Best Practices in short sales & reo · 2010-10-20 · Best Practices in short sales & reo...


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Best Practices in short sales & reo

november 9-10, 2010Westin San Diego | San Diego, CA

M a k i n g L e n d e r / r e a l t o r ® p a r t n e r s h i p s W o r k

Best Practices in short sales & reoM a k i n g L e n d e r / r e a l t o r ®

p a r t n e r s h i p s W o r k

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Don’t Miss these keynotes!

Mathew vernonShort Sale and Real Estate Owned (REO) ExecutiveBAnK of AMerICA

Michael Feder President and CEOrADAr loGIC

rick sharga Senior Vice PresidentreAlTyTrAC InC.

Best Practices in short sales & reonovember 9-10, 2010 | Westin San Diego | San Diego, CA

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Best Practices in short sales & reonovember 9-10, 2010 | Westin San Diego | San Diego, CA

we brought you Best Practices in loss Mitiga-tion conference in July and received great reviews from your peers…

here’s what they said:

“ I am fortunate to attend many conferences over the years. The SM Best Practices in Dallas this summer was far and away the most in-tensive and informative conference I attended. The speakers were experts and decision mak-ers in the field, and the size was perfect. There were no crowds, line or the usual craziness we see at the conferences.”

“ If I had to chose… conferences SM would definitely be my choice.”

Jaime A. KosofskyBrADy & KoSofSKy, PA

“ Good panels & well attended.” SVP Sales & Business Development AMS ServICInG

“ Tony Meola [was the most valuable presenter] due to his knowledge [and] presentation skills.”

Loss Mitigation HeadCenTrAl MorTGAGe CoMPAny

“ Bob Kimble, Jeff Haywood, Katie Brewer, Bryan Bolton, Mark Spangler – Great sharing of valu-able educational info. loved “Are you confused yet? Streamlining shorts sales & fighting fraud” Great speakers and good servicer/GSe representation.”

letter FroM conFerence chair:

Here’s an astonishing stat I heard recently. Did you know that lenders now sell more homes than home builders? Talk about the world turned upside down!

of course, you know that lenders have become more involved in selling homes than ever before. There are two ways to do this: before the default in a short sale, or after the default, as an reo. And the difference between getting a good price and a bad one could cost more lost jobs, or cause companies to fail.

That’s why you have to be as up-to-date as possible in knowing the details of markets that have doubled and tripled in volume in just a short time. you have to know how to work the brave new world of alliances between lenders and realtors®.

I’m inviting you to attend the Short Sales and reo Conference: Making lender/realtor® Partnerships Work, taking place at the Westin San Diego, november 9 & 10, 2010, where the best experts in both fields are going to spend two days on exactly the sort of things you need to know to succeed.

I’m looking forward to seeing you in San Diego, in november!


Mark FogartyConference Chairman

Best Practices in short sales & reonovember 9-10, 2010 | Westin San Diego | San Diego, CA

register now at

FeatureD sPeakersDavid Brown, VP/Director of REO, FIRsT HoRIZoN NaTIoNaL CoRPoRaTIoNdavid brown, LCdm, mIRm, CmP, in his cur-rent position he’s responsible for all aspects of REo asset management and disposition including foreclosure bidding, asset booking, GL management, asset pricing, regulatory compliance, valuation, preservation, agent selection and management, disposition, ac-counting, and reporting.

Mark Bucedi, Broker/CEO, buCEdI REaL EsTaTEmark bucedi is co-owner of bucedi Real Es-tate with his wife, Patricia bucedi. They have been active in real estate since 1996 serving solano, Napa, sonoma, yolo, and sacramento counties. The bucedi Team has spent the last 3 years helping distressed sellers with loan modifi cations and short sales successfully obtaining over 350 short sale approvals since 2008.

