Bayesian Survival Approach to Analyzing the Risk of ...qinghe/papers/journal/2019 TRR reccurrent...


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  • Infrastructure

    Transportation Research Record2019, Vol. 2673(7) 281–293� National Academy of Sciences:Transportation Research Board 2019Article reuse 10.1177/

    Bayesian Survival Approach to Analyzingthe Risk of Recurrent Rail Defects

    Faeze Ghofrani1, Qing He1,2,3, Reza Mohammadi3,Abhishek Pathak1, and Amjad Aref1

    AbstractThis paper develops a Bayesian framework to explore the impact of different factors and to predict the risk of recurrence ofrail defects, based upon datasets collected from a US Class I railroad between 2011 and 2016. To this end, this study con-structs a parametric Weibull baseline hazard function and a proportional hazard (PH) model under a Gaussian frailtyapproach. The analysis is performed using Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation methods and the fit of the model is checkedusing a Cox–Snell residual plot. The results of the model show that the recurrence of a defect is correlated with different fac-tors such as the type of rail defect, the location of the defect, train speed limit, the number of geometry defects in the lastthree years, and the weight of the rail. First, unlike the ordinary PH model in which the occurrence times of rail defects atthe same location are assumed to be independent, a PH model under frailty induces the correlation between times to therecurrence of rail defects for the same segment, which is essential in the case of recurrent events. Second, consideringGaussian frailties is useful for exploring the influence of unobserved covariates in the model. Third, integrating a Bayesianframework for the parameters of the Weibull baseline hazard function as well as other parameters provides greater flexibilityto the model. Fourth, the findings are useful for responsive maintenance planning, capital planning, and even preventive main-tenance planning.

    Rail is an efficient and safe mode of transportation andalso plays a vital role in freight movement in the UnitedStates. According to the National TransportationStatistics report (1), freight railroads operating in theUnited States earned close to $70billion in revenue in2016. However, freight train services might be inter-rupted occasionally by derailments caused by an existingtrack defect. Train derailment has severe consequencesand potential for loss of both life and infrastructure. Italso results in huge costs and notoriety for railwaycompanies.

    According to the existing literature, track defectscould be either a track geometry type or track structuraltype of defect (2, 3). Track geometry defects are gener-ated from the geometry conditions of the track, includingprofile, alignment, gage, and more (3, 4). Track struc-tural defects (rail defects), which is the main focus of thisstudy, indicate poorly conditioned structural parameterssuch as rails, sleepers, ties, subgrades, and so on, asshown in Figure 1.

    Rail defects are the leading cause of major derailmentsin the United States (5). They are initiated in rail by fati-gue or other failure mechanisms. They could be alsodeveloped in any type of rail or welds as a result of the

    rail manufacturing process, dynamic effects, rail wear,and plastic flow (6). These defects could be of differenttypes. More details on each type of rail defect are givenby Nordco Rail Services and Inspection Technologies(6).

    Rail defects can grow in size through regular rail oper-ations via tonnage accumulation on the rail and mightlead to complete rail breakage if this continues to gounnoticed (7). When railways notice a defect with sizeabove the threshold value, they take that rail segmentout of service as part of responsive track maintenance(Figure 2). However, because of the intrinsic features ofa rail segment, as well the complex interactions betweenthe factors related to the environment, traffic,

    1Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, University

    at Buffalo, The State University of New York, Buffalo, NY2Key Laboratory of High-Speed Railway Engineering in Ministry of

    Education, School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University,

    Chengdu, China3Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University at Buffalo,

    The State University of New York, Buffalo, NY

    Corresponding Author:

    Address correspondence to Qing He:

  • infrastructure, and more, it is still probable anotherdefect will appear later in the same location as tonnageaccumulates on the rail segment. In other words, becauseof some specific known or unknown features, some seg-ments are more susceptible to the recurrence of a specifictype of defect (or within a shorter tonnage accumulationinterval) than others.

