the house need new


Investigate a wide range of floor covering options

and ideas

Obtain advice in own home from friends/

interior designer

Obtain specific input by visiting showrooms, from

magazines etc.

Decide on flooring preferences

Investigate various carpet supply options,

e.g. retail chains, decorators etc. Short-list suppliers and

review ranges in store

Select desired carpet

Negotiate price and delivery

Prepare for installation of carpet

Have carpet installed

Implement other decorating ideas

Obtain reassurance about choices

Enjoy carpet and recommend retailer to


The customer journey

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° Common marketing questions

° Does every customer follow all the steps on the Map? °  No, but some do and all do some

° Do Customer Journey Maps vary by brand? °  No, not within a given category

° How long do Customer Journey Maps remain valid? °  Usually as long as category remains unchanged

° What’s wrong with a generic Customer Journey Map? °  Everything, it fails to identify unique points of leverage

° What about iterative and non-sequential actions? °  Irrelevant, so long as the Map is comprehensive

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° Understanding Customer Journey Maps 2

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° Leveraging customer behaviour

° Customers will generally start at the first step in the customer journey, but their next steps may not be in sequence, e.g.

°  Obtain advice in own home from friends/interior designer •  A friend’s advice that carpeting the house may actually cost

twice as much as they had first thought may lead the customer back to a previous step to…

°  Identify approximate budget •  Having realised that they will only be able to afford “budget”

options, the customer may then decide to skip many steps and go straight to the discount retailers that they already know to…

°  Short-list suppliers and review ranges in store

° 9

° Leveraging customer behaviour

° Similar behaviours in which customers do not follow sequential steps can be observed at other points in the customer journey, e.g.

°  A poor in-store experience at Negotiate price and delivery may lead a customer to go back to Investigate various carpet supply options, e.g. retail chains, decorators etc.

°  Undertaking Implement other decorating ideas may lead customers right back to start the process again at Decide which areas of the house need new coverings

°  Importantly, however, with a comprehensive customer journey map, it is much easier to understand and leverage all patterns of customer behaviour

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° Buying replacement carpet for an existing home Decide that new floor coverings are required

Identify approximate budget

Decide which areas of the house need new


Investigate a wide range of floor covering options

and ideas

Obtain advice in own home from friends/

interior designer

Obtain specific input by visiting showrooms, from

magazines etc.

Decide on flooring preferences

Investigate various carpet supply options,

e.g. retail chains, decorators etc. Short-list suppliers and

review ranges in store

Select desired carpet

Negotiate price and delivery

Prepare for installation of carpet

Have carpet installed

Implement other decorating ideas

Obtain reassurance about choices

Enjoy carpet and recommend retailer to


° 11

° Buying replacement carpet for an existing home Decide that new floor coverings are required

Identify approximate budget

Decide which areas of the house need new


Investigate a wide range of floor covering options

and ideas

Obtain advice in own home from friends/

interior designer

Obtain specific input by visiting showrooms, from

magazines etc.

Decide on flooring preferences

Investigate various carpet supply options,

e.g. retail chains, decorators etc. Short-list suppliers and

review ranges in store

Select desired carpet

Negotiate price and delivery

Prepare for installation of carpet

Have carpet installed

Implement other decorating ideas

Obtain reassurance about choices

Enjoy carpet and recommend retailer to


° 12

° Buying replacement carpet for an existing home Decide that new floor coverings are required

Identify approximate budget

Decide which areas of the house need new


Investigate a wide range of floor covering options

and ideas

Obtain advice in own home from friends/

interior designer

Obtain specific input by visiting showrooms, from

magazines etc.

Decide on flooring preferences

Investigate various carpet supply options,

e.g. retail chains, decorators etc. Short-list suppliers and

review ranges in store

Select desired carpet

Negotiate price and delivery

Prepare for installation of carpet

Have carpet installed

Implement other decorating ideas

Obtain reassurance about choices

Enjoy carpet and recommend retailer to


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° Leveraging Customer Journey Mapping 3

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° Leveraging customer journey maps

° The brand touchpoints of most retailers only engage with a subset of the whole of the customer journey

°  Retailers and brands often either ignore or dismiss the importance of steps in the customer journey that are outside of their own brand touchpoints

° Various forms of brand engagement outside of the existing brand touchpoints can provide opportunities to positively influence customer behaviour

°  In many cases, these new forms will be of a digital nature as digital can often be the easiest, and most cost effective, way to penetrate into the customer’s personal life

° 15

° Buying replacement carpet for an existing home Decide that new floor coverings are required

Identify approximate budget

Decide which areas of the house need new


Investigate a wide range of floor covering options

and ideas

Obtain advice in own home from friends/

interior designer

Obtain specific input by visiting showrooms, from

magazines etc.

