Bbfc rating of our film


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BBFC Rating of our film

We have rated our film as a 12/12A

The reasons for this are because:

Main issues Reasons

Context Funny, Humours

Tone Light, Happy atmosphere

Discrimination None

Horror None

Imitable Behaviour Pervious

Language Frequent, Strong

Nudity None

Sex None

Theme Pervious(challenged), Geeky, Lazy, Sporty, Vein

Violence None

In our film we needed to consider the language as some of it can be strong, we also thought about

the imitable behaviour like when the boy slaps the girls bum, as some people could copy that. But

overall it is a funny and humours film which it meant to be used in a funny context way not offence

due to the language.

Grown Ups

We also looked at other films in our genre to get an idea of how to rate our own film. We looked at

grown-ups as it has comedy similar to our film. It got a 12A due to its moderate sex references. With

sexy poses of females against a car and things that have been ordered of a sex website. There was ‘

and also mild language with words like ‘ass’, ‘piss’, ‘dick’ and ‘bitch’.