    The objective of this paper is to develop a comprehen-sive methodology for obtaining a reliable model thataccounts for the influence of various factors on therecurrence of rail defects and further predicts the time tothe next probable occurrence of a defect in the samelocation. This objective is achieved first by gatheringdata from different resources in a North American ClassI railroad between 2011 and 2016. The next step includesdata processing to reshape the data into the desired for-mat for our analysis. Later, in the modeling step, a

    specific variant of survival analysis model (8–10) (knownas the frailty Cox PH model (11–13)) in the context of aBayesian framework is adopted. The independent andidentically distributed (i.i.d) assumption of the standardCox model for observations (9) means that this modelwould result in significant bias and inefficiency withregard to recurrent events as no correlation is assumedfor the recurrent rail defects at the same location.Instead, we take advantage of a frailty model in whichthe association between the recurrent rail defects isinduced by considering the random effect variable fordifferent occurrences of the same observation. Thismodel is able not only to induce the connectivity betweenmultiple occurrences of a specific rail defect in the samelocation, but also to account for the heterogeneity arisingfrom unknown or unavailable factors being included inthe model.

    The paper provides several key contributions:

    � A comprehensive logical methodology frameworkfor data collection, preprocessing, and modelingbased on a comprehensive collection of datasetsfrom different resources in a Class I railroad isdesigned.

    � For the first time, the correlated event times ofsurvival analysis are applied in the context of rail-way transportation for recurrent rail defects.

    � A Bayesian framework is developed by performingMarkov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulationto optimize the parameters of the model, whichcan provide greater flexibility and different shapesof hazard function for the model.

    � The fit of the model is verified by using a Cox–Snell residual plot and the results of the model arediscussed.

    The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The nextsection briefly presents the previous research on theapplication of statistical and data-driven modeling in thecontext of rail defects and service failures. Then, we pres-ent a comprehensive overview of the proposed methodol-ogy, followed by a discussion of the structure of the dataand the steps taken to prepare the final data table, whilepresenting a few insights from the data. In the fifth sec-tion, the modeling approach is explained, before theresults of the model and discussions are provided. Thefinal section concludes.

    Literature Review

    Some previous studies have considered the statisticalanalysis of rail breakage as a result of existing defects inthe structure of the rail. A comprehensive review of thedata-driven studies in the context of railway engineering

    Figure 1. Rail structural components.

    Figure 2. Decision-making procedure for recurrent rail defects.

    282 Transportation Research Record 2673(7)

  • including rail track maintenance was conducted byGhofrani et al. (14). To name a few, Schafer and Barkan(4) apply an artificial neural network to estimate theoccurrence of rail breaks. In another study, a fuzzy logicmethod to model the interaction between the factorsaffecting rail breakage was conducted (15). From theprobability distribution statistical methods, Veskovićet al. and Kumar fitted the normal and Weibull distribu-tions for rail breaks and the important affecting para-meters were estimated by maximum likelihoodestimation (15, 16). Other examples appear in the litera-ture (17–20).

    Tyler Dick et al. present a parametric discrete choicelogit model to predict the locations of the rail breaks byusing a two-year period of rail data (17). A step-wiseregression was used to select the variables, and theseauthors found that the data on characteristics of rail,operational information, and infrastructure were signifi-cant in predicting rail breaks. Average dynamic loading,which was expected to have a positive correlation withbreaks, had a negative correlation in this model as itlacks the consideration of a few other significant factors.This model did not provide the desired accuracy whentested on data for the latest service failures as a result ofthe limited availability of data. Another model was laterproposed by the author which considered a few other fac-tors that had a considerable correlation with rail breaks,using four years of rail data (5). These factors includedata on inspection, infrastructure, past geometric, andpast rail defects. Four techniques of variable selectionwere evaluated and the simple regression model was cho-sen for the prediction of rail breaks as it was found to fitbest with the test data. While the cumulative tonnageitself well explains the breaks, consideration of other fac-tors that also correlate with the breaks will improve theaccuracy of predictions. For example, considering the railcharacteristics is important as crack propagation per fati-gue cycle is greater in lighter rail than in heavier rail.Inspection data are helpful in increasing the accuracy ofpredicting rail breaks, as the repair of detected crackslimits the growth of cracks and increases the useful raillife. So, the later model could better predict rail breaksthan could the former.

