Benefit of Ayurveda


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  • 8/3/2019 Benefit of Ayurveda


    Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word, which means the Knowledge of Life (Ayu means life and means knowledge). Ayurveda and Ayurvedic medicines were created by God Dhanvantri,an Avatar of Indian god Lord Vishnu, also known as the physician of Gods. Ayurveda is one of the most ancient holistic medical systems. It has extensive documentation and is considered safe and efficient.

    Ayurveda can be defined as a system, which uses the inherent principles of natur

    e, to keep a persons body, mind and spirit in perfect equilibrium. To create a state of holistic health for every individual, thereby creating a healthy societyis the eventual goal of Ayurveda. Ayurveda considers that there are three Doshasof Vata, Pitta and Kapha and every individual is either a combination of thesethree or one dosha. All the metabolic activities of an individual are governed by these three doshas, which keeps adjusting with the changes of nature.

    The most beneficial aspect of Ayurveda is that it focuses on the causes rather than the symptoms of the problem/illness. The study before administering medicinetakes into account the individuals daily routine, diet, different body parts such as nails, tongue, face, eye, etc. as well, rather than just looking at the visible symptoms. To heal the body and augment the mind & soul, treatments are prec

    isely planned and include various Ayurvedic medicines, diet and lifestyle changes. The unique rejuvenating and longevity enhancing method of rasayana was born out of Ayurveda to take mankind on the path of spirituality.

    Ayurveda is being widely recognized as an alternate of modern medicine. More andmore people from all over the world are looking for various Ayurveda packages in India. In the recent years, there has been a tremendous increase in the numberof tourists coming to India for various Ayurvedic treatments. There are variousAyurvedic centres all over India, which offer Ayurveda packages for rejuvenation and various treatments.

    The Ayurveda packages in India are customized for every individual, based on their dosha, requirements and needs. For rejuvenation and illnesses, Abhyanga, Shir

    o-dhara, Navarakizhi, Panchakarma etc. are offered. Abhyanga improves concentration, intelligence, confidence and youthfulness. It increases the metabolism, which leads to better tissue respiration and circulation, causing the body to flushout its waste products more efficiently. It helps in alleviating rheumatic disorders and provides comfort to the eyes, sound sleep, and tones up the body, improves flexibility, softness and firmness of the skin and for long life. Navarakizhi (Rice pudding massage) is the most rejuvenating and relaxing treatment in which the patient is anointed with suitable medicated oil all over the body and ismassaged with boluses of Navara in seven different postures. This treatment isuseful in all kinds of rheumatism, paralysis, polio congenital deformity of limbs, dislocation of bones and joints etc. The main indications are all types of diseases of nervous system, chronic rheumatic diseases, pain in joints, emaciatio

    n of limbs and diseases borne of vitiated blood. It also makes the body strong and sturdy with well developed musculature.

    Panchakarma (Detoxification, Cleansing & Body Purification) is considered very useful for rejuvenation. The constant metabolic activities in the body result intoxins/free radicals which damage the body cells resulting in wear and tear ofthe body leading to aging. The process of aging is further accelerated by prolonged stress and strain, irregular life style and unhealthy food habits. The Panchakarma package generally includes various rejuvenation therapies, such as Kayaseka, Shirodhara, Abhyanga, Synchronized massage, Medicated steam bath, Navarakizhi, etc. and is most beneficial when taken over a span of 3-4 weeks.

    Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda Massage therapies and Ayurvedic herbal medicines are

    generally a component of all the Ayurveda packages in India.

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