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April 2014 Newsletter


Our mission in the United Methodist Church and at Bermuda Hundred UMC is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!

What does this really mean?

The church is here to make disciples of Jesus—a disciple is not only someone who believes in Jesus, but also one who follows Jesus. A disciple is one who loves like Jesus loves, prays with Jesus and like Jesus, forgives like Jesus, and walks with Jesus to the cross. A disciple is one who dies to self and rises with Christ and shares the good news that Christ is Risen!

How does the church make disciples?

Bermuda Hundred UMC does this through inviting people into a relationship with Christ with radical hospitality and passionate worship, forming disciples through intentional faith development, and growing disciples through engag-ing them in the kingdom work of risk-taking mission and service. Disciples respond to Christ and grow in their faith through extravagant generosity making a commitment to give of themselves, their time, talent, financial gifts, and service.

Every week I witness people experiencing changed hearts and a changed life by encountering the presence of Christ in their life through Bermuda Hundred UMC.

Throughout the season of Lent, we have explored Radical Forgive-ness through our sermon series and Lenten Bible Study.

This past Sunday, in worship, we let go of the grievances and an-ger, the pebbles, stones, and rocks we hold onto and gave them over to be washed in the living water of Christ letting the waves of Christ mercy and grace wash over and wash them away. Forgive-ness is hard work, but Sunday we saw how not forgiving becomes hard on us.

One member said to me after service, “Watching you carry that backpack and becoming out of breath, really showed me how we do hold on to all the pain and Jesus does not want us to.”

Jesus took on all of our pain and hurt for all the world, so we do not need to hold on to you. Let Christ have it and let His grace wash over you.

Continued on the next page:

Changed Hearts Change the World!


Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church April 2014

Continued from the previous page

Recently one of the members of the weekly Lenten bible study shared this with me:

“I am enjoying the Forgiveness Bible study tremendously. It is making me really think about all the forgiveness I need to give while also making me aware of all I have done that needs to be forgiven. I have held on so long to past hurts which have caused me, at times, to feel angry and bitter, and I want to work to free myself of those emotions through forgiveness. I want to live my life so that my words and actions are outward expressions of having a heart full of love. I know this Bible study will help me move toward forgiveness of others. Also, I am using the words, “I am sorry” more than I ever have; not because I am hurting others more often but because I am asking for their forgiveness more. It is a scary thing to ask someone for their forgiveness. It leaves me feeling very vulnerable because I don’t know if the other person will forgive me or not. I am so grateful that I can count on my transgressions to be forgiven by Jesus and to be chosen to be forgotten by God.”

Several from Bermuda Hundred were able to attend and celebrate the wedding of Pastor Jan Prentace and Joe Commander. Upon returning from the wedding, Gary Starr shared with the Disciple Bible study that he met folks who had been touched by the ministry of Bermuda Hundred UMC. Rev. Delano Douglas was there and shared with Gary how because of Bermuda Hundred peo-ple who are hungry- both in their stomach and hearts are fed through the Downtown Churches United Ministry. Gary shared how powerful it was to hear this and other stories of our church and the work God is doing through disciples here! He said, “As someone new to this church, I am hearing these stories for the first time and I see how God is alive here!”

Sharing these stories of how God is working in our lives is part of our discipleship—it is part of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ! In sharing our lives and our hearts are changed, we change lives and God transforms the world through us!

Each week throughout Lent we have journeyed from light to dark as we approach the cross. And on Easter Sun-day we will celebrate that Christ is risen and the light of the world has indeed come into our hearts and our lives!

On Easter we will begin a 50 day journey to see how the light of Christ can “Catch Fire” in us! We will immerse ourselves in the story of the church becoming a movement of grace transforming the world through our sermon series “Catch Fire” that will take us from Easter to Pentecost!

Let us approach the cross, let us come early on the third day to the empty tomb, and let us catch fire opening our-selves to God and all that God can do in us to become disciples and change the world!

In God’s Love,

Pastor Beth

(Pictured: Mary Simmons, Lisa Hurley, Betty Forbes, Stan

Forbes, Sandy Forbes, and Rev. Delano Douglas.