    Although several studies have been conducted to pre-dict rail breaks, most of these studies did not have com-plete rail, inspection, and maintenance data. Both thestudies of Tyler Dick et al. (17) and Schafer and Barkan(5) had included some, but only rail data for a very shortrange of about 2–4 years. The studies by Orringer andcolleagues considered 10 years of data (21, 22). However,their research was based on the mechanical properties ofthe rail rather than statistical models.

    Survival analysis models have been widely used in theliterature on highway accidents to estimate the time to

    event of interest (23, 24). Although Sadeghi andAskarinejad implemented survival analysis to assess thedynamic derailment risk (3), to the best of our knowl-edge no research has been conducted to-date to estimatethe risk of reoccurrence of rail defects using survivalanalysis and, more specifically, frailty models.

    Research Methodology

    The recurrence of rail defects is usually caused by com-plex interactions between different factors. Most often,lack of a comprehensive method to process rail defectsand difficulty in associating these with other data sourcesis a major challenge for researchers. To overcome thischallenge, we have designed a logical methodologyframework for data collection, processing, and analysisof our research. Figure 3 shows this framework and itsfour main components, which we have used for ourstudy.

    Data Description

    Data Preprocessing

    Defects-related data include rail defects and geometrydefects obtained from a North American Class I rail-road. Rail defects comprise the main dataset, which isthe basis for any later data processing, data fusion, andanalysis in our research. The features of the rail defectinformation include date and location of occurrence,type, size of the defect, and the type of remedial actiontaken for the defect. From the literature, we know thatexisting geometry defects might influence the occur-rence of rail defects (5), so it is assumed that it wouldhave the same effect on the recurrence of defects aswell. What we are mostly interested in from the trackgeometry defect data is the number of geometry defectsthat occurred in the three years after a rail defect wasfound.

    Infrastructure-related datasets mainly include threemajor static datasets: features related to the rail curves,grades of the rail track, and rail layout over the entire railnetwork, as shown in Figure 3. For traffic-related data,the dataset related to the traffic (i.e., tonnage) movedacross the network during the years of study were col-lected. The maintenance dataset mainly includes the his-tory of the ultrasonic testing for rail defects during theaforementioned years. Moreover, the rail patch datasetincludes the information on the replacement of rail sec-tions along the network.

    As mentioned in the previous section, in the secondstage of the methodology we aim to prepare a uniquedataset consisting of all corresponding important attri-butes from different data sources. To handle this, wehave devised the following procedure:

    Ghofrani et al 283

  • � The spatial coordinates for a rail defect are definedby track number, position within a curved track(i.e., whether it is the low or high side of thecurve), direction of the rail with respect to thedirection of travel (i.e., right or left), and milepostlocation. To generate consistent spatial units andaccommodate different modeling purposes, wehave divided the rail network into segments oflength 0.01mi. Dividing the network into shortsections for data analysis purposes has been usedextensively in the literature (3, 5).

    � Then we created tonnage intervals, or the cumula-tive tonnage between two consecutive rail defectsof the same type on each segment. If a defectoccurs ni times in the same segment (i), tonnageintervals should be calculated as many as (ni + 1)times for that defect. The first intervals includethe accumulated tonnage, from the beginning ofthe study horizon (February 2011) until the firstoccurrence of the defect. The (ni + 1) tonnageintervals include the calculated tonnage load fromthe occurrence of the last defect until the end of

    the study horizon. In this case, it is said that thedefect occurrence at this interval is censored (andtherefore it is not observed) (25).

