Bethlehem Lutheran ·...


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The Star December 2016 Bethlehem Lutheran Church A community gathered so God’s message is

scattered. Wahoo, Nebraska


Pastor Bob -


Church office hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 - 4:30 p.m.

Church web site:

Church email:

“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great

light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness—on them

light has shined. For a child has been born for us, a son

given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders; and he is

named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting

Father, Prince of Peace.” –Isaiah 9:2, 6

Dear Members and Friends of Bethlehem Lutheran Church of Wahoo…

It is here, it is with us; it’s coming has been foretold; it’s people who have often

lived and been surrounded by darkness will soon stand in the glow of the shining star of

Bethlehem. Yes, the time of ‘now, but not quite yet’ is here. The time of anticipation, the

time of a bit of anxiousness, the time of Christmas programs, the time of magnificent

aromas from the kitchen filling our homes, the greetings in the mail and on the streets,

the hours spent shopping for those ‘perfect gifts’, the time of a “Charlie Brown Christmas”

and “It’s A Wonderful Life”.

For those with Swedish roots at Bethlehem, old traditional recipe cards will be

brought out where loving hands will produce such things as Lussekatter or saffron buns,

Pepparkakor or ginger snaps, Julskinka or Christmas ham and yes, Lutefisk or lye fish.

(All those dishes and delicacies and more are things to savor, I still don’t know about

lutefisk though!)

Yes, the heritage of the Swedish founders of Bethlehem will be on full display

during December as this joyous, emotional, wonderful, reflective and yes, a bit anxious

time of year is upon us. We are often invited to parties and gatherings, run numerous

errands, sit in delight listening and watching our children perform Christmas programs

and pageants, take in various activities throughout our community, decorate our homes

both inside and out, and if we are lucky or fortunate enough, can still take some quiet

time to just sit and gaze and reflect and ponder as to what this all means. Reflect on the

significance of that babe born in a place called Bethlehem, under that guiding star, in that

cold stable, where two young parents gazed upon and held that precious baby close;

nurturing and loving him and not possibly knowing the impact of that child’s birth would

be on mankind forevermore.

Some 700 years before the birth of Christ, the writer of Isaiah prophesized this

child’s birth to a world that was both literally and spiritually filled with darkness. This

writing occurs amid conflicts and separation among Israel, Judah, Syria and Assyria.

Israel had split into two kingdoms, Judah in the south and Israel in the north. Even

though both kingdoms were made up of Israel’s tribes, they were in almost constant

conflict over theological and social issues. At the same time, aggressive long-time

enemies constantly eyed the situation watching for weakness and opportunity to harm the

divided kingdom even more.

Having just finished a long, weary, often time bitter political campaign in our own country,

a country many perceive as being quite divided as well, I carefully watch, read and ponder

such things myself. Can unity and harmony prevail? Isaiah not only thought so, Isaiah

prophesized that a single birth in a remote, poor, off-the-beaten-path town would provide

the hope, promise and glowing love an often divided and disagreeing world so sorely


Yes, from that humble stable, a great light overcame the darkness of bitterness,

deceit, lies and out and out evil. For in the birth of Jesus Christ, the greatest gift that any

of us could ever receive was lovingly given by our Father in Heaven. All authority rests

upon the shoulders of our Lord. He is the Wonderful Counselor we should always turn to

in our troubles; the Wonderful Counselor in whose ways we should live. He is the Mighty

God, of whose power, might and love no government, no earthly human can even come

close to match. He is the Everlasting Father who provides for, cares for, lovingly instructs

and guides through the mazes and paths of life. The child that came from the stable is

indeed the Prince of Peace. All hope begins and resides with Him. Let us come and

worship the Child of the Manger.

Peace and Love from the Child of the Manger. Merry Christmas…Pastor Bob & Cindy

Blue Christmas Service

On Wednesday, December 21st, often called, “The Longest Night”, Bethlehem will

offer a worship service that addresses, identifies, and acknowledges the fact that many of

us, in the midst of what is supposed to be the happiest time of year, may actually be a

very difficult time of year. The loss of loved ones, a broken relationship, difficulties with

family members, difficulties or uncertainty at work, separation from loved ones by

distance, impending health issues and concerns and a whole host of other often time

hidden hurts come to the surface during the Christmas season.

This service helps to acknowledge that hurt and instead of making the situation

worse, is a service that offers hope and trust and the reminder that Jesus Christ loves and

cares for us especially in those times of trouble and despair.

