B.E (Computer Science & Engineering) - National … basic operations to be performed using...


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MYSORE – 8 (Autonomous Institution under VTU)

B.E (Computer Science & Engineering)

Scheme & Syllabus


III/ IV Semester


Department of Computer Science and Engineering


Sub code : MA0407 CIE : 50% Marks Hrs/week : 04 SEE : 50% Marks SEE Hrs : 03 Total Hrs : 52 hrs Max. Marks : 100 Course Outcomes:

On successful completion of the course the students will be able to:

1. Define a Fourier series and translate the periodic function of period 2l in terms of Fourier series, half range series.

2. Construct and solve homogeneous and non homogeneous partial differential equations. 3. Apply half range Fourier series expansion to solve the boundary value problems on

wave, heat and Laplace’s equations. Compute Fourier and Inverse Fourier transforms of functions.

4. Apply numerical techniques to solve the system of linear algebraic equations, compute the largest Eigen value and the corresponding Eigen vector of a matrix and estimate a real root of the given equation.

5. Apply appropriate formulae for interpolation, estimate the values of the derivatives and definite integrals using numerical techniques.

6. Apply Euclidean algorithm, Chinese remainder, Fermat’s and Wilsons theorems to solve the problems in Number Theory.

UNIT – I Fourier Series Convergence and divergence of infinite series of positive terms – Definition and illustrative examples. Fourier series of period 2l (SLE: Fourier series with period 2𝜋𝜋), Half range series, complex form of Fourier series, Practical harmonic analysis.

9 hrs UNIT – II Partial Differential Equations Formation of PDE, Solution of homogeneous and non-homogeneous PDE, Solution of homogeneous PDE by direct integration. Solution of homogeneous PDE by the method of separation of variables. Various possible solutions of one dimensional wave equation, (SLE: heat equation and two dimensional Laplace’s equation). Solution of Lagrange’s linear PDE – simple problems, D’Alembert’s solution of wave equation.

9 hrs UNIT – III Application of PDE and Fourier Transforms Application of PDE – Solution of boundary value problems associated with one dimensional wave equation, (SLE: heat equation) and two dimensional Laplace’s equation. Infinite Fourier Transforms, Fourier sine and cosine transforms, Inverse Transforms. 8 hrs

UNIT – IV Numerical Methods – 1 Numerical solution of a system of linear algebraic equations – Gauss Seidel & Relaxation iterative methods. Computation of largest eigen value and the corresponding eigen vector by Rayleigh’s power method. (SLE: Rayleigh’s inverse power method). Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations - Newton Raphson and Regula falsi methods.

9 hrs UNIT – V Numerical Methods - 2 Finite differences – forward and backward differences, Newton’s forward interpolation formula, (SLE: Newton’s backward interpolation and Lagrange’s inverse interpolation formula). Interpolation for unequal intervals – Newton’s divided difference formula, Lagrange’s interpolation formula. Numerical differentiation associated with Newton’s forward, backward and divided difference formulae. Numerical Integration – Simpson’s 1/3rd rule, Simpson’s 3/8th rule, Weddle’s rule (All formulae without proof)

9 hrs UNIT – VI Number Theory Euclidean Algorithm, Chinese Remainder theorem, Generalized Chinese Remainder theorem, Fermat's little theorem, Wilson's theorem, Euler's theorem, Primitive Roots, Quadratic Residues. Primality Testing: Primality Tests, Pseudo primes, Fermat’s pseudo primes, (SLE:Euler pseudo primes).

8 hrs Text Books:

1. Higher Engineering Mathematics – B.S. Grewal, 42nd edition, Khanna Publications. 2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics - Erwin Kreyszig, wiley publications, 10th edition. 3. “Elementary Number Theory With Applications”, Thomas Koshy, ISBN-13:9788131218594, 2008, Reed Elsevier India Pvt.Ltd.

Reference Books :

1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics – H. K. Dass, Chand Publications. 2. Higher Engineering Mathematics – B. V. Ramanna, Tata McGraw-Hill Publications.

3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics- Peter O Neil; Thomas, Broks/ Cole , 7th Edition.


Sub code : CSO404 CIE : 50% Marks

Hrs/week : 04 SEE : 50% Marks

SEE Hrs : 03 Hours Max. Marks: 100

Prerequisite: Programming in ‘C’

Course Outcome

On Successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:

1. Illustrate basic operations to be performed using pointers and dynamic memory


2. Demonstrate Abstract Data Types using an Arrays and recursion.

3. Illustrate various operations of different types of Queues .

4. Explain the basic operations of linked list and its implement using dynamic


5. Demonstrate the operations and applications of Binary trees .

6. Apply different sorting and searching methods.

UNIT – 1

Pointer: Understanding pointers, Pointer variables, Accessing address of a variable,

Initialization of pointer variables, Accessing variables through pointers, Chain of pointers,

Pointer Arithmetic and arrays, Pointer increments and scale factor, Array of pointers,

Pointer and character string, Pointers as function argument, Function returning pointers,

Pointers to function, Pointers and structures. Dynamic memory allocation: malloc,

calloc,free. realloc.

SLE: Pointer expressions, realloc. 9 Hours

UNIT – 2

Abstract Data Types: Introduction. Stack: Definition and examples, Representing stacks

in C, An example: Infix, Postfix, Evaluation of postfix expressions. Recursion: Recursive

definition and processes, Recursion in C: Factorial in c , Binary search in c. Writing

recursive programs-Towers of Hanoi, Fibonacci series.

SLE: Prefix, recursive chains 9 Hours

UNIT – 3

Queue: The Queue and its representation, Circular Queue, Priority Queue

SLE: Applications of Queues. 7 Hours

UNIT – 4

Linked Lists: Inserting and Removing nodes from a list, Implementation of stacks,

getnode and freenode operations, Linked implementation of queues, Linked list as a data

structure, Example of list operations, Header nodes, List in C, Array implementation of

lists, Limitations of array implementation, Allocating and freeing dynamic variables,

Queues as lists in C, Examples of list operations in C, Circular lists, Stack as a circular

lists, Double linked list. Linked lists using dynamic variables.

SLE: Linked lists using dynamic variables, Primitive operations on circular lists, Queue as

a circular list. 10 Hours

UNIT – 5

Binary tree: Operations on binary trees, Application of binary trees, Node representation

of binary trees, Internal and external nodes, Implicit array representation of binary trees,

Choosing a binary tree representation, Binary tree traversal in C, Threaded binary trees,

Trees and their applications.AVL trees.