    � Three new variables were created based on thetonnage interval. The first one is interval_number,which shows the interval number for each defect(1, 2, ., ni + 1). The second is status, which is 1when the tonnage interval is associated with adefect occurrence, and 0 if censored. The third isdefect ID, which would be the same for differentintervals of each defect to distinguish the intervalsof the same segment from other segments. Anexample of the tonnage intervals as well as the cre-ated new variables based on those intervals in thedataset is provided in Figure 4. Figure 5 alsodepicts the recurrence of defects and censoringtime for three sample segments.

    � Considering the features of spatial units for raildefects as well as its temporal condition (i.e., dateof occurrence of the defect), all the other afore-mentioned datasets are linked with the rail defectdataset.

    Defects Traffic

    -Rail Defects

    -Geometry Defects



    -Rail Laid




    -Rail Patch

    Cleaning each dataset

    Creating rail segments of 0.01 mile

    Creating time intervals based on tonnage

    Aggregating rail defects of same type

    Linking data sources according to location and date

    Providing new factors based on the existing factors

    Attribute or record elimination

    Descriptive statistical analysis

    Developing a set of Bayesian hazard-based duration models

    Capital Planning and Responsive Maintenance Planning

    Type of Data Sources


    Data Sources






    Figure 3. The methodology framework for this study.

    284 Transportation Research Record 2673(7)

  • � By constructing a new integrated data framework,new useful features (such as ‘‘frequency of geome-try defects in the last three years’’) could be createdby other attributes to be used in the modeling pro-cess. Moreover, some attributes do not need to beincluded in the model and they could be removedfrom the final dataset.

    � Record elimination was used according to theneeds of our study. As an example, we haveremoved all the observations with the ‘‘non-replacement’’ remedy action as we are only inter-ested in the analysis of defects which have beenreplaced.

    Considering all the mentioned steps, an integrateddataset including four groups of variables (defects, infra-structure, traffic, and remedial action taken) was cap-tured for our modeling purposes.

    Descriptive Statistical Analysis

    As mentioned before, our models are based on field dataof 21,000mi of rail network from a North AmericanClass I railroad, including six years of rail defect-relateddata, infrastructure-related data, traffic data, andmaintenance-related data, as presented in Table 1. Asmost traffic is carried by mainline tracks, we focus ouranalysis on mainline tracks in this study. Table 1 pre-sents variable descriptions for attributes in the dataset.

    Figure 4. A sample view of the data restructuring based on tonnage interval.

    Figure 5. Three examples of segments with recurrent rail defects;Segments A, B, and C have four, three, and two occurrences ofdefects before being censored, respectively.

    Table 1. Variable Description

    Attribute Explanation

    Def_Type Type of defects (such as Bolt Hole Break [BHB], Detail Fracture [TDD], and so forth)Def_Size Size of defectGeo_Def Number of geometry defects in the last three yearsRemedy_Type Type of remedy action taken to treat the defectDef_Remedy_Gap Number of days between the date of defect found and the date it is treatedFreight_Speed Freight train speed at the location of the defectDef_Freq The frequency of defects that occurred in the same locationInspection_Freq Number of inspections in the last three yearsCurve/Tang Whether the occurred defect is on the low side of a curve, high side of a curve, or on tangentsWeight The weight of rail at the location of the defectMGT The tonnage of freight (in MGT) at the location of the defect

    Ghofrani et al 285

  • Type of rail defect is one important characteristic ofthe rail defect dataset. Some of the most frequent typesof defects in the dataset under study, including TDD

    (detail fracture), TW (thermite weld), EFBW (electricflash butt weld [plant weld]), SSC (shells, spalling, or cor-rugation), SD (shelling), are depicted in Figure 6.

    According to Figure 7, the majority of rail segments(95%) in our study have only one defect, meaning therecurrent-defect segments account for only 5% of thetotal. Some summary statistics for the variables in twoseparate groups corresponding to recurrent defects(occurred more than once) and non-recurrent defects(occurred only once) are presented in Table 2.

    Figure 8 depicts the location of recurrent and non-recurrent defects on the rail. As seen in this figure, forboth groups the majority of defects occur on the tangent.For the curves, defects have occurred more frequently onthe high side of the curve rather than its low side.

