Bca Bsc Java




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ltree hours Maximum: 100 marks


Answer any TEN questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 50 words.

, What are tokens?

List out any two features of JAVA.

Define object.

What are inner classes?

Define abstract class.

What are interfaces? '::


Define stream.

What is a file?

What is the difference between string class andins buffer class?

Vvl Tnvq

lO. What is a pory server?

11. Whst is a port?

12- I)€fire applet.


. Answer any FnrE questions.

All questions carrT/ equal marks.

Eaeh answer should not exceed 200 words.

f3- Explain the general form of Java progr€rms.

l - Write a program to find whether the givenia prime or not. Use a constructor.

15. Erplain the use of throws with an example.

16. Write a program in Java to check whethergiYen ctring is a palindrome or not.

17- E-Itrrin any six methods in graphics class.

18. *tit" aote on menus.

19. Write a fogran to evaluate S=1!-2!+B(z terms).

PAIff C -@ x 10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.

AII questions carry equal marks.

.'.swer should not exceed 500 words.

a detailed account on object oriented

a program to pick out the gecond biggest

an array ofn integers.

tJre life cycle of a thread.

a program to create a text frle and count thewords in it.

in method over loading and method over


ffie notes on:

&) Label control

l) Check box.

3 460TUPC6C


(,>1 f*<46011/PC6C

hours Maximum : 100 marks


Answer any TEN questions.

All questions can), equal marks.

Each ans\ryer should not exceed b0 words.

is a variable? How to declare variables in

is byte code?

f,hat is a class? Give an example.

t is inheritance? Give an example.

at are the differences between static variablevariable?

f.ist any three common run time errors.

What is synchronization? Briefly explain.

at is a stream? What are the two types of

9. Wrifu a aote

ro. Name aay th. char ArraY Reader.

tI. o,L^, tags used in JavaDoc

12. Di"f*Soi"l, netween component



* n,r""oL::' "'* questions.

-Ea.}. ^- 10ns carry equal marks.Each answer ch^._r , =**r ruorl(s.

13. Exprain ,r";":::uld not exceed 200 words

r4. Lisr and ".rrr,.-'::e;of


"5. star io ^_ . rrn various data types in Java

trser denned d&;:i::l,f" the procedu

,li.rHf a Java prog"arn tu exprain18. E rhio *r,

il,.;5; ,',"i;;[:::" s'fring crass

Java imple

l, what is the : **'r uavaDoc


two method";"f use of URL class in Java?

PART C - @x 10 - 40 marks)Answer any FOUR questions.

All questions carry equal marks.f..h answer should not exceed 800 words.

the control structures in Java.irn the method*ith

"xail;;.."" overloading and method

the two ways of creating threads in Java.

ftscrib" the different stages in the Iife cycle r;,

15. Stat is an in - squ<r [YPes i

.6 ..r,._. class? Explain with Hft Jilif;T}ff

:,1.i? ffi}:" from jthe

C:st i" the various AWT controls in detail.



,ff"r"* G r,v., &4;6Ott4pC6C

$oroP"t are the few eharac*,u"t"u'50 words'

i rs used as separators inL" rfr::tion the differences

betp .

--"P u€uween double aad float

ft."#;t out anv G arithnrefi

t' ' Give the ge-^- ---'c operqtors and its

i- List out;"::"" form of a class.

i ;;-;;H:lvA aecessspeciners

7. Where do we rrca +L-'3. I41.ar *r;;use


(a) s"t p"ir#owr'ng .";. ::"::

G) join

MaxineunPanrA - (ro

" . _,^*xounr : loo marks

^, -*"*"" r*' H; il:r;:::,AII questiolls ea*,'


Each .";";;;:- equal marks.

hat aro rL^ r ld not exceed 5o words.

(c) rrrn.


What is a character stream?

L \Mhat is the function of appendO method?

. Write on Datagram packet.

. What are the methods used to begrn an applet?


Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions caruy equal marks.


Answer any FOUR questions.

All questions carrJ, equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed EOO words,

20. What is the use of socket prograyn in JAVA?Explain with example. -- -vv..vu r

2J Write en applet program that have differentshapes in it.Each arr.swer should not exeeed 200 words' 22. Explain the folrowingAWT classes.

' Give the syntax of switch statement and explain -(a) Font, (b)

- Text Area, (c) Tool kit, (d) List,h suitable example' c)

-n"ctaniie,-' (6'Lub*r, Gi-'d""kiox, (h) Button,

Explain the concept method overriding withrrble example' 23. uslS a smarl package pxogram, exprain theconcept of JAVA packages.write a program for sine series. _--*:__"'u^Yrr Pacf,

write a short note on try-catch. 3l;H' synchronization is needed? Explain with

How Deadlocks can be handled in JAVA? 25. \4/rite in detail about choice lists Awr contror.-List out any five character stream VO classes-and

--- -'vvp rr

ruon lts use.

Write a program to concatenate two strings,

2 460111PC6C

h- re


Answer any ?EN queetions.

AII questions earry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed E0 words.1. Name the four integer data t51pes in Java.2. lVrite s5mtax of switch statement and give anexample. -'--- o-!v Er

3: What is an objet? How is it created?

4. What is method overloading? Give an example.5. List the various access control modifrersin;""r.6. List any three methods in the Thread class.7. What is Deadlock? Briefly explaia.

' .1_ _

Briefty explain the uses of hintStream class in: JAva.

9. YVrite a note on CharArraylVriter.10. List the three types of comments in Java.

11. What is the use of InetAdress class in Java? Name

any two static metho'ds in it.

L2- Ui*inguisU between cboice and List controls'

PAEI B- (5 x 6 = S0 marks)

Answer anY FIVE questions-

AII guestions carry equal marks.

F-eh answer should uot srceed 200 worde.

13. E4lain the basic coneepts of OOP.

l* What is an array? Horr is it declared? Explain

-igf, ernmple.

15. What is method overriding? Explain with an


16- What do you understand by inter Thread

cmmunication? ExPlain.

L7. Hor to pass parameters to an applet? Explain

18. Frrylain any six methode in the StringBuffer class'

19. Explain the TCP/P socket elasses in Java.

2 460111Pc6c

i PART C - (4 x 10 = 40 marks)

Answer anY FOUR questions'

, All questions carry equal marks'

Eaeh answer should not exceed 500 words'

0. Discuss the various t5ryes of operators in Java'

t. What is an abstract class? Explain with an

rample pro$ram.

2: Dlscues the kelm'ords that are ueed to manage

xceptions in Java.

3. Describe the different stages in the life cyele of an


4. Write a Java program to illustrate the multi

ueading concept.

5. E:rplain the various tayout managers in Java

dth example.

3 4601r/?c6c

t+*ry""i w 7a-n 9y,^,r, *30E/SAZ4A/SAE4A

uiqlrsMaxiaum: ZI rnarks

trf,TroNA _ (ro xp=p0marks)

Aaswer any ?EN questions.

-{Il questions earry equal noarts.

h **oer should not exceed 30 words.

mF''c byte eode.

eE€ a aote on the ?: OBerahr in Java.Drdue method *verloa ding.

Tn-'e a note ort deelqr-+r^--lecJaration of,Arrays.

frat are vectors ?

Define tbe terrn paekage.

Ehat are threads?

Define exception.








I{rite a note on draw-line O method.

Dietinguish betreen input stream endgfuem.

Write a note on hoxy senref.

What is AWT?

SECIION B- (5 x E = 2b marks)

Answer arr;r fTIrE questions.

AII questions carryequal marks.

Each answe should aot exced 100 words.

Write short notes onData t5ryes of Java.

Dissuss the basic formats of the whileedtfoi do statement with examples.

