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1)  Read the article on James Monroe

2)  Underline things Monroe did prior to becoming president

3)  Box in things Monroe did during his presidency

4)  Star things Monroe did after his presidency

5)  On a separate piece of paper sort the events of James Monroe into three columns (Before, During & After)


I.  The “Era of Good Feeling” is time of peace and prosperity in the USA

II.  The USA is at peace with the world, large army/navy, economy successful

III.  Large upsurge in nationalism

A.  Nationalism: feeling of pride in one’s nation

IV.  USA has no major problems &

people feel a great sense of happiness in the USA


I.  Monroe’s election in 1816 helped lead to the death of the Federalist Party

A.  Federalist liabilities included: i.  "Disloyalty" during the War of 1812 (tried to secede) ii.  Extremely sectional regarding the interests of New

England a.  Only care about New England

iii.  Monroe had adopted many Federalist ideas (Hamilton’s financial plan, expansion, loose construction in certain cases)

I.  "Era of Good Feelings" was somewhat of a lie II.  The USA has serious issues were beginning to divide

the nation A.  Second Bank of the United States B.  Tariff of 1816 C.  Internal improvements D.  Sale of public lands E.  Panic of 1819 F.  Missouri Compromise G.  Second Party System

I.  During James Monroe’s presidency the northern and southern United States began to divide

II.  What caused the divide: A.  No common enemy à Great Britain B.  Different economies à agriculture vs. industry/business C.  Different social practices D.  Issue of slavery à (south = yes) (north= no)

III.  Henry Clay proposes the American System to try to unite the nation

I.  Tariff of 1816 A.  Protective Tariff

II.  Chartering of the Second Bank of the United States [BUS].

III.  Internal improvements at federal expense

A.  National Road

B.  Eire Canal

Henry Clay, “The Great


I.  Second Bank of the United States

A.  Supported by the same Republicans who had opposed the First Bank of the United States i.  During the War of 1812, the US had difficulty in

financing military operations ii.  As a result, Madison and Congress agreed to charter

the Bank for 20 years

B.  The national bank would keep northern & southern economies connected and promote unity throughout the USA

I.  Tariff of 1816 A.  Tariffs: tax on imported goods (from other countries)

B.  The Tariff of 1816 was created to protect U.S. manufacturing from British competition i.  After the war, Britain flooded U.S. with cheap goods to try

and undercut new U.S. industries a)  Americans saw this as British attempt to crush U.S. factories

ii.  Tariff of 1816 was first protective tariff in U.S. History a)  Imposed roughly 20-25% duties on imports b)  Not really high enough to provide effective protection. c)  Started a protective trend in U.S. trade.

①  Tariffs keep the price of goods made domestically and imported at even prices

②  This encourages people to

purchase American made goods instead of foreign ones

③  Purchasing American goods

keeps Americans working and factories operating

④  However it raises prices on all goods

⑤  People could purchase it cheaper without a tariff and save money

I.  Tariff of 1816

A.  Tariff of 1816 offered many benefits to northern states with manufacturing economies

B.  The south opposed the Tariff of 1816 since it increased prices and made goods more expensive

C.  The American System was intended to united the USA actually was dividing it even more

I.  Internal Improvements A.  Internal improvements are additions made to the USA

internally (inside the USA) B.  Internal improvements are designed to better connect the USA

economically & socially C.  The American System will focus on two major internal

improvements: i.  National Road from Baltimore(east) to St. Louis(west) ii.  Erie Canal that connects the Atlantic Ocean with the Great Lakes

in USA D.  The American System’s internal improvements were designed

to connect the nation & unite it through easy movement

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The American System: The National [Cumberland] Road

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The Erie Canal

The American System

I.  WEST à got roads, canals, and federal aide.

II.  NORTH à got protective tariffs and increased profits

III.  SOUTH à ??

I.  Economic panic & depression hit in 1819 A.  Economic panic: crisis in

regards to banking, money & stocks in the USA

B.  Economic downturn: the US economy isn’t successful

C.  Currency is less valuable, banks close, people lose homes, jobs & businesses

I.  Causes of the Panic of 1819

A.  Falling crop prices led to agricultural decline in the USA i.  Farmers aren’t making enough money to pay back loans

B.  Over-speculation on frontier lands i.  Farmers purchased western lands on credit can’t pay back loans ii.  Banks lost money and many closed

C.  BUS forced western banks to foreclose on farms & settlers lost everything

D.  BUS stopped allowing payment in paper; now demanded payment in specie i.  Specie Currency: gold & silver (valuable metals) ii.  American money is worthless thanks to economic panic iii.  Many farmers didn’t have specie so they lost their farms

I.  Results of the Panic of 1819

A.  Western farmers begin to view the bank as an evil financial monster i.  Hatred for the BUS grew

throughout southern & western states

B.  Poor classes looking for more assistance from US government

①  Explain the meaning of the phrase “The Era of Good Feeling”:

②  What three factors led to the end of the Federalist Party during the election of 1816?

③  List and explain two causes of division between north & south during the presidency of James Monroe

④  What is the purpose of the American System?

⑤  Explain how each of the three parts of the American System was designed to promote national unity:

⑥  What were the causes & effects of the Economic Panic of 1819?

1)  Create a picture & two sentences on the following vocabulary words for James Monroe:

A.  Nationalism: (Notes) B.  Era of Good Feeling: (Notes) C.  The American System: (Notes) D.  Tariff of 1816: (Notes) E.  Panic of 1819: (Notes) F.  Missouri Compromise: (Look it up) G.  Monroe Doctrine: (Look it up)
