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ChrysalisButterfly Eggs

Life Cycle Life Cycle

Interesting Facts

Life CycleLife Cycle

A butterfly starts as an egg. Then it hatches into a caterpillar. Then it forms a hard shell that is called a chrysalis. Finally, it comes out of the chrysalis and is an adult butterfly.-Alice

Life Cycle

The life cycle is like a circle that keeps going. A butterfly begins with an egg. Then it becomes a caterpillar. Then it makes a chrysalis. You can call it a pupa. Then the butterfly hatches from the chrysalis and starts to lay eggs.-Dejah

Life Cycle

A life cycle goes on and on. The first stage of a butterfly’s life cycle is an egg. A new caterpillar is born. It then forms a J shape. Now it is ready to form a chrysalis and then a butterfly.-Trint

Life Cycle

A butterfly’s life cycle goes over and over. The first stage is the egg. Then the next stage is the caterpillar. The caterpillar then makes a J shape. Now it makes a chrysalis. The last stage is the butterfly.-Kayge

Life Cycle

Butterfly EggsButterfly Eggs

The caterpillar egg is very small. The caterpillar egg is the size of a pinhead. The egg is white. Caterpillars eat the egg shell.-Brooklyn


An egg is the first stage. An egg’s color is usually red, white or light green. Most eggs are oval shaped. They can be smooth or rough. Some of the eggs are laid on the milkweed plant.-Tredyn


Did you know butterflies start their life as an egg? Butterflies can lay 100 eggs a year. When a butterfly hatches from its egg it is a caterpillar. -Alvin


A butterfly starts its life inside an egg. An egg is the size of a pinhead. Most are white or yellow. A caterpillar eats the egg shell right after it hatches.-Dylan



A chrysalis shakes because it is staying away from danger. The predator thinks the butterfly is coming out of the chrysalis.-Lily


Every butterfly starts its life cycle in an egg. When it hatches it is a caterpillar. The caterpillar gets bigger. Next comes the chrysalis. Finally, out comes a butterfly.-Olivia


When a butterfly comes out of the chrysalis it waits until its wings are dry. Its proboscis is for sucking nectar.-Elijah


Life Cycle Life Cycle

One day the egg hatches. Then one week later the caterpillar has gotten bigger. After four weeks it turns into a chrysalis. Then in six weeks it hatches into a butterfly.-Colyn

Life Cycle

A butterfly life cycle begins with an egg. Next comes a caterpillar. The caterpillar makes a chrysalis. Next the butterfly comes out.-Kara

Life Cycle

A caterpillar grows a lot in one day. Soon it makes a J shape. Then the caterpillar makes a hard shell called a chrysalis. After two weeks the caterpillar comes out as a butterfly. -Jeffrey

Life Cycle

Before a caterpillar turns into a butterfly it makes a chrysalis. It turns into a butterfly and can fly when its wings dry.-Mehki

Life Cycle

Caterpillars eat the egg shell after they hatch. Caterpillars are very little at first. They make a J shape that hangs from a tree. After that they turn into a butterfly.-Thaileah

Life Cycle

Interesting FactsInteresting Facts

Butterfly Facts

Butterfly Wings

Butterflies Taste

Butterflies Eat

Proboscis Caterpillars

There are many interesting facts about butterflies. Butterflies smell with their antennae. They have a proboscis. It’s very long. They suck nectar from flowers.-Marcus

Butterfly Facts

Wings help butterflies fly to flowers. They are colorful and have pretty designs. Butterfly wings are symmetrical.-Kasha

Butterfly Wings

Butterflies are just a caterpillar with wings. Butterflies taste with their feet, so when butterflies land on a flower they’ll know if they like it or not. -Tyler

Butterflies Taste

Butterflies don’t chew up their food, they drink it. They drink their food with their proboscis. They taste with their feet. They have a special pad on their feet to taste with.-Kacey

Butterflies Eat

A butterfly has a proboscis. The proboscis looks like a straw. The proboscis helps the butterfly sip the nectar from the flower.-Hannah


Caterpillars are always hungry. A baby caterpillar can eat a whole leaf in four minutes. Also, caterpillars are in danger because birds are eating them.-Ja’Mari


Created by:Ms. Chandlee’s 2nd Grade classwith Mrs. DostalLincoln School