The service is conducted primarily in the darkness with our

projector screen and the candles of the sanctuary providing the

‘light in the darkness’. It is a service to quietly sit in silence and

darkness where the message of Christ’s love and hope comforts us

much like a favorite quilt or blanket. It is a unique service and a

service we hope offers comfort and restores some joy that may

have been fading from your lives. We offer this service in humility

and in the hope and promise of Jesus Christ, the babe born in the


Saint Lucia Sunday

Around Christmas time in Sweden, one of the biggest celebrations is St. Lucia’s Day (or

St. Lucy’s Day) on December 13th. The celebration comes from stories that were told by

Monks who first brought Christianity to Sweden.

St. Lucia was a young Christian girl who was martyred, killed for her faith, in 304. The

most common story told about St. Lucia is that she would secretly bring food to the perse-

cuted Christians in Rome, who lived in hiding in the catacombs under the city. She would

wear candles on her head so she had both her hand free to carry things. Lucy means

‘light’ so this is a very appropriate name.

December 13th was also the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, in the old

‘Julian’ Calendar and a pagan festival of lights in Sweden was turned into St. Lucia’s Day.

St. Lucia’s Day is now celebrated by a girl dressing in a white dress with a red sash round

her waist and a crown of candles on her head. Small children use electric candles but

from about 12 years old, real candles are used!

The crown is made of Lingonberry branches which are evergreen and symbolize new life

in winter. Schools normally have their own St. Lucia’s and some town and villages also

choose a girl to play St. Lucia in a procession where carols are sung.

A national Lucia is also chosen. Lucias also visit hospitals and old people’s homes sing-

ing a song about St. Lucia and handing out ’Pepparkakor’, ginger snap biscuits.

Small children sometimes like dressing up as Lucia (with the help of their parents!). Also

boys might dress up as ‘Stjarngosser’ (star boys) and girls might be ‘tarnor’ (Like Lucia

but without the candles).

A popular food eaten at St. Lucia’s day are ‘Lussekatts’, St. Lucia’s day buns flavoured

with saffron and dotted with raisins which are eaten for breakfast.

St. Lucia’s Day first became widely celebrated in Sweden in the late 1700s. St. Lucia’s

Day is also celebrated in Denmark, Norway, Finland, Bosnia, and Croatia. In Denmark it

is more of a children’s day and in some part of Italy, children are told that St. Lucy brings

them presents. They leave out a sandwich for her and the donkey that helps carry the


Please help us celebrate St. Lucia on Sunday, December 11th . We will have traditional Swedish decor, cookies, coffee and

punch . Our high school youth will be serving with St. Lucia serving the coffee!

Middle School Ministry!

6th—8th Graders!

Middle School meets every Wednesday at 6 PM for a

meal and fellowship followed by a lesson. There will

not be class on December 21st or December 28th

December Acolyte Schedule:

December 4th 9:00 AM - Payton Ricks and Brody Jacobsen

11:00 AM - Logan Scott and Zach Fox

December 11th 9:00 AM - Brody Jacobsen and Ethan Havlovic

11:00 AM - Zach Fox and Rylee Koehler

December 18th 9:00 AM - Payton Ricks and Sammy Flores

11:00 AM - Marke Zeleny and Zach Fox

December 24th 5:00 PM - Autumn Iversen and Myranda Lihs

10:00 PM - Myranda Lihs and Ethan Havlovic

December 25th 10:00 AM - ACOLYTES NEEDED!!

Please call the office if you can help out!

MSM Meals Provided by:

December 7th - Tricia Fox and Michelle Koranda

December 14th - Pehrson Family and Obert Family

Bethlehem Lutheran Church receives $500 from the

Corner Market!

$50,000 in receipts were saved by members to receive this. Thanks for keeping your receipts,

thanks to Sam Winchell for adding them up and to the Corner Market!

Pictured are Sam Winchell and Joe Spicka,

photo curtesy of Wahoo Newspaper.