SLE: An Example : The Huffman algorithm, C Representation of trees, Tree traversal.


HoursUNIT- 6

Sorting : Binary tree Sort ,Heap sort, Insertion Sort , Shell Sort and Merge Sort .

Searching: Sequential Search, Binary Searches, Hashing-Hash Functions, Collisons,

Collision resolution .

SLE: Radix Sorts, Separate chaining . 8 Hours


1. E Balagurusamy, “ Programming in ANSI C”, Fifth Edition, 2011, Tata McGraw-Hill.

2. Aaron M Tenenbaum, Yedidyah Langsam and Moshe J Augenstein, “Data Structures using C”, 2009, Pearson education, low price edition.

3. Richar F Gilberg and Behronz A Forouzan, “Data Structures, A Pseudocode Approach with C”, Thomson, 2005.


1. Richar F Gilberg and Behronz A Forouzan, “Data Structures, A Pseudocode Approach with C”, Thomson, 2005.

2. Richar F Gilberg and Behronz a Forouzan, “Computer Science, A Structured Programming Approach using C”, Thomson, second edition, 2003.

3. Fundamentals of Data Structures in C, Horowitz, Sahni, Anderson-Freed, 2nd Edition, Universities Press 2007


Sub code : CS0448 CIE : 50 %Marks

Hrs / week : 04 SEE : 50 %Marks

SEE Hrs : 03 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Prerequisite: Basic Electronics


On Successful completion of the course the students will be able to

1. Explain the diode and op-amp applications.

2. Perform the dc analysis of JFET and MOSFET networks.

3. Perform digital-to-analog conversion, Comparator unit operation, Design of timer


4. Identify and simulate the basic gates, logic minimization techniques, arithmetic

circuits and field programmable logic gates of logic design and simplification of

Boolean function using k-maps.

5. Analyze combinational circuits using MSI and LSI

6. Use of flip flops, counters to create the digital system


Diode and Op-Amp Applications: Zener diodes, Voltage multipliers circuits, Constant

Gain Multipliers, Controlled sources and Active filters.

SLE:Voltage Multipliers 9 hrs


FET Biasing Introduction, Construction and Characteristics of JFET’s Fixed Bias

Configuration, Self Bias Configuration, Voltage Divider Biasing, Depletion type MOSFET

and Enhancement type MOSFETs.

SLE: Common Gate Configuration 9 hrs


Linear Digital ICs: Introduction, Comparator unit operation, Digital-Analog Converters,

Timer IC Unit Operation.

SLE: 311 Comparators 8 hrs


Boolean Algebra: Introduction, Basic Definitions, Basic Theorems and Properties,

Boolean Functions, Canonical Standard forms. Simplification Of Boolean Functions: The

Map method , Two- and Three- Variable Maps, Four- Variable Maps, Product of Sums

Simplification, Don't Care Conditions, The Tabulation Method, Determination of Prime-

Implicants, Selection of Prime-Implicants. Combinational Logic: Introduction, Design

Procedure, Adders, Subtractors, Code Conversion.

SLE: Mapping Method: 5 and 6 variables 10 hours


Combinational Logic With MSI And LSI: Decoders, Multiplexers, Programmable Logic

Array(PLA). Sequential Logic: Introduction, Flip- Flops, Triggering of Flip Flops, Flip-

Flops Excitation Tables.

SLE: Applications of PLA 9 hours


Registers, Counters: Introduction, Registers, Shift Registers, Ripple-Counters,

Synchronous Counters.

SLE: Design of Synchronous Counters 7 hours

Text Books:

1. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Robert L. Boylestad, Louis

Nashelsky,PHI/Pearson Eduction,10th Edition,2006.

2. Digital Logic and Computer Design: M. Morris Mano, Pearson (1979)

Reference Books:

1. Electronic Principles, Albert Malvino & David J Bates, 7th Edition,


2. Electronic Devices and Circuits, David A. Bell, 4th Edition, PHI, 2006.

3. Ramakant A Gayakwad, Operational Amplifiers and Linear

integratedCircuits,PHI,3rd Edition.

4. The Elements of Computing System – Building the Modern Computer from First Principles: Noam Nisan, Shimon Schocken, The MIT Press (2005)

COMPUTER ORGANISATION AND ARCHITECTURE (4:0:0) Sub code : CS0409 CIE : 50 % Hrs / week : 04 SEE : 50 % SEE Hrs : 3 Hrs Max. Marks : 100

Prerequisite: Computer Knowledge Course Outcome On successful completion of the course the students will be able to

1. Describe the instruction execution in a typical computer. 2. Design the organization of memory and Chips and Buses. 3. Explain micro architecture of mic-1. 4. Illustrate various microprogram of mic-1. 5. Explain mic-2 and illustrate microprogram of mic-2. 6. Describe cache memory and different addressing modes.

UNIT 1 Computer systems organization : Processors, CPU Organization, Instruction

Execution,RISC versus CISC, Design Principles for Modern Computers, Multiprocessors,


Primary Memory: Bits, Memory addresses, Byte ordering

Secondary Memory: Memory Hierarchies, Magnetic disk, CD-ROMS, CD-Recordables,

CD-Rewritables, DVD

SLE: Cache Memory, IDE Disks, SCSI Disks 8 Hours


Memory: Memory Organization, Logic diagram of a (m x n) memory (address selection,

chipselect enabling, generating read, write, output-enable etc.). Memory Chips: 4-M bit

Memory chip, 512- M bit memory chip organization.

CPU Chips and Buses: CPU Chips, Computer buses, Bus width, Bus Arbitration.

SLE: Synchronous and Asynchronous buses 9 Hours


The Microarchitecture level : An Example Microarchitecture: The Data Path, Data path

timing, Memory operation, Microinstructions.

Microinstruction control: The Mic-1, Architecture, An example ISA: IJVM, Stacks, The

IJVM memory model, The IJVM instruction set (BIPUSH, DUP, GOTO, IADD, IFEQ,


SLE: IINC varnum const, NOP, WIDE, IRETURN, IINVOKEVIRTUAL disp. 9 Hours


Mic-1: Microinstructions and Notations Simple programs using IJVM instructions,

Microprograms (Pesudocodes) for Mic-1 IJVM instructions.