Dfoms tle differcnt lerrels of acceesryeeinJarna. l

about $"apper clagses in Java-

short agtes on life cycle of a tbread.

Itiecarss briefly about byte streau classes.

Iliecuss abut IuetAildress class and' its metho&

SECfION C- (3 x 10 = 30 marks)

A4swer anY fiIBEE questions

All queetions csrtyequal marke.

Each allswer ahould not exseed 500 words'

Writ€ a Java pmgram to frnd the sum and average

of N given nua-bers.

f,xplain about any frve commonly used string

methods with examPtes.

Diseusg in detail, defrnilg, extending and

implementing intedaee with examples.

3 51305rsAz4AxsAE4A


Write Applets to do the following :

(a) Drawingpolygons

(b) Drawing a line graph.

Explain about working with fonts in Jansuitable examples.

?; Jh',,1



wiII you create a class?

do you nreant by abstract elass?t are packages?

PAB?A - {ro ", = rTX,l] : roornarks

Answer any ?ElrI questions.


!e short notes on objeet oriented coaeepts.

ffii*-illoco:ttrast do whire and whire

ne multithreading.

out the various Java utilities.a simple applet in Java of your own.

are AWT elasses?



the purpose ofpnoay sbrvere.


"_ (U x 6 = B0 marhs)

Ansrer aay FIIIE questions.

13. ErStria in brief absut the coranayEiaJava tcePt of handlins

Dissues about overloading methods.

Hor to create arsteps"*,"**iffi*l1rH,i3Descxibe about thrcads ia Java

E ptain about VO streame in Java.


15-about the






Develop a progran for frle handling in Java.Digclrss about socket pllgramming in brief.

PABT C_"(4 x t0 = 40 marks)

Answer any F0IJB questions.

f;["" overrrieqr aboirt operatore and variables

Gire a detailed descriptior about types of data iaJAVA

Write a Jaua prqmn to imptement inheritance.


2A. kpteU iD 4r.fl {d seing obrect ad strirybuffer.

Explain ec pmerne for creating

Discrs hed-dvairre ontrols iE abshactclasse&





f+tv*r**^f U; Ja*^2o1o ' I srgdslsAE4At


Y *-*


: Three hours Maximum : 75 marksSECTION A _ (fO x 2 _ 2}marks)

Answer any TEN questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed B0 words.

What are Java Tokens?

What is scope of a variable?

What is the use of Dot operator? Give an example.

Give the basic form of a class definition in Java.

Define Constructor.

Write a note on Multilevel Inheritance.

. What is an Interface?

Defi ne Multithrearti n g.

. What is the use of finally block?

10. Defrng Applets.

11. Ifhat is LRL?

72. Hom- to draw circles in Java? Give an example.

SECTION-B _ rS x i _ 2lmarks)

-{l"*rer an5- FI\IE questions.

-{Il quresdons car+- equal marks.Fqr*a tsniffier should not exceed. 200 words.

13" Wrifie *d,m @ots on Basic Concepts of OOp.

1+. Ifrile a Jasa progrem to illustrate the usesffitfich -<tatFTnemt

rc _ kieIX-r- about commonl.y usedBe lfed!flk rith exampl"*


SECTION C - (3 x 10 = 30 marks)

Answer any THREE qrreltion".

All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed b00 words.

Explain about Java features.

Compare and contrast overloading and overrirlingmethods.

Explain the following:(a) Creating threads.

(b) Stopping and Blocking a Thread.

Explain about Exception Handling in Java withexamples.

Write a Java program to illustrate the use o{Fiow Lalrout Manager.



r,6- wrfuE &hffi[ creallg packages and accessingFEreagE in.Jara *ith e*rr,.,plJs- ----

I[-rire Sort Erofies on Applet Life Cycle.

Disrss ebo{u rha*-acter s.Eeam classes in Java.

