Bell Ringer 10/27 Who wrote the declaration of Independence?


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Bell Ringer 10/27

Who wrote the declaration of


Runaway Scrape And San Jacinto

Sam Houston realized the Texans were outnumbered

Instead of attacking immediately, he decided to retreat to buy time

Texan Retreat

Civilian living in Texas heard about the Alamo and Goliad and decided to escape before Santa Anna got to them

Runaway Scrape

Runaway Scrape

Runaway Scrape

Impact of geography:What did the coastal plains have a lot of?RiversWhat happens during the spring time?Rains a lot

Lots of rain caused high rivers. Many people died rushing to cross.

Runaway Scrape

The high waters from the rivers benefited Sam Houston and the Texans because their army was small.

Santa Anna had to move at a much slower pace.

Santa Anna decided to split up his army

Texans Retreat

Texans captured a Mexican messenger that had letters describing Santa Anna’s plans and movements

Sam Houston decided that there was no longer any need to retreat; it was time to fight

April 20, 1836 there was a small fight between groups from each side. Santa Anna now knew where the Texans were

Battle of San Jacinto






Santa Anna’s Camp


What is a Swamp

Aerial View


Vince’s Bridge After Santa Anna crossed it, Sam Houston

had it destroyed so that neither army could retreat or receive reinforcements.

Battle of San Jacinto

Texans prepared to attack

The ridge that separated the Texans and Mexicans kept the Mexicans from seeing the Texan army get in battle formation

April 21, 1836

Texans attacked shouting “Remember the Alamo” and “Remember Goliad”

After many Mexicans were killed the army finally surrendered

Santa Anna ran away

Battle of San Jacinto

Battled lasted 18 minutes 630 Mexicans died 730 Mexicans taken prisoner 9 Texans died


With the victory at San Jacinto Texas had won its Independence

Impact of Geography on Battle of San Jacinto

Swamp kept Santa Anna from

retreating or receiving


Ridge in the middle of battlefield allowed for

Texans surprise attack

Santa Anna’s Three Mistakes

Divided his army into smaller forces

Withdrew his army so that

the ridge separated

the two armies

Ordered his men to take a siesta, or


Treaty of Velasco

The purpose of a headline is to grab attention and sum up the story it will be discussing in just a few words.

They also usually have a point of view that is represented by the side that they are on.



Choose an event that happened in the Texas Revolution and write

a headline from the point of view of

Mexico and Texas

Battle of Gonzales Grass Fight Battle of the Alamo Goliad Massacre Runaway Scrape Battle of San Jacinto Treaty of Velasco


The Time Is Now!Austin Returns and Urges for Texas to