    Modeling Approach

    Correlated event times have been mainly studied in thecontext of health and medical sciences (13, 25–28).However, the nature of railway assets means this problemcould be easily extended to the health and monitoring ofrailway assets. Rail defects refer to the ill-conditionedparameters of rail structure components for which reme-dial actions could be taken. However, these remedialactions are not always able to treat defects completelyand there is still a chance for a defect to appear multipletimes in the same location. For these repeated defects,which we would refer to as recurrent rail defects, the cor-relation between times of occurrence of the same defectat the same location may arise from two distinct sources:

    1. Heterogeneity across track segments: Some seg-ments of a rail track have a higher or lower rateof rail defect than other segments because of theunknown or unmeasurable effects. Rail segmentsmight have different features, material traits, andso forth, which influence the likelihood that theywill be subject to additional defect development,but this is either unknown or cannot be measuredeasily. This introduces heterogeneity acrossthe observations and generates within-subject























    W FH

























    Figure 6. Different types of defects in a US Class I railroad.Note: y-axis = number of defects; x-axis = defect type.

    Table 2. Summary Statistics for Numerical Variables

    Min. Max. Avg.

    Attribute/group of defects Recurrent Non-recurrent Recurrent Non-recurrent Recurrent Non-recurrent

    Freight train speed 20 10 60 60 33.06 41.76Number of geometry defects

    in the last three years0 0 4 24 0.080 0.167

    Rail weight 115 75 141 155 134.1 129.5

    Note: Min. = minimum; Max. = maximum; Avg. = average.

    Figure 7. The proportion of recurrent defects versus non-recurrent defects.

    286 Transportation Research Record 2673(7)

  • correlation in the occurrence and timing of recur-rent defects within a specific track segment.

    2. Occurrence dependence: The occurrence of onedefect may make further defects of the same typemore or less likely. This occurrence dependencemay be produced by a weakening effect orstrengthening effect. Either of these implies thatthe risk for a rail defect is a function of the occur-rence of previous defects. This also creates awithin-subject correlation.

    Our work here attempts to address the effects of het-erogeneity and occurrence dependence for recurrent raildefects. The proportional hazards model (29) and itsextensions have been widely used to model correlatedevents in the context of medical sciences; however, nostudies could be found for survival analysis of recurrentevents in railway studies. Moreover, we are using thismodel in the context of Bayesian analysis to make a morerealistic configuration of the distribution of the para-meters used in the model.

    As previously mentioned, the correlation betweendefect occurrence gap times violates the Cox model’sassumption that the timing of defects is independent.This makes the standard Cox model biased and ineffi-cient for modeling recurrent defects (13, 25).Consequently, a variation of the Cox model, known asthe frailty Cox model, has been proposed for estimationwith recurrent events to account for the correlation (13).

    Frailty or random effects models integrate heterogene-ity into the estimator by making assumptions about thefrailty distribution and incorporating it into the modelestimates. The underlying logic of frailty models comesfrom the fact that some rail segments are intrinsicallymore or less prone to experiencing the defects of a spe-cific type than are others, and that the distribution ofthese effects can be at least approximated. In this case,there is only a single individual for each value of the ran-dom effect so it is said to be shared over time by a singleindividual. Since the hazard is necessarily positive, the

    distribution of random effects is usually selected fromthe positive class of distributions, including gamma,Gaussian, and t distributions.

    Shared Frailty Model Specification

    As mentioned before, most survival analysis studies havebeen implemented under the assumption that recurrentevents are independent and identically distributed.However, Cox proportional hazard models cannot beused because of the dependence of data when data comefrom multiple records which actually belong to the samelocation (i.e., the same rail segment in our study) but at adifferent time.

    Modeling dependence on recurrent survival data hasreceived considerable attention recently. The maindevelopment in modeling this kind of data is to con-sider frailty models, in which the data are considered tobe conditionally independent. When frailties are con-sidered, the dependence between recurrent rail defectscan be considered as an unknown and unobservablerisk factor (or explanatory variable) of the hazardfunction.