Explain ahsur anf rrFo AWT controls,






Aasrer *Dr: ?r,r- rrrsl

AII gu""ti I ral\ guestions'

Each ansper ",o*

""* equal a*arks.

rffi*:;"::i:::ffi;":::arrays rvjth

,:::F:f,HXl:, b and c, after execurins

rhetnt a = I,.intb=2.rnt c __ B;


'cYo = 6:

Jl4axirnarn : I00 nrar&sPA&?A--(roxs,

A^--., = SO aar&s)





3. Write ci_ ^-rite six separators r

0,I,c6B ,4. w.at doyou r,ean ort"*'*n e in Java.

; - -- 'q'Zre oI the keyword this?



What sre th uses of the keyword frnal?

lfientin th intemal parts included in a Java


Tfhat is a Package? How do you defrne it?

Nrme three methods and its purpose in

interthread com m unication.

Tld do yur rnean by prede,fined streams?

Wtat is DNS? Write its use and general fo:mat'

What do you mean IIBL?

Iist the Check box constnrctors.

PART B- (5 x 6 = 30 marks)

Ansser aoy fwE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

FacL anEter Bhoutd not ex.ceed 200 words.

Discuss 6c While and do while with example.

\ryrik a Java prrogram to generate tbeoutput.



How do you overload corstnrctors? EryIlin it silexample.

Discuss the Aceess control specifiers Yilexample.

Diseuss various options used ir Exception-

Explain the classes and methods that are used t

read and write frles.

How do you create a Flame window in an Appb' Explain.

PARTC-(4x10=40marks)Answer any FOUE questions.

AII questions carrY equal marks-

Each answer should not exceed ifi) words.

Discuss diEerent types of If statements Eiexamples"







; 17.





Zl. Explah the ffpes of inheritance with example'

3 4601uFct2 460111PC6C

! ftse

22. \\ ri:e a -Drogram to create mutrtipie thread"

2g. Disiuss rhe various class*s in Java utilities'

21. E:Plain anY three AWT cantrols'

2i. Discuss the laYout ma:riiger$'
















f n. ue


A.PRI1 *or, !''r-r'' i-.. ,yv\.,t \y,

Iirne: ?hree hows

pA&? A _ fio., = #:X:;

; ro{r rnarks

Ansrver ary ?EN questions.AII questions carry equal marJrs.

Each answor^ s}.^,-r r

t' what is obja should not exceed 50 words'

z. Iry^hat r" oor_'orieated


3. w'at ," _,r__;:;;? rs ir supported in ,rava?

t. What is objecr? Explain.t. Expjain the

i. ExpJain ,0", **and line arg[nrents"

I. Differentiate of this'ke.ywovr,

J. I'hat is fiIe ir usage of throw and throws.

tput strearn?L What is AWT? Exptain"


J (tu.tU\I


ry is s5r*hronrzatio:r? Explain.

Wbat is 1rruxy server?

datagramJ Explain.


Anewer any FIYE euestions,

AII guestions carrJr equal marks.

Etrh ansqel should not exceed2O0 words.

Discuss the features of Java.

E-Iilsin briefly the data types and literals in j

What is meant by eonsh"uctor? Explain


Drutlgin'\e usage of super class:.,Write short notes on packages.

F,rytain multithreading with example.

, Diseuss the applet interaet programming.





Answer any F.()UR questions.

All questions calry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 800 words.

20. Discuss the varirous control statemenis in JavaIanguage.

11. , Ihut are the different forms of inheritance?rlxpIam.

22, Explai:rtle basics of ag erception handing.

23. . f,:rplain briefly the Java utilities.

24. Explaiu the UO stresms available in Java.

25. Explain the Socket programming in Java.

484 46418TPK5A

r*r**r c; Tav,,, 7*"'-

zolo 4S4tAlpKEA

t.he hours Maximum : 100 marks

PABT A- (10 x S = B0 marks)

i{nswer any TEN questions.

, All questions c&rry equal marks.

Erch answer should nst exceed E0 words.

: Encapsulation.