Marie chung, Director of Foreclosure Services, modERN REaLTy CoRP. marie Chung, CCIm, director of REo & short sale services at modern Realty Corp., is a pioneer in the ever-modernizing Real Estate Industry. she is a licensed real estate broker with extensive knowledge in residential & com-mercial foreclosures, REo dispositions, short sale negotiations and foreclosure prevention.

gabe del rio, AMP, Senior Vice President, Homeownership, CommuNITy HousING-WoRKs, and Founding Chairman, HousING oPPoRTuNITIEs CoLLaboRaTIvEIn Gabe del Rio’s seven years at Community HousingWorks, he has created one of the most productive and innovative nonprofi t Homeowner-ship Centers in the country, providing fi rst-time homebuyers with fi rst mortgage loans, housing counseling and education, down-payment loans, and real estate brokerage services, serving an additional 2000 households in 2009.

robert Jackson, President and Senior Managing Attorney, RobERT J. JaCKsoN & assoCIaTEs, Jackson has dedicated his law practice to REo eviction and related legal matters. during this time, his fi rm has represented clients in excess of 250,000 REo evictions and related matters.

Jonathan Jaffe, Partner, K&L GaTEs LLPJonathan Jaffe is a partner in the san Fran-cisco, California offi ce of K&L Gates, where he has a state and national practice concentrat-ing in matters relating to consumer and com-mercial fi nance, fi nancial services, real estate, technology and general corporate law.

robert kimble, Senior Director, NPL Servicing & Pre-foreclosure Sale Liquidations, FREddIE maCRobert Kimble leads an area responsible for all foreclosure and bankruptcy functions, des-ignated counsel, default reporting, short sales, damaged and distressed assets, servicer performance, fee and cost over-allowables, penalties and incentives.

yolanda Mcgill, Senior Counsel, Fair Housing & Fair Lending Project, LaWyERs’ CommIT-TEE FoR CIvIL RIGHTs uNdER LaWyolanda d. mcGill is senior counsel for the Fair Housing and Fair Lending Project of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights under Law where she manages the substantive portion of the Lawyers’ Committee’s work with respect to the Loan modifi cation scam Prevention Network, coordinates overall management of the program with the Legal mobilization Project and assists in the direc-tion of the Lawyers’ Committee’s engagement with federal, state and local authorities and stakeholders with respect to mortgage scams and related issues.

kathy Mehringer, crB,sFr, Broker Associate and Director of Risk Management, CoLdWELL baNKER REsIdENTIaL bRoKERaGEKathy mehringer, licensed since 1977, is a Real Estate broker. she is a mediator, certifi ed through the strauss Institute for dispute Resolu-tion in association with the Pepperdine univer-sity school of Law. Kathy is an arbitrator for the California association of Realtors (C.a.R.) and holds the coveted designation of CRb. Formerly an instructor for the Graduate Realtor Institute (G.R.I.) she taught agency Law and Ethics and is a certifi ed Continuing Education Instructor for both California and arizona departments of Real Estate.shawn Miller, Vice President, LFC GRouP oF ComPaNIEsas vice President of LFC Group of Companies, mr. miller is a member of one of the nation’s leading online auction marketing fi rms. mr. miller has combined many years of experience in various sales and real estate positions with the art of auction marketing to become one of the pioneers in his fi eld.Mark Paniccia, Group Vice President, suNTRusT moRTGaGEmark Paniccia is the Group vice President of Real Estate owned at sunTrust mortgage, the 7th largest bank in the us. mark began his career in portfolio management as a Real Estate specialist for merrill Lynch and later as director of Real Estate services for Prudential’s diversifi ed services Group.

william Phillips, Vice President, Real Estate Services, bbva ComPassmr. Phillips leads the teams responsible for all Pre-Foreclosure, Foreclosure and REo sales activities. Prior to his current role he directed the Quality assurance, Training and Project management Functions for Collections and Recovery.

cary sternberg, President, EXCELLEN REosternberg is responsible for managing the strategic direction of Excellen REo, overseeing day-to-day operations, creating policies and procedures and establishing the internal growth strategy.

Michael swift, Real Estate Broker, J. RoCKCLIFF REaLToRsmichael swift is a Real Estate broker with 20 years of Real Estate sales experience. He is a founding member of the East bay short sale Round Table Group in the san Francisco bay area which meets monthly to discuss short sale strategy.