December Birthdays Michelle Wilt 12/2

Maurene Johnston 12/3

Ethan Stratman 12/4

Vivian Christian 12/5

Shawn Abbott 12/6

Ryan Watts 12/6

Heather Brazil 12/8

Lorraine Syverson 12/8

Livia Sharpe 12/9

Hayden Nelson 12/10

Katie Pearson 12/10

Lillian Mann 12/11

Ralph Houfek 12/11

Amanda Price 12/12

Tenley Watts 12/12

Courtney Jacobsen 12/13

Sharyl Bryhne 12/13

Anne Bowman 12/14

Janet Jonas 12/14

Kendra Pearson 12/14

Riley Swanson 12/14

Gaylord Anderson 12/16

Jill Beatty 12/16

Tate Peterson 12/16

Lora Iversen 12/19

Alex Christian 12/23

Carol Sayers 12/25

Gavin Iversen 12/26

Kaitlynn Borchers 12/28

Hadyn Feilmeier 12/28

Amber Lihs 12/30

Dave Rasmussen 12/30

Danette Banghart 12/31

Justin Banghart 12/31

Miley Larsen 12/31

Evan Steiner 12/31

Katherine Strom 12/31

December Anniversaries Kevin & Lorna Klahn 12/5

William & Marcia Pearson 12/7

Kenneth & Alvina Mumm 12/22

Jared & Laurie Pehrson, 12/22

Chris & Katherine Strom 12/28

Louis & Marilyn Klinzman 12/29

Brandon & Andrea Mann 12/30

If you do not see your birthday or anniversary, please let Amy know in the office at 443-3160 or email at so we can correct our database. Thank You!!!

St. Lucia—December 11th Bethlehem Lutheran Church celebrates the Swedish festival of Saint Lucia, a festival of lights. Our high school youth serve coffee, Swedish tea rings, and cookies in the fellowship hall, adorned with Swedish décor and glowing candles. A teenage girl dressed in a white gown, red sash, and crown of lingonberry twigs and blazing candles serves the coffee. The Festival of St. Lucia, which is traditionally begins the Christmas season in Swedish custom.

Sunday School Program—December 18th at 11 AM The Sunday School Program will be on December 18th!

Practices to be announced!

Also please note: No Sunday School on December 25th or January 1st.

EXCEPTIONAL YEAR FOR LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF at BLC! November 7th, 43 boxes were packed with 122 quilts, 35 baby care kits, 52 Personal Care kits and 52 School Kits plus another 63 from Diane’s extension of the School kits project, and of those, 16 were supplied and assembled by Sam Biggerstaff for a Boy Scout Pro-ject. “GOOD JOB” to everyone giving of their time and talents; the quilters, folks donating the many items, the ladies assembling the kits, and the “GREAT” group of folks displaying items in the sanctuary and finally doing the job of packing, weighing, and sealing. All box-es were delivered to a semi truck in Lincoln that is owned by Brown Transfer Co. Brown then graciously takes them to the warehouse in Minneapolis, Minnesota areas or to our distribution centers at our “Partners” in other countries. Thanks to the generous offering from the Appreciation Dinner, we were able to send $618.00 to LWR for our 900# to help with the shipping costs after leaving Minneapolis. I would like to personally thank everyone for all their help and support. You are a real Blessing! Mary McKay - project chairperson

Sunday Monday Tuesday

4 9:00 AM Worship

10:00 AM Sunday School /

Adult Forum / Fun and Fellowship

11:00 AM Worship

5 8:30 - 11:00 4/5 Preschool

12:30 - 3:00 4/5 Preschool 6:30 PM Boy Scouts

6 9:00 - 11:00 3/4 Preschool

10:00 AM Mom’s Club

11 St. Lucia 9:00 AM Worship

10:00 AM Sunday School /

Adult Forum / Fun and Fellowship

11:00 AM Worship

St. Lucia coffee served

after both services.

12 8:30 - 11:00 4/5 Preschool

12:30 - 3:00 4/5 Preschool 6:30 PM Boy Scouts

13 10:00 - 11:00 3/4 Preschool

Program 9:00 Quilting Old OB

10:00 AM Mom’s Club

18 Sunday School Program 9:00 AM Worship

10:00 AM Sunday School /

Adult Forum / Fun and Fellowship

11:00 AM Sunday School Program

12:00 PM Church Council Meeting

19 9:00 AM WIC

6:30 PM Boy Scouts

20 10:00 AM Mom’s Club

7:00 PM Council Meeting

25 Christmas Day

10:00 AM


26 6:30 PM Boy Scouts

27 10:00 AM Mom’s Club OB


Please Note: There will be one service on Christmas Day at 10 AM and New Years Day at 10 AM

