Behind the EYE of Yoga - SHAPE...


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Behind the EYE

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Victoria A. Otto Highland Park High School 2011 Illinois Secondary PE Teacher of the Year

2012 Midwest Secondary PE Teacher of the Year

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Twitter: @yogaforpe Instagram: LittleMsFun2014

Endocrine Glands Nerve Plexuses

The BasicsJ Chakra Endocrine Gland Nervous Plexus Physiological


1 Muladhara Adrenal Coccygeal Excretory

2 Svadhisthana Testes/Ovaries Sacral Reproductive

3 Manipura Spleen/Pancreas Solar Digestive

4 Anahata Thymus Heart Circulatory

5 Vishuddha Thyroid/Parathyroid Pharyngeal Respiratory

6 Ajna Pituitary Hypothalamus Autonomic Nervous System

7  Sahasrara Pineal Cerebral Cortex Central Nervous System

Homunculus: Sensory & Motor cortexes

“Kundalini Yoga (medical meditations) uses small, precisely applied amounts of stress in systematic ways to toughen our nervous system and develop caliber. This continuous relationship with stress, this practice, gives an extraordinary ability to deliver ourselves under any circumstances”


--Yogi Bhajan “The Aquarian Teacher: Vitality and Stress Level 2 Teacher Training Manual

Kundalini Considered the most complete yoga practice


Mudra (hand position)

Eye Focus

Breath Pattern

Sound Vibration

Stress Relief and Clearing the Emotions of the Past © Yogi Bhajan: Physical Wisdom

�  Sit in easy pose

�  Put your hands at the center of your chest with the tips of the thumbs and fingers touching the corresponding fingers on the opposite hand

�  Allow space between the palms and fingertips are pointing upward

�  Look at the tip of your nose

�  Breath 4x’s a minute: �  inhale 5 seconds �  hold 5 seconds �  exhale 5 seconds.

�  Continue for 11 minutes or until you feel better

Physiology of the Breath �  Every cell needs oxygen to function

�  The cells do NOT store oxygen. They are getting just enough to stay alive �  Lung and other breathing diseases cause psychological distress

partly because of the lack of oxygen �  Given too much oxygen, we get happy feelings

�  Alveolar sacs �  Gas exchange occurs between the bloodstream and the lungs

�  Hemoglobin (RBC and protein) �  Exchange between oxygen and �  carbon dioxide

Physical Benefits of Breath �  Brain requires a supply of oxygen

�  Neurons in the brain have a high rate of

metabolism (needs more O2 then other organs)

Stimulates the blood circulation �  More oxygen available to the cells for nourishment and waste disposal

�  Provides oxygen to all cells for optimal functioning �  w/o oxygen cells can not metabolize nutrients or eliminate wastes

�  Reduction of toxins (carbon dioxide, lactic acid and others) �  Proper breathing directly cleansing the lungs

�  Air pollution, Pathogens, Allergens, etc. etc.


�  Increases in pranic intake (life force/Oxygen)

�  Reduction of physical tension

�  Toning of the Nervous system (Vagus Nerve)

�  Sympathetic System �  Fight or Flight

�  Pulls energy away from immune system

�  Parasympathetic system: �  rest and repair �  Good for the immune system

Mental Benefits �  Improved concentration

�  Greater clarity of thought

�  Increased ability to deal with complex situations w/o suffering from stress

�  Better emotional control and equilibrium

�  Improved physical control and coordination

�  Helps balance the hemispheres of the brain

�  Peripheral nerves

�  Effects mood �  Decreases stress levels (Lamaze for

childbirth) �  Impacts the PAG (periaqueductal

gray area) region of the brain

�  Site of the body’s largest supply of opiate receptors

�  “The Molecules of Emotion” by Dr. Candace Pert

Awareness of Breath Awareness of the breath is the beginning of recognizing the breath �  Break the habit

The Breath and Word are related!! �  Positive affirmations!! �  Molecules of emotions!! �  Nervous system connections

Men normally breath at a rate of 16-18 cycles per minute

Women Breath at 18-20 cycles per minute

Cycles of the Breath � 8 cycles per a minute � Feel more relaxed � Relief from stress � Increased mental awareness � Parasympathetic nervous

system begins to be influenced

� Immune system starts to elevate

� 4 cycles � Positive shifts in mental

function � Intense feelings of awareness � Increased clarity � Heightened body sensitivity � Pituitary and pineal glands

begin to coordinate at an enhanced level producing a meditative state

� 1 cycle per a minute (One-Minute breath) � 20 seconds to inhale, 20 seconds

to hold, 20 seconds to exhale � Optimized cooperation between

brain hemispheres � Dramatic calming of anxiety, fear

and worry � Openness to feeling one’s

presences (spirit) �  Intuition develops � Whole brain works!!!