    In the case of the proportional hazard frailty model,the hazard rate of a segment is given by

    h tð Þ= h0 tð Þeb0X + Zi ð1Þ

    where X is a vector covariate; b= b1,b2, . . . ,bp� �0

    is avector of regression parameters to be estimated; Zi is anunobserved frailty for the ith segment; and h0(t) is thebaseline hazard function, which has been assumed to besimilar for all the segments in the study population,respectively. For the purpose of this paper, we haveassumed a Weibull distribution with parameters m and gfor the baseline hazard function. The second parameter gallows great flexibility in the model and different shapesof the hazard function. The respective baseline hazardfunction, survival function, and the density in the case ofa Weibull distribution are given by the following equa-tions (30):

    h tð Þ=mgtg�1 ð2Þ

    S tð Þ= e�mtg ð3Þ

    f tð Þ=mltg�1e�mtg ,m.0, g.0 ð4Þ

    Let’s consider right-censored survival data (tij, dij) inwhich i=1, 2, ., n corresponds to the individuals andj=1, 2,..., m is related to the interval number for eachsegment and tij is the gap time (accumulative tonnagehere) for interval j of the segment i. dij is the indicatorvariable taking value 1 if the jth interval for the ith seg-ment corresponds to the occurrence of a rail defect andvalue 0 otherwise. In other words, tij is related to a defect

    Figure 8. The location of defects for each category of defects:(a) Recurrent defects and (b) Non-recurrent defects.

    Ghofrani et al 287

  • occurrence if dij=1 and it is a censoring time if dij=0.Therefore, the triplet (tij, dij, xij) is observed for all occur-rences of defects in all segments. Given the unobservedfrailty zi, tij are independent. Therefore, the completedata likelihoods for the proportional hazard (PH) modelunder the frailty approach is given by (30):

    LPHFM =Yni= 1

    mgtg�1i eb0x+ zi

    h idie�mt

    geb0x+ zi ð5Þ

    In the case of frailty models, the most importantthing is to assign an appropriate probability distribu-tion to the frailty variable. Several researchers haveused different distributions for this purpose. Followingthe concept of using a normal prior probability distri-bution (or, simply, ‘‘prior’’ from this point forward) forfrailty variable by Ruktiari et al. and Zhou andHanson (31, 32), in this paper we consider an indepen-dent normal frailty prior which is defined as z1, ., zm; N(0, t2). The density of the frailty variable, in thiscase, would be given by (30):

    f Zð Þ= 1tffiffiffiffiffiffi2pp e�12 Ztð Þ


    ; � ‘\Z\‘, t.0 ð6Þ

    Prior Specification

    The wide acceptability of gamma distribution as a conju-gate prior in Bayesian inference means a gamma prior isconsidered for t and therefore t�2;G at, btð Þ. In linewith other researchers (33–35), we consider a normalprior for the regression parameters as b ; N(0,m).Owing to the flexibility and simplicity of the gamma dis-tribution (33, 36), the hyper parameters of the baselinehazard function are considered with a gamma prior;therefore it is assumed that m;G r, rð Þ and g;G a, bð Þ.

    Posterior Calculation and Parameter Configuration

    The joint posterior distribution for all the parameters ofthe PH model would be

    PPH =Yni= 1

    mgtg�1i ebX +Zi

    h idie�mt

    gebX + Zi p zð Þp mð Þp gð Þp bð Þp t2� �


    where p (.) is the corresponding prior distribution (30).To obtain the data likelihood of the various para-

    meters, we have to integrate zi with the independentgamma prior density, which was discussed earlier. Theform of the likelihood of data after integration is toocomplicated to work with. Consequently, it is not easy toanalytically evaluate the marginal posterior distributions.To overcome this difficulty, we resorted to Monte Carlointegration, which draws samples from the defined distri-bution and then forms sample averages to approximateexpectations. In MCMC these samples are drawn byrunning a cleverly constructed Markov chain for a longtime. There are plenty of ways of constructing thesechains. One of the simplest and most popular MCMCsampling algorithms found in the Bayesian computa-tional literature is the Gibbs sampler. The literature cor-responding to the MCMC approach by using a Gibbssampler is too vast to be listed here (37). In this paper,the method is used to integrate over the posterior distri-bution of model parameters, given the data to makeinference for the desired model parameters.

