Believers Authority (Spring 2013)


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What is Authority?

Ephesians 1:16-20Ephesians 3:14-19

The wall-eyed pike story

We must have the spirit of wisdom and revelation of Christ and His Word if we are to grow.

It does not come by intellect, but by the Holy Spirit.

Pray these prayers for yourself and for others and you will see GREAT RESULTS in their lives and in yours too.

There is power in praying Scripturally. It makes things happen.

Ephesians 1:3; Ephesians 6:12

Our combat with the devil always should be with the consciousness that we have authority over him because he is a defeated foe

We receive this authority when we are born again, when we receive Jesus and the Kingdom message.

The devil doesn’t want us to learn about our authority in Christ, he wants to keep defeating us

Knowledge acted upon is what brings results John 8:32, Hosea 4:6

Luke 10:19; Ephesians 6:10

The value of our authority rests on power that is behind that authority. Since God Himself is the power behind our authority, all evil forces must bow.

The devil is like a roaring lion 1Peter5:8-9

Power on earth invested in the name of Jesus Christ and obtained by Him through His overcoming the enemy belongeth unto the church. Therefore, exercise that authority, for it belongs to us on earth and in this life, we shall reign.

Matthew 28:18Jesus is the head of the church and we the church are the body. The head and body move together therefore, we are with Christ where he is now.

Ephesians 1:19-21 tells us where Jesus is… Ephesians 3:5-6 tells us we are with Him.

His finished works – Colossians 2:15

You never will understand the authority of the believer only with your intellect; you must get spiritual revelations of it. You must believe it by faith.

Are we meant to reign here on earth? YES! Romans 5:17; John 14:12

We are already delivered Colossians 1: 12-13. Walk in that victory, the devil has no right to rule over you or dominate you. PUSH HIM OUT! Why have more faith in Satan’s authority than in God’s?

Your authority is NOW, already activated. We are in this world not of this world. Satan is running a lot on earth but he is NOT running me, he is NOT dominating me, We CAN dominate him, we have authority over him!

We need to build these truths into our lives by meditating and feeding upon them until they become a part of our consciousness.

Many problems exist because we ALLOW them. Don’t ask God to do for you what He has already given you AUTHORITY to do.

Demand your rights from the devil not from God. John 13: 13-14; demand your rights and privileges. You must learn your rights!

Don’t be discouraged if it seems like things are not happening

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