Design Of The Microarchitecture Level : Speed versus Cost ,Reducing the Execution


SLE: Merging the interpreter loop with microcode. 9 Hours


Mic-2: An Instruction fetch unit, Finite state machine for implementing the IFU, The Data

path for Mic-2,Microprograms for Mic-2 IJVM instructions, Implementation of micro-

programs for the instruction set in Mic-2.

SLE: A Pipelined Design: The Mic-3, Implementation of micro-programs for the

instruction set in Mic-2. 9 Hours


Improving Performance Cache Memory, Direct mapped cache: design, set associative


The instruction set architecture level: Instruction Formats, Addressing modes-

immediate addressing, direct addressing, Register addressing, register indirect addressing,

indexed addressing, based-indexed addressing, orthogonality of opcodes and addressing


SLE: Branch Prediction, Dynamic branch prediction, static branch prediction 8 Hours

Text Books:

Structured Computer Organization: Andrew S. Tannenbaum, 6thedition, PHI.

Reference Book: 1. Douglas E. Comer “Computer Architecture”, Pearson publication 2007 (The book

is an outcome of the author’s efforts to salvage an undergraduate computer organization course at PURDUE university (USA) which had suffered years of neglect as a result of being taught by a series of professors (mostly visitors) with little or no background in digital hardware!- read the first para of PREFACE of the book).

2. Malvino “Digital computer Electronics:An introduction to microcomputers,second

edition(presently out of print- look for an old copy) . The author has come up with his own „educational computer called SAP--Simple As Possible--which has 3 generations, SAP-1,SAP-2 and SAP-3, which is a look-alike of 8085.

3. Patterson and Hennessy, “A quantitative approach to computer architecture” (a

monumental book on computer architecture)

4. 4. Williaum Stallings, “Computer organization and Architecture”, A general text on computer Architecture

5. Morris mono, “Logic and computer design fundamentals” , A good reference for

digital logic design, CPU design and I/O..


Sub code : CS0406 CIE : 50 % Hrs / week : 04 SEE : 50 % SEE Hrs : 3 Hrs Max. Marks : 100

Prerequisite: Mathematics Course Outcome On successful completion of the course the students will be able to

1. Analyze the fundamental principles of counting, permutation and combination theory.

2. Describe the basics of logic theory and its proofs.

3. Provide the knowledge of Functions and its types.

4. Apply the Relations and its properties.

5. Discuss about the graph theoretic approach to solve computer science problems.

6. Explain the basic concepts of trees and its properties.


Fundamental Principles of Counting:

The Rules of Sum and Product, Permutations, Combinations – The Binomial Theorem,

Combinations with Repetition.

SLE: Problems on Binomial Theorem 8 Hours


Fundamentals of Logic: Basic Connectives and Truth Tables, Logic Equivalence – The

Laws of Logic, Logical Implication – Rules of Inference. The Use of Quantifiers.

SLE: Quantifiers, Definitions and the Proofs of Theorems 9 Hours



Cartesian Products and Relations, Functions –Plain and One-to-One, Onto Functions, The

Pigeonhole Principle Function Composition and Inverse Functions.

SLE: Stirling Numbers of the Second Kind,specialFunction. 9Hours


Relations: Properties of Relations, Computer Recognition – Zero-One Matrices and

Directed Graphs, Partial Orders – Hasse Diagrams.

SLE: Equivalence Relations and Partitions 9 Hours


Graph Theory and Applications: Definitions and Examples, Sub graphs, Complements,

and Graph Isomorphism, Vertex Degree, Euler Trails and Circuits, Planar Graphs,

Hamilton Paths and Cycles, Graph Coloring, and Chromatic Polynomials.

SLE:Theorems on Hamilton cycle. 9 Hours


Trees: Definitions, Properties, and Examples, Routed Trees, Trees and Sorting, Weighted

Trees and Prefix Codes .

SLE:Bi-connected Components and Articulation Points. 8 Hours

Text Book:

Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics, Ralph P. Grimaldi, 5th Edition, PHI/Pearson

Education, 2004.

Reference Books

1. Handbook of discrete and combinatorial mathematics, Kenneth H.Rosen, John


2. Mathematics of Computer Science, prof.Albert R.Meyer, MIT Open Course Ware.

3. Concrete Mathematics: A foundation for computer science, Ronald L.Graham, Donald

Ervin Knuth, Oren Patashnik


Sub code : CS0331 CIE : 50 % Hrs / week : 03 SEE : 50 % SEE Hrs : 3 Hrs Max. Marks : 100

Course Outcome:

1. To understand the UNIX environment with commands and file systems

2. To acquire knowledge on Shell basics and administrative commands

3. To understand the concepts of filters and regular expressions

4. To acquire knowledge about awk and sed

5. To acquire programming skills in shell scripts


Background and Basic Commands

Introduction: Why UNIX, The UNIX environment, UNIX structure, Accessing UNIX, basic

commands, other useful commands.

File Systems

File names, File Types, Regular files, Directories, File System Implementation, Operations unique

to directories, Operations unique to Regular files, Operations common to both.

SLE: Comparing UNIX with Windows 6 Hrs


Security and File Permission

Users and groups, Security levels, Changing Permissions, User Masks, Changing Ownership and


Administration Commands

Introduction, Gathering information about Processes, Killing processes, Sending messages to user

terminals, Gathering System information, using /proc, Scheduling with cron

SLE: Handling Options 6 Hrs


Introduction to Shell

UNIX sessions, Standard streams, Redirection, Pipes, tee command, Command Execution,

Command-line Execution, Command-line editing, Quotes, Command Substitution, Job

Control, Aliases, Variables, Predefined variables, Shell/Environment Customization.


Filters and Pipes, Concatenating Files, Display Beginning and End of Files, Cut and Paste,

Sorting, Translating Characters, Files with Duplicate Lines, Count Characters, Words, or


SLE:Comparing Files. 6 Hrs



User Communication, Electronic Mail, File Transfer.

Regular Expressions and grep

Atoms, Operators, Operations, grep family, Examples, Searching for file content.


Scripts, Operation, Addresses, Commands, Applications, grep and sed


Execution, Fields and Records, Scripts, Operations, Patterns, Actions, Associative arrays,

String functions, User-defined functions, Using System Commands in awk, Applications,

awk and grep, sed and awk.

