Because of Winn Dixie Power Point


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Because of Winn Dixie By: Kate DiCamilloWeb Quest By: Ashley Artis


Imagine that you have just moved to a new place. You do not know anyone there and you have no one to talk to. Who would you turn to for comfort? The novel, Because of Winn Dixie, tells us a story about a ten-year-old girl who finds herself being all alone in a new place, until she meets a stray dog in the local grocery store. Opal and her new found best friend, the dog named Winn-Dixie, set forth on a memorable voyage to meet new people and make ever-lasting friendships. During this web quest you will complete interesting and fun activities that enable you to better connect with the characters, the author, and the text.

The Task

The activities that are in this web quest are intended to enhance your understanding and help you enjoy the fun-filled book, Because of Winn Dixie. During this web quest you will do five fun and fascinating activities, or tasks. Each task is connected to one of the following subjects: Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. At the end of this web quest you should be able to summarize the story, have a complete understanding of the characters, calculate money, and understand the characteristics of a responsible citizen.

y Before we get started, let s do a fun review quiz. y Click on the paw print to follow the link to a fun quiz. y Once you ve finished it, you may move on in the web


ProcessActivity 1Turn to your character traits worksheet in your packet!In this activity you will choose your favorite character and fill out your character traits worksheet on that character. 1. Look over the character list. Choose one character that you would like to talk about. 2. Refer back to the book, Because of Winn Dixie, to locate words, phrases, and sentences that describe what your character looks like, and other traits such as personality, age, and behavior. 3. Use the strips of paper, numbered 1 through 10, to mark in the book the most interesting qualities of your character. 4. When you finish marking the text with the strips of paper, complete the list of ten things you know about your character. 5. After you have finished writing down ten things you know about your character, illustrate your character using the traits you have listed. 6. Write a short paragraph explaining the traits you and your character have in common. Tell why you think some of these traits are important to have. For a list of examples of character traits click here on the paw!

Activity 2 Money MathAfter Opal finds Winn-Dixie she wants to get him a collar and the leash that s in the pet shop. The only problem is that she does not have any money. In this activity you will help Opal figure out how much work she has to do in order to earn enough money to buy the collar and leash for Winn-Dixie. Watch the video on money first, then complete the worksheet in your packet. Click the paw to watch a video on money.

Activity 3 Pick A Breed


Opal found Winn-Dixie the dog at the local supermarket. She did not want him to go to the pound so she took him home. In this activity, you will are going to choose your own dog breed.y Click on the paw to go to animal planet. y After reaching the website, select a breed of dog from

the breed of dogs list. y Once you have chosen your dog breed, use the information on the page to fill in your journal. Answer the questions on the next slide in your journal about your dog breed.

Questions for Your Dog Breed1. Tell what type (breed) of dog you chose, such as a Dalmatian or Golden Retriever. 2. Use the animal planet information page on your specific breed to answer the items below. 3. Make sure you include things like: What your pet looks like What it eats What sounds it makes What it likes to do Where it comes from How big it gets The type of environment or habitat it lives in Any other interesting or weird facts about your pet! You can even give your pet a name!

Activity 4- Responsible CitizensOpal demonstrated a great deal of responsibility throughout the story. She took great care of Winn-Dixie, she was willing to work in order to obtain the things she wanted, she read to Gloria Dump when no one else would even step foot in her yard, and she was responsible for creating numerous friendships among different people. In this activity you will learn what it means to be a responsible citizen. 1. Click the word responsibility to see the definition. Think about what this term means to you and write it down in your journal. 2. Click on the word citizenship to see the definition. Think about what this word means to you and write it down in your journal. 3. Click on the book to Complete the Responsible Citizenship Recipe activity sheet. 4. Write a letter to Opal or Winn-Dixie explaining what you have done to be a responsible citizen. Talk about the qualities you possess that help make you a responsible citizen, and why these qualities are important. Include good deeds or activities you have done in your community, school, and home to help others. 6. Be sure to include all five parts of a letter: Heading (*remember: Opal and Winn-Dixie live in Naomi, Florida) Greeting Body Closing Signature

Activity 5 Testing Your Knowledge

You have reached the end of your journey but you still have one last task. Please complete the testing your knowledge paper in your packet.


Congratulations!!! You have completed the Because of Winn-Dixie web quest!

