Be a Presenter at JS



Be a Presenter at JS Conference

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JS.everywhere(2013)Exploring JavaScript and all the places it lives.

JS.everywhere(2014) EUOur intention is to have an invigorating and inspirational day about JavaScript. For this one­track event, we are looking for concise stories about JavaScript in many different areas. Your talk should focus on the JavaScript language and highlight overcoming any challenges, doing something interesting, or discovering something new.

We will accept talks in different areas, like JavaScript in hardware, art, music, location, data, visualization, cars, copters, robotics, entertainment, TV, science, etc. JavaScript is everywhere (every domain and every area), and we want to see it all.

We will have a limited number of sponsor talks (sponsors of the event who give a talk) ­ but even these presentations must fit the theme, be very engaging, and not be a product pitch.

If you have experience presenting and you feel confident in your skills, please provide a video of yourself presenting. Please also send us links to your slides.

If you are a little less sure of your skills on stage or if you don't have a lot of experience, but you are passionate about your subject, we will support you in making your talk fantastic. Just be clear with us on what you think you may need help with. We may even come up with a different format that fits your specific needs ­ maybe an interview style. Collaboration can lead to great things.

Speakers will be offered the following benefits for participating in JS.everywhere():­ A "Speaker Pass" that provides you with access as an attendee including coffee breaks, lunch, and a wine tasting.­ An invitation to the speaker dinner following the conference.

We are doing everything we can to keep the costs down for attendees and therefore don’t have the funds to cover hotel and travel expenses for all speakers. The above benefits are guaranteed to all participating speakers; however, if you need hotel accommodations and reimbursement for travel expenses, we may be able to find you a sponsor.

­­ Lyle Troxell and the JS.everywhere(2014).eu team

* Required

About Your Presentation

Title of your Presentation *example: "JS in cars", "JS in browser", "JS in robotics"

Summary of Your Presentation *

Supporting Attendee InteractionThe nature of JS.everywere(2014).eu supports group activities and interactions among attendees sharing tables. If appropriate for your presentation,please describe how your presentation will promote attendee interaction. (We plan to have 20+ large round tables with butcher paper and pens.)

Description for us as planners of the event....

Description for us as planners of the event....What does this talk show us? How is it inspirational? What is the aim of your talk? What will people get from your talk? Is it fun/shocking? Whatinspired you to pick your topic?

Desired Length *Select the length that will work for your presentation:

5 minutes

20 minutes

Speaker Agreement *If you are selected for JS.everywhere(), you agree to perform the submitted presentation to JS.everywhere() attendees. As a JS.everywhere() speaker,a JS.everywhere() staff member will be assigned to you as a liaison and will work with you on your materials and handle any questions you may haveas you develop your presentation. We expect that you will respond to requests from your JS.everywhere() liaison in a timely manner. Non­responsiveness may lead to your being removed from the presentation roster. You will be compensated as indicated in the present submission form(see above). Standard audiovisual equipment will be provided for you. Any additional requirements are the speaker’s responsibility. By agreeing to be apresenter, you give 4D Inc. and/or its affiliates the rights to present, publish, and distribute this material as deemed appropriate (this may includedistribution via web, photos, print, and video). 4D Inc. and/or its affiliates have the right to announce your name and likeness as a presenter atJS.everywhere(). This Speaker Agreement is between you and 4D Inc. and/or its affiliates concerning the subject matter herein, and supersedes,waives, and rescinds all prior written or oral representations, negotiations, agreements, or undertakings with respect thereto. Consequently, thisagreement represents the entire agreement between the parties. This agreement does not change or alter any other license agreement the parties mayhave between each other. You expressly agree to these terms and conditions by checking the box hereafter and submitting this subscription form.

I have read and agree to the terms of the above Speaker Agreement. I will submit the required materials on time and will present the assignedpresentation(s) in a business­like and professional manner. The information presented will be my own or in the public domain and will not infringe therights of any third party.

About YouThis subscription form requests you to provide your contact information. All required fields are indicated with an asterisk (*).

You have the right to contest, access, correct, change, or delete your personal data by sending an email to or sending a letter to 4D, Inc., 3031 Tisch Way, Suite 900, San Jose, CA 95128.

Your Name *

Email Address *


My company will cover my expenses (and will be considered a supporter of JS.everywhere)

Where are you located? *For example: "Maine, NH", "Rio de Janeiro, Brazil", "San Jose, CA", "London, England", etc.

Biography *

PictureURL of a picture of you for the Speakers page (at least 180px by 180px)

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Previous presentationsLink to SlideShare, SlideDeck, GitHub, YouTube, Vimeo and/or talk about which areas you might need help in.



URLNot into Twitter or Github? You can just give us a URL to help people to learn more about you.

Mish Mash

How did you learn about the JS.everywhere() conference?

What is your main motivation to speak at JS.everywhere()?

What other conferences do you plan to participate in this year?

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This event is sponsored by 4D (, creator of Wakanda (, an open source full-stack JavaScript project.Source code for (