SLE:Remote Access, Mathematical functions 7 Hrs


SHELL Scripting

Basic Script Concepts, Expressions, Decision Making Selections, Repetition, Special

Parameters and Variables, Changing Positional Parameters, Argument Validation,

Debugging Scripts.

SLE: Different types of Shells 7 Hrs


Advanced Programming

Variable evaluation and Substitution, String Manipulation, Here Document, Functions,

Arrays, Signals, Built-in Commands, Scripting Techniques, Shell Environment and Script.

SLE: Programs based on the above concepts 7 Hrs

Text Book

1. UNIX and Shell Programming – A Textbook by Behrouz A Forouzan, Richard F Gilberg, Cengage Learning, I Edition, 2003.

Reference Book

1. The Complete Reference UNIX by Kenneth Rosen, Douglas Host, James Farber and Richard Rosinski, Tata McGraw- Hill, Edition 2000.

2. E-book: Shell Scripting – Expert Recipes for Linux, Bash and More by Steve Parker, Wrox Publications.

3. E-book: Linux Shell Scripting Cookbook by Shantanu Tushar and Sharath Lakshman, II edition, Packt Publications, 2013.


Sub code : CS0102 Hrs/week : 03

.Course Outcomes

On successful completion of the course the students will be able to

a. Implement Data structures like Stacks, Queues, Linked List, and Trees using C.

b. Implement the basic search and sort algorithms.

c. Appropriate use of a particular data structure and algorithm to solve a problem


Sub code : CS0111 Hrs/week : 03 Course Outcomes On successful completion of the course the students will be able to

1. Implement half wave and full wave rectifiers.

2. Design various applications of Op-Amp, construct waveform generation circuits,

3. Design and implement Timer circuits.

4. Design Combinational circuits and Sequential circuits.

5. Simulate the above mentioned problems using simulation package Multisim

and VHDL.


Sub Code : HS0101 CIE : 50% Marks

Hrs/Week : 2+0+0 Hrs SEE : 50% Marks

SEE Hrs : 02 Hrs Max. Marks : 50 Course Outcomes On successful completion of the course the students will be able to: 1. Understand the significance of many provisions of the Constitution as well as to gain

insight into their background. They will also understand number of fundamental rights

subject to limitations in the light of leading cases.

2. Study guidelines for the State as well as for the Citizens to be followed by the State in

the matter of administration as well as in making the laws. It also includes fundamental

duties of the Indian Citizens in part IV A (Article 51A)

3. Understand administration of a State, the doctrine of Separation of Powers.

4. Know how the State is administered at the State level and also the powers and

functions of High Court.

5. Understand special provisions relating to Women empowerment and also children. For

the stability and security of the Nation, Emergency Provision are Justified.

6. Understand election commission as an independent body with enormous powers and

functions to be followed both at the Union and State level. Amendments are necessary,

only major few amendments have been included.

7. Understand Engineering ethics and responsibilities of Engineers.

8. Understand the qualities, which will make them full fledged professionals. 1. Preamble to the Constitution of India. Fundamental rights under Part III details of

Exercise of Rights, Limitations and Important Leading cases. 4 Hrs

2. Relevance of Directive Principles of State Policy under Part-IV, IVA Fundamental



2. Union Executive - President, Vice-President, Prime Minister, Union Legislature -

Parliament and Union Judiciary – Supreme Court of India. 3 Hrs

4. State Executive - Governors, Chief Minister, State Legislature and High Court. 3Hrs

5. Constitutional Provisions for Scheduled Castes and Tribes, Women, Children and

Backward Classes, Emergency Provisions. 4 Hrs

6. Electoral process, Amendment procedure, 42nd, 44th, 74th, 76th, 86th and 91st

Constitutional amendments. 3 Hrs

7. Scope and aims of engineering ethics, responsibility of Engineers. Impediments to

responsibility 3 Hrs

8. Honesty, Integrity and reliability, risks, safety and liability in Engineering. 3 Hrs

Text Book

1. Durga Das Basu ,"Introduction to the Constitution of India"(student edition)

Prentice - Hall EEE, 19th /20th Edition, 2001.

2. "Engineering Ethics" by M.Govindarajan, S.Natarajan, V.S.Senthikumar, Prentice -

Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.

Bridge Course Mathematics – I (2:0:0)

(For Diploma students during III semester)

Sub Code : MA0201 CIE : 50% Marks Hrs/Week : 02 SEE : 50% Marks SEE Hrs : 02 Total : 26hrs Max. : 50 Marks Course Outcomes:

On successful completion of the course the students will be able to: 1. Compute the nth derivative of the given function and translate any differentiable function in power series. 2. Compute the value of the indeterminate forms, partial derivatives and solve problems associated with it.

3. Compute measures of central tendency and dispersion for a given statistical data. 4. Compute integrals using appropriate methods and also reduction formulae. 5. Solve the problems associated with logarithms and progressions. 6. Recognize and solve first order differential equations using appropriate methods.

Unit-I : Differential Calculus-1 Basic formulae – rules (revision). (SLE: Basic differentiation and problems). Successive differentiation, nth derivative of standard functions – formulae and illustrative examples. Leibnitz theorem – problems only. Expansion of functions – Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s expansion of a function of one variable. 4 hrs Unit-II: Differential Calculus -2 Indeterminate forms – L’Hospital’s rule – 0/0, ∞/∞, Partial differentiation, Total derivative and Chain rule (SLE: Jacobians). 4 hrs

Unit-III: Statistics (SLE: Collection & Classification of a given data and its graphical representation), Measures of central tendency- mean, median, mode for grouped and ungrouped data, Measures of dispersion- Quartile deviation, Mean deviation and Standard deviation 5 hrs Unit-IV: Integral Calculus Integration of definite integrals by the method of substitution, integration by parts,

Bernoulli’s rule of integration, problems on reduction formulae of the type ∫ 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑥𝑥 𝑑𝑑𝑥𝑥 𝜋𝜋20

and ∫ 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑚𝑚𝑥𝑥 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑥𝑥𝑑𝑑𝑥𝑥 𝜋𝜋20 (SLE: problems on Reduction formula of the type ∫ 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑥𝑥𝑑𝑑𝑥𝑥 𝜋𝜋2