:Dtat is an array? Give an example.

Gire the general form of a Switch statement TrithI example.

inguish between a class and an object.

fhat is meant by methad overloading?

&fiae: Static method.

Ilefine: Interface.

inguish between a superclass and a subclass.

Trite the use of thraw statement with anrqmple.






lilhat are tbreads?

Writ€ a note on : streams.

I{hat i8 the use ofserver socket class?


Answer any FflIE questions.

AII questions eany equal marks.Faeh ajsrtgl should not exeeed 200 words.

T:*: about scope and Iife time of variablesc*rmples.

f.xplain the use of iteration etateuents inwith examples.

Write a Java program to demonstrate anclass.

Discuss about defrning an interfaceimplementing inrerface, "itf,

lldi_,Exptain about synchronization in Jayaevnmple.

Writ€ short notes on : StrineBuffer class.

Discuss briefly about InetAddress class,


$nswer any FOUB questions.

AU questions cafly equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 80fl words.

Write a .Java. program to arrange the givetrrnrmlgrys in an asceading ord*r. ----"'

EpH". the usage of d.ifferent operators in Javawith suitable illustrations.

I?hat are constructors? Write a Java program toillwtrate parameterir"a "o*i*IJ..

Explain about multithreading in Java ritherample.

Explain about any four utility classes in Java-

Discuss in detail, Menu bars and menus in Jerrwith examples.







Y *^.^h^fu*@ cr^ QL,r""

2o7o l. / 4(d4lglPl{ilA

: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks


Ansrver any TEN questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed b0 words.

What are Objects?

Define: variables.

Write the use of. ? Operator with an example.

Define constructor.

What is meant by Method Overiding?

What are Packages?

Define the term : Exception.

Define : A Multithreaded program.

What are Byte Streams?


lO. Defiae: Applet.

ll: Whatis TCp?

L2- DetrDe: URL.


Answer any F'ryE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

Each e""wer should not exceed 200 words.

Srrite short notes on : Data types in Java.

Discuss briefly about Strine Claeg.

Eelar: about Importrngrpackages in Javae:amples.

17. Discuse about the gener.al form of anHandtin1g block with example.

18. F-prlnin any four methods defined byclass-

19. Write short notee on : TCp/Ip client sockets.

PART C -@ x l0 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR queations.

All questions carry equal marke.

Each answer should not exceed 500 wordg.

Explain about feattrres of Java.

Writ€ a Java program to Illustrate overloadingmethod.

Write a Java progtam to illuetrate the use ofSingle Inheritance.

Explain abut Interthread Communication in Java.

Discuss in detail, an Applet Skeleton.

Explain about any TWQ Layout Managers withexample programs.






Y R^*A fTcr-&^^---r----.,.,"^P .ra J "" -

r,ils; a


Maximum: 100 marks,lliiJulu -

" 1rlx3=30marks)r ra_jl_ - _1 -

L - <:'.nv TEN questions'

ruI, d;*=::as carry equal marks'

Emsrs:l :hould not exceed 50 words'

G urlr:-- br- bltecode?

e slJni :: in'ieger data tYPes in Java'

)-;=tatements in Java?

:e:ir 8€D a class and an object'

s.i:i methods?


Jr ::*' :i 'throrv' statement? Give an

.;trI* -j: --hread'

ffig :i; ::realns in Java?

10- How will you find out the length of aJava? Give an example.

11. What is an Internet address?

72- Write a note on check box control in Java-


Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

Each enswer should not exceed 200

13. Discuss about lexical issues ofjava with

14- Explain about different groups of o

Java witJr examples.

15- Write a Java program to find the sum andof'n given numbers.

16- Explain about the use of various accessspecifers in Java with suitable examples.

' 17- f,xphin about packages in Java with

18- Discuss the procedure for appletsJaYawith oxarnple.

19- With an example Java program, explain theAWT Lahel control-

x 10 = 40 marks)

mUR questions.

cerry equal marks.

not exceed 500 words.