Minutes matter 3 minute meditation

Affects the electromagnetic field, circulation and stability of the blood

7 minute meditation

Continues to deepen the affect on the electromagnetic field, circulation and stability of the blood

11 minute meditation

Begins to change the nerves and endocrine system

22 minute meditation

Balances the 3 minds: Negative (protective), Positive (expansive), Neutral (meditative)

31 Minute meditation

Allows the glands, breath and concentration to affect all the cells and rhythms of the body

62 minute meditation

Changes the gray matter in the brain!! (routes sensory and motor neurons; basically everything!!

2.5 hour meditation

Changes psyche in its relationship with the surrounding magnetic field Subconscious mind is held firmly in new pattern

How long to change a habit �  It takes , to

change the habit (to doing or not doing)

�  It takes , to confirm the habit(to do or not to do anymore)

�  In , the new habit is who you are

�  1n , you have mastered the new habit!!

40 days

90 days

120 days

1,000 days

Kirtan Kriya

UCLA-Department of Psychiatry

University of Pennsylvania-Department of Radiology

University of California

Ministry of Health in Finland and Karolinska Institute in Sweden

University of West Virginia-Department of Public Health

University of Arizona-Department of Surgery and iCAMP

After 8 weeks of 12 minutes of Kirtan Kriya, the scans show improvement

�  Balances both hemispheres of the brain

�  Alzheimer's Research & Prevention Foundation �  Reducing risk factors for Alzheimer's disease �  Enhancement of total brain fitness

�  Increased telomerase: enzyme that controls the length of telomeres (cap on DNA) �  Longer telomeres = better health �  Shorter = Alzheimer's disease, accelerated

aging & shortened life

�  Decrease in “bad” genes �  Reduction in activity in genes causing

inflammation �  Inflammation is the hallmark to many


�  Improvement of good genes �  Including those boosting the immune system

�  Enhanced Flood flow to the Brain (cerebral Flow) �  Influence to attention, concentration, focus,

memory (hippocampus), depression, trauma & resiliency.

�  Increase healthy Brain Size

�  Long-term meditators have larger/healthier brains

�  Improved Brain Chemistry

�  Increase neurotransmitters naturally

�  Improves communication between brain cells thus enhancing memory function

�  Improved Memory

�  Reduced Stress by lowering cortisol levels

�  Less Depression

�  Clarity of Purpose

�  Acceptance, personal growth and positive relationships

�  Spiritual Well-Being

Emerging new field of study: Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI)

The Benefits of Kirtan Kriya

How To Do Kirtan Kriya Asana: Easy Pose  Eye: Closed and at the Brow Point (Third Eye)

 Mantra: Saa: Infinity, cosmos, beginning

Taa: Life, existence

Naa: Death, change, transformation

Maa: Rebirth

Each repetition of the entire mantra should take 3-4 seconds. This is the cycle of creation from the Infinity comes life and individual existence.

From Life comes death/transformation. From death transformation comes rebirth of consciousness to the joy of the infinite through which

compassion leads back to life.

 Mudra: Start in Gyan Mudra

On Saa, touch the first (Jupiter) finger

On Taa, touch the second (Saturn) finger

On Naa, touch the third (Sun) finger

On Maa, touch the fourth (Mercury) finger

 Chant in three languages of consciousness

Human: normal or loud voice (the world)

Lovers: Strong whisper (longing to belong)

Divine: mentally, silent (Infinity)



Begin the kriya in a normal voice for 5 minutes; then whisper for 5 minutes, then go deep into the sound vibrating silently for 10 minutes. Then come back to a whisper for 5 minutes, then aloud for 5 minutes. The duration of the meditation may vary, as long as the proportion of loud, whisper, silent, whisper, loud is maintained.

 To End:

This sequence will take 30 minutes. Follow with one, one minute of silent prayer. Then inhale, exhale. Stretch the spine, with hands up as far as possible; Spread the fingers wide, taking several deep breaths. Relax.


Each time the Mudra is closed by joining the thumb with the finger, the ego “seals” the effect of that Mudra in the consciousness. The effects are as follows:

1st finger Gyan Mudra Knowledge

2nd finger Shuni Mudra Wisdom, intelligence, patience

3rd finger Surya Mudra Vitality, energy of life

4th finger Buddhi Mudra Ability to communicate

  This meditation brings a total mental balance to the individual psyche. Vibrating on each fingertip alternates the electrical polarities. The index and ring fingers are electrically negative, relative to the other fingers. This causes a balance in the electromagnetic projection of the aura.