0 ) 4 hrs Unit-V: Logarithm and Progression Logarithm, Arithmetic and Geometric Progression – problems (SLE: Harmonic Progression) 4 hrs Unit-VI: Differential Equations Revision of differential equations of first order and first degree, solution of higher order homogeneous and non-homogeneous differential equations - P.I for: eax, sin(ax+b)/cos(ax+b), xn. (SLE: Cauchy’s differential equation). 5 hrs Text/Reference Books:

1. Higher Engineering Mathematics by Dr. B.S. Grewal, 42nd edition, Khanna publications.

2. Higher Engineering Mathematics by H.K.Dass , (2008 edition), Chand Publications.

ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS – IV (4 : 0 : 0) (CS & IS branches)

Sub code : MA0410 CIE : 50% Marks Hrs/week : 04 SEE : 50% Marks SEE Hrs : 03 Total Hrs : 52 hrs Max. Marks: 100 Course Outcomes:

On successful completion of the course the students will be able to:

1. Use numerical techniques to solve ordinary and simultaneous differential equation with initial conditions.

2. Apply the concept of analytic functions to solve fluid flow problems and compute the images of certain plane curves under the given conformal transformation.

3. Compute complex line integrals using Cauchy’s theorem. 4. Apply the method of least square to predict the best fitting curve for a given data and

solve problems on correlation and regression 5. Solve problems associated with discrete and continuous probability distribution. 6. Solve problems associated with discrete joint distribution, Markov chain using

transition probability matrix and explain the concept of queuing theory. Unit I: Numerical Methods Numerical solutions of first order and first degree ordinary differential equations – Taylor’s method, Modified Euler’s method, Runge-Kutta method of fourth order. Milne’s predictor and corrector method (no proof). Simultaneous differential equations using Taylor’s and RungeKutta methods. (SLE: Solution of second order ordinary differential equations using Taylor’s and Runge-Kutta methods).

9 hrs Unit II: Complex Variables - 1 Function of a complex variable – Limit, Continuity, Differentiability – Definitions. Analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations in Cartesian and polar forms, Properties of analytic functions. Construction of analytic functions-Applications. Conformal Mapping – Definition. Discussion of w = z2, w = z + (a2 / z), z ≠0. [SLE: w = sinz, ez].

9 hrs

Unit III : Complex Variables – 2 Bilinear transformations, Complex line integral, Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula. Laurent series expansion, (SLE: problems on Laurent series) Poles, Residues, Problems on Cauchy’s residue theorem.

8 hrs

Unit IV: Statistics Curve fitting by the method of least squares: straight line, parabola and exponential curve of the type y = abx and y = aebx (SLE: To fit curves of the type y = axb ) Correlation and Regression, Multiple correlation and Regression Analysis. 9 hrs Unit V: Probability - I Random variables: Discrete random variables, Binomial, Poisson distributions. Continuous random variables, Exponential and Normal distributions. (SLE: Mean and SD of Poisson & Normal distributions).

9 hrs Unit VI: Probability - II Joint probability distribution (Discrete), Markov chains – probability vector, stochastic matrix, transition probability matrix. Concept of queuing – M/M/I and M/G/M queuing system. (SLE: Continuous joint probability distribution). 8 hrs Text Books : 1. Higher Engineering Mathematics – B.S. Grewal, 42nd edition, Khanna Publications 2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics - Erwin Kreyszig, wiley publications, 10th edition.

Reference Books : 1. Advanced Engg. Mathematics – H. K. Dass (2008 edition), Chand Publications. 2. Higher Engg. Mathematics – B. V. Ramanna (2010 edition), Tata McGraw-Hill Publications. 3. Probability, Statistics and Random Processes- 3rd edition Tata McGraw-Hill Publications – T. Veerarajan.


Sub code : CS0408 CIE : 50 % Hrs / week : 04 SEE : 50 % SEE Hrs : 03 Hrs Max. Marks : 100

Prerequisite: Data Structures

Course Outcome

On successful completion of the course the students will be able to

1. Explain the basic techniques of analyzing the algorithms using space and time

complexity, asymptotic notations.

2. Design an algorithm using divide and conquer method and analyze the different

algorithms like merge sort, quick sort etc.

3. Apply the greedy strategy to design different algorithms like 0 /1 knapsack Problem,

closest pair of points etc.

4. Define the dynamic programming method to solve the different problems like All pair

Shortest Path Problem, Non Crossing subset of Nets etc.

5. Apply the Backtracking method to solve many classic problems like N-Queens

Problem, DFS,BFS etc.

6. Define the NP- complete problems, Euler and Rudrata Problems and understand the

basics of satisfiablity and Reduction.


Algorithm Performance Analysis: Introduction, Space and Time Complexities,

Lowerbounds on Complexity, Asymptotic growth rate and notations. Case studies for

performance analysis [Insertion sort]

SLE : Radix Sort. 8 Hours


Divide and Conquer: The method, Recurrence relations, The Master theorem,

Applications [Merge sort, Quick sort, closest pair of points, Matrix multiplication].

SLE : Defective chess board. 8Hours


The Greedy Method: Elements and The method of Greedy Strategy, Applications

[0/1Knapsack Problem, Container Loading, Topological Sorting, Bipartite Cover, Single

Source Shortest Paths, Minimum-Cost Spanning Trees].

SLE : Huffman Codes. 10 Hours


Dynamic Programming: The method, Applications [0/1 Knapsack Problem,

MatrixMultiplication Chains, Non crossing subset of Nets, Rod Cutting, Longest Common

Subsequence, Longest Increasing Subsequence] Developing a Dynamic Programming


SLE : All pairs Shortest path. 9 Hours


Back Tracking: The Method, Applications [n-Queens Problem, 0/1 Knapsack

Problem,Traveling Salesperson, Container Loading]

Graphs: Depth First Search.

SLE : Breadth first Search. 9 Hours


NP- Complete Problems: Search Problems – Satisfiability, Traveling Salesperson

Problem, Problems, NP- Complete Problems, Reductions.

SLE : Euler and Rudrata 8 Hours

Note to the Instructor:

1. The instructor may use any subset of textbooks out of the list given below in order

to cover the course material. The same should be indicated to the students at the

beginning of the course.

2. For getting an external Question paper, the Instructor should clearly indicate to the

External Paper setter, the book used for each unit.

3. The Lists of Applications given at the end of units 1-5 are only suggestive and the

instructor is free to choose the set of applications he/she would teach under each of

those units.