Evaluation ChartNoviceActivity 1 Student makes very little or no attempt to complete the activity

ApprenticeStudent listed some character traits but did not illustrate and explain

ProficientStudent listed at least 8 character traits, illustrated the character, and briefly explained the illustration Student answers over half of the questions corrctly and shows some work Student chose a specific animal, conducted some research, and wrote a half page report with few details

DistinguishedStudent listed all ten character traits thoroughly.


Activity 2

Student makes very little or no attempt to answer any questions

Student answers some questions correctly but does not show work

Student answers all questions correctly and shows all work

Activity 3

Student makes very little or no attempt to complete the activity

Student chose a specific animal, conducted little research, but did not complete the report

Student chose a specific animal, conducted adequate research, and wrote a 1 page report with many details

Activity 4

Student makes very little or no attempt to complete the activity

Student completes half of the responsible citizenship recipe activity sheet, but does not write a friendly letter

Student completes all of the responsible citizenship recipe activity sheet, and writes a friendly letter but does not include all five parts of a letter

Student completes all of the responsible citizenship activity sheet, and correctly writes a friendly letter that includes all five parts of a letter

1 point

2 points

3 points

4 points Total:

Teacher Page


This web quest is intended for students in the 4th grade. It can be assigned to students individually or in groups. I would suggest using small groups such as 2 to 3 students per group.

Content Areas and Kentucky StandardsMathmatics Academic Expectations 2.7 Students understand number concepts and use numbers appropriately and accurately. 2.8 Students understand various mathematical procedures and use them appropriately and accurately. MA-4-NPO-U-1 Students will understand that numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships between numbers and number systems are means of representing real-world quantities MA-04-1.5.1 Students will identify and determine odd numbers, even numbers, multiples of a number and factors of a number, and will apply these numbers to solve real-world problems. DOK 2 MA-4-NPO-U-2 Students will understand that meanings of and relationships among operations provide tools necessary to solve realistic problems encountered in everyday life. MA-04-1.3.1 Students will analyze real-world problems to identify appropriate representations using mathematical operations, and will apply operations to solve real-world problems with the following constraints: add and subtract whole numbers with four digits or less; multiply whole numbers with two digits or less; divide whole numbers with three digits or less by single-digit divisors (with or without remainders); add and subtract fractions with like denominators less than or equal to 10 and add and subtract decimals through hundredths. DOK 2

Content Areas and Kentucky Standardsy


Academic Expectations 1.11 Students write using appropriate forms, conventions, and styles to communicate ideas and information to different audiences for different purposes.

EL-4-WC-U-1 Students will understand that there are many reasons for all primary students to write, including writing-to-learn, writingto-demonstrate learning, and writing for authentic purposes and audiences. EL-4-WC-S-1 Students will write to learn by applying strategies effectively (e.g., learning logs, reflections) EL-4-WC-S-2 Students will write to demonstrate learning and understanding of content knowledge (e.g., journals, summaries) EL-4-WV-S-4 Students will use resources (e.g., dictionary, glossary) to apply knowledge of spelling rules to correct spelling in final drafts WR-E-4.7.0 Focusing Connecting to content knowledge Connecting with prior learning and experience Initiating an authentic reason to write Thinking about a subject, an experience, a question, an issue or a problem to determine a meaningful reason to write

Content Areas and Kentucky StandardsSocial Studies Academic Expectations 2.16 Students observe, analyze, and interpret human behaviors, social groupings, and institutions to better understand people and the relationships among individuals and among groups. 2.17 Students interact effectively and work cooperatively with the many ethnic and cultural groups of our nation and world. SS-4-HP-U-1 Students will understand that history is an account of human activities that is interpretive in nature and a variety of tools (e.g., primary and secondary sources) are needed to analyze and understand historical events. SS-04-5.2.2 Students will identify and compare the cultures of diverse groups DOK 2

CreditsBrainPOP | Social Studies | Learn about Money." BrainPOP - Animated Educational Site for Kids - Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Arts & Music, Health, and Technology. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Nov. 2010. Definition: citizenship Animal Planet :: Guides :: Dog Breed Selector BWD_ActivityGuide.pdf (application/pdf Object)


"BrainPOP | Social Studies | Learn about Money." BrainPOP - Animated Educational Site for Kids Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Arts & Music, Health, and Technology. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Nov. 2010.
