Best of tanzania


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Day 1: Arusha – Ngorongoro Meet at Kilimanjaro International Airport, you will be met and transferred to Arusha for

lunch.After lunch proceed to Ngorongoro Conservation Area

The caldera of Ngorongoro marks the ancient walls of a collapsed volcano, which was probably

once the size of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Today the completely enclosed circular crater is some twelve

miles across, with steep walls of over 2,000 feet. We are at an altitude of approximately 7,500

feet above sea level, the highest point on our trip. After our time on the lower plains, the cooler

air here is refreshing.

Arrive at your lodge, check in and have lunch at the lodge. Regularly voted one of the best

hotels in the world, this unique lodge clings to the rim of the magnificent Ngorongoro Crater, the

largest and most perfect volcanic crater on Earth. Long and low, the lodge is built from local river

stone and camouflaged with indigenous vines. Designed to blend completely into the landscape,

it is entirely invisible from the floor of the Crater 600 metres below.

Dinner and overnight at Ngorongoro Wildlife Lodge

DAY 2: Ngorongoro

Early this morning, we descend 2,000 feet to the crater floor, with packed lunches, to explore

this natural zoological park, and observe an extraordinary variety of wildlife: elephant,

rhinoceros, lion, hyena, zebra, wildebeest, Thomson's gazelle, reedbuck, and buffalo. The lovely

crested crane (similar to a peacock) can be found in great profusion here and maybe you'll spot

a bat-eared fox. The balance of predator and prey in this extraordinary ecosystem is so precise

that animals seldom leave. Our exact route is decided on the spot by our expert safari guides,

depending on where the animals are. An insider's tip: bring plenty of film-you may never take

better wildlife photos anywhere else.

Ngorongoro Crater is said to be one of the natural wonders of the world. A spectacular game

haunt, the 102-square-mile crater is a perfect caldera, one of the largest on earth. Millions of

years ago a smoldering volcano collapsed, creating the crater and a home for thousands of

animals amidst its many types of vegetation grown and nourished over the centuries. Over

30,000 animals live here: prides of lion, elephant, leopard, cheetah and giraffe, gazelle by the

thousands and multitudes of wildebeest.

Dinner and overnight at Ngorongoro Wildlife Lodge

DAY 3Ngorongoro - Serengeti After breakfast, depart for Serengeti National Park arriving at your lodge in time for lunch.

After lunch, proceed for an afternoon game drive in the Serengeti National Park.

With its wide-open spaces, bright blue skies and creature-filled landscape, over the next two

days we will discover why the fabled Serengeti typifies the dream of “Old Africa.” Large prides of

lions laze in the long grasses; plentiful families of elephants feed on acacia bark and trumpet to

each other across the plains, while giraffes, gazelles, monkeys, eland and the whole range of

African wildlife present themselves in awe-inspiring numbers.

Dinner and overnight at Seronera Wildlife Lodge

DAY 4: Serengeti Morning and afternoon game drives in the Serengeti National Park.

Serengeti undoubtedly the best-known wildlife sanctuary in the world, unequalled for its natural

beauty and scientific value, good chances to see the great herds of wildebeest, zebras and

gazelles, or a pride of lions lounging in the shade.

All meals and overnight at Seronera Wildlife Lodge

DAY 5: Lake Manyara After breakfast, drive to Lake Manyara for lunch

Afternoon game drive in Lake Manyara national park, Nestling at the base of the Great Rift

Valley escarpment, the park is recognized for its incredible beauty. You are likely to see game

animals such as elephant, giraffe, baboon, Zebra and buffalo. As you enter the gate, you pass

into the lush forest, home to troops of baboons and blue monkeys. Buffalo and hippo lurch into

the adjacent hippo pool. The vegetation eventually merges into flat topped acacia woodland

where, in the heat of the day, entire prides of lion can be seen stretched on the branches of

these trees.

Dinner and overnight at Kirurumu Tented Lodge

DAY 6: Lake Manyara After breakfast, drive to Arusha for hot lunch,

Afternoon transfer to Kilimanjaro International airport


Elyon Tours Tanzania Ltd

Arusha – Tanzania, Tel+255 754 743685,