Also present: Ann McNinch and Pastor Beth)

Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church April 2014

This year for Holy Thursday, we will offer a special worship service called “Going to Jesus.” We will have three stations: Footwashing, The Lord’s Table, and the Garden of Gethsemane. The theme of this service follows the refrain of the hymn, “Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy” which invites us say-ing, “I will arise and go to Jesus, he will embrace me with his arms; in the arms of my dear Savior, O there are ten thousand charms.” After meditations on each station, all are invited to “arise and go to Jesus.”

We will be creating this garden on Tuesday, April 15 at 1pm. We will begin collecting plants to help create the garden on Sunday, April 13. If you have plants (living or fake) can you share them with us so we may create our garden? Please leave a label your plants with your name. Plants can be picked up after the Holy Thursday “Going to Jesus” Service on Thursday, April 17 or any time after the service.

Thank you for helping us create this service where we may go and experience Jesus at the basin, at the table, and in the garden! If you have any thoughts or questions, please to not hesitate to call Pastor Beth at the church 804-530-1391 or email her at

Come Help our Garden Grow!

New Arrival!

Congratulations to Bill & Amie Anne Talley, V! Chappell Vernon Talley Born 3/14/14 at 4:39am 19.5 inches 7lbs 13oz

Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church April 2014

The Finance Committee continued to monitor revenue and expenses and are pleased to report that we continue to be in a sound financial position. We continue to be very grateful for your support of the church and our many activities.

In our report this month, we would like to share with you the importance of apportionments and how they are used. While it would be wonderful if we could reach out personally to everyone who needs our help, we know that is impossible. But when we join with other members of our congrega-tions around the state and nation, put money into the offering plate and participate in the carefully planned system of United Methodist mission and ministry, our gifts can stretch around the world, help-ing those in need and spreading the love of Jesus Christ, even in places where we can't go.

The Rev. Marc Brown, Director of Connectional Ministries for the Virginia Annual Conference, puts it this way - "As disciples of Jesus Christ, United Methodists covenant together to share in the gos-pel through their prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. Apportionments provide the connection through which this covenant is realized. As the good news of Jesus is shared in communities and re-gions across the world through The United Methodist Church, I invite you to pray with joy as you share the gift of faith in our Savior".

Being a faithful disciple means following the commands of Jesus. And Jesus commands us to love one another. How do we show that love? Jesus tells us to feed the hungry, welcome the stranger, pro-vide clothing and shelter to the poor, care for the sick and visit those in prison.

As I said earlier, this work is done here and even in places where we can't go. Over the next sev-eral months, we will be sharing with you specifically how the apportionment dollars are used. As a disci-ple of Jesus, I am sure you will be pleased and excited about all the many missions and projects that are accomplished through your faithful giving to Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church.

We are traveling a financial road together and one that will benefit our local church as well as God's children in many places. Again, thank you for all you do to make the road smoother and more beneficial. God will certainly bless you.

Betty Forbes, Finance Committee Chairman

Finance Committee Report

Thank you to all who came out for the Talley Baby Shower on March 30! Pastor Beth will be with us on April 6 to continue our discussion of Methodism, a follow-up to our study called Christianity's Family Tree by Adam Hamilton. Just Coffee will NOT meet on April 13 and 20 due to the Easter Season. We will meet April 27 to begin You'll Get Through This, a study by Max Lucado. Visit our blog at for the latest updates!

Just Coffee

Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church April 2014

Let's have a Tea Party!

The Keenagers Group will be taking a trip to the Blue Willow Tea room on Thursday, April 3! We will meet at the church at 11am to go to the Tea Room together.

Each month the Keenagers spend time in fellowship going to lunch together.

Earlier this month we gathered at the Court House Café in Hopewell, the month before we gathered at Cracker Barrel.

This is our first time to a Tea Room and we are very excited! Some of us may wear our hats and pull out our white gloves!

We hope you can join us!

We will enjoy a Victorian Tea filled with scones, jam, Devonshire cream, Rowena's pound cake, fruit curd, assorted tea sandwiches, fruit skewer, and of course... tea!

We will gather for tea, fellowship, and a devotional.

We hope to see you! Please invite friends for this fun outing!

RSVP to Christine no later than Tuesday, April 1st!

Please join our Preschool for our annual Art Show on Wednesday, April

30th, 6-7:30pm. The children’s art will be displayed throughout the

preschool area. We will also be registering children (2 1/2 through 5 years)

for the 2014/2015 school year. We truly believe BHCDC is

the best preschool in the area because of our amazing

teachers and continued support of families like you!