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 9:00 - 11:00 3/4 Preschool

9:00 AM Bible Study

8:00 PM AA Meeting

2 8:30 - 11:00 4/5 Preschool

12:30 - 3:00 4/5 Preschool


7 8:30 - 11:00 4/5 Preschool

12:30 - 3:00 4/5 Preschool

6:00 PM MSM

8 9:00 - 11:00 3/4 Preschool

9:00 AM Bible Study

2:00 PM Bethlehem



8:30 - 11:00 4/5 Preschool

12:30 - 3:00 4/5 Preschool


14 8:30 - 11:00 4/5 Preschool

12:30 - 3:00 4/5 Preschool

1:30 PM Cluster Meeting

12:00 PM ACT Mtg

6:00 PM MSM

7:00 PM 4/5 Preschool

Christmas Program

15 7 AM—8 PM Bloodmobile

9:00 AM Bible Study

1:30 PM MGM

5:30 PM AA Xmas Party




12:00 PM ACT Meeting

7:00 PM Blue Christmas


22 9:00 AM Bible Study

8:00 PM AA Meeting


24 Christmas

Eve 5:00 PM Service

10:00 PM Service


29 30




Feeding hungry people and advocating for justice are priorities for the people of

Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Funds for these ministries are generated by the

year-round Marketplace, located in the church building.

Gift Items Hand made gifts created by members and friends who offer their God-given talents to

make a difference

Fair trade coffees and chocolate

Empowers local farmers and strengthens impoverished communities

Olive oil from the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem

Supports Lutheran World Federation’s Augusta Victoria Hospital. AVH is one of the most

effective models of international cooperation where all religions come together to

provide service to those in need without regard to background.

Proceeds support hunger relief From health clinics to microloans, soup kitchen meals to advocacy, money spent at the

Marketplace is transformed into immediate relief and support for sustainable solutions that

get to the root causes of hunger and poverty.

Prices represent donations to Lutheran World Hunger

projects, community and local needs.

100% of profits support this mission.

Get involved! You can be a part of the Marketplace mission by

donating handcrafted items, hosting an on-site

sale or making a monetary donation to purchase

supplies. For more information contact:

Diane Reece:

Hours During church office hours: 9-4 Monday through Friday

Spread the Word!

Thanks so much to those

who have donated their

time and talent to this

unique mission

opportunity at



Mon – Fri 9-4

Sunday Mornings

Special Christmas

Open House:

Dec 9 & 10

Bethlehem Women: Seventeen Thankful Bethlehem Women and guests

met for a delicious meal on November 17th at noon.

Following the meal, Pastor Hayden led us in the

study from the Gather Magazine entitled “When God

Chooses The Unlikely”----“Paul and the Power of

Failure” which included the trials and triumphs of Paul

and how God uses failures to teach us lessons and

always forgives us if we ask for forgiveness.

We did not hold an official Business meeting but we

did discuss several items that needed to be addressed. We discussed our end of

the year donations. We passed around a signup sheet for cookies for Christmas

on the Prairie which was signed by Alvina Mumm, Mary McKay, Arlene Johnson

and Helen Hansen. A white 6 foot table was on display for us to see.

In December we meet earlier on December 8th at 2 p.m. We will be having a

towel shower for our kitchen and anyone can participate in that project. Also bring

one dozen cookies to share with the group and the balance will go toward our

Santa Lucia Celebration. Arlene Johnson will have the lesson from the December

Gather Magazine.


Thursday, December 8th 2 pm, Bethlehem Women, Bring:

1 dozen cookies to share 2> KITCHEN TOWEL OR DISH CLOTH

Sunday, December 11th, Santa Lucia Celebration

Tuesday, December 13th 9 am, Quilting (Old basement)

Towel Shower! The supply in the kitchen is getting low! If you would like to bring a towel or dishcloth to donate just drop off in the kitchen! Thank you!