Matt vernon, Short Sale and Real Estate Owned (REO) Executive, baNK oF amERICa matt vernon is the short sale and Real Estate owned (REo) Executive for the Home Loans and Insurance division of bank of america. vernon is responsible for all aspects of the REo and short sales business. In this role, he will develop and implement new initiatives to manage and streamline the company’s real estate owned (REo) property portfolio and short sale processes. He is responsible for a national operations team that manages the high exposure and risks related to the busi-ness while providing foreclosure prevention solutions for distressed homeowners.

Peggy wheaton, Broker/CEO, WHEaToN & assoCIaTEs REaL EsTaTE sERvICEs, INC.Peggy J. Wheaton, CdPE, PCs, Cssa, NaR/CRs ss Certifi ed, RdCPro, HaFa Cert. PsC, is the co-owner of Wheaton & associates Real Estate services, Inc. with her husband bob Wheaton. They founded Wheaton & associ-ates Real Estate services, Inc. in 19

view the Full sPeaker roster at

Best Practices in short sales & reonovember 9-10, 2010 | Westin San Diego | San Diego, CA

register now at

Free workshoP availaBle when you register!


Free workshoP: Freddie Mac workshop - “how to Buy Freddie Mac Properties and Become a Freddie Mac selling agent” Exclusive to Realtors®!


Free workshoP: closed Door Peer collaboration Learn directly from each other! Exclusive to lenders/servicers

TuEsday, NovEmbER 912:00 PM - 1:00 PM

registration opens 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM

how to Buy Freddie Mac Prop-erties and Become a Freddie Mac selling agent (Free workshop) Pamela rosenhouse, HomeSteps Regional Area Manager, FREddIE maCBridges stewart, HomeSteps Regional Area Manager, FREddIE maC

1:00 PM - 3:30 PM

closed Door for lender/servicer 3:45 PM - 4:00 PM

chair’s welcome Mark Fogarty, Editor in Chief, NATIONAL MORTGAGE NEWS

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

the Mortgage Market and housing values: the new reality Michael Feder, President and CEO, RadaR LoGIC

5:00 PM -

networking reception

WEdNEsday, NovEmbER 107:45 aM - 8:45 aM

registration/Breakfast 8:50 aM - 9:00 aM

chair’s opening 9:00 aM - 9:45 aM

keynote address Matt vernon, Short Sale and Real Estate Owned (REO) Executive, baNK oF amERICa9:45 aM - 10:30 aM

short sales unplugged - what you need to know now Panelist: alanna Brown, Senior Director, Servicing Initiatives, FaNNIE maEPanelists: gabe del rio, AMP, Senior Vice President, Homeownership, Community HousingWorks, FouNdING CHaIRmaN, HousING oPPoRTuNITIEs CoLLaboRaTIvEJames DePalma, Executive Vice President, Default Management, ams sERvICING, LLC,robert kimble, Senior Director, NPL Ser-vicing & Pre-foreclosure Sale Liquidations, FREddIE maCDiana stauffer, Senior Vice President, WELLs FaRGo

10:30 aM - 11:00 aM

networking Break 11:00 aM - 12:00 PM

Preparing for the reo explo-sion and how Best to Maxi-mize recovery MoDerator: richard koch, sTaNdaRd & PooR’sPanelist: David Brown, VP / Director of REO, FIRsT HoRIZoN NaTIoNaL CoRPoRaTIoNMark Paniccia, Group Vice President, suNTRusT moRTGaGEwilliam Phillips, Vice President, Real Estate Services, bbva ComPass

12:00 PM - 12:30 PM

keynote address: what do the (Foreclosure) numbers tell us? rick sharga, Senior Vice President, REaLTyTRaC INC.

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM


1:30 PM - 2:15 PM track: lenDer/servicer session

taking control of Fraud in the short sales Process ed gerding, Senior Fraud Consultant, CoRELoGICyolanda Mcgill, Senior Counsel, Fair Housing & Fair Lending Project, LaW-yERs CommITTEE FoR CIvIL RIGHTs uNdER LaWkathy Mehringer, Broker Associate & Director of Risk Management, CoLdWELL baNKER REsIdENTIaL bRoKERaGE

1:30 PM - 2:15 PM track: realtor session

short sales success - real estate agent’s secrets revealed MoDerator: steven sakofsky, Real Estate & Mortgage, Owner & Broker of Record, suNTRusT HomEsPanelists: Mark Bucedi, Broker/CEO, buCEdI REaL EsTaTEMichael swift, Real Estate Broker, J. RoCKCLIFF REaLToRsPeggy wheaton, Broker/CEO, WHEaToN & assoCIaTEs REaL EsTaTE sERvICEs, INC.