Text Books:

1. Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++, Sartaj Sahni,

UniversitiesPress, 2nd Edition, 2005.

2. Introduction to Algorithms, Cormen Et Al. PHI, 3rdEdition.

Reference Books:

1. Computer Algorithms – Introduction to Design and Analysis, Sara Baase,

AllenVan Gelder, Pearson Education, 3rd Edition.

2. The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms, Alfred V Aho, John

EHopcroft, Jeffrey D Ullman, Pearson Education, 1st Edition.

3. Algorithms:S. Dasgupta, C. H. Papadimitriou, and U. V. Vazirani, McGraw-

HillScience/Engineering/Math,1st edition 2006.


Sub code : CS0449 CIE : 50 %Marks

Hrs / week : 05 SEE : 50 %Marks SEE Hrs : 03 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Prerequisite: Logic Design Course Outcome

On successful completion of the course the students will be able to

1. Describe the 8086 Architecture and Determine Addressing mode of an instruction

2. Explain Data Transfer Instructions and determine machine code of an instruction.

3. Describe Arithmetic , Logical , Shift and Control Instructions.

4. Develop an Assembler Language program.

5. Describe the basic configurations of 8086/8088 and Memory Interface circuit

6. Design I/O Interface circuit


The Microprocessor and its Architecture: Internal Microprocessor Architecture, Real

Mode Memory Addressing.

Addressing modes: Data Addressing Modes, Program Memory Addressing Modes.

SLE: Stack Memory Addressing Modes. 8Hours


Assembler Language programming – I:

Data Movement Instructions: MOV Revisited, PUSH/POP, Load-Effective Address, String

Data Transfers, Miscellaneous Data Transfer Instructions, Assembler Details.

SLE: Segment Override Prefix. 9 Hours


Assembler Language programming – II:

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions: Addition, Subtraction and Comparison, Multiplication

and Division.BCD and ASCII Arithmetic, Basic Logic Instructions, Shift and Rotate,

String Comparisons. Program Control Instructions: The Jump Group, Procedures.

SLE: Controlling the Flow of the Program 9 Hours


Interrrupts: Introduction to Interrupts, Machine Control and Miscellaneous Instructions.

Modular Programming, Example Programs.

SLE: Data Conversions 9 Hours


System Bus Structure : Basic 8086/8088 configurations – Minimum mode, Maximum

mode,System Bus Timing

Memory Interface: Address Decoding, 8088 MemoryInterface, 8086 Memory Interface,

(Decoding logic is to be developed using decoder and/or gates)

SLE: Memory Devices 8 Hours


I/O Interface : Parallel communication – 8255A Programmable Peripheral Interface , A/D

andD/A example, Typical Programmable Timers and Event Counters ,Keyboard and

display – Keyboard design, display design.

SLE: Keyboard / Display Controller. 9 Hours


1. The Intel Microprocessors, Barry.B.Brey, PHI Publication, 8th edition, 2009.


1. Microprocessor and Interfacing, Douglas V.Hall, TMH, 2ndedition 2006.

2. Microprocessor Systems: The 8086/8088 Family, Glenn A.Gibson, Prentice-Hall of

India, 2ndedition, 1986.

3. The Intel Microprocessor Family: Hardware and Software Principles and Applications, James L. Antonakos, Thomson, 2007.


Sub code : CS0405 CIE : 50 % Hrs / week : 04 SEE : 50 % SEE Hrs : 3 Hrs Max. Marks : 100

Prerequisite: Computer concepts and C Programming.

Course Outcome

On successful completion of the course the students will be able to

1. Explain principles of Object Oriented Programming and write simple C++ programs using

class and object.

2. Apply advanced features of C++ classes for programming.

3. Make use of overloading for designing classes that are syntactically resembling built-in data


4. Build reusable and extensible classes using inheritance and virtual functions.

5. Apply templates and exception handling for implementing highly generic and robust C++


6. Develop applications using advanced C++ features such as STL and RTTI.


Principles of Object-Oriented Programming: A Look at Procedure-Oriented Programming,

Basic Concepts of Object-Oriented Programming, Benefits of OOP, Object- Oriented Languages,

Applications of OOP.

Beginning with C++: What is C++? , Applications of C++, A Simple C++ Program, More C++

Statements, An Example with Class, Structure of C++ Program.

Classes and Objects(Introduction): C Structures revisited, Specifying a Class, Defining member

functions, A C++ Program with class.

Self Learning Exercise: Dynamic Initialization of variables, Scope resolution operator. 8 Hrs


Classes and Objects(Advanced) : Relationship of Structure, Union and Class in C++, Friend

Functions, Friend Classes, Inline Functions- Defining Inline Functions Within a Class, Constructors

and Destructors, Parameterized Constructors- Constructors with One Parameter : A Special Case,

Static Class Members- Static Data Members and Static Member Functions, When Constructors and

Destructors Are Executed, Nested Classes, Local Classes. Passing Objects to Functions, Returning

Objects, Object Assignment.

Arrays, pointers, References, and the Dynamic Allocation Operators: ‘this’ Pointer, References

– Reference Parameters, Passing References to Objects and Returning References., C++‘s Dynamic

Allocation Operators- Initializing Allocated Memory, Allocating Arrays and Allocating Objects.

Self Learning Exercise: Arrays of Objects- Creating Initialized vs. Uninitialized Arrays, Pointers

to Objects. 10 Hrs


Function Overloading, Copy Constructor, and Default Arguments: Function Overloading,

Copy Constructor, Default Function Arguments, Default Argument vs. Overloading.

Operator Overloading: Creating a Member Operator Function- Creating Prefix and Postfix Forms

of the Increment and Decrement Operators, Operator Overloading Using a Friend Function – Using

a Friend to Overload ++ or --, Friend operator Functions Add Flexibility, Overloading new and

delete, Overloading << and >>.

Self Learning Exercise: Overloading Some Special Operators([ ], ( ),–>) 8 Hrs


Inheritance: Base-Class Access Control, Inheritance and protected Members- Protected Base-

Class Inheritance, Inheritance Multiple Base Classes, Constructors, Destructors, and Inheritance-

When Constructors and Destructors Are Executed, Passing Parameters to Base-Class Constructors.

Granting Access, Virtual Base Classes.

