Bell Ringer: September (5)6, 2017 · 2018-08-31 · Bell Ringer: September (5)6, 2017 1. Get out...


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1: Spiral/blank sheet of paper

2: River Valley Civilizations Map/Anchor Chart


Bell Ringer: September (5)6, 2017

1. Get out your notes from last class.

2. Re-read your notes and in the “summary” space of your notes, summarize the causes and effects of the Neolithic Revolution.

• Causes:

• Hunter-gatherer bands scattered seeds near camps, resulting in the growth of crops

• Climate change resulted in longer growing seasons

• Effects:

• Shift from food gathering to food growing

• Established permanent settlements

• Writing developed

• Development of government

• Villages vulnerable to attacks and spread of disease


• Pass back papers


• Monday/Tuesday: Failing-to-not failing: CANDY

• Take this time to set up your Cornell notes, turn in homework, and grab your clickers



• Check your grades!


• Spiral/paper

• River Valley Civilizations Map/Anchor Chart Assignment

Lesson Objective

• Summarize the impact of the development of farming (Neolithic Revolution) on the creation of river valley civilizations

• Identify the characteristics of civilization

1. What are we learning?

• Rewrite the LO into a question. • How would

• How will

• How might

• Why would

• Why will

• Why might

Lesson Objective


2. Why is it important/making a connection?

How would you describe the person sending the messages (grey bubbles)?

He’s thirsty. Most people who began farming during the Neolithic Revolution were thirsty too, which is why most early civilizations settled along rivers.

Word Wall Vocabulary:

• Civilization: form of human culture in which people live in cities, have complex social institutions, use writing, and are skilled in science and technology

• Mesopotamia: civilization next to the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in present-day Iraq

• Tigris and Euphrates River: rivers in Iraq, where Mesopotamia developed

• Cuneiform: writing system of Mesopotamia

• Nile River: River in Egypt around which the Nile River Valley civilization developed

• Pharaoh: God-King of the Egyptians

• Hieroglyphics: Writing system of the Egyptians

• Indus River: River in India around which the Indus River Valley civilization developed

• Huang He: AKA Yellow River, where the Yellow River Valley civilization developed

• Theocracy: political system in which religious leaders also control the government

• Monarchy: political system in which hereditary ruler leads the government (king)

Characteristics of a Civilization

• Complex institutions (such as religion or government)

• Advanced cities, ex: Harappa, in Indus River Valley, had plumbing

• Advanced technology: plow, sail, wheel

• Record-keeping: cuneiform (Mesopotamia), hieroglyphics (Egypt), and oracle bones (China)

• Specialization of labor: scribe, warrior, musician, blacksmith

Turn and Talk

What are the criteria for a civilization?

a. Advanced cities and technology

b. Record-keeping

c. Specialization of labor

d. Complex institutions



Development of River Valley CivilizationsCauses Effects

• Spread of agricultural practices

and the domestication of animals

allowed for more sophisticated and

larger settlements to emerge

• Societies emerge where there was

access to fresh water, along the

Tigris/Euphrates, the Nile, the

Indus and the Huang He rivers.

• Periodic flooding of the rivers

provided rich fertile soil

• Civilization emerged with common

political, economic, and cultural


• Surplus agricultural output allowed

some not to farm and new

specialization of labor emerged.

• Social divisions became more


• Organized religions developed, first

distinguished as mostly polytheist

• Law codes were introduced

Turn and Talk

Which best explains the rise of the river valley civilizations:

a. Climate changes suddenly made hunting more plentiful

b. The introduction of farming led to a surplus of crops in flood plains with fertile soil

c. Stone Age peoples learned how to make fires and tools of stone, wood, and bone

d. New ideas were introduced to Mesopotamia and Egypt through trade




• Fertile Crescent

• Tigris and Euphrates Rivers

• Present-day Iraq

Complex Institutions

• Polytheistic religion –ziggurat (temple) at the center of each city-state

• Monarchy –hereditary king, ex: Babylonian king Hammurabi

Advanced Cities/Technology

• Sumer/Ur

• Plow

• Pottery

• Bronze

• Wheel

• Sail

• Number system based on 60 and 360 degree circles

Record Keeping

• Cuneiform writing


Turn and Talk

Which of the following civilizations was located in the Tigris and Euphrates River Valley, in the modern day country of Iraq?

a. Egypt

b. Mesopotamia

c. China

d. India





• African continent

• Nile River Valley

Complex Institutions

• Polytheistic religion

• Theocracy –ruled by pharaohs who were considered god-kings

• Society: upper, middle, lower, slaves

Advanced Cities/Technology

• Memphis

• Mummificationof the dead

• Pyramids

• Calendar system based on Nile’s flood cycle

• Medical advancements in surgery/broken bones

Record Keeping

• Hieroglyphicswritten on papyrus, a paper made from reeds

Turn and Talk

Egyptian writing was

a. Cuneiform in clay

b. Oracle bones on bones

c. Hieroglyphics on papyrus

d. Letters on silk paper




• Indian subcontinent

• Indus River Valley

Complex Institutions

• Unknown, but probably a theocracy

• Society: Aryans settle area around 1500 BCE and establish a caste system to separate Aryan from non-Aryan

Advanced Cities/Technology

• Harappa/Mohenjo-Daro

• Sewer and plumbing system

• Planned city systems

Record Keeping

• Undecipherable

Turn and Talk

The two cities of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa were located in which river valley?

a. Nile

b. Tigris and Euphrates

c. Indus

d. Yellow




• Asian continent

• Yellow River Valley

Complex Institutions

• Polytheistic religion

• Monarchy/Dynasty: ruled by a single family (Shang/Zhou)

• Zhou claims “Mandate of Heaven”, or divine right to rule

Advanced Cities/Technology

• Bronze

• Silk

Record Keeping

• Characters (each symbol represents an idea)

• Oracle bones

Turn and Talk

What as one similarity between the ancient civilizations of Egypt and China?

a. They both had a democratic government

b. They both believed in one god

c. They both had written forms of communication

d. They both carried on trade with the Americas



Independent Practice:

• Pick up a copy of the River Valley Civilizations Map/Anchor Chart Assignment

• Using Page A7, A14, A16, A18, 27, complete the River Valley Civilizations map assignment

• On the back, complete the anchor chart for the River Valley Civilizations• Fill in the five characteristics of a civilization and examples for

each civilization from your notes

• Draw three examples of technology from each civilization

• For ten extra points, color your anchor chart