Berliner Memo



Roger Berliner: Office of Business Services

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    June 16, 2015

    MEMORANDUM To: Chairwoman Nancy Floreen Council President George Leventhal Councilmember Hans Riemer From: Councilmember Roger Berliner Re: Proposal to Create an Office of Business Services

    Over recent months, we have discussed in great detail the need to streamline our countys workforce development programs and improve our economic development strategy. And we have had success in galvanizing the appropriate public and private stakeholders to agree that the best approach to achieve these goals is to create a new independent entity which would implement and oversee our collective efforts.

    Currently, we have legislation (Bill 25-15) before us to create that new entity which I believe, at its core, will focus on attracting, recruiting, and retaining business here in Montgomery County. And I agree with that core mission wholeheartedly. However, we need to do what we can to ensure that essential services for our existing business community are also strengthened.

    As drafted, some business services that do not fall into that core mission are assigned to go to various places within county government. That would leave substantial services without a unified place to call home. In a practical sense, this could impose an undue burden on our business community who rely on timely, easily accessible information and services as they go about their daily work. Our goal should be to not only strengthen our capacity to attract and retain businesses, but to strengthen our capacity to provide high quality services to our existing businesses.

    I have met with representatives of many of our chambers of commerce to discuss this issue, and

    there was unanimous agreement that our business climate would be enhanced through creating an Office of Business Services. We see this simply as a service-providing entity whose mission would neither compete nor overlap with the new economic development entity. We agreed that six core functions should be included in this new Office, which would create a one stop location for businesses to turn to when they interface with county government:

    The six functions that are proposed for including within the scope of this new Office of Business

    Services would be:

  • 1) Development Ombudsman 2) Small Business Navigator 3) Business Training Services, including our Minority Business Empowerment Initiative 4) Small Business Revolving Loans Program 5) Special Business Projects 6) Regulatory Compliance/Implementation Along with several of my colleagues, I have been pushing for years for a significant shift to our

    countys economic development approach to make government more responsive, nimble, and adaptive to the ever changing regional and global economic landscape. We only get one chance to do this right and making sure we do right by our small to mid-sized businesses ought to be a priority.

    I ask for your support of this approach and thank you in advance for your consideration.

    cc: Councilmembers Jacob Sesker Steve Farber