    At this point, the MCMC calculations have beenimplemented using R software version 3.4.3. A burn-inperiod of 5000 iterates was considered and the Markovchain was subsampled to get a final chain size of 4000iterations.

    Results and Discussions from BayesianFrailty Model

    Following the convergence diagnostics (see (38)), we con-sider the following posterior distribution summaries inTable 3. Statistics summaries include the parameters’posterior distribution mean, standard deviation, MCerror, and the 95% highest posterior distribution densityinterval.

    Table 3. Posterior Inference of Regression Coefficients and Frailty Variance

    Variables Mean Median SD 95% CI lower 95% CI upper

    Weight of rail 20.0006 20.0005 0.0026 20.0058 0.0044Frequency of geometry defects 0.0123 0.0124 0.0082 20.0036 0.0283Location of rail (L) 20.0320 20.0306 0.0527 20.1426 0.0689Location of rail (T) 20.0551 20.0546 0.0320 20.1187 0.0083Freight speed limit 0.0014 0.0015 0.0012 20.0010 0.0038Type of defect (Detail Fracture [TDD]) 0.1693 0.1691 0.0674 0.0369 0.3074Type of defect (Thermite Weld [TW]) 0.1999 0.1994 0.0721 0.0603 0.3370Type of defect (Vertical Split Head [VSH]) 0.2956 0.2976 0.1202 0.0549 0.5222Posterior inference of frailty variance 0.491 0.271 0. 040 0.006 0.891

    288 Transportation Research Record 2673(7)

  • In Table 3, the negative sign of the mean of a variablemeans that the variable is associated negatively with thehazard function, that is, lower risk of recurrence of defectto reoccur in the same location.

    One important infrastructure-related variable is‘‘weight of rail,’’ which according to the model is associ-ated with lower risk of recurrence of the defects. This isexpected as usually the crack propagation per fatiguecycle is greater in the lighter rail than in the heavier rail.Another defect-related variable that negatively affectsthe survival time (and therefore positively affects the riskof the recurrence of a defect on the same location), is thenumber of geo defects in the last three years. This findingagrees with previous studies that considered the signifi-cant covariates on the occurrence of the first defect (39).

    The negative signs for the location of rail (L, T) meansthat defects that occur on the low side of the rail (L) andtangents (T) have a lower risk for recurrence comparedto the high side of the curve. In other words, the MGTinterval for a defect of the same type to reoccur on thetangent (or low side of the curve) of a segment is longercompared to the high side of the curve on the samesegment.

    The results also depict that the ‘‘freight train speedlimit’’ is also positively associated with the risk of recur-rent defects. This could be mainly referred to the higherspeeds on the track being associated with strongerdynamic forces on the rail, which increases the probabil-ity of the recurrence of the rail defect in the samelocation.

    Moreover, according to the presented results of ourmodel, defects of types Detail fracture, Termite Weld,and Vertical Slit Head are negatively correlated with thesurvival function of defect type SD, indicating that thepresence of each of these types of defects increases therisk of recurrence compared to defect type SD. We donot present all types of defect in Table 3.

    The posterior inference of frailty variance is likely tobe around 0.5, which means there is a positive relation-ship between the occurrences of defects on the same railsegment; in other words, there is strong posterior evi-dence of a high degree of heterogeneity in the populationof segments. Some segments are more prone to shortertimes until the recurrence of rail defects than are others.

    The set of plots in Figure 9 shows the trace plots ofsome of the parameters for the fitted model. Accordingto these trace plots, the priori distribution is well cali-brated, which is indicated by the parameters having suffi-cient state changes as the MCMC algorithm runs.