Check out our new website (created by Ms. Kelley) at

Anna Cheney, BHCDC Director

Bermuda Hundred Child Development Center

April Meetings in the Grundy Parlor:

-Church Council will meet at 7:30 PM on

Tuesday, April 15th.

-SPRC will meet at 5:30 PM

on Thursday, April 24th .

-Please note that the Finance Committee

will not meet in April.

(The Finance Committee will next meet on

Tuesday, May 13th at 6:45 PM.)

The Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet at 1:00 PM on Tuesday, April 8th at Betty Forbes’s house. See Lilly Enz for more information.

Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church April 2014

United Methodist Women

We have changed the dates of our UMW Meetings to the THIRD MONDAY of each month. Our next meeting will be Monday April 21st at 7:00PM in the Grundy Parlor. The UMW will be presenting their Candle Burning Program in honor or in memory of special people in the lives of their loved ones. More information in this month's newsletter and weekly bulletins or contact Betty Forbes, Glenn Harrison or Doris Morefield.

Our Spring yard sale will be Saturday, April 26th from 8:00 AM to noon. Set up is Friday, April 25th from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. We will be

receiving SPRING & SUMMER clothes, household items (NO TV'S PLEASE), books, toys, etc. Remember one person's junk is another per-son's treasure.

Doris Morefield, UMW President

SAVE THE DATE! Saturday, May 31, 2014

12 to 2 p.m. Advance Ticket $ 15.00 If you’d like a ticket see

Elaine Ruxton or Doris Morefield

A Special Fashion Show Benefit for United Methodist Women’s Missions by

Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church April 2014

The UMM have another busy month for April. We will have our regular meeting on the 15th. We will be hosting the Easter Sunrise Breakfast on the 20th. We invite you to bring a breakfast casserole for sharing on Easter Sunday morning.

We will be having our Annual Fish Fry on Wednes-day, April 23rd, 5:00 to 7:00 pm. We could us a few good men…and, yes, we can handle the truth!

We’re also looking for painters for the fences. If you know which end of a paintbrush to hold, we’ll put you to work.

As always, we meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, at River’s Bend Grill, at 6:30 pm. The 1st time you attend a meeting, I will buy your dinner. So, come on out and enjoy good food and good fellowship.

God Bless,

Charles Woodard, President

United Methodist Men

The new projector has been installed in the Fellowship Hall. A big thank you to Tammy, and everyone

else who made this possible. I have had some people ask me about a training class for basic computer

information. If you are interested in learning about Facebook, Email, Word, or anything else to do with

Computers, let me or Christine know, and I’ll set up some classes later in the year.

Charles Woodard, Technology Committee

Technology Committee

Have you recently visited Bermuda Hundred UMC? Or perhaps you have been worshiping here for awhile and you'd like to learn more about Bermuda Hundred UMC.

Starting Point is a great place to begin learning more! Starting Point will be offered on Sundays during the Sunday School hour 9:45-10:45 AM in the Sanctuary. Sunday, April 6- Take a tour of BHUMC and learn about our history. Sunday, April 13-Learn about what it means to be a United Methodist in Methodism 101. Take with you information about your Spiritual Gifts. Sunday, April 20- Happy Easter! (Services are Sun-rise and at 10:00 AM- no Sunday School on April 20). Bring Flowers for the Flowering of the Cross. Sunday, April 27- Pizza with the Pastor.

Starting Point Sundays 9:45 AM

Wednesday, April 23, 2014 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

All you can eat catfish, hushpup-pies, beans, cole slaw & drink

Adults $11, Child $5 Family Maximum $25

Tickets in advance or at the door!

Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church April 2014

2 Brenton Lythgoe

3 Helen Collie

4 Earl Hogarth

5 Allison Beaudoin

8 Sid Harrison III

10 Betty Mayes

11 Alexander Wilts

13 Jerry Gutshall

14 Ron Carpenter

17 Jason Beaudoin

18 Christy Linkous Phillips, Marcie Callahan

19 Sandy Forbes, Amanda Winn

21 Doris Morefield, Stacie Snyder

22 Jean Ferrell

23 Binford Sloan IV

25 Lisa Peters

26 Debbie Winn, Doris Linkous, Ruby Lee Jones

28 Cindy Clark, Erin Gwinn

29 Phyllis Carpenter, Stephanie Tarver

Easter Egg Hunt

2-4 p.m. Saturday, April 5th Bring a basket for your eggs!

