Bellringer: Wednesday Complete the DGP for today. Get out your homework (Article of the Week)


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Bellringer: Wednesday

•Complete the DGP for today.

•Get out your homework (Article of the Week).

Wordpieces 1.1

Wordpieces 1.1 Notes

Phot/phos means “light”



Tending to grow or move towards light

phosphorescent Adjective Giving off light without heat Synonym: glow-in-the-dark

photogenic Adjective Attractive in pictures or

photographs Synonym: camera-friendly


lucid Adjective Easy to understand; clear Synonym: simple Antonym: complicated

elucidate Verb To make clear by explaining Synonym: expound Antonym: complicate

translucent Adjective Allowing light to pass through Synonym: see-through Antonym: opaque

Spec/spect“to look at”

circumspect Adjective Careful; mindful of rules and

consequences Synonym: cautious Antonym: reckless

prospect Noun That which is expected Synonym: outlook

specter Noun A ghost or phantom Synonym: spirit

Vid/vis“to see; to look”

invidious Adjective Hateful or spiteful Synonym: unpleasant Antonym: pleasant

providential Adjective Happening by good fortune Synonym: lucky Antonym: unlucky

improvise Verb To create without any forethought

or preparation Synonym: manage Antonym: well-planned