&e tlree OOP PrinciPles with

implementation of method

frogram to do matrix multiplication

lrcdures for susPending, resuming

inJava programs.

rEfhods in the following toPics in



,ft um of IlRlconnection class with an



hours Maximum : 100 marks


Answer any TEN questions.

All questions cany equal marks.

P'aeh answer should not exceed E0 words.


m to create one_Dimensional Arrays in Java?sYample.

are objects?

r_-\.L \<*,-

fi.Egr."*-f \,;'tl Fv-,

Ilefine static method.

That is meant by Inheritance?

n"m" Interface.

Write a note on .throw, statement.

Define thread.

9. What is meant by Byte stream?

10. Write a note on drawstring ( ) method.

11. What are Datagrams?

L2. What is AWT?

PART B - (S x,6 _ S0 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.

A1I questions carry equal marks.

Each Eurswer should not exceed 200

13. Write short notes on variables in Java.

14. Explain the different Arithmetic operatorswith examples.

aae the methods in an applet skeleton?example.

about URL connection creation with anprogram.

PART C'- (n x 10 = 40 marks)

A:rswer any FOUR questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

answer should not exceed b00 words.

the different iteration statements in Java

a Java program to implement a stack for

15. What is meant by method overloading?Java program to illustrate method werloading. in about various methods in string class in16- Discuss the use of Inner classes with


L7- Explafu about importing packages withthe use of any four Java,s Built-in


with examples.


T,;""lJ:iill""{}*ffi}::]::*. *' "


,--"- 9 *u*



15rr\7€r o"^u

al rnarks.

questions "*'::-""ed bo words'

-''" shodd not ex

:apsulatron' -ava? Give exarrrdes'

S$$gliterals in J

elasses in Java?

er Class' . Keyword? Give an

the use of 'Super'

the purPose of irnporx'

$aternent? GNe

::Tj:;*,", *,:::::-

:;;:*",,,*t" o"'ttre gJ!sbEg4z+.




What are character streams?

Define Proxy Server.

Write a note on : Borderlayout.


Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 200 words.

t- List the features of Java.

L Write a Java Program to find the Biggest Num

nmg three given numbers.

F- Discuss about constructors with examples.r

h Itrrite short notes on'Stringi class.r

iI- Discuss about Inter thread Communication.

& Write short notes on : 'Inetaddress' Class.

I0- Disrss about Datagrams in Java.

PART C -@ x 10 = 40 marks)

Answer anY FOUR questions'

All questions carry equal marks'

Each answer should not exceed 500 words'

Write a Java program to multiply two given

Explain about Method overloading with an

ple Java program.

Desiribe in detail, how to handle exceptions in

va with examPles.

Explain about Multithreading with an example

a proglam.

Describe in detail, TCP/P server sockets'

Explain about any FOUR AWT controls with



c1.,vt.q v], J7.w"lI

51305/SAE 4AISAZ4A

Maximum : 75 marks

A - (fO x2 = 20 marks)

.f,nswer arry TEN questions.

^ilque^stions carry equal marks.

rrcwer should not exceed B0 words.


ralm for identifiers in Java.I

r uote on : Increment and Decrement irtE I

general form of switch statenaent.

useofextends keyword.

en interface?

re start a thread?

How to draw lines in Java? Give an

Write a aote on : fnput Stream Class.

What is the significance of the accept( )the ServerSocket class? ---- qvuv'

What is Border Layout?

. SECTIONB_(S x S =2lmarks)

Answer any FIVE questions.

AIt questions cafiyequal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 200

Discuss about Java constants with eWrite short notes on : Data types in Java-

What are construetors? lisruss about theconstructors with examples.

--" qvvu

16. Wlte a Java program to printordering of stnngs.






What are Run-Time Errors? m.: Cornrnon Java Exceptions.

dmt character stream classes.

important methods in the URLhkfly.