©Yogi Bhajan All Rights Reserved KRI: Aquarian Teacher p. 425


64 Meridian Points on Hard Palate 20 Meridian Points on Soft Palate



Release of Chemicals and Hormones throughout the body

Enhanced Healing, Emotions and Mood

The study of sound Effects of striking meridian points on Upper Palate

Diagram from “Meditation as Medicine” By Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D. and Cameron Stauth

Long Deep Breathing 3 parts: Abdominals, Chest, Clavicle Filling the abdomen, then expand the chest, and finally lifting the upper ribs to the clavicle. Exhale in the reverse. Keep 3 distinct parts. Benefits: *Relaxes and calms, due to the influence on parasympathetic nervous system *Increases prana (life force=Oxygen) *Reduces and prevents the build-up on toxins in the lungs by encouraging the clearing of the small air sacs (alveoli) *Stimulates the brain chemicals—endorphins—that help fight depression *Brings the brain to a new level of alertness *Pumps the spinal fluid to the brain, giving greater energy *Increases concentration, stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete *Cleanses the blood *Regulates the body’s ph, which affects the ability to handle stress *Activates and clears the nerve channels *Aids in speeding up physical and emotional healing *Aids in fighting additions

 Doing Breath Of Fire:

Breath of Fire is rapid, rhythmic and continuous. The breath is equal on the inhale and exhale without a pause (about 2-3 cycles per a second)

The breath is through the nostrils with the mouth closed

The breath is powered from the navel point and solar plexus.

To exhale, the air is expelled powerfully through the nose by pressing the navel point back toward the spine.

To inhale, the upper abdominal muscles relax, the diaphragm extends down and the breath seems to come in as part of the relaxation rather than effort

Focus more on the exhale

When done correctly, there should be no rigidity in the hands, feet, face and abdomen.

Not to be done during pregnancy or menstruating

Breathe Of Fire Breath of Fire is one of the foundational breaths and is found in many forms of yoga. It accompanies many postures and has numerous benefits.

Common Mistakes In Doing Breath Of Fire: Paradoxical breathing: breathing backward: inhaling by pulling the abs in and exhaling the abs out. This usually occurs in smokers and anxiety Exaggerating the pumping of the abs: it is not deep abdominal breaths. Loss of Attention to the balanced ratio of the inhale and exhale: Focus on the exhalation

�  Releases toxins and deposits from the lungs, mucous linings, blood vessels and other cells

�  Expands the lungs capacity and increases vital strength

�  Strengthens the nervous system to resist stress

�  Repairs the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system

�  Strengthens the Navel Chakra

�  Increases physical endurance and prepares you to act effectively

�  Adjusts oxygen level in blood

�  Reduces addictive impulses for drugs, smoking and bad foods

�  Increases oxygen delivery to the brain and facilitating focus, intelligent and neutral state of mind

�  Boosts immune system

�  Promotes synchronization of the body systems

Benefits of Breath of Fire

Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Sodhan)

�  Same Set Up as long deep breath: Diaphragm, lungs clavicle, exhale clavicle, lungs diaphragm

�  Start with left hand in Gyan mudra (index finger and thumb)

�  Thumb on right hand, gently closes the right nostril

�  Inhale fully through the left nostril

�  Close off the left nostril with the index finger or ring finger of the right hand

�  Exhale fully out of the right nostril

�  Inhale through the right nostril

�  Close off the right nostril

�  Exhale through the left nostril

�  Continue repeating and alternating nostrils after each inhalation

Benefits of Alternate Breathing

�  Creates whole brain functioning by balancing the hemispheres

�  Integrating and grounding

�  Creates a deep sense of well-being

�  Can help with headaches, migraines and stress related symptoms

�  Inhale left, exhale right: helps to make you calm and integrates unwanted negative emotions and stress (excellent by itself before bed)

�  Inhale right, exhale left: gives clarity and positive mood. Helps to focus on what is important

Yoga to Balance the Brain Sit in Easy Pose

Close eyes Tune in

Moving the thumb as little as possible

Silent Sound Breath pattern Mudra/hand position

Saa Inhale Pinky & Thumb

Taa Inhale Index & Thumb

Naa Inhale Ring & Thumb

Maa Inhale Index & Thumb

Wha Inhale Middle & Thumb

Hay Inhale Pinky & Thumb

Guru Exhale Fingers Wide open

The Aquarian Teacher: Kundalini Research Institute: Level 1 By Yogi Bhajan, Ph. D.

The Art, Science and Application of Kundalini Yoga By Nirvair Singh Khalsa

Smart Moves: Why learning is not all in your head By Carla Hannaford, Ph.D

Meditation as Medicine By Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D., & Carmeron Stauth

Breathwalk: Breathing your way to a revitalized body, mind, and spirit By Gurucharan Singh Khalsa, Ph.D., & Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D.

Anatomy of Hatha Yoga By H. David Coulter

Biological Psychology By James W. Kalat

Molecules of Emotion By Candace B. Pert, Ph.D.

Yoga Journal, October 2008: How Yoga Boosts Brain Power

Brain Rules by John Medina

The Hue-man; In form & Function by Dr Yogi: Hari Simran Singh Khalsa