Virtual Functions and Polymorphism: Virtual Functions- Calling a Virtual Function Through a

Base- Class Reference, The Virtual Attribute vs. Inherited, Virtual Functions Are Hierarchical, Pure

Virtual Functions- Abstract Classes, Using Virtual Functions, Early vs. Late Binding.

Self Learning Exercise: Granting access (Explicitly granting access to base class members in

derived) 8 Hrs


Templates: Generic Functions- A Function with Two Generic Types, Explicitly Overloading a

Generic Function, Overloading a Function Template, Using Standard Parameters with Template

Functions, Generic Function Restrictions. Applying Generic Functions- A generic Sort,

Compacting an Array. Generic Classes- An Example with Two Generic Data Types, Applying

Generic Classes: A Generic Array Class, Using Non-Type Arguments with Generic classes, Using

Default Arguments with Template Classes.

Exception Handling: Exception Handling Fundamentals- Catching Class Types, Using Multiple

Catch Statements.

C++ File I/O: <fstream> and the File Classes, Opening and Closing a File, Reading and Writing

Text Files.

Self Learning Exercise: HandlingDerived-Class Exceptions, Exception Handling Options. 10 Hrs


Run-Time Type ID and the Casting Operators: Run-Time Type Identification (RTTI), typeid

Applied to Template Classes, Casting Operators: dynamic_cast, const_cast, static_cast,


Introducing the Standard Template Library: An Overview of the STL, Container Classes,

General Theory of Operation, Vector container class, Algorithms.

Self Learning Exercise: List (Basics of list container class) 8 Hrs


1. Object Oriented Programming with C++, E Balagurusamy, 6th Edition. (Unit 1)

2. C++ The Complete Reference, Herbert Schildt, TMH, 4th Edition. (Units 2-6)


1. The C++ programming language, Bjarne stroustrup, Pearson Education, 3rd Edition.

2. C++ Primer, Stanley B.Lippman and Josee Lajore, Addison Wesley, 3rd Edition.

3. WEBLINK: http://www.cplusplus.com/


Sub code : CS0411 CIE : 50 % Hrs / week : 04 SEE : 50 % SEE Hrs : 03 Hrs Max. Marks : 100

Course Outcome

On successful completion of the course the students will be able to

1. Describe the fundamentals of Theory of Computation and Design an infinite

language in finite ways through DFA, NFA

2. Design an infinite language in finite ways through Regular Expressions and

understanding the properties of Regular Languages.

3. Illustrate Context Free Grammar (CFG) and Push Down Automata( PDA) for a

given Language

4. Discuss properties of PDA and Context Free Language (CFL).

5. Discuss the abstract model of computing machine through Turing Machine and its


6. Recognize whether a problem is decidable or undecidable.


Introduction To Finite Automata: Introduction to Finite Automata; The central concepts

ofAutomata theory; Deterministic finite automata; Nondeterministic finite automataFinite

automata with Epsilon-transitions.

SLE: An application of finite automata 9 Hours


Regular Expressions and Languages: Regular expressions; Finite Automata and

RegularExpressions; Applications of Regular Expressions.

Properties of Regular Languages: Regular languages; Proving languages not to be

regularlanguages; Equivalence and minimization of automata.

SLE:Closure properties of regular languages; Decision properties of regular languages

9 Hours


Context-Free Grammars And Languages: Context –free grammars; Parse trees;

Ambiguity in grammars and Languages.

Pushdown Automata: Definition of the Pushdown automata; The languages of PDA;

SLE:Applications of Context free Grammar; 8 Hours


Pushdown Automata, Properties Of Context-Free Languages: Equivalence of PDAs

andCFGs; Deterministic Pushdown Automata. Normal forms for CFGs; The pumping

lemma for CFG’s;

SLE:Closure properties of CFL 9 Hours


Introduction to Turing Machine: Problems that Computer Cannot solve; The turning

machine; Programming techniques for Turning Machines; Extensions to the basic Turning


SLE:Turing Machine and Computers. 8 Hours


Undecidability: A Language that is not recursively enumerable; an Undecidable problem

that is RE; Post’s Correspondence problem;

SLE: other undecidable problems. 9 Hours

Text Book:

1. Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation: John E.

Hopcroft, RajeevMotwani, Jeffrey D.Ullman:, Pearson education, 3 rd Edition,


Reference Books:

1. Introduction to Languages and Automata Theory, John C Martin, Tata

McGraw-Hill, 3rd Edition, 2007.

2. Introduction to Computer Theory, Daniel I.A. Cohen, John Wiley & Sons,


3. An Introduction to the Theory of Computer Science, Languages and

Machines,Thomas A. Sudkamp, Pearson Education, 3 rd Edition, 2006.

4. Introduction to the Theory of Computation: (2ndedition). Michael J.

Sipser,Thomson (Course technology), 2006.


Sub Code : CS0332 CIE : 50%

Hrs / Week : 03 SEE : 50%

SEE Hrs : 3 Hrs Max Marks : 100

Course Outcome

On successful completion of the course the students will be able to

1. Describe the fundamental knowledge of Software Engineering Process.

2. Discuss the development guidelines for Agile View of Process and System Engineering.

3. Determine the key steps in gathering requirement for a problem and building an Analysis


4. Provide the set of design principles and practices to build a high quality system.

5. Validate System functions using various Testing Skills

6. Identify an effective estimation model for Software Project Management.


Introduction To Software Engineering: The Evolving Role of Software, Software, The

changing nature of Software, Legacy Software, Software Myths.

The Software Process: Software Engineering - A Layered Technology, A Process Frame

Work, Framework, Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI).

SLE: Software development life cycle. 5 Hours


Process Models: Prescriptive Models, The Waterfall Model, Incremental Process Models,

Evolutionary Process Models.

Agile View of Process:Agility, Agile Process, Agile Process Model.

System Engineering: The system engineering hierarchy.

SLE: computer based system. 7 Hours


Requirement Engineering: Requirement Engineering Tasks, Requirement Engineering

Process, Developing USE-CASE.

Building The Analysis Model: Requirement Analysis, Analysis Modeling Approach, Data

Modeling concept, Object Oriented Analysis, Scenario Based Modeling, Flow Based

Modeling, Class Based Modeling, Behavioral Modeling.

SLE: Validating requirements. 7 Hours


Design Engineering: Design within the Context of Software Engineering, Design Process

and Design Quality, Design Concepts.

Creating an Architectural Design: Software Architecture, Data Design, Architectural

Styles and Patterns.