Petting Zoo Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church

2025 Florence Ave, Chester, VA 23836 (804) 530-1391 (Located at the corner of Rte 10 & Florence Ave.,

one block East of Enon Elementary School)










8:30 AM



Marc & Mindy Wilts Neil & Ditty

Mooney TBA

Charlie & Elaine


11:00 AM



Betty & Sandy


Barbara & Ken

Alexander Glenn & Sidney

Harrison Melinda & Brian


Acolytes Kathleen McNinch &

Branwyn McCormick

Jeremy Gutshall &

Abby Mayes

Caitlin LaRue &

Savannah Talley

Jared McDonough &

Tyler Woodell


Lay Ser-

vant Liz Carter McDonough Liz Carter McDonough Tyler Craddock Tyler Craddock



Sherry Strosnider

Meredith Steinbraker Brenna Dascoulias &

Jim Booth

Savannah Hodges &

Kailey Craddock



Pam Winn

No UMYF No UMYF Volunteer Needed

Altar Guild for April: Nancy Byrd & Peggy Proper

If you cannot serve on your assigned Sunday, please call your contact as soon as possible:

8:30 AM Ushers/Greeters: Mindy Wilts at 586-7195

11:00 AM Ushers/Greeters: Sandy Forbes at 530-2055

Acolytes: Sheila LaRue at 454-1284

Altar Guild: Nancy Byrd at 530-5319

April 2014 Sunday Servants

Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church April 2014

BHUMC has a long history of collecting UMCOR kits to be deliv-ered to Annual Conference. This year's kit is the HEALTH KIT. This effort is led by the UMW, but this year, we want every-one in the church to be involved in the collection and packing process.

Collection of Items We will be gratefully accepting donations of items and monetary donations through May 18. There will be labeled bins at the bot-

tom of the stairs near the Fellowship Hall. If you would like to make a monetary donation, please label your check or envelope with the note “Health Kits.” (Each kit does require a $1 donation for toothpaste purchase.)

Below are the items we are collecting – look at the chart for the first initial of your first name. What a great mission project to donate for each member of the family!

If your first name begins with:

A-E 2 hand towels (at least 15” x 25”)

F-J 2 washcloths

K-O 2 combs (sturdy, at least 8” long) AND 2 metal nail files or nail clippers

P-T 2 toothbrushes (adult) AND 2 bars - bath size soap

U-Z 1 box of band-aids (3/4” x 1”) AND 1 box of one-gallon plastic bags

Packing of Items We will invite the entire church to meet during the Sunday School hour (between services) on a Sunday in early June to assemble the Health Kits. The date for this meaningful event will be announced soon.

Please contact Tammy Ritenour and Tabitha Strickler if you have any questions. If you would like further information on Health Kits, visit

Health Kits

During the season of Lent our sermon series will focus on Forgiveness and every Wednesday through April 9th at 7:00 PM in the Grundy Parlor

we will offer a small group Lenten Study on Adam Hamilton’s Forgiveness.

Have you ever said, "I'm going to read the whole

bible!" Only to stop somewhere in Genesis, Deuteronomy, or Numbers feeling overwhelmed and fatalistic about accom-plishing the goal? It is possible to study and read the whole bible and to enjoy every part of it and get a lot out of the ex-perience!

The Disciple class meets on Sundays from 4:00—6:00 PM.

Please note that there will be no Disciple Bible Study on Easter Sunday, April 20th.

(804) 530-1391 or


Lenten Lunches Wednesdays at Noon Through April 16 Join us for a short devotional followed by soup, bread

and dessert! Each Wednesday during Lent we will have 2 soups, bread, dessert and beverages.

Holy Week Schedule: Palm Sunday, March 24

Contemporary Service 8:30 AM

Sunday School 9:45 AM

Traditional Worship Service 11:00 AM

Holy Thursday, March 28

7:00 PM Worship Service with

Holy Communion

Good Friday, March 29

7:00 PM Worship Service

Easter Sunday, March 31

Sunrise Service 6:30 AM

Breakfast 7:30—8:30 AM

Worship Service 10:00 AM