Decide on flooring preferences

Investigate various carpet supply options,

e.g. retail chains, decorators etc. Short-list suppliers and

review ranges in store

Select desired carpet

Negotiate price and delivery

Prepare for installation of carpet

Have carpet installed

Implement other decorating ideas

Obtain reassurance about choices

Enjoy carpet and recommend retailer to


TV ads/billboards

Allied trade support


Retail stores/SEO

Magazine features, print & TV ads, SEO

Retail stores

Retail stores, print and TV ads

TV renovation shows

Conventional brand touchpoints

° 16

° Buying replacement carpet for an existing home Decide that new floor coverings are required

Identify approximate budget

Decide which areas of the house need new


Investigate a wide range of floor covering options

and ideas

Obtain advice in own home from friends/

interior designer

Obtain specific input by visiting showrooms, from

magazines etc.

Decide on flooring preferences

Investigate various carpet supply options,

e.g. retail chains, decorators etc. Short-list suppliers and

review ranges in store

Select desired carpet

Negotiate price and delivery

Prepare for installation of carpet

Have carpet installed

Implement other decorating ideas

Obtain reassurance about choices

Enjoy carpet and recommend retailer to


TV ads/billboards

Allied trade support


Retail stores/SEO

Magazine features, print & TV ads, SEO

Retail stores

Referral process on website

Decorator input app

Tips on floor prep on website

Advice on care on website

Price guarantee on mobile website

Pop-up ads

Budgeting app

Interactive website

Interactive website

Interactive displays in-store

Reviews on website

Retail stores, print and TV ads

Option recording app

TV renovation shows

Conventional brand touchpoints

Innovative digital brand touchpoints

° 17

° Buying replacement carpet for an existing home Decide that new floor coverings are required

Identify approximate budget

Decide which areas of the house need new


Investigate a wide range of floor covering options

and ideas

Obtain advice in own home from friends/

interior designer

Obtain specific input by visiting showrooms, from

magazines etc.

Decide on flooring preferences

Investigate various carpet supply options,

e.g. retail chains, decorators etc. Short-list suppliers and

review ranges in store

Select desired carpet

Negotiate price and delivery

Prepare for installation of carpet

Have carpet installed

Implement other decorating ideas

Obtain reassurance about choices

Enjoy carpet and recommend retailer to


TV ads/billboards

Allied trade support


Retail stores/SEO

Magazine features, print & TV ads, SEO

Retail stores

Referral process on website

Decorator input app

Tips on floor prep on website

Advice on care on website

Price guarantee on mobile website

Pop-up ads

Budgeting app

Interactive website

Interactive website

Interactive displays in-store

Reviews on website

Retail stores, print and TV ads

Option recording app

TV renovation shows

° 18

° Buying replacement carpet for an existing home Decide that new floor coverings are required

Identify approximate budget

Decide which areas of the house need new


Investigate a wide range of floor covering options

and ideas

Obtain advice in own home from friends/

interior designer

Obtain specific input by visiting showrooms, from

magazines etc.

Decide on flooring preferences

Investigate various carpet supply options,

e.g. retail chains, decorators etc. Short-list suppliers and

review ranges in store

Select desired carpet

Negotiate price and delivery

Prepare for installation of carpet

Have carpet installed

Implement other decorating ideas

Obtain reassurance about choices

Enjoy carpet and recommend retailer to


TV ads/billboards

Allied trade support


Retail stores/SEO

Magazine features, print & TV ads, SEO

Retail stores

Referral process on website

Decorator input app

Tips on floor prep on website

Advice on care on website

Price guarantee on mobile website

Pop-up ads

Budgeting app

Interactive website

Interactive website

Interactive displays in-store

Reviews on website

Retail stores, print and TV ads

Option recording app

TV renovation shows

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° Alternative representations of Customer Journey Map


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° Key take outs 4

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° Key take outs

1.  Digital mediums like Smartphones are already impacting customer journeys, and advances in technology and changing social patterns will ensure that these interactions will continue to evolve

2.  All digital interaction points need to be designed to provide appropriate support for as many steps in the customer’s journey as possible to ensure maximum brand engagement

3.  The key is to fully map and leverage the whole customer journey, and not just the conventional brand touchpoints