SLE: Architectural patterns. 7 Hours


Testing Strategies: A Strategic Approach to Software Testing, Test Strategies for

Conventional Software, validation testing.

Testing Tactics: Software Testing Fundamentals, Black Box & White Box Testing, Basis

Path Testing, Black Box Testing.

SLE: System Testing. 7 Hours


Project Management: Project Management Spectrum, People, Product, Process, Project.

Estimation: Software Project Estimation, Decomposition Techniques, Empirical

Estimation Models.

SLE: specialized estimation techniques 6 Hours

Text Book

1. Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach – Roger S. Pressman, 6th Edition.

McGraw-Hill, 2007.

Reference Books

1. Software Engineering – Ian Somerville, 8th Edition, Pearson Education, 2007.

2. Software Engineering Theory and Practice - Shari Lawrence Pfleeger, Joanne M.

Atlee, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2006.

3. Software Engineering Principles and Practice - Waman S Jawadekar, Tata McGraw

Hill, 2004.


Sub code : CS0105 Hrs/week : 03 Course Outcome On successful completion of the course the students will be able to

1. Implement the basic techniques of analyzing the algorithms using space and time complexity, asymptotic notations.

2. Implement divide and conquer method and analyze the different algorithms like merge sort, quick sort etc.

3. Apply the greedy strategy to design different algorithms like 0 /1 knapsack Problem, closest pair of points etc.

4. Implement the dynamic programming method to solve the different problems like All pair Shortest Path Problem, Non Crossing subset of Nets etc.

5. Implement the Backtracking method to solve many classic problems like N-Queens Problem, DFS,BFS etc.


Sub code : CS0103 Hrs/week : 03 Course Outcome

On successful completion of the course the students will be able to

1. Understand object-oriented concepts and how they are supported by C++ and

implementationissues related to object-oriented techniques. 2. Demonstrate the ability to analyze, use, and create functions, classes, to overload

operators,and use inheritance and Pointers when creating or using classes and create templates

3. Demonstrate the ability to understand and use Exception handling and file handling mechanism.

4. Design and write programs that make appropriate use of advanced object-oriented facilities common to many object-oriented languages such as classes, message passing, overloading and inheritance.


Sub Code : HS0102 CIE : 50% Marks

Hrs/Week : 2+0+0 SEE : 50% Marks

SEE Hrs : 02 Hrs Max. Marks : 50

Course Outcomes Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: 1. Illustrate the relationship between human life and environment from scientific perspective. 2. Identify the current and emerging problems. 3. Develop the awareness on environmental problems.

Unit – I Introduction and definition of Environment. Man-Environment, interaction. Impact of man’s activity on Environment. Ecosystems (kinds, component parts, pyramids etc, Pond ecosystem as an example), Biodiversivity (Hot spots). 4 Hrs Self Learning Exercise: The need of Environment Education/Knowledge (from the point of view of Sustainable Development).

Unit –II Ecology a) Energy/nutrient flow (food chains etc) b) Biogeochemical cycles (CNS cycles)

4 Hrs Self Learning Exercise: Concepts of limiting nutrients.

Unit – III Natural Resources, Water resources – Availability & Quality aspects, Water borne diseases & water induced diseases, Fluoride problem in drinking water Mineral resources, Minerals, Energy – renewable and non renewable. 4 Hrs Self Learning Exercise: Land and Forest Wealth.

Unit – IV Pollution- Water, Air, Noise. Solid waste generation and allied issues 4 Hrs Self Learning Exercise: Sustainable development- Concepts

Unit –V Some important local and global environmental issues a) Global issues- global warming, acid rain, ozone depletion 4 Hrs Self Learning Exercise: Local issues- specific to the locality

Unit –VI Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Environmental Auditing. Environmental Legislation and Acts. Pollution Control boards. Regulatory standards.

6 Hrs Self Learning Exercise: Environmental Ethics.

Text Book 1.Benny Joseph “Environmental Science and Engineering.”. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.

Reference Books 1. Gilbert M. Masters “Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science.” Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Limited. 2. Edward J. Kormondy “Concepts of Ecology” Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Limited. 3. P. D. Sarma. “Ecology and Environment” Rastogi Publications.

Bridge Course Mathematics – II (2:0:0) (For Diploma students during IV semester)

Sub Code : MA0202 CIE : 50% Marks Hrs/Week : 02 SEE : 50% Marks SEE Hrs : 02 Total : 26 hrs Max. : 50 Marks

Course Outcomes:

On successful completion of the course the students will be able to:

1. Compute double and triple integrals. 2. Compute certain improper integrals using Beta – Gamma functions. 3. Solve problems on vector differentiation. 4. Operate vector differential operator ‘del’ on scalar and vector point functions and solve

problems associated with it. 5. Operate Laplace transform on some functions. 6. Operate inverse Laplace transform on some functions and use it to solve differential

equations with initial conditions. Unit-I : Integral Calculus-I Multiple integrals-double and triple integrals. Evaluation of double integral over a region. (SLE: evaluation of double integrals by converting into polar form). 5 hrs Unit-II: Integral Calculus-II

Beta and Gamma functions – Definition, Properties, problems on relation between beta and gamma function (SLE: derivation of alternate definitions of Beta and Gamma functions). 4 hrs

Unit-III: Vector Calculus-I (SLE: Representation of a vector,dot and cross products, magnitude, unit vector). Differentiation of vectors, velocity, acceleration, components of velocity and acceleration. 4 hrs Unit-IV: Vector Calculus-II Vector differentiation -Gradient, Divergence, Curl and Laplacian ,Irrotational vectors. (SLE : Solenoidal vectors) 4 hrs

Unit-V: Laplace Transforms Definition, Laplace transforms of standard functions (formulae). Shifting and Derivative of transform, properties – simple problems (SLE: Laplace transform of discontinuous functions). Unit step function- Problems. 5 hrs Unit-VI: Inverse Laplace Transforms Inverse transforms – Method of completing square and partial fractions. Solution of ordinary differential equations using Laplace transform method (SLE: Solution of simultaneous differential equations using Laplace transform method). 4 hrs

Text/Reference Books:

1. Higher Engineering Mathematics by Dr. B.S. Grewal, 42nd edition, Khanna publications.

2. Higher Engineering Mathematics by H.K.Dass , (2008 edition), Chand Publications.
