Benefits of a Las Vegas Press Club



It’s been many years since Las Vegas has had a Press Club. Not only will the Las Vegas International Press Club join the other nationally known Press Clubs but, because of the Las Vegas reputation, it will draw visitors from the all over the worldwide business community.

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Benefits of a Las Vegas Press Club

Relocate to Las Vegas!

It’s been many years since Las Vegas has

had a Press Club. Not only will the Las

Vegas International Press Club join the

other nationally known Press Clubs but,

because of the Las Vegas reputation, it will

draw visitors from the all over the worldwide

business community.

Why Las Vegas Needs a Press Club

All major international cities have Press

Clubs that garner respect from their entire

metropolitan areas–and from the rest of the

world. Notable businesses, press factions,

celebrities, and local and state governments

all participate. Sponsors typically include

universities and other educational

institutions, news and media institutions,

large national and international

corporations, and private foundations.

Will generate tremendous amounts

of free publicity for Las Vegas

businesses, our news media, and

the city itself.

A source of pride for Nevada and

Las Vegas residents.

Strengthens the city’s position as a

prime place to conduct national and

international business.

Increases Las Vegas’ ever-growing

respect in the national and world


Will be working with the Governor’s

development task to help

businesses relocate to Nevada.

Out of town businesses that are here

for conventions will visit the Press

Club seeking publicity–and will be

met with a “TV wall” telling them all

the reasons Nevada is an excellent

business move (they’ll also find

great publicity!).

Will help drive new real-estate sales.

Will increase Las Vegas convention

bookings and encourage people to

stay longer.