    The set of plots in Figure 10 shows the posterior den-sity plots of the parameters of the fitted model. As isobvious from this figure, the estimates of the posteriormarginal distribution for all the coefficients have smoothand unimodal shapes.

    Model Diagnostics

    After the model fitting, the next task is to check thegoodness of fit of the model. This is mainly because themodel fitting is only according to a certain set of assump-tions. Utilizing regression diagnostics proceduresemployed to evaluate the model assumptions, we investi-gate the existence of observations with a large, undueinfluence on the analysis. In regression analysis, residualshave a very powerful impact on diagnostic checking pro-cedures (35). In the case of survival analysis, where weare faced with the problem of censored data, special con-sideration must be given to the residuals of the censoredobservations. The idea of one such kind of residual plotwas given by Cox and Snell (40), where they showed thata plot of estimated cumulative hazard function (based onCox and Snell’s residual and the censored data) versusthe Cox and Snell residual is able to check the overallgoodness of fit in survival models. We evaluated the pre-sumed relationship of unit exponentially distributed resi-duals for a good model fit. This is done graphically withthe graphs of the Cox–Snell residual and formally usingthe Kolmogorov–Smirnov goodness-of-fit test. It isobserved that residuals from a correctly fitted model fol-low a unit exponential distribution. For the above fittedfrailty model, the Cox–Snell plot is given in Figure 11,where it can be seen that the data fit the proposed modelsquite well.


    In this paper, a PH model has been developed by usinga parametric Weibull baseline hazard function underthe frailty approach in the context of a Bayesianmechanism. The model is fitted by real-life survivaldatasets related to rail defects, and diagnostics checkingis conducted using the Cox–Snell plot. It is observedthat the frequency of the geometry defects on rail, thehigh side of the curves, higher freight train speeds, andlighter-weight rail are all associated with higher risk ofrecurrence of defects of the same type at the same loca-tion. Moreover, compared to defect type SD, certaintypes of defect, including TDD, TW, and VSH, are sig-nificantly associated with higher risk of rail defectrecurrences.

    As the recurrence of rail defects is not a desirableevent, the railroad should focus on reducing the risk ofdefect recurrence by minimizing the impacts of these cov-ariates. It is suggested to take additional caution on therail segments having higher values for these variables. Itis recommended to record the data on lighter segmentsof rail as well as on the high side of the curves on rail seg-ments to be more certain of the risk of defect recurrence.The impact of past geometry defects can be reduced byminimizing their occurrence either by accurately

    Ghofrani et al 289

  • Figure 9. Trace plots for the regression coefficients and frailty variance for the PH frailty model: (a) weight of rail, (b) speed limit, (c) leftcurve, (d) tangent, (e) geometry defects, and (f) frailty variance.

    290 Transportation Research Record 2673(7)

  • Figure 10. Density plots for posterior distribution of the regression coefficients and frailty variance for the PH frailty model: (a) weightof rail, (b) speed limit, (c) left curve, (d) tangent, (e) geometry defects, and (f) frailty variance.

    Ghofrani et al 291

  • predicting the defects or by decreasing the inspectionintervals. The impact of the speed can be reduced bydecreasing the speed limit on certain segments. Thisinformation will assist the railroad in the decision-making related to prioritizing track segments for mainte-nance actions to mitigate the negative impacts of thesefactors. The rail segments with a higher risk of frequentrail defects should be treated more frequently.


    This study was funded by FRA under contract No.DTFR5317C00003. The data were provided by CSX. Theauthors would like to express their sincere thanks for the sup-port from FRA and CSX.

    Author Contributions

    The authors confirm contribution to the paper as follows: studyconception and design: FG, QH; data collection: QH, AA; anal-ysis and interpretation of results: FG, RM, AP; draft manu-script preparation: FG, RM, AP. All authors reviewed theresults and approved the final version of the manuscript.


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    Ghofrani et al 293