C - (3 x 10 = 30 marks)

any TTIREE questions.

bns carr;, equal marks.

should not exceed 500 words.

fur kogram to find the sum of theic series for a given value of z :

-11 1l+-+-+...+:3n

of n should be given interactivelykeyboard.

t by single inheritance? Explain thisple Java Program

.bott creating packages and accessing arith examples.




251 3 51305/SAE4A|SAZ4A



Explain about random access files inssample programs.

n1.1tain the usage of any FOUR Awith suitable exr-ples.

, tyo,U


Maximum : 75 markshours

PARTA-(10 x2=20 marks)

Answer any TEN questions.

computer-server system.

irs GLTI?

program executio4.

is signal ( ) semaphore operation?


ls schedule?

is meant by segmentation?


swap space.

is slab allocation?



451 interrupt vector.



.{1mbe 3qag


or1u.r p;nbgn

orlB.d luarJr\,

awoou! letaurCI;)u! laN

spoo$go 1so3

eelBE leN

J tuv=

; :hreads?

-.-"u stop the threads in Java?


"* IP Address?

J' ) *-'".


i,:ursMaximum : 100 marks

P-{RT A -- (f O x S.* 30 marks)

-{nswer any TEN questions.

i* questions carry equal marks.:-i*s\trrer should not exceed S0 words.)ata types in Java.

s:- -\-ou declare Arrarzc ;- r^_--o ^.N,,E trrays in Java? Grve an

r-: -lasses?

tr=;he Access Control specifiers in Java?";s -eant by method overloading?

_* -erlaces.



What are Datagrams?

What is AWT?


Answer any FIVE question-..

Ail questions carry equal marks_

Each answer should not exceed 2C)0

13. Discuss about various operators i"examples.

Write short notes on : I/O staternent-.

What are static and fixed methods?examples.

- - 1x 10 = 40 marks)

:: -n]- FOUR questions.

srt.lfl*r:-,:,ns carry equal marks'

:r should not exceed 500 words'

&lrr;;:: various control statements with










Discuss about synchronization

Discuss the usage of any fourStream class.

,i;1-. i Dlogram to iliustrate constructor

ru,fir-:: Exception Handling Mechanism

-;le Java Program.

&rmi: :: ]Iultithreading with example'

&rril:::: Life Cvcle of an APPiet'

ilient-server communication using



Write short notes on : String Buffer C

What are the important rrethods ilDiscuss with examples.



fu,*u.*, (,,^ &IE,2O1I I



IVlaximum: 100 marks

FAITT A*. {Ic x $ = S0 rrarks}" An*ner frny THN questions.

Ail questions camy equal rnarks.

Each *newer should n*t exceed 50 worde.

Ust th* Date tSrpee in Java.

Hsw to declare errays in Java? *iv* exampl*e.

What is *onstructor?

Write the us* *f inner elasses"

Define packages.

Writc the purpose ef frgqgyhlo*ks.

What arc Threads?

De{ine Deadlock.

Write a *otc on: Java" io package.



10. Give the general syntax nf (APPLEQ

Whut are Proxy Sor:rere?


PAA,f B - (5 x 6; S0 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.

All questionn carry equal marks.

Each answer should not exceed 200

Write ehort uotes sn : Lexieatr issues.

Discuss briefly about operators in Jana.

Explain ahout ovemiding methods.

lVhat are Interfaces? How toimplement interfaces? Explain with

Discuss qbout different states of Threadg

Discuss the methods defined in ioutBut etreanl classes.

19. Write short notos on: TCP/IP server



Answer any FOUR questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

arswer ehauld nst exeeed S00 wnrds.

a java program to find the sum and Averagegiven nurr'bers.

is meant by &Iethod Overloading? Explainan example Java Pmgram.

about multithreading.

brie{ly about Access Protection in

the varioue methods in f,trine Bu{fer

in detail, any TWO AWI control.

II 1S.;




' 16.



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