2:15 PM - 3:00 PM track: lenDer/servicer session

taking the lead - innovative Practices, Policies & tech-nologies for reo Management Panelists: rebecca walzak, President, RJbWaLZaK CoNsuLTING, INC.tom winston, Former Director REO Property Disposition, FaNNIE maE

2:15 PM - 3:00 PM track: realtor session

overcoming the Biggest challenges in reo today MoDerator: Jonathan Jaffe, Partner, K&L GaTEs LLPMarie chung, Director of Foreclosure Services, modERN REaLTy CoRP.Panelists: robert Jackson, President and Senior Managing Attorney, RobERT J. JaCKsoN & assoCIaTEs, INC.shawn Miller, Vice President, LFC GRouP oF ComPaNIEscary sternberg, President, EXCELLEN REo

3:00 PM - 3:15 PM

afternoon refreshment Break 3:15 PM - 4:00 PM track: lenDer/servicer session

streamlining short sales with technology

3:15 PM - 4:00 PM track: realtor session

red Flags for the real estate agent kathy Mehringer, Broker Associate & Director of Risk Management, CoLdWELL baNKER REsIdENTIaL bRoKERaGEwilliam Moran, Assistant Commissioner, Enforcement, CaLIFoRNIa dEPaRTmENT oF REaL EsTaTE

4:00 PM - 4:45PM track: lenDer/servicer session session to be announced

4:00 PM - 4:45 PM track: realtor sessionsession to be announced

4:45 PM -

conference concludes

conFerence agenDa

Best Practices in short sales & reonovember 9-10, 2010 | Westin San Diego | San Diego, CA

register now at

hotel accoMMoDations westin san Diego400 West Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 PHone: 619-239-4500 WeBSITe: www.westin.comrooM rATeS: Single/Double: $169 | Triple: $189

SourceMedia has secured a block of rooms at Westin San Diego exclusive to the attendees of the Short Sales & reo Conference. Please be sure to make your reservations by october 18, 2010.

sPonsorshiP oPPortunities availaBleTo find out how to customize a sponsorship/exhibit package most appropriate for your institution please contact Adam Dadich at 212-803-6089 or via email at

2 easy ways to register: register online at call Joe Frega at 212.803.8348

registration rates early Bird 2 standardlending/servicing institutions $895 $995real estate agent/Broker $925 $1,025nonprofit/community outreach $495 $495all others $1,095 $1,295closed Door session for lenders/servicers Free FreeFreddie Mac workshop: how to Buy Freddie Mac Properties andBecome a Freddie Mac selling agent Free FreeExpiration DatE 10/15/10

PayMents:Please make checks payable to SourceMedia and include the name(s) of the attendee(s) on the face of the check. We accept American express, Diners Club, Discover, visa, and MasterCard. registration fees include all meals, refreshment breaks, receptions and a copy of the conference workbook. In order to receive early bird discounts, special rates or promotions, full payment must be made prior to the offer expiration date. Any registration not paid in full at that time of offer expiration date will be subject to the current rate. full Payment must be received 14 days prior to the event or your registration will automatically be cancelled. registrations with declined or invalid credit cards will not be processed. We reserve the right to verify your company profile and adjust your registration if necessary.

suBstitutions anD cancellations:Substitutions may be sent at any time. no refunds or letters of credit are available later than the event Cut off Date (14 Days prior to start date). All cancellations must be made in writing, submitted within 90 days prior to the Cut off Date of the event and will be subject to a cancellation fee equal to 50% off the registration fee or a letter of Credit which will cause forfeiture of the entire registration fee but allow one admittance to a future SourceMedia event to be used in the same year. no refunds will be issued on any exhibit Hall only passes.

DisclaiMer:SourceMedia reserves the right to cancel an event at any time. SourceMedia reserves the right to replace or cancel speakers or make any other changes to the agenda without notice. All information is subject to change.for more information regarding administrative policies such as complaints and refund, please contact our offices at 800-803-3424.

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