NOVEMBER 11, 2016 Church Council Meeting Bethlehem Lutheran Church of Wahoo

Members Present: Chad Fox, Mike Christen, Keith Obert, Missy Abbott, Michelle Koranda, Jovan Lausterer, Kim Schnakenberg and Pastor Bob Hayden. Members Absent: Ryan Ideus & Tiana Strait Guests Present: None CALL TO ORDER- The meeting was called to order at 12:10 p.m. OLD BUSINESS OCTOBER MINUTES- October of 2016 council meeting minutes were presented by the President for council consideration. Motion to approve by Lausterer and seconded by Christen. Motion unanimously approved: OCTOBER FINANCIAL REPORT- September of 2016 financial reports were presented and a Motion to approve was made by Lausterer and seconded by Obert and was approved unanimously. It was mentioned and decided that Council will finish up a series of Temple talks to improve the Churches Financial situation. PASTOR’S PROGRESS REPORT- Pastor Hayden presented his September progress report to the council. Motion to approve by Christen and seconded by Abott to approve the Pastor’s Report. Motion unanimously approved: COMMITTEE LIAISON REPORTS WORSHIP AND PRAISE COMMITTEE REPORT- One more meeting coming up to finalize Christmas Services. BUILDING COMMITTEE Education on sound system in the works. No other old business was presented to the council for consideration. NEW BUSINESS A Motion to Approve was made to go ahead with the normal Scheduled payment to Endowment to pay loan. Motion Unanimously Approved. FARM RENT Farm Rent will stay the same with a one year lease on the dry ground and two year lease on irrigated. Motion made by Lausterer and seconded by Schnakenberg. Approved. PHOTO DIRECTORY- Working on getting a Church Photo Directory for 2017. NEXT MEETING- Have not decided on a December date at this time.

ADJOURNMENT- The meeting was adjourned by the President at 1:11 p.m. followed by a Prayer from Pastor Hayden. Submitted by Michelle Koranda Secretary

Luther’s Lessons A cradle that holds the infant Jesus. Baby blankets that clothe the newborn Christ. Lutherans often use these well-known metaphors from Martin Luther to describe the Christian Scriptures and their importance. These simple metaphors clearly and profoundly describe both what the Scriptures are and what is their purpose. Simply stated, the Scriptures tell about Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit uses the Scriptures to present Jesus to all who listen to or read them. That is why Lutheran Christians say that the Scriptures are the “source and norm” of their teaching and practice. As the Gospel writer John wrote, “these things are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name” (John 20:31). Obviously, the Scriptures that are collected into a book or Bible describe and speak about many other things — everything from the creation of the world to the world’s end. Because these writings originate from a time period that spans about a thousand years and come to us in a variety of handwritten manuscripts and fragments, they have been studied carefully with all the tools of research that are available. This research continues to enrich understanding of the Scriptures and their message. Despite the diversity of viewpoints and the complexity of the many narratives contained in the Scriptures, Lutheran Christians believe that the story of God’s steadfast love and mercy in Jesus is the heart and center of what the Scriptures have to say.


Bethlehem Blessings Jon Peterson has been doing some extra jobs around the church and it is certainly appreciated!

Thank you to Vicki Simons for making sure we have ushers every Sunday and Don Fick for getting our readers lined up! If you would like to usher or read please let them know! Thank you to those who volunteer! Thanks to all who came to “Deck the Halls” for advent! It looks great!

A lot of leaves were mulched and boxes carried! Thanks Jon!


The high school youth group participated in the LYONS Assembly at Carol Joy Holling. They spent time with the residents at the

Oxbow Assisted Living Center and attended a Concert featuring Peter and

Alison Eide. Thanks to the kids for participating and the sponsors who took them!

A big thank you to Don Fick and Steve Gerdts

for fixing the pine room exit door!

Merry Christmas from First Step Preschool!

Please join us for our Christmas program!

December 14th at 7:00 pm



Hat/Mitten Tree Bring socks, winter hats, gloves, mittens,

toothbrushes and toothpaste! Donations will be used for the backpack

program and the food pantry.

Community Cantata Sunday, December 4th at 6 PM

Wahoo High School Performance Learning Center

Bethlehem Lutheran Church 504 West 8th St.

Wahoo, Nebraska 68066 402-443-3160

Newsletter mailed 11/30/2016

Nonprofit Org. Permit No. 23

U.S. Postage PAID Wahoo, NE 68066

Return Service Requested

Let Us Know Your Email Address! If you would prefer “THE STAR” via email let us know. Also, having an email address can help us update people faster and without postage costs. Simply email the church office at: and give us your email.

Our Members at the Care Centers:

South Haven: Eunice Brodahl and Robert Peterson Care Center: Jenny Iversen

Saunders House: Tom Lindau & Stanley Dokulil

Please let us know: If you are going to the hospital or having a procedure done please give the office a call to let us know. HIPA rules prevent hospitals from calling us.
